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EC4 : English Method
Unit No. 3
Methods and Approaches
Prepared by
Prakash S. Chauhan
Meera S. Joshi
Glimpses of Presentation
1. Grammar Translation Method by Prakash S. Chauhan
2. Direct Method by Meera S. Joshi
3. Structural Approach by Prakash S. Chauhan
4. Functional Approach by Meera S. Joshi
We will all presenter describe all these above methods and approaches with
their Origin, Process, Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits as well.
Solidery with…..
Author : Prakash S. Chauhan (1. Intro of entire session from beginning to end)
Author : Meera S. Joshi (2. Topic : 3.1 – Grammar Translation Method)
Author : Prakash and Meera (3. Topic : 3.4 – Structural Approach )
Author : Prakash S. Chauhan (4. Topic : 3.5 – Direct Method )
Author : Meera S. Joshi (5. Topic : 3.2 – Functional Approach )
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Importance of English Teaching
“English is a language which is rich in literature, humanistic, scientific and technical. If under sentimental ur
ges, we should give up English, we would cut ourselves off from the living stream of ever growing knowledge.”
F.G French says that…
“No language – ancient and modern – can be compared with English in the number of its speakers writers and
reader all over the world.”
The Important of English teaching summarized as follows…
1. English is the lingua franca of the world.
2. It is the language through which we can share our ideas, views, thought with the denizens of our countries.
3. Its study provides the facility to establish the international contacts among different nations of the world.
4. It is language of trade and industry in India.
5. It united Indian in every other countries.
6. All our greatest leaders, famous scientist, renowned philosophers and well known authors are the product of
English education.
Importance of teaching English in India as modern foreign
1. International Importance
2. Educational Importance
3. Vocational Importance
4. Cultural Importance
5. Disciplinary Importance
6. Recreational Importance
The meaning of E.L.T is English Language Teaching. English Language Teaching is based on the idea that the
goal of language acquisition is communicative competence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methods in
classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners.
English language teaching may refer to :
Teaching English as a foreign language
Teaching English as a second language
Teaching English as a first language
Meaning of E.L.T
What do we mean by Foreign Language ?
A foreign language is language indigenous to another country. It is also a language not spoken in the native country of
the person referred to; i.e. English speaker living in Gaum can say that Chamorro is a Foreign Language to him or her.
The foreign languages are as follows….
English, Irish, Arabic, Persian, French, Latin, Greek, Pakistani, African, Egyptian, Turkish, Spanish,
American-English, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc. are known as different types of Foreign Language. There are
many methods as well as tricks are available to learn all above these languages grammar and it’s particular rules and
regulation but, here let us see What are the different methods to learn or to teach English as second foreign language.
Foreign Language is also known or named as Occidental Language.
Importance of Methods in E.L.T
1. If we want to learn English or any foreign language there are couples of method with the help of we
can learn foreign language. There are following methods which plays a great vital pivotal and pivot
role to teaching foreign languages.
2. Methods play great role it is generally and gradually used by teacher since long time ago
3. Methods were used from B.C to A.D
4. Methods are used and made for students or learners
5. Methods play great role in the changes of student’s learning style
6. Without method teaching is not accomplish or fulfill
7. In the world not a single teacher, tutor, professor you cannot find who are not using method
8. If you are speaking its method, if you are writing its method, if you are telling or elaborating somethi
ng by audio-visual or with the technology its method etc.
9. Method is breath and pulses of E.L.T
10. Method is simple not complex in nature or in essence
List of Core Methods in E.L.T
Grammar - Cum - Translation Method
Audio – Lingual Method
Direct Method
Bilingual Method
Structural Method
Origin of Grammar - cum - Translation Method in E.L.T
The grammar-Translation Method originated from centuries of centuries old teaching and practice Latin. In the early 1500s, Latin was the
most widely-studied foreign language due to its prominence in government, academia and business. However, during the course of the use of
Latin dwindled and it was gradually replaced by English, French, and Italian. After the decline of Latin, the purpose of learning, it in school
s changed. While previously students had learned Latin for the purpose of communication, it came too learned as a purely academic purpose
and subject only. This method of teaching foreign languages derived from the classical dosco method of teaching; this method first foremost
adopted by teachers who were engaged in teaching of Classical Languages like Greek and Latin in western countries of the world. Learning
Latin or Greek was an activity of those old school days as right now English stands as globally language. This method know as other name
Classical method of teaching; because it is very much helpful to learn other foreign languages like Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Japanese,
Spanish etc. this method is very popular among the average teachers because it is very easy to use, taught in the classrooms. However, this
is the method, which has created the distinct between English language learning and its use and mother tongue has dominated the activities
to be carried out in the classroom as in this method is concerned with words, phrases and sentences are to be taught with the help of it. It me
ans that everything should be taught by translating in to mother tongue or vernacular language. It is also believed that phraseology and
vocabulary of foreign language can be taught and learn through translating it’s meaning into mother tongue side by side. All over Europe in
the 18th and 19th centuries, the education system was formed chiefly around a concept called faculty education of Psychology. This theory
dictated that the body and mind were separated and the mind consisted of three parts: the will, emotion and intellect. It was believed that the
intellect could be sharpened enough to ultimately control the will and emotions. The way to do this was through learning classical literature
of the Greeks and Romans as well as mathematics. Moreover, an adult with such an education was considered mentally prepared for the
world and its challenges.
