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& Design-Led
in Healthcare
- and the HEAL
(Healthcare Excellence
Accelerator Lab)
Professor Evonne Miller
Professor of Design Psychology
& Director QUT Design Lab
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara, as
the First Nations owners of the lands where QUT now stands. We pay respect to their
Elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We recognise that these lands have always
been places of teaching, research and learning. QUT acknowledges the important role
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people play within the QUT community.
ABR – Arts-Based Research
“ABR is a transdisciplinary approach to
knowledge building that combines the tenets
of the creative arts in research contexts….
methodological tools used by researchers
across the disciplines during any or all phases
of research, including problem generation,
data or content generation, analysis,
interpretation, and representation”
p. 4, Patricia Leavy - Handbook of Arts-Based Research (2017)
1. Photovoice – joining of
photography with voice
2. Research poetry – form
of found poetry,
creating poems (or
poem-like prose) from
interview transcripts
3. Art – drawing, painting
& cartoons (researcher &
Three Arts-Based Research Approaches
powerful combination of photovoice & research poetry
In her 2007 book Agamemnon’s Kiss, Australian anthropologist Inga
Clendinnen describes how she works to ‘seduce an intelligent, non-specialist
audience... into thinking about the issues that I cared most about’ (p.36). ).
Arts-Based Research should be
“emotional, evocative, provocative,
illuminating , educational, and
(Leavy, 2017, p. 213).
PROJECT 1. Inside Aged Care 2012-17
Australian Research Council Linkage
Project (LP130100036) & Ballycara
Chief Investigators: Prof Evonne Miller,
Prof Laurie Buys & Nicole Devlin.
Research Fellow: Geraldine Donoghue
Photographer/PhD Student: Tricia King
Thank you to all the older people, aged care residents,
their families, and caregivers who participated,
giving up their precious time to help.
limited knowledge about experience
of daily life in aged care
Inside Aged Care. Credit: Tricia King
After shocking revelations in the media about
abuse, malnourishment and neglect of vulnerable older people
living in aged care, in 2019, the PM launched a Royal Commission
into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Interim Report Neglect states:
“As a nation, Australia has drifted into an ageist mindset that
undervalues older ​people and limits their possibilities…
apparent indifference towards aged care services. Left out
of sight and out of ​mind, these important services (aged care)
are floundering. They are fragmented, unsupported and
underfunded. With some admirable exceptions, they are
poorly ​managed. All too often, they are unsafe and seemingly
uncaring. This must change“
PROJECT 2. Our Care Journey - 2018
Industry Partner: The Ageing Revolution
Chief Investigators: Prof Evonne Miller, Dr
Oksana Zelenko, Geraldine Donoghue &
Aleksandra Staneva
Artist: Stephanie Bonson
Cartoonist: Simon Kneebone
Photographer: Tricia King
Thank you to all the families &
caregivers who participated, giving
up their precious time to help.
quicker, smaller cost, but impactful
• Participatory Co-Design Process – Co-design an APP
• Photovoice and In-Depth Interviews
• Documentary Photography
• Research Poetry
• Cartoonist
• Drawing - in response to transcripts
• Interactive Digital Exhibition (for Carers Week 2018)
1: Photovoice
Research process generally
includes three main stages:
– Firstly, ask participants to
take photographs of
things, places, processes
or people that relate to
topic under investigation;
– Secondly, ask participants
to talk about and share
why they took each
– Thirdly, hold a public
exhibition to communicate
the findings
Recommended Book:
Amanda Latz (2017). Photovoice
research in education and
beyond: A practical guide from
theory to exhibition
My Life: Frangipanis, Friendship & Football
Camera, staff-
that represent
daily life
over a year
Miller, E., Buys, L, & Donoghue G. (2019). Photovoice in aged care: What do residents value?
Australasian Journal of Ageing, 38(3), 93-97.
ten participants:
two males and
eight females,
66 to 92 years
(average 80 years)
My Life - Frangipanis, Friendship and Football
Few negative images - this is
how they wished to portray
their life in aged care to
others. Photovoice images
reflect “identity construction
and how they want
themselves and their lives to
be seen by the researcher
and represented in the
images” (Pilcher et al., 2016,
Miller, E., Buys, L, & Donoghue G.
(2019). Photovoice in aged care:
What do residents value?
Australasian Journal of Ageing,
38(3), 93-97.
Exhibition on-Site & GOMA
Australian Research Council Linkage Project
Research Questions
1. What is life like in aged care?
2. How can we improve it, using an active ageing /happiness lens?
intimate and everyday moments inside aged care: personal grooming (hair), personal activity (knitting etc),
social activity (dining room) and moments between activities…waiting
• Sole use of camera for two
weeks, to record more about
their daily life – highlights and
• Day in the Life Task: Take
photograph every hour from
waking until going to bed, of
whatever doing..
