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the not-so-hidden path to Erlang
A Coruña, February 1st, 2018
Laura M. Castro
Universidade da Coruña 1
Born in 1986, released ’98
◦ Lightweight, isolated
Multiplatform VM
Transparent distribution
OTP behaviours
Hot code swap
Born in 1986, released ’98
◦ Lightweight, isolated
Multiplatform VM
Transparent distribution
OTP behaviours
Hot code swap
Born in 2011
Runs on the Erlang VM
Can invoke Erlang code
Born in 1986, released ’98
◦ Lightweight, isolated
Multiplatform VM
Transparent distribution
OTP behaviours
Hot code swap
Dynamic typing
Single assignment
Eager evaluation
Dynamic typing
Variable rebinding
Lazy collections
Strings are not lists
Pipeline operator
Polymorphism via
Dynamic typing
Single assignment
Eager evaluation
Dynamic typing
Variable rebinding
Lazy collections
Strings are not lists
Pipeline operator
Polymorphism via
Dynamic typing
Single assignment
Eager evaluation
1 defmodule World do
3 def hello(who) do
4 IO.puts "Hello, #{inspect who}!"
5 end
7 end
1 -module(world).
3 -export([hello/1]).
5 hello(Who) ->
6 io:format("Hello, ~p!~n", [Who]).
1 defmodule World do
3 def hello(who) do
4 IO.puts "Hello, #{inspect who}!"
5 end
7 end
1 -module(world).
3 -export([hello/1]).
5 hello(Who) ->
6 io:format("Hello, ~p!~n", [Who]).
1 defmodule World do
3 def hello(who) do
4 IO.puts "Hello, #{inspect who}!"
5 end
7 end
1 -module(world).
3 -export([hello/1]).
5 hello(Who) ->
6 io:format("Hello, ~p!~n", [Who]).
1 defmodule Boolean do
2 @moduledoc """
3 Simple pattern matching
4 """
6 @doc """
7 Operator ’not’.
9 ## Parameters
11 - value: boolean to be negated
13 """
14 @spec b_not(boolean) :: boolean
15 def b_not(true), do: false
16 def b_not(false), do: true
18 @doc """
19 Operator ’and’.
21 ## Parameters
23 - value1, value2: booleans to operate
25 """
26 @spec b_and(boolean , boolean) ::
27 def b_and(true, true), do: true
28 def b_and(_, _), do: false
1 %%% @doc Simple pattern matching
2 %%% @end
3 -module(boolean).
5 -export([b_not/1, b_and/2]).
7 %% @doc Operator ’not’.
8 %% @end
9 -spec b_not(Value :: boolean()) ->
10 b_not(true) -> false;
11 b_not(false) -> true.
13 %% @doc Operator ’and’.
14 %% @end
15 -spec b_and(Value1 :: boolean(),
16 Value2 :: boolean()) ->
17 b_and(true, true) ->
18 true;
19 b_and(Value1, Value2) ->
20 false.
1 ExUnit.start
3 defmodule BooleanTest do
4 @moduledoc """
5 Simple pattern matching (tests)
6 """
8 use ExUnit.Case
9 doctest Boolean
11 test "Boolean negation" do
12 assert Boolean.b_not(false)
13 refute Boolean.b_not(true)
14 end
16 test "Boolean AND" do
17 assert Boolean.b_and(true, true)
18 refute Boolean.b_and(true, false)
19 refute Boolean.b_and(false, true)
20 refute Boolean.b_and(false, false)
21 end
23 end
1 %%% @doc Simple pattern matching (tests)
2 %%% @end
3 -module(boolean_tests).
5 -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
7 b_not_test() ->
8 ?assert(boolean:b_not(false)),
9 ?assertNot(boolean:b_not(true)).
11 b_and_test() ->
12 ?assert(boolean:b_and(true,true)),
13 ?assertNot(boolean:b_and(true,false)),
14 ?assertNot(boolean:b_and(false,true)),
15 ?assertNot(boolean:b_and(false,false)).
