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brand strategy book
Annie Romanos is a state of mind coach and strategist and I help mission-driven female entrepreneurs step
wholeheartedly into who they really are and work their inner game so that they can take consistent action to grow
themselves and their business. She does this by helping them overcome self-doubt so that they can be fulfilled and live
their lives on their own terms. Annie challenges them and helps them understand what drives clarity and peace of mind
as well as teaching them their unique strengths to achieve their goals. On the surface, she’s focused on giving her clients
business coaching that will allow them to generate more income, but the truth is that what Annie does is challenge them
to step into the most extraordinary version of themselves. She helps her clients get excited about their potential which
leads to inspiring them to take action even when they are afraid to do it. Because of this, their options and opportunities in
their business and life start to expand, which means that they re-discover who they really are, get known for what they do,
ask for what they want, and go on to earn the money they want. She invites her clients to take risks and try something new
while developing unshakable confidence in the process. Annie believes that there is something greater inside each
person, and that they must move past their self-imposed limits to see it. What Annie really does is help people discover
who they really are and what they’re capable of. putting their insights into action that gets them massive results.
brand values
1. Free
2. Genuine
3. Transformational
4. Straightforward
5. Trustworthy
6. Empowering
7. Fun
8. Loving
9. Liberating
10. Courageous
1. Trapped
2. Boring
3. Judgemental
4. Disconnected
5. Dishonest
6. Limiting
7. Uncaring
8. Unprepared
9. Afraid
10. Conformist
buzz words
To become a thought leader that helps
ambitious soul-filled female entrepreneurs
celebrate the beauty and potential in the
ordinary that they have within through
coaching, retreats and high-impact action.
I am a state of mind coach and strategist
and I help ambitious mission-driven
women step wholeheartedly into who
they really are and work their inner game
so that they can blow up their world and
business by being unapologetically
themselves and taking consistent
insightful action.
Your superpower is you
core message
brand manifesto
I am a state of mind coach and strategist and I help mission-driven female entrepreneurs step wholeheartedly into
who they really are and work their inner game so that they can take consistent action to grow themselves and their
Without my help, they will continue to second-guess themselves and procrastinate which leads them to not reach
their income goals. This makes their life a living hell because they feel inadequate, needy and stuck and risk giving up.
But with my help, they will overcome self-doubt, feel truly fulfilled and create incredible business opportunities. This
benefits everything in their life because they will have the joy of living life the way they want, be a positive role model
and influence in the lives of others and be 100% successful on their own terms.
The way I get them these results is by helping them get clarity, teach them how to use their unique strengths to
achieve their goals, get past their inner critic and craft powerful strategies that move them forward quickly.
I am the best state of mind coach and strategist coach there is. I am here to help my clients turn their ordinary into the
extraordinary. I help them love selling, monetize their talents and be absolutely unstoppable. I show my clients their
brilliance and power, and together, we create outstanding results.
offer Elevate: 6 month personal & professional
coaching intensive to help women create
and grow their business and leadership.
5 steps
1. State of Mind
2. Your Individuality, brilliance and power
3. Your vision for your life + business
4. Your Impact and ability to influence others
5. Consistent action
unique selling proposition
Annie is a state of mind coach and strategist that brings a lot of uniqueness to the table. On the surface, she’s focused on
giving her clients business coaching that will allow them to generate more income, but the truth is that what Annie does
is challenge them to step into the most extraordinary version of themselves. She helps her clients get excited about their
potential which leads to inspiring them to take action even when they are afraid to do it. Because of this, their options and
opportunities in their business and life start to expand, which means that they re-discover who they really are, get known
for what they do, ask for what they want, and go on to earn the money they want. Annie has this incredible capacity of
seeing people for who they really are and believing in them, while not always believing them, which means that she is
able to push them beyond their boundaries so that they can take action and step into their own leadership positions.
Annie’s clients feel that she is giving them permission to be extraordinary and to be as great as they want to be. Annie is
able to give them certainty because of her character that mixes ‘no bullshit’ and ‘caring’ at the same time. This gives her
clients a sense that they can trust her and that she is an authority in what she does. Annie has a power to her presence
that makes her audience feel safe and like they are with someone that knows what she is talking about. Her authenticity
and style make her a leader which in turn attracts more people in while building trust at the same time.
In terms of her experience, Annie brings something completely unique to the table coming from an Advertising and
corporate background, to going to the other end with working in an NGO. She went from “profit first” to “people first,” and
then got a lot of real-world experience on how she could impact people’s lives through self-development work. This real
world experience allowed her to integrate a lot of the practical theory into the work that she was doing because of her
own life experience. Annie also focused a lot time in her career working in a charity organization in unleashing the human
potential in which she lead and coached teams, enrolled people in courses, and coached. All of this knowledge in
addition to coaching and The 3 Principles are things that Annie brings together in a unique way to make a difference in her
clients’ lives. Annie is a leader that is completely no B.S, she’s direct and because she has had such a vast experience in
different ares, she’s able to see right through a person and what they really want.