• Professional Photographer –
arranged as a Thank You, many
of these in exhibition
Photovoice Tasks & Documentary Photographer
A Collaborative Process
Choosing the Exhibition Images
Patrick’s Favourite Day
Matilda’s Angel
Mum’s Clock - Valued Personal Possessions & Memories
Exhibitions Take Time, Organization & Energy
The Exhibition
2. Research Poetry (Form of FOUND POETRY)
transcript poems
found poetry
poetic inquiry
poetic transcription
data poetry or data poems
poetic narrative
narrative poetry
interview poems
poetic texts
performance poem
poetic reflection/resistance
poetic analysis
Prendergast, M. (2009). "Poem is what?" Poetic inquiry in qualitative social science research. International Review of Qualitative Research, 1(4), 541-568.
In contrast to the
blank page, found
poetry is poetry
selected and
created out of texts
that already exist in
the world – texts
that you ‘find’.
The ‘text’ can be
anything – a TV
show, an online
article, a page from
a novel, another
poem, conversations
you overhear or
What is Reearch Poetry?
novel creative analysis where poems (or
poem-like prose)
are constructed from research data
a novel creative analysis where poems
(or poem-like prose) are constructed from research data
What is Research Poetry
*Miller, E. (2019). Creating research poetry: A nursing home example. In Áine Humble and Elise Radina (Eds.),
Going behind ‘themes emerged’: Real stories of how qualitative data analysis happens. USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
1.Non-linear deep dive into interview transcripts searching for key
words, phrases, & sentences (analogous to qual. data reduction)
2. Participants’ words arranged and rearranged to craft a poem
A Note on Quality - different standards for research poems (artistic & scientific merit)
3.Critical Reflection
*Miller, E. (2019). Creating research poetry: A nursing home example. In Áine Humble and Elise Radina (Eds.),
Going behind ‘themes emerged’: Real stories of how qualitative data analysis happens. USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
My ICCEE* approach to Creating Research Poetry
“although at first the path may seem challenging, full of slips
and icy terrain, it becomes a more obtainable undertaking
with the help of a guide (and a little grit)” Miller, 2019
Research Poetry Surprises & Engages
Poem creation is a search for the most
engaging, telling, and provocative phrases that
enable the reader to viscerally see, hear, taste,
smell, and/or feel the experience. I cut and
past the phrases that spoke to and emotionally
engaged me—any words that made me smile,
frown, feel empathy, sadness, or anger
Miller, E. , Donoghue, G & Holland-Batt, S. (2015). “You could scream the place down”:
Five poems on the experience of aged care. Qualitative Inquiry.
POEM Excerpt from interview transcript
You’re taken care of – Ethel,
aged 80
You’re taken care of.
I’m very satisfied
with my room.
I got me own furniture,
so why wouldn’t I be?
It’s just like my own home,
only I don’t do no work.
I got me friends here,
I go to bingo,
I join in exercises,
I go for any walks,
I have a good family,
they take me places.
though I haven’t been able
to find a nice man yet.
So we’re just talking about your experience living here. You said, that you love it,
so tell me more about why.
If anything happened to me I’d be in the right place.
Right. Ok, so it’s a sort of safety?
Yes, safer here in your own mind. Yeah, safety in your own home. So that no
matter what happens--you’re taken care of.
Yeah, yeah, well that’s what I believe.
That’s good. So now we’re going to talk about different things, ok? So the first
thing we want to talk about is actually your room.
I’m very satisfied with my room, I got me own furniture so why wouldn’t I be?
Is there anything you’d change about the design to make it better?
Not in my opinion. So nothing? Ok...
It’s just like my own home, really - only I don’t have to do no work! (laughs)
Now thinking about how you spend your time here, is there enough for you to
Yeah, yeah, I go to bingo, and I join in exercises, and I go for any walks......
are you able to do things you like to do?
Yes. (quietly). Though I haven’t been able to find a nice man yet (laughs)...
So your social life, is that pretty good? With people? Yes, I got me friends here
Yeah it’s good, I’ve got a good family and they take me to places. You know, we
can go and have a meal together, you know, things like that. And I go to, if
they’ve got a party on for somebody’s birthday, I’m always invited.
my family said
I was too old
too old, to be on my own
that I needed organising
but, you lose everything
you lose everything
to come in here
as you can see
you only have
the barest minimum
there's not much here
it is not nice,
not nice at all
it is not good for me
I can't get out.
That's what you lose, when you come in
all your independence
is taken away from you.
