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by @antyadev
About me
Software Architect at DraftKings:
- F#
- Distributed Systems
- Databases
- Author of NBomber (
- Organizer of Kyiv F# user group
- Organizer of F# Ukraine conference
Twitter: @antyadev
Github: @antyadev
01. Architecture overview
02. Load testing
The Global Problem
The Global Problem
GET data to display
Bet Shop
The Global Problem
GET initial data
GET real-time updates
Bet Shop
The Global Problem
Bet Shop
Bet Shop
Bet Shop
The Global Problem
for > 10K terminals
Web Scale
Web Scale (2008)
1. Scalability
2. High availability
3. Fault Tolerance
I extend them a bit
Predictable Web Scale
1. Predictability (aka determinism)
2. Cost-effectiveness
3. Scalability (independent resource scale)
4. High availability
5. Fault Tolerance (fast recovery, redundancy)
Our hardware limitations
- Slow terminal machines (1-2 CPU, x86, 600MB RAM,
Windows/Linux/Android OS)
- Some customers have a slow internet (5 Mbps)
- Some customers have limited internet bandwidth
- At pick we send 2MB per min of compressed data
- At pick we can get about 1-2K updates per sec
Architecture overview
Solution 1.0
(web scale 2008)
(web scale 2008)
for > 10K terminals
- hard to achieve near real-time
- very inefficient communication (extra traffic,
extra connections)
- no offline
- bad UX experience (slow)
- noticeable desynchronization between
terminals displays, TV
Solution 2.0
(predictable web scale)
Terminal Local db
GET initial data (snapshot)
SUBSCRIBE on updates (change stream)
But we have problems
with this solution
- SYNC data
- Network spikes
The Technical Problem
SYNC data
Bet Shop
SYNC data
SYNC data
Bet Shop
SYNC data
for > 10K db replicas
SYNC data
The Technical Problem
Network spikes
Network spikes
Usually, all bet shops open at the same time, which means that all terminals start to pull
an initial snapshot simultaneously
GET initial data (snapshot)Backend
let’s imagine that
1 terminal snapshot = 100MB
Local db
Network spikes
Usually, all bet shops open at the same time, which means that all terminals start to pull
an initial snapshot simultaneously
let’s imagine that
1 terminal snapshot = 100MB
1K terminals = 1GB
Local db
Local db
Local db
Network spikes
Usually, all bet shops open at the same time, which means that all terminals start to pull
an initial snapshot simultaneously
let’s imagine that
1 terminal snapshot = 100MB
1K terminals = 1GB
10K terminals = 10GB
for > 10K terminals
Network spikes
Usually, all bet shops open at the same time, which means that all terminals start to pull
an initial snapshot simultaneously
Naive Solution
Naive Solution
for > 10K db replicasBackend
Why not?
- Kafka is designed for internal network communication (not external):
very tricky to expose to a public network
very tricky to apply any rate limit or concurrent clients limit
- Kafka client is not lightweight: it eats 1 thread and quite expensive to run on a slow machine (1-2
CPU, 600MB RAM, Windows/Linux/Android OS)
- We need a cache: it’s not designed as elastic cache layer to handle spikes:
all messages persisted
no fast point lookup to fetch missed updates
Why not?
And it’s only blockers!
There are other minor drawbacks:
elastic/independent scaling, messaging
optimizations, topic routing flexibility,
P2P channel support, etc.
Why not?
technology abuse
Why not?
What then?
Let’s back
to the problem
for > 10K db replicas
SYNC data
Network spikes
for > 10K db replicas
SYNC data
Network spikes
for > 10K db replicas
Network spikes
SYNC data
IMPORTANT: with the ability to resume
the downloading process from the last
read message
Okay, and remember
1. Predictability (aka determinism)
2. Cost-effective
3. Scalability (independent resource scale)
4. High availability
5. Fault Tolerance (fast recovery, redundancy)
High-level architecture
> 10K terminals
> 10K terminals
> 10K terminals
> 10K terminals
> 10K terminals
> 10K terminals
> 10K terminals
> 10K terminals
An independently scalable component that
represents only persistent connections (sockets)
Computations are separated from sockets
and scales independently
An independently scalable component that
represents only data
What about
tech stack?
