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ANOVA Interpretation Set 1
Study this scenario and ANOVA table, then answer the
questions in the assignment instructions.
A researcher wants to compare the efficacy of three different
techniques for memorizing
information. They are repetition, imagery, and mnemonics. The
researcher randomly assigns
participants to one of the techniques. Each group is instructed
in their assigned memory
technique and given a document to memorize within a set time
period. Later, a test about the
document is given to all participants. The scores are collected
and analyzed using a one-way
ANOVA. Here is the ANOVA table with the results:
Source SS df MS F p
Between 114.3111 2 57.1556 19.74 <.0001
Within 121.6 42 2.8952
Total 235.9111 44
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Chapter Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the
1. Explain why it is a mistake to analyze the differences
between more than two groups with
multiple t tests.
2. Relate sum of squares to other measures of data variability.
3. Compare and contrast t test with analysis of variance
4. Demonstrate how to determine significant differences among
groups in an ANOVA with more
than two groups.
5. Explain the use of eta squared in ANOVA.
6Analysis of Variance
Peter Ginter/Science Faction/Corbis
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From one point of view at least, R. A. Fisher was present at the
creation of modern statistical analysis. During
the early part of the 20th century, Fisher worked at an
agricultural research station in rural southern England.
Analyzing the effect of pesticides and fertilizers on crop yields,
he was stymied by independent t tests that
allowed him to compare only two samples at a time. In the
effort to accommodate more comparisons, Fisher
created analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Like William Gosset, Fisher felt that his work was important
enough to publish, and like Gosset, he met
opposition. Fisher’s came in the form of a fellow statistician,
Karl Pearson. Pearson founded the first department
of statistical analysis in the world at University College,
London. He also began publication of what is—for
statisticians at least—perhaps the most influential journal in the
field, Biometrika. The crux of the initial conflict
between Fisher and Pearson was the latter’s commitment to
making one comparison at a time, with the largest
groups possible.
When Fisher submitted his work to Pearson’s journal,
suggesting that samples can be small and many
comparisons can be made in the same analysis, Pearson rejected
the manuscript. So began a long and
increasingly acrimonious relationship between two men who
became giants in the field of statistical analysis and
who nonetheless ended up in the same department at University
College. Gosset also gravitated to the
department but managed to get along with both of them. Joined
a little later by Charles Spearman, collectively
these men made enormous contributions to quantitative research
and laid the foundation for modern statistical
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Try It!: #1
To what does the one in one-way ANOVA refer?
Joanna Zielska/Hemera/Thinkstock
If a researcher is analyzing how children’s
behavior changes as a result of watching a
video, the independent variable (IV) is
whether the children have viewed the video.
A change in behavior is the dependent
variable (DV), but any behavior changes
other than those stemming from the IV
reflect the presence of error variance.
6.1 One-Way Analysis of Variance
In an experiment, measurements can vary for a variety of
reasons. A study to determine whether children will
emulate the adult behavior observed in a video recording
attributes the differences between those exposed to the
recording and those not exposed to viewing the recording. The
independent variable (IV) is whether the children
have seen the video. Although changes in behavior (the DV)
show the IV’s effect, they can also reflect a variety
of other factors. Perhaps differences in age among the children
prompt behavioral differences, or maybe variety
in their background experiences prompt them to interpret what
they see differently. Changes in the subjects’
behavior not stemming from the IV constitute what is called
error variance.
When researchers work with human subjects, some level of
error variance is inescapable. Even under tightly
controlled conditions where all members of a sample receive
exactly the same treatment, the subjects are
unlikely to respond identically because subjects are complex
enough that factors besides the IV are involved.
Fisher’s approach was to measure all the variability in a
problem and then analyze it, thus the name analysis of
Any number of IVs can be included in an ANOVA.
Initially, we are interested in the simplest form of the
test, one-way ANOVA. The “one” in one-way
ANOVA refers to the number of independent
variables, and in that regard, one-way ANOVA is
similar to the independent t test. Both employ just one
IV. The difference is that in the independent t test the
IV has just two groups, or levels, and ANOVA can
accommodate any number of groups more than one.
ANOVA Advantage
The ANOVA and the t test both answer the same question: Are
there significant differences between groups? When one
sample is compared to a population (in the study of whether
social science students study significantly different numbers of
hours than do all university students), we used the one-sample
t test. When two groups are involved (in the study of whether
problem-solving measures differ for married people than for
divorced people), we used the independent t test. If the study
involves more than two groups (for example, whether working
rural, semirural, suburban, and urban adults completed
significantly different numbers of years of post-secondary
education), why not just conduct multiple t tests?
Suppose someone develops a group-therapy program for
people with anger management problems. The research
question is Are there significant differences in the behavior of
clients who spend (a) 8, (b) 16, and (c) 24 hours in therapy
over a period of weeks? In theory, we could answer the
question by performing three t tests as follows:
1. Compare the 8-hour group to the 16-hour group.
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2. Compare the 16-hour group to the 24-hour group.
3. Compare the 8-hour group to the 24-hour group.
The Problem of Multiple Comparisons
The three tests enumerated above represent all possible
comparisons, but this approach presents two problems.
First, all possible comparisons are a good deal more manageable
with three groups than, say, five groups. With
five groups (labeled a through e) the number of comparisons
needed to cover all possible comparisons increases
to 10, as Figure 6.1 shows. As the number of comparisons to
make increases, the number of tests required
quickly becomes unwieldy.
Figure 6.1 Comparisons needed for five groups
Comparing Group A to Group B is comparison 1. Comparing
Group D to Group E would be the
tenth comparison necessary to make all possible comparisons.
The second problem with using t tests to make all possible
comparisons is more subtle. Recall that the potential
for type I error (α) is determined by the level at which the test
is conducted. At p = 0.05, any significant finding
will result in a type I error an average of 5% of the time.
However, the error probability is based on the
assumption that each test is entirely independent, which means
that each analysis is based on data collected from
new subjects in a separate analysis. If statistical testing is
performed repeatedly with the same data, the potential
for type I error does not remain fixed at 0.05 (or whatever level
was selected), but grows. In fact, if 10 tests are
conducted in succession with the same data as with groups
labeled a, b, c, d, and e above, and each finding is
significant, by the time the 10th test is completed, the potential
for alpha error grows to 0.40 (see Sprinthall,
2011, for how to perform the calculation). Using multiple t tests
is therefore not a good option.
Variance in Analysis of Variance
When scores in a study vary, there are two potential
explanations: the effect of the independent variable (the
“treatment”) and the influence of factors not controlled by the
researcher. This latter source of variability is the
error variance mentioned earlier.
The test statistic in ANOVA is called the F ratio (named for
Fisher). The F ratio is treatment variance divided by
error variance. As was the case with the t ratio, a large F ratio
indicates that the difference among groups in the
analysis is not random. When the F ratio is small and not
significant, it means the IV has not had enough impact
to overcome error variability.
Variance Among and Within Groups
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If three groups of the same size are all selected from one
population, they could be represented by the three
distributions in Figure 6.2. They do not have exactly the same
mean, but that is because even when they are
selected from the same population, samples are rarely identical.
Those initial differences among sample means
indicate some degree of sampling error.
The reason that each of the three distributions has width is that
differences exist within each of the groups. Even
if the sample means were the same, individuals selected for the
same sample will rarely manifest precisely the
same level of whatever is measured. If a population is
identified—for example, a population of the academically
gifted—and a sample is drawn from that population, the
individuals in the sample will not all have the same
level of ability despite the fact that all are gifted students. The
subjects’ academic ability within the sample will
still likely have differences. These differences within are the
evidence of error variance.
The treatment effect is represented in how the IV affects what is
measured, the DV. For example, three groups of
subjects are administered different levels of a mild stimulant
(the IV) to see the effect on level of attentiveness.
The subsequent analysis will indicate whether the samples still
represent populations with the same mean, or
whether, as is suggested by the distributions in Figure 6.3, they
represent unique populations.
The within-groups’ variability in these three distributions is the
same as it was in the distributions in Figure 6.2.
It is the among-groups’ variability that makes Figure 6.3
different. More specifically, the difference between the
group means is what has changed. Although some of the
difference remains from the initial sampling variability,
differences between the sample means after the treatment are
much greater. F allows us to determine whether
those differences are statistically significant.
Figure 6.2: Three groups drawn from the same population
A sample of three groups from the same population will have
similar—but not identical—
distributions, where differences among sample means are a
result of sampling error.
Figure 6.3: Three groups after the treatment
Once a treatment has been applied to sample groups from the
same population, differences
between sample means greatly increase.
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Try It!: #2
How many t tests would it take to make all
possible pairs of comparisons in a procedure
with six groups?
The Statistical Hypotheses in One-Way ANOVA
The statistical hypotheses are very much like they were for the
independent t test, except that they accommodate
more groups. For the t test, the null hypothesis is written
H0: µ1 = µ2
It indicates that the two samples involved were drawn from
populations with the same mean. For a one-way
ANOVA with three groups, the null hypothesis has this form:
H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3
It indicates that the three samples were drawn from populations
with the same mean.
Things have to change for the alternate hypothesis, however,
because three groups do not have just one possible
alternative. Note that each of the following is possible:
a. HA: µ1 ≠ µ2 = µ3 Sample 1 represents a population with a
mean value different from the mean of the
population represented by Samples 2 and 3.
b. HA: µ1 = µ2 ≠ µ3 Samples 1 and 2 represent a population
with a mean value different from the mean of
the population represented by Sample 3.
c. HA: µ1 = µ3 ≠ µ2 Samples 1 and 3 represent a population
with a mean value different from the
population represented by Sample 2.
d. HA: µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3
All three samples represent populations with different means.
Because the several possible alternative outcomes
multiply rapidly when the number of groups
increases, a more general alternate hypothesis is
given. Either all the groups involved come from
populations with the same means, or at least one of
them does not. So the form of the alternate hypothesis
for an ANOVA with any number of groups is simply
HA: not so.
Measuring Data Variability in the One-Way ANOVA
We have discussed several different measures of data variability
to this point, including the standard deviation
(s), the variance (s2), the standard error of the mean (SEM), the
standard error of the difference (SEd), and the
range (R). Analysis of variance presents a new measure of data
variability called the sum of squares (SS). As
the name suggests, it is the sum of the squared values. In the
ANOVA, SS is the sum of the squares of the
differences between scores and means.
One sum-of-squares value involves the differences between
individual scores and the mean of all the
scores in all the groups. This is the called the sum of squares
total (SStot) because it measures all
variability from all sources.
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A second sum-of-squares value indicates the difference between
the means of the individual groups and
the mean of all the data. This is the sum of squares between
(SSbet). It measures the effect of the IV,
the treatment effect, as well any differences between the groups
and the mean of all the data preceding
the study.
A third sum-of-squares value measures the difference between
scores in the samples and the means of
those samples. These sum of squares within (SSwith) values
reflect the differences among the subjects
in a group, including differences in the way subjects respond to
the same stimulus. Because this measure
is entirely error variance, it is also called the sum of squares
error (SSerr).
All Variability from All Sources: Sum of Squares Total (SStot )
An example to follow will explore the issue of differences in
the levels of social isolation people in small towns
feel compared to people in suburban areas, as well as people in
urban areas. The SStot will be the amount of
variability people experience—manifested by the difference in
social isolation measures—in all three
circumstances: small towns, suburban areas, and urban areas.
There are multiple formulas for SStot. Although they all
provide the same answer, some make more sense to
consider than others that may be easier to follow when
straightforward calculation is the issue. The heart of SStot
is the difference between each individual score (x) and the mean
of all scores, called the “grand” mean (MG). In
the example to come, MG is the mean of all social isolation
measures from people in all three groups. The
formula will we use to calculate SStot follows.
Formula 6.1
SStot = ∑(x − MG)2
x = each score in all groups
MG = the mean of all data from all groups, the “grand” mean
To calculate SStot, follow these steps:
1. Sum all scores from all groups and divide by the number of
scores to determine the grand mean, MG.
2. Subtract MG from each score (x) in each group, and then
square the difference: (x − MG)2
3. Sum all the squared differences: ∑(x − MG)2
The Treatment Effect: Sum of Squares Between (SSbet )
In the example we are using, SSbet is the differences in social
isolation between rural, suburban, and urban
groups. SSbet contains the variability due to the independent
variable, or what is often called the treatment effect,
in spite of the fact that it is not something that the researcher
can manipulate in this instance. It will also contain
any initial differences between the groups, which of course
represent error variance. Notice in Formula 6.2 that
SSbet is based on the square of the differences between the
individual group means and the grand mean, times the
number in each group. For three groups labeled A, B, and C, the
formula is below.
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Formula 6.2
SSbet = (Ma − MG)2na + (Mb − MG)2nb + (Mc − MG )2nc
Ma = the mean of the scores in the first group (a)
MG = the same grand mean used in SStot
na = the number of scores in the first group (a)
To calculate SSbet,
1. Determine the mean for each group: Ma, Mb, and so on.
2. Subtract MG from each sample mean and square the
difference: (Ma − MG)2.
3. Multiply the squared differences by the number in each
group: (Ma − MG)2na.
4. Repeat for each group.
5. Sum (∑) the results across groups.
The Error Term: Sum of Squares Within
When a group receives the same treatment but individuals
within the group respond differently, their differences
constitute error—unexplained variability. These differences can
spring from any uncontrolled variable. Since the
only thing controlled in one-way ANOVA is the independent
variable, variance from any other source is error
variance. In the example, not all people in any group are likely
to manifest precisely the same level of social
isolation. The differences within the groups are measured in the
SSwith, the formula for which follows.
Formula 6.3
SSwith = ∑(xa − Ma )2 + ∑(xb − Mb)2 + ∑(xc − Mc)2
SSwith = the sum of squares within
xa = each of the individual scores in Group a
Ma = the score mean in Group a
To calculate SSwith, follow these steps:
1. Retrieve the mean (used for the SSbet earlier) for each of the
2. Subtract the individual group mean (Ma for the Group A
mean) from each score in the group (xa for
Group A)
3. Square the difference between each score in each group and
its mean.
4. Sum the squared differences for each group.
5. Repeat for each group.
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Try It!: #3
When will sum-of-squares values be negative?
People may experience differences in social
isolation when they live in small towns
instead of suburbs of large cities.
6. Sum the results across the groups.
The SSwith (or the SSerr) measures the fluctuations in subjects’
scores that are error variance.
All variability in the data (SStot) is either SSbet or SSwith. As
a result, if two of three are known, the third can be
determined easily. If we calculate SStot and SSbet, the SSwith
can be determined by subtraction:
SStot − SSbet = SSwith
The difficulty with this approach, however, is that any
calculation error in SStot or SSbet is perpetuated in
SSwith/SSerror. The other value of using Formula 6.3
is that, like the two preceding formulas, it helps to
clarify that what is being determined is how much
score variability is within each group. For the few
problems done entirely by hand, we will take the
“high road” and use Formula 6.3.
To minimize the tedium, the data sets here are relatively small.
When researchers complete larger studies by
hand, they often shift to the alternate “calculation formulas” for
simpler arithmetic, but in so doing can sacrifice
clarity. Happily, ANOVA is one of the procedures that Excel
performs, and after a few simple longhand
problems, we can lean on the computer for help with larger data
Calculating the Sums of Squares
Consider the example we have been using: A researcher is
interested in the level of social isolation people feel in small
towns (a), suburbs (b), and cities (c). Participants randomly
selected from each of those three settings take the Assessment
List of Non-normal Environments (ALONE), for which the
following scores are available:
a. 3, 4, 4, 3
b. 6, 6, 7, 8
c. 6, 7, 7, 9
We know we will need the mean of all the data (MG) as well as
the mean for each group (Ma, Mb, Mc), so we will start there.
Verify that
∑x = 70 and N = 12, so MG = 5.833.
For the small-town subjects,
∑xa = 14 and na = 4, so Ma = 3.50.
For the suburban subjects,
∑xb = 27 and nb = 4, so Mb = 6.750.
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For the city subjects,
∑xc = 29 and nc = 4, so Mc = 7.250.
For the sum-of-squares total, the formula is
SStot = ∑(x − MG)2
= 41.668
The calculations are listed in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1: Calculating the sum of squares total (SStot)
SStot = ∑ (x − MG)2 = 5.833
For the town data:
x − M
3 − 5.833 = −2.833
4 − 5.833 = −1.833
4 − 5.833 = −1.833
3 − 5.833 = −2.833
(x − M)2
For the suburb data:
x − M
6 − 5.833 = 0.167
6 − 5.833 = 0.167
7 − 5.833 = 1.167
8 − 5.833 = 2.167
(x − M)2
For the city data:
x − M
6 − 5.833 = 0.167
6 − 5.833 = 0.167
7 − 5.833 = 1.167
9 − 5.833 = 3.167
(x − M)2
SStot = 41.668
For the sum of squares between, the formula is:
SSbet = (Ma − MG)2na + (Mb − MG)2nb + (Mc − MG)2nc
The SSbet for the three groups is as follows:
SSbet = (Ma − MG)2na + (Mb − MG)2nb + (Mc − MG)2nc
= (3.5 − 5.833)2(4) + (6.75 − 5.833)2(4) + (7.25 − 5.833)2(4)
= 21.772 + 3.364 + 8.032
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= 33.168
The SSwith indicates the error variance by determining the
differences between individual scores in a group and
their means. The formula is
SSwith = ∑(xa − Ma)2 + ∑(xb − Mb)2 + ∑(xc − Mc)2
SSwith = 8.504
Table 6.2 lists the calculations for SSwith.
Table 6.2: Calculating the sum of squares within (SSwith)
SSwith = ∑(xa − Ma)2 + ∑(xb − Mb)2 + ∑(xc − Mc)2
Ma = 3.50, Mb = 6.750, Mc = 7.250
For the town data:
x − M
3 − 3.50 = –0.50
4 − 3.50 = 0.50
4 − 3.50 = 0.50
3 − 3.50 = –0.50
(x − M)2
For the suburb data:
x − M
6 − 6.750 = –0.750
6 − 6.750 = –0.750
7 − 6.750 = 0.250
8 − 6.750 = 1.250
(x − M)2
For the city data:
x − M
6 − 7.250 = 1.250
7 − 7.250 = –0.250
7 − 7.250 = –0.250
9 − 7.250 = 1.750
(x − M)2
SSwith = 8.504
Because we calculated the SSwith directly instead of
determining it by subtraction, we can now check for
accuracy by adding its value to the SSbet. If the calculations are
correct, SSwith + SSbet = SStot. For the isolation
example, 8.504 + 33.168 = 41.672.
The calculation of SStot earlier found SStot = 41.668. The
difference between that value and the SStot that we
determined by adding SSbet to SSwith is just 0.004. That result
is due to differences from rounding and is
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Try It!: #4
What will SStot − SSwith yield?
We calculated equivalent statistics as early as Chapter
1, although we did not term them sums of squares. At
the heart of the standard deviation calculation are
those repetitive x − M differences for each score in
the sample. The difference values are then squared
and summed, much as they are when calculating
SSwith and SStot. Incidentally, the denominator in the
standard deviation calculation is n − 1, which should
look suspiciously like some of the degrees of freedom
values we will discuss in the next section.
Interpreting the Sums of Squares
The different sums-of-squares values are measures of data
variability, which makes them like the standard
deviation, variance measures, the standard error of the mean,
and so on. Also like the other measures of
variability, SS values can never be negative. But between SS
and the other statistics is an important difference. In
addition to data variability, the magnitude of the SS value
reflects the number of scores involved. Because sums
of squares are in fact the sum of squared values, the more
values there are, the larger the value becomes. With
statistics like the standard deviation, if more values are added
near the mean of the distribution, s actually
shrinks. This cannot happen with the sum of squares. Additional
scores, whatever their value, will always
increase the sum-of-squares value.
The fact that large SS values can result from large amounts of
variability or relatively large numbers of scores
makes them difficult to interpret. The SS values become easier
to gauge if they become mean, or average,
variability measures. Fisher transformed sums-of-squares
variability measures into mean, or average, variability
measures by dividing each sum-of-squares value by its degrees
of freedom. The SS ÷ df operation creates what is
called the mean square (MS).
In the one-way ANOVA, an MS value is associated with both
the SSbet and the SSwith (SSerr). There is no mean-
squares total. Dividing the SStot by its degrees of freedom
provides a mean level of overall variability, but since
the analysis is based on how between-groups variability
compares to within-groups variance, mean total
variability would not be helpful.
The degrees of freedom for each of the sums of squares
calculated for the one-way ANOVA are as follows:
Though we do not calculate a mean measure of total variability,
degrees of freedom total allows us to
check the other df values for accuracy later; dftot is N − 1,
where N is the total number of scores.
Degrees of freedom for between (dfbet) is k − 1, where k is the
number of groups: SSbet ÷ dfbet = MSbet
Degrees of freedom for within (dfwith) is N – k, total number of
scores minus number of groups: SSwith
÷ dfwith = MSwith
a. The sums of squares between and within should equal total
sum of squares, as noted earlier:
SSbet + SSwith = SStot
b. Likewise, sum of degrees of freedom between and within
should equal degrees of freedom total:
dfbet + dfwith = dftot
The F Ratio
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The mean squares for between and within groups are the
components of F, the test statistic in ANOVA:
Formula 6.4
F = MSbet/MSwith
This formula allows one to determine whether the average
treatment effect—MSbet—is substantially greater than
the average measure of error variance—MSwith. Figure 6.4
illustrates the F ratio, which compares the distance
from the mean of the first distribution to the mean of the second
distribution, the A variance, to the B and C
variances, which indicate the differences within groups.
If the MSbet / MSwith ratio is large—it must be substantially
greater than 1.0—the difference between groups is
likely to be significant. When that ratio is small, F is likely to
be nonsignificant. How large F must be to be
significant depends on the degrees of freedom for the problem,
just as it did for the t tests.
Figure 6.4: The F ratio: comparing variance between groups (A)
variance within groups (B + C)
The distance from the mean of the first distribution to the mean
of the second distribution, the A
variance, to the B and C variances indicates the differences
within groups.
The ANOVA Table
The results of ANOVA analysis are summarized in a table that
the source of the variance,
the sums-of-squares values,
the degrees of freedom,
the mean square values, and
With the total number of scores (N) 12, and degrees of freedom
total (dftot) = N − 1; 12 − 1 = 11. The number of
groups (k) is 3 and between degrees of freedom (dfbet) = k − 1,
so dfbet = 2. Within degrees of freedom (dfwith)
are N – k; 12 − 3 = 9.
Recall that MSbet = SSbet/dfbet and MSwith = SSwith/dfwith.
We do not calculate MStot. Table 6.3 shows the
ANOVA table for the social isolation problem.
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Try It!: #5
If the F in an ANOVA is 4.0 and the MSwith =
2.0, what will be the value of MSbet?
Table 6.3: ANOVA table for social isolation problem
Source SS df MS F
Total 41.672 11
Between 33.168 2 16.584 17.551
Within 8.504 9 0.945
Verify that SSbet + SSwith = SStot, and dfbet + dfwith = dftot.
The smallest value an SS can have is 0, which occurs
if all scores have the same value. Otherwise, the SS and MS
values will always be positive.
Understanding F
The larger F is, the more likely it is to be statistically
significant, but how large is large enough? In the ANOVA
table above, F = 17.551.
The fact that F is determined by dividing MSbet by MSwith
indicates that whatever the value of F is indicates the
number of times MSbet is greater than MSwith. Here, MSbet is
17.551 times greater than MSwith, which seems
promising; to be sure, however, it must be compared to a value
from the critical values of F (Table 6.4; Table B.3
in Appendix B).
As with the t test, as degrees of freedom increase, the critical
values decline. The difference between t and F is
that F has two df values, one for the MSbet, the other for the
MSwith. In Table 6.3, the critical value is at the
intersection of dfbet across the top of the table and dfwith down
the left side. For the social isolation problem,
these are 2 (k − 1) across the top and 9 (N − k) down the left
The value in regular type at the intersection of 2 and 9 is 4.26
and is the critical value when testing at p = 0.05.
The value in bold type is for testing at p = 0.01.
The critical value indicates that any ANOVA test with 2 and 9
df that has an F value equal to or greater
than 4.26 is statistically significant.
The social isolation differences among the three groups are
probably not due to sampling variability.
The statistical decision is to reject H0.
The relatively large value of F—it is more than four times the
critical value—indicates that the differences in
social isolation are affected by where respondents live. The
amount of within-group variability, the error
variance, is small relative to the treatment effect.
Table 6.4 provides the critical values of F for a
variety of research scenarios. When computer
software completes ANOVA, the answer it generates
typically provides the exact probability that a
specified value of F could have occurred by chance.
Using the most common standard, when that
probability is 0.05 or less, the result is statistically
significant. Performing calculations by hand without
statistical software, however, requires the additional
step of comparing F to the critical value to determine
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statistical significance. When the calculated value is the same
as, or larger than, the table value, it is statistically
Table 6.4: The critical values of F
df denominator
df numerator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 18.51
3 10.13
4 7.71
5 6.61
6 5.99
7 5.59
8 5.32
9 5.12
10 4.96
11 4.84
12 4.75
13 4.67
14 4.60
15 4.54
16 4.49
17 4.45
18 4.41
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df denominator
df numerator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
19 4.38
20 4.35
21 4.32
22 4.30
23 4.28
24 4.26
25 4.24
26 4.21
27 4.21
28 4.20
29 4.18
30 4.17
Values in regular type indicate the critical value for p = .05;
Values in bold type indicate the critical value for p = .01
Source: Critical values of F. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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6.2 Locating the Difference: Post Hoc Tests and Honestly
Significant Difference
When a t test is statistically significant, only one explanation of
the difference is possible: the first group
probably belongs to a different population than the second
group. Things are not so simple when there are more
than two groups. A significant F indicates that at least one
group is significantly different from at least one other
group in the study, but unless the ANOVA considers only two
groups, there are a number of possibilities for the
statistical significance, as we noted when we listed all the
possible HA outcomes earlier.
The point of a post hoc test, an “after this” test conducted
following an ANOVA, is to determine which groups
are significantly different from which. When F is significant, a
post hoc test is the next step.
There are many post hoc tests. Each of them has particular
strengths, but one of the more common, and also one
of the easier to calculate, is one John Tukey developed called
HSD, for “honestly significant difference.”
Formula 6.5 produces a value that is the smallest difference
between the means of any two samples that can be
statistically significant:
Formula 6.5
x = a table value indexed to the number of groups (k) in the
problem and the degrees of
freedom within (dfwith) from the ANOVA table
MSwith = the value from the ANOVA table
n = the number in any group when the group sizes are equal
As long as the number in all samples is the same, the value from
Formula 6.5 will indicate the minimum
difference between the means of any two groups that can be
statistically significant. An alternate formula for
HSD may be used when group sizes are unequal:
Formula 6.6
The notation in this formula indicates that the HSD value is for
the group-1-to-group-2 comparison (n1, n2).
When sample sizes are unequal, a separate HSD value must be
completed for each pair of sample means in the
To compute HSD for equal sample sizes, follow these steps:
1. From Table 6.5, locate the value of x by moving across the
top of the table to the number of
groups/treatments (k = 3), and then down the left side for the
within degrees of freedom (dfwith = 9). The
intersecting values for 3 and 9 are 3.95 and 5.43. The smaller of
the two is the value when p = 0.05. The
post hoc test is always conducted at the same probability level
as the ANOVA, p = 0.05 in this case.
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2. The calculation is 3.95 times the result of the square root of
0.945 (the MSwith) divided by 4 (n).
This value is the minimum absolute value of the difference
between the means of two statistically significant
samples. The means for social isolation in the three groups are
as follows:
Ma = 3.50 for small town respondents
Mb = 6.750 for suburban respondents
Mc = 7.250 for city respondents
To compare small towns to suburbs this procedure is as follows:
Ma − Mb = 3.50 − 6.75 = −3.25.
This difference exceeds 1.92 and is significant.
To compare small towns to cities, note that
Ma − Mc = 3.50 − 7.25 = −3.75.
This difference exceeds 1.92 and is significant.
To compare suburbs to cities,
Mb − Mc = 6.75 − 7.25 = −0.50.
This difference is less than 1.92 and is not significant.
When several groups are involved, sometimes it is helpful to
create a table that presents all the differences
between pairs of means. Table 6.6 repeats the HSD results for
the social isolation problem.
Table 6.5: Tukey’s HSD critical values: q (alpha, k, df)
k = Number of Treatments
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 3.64
6 3.46
7 3.34
8 3.26
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k = Number of Treatments
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9 3.20
10 3.15
11 3.11
12 3.08
13 3.06
14 3.03
15 3.01
16 3.00
17 2.98
18 2.97
19 2.96
20 2.95
24 2.92
30 2.89
40 2.86
*The critical values for q corresponding to alpha = 0.05 (top)
and alpha = 0.01 (bottom)
Source: Tukey’s HSD critical values (n.d.). Retrieved from
Table 6.6: Presenting Tukey’s HSD results in a table
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Any difference between pairs of means 1.920 or greater is a
statistically significant difference.
Small towns
M = 3.500
M = 6.750
M = 7.250
Any difference between pairs of means 1.920 or greater is a
statistically significant difference.
Small towns
M = 3.500
M = 6.750
M = 7.250
Small towns
M = 3.500
Diff = 3.250 Diff = 3.750
M = 6.750
Diff = 0.500
M = 7.250
The mean differences of 3.250 and 3.750 are statistically
The values in the cells in Table 6.6 indicate the results of the
post hoc test for differences between each pair of
means in the study. Results indicate that the respondents from
small towns expressed a significantly lower level
of social isolation than those in either the suburbs or cities.
Results from the suburban and city groups indicate
that social isolation scores are higher in the city than in the
suburbs, but the difference is not large enough to be
statistically significant.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
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Using Excel to complete ANOVA makes it
easier to calculate the means, differences,
and other values of data from studies such
as the level of optimism indicated by people
in different vocations during a recession.
6.3 Completing ANOVA with Excel
The ANOVA by longhand involves enough calculated means,
subtractions, squaring of differences, and so on that letting
Excel do the ANOVA work can be very helpful. Consider the
following example: A researcher is comparing the level of
optimism indicated by people in different vocations during an
economic recession. The data are from laborers, clerical staff
in professional offices, and the professionals in those offices.
The optimism scores for the individuals in the three groups are
as follows:
Laborers: 33, 35, 38, 39, 42, 44, 44, 47, 50, 52
Clerical staff: 27, 36, 37, 37, 39, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46
Professionals: 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34
1. First create the data file in Excel. Enter “Laborers,”
“Clerical staff,” and “ Professionals” in cells A1, B1,
and C1 respectively.
2. In the columns below those labels, enter the optimism scores,
beginning in cell A2 for the laborers, B2
for the clerical workers, and C2 for the professionals. After
entering the data and checking for accuracy,
proceed with the following steps.
3. Click the Data tab at the top of the page.
4. On the far right, choose Data Analysis.
5. In the Analysis Tools window, select ANOVA Single Factor
and click OK.
6. Indicate where the data are located in the Input Range. In the
example here, the range is A2:C11.
7. Note that the default setting is “Grouped by Columns.” If the
data are arrayed along rows instead of
columns, change the setting. Because we designated A2 instead
of A1 as the point where the data begin,
there is no need to indicate that labels are in the first row.
8. Select Output Range and enter a cell location where you wish
the display of the output to begin. In the
example in Figure 6.5, the output results are located in A13.
9. Click OK.
Widen column A to make the output easier to read. The result
resembles the screenshot in Figure 6.5.
Figure 6.5: ANOVA in Excel
Results of ANOVA performed using Excel
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Source: Microsoft Excel. Used with permission from Microsoft.
Completing ANOVA with Excel
Results appear in two tables. The first provides descriptive
statistics. The second table looks like the longhand
table we created earlier, except that the column titled “P-value”
indicates the probability that an F of this
magnitude could have occurred by chance.
Note that the P-value is 4.31E-06. The “E-06” is scientific
notation, a shorthand way of indicating that the actual
value is p = 0.00000431, or 4.31 with the decimal moved 6
decimals to the left. The probability easily exceeds
the p = 0.05 standard for statistical significance.
Apply It!
Analysis of Variance and Problem-Solving Ability
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A psychological services organization is interested in how long
a group of randomly selected university
graduates will persist in a series of cognitive tasks they are
asked to complete when the environment is
varied. Forty graduate students are recruited from a state
university and told that they are to evaluate the
effectiveness of a series of spatial relations tasks that may be
included in a test of academic aptitude. The
students are asked to complete a series of tasks, after which
they will be asked to evaluate the tasks. What
is actually being measured is how long subjects will persist in
these tasks when environmental conditions
vary. Group 1’s treatment is recorded hip-hop in the
background. Group 2 performs tasks with a newscast
in the background. Group 3 has classical music in the
background, and Group 4 experiences a no-noise
environment. The dependent variable is how many minutes
subjects persist before stopping to take a
break. Table 6.7 displays the measured results.
Table 6.7: Results of task persistence under varied background
1: Hip-hop 2: Newscast 3: Classical music 4: No noise
49 57 77 65
57 53 82 61
73 69 77 73
68 65 85 81
65 61 93 89
62 73 79 77
61 57 73 81
45 69 89 77
53 73 82 69
61 77 85 77
Next, the test results are analyzed in Excel, which produces the
information displayed in Table 6.8.
Table 6.8: Excel analysis of task persistence results
Group Count Sum Average Variance
1: Hip-hop 10 594 59.4 73.82
2: Newscast 10 654 65.4 65.60
3: Classical music 10 822 82.2 36.40
4: No noise 10 750 75.0 68.44
Source of variation SS df MS F P-value Fcrit
Between groups 3063.6 3 1021.1 16.72 5.71E-07 2.87
Within groups 2198.4 36 61.07
Total 5262.0 39
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The research organization first asks: Is there a significant
difference? The null hypothesis states that there
is no difference in how long respondents persist, that the
background differences are unrelated to
persistence. The calculated value from the Excel procedure is F
=16.72. That value is larger than the
critical value of F0.05 (3,36) = 2.87, so the null hypothesis is
rejected. Those in at least one of the groups
work a significantly different amount of time before stopping
than those in other groups.
The significant F prompts a second question: Which group(s)
is/are significantly different from which
other(s)? Answering that question requires the post hoc test.
x = 3.81 (based on k = 4, dfwith = 36, and p = 0.05)
MSwith = 61.07, the value from the ANOVA table
n = 10, the number in one group when group sizes are equal
= 9.42
This value is the minimum difference between the means of two
significantly different samples. The
difference in means between the groups appears below:
A − B = −6.0
A − C = −22.8
A − D = −15.6
B − C = −16.8
B − D = −9.6
C − D = 7.2
Table 6.9 makes these differences a little easier to interpret.
The in-cell values are the differences
between the respective pairs of means:
Table 6.9: Mean differences between pairs of groups in task
A. Hip-hop
M1 = 59.4
B. Newscast
M2 = 65.4
C. Classical music
M3 = 82.2
D. No noise
M4 = 75.0
1: Hip-hop
M1 = 59.4
6.0 22.8 15.6
2: Newscast
M2 = 65.4
16.8 9.6
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A. Hip-hop
M1 = 59.4
B. Newscast
M2 = 65.4
C. Classical music
M3 = 82.2
D. No noise
M4 = 75.0
3: Classical music
M3 = 82.2
4: No noise
M4 = 75.0
The differences in the amount of time respondents work before
stopping to rest are not significant
between environments A and B and between C and D; the
absolute values of those differences do not
exceed the HSD value of 9.42. The other four comparisons (in
red) are all statistically significant.
The data indicate that those with hip-hop as background noise
tended to work the least amount of time
before stopping, and those with the classical music background
persisted the longest, but that much
would have been evident from just the mean scores. The one-
way ANOVA completed with Excel
indicates that at least some of the differences are statistically
significant, rather than random; the type of
background noise is associated with consistent differences in
work-time. The post hoc test makes it clear
that two comparisons show no significant difference, between
classical music and no background sound,
and between hip-hop and the newscast.
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Try It!: #6
If the F in ANOVA is not significant, should the
post hoc test be completed?
Daniel Gale/Hemera/Thinkstock
In a study of social isolation
based on where people live (i.e.,
the respondents’ location, such as
a busy city) what is the
independent variable (IV)? What
is the dependent variable (DV)?
6.4 Determining the Practical Importance of Results
Potentially, three central questions could be
associated with an analysis of a variance. Whether
questions 2 and 3 are addressed depends upon the
answer to question 1:
1. Are any of the differences statistically
significant? The answer depends upon how
the calculated F value compares to the
critical value from the table.
2. If the F is significant, which groups are significantly
different from each other? That question is
answered by a post hoc test such as Tukey’s HSD.
3. IfF is significant, how important is the result? The question
is answered by an effect-size calculation.
If F is not statistically significant, questions 2 and 3 are
After addressing the first two questions, we now turn our
attention to the
third question, effect size. With the t test in Chapter 5, omega-
answered the question about how important the result was.
There are
similar measures for analysis of variance, and in fact, several
statistics have been used to explain the importance of a
ANOVA result. Omega-squared (ω2) and partial eta-squared
(η2) (where
the Greek letter eta [η] is pronounced like “ate a” as in “ate a
grape”) are
both quite common in social-science research literature. Both
statistics are demonstrated here, the omega-squared to be
consistent with
Chapter 5, and—because it is easy to calculate and quite
common in the
literature—we will also demonstrate eta-squared. Both statistics
the same question: Because some of the variance in scores is
in other words error variance, how much of the score variance
can be
attributed to the independent variable which, in this recent
example, is the
background environment? The difference between the statistics
is that
omega-squared answers the question for the population of all
problems, while the eta-squared result is specific to the
particular data set.
In the social isolation problem, the question was whether
residents of
small towns, suburban areas, and cities differ in their measures
of social
isolation. The respondents’ location is the IV. Eta-squared
estimates how
much of the difference in social isolation is related to where
The η2 calculation involves only two values, both retrievable
from the
ANOVA table. Formula 6.7 shows the eta-squared calculation:
Formula 6.7
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The formula indicates that eta-squared is the ratio of between-
groups variability to total variability. If there were
no error variance, all variance would be due to the independent
variable, and the sums of squares for between-
groups variability and for total variability would have the same
values; the effect size would be 1.0. With human
subjects, this effect-size result never happens because scores
always fluctuate for reasons other than the IV, but it
is important to know that 1.0 is the upper limit for this effect
size and for omega-squared as well. The lower limit
is 0, of course—none of the variance is explained. But we also
never see eta-squared values of 0 because the
only time the effect size is calculated is when F is significant,
and that can only happen when the effect of the IV
is great enough that the ratio of MSbet to MSwith exceeds the
critical value; some variance will always be
For the social isolation problem, SSbet = 33.168 and SStot =
41.672, so
According to these data, about 80% of the variance in social
isolation scores relates to whether the respondent
lives in a small town, a suburb, or a city. Note that this amount
of variance is unrealistically high, which can
happen when numbers are contrived.
Omega-squared takes a slightly more conservative approach to
effect sizes and will always have a lower value
than eta-squared. The formula for omega-squared is:
Formula 6.8
Compared to η2, the numerator is reduced by the value of the df
between times MSwith, and the denominator is
increased by the SStot plus MSwith. The error term plays a
more prominent part in this effect size than in η2, thus
the more conservative value. Completing the calculations for ω2
yields the following:
The omega-squared value indicates that about 69% of the
variability in social isolation can be explained by
where the subject lives. This value is 10% less than the eta-
squared value explains. The advantage to using
omega-squared is that the researcher can say, “in all situations
where social isolation is studied as a function of
where the subject lives, the location of the subject’s home will
explain about 69% of the variance.” On the other
hand, when using eta-squared, the researcher is limited to
saying, “in this instance, the location of the subject’s
home explained about 79% of the variance in social isolation.”
Those statements indicate the difference between
being able to generalize compared to being restricted to the
present situation.
Apply It!
Using ANOVA to Test Effectiveness
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Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Thinkstock
A researcher is interested in the relative impact that
tangible reinforcers and verbal reinforcers have on
behavior. The researcher, who describes the study only as
an examination of human behavior, solicits the help of
university students. The researcher makes a series of
presentations on the growth of the psychological sciences
with an invitation to listeners to ask questions or make
comments whenever they wish. The three levels of the
independent variable are as follows:
1. no response to students’ interjections, except to answer
their questions
2. a tangible reinforcer—a small piece of candy—offered after
each comment/question
3. verbal praise offered for each verbal interjection
The volunteers are randomly divided into three groups of eight
each and asked to report for the
presentations, to which students are invited to respond. Note
that there are three independent groups:
Those who participate are members of only one group. The
three options described represent the three
levels of a single independent variable, the presenter’s response
to comments or questions by the
subjects. The dependent variable is the number of interjections
by subjects over the course of the
The null hypothesis (H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3) maintains that response
rates will not vary from group to group,
that in terms of verbal comments, the three groups belong to the
same population. The alternate
hypothesis (HA: not so) maintains that non-random differences
will occur between groups—that, as a
result of the treatment, at least one group will belong to some
other population of responders.
Each subject’s number of responses during the experiment is
indicated in Table 6.10.
Table 6.10: Number of responses given three different levels of
No response Tangible reinforcers Verbal reinforcers
14 18 13
13 15 15
19 16 16
18 18 15
15 17 14
16 13 17
12 17 13
12 18 16
Completing the analysis with Excel yields the following
summary (Table 6.11), with descriptive statistics
Table 6.11: Summary of Excel analysis for the reinforcer study
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Group Count Sum Average Variance
No Response 8 119 14.875 6.982143
Tangible Reinf. 8 132 16.500 3.142857
Verbal Reinf. 8 119 14.875 2.125000
Source of variation SS df MS F P-value Fcrit
Between groups 14.0833333 2 7.041666667 1.72449 0.202565
Within groups 85.75 21 4.083333333
With an F = 1.72, results are not statistically significant for a
value less than F0.05 (2,21) = 3.47. The
statistical decision is to “fail to reject” H0. Note that the p
value reported in the results is the probability
that the particular value of F could have occurred by chance. In
this instance, there is a 0.20 probability
(1 chance in 5) that an F value this large (1.72) could occur by
chance in a population of responders. That
p value would need to be p ≤ 0.05 in order for the value of F to
be statistically significant. There are
differences between the groups, certainly, but those differences
are more likely explained by sampling
variability than by the effect of the independent variable.
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6.5 Conditions for the One-Way ANOVA
As we saw with the t tests, any statistical test requires that
certain conditions be met. The conditions might
include characteristics such as the scale of the data, the way the
data are distributed, the relationships between
the groups in the analysis, and so on. In the case of the one-way
ANOVA, the name indicates one of the
conditions. Conditions for the one-way ANOVA include the
The one-way ANOVA test can accommodate just one
independent variable.
That one variable can have any number of categories, but can
have only one IV. In example of rural,
suburban, and city isolation, the IV was the location of the
respondents’ residence. We might have added
more categories, such as rural, semirural, small town, large
town, suburbs of small cities, suburbs of
large cities, and so on (all of which relate to the respondents’
residence) but like the independent t test,
we cannot add another variable, such as the respondents’
gender, in a one-way ANOVA.
The categories of the IV must be independent.
The groups involved must be independent. Those who are
members of one group cannot also be
members of another group involved in the same analysis.
The IV must be nominal scale. Because the IV must be nominal
scale, sometimes data of some other
scale are reduced to categorical data to complete the analysis. If
someone wants to know whether
differences in social isolation are related to age, age must be
changed from ratio to nominal data prior to
the analysis. Rather than using each person’s age in years as the
independent variable, ages are grouped
into categories such as 20s, 30s, and so on. Grouping by
category is not ideal, because by reducing ratio
data to nominal or even ordinal scale, the differences in social
isolation between 20- and 29-year-olds,
for example, are lost.
The DV must be interval or ratio scale. Technically, social
isolation would need to be measured with
something like the number of verbal exchanges that a subject
has daily with neighbors or co-workers,
rather than using a scale of 1–10 to indicate the level of
isolation, which is probably an example of
ordinal data.
The groups in the analysis must be similarly distributed, that is,
showing homogeneity of variance, a
concept discussed in Chapter 5. It means that the groups should
all have reasonably similar standard
deviations, for example.
Finally, using ANOVA assumes that the samples are drawn from
a normally distributed population.
To meet all these conditions may seem difficult. Keep in mind,
however, that normality and homogeneity of
variance in particular represent ideals more than practical
necessities. As it turns out, Fisher’s procedure can
tolerate a certain amount of deviation from these requirements,
which is to say that this test is quite robust. In
extreme cases, for example, when calculated skewness or
kurtosis values reach ±2.0, ANOVA would probably
be inappropriate. Absent that, the researcher can probably
safely proceed.
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6.6 ANOVA and the Independent t Test
The one-way ANOVA and the independent t test share several
assumptions although they employ distinct
statistics—the sums of squares for ANOVA and the standard
error of the difference for the t test, for example.
When two groups are involved, both tests will produce the same
result, however. This consistency can be
illustrated by completing ANOVA and the independent t test for
the same data.
Suppose an industrial psychologist is interested in how people
from two separate divisions of a company differ
in their work habits. The dependent variable is the amount of
work completed after hours at home, per week, for
supervisors in marketing versus supervisors in manufacturing.
The data follow:
Marketing: 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 9, 11, 12
Manufacturing: 0, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7
Calculating some of the basic statistics yields the results listed
in Table 6.12.
Table 6.12: Statistical results for work habits study
Marketing 7.25 3.240 1.146
1.458 5.50
Manufacturing 3.75 2.550 0.901
First, the t test gives
The difference is significant. Those in marketing (M1) take
significantly more work home than those in
manufacturing (M2).
The ANOVA test proceeds as follows:
For all variability from all sources (SStot), verify that the result
of subtracting MG from each score in
both groups, squaring the differences, and summing the squares
= 168:
SStot = ∑(x − MG)2 = 168
For the SSbet, verify that subtracting the grand mean from each
group mean, squaring the difference, and
multiplying each result by the number in the particular group =
SSbet = (Ma − MG)2na + (Mb − MG)2nb = (7.25 − 5.50)2(8) +
(3.75 − 5.50)2(8) = 24.5
For the SSwith, take each group mean from each score in the
group, square the difference, and then sum
the squared differences as follows to verify that SSwith = 119:
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Try It!: #7
What is the relationship between the values of t
and F if both are performed for the same two-
group test?
SSwith = ∑(xa1 − Ma)2 + . . . (xa8 − Ma)2 + ∑(xb1 − Mb)2 . . .
(xb8 − Ma)2 = 119
Table 6.13 summarizes the results.
Table 6.13: ANOVA results for work habit study
Source SS df MS F Fcrit
Total 168 15
Between 49 1 49 5.765 F0.05(1,14) = 4.60
Within 119 14 8.5
Like the t test, ANOVA indicates that the difference
in the amount of work completed at home is
significantly different for the two groups, so at least
both tests draw the same conclusion, statistical
significance. Even so, more is involved than just the
statistical decision to reject H0.
Consider the following:
Note that the calculated value of t = 2.401 and the calculated
value of F = 5.765.
If the value of t is squared, it equals the value of F: 2.4012 =
The same is true for the critical values:
T0.05(14) = 2.145, 2.1452 = 4.60
F0.05(1,14) = 4.60
Gosset’s and Fisher’s tests draw exactly equivalent conclusions
when two groups are tested. The ANOVA tends
to be more work, so people ordinarily use the t test for two
groups, but both tests are entirely consistent.
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6.7 The Factorial ANOVA
In the language of statistics, a factor is an independent variable,
and a factorial ANOVA is an ANOVA that
includes multiple IVs. We noted that fluctuations in the DV
scores not explained by the IV emerge as error
variance. In the t-test/ANOVA example above, any differences
in the amount of work taken home not related to
the division between marketing and manufacturing—
differences in workers’ seniority, for example—become
part of SSwith and then the MSwith error. As long as a t test or
a one-way ANOVA is used, the researcher cannot
account for any differences in work taken home that are not
associated with whether the subject is from
marketing or manufacturing, or whatever IV is selected. There
can only be one independent variable.
The factorial ANOVA contains multiple IVs. Each one can
account for its portion of variability in the DV,
thereby reducing what would otherwise become part of the error
variance. As long as the researcher has
measures for each variable, the number of IVs has no theoretical
limit. Each one is treated as we treated the
SSbet: for each IV, a sum-of-squares value is calculated and
divided by its degrees of freedom to produce a mean
square. Each mean square is divided by the same MSwith value
to produce F so that there are separate F values
for each IV.
The associated benefit of adding more IVs to the analysis is that
the researcher can more accurately reflect the
complexity inherent in human behavior. One variable rarely
explains behavior in any comprehensive way.
Including more IVs is often a more informative view of why DV
scores vary. It also usually contributes to a more
powerful test. Recall from Chapter 4 that power refers to the
likelihood of detecting significance. Because
assigning what would otherwise be error variance to the
appropriate IV reduces the error term, factorial
ANOVAs are often more likely to produce significant F values
than one-way ANOVAs; they are often more
powerful tests.
In addition, IVs in combination sometimes affect the DV
differently than they do when they are isolated, a
concept called an interaction. The factorial ANOVA also
calculates F values for these interactions. If a
researcher wanted to examine the impact that marital status and
college graduation have on subjects’ optimism
about the economy, data would be gathered on subjects’ marital
status (married or not married) and their college
education (graduated or did not graduate). Then SS values, MS
values, and F ratios would be calculated for
marital status,
college education, and
the two IVs in combination, the interaction of the factors.
In the manufacturing versus marketing example, perhaps gender
and department interact so that females in
marketing respond differently than females in manufacturing,
for example.
The factorial ANOVA has not been included in this text, but it
is not difficult to understand. The procedures
involved in calculating a factorial ANOVA are more numerous,
but they are not more complicated than the one-
way ANOVA. Excel accommodates ANOVA problems with up
to two independent variables.
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6.8 Writing Up Statistics
Any time a researcher has multiple groups or levels of a
nominal scale variable (ethnic groups, occupation type,
country of origin, preferred language) and the question is about
their differences on some interval or ratio scale
variable (income, aptitude, number of days sober, number of
parking violations), the question can be analyzed
using some form of ANOVA. Because it is a test that provides
tremendous flexibility, it is well represented in
research literature.
To examine whether a language is completely forgotten when
exposure to that language is severed in early
childhood, Bowers, Mattys, and Gage (2009) compared the
performance of subjects with no memory of
exposure to a foreign language in their early childhood to other
subjects with no exposure when the language is
encountered in adulthood. They compared the performance with
phonemes of the forgotten language (the DV) by
those exposed to Hindi (one group of the IV) or Zulu (a second
group of the IV) to the performance of adults of
the same age who had no exposure to either language (a third
group of the IV). They found that those with the
early Hindi or Zulu exposure learned those languages
significantly more quickly as adults.
Butler, Zaromb, Lyle, and Roediger III (2009) used ANOVA to
examine the impact that viewing film clips in
connection with text reading has on student recall of facts when
some of the film facts are inconsistent with text
material. This experiment was a factorial ANOVA with two IVs.
One independent variable had to do with the
mode of presentation including text alone, film alone, film and
text combined. A second IV had to do with
whether students received a general warning, a specific
warning, or no warning that the film might be
inconsistent with some elements of the text. The DV was the
proportion of correct responses students made to
questions about the content. Butler et al. found that learner
recall improved when film and text were combined
and when subjects received specific warnings about possible
misinformation. When the film facts were
inconsistent with the text material, receiving a warning
explained 37% of the variance in the proportion of
correct responses. The type of presentation explained 23% of
the variance.
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Summary and Resources
Chapter Summary
This chapter is the natural extension of Chapters 4 and 5. Like
the z test and the t test, analysis of variance is a
test of significant differences. Also like the z test and t test, the
IV in ANOVA is nominal, and the DV is interval
or ratio. With each procedure—whether z, t, or F—the test
statistic is a ratio of the differences between groups to
the differences within groups (Objective 3).
ANOVA and the earlier procedures, do differ, of course. The
variance statistics are sums of squares and mean
squares values. But perhaps the most important difference is
that ANOVA can accommodate any number of
groups (Objectives 2 and 3). Remember that trying to deal with
multiple groups in a t test introduces the problem
of increasing type I error when repeated analyses with the same
data indicate statistical significance. One-way
ANOVA lifts the limitation of a one-pair-at-a-time comparison
(Objective 1).
The other side of multiple comparisons, however, is the
difficulty of determining which comparisons are
statistically significant when F is significant. This problem is
solved with the post hoc test. This chapter used
Tukey’s HSD (Objective 4). There are other post hoc tests, each
with its strengths and drawbacks, but HSD is
one of the more widely used.
Years ago, the emphasis in scholarly literature was on whether a
result was statistically significant. Today, the
focus is on measuring the effect size of a significant result, a
statistic that in the case of analysis of variance can
indicate how much of the variability in the dependent variable
can be attributed to the effect of the independent
variable. We answered that question with eta squared (η2). But
neither the post hoc test nor eta squared is
relevant if the F is not significant (Objective 5).
The independent t test and the one-way ANOVA both require
that groups be independent. What if they are not?
What if we wish to measure one group twice over time, or
perhaps more than twice? Such dependent group
procedures are the focus of Chapter 7, which will provide an
elaboration of familiar concepts. For this reason,
consider reviewing Chapter 5 and the independent t-test
discussion before starting Chapter 7.
The one-way ANOVA dramatically broadens the kinds of
questions the researcher can ask. The procedures in
Chapter 7 for non-independent groups represent the next
incremental step.
Chapter 6 Flashcards
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Key Terms
analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Name given to Fisher’s test allowing a research study to detect
significant differences among any number of
error variance
Variability in a measure stemming from a source other than the
variables introduced into the analysis.
eta squared
A measure of effect size for ANOVA. It estimates the amount of
variability in the DV explained by the IV.
An alternate name for an independent variable, particularly in
procedures that involve more than one.
factorial ANOVA
An ANOVA with more than one IV.
F ratio
The test statistic calculated in an analysis of variance problem.
It is the ratio of the variance between the
groups to the variance within the groups.
Occurs when the combined effect of multiple independent
variables is different than the variables acting
mean square
Name given to Fisher's test allowing a research study to detect
significant dif‐Click card to see term �
Choose a Study ModeView this study set
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The sum of squares divided by the relevant degrees of freedom.
This division allows the mean square to reflect
a mean, or average, amount of variability from a source.
one-way ANOVA
Simplest variance analysis, involving only one independent
variable. Similar to the t test.
post hoc test
A test conducted after a significant ANOVA or some similar
test that identifies which among multiple
possibilities is statistically significant.
sum of squares
The variance measure in analysis of variance. It is the sum of
the squared deviations between a set of scores
and their mean.
sum of squares between
The variability related to the independent variable and any
measurement error that may occur.
sum of squares error
Another name for the sum of squares within because it refers to
the differences after treatment within the same
group, all of which constitute error variance.
sum of squares total
Total variance from all sources.
sum of squares within
Variability stemming from different responses from individuals
in the same group. Because all the individuals
in a particular group receive the same treatment, differences
among them constitute error variance.
Review Questions
Answers to the odd-numbered questions are provided in
Appendix A.
1. Several people selected at random are given a story problem
to solve. They take 3.5, 3.8, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7,
5.3, 6.0, and 7.5 minutes. What is the total sum of squares for
these data?
2. Identify the following symbols and statistics in a one-way
a. The statistic that indicates the mean amount of difference
between groups.
b. The symbol that indicates the total number of participants.
c. The symbol that indicates the number of groups.
d. The mean amount of uncontrolled variability.
3. A study theorizes that manifested aggression differs by
gender. A researcher finds the following data
from Measuring Expressed Aggression Numbers (MEAN):
Males: 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 18, 18
Females: 11, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 14, 16
Complete the problem as an ANOVA. Is the difference
statistically significant?
4. Complete Question 3 as an independent t test, and
demonstrate the relationship between t2 and F.
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a. Is there an advantage to completing the problem as an
b. If there were three groups, why not just complete three t tests
to answer questions about
5. Even with a significant F, a two-group ANOVA never needs a
post hoc test. Why not?
6. A researcher completes an ANOVA in which the number of
years of education completed is analyzed by
ethnic group. If η2 = 0.36, how should that be interpreted?
7. Three groups of clients involved in a program for substance
abuse attend weekly sessions for 8 weeks,
12 weeks, and 16 weeks. The DV is the number of drug-free
8 weeks: 0, 5, 7, 8, 8
12 weeks: 3, 5, 12, 16, 17
16 weeks: 11, 15, 16, 19, 22
a. Is F significant?
b. What is the location of the significant difference?
c. What does the effect size indicate?
8. For Question 7, answer the following:
a. What is the IV?
b. What is the scale of the IV?
c. What is the DV?
d. What is the scale of the DV?
9. For an ANOVA problem, k = 4 and n = 8.
If SSbet = 24.0
and SSwith = 72
a. What is F?
b. Is the result significant?
10. Consider this partially completed ANOVA table:
SS df MS F Fcrit
Between 2
Within 63 3
Total 94
a. What must be the value of N − k?
b. What must be the value of k?
c. What must be the value of N?
d. What must the SSbet be?
e. Determine the MSbet.
f. Determine F.
g. What is Fcrit?
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Answers to Try It! Questions
1. The one in one-way ANOVA refers to the fact that this test
accommodates just one independent
variable. One-way ANOVA contrasts with factorial ANOVA,
which can include any number of IVs.
2. A t test with six groups would need 15 comparisons. The
answer is the number of groups (6) times the
number of groups minus 1 (5), with the product divided by 2: 6
× 5 = 30 / 2 = 15.
3. The only way SS values can be negative is if there has been a
calculation error. Because the values are
all squared values, if they have any value other than 0, they
must be positive.
4. The difference between SStot and SSwith is the SSbet.
5. If F = 4 and MSwith = 2, then MSbet must = 8 because F =
MSbet ÷ MSwith.
6. The answer is neither. If F is not significant, there is no
question of which group is significantly different
from which other group because any variability may be nothing
more than sampling variability. By the
same token, there is no effect to calculate because, as far as we
know, the IV does not have any effect on
the DV.
7. t2 = F
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Chapter Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the
1. Explain how initial between-groups differences affect t test
or analysis of variance.
2. Compare the independent t test to the dependent-groups t
3. Complete a dependent-groups t test.
4. Explain what “power” means in statistical testing.
5. Compare the one-way ANOVA to the within-subjects F.
6. Complete a within-subjects F.
7Repeated Measures Designs for IntervalData
Karen Kasmauski/Corbis
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Tests of significant difference, such as the t test and analysis of
variance, take two basic forms, depending upon
the independence of the groups. Up to this point, the text has
focused only on independent-groups tests: tests
where those in one group cannot also be subjects in other
groups. However, dependent-groups procedures, in
which the same group is used multiple times, offer some
This chapter focuses on the dependent-groups equivalents of the
independent t test and the one-way ANOVA.
Although they answer the same questions as their independent-
groups equivalents (are there significant
differences between groups?), under particular circumstances
these tests can do so more efficiently and with
more statistical power.
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Try It!: #1
If the size of the group affects the size of the
standard deviation, what then is the relationship
between sample size and error in a t test?
7.1 Reconsidering the t and F Ratios
The scores produced in both the independent t and the one-way
ANOVA are ratios. In the case of the t test, the
ratio is the result of dividing the difference between the means
of the groups by the standard error of the
With ANOVA, the F ratio is the mean square between (MSbet)
divided by the mean square within (MSwith):
With either t or F, the denominator in the ratio reflects how
much scores vary within (rather than between) the
groups of subjects involved in the study. These differences are
easy to see in the way the standard error of the
difference is calculated for a t test. When group sizes are equal,
recall that the formula is
and s, of course, a measure of score variation in any group.
So the standard error of the difference is based on the standard
error of the mean, which in turn is based on the
standard deviation. Therefore, score variance within in a t test
has its root in the standard deviation for each
group of scores. If we reverse the order and work from the
standard deviation back to the standard error of the
difference, we note the following:
When scores vary substantially in a group,
the result is a large standard deviation.
When the standard deviation is relatively
large, the standard error of the mean must
likewise be large because the standard
deviation is the numerator in the formula for
A large standard error of the mean results in
a large standard error of the difference
because that statistic is the square root of the sum of the
squared standard errors of the mean.
When the standard error of the difference is large, the
difference between the means has to be
correspondingly larger for the result to be statistically
significant. The table of critical values indicates
that no t ratio (the ratio of the differences between the means
and the standard error of the difference)
less than 1.96 to 1 is going to be significant, and even that
value requires an infinite sample size.
Error Variance
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Greg Smith/Corbis
In a study of the impact of substance abuse
programs on addicts’ behavior, confounding
variables could include ethnic background,
age, or social class.
The point of the preceding discussion is that the value of t in
the t test—and for F in an ANOVA—is greatly
affected by the amount of variability within the groups
involved. Other factors being equal, when the variability
within the groups is extensive, the values of t and F are
diminished and less likely to be statistically significant
than when groups have relatively little variability within them.
These differences within groups stem from differences in the
way individuals within the samples react to
whatever treatment is the independent variable; different people
respond differently to the same stimulus. These
differences represent error variance—the outcome whenever
scores differ for reasons not related to the IV.
But within-group differences are not the only source of error
variance in the calculation of t and F. Both t test
and ANOVA assume that the groups involved are equivalent
before the independent variable is introduced. In a t
test where the impact of relaxation therapy on clients’ anxiety is
the issue, the test assumes that before the
therapy is introduced, the treatment group which receives the
therapy and the control group which does not both
begin with equivalent levels of anxiety. That assumption is the
key to attributing any differences after the
treatment to the therapy, the IV.
Confounding Variables
In comparisons like the one studying the effects of relaxation
therapy, the initial equivalence of the groups can be uncertain,
however. What if the groups had differences in anxiety before
the therapy was introduced? The employment circumstances of
each group might differ, and perhaps those threatened with
unemployment are more anxious than the others. What if age-
related differences exist between groups? These other
influences that are not controlled in an experiment are
sometimes called confounding variables.
A psychologist who wants to examine the impact that a
substance abuse program has on addicts’ behavior might set up
a study as follows. Two groups of the same number of addicts
are selected, and one group participates in the substance-abuse
program. After the program, the psychologist measures the
level of substance abuse in both groups to observe any
The problem is that the presence or absence of the program is
not the only thing that might prompt subjects to
respond differently. Perhaps subjects’ background experiences
are different. Perhaps ethnic-group, age, or social-
class differences play a role. If any of those differences affect
substance-abuse behavior, the researcher can
potentially confuse the influence of those factors with the
impact of the substance-abuse program (the IV). If
those other differences are not controlled and affect the
dependent variable, they contribute to error variance.
Error variance exists any time dependent-variable (DV) scores
fluctuate for reasons unrelated to the IV.
Thus, the variability within groups reflects error variance, and
any difference between groups that is not related
to the IV represents error variance. A statistically significant
result requires that the score variance from the
independent variable be substantially greater than the error
variance. The factor(s) the researcher controls must
contribute more to score values than the factors that remain
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Try It!: #2
How does the use of random selection enable us
to control error variance in statistical testing?
Try It!: #3
How do the before/after t test and the matched-
pairs t test differ?
7.2 Dependent-Groups Designs
Ideally, any before-the-treatment differences between the
groups in a study will be minimal. Recall that random
selection entails every member of a population having an equal
chance of being selected. The logic behind
random selection dictates that when groups are randomly drawn
from the same population, they will differ only
by chance; as sample size increases, probabilities suggest that
they become increasingly similar in characteristic
to the population. No sample, however, can represent the
population with complete fidelity, and sometimes the
chance differences affect the way subjects respond to the IV.
One way researchers reduce error variance is to adopt
what are called dependent-groups designs. The
independent t test and the one-way ANOVA required
independent groups. Members of one group could not
also be members of other groups in the same study.
But in the case of the t test, if the same group is
measured, exposed to a treatment, and then measured
again, the study controls an important source of error
variance. Using the same group twice makes the initial
equivalence of the two groups no longer a concern. Other
aspects being equal, any score difference between the first and
second measure should indicate only the impact
of the independent variable.
The Dependent-Samples t Tests
One dependent-groups test where the same group is measured
twice is called the before/after t test. An
alternative is called the matched-pairs t test, where each
participant in the first group is matched to someone in
the second group who has a similar characteristic. The
before/after t test and the matched-pairs t test both have
the same objective—to control the error variance that is due to
initial between-groups differences. Following are
examples of each test.
The before/after design: A researcher is interested in the impact
that positive reinforcement has on
employees’ sales productivity. Besides the sales commission,
the researcher introduces a rewards
program that can result in increased vacation time. The
researcher gauges sales productivity for a
month, introduces the rewards program, and gauges sales
productivity during the second month for the
same people.
The matched-pairs design: A school counselor is interested in
the impact that verbal reinforcement has
on students’ reading achievement. To eliminate between-groups
differences, the researcher selects 30
people for the treatment group and matches each person in the
treatment group to someone in a control
group who has a similar reading score on a standardized test.
The researcher then introduces the verbal
reinforcement program to those in the treatment group for a
specified period of time and then compares
the performance of students in the two groups.
Although the two tests are set up differently, both
calculate the t statistic the same way. The differences
between the two approaches are conceptual, not
mathematical. They have the same purpose—to
control between-groups score variation stemming
from nonrelevant factors.
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Calculating t in a Dependent-Groups Design
The dependent-groups t may be calculated using several
methods. Each method takes into account the
relationship between the two sets of scores. One approach is to
calculate the correlation between the two sets of
scores and then to use the strength of the correlation as a
mechanism for determining between-groups error
variance: the higher the correlation between the two sets of
scores, the lower the error variance. Because this text
has yet to discuss correlation, for now we will use a t statistic
that employs “difference scores.” The different
approaches yield the same answer.
The distribution of difference scores came up in Chapter 5 when
it introduced the independent t test. Recall that
the point of that distribution is to determine the point at which
the difference between a pair of sample means
(M1 − M2) is so great that the most probable explanation is that
the samples came from different populations.
Dependent-groups tests use that same distribution, but rather
than the difference between the means of the two
groups (M1 − M2), the numerator in the t ratio is the mean of
the differences between each pair of scores. If that
mean is sufficiently different from the mean of the population
of difference scores (which, recall, is 0), the t
value is statistically significant; the first set of measures
belongs to a different population than the second set of
measures. That may seem odd since in a before/after test, both
sets of measures come from the same subjects,
but the explanation is that those subjects’ responses (the DV)
were altered by the impact of the independent
variable; their responses are now different.
The denominator in the t ratio is another standard error of the
mean value, but in this case, it is the standard error
of the mean of the difference scores. The researcher checks for
significance using the same criteria as for the
independent t:
A critical value from the t table, determined by degrees of
freedom, defines the point at which the
calculated t value is statistically significant.
The degrees of freedom are the number of pairs of scores minus
1 (n − 1).
The dependent-groups t test statistic uses this formula:
Formula 7.1
Md = the mean of the difference scores
SEMd = the standard error of the mean for the difference scores
The steps for completing the test are as follows:
1. From the two scores for each subject, subtract the second
from the first to determine the difference
score, d, for each pair.
2. Determine the mean of the d scores:
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3. Calculate the standard deviation of the d values, sd.
4. Calculate the standard error of the mean for the difference
scores, SEMd, by dividing sd by the square
root of the number of pairs of scores,
5. Divide Md by SEMd, the standard error of the mean for the
difference scores:
Figure 7.1 depicts these steps.
The following is an example of a dependent-measures t test: A
is investigating the impact that verbal reinforcement has on the
number of
questions university students ask in a seminar. Ten upper-level
participate in two seminars where a presentation is followed by
questions. In the first seminar, the instructor provides no
feedback after a
student asks the presenter a question. In the second seminar, the
offers feedback—such as “That’s an excellent question” or
“Very interesting
question” or “Yes, that had occurred to me as well”—after each
Is there a significant difference between the number of
questions students
ask in the first seminar compared to the number of questions
students ask in
the second seminar? Problem 7.1 shows the number of questions
asked by
each student in both seminars and the solution to the problem.
Problem 7.1: Calculating the before/after t test
Seminar 1 Seminar 2 d
1 1 3 −2
2 0 2 −2
Figure 7.1: Steps for
calculating the before/after t
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Seminar 1 Seminar 2 d
3 3 4 −1
4 0 0 0
5 2 3 −1
6 1 1 0
7 3 5 −2
8 2 4 −2
9 1 3 −2
10 2 1 1
∑d = −11
1. Determine the difference between each pair of scores, d,
using subtraction.
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
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ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
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ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx
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ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA.docx

  • 1. ANOVA Interpretation Set 1 Study this scenario and ANOVA table, then answer the questions in the assignment instructions. A researcher wants to compare the efficacy of three different techniques for memorizing information. They are repetition, imagery, and mnemonics. The researcher randomly assigns participants to one of the techniques. Each group is instructed in their assigned memory technique and given a document to memorize within a set time period. Later, a test about the document is given to all participants. The scores are collected and analyzed using a one-way ANOVA. Here is the ANOVA table with the results: Source SS df MS F p Between 114.3111 2 57.1556 19.74 <.0001 Within 121.6 42 2.8952 Total 235.9111 44
  • 2. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 1/76 Chapter Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. Explain why it is a mistake to analyze the differences between more than two groups with multiple t tests. 2. Relate sum of squares to other measures of data variability. 3. Compare and contrast t test with analysis of variance (ANOVA). 4. Demonstrate how to determine significant differences among groups in an ANOVA with more than two groups. 5. Explain the use of eta squared in ANOVA. 6Analysis of Variance Peter Ginter/Science Faction/Corbis
  • 3. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 2/76 Introduction From one point of view at least, R. A. Fisher was present at the creation of modern statistical analysis. During the early part of the 20th century, Fisher worked at an agricultural research station in rural southern England. Analyzing the effect of pesticides and fertilizers on crop yields, he was stymied by independent t tests that allowed him to compare only two samples at a time. In the effort to accommodate more comparisons, Fisher created analysis of variance (ANOVA). Like William Gosset, Fisher felt that his work was important enough to publish, and like Gosset, he met opposition. Fisher’s came in the form of a fellow statistician, Karl Pearson. Pearson founded the first department of statistical analysis in the world at University College, London. He also began publication of what is—for statisticians at least—perhaps the most influential journal in the field, Biometrika. The crux of the initial conflict between Fisher and Pearson was the latter’s commitment to making one comparison at a time, with the largest groups possible. When Fisher submitted his work to Pearson’s journal, suggesting that samples can be small and many comparisons can be made in the same analysis, Pearson rejected the manuscript. So began a long and
  • 4. increasingly acrimonious relationship between two men who became giants in the field of statistical analysis and who nonetheless ended up in the same department at University College. Gosset also gravitated to the department but managed to get along with both of them. Joined a little later by Charles Spearman, collectively these men made enormous contributions to quantitative research and laid the foundation for modern statistical analysis. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 3/76 Try It!: #1 To what does the one in one-way ANOVA refer? Joanna Zielska/Hemera/Thinkstock If a researcher is analyzing how children’s behavior changes as a result of watching a video, the independent variable (IV) is whether the children have viewed the video. A change in behavior is the dependent variable (DV), but any behavior changes other than those stemming from the IV reflect the presence of error variance. 6.1 One-Way Analysis of Variance In an experiment, measurements can vary for a variety of
  • 5. reasons. A study to determine whether children will emulate the adult behavior observed in a video recording attributes the differences between those exposed to the recording and those not exposed to viewing the recording. The independent variable (IV) is whether the children have seen the video. Although changes in behavior (the DV) show the IV’s effect, they can also reflect a variety of other factors. Perhaps differences in age among the children prompt behavioral differences, or maybe variety in their background experiences prompt them to interpret what they see differently. Changes in the subjects’ behavior not stemming from the IV constitute what is called error variance. When researchers work with human subjects, some level of error variance is inescapable. Even under tightly controlled conditions where all members of a sample receive exactly the same treatment, the subjects are unlikely to respond identically because subjects are complex enough that factors besides the IV are involved. Fisher’s approach was to measure all the variability in a problem and then analyze it, thus the name analysis of variance. Any number of IVs can be included in an ANOVA. Initially, we are interested in the simplest form of the test, one-way ANOVA. The “one” in one-way ANOVA refers to the number of independent variables, and in that regard, one-way ANOVA is similar to the independent t test. Both employ just one IV. The difference is that in the independent t test the IV has just two groups, or levels, and ANOVA can accommodate any number of groups more than one. ANOVA Advantage
  • 6. The ANOVA and the t test both answer the same question: Are there significant differences between groups? When one sample is compared to a population (in the study of whether social science students study significantly different numbers of hours than do all university students), we used the one-sample t test. When two groups are involved (in the study of whether problem-solving measures differ for married people than for divorced people), we used the independent t test. If the study involves more than two groups (for example, whether working rural, semirural, suburban, and urban adults completed significantly different numbers of years of post-secondary education), why not just conduct multiple t tests? Suppose someone develops a group-therapy program for people with anger management problems. The research question is Are there significant differences in the behavior of clients who spend (a) 8, (b) 16, and (c) 24 hours in therapy over a period of weeks? In theory, we could answer the question by performing three t tests as follows: 1. Compare the 8-hour group to the 16-hour group. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 4/76 2. Compare the 16-hour group to the 24-hour group. 3. Compare the 8-hour group to the 24-hour group. The Problem of Multiple Comparisons The three tests enumerated above represent all possible
  • 7. comparisons, but this approach presents two problems. First, all possible comparisons are a good deal more manageable with three groups than, say, five groups. With five groups (labeled a through e) the number of comparisons needed to cover all possible comparisons increases to 10, as Figure 6.1 shows. As the number of comparisons to make increases, the number of tests required quickly becomes unwieldy. Figure 6.1 Comparisons needed for five groups Comparing Group A to Group B is comparison 1. Comparing Group D to Group E would be the tenth comparison necessary to make all possible comparisons. The second problem with using t tests to make all possible comparisons is more subtle. Recall that the potential for type I error (α) is determined by the level at which the test is conducted. At p = 0.05, any significant finding will result in a type I error an average of 5% of the time. However, the error probability is based on the assumption that each test is entirely independent, which means that each analysis is based on data collected from new subjects in a separate analysis. If statistical testing is performed repeatedly with the same data, the potential for type I error does not remain fixed at 0.05 (or whatever level was selected), but grows. In fact, if 10 tests are conducted in succession with the same data as with groups labeled a, b, c, d, and e above, and each finding is significant, by the time the 10th test is completed, the potential for alpha error grows to 0.40 (see Sprinthall, 2011, for how to perform the calculation). Using multiple t tests is therefore not a good option. Variance in Analysis of Variance
  • 8. When scores in a study vary, there are two potential explanations: the effect of the independent variable (the “treatment”) and the influence of factors not controlled by the researcher. This latter source of variability is the error variance mentioned earlier. The test statistic in ANOVA is called the F ratio (named for Fisher). The F ratio is treatment variance divided by error variance. As was the case with the t ratio, a large F ratio indicates that the difference among groups in the analysis is not random. When the F ratio is small and not significant, it means the IV has not had enough impact to overcome error variability. Variance Among and Within Groups 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 5/76 If three groups of the same size are all selected from one population, they could be represented by the three distributions in Figure 6.2. They do not have exactly the same mean, but that is because even when they are selected from the same population, samples are rarely identical. Those initial differences among sample means indicate some degree of sampling error. The reason that each of the three distributions has width is that differences exist within each of the groups. Even if the sample means were the same, individuals selected for the same sample will rarely manifest precisely the
  • 9. same level of whatever is measured. If a population is identified—for example, a population of the academically gifted—and a sample is drawn from that population, the individuals in the sample will not all have the same level of ability despite the fact that all are gifted students. The subjects’ academic ability within the sample will still likely have differences. These differences within are the evidence of error variance. The treatment effect is represented in how the IV affects what is measured, the DV. For example, three groups of subjects are administered different levels of a mild stimulant (the IV) to see the effect on level of attentiveness. The subsequent analysis will indicate whether the samples still represent populations with the same mean, or whether, as is suggested by the distributions in Figure 6.3, they represent unique populations. The within-groups’ variability in these three distributions is the same as it was in the distributions in Figure 6.2. It is the among-groups’ variability that makes Figure 6.3 different. More specifically, the difference between the group means is what has changed. Although some of the difference remains from the initial sampling variability, differences between the sample means after the treatment are much greater. F allows us to determine whether those differences are statistically significant. Figure 6.2: Three groups drawn from the same population A sample of three groups from the same population will have similar—but not identical— distributions, where differences among sample means are a result of sampling error. Figure 6.3: Three groups after the treatment
  • 10. Once a treatment has been applied to sample groups from the same population, differences between sample means greatly increase. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 6/76 Try It!: #2 How many t tests would it take to make all possible pairs of comparisons in a procedure with six groups? The Statistical Hypotheses in One-Way ANOVA The statistical hypotheses are very much like they were for the independent t test, except that they accommodate more groups. For the t test, the null hypothesis is written H0: µ1 = µ2 It indicates that the two samples involved were drawn from populations with the same mean. For a one-way ANOVA with three groups, the null hypothesis has this form: H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 It indicates that the three samples were drawn from populations with the same mean.
  • 11. Things have to change for the alternate hypothesis, however, because three groups do not have just one possible alternative. Note that each of the following is possible: a. HA: µ1 ≠ µ2 = µ3 Sample 1 represents a population with a mean value different from the mean of the population represented by Samples 2 and 3. b. HA: µ1 = µ2 ≠ µ3 Samples 1 and 2 represent a population with a mean value different from the mean of the population represented by Sample 3. c. HA: µ1 = µ3 ≠ µ2 Samples 1 and 3 represent a population with a mean value different from the population represented by Sample 2. d. HA: µ1 ≠ µ2 ≠ µ3 All three samples represent populations with different means. Because the several possible alternative outcomes multiply rapidly when the number of groups increases, a more general alternate hypothesis is given. Either all the groups involved come from populations with the same means, or at least one of them does not. So the form of the alternate hypothesis for an ANOVA with any number of groups is simply HA: not so. Measuring Data Variability in the One-Way ANOVA We have discussed several different measures of data variability to this point, including the standard deviation (s), the variance (s2), the standard error of the mean (SEM), the standard error of the difference (SEd), and the range (R). Analysis of variance presents a new measure of data
  • 12. variability called the sum of squares (SS). As the name suggests, it is the sum of the squared values. In the ANOVA, SS is the sum of the squares of the differences between scores and means. One sum-of-squares value involves the differences between individual scores and the mean of all the scores in all the groups. This is the called the sum of squares total (SStot) because it measures all variability from all sources. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 7/76 A second sum-of-squares value indicates the difference between the means of the individual groups and the mean of all the data. This is the sum of squares between (SSbet). It measures the effect of the IV, the treatment effect, as well any differences between the groups and the mean of all the data preceding the study. A third sum-of-squares value measures the difference between scores in the samples and the means of those samples. These sum of squares within (SSwith) values reflect the differences among the subjects in a group, including differences in the way subjects respond to the same stimulus. Because this measure is entirely error variance, it is also called the sum of squares error (SSerr). All Variability from All Sources: Sum of Squares Total (SStot )
  • 13. An example to follow will explore the issue of differences in the levels of social isolation people in small towns feel compared to people in suburban areas, as well as people in urban areas. The SStot will be the amount of variability people experience—manifested by the difference in social isolation measures—in all three circumstances: small towns, suburban areas, and urban areas. There are multiple formulas for SStot. Although they all provide the same answer, some make more sense to consider than others that may be easier to follow when straightforward calculation is the issue. The heart of SStot is the difference between each individual score (x) and the mean of all scores, called the “grand” mean (MG). In the example to come, MG is the mean of all social isolation measures from people in all three groups. The formula will we use to calculate SStot follows. Formula 6.1 SStot = ∑(x − MG)2 Where x = each score in all groups MG = the mean of all data from all groups, the “grand” mean To calculate SStot, follow these steps: 1. Sum all scores from all groups and divide by the number of scores to determine the grand mean, MG. 2. Subtract MG from each score (x) in each group, and then square the difference: (x − MG)2
  • 14. 3. Sum all the squared differences: ∑(x − MG)2 The Treatment Effect: Sum of Squares Between (SSbet ) In the example we are using, SSbet is the differences in social isolation between rural, suburban, and urban groups. SSbet contains the variability due to the independent variable, or what is often called the treatment effect, in spite of the fact that it is not something that the researcher can manipulate in this instance. It will also contain any initial differences between the groups, which of course represent error variance. Notice in Formula 6.2 that SSbet is based on the square of the differences between the individual group means and the grand mean, times the number in each group. For three groups labeled A, B, and C, the formula is below. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 8/76 Formula 6.2 SSbet = (Ma − MG)2na + (Mb − MG)2nb + (Mc − MG )2nc where Ma = the mean of the scores in the first group (a) MG = the same grand mean used in SStot na = the number of scores in the first group (a)
  • 15. To calculate SSbet, 1. Determine the mean for each group: Ma, Mb, and so on. 2. Subtract MG from each sample mean and square the difference: (Ma − MG)2. 3. Multiply the squared differences by the number in each group: (Ma − MG)2na. 4. Repeat for each group. 5. Sum (∑) the results across groups. The Error Term: Sum of Squares Within When a group receives the same treatment but individuals within the group respond differently, their differences constitute error—unexplained variability. These differences can spring from any uncontrolled variable. Since the only thing controlled in one-way ANOVA is the independent variable, variance from any other source is error variance. In the example, not all people in any group are likely to manifest precisely the same level of social isolation. The differences within the groups are measured in the SSwith, the formula for which follows. Formula 6.3 SSwith = ∑(xa − Ma )2 + ∑(xb − Mb)2 + ∑(xc − Mc)2 where SSwith = the sum of squares within xa = each of the individual scores in Group a Ma = the score mean in Group a
  • 16. To calculate SSwith, follow these steps: 1. Retrieve the mean (used for the SSbet earlier) for each of the groups. 2. Subtract the individual group mean (Ma for the Group A mean) from each score in the group (xa for Group A) 3. Square the difference between each score in each group and its mean. 4. Sum the squared differences for each group. 5. Repeat for each group. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7s… 9/76 Try It!: #3 When will sum-of-squares values be negative? iStockphoto/Thinkstock People may experience differences in social isolation when they live in small towns instead of suburbs of large cities. 6. Sum the results across the groups. The SSwith (or the SSerr) measures the fluctuations in subjects’ scores that are error variance.
  • 17. All variability in the data (SStot) is either SSbet or SSwith. As a result, if two of three are known, the third can be determined easily. If we calculate SStot and SSbet, the SSwith can be determined by subtraction: SStot − SSbet = SSwith The difficulty with this approach, however, is that any calculation error in SStot or SSbet is perpetuated in SSwith/SSerror. The other value of using Formula 6.3 is that, like the two preceding formulas, it helps to clarify that what is being determined is how much score variability is within each group. For the few problems done entirely by hand, we will take the “high road” and use Formula 6.3. To minimize the tedium, the data sets here are relatively small. When researchers complete larger studies by hand, they often shift to the alternate “calculation formulas” for simpler arithmetic, but in so doing can sacrifice clarity. Happily, ANOVA is one of the procedures that Excel performs, and after a few simple longhand problems, we can lean on the computer for help with larger data sets. Calculating the Sums of Squares Consider the example we have been using: A researcher is interested in the level of social isolation people feel in small towns (a), suburbs (b), and cities (c). Participants randomly selected from each of those three settings take the Assessment List of Non-normal Environments (ALONE), for which the following scores are available: a. 3, 4, 4, 3 b. 6, 6, 7, 8
  • 18. c. 6, 7, 7, 9 We know we will need the mean of all the data (MG) as well as the mean for each group (Ma, Mb, Mc), so we will start there. Verify that ∑x = 70 and N = 12, so MG = 5.833. For the small-town subjects, ∑xa = 14 and na = 4, so Ma = 3.50. For the suburban subjects, ∑xb = 27 and nb = 4, so Mb = 6.750. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 10/76 For the city subjects, ∑xc = 29 and nc = 4, so Mc = 7.250. For the sum-of-squares total, the formula is SStot = ∑(x − MG)2 = 41.668 The calculations are listed in Table 6.1.
  • 19. Table 6.1: Calculating the sum of squares total (SStot) SStot = ∑ (x − MG)2 = 5.833 For the town data: x − M 3 − 5.833 = −2.833 4 − 5.833 = −1.833 4 − 5.833 = −1.833 3 − 5.833 = −2.833 (x − M)2 8.026 3.360 3.360 8.026 For the suburb data: x − M 6 − 5.833 = 0.167 6 − 5.833 = 0.167 7 − 5.833 = 1.167 8 − 5.833 = 2.167 (x − M)2 0.028 0.028 1.362 4.696 For the city data: x − M 6 − 5.833 = 0.167
  • 20. 6 − 5.833 = 0.167 7 − 5.833 = 1.167 9 − 5.833 = 3.167 (x − M)2 0.028 0.028 1.362 10.030 SStot = 41.668 For the sum of squares between, the formula is: SSbet = (Ma − MG)2na + (Mb − MG)2nb + (Mc − MG)2nc The SSbet for the three groups is as follows: SSbet = (Ma − MG)2na + (Mb − MG)2nb + (Mc − MG)2nc = (3.5 − 5.833)2(4) + (6.75 − 5.833)2(4) + (7.25 − 5.833)2(4) = 21.772 + 3.364 + 8.032 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 11/76 = 33.168 The SSwith indicates the error variance by determining the
  • 21. differences between individual scores in a group and their means. The formula is SSwith = ∑(xa − Ma)2 + ∑(xb − Mb)2 + ∑(xc − Mc)2 SSwith = 8.504 Table 6.2 lists the calculations for SSwith. Table 6.2: Calculating the sum of squares within (SSwith) SSwith = ∑(xa − Ma)2 + ∑(xb − Mb)2 + ∑(xc − Mc)2 3,4,4,3 6,6,7,8 6,7,7,9 Ma = 3.50, Mb = 6.750, Mc = 7.250 For the town data: x − M 3 − 3.50 = –0.50 4 − 3.50 = 0.50 4 − 3.50 = 0.50 3 − 3.50 = –0.50 (x − M)2 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 For the suburb data: x − M
  • 22. 6 − 6.750 = –0.750 6 − 6.750 = –0.750 7 − 6.750 = 0.250 8 − 6.750 = 1.250 (x − M)2 0.563 0.563 0.063 1.563 For the city data: x − M 6 − 7.250 = 1.250 7 − 7.250 = –0.250 7 − 7.250 = –0.250 9 − 7.250 = 1.750 (x − M)2 1.563 0.063 0.063 3.063 SSwith = 8.504 Because we calculated the SSwith directly instead of determining it by subtraction, we can now check for accuracy by adding its value to the SSbet. If the calculations are correct, SSwith + SSbet = SStot. For the isolation example, 8.504 + 33.168 = 41.672. The calculation of SStot earlier found SStot = 41.668. The difference between that value and the SStot that we determined by adding SSbet to SSwith is just 0.004. That result
  • 23. is due to differences from rounding and is unimportant. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 12/76 Try It!: #4 What will SStot − SSwith yield? We calculated equivalent statistics as early as Chapter 1, although we did not term them sums of squares. At the heart of the standard deviation calculation are those repetitive x − M differences for each score in the sample. The difference values are then squared and summed, much as they are when calculating SSwith and SStot. Incidentally, the denominator in the standard deviation calculation is n − 1, which should look suspiciously like some of the degrees of freedom values we will discuss in the next section. Interpreting the Sums of Squares The different sums-of-squares values are measures of data variability, which makes them like the standard deviation, variance measures, the standard error of the mean, and so on. Also like the other measures of variability, SS values can never be negative. But between SS and the other statistics is an important difference. In addition to data variability, the magnitude of the SS value
  • 24. reflects the number of scores involved. Because sums of squares are in fact the sum of squared values, the more values there are, the larger the value becomes. With statistics like the standard deviation, if more values are added near the mean of the distribution, s actually shrinks. This cannot happen with the sum of squares. Additional scores, whatever their value, will always increase the sum-of-squares value. The fact that large SS values can result from large amounts of variability or relatively large numbers of scores makes them difficult to interpret. The SS values become easier to gauge if they become mean, or average, variability measures. Fisher transformed sums-of-squares variability measures into mean, or average, variability measures by dividing each sum-of-squares value by its degrees of freedom. The SS ÷ df operation creates what is called the mean square (MS). In the one-way ANOVA, an MS value is associated with both the SSbet and the SSwith (SSerr). There is no mean- squares total. Dividing the SStot by its degrees of freedom provides a mean level of overall variability, but since the analysis is based on how between-groups variability compares to within-groups variance, mean total variability would not be helpful. The degrees of freedom for each of the sums of squares calculated for the one-way ANOVA are as follows: Though we do not calculate a mean measure of total variability, degrees of freedom total allows us to check the other df values for accuracy later; dftot is N − 1, where N is the total number of scores. Degrees of freedom for between (dfbet) is k − 1, where k is the number of groups: SSbet ÷ dfbet = MSbet
  • 25. Degrees of freedom for within (dfwith) is N – k, total number of scores minus number of groups: SSwith ÷ dfwith = MSwith a. The sums of squares between and within should equal total sum of squares, as noted earlier: SSbet + SSwith = SStot b. Likewise, sum of degrees of freedom between and within should equal degrees of freedom total: dfbet + dfwith = dftot The F Ratio 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 13/76 The mean squares for between and within groups are the components of F, the test statistic in ANOVA: Formula 6.4 F = MSbet/MSwith This formula allows one to determine whether the average treatment effect—MSbet—is substantially greater than the average measure of error variance—MSwith. Figure 6.4 illustrates the F ratio, which compares the distance from the mean of the first distribution to the mean of the second distribution, the A variance, to the B and C variances, which indicate the differences within groups.
  • 26. If the MSbet / MSwith ratio is large—it must be substantially greater than 1.0—the difference between groups is likely to be significant. When that ratio is small, F is likely to be nonsignificant. How large F must be to be significant depends on the degrees of freedom for the problem, just as it did for the t tests. Figure 6.4: The F ratio: comparing variance between groups (A) to variance within groups (B + C) The distance from the mean of the first distribution to the mean of the second distribution, the A variance, to the B and C variances indicates the differences within groups. The ANOVA Table The results of ANOVA analysis are summarized in a table that indicates the source of the variance, the sums-of-squares values, the degrees of freedom, the mean square values, and F. With the total number of scores (N) 12, and degrees of freedom total (dftot) = N − 1; 12 − 1 = 11. The number of groups (k) is 3 and between degrees of freedom (dfbet) = k − 1, so dfbet = 2. Within degrees of freedom (dfwith) are N – k; 12 − 3 = 9. Recall that MSbet = SSbet/dfbet and MSwith = SSwith/dfwith. We do not calculate MStot. Table 6.3 shows the
  • 27. ANOVA table for the social isolation problem. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 14/76 Try It!: #5 If the F in an ANOVA is 4.0 and the MSwith = 2.0, what will be the value of MSbet? Table 6.3: ANOVA table for social isolation problem Source SS df MS F Total 41.672 11 Between 33.168 2 16.584 17.551 Within 8.504 9 0.945 Verify that SSbet + SSwith = SStot, and dfbet + dfwith = dftot. The smallest value an SS can have is 0, which occurs if all scores have the same value. Otherwise, the SS and MS values will always be positive. Understanding F The larger F is, the more likely it is to be statistically significant, but how large is large enough? In the ANOVA table above, F = 17.551.
  • 28. The fact that F is determined by dividing MSbet by MSwith indicates that whatever the value of F is indicates the number of times MSbet is greater than MSwith. Here, MSbet is 17.551 times greater than MSwith, which seems promising; to be sure, however, it must be compared to a value from the critical values of F (Table 6.4; Table B.3 in Appendix B). As with the t test, as degrees of freedom increase, the critical values decline. The difference between t and F is that F has two df values, one for the MSbet, the other for the MSwith. In Table 6.3, the critical value is at the intersection of dfbet across the top of the table and dfwith down the left side. For the social isolation problem, these are 2 (k − 1) across the top and 9 (N − k) down the left side. The value in regular type at the intersection of 2 and 9 is 4.26 and is the critical value when testing at p = 0.05. The value in bold type is for testing at p = 0.01. The critical value indicates that any ANOVA test with 2 and 9 df that has an F value equal to or greater than 4.26 is statistically significant. The social isolation differences among the three groups are probably not due to sampling variability. The statistical decision is to reject H0. The relatively large value of F—it is more than four times the critical value—indicates that the differences in social isolation are affected by where respondents live. The amount of within-group variability, the error variance, is small relative to the treatment effect. Table 6.4 provides the critical values of F for a variety of research scenarios. When computer
  • 29. software completes ANOVA, the answer it generates typically provides the exact probability that a specified value of F could have occurred by chance. Using the most common standard, when that probability is 0.05 or less, the result is statistically significant. Performing calculations by hand without statistical software, however, requires the additional step of comparing F to the critical value to determine 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 15/76 statistical significance. When the calculated value is the same as, or larger than, the table value, it is statistically significant. Table 6.4: The critical values of F df denominator df numerator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 18.51 98.49 19.00 99.01 19.16
  • 44. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 16/76 df denominator df numerator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 4.38 8.18 3.52 5.93 3.13 5.01 2.90 4.50 2.74 4.17 2.63 3.94 2.54 3.77 2.48 3.63
  • 54. 2.33 3.30 2.27 3.17 2.21 3.07 2.16 2.98 Values in regular type indicate the critical value for p = .05; Values in bold type indicate the critical value for p = .01 Source: Critical values of F. (n.d.). Retrieved from ( 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 17/76 6.2 Locating the Difference: Post Hoc Tests and Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) When a t test is statistically significant, only one explanation of the difference is possible: the first group probably belongs to a different population than the second
  • 55. group. Things are not so simple when there are more than two groups. A significant F indicates that at least one group is significantly different from at least one other group in the study, but unless the ANOVA considers only two groups, there are a number of possibilities for the statistical significance, as we noted when we listed all the possible HA outcomes earlier. The point of a post hoc test, an “after this” test conducted following an ANOVA, is to determine which groups are significantly different from which. When F is significant, a post hoc test is the next step. There are many post hoc tests. Each of them has particular strengths, but one of the more common, and also one of the easier to calculate, is one John Tukey developed called HSD, for “honestly significant difference.” Formula 6.5 produces a value that is the smallest difference between the means of any two samples that can be statistically significant: Formula 6.5 where x = a table value indexed to the number of groups (k) in the problem and the degrees of freedom within (dfwith) from the ANOVA table MSwith = the value from the ANOVA table n = the number in any group when the group sizes are equal As long as the number in all samples is the same, the value from Formula 6.5 will indicate the minimum difference between the means of any two groups that can be
  • 56. statistically significant. An alternate formula for HSD may be used when group sizes are unequal: Formula 6.6 The notation in this formula indicates that the HSD value is for the group-1-to-group-2 comparison (n1, n2). When sample sizes are unequal, a separate HSD value must be completed for each pair of sample means in the problem. To compute HSD for equal sample sizes, follow these steps: 1. From Table 6.5, locate the value of x by moving across the top of the table to the number of groups/treatments (k = 3), and then down the left side for the within degrees of freedom (dfwith = 9). The intersecting values for 3 and 9 are 3.95 and 5.43. The smaller of the two is the value when p = 0.05. The post hoc test is always conducted at the same probability level as the ANOVA, p = 0.05 in this case. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 18/76 2. The calculation is 3.95 times the result of the square root of 0.945 (the MSwith) divided by 4 (n). This value is the minimum absolute value of the difference between the means of two statistically significant samples. The means for social isolation in the three groups are
  • 57. as follows: Ma = 3.50 for small town respondents Mb = 6.750 for suburban respondents Mc = 7.250 for city respondents To compare small towns to suburbs this procedure is as follows: Ma − Mb = 3.50 − 6.75 = −3.25. This difference exceeds 1.92 and is significant. To compare small towns to cities, note that Ma − Mc = 3.50 − 7.25 = −3.75. This difference exceeds 1.92 and is significant. To compare suburbs to cities, Mb − Mc = 6.75 − 7.25 = −0.50. This difference is less than 1.92 and is not significant. When several groups are involved, sometimes it is helpful to create a table that presents all the differences between pairs of means. Table 6.6 repeats the HSD results for the social isolation problem. Table 6.5: Tukey’s HSD critical values: q (alpha, k, df) df k = Number of Treatments
  • 58. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 3.64 5.70 4.60 6.98 5.22 7.80 5.67 8.42 6.03 8.91 6.33 9.32 6.58 9.67 6.80 9.97 6.99 10.24 6 3.46 5.24 4.34 6.33
  • 72. 3.82 3.44 4.37 3.79 4.70 4.04 4.93 4.23 5.11 4.39 5.26 4.52 5.39 4.63 5.50 4.73 5.60 *The critical values for q corresponding to alpha = 0.05 (top) and alpha = 0.01 (bottom) Source: Tukey’s HSD critical values (n.d.). Retrieved from ( ) Table 6.6: Presenting Tukey’s HSD results in a table
  • 73. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 20/76 Any difference between pairs of means 1.920 or greater is a statistically significant difference. Small towns M = 3.500 Suburbs M = 6.750 Cities M = 7.250 Any difference between pairs of means 1.920 or greater is a statistically significant difference. Small towns M = 3.500 Suburbs M = 6.750 Cities M = 7.250 Small towns M = 3.500
  • 74. Diff = 3.250 Diff = 3.750 Suburbs M = 6.750 Diff = 0.500 Cities M = 7.250 The mean differences of 3.250 and 3.750 are statistically significant. The values in the cells in Table 6.6 indicate the results of the post hoc test for differences between each pair of means in the study. Results indicate that the respondents from small towns expressed a significantly lower level of social isolation than those in either the suburbs or cities. Results from the suburban and city groups indicate that social isolation scores are higher in the city than in the suburbs, but the difference is not large enough to be statistically significant. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 21/76 iStockphoto/Thinkstock Using Excel to complete ANOVA makes it
  • 75. easier to calculate the means, differences, and other values of data from studies such as the level of optimism indicated by people in different vocations during a recession. 6.3 Completing ANOVA with Excel The ANOVA by longhand involves enough calculated means, subtractions, squaring of differences, and so on that letting Excel do the ANOVA work can be very helpful. Consider the following example: A researcher is comparing the level of optimism indicated by people in different vocations during an economic recession. The data are from laborers, clerical staff in professional offices, and the professionals in those offices. The optimism scores for the individuals in the three groups are as follows: Laborers: 33, 35, 38, 39, 42, 44, 44, 47, 50, 52 Clerical staff: 27, 36, 37, 37, 39, 39, 41, 42, 45, 46 Professionals: 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34 1. First create the data file in Excel. Enter “Laborers,” “Clerical staff,” and “ Professionals” in cells A1, B1, and C1 respectively. 2. In the columns below those labels, enter the optimism scores, beginning in cell A2 for the laborers, B2 for the clerical workers, and C2 for the professionals. After entering the data and checking for accuracy, proceed with the following steps. 3. Click the Data tab at the top of the page. 4. On the far right, choose Data Analysis. 5. In the Analysis Tools window, select ANOVA Single Factor
  • 76. and click OK. 6. Indicate where the data are located in the Input Range. In the example here, the range is A2:C11. 7. Note that the default setting is “Grouped by Columns.” If the data are arrayed along rows instead of columns, change the setting. Because we designated A2 instead of A1 as the point where the data begin, there is no need to indicate that labels are in the first row. 8. Select Output Range and enter a cell location where you wish the display of the output to begin. In the example in Figure 6.5, the output results are located in A13. 9. Click OK. Widen column A to make the output easier to read. The result resembles the screenshot in Figure 6.5. Figure 6.5: ANOVA in Excel Results of ANOVA performed using Excel 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 22/76 Source: Microsoft Excel. Used with permission from Microsoft. Completing ANOVA with Excel Results appear in two tables. The first provides descriptive
  • 77. statistics. The second table looks like the longhand table we created earlier, except that the column titled “P-value” indicates the probability that an F of this magnitude could have occurred by chance. Note that the P-value is 4.31E-06. The “E-06” is scientific notation, a shorthand way of indicating that the actual value is p = 0.00000431, or 4.31 with the decimal moved 6 decimals to the left. The probability easily exceeds the p = 0.05 standard for statistical significance. Apply It! Analysis of Variance and Problem-Solving Ability 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 23/76 A psychological services organization is interested in how long a group of randomly selected university graduates will persist in a series of cognitive tasks they are asked to complete when the environment is varied. Forty graduate students are recruited from a state university and told that they are to evaluate the effectiveness of a series of spatial relations tasks that may be included in a test of academic aptitude. The students are asked to complete a series of tasks, after which they will be asked to evaluate the tasks. What is actually being measured is how long subjects will persist in these tasks when environmental conditions vary. Group 1’s treatment is recorded hip-hop in the background. Group 2 performs tasks with a newscast
  • 78. in the background. Group 3 has classical music in the background, and Group 4 experiences a no-noise environment. The dependent variable is how many minutes subjects persist before stopping to take a break. Table 6.7 displays the measured results. Table 6.7: Results of task persistence under varied background conditions 1: Hip-hop 2: Newscast 3: Classical music 4: No noise 49 57 77 65 57 53 82 61 73 69 77 73 68 65 85 81 65 61 93 89 62 73 79 77 61 57 73 81 45 69 89 77 53 73 82 69 61 77 85 77 Next, the test results are analyzed in Excel, which produces the information displayed in Table 6.8. Table 6.8: Excel analysis of task persistence results
  • 79. Summary Group Count Sum Average Variance 1: Hip-hop 10 594 59.4 73.82 2: Newscast 10 654 65.4 65.60 3: Classical music 10 822 82.2 36.40 4: No noise 10 750 75.0 68.44 ANOVA Source of variation SS df MS F P-value Fcrit Between groups 3063.6 3 1021.1 16.72 5.71E-07 2.87 Within groups 2198.4 36 61.07 Total 5262.0 39 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 24/76 The research organization first asks: Is there a significant difference? The null hypothesis states that there is no difference in how long respondents persist, that the background differences are unrelated to persistence. The calculated value from the Excel procedure is F =16.72. That value is larger than the
  • 80. critical value of F0.05 (3,36) = 2.87, so the null hypothesis is rejected. Those in at least one of the groups work a significantly different amount of time before stopping than those in other groups. The significant F prompts a second question: Which group(s) is/are significantly different from which other(s)? Answering that question requires the post hoc test. x = 3.81 (based on k = 4, dfwith = 36, and p = 0.05) MSwith = 61.07, the value from the ANOVA table n = 10, the number in one group when group sizes are equal = 9.42 This value is the minimum difference between the means of two significantly different samples. The difference in means between the groups appears below: A − B = −6.0 A − C = −22.8 A − D = −15.6 B − C = −16.8 B − D = −9.6 C − D = 7.2 Table 6.9 makes these differences a little easier to interpret. The in-cell values are the differences between the respective pairs of means:
  • 81. Table 6.9: Mean differences between pairs of groups in task persistence A. Hip-hop M1 = 59.4 B. Newscast M2 = 65.4 C. Classical music M3 = 82.2 D. No noise M4 = 75.0 1: Hip-hop M1 = 59.4 6.0 22.8 15.6 2: Newscast M2 = 65.4 16.8 9.6 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 25/76 A. Hip-hop M1 = 59.4
  • 82. B. Newscast M2 = 65.4 C. Classical music M3 = 82.2 D. No noise M4 = 75.0 3: Classical music M3 = 82.2 7.2 4: No noise M4 = 75.0 The differences in the amount of time respondents work before stopping to rest are not significant between environments A and B and between C and D; the absolute values of those differences do not exceed the HSD value of 9.42. The other four comparisons (in red) are all statistically significant. The data indicate that those with hip-hop as background noise tended to work the least amount of time before stopping, and those with the classical music background persisted the longest, but that much would have been evident from just the mean scores. The one- way ANOVA completed with Excel indicates that at least some of the differences are statistically significant, rather than random; the type of background noise is associated with consistent differences in work-time. The post hoc test makes it clear that two comparisons show no significant difference, between
  • 83. classical music and no background sound, and between hip-hop and the newscast. Apply It! boxes written by Shawn Murphy 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 26/76 Try It!: #6 If the F in ANOVA is not significant, should the post hoc test be completed? Daniel Gale/Hemera/Thinkstock In a study of social isolation based on where people live (i.e., the respondents’ location, such as a busy city) what is the independent variable (IV)? What is the dependent variable (DV)? 6.4 Determining the Practical Importance of Results Potentially, three central questions could be associated with an analysis of a variance. Whether questions 2 and 3 are addressed depends upon the answer to question 1: 1. Are any of the differences statistically significant? The answer depends upon how
  • 84. the calculated F value compares to the critical value from the table. 2. If the F is significant, which groups are significantly different from each other? That question is answered by a post hoc test such as Tukey’s HSD. 3. IfF is significant, how important is the result? The question is answered by an effect-size calculation. If F is not statistically significant, questions 2 and 3 are nonissues. After addressing the first two questions, we now turn our attention to the third question, effect size. With the t test in Chapter 5, omega- squared answered the question about how important the result was. There are similar measures for analysis of variance, and in fact, several effect-size statistics have been used to explain the importance of a significant ANOVA result. Omega-squared (ω2) and partial eta-squared (η2) (where the Greek letter eta [η] is pronounced like “ate a” as in “ate a grape”) are both quite common in social-science research literature. Both effect-size statistics are demonstrated here, the omega-squared to be consistent with Chapter 5, and—because it is easy to calculate and quite common in the literature—we will also demonstrate eta-squared. Both statistics answer the same question: Because some of the variance in scores is
  • 85. unexplained, in other words error variance, how much of the score variance can be attributed to the independent variable which, in this recent example, is the background environment? The difference between the statistics is that omega-squared answers the question for the population of all such problems, while the eta-squared result is specific to the particular data set. In the social isolation problem, the question was whether residents of small towns, suburban areas, and cities differ in their measures of social isolation. The respondents’ location is the IV. Eta-squared estimates how much of the difference in social isolation is related to where respondents live. The η2 calculation involves only two values, both retrievable from the ANOVA table. Formula 6.7 shows the eta-squared calculation: Formula 6.7 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 27/76
  • 86. The formula indicates that eta-squared is the ratio of between- groups variability to total variability. If there were no error variance, all variance would be due to the independent variable, and the sums of squares for between- groups variability and for total variability would have the same values; the effect size would be 1.0. With human subjects, this effect-size result never happens because scores always fluctuate for reasons other than the IV, but it is important to know that 1.0 is the upper limit for this effect size and for omega-squared as well. The lower limit is 0, of course—none of the variance is explained. But we also never see eta-squared values of 0 because the only time the effect size is calculated is when F is significant, and that can only happen when the effect of the IV is great enough that the ratio of MSbet to MSwith exceeds the critical value; some variance will always be explained. For the social isolation problem, SSbet = 33.168 and SStot = 41.672, so According to these data, about 80% of the variance in social isolation scores relates to whether the respondent lives in a small town, a suburb, or a city. Note that this amount of variance is unrealistically high, which can happen when numbers are contrived. Omega-squared takes a slightly more conservative approach to effect sizes and will always have a lower value than eta-squared. The formula for omega-squared is: Formula 6.8 Compared to η2, the numerator is reduced by the value of the df between times MSwith, and the denominator is increased by the SStot plus MSwith. The error term plays a
  • 87. more prominent part in this effect size than in η2, thus the more conservative value. Completing the calculations for ω2 yields the following: The omega-squared value indicates that about 69% of the variability in social isolation can be explained by where the subject lives. This value is 10% less than the eta- squared value explains. The advantage to using omega-squared is that the researcher can say, “in all situations where social isolation is studied as a function of where the subject lives, the location of the subject’s home will explain about 69% of the variance.” On the other hand, when using eta-squared, the researcher is limited to saying, “in this instance, the location of the subject’s home explained about 79% of the variance in social isolation.” Those statements indicate the difference between being able to generalize compared to being restricted to the present situation. Apply It! Using ANOVA to Test Effectiveness 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 28/76 Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media/Thinkstock A researcher is interested in the relative impact that tangible reinforcers and verbal reinforcers have on behavior. The researcher, who describes the study only as an examination of human behavior, solicits the help of
  • 88. university students. The researcher makes a series of presentations on the growth of the psychological sciences with an invitation to listeners to ask questions or make comments whenever they wish. The three levels of the independent variable are as follows: 1. no response to students’ interjections, except to answer their questions 2. a tangible reinforcer—a small piece of candy—offered after each comment/question 3. verbal praise offered for each verbal interjection The volunteers are randomly divided into three groups of eight each and asked to report for the presentations, to which students are invited to respond. Note that there are three independent groups: Those who participate are members of only one group. The three options described represent the three levels of a single independent variable, the presenter’s response to comments or questions by the subjects. The dependent variable is the number of interjections by subjects over the course of the presentations. The null hypothesis (H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3) maintains that response rates will not vary from group to group, that in terms of verbal comments, the three groups belong to the same population. The alternate hypothesis (HA: not so) maintains that non-random differences will occur between groups—that, as a result of the treatment, at least one group will belong to some other population of responders. Each subject’s number of responses during the experiment is
  • 89. indicated in Table 6.10. Table 6.10: Number of responses given three different levels of reinforcer No response Tangible reinforcers Verbal reinforcers 14 18 13 13 15 15 19 16 16 18 18 15 15 17 14 16 13 17 12 17 13 12 18 16 Completing the analysis with Excel yields the following summary (Table 6.11), with descriptive statistics first: Table 6.11: Summary of Excel analysis for the reinforcer study 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 29/76
  • 90. Group Count Sum Average Variance No Response 8 119 14.875 6.982143 Tangible Reinf. 8 132 16.500 3.142857 Verbal Reinf. 8 119 14.875 2.125000 ANOVA Source of variation SS df MS F P-value Fcrit Between groups 14.0833333 2 7.041666667 1.72449 0.202565 3.4668 Within groups 85.75 21 4.083333333 With an F = 1.72, results are not statistically significant for a value less than F0.05 (2,21) = 3.47. The statistical decision is to “fail to reject” H0. Note that the p value reported in the results is the probability that the particular value of F could have occurred by chance. In this instance, there is a 0.20 probability (1 chance in 5) that an F value this large (1.72) could occur by chance in a population of responders. That p value would need to be p ≤ 0.05 in order for the value of F to be statistically significant. There are differences between the groups, certainly, but those differences are more likely explained by sampling variability than by the effect of the independent variable. Apply It! boxes written by Shawn Murphy
  • 91. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 30/76 6.5 Conditions for the One-Way ANOVA As we saw with the t tests, any statistical test requires that certain conditions be met. The conditions might include characteristics such as the scale of the data, the way the data are distributed, the relationships between the groups in the analysis, and so on. In the case of the one-way ANOVA, the name indicates one of the conditions. Conditions for the one-way ANOVA include the following: The one-way ANOVA test can accommodate just one independent variable. That one variable can have any number of categories, but can have only one IV. In example of rural, suburban, and city isolation, the IV was the location of the respondents’ residence. We might have added more categories, such as rural, semirural, small town, large town, suburbs of small cities, suburbs of large cities, and so on (all of which relate to the respondents’ residence) but like the independent t test, we cannot add another variable, such as the respondents’ gender, in a one-way ANOVA. The categories of the IV must be independent. The groups involved must be independent. Those who are members of one group cannot also be members of another group involved in the same analysis. The IV must be nominal scale. Because the IV must be nominal scale, sometimes data of some other scale are reduced to categorical data to complete the analysis. If
  • 92. someone wants to know whether differences in social isolation are related to age, age must be changed from ratio to nominal data prior to the analysis. Rather than using each person’s age in years as the independent variable, ages are grouped into categories such as 20s, 30s, and so on. Grouping by category is not ideal, because by reducing ratio data to nominal or even ordinal scale, the differences in social isolation between 20- and 29-year-olds, for example, are lost. The DV must be interval or ratio scale. Technically, social isolation would need to be measured with something like the number of verbal exchanges that a subject has daily with neighbors or co-workers, rather than using a scale of 1–10 to indicate the level of isolation, which is probably an example of ordinal data. The groups in the analysis must be similarly distributed, that is, showing homogeneity of variance, a concept discussed in Chapter 5. It means that the groups should all have reasonably similar standard deviations, for example. Finally, using ANOVA assumes that the samples are drawn from a normally distributed population. To meet all these conditions may seem difficult. Keep in mind, however, that normality and homogeneity of variance in particular represent ideals more than practical necessities. As it turns out, Fisher’s procedure can tolerate a certain amount of deviation from these requirements, which is to say that this test is quite robust. In extreme cases, for example, when calculated skewness or kurtosis values reach ±2.0, ANOVA would probably be inappropriate. Absent that, the researcher can probably safely proceed.
  • 93. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 31/76 6.6 ANOVA and the Independent t Test The one-way ANOVA and the independent t test share several assumptions although they employ distinct statistics—the sums of squares for ANOVA and the standard error of the difference for the t test, for example. When two groups are involved, both tests will produce the same result, however. This consistency can be illustrated by completing ANOVA and the independent t test for the same data. Suppose an industrial psychologist is interested in how people from two separate divisions of a company differ in their work habits. The dependent variable is the amount of work completed after hours at home, per week, for supervisors in marketing versus supervisors in manufacturing. The data follow: Marketing: 3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 9, 11, 12 Manufacturing: 0, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7 Calculating some of the basic statistics yields the results listed in Table 6.12. Table 6.12: Statistical results for work habits study M s SEM SEd MG
  • 94. Marketing 7.25 3.240 1.146 1.458 5.50 Manufacturing 3.75 2.550 0.901 First, the t test gives The difference is significant. Those in marketing (M1) take significantly more work home than those in manufacturing (M2). The ANOVA test proceeds as follows: For all variability from all sources (SStot), verify that the result of subtracting MG from each score in both groups, squaring the differences, and summing the squares = 168: SStot = ∑(x − MG)2 = 168 For the SSbet, verify that subtracting the grand mean from each group mean, squaring the difference, and multiplying each result by the number in the particular group = 49: SSbet = (Ma − MG)2na + (Mb − MG)2nb = (7.25 − 5.50)2(8) + (3.75 − 5.50)2(8) = 24.5 For the SSwith, take each group mean from each score in the group, square the difference, and then sum the squared differences as follows to verify that SSwith = 119:
  • 95. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 32/76 Try It!: #7 What is the relationship between the values of t and F if both are performed for the same two- group test? SSwith = ∑(xa1 − Ma)2 + . . . (xa8 − Ma)2 + ∑(xb1 − Mb)2 . . . (xb8 − Ma)2 = 119 Table 6.13 summarizes the results. Table 6.13: ANOVA results for work habit study Source SS df MS F Fcrit Total 168 15 Between 49 1 49 5.765 F0.05(1,14) = 4.60 Within 119 14 8.5 Like the t test, ANOVA indicates that the difference in the amount of work completed at home is significantly different for the two groups, so at least both tests draw the same conclusion, statistical significance. Even so, more is involved than just the statistical decision to reject H0. Consider the following:
  • 96. Note that the calculated value of t = 2.401 and the calculated value of F = 5.765. If the value of t is squared, it equals the value of F: 2.4012 = 5.765. The same is true for the critical values: T0.05(14) = 2.145, 2.1452 = 4.60 F0.05(1,14) = 4.60 Gosset’s and Fisher’s tests draw exactly equivalent conclusions when two groups are tested. The ANOVA tends to be more work, so people ordinarily use the t test for two groups, but both tests are entirely consistent. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 33/76 6.7 The Factorial ANOVA In the language of statistics, a factor is an independent variable, and a factorial ANOVA is an ANOVA that includes multiple IVs. We noted that fluctuations in the DV scores not explained by the IV emerge as error variance. In the t-test/ANOVA example above, any differences in the amount of work taken home not related to the division between marketing and manufacturing— differences in workers’ seniority, for example—become part of SSwith and then the MSwith error. As long as a t test or a one-way ANOVA is used, the researcher cannot account for any differences in work taken home that are not
  • 97. associated with whether the subject is from marketing or manufacturing, or whatever IV is selected. There can only be one independent variable. The factorial ANOVA contains multiple IVs. Each one can account for its portion of variability in the DV, thereby reducing what would otherwise become part of the error variance. As long as the researcher has measures for each variable, the number of IVs has no theoretical limit. Each one is treated as we treated the SSbet: for each IV, a sum-of-squares value is calculated and divided by its degrees of freedom to produce a mean square. Each mean square is divided by the same MSwith value to produce F so that there are separate F values for each IV. The associated benefit of adding more IVs to the analysis is that the researcher can more accurately reflect the complexity inherent in human behavior. One variable rarely explains behavior in any comprehensive way. Including more IVs is often a more informative view of why DV scores vary. It also usually contributes to a more powerful test. Recall from Chapter 4 that power refers to the likelihood of detecting significance. Because assigning what would otherwise be error variance to the appropriate IV reduces the error term, factorial ANOVAs are often more likely to produce significant F values than one-way ANOVAs; they are often more powerful tests. In addition, IVs in combination sometimes affect the DV differently than they do when they are isolated, a concept called an interaction. The factorial ANOVA also calculates F values for these interactions. If a researcher wanted to examine the impact that marital status and college graduation have on subjects’ optimism
  • 98. about the economy, data would be gathered on subjects’ marital status (married or not married) and their college education (graduated or did not graduate). Then SS values, MS values, and F ratios would be calculated for marital status, college education, and the two IVs in combination, the interaction of the factors. In the manufacturing versus marketing example, perhaps gender and department interact so that females in marketing respond differently than females in manufacturing, for example. The factorial ANOVA has not been included in this text, but it is not difficult to understand. The procedures involved in calculating a factorial ANOVA are more numerous, but they are not more complicated than the one- way ANOVA. Excel accommodates ANOVA problems with up to two independent variables. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 34/76 6.8 Writing Up Statistics Any time a researcher has multiple groups or levels of a nominal scale variable (ethnic groups, occupation type, country of origin, preferred language) and the question is about their differences on some interval or ratio scale variable (income, aptitude, number of days sober, number of
  • 99. parking violations), the question can be analyzed using some form of ANOVA. Because it is a test that provides tremendous flexibility, it is well represented in research literature. To examine whether a language is completely forgotten when exposure to that language is severed in early childhood, Bowers, Mattys, and Gage (2009) compared the performance of subjects with no memory of exposure to a foreign language in their early childhood to other subjects with no exposure when the language is encountered in adulthood. They compared the performance with phonemes of the forgotten language (the DV) by those exposed to Hindi (one group of the IV) or Zulu (a second group of the IV) to the performance of adults of the same age who had no exposure to either language (a third group of the IV). They found that those with the early Hindi or Zulu exposure learned those languages significantly more quickly as adults. Butler, Zaromb, Lyle, and Roediger III (2009) used ANOVA to examine the impact that viewing film clips in connection with text reading has on student recall of facts when some of the film facts are inconsistent with text material. This experiment was a factorial ANOVA with two IVs. One independent variable had to do with the mode of presentation including text alone, film alone, film and text combined. A second IV had to do with whether students received a general warning, a specific warning, or no warning that the film might be inconsistent with some elements of the text. The DV was the proportion of correct responses students made to questions about the content. Butler et al. found that learner recall improved when film and text were combined and when subjects received specific warnings about possible misinformation. When the film facts were
  • 100. inconsistent with the text material, receiving a warning explained 37% of the variance in the proportion of correct responses. The type of presentation explained 23% of the variance. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 35/76 Summary and Resources Chapter Summary This chapter is the natural extension of Chapters 4 and 5. Like the z test and the t test, analysis of variance is a test of significant differences. Also like the z test and t test, the IV in ANOVA is nominal, and the DV is interval or ratio. With each procedure—whether z, t, or F—the test statistic is a ratio of the differences between groups to the differences within groups (Objective 3). ANOVA and the earlier procedures, do differ, of course. The variance statistics are sums of squares and mean squares values. But perhaps the most important difference is that ANOVA can accommodate any number of groups (Objectives 2 and 3). Remember that trying to deal with multiple groups in a t test introduces the problem of increasing type I error when repeated analyses with the same data indicate statistical significance. One-way ANOVA lifts the limitation of a one-pair-at-a-time comparison (Objective 1).