I'm not able to do it myself,
that's very hard to take
you get so frustrated
at times, you could
scream the place down
‘Scream the place down’
Joyce, 87
Miller, E., Donoghue, G., & Holland-Batt, S. (2015). “You could scream the place down”:
Five poems on the experience of aged care. Qualitative Inquiry, 21(5), 410-417
JOYCE – 87
Marcy Meyers. (2017). Concrete Research Poetry: A Visual Representation of Metaphor. Art/Research
International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 2(1).
AS WELL AS text to read, concrete poems give
reader a visual object to be perceived
Stigma Casserole
When your time is up
everybody comes
and goes
so quickly
since I have been here
so many
their way now
it makes you
how much longer
you have got
it's a daily thought
you don't know
your time
is up
Creative Arts-Based
Research in Aged Care:
Photovoice, Photography & Poetry in Action
Professor Evonne Miller @evonnephd
3: Drawing & Craft
Industry Partner:
The Ageing Revolution
Chief Investigators:
Prof Evonne Miller,
Dr Oksana Zelenko,
Geraldine Donoghue
& Aleksandra Staneva
Artist: Stephanie Bonson
Cartoonist: Simon Kneebone
Photographer: Tricia King
CRAFT: The Loom & Tapestry Weaving in Aged Care
Demecs, I., & Miller, E. (2019). Woven Narratives: A craft encounter
with tapestry weaving in a residential aged care facility. Art/Research
International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 4(1), 257-286
Redesigning Healthcare
4. Design
HEAL is a partnership
between healthcare
teams and the design
QUT TEAM: Evonne Miller, Marianella Chamorro-Koc, Lindy
Burton, Janice Rieger, Jen Seevinck, Lisa Scharoun, Rafael
Gomez, Natalie Wright, Manuela Taboada, Judy Mathews
PROJECT MANAGER: Gillian Risdale
DESIGN RESEARCHERS: Jessica Cheers, Isabel Byram, Leighann
Wilson, Kirtsen Baade, Jane Carthey
• Architecture - design & engineer buildings and
• Interior Architecture – optimise the interior
spaces where we live, work and play
• Landscape Architecture - create outdoor spaces
with positive cultural & environmental impact
• Industrial Design - develop & prepare products
for manufacture
• Fashion Design - develop clothing, accessories,
• Visual Communication – simplifying the complex,
conveying ideas & information visually
• Interaction Design – shaping interactions with
technology, devices, apps & websites, in context
Oct 2019: Celebrating QUT Design as
Top-Ranked Design School in Australia
in “Design Practice & Management” (ERA 1203)
HEAL’s aim is to work
collaboratively with you,
using design to
intentionally experiment &
change systems, tackling
wicked problems
in healthcare
“Bringing you care,
• VOICeD Virtual Outpatient Integration for Chronic Disease
• VOICeD Diabetes–Renal–Cardiac multi-specialist clinic
• State-Wide Diabetes Network, trialled in Cairns
• QUT –Led: Evonne Miller & Jessica Cheers
AIM OF VOICeD: To reduce the number of specialist visits and associated travel for patients with
chronic disease by providing an integrated multi-healthcare provider telehealth appointment.
Placemaking & Wayfinding
QCH - 6th Floor Entertainment Precinct
Dr Jen Seenvick &
Prof Evonne Miller
National & Sunshine Coast - Emergency Room Re-Design
Dr Lindy Burton &
Prof Evonne Miller
Child-Friendly PPE
State-Wide Network / USC
A/Prof Marianella Chamorro-Koc
& Dr Rafael Gomez
Engaging Students - A/Prof Marianella Chamorro-Koc
Design of an interactive CPR Manikin (child size) to teach children the technique. The aim was
local, cost effective and viable manufacturing, while attending to children’s active learning
through haptic technology - with Clinical Skills Development Services RBWH
Design Thinking – Dream Big Week at QCH
Pain-Free Procedural Journey for “Annabelle & Tiffany”
& Design-Led
in Healthcare
- and the HEAL
(Healthcare Excellence
Accelerator Lab)
Professor Evonne Miller
Professor of Design Psychology
& Director QUT Design Lab

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Arts and Design-Led Innovation in Healthcare

  • 1. Arts & Design-Led Innovation in Healthcare - and the HEAL (Healthcare Excellence Accelerator Lab) Initiative Professor Evonne Miller Professor of Design Psychology & Director QUT Design Lab @evonnephd
  • 2. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara, as the First Nations owners of the lands where QUT now stands. We pay respect to their Elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, research and learning. QUT acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people play within the QUT community.
