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Simon Belanger-Lamarche
13 April 2016
Foundation Chapter
Effective Selling Chapter
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 2
Personal Details
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
Leads Developer
Cogeco Peer1
Date Completed: 13 April 2016
Date Printed: 16 May 2016
Referral Code: CP1/SB
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 3
Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.
Introduction............................................................................................................... 4
Overview .................................................................................................................. 5
Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5
Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5
Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6
Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7
Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8
Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9
Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10
Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11
Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12
Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13
Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15
Effective Selling Chapter ........................................................................................ 16
Selling Style Overview............................................................................................ 17
Before The Sale Begins ......................................................................................... 18
Identifying Needs.................................................................................................... 19
Proposing ............................................................................................................... 20
Handling Buying Resistance .................................................................................. 21
Gaining Commitment.............................................................................................. 22
Follow-up and Follow Through ............................................................................... 23
Sales Preference Indicators ................................................................................... 24
The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 25
The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 26
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 4
This Insights Discovery profile is based on Simon Belanger-Lamarche’s responses to the Insights
Preference Evaluator which was completed on 13 April 2016.
The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates
identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around
the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model
was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings.
Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in
understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the
present day.
Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding
and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and
weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them
to better respond to the demands of their environment.
Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It
reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete
any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify
whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.
Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take
action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on
areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally
and interpersonally.
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 5
These statements provide a broad understanding of Simon’s work style. Use this section to gain
a better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.
Personal Style
Simon's energy is given to the world in the service of others, and in an orderly, realistic and
practical way. He usually finds stress and chaos tough to handle. He attends to and likes to
remember significant events and important detail. Others need to be sure of their facts. He
prefers to discover, learn and understand the principles which underlie the information about the
world he has perceived through his senses. Simon will go to great lengths in order to fulfil his
sense of responsibility and obligation.
He is intensely curious and is always seeking to find coherence in endless amounts of data. He
has rather demanding standards both at home and at work. He tends to be disinterested in
subjects for which he sees no practical application. His strength is his ability to work
independently. He tends to be good with practiced tasks, interested in the how and the why of
the working. Simon has a gift for seeing the important facts of a situation.
He has high qualitative expectations of himself and may express disappointment if he is unable
to perform to these standards for any reason. Socially, he appears as shy to all but his closest
friends. Despite his quiet demeanour, he tends to thrive on excitement. He tends not to trust
strangers and is concerned about his family, reputation and job. He takes his commitments and
obligations seriously.
He can be a veritable storehouse of information on the things he knows well and understands.
Able to routinely perform his duties, the dedication he brings to his work can often be overlooked
because of his low profile. Simon is careful and orderly in his attention to facts and details. He is
thorough and conscientious in fulfilling all his responsibilities. He is driven by a high sense of
allegiance and obligation, resulting in a commitment to serve his partner, organisation and
humanity in general. Simon values people who take the time to understand his personal goals
and values.
Quiet and modest, Simon comes across as serious and hardworking. He greatly prefers to trust
what he can hear, smell, taste, touch and see, rather than accept abstract or intangible ideas. He
is self-contained, intellectual and fair. He is often more interested in “real things” than intangibles,
such as abstract ideas and theories. He relies on what he can hear, see and know from first hand
Interacting with Others
Simon is quiet, reserved, steady, dependable and caring, and in his relationships - as with
everything else - his strong sense of duty predominates. He is often inwardly absorbed in his
current analysis or problem solving and is inclined towards reticence. In a conflict, he typically
appears calm, unruffled, efficient and pragmatic. Simon prefers a quiet environment and tends to
gravitate towards workmates like himself. He is suspicious of what may be lurking beneath a
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 6
He may be highly critical of carelessness or lack of discipline in others. Simon likes to organise
facts and information rather than people or situations and he is cautious in developing his
interpersonal relationships. He has a rather impersonal style and may wrongly assume others
wish to be treated in the same impersonal manner. His interests do not help in social encounters,
where he is often perceived as distancing himself from social contact. By remaining open-minded
to untested or unconventional solutions, he would develop greater tolerance for differences and
end up being more effective.
He tends to lose himself in the details and daily operations of a project and, once immersed, he
can be rather rigid and unwilling to accept change. Simon prefers quiet and may develop
ingenious ways to make himself invisible, particularly when he is called upon to take part in social
or gregarious interaction. Simon is gentle, sympathetic, tactful and supportive of friends and
colleagues. He may perceive outgoing, extraverted people as rather noisy and shallow. He is
excellent at detecting the flaws in an idea but may neglect to praise good work.
Decision Making
Simon's decisions tend to be made only after he has gathered sufficient supporting data. He
makes decisions after a great deal of thought and he may not be dissuaded by emotional or
muddled arguments. He tends to make sound future decisions only after deeper reflection. He
will support those he considers as friends but can feel rather pressured if made to act against
what he considers as his better judgement. He is observant of the small jobs that need to be
done and will often offer to do them or just do them automatically.
He may at times make others feel defensive due to his incisive, critical and often persistent
questioning. Above all, he is concerned with what is “right” and because of this may appear slow
in the decision making process. He is usually aware of the need to comply with the established
view. He has a tendency to separate out the different components of his life, wanting
predictability and preferring to know various options in advance. With unshakeable,
well-thought-out plans, he is difficult to distract or discourage once he has embarked on what he
believes to be the correct course.