  • 101. The other side of multiple comparisons, however, is the difficulty of determining which comparisons are statistically significant when F is significant. This problem is solved with the post hoc test. This chapter used Tukey’s HSD (Objective 4). There are other post hoc tests, each with its strengths and drawbacks, but HSD is one of the more widely used. Years ago, the emphasis in scholarly literature was on whether a result was statistically significant. Today, the focus is on measuring the effect size of a significant result, a statistic that in the case of analysis of variance can indicate how much of the variability in the dependent variable can be attributed to the effect of the independent variable. We answered that question with eta squared (η2). But neither the post hoc test nor eta squared is relevant if the F is not significant (Objective 5). The independent t test and the one-way ANOVA both require that groups be independent. What if they are not? What if we wish to measure one group twice over time, or perhaps more than twice? Such dependent group procedures are the focus of Chapter 7, which will provide an elaboration of familiar concepts. For this reason, consider reviewing Chapter 5 and the independent t-test discussion before starting Chapter 7. The one-way ANOVA dramatically broadens the kinds of questions the researcher can ask. The procedures in Chapter 7 for non-independent groups represent the next incremental step. Chapter 6 Flashcards
  • 102. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 36/76 Key Terms analysis of variance (ANOVA) Name given to Fisher’s test allowing a research study to detect significant differences among any number of groups. error variance Variability in a measure stemming from a source other than the variables introduced into the analysis. eta squared A measure of effect size for ANOVA. It estimates the amount of variability in the DV explained by the IV. factor An alternate name for an independent variable, particularly in procedures that involve more than one. factorial ANOVA An ANOVA with more than one IV. F ratio The test statistic calculated in an analysis of variance problem. It is the ratio of the variance between the groups to the variance within the groups. interaction Occurs when the combined effect of multiple independent variables is different than the variables acting
  • 103. independently. mean square Name given to Fisher's test allowing a research study to detect significant dif‐Click card to see term � Choose a Study ModeView this study set social-sciences-chapter-6-flash-cards/ 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 37/76 The sum of squares divided by the relevant degrees of freedom. This division allows the mean square to reflect a mean, or average, amount of variability from a source. one-way ANOVA Simplest variance analysis, involving only one independent variable. Similar to the t test. post hoc test A test conducted after a significant ANOVA or some similar test that identifies which among multiple possibilities is statistically significant. sum of squares The variance measure in analysis of variance. It is the sum of the squared deviations between a set of scores
  • 104. and their mean. sum of squares between The variability related to the independent variable and any measurement error that may occur. sum of squares error Another name for the sum of squares within because it refers to the differences after treatment within the same group, all of which constitute error variance. sum of squares total Total variance from all sources. sum of squares within Variability stemming from different responses from individuals in the same group. Because all the individuals in a particular group receive the same treatment, differences among them constitute error variance. Review Questions Answers to the odd-numbered questions are provided in Appendix A. 1. Several people selected at random are given a story problem to solve. They take 3.5, 3.8, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7, 5.3, 6.0, and 7.5 minutes. What is the total sum of squares for these data? 2. Identify the following symbols and statistics in a one-way ANOVA: a. The statistic that indicates the mean amount of difference between groups. b. The symbol that indicates the total number of participants.
  • 105. c. The symbol that indicates the number of groups. d. The mean amount of uncontrolled variability. 3. A study theorizes that manifested aggression differs by gender. A researcher finds the following data from Measuring Expressed Aggression Numbers (MEAN): Males: 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 18, 18 Females: 11, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 14, 16 Complete the problem as an ANOVA. Is the difference statistically significant? 4. Complete Question 3 as an independent t test, and demonstrate the relationship between t2 and F. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 38/76 a. Is there an advantage to completing the problem as an ANOVA? b. If there were three groups, why not just complete three t tests to answer questions about significance? 5. Even with a significant F, a two-group ANOVA never needs a post hoc test. Why not? 6. A researcher completes an ANOVA in which the number of years of education completed is analyzed by
  • 106. ethnic group. If η2 = 0.36, how should that be interpreted? 7. Three groups of clients involved in a program for substance abuse attend weekly sessions for 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 16 weeks. The DV is the number of drug-free days. 8 weeks: 0, 5, 7, 8, 8 12 weeks: 3, 5, 12, 16, 17 16 weeks: 11, 15, 16, 19, 22 a. Is F significant? b. What is the location of the significant difference? c. What does the effect size indicate? 8. For Question 7, answer the following: a. What is the IV? b. What is the scale of the IV? c. What is the DV? d. What is the scale of the DV? 9. For an ANOVA problem, k = 4 and n = 8. If SSbet = 24.0 and SSwith = 72 a. What is F? b. Is the result significant? 10. Consider this partially completed ANOVA table: SS df MS F Fcrit Between 2
  • 107. Within 63 3 Total 94 a. What must be the value of N − k? b. What must be the value of k? c. What must be the value of N? d. What must the SSbet be? e. Determine the MSbet. f. Determine F. g. What is Fcrit? 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 39/76 Answers to Try It! Questions 1. The one in one-way ANOVA refers to the fact that this test accommodates just one independent variable. One-way ANOVA contrasts with factorial ANOVA, which can include any number of IVs. 2. A t test with six groups would need 15 comparisons. The answer is the number of groups (6) times the number of groups minus 1 (5), with the product divided by 2: 6 × 5 = 30 / 2 = 15. 3. The only way SS values can be negative is if there has been a calculation error. Because the values are all squared values, if they have any value other than 0, they
  • 108. must be positive. 4. The difference between SStot and SSwith is the SSbet. 5. If F = 4 and MSwith = 2, then MSbet must = 8 because F = MSbet ÷ MSwith. 6. The answer is neither. If F is not significant, there is no question of which group is significantly different from which other group because any variability may be nothing more than sampling variability. By the same token, there is no effect to calculate because, as far as we know, the IV does not have any effect on the DV. 7. t2 = F 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 40/76 Chapter Learning Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. Explain how initial between-groups differences affect t test or analysis of variance. 2. Compare the independent t test to the dependent-groups t test. 3. Complete a dependent-groups t test.
  • 109. 4. Explain what “power” means in statistical testing. 5. Compare the one-way ANOVA to the within-subjects F. 6. Complete a within-subjects F. 7Repeated Measures Designs for IntervalData Karen Kasmauski/Corbis 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 41/76 Introduction Tests of significant difference, such as the t test and analysis of variance, take two basic forms, depending upon the independence of the groups. Up to this point, the text has focused only on independent-groups tests: tests where those in one group cannot also be subjects in other groups. However, dependent-groups procedures, in which the same group is used multiple times, offer some advantages. This chapter focuses on the dependent-groups equivalents of the independent t test and the one-way ANOVA. Although they answer the same questions as their independent- groups equivalents (are there significant differences between groups?), under particular circumstances these tests can do so more efficiently and with more statistical power.
  • 110. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 42/76 Try It!: #1 If the size of the group affects the size of the standard deviation, what then is the relationship between sample size and error in a t test? 7.1 Reconsidering the t and F Ratios The scores produced in both the independent t and the one-way ANOVA are ratios. In the case of the t test, the ratio is the result of dividing the difference between the means of the groups by the standard error of the difference: With ANOVA, the F ratio is the mean square between (MSbet) divided by the mean square within (MSwith): With either t or F, the denominator in the ratio reflects how much scores vary within (rather than between) the groups of subjects involved in the study. These differences are easy to see in the way the standard error of the difference is calculated for a t test. When group sizes are equal, recall that the formula is with and s, of course, a measure of score variation in any group.
  • 111. So the standard error of the difference is based on the standard error of the mean, which in turn is based on the standard deviation. Therefore, score variance within in a t test has its root in the standard deviation for each group of scores. If we reverse the order and work from the standard deviation back to the standard error of the difference, we note the following: When scores vary substantially in a group, the result is a large standard deviation. When the standard deviation is relatively large, the standard error of the mean must likewise be large because the standard deviation is the numerator in the formula for SEM. A large standard error of the mean results in a large standard error of the difference because that statistic is the square root of the sum of the squared standard errors of the mean. When the standard error of the difference is large, the difference between the means has to be correspondingly larger for the result to be statistically significant. The table of critical values indicates that no t ratio (the ratio of the differences between the means and the standard error of the difference) less than 1.96 to 1 is going to be significant, and even that value requires an infinite sample size. Error Variance 9/10/2019 Print,
  • 112. ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 43/76 Greg Smith/Corbis In a study of the impact of substance abuse programs on addicts’ behavior, confounding variables could include ethnic background, age, or social class. The point of the preceding discussion is that the value of t in the t test—and for F in an ANOVA—is greatly affected by the amount of variability within the groups involved. Other factors being equal, when the variability within the groups is extensive, the values of t and F are diminished and less likely to be statistically significant than when groups have relatively little variability within them. These differences within groups stem from differences in the way individuals within the samples react to whatever treatment is the independent variable; different people respond differently to the same stimulus. These differences represent error variance—the outcome whenever scores differ for reasons not related to the IV. But within-group differences are not the only source of error variance in the calculation of t and F. Both t test and ANOVA assume that the groups involved are equivalent before the independent variable is introduced. In a t test where the impact of relaxation therapy on clients’ anxiety is the issue, the test assumes that before the therapy is introduced, the treatment group which receives the therapy and the control group which does not both begin with equivalent levels of anxiety. That assumption is the key to attributing any differences after the treatment to the therapy, the IV.
  • 113. Confounding Variables In comparisons like the one studying the effects of relaxation therapy, the initial equivalence of the groups can be uncertain, however. What if the groups had differences in anxiety before the therapy was introduced? The employment circumstances of each group might differ, and perhaps those threatened with unemployment are more anxious than the others. What if age- related differences exist between groups? These other influences that are not controlled in an experiment are sometimes called confounding variables. A psychologist who wants to examine the impact that a substance abuse program has on addicts’ behavior might set up a study as follows. Two groups of the same number of addicts are selected, and one group participates in the substance-abuse program. After the program, the psychologist measures the level of substance abuse in both groups to observe any differences. The problem is that the presence or absence of the program is not the only thing that might prompt subjects to respond differently. Perhaps subjects’ background experiences are different. Perhaps ethnic-group, age, or social- class differences play a role. If any of those differences affect substance-abuse behavior, the researcher can potentially confuse the influence of those factors with the impact of the substance-abuse program (the IV). If those other differences are not controlled and affect the dependent variable, they contribute to error variance. Error variance exists any time dependent-variable (DV) scores fluctuate for reasons unrelated to the IV. Thus, the variability within groups reflects error variance, and any difference between groups that is not related
  • 114. to the IV represents error variance. A statistically significant result requires that the score variance from the independent variable be substantially greater than the error variance. The factor(s) the researcher controls must contribute more to score values than the factors that remain uncontrolled. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 44/76 Try It!: #2 How does the use of random selection enable us to control error variance in statistical testing? Try It!: #3 How do the before/after t test and the matched- pairs t test differ? 7.2 Dependent-Groups Designs Ideally, any before-the-treatment differences between the groups in a study will be minimal. Recall that random selection entails every member of a population having an equal chance of being selected. The logic behind random selection dictates that when groups are randomly drawn from the same population, they will differ only by chance; as sample size increases, probabilities suggest that they become increasingly similar in characteristic to the population. No sample, however, can represent the
  • 115. population with complete fidelity, and sometimes the chance differences affect the way subjects respond to the IV. One way researchers reduce error variance is to adopt what are called dependent-groups designs. The independent t test and the one-way ANOVA required independent groups. Members of one group could not also be members of other groups in the same study. But in the case of the t test, if the same group is measured, exposed to a treatment, and then measured again, the study controls an important source of error variance. Using the same group twice makes the initial equivalence of the two groups no longer a concern. Other aspects being equal, any score difference between the first and second measure should indicate only the impact of the independent variable. The Dependent-Samples t Tests One dependent-groups test where the same group is measured twice is called the before/after t test. An alternative is called the matched-pairs t test, where each participant in the first group is matched to someone in the second group who has a similar characteristic. The before/after t test and the matched-pairs t test both have the same objective—to control the error variance that is due to initial between-groups differences. Following are examples of each test. The before/after design: A researcher is interested in the impact that positive reinforcement has on employees’ sales productivity. Besides the sales commission, the researcher introduces a rewards program that can result in increased vacation time. The researcher gauges sales productivity for a month, introduces the rewards program, and gauges sales
  • 116. productivity during the second month for the same people. The matched-pairs design: A school counselor is interested in the impact that verbal reinforcement has on students’ reading achievement. To eliminate between-groups differences, the researcher selects 30 people for the treatment group and matches each person in the treatment group to someone in a control group who has a similar reading score on a standardized test. The researcher then introduces the verbal reinforcement program to those in the treatment group for a specified period of time and then compares the performance of students in the two groups. Although the two tests are set up differently, both calculate the t statistic the same way. The differences between the two approaches are conceptual, not mathematical. They have the same purpose—to control between-groups score variation stemming from nonrelevant factors. 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 45/76 Calculating t in a Dependent-Groups Design The dependent-groups t may be calculated using several methods. Each method takes into account the relationship between the two sets of scores. One approach is to calculate the correlation between the two sets of scores and then to use the strength of the correlation as a
  • 117. mechanism for determining between-groups error variance: the higher the correlation between the two sets of scores, the lower the error variance. Because this text has yet to discuss correlation, for now we will use a t statistic that employs “difference scores.” The different approaches yield the same answer. The distribution of difference scores came up in Chapter 5 when it introduced the independent t test. Recall that the point of that distribution is to determine the point at which the difference between a pair of sample means (M1 − M2) is so great that the most probable explanation is that the samples came from different populations. Dependent-groups tests use that same distribution, but rather than the difference between the means of the two groups (M1 − M2), the numerator in the t ratio is the mean of the differences between each pair of scores. If that mean is sufficiently different from the mean of the population of difference scores (which, recall, is 0), the t value is statistically significant; the first set of measures belongs to a different population than the second set of measures. That may seem odd since in a before/after test, both sets of measures come from the same subjects, but the explanation is that those subjects’ responses (the DV) were altered by the impact of the independent variable; their responses are now different. The denominator in the t ratio is another standard error of the mean value, but in this case, it is the standard error of the mean of the difference scores. The researcher checks for significance using the same criteria as for the independent t: A critical value from the t table, determined by degrees of freedom, defines the point at which the
  • 118. calculated t value is statistically significant. The degrees of freedom are the number of pairs of scores minus 1 (n − 1). The dependent-groups t test statistic uses this formula: Formula 7.1 where Md = the mean of the difference scores SEMd = the standard error of the mean for the difference scores The steps for completing the test are as follows: 1. From the two scores for each subject, subtract the second from the first to determine the difference score, d, for each pair. 2. Determine the mean of the d scores: 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 46/76 3. Calculate the standard deviation of the d values, sd. 4. Calculate the standard error of the mean for the difference scores, SEMd, by dividing sd by the square root of the number of pairs of scores,
  • 119. 5. Divide Md by SEMd, the standard error of the mean for the difference scores: Figure 7.1 depicts these steps. The following is an example of a dependent-measures t test: A psychologist is investigating the impact that verbal reinforcement has on the number of questions university students ask in a seminar. Ten upper-level students participate in two seminars where a presentation is followed by students’ questions. In the first seminar, the instructor provides no feedback after a student asks the presenter a question. In the second seminar, the instructor offers feedback—such as “That’s an excellent question” or “Very interesting question” or “Yes, that had occurred to me as well”—after each question. Is there a significant difference between the number of questions students ask in the first seminar compared to the number of questions students ask in the second seminar? Problem 7.1 shows the number of questions asked by each student in both seminars and the solution to the problem. Problem 7.1: Calculating the before/after t test Seminar 1 Seminar 2 d 1 1 3 −2
  • 120. 2 0 2 −2 Figure 7.1: Steps for calculating the before/after t test 9/10/2019 Print, ch6sec1,ch6sec2,ch6sec3,ch6sec4,ch6sec5,ch6sec6,ch6sec7,ch6 sec8,ch6summary,ch7,ch7sec1,ch7… 47/76 Seminar 1 Seminar 2 d 3 3 4 −1 4 0 0 0 5 2 3 −1 6 1 1 0 7 3 5 −2 8 2 4 −2 9 1 3 −2 10 2 1 1 ∑d = −11 1. Determine the difference between each pair of scores, d, using subtraction.