  • 3. ABR – Arts-Based Research “ABR is a transdisciplinary approach to knowledge building that combines the tenets of the creative arts in research contexts…. methodological tools used by researchers across the disciplines during any or all phases of research, including problem generation, data or content generation, analysis, interpretation, and representation” p. 4, Patricia Leavy - Handbook of Arts-Based Research (2017)
  • 4. 1. Photovoice – joining of photography with voice 2. Research poetry – form of found poetry, creating poems (or poem-like prose) from interview transcripts 3. Art – drawing, painting & cartoons (researcher & participants) Three Arts-Based Research Approaches
  • 6. In her 2007 book Agamemnon’s Kiss, Australian anthropologist Inga Clendinnen describes how she works to ‘seduce an intelligent, non-specialist audience... into thinking about the issues that I cared most about’ (p.36). ). Arts-Based Research should be “emotional, evocative, provocative, illuminating , educational, and transformative” (Leavy, 2017, p. 213).
  • 7. PROJECT 1. Inside Aged Care 2012-17 Australian Research Council Linkage Project (LP130100036) & Ballycara Chief Investigators: Prof Evonne Miller, Prof Laurie Buys & Nicole Devlin. Research Fellow: Geraldine Donoghue Photographer/PhD Student: Tricia King Thank you to all the older people, aged care residents, their families, and caregivers who participated, giving up their precious time to help.
  • 9. limited knowledge about experience of daily life in aged care Inside Aged Care. Credit: Tricia King After shocking revelations in the media about abuse, malnourishment and neglect of vulnerable older people living in aged care, in 2019, the PM launched a Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Interim Report Neglect states: “As a nation, Australia has drifted into an ageist mindset that undervalues older ​people and limits their possibilities… apparent indifference towards aged care services. Left out of sight and out of ​mind, these important services (aged care) are floundering. They are fragmented, unsupported and underfunded. With some admirable exceptions, they are poorly ​managed. All too often, they are unsafe and seemingly uncaring. This must change“
  • 11. PROJECT 2. Our Care Journey - 2018 Industry Partner: The Ageing Revolution Chief Investigators: Prof Evonne Miller, Dr Oksana Zelenko, Geraldine Donoghue & Aleksandra Staneva Artist: Stephanie Bonson Cartoonist: Simon Kneebone Photographer: Tricia King Thank you to all the families & caregivers who participated, giving up their precious time to help. quicker, smaller cost, but impactful
  • 12. • Participatory Co-Design Process – Co-design an APP • Photovoice and In-Depth Interviews • Documentary Photography • Research Poetry • Cartoonist • Drawing - in response to transcripts • Interactive Digital Exhibition (for Carers Week 2018) CO-DESIGNING CARE – DESIGN & ARTS-BASED METHODS
  • 13.
  • 15. Research process generally includes three main stages: – Firstly, ask participants to take photographs of things, places, processes or people that relate to topic under investigation; – Secondly, ask participants to talk about and share why they took each photograph; – Thirdly, hold a public exhibition to communicate the findings What is Photovoice? JOINING OF PHOTOGRAPHY WITH VOICE Recommended Book: Amanda Latz (2017). Photovoice research in education and beyond: A practical guide from theory to exhibition
  • 16. PROJECT 1 – PILOT PROJECT 2012-2013 My Life: Frangipanis, Friendship & Football PILOT - ITERATION 1: Communal Camera, staff- facilitated, photographs that represent daily life over a year Miller, E., Buys, L, & Donoghue G. (2019). Photovoice in aged care: What do residents value? Australasian Journal of Ageing, 38(3), 93-97. ten participants: two males and eight females, 66 to 92 years (average 80 years) FRANGIPANI’S, FRIENDSHIP & FOOTBALL
  • 17. My Life - Frangipanis, Friendship and Football THE MISSING / ABSENT IMAGES Few negative images - this is how they wished to portray their life in aged care to others. Photovoice images reflect “identity construction and how they want themselves and their lives to be seen by the researcher and represented in the images” (Pilcher et al., 2016, p.685). Miller, E., Buys, L, & Donoghue G. (2019). Photovoice in aged care: What do residents value? Australasian Journal of Ageing, 38(3), 93-97. Exhibition on-Site & GOMA
  • 18. PROJECT 2 – INSIDE AGED CARE 2013-2017 Australian Research Council Linkage Project Research Questions 1. What is life like in aged care? 2. How can we improve it, using an active ageing /happiness lens?
  • 19. intimate and everyday moments inside aged care: personal grooming (hair), personal activity (knitting etc), social activity (dining room) and moments between activities…waiting • Sole use of camera for two weeks, to record more about their daily life – highlights and lowlights • Day in the Life Task: Take photograph every hour from waking until going to bed, of whatever doing.. • Professional Photographer – arranged as a Thank You, many of these in exhibition Photovoice Tasks & Documentary Photographer
  • 20. A Collaborative Process Choosing the Exhibition Images
  • 23. Mum’s Clock - Valued Personal Possessions & Memories
  • 25. Exhibitions Take Time, Organization & Energy The Exhibition
  • 28. 2. Research Poetry (Form of FOUND POETRY) transcript poems found poetry poetic inquiry poetic transcription data poetry or data poems poetic narrative narrative poetry interview poems poetic texts performance poem poetic reflection/resistance poetic analysis ethnopoetry Prendergast, M. (2009). "Poem is what?" Poetic inquiry in qualitative social science research. International Review of Qualitative Research, 1(4), 541-568.
