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Andreea Lemnaru
09 November 2015
Foundation Chapter
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 2
Personal Details
Andreea Lemnaru
Vestergade 25
Telephone: 50315471
Date Completed: 09 November 2015
Date Printed: 30 November 2015
Referral Code: soki0915/peve
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 3
Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.
Introduction............................................................................................................... 4
Overview .................................................................................................................. 5
Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5
Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5
Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6
Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7
Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8
Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9
Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10
Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11
Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12
Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13
Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15
The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 16
The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 17
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 4
This Insights Discovery profile is based on Andreea Lemnaru’s responses to the Insights
Preference Evaluator which was completed on 09 November 2015.
The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates
identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around
the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model
was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings.
Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in
understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the
present day.
Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding
and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and
weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them
to better respond to the demands of their environment.
Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It
reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete
any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify
whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.
Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take
action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on
areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally
and interpersonally.
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 5
These statements provide a broad understanding of Andreea’s work style. Use this section to
gain a better understanding of her approaches to her activities, relationships and decisions.
Personal Style
Ingenious, enthusiastic and outgoing, Andreea has great personal charm and can be successful
in a variety of roles. She tends to have an interest in the new and unusual and is gifted at
expressing her feelings. If she is in charge of having to monitor the detailed work of others she
may find this uninteresting, stressful and exhausting. She may become pessimistic and gloomy
when she is thwarted or fails to see ways to make the important changes in her life. Attending to
others' wants is felt by her to be a satisfying, legitimate way of expressing her own deeper needs.
At her best in jobs which deal with people and situations that require co-operative working, she
dislikes impersonal tasks and work demanding factual accuracy, unless she can be free to
include the people factor. She pays scant attention to negative, pessimistic or divisive situations
or conclusions. Routine is the real bad news for her, and it may sap her energy. Work that is
purely practical or work that leaves her on her own for long periods can make her irritable. She is
convinced of her own abilities and is constantly seeking environments where people will
appreciate her.
She is an imaginative and creative visionary who is a source of inspiration to most. Her obvious
charm and enthusiasm tends to make her popular with friends and colleagues alike. She will take
every possible opportunity to generate new relationships or to be with others. Her energy comes
from a variety of new projects and interests. She may show interest in so many different things
that she has difficulty focusing on priorities. Her social gatherings are frequent and worth
attending, particularly when they mark important events.
With her friendly organisational skills, Andreea is supportive of other colleagues and will enthuse
over most projects. Able to cope with a number of projects at once, Andreea gets a lot of
enjoyment from the social aspects of work. She is used to doing several things at once, but
others may view some of this as superficial activity. She may have had personal experience of
the view that worthwhile success comes only after suffering significant misfortune. She is
accomplished at working with individuals and groups and can quickly find herself pushed into a
leadership role.
Her mental processes operate best when she is in contact with other people. At times, events
can overwhelm her and she may find it almost impossible to say “No”, even when the demands
are unreasonable. Exhibiting a tendency to become concerned and hurt if her ideas are met with
indifference or criticism, she may take conflict and rejection personally. Andreea radiates
goodwill and enthusiasm. She is optimistic about life in general and human potential in particular.
Andreea may generate more ideas, possibilities and plans in one day than others might manage
in a month!
Interacting with Others
Andreea's ingenuity, warmth and her understanding of others allows her to proceed through life
with great confidence. She is very effective in a leadership role, able to persuade others of the
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 6
value of her vision. She radiates sympathy and understanding to all by nurturing and supporting.
She is at her best in co-operative roles that deal with people and allow her to air her views. An
unconditional positive regard for others is a strongly held feeling that Andreea values. She
prefers to be active and working with like minded people.
Andreea is a popular colleague and is at ease in the company of most people and in open work
situations. Andreea enjoys involvement in many activities, with a variety of people. She is
stimulated by doing the unexpected or the unusual. Looking for perfection in a relationship can
result in her sensing a vague dissatisfaction with the reality of the way things are. Andreea is
very co-operative and articulate, communicating sympathy, concern and a willingness to become
involved. A creative thinker, Andreea is generally warm, enthusiastic and confident of her own
abilities. She makes stimulating company with her witty and interesting conversational style.
She may harbour a belief that no one really understands her or cares about her. She may
become emotional and rather vulnerable in this state. Andreea has a remarkable ability to get
people to follow her lead. She may assume that she can talk her way round anybody. She is
warm-hearted, popular and sociable, with a large number of friends or acquaintances. She can
take issue with both colleagues and superiors but is unlikely to bear a grudge for long. She is
noted for her innate ability to inspire and encourage others around her and exhibits excellent
interpersonal skills.
