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Gran Sasso Science Institute
Ivano Malavolta
Local Storage
Web Storage
File System Access
Final Considerations
Local storage and file system access
There are 4 ways to store data locally in Cordova:
•  Web storage
•  Local Storage
•  Session Storage
•  WebSQL
•  Indexed DB
•  File System Access
Web storage, WebSQL, and
IndexedDB conform to W3C
specifications and are provided
by the browser itself
File system access API conforms to its
corresponding W3C specification
Web Storage
stores data in key/value pairs
persists across browser sessions
stores data in key/value pairs
data is erased when a browser session ends
relational DB
support for tables creation, insert, update, …
persists across browser sessions
It provides you a structured SQL relational database
You have to setup a DB schema
You can then perform classical SQL queries
•  It combines Web Storage and WebSQL
•  You can save data as key/value pairs
•  You can define multiple DBs
•  Good Performance
–  data is indexed
–  Asynchronous à it does not block the UI
You can see a store as a big SQL table with only key/value pairs
à you don’t need to define a schema upfront
File System
•  you can access files locally to your app
•  supports main FS operation
–  creation, move, delete, rename, etc.
•  it is not transactional
•  persists across browser sessions
Web Storage
File System Access
Final Considerations
Web Storage
It is based on a single persistent object called
You can set values by calling
window.localStorage.setItem(“name”, “Ivano”);
You can get values back by calling
var name = window.localStorage.getItem(“name”);
Supported Methods
Returns the name of the key at the position specified
Returns the item identified by it's key
.setItem(“key”, “value”)
Saves and item at the key provided
Removes the item identified by it's key
Removes all the key-value pairs
Complex Objects
Current implementations support only string-to-string mappings
à  you can store only strings
à  keys can be only strings
You can use JSON serialization if you need to store complex data
Example of JSON Serialization
// simple class declaration
function Person(name, surname) { = name;
this.surname = surname;
// object creation
var user = new Person(‘Ivano’, ‘Malavolta’);
// object serialization
window.localStorage.setItem(“user”, JSON.stringify(user));
// object retrieval
var current =
Checking Existence
You can simply check if the needed element is == null
if (window.localStorage.getItem(“user”)) {
// there is an object in user
} else {
// the user key does not have any value
Selecting elements
In this case you have to manually iterate on elements
var users = [...]; // array of Person objects
var allUsers =
var ivanos = [];
for(var i=0; i<allUsers.length; i++) {
if(allUsers[i].name == ‘Ivano’)
Counting Elements
Also in this case, we have to do it manually
var usersNumber =
Session Storage
Session Storage provides the same interface as Local Storage
à you can call the same methods
Session Storage is cleared between app launches
Web Storage
File System Access
Final Considerations
It provides you a structured SQL relational database
You have to setup a DB schema
You can then perform classical SQL queries
tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM User“, [],
function(tx, result) {
// callback code
Opening a DB
Done via a dedicated function
var db =
openDatabase(‘Test', ‘1.0', ‘Test DB', 100000);
It creates a new SQLite DB and returns a new Database object
The Database object will be used to manipulate the data
Opening a DB: syntax
openDatabase(name, version, displayname, size);
the name of the DB
the version of the DB
the display name of the DB
the size of the DB in bytes
It allows to manipulate the data via 2 methods:
atomically verify the version number and change it
db.changeVersion("1.0", "1.1");
performs a DB transaction
It allow you to execute SQL statements against the DB
db.transaction(queries, error, success);
3 functions as parameters:
queries : contains the queries to be performed
error : executed if the transaction results in an error
success : executed if the transaction terminates correctly
Transaction Example
It is the method that performs a SQL statement
The user can build up a database transaction by calling the
executeSql method multiple times
function populateDB(tx) {
unique, name, surname)');
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO USER(id, name, surname)
VALUES (1, ?, ?)‘, [“Ivano“, “Malavolta“],
success, error);
Result Sets
When the executeSql method is called, it will invoke it's callback
with a SQLResultSet parameter
It has 3 properties:
the ID of the row that has been inserted
the number of rows changed by the SQL statement
the data returned from a SQL select statement
rows is an object of type SQLResultSetList 
Results Sets Example
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO USER(id, name,surname) VALUES
(5, ?, ?)‘, [“Ivano“, “Malavolta“], success, error);
function success(tx, results) {
var affected = results.rowsAffected(); // 1
function error(err) {
// code for managing the error
Result Set Lists
It contains the data returned from a SQL Select statement
the number of rows returned by the SQL query
