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mediterranean business & economic updates
june-july 2014
Mohamed Choucair
reelected for a second
mandate in ASCAME
The Association of the Mediterranean Cham-
bers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME),
the main representative of the private sector
in the Mediterranean, has convened Tangiers
(Morocco) the Executive Committee who has
approved the re-election of the President
Mohamed Choucair for the next two years,
decision that will be ratified during the next
General Assembly which will take place on
the 13th
of October in Beirut.
Speech given in the
framework of the Business for
Peace Launch Event
(1 April 2014, Mersin-Turkey)
In ASCAME we believe in creating constructive work and
we do it by projecting into the future through a steady
historical path. The presence of our 250 members from
23 countries in the Association allows us to feel the pul-
se of the economy while others have to wait for a long
period to obtain such statistical results. Through the net-
work of national chambers, we can take action and trans-
form the public-private partnership into reality.
Thirty years ago it was a wishful thinking: The developed
Chambers of Commerce of the Mediterranean dreamt to
cooperate in order to exchange information, knowledge
and good practices.
Today history is within their hands and ASCAME has a
socio-economic mission anchored in the civil society.
ASCAME plays a major role in strengthening dialogue
& cooperation among its members in order to achieve
the objectives of peace in the Mediterranean, especially
through the promotion of economic and social activities
as instruments of peace, collaboration and reconciliation.
We believe that we have to join our efforts to further pro-
gress and to continue striving for the goal of a peaceful
and prosperous zone, and to further develop and grow
through a more active economic dialogue in which the
Union for the Mediterranean can play a key role.
The willingness of cooperation is alive from all sides to-
day, but the social platforms and the economic instru-
ments of the region must find their anchors and increase
their efforts to strengthen the socioeconomic climate of
the region, to further promote freedom, democracy, the
respect for human beings, equality of women, child pro-
tection and the fight against insecurity and ignorance. All
of these objectives are grouped under “the new measu-
res of economic well-being” which gave birth to inclusive
and peaceful development.
Mohamed Choucair
President of ASCAME
The Mediterranean:
a need for Europe
The Mediterranean region, crossroad between Asia, Eu-
rope and Africa, is a unique strategic platform to facili-
tate global trade and logistics. Nevertheless, the region
needs more integration, development and the intercon-
nection with the Southern countries to prosper.
The process of change in the southern countries and the
economic crisis in the Euro zone indicate that the task
will be difficult but not impossible.
Despite the world economic crisis, the next decade will
testify important investments. Nevertheless, the public
sector alone cannot carry the burden of the needed
investments, that hover around 4% of the GDP, which
means that contributions from the private sector as well
as the financial implication of the international institu-
tions will be necessary.
In this regard, it is important to underline that, in contrary
to the past, the Mediterranean must now benefit from its
own internal efforts as well as from international cooper-
ation. That’s why the Mediterranean countries are invited
to support the Union for the Mediterranean, which plays
a key role. The creation of a Mediterranean economic
space, with around 800 million people is not a dream
but a real necessity for all the countries which belong to
this Euro-Mediterranean space. It represents an histori-
cal opportunity that we can not let escape. In order to
achieve this, the reforms, especially in education, health
and governance must be intensified and we must create
an appropriate environment for private sector develop-
ment as well as for regional integration. The role of en-
terprises in the construction of this main Mediterranean
monument is essential to reach the desired outcomes.
We call the European Union and the whole international
community to materialize their engagements towards
the public aid for the development of the Mediterranean,
which acts in favor of the reduction of debts and allows
to end up on positive conclusion of the Doha cycle on
international trade. We also call the international private
sector to invest more in the Mediterranean, with its abun-
dant human and natural resources. The private sector
offers 90% of the developing countries’ jobs and plays an
essential role in the creation of new work places which
foster growth.
We need to be united to reach the objectives of a bet-
ter and more integrated Mediterranean because when
the mentioned entities are not connected to a strong
aim and specific values, people tend to follow their own
goals without going in the same direction.
The Euro-Mediterranean
region offers specific and
competitive advantages. Due
to this complementarity and
the existing synergies in the
region, it plays a major role
in the global economic
We, the Mediterranean
people, need to join forces
to replace the Sea in this
main platform so that it can
act as a strong competitor
in the world.
Miquel Valls Maseda
Vice-president of Ascame
President of Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
Meda-Logistics & Transport Forum 2014
and 4th of June - Plaça d’Espanya – Exhibition Center – Fira Barcelona (Spain)
Meda-Ports Summit 2014
of June - Plaça d’Espanya – Exhibition Center – Fira Barcelona (Spain)
In the framework of the 16th
edition of the International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition (SIL
2014), ASCAME, the Consorci of the Barcelona Free Zone and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
will organize the 12th
Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum.