Decision Making
People occasionally see Andreea making decisions that appear to fly in the face of logic. She
views talking through ideas with people to promote decision making as an effective strategy of
itself. Andreea's natural curiosity for new ideas will bring new and fresh ways of thinking to the
group. In her attempts to please others she may make promises she cannot fulfil. She prefers
tasks or projects which allow flexibility of scheduling.
She may unconsciously manipulate the process to get her own way. She is likely to decide in
favour of the solution that brings the highest level of approval from others. When a situation
demands forceful tactics, she can take the action necessary but will seldom go to extremes to
obtain retribution or reward. She is a quick decision maker and considers people within the
context of the result of the task. She would perform better if she focused more on in-depth study
of analytical data during the decision making process.
Trying to focus more on the facts, not just on the people, can be helpful in her decision making.
Her slogan might be “Act now pay later“ and her perceptions of life are based on the impact her
decisions have on those around her. She has the ability to appear to listen to other people's
viewpoints but may not necessarily be hearing or intending to action them. She may value
opinions over facts in considering a possible course of action. Others may see her decisions as
unrealistic in certain circumstances.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 7
Key Strengths & Weaknesses
This section identifies the key strengths which Andreea brings to the organisation. Andreea has
abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the
fundamental gifts she has to offer.
Andreea’s key strengths:
● Outwardly directed energy ensures a fast friendly pace.
● Initiates new activities.
● Excellent communication and presentation skills.
● Intuitive and optimistic.
● Her glass is usually half full.
● Sets a fast work pace.
● Has an outgoing nature and builds relationships quickly.
● Displays lots of self-confidence.
● Sees innovation as a necessity.
● Seeks variety in both tasks and relationships.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 8
Key Strengths & Weaknesses
Possible Weaknesses
Jung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weakness
is simply an overused strength. Andreea's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these
areas as possible weaknesses.
Andreea’s possible weaknesses:
● Finds it difficult to concentrate on the detail for long periods.
● Unduly affected or influenced by others' opinions.
● Not always attracted to what is practical.
● May take criticism of her work personally.
● May see the world through “rose-tinted glasses”.
● Over optimistic about the abilities of others.
● Finds it difficult to concentrate on a single topic for long periods.
● Her solutions may appear rather “off the wall”.
● Fails to appreciate the seriousness of certain situations.
● Loses interest when the initial challenge has gone.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 9
Value to the Team
Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which
they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Andreea
brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.
As a team member, Andreea:
● Motivates others with contagious enthusiasm.
● Bolsters and promotes team spirit.
● Creates considerable activity.
● Provides charismatic leadership.
● Is innovative and imaginative.
● Brings harmony to conflicting factions.
● Provides stimulation and resourcefulness.
● Makes friends quickly and easily.
● Provides life and a spirit of adventure to the team.
● Brings boundless energy to any situation.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 10
Effective Communications
Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each
person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies
some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Andreea. Identify the
most important statements and make them available to colleagues.
Strategies for communicating with Andreea:
● Provide dates and timescales for completion.
● Adapt to sudden changes in direction.
● Match her pace in presenting to her.
● Maintain personal content in communication.
● Stroke her ego if appropriate.
● Maintain a positive and open stance.
● Keep up a lively, but steady pace.
● Be tolerant of her need to switch topics without notice.
● Be clear on completion details.
● Offer praise and appreciation when due.
● Agree exactly what needs to be done.
● Avoid detailed reports, focus on people issues.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 11
Barriers to Effective Communication
Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Andreea. Some of the things to
be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and
mutually acceptable communication strategies.
When communicating with Andreea, DO NOT:
● Forget to agree outcomes or decide conclusions.
● Fail to recognise her best personal achievements.
● Be mundane, boring or dismissive.
● Impose final judgements on her views and opinions.
● Forget to recognise her personally in a job well done.
● Burden her with too many papers to read.
● Forget to offer praise and recognition when it is due.
● Insist on cumbersome reporting procedures.
● Impose a “can't be done” or defeatist attitude on her.
● Act aggressively or reject her ideas without explanation.
● Assume that her sunny disposition means that she agrees with everything you say.
● Emphasise established processes.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 12
Possible Blind Spots
Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we
are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our less
conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “Blind
Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them
for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.