1 defmodule Create do
2 @moduledoc """
3 Creating lists
4 """
6 def create(n) when n>0 do
7 acc_forward(1, n, [])
8 end
10 def reverse_create(n) when n>0 do
11 acc_backwards(n, 1, [])
12 end
14 def acc_forward(a, a, l), do: [a|l]
15 def acc_forward(a, b, l), do:
acc_forward(a, b-1, [b|l])
17 def acc_backwards(a, a, l), do: [a|l]
18 def acc_backwards(a, b, l), do:
acc_backwards(a, b+1, [b|l])
20 end
1 %%% @doc Creating lists
2 %%% @end
3 -module(create).
5 -export([create/1, reverse_create/1]).
7 create(N) when N>0 ->
8 acc_forward(1, N, []).
10 reverse_create(N) when N>0 ->
11 acc_backwards(N, 1, []).
13 acc_forward(A, A, L) -> [A | L];
14 acc_forward(A, B, L) ->
15 acc_forward(A, B-1, [B | L]).
17 acc_backwards(A, A, L) -> [A | L];
18 acc_backwards(A, B, L) ->
19 acc_backwards(A, B+1, [B | L]).
1 defmodule CreateProps do
2 @moduledoc """
3 Creating lists (test properties)
4 """
6 use ExUnit.Case
7 use PropCheck
8 doctest Create
10 property "List creation" do
11 forall i <- positive_integer() do
12 Create.create(i+1) == Enum.to_list
13 end
14 end
16 property "Reverse list creation" do
17 forall i <- positive_integer() do
18 Create.reverse_create(i+1) == Enum.
19 end
20 end
22 end
1 %%% @doc Creating lists (test properties)
2 %%% @end
3 -module(create_props).
5 -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl")
6 -compile(export_all).
8 prop_create() ->
9 ?FORALL(I, positive_integer(),
10 create:create(I) == lists:seq(1, I)).
12 prop_reverse_create() ->
13 ?FORALL(I, positive_integer(),
14 create:reverse_create(I) == lists:
reverse(lists:seq(1, I))).
1 defmodule CreateProps do
2 @moduledoc """
3 Creating lists (test properties)
4 """
6 use ExUnit.Case
7 use PropCheck
8 doctest Create
10 property "List creation" do
11 forall i <- positive_integer() do
12 Create.create(i+1) == Enum.to_list
13 end
14 end
16 property "Reverse list creation" do
17 forall i <- positive_integer() do
18 Create.reverse_create(i+1) == Enum.
19 end
20 end
22 end
1 %%% @doc Creating lists (test properties)
2 %%% @end
3 -module(create_props).
5 -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl")
6 -compile(export_all).
8 prop_create() ->
9 ?FORALL(I, positive_integer(),
10 create:create(I) == lists:seq(1, I)).
12 prop_reverse_create() ->
13 ?FORALL(I, positive_integer(),
14 create:reverse_create(I) == lists:
reverse(lists:seq(1, I))).
1 defmodule DbProcess do
2 @moduledoc """
3 Database handling using a process
4 """
6 def new(), do: spawn(DbProcess , :loop,
8 def write(key, element , dbref) do
9 send dbref, {:write, key, element}
10 dbref
11 end
13 def delete(key, dbref) do
14 send dbref, {:delete, key}
15 dbref
16 end
18 def read(key, dbref) do
19 send dbref, {:read, key, self()}
20 receive do
21 {_dbref, :found, element} -> {:ok,
22 {_dbref, :notfound} -> {:
error, :instance}
23 end
24 end
1 %%% @doc Database handling using a
2 %%% @end
3 -module(db_process).
5 -export([new/0, write/3, delete/2, read
/2, match/2, destroy/1]).
7 new() ->
8 spawn(?MODULE, loop, [[]]).
10 write(Key, Element , DbRef) ->
11 DbRef ! {write, Key, Element},
12 DbRef.
14 delete(Key, DbRef) ->
15 DbRef ! {delete, Key},
16 DbRef.
18 read(Key, DbRef) ->
19 DbRef ! {read, Key, self()},
20 receive
21 {DbRef, found, Element} -> {ok,
22 {DbRef, notfound} -> {error,
23 end.