Annie also understands how difficult it is to balance motherhood with entrepreneurship and the internal challenges and
blocks that a lot of women impose on themselves through beliefs that are created over the years. She also is able to
inspire her audience with her own story of building her business from nothing except her own purpose and determination
to live life to the fullest. However, she is also honest about her own failures and how these have played an important role
in her life as well.
unique selling proposition
She focuses on giving her clients a complete “State of the Mind” analysis before moving into the actual business training.
She also understands that not stepping into your full self is only going to hurt you and it’s the real reason why people
aren’t crushing their goals. In the bottom, people just want to be themselves, and they are holding back from sharing this
person because of limiting beliefs and fears. Annie helps them up-level and understand that they will do their best work
when they are 100% themselves. She also teaches them how to make business and life a fun game so that they can go
from not feeling good about their situation, to playing a game. Annie understands that once they are focused more on
this, it means they will unleash this powerful and unstoppable version of themselves. But, she also knows that most
people have a hard time realizing this on their own, which is why her capacity to look in and see it for then as well as lift
them up to that new state, is remarkable.
In addition to the mindset and business tools that Annie gives her clients, she also teaches them how to let the inner sales
guru out of them, regardless of whether they are introverts or extroverts. She teaches them how to make sales easy and
effortless. On top of all this, Annie truly and genuinely loves people and has a service mentality. She thrives on seeing
other explore and discover their potential and then create a work life that is 100% a product of their true selves.
unique selling proposition
value pyramid
the elements of value
- Saves them time of trying to build their business
on their own + continue to stay stuck where they
- Simplifies the steps to building their business
and discovering what makes them extraordinary
- Helps them make more money in their business
- Help reduce risk of staying where they are
- Avoids hassles of dealing with a life that makes
them unhappy and settling in their lives
- Reduces cost of not improving their lives
- Gives high quality information
- Organizes information and informs them of what
they can do to improve their situation
- Therapeutic by helping them move past their own
limitations and stepping into their greatness
- Reduces anxiety of building a business alone
- Badge value by giving them the opportunity to live a
better life and reach goals
- Gives them the feeling of being more empowered and
to achieve their goals
- Gives them the tools to be more fulfilled and happy
- Makes them feel excited about their lives
- Self-actualization by realizing their goals
- Makes them feel connected to others
- Increase of confidence and self-worth
brand engagement
• That there’s extraordinary in their ordinary
• That we do our best work when we are 100% ourselves
• That life + business can be a fun game
• That Annie is a no BS coach that will call them out
• That she is there to challenge them to be better
• That they can be paid to be themselves
• That it’s time to take real action
• That they don’t need to believe their inner critic
• That it’s okay to want more
• That she is powerful and knows what she is doing
• That she is committed to their success
• That it’s time to unleash their true potential
• That if they want success, they need to commit
brand archetype
O U T L A W &
Annie’s main brand archetype is the outlaw and she teaches her
audience that rules are meant to be broken. She looks to disrupt
their status quo and question themselves so that they can stop
going through life and start actually living it in their fullest potential.
She pushes her audience to feel radical freedom. She invites her
clients to take risks and try something new while developing
unshakable confidence in the process. On the other hand, Annie is
also the magician that helps her audience transform while making
things happen. She helps them understand that in order for things
to change and for them to achieve their goals. they have to
transform themselves by unleashing their real potential. Annie
believes that there is something greater inside each person, and
that they must move past their self-imposed limits to see it.
Annie’s audience is made up of ambitious, female-entrepreneurs that are building service-based businesses
online. They are doing “okay” with their businesses, making some money and moving forward, but they are
ready for the next level. They know they are holding back from being all that they can be. In truth, they are
looking for more purpose and intention in their lives. They truly want to live a fulfilling life that lets them also
be there for their families. They worked in a corporate career for a few years, and quit their jobs either because
they became mothers or because they got completely bored of the life that they had. The thought of them
failing at their business or not achieving their goals and having to return to the corporate world makes them
feel sick to their stomach. On the outside, they have everything that they need and it seems like they have it
all. They have a business, they have a family, and they are making money. But, on the inside, they feel that
there has to be more to life. They know that they are holding back from being big because fear gets in the
way, so they end up second-guessing themselves often. They want to build a life that feels more in alignment
and more fun. Sure, they want to have nice things and make money, but in truth, they just really want to be
fulfilled. They have done a lot of courses and programs online that have taught them the basics of building a
business and they are action-takers. However, they feel that they are moving at a very slow pace and they
know that for real transformation to happen and for the ‘needle to move,’ they need something bigger and
more custom for their growth. They need someone by their side to be their sounding board and having
someone from the outside look in to tell them what they need.
They are not at the income level that they desire, and they think that it has to do with the marketing strategies
that they need to apply. In truth, it’s because they lack a lot of self-confidence to show up authentically. They
have a lot of ideas, and while they are good at taking action, they also have a lot of negative self-talk that
keeps them from doing the real things that need to be done for their success. So, they end up letting doubt
run the show, and follow other people’s strategies instead of listening to their gut. They imitate what others
are doing because they are afraid to break the rules and take their own direction. Deep inside, however, they
actually want to be more in control. They want to draw their own box and be unapologetic about who they are.