returns the row at the specified index represented by a JavaScript
Result Set List Example
tx.executeSql(‘SELECT * FROM USER‘, [], success, error);
function success(tx, results) {
var size = results.rows.length;
for (var i=0; i<size; i++){
It contains information about an occurred error
A predefined error code
A description of the error
error not considered by any other error codes
internal error of the database
the result set is too large
the db now exceeds the storage space of the app
•  the statement is not sintactically correct
•  the number of parameters does not match with
no reasonable time to get the lock for the transition
Error Code Example
tx.executeSql(‘SELECT * FROM USER‘,[], success, error);
function error(err) {
Web Storage
File System Access
Final Considerations
Indexed DB
It tries to combine Web Storage and WebSQL
You can save data as key/value pairs
You can define multiple DBs
Good Performance
data is indexed
asynchronous à it does not block the UI
Indexed DB
An Indexed DB is a collection of object stores
You can drop objects into the stores
You can see a store as a big SQL table with only key/value pairs
à you don’t need to define a schema upfront
IndexedDB !== mobile storage
still not fully supported by iOS
Web Storage
File System Access
Final Considerations
File System Access
It allows you to read, write and navigate file system hierarchies
It is fundamental for managing and storing large files and binary
content on the client-side
File System Access Workflow
1.  request file system access
–  persistent or temporary file system
2.  then you can perform CRUD operations for both files and
–  Create
–  Read
–  Update
–  Delete
Request File System
requestFileSystem(type, size, successCb, [errorCb])
LocalFileSystem .PERSISTENT
size in bytes the app will require for storage
success callback, its argument is a FileSystem object
error callback, its argument is a FileError object
Temporary VS Persistent
the files stored by the app can be deleted at the browser’s
à no guarantee of persistence
cannot be deleted by the browser without authorization by the
Local File System Example
function onSuccess(fileSystem) {
leave it to zero, Apache Cordova will take care of it
File System
The FileSystem object has 2 properties:
the name of the file system
it is unique across the list of exposed file systems
the DirectoryEntry object representing the root folder of the
file system
Resolving a File URI
retrieve a DirectoryEntry or FileEntry using a URI
"file:///userImg.png", onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess(fileEntry) {
Important directories
The real objects
Writing & Reading objects
File Entry
It represents a file on a file system
isFile (boolean)
Always true
isDirectory (boolean)
Always false
name (DOMString)
the name of the FileEntry, excluding the path 
fullPath (DOMString)
the full absolute path from the root
File Entry Methods
getMetadata(success, fail)
Look up metadata about a file
setMetadata(success, fail, metadataObject)
Sets the metadata of the file
moveTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail)
Move a file to a different location on the file system
copyTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail)
Copy a file to a different location on the file system
Return a URL that can be used to locate a file
File Entry Methods
remove(success, fail)
Delete a file
getParent(success, fail)
Look up the parent directory
createWriter(success, fail)
Creates a FileWriter object that can be used to write to a file
file(success, fail)
Creates a File object containing file properties
It contains attributes of a single file
name (DOMString)
The name of the file
fullPath (DOMString)
The full path of the file including the file name
type (DOMString)
The mime type of the file 
lastModifiedDate (Date)
The last time the file was modified
size (long)  
The size of the file in bytes
Directory Entry
It represents a directory on a file system
It has the same properties of FileEntry
Directory Entry Methods
getMetadata(success, fail)
Look up metadata about a directory
setMetadata(success, fail, metadataObject)
Sets the metadata of the directory
moveTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail)
Move a directory to a different location on the file system
copyTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail)
Copy a directory to a different location on the file system
Return a URL that can be used to locate a directory
Directory Entry Methods
getParent(success, fail)
Look up the parent directory
Creates a DirectoryReader object that can be used to read a
getDirectory(path, options, success, fail)
Creates or looks up a directory
create: (true | false)
exclusive: (true | false)
Directory Entry Methods
getFile(path, options, success, fail)
Create or look up a file within the directory
options are used when the file does not exist:
create à (true | false)
exclusive à (true | false)
removeRecursively(success, fail)
Delete a directory and all of its contents
File Reader
It is used to read the contents of a file
Files can be read as:
•  text
•  base64 data encoded string
•  binary string
•  array buffer
You can also abort() a file reading activity
You can register your own event listeners to receive the
