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ARP Step 3: Secondary Source Integration Instruction
The Secondary Source Integration asks you to revisit your work
in the Primary Source Analysis and the Annotated Bibliography.
You will extend or rethink your original analytical claims and
integrate secondary evidence seamlessly and effectively into
your own writing.
Below you will find a list of objectives for the assignment. Be
sure to follow the directions outlined in Getting
Started carefully as you seek to extend the work completed in
STEP 1: Primary Source Analysis.
Your work should be 4-5 pages, double-spaced, typed in 12-
point font, and set to 1” margins.
· Identify two (2) timely, useful, credible, and relevant
secondary sources from Step 2: Annotated Bibliography. Your
work with these sources should help you revise and extend the
work you completed in Step 1: Primary Source Analysis
· Demonstrate the ability to comprehend the central arguments
of these sources
· Perform meaningful, thoughtful analysis of these secondary
· Assert and maintain your own critical voice rather than letting
the secondary evidence speak for you
· Develop an evolving thesis to orient your analysis and source
· Integrate secondary sources into your analysis by paraphrasing
and/or directly citing the writers’ language and ideas
· Include proper in-text citations of each source and an
appropriately formatted Works Cited page using MLA
Getting Started:
Extending Your PSA
· Return to your Primary Source Analysis, look over my
comments, and decide which parts you plan to focus on in your
final paper. This will probably require expanding or deleting
parts of your initial analysis.
· Consider each secondary source’s main argument and how it
relates to, supports, complicates, or differs from the argument
you plan to make in your final paper.
· The Secondary Source Integration should not simply be added
onto the end of your Primary Source Analysis but rather woven
in and responding to specific elements of your own analysis. I
recommend that you open a new document when you begin your
Secondary Source Integration. You can cut and paste from your
Primary Source Analysis and Annotated Bibliography as
· Choose two sources that will allow you to engage in
conversation, not just sources that agree with or support your
main point.
· Use the secondary evidence to extend and revise the analysis
completed in Step 1: Primary Source Analysis. This is an
opportunity to add new sentences to existing paragraphs, to add
new paragraphs, and, in general, to revise the existing Primary
Source Analysis.
Developing Your SSI
In order to complete the extension and revision of your previous
work, consider the following steps:
1. Focus on your own analytical claims. Interaction with
secondary sources should allow for your Research Questions to
evolve and to take shape, enabling you to revise or extend
claims made in the previous assignment.
2. Focus on analyzing and integrating the secondary evidence
into the conversation. This step requires you to demonstrate
how to effectively use secondary sources.
3. Focus your evolving thesis around a compelling analytical
claim while also accounting for all relevant evidence.
You should especially focus on:
1. Making your Sources Speak by giving evidence (quotes or
paraphrases) from each article that shows the article does make
the claims you say it makes. You might ask yourself whether or
not you have explained the connection between your claims and
the secondary evidence completely and explicitly.
2. Putting your Sources into Conversation with One Another.
This move requires that you understand the arguments of the
secondary sources and are able to convey this understanding via
paraphrase and direct citation. As the title suggests, the
emphasis of this step is on you making the sources speak rather
than letting the words that you paraphrase or cite speak for
themselves or for you; instead, maintain your own critical voice
and make clear that the secondary evidence is one part of the
conversation, not the featured speaker.
3. Integrating Sources into your own writing by paraphrasing or
splicing quotations into your text.
4. Citing Sources in proper MLA Style (See “MLA Citation and
Style Guide”). You should end the assignment with correct
MLA Works Cited entries of the two secondary sources and
your primary source.
Secondary Source Integration
When talking about the theme, which is black live matter,
sometimes a picture could better explain the content than words.
This picture below demonstrates a black woman holding a plate,
which says “BLACK LIVES MATTER”. She is yelling and
fighting for her rights, because black Americans always have
low status in society. This source could perfectly accord with
my main theme because my theme is placed on importance of
black Americans’ life. The picture conveys that black
Americans are eager for safeguarding their rights. There are
many unsolved problems of black Americans. Comment by
LRC: The first paragraph should include the name of the
photographer and the date and place the picture was first
The fact that the US is carrying some races is being used to
show lots of discrimination on people who are black. It is in
fact very clear that the white race is not going to accept to be
equal with the black or any other people of color, and especially
the black people. Injustices are shown to the black people from
all the angles, right from their places of residence, their
workplaces and even from the government. The efforts that the
black people are making in trying to get balanced are not
bearing any fruit, and instead, the efforts are making things
worse (Edwards & Bradford, 2016) Comment by LRC: The
second paragraph should be a detailed description of the image.