Tending to be sceptical of new ideas if he doesn't see their practical application, he prefers to
take time to consider the overall objective. Using past experiences to help him solve current
problems and get things done is one of his strong points. Simon's decisions are usually
consistent, practical and appropriate. He may lack patience with others who are less focused on
the job in hand. His focus on the present leads him not to take anything for granted - even
information from people he respects.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 7
Key Strengths & Weaknesses
This section identifies the key strengths which Simon brings to the organisation. Simon has
abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the
fundamental gifts he has to offer.
Simon’s key strengths:
● Strong and consistent principles.
● Attention to detail.
● A good memory for details.
● Well organised.
● Encourages structure and order.
● Tends to be practical and systematic.
● Good problem solver.
● His feet are firmly on the ground.
● Sensible and matter of fact.
● Usually weighs up all relevant factors before reaching decisions.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 8
Key Strengths & Weaknesses
Possible Weaknesses
Jung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weakness
is simply an overused strength. Simon's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areas
as possible weaknesses.
Simon’s possible weaknesses:
● Sometimes stifles innovation in others.
● Often requires extra time to complete tasks.
● Could appear too unemotional or uninvolved.
● Tends to lose himself in detail.
● May hide strong feelings until it is too late.
● Sometimes becomes ineffective when strong emotions are expressed.
● May appear slow to make decisions.
● Needs encouragement to share deeper feelings.
● May suppress creativity.
● Takes things too seriously.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 9
Value to the Team
Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which
they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Simon brings,
and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.
As a team member, Simon:
● Adapts in performing his role and responsibilities.
● May provide team numeracy, literacy or technical structure.
● Helps ensure consistency in team output.
● Is a dedicated supporter of the team.
● Brings a mature and stabilising influence to the team.
● Will maintain “fair play”.
● Can become absorbed in following projects through to completion.
● Brings a critical eye to improve team performance.
● Ensures a common-sense, practical approach.
● Ensures decisions are made logically.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 10
Effective Communications
Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each
person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies
some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Simon. Identify the
most important statements and make them available to colleagues.
Strategies for communicating with Simon:
● Maintain a serious disposition.
● Present only solid and reliable facts.
● Persuade using logic not emotion.
● Listen to his opinions.
● Talk quietly.
● If you ask a question, be quiet and give time for him to consider his response.
● Give him time to reflect inwardly.
● Use written communications whenever appropriate.
● Prepare thoroughly, and plan to explain every feature of your proposition.
● Appreciate his ability to amass a wide range of information.
● Ensure you have a logical reason for any changes.
● Ensure he sees and agrees with the benefit of change before implementation.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 11
Barriers to Effective Communication
Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Simon. Some of the things to
be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and
mutually acceptable communication strategies.
When communicating with Simon, DO NOT:
● Dwell on trivia.
● Show impatience with, or annoyance of, his calm exterior.
● Assume that because you have “told it like it is”, this will make the slightest difference to the
way that he does things.
● Reinforce his own self criticism.
● Get too close or touch him.
● Flatter in order to influence him.
● Be illogical or obscure.
● Argue emotionally around his specialist areas.
● Expect him to immediately strike up close relationships or friendships.
● Expect an immediate positive reaction.
● Labour the point or give lengthy verbal instructions.
● Get too excited or emotional.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 12
Possible Blind Spots
Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we
are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our less
conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “Blind
Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them
for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.
Simon’s possible Blind Spots:
Simon may have a tendency to downplay his own self importance. He may need to acknowledge
himself for the good work he does. Because of his well developed tolerance of himself and other
people, Simon may appear detached and disinterested. Continuously focusing on his current
experiences, he tends not to look beyond the moment and may miss the broader view.
Simon may appear impatient or withdrawn if pressed to perform at a faster pace than he
considers appropriate to the task in hand. His ability to detect what might go wrong is perceived
by some others as suspicion of anything new and untested. Attempting to be more flexible and
open-minded will help prevent Simon from becoming too rigid. Stubborn about change, he may
resist changing a decision once it has been made. He is something of a perfectionist, and can be
hypersensitive to criticism of his work.
He needs to work toward becoming more articulate and action-oriented. His ability to continually
consider and reconsider decisions made occasionally generates a feeling of remorse at what
might have been. He needs to let go of any experience that clouds his present well-being.
Because he is protective of his own view, he tends to over-regulate his system or process.
Sometimes envious of others whose drive and enthusiasm seems greater than his own, Simon
should worry less about what others might think of him. He becomes more effective with other
people when he directs his keen powers of observation towards being more sensitive and
considerate to the people around him.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 13
Opposite Type
The description in this section is based on Simon's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often,
we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different
to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal
growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.
Recognising your Opposite Type:
Simon’s opposite Insights type is the Motivator, Jung’s “Extraverted Intuitive” type.
Motivators have the ability to equally value results and people. They dislike detailed work but can
do it to achieve a specific short-term objective. They enjoy assignments that they believe makes
them look good. Simon may often see them, however, as too optimistic about what they and
other people can produce. Motivators may be difficult to manage. They are not natural
Simon may perceive the Motivator as indiscreet and sometimes hasty. Motivators need a variety
of activities and the opportunity of working in an environment with other people. They may
become workaholics if not aware of their limits. Motivators often seek material dominance, social
standing and status. They detest routine, detail and close supervision and can be devious or
even chameleon-like when something or someone gets in their way.