Origin of Grammar - cum - Translation Method in E.L.T
In the beginning, it was believed that teaching modern languages was not
useful for the development of mental discipline and thus, they were left out of
the curriculum. When modern languages did begin to appear in school curricul
a in the 19th century, teachers taught them with the same grammar-translation
method as was used since the time of classical Latin and Greek used to.
Therefore, textbooks were essentially copied for the modern language
classroom. In the United States of America, the basic foundations of this
method were used in most of high schools and colleges of foreign language
What is Grammar Translation Method actually mean ?
Grammar-Translation method classes are gradually conducted in the student’s native
language. Grammar rules are learned deductively. Students learn grammar rules by
reception and then practice the rules by doing grammar drills and translating. Sentences,
form of target language. More attention is paid to the form of the sentence being translated
than to their content. When students reach more advanced levels of achievement then they
may translate entire texts from the target or foreign language into mother tongue. The
teaching of grammar consists of a process of training in the rules of a language which
must make it possible to all the students to correctly express their opinion, to understand
the remarks which are addressed to them and to analyze the texts that they read at school.
When student leave college or class they control the tools of the language which are the
vocabulary, grammar, sentence patterns, syntax, and the orthography to be able understand
and write texts in several contexts.
Principles and Goal of Grammar Cum Translation Method
There are two “main goals to grammar-translation” methods which are as follows……..
1. One is to develop student’s reading ability to a level where they can able read literature in
target (foreign) language.
2. Second is to develop student’s general discipline. The users of foreign language wanted simply
to note things of their interest in the literature of foreign languages.
3. There are three “principles to grammar-translation” methods which are as follows…….
1. Translation interprets foreign language phraseology best.
2. In the process of interpretation, the foreign language and phraseology assimilated.
3. Structures of foreign language are best learnt by when compared and contrast with that of
mother tongue.
Characteristics of Grammar Cum Translation
1. Classes are taught in mother tongue (native language) with the help of little active use
of the target (foreign) language.
2. English grammar, taught through rules and regulation, definition, translation and study
of mother tongue grammar in comparative way.
3. It is considered grammar as the soul of language in which mother tongue dominates in
this method to learn foreign language.
4. There is no scope of building linguistic competence in learners.
Merits of Grammar Cum Translation Method
1. The ultimate aim and use of the mother tongue make teaching activity very easy.
2. It helps to improve correct knowledge of English language by emphasis on grammar.
3. It is very effective because students are able to understand idioms, phrases, words
easily and delicately translated into their mother tongue.
4. There is clarity in understanding meaning of words.
5. It helps to learn grammar of foreign language.
6. It also develops the art and translations skills of learners.
7. It can be easily used in over thousand classes.
Demerits of Grammar Cum Translation
1. This method does not emphasis on the basic skills like Listening, Speaking,
Reading and Writing.
2. There are some complicated idioms and phrases which cannot translate into
mother tongue.
3. English language has some structure which cannot be translated into mother
tongue like A, AN, and THE.
4. This method makes teaching process dry and burdensome and boring.
Origin of Direct Method
The direct method is sometimes also called natural method. It is a method that
refrains from using the learners native language and just uses the target
language. It was established in Germany and France around 1900. the direct
method operates on the idea that second language learning must be an
imitation of first language learning because this is the natural way humans
learn any language. A child never relies on another language to learn its first
language and as a consequences the mother tongue is not necessary to learn a
foreign language. This method places great stress on correct pronunciation an
d the target language from outsets. It supports teaching of oral skills at the
expense of every traditional aim of language teaching.
Characteristics of Direct Method
1. The direct method of teaching foreign languages.
2. Refrains from using the learner’s native language.
3. Uses only the target language.
4. Grammar is taught inductively.
5. Students are taught from inception to ask questions as well as answer them.
6. Concrete vocabulary taught through demonstration, objects, and patterns.
7. Both speaking and listening comprehensions are taught.
8. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.
9. Student should be speaking at least 80% of the time during the lesson.
10. It was established in Germany and France around 1900s
11. It is called as natural method
12. uses only the target language
Key aspects of Direct Method
1. This method is fully loaded with activities and the part of the teacher as well as learners.
2. Direct method is full of activities, which are natural and interesting for learners.
3. Introduction of new words, numbers, alphabets, character, sentence or concept are referred to
as an elements.
4. Progress, from new element to new elements within same lesson
5. Progress is done form lesson to lesson
6. Syntax, the correct location of the new elements is taught in a sentence.
Merits of Direct Method
1. Direct method makes understanding of English becomes easier.
2. Pupils acquire good habits of speech on proper pronunciation, intonation and stress also.
3. According to Macnee is concern: -
“Direct method is the quick method of learning and expanding vocabulary.”
4. Direct method brings the words of positive vocabulary into active vocabulary.
5. Direct method appeal to the eyes and ears both.
Demerits of Direct Method
1. In this method, reading, writing and vocabulary extensions are neglected. Aspects both.
2. Dr. Bretten says that
“only the clever child can make profit in this method.”
3. Only limited numbers are taught in this method not all words, phrase and idioms.
4. It is not applicable when suitable teachers are not available.
Meaning of Structural Approach ?
Approaching English the basis of selected structures is called Structural approach ?
It is called structural approach because the main emphasis is laid on the mastery of
structures or pattern of sentences and phrases and also on the special features of the
language which help in the construction of a sentence such as word order, structural
words and a few inflexions in English.
In this approach, the use of mother tongue is allowed at the initial stages and that too
far explaining a scenario when some sentence pattern is to be practiced.. The learners
are given drill of the structures till they are able too use them automatically without
straining their minds.
Definition of Structural Approach
According to Mr. Brewing Ton…..
“Structural approach is a scientific study of the fundamental structures of the English languag
e, their analysis and logical arrangement.”
According to Bhandari……..
“The Structural approach to English is teaching the learner certain selected structures in a cer
tain order.”
Objectives of Structural Approach
According to Mr. Menon and M.F. Patel the objectives of structural Approach are as follows…..
1. To lay the foundation of English by establishing through drill and repetition about 275 graded structures.
2. To enable the children to attain mastery over on essential vocabulary of about 3000 root words for active
3. To correlate the teaching of grammar and composition with the reading lessons.
4. To teach the four fundamental skills namely understanding, speaking, reading and writing in the order
5. To lay proper emphasis on the aural or oral approach, active methods and the condemnation of formal
grammar for its own sake.
Principles of Structural Approach
1. 1. The principle of oral work 12. Emphasis on Correct Pronunciation
2. Formation of language habits 13. Sentence as Unit of Speech
3. Pupil’s activity 14. Direct association of word and thoughts
4. Mastery of Structures 15. Proper stress on oral learning
5. Teaching of structure through scenario 16. Both the teacher and the student are active
6. Teaching one item of language at a time
7. Principles of selection and gradation of structures
8. Use of one language : English
9. Use of Limited Vocabulary
10. Teaching Grammar Inductively
11. Stress on oral work
Characteristics of the Structural Approach
1. New material is presented in dialogue form.
2. Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and taught one at a time
3. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills.
4. There is little or no grammatical explanation
5. Grammar is taught inductively
6. There is much use of tapes and language laboratories and visual aids
7. Great importance is attached to pronunciation
8. Very little of the mother tongue is permitted
9. Successful responses are immediately reinforced
10. There is a great effort to get learners to produce error free utterances
11. Language skills are taught in order
How to learn Structures ?
1. Structures can be taught through gestures and actions
2. Structures can be taught through charts, table and diagrams
3. Structures can be taught through situations
4. The situation can be either verbal or non verbal
5. Verbal situation through which a learner speaks on something familiar events
6. Non-verbal situation could be on activities set on pictures, diagrams or models.
Advantages of Structural Approach
1. The students remain active throughout in the teaching learning process
2. The approach helps the students to acquire fluency in their spoken English
3. This approach make students creative learner, they are able to think a large number of sentences of similar
4. The students are able to understand the subject matter fully because teaching is conducted by creating
meaningful situations.
5. It enables the students to have good command over the language
6. Language learning becomes a habit with the student, so the learner is able to speak or write without any
stress or strains
7. Structural approach helps to all the students of the class to learn the language well
8. in this approach slow learners and the backward children are benefited
9. It promotes everyday English.
10. It enables the students to speak English correctly. Proper stress on oral learning.
11. It has emphasis on the four fundamental skills, such as, listening, understanding, speaking, reading and
12. By the learning of the structure of sentence the child automatically learns grammar, word order and use of
Limitations of Structural Approach
1. In structural approach the learners have to be given a lot of practice.
2. This type of teaching might make the process of teaching, learning dull and mechanical for
a few learners.
3. Teaching by structural approach will be successful only, if we have structurally graded
4. Text books are not written based on selection and gradation of structures.
5. More teaching aids are needed.
6. Pressed text book can not be taught.
7. It is suitable for lower class students.
8. Reading and writing ability of the students are neglected.
9. It is not suitable for the higher classes.
10. Continuous teaching of structures and their repetition make the atmosphere dull.
11. It is very difficult to get skilled teachers for this purpose.
Functional Approach or The Notional Approach
The Functional Approach is considered to be the second paradigm of psychology. This idea focuses on the
function of the mental processes which involves consciousnesses. (Gordon, 1995) This approach was developed
by William James in 1890. James was the first American Psychologist and wrote the first general textbook
regarding psychology. In this approach he reasoned that the mental act of consciousness must be an important
biological function (Schacter et al., 2011) He also noted that it was a psychologist's job to understand these
functions so they can discover how the mental process operates. This idea was an alternative approach to the
structuralism, which was the first paradigm(Gordon, 1995).
In second language acquisition (SLA) functional approaches are of similarities with Chomsky's Universal
Grammar (UG).
Focus is on the use of language in real situations (performance), as well as underlying knowledge (competence).
Functional Approach
When we use a language, we do some specific thing with it. For example we may ask a question Either to make
an inquiry or to confirm some news, even to express surprise. In our day to day Transactions or conversation,
we use language to ask help or advice, to give directions, instructions or information, to think or to welcome
someone. Thus, we use language and thereby do something with it. Further, when we use language, we do three
1. say something (not read or reproduce someone else’s words)
2. Seek Hearer’s Attention ( there is someone listening to us)
3. Expect Some Response by Verbal or through gestures and actions
Thus, we use language with a purpose. This purpose is the reason or intention of the act of speaking. When the
purpose is fulfilled, we can say that the language was used effectively. This purpose to use language is the
Language functions are a manner in which people use the language. In real life when we use language, in
speech or writing, we do something with the language.
Some Examples of Language Functions
1. Asking for opinions, suggestions, advice and responding to them.
2. Agreeing and disagreeing
3. Arguing or stating and justifying one’s point of view
4. Expressing a sense of gratitude
5. Apologizing or saying sorry
6. Reporting an event
7. Narrating story and events
8. Giving instructions
9. Expressing ability and inability
10. Introducing people
11. Offering invitations, accepting and rejecting invitations
12. Say no politely
13. Talking about routine
14. Talking about responsibility
15. Reprimanding and asking for explanation
Functional Approach
In real life we always use language to carry out some or the other functions. This means that the u
tterances we use have a meaning for us as well as for the hearer. In the most cases, the utterances
are longer than single sentences. For examples…….
Example 1 : A. Excuse me ! Which bus goes to the Air Port ?
B. The Blue one
A. Thank You !
Example 2: A. Two Tickets Central Park, Please !
B. Here You are ! 10 $
A. Sure ! Thank You !
Characteristics of Functional Approach
1. The emphasis is on the learner’s ability to use language in particular social events/ activity
2. Although it aims at accuracy, its propriety is for social appropriateness in the use of language.
3. It identifies main types of language in sets and subsets. It further specifies how these function
s may be realized in various was through the language items.
4. The sequencing or organization of the functions is form more general and frequent to specific
and less frequent ones. It is also cyclic in nature.
At the end, we come to know that in E.L.T – English Language Teaching ther
e are Methods and Approaches which play great vital pivotal pivot role in the
E.L.T. Methods and Approaches are the two sides of Coin.
all the Methods or Approaches which are included in E.L.T all are using by
teacher for the sake of students.
1. Halliday MAK, Strevence PD, McIntosh A. The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching, Longman, 1964.
2. O’Donnel WR. applied Linguistics and the Teaching of English Longman.
3. Lado R. Language Testing: The Construction and Use of Foreign Language Tests Longman, 1957.
4. Prakash S. Chauhan, Chronological Order and Historical Development of different methods of teaching The foreign
Languages, International Journal of English Research ISSN: 2455-2186; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.32, www.englishresearchj Volume 2; Issue 4; July 2016; Page No. 24-28
5. Gordon, O. (1995). William james and functionalism. Retrieved from
6. Schacter, D. S., Gilbert, D. T., & Wegner, D. M. (2011). Psychology: 2nd Edition. New York
7. Patel, M.F & Praveen M. Jain. (2008). English language teaching: Methods, tools &
8. techniques. Vaishali Nagar: Sunrise Publishers & Distributors.
11. Prakash S. Chauhan, Research Paper, THE APPROCHES TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (E.L.T)
12. Prakash S. Chauhan, THE APPROCHES TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (E.L.T), Penguin Publication, 2017
13. Prakash S. Chauhan Research Paper, Methods in English Langauge Teaching (E.L.T)
14. Prakash S. Chauhan Methods in English Language Teaching (E.L.T), Orient Black Swan publication, 2017
Prakash S. Chauhan
Meera S. Joshi

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approaches and methods in English Language Teaching E.L.T

  • 1. EC4 : English Method Unit No. 3 Methods and Approaches in E.L.T I.L.T B.Ed College Prepared by Prakash S. Chauhan Meera S. Joshi
  • 2. Glimpses of Presentation 1. Grammar Translation Method by Prakash S. Chauhan 2. Direct Method by Meera S. Joshi 3. Structural Approach by Prakash S. Chauhan 4. Functional Approach by Meera S. Joshi We will all presenter describe all these above methods and approaches with their Origin, Process, Definitions, Features, Merits and Demerits as well.
  • 3. Solidery with….. Author : Prakash S. Chauhan (1. Intro of entire session from beginning to end) Author : Meera S. Joshi (2. Topic : 3.1 – Grammar Translation Method) Author : Prakash and Meera (3. Topic : 3.4 – Structural Approach ) Author : Prakash S. Chauhan (4. Topic : 3.5 – Direct Method ) Author : Meera S. Joshi (5. Topic : 3.2 – Functional Approach )
  • 9. Importance of English Teaching “English is a language which is rich in literature, humanistic, scientific and technical. If under sentimental ur ges, we should give up English, we would cut ourselves off from the living stream of ever growing knowledge.” F.G French says that… “No language – ancient and modern – can be compared with English in the number of its speakers writers and reader all over the world.” The Important of English teaching summarized as follows… 1. English is the lingua franca of the world. 2. It is the language through which we can share our ideas, views, thought with the denizens of our countries. 3. Its study provides the facility to establish the international contacts among different nations of the world. 4. It is language of trade and industry in India. 5. It united Indian in every other countries. 6. All our greatest leaders, famous scientist, renowned philosophers and well known authors are the product of English education.
  • 10. Importance of teaching English in India as modern foreign language 1. International Importance 2. Educational Importance 3. Vocational Importance 4. Cultural Importance 5. Disciplinary Importance 6. Recreational Importance
  • 11. The meaning of E.L.T is English Language Teaching. English Language Teaching is based on the idea that the goal of language acquisition is communicative competence. It adopts concepts, techniques and methods in classroom for recognizing and managing the communicative needs of the language learners. English language teaching may refer to : Teaching English as a foreign language Teaching English as a second language Teaching English as a first language Meaning of E.L.T
  • 12. What do we mean by Foreign Language ? A foreign language is language indigenous to another country. It is also a language not spoken in the native country of the person referred to; i.e. English speaker living in Gaum can say that Chamorro is a Foreign Language to him or her. The foreign languages are as follows…. English, Irish, Arabic, Persian, French, Latin, Greek, Pakistani, African, Egyptian, Turkish, Spanish, American-English, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc. are known as different types of Foreign Language. There are many methods as well as tricks are available to learn all above these languages grammar and it’s particular rules and regulation but, here let us see What are the different methods to learn or to teach English as second foreign language. Foreign Language is also known or named as Occidental Language.
  • 13. Importance of Methods in E.L.T 1. If we want to learn English or any foreign language there are couples of method with the help of we can learn foreign language. There are following methods which plays a great vital pivotal and pivot role to teaching foreign languages. 2. Methods play great role it is generally and gradually used by teacher since long time ago 3. Methods were used from B.C to A.D 4. Methods are used and made for students or learners 5. Methods play great role in the changes of student’s learning style 6. Without method teaching is not accomplish or fulfill 7. In the world not a single teacher, tutor, professor you cannot find who are not using method 8. If you are speaking its method, if you are writing its method, if you are telling or elaborating somethi ng by audio-visual or with the technology its method etc. 9. Method is breath and pulses of E.L.T 10. Method is simple not complex in nature or in essence
  • 14. List of Core Methods in E.L.T Grammar - Cum - Translation Method Audio – Lingual Method Direct Method Bilingual Method Structural Method
  • 15. Origin of Grammar - cum - Translation Method in E.L.T The grammar-Translation Method originated from centuries of centuries old teaching and practice Latin. In the early 1500s, Latin was the most widely-studied foreign language due to its prominence in government, academia and business. However, during the course of the use of Latin dwindled and it was gradually replaced by English, French, and Italian. After the decline of Latin, the purpose of learning, it in school s changed. While previously students had learned Latin for the purpose of communication, it came too learned as a purely academic purpose and subject only. This method of teaching foreign languages derived from the classical dosco method of teaching; this method first foremost adopted by teachers who were engaged in teaching of Classical Languages like Greek and Latin in western countries of the world. Learning Latin or Greek was an activity of those old school days as right now English stands as globally language. This method know as other name Classical method of teaching; because it is very much helpful to learn other foreign languages like Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, Japanese, Spanish etc. this method is very popular among the average teachers because it is very easy to use, taught in the classrooms. However, this is the method, which has created the distinct between English language learning and its use and mother tongue has dominated the activities to be carried out in the classroom as in this method is concerned with words, phrases and sentences are to be taught with the help of it. It me ans that everything should be taught by translating in to mother tongue or vernacular language. It is also believed that phraseology and vocabulary of foreign language can be taught and learn through translating it’s meaning into mother tongue side by side. All over Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, the education system was formed chiefly around a concept called faculty education of Psychology. This theory dictated that the body and mind were separated and the mind consisted of three parts: the will, emotion and intellect. It was believed that the intellect could be sharpened enough to ultimately control the will and emotions. The way to do this was through learning classical literature of the Greeks and Romans as well as mathematics. Moreover, an adult with such an education was considered mentally prepared for the world and its challenges.