What does the woman look like, what is her expression on her
face, what does her sign say, how is she holding it, what is she
wearing, what other people are in the image, what are they
doing, where is the woman, what time of day is it, etc.
Comment by LRC: The third paragraph should be an
analysis of the image. What can you tell from the different
details. What message does the woman’s protest communicate
(her shirt, her sign, the fact that she is in the street, etc) Does
her message make a logical argument or an appeal to emotions
or both?
The source “why black live matters” is a speech from James
Clapper in Morehouse College on November 4, 2016. The
source explores the discrimination of the black people. Clapper
as the director of national intelligence, United States discussed
the aspects of discrimination of the black people in numerous
ways. The useful role played by the black people in the
development especially in the US intelligence is explained
where the blacks are important in the political aspects in the
United States. The lives of the blacks seem to be intertwined
with politics in different ways with many people willing to
ensure change is implemented. Comment by LRC:
Specifically what roles does he say Black people have played in
US Intelligence.
According to the article, there are many people who are willing
to listen to the blacks, but some challenges seem to arise. For
example, activists try to engage the political system they intend
to change but fail to capitalize and compromise. The article is
showing the efforts of the blacks to make sure that their voice is
heard in different parts to claim then rights of the blacks. The
blacks were discriminated in different ways despite their
immense contributions in the political environment in the
United States. The author of the article demonstrates the
intention of the blacks to ensure that the discrimination they
face is eliminated (Clapper, 55). The fight for the rights of
blacks to be free from discrimination was successful where the
integrity of the black people was to be restored. Comment by
LRC: It sounds like he is being critical of the Black Lives
Matter movement. Do you agree? It sounds like he is saying the
problem is that they won’t compromise in order to get some of
what they want.
How do you think this relates to the woman in the picture? Can
you see how Clapper would say that she is “not compromising”
and therefore never going to achieve equality?
You could use this idea to try on a different analysis of her
protest and then later use an article from the White privilege
book to show how, in fact it is white people who do not
compromise. This is the kind of thing I am talking about when I
say you need to use the articles as a lens to view the artifact.
The importance of the lives of the blacks is explored in the
article where the blacks feel that their rights are compromised.
The struggle for the rights of the black people has not been
easy, but the blacks seem to have been determined to achieve
their goals in the freedom fight. Through the eagerness of the
black Americans to achieve their freedom from discrimination,
many political changes are brought into action. The issues of
racial conflict are shown in the article as the blacks are treated
in a way that is not fair as compared to the other races. The
whites are considered as the superior race with the blacks being
ignored and their rights compromised (Clapper, 56). The author
explores how the black Americans are not willing to let their
rights to continue being compromised. As a result, the black
Americans are ready to make sure that they tirelessly fight for
their rights.
This article mainly demonstrates my central theme, which is
“Black Live Matter”, through presenting how the black fight for
their rights and freedom and how they try to gain equality. From
the real experience from Clapper, he proposes that the black is
supposed to enjoy same rights with the white. Comment by
LRC: In this paragraph, instead of coming back to your
“theme”, you should come back to your image and write about
how the arguments of the article lead you to analyze your image
in a new way.
“I don’t see color” is a book, which was published in Penn State
University in 2015, talked about whiteness and racism. Bergo,
Bettina and Tracey Nicholls are the authors of the book where
the authors show the support to the black lives and the
privileges of the whiteness. The arguments of the authors show
that the contemporary conversations concerning the white
privilege and the white supremacy are very far from being
finished (Bergo and Tracey, 180). The book tries to bring
together some recognized voices in the process of presenting
critical whiteness studies. The authors offered creative multi-
stylistic approach through making use of their live examples.
The racism aspects in the book are being presented using
conversations that can help in influencing social changes.
According to the book, the contemporary conversation
concerning white privileges is based on the superiority of the
race. The white seems to be favored in different political and
social systems, unlike the black Americans. The white privilege
brings an aspiration that is different from the current American
reality. Failing to see color helps in criticizing the white studies
literature as it discourages racism in numerous ways. The
authors seem to examine the white privilege as distinguished
contributors in sociology and political science (Bergo and
Tracey, 210). The political aspects that are considered in the
book are ranging from incisive post-colonial to the intellectual
narratives concerning the aspects of racism in America.