Andreea’s possible Blind Spots:
Because Andreea places such a strong priority on experiencing new things, she sometimes
allows her other responsibilities to suffer from lack of attention. She should realise that on
occasions confrontation can clear the air. She may sometimes come across to others as
somewhat boastful and selfish.
Her constant ready socialising can interfere with the job at hand and get her into trouble.
Because she is rather easily distracted, she may have difficulty disciplining herself to complete
the task at all costs. She may be seen by others as shallow or superficial due in part to her glib
way with words and her orientation with the future. She often overlooks her own needs due to her
desire to please or help other people. She values fast action and doing many things at once.
When under pressure she may get the job done by cutting corners or neglecting quality. Seen by
many as a smooth talking persuader, Andreea may seem indifferent to people who appear to be
less of an extraverted achiever than herself.
She focuses on emotions to the point that she may fail to see the logical consequences of her
actions. Sometimes she is so intent on her own plans that she doesn't stop to listen to what
others have to say. She may be so concerned about the feelings of others that she can be blind
to important facts when the situation involves hurt feelings. Taking the time to pay closer
attention to what is actually going on in the world around her and listening carefully to both the
input and reactions of others will help her. She should try to suppress her automatic good feeling
towards people who treat her well, applying a cooler perception to the reality of the situation.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 13
Opposite Type
The description in this section is based on Andreea's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often,
we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different
to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal
growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.
Recognising your Opposite Type:
Andreea’s opposite Insights type is the Observer, Jung’s “Introverted Thinking” type.
Observers are precise, cautious and disciplined and are painstaking and conscientious in work
that requires attention and accuracy. They are objective thinkers, concerned with the right
answer and will avoid making quick decisions. Andreea may see the Observer as hesitating to
acknowledge a mistake or as becoming immersed in researching for data to support an isolated
Observers tend not to trust strangers and will worry about outcomes, their reputation and their
job. They are reticent about expressing their feelings and Andreea will often see the Observer as
unresponsive, cool and uncaring. Observers draw conclusions based on factual data. They may
be slow at producing results, as gathering data is the stimulating part of the job for them.
Observers like to make rules based on their own standards and apply those rules to daily life.
Andreea may find herself at odds with Observers due to their private nature and lack of
enthusiasm for social events. Introverted analysis may prevent the Observer from expressing
thoughts as readily as Andreea would wish.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 14
Opposite Type
Communication with Andreea's Opposite Type
Written specifically for Andreea, this section suggests some strategies she could use for effective
interaction with someone who is her opposite type on the Insights Wheel.
Andreea Lemnaru: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:
● Stay a reasonable distance away - don't invade her space.
● Keep the conversation impersonal.
● Allow plenty of time for her to assimilate new ideas or changes in plan.
● Remember her quiet demeanour and ask for her views.
● Avoid precipitating rare but spontaneous outbursts of emotion.
● Be clear and concise, and concentrate on the task in hand.
Andreea Lemnaru: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:
● Assume her pauses imply lack of interest.
● Be misled by her apparent reticence into thinking that she doesn't care.
● Be vague about facts and statistics.
● Focus on personal relationships.
● Flatter in order to influence her.
● Prevent her from expressing her thoughts.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 15
Suggestions for Development
Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.
However, listed below are some suggestions for Andreea’s development. Identify the most
important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a
personal development plan.
Andreea may benefit from:
● A weeks private meditation - alone.
● Becoming a better self-disciplinarian.
● Slowing down and thinking things through.
● Reaching decisions only after weighing up all the alternatives.
● Realising that some others are not as quick as she is.
● Questioning people about their assumptions.
● Constant reminding of the need to consider alternatives and anticipate consequences.
● Monitoring the in/out process flow of the department or office she works in.
● Sticking to the to-do lists she makes.
● Drafting watertight policy statements, agreements or procedures.
Personal Notes
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 16
The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel
Conscious Wheel Position
46: Motivating Inspirer (Accommodating)
Less Conscious Wheel Position
6: Motivating Inspirer (Focused)
Andreea Lemnaru
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 17
The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics
Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious)
1.76 3.40 4.92 4.12
29% 57% 82% 69%
1.08 1.88 4.24 2.60
18% 31% 71% 43%
Less Conscious
Insights Learning & Development
Terra Nova, 3 Explorer Road, Dundee, DD2 1EG, Scotland, UK.