25 def match(element , dbref) do
26 send dbref, {:match, element , self()}
27 receive do
28 {_dbref, keys} -> keys
29 end
30 end
32 def destroy(dbref) do
33 send dbref, :stop
34 :ok
35 end
24 match(Element , DbRef) ->
25 DbRef ! {match, Element , self()},
26 receive
27 {DbRef, Keys} -> Keys
28 end.
30 destroy(DbRef) ->
31 DbRef ! stop,
32 ok.
36 def loop(db) do
37 receive do
38 {:write, key, element} -> loop([{
key, element} | db])
39 {:delete, key} -> loop(
acc_delete(key, db, []))
40 {:read, key, who} ->
41 case List.keyfind(db, key, 0) do
42 nil -> send who, {
self(), :notfound}
43 {_key, element} -> send who, {
self(), :found, element}
44 end
45 loop(db)
46 {:match, element , who} ->
47 keys = acc_match(element , db, [])
48 send who, {self(), keys}
49 loop(db)
50 :stop ->
51 :ok
52 end
53 end
33 loop(Db) ->
34 receive
35 {write, Key, Element} ->
36 loop([{Key, Element} | Db]);
37 {delete, Key} ->
38 loop(lists:keydelete(Key, 1, Db));
39 {read, Key, Who} ->
40 case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Db) of
41 false ->
42 Who ! {self(), notfound};
43 {Key, Element} ->
44 Who ! {self(), found, Element}
45 end,
46 loop(Db);
47 {match, Element , Who} ->
48 Keys = acc_match(Element , Db, []),
49 Who ! {self(), Keys},
50 loop(Db);
51 stop ->
52 ok
53 end.
1 defmodule DbGenServer do
2 @moduledoc """
3 Database handling using OTP
4 """
6 use GenServer
8 def new() do
9 GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__ , [],
name: DbGenServer)
10 end
12 def write(key, element) do
13 GenServer.cast(DbGenServer , {:write,
key, element})
14 end
16 def delete(key) do
17 GenServer.cast(DbGenServer , {:delete,
18 end
20 def read(key) do
21 , {:read,
22 end
1 %% @doc Database handling using OTP
2 %% @end
3 -module(db_gen_server).
4 -behaviour(gen_server).
6 -export([new/0, write/2, delete/1, read
/1, match/1, destroy/0]).
7 -export([init/1, handle_call/3,
handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
9 -define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
11 new() ->
12 gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER},
?MODULE, [], []).
14 write(Key, Element) ->
15 gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {write, Key,
17 delete(Key) ->
18 gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {delete, Key})
20 read(Key) ->
21 gen_server:call(?SERVER, {read, Key}).
23 def match(element) do
24 , {:match,
25 end
27 def destroy() do
28 GenServer.stop(DbGenServer)
29 end
31 ## GenServer Callbacks
33 def init([]) do
34 {:ok, []}
35 end
37 def handle_call({:read, key}, _from,
state) do
38 reply = case List.keyfind(state, key,
0) do
39 nil -> {:error, :instance}
40 {_key, element} -> {:ok, element}
41 end
42 {:reply, reply, state}
43 end
44 def handle_call({:match, element},
_from, state) do
45 keys = acc_match(element , state, [])
46 {:reply, keys, state}
47 end
22 match(Element) ->
23 gen_server:call(?SERVER, {match,
25 destroy() ->
26 gen_server:stop(?SERVER).
28 % gen_server callbacks
30 init([]) ->
31 {ok, []}.
33 handle_call({read, Key}, _From, State) ->
34 Reply = case lists:keyfind(Key, 1,
State) of
35 false ->
36 {error, instance};
37 {Key, Element} ->
38 {ok, Element}
39 end,
40 {reply, Reply, State};
41 handle_call({match, Element}, _From,
State) ->
42 Keys = acc_match(Element , State, []),
43 {reply, Keys, State}.