Comment by LRC: This is all very general and that makes
it hard to apply the arguments to your analysis of the image.
You might be better off choosing one article from the book and
just working with those arguments.
There are some protests that, have been arranged so that the
black people can claim their rights of equality, but almost all of
them have had the same effect. The people who are
demonstrating are beaten by the police who use strikers, canes,
tear gas and who even shooting especially when they are unable
to calm the situation. This is a very wrong way to handle
demonstrators because there is the right to demonstrate and
while they do so in a peaceful way, they should not be
mishandled. Things are quite different when white people
demonstrate, because they are not mishandled in any way, and
the police may be following them only to make sure that they do
not go against the law. Comment by LRC: Okay, now this is
something you can use. What does it tell you about the woman’s
message if she is willing to take her message to the streets even
though she can not be sure that her right to protest will be
protected, and in fact, participating in a protest might result in
bodily harm … something that white people’s life experience
does not require them to think about.
The authors do not see color as an important resource for
reflecting on the white privilege and extension of critical
extensions of the whiteness studies. According to the author,
color is an essential multidisciplinary resource that can be used
in addressing racism. The book has used a braided narrative
approach that is compelling. The approach that the authors use
is a broad mix of the disciplinary perspectives providing better
insights concerning white privilege. As a result, the authors
made significant contributions towards theorizing white
privilege (Bergo and Tracey, 170). The authors of the book
communicate the way racism affects democracy where the
people democratic rights are influenced by the issue of race.
The racial diversity in the United States seems to have great
influence on the democracy environment. Comment by
LRC: The information in this paragraph is not necessary in this
kind of paper. It might be useful in your Book Review
presentation. But this is not a book review and so it doesn’t
belong here.
According to the book, the political climate in the United States
has been affected by the racial issues. The ideas of different
scholars concerning marginalization in literature are to examine
the whiteness idea. While considering the racial background in
the United States that is diverse, the authors provided their
theoretical insight that is critically informed based on their
narrative. Failing to recognize white and blacks can be a
strategy towards eliminating the aspects of racism where people
can be able to appreciate the differences. The authors seem to
be encouraging people to put aside the racial differences to
enhance democracy (Bergo and Tracey, 158). The political
climate seems to be greatly influenced by the way the political
systems perceive the different races.
Actually, this article helps me to support my thesis on the
opposite aspect. By talking about how white people possess
their privilege and the black have different treatment, the author
advocates that racism should be eliminated. Black live matters
the same with everyone else. Comment by LRC: Again, in this
paragraph you should be coming back to your image and seeing
how you can analyze it differently based on the insight from the
These two articles perfectly connect to each other because the
book "I don't see color "show the privileges of whiteness and
the speech from Clapper mainly talked about discrimination that
the black received. From two opposite aspects, these two
sources demonstrate how the black receive unequal treat.
Therefore, by utilizing these two sources, my theme, which is
"Black Lives Matter "and we should pay much attention to
achieve equality between the black and the white.
I believe that in order to assist the black receive equal treatment
with the white, staffs of the government , such as the police,
should fundamentally eliminate discrimination towards the
black. Then the idea of equality between the black and the white
can be achieved.
Unfortunately, you still do not understand what you are
supposed to do in this assignment. As we discussed on Friday,
your task here is to describe and analyze the woman’s protest in
the photo. On Friday we talked about three details you could
use as a place to start your analysis: her sign, her shirt, and the
fact that she is in the middle of a crowded street. Then your job
is to summarize your secondary sources and show how each
sources changes or expands your analysis of the artifact.
Below I have copy and pasted the outline that I shared with
everyone two weeks ago. This was the format I suggested you
follow for this assignment. Your rough draft is due next
Wednesday. I suggest that you use this outline to help re-
structure your ideas and keep the focus on your artifact as you
write your rough draft. I have written next to each number
below, exactly what you should include in each paragraph.
Unfortunately, you have earned a D on this assignment because
the only parts of the required components of the secondary
source integration that you completed were the summaries of
the secondary sources. If you are able to transform your SSI
into a rough draft that contains each of the components in the
outline below, I will adjust your SSI grade.