  • 29. In contrast to the blank page, found poetry is poetry selected and created out of texts that already exist in the world – texts that you ‘find’. The ‘text’ can be anything – a TV show, an online article, a page from a novel, another poem, conversations you overhear or interview transcripts. WHAT IS FOUND POETRY?
  • 30. What is Reearch Poetry? novel creative analysis where poems (or poem-like prose) are constructed from research data a novel creative analysis where poems (or poem-like prose) are constructed from research data What is Research Poetry *Miller, E. (2019). Creating research poetry: A nursing home example. In Áine Humble and Elise Radina (Eds.), Going behind ‘themes emerged’: Real stories of how qualitative data analysis happens. USA: Palgrave Macmillan. 1.Non-linear deep dive into interview transcripts searching for key words, phrases, & sentences (analogous to qual. data reduction) 2. Participants’ words arranged and rearranged to craft a poem A Note on Quality - different standards for research poems (artistic & scientific merit)
  • 31. 1.Immersion 2.Creation 3.Critical Reflection 4.Ethics 5.Engagement *Miller, E. (2019). Creating research poetry: A nursing home example. In Áine Humble and Elise Radina (Eds.), Going behind ‘themes emerged’: Real stories of how qualitative data analysis happens. USA: Palgrave Macmillan. My ICCEE* approach to Creating Research Poetry “although at first the path may seem challenging, full of slips and icy terrain, it becomes a more obtainable undertaking with the help of a guide (and a little grit)” Miller, 2019
  • 32. Research Poetry Surprises & Engages Poem creation is a search for the most engaging, telling, and provocative phrases that enable the reader to viscerally see, hear, taste, smell, and/or feel the experience. I cut and past the phrases that spoke to and emotionally engaged me—any words that made me smile, frown, feel empathy, sadness, or anger Miller, E. , Donoghue, G & Holland-Batt, S. (2015). “You could scream the place down”: Five poems on the experience of aged care. Qualitative Inquiry.
  • 33. POEM Excerpt from interview transcript You’re taken care of – Ethel, aged 80 You’re taken care of. I’m very satisfied with my room. I got me own furniture, so why wouldn’t I be? It’s just like my own home, only I don’t do no work. I got me friends here, I go to bingo, I join in exercises, I go for any walks, I have a good family, they take me places. though I haven’t been able to find a nice man yet. So we’re just talking about your experience living here. You said, that you love it, so tell me more about why. If anything happened to me I’d be in the right place. Right. Ok, so it’s a sort of safety? Yes, safer here in your own mind. Yeah, safety in your own home. So that no matter what happens--you’re taken care of. Yeah, yeah, well that’s what I believe. That’s good. So now we’re going to talk about different things, ok? So the first thing we want to talk about is actually your room. I’m very satisfied with my room, I got me own furniture so why wouldn’t I be? (laughs) Is there anything you’d change about the design to make it better? Not in my opinion. So nothing? Ok... It’s just like my own home, really - only I don’t have to do no work! (laughs) Now thinking about how you spend your time here, is there enough for you to do? Yeah, yeah, I go to bingo, and I join in exercises, and I go for any walks...... are you able to do things you like to do? Yes. (quietly). Though I haven’t been able to find a nice man yet (laughs)... So your social life, is that pretty good? With people? Yes, I got me friends here Yeah it’s good, I’ve got a good family and they take me to places. You know, we can go and have a meal together, you know, things like that. And I go to, if they’ve got a party on for somebody’s birthday, I’m always invited.