TEL: +44(0)1382 908050 FAX: +44(0)1382 908051

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AndreeaLemnaru - 46 Motivating Inspirer (Accommodating)

  • 1. Andreea Lemnaru 09 November 2015 Foundation Chapter
  • 2. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 2 Personal Details Andreea Lemnaru Student UCN Vestergade 25 Aalborg Denmark 9400 Telephone: 50315471 Date Completed: 09 November 2015 Date Printed: 30 November 2015 Referral Code: soki0915/peve
  • 3. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 3 Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd. Contents Introduction............................................................................................................... 4 Overview .................................................................................................................. 5 Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5 Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5 Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6 Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7 Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8 Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9 Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10 Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11 Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12 Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13 Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15 The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 16 The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 17
  • 4. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 4 Introduction This Insights Discovery profile is based on Andreea Lemnaru’s responses to the Insights Preference Evaluator which was completed on 09 November 2015. The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings. Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the present day. Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them to better respond to the demands of their environment. Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you. Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally and interpersonally.
  • 5. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 5 Overview These statements provide a broad understanding of Andreea’s work style. Use this section to gain a better understanding of her approaches to her activities, relationships and decisions. Personal Style Ingenious, enthusiastic and outgoing, Andreea has great personal charm and can be successful in a variety of roles. She tends to have an interest in the new and unusual and is gifted at expressing her feelings. If she is in charge of having to monitor the detailed work of others she may find this uninteresting, stressful and exhausting. She may become pessimistic and gloomy when she is thwarted or fails to see ways to make the important changes in her life. Attending to others' wants is felt by her to be a satisfying, legitimate way of expressing her own deeper needs. At her best in jobs which deal with people and situations that require co-operative working, she dislikes impersonal tasks and work demanding factual accuracy, unless she can be free to include the people factor. She pays scant attention to negative, pessimistic or divisive situations or conclusions. Routine is the real bad news for her, and it may sap her energy. Work that is purely practical or work that leaves her on her own for long periods can make her irritable. She is convinced of her own abilities and is constantly seeking environments where people will appreciate her. She is an imaginative and creative visionary who is a source of inspiration to most. Her obvious charm and enthusiasm tends to make her popular with friends and colleagues alike. She will take every possible opportunity to generate new relationships or to be with others. Her energy comes from a variety of new projects and interests. She may show interest in so many different things that she has difficulty focusing on priorities. Her social gatherings are frequent and worth attending, particularly when they mark important events. With her friendly organisational skills, Andreea is supportive of other colleagues and will enthuse over most projects. Able to cope with a number of projects at once, Andreea gets a lot of enjoyment from the social aspects of work. She is used to doing several things at once, but others may view some of this as superficial activity. She may have had personal experience of the view that worthwhile success comes only after suffering significant misfortune. She is accomplished at working with individuals and groups and can quickly find herself pushed into a leadership role. Her mental processes operate best when she is in contact with other people. At times, events can overwhelm her and she may find it almost impossible to say “No”, even when the demands are unreasonable. Exhibiting a tendency to become concerned and hurt if her ideas are met with indifference or criticism, she may take conflict and rejection personally. Andreea radiates goodwill and enthusiasm. She is optimistic about life in general and human potential in particular. Andreea may generate more ideas, possibilities and plans in one day than others might manage in a month! Interacting with Others Andreea's ingenuity, warmth and her understanding of others allows her to proceed through life with great confidence. She is very effective in a leadership role, able to persuade others of the