48 def handle_cast({:write, key, element},
state) do
49 {:noreply , [{key, element} | state]}
50 end
51 def handle_cast({:delete, key}, state)
52 {:noreply , acc_delete(key, state, [])
53 end
55 def handle_info(_msg, state) do
56 {:noreply , state}
57 end
59 def terminate(:normal, _state) do
60 :ok
61 end
63 end
44 handle_cast({write, Key, Element}, State)
45 {noreply , [{Key, Element} | State]};
46 handle_cast({delete, Key}, State) ->
47 {noreply , lists:keydelete(Key, 1, State
49 handle_info(_Info, State) ->
50 {noreply , State}.
52 terminate(normal, _State) ->
53 ok.
Concurrency & distribution
(+scalability, robustness...) made easy!
Concurrency & distribution
(+scalability, robustness...) made easy!
Enjoy the power of the actor model
Concurrency & distribution
(+scalability, robustness...) made easy!
Enjoy the power of the actor model
Take advantage of OTP & other tools
◦ Behaviours
◦ Static analysis, stateful property-based
testing, etc.

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  • 1. ELIXIR the not-so-hidden path to Erlang A Coruña, February 1st, 2018 Laura M. Castro Universidade da Coruña 1
  • 2. 2
  • 3. 3
  • 4. Born in 1986, released ’98 Concurrency-oriented ◦ Lightweight, isolated processes, message-passing communication Multiplatform VM Transparent distribution OTP behaviours Hot code swap 3
  • 5. Born in 1986, released ’98 Concurrency-oriented ◦ Lightweight, isolated processes, message-passing communication Multiplatform VM Transparent distribution OTP behaviours Hot code swap 3
  • 6. Born in 2011 Runs on the Erlang VM Can invoke Erlang code Born in 1986, released ’98 Concurrency-oriented ◦ Lightweight, isolated processes, message-passing communication Multiplatform VM Transparent distribution OTP behaviours Hot code swap 3
  • 8. Dynamic typing Variable rebinding Lazy collections Strings are not lists Pipeline operator Namespaces Polymorphism via protocols Dynamic typing Single assignment Eager evaluation 4
  • 9. Dynamic typing Variable rebinding Lazy collections Strings are not lists Pipeline operator Namespaces Polymorphism via protocols Dynamic typing Single assignment Eager evaluation 4
  • 10. 5
  • 11. HELLO, WORLD! 1 defmodule World do 2 3 def hello(who) do 4 IO.puts "Hello, #{inspect who}!" 5 end 6 7 end 1 -module(world). 2 3 -export([hello/1]). 4 5 hello(Who) -> 6 io:format("Hello, ~p!~n", [Who]). 6
  • 12. HELLO, WORLD! 1 defmodule World do 2 3 def hello(who) do 4 IO.puts "Hello, #{inspect who}!" 5 end 6 7 end 1 -module(world). 2 3 -export([hello/1]). 4 5 hello(Who) -> 6 io:format("Hello, ~p!~n", [Who]). 6
  • 13. HELLO, WORLD! 1 defmodule World do 2 3 def hello(who) do 4 IO.puts "Hello, #{inspect who}!" 5 end 6 7 end 1 -module(world). 2 3 -export([hello/1]). 4 5 hello(Who) -> 6 io:format("Hello, ~p!~n", [Who]). 6
  • 14. SIMPLE MODULE 1 defmodule Boolean do 2 @moduledoc """ 3 Simple pattern matching 4 """ 5 6 @doc """ 7 Operator ’not’. 8 9 ## Parameters 10 11 - value: boolean to be negated 12 13 """ 14 @spec b_not(boolean) :: boolean 15 def b_not(true), do: false 16 def b_not(false), do: true 17 18 @doc """ 19 Operator ’and’. 20 21 ## Parameters 22 23 - value1, value2: booleans to operate 24 25 """ 26 @spec b_and(boolean , boolean) :: boolean 27 def b_and(true, true), do: true 28 def b_and(_, _), do: false 1 %%% @doc Simple pattern matching 2 %%% @end 3 -module(boolean). 4 5 -export([b_not/1, b_and/2]). 6 7 %% @doc Operator ’not’. 8 %% @end 9 -spec b_not(Value :: boolean()) -> boolean(). 10 b_not(true) -> false; 11 b_not(false) -> true. 12 13 %% @doc Operator ’and’. 14 %% @end 15 -spec b_and(Value1 :: boolean(), 16 Value2 :: boolean()) -> boolean(). 17 b_and(true, true) -> 18 true; 19 b_and(Value1, Value2) -> 20 false. 7
  • 18. UNIT TESTS 1 ExUnit.start 2 3 defmodule BooleanTest do 4 @moduledoc """ 5 Simple pattern matching (tests) 6 """ 7 8 use ExUnit.Case 9 doctest Boolean 10 11 test "Boolean negation" do 12 assert Boolean.b_not(false) 13 refute Boolean.b_not(true) 14 end 15 16 test "Boolean AND" do 17 assert Boolean.b_and(true, true) 18 refute Boolean.b_and(true, false) 19 refute Boolean.b_and(false, true) 20 refute Boolean.b_and(false, false) 21 end 22 23 end 1 %%% @doc Simple pattern matching (tests) 2 %%% @end 3 -module(boolean_tests). 4 5 -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). 6 7 b_not_test() -> 8 ?assert(boolean:b_not(false)), 9 ?assertNot(boolean:b_not(true)). 10 11 b_and_test() -> 12 ?assert(boolean:b_and(true,true)), 13 ?assertNot(boolean:b_and(true,false)), 14 ?assertNot(boolean:b_and(false,true)), 15 ?assertNot(boolean:b_and(false,false)). 8
  • 20. SIMPLE MODULE (II) 1 defmodule Create do 2 @moduledoc """ 3 Creating lists 4 """ 5 6 def create(n) when n>0 do 7 acc_forward(1, n, []) 8 end 9 10 def reverse_create(n) when n>0 do 11 acc_backwards(n, 1, []) 12 end 13 14 def acc_forward(a, a, l), do: [a|l] 15 def acc_forward(a, b, l), do: acc_forward(a, b-1, [b|l]) 16 17 def acc_backwards(a, a, l), do: [a|l] 18 def acc_backwards(a, b, l), do: acc_backwards(a, b+1, [b|l]) 19 20 end 1 %%% @doc Creating lists 2 %%% @end 3 -module(create). 4 5 -export([create/1, reverse_create/1]). 6 7 create(N) when N>0 -> 8 acc_forward(1, N, []). 9 10 reverse_create(N) when N>0 -> 11 acc_backwards(N, 1, []). 12 13 acc_forward(A, A, L) -> [A | L]; 14 acc_forward(A, B, L) -> 15 acc_forward(A, B-1, [B | L]). 16 17 acc_backwards(A, A, L) -> [A | L]; 18 acc_backwards(A, B, L) -> 19 acc_backwards(A, B+1, [B | L]). 9
  • 21. PROPERTY-BASED TESTS 1 defmodule CreateProps do 2 @moduledoc """ 3 Creating lists (test properties) 4 """ 5 6 use ExUnit.Case 7 use PropCheck 8 doctest Create 9 10 property "List creation" do 11 forall i <- positive_integer() do 12 Create.create(i+1) == Enum.to_list (1..i+1) 13 end 14 end 15 16 property "Reverse list creation" do 17 forall i <- positive_integer() do 18 Create.reverse_create(i+1) == Enum. reverse(Enum.to_list(1..i+1)) 19 end 20 end 21 22 end 1 %%% @doc Creating lists (test properties) 2 %%% @end 3 -module(create_props). 4 5 -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl") . 6 -compile(export_all). 7 8 prop_create() -> 9 ?FORALL(I, positive_integer(), 10 create:create(I) == lists:seq(1, I)). 11 12 prop_reverse_create() -> 13 ?FORALL(I, positive_integer(), 14 create:reverse_create(I) == lists: reverse(lists:seq(1, I))). 10