Please let me know if you have questions.
Secondary Source Integration Outline
1. First paragraph: Identification of your artifact/primary source
(who created it, where it was first published, and on what date.
You should include the circumstances of the image, for
example, it was taken at a protest in New York City after a
police officer killed Eric Garner.).
2. Second paragraph: A detailed description of your artifact (so
that the reader can understand what you are analyzing without
having to see or hear it. In your case, this should include the
woman, that she is wearing, where she is standing, what does
her face look like, who else is in the picture, what are they
doing, etc.)
3. One or two paragraphs: Your initial analysis of the artifact
(here you write about what her protest is communicating and
how. You can focus on the words of her sign, her shirt, the fact
that she is in the street, taking her message to people while they
go about their business. You should write about whether her
message makes a logical argument—logos—or appeals to the
audience’s emotions—pathos—or both.)
4. One paragraph: Introduce your first secondary source
(Include the author, title, publication source and date, and then
summarize the author's claims. You do not need to critique the
whole book. Just tell us the most important arguments of the
5. One or two paragraphs: Use the first secondary source to
analyze your artifact (How do the author's claims expand,
change, complicate, or contradict your initial analysis of the
picture of the woman?)
6. One paragraph: Introduce your second secondary source
(Include the author, title, publication source and date, and then
summarize the author's claims. Regarding the book “I don’t see
color” it might be better to choose one article from the book
that you can summarize more distinctly.)
7. One or two paragraphs: Use the second secondary source to
analyze your artifact (How do the author's claims expand,
change, complicate, or contradict your initial analysis of the
picture of the woman?)
8. One paragraph: Put the secondary sources in conversation
(Show how the two secondary sources relate to each other or
contradict each other)
9. One or two paragraphs: Add yourself to the conversation
(Use your own ideas to add, expand, complicate, ask questions,
or form new conclusions about the picture of the woman based
on the ways you have used your secondary sources to develop
your analysis.)
Works cited
Bergo, Bettina and Tracey Nicholls. “I Don’t See Color”:
Personal and Critical Perspectives on White Privilege.Penn
State University Press. 2015
Clapper R. James, Why Black Lives Matter To U.S.
Intelligence, 2016
Edwards, & Bradford, S. (2016). Black Lives Matter. ABDO,

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You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docxYou must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include the Textbook definition and a picture f.docx
You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docx
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You must include 6 references, two that must come peer-reviewed .docx
You must have the Project Libre to create this! Develop a chart .docx
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You must have access to the book needed for the Case Study part. I w.docx
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ARP Step 3 Secondary Source Integration InstructionThe Secondar.docx

  • 1. ARP Step 3: Secondary Source Integration Instruction The Secondary Source Integration asks you to revisit your work in the Primary Source Analysis and the Annotated Bibliography. You will extend or rethink your original analytical claims and integrate secondary evidence seamlessly and effectively into your own writing. Below you will find a list of objectives for the assignment. Be sure to follow the directions outlined in Getting Started carefully as you seek to extend the work completed in STEP 1: Primary Source Analysis. Your work should be 4-5 pages, double-spaced, typed in 12- point font, and set to 1” margins. Objectives: · Identify two (2) timely, useful, credible, and relevant secondary sources from Step 2: Annotated Bibliography. Your work with these sources should help you revise and extend the work you completed in Step 1: Primary Source Analysis · Demonstrate the ability to comprehend the central arguments of these sources · Perform meaningful, thoughtful analysis of these secondary sources · Assert and maintain your own critical voice rather than letting the secondary evidence speak for you · Develop an evolving thesis to orient your analysis and source integration · Integrate secondary sources into your analysis by paraphrasing and/or directly citing the writers’ language and ideas · Include proper in-text citations of each source and an appropriately formatted Works Cited page using MLA guidelines Getting Started: Extending Your PSA · Return to your Primary Source Analysis, look over my comments, and decide which parts you plan to focus on in your