  • 6. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 6 value of her vision. She radiates sympathy and understanding to all by nurturing and supporting. She is at her best in co-operative roles that deal with people and allow her to air her views. An unconditional positive regard for others is a strongly held feeling that Andreea values. She prefers to be active and working with like minded people. Andreea is a popular colleague and is at ease in the company of most people and in open work situations. Andreea enjoys involvement in many activities, with a variety of people. She is stimulated by doing the unexpected or the unusual. Looking for perfection in a relationship can result in her sensing a vague dissatisfaction with the reality of the way things are. Andreea is very co-operative and articulate, communicating sympathy, concern and a willingness to become involved. A creative thinker, Andreea is generally warm, enthusiastic and confident of her own abilities. She makes stimulating company with her witty and interesting conversational style. She may harbour a belief that no one really understands her or cares about her. She may become emotional and rather vulnerable in this state. Andreea has a remarkable ability to get people to follow her lead. She may assume that she can talk her way round anybody. She is warm-hearted, popular and sociable, with a large number of friends or acquaintances. She can take issue with both colleagues and superiors but is unlikely to bear a grudge for long. She is noted for her innate ability to inspire and encourage others around her and exhibits excellent interpersonal skills. Decision Making People occasionally see Andreea making decisions that appear to fly in the face of logic. She views talking through ideas with people to promote decision making as an effective strategy of itself. Andreea's natural curiosity for new ideas will bring new and fresh ways of thinking to the group. In her attempts to please others she may make promises she cannot fulfil. She prefers tasks or projects which allow flexibility of scheduling. She may unconsciously manipulate the process to get her own way. She is likely to decide in favour of the solution that brings the highest level of approval from others. When a situation demands forceful tactics, she can take the action necessary but will seldom go to extremes to obtain retribution or reward. She is a quick decision maker and considers people within the context of the result of the task. She would perform better if she focused more on in-depth study of analytical data during the decision making process. Trying to focus more on the facts, not just on the people, can be helpful in her decision making. Her slogan might be “Act now pay later“ and her perceptions of life are based on the impact her decisions have on those around her. She has the ability to appear to listen to other people's viewpoints but may not necessarily be hearing or intending to action them. She may value opinions over facts in considering a possible course of action. Others may see her decisions as unrealistic in certain circumstances. Personal Notes
  • 7. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 7 Key Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths This section identifies the key strengths which Andreea brings to the organisation. Andreea has abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the fundamental gifts she has to offer. Andreea’s key strengths: ● Outwardly directed energy ensures a fast friendly pace. ● Initiates new activities. ● Excellent communication and presentation skills. ● Intuitive and optimistic. ● Her glass is usually half full. ● Sets a fast work pace. ● Has an outgoing nature and builds relationships quickly. ● Displays lots of self-confidence. ● Sees innovation as a necessity. ● Seeks variety in both tasks and relationships. Personal Notes
  • 8. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 8 Key Strengths & Weaknesses Possible Weaknesses Jung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weakness is simply an overused strength. Andreea's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areas as possible weaknesses. Andreea’s possible weaknesses: ● Finds it difficult to concentrate on the detail for long periods. ● Unduly affected or influenced by others' opinions. ● Not always attracted to what is practical. ● May take criticism of her work personally. ● May see the world through “rose-tinted glasses”. ● Over optimistic about the abilities of others. ● Finds it difficult to concentrate on a single topic for long periods. ● Her solutions may appear rather “off the wall”. ● Fails to appreciate the seriousness of certain situations. ● Loses interest when the initial challenge has gone. Personal Notes
  • 9. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 9 Value to the Team Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Andreea brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members. As a team member, Andreea: ● Motivates others with contagious enthusiasm. ● Bolsters and promotes team spirit. ● Creates considerable activity. ● Provides charismatic leadership. ● Is innovative and imaginative. ● Brings harmony to conflicting factions. ● Provides stimulation and resourcefulness. ● Makes friends quickly and easily. ● Provides life and a spirit of adventure to the team. ● Brings boundless energy to any situation. Personal Notes
  • 10. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 10 Communication Effective Communications Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Andreea. Identify the most important statements and make them available to colleagues. Strategies for communicating with Andreea: ● Provide dates and timescales for completion. ● Adapt to sudden changes in direction. ● Match her pace in presenting to her. ● Maintain personal content in communication. ● Stroke her ego if appropriate. ● Maintain a positive and open stance. ● Keep up a lively, but steady pace. ● Be tolerant of her need to switch topics without notice. ● Be clear on completion details. ● Offer praise and appreciation when due. ● Agree exactly what needs to be done. ● Avoid detailed reports, focus on people issues. Personal Notes
  • 11. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 11 Communication Barriers to Effective Communication Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Andreea. Some of the things to be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and mutually acceptable communication strategies. When communicating with Andreea, DO NOT: ● Forget to agree outcomes or decide conclusions. ● Fail to recognise her best personal achievements. ● Be mundane, boring or dismissive. ● Impose final judgements on her views and opinions. ● Forget to recognise her personally in a job well done. ● Burden her with too many papers to read. ● Forget to offer praise and recognition when it is due. ● Insist on cumbersome reporting procedures. ● Impose a “can't be done” or defeatist attitude on her. ● Act aggressively or reject her ideas without explanation. ● Assume that her sunny disposition means that she agrees with everything you say. ● Emphasise established processes. Personal Notes