This new edition will bring together main experts of the Logistics and Transport fields as well as
important decision makers to discuss on the following issues:
•	 The prospects of a new Mediterranean Logistics Agency.
•	 The challenges and developments for rail, air and sea logistics in the Mediterranean.
•	 Strategic partnership between Spain , the Gulf and Mediterranean countries.
of June
09.00-09.30	 Registration of participants
09.30-10.00	 Welcome Opening
10.00-10.15	Mediterranean Regions Transport Ministers Vision
10.15-11.30	Spain - Gulf and Mediterranean Region: Strategic Partners
11.30-12.00	Morning coffee of refreshments and speed networking
12.00-13.15	Logistic Mediterranean Challenges for Air, Sea  Rail
13.15-14.00	Opening Remarks: prospects for a new Mediterranean Logistic agency?
The objective of the Summit will be to establish a specialized framework for the port industry,
providing a more in depth picture of the state of investments and management of ports
infrastructures on the Mediterranean coast.
Some of the Forum’s achievements so far:
•	Establishment of the Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum as the annual European
and Mediterranean platform and permanent reference of the Mediterranean sector.
•	High participation rates, with a total of 7,900 participating companies and 12,300 business
contacts throughout 11 years.
•	 Presence of international business leaders and senior executives.
of June
15.30-18.00	The Mediterranean Ports Competition and Co-operation
Competition  Cooperation. Can the region’s player get beyond competition to achieve win-win collaboration?
Making Connections. Which are the Consequences of making Big Projects for the Ports.
•	 Suez Canal Regional Development Project
•	The Marmaray Tunnel, New Bosphorus canal: linking Europe to Asia
•	 Mediterranean Corridor
•	 Gibraltar strait: Europe- Africa rail tunnel
of June
The Executive Committee ASCAME
met at Tangier the 2nd
of May
Under the presidency of Mohamed Choucair, the Executive Com-
mittee met in Tangier, at the invitation of the President of the
Chamber of Commerce of Tangier, Mr. Omar Moro, to discuss the
progress of activities and projects of the Association as well as
the implementation of new actions in favor of the prosperous de-
velopment of the Mediterranean Region.
During this meeting, the Executive Committee has approved the re-election of the President Mohamed Choucair for
the next two years, decision that will be ratified during the next General Assembly which will take place in October in
Beirut. The meeting was inaugurated by the President Mohamed Choucair, the President Omar Moro and the Mayor
of Tangiers.
On the other hand, the ASCAME EXC has presented the new forums and events for 2014-2015:
1.	VI edition of Meditour 2014 - 14th
and 15th
of October - in collaboration with the CCIA - BML Beirut (Lebanon)
2.	VIII edition of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders - 26th
, 27th
and 28th
of November 2014 - Barcelona
3.	“Mediterranean Business Days on Energy” - last quarter of 2014 - initiative of the Conventional Energies Commis-
sion chaired by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (Turkey)
4.	“Meditex” 2014 - last quarter of 2014 – in collaboration with the Alexandria CCI (Egypt)
5.	“MED COSMETICS“ - April 2015 - in collaboration with the CCI Rabat (Morocco) and other members of the network,
especially with the CCI Beirut since Lebanon has a wealth of experience regarding the cosmetics making industry
6.	“Mediterranean Economic and Exhibition Week in the Gulf” - last quarter of 2015 - Jeddah (economic capital of
Saudi Arabia)
Ascame will launch the award “Corporate Social Responsability Initiative”, the objective of which is to boost the
actions of the ASCAME network firms and institutions in the field of sustainability and economic development in the
ASCAME will transform its newsletter InfoASCAME in a bimonthly magazine the “ascamemedanews”, online and on a
paper version which will inform about the Mediterranean economy. During executive Committee the ASCAME team
presented the new website of ASCAME
Bureau Meeting, 2nd
of May 2014, Tangier
New web site of ASCAME
On the 21st
of May ASCAME launched the new website
The web features a new responsive and interactive design (suitable for
use with tablets, mobile and PC) that promotes the exchange of informa-
tion and more interaction between the organization and its members.
All news can be shared in different social networks where ASCAME is present,
such a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, Flick, SlideShare and YouTube.
ASCAME,s objective is to communicate to its members the activities, the
projects, the events in which ASCAME is involved. It also promotes the
Mediterranean and its businesses worldwide.
Projects of the ASCAME
network in favor of the
Mediterranean development
The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of
Commerce and Industry, ASCAME, in partnership with
others organizations participates actively in the imple-
mentation of 22 projects in the Mediterranean basin.
ASCAME aims to promote the Mediterranean and its busi-
nesses worldwide, especially the private sector, encoura-
ging the investment in the Mediterranean in order to con-
tribute to the economic development for the region.