  • 22. PROPERTY-BASED TESTS 1 defmodule CreateProps do 2 @moduledoc """ 3 Creating lists (test properties) 4 """ 5 6 use ExUnit.Case 7 use PropCheck 8 doctest Create 9 10 property "List creation" do 11 forall i <- positive_integer() do 12 Create.create(i+1) == Enum.to_list (1..i+1) 13 end 14 end 15 16 property "Reverse list creation" do 17 forall i <- positive_integer() do 18 Create.reverse_create(i+1) == Enum. reverse(Enum.to_list(1..i+1)) 19 end 20 end 21 22 end 1 %%% @doc Creating lists (test properties) 2 %%% @end 3 -module(create_props). 4 5 -include_lib("proper/include/proper.hrl") . 6 -compile(export_all). 7 8 prop_create() -> 9 ?FORALL(I, positive_integer(), 10 create:create(I) == lists:seq(1, I)). 11 12 prop_reverse_create() -> 13 ?FORALL(I, positive_integer(), 14 create:reverse_create(I) == lists: reverse(lists:seq(1, I))). 10
  • 26. SIMPLE PROCESS 1 defmodule DbProcess do 2 @moduledoc """ 3 Database handling using a process 4 """ 5 6 def new(), do: spawn(DbProcess , :loop, [[]]) 7 8 def write(key, element , dbref) do 9 send dbref, {:write, key, element} 10 dbref 11 end 12 13 def delete(key, dbref) do 14 send dbref, {:delete, key} 15 dbref 16 end 17 18 def read(key, dbref) do 19 send dbref, {:read, key, self()} 20 receive do 21 {_dbref, :found, element} -> {:ok, element} 22 {_dbref, :notfound} -> {: error, :instance} 23 end 24 end 1 %%% @doc Database handling using a process 2 %%% @end 3 -module(db_process). 4 5 -export([new/0, write/3, delete/2, read /2, match/2, destroy/1]). 6 7 new() -> 8 spawn(?MODULE, loop, [[]]). 9 10 write(Key, Element , DbRef) -> 11 DbRef ! {write, Key, Element}, 12 DbRef. 13 14 delete(Key, DbRef) -> 15 DbRef ! {delete, Key}, 16 DbRef. 17 18 read(Key, DbRef) -> 19 DbRef ! {read, Key, self()}, 20 receive 21 {DbRef, found, Element} -> {ok, Element}; 22 {DbRef, notfound} -> {error, instance} 23 end. 11
  • 27. SIMPLE PROCESS 25 def match(element , dbref) do 26 send dbref, {:match, element , self()} 27 receive do 28 {_dbref, keys} -> keys 29 end 30 end 31 32 def destroy(dbref) do 33 send dbref, :stop 34 :ok 35 end 24 match(Element , DbRef) -> 25 DbRef ! {match, Element , self()}, 26 receive 27 {DbRef, Keys} -> Keys 28 end. 29 30 destroy(DbRef) -> 31 DbRef ! stop, 32 ok. 11
  • 28. SIMPLE PROCESS 36 def loop(db) do 37 receive do 38 {:write, key, element} -> loop([{ key, element} | db]) 39 {:delete, key} -> loop( acc_delete(key, db, [])) 40 {:read, key, who} -> 41 case List.keyfind(db, key, 0) do 42 nil -> send who, { self(), :notfound} 43 {_key, element} -> send who, { self(), :found, element} 44 end 45 loop(db) 46 {:match, element , who} -> 47 keys = acc_match(element , db, []) 48 send who, {self(), keys} 49 loop(db) 50 :stop -> 51 :ok 52 end 53 end 33 loop(Db) -> 34 receive 35 {write, Key, Element} -> 36 loop([{Key, Element} | Db]); 37 {delete, Key} -> 38 loop(lists:keydelete(Key, 1, Db)); 39 {read, Key, Who} -> 40 case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, Db) of 41 false -> 42 Who ! {self(), notfound}; 43 {Key, Element} -> 44 Who ! {self(), found, Element} 45 end, 46 loop(Db); 47 {match, Element , Who} -> 48 Keys = acc_match(Element , Db, []), 49 Who ! {self(), Keys}, 50 loop(Db); 51 stop -> 52 ok 53 end. 11