  • 2. final paper. This will probably require expanding or deleting parts of your initial analysis. · Consider each secondary source’s main argument and how it relates to, supports, complicates, or differs from the argument you plan to make in your final paper. · The Secondary Source Integration should not simply be added onto the end of your Primary Source Analysis but rather woven in and responding to specific elements of your own analysis. I recommend that you open a new document when you begin your Secondary Source Integration. You can cut and paste from your Primary Source Analysis and Annotated Bibliography as needed. · Choose two sources that will allow you to engage in conversation, not just sources that agree with or support your main point. · Use the secondary evidence to extend and revise the analysis completed in Step 1: Primary Source Analysis. This is an opportunity to add new sentences to existing paragraphs, to add new paragraphs, and, in general, to revise the existing Primary Source Analysis. Developing Your SSI In order to complete the extension and revision of your previous work, consider the following steps: 1. Focus on your own analytical claims. Interaction with secondary sources should allow for your Research Questions to evolve and to take shape, enabling you to revise or extend claims made in the previous assignment. 2. Focus on analyzing and integrating the secondary evidence into the conversation. This step requires you to demonstrate how to effectively use secondary sources. 3. Focus your evolving thesis around a compelling analytical claim while also accounting for all relevant evidence. You should especially focus on: 1. Making your Sources Speak by giving evidence (quotes or paraphrases) from each article that shows the article does make
  • 3. the claims you say it makes. You might ask yourself whether or not you have explained the connection between your claims and the secondary evidence completely and explicitly. 2. Putting your Sources into Conversation with One Another. This move requires that you understand the arguments of the secondary sources and are able to convey this understanding via paraphrase and direct citation. As the title suggests, the emphasis of this step is on you making the sources speak rather than letting the words that you paraphrase or cite speak for themselves or for you; instead, maintain your own critical voice and make clear that the secondary evidence is one part of the conversation, not the featured speaker. 3. Integrating Sources into your own writing by paraphrasing or splicing quotations into your text. 4. Citing Sources in proper MLA Style (See “MLA Citation and Style Guide”). You should end the assignment with correct MLA Works Cited entries of the two secondary sources and your primary source. 7 Secondary Source Integration When talking about the theme, which is black live matter, sometimes a picture could better explain the content than words. This picture below demonstrates a black woman holding a plate, which says “BLACK LIVES MATTER”. She is yelling and fighting for her rights, because black Americans always have low status in society. This source could perfectly accord with my main theme because my theme is placed on importance of black Americans’ life. The picture conveys that black Americans are eager for safeguarding their rights. There are many unsolved problems of black Americans. Comment by LRC: The first paragraph should include the name of the photographer and the date and place the picture was first
  • 4. published. The fact that the US is carrying some races is being used to show lots of discrimination on people who are black. It is in fact very clear that the white race is not going to accept to be equal with the black or any other people of color, and especially the black people. Injustices are shown to the black people from all the angles, right from their places of residence, their workplaces and even from the government. The efforts that the black people are making in trying to get balanced are not bearing any fruit, and instead, the efforts are making things worse (Edwards & Bradford, 2016) Comment by LRC: The second paragraph should be a detailed description of the image. What does the woman look like, what is her expression on her face, what does her sign say, how is she holding it, what is she wearing, what other people are in the image, what are they doing, where is the woman, what time of day is it, etc. Comment by LRC: The third paragraph should be an analysis of the image. What can you tell from the different details. What message does the woman’s protest communicate (her shirt, her sign, the fact that she is in the street, etc) Does her message make a logical argument or an appeal to emotions or both? The source “why black live matters” is a speech from James Clapper in Morehouse College on November 4, 2016. The source explores the discrimination of the black people. Clapper as the director of national intelligence, United States discussed the aspects of discrimination of the black people in numerous ways. The useful role played by the black people in the development especially in the US intelligence is explained where the blacks are important in the political aspects in the United States. The lives of the blacks seem to be intertwined with politics in different ways with many people willing to ensure change is implemented. Comment by LRC: Specifically what roles does he say Black people have played in US Intelligence. According to the article, there are many people who are willing
  • 5. to listen to the blacks, but some challenges seem to arise. For example, activists try to engage the political system they intend to change but fail to capitalize and compromise. The article is showing the efforts of the blacks to make sure that their voice is heard in different parts to claim then rights of the blacks. The blacks were discriminated in different ways despite their immense contributions in the political environment in the United States. The author of the article demonstrates the intention of the blacks to ensure that the discrimination they face is eliminated (Clapper, 55). The fight for the rights of blacks to be free from discrimination was successful where the integrity of the black people was to be restored. Comment by LRC: It sounds like he is being critical of the Black Lives Matter movement. Do you agree? It sounds like he is saying the problem is that they won’t compromise in order to get some of what they want. How do you think this relates to the woman in the picture? Can you see how Clapper would say that she is “not compromising” and therefore never going to achieve equality? You could use this idea to try on a different analysis of her protest and then later use an article from the White privilege book to show how, in fact it is white people who do not compromise. This is the kind of thing I am talking about when I say you need to use the articles as a lens to view the artifact. The importance of the lives of the blacks is explored in the article where the blacks feel that their rights are compromised. The struggle for the rights of the black people has not been easy, but the blacks seem to have been determined to achieve their goals in the freedom fight. Through the eagerness of the black Americans to achieve their freedom from discrimination, many political changes are brought into action. The issues of racial conflict are shown in the article as the blacks are treated in a way that is not fair as compared to the other races. The whites are considered as the superior race with the blacks being
  • 6. ignored and their rights compromised (Clapper, 56). The author explores how the black Americans are not willing to let their rights to continue being compromised. As a result, the black Americans are ready to make sure that they tirelessly fight for their rights. This article mainly demonstrates my central theme, which is “Black Live Matter”, through presenting how the black fight for their rights and freedom and how they try to gain equality. From the real experience from Clapper, he proposes that the black is supposed to enjoy same rights with the white. Comment by LRC: In this paragraph, instead of coming back to your “theme”, you should come back to your image and write about how the arguments of the article lead you to analyze your image in a new way. “I don’t see color” is a book, which was published in Penn State University in 2015, talked about whiteness and racism. Bergo, Bettina and Tracey Nicholls are the authors of the book where the authors show the support to the black lives and the privileges of the whiteness. The arguments of the authors show that the contemporary conversations concerning the white privilege and the white supremacy are very far from being finished (Bergo and Tracey, 180). The book tries to bring together some recognized voices in the process of presenting critical whiteness studies. The authors offered creative multi- stylistic approach through making use of their live examples. The racism aspects in the book are being presented using conversations that can help in influencing social changes. According to the book, the contemporary conversation concerning white privileges is based on the superiority of the race. The white seems to be favored in different political and social systems, unlike the black Americans. The white privilege brings an aspiration that is different from the current American reality. Failing to see color helps in criticizing the white studies literature as it discourages racism in numerous ways. The authors seem to examine the white privilege as distinguished contributors in sociology and political science (Bergo and
  • 7. Tracey, 210). The political aspects that are considered in the book are ranging from incisive post-colonial to the intellectual narratives concerning the aspects of racism in America. Comment by LRC: This is all very general and that makes it hard to apply the arguments to your analysis of the image. You might be better off choosing one article from the book and just working with those arguments. There are some protests that, have been arranged so that the black people can claim their rights of equality, but almost all of them have had the same effect. The people who are demonstrating are beaten by the police who use strikers, canes, tear gas and who even shooting especially when they are unable to calm the situation. This is a very wrong way to handle demonstrators because there is the right to demonstrate and while they do so in a peaceful way, they should not be mishandled. Things are quite different when white people demonstrate, because they are not mishandled in any way, and the police may be following them only to make sure that they do not go against the law. Comment by LRC: Okay, now this is something you can use. What does it tell you about the woman’s message if she is willing to take her message to the streets even though she can not be sure that her right to protest will be protected, and in fact, participating in a protest might result in bodily harm … something that white people’s life experience does not require them to think about. The authors do not see color as an important resource for reflecting on the white privilege and extension of critical extensions of the whiteness studies. According to the author, color is an essential multidisciplinary resource that can be used in addressing racism. The book has used a braided narrative approach that is compelling. The approach that the authors use is a broad mix of the disciplinary perspectives providing better insights concerning white privilege. As a result, the authors made significant contributions towards theorizing white privilege (Bergo and Tracey, 170). The authors of the book
  • 8. communicate the way racism affects democracy where the people democratic rights are influenced by the issue of race. The racial diversity in the United States seems to have great influence on the democracy environment. Comment by LRC: The information in this paragraph is not necessary in this kind of paper. It might be useful in your Book Review presentation. But this is not a book review and so it doesn’t belong here. According to the book, the political climate in the United States has been affected by the racial issues. The ideas of different scholars concerning marginalization in literature are to examine the whiteness idea. While considering the racial background in the United States that is diverse, the authors provided their theoretical insight that is critically informed based on their narrative. Failing to recognize white and blacks can be a strategy towards eliminating the aspects of racism where people can be able to appreciate the differences. The authors seem to be encouraging people to put aside the racial differences to enhance democracy (Bergo and Tracey, 158). The political climate seems to be greatly influenced by the way the political systems perceive the different races. Actually, this article helps me to support my thesis on the opposite aspect. By talking about how white people possess their privilege and the black have different treatment, the author advocates that racism should be eliminated. Black live matters the same with everyone else. Comment by LRC: Again, in this paragraph you should be coming back to your image and seeing how you can analyze it differently based on the insight from the book. These two articles perfectly connect to each other because the book "I don't see color "show the privileges of whiteness and the speech from Clapper mainly talked about discrimination that the black received. From two opposite aspects, these two sources demonstrate how the black receive unequal treat. Therefore, by utilizing these two sources, my theme, which is "Black Lives Matter "and we should pay much attention to
  • 9. achieve equality between the black and the white. I believe that in order to assist the black receive equal treatment with the white, staffs of the government , such as the police, should fundamentally eliminate discrimination towards the black. Then the idea of equality between the black and the white can be achieved. , Unfortunately, you still do not understand what you are supposed to do in this assignment. As we discussed on Friday, your task here is to describe and analyze the woman’s protest in the photo. On Friday we talked about three details you could use as a place to start your analysis: her sign, her shirt, and the fact that she is in the middle of a crowded street. Then your job is to summarize your secondary sources and show how each sources changes or expands your analysis of the artifact. Below I have copy and pasted the outline that I shared with everyone two weeks ago. This was the format I suggested you follow for this assignment. Your rough draft is due next Wednesday. I suggest that you use this outline to help re- structure your ideas and keep the focus on your artifact as you write your rough draft. I have written next to each number below, exactly what you should include in each paragraph. Unfortunately, you have earned a D on this assignment because the only parts of the required components of the secondary source integration that you completed were the summaries of the secondary sources. If you are able to transform your SSI into a rough draft that contains each of the components in the outline below, I will adjust your SSI grade. Please let me know if you have questions. Secondary Source Integration Outline
  • 10. 1. First paragraph: Identification of your artifact/primary source (who created it, where it was first published, and on what date. You should include the circumstances of the image, for example, it was taken at a protest in New York City after a police officer killed Eric Garner.). 2. Second paragraph: A detailed description of your artifact (so that the reader can understand what you are analyzing without having to see or hear it. In your case, this should include the woman, that she is wearing, where she is standing, what does her face look like, who else is in the picture, what are they doing, etc.) 3. One or two paragraphs: Your initial analysis of the artifact (here you write about what her protest is communicating and how. You can focus on the words of her sign, her shirt, the fact that she is in the street, taking her message to people while they go about their business. You should write about whether her message makes a logical argument—logos—or appeals to the audience’s emotions—pathos—or both.) 4. One paragraph: Introduce your first secondary source (Include the author, title, publication source and date, and then summarize the author's claims. You do not need to critique the whole book. Just tell us the most important arguments of the book.) 5. One or two paragraphs: Use the first secondary source to analyze your artifact (How do the author's claims expand, change, complicate, or contradict your initial analysis of the picture of the woman?) 6. One paragraph: Introduce your second secondary source (Include the author, title, publication source and date, and then summarize the author's claims. Regarding the book “I don’t see color” it might be better to choose one article from the book that you can summarize more distinctly.) 7. One or two paragraphs: Use the second secondary source to analyze your artifact (How do the author's claims expand, change, complicate, or contradict your initial analysis of the picture of the woman?)
  • 11. 8. One paragraph: Put the secondary sources in conversation (Show how the two secondary sources relate to each other or contradict each other) 9. One or two paragraphs: Add yourself to the conversation (Use your own ideas to add, expand, complicate, ask questions, or form new conclusions about the picture of the woman based on the ways you have used your secondary sources to develop your analysis.) Works cited Bergo, Bettina and Tracey Nicholls. “I Don’t See Color”: Personal and Critical Perspectives on White Privilege.Penn State University Press. 2015 Clapper R. James, Why Black Lives Matter To U.S. Intelligence, 2016 Edwards, & Bradford, S. (2016). Black Lives Matter. ABDO, 2016. 7