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The Most Powerful
Person on Earth!
How You Can
Master Your
Mindset and Finally
Make Things
Table of Contents
How This Process Works
Three Key Success Principles
What Are Beliefs?
Perception is Reality
Four Major Criteria for Success
Conditioning Worksheet
Beliefs – Actions – Results
Mirrors & Reflections
Ugly Beliefs
You Are “Good Enough”
Your Story
Changing Perceptions
Tricky yet Wonderful Mind
Giving New Meaning to Old
More Ideas for You
Distorted Thoughts Worksheet
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20143
Copyright © 2014 by PEL
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
Published by:
ProRisk Press 2014
Box 253, Alberta Beach, Alberta Canada T0E
ISBN 978-0-9780520-1-0
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20144
There’s a reason a little girl covers this book.
She is a lot of little girls, some aspects remembered, many
She is polite, reserved, obedient, humble, yet unseen. She wore
hand me downs and her magnificence was missed.
When it came to money, she was tossed change out of a pocket,
whatever was left over was good enough for her.
She cowered. She didn’t want attention because that meant she
must have done something wrong. Whenever she did get
attention, it was because she didn’t do what her parents wanted
her to do. She proved herself right. She must have done
something wrong.
She grew up, like all little girls.
And she is the most powerful person in the world. She is in charge
of her destiny whether she is aware of it or not. She’s me. She
could be in some aspects you. Let’s find out.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20145
How This Works
This book is really about how to improve some aspect of your life. It could be your wealth, love,
happiness, self worth, and confidence levels.  Together we will explore and identify patterns and
blocks that may be holding you back. Then we‘l take some actions steps to make changes.
It’s all about exposing the barriers that not only seem to make it logistically impossible to make
money as your own boss but could be sapping your energy and motivation in any work
This is the program that’s going to help you get to the bottom of why you keep sabotaging your
success and makes you stop and fall victim to all the money you spend for nothing! Or, if you’ve
never gotten started in the first place, this is the book that’s going to help you understand why.
Everything in these pages is designed to help you attend to what’s going on inside you (your
mind, your way of thinking) so that you can get on with the business of improving your income
level, your client base, your project scopes and your self-confidence.
But there are a few common and particularly significant barriers that trip people up. Those barriers
range from feelings of unworthiness to emotional abuse.
One or more may strike a chord with you, but whichever it is, going through this simple process will
get the wheels turning in your head and help you begin thinking about what in your life is holding
you back from success.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20146
There are two ways you can look at the lack of success in your life.
You can feel put upon and feel sorry for yourself, angry that life
isn’t fair, blame others for your situation, or you can see the
challenges that lay ahead as an opportunity to shift something
about yourself or situation that you don’t like.
Today it’s more important than ever to be, do and have what
supports being successful in relationships, communication,
finance, and life in general. It’s hard enough without your own
mind dragging you down!
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re
right.” – Henry Ford
In this workbook you will find definitions and exercises about belief,
how to find the buggers, and the process how to eliminate them.
Remember, whatever you believe about what you’re doing affects
your actions.
Your actions affect your results.
To change your results or get different or better results, you need to
look at what you believe about what you are doing.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20147
3 Success Principles
How could you miss seeing Opportunities?
This happens over and over again throughout time because most people think of
themselves as ordinary and accept ordinary incomes and outcomes. However,
the stories you tell yourself could genuinely demonstrate three key success
1. Your opportunities are unlimited.
2. You set your own limitations and you can choose to remove those limitations at
any time.
3. There is no limit to your potential. The human brain is perhaps the most amazing
organ in your body. Ray Sahelian, M.D. says, "not only does [your brain] help
you think, learn, and remember... it also has all the building blocks it needs to
cure your body".
The brain is that powerful! In addition to the power to restore health to your physical
body your brain controls your success in sales too.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20148
What Are Beliefs?
How Many of These Self-Limiting Thoughts Do You Have?
Sales expert Jack Singer, PhD lists these negative, self-talk phrases as
examples of self-limiting thinking:
"What if...“
"I hope I don't...“
"I should have said...“
"The client won't like me if...“
"I always have a problem with...“
"I probably won't be able to close this sale...“
"I can't believe how stupid I was to say that..."
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20149
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Do you believe in the value of your products or service or what you do to
earn your income?
Do your products, service or activity provide a benefit to your customers
and family?
Do you believe in the value of what you are selling?
Are you doing the best you know how to ensure that your customers (or
family) get what they need?
If you answered “yes” to the above questions, then you are proceeding
with integrity.
If you are proceeding with integrity, then obviously you are not being
dishonest, or sleazy or greasy! Yeah!
You can persuade, convince and sell with your head held high!
Even if you answered “no” turn the page….
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201410
Perception Is Reality
This workshop challenges you to do the forensic work of
changing a belief from your personal story.
I remembered the precise moment that I decided that my dad was the
most powerful person on earth. He dolled money and he decided if I
was worthy of his love. Here’s what else I remembered. Lies! Lies!
Lies! Yes, he was powerful, but not over me!
You may believe someone from your past or currently is more powerful
in various ways than you are.
If that’s the case, it’s time to look at that belief and decide once and for
all if it’s serving you to become successful financially and as a
powerful person in your own right.
As long as I thought dad had power over me, my life sucked. Simple as
That is until I listened to something inside that didn’t like the thought.
No, didn’t like it at all. Even way back then.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201411
4 Criteria for Success
1. You must have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and with whom. And it’s
not just “because” you desire to be in business for yourself. Your vision must be so
clear it also includes the solution you have to offer to a hungry market of problem
2. You must have a support network in place you can consult with and mastermind with.
But the caution here is that you must surround yourself with people who are at your
level of support, love, confidence and growth. Interesting little story here. A client
shared he was going to get marketing support from his friend to help him spread the
word about his new business. But his friend was unemployed, in the middle of a
divorce, drinking heavily and not such a good choice. You see, you need to be
careful who you surround yourself with. Energy is important.
3. Which brings us to this important criterion. You must have a relevant mentor/coach
who will tell you the truth. Your mentor will tell you if you’re on the right track and will
gently (or not so if necessary) stop you from making a mistake that may impede your
business success. Don’t get me wrong. Someone else doesn’t know like you do
what will work. However, sometimes looking at a decision or situation from the
outside in with fresh eyes can reveal hidden clues to the next step.
4. Finally, you must be persistent and willing to go the full mile to reach success. That
means encouragement and a little ass kicking if necessary to take action!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201412
Conditioning Worksheet
1. Do you believe in the value of your product, service or the
work you do?
□ Yes □ No
If ‘yes” what is the value of your products, services or work you do?
Please describe:
2. Do your products, services or work you do provide a
benefit to your customers/family/friends?
□ Yes □ No
If ‘yes” what are the benefits of your products, services or work to do?
Please describe:
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201413
Conditioning Worksheet
3. Do you believe in the value of what you are selling?
□ Yes □ No
4. Are you doing the best you knowhow to ensure that your
customers and family get what they need?
□ Yes □ No
If ‘no” what could you do better to ensure that your customers or family
get what they need? Please describe:
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201414
Beliefs – Actions - Results
Sure we can put labels on what separates successful people from those who struggle.
Why is one person able to start a business or being a new job and succeed while others
with similar qualifications and abilities fail?
It’s thoughts and beliefs. It’s the stories we tell ourselves over and over.
And those stories are the “life decisions” you made about yourself!
Let me explain further.
Put simply, whatever you believe affects your actions. If you believe that a certain action
is negative, you will not want to take that action. If, on the other hand, you believe an
action to be positive, why then it will be easier to move forward.
Taking action (or not taking action) gives you results of one sort or another.
If you take a closer look at your results, are willing to be brutally honest about how you
contribute to them, then you, my friend, are a step closer to discovering limitations to
success. In fact, here’s a new belief for you: “I’m willing to look at my beliefs, good
and ugly!”
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201415
Mirrors & Reflections
Life is a mirror: It's a reflection of what you decided how to think and
Notice that every time you point
out there and either
accuse or blame or even
positively “point out”
something, ONE finger is out
there? The rest point BACK
to you.
That’s how reflection works. You see, your environment actually reflects an issue
you have or set up in your own business.
I’m going to be blunt here. If your business or work sucks, the results are merely
suggesting that you have some work to do about your own beliefs about
“sucking big time” in making money!
There are no accidents to what is or isn't showing up in your world. But I promise
you, if you complain, or accuse, or deny what is happening outside of you, what
you really want will take longer to come. You will suffer more, and life will
become more and more challenging. That’s a guarantee!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201416
Ugly Beliefs?
A belief is a statement about reality that feels true on some gut level. But the
problem occurs when we think our beliefs are accurate statements about our
Ahhhh, you say. But you do have beliefs that have served you well. Oh for sure.
I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about those that sift through your life and
make you miserable.
You may know intellectually that you are good and good enough, however,
underneath, an incident plays itself out, over and over and over.
It reflects in your work. It reflects in your relationships. It reflects in how much
money you earn. You may know as an adult you are good enough. You may
have successes, you’ve made a difference and yet, underneath you may have
a sense that keeps you in resistance to creating bigger and wider successes.
You reach a ceiling and you can’t get past it.
Or you may have spent a lot of time suppressing the belief. “I’m not good enough”
is a common belief in adults in all vocations – writers, teachers, company
owners, mothers, farmers, retailers, the list is all encompassing.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201417
Bottom line: A belief is ugly when it stops you from taking
The next section of this book begins as your investigative challenge by
asking questions. There will be space after each question to answer
by writing or what I highly suggest, answer out loud. I’ll remind you
each time.
Yes, out loud works miraculously. You hear your own voice and it
resonates energetically into the very core of your cells. Now that’s
making a special difference for yourself. That’s the first step to taking
your power back!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201418
You Are “Good Enough”
First let’s find out if you hold the belief, “I’m not good enough.”
And if you do, are you ready to eliminate this belief? Permanently? Good. And
remember, answer out loud.
Do you ever feel like “I’m not good enough”, even a little bit? Please write your
answer down and answer out loud.
Do you ever feel like “I’m not good enough” even a little bit?
Write your answer and say it out loud.
Do you ever feel “I’m not good enough” when you make a mistake or
Again, answer out loud and write it down.
If you believe you are good enough, would making a mistake or failing at some
project effect you negatively? Probably not.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201419
Do you procrastinate a lot?
Are you worried that what you are putting off won’t be good enough?
Do you procrastinate a lot? Are you worried that what you are
putting off won’t be good enough?
More evidence.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201420
Your Story
How to change your belief system from your own personal
Another common belief struggling entrepreneurs think about is that
“People with money somehow deserve it … and I don’t.”
Yet people try to demystify money by saying that it’s just “a neutral
instrument for facilitating the exchange of goods and services.” Like
Monopoly money.
Somehow, that’s supposed to help you to let go of the emotional
baggage you’ve attached to money and change your mind about
whether you should or shouldn’t have more. It won’t. But here’s
what will.
What busts this belief actually goes back to something much more
basic: take a closer look at the source – your story.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201421
Now I want you to think of a time when you were disappointed, or
hurt, or worse, disillusioned about your own power and ability to
make a difference in your life.
Take a few moments and remember that incident.
If you need more space than the box provides, simply use a blank
piece of paper or the back of this page.
Your Story
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201422
Changing Perceptions
Mom got annoyed with me because I didn’t do things exactly how she
wanted. Or my dad got angry with me for disobeying his word.
While serious money-related addictions (such as compulsive gambling,
hoarding, and over-spending) may require long-term therapy, most
of us are dealing with basic, common negative beliefs that can be
released just with the process outlined here.
Take your time because this step is very important to eliminate this
My parents said and did these when I didn’t do what they
The source of the belief is triggered by you interpreting their reactions
when you didn’t do what they wanted especially when they wanted
you to do something else.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201423
Now look at the events you wrote in the box in the previous page.
Can you see that your conclusion, “I’m not good enough” is a valid
interpretation of those events?
Can you SEE that your conclusion, I’m not good enough, is a
valid interpretation of those events?
Please answer this out loud or write down your response.
Would you also say that many children who experienced what you did would
come to the same conclusion as you did?
Would other children in your shoes experience the same
conclusion of “I’m not good enough:?
Keep answering out loud and/or write your response.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201424
You see, just admitting what someone else lied to you about your value,
your worth, or anything else about you, reduces its power over you.
Becoming aware of what you told yourself as a lie also reduces its impact.
Some of you are saying, “Yes But! No one else has messed up my life and
lives with an atypical family like mine! This sucks!”
You’re kidding, right?
How many people do you know don’t come from conventional families with
the original mother, original father, with 1.5 siblings?
Stuff happens to the rich and poor, the smart and the dumber equally. Your
case is not different. It just happens to be yours!
Donald Trump appeared to have it all. Yet he filed for bankruptcy. Yet he
had something inside that rebuilt his empires.
Remember all those lottery winners? A reported 30 percent blew through
their funds in less than a year. They didn’t work for their money. But they
didn’t work keeping it either. They had “success ceiling” syndrome up
the woo-zoo!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201425
Then there’s Willie Nelson. And how many more “business” people losing their
Athletes fare no better. According to the Toronto Star, 60 percent of NBA
players are broke five years after they retire.
You hear about Mike Tyson. He went from $300 million in the black to $27
million in the red before he told the bankruptcy court he could no longer pay
his bills.
So why would you think your story is better or worse? It’s not – it’s yours!
And theirs is theirs!
I don’t know if you read this. 1.5 million personal bankruptcies were filed in the
year ending June 30, 2010, up 21 percent over the prior year, according to
the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.
In Elizabeth Warren’s “The Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt,” she says
the average age of a bankruptcy filer is 38. Forty-four percent are couples,
30 percent are women, and 26 percent are men.
So guess what? Many people have “messed up” and gone on to thrive. And if
all you’re dealing with is feeling like your parents thought you didn’t deserve
a new toy or coat or education, that’s the easy beliefs to disable!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201426
Can you accept that “I’m not good enough” is just one of many
If you can accept this premise, then I challenge you to once again, write or
answer out loud, does “I’m not good enough” seem like it’s not the truth,
but just a truth?
Does “I’m not good enough” seem like it’s not the truth, but just
a truth?
Again, can you accept that the original interpretation of “I’m not good
enough” is just one interpretation out of a possible five or six
interpretations, depending on what mind frame, time frame and who
witnesses a similar event?
I know you’ll agree with me that any other interpretation was just as valid.
Then you would also agree that your parents’ reactions to your story could
have several different interpretations.
Yet, you and I chose “I’m not good enough.”
And that now doesn’t seem all that powerful, now does it?
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201427
My cigarette story: At 5 years old, I was caught trying to smoke. I was struck
on my mouth as punishment. I saw dad’s behavior, and I gave it a
meaning that “I’m not good enough” when in fact, what I saw was his
anger and stomping out a cigarette butt as he danced around us
That’s what I saw. That event had no meaning before I gave it one.
Here’s another example.
Look up from your reading and look at the picture on the wall. Or a book, or
an object in the room. What do you see?
You see its color and shape. Now close your eyes. Think of what you just
saw. You now see it in your mind’s eye even when your eyes are closed.
But do you see the notion, “I’m not good enough”? No. That’s an
interpretation only.
We give our power away to situations that we fail to acknowledge as events,
no matter how vivid and stressful. But what we end up doing is giving
those events a meaning and reminding ourselves for years and years
that we actually see and feel the interpretation we gave it!
It’s the same when we attribute a meaning to the event.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201428
Imagine being that kid again and seeing that vision. Does it still seem like
you see “I’m not good enough” in the event?
Can you see “I’m not good enough” in the event?
Here’s what I mean by seeing something. What color is it? What shape?
Where is it located?
Answer out loud or write in the box below.
What does “I’m not good enough” look like? What color is it?
What shape is it? Where is it located?
So did you really see, “I’m not good enough?”
You saw your mom or dad criticizing you. I saw my dad angry with me and
heard his mumbling disappointments. But I didn’t see, “I’m not good
enough.” No, I now know that it was an interpretation that I chose to
apply to the situation. And it wasn’t the truth! It was a truth – mine for a
long while.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201429
Let’s look at another interpretation of your own story. You could have
interpreted it as being right. Or you could have interpreted it as being
wrong. I know you’re understanding this right now. Congratulations. You’re
making the shift right now!
It’s clear that anything you can see can be described. And by now it should be
clear that anything you can’t see can’t be described by any event. It’s an
interpretation that can be altered at any time!
Is it clear now that you never really saw “I’m not good enough”?
Is it clear now that you never really saw “I’m not good enough”?
Write or answer out loud.
Now if you never really saw “I’m not good enough”, what did you really see?
What did you really see in that event?
Here’s what I saw. I saw an angry dad, a cigarette butt, a scared little brother,
some smoke and a whole lot of the front of my shirt as I held my head
down. That’s what I saw. I never, ever did see, “I’m not good enough”. I
only decided that in the moment.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201430
I could have decided anything else – but I didn’t. Now I know. I saw a
series of events. Please say this out loud with me. “I saw a series of
I attributed the meaning to the events. The situation had no meaning
before I gave it one.
There were consequences to my dad’s behavior. They were unpleasant
consequences. But was there any meaning to the behavior?
Let me explain more about meaning.
Imagine you attended a conference on writing. You walked into the room
and no one talked to you. What would you think?
What would you think if you walked into a room and no one
talked to you?
Say your answer out loud or write it down. This is the next critical step to
eliminating an unworkable belief like “I’m not good enough.”
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201431
You may have said, “Oh, they’re preoccupied. Or they didn’t see me. Or
some other explanation. But what did you really see?
You saw someone in the room. You saw they were turned away from you.
So what?
Your answer is the meaning you gave to the event.
Where does meaning come from? Your mind!
When you give meaning to an event, it’s a fabrication of your mind!
So let me ask you this.
If meaning comes from your mind, is there any meaning inherent in your
parents’ behavior? Or is there any meaning inherent in any other events
for that matter?
So you get rejected writing for a project.
If meaning is in your mind, is there any meaning inherent in your
parents’ behavior? Or in any other for that matter?
Please write or answer out loud. Of course the answer is NO!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201432
Tricky Wonderful Mind
The Mind is a Tricky and Wonderful Tool
I imagine you thinking, gosh how many times do I have to remind myself
about this belief! Well, we’re not done yet!
Think of me as the angel coming in and making damn sure you get the
gist, you get the meaning you gave behind the meaning it could have
been and ultimately, you’re sick and tired of it!
Let’s go on. So now you know that “I’m not good enough” is an
interpretation from the mind.
But what about feelings? You may have interpreted that your parents’
behavior made you feel as if you weren’t good enough.
The same applies here too. Can you really feel “I’m not good enough”?
No. Just like you can’t see it, you can’t feel it. Both come from your
interpretations of the event and both come from a decision from the
The events had no meaning and events with no meaning can’t make you
feel bad.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201433
Here’s another example that should really set this notion in place for you.
I look outside and I see a lot of clouds in the sky. In fact, clouds covered
the day and night skies for past week.
How do the clouds cause me to feel? Nothing. Nada. Don’t care.
Now, an extraordinary event occurred during the timing of this writing. We
experienced a total lunar eclipse, an event that happens once every
450 years when the sun, earth and moon are all directly aligned. You
know it’s happening because the moon turns a bright orange to blood
read to dark brown caused by the deflection of sun’s rays through our
The night of the eclipse, the clouds cleared and from my vantage point in
northern Canada, we could see the eclipse purely and well. The
question is, what did the clouds cause me to feel? In this case, if I
thought about it, pure joy.
Now if the clouds had moved in, preventing a visual of the eclipse, how
would the clouds then make me feel? I’d probably feel angry and
But is it really the clouds that made me feel bad? Or is it the meaning I’m
giving the clouds.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201434
Clouds have no meaning either way, good or bad. But give them one
meaning and I feel good and then give them another meaning and I
feel bad. This comes from my mind.
So back to your story and the original meaning you gave it as “I’m not
good enough.” The event is like the clouds. They have no meaning
until you give them one.
See what I mean?
This leads us to yet another interesting question.
What did make you feel “I’m not good enough”?
What makes you feel like “I’m not good enough”?
Write your answer or say it out loud.
That’s right. Your mind and its interpretation. You felt “I’m not good
enough” because that’s the meaning you had already given to your
parents’ behavior.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201435
And you knew for sure what happened. I knew for sure. My dad became
angry with me, slapped me on my mouth and then begged my silence
and forgiveness. That’s what really happened.
But I gave it meaning. And what did it have to do with my not being good
enough? Absolutely nothing!
What if I had decided to interpret it as “Gosh, dad’s got unreasonable
expectations of us as kids learning and exploring and that’s why he
was annoyed with us.” It’s got nothing to do with whether I’m good
enough or not.
Truth is if I were a child who was thinking smarter, I would have
experienced that event totally different and not because I wasn’t good
Now the final step in processing and eliminating an unworkable belief like
“I’m not good enough.”
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201436
Give New Meaning to Old
Imagine your original scene and give it another meaning. Does
it still feel as if your parents’ behavior and comments are
making you feel that “I’m not good enough”?
Rewrite the scene and answer the question out loud.
Does it still feel that “I’m not good enough”? Probably not. And if you didn’t
feel that then, would you have now? No
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201437
We form beliefs to give meaning to events that
have no real meaning.
We then think we observe the meaning in the events themselves.
And we remind ourselves over and over of the meaning in an
old meaningless event.
It’s only in our minds. It was never a fact.
Knowing this gives permission for the meaning to disappear.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201438
The first place is investigating our beliefs that hold us back.
What are they and where did they come from?
Then it’s up to us to let them go and move ahead with the successes in our
lives that are important to us.
We have to learn to make different interpretations about our careers, our
relationships, our loves.
We form beliefs. That’s life. But we can create the ones we want and let go
of the ones we don’t. Beliefs determine our life and now you know which
beliefs will make your life work well and which suck!
You have tools and you have choice. That’s how to eliminate unworkable
beliefs. Now say this out loud.
I create my Beliefs. My Beliefs determine what I do and how I
feel. Therefore, I create my life and I can change it. I take my
power back and mold my life as I deem! (and so it is)
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201439
More Ideas For You
More Ideas To Begin Your Journey
1. Get yourself an accountability partner. You can have all the skill support
and invest in all the practical aspects of building your business. But if you
don’t have accountability, encouragement or emotional support, you will
stall and quit when you don’t really have to.
2. Practice staying focused. Get centered, maintain your own space and
pace allows you to create clarity to attract your ideal clients and keep
growing your base.
If you need to, manage your moods and have support to determine which
work and which destroy your success. You emotions tell all – listen to
them and respond appropriately. How do you manage a mood? Give it
space! Allow yourself to totally feel it!
4. Get ready to feel more comfortable and confident that you are expressing
your real talents. That also means, you discover your authentic USP and
core value you have to offer to your client. What’s the best part about
your?! Share it! Because, after all that’s said, written and done,
who’s the most powerful person on earth? You Are!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201440
Distorted Thoughts
Distorted Thoughts Reality Check
Thought Distortion Reality Check
“People don’t want to
speak with me.”
1. All or nothing thinking
2. Overgeneralization
3. Mental filter
I’ve spoken with many
people over the years and
lots speak with me!
“If only I was better at my
job, prospects would keep
their appointments with
4. Discounting the
5. Jumping to
6. Magnification
7. Emotional reasoning
8. Should statements
9. Labeling
10. Personalization and
Personalization and
emergency and will
probably reschedule.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201441
Distorted Thoughts
Distorted Thoughts Reality Check
Thought Distortion Reality Check
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OVER a 3-WEEK period – with me checking and double-checking your
Let me repeat that offer: you get to do this 5 day course for content
creation over a 3-week period with contact with me during this time!
“Copywriting 101: Online Business Marketing”
5-Day ‘Results’ Content Creation and Coaching Program
Patricia Ogilvie
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201142
In This Training You Learn
How To:
 Stand Out From the Crowd With Personality and Energy!
 Brand yourself with utmost clarity
 Craft Perfect Headlines
 Discover the Secret Behind Content Formatting
 Master Global Mobile Appeal
 Shifting the Focus
 How to Build Your Online Presence at Lightning Speed
 Be Different And Lovable at the Same Time!
….and so much more.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201143
Create Relevant Copy Now!
Click the link below and get INSTANT ACCESS to my special 5-day over 3
-week course
“Copywriting 101: Online Business
Marketing & Content”
5-Day ‘Results’ Content Creation & Coaching
Program with Patricia Ogilvie
Because Your Business Brand Matters!
I’ll bet you dollars to donuts, it will be the best $97 investment (that’s right, I said
NINETY-SEVEN DOLLARS) you have ever made.
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201144
If You Are Hesitating A Little..
Well, I can tell you right now, you will be surprised how simple the process could be.
Frankly, I understand if you need to think about it. It’s a new econom
y out there.
It’s mobile oriented and exists predominantly online.
One thing is certain - growing your customer base, filled with paying clients, is your
biggest challenge today because 79% of your ideal customer is searching from smart
phones in the palm of their hands. What’s more, they are on social media, which can
scare the pants off the business owner!
Sadly, many of the gurus out there are not teaching you step-by-step methods on
how to do this. So go ahead and check it out and decide for yourself.
Besides, where else can you get hold-your-hand support over 3 weeks… that’s about
$30 a week of professional copywriting techniques at your fingertips! You can’t beg
your way to learn how to create copy that connects and sells for that price!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201145
If You Are Hesitating A Little..
Click on the link below and find out more about this one-of-a-kind mini course.
You get to create exactly what you need right now either for your website, your social
media bios, your headlines and so much more!
Hope to see you there…
Great job today!
Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201146
About Patricia Ogilvie
For more than a decade, Patricia Ogilvie, Certified
Business Coach, has helped hundreds of small
business owners transform their ideas, services and
products into viable online businesses.
What she found was there are a lot of people, maybe
you’re one of them, who put added pressure and
stress onto themselves when building deeper and
relevant business relationships.
That’s what business is all about -- building relationships!
But why does it have to be stressful?
Patricia guides you from the inside out by teaching
unique, simple tools to unlock your fears, frustrations
and release your subconscious limiting beliefs that
could be getting in the way of your business success.
Then you get to work on the marketing content with a
pure, clear vision and intent.
For business success strategies and support to take your
power back, visit Patricia Ogilvie at

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Become a More Powerful Person With How to Trust

  • 1. The Most Powerful Person on Earth! How You Can Master Your Mindset and Finally Make Things Happen!
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents Introduction How This Process Works Three Key Success Principles What Are Beliefs? Perception is Reality Four Major Criteria for Success Conditioning Worksheet Beliefs – Actions – Results Mirrors & Reflections Ugly Beliefs You Are “Good Enough” Your Story Changing Perceptions Re-Interpretations Tricky yet Wonderful Mind Giving New Meaning to Old Summary More Ideas for You Distorted Thoughts Worksheet
  • 3. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20143 Copyright © 2014 by PEL All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by: ProRisk Press 2014 Box 253, Alberta Beach, Alberta Canada T0E 0A0 Website: ISBN 978-0-9780520-1-0
  • 4. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20144 Introduction There’s a reason a little girl covers this book. She is a lot of little girls, some aspects remembered, many forgotten. She is polite, reserved, obedient, humble, yet unseen. She wore hand me downs and her magnificence was missed. When it came to money, she was tossed change out of a pocket, whatever was left over was good enough for her. She cowered. She didn’t want attention because that meant she must have done something wrong. Whenever she did get attention, it was because she didn’t do what her parents wanted her to do. She proved herself right. She must have done something wrong. She grew up, like all little girls. And she is the most powerful person in the world. She is in charge of her destiny whether she is aware of it or not. She’s me. She could be in some aspects you. Let’s find out.
  • 5. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20145 How This Works This book is really about how to improve some aspect of your life. It could be your wealth, love, happiness, self worth, and confidence levels.  Together we will explore and identify patterns and blocks that may be holding you back. Then we‘l take some actions steps to make changes. It’s all about exposing the barriers that not only seem to make it logistically impossible to make money as your own boss but could be sapping your energy and motivation in any work environment. This is the program that’s going to help you get to the bottom of why you keep sabotaging your success and makes you stop and fall victim to all the money you spend for nothing! Or, if you’ve never gotten started in the first place, this is the book that’s going to help you understand why. Everything in these pages is designed to help you attend to what’s going on inside you (your mind, your way of thinking) so that you can get on with the business of improving your income level, your client base, your project scopes and your self-confidence. But there are a few common and particularly significant barriers that trip people up. Those barriers range from feelings of unworthiness to emotional abuse. One or more may strike a chord with you, but whichever it is, going through this simple process will get the wheels turning in your head and help you begin thinking about what in your life is holding you back from success.
  • 6. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20146 There are two ways you can look at the lack of success in your life. You can feel put upon and feel sorry for yourself, angry that life isn’t fair, blame others for your situation, or you can see the challenges that lay ahead as an opportunity to shift something about yourself or situation that you don’t like. Today it’s more important than ever to be, do and have what supports being successful in relationships, communication, finance, and life in general. It’s hard enough without your own mind dragging you down! “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford In this workbook you will find definitions and exercises about belief, how to find the buggers, and the process how to eliminate them. Remember, whatever you believe about what you’re doing affects your actions. Your actions affect your results. To change your results or get different or better results, you need to look at what you believe about what you are doing.
  • 7. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20147 3 Success Principles How could you miss seeing Opportunities? This happens over and over again throughout time because most people think of themselves as ordinary and accept ordinary incomes and outcomes. However, the stories you tell yourself could genuinely demonstrate three key success principles: 1. Your opportunities are unlimited. 2. You set your own limitations and you can choose to remove those limitations at any time. 3. There is no limit to your potential. The human brain is perhaps the most amazing organ in your body. Ray Sahelian, M.D. says, "not only does [your brain] help you think, learn, and remember... it also has all the building blocks it needs to cure your body". The brain is that powerful! In addition to the power to restore health to your physical body your brain controls your success in sales too.
  • 8. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20148 What Are Beliefs? How Many of These Self-Limiting Thoughts Do You Have? Sales expert Jack Singer, PhD lists these negative, self-talk phrases as examples of self-limiting thinking: "What if...“ "I hope I don't...“ "I should have said...“ "The client won't like me if...“ "I always have a problem with...“ "I probably won't be able to close this sale...“ "I can't believe how stupid I was to say that..."
  • 9. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 20149 Here are some questions to ask yourself: Do you believe in the value of your products or service or what you do to earn your income? Do your products, service or activity provide a benefit to your customers and family? Do you believe in the value of what you are selling? Are you doing the best you know how to ensure that your customers (or family) get what they need? If you answered “yes” to the above questions, then you are proceeding with integrity. If you are proceeding with integrity, then obviously you are not being dishonest, or sleazy or greasy! Yeah! You can persuade, convince and sell with your head held high! Even if you answered “no” turn the page….
  • 10. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201410 Perception Is Reality This workshop challenges you to do the forensic work of changing a belief from your personal story. I remembered the precise moment that I decided that my dad was the most powerful person on earth. He dolled money and he decided if I was worthy of his love. Here’s what else I remembered. Lies! Lies! Lies! Yes, he was powerful, but not over me! You may believe someone from your past or currently is more powerful in various ways than you are. If that’s the case, it’s time to look at that belief and decide once and for all if it’s serving you to become successful financially and as a powerful person in your own right. As long as I thought dad had power over me, my life sucked. Simple as that. That is until I listened to something inside that didn’t like the thought. No, didn’t like it at all. Even way back then.
  • 11. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201411 4 Criteria for Success 1. You must have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and with whom. And it’s not just “because” you desire to be in business for yourself. Your vision must be so clear it also includes the solution you have to offer to a hungry market of problem seekers. 2. You must have a support network in place you can consult with and mastermind with. But the caution here is that you must surround yourself with people who are at your level of support, love, confidence and growth. Interesting little story here. A client shared he was going to get marketing support from his friend to help him spread the word about his new business. But his friend was unemployed, in the middle of a divorce, drinking heavily and not such a good choice. You see, you need to be careful who you surround yourself with. Energy is important. 3. Which brings us to this important criterion. You must have a relevant mentor/coach who will tell you the truth. Your mentor will tell you if you’re on the right track and will gently (or not so if necessary) stop you from making a mistake that may impede your business success. Don’t get me wrong. Someone else doesn’t know like you do what will work. However, sometimes looking at a decision or situation from the outside in with fresh eyes can reveal hidden clues to the next step. 4. Finally, you must be persistent and willing to go the full mile to reach success. That means encouragement and a little ass kicking if necessary to take action!
  • 12. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201412 Conditioning Worksheet 1. Do you believe in the value of your product, service or the work you do? □ Yes □ No If ‘yes” what is the value of your products, services or work you do? Please describe: 2. Do your products, services or work you do provide a benefit to your customers/family/friends? □ Yes □ No If ‘yes” what are the benefits of your products, services or work to do? Please describe:
  • 13. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201413 Conditioning Worksheet 3. Do you believe in the value of what you are selling? □ Yes □ No 4. Are you doing the best you knowhow to ensure that your customers and family get what they need? □ Yes □ No If ‘no” what could you do better to ensure that your customers or family get what they need? Please describe:
  • 14. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201414 Beliefs – Actions - Results Sure we can put labels on what separates successful people from those who struggle. Why is one person able to start a business or being a new job and succeed while others with similar qualifications and abilities fail? It’s thoughts and beliefs. It’s the stories we tell ourselves over and over. And those stories are the “life decisions” you made about yourself! Let me explain further. Put simply, whatever you believe affects your actions. If you believe that a certain action is negative, you will not want to take that action. If, on the other hand, you believe an action to be positive, why then it will be easier to move forward. Taking action (or not taking action) gives you results of one sort or another. If you take a closer look at your results, are willing to be brutally honest about how you contribute to them, then you, my friend, are a step closer to discovering limitations to success. In fact, here’s a new belief for you: “I’m willing to look at my beliefs, good and ugly!”
  • 15. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201415 Mirrors & Reflections Life is a mirror: It's a reflection of what you decided how to think and believe! Notice that every time you point out there and either accuse or blame or even positively “point out” something, ONE finger is out there? The rest point BACK to you. That’s how reflection works. You see, your environment actually reflects an issue you have or set up in your own business. I’m going to be blunt here. If your business or work sucks, the results are merely suggesting that you have some work to do about your own beliefs about “sucking big time” in making money! There are no accidents to what is or isn't showing up in your world. But I promise you, if you complain, or accuse, or deny what is happening outside of you, what you really want will take longer to come. You will suffer more, and life will become more and more challenging. That’s a guarantee!
  • 16. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201416 Ugly Beliefs? A belief is a statement about reality that feels true on some gut level. But the problem occurs when we think our beliefs are accurate statements about our reality. Ahhhh, you say. But you do have beliefs that have served you well. Oh for sure. I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about those that sift through your life and make you miserable. You may know intellectually that you are good and good enough, however, underneath, an incident plays itself out, over and over and over. It reflects in your work. It reflects in your relationships. It reflects in how much money you earn. You may know as an adult you are good enough. You may have successes, you’ve made a difference and yet, underneath you may have a sense that keeps you in resistance to creating bigger and wider successes. You reach a ceiling and you can’t get past it. Or you may have spent a lot of time suppressing the belief. “I’m not good enough” is a common belief in adults in all vocations – writers, teachers, company owners, mothers, farmers, retailers, the list is all encompassing.
  • 17. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201417 Bottom line: A belief is ugly when it stops you from taking action! The next section of this book begins as your investigative challenge by asking questions. There will be space after each question to answer by writing or what I highly suggest, answer out loud. I’ll remind you each time. Yes, out loud works miraculously. You hear your own voice and it resonates energetically into the very core of your cells. Now that’s making a special difference for yourself. That’s the first step to taking your power back!
  • 18. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201418 You Are “Good Enough” First let’s find out if you hold the belief, “I’m not good enough.” And if you do, are you ready to eliminate this belief? Permanently? Good. And remember, answer out loud. Do you ever feel like “I’m not good enough”, even a little bit? Please write your answer down and answer out loud. Do you ever feel like “I’m not good enough” even a little bit? Write your answer and say it out loud. Do you ever feel “I’m not good enough” when you make a mistake or fail? Again, answer out loud and write it down. If you believe you are good enough, would making a mistake or failing at some project effect you negatively? Probably not.
  • 19. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201419 Do you procrastinate a lot? Are you worried that what you are putting off won’t be good enough? Do you procrastinate a lot? Are you worried that what you are putting off won’t be good enough? More evidence.
  • 20. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201420 Your Story How to change your belief system from your own personal story Another common belief struggling entrepreneurs think about is that “People with money somehow deserve it … and I don’t.” Yet people try to demystify money by saying that it’s just “a neutral instrument for facilitating the exchange of goods and services.” Like Monopoly money. Somehow, that’s supposed to help you to let go of the emotional baggage you’ve attached to money and change your mind about whether you should or shouldn’t have more. It won’t. But here’s what will. What busts this belief actually goes back to something much more basic: take a closer look at the source – your story.
  • 21. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201421 Now I want you to think of a time when you were disappointed, or hurt, or worse, disillusioned about your own power and ability to make a difference in your life. Take a few moments and remember that incident. If you need more space than the box provides, simply use a blank piece of paper or the back of this page. Your Story
  • 22. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201422 Changing Perceptions Mom got annoyed with me because I didn’t do things exactly how she wanted. Or my dad got angry with me for disobeying his word. While serious money-related addictions (such as compulsive gambling, hoarding, and over-spending) may require long-term therapy, most of us are dealing with basic, common negative beliefs that can be released just with the process outlined here. Take your time because this step is very important to eliminate this belief. My parents said and did these when I didn’t do what they wanted: The source of the belief is triggered by you interpreting their reactions when you didn’t do what they wanted especially when they wanted you to do something else.
  • 23. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201423 Now look at the events you wrote in the box in the previous page. Can you see that your conclusion, “I’m not good enough” is a valid interpretation of those events? Can you SEE that your conclusion, I’m not good enough, is a valid interpretation of those events? Please answer this out loud or write down your response. Would you also say that many children who experienced what you did would come to the same conclusion as you did? Would other children in your shoes experience the same conclusion of “I’m not good enough:? Keep answering out loud and/or write your response.
  • 24. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201424 You see, just admitting what someone else lied to you about your value, your worth, or anything else about you, reduces its power over you. Becoming aware of what you told yourself as a lie also reduces its impact. Some of you are saying, “Yes But! No one else has messed up my life and lives with an atypical family like mine! This sucks!” You’re kidding, right? How many people do you know don’t come from conventional families with the original mother, original father, with 1.5 siblings? Stuff happens to the rich and poor, the smart and the dumber equally. Your case is not different. It just happens to be yours! Donald Trump appeared to have it all. Yet he filed for bankruptcy. Yet he had something inside that rebuilt his empires. Remember all those lottery winners? A reported 30 percent blew through their funds in less than a year. They didn’t work for their money. But they didn’t work keeping it either. They had “success ceiling” syndrome up the woo-zoo!
  • 25. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201425 Then there’s Willie Nelson. And how many more “business” people losing their shirts. Athletes fare no better. According to the Toronto Star, 60 percent of NBA players are broke five years after they retire. You hear about Mike Tyson. He went from $300 million in the black to $27 million in the red before he told the bankruptcy court he could no longer pay his bills. So why would you think your story is better or worse? It’s not – it’s yours! And theirs is theirs! I don’t know if you read this. 1.5 million personal bankruptcies were filed in the year ending June 30, 2010, up 21 percent over the prior year, according to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. In Elizabeth Warren’s “The Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt,” she says the average age of a bankruptcy filer is 38. Forty-four percent are couples, 30 percent are women, and 26 percent are men. So guess what? Many people have “messed up” and gone on to thrive. And if all you’re dealing with is feeling like your parents thought you didn’t deserve a new toy or coat or education, that’s the easy beliefs to disable!
  • 26. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201426 Re-Interpretations Can you accept that “I’m not good enough” is just one of many interpretations? If you can accept this premise, then I challenge you to once again, write or answer out loud, does “I’m not good enough” seem like it’s not the truth, but just a truth? Does “I’m not good enough” seem like it’s not the truth, but just a truth? Again, can you accept that the original interpretation of “I’m not good enough” is just one interpretation out of a possible five or six interpretations, depending on what mind frame, time frame and who witnesses a similar event? I know you’ll agree with me that any other interpretation was just as valid. Then you would also agree that your parents’ reactions to your story could have several different interpretations. Yet, you and I chose “I’m not good enough.” And that now doesn’t seem all that powerful, now does it?
  • 27. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201427 My cigarette story: At 5 years old, I was caught trying to smoke. I was struck on my mouth as punishment. I saw dad’s behavior, and I gave it a meaning that “I’m not good enough” when in fact, what I saw was his anger and stomping out a cigarette butt as he danced around us shouting. That’s what I saw. That event had no meaning before I gave it one. Here’s another example. Look up from your reading and look at the picture on the wall. Or a book, or an object in the room. What do you see? You see its color and shape. Now close your eyes. Think of what you just saw. You now see it in your mind’s eye even when your eyes are closed. But do you see the notion, “I’m not good enough”? No. That’s an interpretation only. We give our power away to situations that we fail to acknowledge as events, no matter how vivid and stressful. But what we end up doing is giving those events a meaning and reminding ourselves for years and years that we actually see and feel the interpretation we gave it! It’s the same when we attribute a meaning to the event.
  • 28. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201428 Imagine being that kid again and seeing that vision. Does it still seem like you see “I’m not good enough” in the event? Can you see “I’m not good enough” in the event? Here’s what I mean by seeing something. What color is it? What shape? Where is it located? Answer out loud or write in the box below. What does “I’m not good enough” look like? What color is it? What shape is it? Where is it located? So did you really see, “I’m not good enough?” You saw your mom or dad criticizing you. I saw my dad angry with me and heard his mumbling disappointments. But I didn’t see, “I’m not good enough.” No, I now know that it was an interpretation that I chose to apply to the situation. And it wasn’t the truth! It was a truth – mine for a long while.
  • 29. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201429 Let’s look at another interpretation of your own story. You could have interpreted it as being right. Or you could have interpreted it as being wrong. I know you’re understanding this right now. Congratulations. You’re making the shift right now! It’s clear that anything you can see can be described. And by now it should be clear that anything you can’t see can’t be described by any event. It’s an interpretation that can be altered at any time! Is it clear now that you never really saw “I’m not good enough”? Is it clear now that you never really saw “I’m not good enough”? Write or answer out loud. Now if you never really saw “I’m not good enough”, what did you really see? What did you really see in that event? Here’s what I saw. I saw an angry dad, a cigarette butt, a scared little brother, some smoke and a whole lot of the front of my shirt as I held my head down. That’s what I saw. I never, ever did see, “I’m not good enough”. I only decided that in the moment.
  • 30. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201430 I could have decided anything else – but I didn’t. Now I know. I saw a series of events. Please say this out loud with me. “I saw a series of events!” I attributed the meaning to the events. The situation had no meaning before I gave it one. There were consequences to my dad’s behavior. They were unpleasant consequences. But was there any meaning to the behavior? Let me explain more about meaning. Imagine you attended a conference on writing. You walked into the room and no one talked to you. What would you think? What would you think if you walked into a room and no one talked to you? Say your answer out loud or write it down. This is the next critical step to eliminating an unworkable belief like “I’m not good enough.”
  • 31. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201431 You may have said, “Oh, they’re preoccupied. Or they didn’t see me. Or some other explanation. But what did you really see? You saw someone in the room. You saw they were turned away from you. So what? Your answer is the meaning you gave to the event. Where does meaning come from? Your mind! When you give meaning to an event, it’s a fabrication of your mind! So let me ask you this. If meaning comes from your mind, is there any meaning inherent in your parents’ behavior? Or is there any meaning inherent in any other events for that matter? So you get rejected writing for a project. If meaning is in your mind, is there any meaning inherent in your parents’ behavior? Or in any other for that matter? Please write or answer out loud. Of course the answer is NO!
  • 32. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201432 Tricky Wonderful Mind The Mind is a Tricky and Wonderful Tool I imagine you thinking, gosh how many times do I have to remind myself about this belief! Well, we’re not done yet! Think of me as the angel coming in and making damn sure you get the gist, you get the meaning you gave behind the meaning it could have been and ultimately, you’re sick and tired of it! Let’s go on. So now you know that “I’m not good enough” is an interpretation from the mind. But what about feelings? You may have interpreted that your parents’ behavior made you feel as if you weren’t good enough. The same applies here too. Can you really feel “I’m not good enough”? No. Just like you can’t see it, you can’t feel it. Both come from your interpretations of the event and both come from a decision from the mind. The events had no meaning and events with no meaning can’t make you feel bad.
  • 33. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201433 Here’s another example that should really set this notion in place for you. I look outside and I see a lot of clouds in the sky. In fact, clouds covered the day and night skies for past week. How do the clouds cause me to feel? Nothing. Nada. Don’t care. Now, an extraordinary event occurred during the timing of this writing. We experienced a total lunar eclipse, an event that happens once every 450 years when the sun, earth and moon are all directly aligned. You know it’s happening because the moon turns a bright orange to blood read to dark brown caused by the deflection of sun’s rays through our atmosphere. The night of the eclipse, the clouds cleared and from my vantage point in northern Canada, we could see the eclipse purely and well. The question is, what did the clouds cause me to feel? In this case, if I thought about it, pure joy. Now if the clouds had moved in, preventing a visual of the eclipse, how would the clouds then make me feel? I’d probably feel angry and disappointed. But is it really the clouds that made me feel bad? Or is it the meaning I’m giving the clouds.