They have this calling inside of them telling them that there’s something bigger for them. They don’t believe in
glass ceilings and they know that anytime they have set their goal after something, they have achieved it. But
they are tired of taking the slow route, they want real freedom and are determined to make it happen. They
aren’t afraid to do the work either. They are stuck in a similar pattern doing the same things every course has
told them, and they have plateaud. They believe that they don’t have enough of a foundation to move forward
and they think that there’s nothing really special about them. So this lack of self-confidence is keeping them
from truly showing up.
Because of this, they are super indecisive, even if they’re missing out on opportunities. It bothers them that
they feel stuck because they don’t know which direction to take. On top of this, they feel guilty for wanting
more out of their lives and businesses, considering that they are moms. They feel that they should be happy
with what they have in life. They have built a business and made money, but don’t know how to make this a
repeatable consistent system. They don’t know how to brave up and ask for what they want or turn
conversations into sales. Their inner critic simply takes over and dominates them in a way that doesn’t let
them do anything too much outside of their comfort zone. They compare themselves to others and follow the
pack instead of being true leaders. This means that they are essentially following the money and not the
passion that is in their heart. They are overloaded with information and overwhelmed by so much to do. Inside,
they feel that nothing is enough, that they have done all of these things and taken courses and it’s not
working. They end the day after spending hours on their computer doing ‘stuff’ and still not knowing what it is
that they did. Because of this, they have low energy and starting to feel a bit of hopelessness. They spend a lot
of time online on Facebook and Instagram. They also like to use Pinterest for inspiration and research. They
like to take care of themselves and tend to eat healthy and work out when possible. They read a lot of books
or listen to their Audible subscription because it keeps them moving forward. They likely had a life-changing
experience that awakened them to lead a life with more meaning. They are spiritual while at the same time
being practical.
general profile
• Women
• Aged 30-45
• English-speaking countries
• Professionals with degrees
• Entrepreneurs
• Medium-high income level
• In a relationship/Married, Kids
• Interests: Focused on building their businesses, like reading,
self-development, Law of Attraction, motivational quotes and
Ted Talks, traveling, listening to music, coffee, self-care,
• The follow: Brené Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert, Tony Robbins,
Oprah Winfrey, Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, Byron Katie,
Mark Manson, Steve Jobs, Marie Forleo, Gabby Bernstein
does this sound like you?
- Do you look successful on the outside, but inside, you feel that your life is meant to be so much more?
- Do you second-guess yourself all the time and that’s keeping you from achieving your goals?
- Do you feel frustrated because you feel you aren’t where you want to be?
- Do you feel that you are so close to your goals, but for some reason are still stuck in the same place?
- Do you hold back from sharing what you really think, because you are afraid of being judged?
- Do you constantly miss out on opportunities because your negative self-talk is not letting you take action?
- Are you tired of learning, studying and reading and are ready to go from information to transformation?
- Do you keep wondering if you are good enough?
- Do you keep on self-sabotaging and putting things off because they are never perfect?
- Are you holding yourself back from taking the leaps you want to take, because you are afraid you will fail?
- Do you wish you could be unapologetically you?
- Do you struggle to stand out in an overly crowded industry and think there’s nothing special or truly remarkable about you?
- Do you spend hours working only to feel that you haven’t moved forward one little bit?
- Are you tired of watching webinars, buying courses and DIYing yourself and just want to be lead?
- Do you know what you should be doing to have success, but don’t know why you can’t take action?
- Do you constantly compare yourself to your competition and feel like they have more to offer than you do?
- Do you feel like you should just be happy and grateful with your life…but can’t help but feel like something is missing?
- Are you tired of doubting yourself and want to have confidence in your own decisions?
what they walk away with:
- Uncover your true purpose and align it with your vision so that you can start living with intention
- Unleash your unique strengths and learn how to effectively leverage them to grow your business
- Identify your exact success factors so that you can effortlessly attract ideal clients into your business
- Stop self-imposing limits that keep you settling for less than what you deserve
- Unleash your inner calling and achieve your dreams
- Getting your life, purpose and passion on track so that you can feel more fulfilled
- How to stop overthinking and over perfect and finally start taking action
- Finally start believing in the unshakable value that only you bring
- Smash your goals and live life to the fullest
- Break down your vision into achievable goals
- Finally start taking action that helps you move the needle
- Become brutally and beautifully honest with yourself and make wise decisions that are right for you and your business
- Learn how to push yourself out of your comfort zone so that you can start crushing bigger goals consistently
- Embrace who you truly are and show up wholeheartedly and unapologetically, so that you can achieve the success and freedom
you have always wanted
- Lay the foundations of a legacy that you can be absolutely proud of
- Become an incredible sales guru and ask for what you really want
- Start charging the prices you actually know you deserve
Low energy
the after
What Annie really does is help people discover who they really are and what they’re capable of, putting their
insights into action that gets them massive results. She helps them see and feel into their greatness by taking
them from ordinary to extraordinary. Annie pushes them and challenges them to monetize their talents and
become absolutely unstoppable. She does this by showing them their brilliance and power as well as by
giving them specific action steps they can take to get results. Because of this, they end up discovering a new
facet of themselves which allows them to see what’s real and distinguish negative self-talk with fear. They
know what they need to do and now they simply take action towards it. They are creative and standing on
their own, not following other people’s patterns in the process. They easily achieve their goals by simply being
themselves. They have a profound sense of purpose and this has them excited and even adventurous. They
are willing to take the lead and start focusing on what could go right instead of what could go wrong.
Essentially, they have increased their self-worth and this means that they do things with more presence and
intention. They are not afraid to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and do what they truly want. They are now acting and behaving
more like leaders.
voice + tone
Annie’s brand communication should be empowering and challenging at the
same time. She pushes her audience to go against the status quo, challenging
them to understand that there’s more to them that they think. She asks them
questions that challenge their position, and tells them that their story can be
different. She is straightforward in her tone.
Why aren’t you showing up like you are meant to?
Why are you still not there?
What are you waiting for?
These answers enhance Annie’s credibility and are on brand with her brand
archetypes as well.
power phrases
It’s okay to want more
You know that there’s more to life than this
Stop being a worker bee and do something
Get paid to be you
Get ready to launch
What makes it clear they need you?
You best work is when you are 100% you
What can you do right now?
Ordinary people doing extraordinary things
Find that essence in you
Fin the you in you
From course junkie to course correction
Don’t believe your inner critic
Unshakable confidence that captivates
Discover who you really are
Monetize your talent
A spiritual, emotional + intellectual experience that will
make you a shit load of money. WTF wouldn’t want that?
Get excited about your potential
Take the lead
Remove self-imposed upper limits
Get ready to leave fear behind
Annie can talk about her own work experience in Advertising, in development, NGO’s and
charities and how none of it felt like the right place to be and essentially how she lacked
passion behind what she was doing until she found the right thing.
Annie can talk about the importance of stepping into herself and being unapologetic with
her style tone and voice. About how being more of her has transformed her business and
life and about finding the extraordinary in her own ordinary.
Annie can talk about how negative self-talk and liming beliefs have affected her in
achieving goals in the past, and the importance of letting these things not get a hold of you
moving forward.
content themes
These themes are meant to be used as starting
points for any content you begin writing for your
website. Always relate your blog posts or social
media posts back to themes that are “on brand”
for you.
I M P O R T A N T !
Facing challenges
Overcoming obstacles
Setting goals and taking action
Finding your purpose
Having fun
Self-sabotage patterns
Feeling happy
Personal development
This business you have built for yourself? It should be fun you know?
It should get you to leap out of bed, even if it’s at 4am, because you are just so excited about what
you have lined up for the day.
But for some reason, that’s not how you feel.
You can lie to everyone else as much as you want, I see the truth
I see that on the outside, it looks like you have all your shit together
But, on the inside, you can’t help like feel that something is missing
That you have washed your message down so much, you sound just like everyone else
And you aren’t owning up to your true gifts
In fact, you probably think that there isn’t really anything extraordinary in you in the first place
But both you and I know that there’s more to life
That there’s more to this business you are living
I don’t give a fuck about your excuses or fears
You see, I’m a curator of human potential
And I KNOW there’s more potential in you
That the more unapologetically you you are, the more your business will grow
And I know you are ready to see that business of yours take off
Let’s not kid ourselves, it time for you to truly fly
To let go of those shitty stories you have been telling yourself and take action
And I mean real action, not that cookie-cutter action that everyone tells you about
Not that “let’s follow what other people are doing” action that gets you to simply blend in
But the type of action that will lead you to massive results
They type of action that matters
Let’s be honest here: entrepreneurship? It’s a total mindfuck
No one told you it was about this mentally, emotionally, intellectually, heck, even physically
challenging experience
It’s overwhelming and the more courses and programs you take, the more WTF you feel inside
And I know you are waiting to simply burst out
To be seen for who you are
To be paid for the amazing things that only you can provide
To smash through goals and self-doubts and months
And make your life be this fun game and adventure
That gives you the freedom and purpose you truly want
So that you can move from the baby steps
And start making massive leaps
with a badass unshakeable confidence that turns you into an unstoppable force
You ready?
Hey there, I’m Annie. I’m what you might call a curator of human
potential. You see, I really see people, and I see the power that
they have inside of themselves. But, for some reason, most of
these people hold back. They let fear, self-doubt and ‘what ifs’
stop them from achieving their dreams - and they settle for a life
that on the surface looks pretty cool, but I know that it’s less than
what they are here for. I help ambitious, female entrepreneurs
turn what they see as ‘ordinary’ into a kickass extraordinary that
unleashes their brilliance and makes them pretty much an
unstoppable unfuckwithable force.
style guide
main logo
alternate logo
# 9 b 4 0 5 c
# 8 3 9 9 7 3
# 3 6 3 7 4 b
# e 2 b a b 3
# e 8 d b c b
fonts ins use
This is a description paragraph. It explains the purpose of the page
and describes the title on top.
This is a phrase we want to stand out
This is a description paragraph. It explains the purpose of the page
and describes the title on top.

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Annie Romanos | Brand Strategy Book

  • 1. BRAND GUIDELINES DR. KATIE HENRY1 branding+design brand strategy book ANNIE ROMANOS
  • 2. Annie Romanos is a state of mind coach and strategist and I help mission-driven female entrepreneurs step wholeheartedly into who they really are and work their inner game so that they can take consistent action to grow themselves and their business. She does this by helping them overcome self-doubt so that they can be fulfilled and live their lives on their own terms. Annie challenges them and helps them understand what drives clarity and peace of mind as well as teaching them their unique strengths to achieve their goals. On the surface, she’s focused on giving her clients business coaching that will allow them to generate more income, but the truth is that what Annie does is challenge them to step into the most extraordinary version of themselves. She helps her clients get excited about their potential which leads to inspiring them to take action even when they are afraid to do it. Because of this, their options and opportunities in their business and life start to expand, which means that they re-discover who they really are, get known for what they do, ask for what they want, and go on to earn the money they want. She invites her clients to take risks and try something new while developing unshakable confidence in the process. Annie believes that there is something greater inside each person, and that they must move past their self-imposed limits to see it. What Annie really does is help people discover who they really are and what they’re capable of. putting their insights into action that gets them massive results. overview
  • 4. ANNIE IS: 1. Free 2. Genuine 3. Transformational 4. Straightforward 5. Trustworthy 6. Empowering 7. Fun 8. Loving 9. Liberating 10. Courageous ANNIE IS NOT: 1. Trapped 2. Boring 3. Judgemental 4. Disconnected 5. Dishonest 6. Limiting 7. Uncaring 8. Unprepared 9. Afraid 10. Conformist buzz words
  • 5. MISSION To become a thought leader that helps ambitious soul-filled female entrepreneurs celebrate the beauty and potential in the ordinary that they have within through coaching, retreats and high-impact action. VISION I am a state of mind coach and strategist and I help ambitious mission-driven women step wholeheartedly into who they really are and work their inner game so that they can blow up their world and business by being unapologetically themselves and taking consistent insightful action. mission/vision
  • 7. brand manifesto I am a state of mind coach and strategist and I help mission-driven female entrepreneurs step wholeheartedly into who they really are and work their inner game so that they can take consistent action to grow themselves and their business. Without my help, they will continue to second-guess themselves and procrastinate which leads them to not reach their income goals. This makes their life a living hell because they feel inadequate, needy and stuck and risk giving up. But with my help, they will overcome self-doubt, feel truly fulfilled and create incredible business opportunities. This benefits everything in their life because they will have the joy of living life the way they want, be a positive role model and influence in the lives of others and be 100% successful on their own terms. The way I get them these results is by helping them get clarity, teach them how to use their unique strengths to achieve their goals, get past their inner critic and craft powerful strategies that move them forward quickly. I am the best state of mind coach and strategist coach there is. I am here to help my clients turn their ordinary into the extraordinary. I help them love selling, monetize their talents and be absolutely unstoppable. I show my clients their brilliance and power, and together, we create outstanding results.
  • 8. offer Elevate: 6 month personal & professional coaching intensive to help women create and grow their business and leadership.
  • 9. 5 steps 1. State of Mind 2. Your Individuality, brilliance and power 3. Your vision for your life + business 4. Your Impact and ability to influence others 5. Consistent action
  • 10. unique selling proposition Annie is a state of mind coach and strategist that brings a lot of uniqueness to the table. On the surface, she’s focused on giving her clients business coaching that will allow them to generate more income, but the truth is that what Annie does is challenge them to step into the most extraordinary version of themselves. She helps her clients get excited about their potential which leads to inspiring them to take action even when they are afraid to do it. Because of this, their options and opportunities in their business and life start to expand, which means that they re-discover who they really are, get known for what they do, ask for what they want, and go on to earn the money they want. Annie has this incredible capacity of seeing people for who they really are and believing in them, while not always believing them, which means that she is able to push them beyond their boundaries so that they can take action and step into their own leadership positions. Annie’s clients feel that she is giving them permission to be extraordinary and to be as great as they want to be. Annie is able to give them certainty because of her character that mixes ‘no bullshit’ and ‘caring’ at the same time. This gives her clients a sense that they can trust her and that she is an authority in what she does. Annie has a power to her presence that makes her audience feel safe and like they are with someone that knows what she is talking about. Her authenticity and style make her a leader which in turn attracts more people in while building trust at the same time.
  • 11. In terms of her experience, Annie brings something completely unique to the table coming from an Advertising and corporate background, to going to the other end with working in an NGO. She went from “profit first” to “people first,” and then got a lot of real-world experience on how she could impact people’s lives through self-development work. This real world experience allowed her to integrate a lot of the practical theory into the work that she was doing because of her own life experience. Annie also focused a lot time in her career working in a charity organization in unleashing the human potential in which she lead and coached teams, enrolled people in courses, and coached. All of this knowledge in addition to coaching and The 3 Principles are things that Annie brings together in a unique way to make a difference in her clients’ lives. Annie is a leader that is completely no B.S, she’s direct and because she has had such a vast experience in different ares, she’s able to see right through a person and what they really want. Annie also understands how difficult it is to balance motherhood with entrepreneurship and the internal challenges and blocks that a lot of women impose on themselves through beliefs that are created over the years. She also is able to inspire her audience with her own story of building her business from nothing except her own purpose and determination to live life to the fullest. However, she is also honest about her own failures and how these have played an important role in her life as well. unique selling proposition
  • 12. She focuses on giving her clients a complete “State of the Mind” analysis before moving into the actual business training. She also understands that not stepping into your full self is only going to hurt you and it’s the real reason why people aren’t crushing their goals. In the bottom, people just want to be themselves, and they are holding back from sharing this person because of limiting beliefs and fears. Annie helps them up-level and understand that they will do their best work when they are 100% themselves. She also teaches them how to make business and life a fun game so that they can go from not feeling good about their situation, to playing a game. Annie understands that once they are focused more on this, it means they will unleash this powerful and unstoppable version of themselves. But, she also knows that most people have a hard time realizing this on their own, which is why her capacity to look in and see it for then as well as lift them up to that new state, is remarkable. In addition to the mindset and business tools that Annie gives her clients, she also teaches them how to let the inner sales guru out of them, regardless of whether they are introverts or extroverts. She teaches them how to make sales easy and effortless. On top of all this, Annie truly and genuinely loves people and has a service mentality. She thrives on seeing other explore and discover their potential and then create a work life that is 100% a product of their true selves. unique selling proposition
  • 14. the elements of value - Saves them time of trying to build their business on their own + continue to stay stuck where they are - Simplifies the steps to building their business and discovering what makes them extraordinary - Helps them make more money in their business - Help reduce risk of staying where they are - Avoids hassles of dealing with a life that makes them unhappy and settling in their lives - Reduces cost of not improving their lives - Gives high quality information - Organizes information and informs them of what they can do to improve their situation FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS EMOTIONAL BENEFITS - Therapeutic by helping them move past their own limitations and stepping into their greatness - Reduces anxiety of building a business alone - Badge value by giving them the opportunity to live a better life and reach goals LIFE-CHANGING BENEFITS - Gives them the feeling of being more empowered and to achieve their goals - Gives them the tools to be more fulfilled and happy - Makes them feel excited about their lives - Self-actualization by realizing their goals - Makes them feel connected to others - Increase of confidence and self-worth
  • 15. brand engagement • That there’s extraordinary in their ordinary • That we do our best work when we are 100% ourselves • That life + business can be a fun game • That Annie is a no BS coach that will call them out • That she is there to challenge them to be better • That they can be paid to be themselves • That it’s time to take real action • That they don’t need to believe their inner critic • That it’s okay to want more • That she is powerful and knows what she is doing • That she is committed to their success • That it’s time to unleash their true potential • That if they want success, they need to commit ANNIE WANTS HER AUDIENCE TO FEEL:
  • 16. brand archetype O U T L A W & M A G I C I A N Annie’s main brand archetype is the outlaw and she teaches her audience that rules are meant to be broken. She looks to disrupt their status quo and question themselves so that they can stop going through life and start actually living it in their fullest potential. She pushes her audience to feel radical freedom. She invites her clients to take risks and try something new while developing unshakable confidence in the process. On the other hand, Annie is also the magician that helps her audience transform while making things happen. She helps them understand that in order for things to change and for them to achieve their goals. they have to transform themselves by unleashing their real potential. Annie believes that there is something greater inside each person, and that they must move past their self-imposed limits to see it.
  • 17. audience Annie’s audience is made up of ambitious, female-entrepreneurs that are building service-based businesses online. They are doing “okay” with their businesses, making some money and moving forward, but they are ready for the next level. They know they are holding back from being all that they can be. In truth, they are looking for more purpose and intention in their lives. They truly want to live a fulfilling life that lets them also be there for their families. They worked in a corporate career for a few years, and quit their jobs either because they became mothers or because they got completely bored of the life that they had. The thought of them failing at their business or not achieving their goals and having to return to the corporate world makes them feel sick to their stomach. On the outside, they have everything that they need and it seems like they have it all. They have a business, they have a family, and they are making money. But, on the inside, they feel that there has to be more to life. They know that they are holding back from being big because fear gets in the way, so they end up second-guessing themselves often. They want to build a life that feels more in alignment and more fun. Sure, they want to have nice things and make money, but in truth, they just really want to be fulfilled. They have done a lot of courses and programs online that have taught them the basics of building a business and they are action-takers. However, they feel that they are moving at a very slow pace and they know that for real transformation to happen and for the ‘needle to move,’ they need something bigger and more custom for their growth. They need someone by their side to be their sounding board and having someone from the outside look in to tell them what they need.
  • 18. audience They are not at the income level that they desire, and they think that it has to do with the marketing strategies that they need to apply. In truth, it’s because they lack a lot of self-confidence to show up authentically. They have a lot of ideas, and while they are good at taking action, they also have a lot of negative self-talk that keeps them from doing the real things that need to be done for their success. So, they end up letting doubt run the show, and follow other people’s strategies instead of listening to their gut. They imitate what others are doing because they are afraid to break the rules and take their own direction. Deep inside, however, they actually want to be more in control. They want to draw their own box and be unapologetic about who they are. They have this calling inside of them telling them that there’s something bigger for them. They don’t believe in glass ceilings and they know that anytime they have set their goal after something, they have achieved it. But they are tired of taking the slow route, they want real freedom and are determined to make it happen. They aren’t afraid to do the work either. They are stuck in a similar pattern doing the same things every course has told them, and they have plateaud. They believe that they don’t have enough of a foundation to move forward and they think that there’s nothing really special about them. So this lack of self-confidence is keeping them from truly showing up.
  • 19. audience Because of this, they are super indecisive, even if they’re missing out on opportunities. It bothers them that they feel stuck because they don’t know which direction to take. On top of this, they feel guilty for wanting more out of their lives and businesses, considering that they are moms. They feel that they should be happy with what they have in life. They have built a business and made money, but don’t know how to make this a repeatable consistent system. They don’t know how to brave up and ask for what they want or turn conversations into sales. Their inner critic simply takes over and dominates them in a way that doesn’t let them do anything too much outside of their comfort zone. They compare themselves to others and follow the pack instead of being true leaders. This means that they are essentially following the money and not the passion that is in their heart. They are overloaded with information and overwhelmed by so much to do. Inside, they feel that nothing is enough, that they have done all of these things and taken courses and it’s not working. They end the day after spending hours on their computer doing ‘stuff’ and still not knowing what it is that they did. Because of this, they have low energy and starting to feel a bit of hopelessness. They spend a lot of time online on Facebook and Instagram. They also like to use Pinterest for inspiration and research. They like to take care of themselves and tend to eat healthy and work out when possible. They read a lot of books or listen to their Audible subscription because it keeps them moving forward. They likely had a life-changing experience that awakened them to lead a life with more meaning. They are spiritual while at the same time being practical.
  • 20. general profile • Women • Aged 30-45 • English-speaking countries • Professionals with degrees • Entrepreneurs • Medium-high income level • In a relationship/Married, Kids • Interests: Focused on building their businesses, like reading, self-development, Law of Attraction, motivational quotes and Ted Talks, traveling, listening to music, coffee, self-care, Nextflix • The follow: Brené Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert, Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, Byron Katie, Mark Manson, Steve Jobs, Marie Forleo, Gabby Bernstein
  • 21. does this sound like you? - Do you look successful on the outside, but inside, you feel that your life is meant to be so much more? - Do you second-guess yourself all the time and that’s keeping you from achieving your goals? - Do you feel frustrated because you feel you aren’t where you want to be? - Do you feel that you are so close to your goals, but for some reason are still stuck in the same place? - Do you hold back from sharing what you really think, because you are afraid of being judged? - Do you constantly miss out on opportunities because your negative self-talk is not letting you take action? - Are you tired of learning, studying and reading and are ready to go from information to transformation? - Do you keep wondering if you are good enough? - Do you keep on self-sabotaging and putting things off because they are never perfect? - Are you holding yourself back from taking the leaps you want to take, because you are afraid you will fail? - Do you wish you could be unapologetically you? - Do you struggle to stand out in an overly crowded industry and think there’s nothing special or truly remarkable about you? - Do you spend hours working only to feel that you haven’t moved forward one little bit? - Are you tired of watching webinars, buying courses and DIYing yourself and just want to be lead? - Do you know what you should be doing to have success, but don’t know why you can’t take action? - Do you constantly compare yourself to your competition and feel like they have more to offer than you do? - Do you feel like you should just be happy and grateful with your life…but can’t help but feel like something is missing? - Are you tired of doubting yourself and want to have confidence in your own decisions?
  • 22. what they walk away with: - Uncover your true purpose and align it with your vision so that you can start living with intention - Unleash your unique strengths and learn how to effectively leverage them to grow your business - Identify your exact success factors so that you can effortlessly attract ideal clients into your business - Stop self-imposing limits that keep you settling for less than what you deserve - Unleash your inner calling and achieve your dreams - Getting your life, purpose and passion on track so that you can feel more fulfilled - How to stop overthinking and over perfect and finally start taking action - Finally start believing in the unshakable value that only you bring - Smash your goals and live life to the fullest - Break down your vision into achievable goals - Finally start taking action that helps you move the needle - Become brutally and beautifully honest with yourself and make wise decisions that are right for you and your business - Learn how to push yourself out of your comfort zone so that you can start crushing bigger goals consistently - Embrace who you truly are and show up wholeheartedly and unapologetically, so that you can achieve the success and freedom you have always wanted - Lay the foundations of a legacy that you can be absolutely proud of - Become an incredible sales guru and ask for what you really want - Start charging the prices you actually know you deserve
  • 24. the after What Annie really does is help people discover who they really are and what they’re capable of, putting their insights into action that gets them massive results. She helps them see and feel into their greatness by taking them from ordinary to extraordinary. Annie pushes them and challenges them to monetize their talents and become absolutely unstoppable. She does this by showing them their brilliance and power as well as by giving them specific action steps they can take to get results. Because of this, they end up discovering a new facet of themselves which allows them to see what’s real and distinguish negative self-talk with fear. They know what they need to do and now they simply take action towards it. They are creative and standing on their own, not following other people’s patterns in the process. They easily achieve their goals by simply being themselves. They have a profound sense of purpose and this has them excited and even adventurous. They are willing to take the lead and start focusing on what could go right instead of what could go wrong. Essentially, they have increased their self-worth and this means that they do things with more presence and intention. They are not afraid to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and do what they truly want. They are now acting and behaving more like leaders.
  • 25. voice + tone Annie’s brand communication should be empowering and challenging at the same time. She pushes her audience to go against the status quo, challenging them to understand that there’s more to them that they think. She asks them questions that challenge their position, and tells them that their story can be different. She is straightforward in her tone. Why aren’t you showing up like you are meant to? Why are you still not there? What are you waiting for? These answers enhance Annie’s credibility and are on brand with her brand archetypes as well. ANNIE SOUNDS Bold Passionate Authentic Surprising ANNIE DOES NOT SOUND Judgemental Boring Cliché Cold
  • 26. power phrases It’s okay to want more You know that there’s more to life than this Stop being a worker bee and do something Get paid to be you Get ready to launch What makes it clear they need you? You best work is when you are 100% you What can you do right now? Ordinary people doing extraordinary things Find that essence in you Fin the you in you From course junkie to course correction Don’t believe your inner critic Unshakable confidence that captivates Discover who you really are Monetize your talent A spiritual, emotional + intellectual experience that will make you a shit load of money. WTF wouldn’t want that? Get excited about your potential Take the lead Remove self-imposed upper limits Get ready to leave fear behind
  • 27. stories ANNIE’S WORK EXPERIENCE Annie can talk about her own work experience in Advertising, in development, NGO’s and charities and how none of it felt like the right place to be and essentially how she lacked passion behind what she was doing until she found the right thing. THE ANNIENESS OF ANNIE Annie can talk about the importance of stepping into herself and being unapologetic with her style tone and voice. About how being more of her has transformed her business and life and about finding the extraordinary in her own ordinary. THE MIND IS A TRICKY THING Annie can talk about how negative self-talk and liming beliefs have affected her in achieving goals in the past, and the importance of letting these things not get a hold of you moving forward.
  • 28. content themes These themes are meant to be used as starting points for any content you begin writing for your website. Always relate your blog posts or social media posts back to themes that are “on brand” for you. I M P O R T A N T ! Facing challenges Overcoming obstacles Setting goals and taking action Finding your purpose Having fun Self-sabotage patterns Procrastination Feeling happy Personal development Mindset Confidence Success
  • 29. communication This business you have built for yourself? It should be fun you know? It should get you to leap out of bed, even if it’s at 4am, because you are just so excited about what you have lined up for the day. But for some reason, that’s not how you feel. You can lie to everyone else as much as you want, I see the truth I see that on the outside, it looks like you have all your shit together But, on the inside, you can’t help like feel that something is missing That you have washed your message down so much, you sound just like everyone else And you aren’t owning up to your true gifts In fact, you probably think that there isn’t really anything extraordinary in you in the first place But both you and I know that there’s more to life That there’s more to this business you are living I don’t give a fuck about your excuses or fears You see, I’m a curator of human potential And I KNOW there’s more potential in you That the more unapologetically you you are, the more your business will grow And I know you are ready to see that business of yours take off Let’s not kid ourselves, it time for you to truly fly
  • 30. To let go of those shitty stories you have been telling yourself and take action And I mean real action, not that cookie-cutter action that everyone tells you about Not that “let’s follow what other people are doing” action that gets you to simply blend in But the type of action that will lead you to massive results They type of action that matters Let’s be honest here: entrepreneurship? It’s a total mindfuck No one told you it was about this mentally, emotionally, intellectually, heck, even physically challenging experience It’s overwhelming and the more courses and programs you take, the more WTF you feel inside And I know you are waiting to simply burst out To be seen for who you are To be paid for the amazing things that only you can provide To smash through goals and self-doubts and months And make your life be this fun game and adventure That gives you the freedom and purpose you truly want So that you can move from the baby steps And start making massive leaps with a badass unshakeable confidence that turns you into an unstoppable force You ready?
  • 31. bio Hey there, I’m Annie. I’m what you might call a curator of human potential. You see, I really see people, and I see the power that they have inside of themselves. But, for some reason, most of these people hold back. They let fear, self-doubt and ‘what ifs’ stop them from achieving their dreams - and they settle for a life that on the surface looks pretty cool, but I know that it’s less than what they are here for. I help ambitious, female entrepreneurs turn what they see as ‘ordinary’ into a kickass extraordinary that unleashes their brilliance and makes them pretty much an unstoppable unfuckwithable force.
  • 35. icon
  • 36. colors # 9 b 4 0 5 c # 8 3 9 9 7 3 # 3 6 3 7 4 b # e 2 b a b 3 # e 8 d b c b
  • 37. fonts RALEWAY A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z BELLUGA A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • 38. fonts ins use HEADLINE LEVEL 1 This is a description paragraph. It explains the purpose of the page and describes the title on top. This is a phrase we want to stand out This is a description paragraph. It explains the purpose of the page and describes the title on top.