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Respiratory system
Anil Patidar
Assistant professor
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 1
• Vital system in human body
• Important role in breathing
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 2
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 3
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 4
Major Functions of the
Respiratory System
• To supply the body with oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide
• Respiration – four distinct processes must happen
• Pulmonary ventilation – moving air into and out of the lungs
• External respiration – gas exchange between the lungs and the blood
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT
• Transport – transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide
between the lungs and tissues
• Internal respiration – gas exchange between
systemic blood vessels and tissues
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT
Division of Respiratory system
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 7
Nose & Nasal Cavity
The nose consists of the external nose and the nasal
Both are divided by a septum into right and left halves.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 8
External Nose
• The external nose has two elliptical orifices called the naris
(nostrils), which are separated from each other by the nasal
• The lateral margin, the ala nasi, is rounded and mobile.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 9
• The framework of the external nose is made up above by the nasal
bones, the frontal processes of the maxillae, and the nasal part of
the frontal bone.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 10
Nasal cartilages
• The nasal cartilages provide structure and support to the nose.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 11
Structure of the Nose
Figure 22.
Blood Supply of the External
• The skin of the external nose is supplied by branches of the
ophthalmic and the maxillary arteries.
• The skin of the ala and the lower part of the septum are supplied by
branches from the facial artery.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 13
Nasal Cavity
The Roof divided into three Part
• Fronto nasal Part- is slopping and is formed by nasal cartilage, Nasal
bone and frontal bone
• Ethimoidal Part - in the middle by the cribriform plate of the
• Sphenoidal Part – is also slopping and is formed by body of sphenoid
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 14
The floor of Nasal cavity
• Palatine process maxilla
• Horizontal plate palatine bone
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 15
• The Medial Wall of Nasal Cavity
• • The Nasal Septum
• Divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves
• It has osseous and cartilaginous parts
• • Nasal septum consists of the perpendicular plate of the
ethmoid bone (superior), the vomer (inferior) and septal
cartilage (anterior)
Plate (ethmoid
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 16
• The Lateral Walls of Nasal Cavity
• Three shelf like projection called –conchae (Turbinate)
-Superior concha
- Middle concha
- Inferior concha
• The space below each concha is called a meatus
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 17
Posterior ethmoidal air cells
open into superior meatus
Drainage of two of the paranasal
sinuses: the sphenoid and back
(posterior) ethmoid sinuses.
Nasolacrimal Canal drains into
Inferior Meatus (The nasolacrimal duct (tear duct) empties any drainage from
the eyes, starting at the external eye and emptying into the inferior meatus.)
Drainage of three of the paranasal sinuses; the
maxillary, frontal, and front (anterior) ethmoid
sinuses. Airflow through the paranasal sinuses
which creates the tones of our voices.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 18
Blood Supply to the Nasal Cavity
• From branches of the maxillary artery, one of the terminal branches
of the external carotid artery.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 19
Functions of Nose
• The only externally visible part of the respiratory system
that functions by:
• Providing an airway for respiration
• Moistening (humidifying) and warming the entering air
• Filtering inspired air and cleaning it of foreign matter
• Serving as a resonating chamber for speech
• Housing the olfactory receptors
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 20
The Paranasal Sinuses
• The paranasal sinuses are
cavities found in the interior of
the maxilla, frontal, sphenoid,
and ethmoid bones .
• They are lined with
mucoperiosteum and filled
with air.
• They communicate with the
nasal cavity through relatively
small apertures.2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 21
Drainage of Mucus and Function of
Paranasal Sinuses
• The mucus produced by the mucous membrane is moved into
the nose by ciliary action of the columnar cells.
• Functions:
• 1. Resonators of the voice
• 2. They also reduce the skulls weight
• 3. Help wam and moisten inhaled air
• 4. Act as shock absorbers in trauma
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 22
• It lies behind the nose, mouth
and larynx and is wider at its
upper end.
• The upper part of the pharynx
transmits only air, the lower
part( below the inlet of the
larynx) only food, but the
middle part is a common
passage for both air and food
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 23
1. Nasopharynx
Nasopharynx is the uppermost
part of the pharynx, It lies
behind the nasal cavities and
extends from the base of skull to
the soft palate
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 24
Function of Nasopharynx
1-Conduit for air.
2-Through the eustachian tube, it ventilates the middle ear and
equalizes air pressure.
3-Acts as a resonating chamber during voice production.
4-Acts as a drainage channel for the mucus secreted by nasal
and nasopharyngeal glands.
5-Elevation of the soft palate against posterior pharyngeal wall its
helps to separate nasopharynx from oropharynx, This function is
important during swallowing, vomiting, and speech.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 25
Nasopharyngeal tonsils or
pharyngeal tonsil (ADENOID)
• It is a subepithelial
collection of lymphoid
tissue at the junction of
roof and posterior wall of
nasopharynx, It
increases in size up to
the age of 6 years and
then gradually atrophies.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 26
Oropharynx is the middle
part of the pharynx,
located between the soft
palate and superior border
of epiglottis.
The oropharynx lies
behind the oral cavity.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 27
• Function of Oropharynx:
1. As a conduit for passage of air and food.
2. Helps in the pharyngeal phase of deglutition
3. Provides local defense and immunity against harmful
intruders into the air and food passages.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 28
• Hypopharynx is the lowest part of
the pharynx and lies behind and
partly on the sides of the larynx.
• Hypopharynx lies opposite the
third, fourth, fifth, sixth cervical
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 29
• Function of Laryngopharynx:
• 1-common pathway for air and food.
• 2-provides a vocal tract for resonance of
certain speech sounds.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 30
Blood supply:
• Arterial supply
• -Ascending pharyngeal from external carotid artery
• -Tonsillar and ascending palatine from facial artery
• -Descending palatine artery from maxillary artery
• -Lingual artery
Venous drainage:
• To pharyngeal and pterygoid venous plexus then to the
• common facial veins and internal jugular vein
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 31
The Larynx (Voice box)
• Commonly called- voice box
• Shape- tube shaped.
• Composed- muscles, cartilages,
connective tissue.
• Bony part- hyoid bone.
• Location- 4-6 cervical vertebra.
• Lies- midline of the neck.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 32
• The shape of the larynx in lower side is circular and
from the upper it is tringular in shape.
• Its length is 4.3 cm,
• transverse diameter is 4.2 cm and anterior posterior
diameter 3.6 cm.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 33
• The larynx is composed of nine
pieces of cartilage.
• Arytenoid cartilage
• Corniculate cartilage
• Cuneiform cartilage
• Thyroid cartilage
• Cricoid cartilage
• Epiglottis
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 34
• Thyroid cartilage
Largest cartilage.
consist of two laminae the
anterior border of which
are fused with each other
at an angle in the middle
line of the neck and form
a subcutaneous
projection named as
laryngeal prominence
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 35
• A ring of hyaline cartilage
known as SIGNET RING.
• attached to the first ring of
cartilage of the trachea by
the cricotracheal ligament
• the thyroid cartilage is
connected to the cricoid
cartilage by the
cricothyroid ligament
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 36
• •It is a large leaf-shaped
piece of elastic cartilage that
is covered with epithelium
• the broad superior leaf
portion of epiglottis is
unattached and free to
move up and down like a
trap door
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 37
• Tringular pieces, hyaline cartilage
located at the posterior, superior
border of the cricoid cartilage at
the back of the larynx.
• Posterior surface in tringular,
smooth and concave.
Anterolateral surface is convex
and rough
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 38
• Two small conical nodules
• Shape-horn shaped , elastic
• Located apex of the each
• cartilage. Situated in the
posterior part of the
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 39
• club shaped,placed one on
either side , in the
aryepiglottic fold.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 40
• Upper Larynx
– External carotid artery
– Superior thyroid artery
– Superior laryngeal artery
• • Lower Larynx
– Subclavian artery
– Thyrocervical artery
– Inferior thyroid artery
– Inferior laryngeal artery
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 41
• Protection
• Respiration
• Phonation
• Closure of glottis
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 42
• The trachea is a mobile cartilaginous
and membranous tube.
• It begins as a continuation of the
larynx at the lower border of the cricoid
cartilage at the level of the 6th cervical
• Trachea ends at the carina by dividing
into right and left principal (main)
bronchi at the level of the sternal angle
(opposite the disc between the fourth
and fifth thoracic vertebrae
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 43
The carina is a cartilaginous
ridge within the trachea at the
site of the tracheal bifurcation
• In adults the trachea is about
4½ in. (11.25 cm) long and 1
in. (2.5 cm) in diameter
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 44
• U-shaped cartilaginous bars
(rings) of hyaline cartilage
embedded in its wall and keep
the trachea patent.
• The trachealis muscle which is
a smooth muscle that connects
the posterior free ends of the
cartilage are connected.
• The mucous membrane of the
trachea is lined with
pseudostratified ciliated
columnar epithelium and
contains many goblet cells and
tubular mucous glands2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 45
• Blood Supply of the Trachea
• The upper two thirds are supplied by the inferior thyroid
arteries and the lower third is supplied by the bronchial
• Nerve Supply of the Trachea
The sensory nerve supply is from the vagi and the
recurrent laryngeal nerves. Sympathetic nerves
supply the trachealis muscle
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 46
The Bronchi
• The trachea bifurcates at
the level of sternal angle
into the right and left
principal (primary, or main
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 47
Right Bronchus
• about 2.5cm long, it is shorter than the left
primary bronchus, but wider in diameter
• Right primary bronchi branches into three
secondary or lobar bronchi, the superior
(upper), middle, and inferior (lower) lobar
• The secondary bronchi then further
subdivide into ten tertiary or segmental
• These tertiary bronchi then give rise to the
subsegmental bronchi, which then leads
to the smallest branches of a bronchus,
the bronchioles
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 48
Left bronchus
• is around 5cm in size, twice as long
as the right main bronchus
• left one also divides into two lobar
bronchi, the superior and inferior
lobar bronchi
• lobar bronchi then subdivide into
eight tertiary or segmental bronchi
• tertiary bronchi continue to divide into
smaller tubes to become
subsegmental bronchi and then
bronchioles, Alveoli2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 49
• Lungs are a pair of respiratory
organs situated in the thoracic
• In the young ,lungs are brown or
grey in color. Gradually, they
become mottled black because of
the deposition of inhaled carbon
• The right lung weighs about 700g.It
is about 50- 100g heavier than the
left lung.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 50
• 1)Each lung is conical in shape
• 2)It has a) apex at the upper end
b) Base resting on the
• c) Three borders,i.e.,anterior,
posterior, and inferior
• d) Two surfaces,i.e.costal and
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 51
• The apex lies above the level of
first rib. It reaches 2.5 cm above
the medial one third of
clavicle,just medial to
supraclavicular fossa.