  • 34. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201434 Clouds have no meaning either way, good or bad. But give them one meaning and I feel good and then give them another meaning and I feel bad. This comes from my mind. So back to your story and the original meaning you gave it as “I’m not good enough.” The event is like the clouds. They have no meaning until you give them one. See what I mean? This leads us to yet another interesting question. What did make you feel “I’m not good enough”? What makes you feel like “I’m not good enough”? Write your answer or say it out loud. That’s right. Your mind and its interpretation. You felt “I’m not good enough” because that’s the meaning you had already given to your parents’ behavior.
  • 35. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201435 And you knew for sure what happened. I knew for sure. My dad became angry with me, slapped me on my mouth and then begged my silence and forgiveness. That’s what really happened. But I gave it meaning. And what did it have to do with my not being good enough? Absolutely nothing! What if I had decided to interpret it as “Gosh, dad’s got unreasonable expectations of us as kids learning and exploring and that’s why he was annoyed with us.” It’s got nothing to do with whether I’m good enough or not. Truth is if I were a child who was thinking smarter, I would have experienced that event totally different and not because I wasn’t good enough. Now the final step in processing and eliminating an unworkable belief like “I’m not good enough.”
  • 36. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201436 Give New Meaning to Old Imagine your original scene and give it another meaning. Does it still feel as if your parents’ behavior and comments are making you feel that “I’m not good enough”? Rewrite the scene and answer the question out loud. Does it still feel that “I’m not good enough”? Probably not. And if you didn’t feel that then, would you have now? No
  • 37. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201437 We form beliefs to give meaning to events that have no real meaning. We then think we observe the meaning in the events themselves. And we remind ourselves over and over of the meaning in an old meaningless event. It’s only in our minds. It was never a fact. Knowing this gives permission for the meaning to disappear.
  • 38. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201438 Summary The first place is investigating our beliefs that hold us back. What are they and where did they come from? Then it’s up to us to let them go and move ahead with the successes in our lives that are important to us. We have to learn to make different interpretations about our careers, our relationships, our loves. We form beliefs. That’s life. But we can create the ones we want and let go of the ones we don’t. Beliefs determine our life and now you know which beliefs will make your life work well and which suck! You have tools and you have choice. That’s how to eliminate unworkable beliefs. Now say this out loud. I create my Beliefs. My Beliefs determine what I do and how I feel. Therefore, I create my life and I can change it. I take my power back and mold my life as I deem! (and so it is)
  • 39. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201439 More Ideas For You More Ideas To Begin Your Journey 1. Get yourself an accountability partner. You can have all the skill support and invest in all the practical aspects of building your business. But if you don’t have accountability, encouragement or emotional support, you will stall and quit when you don’t really have to. 2. Practice staying focused. Get centered, maintain your own space and pace allows you to create clarity to attract your ideal clients and keep growing your base. If you need to, manage your moods and have support to determine which work and which destroy your success. You emotions tell all – listen to them and respond appropriately. How do you manage a mood? Give it space! Allow yourself to totally feel it! 4. Get ready to feel more comfortable and confident that you are expressing your real talents. That also means, you discover your authentic USP and core value you have to offer to your client. What’s the best part about your?! Share it! Because, after all that’s said, written and done, who’s the most powerful person on earth? You Are!
  • 40. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201440 Distorted Thoughts Distorted Thoughts Reality Check Worksheet Thought Distortion Reality Check “People don’t want to speak with me.” 1. All or nothing thinking 2. Overgeneralization 3. Mental filter I’ve spoken with many people over the years and lots speak with me! “If only I was better at my job, prospects would keep their appointments with me.” 4. Discounting the positive 5. Jumping to conclusions 6. Magnification 7. Emotional reasoning 8. Should statements 9. Labeling 10. Personalization and blame Personalization and emergency and will probably reschedule.
  • 41. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201441 Distorted Thoughts Distorted Thoughts Reality Check Worksheet Thought Distortion Reality Check
  • 42. One Time Offer! You’re ready to create content for your website, ebooks, articles and landing pages! For a short time, get instant access to my 5-days of content creation OVER a 3-WEEK period – with me checking and double-checking your content! Let me repeat that offer: you get to do this 5 day course for content creation over a 3-week period with contact with me during this time! “Copywriting 101: Online Business Marketing” 5-Day ‘Results’ Content Creation and Coaching Program
with Patricia Ogilvie Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201142
  • 43. In This Training You Learn How To:  Stand Out From the Crowd With Personality and Energy!  Brand yourself with utmost clarity  Craft Perfect Headlines  Discover the Secret Behind Content Formatting  Master Global Mobile Appeal  Shifting the Focus  How to Build Your Online Presence at Lightning Speed  Be Different And Lovable at the Same Time! ….and so much more. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201143
  • 44. Create Relevant Copy Now! Click the link below and get INSTANT ACCESS to my special 5-day over 3 -week course “Copywriting 101: Online Business Marketing & Content” 5-Day ‘Results’ Content Creation & Coaching Program with Patricia Ogilvie Because Your Business Brand Matters! I’ll bet you dollars to donuts, it will be the best $97 investment (that’s right, I said NINETY-SEVEN DOLLARS) you have ever made. Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201144
  • 45. If You Are Hesitating A Little.. Well, I can tell you right now, you will be surprised how simple the process could be. Frankly, I understand if you need to think about it. It’s a new econom
y out there. It’s mobile oriented and exists predominantly online. One thing is certain - growing your customer base, filled with paying clients, is your biggest challenge today because 79% of your ideal customer is searching from smart phones in the palm of their hands. What’s more, they are on social media, which can scare the pants off the business owner! Sadly, many of the gurus out there are not teaching you step-by-step methods on how to do this. So go ahead and check it out and decide for yourself. Besides, where else can you get hold-your-hand support over 3 weeks… that’s about $30 a week of professional copywriting techniques at your fingertips! You can’t beg your way to learn how to create copy that connects and sells for that price! Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201145
  • 46. If You Are Hesitating A Little.. Click on the link below and find out more about this one-of-a-kind mini course. You get to create exactly what you need right now either for your website, your social media bios, your headlines and so much more! Hope to see you there… Great job today! Patricia Copyright Patricia Ogilvie 201146
  • 47. 47 About Patricia Ogilvie For more than a decade, Patricia Ogilvie, Certified Business Coach, has helped hundreds of small business owners transform their ideas, services and products into viable online businesses. What she found was there are a lot of people, maybe you’re one of them, who put added pressure and stress onto themselves when building deeper and relevant business relationships. That’s what business is all about -- building relationships! But why does it have to be stressful? Patricia guides you from the inside out by teaching unique, simple tools to unlock your fears, frustrations and release your subconscious limiting beliefs that could be getting in the way of your business success. Then you get to work on the marketing content with a pure, clear vision and intent. For business success strategies and support to take your power back, visit Patricia Ogilvie at