Simon will often sense a large ego in the Motivator and may wonder why the Motivator would
much rather engage in brief, intellectual banter than conclude some task or spend some quiet
time on their own. The Motivator may not remain totally committed to a schedule or project if a
better or more exciting challenge appears. They can often neglect important preparations that
they consider unnecessary.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 14
Opposite Type
Communication with Simon's Opposite Type
Written specifically for Simon, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effective
interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel.
Simon Belanger-Lamarche: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:
● Talk about him and areas he finds stimulating.
● Move swiftly from topic to topic.
● Point out the consequences, with care.
● Provide incentives and encouragement.
● Check that he is with you as he may be easily distracted from listening attentively.
● Use powerful and emotive adjectives.
Simon Belanger-Lamarche: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:
● Appear slow, sluggish or too formal.
● Undermine his authority.
● Keep him in the dark or he will do likewise.
● Forget to agree outcomes or decide conclusions.
● Be vague or leave things open to interpretation.
● Burden him with too many papers to read.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 15
Suggestions for Development
Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.
However, listed below are some suggestions for Simon’s development. Identify the most
important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a
personal development plan.
Simon may benefit from:
● Consciously fighting the negative “inner voice” that may prevent him from achieving his full
● Leaving things open-ended rather than always seeking closure.
● Responding spontaneously and dramatically.
● Changing his perception of aggression being a weakness to that of an essential gift that is
occasionally necessary to get things done.
● Identifying when extensive detail is not needed.
● Relating current actions to the longer term and bigger picture.
● Not being afraid to make mistakes.
● Recognising the need for heightened urgency in some projects.
● Accepting that perfection can often be a destructive standard to aspire to.
● More challenges, excitement and the opportunity to think on the run.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 16
Effective Selling Chapter
Effective selling has three main requirements:
First, the salesperson must understand him or herself, and how to build on strengths and develop
any areas of weakness, aware of how different customers perceive him or her.
Secondly, the salesperson must understand others - particularly customers - who are different.
Customers will often have opposing needs, expectations, desires and motivations than those of
the salesperson. These distinctions need to be appreciated and respected.
Thirdly, the salesperson must learn to adapt his or her behaviour to relate to, connect effectively
with, and influence, the customer.
This chapter is designed to support the development of each of these requirements at each
stage of the sales process.
The model below illustrates the conceptual overview of each of these different stages and the
corresponding sections explored in this chapter.
Use the Effective Selling Chapter to develop strategies for improved customer relationships,
greater self-understanding and more & greater sales.
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 17
Selling Style Overview
These statements provide a broad understanding of Simon's selling style. Use this section to
gain a better understanding of his approaches to his customer relationships.
Selling Style Overview
Simon is seen as generally relaxed, but capable of rising to a challenge. Customers find him to
be very reliable as he views the world realistically and tangibly. He prefers interacting with others
on subjects and situations with which he is familiar.
Whilst primarily a private person, he is able to conceal this trait from a client when the need
arises without compromising his natural introversion. However, Simon may need a period of
isolation later to balance this strategy. He prefers to conceal his real feelings from customers and
colleagues unless he knows them very well. Customers will welcome the exacting standards he
sets for projects, though colleagues may find him difficult to completely satisfy. In the sales
situation, he may not readily express how he feels. He does not enjoy pressure from customers
to deliver results and must make efforts to the need to speed up his approach.
He may sometimes appear to withhold information, unless a direct interest in obtaining it is
expressed by his customer. He is excellent at maintaining objectivity when considering the
customer's viewpoint. Despite having done a good job, his initial reaction after the sales call may
be a feeling that he could have done better in the relationship. He will find that showing a greater
interest in other people helps him in developing superior customer relationships. He conveys an
image of stability and reliability, which customers appreciate and trust.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 18
Before The Sale Begins
The sale begins long before the formal sales process starts and continues long after it ends.
Here are some of the key ideas that Simon needs to be aware of in the initial stages when
planning and approaching the customer.
Simon's key strengths before the sale begins:
● Realises the importance of the account planning process.
● Is thorough in researching the customer, the market, and the
● Will mentally rehearse presentations to ensure a good
personal performance.
● Applies an orderly and reflective approach to prospecting.
● Gently opens doors with his low key demeanour.
● Takes time to prepare for the call.
Before the sale begins Simon could:
● Set testing and stretching sales targets for himself.
● Try accepting some new, unusual and difficult sales
● Avoid taking things too seriously.
● Practise offering compliments to promote positive
self-esteem in the customer.
● Include personal contacts and acquaintances in his sales
● Inject some humour to help break the ice.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 19
Identifying Needs
In identifying needs, the goal is to find out what the customer's real problems are. Here is an
overview and some advice relating to how Simon may identify customer needs.
Simon's key strengths in identifying sales needs:
● Remembers and prioritises salient details when identifying
and qualifying the issues.
● Methodically identifies and notes customer feedback and
● Uncovers customer needs with probing questions.
● Takes notes effectively and efficiently.
● Takes personal responsibility for accurately defining his
customer's views.
● Logical and consistent in his methodology.
When identifying needs Simon could:
● Compose "big picture" questions to encourage the customer
to talk more subjectively.
● Remember that information-gathering is a process that will
expose opportunities.
● 'Go with' intuitive clients and resist his own urge for detail.
● Try mind-maps or diagrams to heighten the effectiveness of
his note-taking.
● Remember that outcomes can be more important than the
● Try not to judge customers who have a more extraverted
style of communication.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 20
Having identified the customer's needs, the proposing phase should close the gap between their
needs and the current situation. Here are some of the keys for Simon to develop a powerful and
effective proposing style.
Simon's key strengths in proposing:
● Demonstrates understanding of complex issues, usually
through incorporating the essential details in the analysis.
● Follows a logical path that includes all relevant information.
● Includes preparation and structure among his presentational
● Makes highly comprehensive proposals.
● Approaches the task of proposing solutions in an orderly and
systematic manner.
● His customers appreciate his genuine depth of knowledge.
When proposing Simon could:
● Continually recap on the current and future benefits of
● Show the enthusiasm to heighten the buyer's attention and
sustain interest throughout.
● Dress "brightly" or "sensibly" as the occasion requires.
● Consider that "do it now" may work just as well as "do it
● Take a less serious view of subjective reality.
● Reach out to warm to the prospective client.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 21
Handling Buying Resistance
If the customer relationship has been built effectively, buying resistance should be low. However,
this section suggests strategies for Simon to deal effectively with buying resistance.
Simon's key strengths in dealing with buying resistance:
● Identifies genuine objections through careful listening.
● Overcomes most objections through his quiet determination.
● Provides the solutions in a well-organised manner.
● Uses common sense solutions to circumvent obstacles.
● Notes "body language" signals, enabling the identification of
key objectives.
● Uses an empathetic style to reduce the likelihood of
uncertainty in the customer.
When dealing with buying resistance Simon could:
● Avoid becoming overly serious.
● Remember that this can be a fun part of the process.
● Smile, and lighten his tone when responding.
● Think out loud if the prospect is responsive.
● Avoid applying detailed responses to every rebuttal.
● Refrain from over-reliance on past experiences - explore new
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 22
Gaining Commitment
The close should be the natural progression of the sale, not the conflict at the end! When your
customer trusts you, is clear about what they are buying and needs what you have to sell, you
are ready to propose commitment. Here are the strengths and suggestions for development in
Simon's closing style.
Simon's key strengths in gaining commitment to the sale:
● Uses a structured approach.
● Always honours his obligations.
● Checks details in full, to confirm accurate understanding.
● Minimises risk in order to increase opportunities to close.
● Times closing opportunities to perfection.
● Considers patient listening to be a critical requirement.
When gaining commitment Simon could:
● Be aware of his tendency to "split hairs" from time to time.
● Negotiate in a rather less formal style.
● Expect the unexpected to be beneficial - not injurious.
● Say: "Why don't we just do it now?" if appropriate.
● Use the team more, when he can.
● Inject a greater sense of urgency into the decision-making
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 23
Follow-up and Follow Through
It is your job, having built a relationship with your customer, to continue that relationship and to
be of service to your customer beyond the initial sale. Here are some ideas which Simon can use
to support, inform and follow-up with the customer.
Simon's key strengths in sales follow-up and follow through:
● Seeks agreement throughout the servicing process.
● Adheres to tried and tested systems and procedures.
● Develops close relationships with long-standing customers.
● Obtains detailed feedback at every stage.
● Can apply systematic and straightforward processes.
● Has a consistent and trustworthy consultancy manner.
When following-up and following through Simon could:
● Socialise with his customers more.
● Allow for greater flexibility in the after-sales support process.
● Rely less on repeat or referred business.
● Seek to spread his personal influence more actively.
● Plan to work closely with his customer.
● Spend more time on "face-to-face" customer contact.
Personal Notes
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 24
Sales Preference Indicators
Before The Sale Begins
Building Trust4.4
Clear Objectives4.2
Getting Appointments1.4
Identifying Needs
Creating Opportunities2.4
Focused & Relevant4.4
Enthusiastic Presentation1.8
Shows Understanding of Needs4.4
Organisation & Accuracy9.2
Handling Buying Resistance
Direct Handling of Objections3.4
Clarifying Details4.8
Meeting Concerns6.1
Gaining Commitment
Minimising Risks9.2
Meeting Clients' Needs7.7
Follow-up and Follow Through
Maintains Contact7.3
Account Planning4.4
Relationship Maintenance4.3
Developing the Account2.9
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 25
The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel
Conscious Wheel Position
33: Observing Coordinator (Classic)
Less Conscious Wheel Position
32: Supporting Coordinator (Classic)
Simon Belanger-Lamarche
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 26
The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics
Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious)
5.80 5.16 1.68 1.48
97% 86% 28% 25%
4.32 4.52 0.20 0.84
72% 75% 3% 14%
Less Conscious
Insights Learning & Development
Terra Nova, 3 Explorer Road, Dundee, DD2 1EG, Scotland, UK.
TEL: +44(0)1382 908050 FAX: +44(0)1382 908051

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SimonBelanger-Lamarche - 33 Observing Coordinator (Classic)

  • 1. Simon Belanger-Lamarche 13 April 2016 Foundation Chapter Effective Selling Chapter
  • 2. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 2 Personal Details Simon Belanger-Lamarche Leads Developer Cogeco Peer1 Telephone: Date Completed: 13 April 2016 Date Printed: 16 May 2016 Referral Code: CP1/SB
  • 3. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 3 Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd. Contents Introduction............................................................................................................... 4 Overview .................................................................................................................. 5 Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5 Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5 Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6 Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7 Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8 Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9 Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10 Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11 Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12 Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13 Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15 Effective Selling Chapter ........................................................................................ 16 Selling Style Overview............................................................................................ 17 Before The Sale Begins ......................................................................................... 18 Identifying Needs.................................................................................................... 19 Proposing ............................................................................................................... 20 Handling Buying Resistance .................................................................................. 21 Gaining Commitment.............................................................................................. 22 Follow-up and Follow Through ............................................................................... 23 Sales Preference Indicators ................................................................................... 24 The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 25 The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 26
  • 4. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 4 Introduction This Insights Discovery profile is based on Simon Belanger-Lamarche’s responses to the Insights Preference Evaluator which was completed on 13 April 2016. The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings. Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the present day. Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them to better respond to the demands of their environment. Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you. Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally and interpersonally.
  • 5. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 5 Overview These statements provide a broad understanding of Simon’s work style. Use this section to gain a better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions. Personal Style Simon's energy is given to the world in the service of others, and in an orderly, realistic and practical way. He usually finds stress and chaos tough to handle. He attends to and likes to remember significant events and important detail. Others need to be sure of their facts. He prefers to discover, learn and understand the principles which underlie the information about the world he has perceived through his senses. Simon will go to great lengths in order to fulfil his sense of responsibility and obligation. He is intensely curious and is always seeking to find coherence in endless amounts of data. He has rather demanding standards both at home and at work. He tends to be disinterested in subjects for which he sees no practical application. His strength is his ability to work independently. He tends to be good with practiced tasks, interested in the how and the why of the working. Simon has a gift for seeing the important facts of a situation. He has high qualitative expectations of himself and may express disappointment if he is unable to perform to these standards for any reason. Socially, he appears as shy to all but his closest friends. Despite his quiet demeanour, he tends to thrive on excitement. He tends not to trust strangers and is concerned about his family, reputation and job. He takes his commitments and obligations seriously. He can be a veritable storehouse of information on the things he knows well and understands. Able to routinely perform his duties, the dedication he brings to his work can often be overlooked because of his low profile. Simon is careful and orderly in his attention to facts and details. He is thorough and conscientious in fulfilling all his responsibilities. He is driven by a high sense of allegiance and obligation, resulting in a commitment to serve his partner, organisation and humanity in general. Simon values people who take the time to understand his personal goals and values. Quiet and modest, Simon comes across as serious and hardworking. He greatly prefers to trust what he can hear, smell, taste, touch and see, rather than accept abstract or intangible ideas. He is self-contained, intellectual and fair. He is often more interested in “real things” than intangibles, such as abstract ideas and theories. He relies on what he can hear, see and know from first hand experience. Interacting with Others Simon is quiet, reserved, steady, dependable and caring, and in his relationships - as with everything else - his strong sense of duty predominates. He is often inwardly absorbed in his current analysis or problem solving and is inclined towards reticence. In a conflict, he typically appears calm, unruffled, efficient and pragmatic. Simon prefers a quiet environment and tends to gravitate towards workmates like himself. He is suspicious of what may be lurking beneath a smile.
  • 6. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 6 He may be highly critical of carelessness or lack of discipline in others. Simon likes to organise facts and information rather than people or situations and he is cautious in developing his interpersonal relationships. He has a rather impersonal style and may wrongly assume others wish to be treated in the same impersonal manner. His interests do not help in social encounters, where he is often perceived as distancing himself from social contact. By remaining open-minded to untested or unconventional solutions, he would develop greater tolerance for differences and end up being more effective. He tends to lose himself in the details and daily operations of a project and, once immersed, he can be rather rigid and unwilling to accept change. Simon prefers quiet and may develop ingenious ways to make himself invisible, particularly when he is called upon to take part in social or gregarious interaction. Simon is gentle, sympathetic, tactful and supportive of friends and colleagues. He may perceive outgoing, extraverted people as rather noisy and shallow. He is excellent at detecting the flaws in an idea but may neglect to praise good work. Decision Making Simon's decisions tend to be made only after he has gathered sufficient supporting data. He makes decisions after a great deal of thought and he may not be dissuaded by emotional or muddled arguments. He tends to make sound future decisions only after deeper reflection. He will support those he considers as friends but can feel rather pressured if made to act against what he considers as his better judgement. He is observant of the small jobs that need to be done and will often offer to do them or just do them automatically. He may at times make others feel defensive due to his incisive, critical and often persistent questioning. Above all, he is concerned with what is “right” and because of this may appear slow in the decision making process. He is usually aware of the need to comply with the established view. He has a tendency to separate out the different components of his life, wanting predictability and preferring to know various options in advance. With unshakeable, well-thought-out plans, he is difficult to distract or discourage once he has embarked on what he believes to be the correct course. Tending to be sceptical of new ideas if he doesn't see their practical application, he prefers to take time to consider the overall objective. Using past experiences to help him solve current problems and get things done is one of his strong points. Simon's decisions are usually consistent, practical and appropriate. He may lack patience with others who are less focused on the job in hand. His focus on the present leads him not to take anything for granted - even information from people he respects. Personal Notes
  • 7. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 7 Key Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths This section identifies the key strengths which Simon brings to the organisation. Simon has abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the fundamental gifts he has to offer. Simon’s key strengths: ● Strong and consistent principles. ● Attention to detail. ● A good memory for details. ● Well organised. ● Encourages structure and order. ● Tends to be practical and systematic. ● Good problem solver. ● His feet are firmly on the ground. ● Sensible and matter of fact. ● Usually weighs up all relevant factors before reaching decisions. Personal Notes
  • 8. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 8 Key Strengths & Weaknesses Possible Weaknesses Jung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weakness is simply an overused strength. Simon's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areas as possible weaknesses. Simon’s possible weaknesses: ● Sometimes stifles innovation in others. ● Often requires extra time to complete tasks. ● Could appear too unemotional or uninvolved. ● Tends to lose himself in detail. ● May hide strong feelings until it is too late. ● Sometimes becomes ineffective when strong emotions are expressed. ● May appear slow to make decisions. ● Needs encouragement to share deeper feelings. ● May suppress creativity. ● Takes things too seriously. Personal Notes
  • 9. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 9 Value to the Team Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Simon brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members. As a team member, Simon: ● Adapts in performing his role and responsibilities. ● May provide team numeracy, literacy or technical structure. ● Helps ensure consistency in team output. ● Is a dedicated supporter of the team. ● Brings a mature and stabilising influence to the team. ● Will maintain “fair play”. ● Can become absorbed in following projects through to completion. ● Brings a critical eye to improve team performance. ● Ensures a common-sense, practical approach. ● Ensures decisions are made logically. Personal Notes
  • 10. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 10 Communication Effective Communications Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Simon. Identify the most important statements and make them available to colleagues. Strategies for communicating with Simon: ● Maintain a serious disposition. ● Present only solid and reliable facts. ● Persuade using logic not emotion. ● Listen to his opinions. ● Talk quietly. ● If you ask a question, be quiet and give time for him to consider his response. ● Give him time to reflect inwardly. ● Use written communications whenever appropriate. ● Prepare thoroughly, and plan to explain every feature of your proposition. ● Appreciate his ability to amass a wide range of information. ● Ensure you have a logical reason for any changes. ● Ensure he sees and agrees with the benefit of change before implementation. Personal Notes
  • 11. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 11 Communication Barriers to Effective Communication Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Simon. Some of the things to be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and mutually acceptable communication strategies. When communicating with Simon, DO NOT: ● Dwell on trivia. ● Show impatience with, or annoyance of, his calm exterior. ● Assume that because you have “told it like it is”, this will make the slightest difference to the way that he does things. ● Reinforce his own self criticism. ● Get too close or touch him. ● Flatter in order to influence him. ● Be illogical or obscure. ● Argue emotionally around his specialist areas. ● Expect him to immediately strike up close relationships or friendships. ● Expect an immediate positive reaction. ● Labour the point or give lengthy verbal instructions. ● Get too excited or emotional. Personal Notes
  • 12. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 12 Possible Blind Spots Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our less conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “Blind Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues. Simon’s possible Blind Spots: Simon may have a tendency to downplay his own self importance. He may need to acknowledge himself for the good work he does. Because of his well developed tolerance of himself and other people, Simon may appear detached and disinterested. Continuously focusing on his current experiences, he tends not to look beyond the moment and may miss the broader view. Simon may appear impatient or withdrawn if pressed to perform at a faster pace than he considers appropriate to the task in hand. His ability to detect what might go wrong is perceived by some others as suspicion of anything new and untested. Attempting to be more flexible and open-minded will help prevent Simon from becoming too rigid. Stubborn about change, he may resist changing a decision once it has been made. He is something of a perfectionist, and can be hypersensitive to criticism of his work. He needs to work toward becoming more articulate and action-oriented. His ability to continually consider and reconsider decisions made occasionally generates a feeling of remorse at what might have been. He needs to let go of any experience that clouds his present well-being. Because he is protective of his own view, he tends to over-regulate his system or process. Sometimes envious of others whose drive and enthusiasm seems greater than his own, Simon should worry less about what others might think of him. He becomes more effective with other people when he directs his keen powers of observation towards being more sensitive and considerate to the people around him. Personal Notes
  • 13. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 13 Opposite Type The description in this section is based on Simon's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often, we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness. Recognising your Opposite Type: Simon’s opposite Insights type is the Motivator, Jung’s “Extraverted Intuitive” type. Motivators have the ability to equally value results and people. They dislike detailed work but can do it to achieve a specific short-term objective. They enjoy assignments that they believe makes them look good. Simon may often see them, however, as too optimistic about what they and other people can produce. Motivators may be difficult to manage. They are not natural administrators. Simon may perceive the Motivator as indiscreet and sometimes hasty. Motivators need a variety of activities and the opportunity of working in an environment with other people. They may become workaholics if not aware of their limits. Motivators often seek material dominance, social standing and status. They detest routine, detail and close supervision and can be devious or even chameleon-like when something or someone gets in their way. Simon will often sense a large ego in the Motivator and may wonder why the Motivator would much rather engage in brief, intellectual banter than conclude some task or spend some quiet time on their own. The Motivator may not remain totally committed to a schedule or project if a better or more exciting challenge appears. They can often neglect important preparations that they consider unnecessary. Personal Notes
  • 14. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 14 Opposite Type Communication with Simon's Opposite Type Written specifically for Simon, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effective interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Simon Belanger-Lamarche: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type: ● Talk about him and areas he finds stimulating. ● Move swiftly from topic to topic. ● Point out the consequences, with care. ● Provide incentives and encouragement. ● Check that he is with you as he may be easily distracted from listening attentively. ● Use powerful and emotive adjectives. Simon Belanger-Lamarche: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT: ● Appear slow, sluggish or too formal. ● Undermine his authority. ● Keep him in the dark or he will do likewise. ● Forget to agree outcomes or decide conclusions. ● Be vague or leave things open to interpretation. ● Burden him with too many papers to read. Personal Notes
  • 15. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 15 Suggestions for Development Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training. However, listed below are some suggestions for Simon’s development. Identify the most important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a personal development plan. Simon may benefit from: ● Consciously fighting the negative “inner voice” that may prevent him from achieving his full potential. ● Leaving things open-ended rather than always seeking closure. ● Responding spontaneously and dramatically. ● Changing his perception of aggression being a weakness to that of an essential gift that is occasionally necessary to get things done. ● Identifying when extensive detail is not needed. ● Relating current actions to the longer term and bigger picture. ● Not being afraid to make mistakes. ● Recognising the need for heightened urgency in some projects. ● Accepting that perfection can often be a destructive standard to aspire to. ● More challenges, excitement and the opportunity to think on the run. Personal Notes
  • 16. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 16 Effective Selling Chapter Effective selling has three main requirements: First, the salesperson must understand him or herself, and how to build on strengths and develop any areas of weakness, aware of how different customers perceive him or her. Secondly, the salesperson must understand others - particularly customers - who are different. Customers will often have opposing needs, expectations, desires and motivations than those of the salesperson. These distinctions need to be appreciated and respected. Thirdly, the salesperson must learn to adapt his or her behaviour to relate to, connect effectively with, and influence, the customer. This chapter is designed to support the development of each of these requirements at each stage of the sales process. The model below illustrates the conceptual overview of each of these different stages and the corresponding sections explored in this chapter. Use the Effective Selling Chapter to develop strategies for improved customer relationships, greater self-understanding and more & greater sales.
  • 17. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 17 Selling Style Overview These statements provide a broad understanding of Simon's selling style. Use this section to gain a better understanding of his approaches to his customer relationships. Selling Style Overview Simon is seen as generally relaxed, but capable of rising to a challenge. Customers find him to be very reliable as he views the world realistically and tangibly. He prefers interacting with others on subjects and situations with which he is familiar. Whilst primarily a private person, he is able to conceal this trait from a client when the need arises without compromising his natural introversion. However, Simon may need a period of isolation later to balance this strategy. He prefers to conceal his real feelings from customers and colleagues unless he knows them very well. Customers will welcome the exacting standards he sets for projects, though colleagues may find him difficult to completely satisfy. In the sales situation, he may not readily express how he feels. He does not enjoy pressure from customers to deliver results and must make efforts to the need to speed up his approach. He may sometimes appear to withhold information, unless a direct interest in obtaining it is expressed by his customer. He is excellent at maintaining objectivity when considering the customer's viewpoint. Despite having done a good job, his initial reaction after the sales call may be a feeling that he could have done better in the relationship. He will find that showing a greater interest in other people helps him in developing superior customer relationships. He conveys an image of stability and reliability, which customers appreciate and trust. Personal Notes
  • 18. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 18 Before The Sale Begins The sale begins long before the formal sales process starts and continues long after it ends. Here are some of the key ideas that Simon needs to be aware of in the initial stages when planning and approaching the customer. Simon's key strengths before the sale begins: ● Realises the importance of the account planning process. ● Is thorough in researching the customer, the market, and the competition. ● Will mentally rehearse presentations to ensure a good personal performance. ● Applies an orderly and reflective approach to prospecting. ● Gently opens doors with his low key demeanour. ● Takes time to prepare for the call. Before the sale begins Simon could: ● Set testing and stretching sales targets for himself. ● Try accepting some new, unusual and difficult sales assignments. ● Avoid taking things too seriously. ● Practise offering compliments to promote positive self-esteem in the customer. ● Include personal contacts and acquaintances in his sales pipeline. ● Inject some humour to help break the ice. Personal Notes
  • 19. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 19 Identifying Needs In identifying needs, the goal is to find out what the customer's real problems are. Here is an overview and some advice relating to how Simon may identify customer needs. Simon's key strengths in identifying sales needs: ● Remembers and prioritises salient details when identifying and qualifying the issues. ● Methodically identifies and notes customer feedback and needs. ● Uncovers customer needs with probing questions. ● Takes notes effectively and efficiently. ● Takes personal responsibility for accurately defining his customer's views. ● Logical and consistent in his methodology. When identifying needs Simon could: ● Compose "big picture" questions to encourage the customer to talk more subjectively. ● Remember that information-gathering is a process that will expose opportunities. ● 'Go with' intuitive clients and resist his own urge for detail. ● Try mind-maps or diagrams to heighten the effectiveness of his note-taking. ● Remember that outcomes can be more important than the process. ● Try not to judge customers who have a more extraverted style of communication. Personal Notes
  • 20. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 20 Proposing Having identified the customer's needs, the proposing phase should close the gap between their needs and the current situation. Here are some of the keys for Simon to develop a powerful and effective proposing style. Simon's key strengths in proposing: ● Demonstrates understanding of complex issues, usually through incorporating the essential details in the analysis. ● Follows a logical path that includes all relevant information. ● Includes preparation and structure among his presentational skills. ● Makes highly comprehensive proposals. ● Approaches the task of proposing solutions in an orderly and systematic manner. ● His customers appreciate his genuine depth of knowledge. When proposing Simon could: ● Continually recap on the current and future benefits of acceptance. ● Show the enthusiasm to heighten the buyer's attention and sustain interest throughout. ● Dress "brightly" or "sensibly" as the occasion requires. ● Consider that "do it now" may work just as well as "do it right". ● Take a less serious view of subjective reality. ● Reach out to warm to the prospective client. Personal Notes
  • 21. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 21 Handling Buying Resistance If the customer relationship has been built effectively, buying resistance should be low. However, this section suggests strategies for Simon to deal effectively with buying resistance. Simon's key strengths in dealing with buying resistance: ● Identifies genuine objections through careful listening. ● Overcomes most objections through his quiet determination. ● Provides the solutions in a well-organised manner. ● Uses common sense solutions to circumvent obstacles. ● Notes "body language" signals, enabling the identification of key objectives. ● Uses an empathetic style to reduce the likelihood of uncertainty in the customer. When dealing with buying resistance Simon could: ● Avoid becoming overly serious. ● Remember that this can be a fun part of the process. ● Smile, and lighten his tone when responding. ● Think out loud if the prospect is responsive. ● Avoid applying detailed responses to every rebuttal. ● Refrain from over-reliance on past experiences - explore new ways. Personal Notes
  • 22. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 22 Gaining Commitment The close should be the natural progression of the sale, not the conflict at the end! When your customer trusts you, is clear about what they are buying and needs what you have to sell, you are ready to propose commitment. Here are the strengths and suggestions for development in Simon's closing style. Simon's key strengths in gaining commitment to the sale: ● Uses a structured approach. ● Always honours his obligations. ● Checks details in full, to confirm accurate understanding. ● Minimises risk in order to increase opportunities to close. ● Times closing opportunities to perfection. ● Considers patient listening to be a critical requirement. When gaining commitment Simon could: ● Be aware of his tendency to "split hairs" from time to time. ● Negotiate in a rather less formal style. ● Expect the unexpected to be beneficial - not injurious. ● Say: "Why don't we just do it now?" if appropriate. ● Use the team more, when he can. ● Inject a greater sense of urgency into the decision-making timeframe. Personal Notes
  • 23. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 23 Follow-up and Follow Through It is your job, having built a relationship with your customer, to continue that relationship and to be of service to your customer beyond the initial sale. Here are some ideas which Simon can use to support, inform and follow-up with the customer. Simon's key strengths in sales follow-up and follow through: ● Seeks agreement throughout the servicing process. ● Adheres to tried and tested systems and procedures. ● Develops close relationships with long-standing customers. ● Obtains detailed feedback at every stage. ● Can apply systematic and straightforward processes. ● Has a consistent and trustworthy consultancy manner. When following-up and following through Simon could: ● Socialise with his customers more. ● Allow for greater flexibility in the after-sales support process. ● Rely less on repeat or referred business. ● Seek to spread his personal influence more actively. ● Plan to work closely with his customer. ● Spend more time on "face-to-face" customer contact. Personal Notes
  • 24. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 24 Sales Preference Indicators Before The Sale Begins Researching6.4 Building Trust4.4 Clear Objectives4.2 Getting Appointments1.4 Identifying Needs Listening8.9 Questioning8.8 Encouraging4.6 Creating Opportunities2.4 Proposing Focused & Relevant4.4 Enthusiastic Presentation1.8 Shows Understanding of Needs4.4 Organisation & Accuracy9.2 Handling Buying Resistance Direct Handling of Objections3.4 Persuasion3.0 Clarifying Details4.8 Meeting Concerns6.1 Gaining Commitment Closing1.9 Flexibility4.0 Minimising Risks9.2 Meeting Clients' Needs7.7 Follow-up and Follow Through Maintains Contact7.3 Account Planning4.4 Relationship Maintenance4.3 Developing the Account2.9
  • 25. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 25 The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel Conscious Wheel Position 33: Observing Coordinator (Classic) Less Conscious Wheel Position 32: Supporting Coordinator (Classic)
  • 26. Simon Belanger-Lamarche © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 26 The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious) 6 3 0 BLUE GREEN YELLOW RED 5.80 5.16 1.68 1.48 97% 86% 28% 25% 100 50 0 50 100 42.9% 6 3 0 BLUE GREEN YELLOW RED 4.32 4.52 0.20 0.84 72% 75% 3% 14% Conscious Less Conscious
  • 27. GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS Insights Learning & Development Terra Nova, 3 Explorer Road, Dundee, DD2 1EG, Scotland, UK. TEL: +44(0)1382 908050 FAX: +44(0)1382 908051 EMAIL: WEB: