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International Day of the Girl 2012

Japan Runs “Girls Impact” Event                    especially around the age of junior high
                                                   school, high school, or university. This form of
To celebrate the International Day of the Girls,   violence is not yet recognized as a serious
a ‘Girls Impact’ event was held in Tokyo on 8      issue in Japanese society. However, one in
October 2012. This event was organized by          five young women have experienced this type
UNIC, Plan Japan and Girl Scouts of Japan          of violence. Though the situation is serious,
(GSJ). An audience of 372 attended the event.      this is a great opportunity for Girl Scouts of
Girl Scouts of Japan presented how they            Japan to listen and empower girls and young
contribute to girl-related issues and              women to make a difference in Japanese
introduced the Stop the Violence campaign,         society.
including the current situation of violence in
Japanese society ―‘dating violence’.               During this event, Girl Scouts of Japan stood
                                                   in front of people, including many young
                                                   ladies, and listened to the strong and cheerful
                                                   shout of ‘Stop the Violence!’ from the
                                                   participants with their right hands held up. On
                                                   the same day, the GSJ’s leadership workshop
                                                   took place near the event, so girls were able to
                                                   visit the workshop participants who welcomed
                                                   them by shouting ‘Stop the violence!’ with their
                                                   right hands held up. They also participated in
                                                   the ‘Girls Impact’ event by watching an online
                                                   live telecast.
‘Dating violence’ is the threat or the act of
violence happening between dating partners,

Girl Scouts of Korea Hosts “Girls Lead the         Tae-suk Kim, the Vice-Minister of the Ministry
Change” Event                                      of Gender Equality and Family and Dr. Juseon
                                                   Byun, former Chairman of Asia Pacific
Girl Scouts of Korea held the Fifth Girl's Day     Regional Committee and around 100 Women
under the theme "Girl, Lead the Change!" at        and Civil NGOs.
Jamwon Han-river Park, Seoul, on 6 October
2012. The event was attended by 4,000
people including girls, youths, families, and
women across the country. Also present were
This annual event used to be held in April but      Apart from these activities, other programmes
the Girl Scouts of Korea requested that it be       linked to leadership development, career
moved in order to celebrate that UN-declared        development, maths classes with teaching
'International Day of the Girl' on 11 October.      aids and scientific activities as well as UN
The Girls' day event programme is planned in        MDGs were run by partner NGOs and the
line with new issues every year and provides        provincial councils so that girls can better
diverse programmes to enable Girl Guides and        prepare for their future.
Girl Scouts to develop their fullest potential as
responsible citizens of the world. The Imagine
More campaign introduced by WAGGGS was
adopted at the event and girls considered the
world they want for girls.

National Celebrations in Mongolia                   The International Day of the Girl was
                                                    celebrated at School No. 84 and No.17 in
The National Authority for Children, a              Ulaanbaatar with cooperation from GSAM,
Mongolian government agency, encouraged             with around 1,000 girls attending the event.
nationwide celebration of the International Day     During the celebration at school No. 84,
of the Girl.                                        young leader Bolortuya and GSAM Chief
                                                    Commissioner A.Tsevelmaa shared a
                                                    presentation on the Girl Guiding and Girl
                                                    Scouting movement and explained why the
                                                    “International Day of the Girl” was celebrated,
                                                    whilst also sharing WAGGGS’ Centenary
                                                    highlights. The focus for GSAM in celebrating
                                                    this day was on “Preserving Nature”.

                                                    At school No. 17, the celebration was
                                                    organized by GSAM members in cooperation
The Girl Scout Association of Mongolia              with the National Authority for Children.
(GSAM) introduced the concept of the                Kh.Baavgai (PhD in Pedagogy), Head of
International Day of the Girl to the Children       Children and Family Development Department
and Family Development Department of the            of the National Authority for Children, opened
National Authority for Children, the                the event day by giving the opening remarks:
government`s implementing agency. They
accepted and encouraged GSAM`s efforts,               “Dear beautiful princesses whom we
initiative and proposal to celebrate the            compare with flowers! We wish you a happy
International Day of the Girl nationwide every      future when you become good women and
year starting 2012. The National Authority for      good mothers. Thousands of girls of your age
Children sent a decree to all its branches in       in all parts of the world are living with many
the 21 provinces and Ulaanbaatar. They              issues such as having limited rights to
developed a guidance note containing                education, discrimination because of being
introductions, aims and ideas on how to             born as females, becoming victim of human
celebrate the International Day of the Girl at      trafficking, violence, hunger, poverty and
schools, communities and at local decision-         forcedly getting married at a very young age
making levels.                                      etc.

GSAM provided the National Authority for            We greatly appreciate this initiative to
Children with all necessary information about       celebrate the Day of the Girl worldwide with an
the Day and organized girls’ rights advocacy        aim to draw global attention to the issues
activities. This is the first time Mongolia         faced specifically by girls. The Girl Scout
celebrated the International Day of the Girl and    Association of Mongolia is giving you an
it was enriching and served as a platform for       opportunity to know your value and develop
girls to express their voice.                       not only your external beauty but also internal
                                                    beauty, so highlight my advice for you to
                                                    participate in GSAM activities actively. We are
GirlGuiding New Zealand Holds Girl Jam on
Planning to coordinate with the Girl Scouts          Child Mortality
Association of Mongolia on this matter in the
future.                                              Girl Guides throughout New Zealand jumped
                                                     to celebrate the International Day of the Girl on
At this exact moment girls all around the world      11 October 2012 and raise awareness about
are celebrating this day by establishing a           child mortality. The United Nations declared
garden under the name of the girls, expressing       11 October 2012 as the world’s first
their voice through their painting, songs and        International Day of the Girl and GirlGuiding
dancing”.                                            New Zealand as part of WAGGGS, raised their
                                                     voices to say, ““Together we can save
During the celebration of the event at School        children’s’ lives”. This is a key part of the
17, the participating girls drew their thoughts      Millennium Development Goals that were
and dreams, made compositions out of                 agreed by the United Nations Member States
pictures from magazines, wrote their feelings,       in New York to combat extreme poverty across
and travelled through desk stations named            the world.
“Precious Water”, “Beauty saves the world”,
“Healthy mind in Healthy Body” and “I can do         On this celebratory day for girls, GirlGuiding
it”.                                                 New Zealand aimed to make a commitment to
                                                     the future of children by having fun with Girl
The Director of School 17, made a closing            Jam, a quick and easy form of exercise and
speech saying that the event was a valuable          movement to the girls’ choice of music. “Girl
initiative that gave inspiration for the girls to    Jam aims to raise awareness about child
have optimistic aspirations and goals to             poverty and reducing child mortality,” said
become good women in the future.                     Sonia Faulkner, President, GirlGuiding New
                                                     Zealand. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for Girl
                                                     Guides of all ages to speak out, educate and
Girl Scouts of the Philippines Share the             take action”.
World they Want
                                                     Pippins, Brownies, Girl Guides and Rangers
                                                     enjoyed Girl Jam anywhere they chose,
                                                     whether it was at a park, at a local shopping
                                                     centre, at a school, anywhere in fact that was
                                                     a safe place. As the Girl Jam was held during
                                                     the school holidays, friends, parents,
                                                     grandparents and siblings were all invited to
                                                     join in the fun. Videos clips of the Girl Jam
The Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP)             were placed on You Tube through the
celebrated the first International Day of the Girl   GirlGuiding New Zealand website
at the GSP Escoda Hall at the National     
Headquarters, Manila.

Sessions on empowerment and other fun
activities helped them be aware of the issues
that Filipino girls face. A commitment wall
where girls posted their wishes on the world         Thailand Attends UNGEI Event
they want was also put up. Michelle Alvarez, a
young adult volunteer of GSP was named the           On the first International Day of the Girl Child,
Ambassador for the International Day of the          11 October 2012 the Girl Guides (Girl Scouts)
Girl for the Asia Pacific Region, WAGGGS. Mr         Association of Thailand (GGAT), led by
Dong Wana, Programme Support Manager of              President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wadee Kheourai
Plan International, Inc., gave an inspirational      attended an event jointly hosted by UNGEI
talk about the Journey to International Day of       (United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative) and
the Girl 2012 and State of the Girls Today. 130      Plan International Thailand to launch the
Junior, Senior and Cadets Girl Scouts, Troop
Leaders, Council Executives and staff together
with Girl Scouts of the officers and national
headquarters staff attended the celebration.
‘Because I am a Girl Campaign’ focusing on          one must acknowledge as existing; and
girls’ rights to education. UNGEI’s Joint            something has to be done to give equal
Statement for East Asia and Pacific and South        education opportunity to them.”
Asia Region was a call to End Child Marriage,
to which education can be one of the                 The event was presided over by a Minister
solutions.                                           from the Office of the Prime Minister, H.E.
                                                     Nalinee Taveesin, who touched on the
There was an exhibition on Thai women, who           government’s policy for boys and girls to have
were interviewed on ‘What education means to         equal opportunities to enrol in school.
them?’ comprising successful women from              However, in real life due to poverty and the
different walks of life as well as the less-         lack of legal status, girls drop out of school
privileged, mostly hill tribe, stateless girls and   and do not pursue their education after grade
young women, who have left school due to             12. All the participants were asked the
pregnancy. According to Maja Cubarrubia,             question ‘Do you believe every girl has the
Country Director for Plan: “Although we see          right to education?’ and if yes, to raise their
success in girls and women who received              hands to show support, to which every
education, there is the other side of the coin       participant raised their hand.

                                                     Scouting in the world and the launch of the
International Day of the Girl Declared               International Day of the Girl.
Nationwide in Tonga
                                                     The Pathway/Roadmap for the Girl/Child from
Tonga has been busy over the last few                2012-2013 has included feedback on Tumbl'r.
months. Since 11 September 2012, they have                                    Forming the
followed closely the International Day of the                                 Roadmap was judged
Girl and the Tumbl'r Launch. On 12 October,                                   and prizes for 1st,
the Day was declared nationwide with a very                                   2nd and 3rd were
powerful and empowering message from the                                      given out on 19
Hon. Minister of Education and Training (the                                  November when their
only woman Minister in the Cabinet). The Girl                                 new training centre
Guides Association of the Kingdom of Tonga                                    was officially handed
did the 'curtain raiser' for the Agricultural                                 over by the
Show, attended by their Majesties, Cabinet                                    Government of Japan
Ministers, MPs and many distinguished                                         and officially opened
guests. The girls sang 'Reduce, re-use;                                       by a grandchild of the
recycle and “This little Guiding Light of mine”.                              Royal Patron on her
                                                                              behalf. This will also
This was followed by three television                mark the 60th Anniversary of Girl Guiding and
awareness programmes of 30 minutes each,             Girl Scouting in Tonga, and all the Cabinet
sponsored by the Ministry of Education and           Ministers, MPs, school principals and related
Training. Their Board decided to re-run the Girl     stakeholders were invited. Schools sent in
Guides Association of the Kingdom of Tonga’s         their representatives which totalled more than
programmes.                                          100.

On Remembrance Sunday, 11 November, Girl
Guides and Girl Scouts attended a church
service where the lessons and hymns were
read by Girl Guide and Girl Scouts members
and the girls sang songs with compliments
such as 'Their Majesties kept smiling as the
children sang'. Their Royal Patron sent one of
her grandchildren on her behalf to lay the
wreath at the Cenotaph. The Girl Guides and
Girl Scouts’ wreath, in the shape of the Trefoil,
was laid to mark the third and final year of the
100th Anniversary of Girl Guiding and Girl
travelled to the Cook Islands to provide their
                                                       services to the members in the Girl Guides
                                                       Association Cook Islands (GGACI) from 28
                                                       September to 12 October 2012. They were
                                                       hosted by GGACI which provided all
                                                       accommodation, meals, transport to and from
Bangladesh Holds 35th National Council                 the airport, farewell gifts and other
and Election                                           contributions.

The 35th National Council and the Election of          In 2011 the programme was initiated by three
Bangladesh                                             young leaders from New Zealand and
Girl Guides                                            Australia. It was the beginning of the GOLD
Association                                            programme in the Cook Islands, where they
(BGGA) were                                            witnessed the celebration of the 83rd year of
held in the                                            Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting on Cook Islands
Girl                                                   Day.
Scouts                                                 This was the first time GGACI was a recipient
auditorium in                                          of such a unique and exciting programme.
New Baily Road Dhaka from 12 to 15 October             They allocated some days for the GOLD Team
2012. The programme was presided over by               to experience culture and tradition with girls
Marjina Haque, former regional commissioner            from the Brownies, Girl Guides, Rangers and
of the Rajshahi region. In total there were 184        Leaders. The GOLD Team also shared their
Councillors from eight Girl Guide regions              training skills to girls and leaders.
present. They elected 23 members for the
National Executive Committee for the year              They did activities such as: participating in a
2012 - 2015. Sayeda Rehana Imam was                    candle ceremony each morning to mark this
elected as the National Commissioner and               special programme into the Cook Islands;
Professor Yesmin Ahmed was elected as the              learning local basket weaving and other
Treasurer. After the election, the elected             weavings; participate in sewing fresh flower
members took their oath. The oath programme            garlands; Learning the skills on embroidery for
was conducted by Marjina Haque, Chairman               cushion covers; Doing coconut husking
of the council.                                        activities; Learning the different ways of
                                                       sarong tying; Participating in island dancing
The election committee consisted of five               lessons; Participating in a Duke of Edinburgh
members from different regions. Begum                  Award programme on Expedition with girls on
Kawsar Nasrin, Senior Assistant Secretary,             mountain hiking; Courtesy visits to a handful of
Ministry of Education of the Bangladesh                government and private sectors; Attending
Government was present during the                      local church services in the Cook Islands
programme as an external observer.                     Christian Church and the Catholic church.

The annual report (December 2011 - October             During their visit they also took part in
2012) of the Bangladesh Girl Guides                    International Day of the Girl celebrations on 11
Association was presented during the council.          October 2012. The programme began with a
Beside this report they also presented different       short devotion in the morning conducted by
Sub-Committee reports, audit reports of the            young women from a local Girl Guide
eight regions, proposed budget for the year            company, Titikaveka Girl Guide Company. The
2012-2013 and the appointment of the audit             eight member team was from Girlguiding New
firm was also actioned. World quota, World             Zealand, team leader Nicola Roux de Buison,
Thinking Day fees, among others were also              Jackie Crawford, Serena Smalley and Angela
set during this council.                               Stockman. The Girl Guides Australia
                                                       Incorporated team was composed of leader
                                                       Fiona Miller, Jaimmi Hayhoe, Emma Sheard
GOLD Team Visits Cook Islands                          and Kathryn Martin. The Titikaveka Girl Guide
                                                       Company hosted the team for an island
A journey was made to the Cook Islands by              breakfast and lighting, blowing and cutting of a
eight enthusiastic leaders from Girlguiding            special cake for this celebration.
New Zealand and Girl Guides Australia
Incorporated in partnership with the Guiding           To add an island flavour, the Girl Guides
Overseas Link for Development (GOLD). They             Association Cook Islands (GGACI) honoured

the GOLD Team by planting two gardenia             close cooperation, understanding and Girl
plants to mark the day in the compound where       Guiding spirit/sisterhood among members and
they were accommodated for two weeks. Tree         friends of GGAM. “We need to live by our Girl
planting is a significant ceremony for any         Guides’ motto that is `Be Prepared’ to face the
visiting group or occasion. This marked the        dynamic change in the world around us.
event and the 100 Years of changing lives          Therefore, it is imperative that every Guider
programme in the Cook Islands. Local girls         and member strive their best to equip
shared their island knowledge on coconut           themselves with the latest skills and
husking, cutting and crating the coconut. The      knowledge for any challenges”, she said.
GOLD Team were given a taste of the fresh
coconut juice and white meat of the coconut.       Guest-of-honour Normala Baharudin, Vice
                                                   Chairman of the Asia Pacific Regional
                                                   Committee, praised and thanked the recipients
                                                   YBhg Datin Seri Zalillah Mohd Taib, Jeyadhevi
                                                   Subramaniam and Lucy Lee for their
                                                   contributions to the association. “I hope the
                                                   achievements by these three ladies will inspire
                                                   others especially the young ones in emulating
                                                   their contributions and volunteerism. Their
                                                   support to the association is really
                                                   appreciated. The effort and commitment by
                                                   leaders in utilising their resources, talents and
                                                   influences effectively is of utmost importance
To conclude the event, the GOLD team was           to develop girls and young women into
invited to a traditional ceremony hosted by the    responsible and capable world citizen”, she
House of Ariki. They hope to continue this in      said before presenting the awards.
2013 to improve relations with others in the
Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting world. They         They each received a Sri Kandi gold brooch,
would like to send congratulations to every girl   trophy and certificate. Normala also
in the movement around the Asia Pacific            congratulated the association on the 95th
Region for taking a challenge in their life to     anniversary of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting
become an excellent girl in the society.           in the country.
Girl Guides Srikandi Award for Three
Women of Substance                                 Pakistan Runs Project on Peace Promotion

                                                   Pakistan Girl Guides Association AKYSBP
Around 220 members and friends of Girl
                                                   Branch’s Rehmani Garden Senior Girl Guides
Guides Association Malaysia (GGAM)
                                                   Company initiated a year-long project for the
attended the Srikandi Award and Girl Guides
                                                   “Promotion of Peace” in July.

                                                   The project is threefold and caters to three
                                                                               major objectives.
                                                                               The first objective is
                                                                               to promote internal
                                                                               peace through
                                                                               meditative practices
                                                                               so that the target
                                                                               audience can learn
                                                                               about ways to relax
Association Malaysia 95th Anniversary Night
                                                                               the mind and
dinner on 23 November 2012 to honour three
                                                                               achieve peace
ladies who contributed to the association. The
                                                   internally. The second component aims to
event was held at the association
                                                   expose youth of the community to various
headquarters, Wisma Pandu Puteri, Jalan
                                                   cultures locally and in other countries so they
Pantai Baharu, Kuala Lumpur.
                                                   may be acquainted to multiculturalism and
                                                   values of tolerance that are so relevant and
YBhg Datin Seri Zalillah Mohd Taib, GGAM           important for the society. The final component
Chief Commissioner in her welcoming speech         focuses on raising awareness on the pertinent
said that the success achieved in the 95 years     issues of human rights focusing on women
of Girl Guiding in Malaysia was due to the         and children’s rights in society.
The camp activities included a cooking
In this regard, the Rehmani Garden Senior              challenge, poster making on environment,
Girl Guides arranged a poetry writing                  camping and Winnie roast (banana, corn, and
competition on the theme of “a world without           marshmallow) partying, boating, biking,
violence” for the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of       playing games, and visiting Baguio City’s
four localities. The aim of the activity was to        market, mall, parks and some historical
think and reflect on the growing violence in the       places. The Girl Guides visited Mary
world and how it affects people. The activity          Immaculate Conception School in Baguio to
encourages young girls to express their                present Damansara School’s “Save the
thoughts through creative expression. An art           Endangered Species Project” and at the same
competition was also organized for Junior Girl         time they learned other environmental issues
Guides of the four localities on the theme “The        that our country is currently experiencing.
World We Want for Ourselves”. The objective
of this was for these young girls to start             Thailand Runs Life Skill and Service
noticing the environment around them, to get           Training Camp
them to think of the aspects of the society that
make them uneasy and which they feel can be            Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) Association of
improved so that we may have a peaceful                Thailand organized a ‘Life Skill and Service
society. Girl Guides and Junior Girl Guides            Training Camp’ from 16 to 18 November 2012
participated in these activities and many              for 70 Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from Cha-
entries were received which reflected how              am Khunying Neungburi school in the
deeply and creatively youth thinks about               Prachuapkhirikan Province. The programme
various aspects and problems of the society            entailed Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to travel
and the wider world.                                   to Bangkok by train, wishing Their Majesty the
                                                       King and Queen good health in Girl Guides
The Philippines Runs Malaysian Girl                    and Girl Scouts uniform as a group, setting up
Guides Camp for Environmental Campaign                 tents, learning to use a cooking pot, sewing
                                                       cloth bags to give as gift when visiting the
                                                       Emergency Home, an NGO which provides
                                                       shelter to girls and young women with
                                                       unwanted pregnancies as well as battered
                                                       wives to learn about their plight and provide
                                                       comfort to victims of sexual abuse and

                                                       Boonyanuj Leukla noted “I was so excited
                                                       about this camp and had to learn to adapt
The Girl Scouts of the Philippines ran a three-        myself to many new things like learning to
day Friendship Adventure Camp for more than            cook where the toughest part was learning to
30 Girl Guides from Bukit Damansara Primary            light the fire. We also had fun activities with
School, one of Malaysia’s top performing               games and songs, visited the Emergency
schools, at the Ating Tahanan National                 Home to give the bag I sewed as well as
Programme and Training Centre in Baguio                learning about the girls and women facing
City, Philippines from 18 to 22 November               family problems. I also had a chance to hold a
2012. The Malaysian Ministry of Education              neglected baby, which made me yearn to stay
approved and funded the activity which aimed           back”.
to promote environmental concerns and foster
cultural and friendship exchange.

Nepal Scouts Hold Scout Rally

                                                      On 24 November 2012 a Scout Rally was
                                                      organized by the Nepal Scouts National
                                                      Headquarters on the occasion of 100 years of
                                                      WAGGGS and 60 years of Nepal Scouts. The

WLDP in Tokyo

WAGGGS and the Girl Scouts of Japan
hosted a WAGGGS Leadership Development
Programme (WLDP) at the National Olympics
Memorial Youth Centre in Tokyo, Japan from 2
to 7 October 2012.This event brought together
                                                      participating districts in the rally were
42 participants from 21 countries, including 18
                                                      Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, and Lalitpur districts.
participants from Japan.
                                                      1,700 Boy and Girl Scouts participated in the
Makiko Kato, one of the Japanese
participants, commented, "It was the first time
                                                      The Rally was started and inaugurated from
for me to participate in WAGGGS events and I
                                                      the Central Sports Stadium 'Dasharath
learned what is leadership and gained tips to
                                                      Rangashala' to the central parts of Kathmandu
be a good leader through some activities. The
                                                      City up to the Nepal Scouts National
most interesting workshop for me is the
                                                      Headquarters. Mr. Baikuntha Manandhar,
Powerful Question, a leadership skills session.
                                                      Marathon Gold Medallist, also a previous
This workshop taught me the way to ask
                                                      Scout, inaugurated the Rally from Dasharath
questions which encourage and move people
forward. I am working harder by bringing this
skill into daily life. Also it was my first time to
                                                      When the rally reached the National
spend seven days with Girl Scouts and Girl
                                                      Headquarters of Nepal Scouts, a
Guides from other countries. Through the
                                                      formal programme was conducted.
international nights and Japanese nights, we
                                                      Ms. Pushpalata Bhattarai, Joint Chief
learnt more about each country and culture.
                                                      Commissioner of Nepal Scouts chaired the
WLDP brought me to a new world and new
                                                      programme. Prof. Dr. Shiva Kumar Rai,
friends from all over the world!"
                                                      Member of National Planning Commission of
                                                      Nepal was invited as the Chief Guest for the
Girl Guides Association of Malaysia and
                                                      programme. The Secretary and
Walt Disney Award for Brownie
                                                      Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and
                                                      Sports (line ministry of Nepal Scouts) also
The inaugural Phineas and Ferb Isabella
                                                      attended the programme.
Award by Walt Disney Channel and Girl
Guides Association of
                                                      Ms. Ram Badan Joshi, Coordinator of Scout
Malaysia was presented
                                                      Rally 2012 and Chairperson of the Advisory
during the recent
                                                      Committee of Nepal Scouts gave a welcome
Karnival Pandu Puteri
                                                      speech mentioning the importance 100 years
Tunas at the Bukit
                                                      of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and the
Merah Laketown Resort,
                                                      diamond jubilee of Nepal Scouts. The
Perak. This was in
                                                      representatives from the three districts spoke
recognition of one of the
                                                      about the centenary and 60-year celebration
girls who made Phineas
                                                      activities from their respective districts. The
and Ferb’s adventures possible - Fireside Girl
                                                      chief guest highlighted the importance of
Troop Leader, Isabella Garcia Shapiro. Young
                                                      scouting in Nepal in the present situation when
winners aged 10 to 12 years old showed
                                                      the country is going through political instability.
remarkable leadership as Pandu Puteri Tunas
Company Leaders (Ketua Pasukan Pandu
                                                      A message from the Low Lih Jeng, Chairman,
Puteri Tunas). They are confident with a go-
                                                      Asia Pacific Regional Committee, WAGGGS
getter attitude, tenacious with a let’s-give-it-
                                                      was read during the ceremony. The Scouts
our-best-shot perseverance, cheerful and
                                                      were excited to attend the rally and many of
optimistic. More importantly, they are good
                                                      them recommended that this kind of big event
friends to their company members.
                                                      should take place more often in future.
introduced the reef knot that is so useful in
Pakistan Runs Cadet Girl Guide Training                daily life. Every Girl Guide and Girl Scout
                                                       knows how to tie a reef knot, so when they
Pakistan Girl                                          saw how surprised the television personalities
Guides                                                 were at how useful a reef knot is, they felt
Association                                            anew that "Girl Guide and Girl Scout skills that
National                                               they learn naturally are all far more useful than
Headquarters                                           they ever imagined." Girl Scouts of Japan
organized a                                            uploaded a video of the rope work from the
training for                                           television programme onto Facebook.
Cadet Girl
Guides from 27 to 31 August 2012. 60
students of the Government College for                 Girl Scouts of Korea Sign Memorandum of
Elementary Teachers, belonging to different            Understanding with 2013 Special Olympics
areas of the country attended the training.