following events:
loadstart, progress, load, loadend, error, abort
File Reader Example
entry.file(win, fail);
function win(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(evt) {
// reader.abort();
function fail(evt) {
File Writer
It is used to write to a file
The data to be written must be UTF-8 encoded
You can register your own event listeners to receive the
following events:
writestart, progress, write, writeend, error, abort
File Writer
A FileWriter is created for a single file
You can use it to write to a file multiple times
à the FileWriter maintains the file's position and length
attributes, so you can seek and write anywhere in the file
By default, the FileWriter writes to the beginning of the file (will
overwrite existing data)
Set the optional append boolean to true in the FileWriter's
constructor to begin writing to the end of the file
File Writer Methods
Aborts writing file
Moves the file pointer to the byte specified.
Shortens the file to the length specified.
Writes data to the file
File Writer Example
entry.createWriter(win, fail);
function win(writer) {
writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
writer.write(“Ivano Malavolta");
function fail(evt) {
// error management
Directory Reader
It is an object that lists files and directories in a directory
It has only one method:
readEntries(success, fail)
Read the entries of the directory
Directory Reader Example
var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader();
directoryReader.readEntries(success, fail);
function success(entries) {
var i;
for (i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
function fail(error) {
A Final Example
window.requestFileSystem(window.PERSISTENT, 0, initFS, error);
function initFS(fs) {
fs.root.getFile(‘log.txt', {}, win, error);
function win(fileEntry) {
fileEntry.file(read, error);
function read(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(e) {
function error(err) { console.log(err);}
Looking for a file and reading it
File upload
Upload files to a remote server via an HTTP multi-part POST
var fileURI; // the path of the file on the device
var server; // encoded URL of the server
var win; // success callback
var fail; // error callback
var options; // optional parameters (see next slide)
var trustAllHosts; // optional boolean parameter,
// true to accept all security certificates
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload(fileURI, encodeURI(server), win, fail, options);
File upload options
The FileUploadOptions can be used to specify additional
parameters to the upload script
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
options.fileName= “fileName”);
File upload options
File upload result
A FileUploadResult object is passed to the success callback
bytesSent: the number of bytes sent to the server
responseCode: The HTTP response code returned by the server
response: The HTTP response returned by the server as string
headers: the headers of the HTTP response by the server
not supported in iOS
not supported in iOS
File download
Downloads files from a remote server via an HTTP GET request
var source; // URL of the file to be downloaded
var target; // full path of the file to be saved
var win; // success callback (takes FileEntry object)
var fail; // error callback
var options; // optional parameters (only headers)
var trustAllHosts; // optional boolean parameter,
// true to accept all security certificates
var ft = new FileTransfer();,target, win, fail, options);
File transfer abort
Used to stop an on-going file transfer
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload(fileURI, encodeURI(server), win, fail, options);
// perform some operation
File transfer progress
Special callback activated every time a new piece of data is
ft.onprogress = function(progress) {
if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
console.log((progress.loaded / + “%”);
} else {
};; // the same works for upload
File transfer error
The FileTransferError object stores information about an error
occurred during a file transfer (either upload or download)
code: predefined error code
source: URI of the source
target: URI of the target
http_status: HTTP status code from the server (if received)
Web Storage
File System Access
Final Considerations
You will likely use more than one API in combination
à Use the right API for the right job
Web Storage
•  it is not transactional à race conditions
•  very simple API, no schema
•  only String data à performance issues for complex data due
to JSON serialization
•  session storage will be cleared after the app is closed
•  limited quota
SQL-based à fast and efficient
transactional à more robust
asynchronous à does not block the UI
rigid data structure à data integrity vs agility
limited quota
simple data model à easy to use
transactional à more robust
asynchronous à does not block the UI
good search performance à indexed data
data is unstructured à integrity problems
limited quota
not fully supported by every platform (e.g., iOS)
File System
asynchronous à does not block the UI
not transactional
indexing and search are not built-in à you have to implement
your lookup functions
unlimited quota à useful for images, videos, documents, etc.
Platforms support
About quotas...
Local Storage
~ 10Mb
Session Storage
~ 10Mb
~ 50-80Mb (depends on
the device)
Indexed DB
~ 50-80Mb (depends on
the device)
File system
Native DB
Extend the previous exercises you developed about Frascati
events so that users can:
1.  save a specific event or “ente” as favorited via local storage
2.  define a dedicated “Favorites” view of the app;
3.  define a WebSQL DB for storing events and “enti”;
–  here you can support a very limited subset of the data
4.  define a data prefetcher that at the first launch of the app
saves all the data coming from the Rest API to the WEBSQL
–  in the subsequent launches of the app, the data must come from
the WebSQL database, and not from the Rest API
Ivano Malavolta |
Gran Sasso Science Institute

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Local data storage for mobile apps

  • 1. Gran Sasso Science Institute Ivano Malavolta Local Storage
  • 3. Local storage and file system access There are 4 ways to store data locally in Cordova: •  Web storage •  Local Storage •  Session Storage •  WebSQL •  Indexed DB •  File System Access Web storage, WebSQL, and IndexedDB conform to W3C specifications and are provided by the browser itself File system access API conforms to its corresponding W3C specification
  • 4. Web Storage LocalStorage stores data in key/value pairs persists across browser sessions SessionStorage stores data in key/value pairs data is erased when a browser session ends
  • 5. WebSQL relational DB support for tables creation, insert, update, … transactional persists across browser sessions
  • 6. WebSQL It provides you a structured SQL relational database You have to setup a DB schema You can then perform classical SQL queries tx.executeSql(‘SELECT  *  FROM  User’,  [],        function(tx,  result)  {          //  callback  code   });  
  • 7. IndexedDB •  It combines Web Storage and WebSQL •  You can save data as key/value pairs •  You can define multiple DBs •  Good Performance –  data is indexed –  Asynchronous à it does not block the UI You can see a store as a big SQL table with only key/value pairs à you don’t need to define a schema upfront
  • 8. File System •  you can access files locally to your app •  supports main FS operation –  creation, move, delete, rename, etc. •  it is not transactional •  persists across browser sessions
  • 10. Web Storage It is based on a single persistent object called localStorage You can set values by calling window.localStorage.setItem(“name”, “Ivano”); You can get values back by calling var name = window.localStorage.getItem(“name”);
  • 11. Supported Methods .key(0) Returns the name of the key at the position specified .getItem(“key”) Returns the item identified by it's key .setItem(“key”, “value”) Saves and item at the key provided .removeItem(“key”) Removes the item identified by it's key .clear() Removes all the key-value pairs
  • 12. Complex Objects Current implementations support only string-to-string mappings à  you can store only strings à  keys can be only strings You can use JSON serialization if you need to store complex data structures
  • 13. Example of JSON Serialization // simple class declaration function Person(name, surname) { = name; this.surname = surname; } // object creation var user = new Person(‘Ivano’, ‘Malavolta’); // object serialization window.localStorage.setItem(“user”, JSON.stringify(user)); // object retrieval var current = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(“user”));
  • 14. Checking Existence You can simply check if the needed element is == null if (window.localStorage.getItem(“user”)) { // there is an object in user } else { // the user key does not have any value }
  • 15. Selecting elements In this case you have to manually iterate on elements var users = [...]; // array of Person objects window.localStorage.setItem(“users”, JSON.stringify(users)); var allUsers = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(“users”)); var ivanos = []; for(var i=0; i<allUsers.length; i++) { if(allUsers[i].name == ‘Ivano’) ivanos.push(allUsers[i]); }
  • 16. Counting Elements Also in this case, we have to do it manually var usersNumber = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(“users“)).length;
  • 17. Session Storage Session Storage provides the same interface as Local Storage à you can call the same methods but Session Storage is cleared between app launches
  • 19. WebSQL It provides you a structured SQL relational database You have to setup a DB schema You can then perform classical SQL queries tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM User“, [], function(tx, result) { // callback code });
  • 20. Opening a DB Done via a dedicated function var db = openDatabase(‘Test', ‘1.0', ‘Test DB', 100000); It creates a new SQLite DB and returns a new Database object The Database object will be used to manipulate the data
  • 21. Opening a DB: syntax openDatabase(name, version, displayname, size); name the name of the DB version the version of the DB displayname the display name of the DB size the size of the DB in bytes
  • 22. Database It allows to manipulate the data via 2 methods: changeVersion atomically verify the version number and change it db.changeVersion("1.0", "1.1"); transaction performs a DB transaction
  • 23. Transactions It allow you to execute SQL statements against the DB db.transaction(queries, error, success); 3 functions as parameters: queries : contains the queries to be performed error : executed if the transaction results in an error success : executed if the transaction terminates correctly
  • 25. executeSql It is the method that performs a SQL statement The user can build up a database transaction by calling the executeSql method multiple times function populateDB(tx) { tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS USER'); tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS USER (id unique, name, surname)'); tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO USER(id, name, surname) VALUES (1, ?, ?)‘, [“Ivano“, “Malavolta“], success, error); }
  • 26. Result Sets When the executeSql method is called, it will invoke it's callback with a SQLResultSet parameter It has 3 properties: insertId the ID of the row that has been inserted rowsAffected the number of rows changed by the SQL statement rows the data returned from a SQL select statement rows is an object of type SQLResultSetList 
  • 27. Results Sets Example ... tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO USER(id, name,surname) VALUES (5, ?, ?)‘, [“Ivano“, “Malavolta“], success, error); } function success(tx, results) { var affected = results.rowsAffected(); // 1 } function error(err) { // code for managing the error }
  • 28. Result Set Lists It contains the data returned from a SQL Select statement length the number of rows returned by the SQL query   item(index) returns the row at the specified index represented by a JavaScript object
  • 29. Result Set List Example ... tx.executeSql(‘SELECT * FROM USER‘, [], success, error); } function success(tx, results) { var size = results.rows.length; for (var i=0; i<size; i++){ console.log(results.rows.item(i).name); } }
  • 30. Errors It contains information about an occurred error code A predefined error code es. UNKNOWN_ERR, DATABASE_ERR, TOO_LARGE_ERR, QUOTA_ERR, TIMEOUT_ERR, SYNTAX_ERR message A description of the error error not considered by any other error codes internal error of the database the result set is too large the db now exceeds the storage space of the app •  the statement is not sintactically correct •  the number of parameters does not match with placeholders no reasonable time to get the lock for the transition
  • 31. Error Code Example ... tx.executeSql(‘SELECT * FROM USER‘,[], success, error); } function error(err) { console.log(err.code); }
  • 33. Indexed DB It tries to combine Web Storage and WebSQL You can save data as key/value pairs You can define multiple DBs Good Performance data is indexed asynchronous à it does not block the UI
  • 34. Indexed DB An Indexed DB is a collection of object stores You can drop objects into the stores You can see a store as a big SQL table with only key/value pairs à you don’t need to define a schema upfront
  • 35. IndexedDB !== mobile storage still not fully supported by iOS
  • 37. File System Access It allows you to read, write and navigate file system hierarchies It is fundamental for managing and storing large files and binary content on the client-side
  • 38. File System Access Workflow 1.  request file system access –  persistent or temporary file system 2.  then you can perform CRUD operations for both files and folders: –  Create –  Read –  Update –  Delete
  • 39. Request File System requestFileSystem(type, size, successCb, [errorCb]) type LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY LocalFileSystem .PERSISTENT size size in bytes the app will require for storage successCb success callback, its argument is a FileSystem object ErrorCb error callback, its argument is a FileError object
  • 40. Temporary VS Persistent Temporary the files stored by the app can be deleted at the browser’s discretion  à no guarantee of persistence Persistent cannot be deleted by the browser without authorization by the app
  • 41. Local File System Example window.requestFileSystem( LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onSuccess, onError); function onSuccess(fileSystem) { console.log(; } leave it to zero, Apache Cordova will take care of it
  • 42. File System The FileSystem object has 2 properties: name the name of the file system it is unique across the list of exposed file systems root the DirectoryEntry object representing the root folder of the file system
  • 43. Resolving a File URI window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI retrieve a DirectoryEntry or FileEntry using a URI window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI( "file:///userImg.png", onSuccess, onError); function onSuccess(fileEntry) { console.log(; }
  • 46. File Entry It represents a file on a file system isFile (boolean) Always true isDirectory (boolean) Always false name (DOMString) the name of the FileEntry, excluding the path  fullPath (DOMString) the full absolute path from the root
  • 47. File Entry Methods getMetadata(success, fail) Look up metadata about a file setMetadata(success, fail, metadataObject) Sets the metadata of the file moveTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail) Move a file to a different location on the file system copyTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail) Copy a file to a different location on the file system toURL() Return a URL that can be used to locate a file
  • 48. File Entry Methods remove(success, fail) Delete a file getParent(success, fail) Look up the parent directory createWriter(success, fail) Creates a FileWriter object that can be used to write to a file file(success, fail) Creates a File object containing file properties
  • 49. File It contains attributes of a single file name (DOMString) The name of the file fullPath (DOMString) The full path of the file including the file name type (DOMString) The mime type of the file  lastModifiedDate (Date) The last time the file was modified size (long)   The size of the file in bytes
  • 50. Directory Entry It represents a directory on a file system It has the same properties of FileEntry
  • 51. Directory Entry Methods getMetadata(success, fail) Look up metadata about a directory setMetadata(success, fail, metadataObject) Sets the metadata of the directory moveTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail) Move a directory to a different location on the file system copyTo(parentEntry, newName, success, fail) Copy a directory to a different location on the file system toURL() Return a URL that can be used to locate a directory
  • 52. Directory Entry Methods getParent(success, fail) Look up the parent directory createReader() Creates a DirectoryReader object that can be used to read a directory getDirectory(path, options, success, fail) Creates or looks up a directory options: create: (true | false) exclusive: (true | false)
  • 53. Directory Entry Methods getFile(path, options, success, fail) Create or look up a file within the directory options are used when the file does not exist: create à (true | false) exclusive à (true | false) removeRecursively(success, fail) Delete a directory and all of its contents
  • 54. File Reader It is used to read the contents of a file Files can be read as: •  text •  base64 data encoded string •  binary string •  array buffer You can also abort() a file reading activity You can register your own event listeners to receive the following events: loadstart, progress, load, loadend, error, abort
  • 55. File Reader Example entry.file(win, fail); function win(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(evt) { console.log(; }; reader.readAsText(file); // reader.abort(); }; function fail(evt) { console.log(error.code); };
  • 56. File Writer It is used to write to a file The data to be written must be UTF-8 encoded You can register your own event listeners to receive the following events: writestart, progress, write, writeend, error, abort
  • 57. File Writer A FileWriter is created for a single file You can use it to write to a file multiple times à the FileWriter maintains the file's position and length attributes, so you can seek and write anywhere in the file By default, the FileWriter writes to the beginning of the file (will overwrite existing data) Set the optional append boolean to true in the FileWriter's constructor to begin writing to the end of the file
  • 58. File Writer Methods abort() Aborts writing file seek(byte) Moves the file pointer to the byte specified. truncate(length) Shortens the file to the length specified. write(data) Writes data to the file
  • 59. File Writer Example entry.createWriter(win, fail); function win(writer) { writer.onwrite = function(evt) { console.log(“ok"); }; writer.write(“Ivano Malavolta"); }; function fail(evt) { // error management };
  • 60. Directory Reader It is an object that lists files and directories in a directory It has only one method: readEntries(success, fail) Read the entries of the directory
  • 61. Directory Reader Example var directoryReader = dirEntry.createReader(); directoryReader.readEntries(success, fail); function success(entries) { var i; for (i=0; i<entries.length; i++) { console.log(entries[i].name); } } function fail(error) { console.log(error.code); }
  • 62. A Final Example window.requestFileSystem(window.PERSISTENT, 0, initFS, error); function initFS(fs) { fs.root.getFile(‘log.txt', {}, win, error); } function win(fileEntry) { fileEntry.file(read, error); } function read(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(e) { console.log(this.result); }; reader.readAsText(file); } function error(err) { console.log(err);} Looking for a file and reading it
  • 63. File upload Upload files to a remote server via an HTTP multi-part POST request var fileURI; // the path of the file on the device var server; // encoded URL of the server var win; // success callback var fail; // error callback var options; // optional parameters (see next slide) var trustAllHosts; // optional boolean parameter, // true to accept all security certificates var ft = new FileTransfer(); ft.upload(fileURI, encodeURI(server), win, fail, options);
  • 64. File upload options The FileUploadOptions can be used to specify additional parameters to the upload script var options = new FileUploadOptions(); options.fileKey="file”; options.fileName= “fileName”); options.mimeType="text/plain"; …
  • 66. File upload result A FileUploadResult object is passed to the success callback Properties: bytesSent: the number of bytes sent to the server responseCode: The HTTP response code returned by the server response: The HTTP response returned by the server as string headers: the headers of the HTTP response by the server not supported in iOS not supported in iOS
  • 67. File download Downloads files from a remote server via an HTTP GET request var source; // URL of the file to be downloaded var target; // full path of the file to be saved var win; // success callback (takes FileEntry object) var fail; // error callback var options; // optional parameters (only headers) var trustAllHosts; // optional boolean parameter, // true to accept all security certificates var ft = new FileTransfer();,target, win, fail, options);
  • 68. File transfer abort Used to stop an on-going file transfer var ft = new FileTransfer(); ft.upload(fileURI, encodeURI(server), win, fail, options); // perform some operation ft.abort():
  • 69. File transfer progress Special callback activated every time a new piece of data is transferred ft.onprogress = function(progress) { if (progressEvent.lengthComputable) { console.log((progress.loaded / + “%”); } else { console.log(“progressed”); } };; // the same works for upload
  • 70. File transfer error The FileTransferError object stores information about an error occurred during a file transfer (either upload or download) Properties: code: predefined error code source: URI of the source target: URI of the target http_status: HTTP status code from the server (if received) FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR FileTransferError.ABORT_ERR
  • 72. Considerations You will likely use more than one API in combination à Use the right API for the right job Web Storage •  it is not transactional à race conditions •  very simple API, no schema •  only String data à performance issues for complex data due to JSON serialization •  session storage will be cleared after the app is closed •  limited quota
  • 73. Considerations WebSQL SQL-based à fast and efficient transactional à more robust asynchronous à does not block the UI rigid data structure à data integrity vs agility limited quota
  • 74. Considerations IndexedDB simple data model à easy to use transactional à more robust asynchronous à does not block the UI good search performance à indexed data data is unstructured à integrity problems limited quota not fully supported by every platform (e.g., iOS)
  • 75. Considerations File System asynchronous à does not block the UI not transactional indexing and search are not built-in à you have to implement your lookup functions unlimited quota à useful for images, videos, documents, etc.
  • 77. About quotas... Local Storage ~ 10Mb Session Storage ~ 10Mb WebSQL ~ 50-80Mb (depends on the device) Indexed DB ~ 50-80Mb (depends on the device) File system unlimited Native DB unlimited
  • 78. Exercises Extend the previous exercises you developed about Frascati events so that users can: 1.  save a specific event or “ente” as favorited via local storage 2.  define a dedicated “Favorites” view of the app; 3.  define a WebSQL DB for storing events and “enti”; –  here you can support a very limited subset of the data 4.  define a data prefetcher that at the first launch of the app saves all the data coming from the Rest API to the WEBSQL database; –  in the subsequent launches of the app, the data must come from the WebSQL database, and not from the Rest API Data:
  • 80. Contact Ivano Malavolta | Gran Sasso Science Institute iivanoo