  • 34. my family said I was too old too old, to be on my own that I needed organising but, you lose everything you lose everything to come in here as you can see you only have the barest minimum there's not much here it is not nice, not nice at all it is not good for me I can't get out. That's what you lose, when you come in all your independence is taken away from you. I'm not able to do it myself, that's very hard to take you get so frustrated at times, you could scream the place down ‘Scream the place down’ Joyce, 87 Miller, E., Donoghue, G., & Holland-Batt, S. (2015). “You could scream the place down”: Five poems on the experience of aged care. Qualitative Inquiry, 21(5), 410-417 JOYCE – 87
  • 35. Marcy Meyers. (2017). Concrete Research Poetry: A Visual Representation of Metaphor. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 2(1). CONCRETE POETRY AS WELL AS text to read, concrete poems give reader a visual object to be perceived Stigma Casserole
  • 36. When your time is up everybody comes and goes so quickly since I have been here so many people have passed away they have gone their way now it makes you wonder how much longer you have got it's a daily thought you don't know when your time is up
  • 37. IN PRESS ROUTLEDGE BOOK Creative Arts-Based Research in Aged Care: Photovoice, Photography & Poetry in Action Professor Evonne Miller @evonnephd
  • 38. 3: Drawing & Craft
  • 39. Industry Partner: The Ageing Revolution Chief Investigators: Prof Evonne Miller, Dr Oksana Zelenko, Geraldine Donoghue & Aleksandra Staneva Artist: Stephanie Bonson Cartoonist: Simon Kneebone Photographer: Tricia King ARTS-BASED RESEARCH IN “OUR CARE JOURNEY”
  • 41.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. CRAFT: The Loom & Tapestry Weaving in Aged Care Demecs, I., & Miller, E. (2019). Woven Narratives: A craft encounter with tapestry weaving in a residential aged care facility. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 4(1), 257-286
  • 48. HEAL is a partnership between healthcare teams and the design community QUT TEAM: Evonne Miller, Marianella Chamorro-Koc, Lindy Burton, Janice Rieger, Jen Seevinck, Lisa Scharoun, Rafael Gomez, Natalie Wright, Manuela Taboada, Judy Mathews PROJECT MANAGER: Gillian Risdale DESIGN RESEARCHERS: Jessica Cheers, Isabel Byram, Leighann Wilson, Kirtsen Baade, Jane Carthey
  • 49. SPATIAL DESIGN • Architecture - design & engineer buildings and structures. • Interior Architecture – optimise the interior spaces where we live, work and play • Landscape Architecture - create outdoor spaces with positive cultural & environmental impact EXPERIENTIAL DESIGN • Industrial Design - develop & prepare products for manufacture • Fashion Design - develop clothing, accessories, footwear • Visual Communication – simplifying the complex, conveying ideas & information visually • Interaction Design – shaping interactions with technology, devices, apps & websites, in context
  • 50. Oct 2019: Celebrating QUT Design as Top-Ranked Design School in Australia in “Design Practice & Management” (ERA 1203)
  • 51. HEAL’s aim is to work collaboratively with you, using design to intentionally experiment & change systems, tackling wicked problems in healthcare
  • 52. “Bringing you care, anywhere” • VOICeD Virtual Outpatient Integration for Chronic Disease • VOICeD Diabetes–Renal–Cardiac multi-specialist clinic • State-Wide Diabetes Network, trialled in Cairns • QUT –Led: Evonne Miller & Jessica Cheers AIM OF VOICeD: To reduce the number of specialist visits and associated travel for patients with chronic disease by providing an integrated multi-healthcare provider telehealth appointment.
  • 53. Placemaking & Wayfinding QCH - 6th Floor Entertainment Precinct Dr Jen Seenvick & Prof Evonne Miller
  • 54. National & Sunshine Coast - Emergency Room Re-Design Dr Lindy Burton & Prof Evonne Miller
  • 55. Child-Friendly PPE State-Wide Network / USC A/Prof Marianella Chamorro-Koc & Dr Rafael Gomez
  • 56. Engaging Students - A/Prof Marianella Chamorro-Koc Design of an interactive CPR Manikin (child size) to teach children the technique. The aim was local, cost effective and viable manufacturing, while attending to children’s active learning through haptic technology - with Clinical Skills Development Services RBWH
  • 57. Design Thinking – Dream Big Week at QCH Pain-Free Procedural Journey for “Annabelle & Tiffany”
  • 58. Arts & Design-Led Innovation in Healthcare - and the HEAL (Healthcare Excellence Accelerator Lab) Initiative Professor Evonne Miller Professor of Design Psychology & Director QUT Design Lab @evonnephd

Editor's Notes

  1. The Healthcare Excellence Accelerator (HEAL) Lab is a collaboration hub, co-led by the QUT Design Lab and the Healthcare Improvement Unit at Clinical Excellence Queensland. HEAL is designed to act as a bridge between the QUT design and innovation community and Queensland Health, accelerating healthcare improvement efforts across the state. Ten QUT Design Lab members form the core HEAL team, bringing together expertise in inclusive design, participatory and co-design methodologies, design thinking and design led innovation, and the design, development and testing of health tech prototypes and therapeutic, healing environments, as well as visualisation and interaction technologies (augmented and virtual reality) for immersive experiences, training and education. HEAL - the Healthcare Excellence Accelerator Lab - is designed to connect healthcare professionals across Queensland with designers, who will work together and use design approaches to transform thinking, spaces, places, processes and products, and positively transform healthcare. Perhaps you are frustrated with some aspect of the design of your workplace? Or can see a way to change patient flow, visual communication, or how the intentional redesign of the space, a product or a service might improve the experience - for you, your colleagues and consumers.  You might have an idea about an app or design intervention, or the COVID-19 Pandemic has highlighted the importance and need for a specific change. If you can see a design challenge in your workplace, please contact Professor Evonne Miller (the co-director of HEAL) to discuss how we might be able to work together. The videos below outline a little bit more about key HEAL team members, and their expertise. We look forward to connecting with you soon!
  2. Today – I am going to talk about ABR – arts-based research
  3. Today – I am going to tak about 3, and hopefully give you the confidence and some skills to start to experiment with them and integarte them into your research
  4. Christine asked me to start with the WHY - Why ABR> its about the impact and the power POWER- IMPACT: art is a powerful tool for communicating research knowledge and findings beyond academia - to the wider public PROCESS – people are engaged, its more fun than an interview. Attend exhibition sharing knowledge - see that, invite families etc
  5. Christine asked me to start with the WHY - Why ABR> its about the impact and the power
  6. As I talk about these methods – I will draw PRIMARIY [ on two research projects. Continuing the acknowldgments – at the outset, I want to thank all the research participants in this research for giving u their precious time to share their experienes, and expectations of aging, aged care and caregiving. I am going to tall about two projects today, in which I have used participatory creative methods: inside aged care and co-designing care. INSIDE AGED CARE Allegations of neglect and abuse have triggered a 2019 Royal Commission into Aged Care. Significant stigma often surrounds aged care – many older people are afraid of ‘ending up there’ and families feel guilt, with aged care and old age virtually invisible in a public visual narrative that ‘systematically devalues and erases age... making the look of age unwelcome’ (Twigg, 2004).
  7. 232,000 – that’s the number of older people who live live in residential aged care – also known as nursing homes – across Australia. After shocking revelations in the media about abuse, malnourishment and neglect of vulnerable older people living in aged care, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. There have been over 6000 submissions from staff, service providers, residents and families, with the Commission’s October 2019 Interim Report entitled Neglect. The foreword to the report states:  ​As a nation, Australia has drifted into an ageist mindset that undervalues older ​people and limits their possibilities. Sadly, this failure to properly value and ​engage with older people as equal partners in our future has extended to our ​apparent indifference towards aged care services. Left out of sight and out of ​mind, these important services (aged care) are floundering. They are fragmented, ​unsupported and underfunded. With some admirable exceptions, they are poorly ​managed. All too often, they are unsafe and seemingly uncaring. This must change.    The report itself is grim reading, with the system described as "inhumane, abusive and unjustified”, “cruel and discriminating”, “sad and shocking”, diminishing “Australia as a nation".   
  8. Yet how much do we really know about daily life in aged care?
  9. The second project I am going to draw on was smaller cost -Low-cost $5k – so doable – co-created the Our Care Journal app (created by carers for carers) (2) photographed their caregiving experiences - the basis for an interactive digital exhibition at The Cube throughout Carers Week 2018 and pictured below
  10. NIINE FEMALE CARERS - co-created the Our Care Journal app (created by carers for carers) and photographed their caregiving experiences - the basis for an interactive digital exhibition during Carers Week 2018 I led the caregivers and research team of professional cartoonists, photographers, writers and artists whose artistic creations s more visible to a wider everyday life as carer – the love, the pain of loss, the challenge of hospital and professional care, the value of an app and explained the co-design process. This process also highlighted the importance of inclusive age-friendly and universal design – it is the social and built environment that enables or disables (a topic covered at length in my book, Creating Great Places). Over 100 people attended the opening research symposium (co-hosted by QUT Design Lab, Australian Association of Gerontology, Carers Queensland and Legacy) and the app launch exhibition, scheduled to be opened by Minister Coralee O’Rourke (her cancer diagnosis meant her senior advisor presented instead).
  11. Photographs are always socially constructed, representing an intended message created for an intended audience. Photovoice images reflect “identity construction and how they want themselves and their lives to be seen by the researcher and represented in the images” (Pilcher et al., 2016, p.685).
  12. So, remembering that the photos taken during the pilot tended to focus more on group activities and events, here we see some lovely and revealing intimate and everyday moments inside aged care.   There was a focus on personal grooming (hair), personal activity (knitting etc), social activity (dining room) and on the moments between activities.
  13. It goes by many different names
  14. novel creative analysis where poems (or poem like prose) are constructed from research data
  15. IF YOU WANT TO HAVE A GO _ “although at first the path may seem challenging, full of slips and icy terrain, it becomes a more obtainable undertaking with the help of a guide (and a little grit)” Miller, 2019
  16. Butler-Kisber (2010) reminds us that the poem creation is a search for the most engaging, telling, and provocative phrases that enable the reader to viscerally see, hear, taste, smell, and/or feel the experience. Thus, I cut and past the phrases that spoke to and emotionally engaged me—any words that made me smile, frown, feel empathy, sadness, or anger.  Not all phrases will be used in the final poem, only those flow and, in my opinion, work poetically. At times, a phrase, word, or a memorable description will immediately jump out of the page and became the starting focal point. Poems 3 and 4 provide obvious examples of this – the phrases scream the place down (Poem 3) and I haven’t met a nice man – yet (Poem 4)  
  17. Struggling with lack of privacy, personal belongings / space & feeling trapped You lose everything, to come in here” JOYCE – 87 (never married)  transition to aged care  
  18. This first worded image, pictured in Figure 1, was inspired by a 60 Minutes Overtime episode that explored the stigma of raising a mentally ill child (Pelley, 2014). inspired by a 60 Minutes Overtime episode that explored the stigma of raising a mentally ill child
  19. Narrative truth (facts as presented ring true) Reader has very personal and visceral experience, due to both topic (universal fear of death) and use of concrete poetry (the metaphoric hourglass image). Poem is purposely short, providing an authentic and honestly intimate reflection on experience of time and death in aged care. DAYS OF OUR LIVES HOUR GLASS
  20. Participatory arts-based research methods – value, impact and processes Evonne Miller is Professor of Design Psychology and Director of the QUT Design Lab in the Creative Industries Faculty at QUT. Evonne is also a passionate advocate for design and creative arts-based participatory research methods, with over 100 publications and $3.5M in competitive research grant funding from the ARC, NHMRC and industry. In this presentation she will reflect on the value of participatory arts-based research, focussing on using three novel methodologies (PhotoVoice, Research Poetry and Art) with older people in aged care. As well as sharing her learnings, this presentation will highlight the challenges and opportunities of utilising creative arts-based approaches to better communicate and engage with policy-makers, practitioners and the wider community.  Follow her on twitter: @evonnephd
  21. Hopefully – the intent is to do something similar at the end of HEAL, to share ideas
  22. That is a big responsibility.. Creating great places requires courageous leadership, bold policy and innovative, creative, boundary-pushing thinking And what is exciting is that we are starting to see some very inspiring examples of innovative thinking – both here in Bne, your own projects, and across the globe – where places – and their design - is now a central feature of the global public health discourse.
  23. HEAL is a catalyst for innovation and change, bringing together healthcare practionnioners with design researchers and educators to create practical, tangible design-led solutions to healthcare challenges. –
  24. What is unique about the QUT Design Lab is we bring 7 distinct design discplines –ogether Interaction Design – shaping interactions with technology, devices, apps for people, in context. “ Or if that doesn’t fit : Interaction Design – shaping people’s interactions with technology, devices, apps, in context. “
  25. Our aim is to bring people together - to work collaboratively and think differently - and to solve some of those wicked problems facing us in healthcare today HEAL provides a space for people to come toether to learn, experiment, startgize and tinker – we are innovators and changemakers brought together with our shared passion to reimagine and improve the experience of healthcare
  26. Virtual Outpatient Integration for Chronic Disease (VOICeD ...
  27. Haptic technology, also known as kinaesthetic communication or 3D touch, refers to any technology that can create an experience of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user.
  28. The Healthcare Excellence Accelerator (HEAL) Lab is a collaboration hub, co-led by the QUT Design Lab and the Healthcare Improvement Unit at Clinical Excellence Queensland. HEAL is designed to act as a bridge between the QUT design and innovation community and Queensland Health, accelerating healthcare improvement efforts across the state. Ten QUT Design Lab members form the core HEAL team, bringing together expertise in inclusive design, participatory and co-design methodologies, design thinking and design led innovation, and the design, development and testing of health tech prototypes and therapeutic, healing environments, as well as visualisation and interaction technologies (augmented and virtual reality) for immersive experiences, training and education. HEAL - the Healthcare Excellence Accelerator Lab - is designed to connect healthcare professionals across Queensland with designers, who will work together and use design approaches to transform thinking, spaces, places, processes and products, and positively transform healthcare. Perhaps you are frustrated with some aspect of the design of your workplace? Or can see a way to change patient flow, visual communication, or how the intentional redesign of the space, a product or a service might improve the experience - for you, your colleagues and consumers.  You might have an idea about an app or design intervention, or the COVID-19 Pandemic has highlighted the importance and need for a specific change. If you can see a design challenge in your workplace, please contact Professor Evonne Miller (the co-director of HEAL) to discuss how we might be able to work together. The videos below outline a little bit more about key HEAL team members, and their expertise. We look forward to connecting with you soon!