Facilitators passed the knowledge to the
participants in various interesting ways. Mrs.
Tahira Ahmad, Mrs. Shamsa Kashif, Syeda
Khawar Ehsan, Ms. Zaheen Shafque and Mrs.
Arjumand Shamim were among the facilitators.
Sessions on the Introduction of Girl Guiding,
Formation of Girl Guide companies,
Components of the Girl Guide programme,
History of Girl Guiding, National and                  Girl Scouts of Korea took part in a
International Girl Guide Celebrations and              Memorandum of Understanding Signing
International Girl Guiding were the main               Ceremony with the 2013 Pyeongchang
features of the workshop.                              Special Olympics Winter Games World
                                                       Competition Organization Committee in July
On 30 August 2012 a Day Camp was                       2012 to support the Olympics.
organized. Participants learnt to make different
gadgets with the help of knots and set up              300 Girl Scouts participated in D-100
shelters. On 31 August 2012 participants took          celebration event “Together We Walk” on 21
an oath and were enrolled as Cadet Girl                October 2012 and Girl Scout officials will
Guides by Mrs. Tahira Ahmad, National                  participate in the “Special Scarf Project” to knit
Secretary, Pakistan Girl Guides Association.           the scarves. The knitted scarves will be
Later in the day the closing ceremony was              donated to the athletes during the Opening
held. Mrs. Farhana Azim, National                      Ceremony of the Olympics.
Commissioner, Pakistan Girl Guides
Association was the Chief Guest. In her                The Special Olympics World Winter Games
address, she emphasized the importance of              PyeongChang 2013, an international sporting
teachers in society and motivated them to              event where people with intellectual disabilities
learn for moving forward in life. She also             from all around the world participate, will take
distributed certificates to the participants.          place from 29 January 2013 to 5 February
                                                       2013 at PyeongChang, Korea.

                                                       The Philippines Participates in Jamboree-
                                                       On-The-Air (JOTA)/Jamboree-On-The-
                                                       Internet (JOTI)

                                                       The Girl
                                                       Scouts of the
                                                       participated in
Girl Scouts of Japan Appearances in                    the 55th
Popular TV Programmes                                  Jamboree-on-
                                                       the-Air (JOTA)
Girl Scouts of Japan, who are known for being          and 16th
good at knots, were featured on NHK's popular          Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTI) on 20
morning programme 'Asa-ichi' where they                October 2012. The event was conducted by

the Boy Scouts of the Philippines in                The meeting was held in Bangkok from 3 to 5
coordination with the Philippine Amateur Radio      September 2012 to create a network of
Association (PARA). JOTA and JOTI are held          influential diplomats and experienced experts
annually every third Saturday of October.           to promote peace and reconciliation in the
Through this activity, Junior, Senior and Cadet     Asian region using a confidential diplomatic
Girl Guides and Girl Scouts have the                approach. The founding members of APRC,
opportunity to communicate with other Girl          which will have a Secretariat in Bangkok,
Guides and Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts in the        included many former Prime Ministers from
country and abroad through the ham radio and        across Asia. HRH Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of
the Internet. Susan R Locsin, Girl Scouts of        Thailand also attended and met participants of
the Philippines 2 National Vice President,          the APRC.
gave an inspirational message. Girl Guides
and Girl Scouts and Troop Leaders from the          It was a significant lifetime experience during
Caloocan City and Pasay City Councils               which Praewa learned a lot of new things
participated in the event.                          since it was completely different from other
                                                    valuable opportunities she has had.
Royal Visit to the Solomon Islands
                                                    Praewa writes :
Maia Ramsden of the Solomon Islands Girl
Guides Association (SIGGA) writes on the
Royal visit to her island:                              “I am very glad that I got to talk with
                                                        the former Prime Minister of
 “When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge                Malaysia about my Girl Guiding and
arrived here it was exceedingly exciting. I am          Girl Scouting experiences in
very interested in the royal families of the past       Thailand     and      at    WAGGGS
and present but more because they are an                international events I have attended
age-old family who has been all over the world          and I shared the work of WAGGGS
than because I think they should be in a                with him. He seemed very
position of great power. It was a great                 interested and surprised, and asked
privilege to be part of the royal guard of              a lot of questions about Girl Guiding
honour with the other Solomon Islands Girl              and Girl Scouting! I was so thrilled!
Guides and Girl Scouts even in the                      I also mentioned that I have lovely
unfortunate weather. I am slightly disappointed         Malaysian Sister Girl Guides in his
that I did not get to shake their hands like my         country too! Self-confidence, self-
brother and sister. All in all it was a wonderful       esteem, leadership and decision-
experience that I thoroughly enjoyed.”                  making are some of the valuable
                                                        skills I have developed from
Thailand Girl Guide Selected to Support the             participating in Girl Guiding and Girl
Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council                  Scouting activities, which helped
(APRC)                                                  me a lot in working at this event. It
                                                        also helps open more doors of
Thamonwan Na Nakara (Praewa), a young                   opportunities for me. Thank you
Board Committee member of the Girl Guides               WAGGGS! Thank you Girl Guiding
(Girl Scouts) Association of Thailand was               and Girl Scouting! I am very proud
selected to be the personal liaison of the              to be a Girl Guide and Girl Scout!”
former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at the Asian Peace
and Reconciliation Council (APRC)
preparatory meeting.
Pakistan Runs Income Generation Skills

                                                        In September 2012
                                                        the Pakistan Girl
                                                        Guides Association
                                                        organized two
                                                        trainings on income
Korea Runs Fundraising Campaign in                      generation skills in
Support of Girl Victims Suffering from                  District Shekhupura and Lahore Cantt in which
Sexual Violence                                         30 Senior Guides participated. They learnt
                                                        how to make handmade baskets, greeting
                                                        cards, decoration pieces and how to cook
                                                        different food items at home. At the end they
                                                        exhibited stalls in their educational institutions
                                                        and generated money by selling these items.
                                                        Senior Girl Guides from Lahore taught the
                                                        community women to make envelopes from
                                                        newspaper, they also provided newspapers to
                                                        the women to make envelopes for sale to
                                                        upgrade their economic situation.
Girl Scouts of Korea together with the
HappyBean Foundation, embarked on a
Fundraising Campaign in support of girl
victims suffering from sexual violence. The
HappyBean Foundation is working for the
public good as a non-profit foundation of
Naver which is Korea's largest portal site.

On 6 October Girl Scouts of Korea had a
Memorandum of Understanding Signing
Ceremony with HappyBean Foundation during               Enthusiasm and Teamwork Grows Girl
the Fifth Girls’ Day event and started the              Guiding in a district of New Zealand
Campaign by making a piggy bank to raise
funds. Juyeon Park, a Junior Girl Scout who                                        Girl Guiding is
took part in the Campaign, said "I hope to                                         flourishing in the
make the perfect world for girls, especially for                                   Cromwell/Lakes area
the girl victims of sexual violence, by                                            of Central Otago in
participating in this meaningful campaign."                                        the lower South
                                                                                   Island, thanks to the
This campaign has been conducted on the                                            enthusiasm and
web as well as offline from 11 October 2012 in                                     team work of a group
commemoration of 'The 1st UN International                                         of 23 leaders.
Day of the Girl' to 11 December 2012 by
making a piggy bank or donating 'Bean' (a               “We are operating with waiting lists or at full
donation item of HappyBean) through the                 capacity in Wakatipu and Cromwell Pippin,
HappyBean website. In addition, Girl Guides             Brownie and Cromwell Ranger Units,” says
and Girl Scouts posted messages and photos              District Co-ordinator and Cromwell Brownie
of donation activities on a 'Members Club'              Leader Patricia Hilton. “The key reason we are
which is a web community of HappyBean.                  flourishing is the extremely motivated positive
                                                        leaders who work together to make really
Through this Campaign, Girl Scouts of Korea             exciting programmes for the girls in all units. I
hopes to help girls change the world                    believe that in providing programmes that are
themselves and this campaign will be                    challenging and fun, you will always have girls
continued under various themes for girls and            keen to be involved regardless of age.”
young women.
                                                        Patricia said the lack of a permanent Girl
                                                        Guiding hall is a blessing, rather than a
                                                        hindrance to the region’s success. “We don’t
                                                        have to spend time fundraising for venues so

all our energy goes on making sure we have           unit activities and to provide training for unit
exciting programmes for all our girls. Our           leaders.
philosophy is that we should be out in the
community as much as possible.” After only           “As one of GirlGuiding New Zealand’s goals is
four years, Patricia is excited about the future     to encourage and support diversity within their
and happy about the opportunities provided by        membership and local communities, training
the tightly-run units in her district.               information is being developed to better
                                                     understand the needs of refugee girls and their
“We are flourishing here and it’s amazing that       families and increase skills to assist their
we’ve only been up and running for four years.       integration into the New Zealand way of life,”
It’s a testament to the commitment and               said Sue.
enthusiasm of our leaders. They run great
units, are really positive and have lots of fun.     A further initiative for the Refugee Integration
The parent leaders don’t receive discounted          Project is to provide the opportunity for girls,
membership for their daughters so they are           their families and community leaders to have a
there because they enjoy it and that makes           go at Girl Guiding activities, to showcase the
such a difference to our girls and the time they     types of activities that girls are involved in “so
have while they’re with us,” said Patricia.          they feel more relaxed and comfortable when
                                                     beginning their Girl Guiding life at unit
Refugees encouraged to join GirlGuiding
New Zealand

An innovative
project in
Manawatu to
encourage girls
from refugee                                         Special Summer Camp for children in areas
families to join                                     affected by the Great East Earthquake
New Zealand                                                                          Girl Scouts of
continues to grow. A task force has been set                                         Japan invited
up to assist Refugee Integration Project leader                                      elementary
Sue Arnold and the local Refugee Services to                                         and junior high
provide further support for the girls and their                                      school pupils
families.                                                                            from Iwate,
                                                                                     Miyagi and
“Our Refugee Integration Project aims to                                             Fukushima,
embrace diversity and end the isolation some                                         the three
of these girls feel when they arrive in a strange    prefectures hit by the Great East Japan
country. All our girls benefit by experiencing       Earthquake in March 2011, to a three-day
and interacting with girls of a different culture,   camp.
which expands their horizons and encourages
understanding,” says Sue. Girl Guiding is a          The camp was financed by donations from Girl
safe way for these girls to be involved in the       Guides and Girl Scouts in Japan and
Palmerston North community and immerse               overseas. They used the National Hanayama
themselves in New Zealand life and to try new        Youth Outdoor Learning Centre in Miyagi and
things and achieve new challenges,” she says.        planned activities that would cultivate disaster
                                                     prevention skills and instil a zest for living in
The task force will focus on issues related to       the rich natural environment. The children
getting girls between unit meetings and their        cooperated with each other and deepened
homes and meeting with Refugee Services              their friendship. All the activities were
and community leaders to develop strategies          conducted in groups with Rangers or student
for further promotion and successful                 leaders acting as leaders. The Rangers
integration and retention of girls in the units.     showed excellent organizational skills and the
Future plans include setting up a uniform and        participants enjoyed three fun days in safety in
resource pool to provide access to these for         the company of group leaders. The
girls who are regularly attending Girl Guiding       participants went home after the camp saying
                                                     that they wanted to come again next year. In
response to their wish, Girl Scouts of Japan            Girl Guides Singapore works closely with the
are planning to hold the summer camp again              National Environment Agency (NEA) with
next year.                                              regards to educating the young about
                                                        environmental issues faced locally. We have
Girl Scouts of the Philippines Honours                  programmes established for our Brownies -
Founder                                                 Resource Conservation Badge and Public
                                                        Health Badge. These two badges are the
The Josefa Llanes Escoda Hall was dedicated             champion badges that Brownies will attend
                                on 20                   upon completion of the five merit badges.
                                September at
                                the Girl Scouts         Besides workshops, there were a series of
                                of the                  competitions, related to the environment, as
                                Philippines             well as sharing sessions with the Guiders and
                                (GSP) national          public on their activities. For instance, our
                                headquarters            Brownies were given the opportunity to share
                                on Padre                at the Clean and Green Singapore Schools’
Faura, Manila. On this day, the Girl Scouts of
the Philippines honoured its founder, Josefa
Llanes Escoda, on her 114th birth anniversary.
Escoda was a suffragist and an advocate for
women's rights. Escoda Day's theme this year
was "Remembering Our Great Founder."

A heroine of World War II, Escoda is known for
her sacrifices in helping Filipino soldiers
endure the difficulties of prison life. She was         Carnival about the two WAGGGS badges to
last seen on 6 January 1945, in Manila, where           the guest of honours present and the public.
she died in a concentration camp. GSP                   Many were impressed by the programmes and
observes Josefa Llanes Escoda Day each                  were also given an opportunity for hands-on
year on 20 September with fitting celebrations          activities on-site.
nationwide by virtue of Presidential
Proclamation 1214. GSP members contribute               Addressing both local and global
to the Josefa Llanes Escoda Memorial Fund,              environmental issues, the “Hand Pledge” idea
which supports travel expenses of Girl Scouts           was adapted. During the workshops, we
and Troop Leaders who attend international              collected the pledges from our Brownies. At
events representing the GSP.                            our Guiders’ Seminar, we collected pledges
                                                        from the Guiders as the theme was about
Singapore Represented at Green Seminar                  environmental sustainability. All the pledges
                                                        collected were displayed during our
Jing Fang from Girl Guides Singapore (GGS)              International Camp. Participants at the
attended a seminar at Sangam in March 2012.             International Camp were also asked to make
She writes on her experience here:                      their pledge for the environment.

 “In March 2012, I was given the opportunity to         Being a busy yet fulfilling year, the ‘finale’ was
attend a one week seminar, “Young Women                 our National Brownie Revel held on 10
Leading for a Greener Future”. The week-long            November 2012. The revel was themed “We
seminar was held at Sangam from 14 to 20                can Save our Planet”. NEA partnered GGS for
March. It was indeed an amazing experience              this event as they sponsored gifts for the
as 39 young women from 34 countries came                goodie bags, the mascots that were related to
together working towards a common goal.                 the two NEA Champion Badges and Operation
All sessions were designed to help young                M.A.C.E, an online gaming portal designed to
women better understand the environmental               address dengue related issues. Apart from our
issues that were faced globally. Through the            usual competitions set aside for Brownies, we
series of activities during the seminar, we were        included competitions for both Brownies and
required to submit a development action plan            their family members. We hope to see them
for our own country, thus the plans for                 involved as their support will mean a lot to our
Brownies to be more environmentally involved            Brownies. Beside competitions, there were
– National Brownie Revel 2012.                          booths activities open to all for participation.
                                                        Competitions and booth activities used

recycled materials so as to relate better to our    Girl, was selected to attend the UN High Level
theme.                                              Panel Meeting with the Young People in
                                                    London, United Kingdom on 2 November
The knowledge gained, ideas exchanged and           2012. Michelle, together with three other Girl
strategies to approach allowed me to make a         Guides from the UK and Nigeria shared their
difference and influence many others to do the      experiences in the youth meeting with the
same for the environment. Spreading our             high-level panel on the post-2015 agenda.
advocacy and helping one another in reaching        They were part of the 23-strong delegation of
our common goal, girls worldwide say,               young people from different parts of the world
“Together we can save our planet.”                  that met the high-level panel appointed by the
                                                    UN Secretary General to develop and submit a
Thailand Continues Work from Girls World            report on post-2015 development framework.

In July 2012 Pinyada
Thongrom and
Wattanasiri, both 18
years old, from the
Girl Guides (Girl
Scouts) Association
of Thailand attended
the Girls’ World
Forum (GWF) 2012
in Chicago, USA.
Upon their return
they have been empowered with leadership
                                                    Michelle writes about her experience:
skills and were confident to organize the ‘Ride
a Bicycle Project’ with two different target
groups.                                              I envision a world where every girl and young
                                                     woman has access to her rights. This is the
Ride a Bicycle Project is a ‘Take Action             world I want beyond 2015, and to be able to
Project’ from the GWF 2012 focusing on UN            share my vision to the decision-makers is an
Millennium Development Goal 7 – Ensure               opportunity of a lifetime.
environmental sustainability. The aim of the
project is to gather girls and boys from Mahidol     Attending the UN High Level Panel Meeting
University to raise their awareness of               Youth session revealed to me how powerful it is
conserving the environment, save on fossil           to gather together and speak out so that youth’s
fuel, reduce carbon emission and improve air         unheard voices can reach more people. I think
quality.                                             it is a significant event for me and the young
                                                     people I represent. Being in one room with
On 1 November 2012 they began a                      eminent persons around the world, listening to
sustainable transport excursion starting off         them as they also share their vision for the
from Mahidol University, Salaya, Nakhon              youth, and representing the 3.5 billion youth
Pathom Province to the nearby area. A total of       worldwide is overwhelming but it really
15 girls and boys participated in the project. “I    happened!
am very pleased and proud of myself to be
able to carry out this project. Thanks a lot to      The post-2015 development agenda must
WAGGGS and the Girl Guides (Girl Scouts)             ensure the inclusion of a focus on the role of
Association of Thailand for empowering me            young people in achieving human development
with the leadership skill.”                          goals. And as Graca Machel articulated in our
                                                     roundtable discussion, there should not be
                                                     segmentation; rather a holistic approach in
AP Region International Day of the Girl              including innovations should be realized. Young
Ambassador attends UN High Level Panel               people today are drivers of many economies;
Event                                                our positive energy and idealism are making us
                                                     great catalysts for change. We are not a
Michelle Alvarez of the Girl Scouts of the           problem but a solution. As a young person who
Philippines and Asia Pacific Region                  is passionate for change, I am making sure that
Ambassador for the International Day of the          this is just the beginning of speaking out for my
                                                     generation. The outcomes yielded in this event
                                                     must continue to break barriers to fully realize
                                                     our goals to be included in the development
The experience of representing WAGGGS at a             Asia Pacific Region Scholarship
UN event is something I did not imagine, but it
was a favoured experience. I am so blessed to          In 2012 Sangam was delighted to welcome
be there, and the unswerving support of Girl           five Amy Bush Bursary participants from the
Scouts of the Philippines, Asia Pacific Region         Asia Pacific Region. They participated in our
and WAGGGS made it a memorable moment                  Community Programme, Gifts for Change and
in my Girl Scouting life!                              “Be The Change” events. If you would like to
                                                       take advantage of this scholarship, only
                                                       available to the Asia Pacific region, please

World Centres                                          Get Connected with Sangam World Centre

                                                       There are tons of ways to stay connected with
Are You Ready to Be the Change?
                                                       Sangam. Check us out at
                                              to see
                                                       daily updates about our current and upcoming
Our first ever “Be the Change” event, centred          events.
around Millennium Development Goal 6, was a
great success. There is still space left in our        Click over to
next “Be the Change” event for MDG 3:         to see
“Empowering Girls and Women”. On 3 to 9                videos of our participants, staff, and volunteers
March 2013, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from           in action. And of course
around the world will come together to learn to has all of the
be the change they want to see in the world.           information about our programmes, events,
Participants will learn how Sangam's                   scholarships, and so much more.
Community Partners are affecting change in
Pune and create advocacy or community                  Party Time at Sangam!
leadership plans to take home.
                                                       Every year Sangam gets older, but the party
 To book your space now, email                         gets bigger! October 2013 will be our 47th or                 birthday, and we've already started planning
check out                                              for our 50th birthday in 2016. We have more             than one surprise in store for our golden
mmes/events/bethechange to see our future              birthday, so reserve your spot today! Contact
“Be the Change” events.                       for
                                                       more information.
Sangam's Community Programme

Have you ever wanted to volunteer for a great
organization and really make a difference, but           OUR CHALET CORNER
do not have twelve weeks to spare? Then
Sangam has just the thing for you! In addition
to our twelve-week Community Programme,                Volunteering at Our Chalet
we now have a shorter four-week Programme.
Participants in the four-week Programme will                                          The Autumn
jump right into their volunteer experience with                                       season has
one of Sangam's many community partners.                                              seen the return
You will be paired with a twelve-week                                                 of past
participant and immerse yourself in Indian                                            volunteers and
culture and tradition, while staying at Sangam                                        staff. This year,
World Centre. For more information on the                                             due to the
Programme or scholarship opportunities, visit                                         extensive                                            renovations to
mmes/cp01 or contact                                                                  the kitchen, we                                                            decided to
                                                                                      open up the
                                                                                      posts to past
                                                       staff and volunteers. We were very happy to

welcome back Sarah Rees (previous Deputy          something for everyone. Interested in reading
World Centre Manager) and Anna Maxted             all about the week? Check out Gina’s blog
from Perth. Although not a previous volunteer     (Girl Guide leader from Barbados) and read all
here, Anna spent two weeks helping us pack        about her adventure in the Swiss Alps:
up the kitchen and store rooms for the  
renovation. Here is what Anna has to say
about her time here:                              If you are interested in Walking Week we are
                                                  now open for Walking Week 2013 bookings!
                                                  Check out our flyer for the event.
  Living in the middle of Switzerland was
  fantastic. It was very, well, Swiss.                               th
                                                  Friends Week: 80 Birthday Event
  Chocolate, cheese, cow bells, you get the
  gist. With cows living on-site I soon got
  used to their chiming bells! But I loved how
  it was so global. Even though I was living
  in Switzerland I was working with people
  from all over the world (Sarah (Australia),
  Leah (UK), Emi (Japan) and Carly and
  Heather (USA).

  And I had a lot of fun.

  I got to go hiking and rock climbing while I
  was on programme which was very cool,
  we had a fantastic staff day out and on my      To officially celebrate the 80th Birthday we held
  days off I did a bit of sightseeing in          a Friends of Our Chalet event in September.
  Switzerland. Being at the Chalet got me         This event saw 23 people from the USA, UK,
  thinking more about Girl Guiding and Girl       Canada and Germany come together. A few of
  Scouting and WAGGGS. I now have a               the group were past staff, many of the group
  better understanding of how global Girl         were old friends but everyone left at the end of
  Guiding and Girl Scouting is and how far        the week as firm friends.
  you can go with it, so I am starting to think
  how I can go further into Girl Guiding when     The week started with a celebration with the
  I get home, and I am very excited for my        local community – friends and neighbours
  next trip to the Chalet.’                       attending together with our event participants.
                                                  Fritz Inniger (a friend who has been connected
                                                  to Our Chalet since he was a boy) started the
                                                  celebration with a history presentation. Later
                                                  we listened to the beautiful sounds of the
                                                  Alpine horns and joined various activities from
Walking Week                                      birthday games for children to Japanese
                                                  origami craft. There was plenty of food for
Following                                         everyone to enjoy, from homemade goodies
popular                                           (made by the volunteers) to a beautifully made
demand                                            cake (by the local bakery). Although the main
we brought                                        celebration was over, the Friends Week had
back the                                          just begun, the participants enjoyed an action
Walking                                           packed week in the autumn sunshine: the
Week.                                             weather was very good to them!
Back in
1969 the
first                                             Aussie Group!
Walking Week was held and through the 70’s
and 80’s it was one of the most popular Our       At the end of September a group of 15 Girl
Chalet events. The week saw participant aged      Guides, Rangers and Leaders from 5th
from 18 to 72 walk together, challenge each       Brighton Girl Guides, Melbourne came to Our
other and become good friends. Each day the       Chalet for a week of adventure. After travelling
participants chose the level of hikes that they   to UK and France, Switzerland was next on
would like to challenge themselves with the       their list before they headed home and back to
next day (they had four to choose from and        school. The group had an adventurous week:
two hikes went ahead) so there really was
they headed to the adventure park, to                   Walking Week
Engstligenfalls, the woodcarvers as well as
visits to Interlaken and Jungfrau. The group            Walking Week is an international event for
were introduced to Geocaching (an                       individuals and groups over 18 of age who
international game of hide and seek with                enjoy outdoor activities especially walking and
GPS’s) and took every opportunity to find them          hiking. Rangers and Rovers, adult leaders,
during their stay!                                      members of Friends of Our Chalet groups and
                                                        others. If walking and exploring the luscious
                                                        nature, meeting new friends, challenging
‘I have been amazingly lucky to travel at my            yourself and finding peace is an idea of your
age; I have truly been inspired by my visit to          perfect holiday then this event is for you. Book
Our Chalet. I plan to come and volunteer in the         your place today by emailing
future’ Australian group member.              