  • 29. SIMPLE OTP PROCESS 1 defmodule DbGenServer do 2 @moduledoc """ 3 Database handling using OTP 4 """ 5 6 use GenServer 7 8 def new() do 9 GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__ , [], name: DbGenServer) 10 end 11 12 def write(key, element) do 13 GenServer.cast(DbGenServer , {:write, key, element}) 14 end 15 16 def delete(key) do 17 GenServer.cast(DbGenServer , {:delete, key}) 18 end 19 20 def read(key) do 21 , {:read, key}) 22 end 1 %% @doc Database handling using OTP 2 %% @end 3 -module(db_gen_server). 4 -behaviour(gen_server). 5 6 -export([new/0, write/2, delete/1, read /1, match/1, destroy/0]). 7 -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). 8 9 -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). 10 11 new() -> 12 gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []). 13 14 write(Key, Element) -> 15 gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {write, Key, Element}). 16 17 delete(Key) -> 18 gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {delete, Key}) . 19 20 read(Key) -> 21 gen_server:call(?SERVER, {read, Key}). 12
  • 30. SIMPLE OTP PROCESS 23 def match(element) do 24 , {:match, element}) 25 end 26 27 def destroy() do 28 GenServer.stop(DbGenServer) 29 end 30 31 ## GenServer Callbacks 32 33 def init([]) do 34 {:ok, []} 35 end 36 37 def handle_call({:read, key}, _from, state) do 38 reply = case List.keyfind(state, key, 0) do 39 nil -> {:error, :instance} 40 {_key, element} -> {:ok, element} 41 end 42 {:reply, reply, state} 43 end 44 def handle_call({:match, element}, _from, state) do 45 keys = acc_match(element , state, []) 46 {:reply, keys, state} 47 end 22 match(Element) -> 23 gen_server:call(?SERVER, {match, Element}). 24 25 destroy() -> 26 gen_server:stop(?SERVER). 27 28 % gen_server callbacks 29 30 init([]) -> 31 {ok, []}. 32 33 handle_call({read, Key}, _From, State) -> 34 Reply = case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, State) of 35 false -> 36 {error, instance}; 37 {Key, Element} -> 38 {ok, Element} 39 end, 40 {reply, Reply, State}; 41 handle_call({match, Element}, _From, State) -> 42 Keys = acc_match(Element , State, []), 43 {reply, Keys, State}. 12
  • 31. SIMPLE OTP PROCESS 48 def handle_cast({:write, key, element}, state) do 49 {:noreply , [{key, element} | state]} 50 end 51 def handle_cast({:delete, key}, state) do 52 {:noreply , acc_delete(key, state, []) } 53 end 54 55 def handle_info(_msg, state) do 56 {:noreply , state} 57 end 58 59 def terminate(:normal, _state) do 60 :ok 61 end 62 63 end 44 handle_cast({write, Key, Element}, State) -> 45 {noreply , [{Key, Element} | State]}; 46 handle_cast({delete, Key}, State) -> 47 {noreply , lists:keydelete(Key, 1, State )}. 48 49 handle_info(_Info, State) -> 50 {noreply , State}. 51 52 terminate(normal, _State) -> 53 ok. 12
  • 34. 15
  • 35. ELIXIR, THE NOT-SO-HIDDEN PATH TO ERLANG Concurrency & distribution (+scalability, robustness...) made easy! 16
  • 36. ELIXIR, THE NOT-SO-HIDDEN PATH TO ERLANG Concurrency & distribution (+scalability, robustness...) made easy! Enjoy the power of the actor model 16
  • 37. ELIXIR, THE NOT-SO-HIDDEN PATH TO ERLANG Concurrency & distribution (+scalability, robustness...) made easy! Enjoy the power of the actor model Take advantage of OTP & other tools ◦ Behaviours ◦ Static analysis, stateful property-based testing, etc. 16
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