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Gran Sasso Science Institute
Ivano Malavolta
Apache Cordova APIs
version 4.3.0
•  Accelerometer
•  Compass
•  Capturing audio/video & camera
•  Media playback
•  Contacts
•  Connection
•  Device information
•  Events
•  Dialogs
It is a global object that captures device motion in the x, y, and z directions
You can call 3 methods on it:
It gets the current acceleration along the x, y, and z axis
callback function with an Acceleration parameter
error callback	
It gets the device's current acceleration at a regular interval
callback function with an Acceleration parameter, it is called at regular intervals
error callback
the interval is specified in the frequency parameter 	
Stop watching the Acceleration referenced by the watch ID parameter
ID returned by accelerometer.watchAcceleration
The Acceleration object
It contains accelerometer data captured at a specific point in time
x (Number): Amount of acceleration on the x-axis. (in m/s^2)
y (Number): Amount of acceleration on the y-axis. (in m/s^2)
z (Number): Amount of acceleration on the z-axis. (in m/s^2)
timestamp (DOMTimestamp): Creation timestamp in milliseconds
these values include the effect
of gravity (9.81 m/s^2)
Accelerometer example
Shake detection
Provides access for capturing directly from the device	
Capturing Audio and Video
Omogeneous APIs between audio, image, and video
capturing based on a W3C specification
Supported formats
The navigator.device.capture	
  object contains the supported formats it can record in
three properties 	
The audio recording formats supported by the device
The recording image sizes and formats supported by the device
The recording video resolutions and formats supported by the device
They all contain an array of
ConfigurationData objects
The ConfigurationData object
It is used to describe media capture modes supported by the device
 type (String)
the string in lower case representing the media type
height (Number)
the height of the image or video in pixels
width (Number)
the height of the image or video in pixels
•  video/3gpp
•  video/quicktime
•  image/jpeg
•  audio/amr
•  audio/wav
Supported format example
Audio capture
Starts the audio recorder app and returns information about captured audio clip files
callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter
error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file
audio capture options
It uses the device's default
audio recording app
The operation allows the device
user to capture multiple
recordings in a single session
limit (Number)
the maximum number of audio clips the user can record in a single capture operation
duration (Number)
the maximum duration of an audio sound clip, in seconds
not supported in iOS
not supported in Android
Audio capture example
Image capture
Start the camera application and return information about captured image file(s)
callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter
error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file
image capture options
It uses the device's
default camera app
The operation allows the device
user to capture multiple images
in a single session
limit (Number)
the maximum number of photos the user can take in a single capture operation
not supported in iOS
Video capture
Start the camera application and return information about captured video file(s)
callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter
error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file
video capture options
It uses the device's
default camera app
The operation allows the device
user to capture multiple videos
in a single session
limit (Number)
the maximum number of videos the user can take in a single capture operation
duration (Number)
the maximum duration of each video, in seconds
not supported in iOS
The MediaFile object
A MediaFile encapsulates properties of a media capture file
name (String): the name of the file, without path information
fullPath (String) : the full path of the file, including the name
type (String): the file's mime type
lastModifiedDate (Date): the date and time that the file was last modified
size (Number): the size of the file, in bytes
MediaFile format data
It is used to get information about the format of a captured media file
callback function with a MediaFileData parameter
error callback
The MediaFileData object
Encapsulates format information about a media file
codecs (String): The actual format of the audio and video content
bitrate (Number) : The average bitrate of the content (zero for images)
height (Number): the height of the image or video in pixels (zero for audio clips)
width (Number): the width of the image or video in pixels (zero for audio clips)
duration (Number): the length of the video or sound clip in seconds (zero for images)
Capture Error
Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed media capture operation
It contains a pre-defined error code
It provides an home-grown API for capturing images from the device’s default camera
It is developed in-house by Cordova in order to provide more options to developers
Getting pictures from the camera
Takes a photo using the camera or retrieves a photo from the device's album
callback function with a image data parameter
error callback
capture parameters
The result of getPicture can be:
•  a base64 encoded string
•  the URI of an image file
Encoding the image using Base64
can cause memory issues on some
getPicture options
getPicture() can be called with the following options
quality : 75,
destinationType : Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL,
sourceType : Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA,
allowEdit : true,
encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
targetWidth: 100,
targetHeight: 100,
popoverOptions: CameraPopoverOptions,
saveToPhotoAlbum: false
getPicture options
quality (Number)
quality of saved image Range [0, 100]
allowEdit (boolean)
allow simple editing of the image before selection
destinationType (Number)
not supported in Android
getPicture options
sourceType (Number)
encodingType (Number)
getPicture options
mediaType (Number)
correctOrientation (boolean)
Rotate the image to correct for the orientation of the device during capture
getPicture options
saveToPhotoAlbum (boolean)
Save the image to the photo album on the device after capture
popoverOptions (object)
iPad only
getPicture options
targetWidth, targetHeight (Number)
width/height in pixels to scale image
cameraDirection (Number)
Camera cleanup
Removes intermediate photos taken by the camera from temporary storage
callback function
error callback
Valid only when
•  the value of Camera.sourceType === Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA
•  the Camera.destinationType === Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI
iOS only
Camera example
The Media object provides the ability to record and play back audio files on a device
Media playback
It does not adhere to any W3C
specification, it is just a convenience API
provided by Cordova
The Media object
src (String): A URI containing the audio content
The URI can be local or can be a URL addressable by a standard HTTP get request
win: callback executed when the object executes a play, record, or stop action
fail: error callback
status: callback executed to indicate status changes
Media status parameter values:
•  Media.MEDIA_NONE = 0;
•  Media.MEDIA_STARTING = 1;
•  Media.MEDIA_RUNNING = 2;
•  Media.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3;
•  Media.MEDIA_STOPPED = 4;
Media methods
Media example
function stopAudio() {
            if (media) {
            myTimer = null;
Recording example
Media Error
Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed media operation
It contains a pre-defined error code
A global object that provides access to the device contacts DB
You can call 3 methods on navigator.contacts
•  navigator.contacts.create
•  navigator.contacts.find
•  navigator.contacts.pickContact
Creating contacts
One of the few synchronous functions of Cordova
It returns a new Contact object
The properties parameter is a map of properties of the new Contact object
To persist the Contact object to the device, you have to invoke the method
The Contact object
It contains all the properties that a contact can have
Every platform has its own quirks,
you better check them on the
Cordova documentation
The Contact object
A contact object provides the following methods:
returns a new Contact object that is a deep copy of the calling object, its id property is null
remove(win, fail)
removes the contact from the device contacts database
save(win, fail)
saves a new contact to the device contacts database
updates an existing contact if a contact with the same id already exists
Create contact example
Finding contacts
It queries the device contacts database and returns an array of Contact objects
fields: contact fields to be used as search qualifier. Only these fields will have values in the
resulting Contact objects
win: callback function with the array of contacts returned from the contacts database
fail: error callback
options: search options to filter contacts
Contact fields
Specifies which fields should be used as qualifiers of the search
Contact find options
Contains properties that can be used to filter the results
filter (String)
the search string used to find contacts, a case-insensitive, partial value match is applied
to each field specified in the contactFields parameter
multiple (Boolean) 
determines if the find operation should return multiple contacts
Contact Error
Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed lookup operation in the contacts DB
It contains a pre-defined error code
Contact find example
Picking contacts
Launches the device contact picker to select a single contact
win: callback function with the selected Contact object
fail: error callback navigator.contacts.pickContact(win,	
provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection
it is synchronous and very fast
You can access a single property
•  connection.type
Network connection
Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed lookup operation in the contacts DB
iOS can't detect the type of cellular network
connection, it will return always Connection.CELL
Connection events
Based on two main events:
online - fires when the application's network connection changes to being
online (that is, it is connected to the Internet)
offline - fires when the application's network connection changes to being
offline (that is, no Internet connection available)
Contains information about the device’s hardware and software
It is assigned to the window global object	
Device information
Device properties
A device object provides the following properties:
the name of the device's model or product (ex. “iPad 2”, “iPhone 5,1”, etc.)
the version of Cordova running on the device
the devices’ operating system (ex. “Android”, “iOS”, etc.)
Device properties
a unique identifier of the user’s device (UUID)
Android: a random 64-bit integer generated at device’s first boot
iOS: a string of hash values created from multiple hardware identifies
the OS version of the device (ex. “4.1”, “2.2”, etc.)
in iOS it is not reliable: The uuid on iOS is unique for each
device, but varies for each app, for each installation
Device information example
An event is an action that can be detected by your JavaScript code
In traditional JS programs, any element of the page can have certain events
ontouchstart, onclick, ...
To use any event, you’ll want to use an event listener
Cordova events
•  deviceready
•  pause, resume
•  batterycritical, batterylow, batterystatus
•  backbutton, menubutton, searchbutton
•  startcallbutton, endcallbutton
•  volumedownbutton, volumeupbutton
these work on Blackberry 10 only
Android buttons events
It is the most important in event in a Cordova app
Once deviceready is fired, you know two things:
•  The DOM has loaded
•  the Cordova native API are loaded too
App lifecycle events
Based on two main events:
fires when an application is put into the background
fires when a paused application is put back into the foreground
resign, active
iOS-specific events that are triggered when the users locks/unlocks the device
IOS: In the pause handler, any calls to the Cordova API or to
native plugins that go through Objective-C do not work,, they
are only processed when the app resumes.
Battery events
Based on two main events:
fires when the battery has reached the critical level threshold
similar to batterycritical, but with a higher threeshold
fires a change in the battery status is detected
This value is device-specific
The battery status must
change of at least 1%
Battery events
The handler of a battery event is always called with an object that contains two properties:
level (Integer)
The percentage of battery (0-100)
isPlugged (Boolean)
true if the device is plugged to the battery charger
Allows yout to provide feedback to the user
•  alert
•  confirm
•  prompt
•  beep
•  vibrate
Shows a custom alert to the user
•  message: the string to present to the user
•  callback: the function invoked when the user taps on the button
•  title: title of the alert (default is “Alert”)
•  button: name of the confirm button (default is “Ok”)
Similarly to alert, it shows a customizable confirmation dialog to the user
•  message: the string to present to the user
•  callback: the function invoked when the dialog is dismissed
it takes a “buttonIndex“ parameter to know which button has been pressed (it starts from 1)
•  title: title of the dialog (default is “Confirm”)
•  buttons: array of strings containing the button labels (default is [‘Ok’, ‘Cancel’])
It shows a customizable dialog with a prompt to the user
•  message: the string to present to the user
•  callback: the function invoked when the dialog is dismissed
it takes a “results“ parameter to know which button has been pressed (it starts from 1) and the
text entered by the user
•  title: title of the dialog (default is “Prompt”)
•  buttons: array of strings containing the button labels (default is [‘Ok’, ‘Cancel’])
•  text: default text in the input box
It playes a beep sound
•  times (Number): the number of times to repeat the beep
Android plays the default Notification ringtone specified
under the Settings/Sound  Display panel
It vibrates the device
•  milliseconds (Number): the duration of the vibration
iOS ignores the milliseconds parameter, it always vibrates for a
fixed amount of time
What is not covered in this lecture
•  Cordova Native Platform Dev workflow  Plugman
•  Cordova’s secondary APIs:
•  Splashscreen, InAppBrowser, Globalization
•  Geolocalization
•  Local storage  File API
•  PhoneGap Build
•  How to develop a plugin
We will have dedicated
lectures on these
Ivano Malavolta |
Gran Sasso Science Institute

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Apache Cordova APIs version 4.3.0

  • 1. Gran Sasso Science Institute Ivano Malavolta Apache Cordova APIs version 4.3.0
  • 2. Roadmap •  Accelerometer •  Compass •  Capturing audio/video & camera •  Media playback •  Contacts •  Connection •  Device information •  Events •  Dialogs
  • 3. Accelerometer navigator.accelerometer   It is a global object that captures device motion in the x, y, and z directions You can call 3 methods on it: getCurrentAcceleration   watchAcceleration   clearWatch   Accelerometer
  • 4. getCurrentAcceleration getCurrentAcceleration(win,  fail);   It gets the current acceleration along the x, y, and z axis win callback function with an Acceleration parameter fail error callback  
  • 5. watchAcceleration var  watchID  =  navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(win,  fail,  [options]);   It gets the device's current acceleration at a regular interval win callback function with an Acceleration parameter, it is called at regular intervals fail error callback options the interval is specified in the frequency parameter  
  • 6. clearWatch clearWatch(watchID);   Stop watching the Acceleration referenced by the watch ID parameter watchID ID returned by accelerometer.watchAcceleration
  • 7. The Acceleration object It contains accelerometer data captured at a specific point in time Properties  x (Number): Amount of acceleration on the x-axis. (in m/s^2) y (Number): Amount of acceleration on the y-axis. (in m/s^2) z (Number): Amount of acceleration on the z-axis. (in m/s^2) timestamp (DOMTimestamp): Creation timestamp in milliseconds these values include the effect of gravity (9.81 m/s^2)
  • 8. Accelerometer example    var  options  =  {  frequency:  3000  };                  var  watchID  =  navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(win,  fail,  options);                    function  win(acc)  {                          if((acc.x  ===  0)  &&  (acc.y  ===  0)  &&  (acc.z  ===  9.81))    {                                  console.log('I  am  on  a  table');                                  stop();                          }  else  {                                  console.log('Please,  leave  me  on  the  table');                          }                  }                    function  fail()  {                          alert('error');                  }                    function  stop()  {                          if(watchID)  {                                  navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch(watchID);                                  watchID  =  null;                          }                  }  
  • 9. Shake detection var  previousReading  =  {x:  null,  y:  null,  z:  null};     navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(function  (reading)  {    var  changes  =  {},    threshold  =  30;    if  (previousReading.x  !==  null)  {      changes.x  =  Math.abs(previousReading.x,  reading.x);      changes.y  =  Math.abs(previousReading.y,  reading.y);      changes.z  =  Math.abs(previousReading.z,  reading.z);    }    if  (changes.x  +  changes.y  +  changes.z  >  (threshold  *  3))  {      console.log(“shake  detected”);    }    previousReading  =  {      x:  reading.x,      y:  reading.y,      z:  reading.z    }   },  errorCallback,  {  frequency:  300  });  
  • 10. Accelerometer navigator.device.capture   Provides access for capturing directly from the device   Audio Image Video Capturing Audio and Video Omogeneous APIs between audio, image, and video capturing based on a W3C specification
  • 11. Supported formats The navigator.device.capture  object contains the supported formats it can record in three properties   supportedAudioModes The audio recording formats supported by the device supportedImageModes The recording image sizes and formats supported by the device supportedVideoModes The recording video resolutions and formats supported by the device They all contain an array of ConfigurationData objects
  • 12. The ConfigurationData object It is used to describe media capture modes supported by the device Properties  type (String) the string in lower case representing the media type height (Number) the height of the image or video in pixels width (Number) the height of the image or video in pixels ex. •  video/3gpp •  video/quicktime •  image/jpeg •  audio/amr •  audio/wav
  • 13. Supported format example var  imageModes  =  navigator.device.capture.supportedImageModes;                          for(var  i=0;  i  <imageModes.length;  i++)  {                                  var  mode  =  imageModes[i];                                  console.log(mode.type);                                  console.log(mode.height);                                  console.log(mode.width);                          }  
  • 14. Audio capture captureAudio(win,  fail,  [options]);   Starts the audio recorder app and returns information about captured audio clip files win callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter fail error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file options audio capture options It uses the device's default audio recording app The operation allows the device user to capture multiple recordings in a single session
  • 15. Options limit (Number) the maximum number of audio clips the user can record in a single capture operation duration (Number) the maximum duration of an audio sound clip, in seconds not supported in iOS not supported in Android
  • 16. Audio capture example var  options  =  {  limit:  2,  duration:  5  };     navigator.device.capture.captureAudio(win,  fail,  options);     function  win(mediaFiles)  {    var  i;    for  (i=0;  i<mediaFiles.length;  i++)  {      console.log(mediaFiles[i]);    }               }     function  fail(error)  {    console.log(‘Error  with  code:  '  +  error.code);   }  
  • 17. Image capture captureImage(win,  fail,  [options]);   Start the camera application and return information about captured image file(s) win callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter fail error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file options image capture options It uses the device's default camera app The operation allows the device user to capture multiple images in a single session
  • 18. Options limit (Number) the maximum number of photos the user can take in a single capture operation not supported in iOS
  • 19. Video capture captureVideo(win,  fail,  [options]);   Start the camera application and return information about captured video file(s) win callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter fail error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file options video capture options It uses the device's default camera app The operation allows the device user to capture multiple videos in a single session
  • 20. Options limit (Number) the maximum number of videos the user can take in a single capture operation duration (Number) the maximum duration of each video, in seconds not supported in iOS
  • 21. The MediaFile object A MediaFile encapsulates properties of a media capture file Properties name (String): the name of the file, without path information fullPath (String) : the full path of the file, including the name type (String): the file's mime type lastModifiedDate (Date): the date and time that the file was last modified size (Number): the size of the file, in bytes
  • 22. MediaFile format data mediaFile.getFormatData(win,  [fail]);     It is used to get information about the format of a captured media file win callback function with a MediaFileData parameter fail error callback
  • 23. The MediaFileData object Encapsulates format information about a media file Properties codecs (String): The actual format of the audio and video content bitrate (Number) : The average bitrate of the content (zero for images) height (Number): the height of the image or video in pixels (zero for audio clips) width (Number): the width of the image or video in pixels (zero for audio clips) duration (Number): the length of the video or sound clip in seconds (zero for images)
  • 24. Capture Error Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed media capture operation It contains a pre-defined error code CaptureError.CAPTURE_INTERNAL_ERR CaptureError.CAPTURE_APPLICATION_BUSY CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT CaptureError.CAPTURE_NO_MEDIA_FILES CaptureError.CAPTURE_NOT__SUPPORTED
  • 25. Camera     It provides an home-grown API for capturing images from the device’s default camera application It is developed in-house by Cordova in order to provide more options to developers Methods: getPicture cleanup
  • 26. Getting pictures from the camera camera.getPicture(win,  [fail],  [options]);   Takes a photo using the camera or retrieves a photo from the device's album win callback function with a image data parameter fail error callback options capture parameters The result of getPicture can be: •  a base64 encoded string •  the URI of an image file Encoding the image using Base64 can cause memory issues on some devices
  • 27. getPicture options getPicture() can be called with the following options { quality : 75, destinationType : Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL, sourceType : Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA, allowEdit : true, encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG, targetWidth: 100, targetHeight: 100, popoverOptions: CameraPopoverOptions, saveToPhotoAlbum: false };
  • 28. getPicture options quality (Number) quality of saved image Range [0, 100] allowEdit (boolean) allow simple editing of the image before selection destinationType (Number) not supported in Android
  • 30. getPicture options mediaType (Number) correctOrientation (boolean) Rotate the image to correct for the orientation of the device during capture
  • 31. getPicture options saveToPhotoAlbum (boolean) Save the image to the photo album on the device after capture popoverOptions (object) iPad only
  • 32. getPicture options targetWidth, targetHeight (Number) width/height in pixels to scale image cameraDirection (Number)
  • 33. Camera cleanup camera.cleanup(win,  [fail]);   Removes intermediate photos taken by the camera from temporary storage win callback function fail error callback Valid only when •  the value of Camera.sourceType === Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA •  the Camera.destinationType === Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI iOS only
  • 34. Camera example    var  options  =  {quality:  50,                          destinationType:  Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,                          sourceType:  Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA                  };                    setTimeout(function()  {                ,  fail,  options);                  },  3000);                    function  win(imageURI)  {                          var  element  =  document.getElementById('block');                          element.setAttribute('src',  imageURI);                  }                    function  fail  (error)  {                          console.log(error);  //  this  is  provided  by  the  device’s  native  code                  }  
  • 35. Accelerometer Media   The Media object provides the ability to record and play back audio files on a device Media playback It does not adhere to any W3C specification, it is just a convenience API provided by Cordova
  • 36. The Media object var  media  =  new  Media(src,  win,  [fail],  [status]);   src (String): A URI containing the audio content The URI can be local or can be a URL addressable by a standard HTTP get request win: callback executed when the object executes a play, record, or stop action fail: error callback status: callback executed to indicate status changes Media status parameter values: •  Media.MEDIA_NONE = 0; •  Media.MEDIA_STARTING = 1; •  Media.MEDIA_RUNNING = 2; •  Media.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3; •  Media.MEDIA_STOPPED = 4;
  • 38. Media example var  media  =  new  Media(“http://path/to/mp3”,  win,  fail);;   setTimeout(function()  {      media.seekTo(10000);     },  5000);     //  every  second  we  log  the  position   var  myTimer  =  setInterval(function  ()  {    media.getCurrentPosition(      function  (position)  {                          if  (position  >  -­‐1)  {                                  console.log((position)  +  "  seconds");                          }                  });   },  1000);     function stopAudio() {             if (media) {                 media.stop();             }             clearInterval(myTimer);             myTimer = null; }  
  • 39. Recording example function  recordAudio()  {      var  src  =  ‘recording.mp3’;      var  mediaRec  =  new  Media(src,  manageSuccess,  manageError);    mediaRec.startRecord();     }     function  manageSuccess()  {      console.log(‘Audio  recording  successful’);     }     function  manageError(error)  {      console.log(‘Error  recoding:  ‘  +  error.code);     }        
  • 40. Media Error Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed media operation It contains a pre-defined error code MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED
  • 41. Accelerometer navigator.contacts   A global object that provides access to the device contacts DB You can call 3 methods on navigator.contacts •  navigator.contacts.create •  navigator.contacts.find •  navigator.contacts.pickContact Contacts
  • 42. Creating contacts navigator.contacts.create(properties);   One of the few synchronous functions of Cordova It returns a new Contact object The properties parameter is a map of properties of the new Contact object To persist the Contact object to the device, you have to invoke the method
  • 43. The Contact object It contains all the properties that a contact can have Every platform has its own quirks, you better check them on the Cordova documentation
  • 44. The Contact object A contact object provides the following methods: clone() returns a new Contact object that is a deep copy of the calling object, its id property is null remove(win, fail) removes the contact from the device contacts database save(win, fail) saves a new contact to the device contacts database updates an existing contact if a contact with the same id already exists
  • 45. Create contact example var  contact  =  navigator.contacts.create({    displayName:  “Ivano“   });     var  name  =  new  ContactName();   name.givenName  =  “Ivano“;   name.familyName  =  “Malavolta“;  =  name;     contact.birthday  =  new  Date(“19  July  1983);,  fail);     function  win(contact)  {    console.log(Save  Success);   };     function  fail(contactError)  {    console.log(Error  =    +  contactError.code);   };    
  • 46. Finding contacts navigator.contacts.find(fields,  win,  fail,  options);   It queries the device contacts database and returns an array of Contact objects fields: contact fields to be used as search qualifier. Only these fields will have values in the resulting Contact objects win: callback function with the array of contacts returned from the contacts database fail: error callback options: search options to filter contacts
  • 47. Contact fields Specifies which fields should be used as qualifiers of the search var  fields  =  [displayName,  name];  //  or  [“*”]   navigator.contacts.find(fields,  win,  fail);   function  win(contacts)  {    console.log(‘ok');   };   function  fail(err)  {      console.log(err.code);   };  
  • 48. Contact find options Contains properties that can be used to filter the results filter (String) the search string used to find contacts, a case-insensitive, partial value match is applied to each field specified in the contactFields parameter multiple (Boolean)  determines if the find operation should return multiple contacts
  • 49. Contact Error Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed lookup operation in the contacts DB It contains a pre-defined error code ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR ContactError.TIMEOUT_ERROR ContactError.PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR ContactError.IO_ERROR ContactError.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR ContactError.PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR
  • 50. Contact find example var  options  =  new  ContactFindOptions();   options.filter  =  “Ivano;   options.multiple  =  true;     filter  =  [displayName,“birthday];     navigator.contacts.find(filter,  win,  fail,  options);     function  win(contacts)  {    for  (var  i=0;  icontacts.length;  i++)  {      console.log(contacts[i].displayName);    }   };     function  fail(contactError)  {    console.log(Error  =    +  contactError.code);   };    
  • 51. Picking contacts navigator.contacts.pickContact(win,[fail]);   Launches the device contact picker to select a single contact win: callback function with the selected Contact object fail: error callback navigator.contacts.pickContact(win,  fail);     function  win(contact)  {    console.log(’Just  selected:  '  +  JSON.stringify(contact));   }     function  fail(error)  {    console.log('Error:  '  +  error);   }  
  • 52. Accelerometer navigator.connection   provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection it is synchronous and very fast You can access a single property •  connection.type Network connection
  • 53. Connection.type Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed lookup operation in the contacts DB Values: Connection.UNKNOWN Connection.ETHERNET Connection.WIFI Connection.CELL_2G Connection.CELL_3G Connection.CELL_4G Connection.CELL Connection.NONE iOS can't detect the type of cellular network connection, it will return always Connection.CELL
  • 54. Connection events Based on two main events: online - fires when the application's network connection changes to being online (that is, it is connected to the Internet) offline - fires when the application's network connection changes to being offline (that is, no Internet connection available) document.addEventListener(‘offline’,  onOffline,  false);     function  onOffline()  {          console.log(‘The  user  is  not  connected  to  the  Internet  now’);   }  
  • 55. Accelerometer window.device   Contains information about the device’s hardware and software It is assigned to the window global object   Device information
  • 56. Device properties A device object provides the following properties: device.model the name of the device's model or product (ex. “iPad 2”, “iPhone 5,1”, etc.) device.cordova the version of Cordova running on the device device.platform the devices’ operating system (ex. “Android”, “iOS”, etc.)
  • 57. Device properties device.uuid a unique identifier of the user’s device (UUID) Android: a random 64-bit integer generated at device’s first boot iOS: a string of hash values created from multiple hardware identifies device.version the OS version of the device (ex. “4.1”, “2.2”, etc.) in iOS it is not reliable: The uuid on iOS is unique for each device, but varies for each app, for each installation
  • 58. Device information example function  getDeviceInfo()  {    var  element  =  document.getElementById('deviceProperties');        element.innerHTML  =  'Device  Model:  '        +  device.model        +  'br  /'  +                      'Device  Cordova:  '    +  device.cordova    +  'br  /'  +                                                'Device  Platform:  '  +  device.platform  +  'br  /'  +                                                'Device  UUID:  '          +  device.uuid          +  'br  /'  +                                                'Device  Version:  '    +  device.version    +  'br  /';    }  
  • 59. Accelerometer An event is an action that can be detected by your JavaScript code In traditional JS programs, any element of the page can have certain events ontouchstart, onclick, ... To use any event, you’ll want to use an event listener document.addEventListener(EVENTNAME,  callback,  false);   Events
  • 60. Cordova events •  deviceready •  pause, resume •  batterycritical, batterylow, batterystatus •  backbutton, menubutton, searchbutton •  startcallbutton, endcallbutton •  volumedownbutton, volumeupbutton these work on Blackberry 10 only Android buttons events
  • 61. deviceready It is the most important in event in a Cordova app Once deviceready is fired, you know two things: •  The DOM has loaded •  the Cordova native API are loaded too
  • 62. App lifecycle events Based on two main events: pause fires when an application is put into the background resume fires when a paused application is put back into the foreground resign, active iOS-specific events that are triggered when the users locks/unlocks the device IOS: In the pause handler, any calls to the Cordova API or to native plugins that go through Objective-C do not work,, they are only processed when the app resumes.
  • 63. Battery events Based on two main events: batterycritical fires when the battery has reached the critical level threshold batterylow similar to batterycritical, but with a higher threeshold batterystatus fires a change in the battery status is detected This value is device-specific The battery status must change of at least 1%
  • 64. Battery events The handler of a battery event is always called with an object that contains two properties: level (Integer) The percentage of battery (0-100) isPlugged (Boolean) true if the device is plugged to the battery charger
  • 65. Accelerometer Allows yout to provide feedback to the user •  alert •  confirm •  prompt •  beep •  vibrate Dialogs
  • 66. Alert navigator.notification.alert(message,  callback,  [title],  [button]);   Shows a custom alert to the user •  message: the string to present to the user •  callback: the function invoked when the user taps on the button •  title: title of the alert (default is “Alert”) •  button: name of the confirm button (default is “Ok”)
  • 67. Confirm navigator.notification.alert(message,  callback,  [title],  [buttons]);   Similarly to alert, it shows a customizable confirmation dialog to the user •  message: the string to present to the user •  callback: the function invoked when the dialog is dismissed it takes a “buttonIndex“ parameter to know which button has been pressed (it starts from 1) •  title: title of the dialog (default is “Confirm”) •  buttons: array of strings containing the button labels (default is [‘Ok’, ‘Cancel’])
  • 68. Example navigator.notification.confirm(          'You  are  the  winner!',  //  message            onConfirm,                        //  callback  to  invoke  with  index  of  button  pressed          'Game  Over',                      //  title          ['Restart','Exit']          //  buttonLabels   );     function  onConfirm(buttonIndex)  {          alert('You  selected  button  '  +  buttonIndex);   }    
  • 69. Prompt navigator.notification.prompt(message,  callback,  [title],  [buttons],  [text]);   It shows a customizable dialog with a prompt to the user •  message: the string to present to the user •  callback: the function invoked when the dialog is dismissed it takes a “results“ parameter to know which button has been pressed (it starts from 1) and the text entered by the user •  title: title of the dialog (default is “Prompt”) •  buttons: array of strings containing the button labels (default is [‘Ok’, ‘Cancel’]) •  text: default text in the input box
  • 70. Beep navigator.notification.beep(times);   It playes a beep sound •  times (Number): the number of times to repeat the beep Android plays the default Notification ringtone specified under the Settings/Sound Display panel
  • 71. Vibration navigator.vibrate(milliseconds);   It vibrates the device •  milliseconds (Number): the duration of the vibration iOS ignores the milliseconds parameter, it always vibrates for a fixed amount of time
  • 72. What is not covered in this lecture •  Cordova Native Platform Dev workflow Plugman •  Cordova’s secondary APIs: •  Splashscreen, InAppBrowser, Globalization •  Geolocalization •  Local storage File API •  PhoneGap Build •  How to develop a plugin We will have dedicated lectures on these
  • 74. Contact Ivano Malavolta | Gran Sasso Science Institute iivanoo