(log data structure)
producer consumer
conceptually very similar to Kafka but:
- all data in memory (very fast access, range lookup)
- fixed size stream (autoclean by FIFO)
- you can read data from several topics in one RTT
How do we use it?
change log (1 msg = batch of updates)
- fixed size stream
- autoclean by FIFO
snapshot (splitted by chunks)
- autoclean by TTL
change log (1 msg = batch of updates)
- fixed size stream
- autoclean by FIFO
snapshot (splitted by chunks)
- autoclean by TTL
snapshot 1 snapshot 2 snapshot 3
change log
Redis Streams Cluster
EMQ X Broker
- massively scalable, highly extensible distributed MQTT message
broker written in Erlang/OTP
(masterless, low latency, high concurrency)
- open sourced
- TCP/SSL, WebSockets (SSL), MQTT v3.1/5.0
- one instance (16 vCPUs, 64 GB RAM) can handle 1 million connections
(we didn’t check it)
MQTT Protocol
- very lightweight PUB/SUB protocol designed for IoT
(binary and header requires 2 bytes)
- supports hierarchical flexible topic structure (+, #)
- supports standard levels of message delivery
- good support on all popular platforms/runtimes
FULL picture
change log
> 10K terminals
Now, a bit of detail...
How do we guarantee
Flow Control
Basically, every message has
a monotonically increasing number
(aka Kafka’s offset)
type UpdateBulkMessage = {
StreamerId: string
Updates: UpdateMessage[]
BulkNumber: uint
What can we do regards
network traffic within one
Leader Election
Leader election (we implemented only this)
Log replication
F#: 230 LOC
property & integration tests: ~200 LOC
let ``handleRequest should handle heartbeat correctly`` (nodeTerm: int, requestTerm: int) =
let requestNodeId = TestInfra.createNodeId(port = 50)
let request = HeartBeat({ NodeId = requestNodeId; Term = requestTerm |> UMX.tag })
let node = Follower <| TestInfra.createFollower(port = 2, currentTerm = UMX.tag nodeTerm)
match LeaderElection.handleRequest(node, request) with
| LeaderAccepted (response, newState) ->
test <@ nodeTerm <= requestTerm @>
test <@ newState.LeaderId.Value = requestNodeId @>
test <@ (int)newState.State.CurrentTerm = requestTerm @>
test <@ response.VoteGranted = true @>
| LeaderRejected response ->
test <@ nodeTerm > requestTerm @>
test <@ (int)response.CurrentTerm = nodeTerm @>
test <@ response.VoteGranted = false @>
let ``Leader may be only one among all nodes`` () =
let nodes = TestInfra.startNodes(nodeCount = 3, ipMinPort = 10_010, udpPort = 9001)
Task.Delay(3_000).Wait() // wait on leader election
let leader = nodes |> Seq.find(fun x -> x.IsLeader)
let leaderCount = nodes |> Seq.filter(fun x -> x.IsLeader) |> Seq.length
let sameLeaderForAllMembers =
|> Seq.filter(fun x -> not x.IsLeader)
|> x -> x.GetCurrentLeader())
|> Seq.forall(fun x -> leader.GetCurrentLeader() = x)
test <@ leaderCount = 1 @>
test <@ sameLeaderForAllMembers = true @>
nodes |> Seq.iter(fun x -> x.Stop())
What about persistence?
It’s our internal
in-memory database
- In-memory KV-store with ability to persist on disk and
configure memory footprint
- ACID (per single node),
limited SQL,
secondary indexes (in-memory)
- Cluster:
- zero configuration (service discovery via UDP broadcast)
- auto failover
- async replication
Load testing
super simple
do you know
the throughput (RPS)
and latency
of your server/API?
now, the punchline
How many instances
you need to have
to handle
1K concurrent users?
How you identify
performance degradation?
How you prove that
your architecture is
What about POC?
Ok, what do we use for
load testing?
NBomber - your drugs for
load testing
Why we build NBomber and what you
can do with it?
01. The main reason behind NBomber is to provide a lightweight framework for
writing load tests which you can use to test literally any system and simulate
any production workload. We wanted to provide only a few abstractions so
that we could describe any type of load and still have a simple, intuitive API.
02. Another goal is to provide building blocks to validate your POC (proof of
concept) projects by applying any complex load distribution.
03. With NBomber you can test any PULL or PUSH system (HTTP, WebSockets,
GraphQl, gRPC, SQL Databse, MongoDb, Redis etc).
04. With NBomber you can convert some of your integration tests to load tests
NBomber as a modern framework
- Zero dependencies on protocol (HTTP/WebSockets/AMQP/SQL)
- Zero dependencies on semantic model (Pull/Push)
- Very flexible configuration and dead simple API (F#/C#/JSON)
- Cluster support
- Realtime Reporting
- Plugins support
- CI/CD integration
- Data feed support
Show me a code!
Hello World
var step = Step.Create("step", async context =>
// you can define and execute any logic here,
// for example: send http request, SQL query etc
// NBomber will measure how much time it takes to execute your logic
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
return Response.Ok();
// second, we add our step to the scenario
var scenario = ScenarioBuilder.CreateScenario("hello_world", step);
Hello World
var step = Step.Create("step", async context =>
// you can define and execute any logic here,
// for example: send http request, SQL query etc
// NBomber will measure how much time it takes to execute your logic
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
return Response.Ok();
// second, we add our step to the scenario
var scenario = ScenarioBuilder.CreateScenario("hello_world", step);
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var step = Step.Create("step", async context =>
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("",
return response.IsSuccessStatusCode
? Response.Ok()
: Response.Fail();
var scenario = ScenarioBuilder.CreateScenario("hello_world", step);
HTTP load test
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var step = Step.Create("step", async context =>
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("",
return response.IsSuccessStatusCode
? Response.Ok()
: Response.Fail();
var scenario = ScenarioBuilder.CreateScenario("hello_world", step);
HTTP load test
var step = HttpStep.Create("fetch_html_page", fun context ->
Http.CreateRequest("GET", "")
.WithHeader("GET", "GET")
var scenario = ScenarioBuilder.CreateScenario("hello_world", step);
HTTP load test with HTTP plugin
Redis v6.0.3
1 master and 2 slaves with async replication, without sharding, without persistence (ONLY
test: 1 writer is publishing to the stream 32KB per 500ms and many readers are reading
random items
20K readers (open system)
RPS 50% 75% 95% StdDev data transfer
20K 303 390 476 121 32 KB
30K readers (open system)
RPS 50% 75% 95% StdDev data transfer
30K 414 520 627 158 32 KB
10K readers (open system)
RPS 50% 75% 95% StdDev data transfer
10K 120 160 216 66 32 KB
EMQX v4.0.7
3 services without persistence (k8 limits: 1CPU, memory: 512MB)
test: 1 writer is publishing to the topic 32KB per 500ms and many subscribers are
consuming messages and verifying order of messages
10K subscribers (closed system)
RPS 50% 75% 95% StdDev data transfer
20K 177 260 400 42 32 KB
5K subscribers (closed system)
RPS 50% 75% 95% StdDev data transfer
10K 121 190 240 22 32 KB
What else?
NBomber plugins & extensions
Http plugin - a simple DSL for working with HTTP.
Ping plugin - a plugin that executes ping logic to gather networking metrics.
InfluxDb sink - a data sink for InfluxDb.
Prometheus sink - a data sink for Prometheus.
Db Benchmark - a plugin that helps you to simulate popular database workloads
K8 Metrics - a plugin that allows you to fetch and render metrics from K8 and apply
K8 Chaos Monkey - a plugin that helps you to inject faults into your target system
and render stats.
cluster JSON
Cluster schema
with agents and

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Experience sql server on l inux and docker
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