The network of ASCAME participates in a total of 22 pro-
jects which are co-financed by the European Union (EU),
through various instruments available in the Mediterra-
nean region and represent a budget of more than 52 mi-
llion of euros. Among the members countries of ASCAME
that participate in these projects are Italy, Egypt, Mo-
rocco, Turkey, Algeria, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, France,
Greece, Cyprus, Croatia and Spain.
The current projects in which participates the network of
ASCAME deal with the following sectors and fields:
•	Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Tourism (UMAYYAD  GOALS)
•	Investment promotion in the Euro-Mediterranean region (Euro
Med Invest)
•	Solar Technology (FOSTER in MED, SHAAMS, STS MED, FIRE-
•	Waste treatment and Recycling (MED- 3r  GMI)
•	Local - Agro-Clusters (LACTIMED)
•	Traditional Foodstuff (E.H.P.P.C. - Med, SLOWMED  MedDiet)
•	Textile Industry (SUSTEXNET  TEX-MED)
•	Intergeneration Learning (PRIME)
•	Diasporas (MedGeneration)
•	Economical local development (EDILE)
•	Logistics (OPTIMED)
•	Employment creation and mobility (EGREJOB  MED-MOBIL)
ASCAME has participated
in the 3rd
Steering Committee
Meeting of the project FireMed
ASCAME participated as a member of the consortium
of the FIREMED project in the 3rd Steering Commit-
tee Meeting of the project in Syros - Cyclades Islands
(Greece) – the 2nd
and 3rd
of April last.
In the meeting ASCAME as coordinator for the project
communication activities updated the rest of the part-
ners with the work done in this field which includes the
elaboration of a leaflet, the presentation of the new we-
bsite or the setting up of the project profile in the main
social networks.
ASCAME presented as well as the work carried out on
the mapping of financial instruments available to Me-
diterranean SMEs which is part of the state of the art
analysis of the on energy sector in MED Area.
The FIREMED project will provide Innovative financial
instruments to support energy sector SMEs in the Me-
diterranean area, during a 36 month initiative co-finan-
ced by the European Regional Development Fund, wi-
thin the framework of the Programme MED.
Official Launch of Euromed Invest Project (26-28 May, Marseille-France)
The official launch of the Euromed Invest project took place in Marseille form the 26th
to the 28th
of May. The project, in which ASCAME is one of the coordinators, aims at promoting business
partnerships and private investments in the Euro-Mediterranean area. With a budget of € 5 mil-
lion provided by the European Commission, the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region, the City of
Marseille and the Consortium Med Alliance, EUROMED Invest plans to develop more thousands
of actions in 26 countries during 3 years.
The objective is to renew the interest of SMEs in the Euro-Mediterranean market, increase in-
vestment and business projects flow and ensure that the EU finds its leading position as source
of foreign direct investment in these countries.
The MedDiet Project,
in which ASCAME and
members of its network
are involved, receives
the award “Barcelona
At the occasion of the X edition of the Mediterranean
Diet International Congress, the Mediterranean Diet
Foundation and the Barcelona city council has pre-
sented the award “Barcelona Mediterránea” to the
MedDiet Project, co-financed by the European Union
and in which ASCAME, the Association of the Medi-
terranean Chambers of Commerce, through its mem-
bers from Egypt, Tunisia, Italy, Greece and Spain, re-
presents the lead part of the consortium.
This is an award presented for the work implemented
by the partners of the Project and the results achie-
ved for encouraging the initiative aiming at promoting
and protecting the Mediterranean diet in the world.
The act has been chaired by Mr. Josep Ma. Pelegrí,
Minister of Agriculture, Cattle, Fishing, Food and En-
vironment of the Generalitat de Catalunya and Presi-
dent of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation. Mr. Miquel
Valls, vice-president of ASCAME has collected the 1st
prize “Barcelona mediterránea” granted to the pro-
ject MedDiet.The project MedDiet, coordinated by a
member of ASCAME Unioncamere from Italy, is a project
co-financed by the European program ENPI CBC MED
(cross–border cooperation “Mediterranean Sea Basin
Programme”). Its main objective is to raise aware-
ness of consumers about the importance of preser-
ving the healthy food traditions which are a shared
heritage of the entire Mediterranean region.
In recent years, this traditional diet has been impac-
ted all across the region by the supply of easily sour-
ced alternatives, affecting both the lifestyle of consu-
mers and the livelihood of local producers.
The project employs a “farm to fork” approach, valo-
rizing the entire value chain of Mediterranean food
stuffs – from the varieties of local producers to the
tastes of the end consumers, especially creating
strong synergies and business opportunities among
the producers, cooperatives, federations, SMEs and
tourist operators which are main economic agents in-
volved in the creation of the Mediterranean Diet. In
this way, this shared heritage is not only promoted as
an indispensable cultural resource, but also as an in-
valuable economic resource.
ASCAME Round Table: prospects of the energy exchanges and the economic integration
in the Mediterranean
In the framework of the Executive Committee and Bureau meetings of the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of
Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) which took place in Tangiers the 2nd of May, ASCAME organized a round table about the
energy integration and development in the Mediterranean basin.
The round table was chaired by President Omar Moro; the General Secretary of the Minister of Energy and Mines, Mr. Ab-
derrahim Hafidi; the Head of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Office in Rabat, Mr. Guido Prud’Homme; the Director of
International Cooperation in the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN), Mr. Nabil Saimi and a representative of the
Energy Committee of the Istanbul CCI, Mr. Nadim Ekiz.
ASCAME awarded with 1st
Prize Barcelona Mediterranea
VI MEDITOUR (Beirut, 14-15 October)
MEDITOUR is the result of a common ambition shared by all the Chambers of Commerce
and Industry of the ASCAME network to create and implement a program of international
interest, addressing the core issues in the tourism sector. One of the main objectives of
MEDITOUR is to enable Mediterranean professionals to discuss the challenges in the
Mediterranean tourism and find common and constructive solutions for the further sus-
tainable growth of the Mediterranean Tourism Industry.
This forum will be organized this year jointly by the ASCAME and the Chamber of Com-
merce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount-Lebanon (CCIABML) with the collaboration of other Euro-Medi-
terranean organizations.
The 6th
edition of the Forum, organized under the slogan “1 sea, 1001 destinations”, aims at promoting debate and
the exchange of ideas about the new challenges, international competitive scenarios and opportunities for regional
economic and business development that the future of the Euro-Mediterranean integration will mean for the tourism
sector. At the same time, this Forum will allow participants to learn successful experiences of other enterprises, ex-
change ideas and debate over opportunities that the tourism sector can bring in the Mediterranean countries. For
more information,
VI Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum
The 13th
and 14th
of November 2014 will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, the 6th
edition of
the Meda Women Entrepreneurs Forum organized by ASCAME, the Association of Organisa-
tions of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME), the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commer-
ce and Industry and the Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (S.E.G.E).
This Forum wants to provide Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs with the opportunity to make business contacts
in key sectors for the economic development of the Mediterranean as well as to explain success stories, share good
practices and know-how and to analyze the role of women in the development of the region’s economies. For more
VIII Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders
(Barcelona, 26-28 November)
The 8th
edition of the Mediterranean Week of
Economic Leaders, organized by ASCAME and the
Barcelona Chamber of Commerce with the collaboration of other Euro-Mediterranean Organizations, will take place
from the 26th
to the 28th
of November in Barcelona. This edition, entitled “a need for change” will focus this year on
the green economy as one of the main driving forces of the development of our region. Through several forums and
other events, important issues will be discussed such as the sustainability, the eco-efficiency, the renewable energies
or the green finances.
This year, the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders will offer the following forums as well as B2B and projects’
meetings: 11th
North Africa Business Development Forum – NABDF 2014; 1st
Free and Special Economic Zones sum-
mit; 1st
Meda Entrepreneurship Forum; 2nd
Islamic Finance Summit  6th
Eco Meda Green Summit (Med Solar day;
Global Eco Forum; VI MEDACITY; Economic and Competitive Intelligence in the Mediterranean).
For more information, /
Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum
Meda Ports Summit
Date 3rd
- 4th
Location Barcelona- Spain
Subjet Logistic and Transport in the Mediterranean
Information -
Smart Sustainable Innovation
Date 19th
Subjet Innovative Finance for the Mediterranean
Green Energy Sector: FIREMED project
Location Barcelona - Spain
Innovative City 2014
Date 25th
- 26th
Subjet Innovation
Location Nice - France
ASCAME General Assembly
Date 13th
Location Beirut - Lebanon
The 6th
edition MEDITOUR
Date 14th
- 15th
Location Beirut - Lebanon
Subjet Tourism in the Mediterranean
ASCAME (Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry)
The network of ASCAME, which is the main representative of the private sector in the Mediterranean, is currently
represented in the consortia of over 22 projects in the Mediterranean. The Association ASCAME gathers more than
250 Chambers of Commerce and Industry as well as other entities from 23 countries of the Mediterranean Basin and
represents millions of enterprises.
For more information
Edited by ASCAME
EUROMED Business Meetings on Technologies
and Innovation in the Fresh and Processed Fruits
and Vegetables, Vine  Wine, Cereals Sector
V TechAgrifood
Date 29th
- 30th
Location Parma - Italy
Subjet Processed Fruits and Vegetables, Vine  Wine,
Cereals Sector
VI MEDITERRANEAN Women Entrepreneurs Forum -
Strengthening Women through the promotion of
business in the Mediterranean
Date 13th
- 14th
Location Thessaloniki - Greece
Subjet Women entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean
VIII Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders
Date 26th
- 28th
Location Barcelona - Spain
Subjet Investment and business development Forum in
the Mediterranean
@ascameorg / #Medaweek2014
a ASCAME events

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Ascamemedanews june-july-english

  • 1. ascamemedanews mediterranean business & economic updates june-july 2014 Mohamed Choucair reelected for a second mandate in ASCAME The Association of the Mediterranean Cham- bers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME), the main representative of the private sector in the Mediterranean, has convened Tangiers (Morocco) the Executive Committee who has approved the re-election of the President Mohamed Choucair for the next two years, decision that will be ratified during the next General Assembly which will take place on the 13th of October in Beirut. Speech given in the framework of the Business for Peace Launch Event (1 April 2014, Mersin-Turkey) In ASCAME we believe in creating constructive work and we do it by projecting into the future through a steady historical path. The presence of our 250 members from 23 countries in the Association allows us to feel the pul- se of the economy while others have to wait for a long period to obtain such statistical results. Through the net- work of national chambers, we can take action and trans- form the public-private partnership into reality. Thirty years ago it was a wishful thinking: The developed Chambers of Commerce of the Mediterranean dreamt to cooperate in order to exchange information, knowledge and good practices. Today history is within their hands and ASCAME has a socio-economic mission anchored in the civil society. ASCAME plays a major role in strengthening dialogue & cooperation among its members in order to achieve the objectives of peace in the Mediterranean, especially through the promotion of economic and social activities as instruments of peace, collaboration and reconciliation. We believe that we have to join our efforts to further pro- gress and to continue striving for the goal of a peaceful and prosperous zone, and to further develop and grow through a more active economic dialogue in which the Union for the Mediterranean can play a key role. The willingness of cooperation is alive from all sides to- day, but the social platforms and the economic instru- ments of the region must find their anchors and increase their efforts to strengthen the socioeconomic climate of the region, to further promote freedom, democracy, the respect for human beings, equality of women, child pro- tection and the fight against insecurity and ignorance. All of these objectives are grouped under “the new measu- res of economic well-being” which gave birth to inclusive and peaceful development. Mohamed Choucair President of ASCAME
  • 2. ascameopinions The Mediterranean: a need for Europe The Mediterranean region, crossroad between Asia, Eu- rope and Africa, is a unique strategic platform to facili- tate global trade and logistics. Nevertheless, the region needs more integration, development and the intercon- nection with the Southern countries to prosper. The process of change in the southern countries and the economic crisis in the Euro zone indicate that the task will be difficult but not impossible. Despite the world economic crisis, the next decade will testify important investments. Nevertheless, the public sector alone cannot carry the burden of the needed investments, that hover around 4% of the GDP, which means that contributions from the private sector as well as the financial implication of the international institu- tions will be necessary. In this regard, it is important to underline that, in contrary to the past, the Mediterranean must now benefit from its own internal efforts as well as from international cooper- ation. That’s why the Mediterranean countries are invited to support the Union for the Mediterranean, which plays a key role. The creation of a Mediterranean economic space, with around 800 million people is not a dream but a real necessity for all the countries which belong to this Euro-Mediterranean space. It represents an histori- cal opportunity that we can not let escape. In order to achieve this, the reforms, especially in education, health and governance must be intensified and we must create an appropriate environment for private sector develop- ment as well as for regional integration. The role of en- terprises in the construction of this main Mediterranean monument is essential to reach the desired outcomes. We call the European Union and the whole international community to materialize their engagements towards the public aid for the development of the Mediterranean, which acts in favor of the reduction of debts and allows to end up on positive conclusion of the Doha cycle on international trade. We also call the international private sector to invest more in the Mediterranean, with its abun- dant human and natural resources. The private sector offers 90% of the developing countries’ jobs and plays an essential role in the creation of new work places which foster growth. We need to be united to reach the objectives of a bet- ter and more integrated Mediterranean because when the mentioned entities are not connected to a strong aim and specific values, people tend to follow their own goals without going in the same direction. The Euro-Mediterranean region offers specific and competitive advantages. Due to this complementarity and the existing synergies in the region, it plays a major role in the global economic landscape. We, the Mediterranean people, need to join forces to replace the Sea in this main platform so that it can act as a strong competitor in the world. Miquel Valls Maseda Vice-president of Ascame President of Barcelona Chamber of Commerce 2
  • 3. ascameevents 12th Meda-Logistics & Transport Forum 2014 3rd and 4th of June - Plaça d’Espanya – Exhibition Center – Fira Barcelona (Spain) 3 7th Meda-Ports Summit 2014 3rd of June - Plaça d’Espanya – Exhibition Center – Fira Barcelona (Spain) In the framework of the 16th edition of the International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition (SIL 2014), ASCAME, the Consorci of the Barcelona Free Zone and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce will organize the 12th Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum. This new edition will bring together main experts of the Logistics and Transport fields as well as important decision makers to discuss on the following issues: • The prospects of a new Mediterranean Logistics Agency. • The challenges and developments for rail, air and sea logistics in the Mediterranean. • Strategic partnership between Spain , the Gulf and Mediterranean countries. PROGRAMME 3th of June 09.00-09.30 Registration of participants 09.30-10.00 Welcome Opening 10.00-10.15 Mediterranean Regions Transport Ministers Vision 10.15-11.30 Spain - Gulf and Mediterranean Region: Strategic Partners 11.30-12.00 Morning coffee of refreshments and speed networking 12.00-13.15 Logistic Mediterranean Challenges for Air, Sea Rail 13.15-14.00 Opening Remarks: prospects for a new Mediterranean Logistic agency? The objective of the Summit will be to establish a specialized framework for the port industry, providing a more in depth picture of the state of investments and management of ports infrastructures on the Mediterranean coast. Some of the Forum’s achievements so far: • Establishment of the Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum as the annual European and Mediterranean platform and permanent reference of the Mediterranean sector. • High participation rates, with a total of 7,900 participating companies and 12,300 business contacts throughout 11 years. • Presence of international business leaders and senior executives. PROGRAMME 3th of June 15.30-18.00 The Mediterranean Ports Competition and Co-operation Competition Cooperation. Can the region’s player get beyond competition to achieve win-win collaboration? Making Connections. Which are the Consequences of making Big Projects for the Ports. • Suez Canal Regional Development Project • The Marmaray Tunnel, New Bosphorus canal: linking Europe to Asia • Mediterranean Corridor • Gibraltar strait: Europe- Africa rail tunnel B2B MEETINGS SIL 2014 VISIT 4th of June
  • 4. ascamemeeting The Executive Committee ASCAME met at Tangier the 2nd of May Under the presidency of Mohamed Choucair, the Executive Com- mittee met in Tangier, at the invitation of the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Tangier, Mr. Omar Moro, to discuss the progress of activities and projects of the Association as well as the implementation of new actions in favor of the prosperous de- velopment of the Mediterranean Region. During this meeting, the Executive Committee has approved the re-election of the President Mohamed Choucair for the next two years, decision that will be ratified during the next General Assembly which will take place in October in Beirut. The meeting was inaugurated by the President Mohamed Choucair, the President Omar Moro and the Mayor of Tangiers. On the other hand, the ASCAME EXC has presented the new forums and events for 2014-2015: 1. VI edition of Meditour 2014 - 14th and 15th of October - in collaboration with the CCIA - BML Beirut (Lebanon) 2. VIII edition of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders - 26th , 27th and 28th of November 2014 - Barcelona (Spain) 3. “Mediterranean Business Days on Energy” - last quarter of 2014 - initiative of the Conventional Energies Commis- sion chaired by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (Turkey) 4. “Meditex” 2014 - last quarter of 2014 – in collaboration with the Alexandria CCI (Egypt) 5. “MED COSMETICS“ - April 2015 - in collaboration with the CCI Rabat (Morocco) and other members of the network, especially with the CCI Beirut since Lebanon has a wealth of experience regarding the cosmetics making industry 6. “Mediterranean Economic and Exhibition Week in the Gulf” - last quarter of 2015 - Jeddah (economic capital of Saudi Arabia) Ascame will launch the award “Corporate Social Responsability Initiative”, the objective of which is to boost the actions of the ASCAME network firms and institutions in the field of sustainability and economic development in the Mediterranean. ASCAME will transform its newsletter InfoASCAME in a bimonthly magazine the “ascamemedanews”, online and on a paper version which will inform about the Mediterranean economy. During executive Committee the ASCAME team presented the new website of ASCAME Bureau Meeting, 2nd of May 2014, Tangier 4 New web site of ASCAME On the 21st of May ASCAME launched the new website The web features a new responsive and interactive design (suitable for use with tablets, mobile and PC) that promotes the exchange of informa- tion and more interaction between the organization and its members. All news can be shared in different social networks where ASCAME is present, such a Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, Flick, SlideShare and YouTube. ASCAME,s objective is to communicate to its members the activities, the projects, the events in which ASCAME is involved. It also promotes the Mediterranean and its businesses worldwide. ascamenews
  • 5. Projects of the ASCAME network in favor of the Mediterranean development The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry, ASCAME, in partnership with others organizations participates actively in the imple- mentation of 22 projects in the Mediterranean basin. ASCAME aims to promote the Mediterranean and its busi- nesses worldwide, especially the private sector, encoura- ging the investment in the Mediterranean in order to con- tribute to the economic development for the region. The network of ASCAME participates in a total of 22 pro- jects which are co-financed by the European Union (EU), through various instruments available in the Mediterra- nean region and represent a budget of more than 52 mi- llion of euros. Among the members countries of ASCAME that participate in these projects are Italy, Egypt, Mo- rocco, Turkey, Algeria, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, France, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia and Spain. The current projects in which participates the network of ASCAME deal with the following sectors and fields: • Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Tourism (UMAYYAD GOALS) • Investment promotion in the Euro-Mediterranean region (Euro Med Invest) • Solar Technology (FOSTER in MED, SHAAMS, STS MED, FIRE- MED GR.ENE.CO) • Waste treatment and Recycling (MED- 3r GMI) • Local - Agro-Clusters (LACTIMED) • Traditional Foodstuff (E.H.P.P.C. - Med, SLOWMED MedDiet) • Textile Industry (SUSTEXNET TEX-MED) • Intergeneration Learning (PRIME) • Diasporas (MedGeneration) • Economical local development (EDILE) • Logistics (OPTIMED) • Employment creation and mobility (EGREJOB MED-MOBIL) ASCAME has participated in the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting of the project FireMed ASCAME participated as a member of the consortium of the FIREMED project in the 3rd Steering Commit- tee Meeting of the project in Syros - Cyclades Islands (Greece) – the 2nd and 3rd of April last. In the meeting ASCAME as coordinator for the project communication activities updated the rest of the part- ners with the work done in this field which includes the elaboration of a leaflet, the presentation of the new we- bsite or the setting up of the project profile in the main social networks. ASCAME presented as well as the work carried out on the mapping of financial instruments available to Me- diterranean SMEs which is part of the state of the art analysis of the on energy sector in MED Area. The FIREMED project will provide Innovative financial instruments to support energy sector SMEs in the Me- diterranean area, during a 36 month initiative co-finan- ced by the European Regional Development Fund, wi- thin the framework of the Programme MED. ascameprojects Official Launch of Euromed Invest Project (26-28 May, Marseille-France) The official launch of the Euromed Invest project took place in Marseille form the 26th to the 28th of May. The project, in which ASCAME is one of the coordinators, aims at promoting business partnerships and private investments in the Euro-Mediterranean area. With a budget of € 5 mil- lion provided by the European Commission, the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region, the City of Marseille and the Consortium Med Alliance, EUROMED Invest plans to develop more thousands of actions in 26 countries during 3 years. The objective is to renew the interest of SMEs in the Euro-Mediterranean market, increase in- vestment and business projects flow and ensure that the EU finds its leading position as source of foreign direct investment in these countries. ascamenews 5
  • 6. ascameprojects The MedDiet Project, in which ASCAME and members of its network are involved, receives the award “Barcelona mediterránea” At the occasion of the X edition of the Mediterranean Diet International Congress, the Mediterranean Diet Foundation and the Barcelona city council has pre- sented the award “Barcelona Mediterránea” to the MedDiet Project, co-financed by the European Union and in which ASCAME, the Association of the Medi- terranean Chambers of Commerce, through its mem- bers from Egypt, Tunisia, Italy, Greece and Spain, re- presents the lead part of the consortium. This is an award presented for the work implemented by the partners of the Project and the results achie- ved for encouraging the initiative aiming at promoting and protecting the Mediterranean diet in the world. The act has been chaired by Mr. Josep Ma. Pelegrí, Minister of Agriculture, Cattle, Fishing, Food and En- vironment of the Generalitat de Catalunya and Presi- dent of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation. Mr. Miquel Valls, vice-president of ASCAME has collected the 1st prize “Barcelona mediterránea” granted to the pro- ject MedDiet.The project MedDiet, coordinated by a member of ASCAME Unioncamere from Italy, is a project co-financed by the European program ENPI CBC MED (cross–border cooperation “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme”). Its main objective is to raise aware- ness of consumers about the importance of preser- ving the healthy food traditions which are a shared heritage of the entire Mediterranean region. In recent years, this traditional diet has been impac- ted all across the region by the supply of easily sour- ced alternatives, affecting both the lifestyle of consu- mers and the livelihood of local producers. The project employs a “farm to fork” approach, valo- rizing the entire value chain of Mediterranean food stuffs – from the varieties of local producers to the tastes of the end consumers, especially creating strong synergies and business opportunities among the producers, cooperatives, federations, SMEs and tourist operators which are main economic agents in- volved in the creation of the Mediterranean Diet. In this way, this shared heritage is not only promoted as an indispensable cultural resource, but also as an in- valuable economic resource. 6 ascameevents ASCAME Round Table: prospects of the energy exchanges and the economic integration in the Mediterranean In the framework of the Executive Committee and Bureau meetings of the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) which took place in Tangiers the 2nd of May, ASCAME organized a round table about the energy integration and development in the Mediterranean basin. The round table was chaired by President Omar Moro; the General Secretary of the Minister of Energy and Mines, Mr. Ab- derrahim Hafidi; the Head of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Office in Rabat, Mr. Guido Prud’Homme; the Director of International Cooperation in the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN), Mr. Nabil Saimi and a representative of the Energy Committee of the Istanbul CCI, Mr. Nadim Ekiz. ASCAME awarded with 1st Prize Barcelona Mediterranea
  • 7. ascameevents VI MEDITOUR (Beirut, 14-15 October) MEDITOUR is the result of a common ambition shared by all the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the ASCAME network to create and implement a program of international interest, addressing the core issues in the tourism sector. One of the main objectives of MEDITOUR is to enable Mediterranean professionals to discuss the challenges in the Mediterranean tourism and find common and constructive solutions for the further sus- tainable growth of the Mediterranean Tourism Industry. This forum will be organized this year jointly by the ASCAME and the Chamber of Com- merce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount-Lebanon (CCIABML) with the collaboration of other Euro-Medi- terranean organizations. The 6th edition of the Forum, organized under the slogan “1 sea, 1001 destinations”, aims at promoting debate and the exchange of ideas about the new challenges, international competitive scenarios and opportunities for regional economic and business development that the future of the Euro-Mediterranean integration will mean for the tourism sector. At the same time, this Forum will allow participants to learn successful experiences of other enterprises, ex- change ideas and debate over opportunities that the tourism sector can bring in the Mediterranean countries. For more information, VI Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs Forum The 13th and 14th of November 2014 will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, the 6th edition of the Meda Women Entrepreneurs Forum organized by ASCAME, the Association of Organisa- tions of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME), the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commer- ce and Industry and the Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (S.E.G.E). This Forum wants to provide Mediterranean Women Entrepreneurs with the opportunity to make business contacts in key sectors for the economic development of the Mediterranean as well as to explain success stories, share good practices and know-how and to analyze the role of women in the development of the region’s economies. For more information, VIII Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders (Barcelona, 26-28 November) The 8th edition of the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders, organized by ASCAME and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce with the collaboration of other Euro-Mediterranean Organizations, will take place from the 26th to the 28th of November in Barcelona. This edition, entitled “a need for change” will focus this year on the green economy as one of the main driving forces of the development of our region. Through several forums and other events, important issues will be discussed such as the sustainability, the eco-efficiency, the renewable energies or the green finances. This year, the Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders will offer the following forums as well as B2B and projects’ meetings: 11th North Africa Business Development Forum – NABDF 2014; 1st Free and Special Economic Zones sum- mit; 1st Meda Entrepreneurship Forum; 2nd Islamic Finance Summit 6th Eco Meda Green Summit (Med Solar day; Global Eco Forum; VI MEDACITY; Economic and Competitive Intelligence in the Mediterranean). For more information, / 7
  • 8. ascameagenda june 12th Mediterranean Logistics and Transport Forum 7th Meda Ports Summit Date 3rd - 4th June Location Barcelona- Spain Subjet Logistic and Transport in the Mediterranean Information - Smart Sustainable Innovation Date 19th June Subjet Innovative Finance for the Mediterranean Green Energy Sector: FIREMED project Location Barcelona - Spain Information Innovative City 2014 Date 25th - 26th June Subjet Innovation Location Nice - France Information october ASCAME General Assembly Date 13th October Location Beirut - Lebanon The 6th edition MEDITOUR Date 14th - 15th October Location Beirut - Lebanon Subjet Tourism in the Mediterranean Information ASCAME (Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry) The network of ASCAME, which is the main representative of the private sector in the Mediterranean, is currently represented in the consortia of over 22 projects in the Mediterranean. The Association ASCAME gathers more than 250 Chambers of Commerce and Industry as well as other entities from 23 countries of the Mediterranean Basin and represents millions of enterprises. For more information Edited by ASCAME EUROMED Business Meetings on Technologies and Innovation in the Fresh and Processed Fruits and Vegetables, Vine Wine, Cereals Sector V TechAgrifood Date 29th - 30th October Location Parma - Italy Subjet Processed Fruits and Vegetables, Vine Wine, Cereals Sector Registration november VI MEDITERRANEAN Women Entrepreneurs Forum - Strengthening Women through the promotion of business in the Mediterranean Date 13th - 14th November Location Thessaloniki - Greece Subjet Women entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean Information VIII Mediterranean Week of Economic Leaders Date 26th - 28th November Location Barcelona - Spain Subjet Investment and business development Forum in the Mediterranean Registration Information @ascameorg / #Medaweek2014 a a a a a a a ASCAME events E.