  • 12. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 12 Possible Blind Spots Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our less conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “Blind Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues. Andreea’s possible Blind Spots: Because Andreea places such a strong priority on experiencing new things, she sometimes allows her other responsibilities to suffer from lack of attention. She should realise that on occasions confrontation can clear the air. She may sometimes come across to others as somewhat boastful and selfish. Her constant ready socialising can interfere with the job at hand and get her into trouble. Because she is rather easily distracted, she may have difficulty disciplining herself to complete the task at all costs. She may be seen by others as shallow or superficial due in part to her glib way with words and her orientation with the future. She often overlooks her own needs due to her desire to please or help other people. She values fast action and doing many things at once. When under pressure she may get the job done by cutting corners or neglecting quality. Seen by many as a smooth talking persuader, Andreea may seem indifferent to people who appear to be less of an extraverted achiever than herself. She focuses on emotions to the point that she may fail to see the logical consequences of her actions. Sometimes she is so intent on her own plans that she doesn't stop to listen to what others have to say. She may be so concerned about the feelings of others that she can be blind to important facts when the situation involves hurt feelings. Taking the time to pay closer attention to what is actually going on in the world around her and listening carefully to both the input and reactions of others will help her. She should try to suppress her automatic good feeling towards people who treat her well, applying a cooler perception to the reality of the situation. Personal Notes
  • 13. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 13 Opposite Type The description in this section is based on Andreea's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often, we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness. Recognising your Opposite Type: Andreea’s opposite Insights type is the Observer, Jung’s “Introverted Thinking” type. Observers are precise, cautious and disciplined and are painstaking and conscientious in work that requires attention and accuracy. They are objective thinkers, concerned with the right answer and will avoid making quick decisions. Andreea may see the Observer as hesitating to acknowledge a mistake or as becoming immersed in researching for data to support an isolated view. Observers tend not to trust strangers and will worry about outcomes, their reputation and their job. They are reticent about expressing their feelings and Andreea will often see the Observer as unresponsive, cool and uncaring. Observers draw conclusions based on factual data. They may be slow at producing results, as gathering data is the stimulating part of the job for them. Observers like to make rules based on their own standards and apply those rules to daily life. Andreea may find herself at odds with Observers due to their private nature and lack of enthusiasm for social events. Introverted analysis may prevent the Observer from expressing thoughts as readily as Andreea would wish. Personal Notes
  • 14. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 14 Opposite Type Communication with Andreea's Opposite Type Written specifically for Andreea, this section suggests some strategies she could use for effective interaction with someone who is her opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Andreea Lemnaru: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type: ● Stay a reasonable distance away - don't invade her space. ● Keep the conversation impersonal. ● Allow plenty of time for her to assimilate new ideas or changes in plan. ● Remember her quiet demeanour and ask for her views. ● Avoid precipitating rare but spontaneous outbursts of emotion. ● Be clear and concise, and concentrate on the task in hand. Andreea Lemnaru: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT: ● Assume her pauses imply lack of interest. ● Be misled by her apparent reticence into thinking that she doesn't care. ● Be vague about facts and statistics. ● Focus on personal relationships. ● Flatter in order to influence her. ● Prevent her from expressing her thoughts. Personal Notes
  • 15. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 15 Suggestions for Development Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training. However, listed below are some suggestions for Andreea’s development. Identify the most important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a personal development plan. Andreea may benefit from: ● A weeks private meditation - alone. ● Becoming a better self-disciplinarian. ● Slowing down and thinking things through. ● Reaching decisions only after weighing up all the alternatives. ● Realising that some others are not as quick as she is. ● Questioning people about their assumptions. ● Constant reminding of the need to consider alternatives and anticipate consequences. ● Monitoring the in/out process flow of the department or office she works in. ● Sticking to the to-do lists she makes. ● Drafting watertight policy statements, agreements or procedures. Personal Notes
  • 16. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 16 The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel Conscious Wheel Position 46: Motivating Inspirer (Accommodating) Less Conscious Wheel Position 6: Motivating Inspirer (Focused)
  • 17. Andreea Lemnaru © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2015. All rights reserved. Page 17 The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious) 6 3 0 BLUE GREEN YELLOW RED 1.76 3.40 4.92 4.12 29% 57% 82% 69% 100 50 0 50 100 44.9% 6 3 0 BLUE GREEN YELLOW RED 1.08 1.88 4.24 2.60 18% 31% 71% 43% Conscious Less Conscious
  • 18. GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS Insights Learning & Development Terra Nova, 3 Explorer Road, Dundee, DD2 1EG, Scotland, UK. TEL: +44(0)1382 908050 FAX: +44(0)1382 908051 EMAIL: WEB: