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Question 1
In what ways does your media
    product use, develop or
 challenge the conventions of
     real media products?
Conventions of a „Vibe‟ Front Cover
The mast head
Vibe magazine’s mast head is
conventional used in a banner form
across the page which is placed at the
top of the magazine. The mast head is
white and bold against a green                                                                                      The eyebrow
background making it stand out to the                                                                               This is conventional for a
audience                                                                                                            magazine as it tells the
                                                                                                                    reader what the main
                                                                                                                    articles are inside the
The main cover line
This is essentially the main cover
line as it is in a larger font than the                                                                        The central image
rest of the cover lines showing the                                                                            The central image is conventional
audience that this is the main                                                                                 as it is laid over the masthead as
feature of the issue which relates                                                                             Vibe readers are able to recognize
to this particular month.                                                                                      this immediately even if the main
                                                                                                               image is covering the mast head
                                                                                                               completely. This shows that Vibe
                                                                                                               has built its readership over a
Other cover lines                                                                                              period of time to get familiar with
Also the rest of the cover lines                                                                               the name showing that now the
highlights other key articles that will                                                                        magazine is established for the
interest the reader to buy the                                                                                 content as this is the main selling
magazine.                                                                                                      point. The image also show eye
                                                                                                               contract which draws in the
                                                                                                               reader. Females are also see in a
                                                                                                               sexualised manner as she shows
The barcode and date
                                                                                                               her legs off and poses with her
This is what all magazines have at
                                                                                                               hand on her head. The text
the bottom which includes the price
                                                                                                               between the arm and legs is
in different countries currencies e.g.
                                                                                                               purposely put their so readers
this magazine states the price it is in,
                                                                                                               would be drawn to that after
in Canada and the US. The date is
                                             Typography                                                        reading the main cover line.
also placed over the barcode usually
                                             Vibe magazine uses mostly the same font throughout the
or at the top of the magazine
                                             magazine with just different sizes to show the main articles.
                                             At least eight different font sizes are used on the front cover
                                             so the reader is bored.
The eyebrow
 I used an eyebrow to
                                                My Front Cover                                                  The masthead – I used a bold
                                                                                                                masthead with a drop shadow and
bring in my readers and                                                                                         layered the maroon over the black to
highlight a main article                                                                                        give it more dimension and to stand
that they would be                                                                                              out. Also I spread it across the page
interested in                                                                                                   which magazines of this genre do e.g.
 I created a strapline of
“Lyrics you will never
                                                                                                                Main cover line – After looking at
forget” This is not
                                                                                                                several front cover pages of HipHop
convention in HipHop and
                                                                                                                and R&B magazines especially Vibe, I
R&B magazines however I
                                                                                                                saw that it was conventional to place
wanted to produce
                                                                                                                the main headline either on the left
something different that
                                                                                                                of right of the top of the page and it
would make my magazine
                                                                                                                was rare for the main cover line to
stand out in the market.
                                                                                                                be placed in the middle. I made the
                                                                                                                font larger and bolder than the rest
Eye contact – The model is                                                                                      of the cover lines to emphasise it is
looking straight at the                                                                                         the most important
viewer which makes the
viewer feel like they are                                                                                       Barcode and date – I placed the
important .                                                                                                     barcode at the bottom right hand
                                                                                                                corner instead of the bottom left as I
Cover lines – I used 5 cover                                                                                    wanted to first grab the readers
lines which is conventional for                                                                                 attention to the cover lines as they
Vibe magazine. I tried to use                                                                                   would start reading from the left
words such as “Plus” to entice                                                                                  instead of the right. Therefore they
the reader and make them                                                                                        would read the content first before
read on for what articles are in                                                                                deciding the price.
the magazine.

Central image                                                 The predominant colours of my magazine consist of black, grey, maroon and navy blue. I
It is conventional in Hiphop and R&B magazines for women      thought these colours would fit in well with my target audience which is males and
to show ¾ of their body as most of the images stop at their   female, however mostly females. I thought navy blue would be a good colour as it would
knees or thighs. The model also uses eye contact with the     give a contrast of light blue and navy blue.
reader and her pose allows the reader to be brought down      The model of the same age range as my target audience in my magazine which is 16-22
to the rest of the cover lines.                               year old which I thought would be easy for the audience to relate to.
Ways my front cover uses the conventions of real front

  Like Vibe my masthead is simplistic, bold and clear and is also spread across the page like Vibe magazine does
  so readers are immediately able to recognize the name of the magazine. I went along with the conventions of
     placing the central image over the masthead as I wanted to stick be conventional even though it is a new
      magazine in the market and readers still need time to recognize the name. This is why I also spread the
   masthead out so it was more recognized. I used this masthead as my magazine as well as Vibe magazine are
  both of the same genre therefore our target audience’s are the same which means that this is what readers of
                       Vibe magazine would expect from other R&B and HipHop magazines.

             Similarly to Vibe magazine’s front cover, my front cover also uses an eyebrow at the top of the
             page this allows the reader to know some of the key articles in the magazine or who features
Ways my front cover uses the conventions of real front


                                       My front cover uses the
                                       conventions of a real media
                                       product as I made sure that it
                                       used the rule of thirds which is
                                       an important convention that
                                       Vibe magazine follows. I
                                       thought that as this is a R&B
                                       and HipHop magazine and my
                                       magazine is aimed at a target
                                       audience of 16-22 year olds,
                                       they would be rebellious
                                       teenagers/young adults
                                       therefore I stuck to the rule of
                                       thirds, but not completely.
Conventions of a “Vibe” Contents page
The title is bold and laid out in an
abstract format which is in three
rows showing the magazine is very          Main image
simplistic and unique. This may have       Vibe magazine conventionally uses
been done to give the magazine it’s        one image on their contents page so
own style so if readers saw this they      it’s not cluttered with information
would immediately know this                and the reader can easily navigate
belongs to Vibe magazine. Vibe’s           their way through the magazine as it
contents page is always consistent as      is clear and concise. The model is
they use the same font through all         looking straight at the reader to show
their issues.                              their significance and make them feel
                                           involved. The main colours used are
The letter ‘V’ from the masthead is        grey different shades of grey and
used and is quite transparent and          black with a pop of colour from the
hidden behind the title and main           heart.
image, which indicates that Vibe
magazine already has a built in
readership as they are instantly able        The page numbers are written in bold
                                             making it easier for the audience to
to recognize that this is from Vibe.
                                             navigate their way through the
We can see that below contents it
states 1/3 which suggests that there         The magazine is divided in a range of
is more sections of the contents page        sections
as it stops at ‘Fashion’ this means
that Vibe magazine decided to go
against what is conventional and
have spread their contents pages out
into 3 different pages which is
unusual for a magazine.

                                        My contents page
I used this as it reinforces the
name of the magazine to the
reader. Vibe magazine’s                                                                                        Main image
contents page doesn’t do                                                                                       Like Vibe magazine I used
this, making my magazine                                                                                       one main image in my
unconventional. I thought as                                                                                   contents page as I didn’t
this is a new magazine a
                                                                                                               want to distract the
header would help my target
                                                                                                               readers away from the
audience to remember my
magazine better.                                                                                               main feature of the
                                                                                                               magazine which is
Headline                                                                                                       ‘Rihanna’
Similarly to Vibe I used a
different font to my
masthead as I didn’t want my                                                                                   Sections
target audience (16-22) to                                                                                     I divided my magazine into
get bored easily. I decided to                                                                                 different sections so the
go against the conventions of                                                                                  reader would be able to
Vibe by laying my out in a                                                                                     easily navigate their way
different format, as Vibe                                                                                      through the magazine, for
usually lays their headline in                                                                                 example if a reader wants
3 sections. I did this as I                                                                                    to see the ‘Gossip’ section
wanted my magazine to                                                                                          they know exactly what
stand out against a bright                                                                                     page it is as it is written in a
background.                                                                                                    larger text.

Page numbers
I placed the numbers in a
bright bold orange as I
wanted it to be easy to read,
like Vibe did.

Reference to the model and
photographer                       I made sure to highlight the main article in the magazine by writing ‘Exclusive
                                   biography’ also I used Direct mode of address by stating “You won’t want to miss it!”
                                   The word “You” is talking to the reader directly making them feel more involved and
Ways my contents page used and developed the
      conventions of real contents page

                   Vibe magazine lays their contents page on a range of
                   pages (normally 3) I developed the conventions of a real
                   contents page by putting all of the contents page
                   information on one page so it would make it easier for
                   the reader to navigate their way through the magazine
                   and find the page they want.

                   I used Vibe magazine’s conventions of dividing my
                   magazine in main sections such as ‘Posters’ and ‘Gig
                   reviews’ so the reader can get what they are looking for
                   immediately without reading everything in the contents
                   page to find the page they want
Conventions of a „Vibe‟ double page spread
                         Header                                       It is bold and clear to
                         ‘Vibe’ is used to indicate the reader is     the audience and is
                         reading this magazine. Also highlights the   placed on the right
                         section they are on.                         facing page which is
                                                                      conventional for most
                                                                      double page spread

                                                                         A stand first
                                                                         This is conventional
                                                                         for all articles to use
Full bleed image                                                         as this gives an
This is placed on the                                                    introduction of what
left facing page and                                                     the article is about.
the model is looking
straight at the camera


                                               Text is written in
                                               bold as well as
My double page spread
                                  Drop cap                                                        Columns and Gutters
I used a header so the
                                  I used this to make it eye catching and it would                I made sure that the gutters were the same width. Like
readers would be
                                  immediately draw the reader into the text. This is              Vibe magazine I also have 3 columns.
familiar with the
                                  unconventional for Vibe to do.
magazine and it is also
conventional for Vibe
to also used one.                                                                                                                   By line
                                                                                                                                    I wrote my name at
                                                                                                                                    the bottom of the
                                                                                                                                    page even though it is
I wanted my headline
                                                                                                                                    conventional to place
to stand out so I made
                                                                                                                                    it between the
it in italic and a bright
                                                                                                                                    headline and stand
red, and made it into a
                                                                                                                                    first it after which
satin effect. Following
                                                                                                                                    Vibe magazine does. I
the headline I wanted
                                                                                                                                    placed it at the
to write words that
                                                                                                                                    bottom as I didn’t
were catchy to my
                                                                                                                                    want to clutter the top
target audience by
                                                                                                                                    of the page as it
using alliteration
                                                                                                                                    already had the
                                                                                                                                    image, headline, stand
revolutionary race to
                                                                                                                                    first and header.
Stand first                                                                                                                             This includes the
I used this to                                                                                                                          date, page number
summarise what was in                                                                                                                   and the name of
the article so readers                                                                                                                  the magazine
would know exactly
what they were going        Main image                                          Pull quotes
to read.                    I went against the conventions of Vibe              I used four pull quotes all together which is unconventional for Vibe
                            magazine by putting a landscape image onto a        magazine to do but seeing as my audience is aimed at 16-22 year
                            portrait page. This is unconventional for any       olds I considered the fact that they would get bored easily and by
                            magazine, however I wanted mine to stand out        using pull quotes it was drawn in the reader if they knew the main
                                                                                parts of the article
How does your media
product represent particular
      social groups?
What is meant by representation?
The meaning of representation is something the media/media producer does to re
construct reality and put forward their ideas of what they think is reality but really
  isn’t, for example a musician/artist is shown to the reader through in a different
light to reality e.g. the way they dress and through their pose. They may not be like
                           this in reality, but portray this look.
Lyrical reader profile:
Cassie is a typical 19 year old who attends University where she studies English Literature and
Journalism. Cassie’s friends live in halls with her and also read ‘lyrical’ as this is a common interest
between her and her groups of friends. She also has a part time job so in her spare time she likes to
splash out her money at places like Topshop and Urban Outfitters and loves reading about style. Cassie is
into the latest technology and loves computers and downloading the latest apps. Cassie’s style reflects
her taste in music as she aspires to look like her favourite music idols, for example Rihanna. She has a
wardrobe of branded clothes and footwear. She looks forward to her Friday nights as she goes to the
local night club with her friends where she has fun and listens to Hip Hop and R&B music. After a night
out she comes home where she regularly tweets and uploads photos on Facebook.
Representation my photographs construct

Mise en scene – This is means ‘telling a story’ for example through
props, compositions, lighting and sets

                        My front cover image demonstrates representation through what she is
                        wearing as she has on a lot of jewellery e.g. rings and bracelets which reflects
                        my target audience as it shows uniqueness and gives an 80’s feel to it,
                        suggesting the music in the magazine is contemporary yet mature. The denim
                        jacket and skater skirt also suggests that the fashion is up to date and trendy.

                        I took my images in a TV studio in college against a white backdrop. I picked a
                        white backdrop instead of black as I didn’t wanted to get to get the hair to
                        represent Rihanna.

                        I got my model to pose like this as it shows a kind of innocence to the reader
                        and also shows they have something to hide, for example like many of
                        Rihanna’s poses.
How I demonstrate representation through
                      I tried to keep the copy as interesting as
                      possible to my target audience so they would
                      keep reading. I didn’t want my article to sound
                      like I was just stating the facts so I made sure
                      that the text flowed as much as possible. This
                      articles represents my target audiences as it
                      shows that Lyrical readers don’t just like the
                      lyrics and beat to a song, they also like to find
                      out the person behind the music.
How I demonstrate representation through
          design of my product

As my magazine is
aimed at males and
                               For my coverlines I
females I used colours
                               made sure to include
represented both
                               features that would
sexes – e.g I used
                               attract both females and
navy blue for males
                               males. Since my main
and burgundy for
                               article and front cover is
                               based on Rihanna which
                               would attract a female
                               audience more than a
                               males audience I made
                               sure to include more
                               male orientated articles
                               too e.g. ‘Drizzy vs.
Question 3
   What kind of media
institution might distribute
 your product and why?
IPC media is a large UK magazine publisher, selling over 350 million copies each year. IPC produce over 60
iconic media brands with most of their audience being women. It is subsidiary of Time inc. which is also
owned by Time Warner. Time inc publishes 130 magazines, for example Marie Claire, Uncut, NME, In style,
Entertainment weekly, Life etc. I’ve noticed that IPC do not publish Hip-hop and R&B magazines therefore
my magazine would bring something new to their teen and music section as IPC publish the magazine NME
for the same age range as my magazine which is 16-22 years old, however this is a rock magazine. This
suggests that there is a gap in the market for HipHop and R&B magazines in IPC therefore I believe a new
genre of magazines would fit well into this publication as they haven’t done this before consequently
leading to less competitions between other publishers. Also after looking closely as their magazines and
recognizing many of their successful magazines, I thought this would be a better publisher as they have
good experience and would be able to make ‘Lyrical’ into a thriving magazine. IPC mainly publish their
magazine to a mass market of men and women, therefore having a unisex magazine can build their
readership even more, attracting a new set of readers and widening their audiences.
Where my magazine would be sold
My magazine would mostly likely be sold in big stores such as WHSmith and supermarkets
such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrison's etc. My magazine would be sold in WHSmith
especially as this is a book store and sells a range of magazines which would attract
consumers looking specifically for magazines. Also since my magazine is a ‘music magazine’
it would be sold in a range of music shops e.g. HMV. My magazine can be sold in large retail
pharmacy’s such as Superdrug and boots.
Question 4
Who would be the audience
 for your media product?
Who is my target audience?
My target audience is between the age range of 16-22 years old. My magazine is also
aimed at females as well as males, however predominantly females, similar to Vibe
magazines audience. Vibe magazine’s statistics show that their magazine is made up of
55% of male adults and 45% of female adults.

 My audience’s interest

 • They know how to play an instrument e.g. drums, guitar, piano etc.
 • They enjoy online shopping and watching out for the latest trends
 • They are up to date with technology and download the latest apps/applications

 Shops they like:
Who is my target audience?
Lyrical reader’s style

                                         Out of all celebrities Rita Ora’s style
                                         represents my target audience’s style the
                                         most. They love looking unique yet cool at
                                         the same time, by putting certain pieces
                                         together from different places to make
                                         one outfit. They like to stand out from the
                                         crowd and show their personality
                                         through their fashion.

                         Lyrical readers like looking
                         relaxed and distinctive to
                         other people by wearing hats,
                         denim, t shirts, crop tops,
                         hoodies and sunglasses.
Question 5
How did you attract/address
     your audience?
How did I attract/address my audience
    through language, imagery and layout?
The target audience for Lyrical is males and females – however mostly females from the age of 16 to 22
    years old. I tried to structure how women are portrayed in magazines such as Vibe, for example I
    found that they are seen in a more sexual manner as they have a full body shot, whereas men
    normally tend to have a head shot, and is therefore unusual for men to have a full body shot in a
    magazine especially in Vibe. I took a full body shot of my model as this is how women are
    represented in magazines.

                                          How did I attract my audience?
                                          As my magazine is a cross over audience of males and
                                          females I attracted males to my magazine by using a
                                          full body shot of my model instead of a headshot.
                                          Also I attracted my audience of females by using a
                                          female on my front cover. This makes it easier for the
                                          viewer to relate to my model.
How did I attract/address my audience
    through language, imagery and layout?
                                            How I attracted and addressed my audience:
                                            As my target audience is from the age of 16 – 22 this means that most
                                            of them are in higher education e.g. College/sixth form/university.
                                            Therefore I addressed my target audience through words used such as
                                            words such as “eccentric” as they would already know words like this. I
                                            also wanted to attract my audience through the use of alliteration e.g.
                                            “Rihanna’s revolutionary race to recognition” and “Barbadian Beauty”
                                            as this makes the text flow more and makes it memorable and sound
                                            more catchy.

                                                                                               Layout and design

How I attracted my audience:
I attracted my audience through layout and design as I structured my
double page spread article in a different format than usual by not
using a portrait image. This makes it look like she is lying on the
page. This would attract my audience of 16-22 years old as it is seen
to be rebellious and breaking the conventions of a magazine.
Question 6
What have you learnt about
  technologies from the
process of constructing this
Using wordpress, Adobe Photoshop and
Wordpress                           Word press is a free and simple way to share information at
                                    anytime and anywhere. I found it really easy to find my way
                                    around the blog once I put everything into categories and menus
                                    e.g. In ‘Home’, ‘Preliminary exercise’, ‘Research & Planning’, ‘My
                                    music magazine’ and ‘Evaluation’

Adobe Photoshop CS5
                                    The second tool I used to construct my product is Adobe
                                    Photoshop CS5. This is used widely in the magazine and media
                                    industry to edit, enhance and manipulate photos. At first I found it
                                    quite hard to use as my model had very curly hair and I wanted to
                                    get the background out of it, but as I played around with
                                    Photoshop I was able to get used to it more.
                                        This                                              To this

 This is an example of how I used
 Adobe Photoshop CS5
Using wordpress, Adobe Photoshop and
Adobe Indesign

                 The third tool I used to create my magazine after editing the images is Adobe
                 Indesign. I used this to create my preliminary exercise which is a student
                 magazine and my real magazine product – my front cover, contents page and
                 double page spread. Initially I found this software also quite hard to use,
                 especially the measurements. Like Photoshop I was able to come to terms with
                 the software and produced a range of designs for my mastheads and then
                 went on to make the real product.

 I used a SLR camera which I hired from my
 college along with a tripod and I also hired out
 the TV studio where I used lighting and a
 white backdrop to produce my photographs
 for my magazine. In order for me to construct
 my magazine I had to book the studio in
 advance. I found the camera really easy to use,
 however at first I go a few unfocused shots,
 which I like but weren’t clear.
Using other technologies

I used a range of other technologies such as...

• Social networking sites e.g. Facebook to contact my model as well as
through phoning and texting.

• Google to do my research for my article

• Dropbox to make sure my work was saved
and backed up, making it easily accessible on
any computer.

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AS Media Studies Final Evaluation

  • 1.
  • 2. Question 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge the conventions of real media products?
  • 3. Conventions of a „Vibe‟ Front Cover The mast head Vibe magazine’s mast head is conventional used in a banner form across the page which is placed at the top of the magazine. The mast head is white and bold against a green The eyebrow background making it stand out to the This is conventional for a audience magazine as it tells the reader what the main articles are inside the magazine The main cover line This is essentially the main cover line as it is in a larger font than the The central image rest of the cover lines showing the The central image is conventional audience that this is the main as it is laid over the masthead as feature of the issue which relates Vibe readers are able to recognize to this particular month. this immediately even if the main image is covering the mast head completely. This shows that Vibe has built its readership over a Other cover lines period of time to get familiar with Also the rest of the cover lines the name showing that now the highlights other key articles that will magazine is established for the interest the reader to buy the content as this is the main selling magazine. point. The image also show eye contract which draws in the reader. Females are also see in a sexualised manner as she shows The barcode and date her legs off and poses with her This is what all magazines have at hand on her head. The text the bottom which includes the price between the arm and legs is in different countries currencies e.g. purposely put their so readers this magazine states the price it is in, would be drawn to that after in Canada and the US. The date is Typography reading the main cover line. also placed over the barcode usually Vibe magazine uses mostly the same font throughout the or at the top of the magazine magazine with just different sizes to show the main articles. At least eight different font sizes are used on the front cover so the reader is bored.
  • 4. The eyebrow I used an eyebrow to My Front Cover The masthead – I used a bold masthead with a drop shadow and bring in my readers and layered the maroon over the black to highlight a main article give it more dimension and to stand that they would be out. Also I spread it across the page interested in which magazines of this genre do e.g. Vibe Strapline I created a strapline of “Lyrics you will never Main cover line – After looking at forget” This is not several front cover pages of HipHop convention in HipHop and and R&B magazines especially Vibe, I R&B magazines however I saw that it was conventional to place wanted to produce the main headline either on the left something different that of right of the top of the page and it would make my magazine was rare for the main cover line to stand out in the market. be placed in the middle. I made the font larger and bolder than the rest Eye contact – The model is of the cover lines to emphasise it is looking straight at the the most important viewer which makes the viewer feel like they are Barcode and date – I placed the important . barcode at the bottom right hand corner instead of the bottom left as I Cover lines – I used 5 cover wanted to first grab the readers lines which is conventional for attention to the cover lines as they Vibe magazine. I tried to use would start reading from the left words such as “Plus” to entice instead of the right. Therefore they the reader and make them would read the content first before read on for what articles are in deciding the price. the magazine. Central image The predominant colours of my magazine consist of black, grey, maroon and navy blue. I It is conventional in Hiphop and R&B magazines for women thought these colours would fit in well with my target audience which is males and to show ¾ of their body as most of the images stop at their female, however mostly females. I thought navy blue would be a good colour as it would knees or thighs. The model also uses eye contact with the give a contrast of light blue and navy blue. reader and her pose allows the reader to be brought down The model of the same age range as my target audience in my magazine which is 16-22 to the rest of the cover lines. year old which I thought would be easy for the audience to relate to.
  • 5. Ways my front cover uses the conventions of real front cover Like Vibe my masthead is simplistic, bold and clear and is also spread across the page like Vibe magazine does so readers are immediately able to recognize the name of the magazine. I went along with the conventions of placing the central image over the masthead as I wanted to stick be conventional even though it is a new magazine in the market and readers still need time to recognize the name. This is why I also spread the masthead out so it was more recognized. I used this masthead as my magazine as well as Vibe magazine are both of the same genre therefore our target audience’s are the same which means that this is what readers of Vibe magazine would expect from other R&B and HipHop magazines. Similarly to Vibe magazine’s front cover, my front cover also uses an eyebrow at the top of the page this allows the reader to know some of the key articles in the magazine or who features inside.
  • 6. Ways my front cover uses the conventions of real front cover RULE OF THIRDS My front cover uses the conventions of a real media product as I made sure that it used the rule of thirds which is an important convention that Vibe magazine follows. I thought that as this is a R&B and HipHop magazine and my magazine is aimed at a target audience of 16-22 year olds, they would be rebellious teenagers/young adults therefore I stuck to the rule of thirds, but not completely.
  • 7. Conventions of a “Vibe” Contents page Title The title is bold and laid out in an abstract format which is in three rows showing the magazine is very Main image simplistic and unique. This may have Vibe magazine conventionally uses been done to give the magazine it’s one image on their contents page so own style so if readers saw this they it’s not cluttered with information would immediately know this and the reader can easily navigate belongs to Vibe magazine. Vibe’s their way through the magazine as it contents page is always consistent as is clear and concise. The model is they use the same font through all looking straight at the reader to show their issues. their significance and make them feel involved. The main colours used are The letter ‘V’ from the masthead is grey different shades of grey and used and is quite transparent and black with a pop of colour from the hidden behind the title and main heart. image, which indicates that Vibe magazine already has a built in readership as they are instantly able The page numbers are written in bold making it easier for the audience to to recognize that this is from Vibe. navigate their way through the magazine We can see that below contents it states 1/3 which suggests that there The magazine is divided in a range of is more sections of the contents page sections as it stops at ‘Fashion’ this means that Vibe magazine decided to go against what is conventional and have spread their contents pages out into 3 different pages which is unusual for a magazine.
  • 8. Header My contents page I used this as it reinforces the name of the magazine to the reader. Vibe magazine’s Main image contents page doesn’t do Like Vibe magazine I used this, making my magazine one main image in my unconventional. I thought as contents page as I didn’t this is a new magazine a want to distract the header would help my target readers away from the audience to remember my magazine better. main feature of the magazine which is Headline ‘Rihanna’ Similarly to Vibe I used a different font to my masthead as I didn’t want my Sections target audience (16-22) to I divided my magazine into get bored easily. I decided to different sections so the go against the conventions of reader would be able to Vibe by laying my out in a easily navigate their way different format, as Vibe through the magazine, for usually lays their headline in example if a reader wants 3 sections. I did this as I to see the ‘Gossip’ section wanted my magazine to they know exactly what stand out against a bright page it is as it is written in a background. larger text. Page numbers I placed the numbers in a bright bold orange as I wanted it to be easy to read, like Vibe did. Reference to the model and photographer I made sure to highlight the main article in the magazine by writing ‘Exclusive biography’ also I used Direct mode of address by stating “You won’t want to miss it!” The word “You” is talking to the reader directly making them feel more involved and important.
  • 9. Ways my contents page used and developed the conventions of real contents page Vibe magazine lays their contents page on a range of pages (normally 3) I developed the conventions of a real contents page by putting all of the contents page information on one page so it would make it easier for the reader to navigate their way through the magazine and find the page they want. I used Vibe magazine’s conventions of dividing my magazine in main sections such as ‘Posters’ and ‘Gig reviews’ so the reader can get what they are looking for immediately without reading everything in the contents page to find the page they want
  • 10. Conventions of a „Vibe‟ double page spread Headline Header It is bold and clear to ‘Vibe’ is used to indicate the reader is the audience and is reading this magazine. Also highlights the placed on the right section they are on. facing page which is conventional for most double page spread articles. A stand first This is conventional for all articles to use Full bleed image as this gives an This is placed on the introduction of what left facing page and the article is about. the model is looking straight at the camera Copy Text is written in bold as well as regular
  • 11. My double page spread Header Drop cap Columns and Gutters I used a header so the I used this to make it eye catching and it would I made sure that the gutters were the same width. Like readers would be immediately draw the reader into the text. This is Vibe magazine I also have 3 columns. familiar with the unconventional for Vibe to do. magazine and it is also conventional for Vibe to also used one. By line I wrote my name at the bottom of the Headline page even though it is I wanted my headline conventional to place to stand out so I made it between the it in italic and a bright headline and stand red, and made it into a first it after which satin effect. Following Vibe magazine does. I the headline I wanted placed it at the to write words that bottom as I didn’t were catchy to my want to clutter the top target audience by of the page as it using alliteration already had the “Rihanna’s image, headline, stand revolutionary race to first and header. recognition” Footer Stand first This includes the I used this to date, page number summarise what was in and the name of the article so readers the magazine would know exactly what they were going Main image Pull quotes to read. I went against the conventions of Vibe I used four pull quotes all together which is unconventional for Vibe magazine by putting a landscape image onto a magazine to do but seeing as my audience is aimed at 16-22 year portrait page. This is unconventional for any olds I considered the fact that they would get bored easily and by magazine, however I wanted mine to stand out using pull quotes it was drawn in the reader if they knew the main parts of the article
  • 12. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  • 13. What is meant by representation? The meaning of representation is something the media/media producer does to re construct reality and put forward their ideas of what they think is reality but really isn’t, for example a musician/artist is shown to the reader through in a different light to reality e.g. the way they dress and through their pose. They may not be like this in reality, but portray this look. Lyrical reader profile: Cassie is a typical 19 year old who attends University where she studies English Literature and Journalism. Cassie’s friends live in halls with her and also read ‘lyrical’ as this is a common interest between her and her groups of friends. She also has a part time job so in her spare time she likes to splash out her money at places like Topshop and Urban Outfitters and loves reading about style. Cassie is into the latest technology and loves computers and downloading the latest apps. Cassie’s style reflects her taste in music as she aspires to look like her favourite music idols, for example Rihanna. She has a wardrobe of branded clothes and footwear. She looks forward to her Friday nights as she goes to the local night club with her friends where she has fun and listens to Hip Hop and R&B music. After a night out she comes home where she regularly tweets and uploads photos on Facebook.
  • 14. Representation my photographs construct Mise en scene – This is means ‘telling a story’ for example through props, compositions, lighting and sets Clothes/Dressing My front cover image demonstrates representation through what she is wearing as she has on a lot of jewellery e.g. rings and bracelets which reflects my target audience as it shows uniqueness and gives an 80’s feel to it, suggesting the music in the magazine is contemporary yet mature. The denim jacket and skater skirt also suggests that the fashion is up to date and trendy. Location I took my images in a TV studio in college against a white backdrop. I picked a white backdrop instead of black as I didn’t wanted to get to get the hair to represent Rihanna. Pose I got my model to pose like this as it shows a kind of innocence to the reader and also shows they have something to hide, for example like many of Rihanna’s poses.
  • 15. How I demonstrate representation through copy I tried to keep the copy as interesting as possible to my target audience so they would keep reading. I didn’t want my article to sound like I was just stating the facts so I made sure that the text flowed as much as possible. This articles represents my target audiences as it shows that Lyrical readers don’t just like the lyrics and beat to a song, they also like to find out the person behind the music.
  • 16. How I demonstrate representation through design of my product Colours As my magazine is Articles aimed at males and For my coverlines I females I used colours made sure to include represented both features that would sexes – e.g I used attract both females and navy blue for males males. Since my main and burgundy for article and front cover is females. based on Rihanna which would attract a female audience more than a males audience I made sure to include more male orientated articles too e.g. ‘Drizzy vs. Breezy
  • 17. Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?
  • 18. IPC media is a large UK magazine publisher, selling over 350 million copies each year. IPC produce over 60 iconic media brands with most of their audience being women. It is subsidiary of Time inc. which is also owned by Time Warner. Time inc publishes 130 magazines, for example Marie Claire, Uncut, NME, In style, Entertainment weekly, Life etc. I’ve noticed that IPC do not publish Hip-hop and R&B magazines therefore my magazine would bring something new to their teen and music section as IPC publish the magazine NME for the same age range as my magazine which is 16-22 years old, however this is a rock magazine. This suggests that there is a gap in the market for HipHop and R&B magazines in IPC therefore I believe a new genre of magazines would fit well into this publication as they haven’t done this before consequently leading to less competitions between other publishers. Also after looking closely as their magazines and recognizing many of their successful magazines, I thought this would be a better publisher as they have good experience and would be able to make ‘Lyrical’ into a thriving magazine. IPC mainly publish their magazine to a mass market of men and women, therefore having a unisex magazine can build their readership even more, attracting a new set of readers and widening their audiences.
  • 19. Where my magazine would be sold My magazine would mostly likely be sold in big stores such as WHSmith and supermarkets such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrison's etc. My magazine would be sold in WHSmith especially as this is a book store and sells a range of magazines which would attract consumers looking specifically for magazines. Also since my magazine is a ‘music magazine’ it would be sold in a range of music shops e.g. HMV. My magazine can be sold in large retail pharmacy’s such as Superdrug and boots.
  • 20. Question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?
  • 21. Who is my target audience? My target audience is between the age range of 16-22 years old. My magazine is also aimed at females as well as males, however predominantly females, similar to Vibe magazines audience. Vibe magazine’s statistics show that their magazine is made up of 55% of male adults and 45% of female adults. My audience’s interest • They know how to play an instrument e.g. drums, guitar, piano etc. • They enjoy online shopping and watching out for the latest trends • They are up to date with technology and download the latest apps/applications Shops they like:
  • 22. Who is my target audience? Lyrical reader’s style Out of all celebrities Rita Ora’s style represents my target audience’s style the most. They love looking unique yet cool at the same time, by putting certain pieces together from different places to make one outfit. They like to stand out from the crowd and show their personality through their fashion. Lyrical readers like looking relaxed and distinctive to other people by wearing hats, denim, t shirts, crop tops, hoodies and sunglasses.
  • 23. Question 5 How did you attract/address your audience?
  • 24. How did I attract/address my audience through language, imagery and layout? The target audience for Lyrical is males and females – however mostly females from the age of 16 to 22 years old. I tried to structure how women are portrayed in magazines such as Vibe, for example I found that they are seen in a more sexual manner as they have a full body shot, whereas men normally tend to have a head shot, and is therefore unusual for men to have a full body shot in a magazine especially in Vibe. I took a full body shot of my model as this is how women are represented in magazines. Imagery How did I attract my audience? As my magazine is a cross over audience of males and females I attracted males to my magazine by using a full body shot of my model instead of a headshot. Also I attracted my audience of females by using a female on my front cover. This makes it easier for the viewer to relate to my model.
  • 25. How did I attract/address my audience through language, imagery and layout? Language How I attracted and addressed my audience: As my target audience is from the age of 16 – 22 this means that most of them are in higher education e.g. College/sixth form/university. Therefore I addressed my target audience through words used such as words such as “eccentric” as they would already know words like this. I also wanted to attract my audience through the use of alliteration e.g. “Rihanna’s revolutionary race to recognition” and “Barbadian Beauty” as this makes the text flow more and makes it memorable and sound more catchy. Layout and design How I attracted my audience: I attracted my audience through layout and design as I structured my double page spread article in a different format than usual by not using a portrait image. This makes it look like she is lying on the page. This would attract my audience of 16-22 years old as it is seen to be rebellious and breaking the conventions of a magazine.
  • 26. Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product
  • 27. Using wordpress, Adobe Photoshop and Indesign Wordpress Word press is a free and simple way to share information at anytime and anywhere. I found it really easy to find my way around the blog once I put everything into categories and menus e.g. In ‘Home’, ‘Preliminary exercise’, ‘Research & Planning’, ‘My music magazine’ and ‘Evaluation’ Adobe Photoshop CS5 The second tool I used to construct my product is Adobe Photoshop CS5. This is used widely in the magazine and media industry to edit, enhance and manipulate photos. At first I found it quite hard to use as my model had very curly hair and I wanted to get the background out of it, but as I played around with Photoshop I was able to get used to it more. This To this This is an example of how I used Adobe Photoshop CS5
  • 28. Using wordpress, Adobe Photoshop and Indesign Adobe Indesign The third tool I used to create my magazine after editing the images is Adobe Indesign. I used this to create my preliminary exercise which is a student magazine and my real magazine product – my front cover, contents page and double page spread. Initially I found this software also quite hard to use, especially the measurements. Like Photoshop I was able to come to terms with the software and produced a range of designs for my mastheads and then went on to make the real product.
  • 29. Camera I used a SLR camera which I hired from my college along with a tripod and I also hired out the TV studio where I used lighting and a white backdrop to produce my photographs for my magazine. In order for me to construct my magazine I had to book the studio in advance. I found the camera really easy to use, however at first I go a few unfocused shots, which I like but weren’t clear.
  • 30. Using other technologies I used a range of other technologies such as... • Social networking sites e.g. Facebook to contact my model as well as through phoning and texting. • Google to do my research for my article • Dropbox to make sure my work was saved and backed up, making it easily accessible on any computer.