  • 16. Origin of Grammar - cum - Translation Method in E.L.T In the beginning, it was believed that teaching modern languages was not useful for the development of mental discipline and thus, they were left out of the curriculum. When modern languages did begin to appear in school curricul a in the 19th century, teachers taught them with the same grammar-translation method as was used since the time of classical Latin and Greek used to. Therefore, textbooks were essentially copied for the modern language classroom. In the United States of America, the basic foundations of this method were used in most of high schools and colleges of foreign language classrooms.
  • 17. What is Grammar Translation Method actually mean ? Grammar-Translation method classes are gradually conducted in the student’s native language. Grammar rules are learned deductively. Students learn grammar rules by reception and then practice the rules by doing grammar drills and translating. Sentences, form of target language. More attention is paid to the form of the sentence being translated than to their content. When students reach more advanced levels of achievement then they may translate entire texts from the target or foreign language into mother tongue. The teaching of grammar consists of a process of training in the rules of a language which must make it possible to all the students to correctly express their opinion, to understand the remarks which are addressed to them and to analyze the texts that they read at school. When student leave college or class they control the tools of the language which are the vocabulary, grammar, sentence patterns, syntax, and the orthography to be able understand and write texts in several contexts.
  • 18. Principles and Goal of Grammar Cum Translation Method There are two “main goals to grammar-translation” methods which are as follows…….. 1. One is to develop student’s reading ability to a level where they can able read literature in target (foreign) language. 2. Second is to develop student’s general discipline. The users of foreign language wanted simply to note things of their interest in the literature of foreign languages. 3. There are three “principles to grammar-translation” methods which are as follows……. 1. Translation interprets foreign language phraseology best. 2. In the process of interpretation, the foreign language and phraseology assimilated. 3. Structures of foreign language are best learnt by when compared and contrast with that of mother tongue.
  • 19. Characteristics of Grammar Cum Translation Method 1. Classes are taught in mother tongue (native language) with the help of little active use of the target (foreign) language. 2. English grammar, taught through rules and regulation, definition, translation and study of mother tongue grammar in comparative way. 3. It is considered grammar as the soul of language in which mother tongue dominates in this method to learn foreign language. 4. There is no scope of building linguistic competence in learners.
  • 20. Merits of Grammar Cum Translation Method 1. The ultimate aim and use of the mother tongue make teaching activity very easy. 2. It helps to improve correct knowledge of English language by emphasis on grammar. 3. It is very effective because students are able to understand idioms, phrases, words easily and delicately translated into their mother tongue. 4. There is clarity in understanding meaning of words. 5. It helps to learn grammar of foreign language. 6. It also develops the art and translations skills of learners. 7. It can be easily used in over thousand classes.
  • 21. Demerits of Grammar Cum Translation Method 1. This method does not emphasis on the basic skills like Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. 2. There are some complicated idioms and phrases which cannot translate into mother tongue. 3. English language has some structure which cannot be translated into mother tongue like A, AN, and THE. 4. This method makes teaching process dry and burdensome and boring.
  • 22. Origin of Direct Method The direct method is sometimes also called natural method. It is a method that refrains from using the learners native language and just uses the target language. It was established in Germany and France around 1900. the direct method operates on the idea that second language learning must be an imitation of first language learning because this is the natural way humans learn any language. A child never relies on another language to learn its first language and as a consequences the mother tongue is not necessary to learn a foreign language. This method places great stress on correct pronunciation an d the target language from outsets. It supports teaching of oral skills at the expense of every traditional aim of language teaching.
  • 23. Characteristics of Direct Method 1. The direct method of teaching foreign languages. 2. Refrains from using the learner’s native language. 3. Uses only the target language. 4. Grammar is taught inductively. 5. Students are taught from inception to ask questions as well as answer them. 6. Concrete vocabulary taught through demonstration, objects, and patterns. 7. Both speaking and listening comprehensions are taught. 8. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized. 9. Student should be speaking at least 80% of the time during the lesson. 10. It was established in Germany and France around 1900s 11. It is called as natural method 12. uses only the target language
  • 24. Key aspects of Direct Method 1. This method is fully loaded with activities and the part of the teacher as well as learners. 2. Direct method is full of activities, which are natural and interesting for learners. 3. Introduction of new words, numbers, alphabets, character, sentence or concept are referred to as an elements. 4. Progress, from new element to new elements within same lesson 5. Progress is done form lesson to lesson 6. Syntax, the correct location of the new elements is taught in a sentence.
  • 25. Merits of Direct Method 1. Direct method makes understanding of English becomes easier. 2. Pupils acquire good habits of speech on proper pronunciation, intonation and stress also. 3. According to Macnee is concern: - “Direct method is the quick method of learning and expanding vocabulary.” 4. Direct method brings the words of positive vocabulary into active vocabulary. 5. Direct method appeal to the eyes and ears both.
  • 26. Demerits of Direct Method 1. In this method, reading, writing and vocabulary extensions are neglected. Aspects both. 2. Dr. Bretten says that “only the clever child can make profit in this method.” 3. Only limited numbers are taught in this method not all words, phrase and idioms. 4. It is not applicable when suitable teachers are not available.
  • 27. Meaning of Structural Approach ? Approaching English the basis of selected structures is called Structural approach ? It is called structural approach because the main emphasis is laid on the mastery of structures or pattern of sentences and phrases and also on the special features of the language which help in the construction of a sentence such as word order, structural words and a few inflexions in English. In this approach, the use of mother tongue is allowed at the initial stages and that too far explaining a scenario when some sentence pattern is to be practiced.. The learners are given drill of the structures till they are able too use them automatically without straining their minds.
  • 28. Definition of Structural Approach According to Mr. Brewing Ton….. “Structural approach is a scientific study of the fundamental structures of the English languag e, their analysis and logical arrangement.” According to Bhandari…….. “The Structural approach to English is teaching the learner certain selected structures in a cer tain order.”
  • 29. Objectives of Structural Approach According to Mr. Menon and M.F. Patel the objectives of structural Approach are as follows….. 1. To lay the foundation of English by establishing through drill and repetition about 275 graded structures. 2. To enable the children to attain mastery over on essential vocabulary of about 3000 root words for active use. 3. To correlate the teaching of grammar and composition with the reading lessons. 4. To teach the four fundamental skills namely understanding, speaking, reading and writing in the order named. 5. To lay proper emphasis on the aural or oral approach, active methods and the condemnation of formal grammar for its own sake.
  • 30. Principles of Structural Approach 1. 1. The principle of oral work 12. Emphasis on Correct Pronunciation 2. Formation of language habits 13. Sentence as Unit of Speech 3. Pupil’s activity 14. Direct association of word and thoughts 4. Mastery of Structures 15. Proper stress on oral learning 5. Teaching of structure through scenario 16. Both the teacher and the student are active 6. Teaching one item of language at a time 7. Principles of selection and gradation of structures 8. Use of one language : English 9. Use of Limited Vocabulary 10. Teaching Grammar Inductively 11. Stress on oral work
  • 31. Characteristics of the Structural Approach 1. New material is presented in dialogue form. 2. Structures are sequenced by means of contrastive analysis and taught one at a time 3. Structural patterns are taught using repetitive drills. 4. There is little or no grammatical explanation 5. Grammar is taught inductively 6. There is much use of tapes and language laboratories and visual aids 7. Great importance is attached to pronunciation 8. Very little of the mother tongue is permitted 9. Successful responses are immediately reinforced 10. There is a great effort to get learners to produce error free utterances 11. Language skills are taught in order
  • 32. How to learn Structures ? 1. Structures can be taught through gestures and actions 2. Structures can be taught through charts, table and diagrams 3. Structures can be taught through situations 4. The situation can be either verbal or non verbal 5. Verbal situation through which a learner speaks on something familiar events 6. Non-verbal situation could be on activities set on pictures, diagrams or models.
  • 33. Advantages of Structural Approach 1. The students remain active throughout in the teaching learning process 2. The approach helps the students to acquire fluency in their spoken English 3. This approach make students creative learner, they are able to think a large number of sentences of similar types. 4. The students are able to understand the subject matter fully because teaching is conducted by creating meaningful situations. 5. It enables the students to have good command over the language 6. Language learning becomes a habit with the student, so the learner is able to speak or write without any stress or strains 7. Structural approach helps to all the students of the class to learn the language well 8. in this approach slow learners and the backward children are benefited 9. It promotes everyday English. 10. It enables the students to speak English correctly. Proper stress on oral learning. 11. It has emphasis on the four fundamental skills, such as, listening, understanding, speaking, reading and writing 12. By the learning of the structure of sentence the child automatically learns grammar, word order and use of words.
  • 34. Limitations of Structural Approach 1. In structural approach the learners have to be given a lot of practice. 2. This type of teaching might make the process of teaching, learning dull and mechanical for a few learners. 3. Teaching by structural approach will be successful only, if we have structurally graded syllabus. 4. Text books are not written based on selection and gradation of structures. 5. More teaching aids are needed. 6. Pressed text book can not be taught. 7. It is suitable for lower class students. 8. Reading and writing ability of the students are neglected. 9. It is not suitable for the higher classes. 10. Continuous teaching of structures and their repetition make the atmosphere dull. 11. It is very difficult to get skilled teachers for this purpose.
  • 35. Functional Approach or The Notional Approach The Functional Approach is considered to be the second paradigm of psychology. This idea focuses on the function of the mental processes which involves consciousnesses. (Gordon, 1995) This approach was developed by William James in 1890. James was the first American Psychologist and wrote the first general textbook regarding psychology. In this approach he reasoned that the mental act of consciousness must be an important biological function (Schacter et al., 2011) He also noted that it was a psychologist's job to understand these functions so they can discover how the mental process operates. This idea was an alternative approach to the structuralism, which was the first paradigm(Gordon, 1995). In second language acquisition (SLA) functional approaches are of similarities with Chomsky's Universal Grammar (UG). Focus is on the use of language in real situations (performance), as well as underlying knowledge (competence).
  • 36. Functional Approach When we use a language, we do some specific thing with it. For example we may ask a question Either to make an inquiry or to confirm some news, even to express surprise. In our day to day Transactions or conversation, we use language to ask help or advice, to give directions, instructions or information, to think or to welcome someone. Thus, we use language and thereby do something with it. Further, when we use language, we do three things 1. say something (not read or reproduce someone else’s words) 2. Seek Hearer’s Attention ( there is someone listening to us) 3. Expect Some Response by Verbal or through gestures and actions Thus, we use language with a purpose. This purpose is the reason or intention of the act of speaking. When the purpose is fulfilled, we can say that the language was used effectively. This purpose to use language is the function. Language functions are a manner in which people use the language. In real life when we use language, in speech or writing, we do something with the language.
  • 37. Some Examples of Language Functions 1. Asking for opinions, suggestions, advice and responding to them. 2. Agreeing and disagreeing 3. Arguing or stating and justifying one’s point of view 4. Expressing a sense of gratitude 5. Apologizing or saying sorry 6. Reporting an event 7. Narrating story and events 8. Giving instructions 9. Expressing ability and inability 10. Introducing people 11. Offering invitations, accepting and rejecting invitations 12. Say no politely 13. Talking about routine 14. Talking about responsibility 15. Reprimanding and asking for explanation
  • 38. Functional Approach In real life we always use language to carry out some or the other functions. This means that the u tterances we use have a meaning for us as well as for the hearer. In the most cases, the utterances are longer than single sentences. For examples……. Example 1 : A. Excuse me ! Which bus goes to the Air Port ? B. The Blue one A. Thank You ! Example 2: A. Two Tickets Central Park, Please ! B. Here You are ! 10 $ A. Sure ! Thank You !
  • 39. Characteristics of Functional Approach 1. The emphasis is on the learner’s ability to use language in particular social events/ activity 2. Although it aims at accuracy, its propriety is for social appropriateness in the use of language. 3. It identifies main types of language in sets and subsets. It further specifies how these function s may be realized in various was through the language items. 4. The sequencing or organization of the functions is form more general and frequent to specific and less frequent ones. It is also cyclic in nature.
  • 40. Conclusion At the end, we come to know that in E.L.T – English Language Teaching ther e are Methods and Approaches which play great vital pivotal pivot role in the E.L.T. Methods and Approaches are the two sides of Coin. all the Methods or Approaches which are included in E.L.T all are using by teacher for the sake of students.
  • 41. Bibliography 1. Halliday MAK, Strevence PD, McIntosh A. The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching, Longman, 1964. 2. O’Donnel WR. applied Linguistics and the Teaching of English Longman. 3. Lado R. Language Testing: The Construction and Use of Foreign Language Tests Longman, 1957. 4. Prakash S. Chauhan, Chronological Order and Historical Development of different methods of teaching The foreign Languages, International Journal of English Research ISSN: 2455-2186; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.32, www.englishresearchj Volume 2; Issue 4; July 2016; Page No. 24-28 5. Gordon, O. (1995). William james and functionalism. Retrieved from s/PsychHistory/Cards/James.html 6. Schacter, D. S., Gilbert, D. T., & Wegner, D. M. (2011). Psychology: 2nd Edition. New York 7. Patel, M.F & Praveen M. Jain. (2008). English language teaching: Methods, tools & 8. techniques. Vaishali Nagar: Sunrise Publishers & Distributors. 9. html 10. 11. Prakash S. Chauhan, Research Paper, THE APPROCHES TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (E.L.T) 12. Prakash S. Chauhan, THE APPROCHES TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (E.L.T), Penguin Publication, 2017 13. Prakash S. Chauhan Research Paper, Methods in English Langauge Teaching (E.L.T) 14. Prakash S. Chauhan Methods in English Language Teaching (E.L.T), Orient Black Swan publication, 2017
  • 42. Prakash S. Chauhan Meera S. Joshi Thanking You By