                                                        Friends of Asia Pacific

Up and coming events:

Join a Winter Week
Winter weeks run from 23 December 2012 to
23 February 2013, starting every Sunday!
Winter Adventure Week includes six nights’              Juseon Byun PhD Awarded “Dato” Status
accommodation, all meals, day and evening
programme and costs only CHF 600. Winter                Juseon Byun PhD, former Chairman, Friends
Ski Week includes six nights’ accommodation,            of Asia Pacific WAGGGS, and presently
all meals, ski pass and evening programme for           President of Korea council of Children’s
only CHF 690 (Youth) and CHF 720 (Adults).              Organizations was honoured “Dato” status
                                                        from the King of Pahang, Malaysia last 24
                                                        October 2012.
Easter Event 2013
                                                        Malaysia is a country of constitutional
Easter Event from the 25 March to 31 March              monarchy, and the King, “HM Sultan Haji
2013 is an opportunity to come to Our Chalet            Ahmad Shah” of Pahang, Malaysia is granting
and experience the magic of the oldest world            “Dato” honourship to those who have devoted
centre. Here you can explore the spectacular            their thoughts to the society and the country.
Swiss Alps and challenge yourself through a             It is a very rare occasion to have a foreign
variety of outdoor activities. You will have the        person, or woman to receive this honour. She
opportunity to savour Swiss culture, learn              is the first woman awardee of Dato in Korea.
about a variety of Easter traditions and                The ceremony was held in Kuantan Pahang,
discover what it means to be a member of                Malaysia by His Majesty.
WAGGGS, while making new friends in an
international Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting            Juseon Byun has devoted herself to develop
environment. For more information see our               the leadership of young girls and women in the
information pack.                                       Girl Scouts of Korea. She was the first
                                                        Chairman of the Asia Pacific Regional
                                                        Committee from Korea. Additionally she has
                                                        enhanced the prestige of Korea by
                                                        establishing Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS,

and Peace Campaign throughout her term.             your Girl Guides or Girl Scouts group can
She has also devoted herself to fulfil the          contribute to the World Thinking Day Fund.
agreement of the Children’s Rights by the U.N,
to establish the Children’s Rights
systematically, she has put all of her efforts to
make this possible.

World Thinking Day
                            World Thinking
                                                    Congratulations to
                            Day 2013 Focus          South Korea’s First
                            Countries and
                            Theme                   Female President

                         The twin themes of         We would like to extend our heartfelt
                         child mortality and        congratulations to Her Excellency Ms. Park
                         maternal health,           Geun-hye who has made history by winning
                         and the focus              South Korea's presidential election.
                         countries Republic
                         of Ireland, Jordan,        Ms. Park Geun-He is a staunch supporter of
                         Malawi, Pakistan           the Girl Scouts of Korea, having held the
                         and Venezuela              position of Honorary President in the 1970s.
have been confirmed for World Thinking Day
                                                    Without a doubt, her election is a shining
                                                    example of excellent women leadership and
                                                    we hope for her continued support to Girl
On 22 February 2013, Girl Guides and Girl           Guiding and Girl Scouting not only within
Scouts worldwide will come together to learn        Korea, but also around the Asia Pacific
about and take action on the themes of              Region.
“together we can save children’s lives” and
“every mother’s life and health is precious”,
based on Millennium Development Goals
(MDG) 4 and 5.

Our five focus countries, representing the five
WAGGGS Regions, will receive grants from
the World Thinking Day Fund which they will
put towards action projects based on MDG 4
and/or 5 in their countries.

Find out much more about the theme and
focus countries for 2013 by downloading the
latest World Thinking Day newsletter. You can
pre-order your World Thinking Day 2013
badges and pins from the WAGGGS online

Download the World Thinking Day newsletter

World Thinking Day is an important fundraising
day that ensures the Girl Guiding and Girl
Scouting Movement can continue to grow and
prosper – so why not start thinking about how

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  • 1. International Day of the Girl 2012 Japan Runs “Girls Impact” Event especially around the age of junior high school, high school, or university. This form of To celebrate the International Day of the Girls, violence is not yet recognized as a serious a ‘Girls Impact’ event was held in Tokyo on 8 issue in Japanese society. However, one in October 2012. This event was organized by five young women have experienced this type UNIC, Plan Japan and Girl Scouts of Japan of violence. Though the situation is serious, (GSJ). An audience of 372 attended the event. this is a great opportunity for Girl Scouts of Girl Scouts of Japan presented how they Japan to listen and empower girls and young contribute to girl-related issues and women to make a difference in Japanese introduced the Stop the Violence campaign, society. including the current situation of violence in Japanese society ―‘dating violence’. During this event, Girl Scouts of Japan stood in front of people, including many young ladies, and listened to the strong and cheerful shout of ‘Stop the Violence!’ from the participants with their right hands held up. On the same day, the GSJ’s leadership workshop took place near the event, so girls were able to visit the workshop participants who welcomed them by shouting ‘Stop the violence!’ with their right hands held up. They also participated in the ‘Girls Impact’ event by watching an online live telecast. ‘Dating violence’ is the threat or the act of violence happening between dating partners, Girl Scouts of Korea Hosts “Girls Lead the Tae-suk Kim, the Vice-Minister of the Ministry Change” Event of Gender Equality and Family and Dr. Juseon Byun, former Chairman of Asia Pacific Girl Scouts of Korea held the Fifth Girl's Day Regional Committee and around 100 Women under the theme "Girl, Lead the Change!" at and Civil NGOs. Jamwon Han-river Park, Seoul, on 6 October 2012. The event was attended by 4,000 people including girls, youths, families, and women across the country. Also present were
  • 2. This annual event used to be held in April but Apart from these activities, other programmes the Girl Scouts of Korea requested that it be linked to leadership development, career moved in order to celebrate that UN-declared development, maths classes with teaching 'International Day of the Girl' on 11 October. aids and scientific activities as well as UN The Girls' day event programme is planned in MDGs were run by partner NGOs and the line with new issues every year and provides provincial councils so that girls can better diverse programmes to enable Girl Guides and prepare for their future. Girl Scouts to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world. The Imagine More campaign introduced by WAGGGS was adopted at the event and girls considered the world they want for girls. National Celebrations in Mongolia The International Day of the Girl was celebrated at School No. 84 and No.17 in The National Authority for Children, a Ulaanbaatar with cooperation from GSAM, Mongolian government agency, encouraged with around 1,000 girls attending the event. nationwide celebration of the International Day During the celebration at school No. 84, of the Girl. young leader Bolortuya and GSAM Chief Commissioner A.Tsevelmaa shared a presentation on the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting movement and explained why the “International Day of the Girl” was celebrated, whilst also sharing WAGGGS’ Centenary highlights. The focus for GSAM in celebrating this day was on “Preserving Nature”. At school No. 17, the celebration was organized by GSAM members in cooperation The Girl Scout Association of Mongolia with the National Authority for Children. (GSAM) introduced the concept of the Kh.Baavgai (PhD in Pedagogy), Head of International Day of the Girl to the Children Children and Family Development Department and Family Development Department of the of the National Authority for Children, opened National Authority for Children, the the event day by giving the opening remarks: government`s implementing agency. They accepted and encouraged GSAM`s efforts, “Dear beautiful princesses whom we initiative and proposal to celebrate the compare with flowers! We wish you a happy International Day of the Girl nationwide every future when you become good women and year starting 2012. The National Authority for good mothers. Thousands of girls of your age Children sent a decree to all its branches in in all parts of the world are living with many the 21 provinces and Ulaanbaatar. They issues such as having limited rights to developed a guidance note containing education, discrimination because of being introductions, aims and ideas on how to born as females, becoming victim of human celebrate the International Day of the Girl at trafficking, violence, hunger, poverty and schools, communities and at local decision- forcedly getting married at a very young age making levels. etc. GSAM provided the National Authority for We greatly appreciate this initiative to Children with all necessary information about celebrate the Day of the Girl worldwide with an the Day and organized girls’ rights advocacy aim to draw global attention to the issues activities. This is the first time Mongolia faced specifically by girls. The Girl Scout celebrated the International Day of the Girl and Association of Mongolia is giving you an it was enriching and served as a platform for opportunity to know your value and develop girls to express their voice. not only your external beauty but also internal beauty, so highlight my advice for you to participate in GSAM activities actively. We are
  • 3. GirlGuiding New Zealand Holds Girl Jam on Planning to coordinate with the Girl Scouts Child Mortality Association of Mongolia on this matter in the future. Girl Guides throughout New Zealand jumped to celebrate the International Day of the Girl on At this exact moment girls all around the world 11 October 2012 and raise awareness about are celebrating this day by establishing a child mortality. The United Nations declared garden under the name of the girls, expressing 11 October 2012 as the world’s first their voice through their painting, songs and International Day of the Girl and GirlGuiding dancing”. New Zealand as part of WAGGGS, raised their voices to say, ““Together we can save During the celebration of the event at School children’s’ lives”. This is a key part of the 17, the participating girls drew their thoughts Millennium Development Goals that were and dreams, made compositions out of agreed by the United Nations Member States pictures from magazines, wrote their feelings, in New York to combat extreme poverty across and travelled through desk stations named the world. “Precious Water”, “Beauty saves the world”, “Healthy mind in Healthy Body” and “I can do On this celebratory day for girls, GirlGuiding it”. New Zealand aimed to make a commitment to the future of children by having fun with Girl The Director of School 17, made a closing Jam, a quick and easy form of exercise and speech saying that the event was a valuable movement to the girls’ choice of music. “Girl initiative that gave inspiration for the girls to Jam aims to raise awareness about child have optimistic aspirations and goals to poverty and reducing child mortality,” said become good women in the future. Sonia Faulkner, President, GirlGuiding New Zealand. “It’s a fantastic opportunity for Girl Guides of all ages to speak out, educate and Girl Scouts of the Philippines Share the take action”. World they Want Pippins, Brownies, Girl Guides and Rangers enjoyed Girl Jam anywhere they chose, whether it was at a park, at a local shopping centre, at a school, anywhere in fact that was a safe place. As the Girl Jam was held during the school holidays, friends, parents, grandparents and siblings were all invited to join in the fun. Videos clips of the Girl Jam The Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) were placed on You Tube through the celebrated the first International Day of the Girl GirlGuiding New Zealand website at the GSP Escoda Hall at the National Headquarters, Manila. Sessions on empowerment and other fun activities helped them be aware of the issues that Filipino girls face. A commitment wall where girls posted their wishes on the world Thailand Attends UNGEI Event they want was also put up. Michelle Alvarez, a young adult volunteer of GSP was named the On the first International Day of the Girl Child, Ambassador for the International Day of the 11 October 2012 the Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) Girl for the Asia Pacific Region, WAGGGS. Mr Association of Thailand (GGAT), led by Dong Wana, Programme Support Manager of President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wadee Kheourai Plan International, Inc., gave an inspirational attended an event jointly hosted by UNGEI talk about the Journey to International Day of (United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative) and the Girl 2012 and State of the Girls Today. 130 Plan International Thailand to launch the Junior, Senior and Cadets Girl Scouts, Troop Leaders, Council Executives and staff together with Girl Scouts of the officers and national headquarters staff attended the celebration.
  • 4. ‘Because I am a Girl Campaign’ focusing on one must acknowledge as existing; and girls’ rights to education. UNGEI’s Joint something has to be done to give equal Statement for East Asia and Pacific and South education opportunity to them.” Asia Region was a call to End Child Marriage, to which education can be one of the The event was presided over by a Minister solutions. from the Office of the Prime Minister, H.E. Nalinee Taveesin, who touched on the There was an exhibition on Thai women, who government’s policy for boys and girls to have were interviewed on ‘What education means to equal opportunities to enrol in school. them?’ comprising successful women from However, in real life due to poverty and the different walks of life as well as the less- lack of legal status, girls drop out of school privileged, mostly hill tribe, stateless girls and and do not pursue their education after grade young women, who have left school due to 12. All the participants were asked the pregnancy. According to Maja Cubarrubia, question ‘Do you believe every girl has the Country Director for Plan: “Although we see right to education?’ and if yes, to raise their success in girls and women who received hands to show support, to which every education, there is the other side of the coin participant raised their hand. Scouting in the world and the launch of the International Day of the Girl Declared International Day of the Girl. Nationwide in Tonga The Pathway/Roadmap for the Girl/Child from Tonga has been busy over the last few 2012-2013 has included feedback on Tumbl'r. months. Since 11 September 2012, they have Forming the followed closely the International Day of the Roadmap was judged Girl and the Tumbl'r Launch. On 12 October, and prizes for 1st, the Day was declared nationwide with a very 2nd and 3rd were powerful and empowering message from the given out on 19 Hon. Minister of Education and Training (the November when their only woman Minister in the Cabinet). The Girl new training centre Guides Association of the Kingdom of Tonga was officially handed did the 'curtain raiser' for the Agricultural over by the Show, attended by their Majesties, Cabinet Government of Japan Ministers, MPs and many distinguished and officially opened guests. The girls sang 'Reduce, re-use; by a grandchild of the recycle and “This little Guiding Light of mine”. Royal Patron on her behalf. This will also This was followed by three television mark the 60th Anniversary of Girl Guiding and awareness programmes of 30 minutes each, Girl Scouting in Tonga, and all the Cabinet sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Ministers, MPs, school principals and related Training. Their Board decided to re-run the Girl stakeholders were invited. Schools sent in Guides Association of the Kingdom of Tonga’s their representatives which totalled more than programmes. 100. On Remembrance Sunday, 11 November, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts attended a church service where the lessons and hymns were read by Girl Guide and Girl Scouts members and the girls sang songs with compliments such as 'Their Majesties kept smiling as the children sang'. Their Royal Patron sent one of her grandchildren on her behalf to lay the wreath at the Cenotaph. The Girl Guides and Girl Scouts’ wreath, in the shape of the Trefoil, was laid to mark the third and final year of the 100th Anniversary of Girl Guiding and Girl
  • 5. travelled to the Cook Islands to provide their services to the members in the Girl Guides Association Cook Islands (GGACI) from 28 September to 12 October 2012. They were hosted by GGACI which provided all accommodation, meals, transport to and from Bangladesh Holds 35th National Council the airport, farewell gifts and other and Election contributions. The 35th National Council and the Election of In 2011 the programme was initiated by three Bangladesh young leaders from New Zealand and Girl Guides Australia. It was the beginning of the GOLD Association programme in the Cook Islands, where they (BGGA) were witnessed the celebration of the 83rd year of held in the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting on Cook Islands Girl Day. Guide/Girl Scouts This was the first time GGACI was a recipient auditorium in of such a unique and exciting programme. New Baily Road Dhaka from 12 to 15 October They allocated some days for the GOLD Team 2012. The programme was presided over by to experience culture and tradition with girls Marjina Haque, former regional commissioner from the Brownies, Girl Guides, Rangers and of the Rajshahi region. In total there were 184 Leaders. The GOLD Team also shared their Councillors from eight Girl Guide regions training skills to girls and leaders. present. They elected 23 members for the National Executive Committee for the year They did activities such as: participating in a 2012 - 2015. Sayeda Rehana Imam was candle ceremony each morning to mark this elected as the National Commissioner and special programme into the Cook Islands; Professor Yesmin Ahmed was elected as the learning local basket weaving and other Treasurer. After the election, the elected weavings; participate in sewing fresh flower members took their oath. The oath programme garlands; Learning the skills on embroidery for was conducted by Marjina Haque, Chairman cushion covers; Doing coconut husking of the council. activities; Learning the different ways of sarong tying; Participating in island dancing The election committee consisted of five lessons; Participating in a Duke of Edinburgh members from different regions. Begum Award programme on Expedition with girls on Kawsar Nasrin, Senior Assistant Secretary, mountain hiking; Courtesy visits to a handful of Ministry of Education of the Bangladesh government and private sectors; Attending Government was present during the local church services in the Cook Islands programme as an external observer. Christian Church and the Catholic church. The annual report (December 2011 - October During their visit they also took part in 2012) of the Bangladesh Girl Guides International Day of the Girl celebrations on 11 Association was presented during the council. October 2012. The programme began with a Beside this report they also presented different short devotion in the morning conducted by Sub-Committee reports, audit reports of the young women from a local Girl Guide eight regions, proposed budget for the year company, Titikaveka Girl Guide Company. The 2012-2013 and the appointment of the audit eight member team was from Girlguiding New firm was also actioned. World quota, World Zealand, team leader Nicola Roux de Buison, Thinking Day fees, among others were also Jackie Crawford, Serena Smalley and Angela set during this council. Stockman. The Girl Guides Australia Incorporated team was composed of leader Fiona Miller, Jaimmi Hayhoe, Emma Sheard GOLD Team Visits Cook Islands and Kathryn Martin. The Titikaveka Girl Guide Company hosted the team for an island A journey was made to the Cook Islands by breakfast and lighting, blowing and cutting of a eight enthusiastic leaders from Girlguiding special cake for this celebration. New Zealand and Girl Guides Australia Incorporated in partnership with the Guiding To add an island flavour, the Girl Guides Overseas Link for Development (GOLD). They Association Cook Islands (GGACI) honoured 5
  • 6. the GOLD Team by planting two gardenia close cooperation, understanding and Girl plants to mark the day in the compound where Guiding spirit/sisterhood among members and they were accommodated for two weeks. Tree friends of GGAM. “We need to live by our Girl planting is a significant ceremony for any Guides’ motto that is `Be Prepared’ to face the visiting group or occasion. This marked the dynamic change in the world around us. event and the 100 Years of changing lives Therefore, it is imperative that every Guider programme in the Cook Islands. Local girls and member strive their best to equip shared their island knowledge on coconut themselves with the latest skills and husking, cutting and crating the coconut. The knowledge for any challenges”, she said. GOLD Team were given a taste of the fresh coconut juice and white meat of the coconut. Guest-of-honour Normala Baharudin, Vice Chairman of the Asia Pacific Regional Committee, praised and thanked the recipients YBhg Datin Seri Zalillah Mohd Taib, Jeyadhevi Subramaniam and Lucy Lee for their contributions to the association. “I hope the achievements by these three ladies will inspire others especially the young ones in emulating their contributions and volunteerism. Their support to the association is really appreciated. The effort and commitment by leaders in utilising their resources, talents and influences effectively is of utmost importance To conclude the event, the GOLD team was to develop girls and young women into invited to a traditional ceremony hosted by the responsible and capable world citizen”, she House of Ariki. They hope to continue this in said before presenting the awards. 2013 to improve relations with others in the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting world. They They each received a Sri Kandi gold brooch, would like to send congratulations to every girl trophy and certificate. Normala also in the movement around the Asia Pacific congratulated the association on the 95th Region for taking a challenge in their life to anniversary of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting become an excellent girl in the society. in the country. Girl Guides Srikandi Award for Three Women of Substance Pakistan Runs Project on Peace Promotion Pakistan Girl Guides Association AKYSBP Around 220 members and friends of Girl Branch’s Rehmani Garden Senior Girl Guides Guides Association Malaysia (GGAM) Company initiated a year-long project for the attended the Srikandi Award and Girl Guides “Promotion of Peace” in July. The project is threefold and caters to three major objectives. The first objective is to promote internal peace through meditative practices so that the target audience can learn about ways to relax Association Malaysia 95th Anniversary Night the mind and dinner on 23 November 2012 to honour three achieve peace ladies who contributed to the association. The internally. The second component aims to event was held at the association expose youth of the community to various headquarters, Wisma Pandu Puteri, Jalan cultures locally and in other countries so they Pantai Baharu, Kuala Lumpur. may be acquainted to multiculturalism and values of tolerance that are so relevant and YBhg Datin Seri Zalillah Mohd Taib, GGAM important for the society. The final component Chief Commissioner in her welcoming speech focuses on raising awareness on the pertinent said that the success achieved in the 95 years issues of human rights focusing on women of Girl Guiding in Malaysia was due to the and children’s rights in society.
  • 7. The camp activities included a cooking In this regard, the Rehmani Garden Senior challenge, poster making on environment, Girl Guides arranged a poetry writing camping and Winnie roast (banana, corn, and competition on the theme of “a world without marshmallow) partying, boating, biking, violence” for the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of playing games, and visiting Baguio City’s four localities. The aim of the activity was to market, mall, parks and some historical think and reflect on the growing violence in the places. The Girl Guides visited Mary world and how it affects people. The activity Immaculate Conception School in Baguio to encourages young girls to express their present Damansara School’s “Save the thoughts through creative expression. An art Endangered Species Project” and at the same competition was also organized for Junior Girl time they learned other environmental issues Guides of the four localities on the theme “The that our country is currently experiencing. World We Want for Ourselves”. The objective of this was for these young girls to start Thailand Runs Life Skill and Service noticing the environment around them, to get Training Camp them to think of the aspects of the society that make them uneasy and which they feel can be Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) Association of improved so that we may have a peaceful Thailand organized a ‘Life Skill and Service society. Girl Guides and Junior Girl Guides Training Camp’ from 16 to 18 November 2012 participated in these activities and many for 70 Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from Cha- entries were received which reflected how am Khunying Neungburi school in the deeply and creatively youth thinks about Prachuapkhirikan Province. The programme various aspects and problems of the society entailed Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to travel and the wider world. to Bangkok by train, wishing Their Majesty the King and Queen good health in Girl Guides The Philippines Runs Malaysian Girl and Girl Scouts uniform as a group, setting up Guides Camp for Environmental Campaign tents, learning to use a cooking pot, sewing cloth bags to give as gift when visiting the Emergency Home, an NGO which provides shelter to girls and young women with unwanted pregnancies as well as battered wives to learn about their plight and provide comfort to victims of sexual abuse and violence. Boonyanuj Leukla noted “I was so excited about this camp and had to learn to adapt The Girl Scouts of the Philippines ran a three- myself to many new things like learning to day Friendship Adventure Camp for more than cook where the toughest part was learning to 30 Girl Guides from Bukit Damansara Primary light the fire. We also had fun activities with School, one of Malaysia’s top performing games and songs, visited the Emergency schools, at the Ating Tahanan National Home to give the bag I sewed as well as Programme and Training Centre in Baguio learning about the girls and women facing City, Philippines from 18 to 22 November family problems. I also had a chance to hold a 2012. The Malaysian Ministry of Education neglected baby, which made me yearn to stay approved and funded the activity which aimed back”. to promote environmental concerns and foster cultural and friendship exchange. 7
  • 8. Nepal Scouts Hold Scout Rally On 24 November 2012 a Scout Rally was organized by the Nepal Scouts National Headquarters on the occasion of 100 years of WAGGGS and 60 years of Nepal Scouts. The WLDP in Tokyo WAGGGS and the Girl Scouts of Japan hosted a WAGGGS Leadership Development Programme (WLDP) at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Centre in Tokyo, Japan from 2 to 7 October 2012.This event brought together participating districts in the rally were 42 participants from 21 countries, including 18 Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, and Lalitpur districts. participants from Japan. 1,700 Boy and Girl Scouts participated in the Rally. Makiko Kato, one of the Japanese participants, commented, "It was the first time The Rally was started and inaugurated from for me to participate in WAGGGS events and I the Central Sports Stadium 'Dasharath learned what is leadership and gained tips to Rangashala' to the central parts of Kathmandu be a good leader through some activities. The City up to the Nepal Scouts National most interesting workshop for me is the Headquarters. Mr. Baikuntha Manandhar, Powerful Question, a leadership skills session. Marathon Gold Medallist, also a previous This workshop taught me the way to ask Scout, inaugurated the Rally from Dasharath questions which encourage and move people Rangashala. forward. I am working harder by bringing this skill into daily life. Also it was my first time to When the rally reached the National spend seven days with Girl Scouts and Girl Headquarters of Nepal Scouts, a Guides from other countries. Through the formal programme was conducted. international nights and Japanese nights, we Ms. Pushpalata Bhattarai, Joint Chief learnt more about each country and culture. Commissioner of Nepal Scouts chaired the WLDP brought me to a new world and new programme. Prof. Dr. Shiva Kumar Rai, friends from all over the world!" Member of National Planning Commission of Nepal was invited as the Chief Guest for the Girl Guides Association of Malaysia and programme. The Secretary and Walt Disney Award for Brownie Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (line ministry of Nepal Scouts) also The inaugural Phineas and Ferb Isabella attended the programme. Award by Walt Disney Channel and Girl Guides Association of Ms. Ram Badan Joshi, Coordinator of Scout Malaysia was presented Rally 2012 and Chairperson of the Advisory during the recent Committee of Nepal Scouts gave a welcome Karnival Pandu Puteri speech mentioning the importance 100 years Tunas at the Bukit of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and the Merah Laketown Resort, diamond jubilee of Nepal Scouts. The Perak. This was in representatives from the three districts spoke recognition of one of the about the centenary and 60-year celebration girls who made Phineas activities from their respective districts. The and Ferb’s adventures possible - Fireside Girl chief guest highlighted the importance of Troop Leader, Isabella Garcia Shapiro. Young scouting in Nepal in the present situation when winners aged 10 to 12 years old showed the country is going through political instability. remarkable leadership as Pandu Puteri Tunas Company Leaders (Ketua Pasukan Pandu A message from the Low Lih Jeng, Chairman, Puteri Tunas). They are confident with a go- Asia Pacific Regional Committee, WAGGGS getter attitude, tenacious with a let’s-give-it- was read during the ceremony. The Scouts our-best-shot perseverance, cheerful and were excited to attend the rally and many of optimistic. More importantly, they are good them recommended that this kind of big event friends to their company members. should take place more often in future.
  • 9. introduced the reef knot that is so useful in Pakistan Runs Cadet Girl Guide Training daily life. Every Girl Guide and Girl Scout knows how to tie a reef knot, so when they Pakistan Girl saw how surprised the television personalities Guides were at how useful a reef knot is, they felt Association anew that "Girl Guide and Girl Scout skills that National they learn naturally are all far more useful than Headquarters they ever imagined." Girl Scouts of Japan organized a uploaded a video of the rope work from the training for television programme onto Facebook. Cadet Girl Guides from 27 to 31 August 2012. 60 students of the Government College for Girl Scouts of Korea Sign Memorandum of Elementary Teachers, belonging to different Understanding with 2013 Special Olympics areas of the country attended the training. Facilitators passed the knowledge to the participants in various interesting ways. Mrs. Tahira Ahmad, Mrs. Shamsa Kashif, Syeda Khawar Ehsan, Ms. Zaheen Shafque and Mrs. Arjumand Shamim were among the facilitators. Sessions on the Introduction of Girl Guiding, Formation of Girl Guide companies, Components of the Girl Guide programme, History of Girl Guiding, National and Girl Scouts of Korea took part in a International Girl Guide Celebrations and Memorandum of Understanding Signing International Girl Guiding were the main Ceremony with the 2013 Pyeongchang features of the workshop. Special Olympics Winter Games World Competition Organization Committee in July On 30 August 2012 a Day Camp was 2012 to support the Olympics. organized. Participants learnt to make different gadgets with the help of knots and set up 300 Girl Scouts participated in D-100 shelters. On 31 August 2012 participants took celebration event “Together We Walk” on 21 an oath and were enrolled as Cadet Girl October 2012 and Girl Scout officials will Guides by Mrs. Tahira Ahmad, National participate in the “Special Scarf Project” to knit Secretary, Pakistan Girl Guides Association. the scarves. The knitted scarves will be Later in the day the closing ceremony was donated to the athletes during the Opening held. Mrs. Farhana Azim, National Ceremony of the Olympics. Commissioner, Pakistan Girl Guides Association was the Chief Guest. In her The Special Olympics World Winter Games address, she emphasized the importance of PyeongChang 2013, an international sporting teachers in society and motivated them to event where people with intellectual disabilities learn for moving forward in life. She also from all around the world participate, will take distributed certificates to the participants. place from 29 January 2013 to 5 February 2013 at PyeongChang, Korea. The Philippines Participates in Jamboree- On-The-Air (JOTA)/Jamboree-On-The- Internet (JOTI) The Girl Scouts of the Philippines participated in Girl Scouts of Japan Appearances in the 55th Popular TV Programmes Jamboree-on- the-Air (JOTA) Girl Scouts of Japan, who are known for being and 16th good at knots, were featured on NHK's popular Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTI) on 20 morning programme 'Asa-ichi' where they October 2012. The event was conducted by 9
  • 10. the Boy Scouts of the Philippines in The meeting was held in Bangkok from 3 to 5 coordination with the Philippine Amateur Radio September 2012 to create a network of Association (PARA). JOTA and JOTI are held influential diplomats and experienced experts annually every third Saturday of October. to promote peace and reconciliation in the Through this activity, Junior, Senior and Cadet Asian region using a confidential diplomatic Girl Guides and Girl Scouts have the approach. The founding members of APRC, opportunity to communicate with other Girl which will have a Secretariat in Bangkok, Guides and Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts in the included many former Prime Ministers from country and abroad through the ham radio and across Asia. HRH Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of the Internet. Susan R Locsin, Girl Scouts of Thailand also attended and met participants of nd the Philippines 2 National Vice President, the APRC. gave an inspirational message. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and Troop Leaders from the It was a significant lifetime experience during Caloocan City and Pasay City Councils which Praewa learned a lot of new things participated in the event. since it was completely different from other valuable opportunities she has had. Royal Visit to the Solomon Islands Praewa writes : Maia Ramsden of the Solomon Islands Girl Guides Association (SIGGA) writes on the Royal visit to her island: “I am very glad that I got to talk with the former Prime Minister of “When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Malaysia about my Girl Guiding and arrived here it was exceedingly exciting. I am Girl Scouting experiences in very interested in the royal families of the past Thailand and at WAGGGS and present but more because they are an international events I have attended age-old family who has been all over the world and I shared the work of WAGGGS than because I think they should be in a with him. He seemed very position of great power. It was a great interested and surprised, and asked privilege to be part of the royal guard of a lot of questions about Girl Guiding honour with the other Solomon Islands Girl and Girl Scouting! I was so thrilled! Guides and Girl Scouts even in the I also mentioned that I have lovely unfortunate weather. I am slightly disappointed Malaysian Sister Girl Guides in his that I did not get to shake their hands like my country too! Self-confidence, self- brother and sister. All in all it was a wonderful esteem, leadership and decision- experience that I thoroughly enjoyed.” making are some of the valuable skills I have developed from Thailand Girl Guide Selected to Support the participating in Girl Guiding and Girl Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council Scouting activities, which helped (APRC) me a lot in working at this event. It also helps open more doors of Thamonwan Na Nakara (Praewa), a young opportunities for me. Thank you Board Committee member of the Girl Guides WAGGGS! Thank you Girl Guiding (Girl Scouts) Association of Thailand was and Girl Scouting! I am very proud selected to be the personal liaison of the to be a Girl Guide and Girl Scout!” former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at the Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council (APRC) preparatory meeting.
  • 11. Pakistan Runs Income Generation Skills Trainings In September 2012 the Pakistan Girl Guides Association organized two trainings on income Korea Runs Fundraising Campaign in generation skills in Support of Girl Victims Suffering from District Shekhupura and Lahore Cantt in which Sexual Violence 30 Senior Guides participated. They learnt how to make handmade baskets, greeting cards, decoration pieces and how to cook different food items at home. At the end they exhibited stalls in their educational institutions and generated money by selling these items. Senior Girl Guides from Lahore taught the community women to make envelopes from newspaper, they also provided newspapers to the women to make envelopes for sale to upgrade their economic situation. Girl Scouts of Korea together with the HappyBean Foundation, embarked on a Fundraising Campaign in support of girl victims suffering from sexual violence. The HappyBean Foundation is working for the public good as a non-profit foundation of Naver which is Korea's largest portal site. On 6 October Girl Scouts of Korea had a Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony with HappyBean Foundation during Enthusiasm and Teamwork Grows Girl the Fifth Girls’ Day event and started the Guiding in a district of New Zealand Campaign by making a piggy bank to raise funds. Juyeon Park, a Junior Girl Scout who Girl Guiding is took part in the Campaign, said "I hope to flourishing in the make the perfect world for girls, especially for Cromwell/Lakes area the girl victims of sexual violence, by of Central Otago in participating in this meaningful campaign." the lower South Island, thanks to the This campaign has been conducted on the enthusiasm and web as well as offline from 11 October 2012 in team work of a group commemoration of 'The 1st UN International of 23 leaders. Day of the Girl' to 11 December 2012 by making a piggy bank or donating 'Bean' (a “We are operating with waiting lists or at full donation item of HappyBean) through the capacity in Wakatipu and Cromwell Pippin, HappyBean website. In addition, Girl Guides Brownie and Cromwell Ranger Units,” says and Girl Scouts posted messages and photos District Co-ordinator and Cromwell Brownie of donation activities on a 'Members Club' Leader Patricia Hilton. “The key reason we are which is a web community of HappyBean. flourishing is the extremely motivated positive leaders who work together to make really Through this Campaign, Girl Scouts of Korea exciting programmes for the girls in all units. I hopes to help girls change the world believe that in providing programmes that are themselves and this campaign will be challenging and fun, you will always have girls continued under various themes for girls and keen to be involved regardless of age.” young women. Patricia said the lack of a permanent Girl Guiding hall is a blessing, rather than a hindrance to the region’s success. “We don’t have to spend time fundraising for venues so 11
  • 12. all our energy goes on making sure we have unit activities and to provide training for unit exciting programmes for all our girls. Our leaders. philosophy is that we should be out in the community as much as possible.” After only “As one of GirlGuiding New Zealand’s goals is four years, Patricia is excited about the future to encourage and support diversity within their and happy about the opportunities provided by membership and local communities, training the tightly-run units in her district. information is being developed to better understand the needs of refugee girls and their “We are flourishing here and it’s amazing that families and increase skills to assist their we’ve only been up and running for four years. integration into the New Zealand way of life,” It’s a testament to the commitment and said Sue. enthusiasm of our leaders. They run great units, are really positive and have lots of fun. A further initiative for the Refugee Integration The parent leaders don’t receive discounted Project is to provide the opportunity for girls, membership for their daughters so they are their families and community leaders to have a there because they enjoy it and that makes go at Girl Guiding activities, to showcase the such a difference to our girls and the time they types of activities that girls are involved in “so have while they’re with us,” said Patricia. they feel more relaxed and comfortable when beginning their Girl Guiding life at unit meetings”. Refugees encouraged to join GirlGuiding New Zealand An innovative project in Manawatu to encourage girls from refugee Special Summer Camp for children in areas families to join affected by the Great East Earthquake GirlGuiding New Zealand Girl Scouts of continues to grow. A task force has been set Japan invited up to assist Refugee Integration Project leader elementary Sue Arnold and the local Refugee Services to and junior high provide further support for the girls and their school pupils families. from Iwate, Miyagi and “Our Refugee Integration Project aims to Fukushima, embrace diversity and end the isolation some the three of these girls feel when they arrive in a strange prefectures hit by the Great East Japan country. All our girls benefit by experiencing Earthquake in March 2011, to a three-day and interacting with girls of a different culture, camp. which expands their horizons and encourages understanding,” says Sue. Girl Guiding is a The camp was financed by donations from Girl safe way for these girls to be involved in the Guides and Girl Scouts in Japan and Palmerston North community and immerse overseas. They used the National Hanayama themselves in New Zealand life and to try new Youth Outdoor Learning Centre in Miyagi and things and achieve new challenges,” she says. planned activities that would cultivate disaster prevention skills and instil a zest for living in The task force will focus on issues related to the rich natural environment. The children getting girls between unit meetings and their cooperated with each other and deepened homes and meeting with Refugee Services their friendship. All the activities were and community leaders to develop strategies conducted in groups with Rangers or student for further promotion and successful leaders acting as leaders. The Rangers integration and retention of girls in the units. showed excellent organizational skills and the Future plans include setting up a uniform and participants enjoyed three fun days in safety in resource pool to provide access to these for the company of group leaders. The girls who are regularly attending Girl Guiding participants went home after the camp saying that they wanted to come again next year. In
  • 13. response to their wish, Girl Scouts of Japan Girl Guides Singapore works closely with the are planning to hold the summer camp again National Environment Agency (NEA) with next year. regards to educating the young about environmental issues faced locally. We have Girl Scouts of the Philippines Honours programmes established for our Brownies - Founder Resource Conservation Badge and Public Health Badge. These two badges are the The Josefa Llanes Escoda Hall was dedicated champion badges that Brownies will attend on 20 upon completion of the five merit badges. September at the Girl Scouts Besides workshops, there were a series of of the competitions, related to the environment, as Philippines well as sharing sessions with the Guiders and (GSP) national public on their activities. For instance, our headquarters Brownies were given the opportunity to share on Padre at the Clean and Green Singapore Schools’ Faura, Manila. On this day, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines honoured its founder, Josefa Llanes Escoda, on her 114th birth anniversary. Escoda was a suffragist and an advocate for women's rights. Escoda Day's theme this year was "Remembering Our Great Founder." A heroine of World War II, Escoda is known for her sacrifices in helping Filipino soldiers endure the difficulties of prison life. She was Carnival about the two WAGGGS badges to last seen on 6 January 1945, in Manila, where the guest of honours present and the public. she died in a concentration camp. GSP Many were impressed by the programmes and observes Josefa Llanes Escoda Day each were also given an opportunity for hands-on year on 20 September with fitting celebrations activities on-site. nationwide by virtue of Presidential Proclamation 1214. GSP members contribute Addressing both local and global to the Josefa Llanes Escoda Memorial Fund, environmental issues, the “Hand Pledge” idea which supports travel expenses of Girl Scouts was adapted. During the workshops, we and Troop Leaders who attend international collected the pledges from our Brownies. At events representing the GSP. our Guiders’ Seminar, we collected pledges from the Guiders as the theme was about Singapore Represented at Green Seminar environmental sustainability. All the pledges collected were displayed during our Jing Fang from Girl Guides Singapore (GGS) International Camp. Participants at the attended a seminar at Sangam in March 2012. International Camp were also asked to make She writes on her experience here: their pledge for the environment. “In March 2012, I was given the opportunity to Being a busy yet fulfilling year, the ‘finale’ was attend a one week seminar, “Young Women our National Brownie Revel held on 10 Leading for a Greener Future”. The week-long November 2012. The revel was themed “We seminar was held at Sangam from 14 to 20 can Save our Planet”. NEA partnered GGS for March. It was indeed an amazing experience this event as they sponsored gifts for the as 39 young women from 34 countries came goodie bags, the mascots that were related to together working towards a common goal. the two NEA Champion Badges and Operation All sessions were designed to help young M.A.C.E, an online gaming portal designed to women better understand the environmental address dengue related issues. Apart from our issues that were faced globally. Through the usual competitions set aside for Brownies, we series of activities during the seminar, we were included competitions for both Brownies and required to submit a development action plan their family members. We hope to see them for our own country, thus the plans for involved as their support will mean a lot to our Brownies to be more environmentally involved Brownies. Beside competitions, there were – National Brownie Revel 2012. booths activities open to all for participation. Competitions and booth activities used 13
  • 14. recycled materials so as to relate better to our Girl, was selected to attend the UN High Level theme. Panel Meeting with the Young People in London, United Kingdom on 2 November The knowledge gained, ideas exchanged and 2012. Michelle, together with three other Girl strategies to approach allowed me to make a Guides from the UK and Nigeria shared their difference and influence many others to do the experiences in the youth meeting with the same for the environment. Spreading our high-level panel on the post-2015 agenda. advocacy and helping one another in reaching They were part of the 23-strong delegation of our common goal, girls worldwide say, young people from different parts of the world “Together we can save our planet.” that met the high-level panel appointed by the UN Secretary General to develop and submit a Thailand Continues Work from Girls World report on post-2015 development framework. Forum In July 2012 Pinyada Thongrom and Napassorn Wattanasiri, both 18 years old, from the Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) Association of Thailand attended the Girls’ World Forum (GWF) 2012 in Chicago, USA. Upon their return they have been empowered with leadership Michelle writes about her experience: skills and were confident to organize the ‘Ride a Bicycle Project’ with two different target groups. I envision a world where every girl and young woman has access to her rights. This is the Ride a Bicycle Project is a ‘Take Action world I want beyond 2015, and to be able to Project’ from the GWF 2012 focusing on UN share my vision to the decision-makers is an Millennium Development Goal 7 – Ensure opportunity of a lifetime. environmental sustainability. The aim of the project is to gather girls and boys from Mahidol Attending the UN High Level Panel Meeting University to raise their awareness of Youth session revealed to me how powerful it is conserving the environment, save on fossil to gather together and speak out so that youth’s fuel, reduce carbon emission and improve air unheard voices can reach more people. I think quality. it is a significant event for me and the young people I represent. Being in one room with On 1 November 2012 they began a eminent persons around the world, listening to sustainable transport excursion starting off them as they also share their vision for the from Mahidol University, Salaya, Nakhon youth, and representing the 3.5 billion youth Pathom Province to the nearby area. A total of worldwide is overwhelming but it really 15 girls and boys participated in the project. “I happened! am very pleased and proud of myself to be able to carry out this project. Thanks a lot to The post-2015 development agenda must WAGGGS and the Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) ensure the inclusion of a focus on the role of Association of Thailand for empowering me young people in achieving human development with the leadership skill.” goals. And as Graca Machel articulated in our roundtable discussion, there should not be segmentation; rather a holistic approach in AP Region International Day of the Girl including innovations should be realized. Young Ambassador attends UN High Level Panel people today are drivers of many economies; Event our positive energy and idealism are making us great catalysts for change. We are not a Michelle Alvarez of the Girl Scouts of the problem but a solution. As a young person who Philippines and Asia Pacific Region is passionate for change, I am making sure that Ambassador for the International Day of the this is just the beginning of speaking out for my generation. The outcomes yielded in this event must continue to break barriers to fully realize our goals to be included in the development process.
  • 15. The experience of representing WAGGGS at a Asia Pacific Region Scholarship UN event is something I did not imagine, but it was a favoured experience. I am so blessed to In 2012 Sangam was delighted to welcome be there, and the unswerving support of Girl five Amy Bush Bursary participants from the Scouts of the Philippines, Asia Pacific Region Asia Pacific Region. They participated in our and WAGGGS made it a memorable moment Community Programme, Gifts for Change and in my Girl Scouting life! “Be The Change” events. If you would like to take advantage of this scholarship, only available to the Asia Pacific region, please contact World Centres Get Connected with Sangam World Centre There are tons of ways to stay connected with SANGAM CORNER Are You Ready to Be the Change? Sangam. Check us out at to see daily updates about our current and upcoming Our first ever “Be the Change” event, centred events. around Millennium Development Goal 6, was a great success. There is still space left in our Click over to next “Be the Change” event for MDG 3: to see “Empowering Girls and Women”. On 3 to 9 videos of our participants, staff, and volunteers March 2013, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from in action. And of course around the world will come together to learn to has all of the be the change they want to see in the world. information about our programmes, events, Participants will learn how Sangam's scholarships, and so much more. Community Partners are affecting change in Pune and create advocacy or community Party Time at Sangam! leadership plans to take home. Every year Sangam gets older, but the party To book your space now, email gets bigger! October 2013 will be our 47th or birthday, and we've already started planning check out for our 50th birthday in 2016. We have more than one surprise in store for our golden mmes/events/bethechange to see our future birthday, so reserve your spot today! Contact “Be the Change” events. for more information. Sangam's Community Programme Have you ever wanted to volunteer for a great organization and really make a difference, but OUR CHALET CORNER do not have twelve weeks to spare? Then Sangam has just the thing for you! In addition to our twelve-week Community Programme, Volunteering at Our Chalet we now have a shorter four-week Programme. Participants in the four-week Programme will The Autumn jump right into their volunteer experience with season has one of Sangam's many community partners. seen the return You will be paired with a twelve-week of past participant and immerse yourself in Indian volunteers and culture and tradition, while staying at Sangam staff. This year, World Centre. For more information on the due to the Programme or scholarship opportunities, visit extensive renovations to mmes/cp01 or contact the kitchen, we decided to open up the volunteering posts to past staff and volunteers. We were very happy to 15
  • 16. welcome back Sarah Rees (previous Deputy something for everyone. Interested in reading World Centre Manager) and Anna Maxted all about the week? Check out Gina’s blog from Perth. Although not a previous volunteer (Girl Guide leader from Barbados) and read all here, Anna spent two weeks helping us pack about her adventure in the Swiss Alps: up the kitchen and store rooms for the renovation. Here is what Anna has to say about her time here: If you are interested in Walking Week we are now open for Walking Week 2013 bookings! Check out our flyer for the event. Living in the middle of Switzerland was fantastic. It was very, well, Swiss. th Friends Week: 80 Birthday Event Chocolate, cheese, cow bells, you get the gist. With cows living on-site I soon got used to their chiming bells! But I loved how it was so global. Even though I was living in Switzerland I was working with people from all over the world (Sarah (Australia), Leah (UK), Emi (Japan) and Carly and Heather (USA). And I had a lot of fun. I got to go hiking and rock climbing while I was on programme which was very cool, we had a fantastic staff day out and on my To officially celebrate the 80th Birthday we held days off I did a bit of sightseeing in a Friends of Our Chalet event in September. Switzerland. Being at the Chalet got me This event saw 23 people from the USA, UK, thinking more about Girl Guiding and Girl Canada and Germany come together. A few of Scouting and WAGGGS. I now have a the group were past staff, many of the group better understanding of how global Girl were old friends but everyone left at the end of Guiding and Girl Scouting is and how far the week as firm friends. you can go with it, so I am starting to think how I can go further into Girl Guiding when The week started with a celebration with the I get home, and I am very excited for my local community – friends and neighbours next trip to the Chalet.’ attending together with our event participants. Fritz Inniger (a friend who has been connected to Our Chalet since he was a boy) started the celebration with a history presentation. Later we listened to the beautiful sounds of the Alpine horns and joined various activities from Walking Week birthday games for children to Japanese origami craft. There was plenty of food for Following everyone to enjoy, from homemade goodies popular (made by the volunteers) to a beautifully made demand cake (by the local bakery). Although the main we brought celebration was over, the Friends Week had back the just begun, the participants enjoyed an action Walking packed week in the autumn sunshine: the Week. weather was very good to them! Back in 1969 the first Aussie Group! Walking Week was held and through the 70’s and 80’s it was one of the most popular Our At the end of September a group of 15 Girl Chalet events. The week saw participant aged Guides, Rangers and Leaders from 5th from 18 to 72 walk together, challenge each Brighton Girl Guides, Melbourne came to Our other and become good friends. Each day the Chalet for a week of adventure. After travelling participants chose the level of hikes that they to UK and France, Switzerland was next on would like to challenge themselves with the their list before they headed home and back to next day (they had four to choose from and school. The group had an adventurous week: two hikes went ahead) so there really was
  • 17. they headed to the adventure park, to Walking Week Engstligenfalls, the woodcarvers as well as visits to Interlaken and Jungfrau. The group Walking Week is an international event for were introduced to Geocaching (an individuals and groups over 18 of age who international game of hide and seek with enjoy outdoor activities especially walking and GPS’s) and took every opportunity to find them hiking. Rangers and Rovers, adult leaders, during their stay! members of Friends of Our Chalet groups and others. If walking and exploring the luscious nature, meeting new friends, challenging ‘I have been amazingly lucky to travel at my yourself and finding peace is an idea of your age; I have truly been inspired by my visit to perfect holiday then this event is for you. Book Our Chalet. I plan to come and volunteer in the your place today by emailing future’ Australian group member. Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS Up and coming events: Join a Winter Week Winter weeks run from 23 December 2012 to 23 February 2013, starting every Sunday! Winter Adventure Week includes six nights’ Juseon Byun PhD Awarded “Dato” Status accommodation, all meals, day and evening programme and costs only CHF 600. Winter Juseon Byun PhD, former Chairman, Friends Ski Week includes six nights’ accommodation, of Asia Pacific WAGGGS, and presently all meals, ski pass and evening programme for President of Korea council of Children’s only CHF 690 (Youth) and CHF 720 (Adults). Organizations was honoured “Dato” status from the King of Pahang, Malaysia last 24 October 2012. Easter Event 2013 Malaysia is a country of constitutional Easter Event from the 25 March to 31 March monarchy, and the King, “HM Sultan Haji 2013 is an opportunity to come to Our Chalet Ahmad Shah” of Pahang, Malaysia is granting and experience the magic of the oldest world “Dato” honourship to those who have devoted centre. Here you can explore the spectacular their thoughts to the society and the country. Swiss Alps and challenge yourself through a It is a very rare occasion to have a foreign variety of outdoor activities. You will have the person, or woman to receive this honour. She opportunity to savour Swiss culture, learn is the first woman awardee of Dato in Korea. about a variety of Easter traditions and The ceremony was held in Kuantan Pahang, discover what it means to be a member of Malaysia by His Majesty. WAGGGS, while making new friends in an international Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting Juseon Byun has devoted herself to develop environment. For more information see our the leadership of young girls and women in the information pack. Girl Scouts of Korea. She was the first Chairman of the Asia Pacific Regional Committee from Korea. Additionally she has enhanced the prestige of Korea by establishing Friends of Asia Pacific WAGGGS, 17
  • 18. and Peace Campaign throughout her term. your Girl Guides or Girl Scouts group can She has also devoted herself to fulfil the contribute to the World Thinking Day Fund. agreement of the Children’s Rights by the U.N, to establish the Children’s Rights systematically, she has put all of her efforts to make this possible. World Thinking Day 2013 World Thinking Congratulations to Day 2013 Focus South Korea’s First Countries and Theme Female President Announced The twin themes of We would like to extend our heartfelt child mortality and congratulations to Her Excellency Ms. Park maternal health, Geun-hye who has made history by winning and the focus South Korea's presidential election. countries Republic of Ireland, Jordan, Ms. Park Geun-He is a staunch supporter of Malawi, Pakistan the Girl Scouts of Korea, having held the and Venezuela position of Honorary President in the 1970s. have been confirmed for World Thinking Day Without a doubt, her election is a shining 2013. example of excellent women leadership and we hope for her continued support to Girl On 22 February 2013, Girl Guides and Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting not only within Scouts worldwide will come together to learn Korea, but also around the Asia Pacific about and take action on the themes of Region. “together we can save children’s lives” and “every mother’s life and health is precious”, based on Millennium Development Goals (MDG) 4 and 5. Our five focus countries, representing the five WAGGGS Regions, will receive grants from the World Thinking Day Fund which they will put towards action projects based on MDG 4 and/or 5 in their countries. Find out much more about the theme and focus countries for 2013 by downloading the latest World Thinking Day newsletter. You can pre-order your World Thinking Day 2013 badges and pins from the WAGGGS online shop: Download the World Thinking Day newsletter now: document/view/23433 World Thinking Day is an important fundraising day that ensures the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting Movement can continue to grow and prosper – so why not start thinking about how