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Elixir em um
final de semana
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O Simples Hello World!
Testes com ExUnit
Pattern Matching com Fibonacci
Tail Recursion com Cálculo Fatorial
O Operador |> (pipe)
Próximos finais de semana
Por que Elixir?
Porque sim Zequinha
Elixir e Erlang
Funcional BR HUE!
Divertida e performática
Elixir <- Erlang
Hello World!
$> iex
iex(1)> IO.puts("Hello World!")
Hello World!
$> iex
iex(1)> IO.puts("Hello World!")
Hello World!
iex(1)> IO.puts("Hello World!")
Módulo IO
Função puts/1
Criando módulos
defmodule HelloWorld do
def hello() do
“Hello World”
defmodule HelloWorld do
def hello() do
“Hello World”
defmodule HelloWorld do
Módulo HelloWorld
defmodule HelloWorld do
def hello() do
“Hello World”
def hello() do
“Hello World”
Função hello/0
defmodule HelloWorld do
def hello() do
“Hello World”
$> iex
iex(1)> Code.load_file(“hello_world.exs")
iex(2)> HelloWorld.hello()
"Hello World"
$> iex
iex(1)> Code.load_file(“hello_world.exs")
iex(2)> HelloWorld.hello()
"Hello World"
iex(1)> Code.load_file(“hello_world.exs")
iex(2)> HelloWorld.hello()
Carrega arquivo ”hello_world.exs”
Chama função hello/0
Modificando módulos com hot reload
defmodule HelloWorld do
def hello() do
“Hello World”
def hello(name) do
“Hello #{name}”
defmodule HelloWorld do
def hello(name) do
“Hello #{name}”
defmodule HelloWorld do
def hello(name) do
“Hello #{name}”
$> iex
iex(1)> Code.load_file(“hello_world.exs")
iex(2)> HelloWorld.hello()
"Hello World”
iex(3)> HelloWorld.hello(“Lambda I/O“)
** (UndefinedFunctionError)
$> iex
iex(1)> Code.load_file(“hello_world.exs")
iex(2)> HelloWorld.hello()
"Hello World”
iex(3)> HelloWorld.hello(“Lambda I/O“)
** (UndefinedFunctionError)
iex(4)> r(HelloWorld)
iex(5)> HelloWorld.hello(“Lambda I/O“)
"Hello Lambda I/O”
$> iex
iex(1)> Code.load_file(“hello_world.exs")
iex(2)> HelloWorld.hello()
"Hello World”
iex(3)> HelloWorld.hello(“Lambda I/O“)
** (UndefinedFunctionError)
iex(4)> r(HelloWorld)
iex(5)> HelloWorld.hello(“Lambda I/O“)
"Hello Lambda I/O”
iex(4)> r(HelloWorld)
iex(5)> HelloWorld.hello(“Lambda I/O“)
"Hello Lambda I/O”
r Recarrega o módulo HelloWorld
Agora podemos acessar hello/1
Testes com ExUnit
defmodule HelloWorld do
def hello() do
“Hello World”
def hello(name) do
“Hello #{name}”
defmodule HelloWorldTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "returns Hello World" do
HelloWorld.hello == "Hello World"
$> elixir hello_world_test.exs
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load,
0.00s on tests)
1 test, 0 failures
Anatomia de um caso de test ExUnit
defmodule HelloWorldTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "returns Hello World" do
HelloWorld.hello == "Hello World"
defmodule HelloWorldTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "returns Hello World" do
HelloWorld.hello == "Hello World"
defmodule HelloWorldTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
defmodule HelloWorldTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "returns Hello World" do
HelloWorld.hello == "Hello World"
test "returns Hello World" do
HelloWorld.hello == "Hello World"
Saída em caso de falhas
$> elixir hello_world_test.exs
1) test returns Hello World
Assertion with == failed
code: HelloWorld.hello() == "Hello
not World"
left: "Hello World"
right: "Hello not World"
hello_world_test.exs:9: (test)
Sequência Fibonacci
com Pattern
defmodule FibonacciTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "fibonacci 0 is 0" do
assert Fibonacci.calculate(0) == 0
defmodule Fibonacci do
def calculate(number) do
$> elixir fib_test.exs
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load,
0.00s on tests)
1 test, 0 failures
test "fibonacci 0 is 0" do
assert Fibonacci.calculate(0) == 0
test "fibonacci 1 is 1" do
assert Fibonacci.calculate(1) == 1
test "fibonacci 2 is 1" do
assert Fibonacci.calculate(2) == 1
def calculate(n) do
cond do
n <= 0 -> 0
n == 1 -> 1
true ->
calculate(n-2) + calculate(n-1)
$> elixir fib_test.exs
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load,
0.00s on tests)
3 test, 0 failures
Utilizando Pattern Matching
def calculate(n) do
case n do
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
_ -> calculate(n-2) + calculate(n-1)
def calculate(n) do
case n do
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
_ -> calculate(n-2) + calculate(n-1)
case n do
$> elixir fib_test.exs
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load,
0.00s on tests)
3 test, 0 failures
Utilizando Pattern Matching nos argumentos
def calculate(0), do: 0
def calculate(1), do: 1
def calculate(n) do
calculate(n-2) + calculate(n-1)
$> elixir fib_test.exs
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load,
0.00s on tests)
3 test, 0 failures
Guard Clause nos métodos
test "raise ArgumentError" do
assert_raise ArgumentError, fn ->
def calculate(0), do: 0
def calculate(1), do: 1
def calculate(n) when n < 0 do
raise ArgumentError
def calculate(n) do
calculate(n-2) + calculate(n-1)
def calculate(n) when n < 0 do
raise ArgumentError
Cálculo Fatorial com
Tail Recursion
defmodule FactorialTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "factorial of 0 is 1" do
assert Factorial.of(0) == 1
defmodule Factorial do
def of(0), do: 1
test "factorial of 1 is 1" do
assert Factorial.of(1) == 1
defmodule Factorial do
def of(0), do: 1
def of(n) do
of(n-1) * n
Otimizando com Tail recursion
test "factorial of 100000" do
assert Factorial.of(100_000)
@tag timeout: 600_000
test "factorial of 500000" do
assert Factorial.of(500_000)
defmodule Factorial do
def of(n), do: of(n, 1)
defp of(0, accumulator), do: accumulator
defp of(n, accumulator) do
of(n-1, accumulator*n)
defmodule Factorial do
def of(n), do: of(n, 1)
defp of(0, accumulator), do: accumulator
defp of(n, accumulator) do
of(n-1, accumulator*n)
def of(n), do: of(n, 1)
of/1 of/2
defmodule Factorial do
def of(n), do: of(n, 1)
defp of(0, accumulator), do: accumulator
defp of(n, accumulator) do
of(n-1, accumulator*n)
defp of(0, accumulator), do: accumulator
defmodule Factorial do
def of(n), do: of(n, 1)
defp of(0, accumulator), do: accumulator
defp of(n, accumulator) do
of(n-1, accumulator*n)
defp of(n, accumulator) do
of(n-1, accumulator*n)
$> elixir factorial_test.exs
Finished in 254.2 seconds (0.05s on
load, 254.2s on tests)
4 tests, 0 failures
Formando acrônimos
e o operador |> (pipe)
defmodule AcronymTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "it produces acronyms from title
case" do
assert Acronym.abbreviate("Portable
Networks Graphic") === "PNG"
defmodule Acronym do
def abbreviate(title) do
separated_names =
String.split(title, " ")
capitalized_letters =
defmodule Acronym do
defp capitalize_letters(names) do, fn(name) ->
first_letter = String.first(name)
$> elixir acronym.exs
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load,
0.00s on tests)
1 test, 0 failures
Refatorando com o |>
defp capitalize_letters(names) do, fn(name) ->
defp capitalize_letters(names) do, fn(name) ->
defp capitalize_letters(names) do, fn(name) ->
|> String.capitalize()
defp capitalize_letters(names) do, fn(name) ->
|> String.capitalize()
|> String.capitalize()
$> elixir acronym.exs
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load,
0.00s on tests)
1 test, 0 failures
Refatorando com o |>, de novo
defmodule Acronym do
def abbreviate(title) do
separated_names =
String.split(title, " ")
capitalized_letters =
def abbreviate(title) do
String.split(title, " ")
|> capitalize_letters()
|> Enum.join()
def abbreviate(title) do
String.split(title, " ")
|> capitalize_letters()
|> Enum.join()
String.split(title, " ")
|> capitalize_letters()
|> Enum.join()
$> elixir acronym.exs
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load,
0.00s on tests)
1 test, 0 failures
O que mais?
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Elixir getting started (
Grok Podcast

Elixir Koans

Próximos passos
Manipulação de listas
Phoenix web framework

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