The base rests on the diaphragm
which separates the right lung from
the right lobe of the liver and the
left lung from the left lobe of the
liver, fundus of stomach and the
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 52
• The anterior border of the
left lung shows a wide
cardiac notch (lingual)
below the level of the
fourth costal cartilage.
• The posterior border -It
extends from the level of
7th cervical spine to the
10th thoracic spine
• Inferior border separates
the base from costal and
medial surfaces.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 53
Fissures and lobes of the lungs
• The right lung is divided into
three lobes by two fissures,
oblique and horizontal
• The left lung is divided into two
lobes by oblique fissure
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 54
• Root of Lungs
• It is formed by the structures which either
enter or come out of the lung at the hilum
• 1) Principal bronchus on the left side, and
eparterial and hyparterial bronchi on right
• 2)One pulmonary artery
• 3)Two pulmonary veins, superior and
• 4)Bronchial arteries ,one on the right side
and two on the left side
• 5)Bronchial veins
• 6)Anterior and posterior pulmonary
plexuses of nerves
• 7)Lymphatics of lung
• 8)Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes
• 9)Areolar tissue2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 55
• Lung enclosed in 2 layers of
pleura - visceral & parietal
• Space b/w them - pleural
• Turn over of pleural fluid - 1-
2 L/Day
• 5-10 ml fluid present at any
• Normally no free gas in
pleural space
• There is a negative pressure
in pleural space
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 56
• 1) Right pulmonary artery
• 2) Left pulmonary artery
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 57
• Superior pulmonary vein
• Inferior pulmonary Vein
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 58
• The term respiration means the exchange of gases between body
cells and the environment
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 59
Types of Respiration
 1. External Respiration:
 Exchange of O2 & CO2
Between lungs & blood
Internal Respiration:
Exchange of gases between
blood & tissues.
Mechanism of Respiration
• Muscles of Respiration
i. Primary Inspiratory: Diaphragm
ii. Accessory Inspiratory: Sternomastoid, Scaleni, Anterior Serrati,
Elevators of Scapula & Pectorals
iii. Primary Expiratory: Internal Intercostal muscles
iv. Accessory expiratory: Abdominal muscles Inspiration
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 60
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 61
• Inspiration
• 1. Diaphragm muscle
contracts, increasing
thoracic cavity size in the
• 2. External intercostal
muscles contract,
expanding lateral &
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 62
• Expiration
• Relaxation of the intercostal
muscles and the diaphragm results
in downward and inward movement
of the rib cage and elastic recoil of
the lungs.
• • As this occurs, pressure inside the
lungs exceeds that in the
atmosphere and so air is expelled
from respiratory tract.
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 63
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 64
Exchanges of Gases
• External respiration
• • External respiration refers to gas
exchange across the respiratory
membrane in the lungs.
• • Each alveolar wall is one cell thick
and surrounded by a network of tiny
• • Carbon dioxide diffuses from
venous blood down its
concentration gradient into the
• • By the same process, oxygen
diffuses from the alveoli into the
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 65
• Internal respiration
• • Internal respiration refers to
gas exchange across the
respiratory membrane in the
metabolizing tissues, like your
skeletal muscles
• Oxygen: blood (104 mm)
tissues (40 mm)
• Carbon Dioxide: tissues (>45
mm) blood (40 mm)
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 66
• The respiratory center: Medulla oblongata
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 67
Pulmonary Volumes, Capacities
Respiratory Volumes
• 1. Tidal volume (TV) - Normal volume of air inspired or expired
during quiet breathing- 500 ml
• 2. Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) - Extra volume of air inhaled
after tidal volume by max inspiratory effort. (3000ml)
• 3. Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) - Extra volume of air that
can be exhaled after tidal volume by max expiratory (1100 ml)
• 4. Residual volume (RV) - air that remains in lungs even after
totally forced exhalation (1200ml).
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 68
• Respiratory Capacities
1. Inspiratory capacity (IC) = Max volume of air that can be
inspired after normal tidal expiration
TV + IRV (500 +3000 = 3500 ml).
2. Expiratory Capacity (EC)= Max volume of air that can be
expired after normal tidal inspiration
EC=TV+ERV (500+1100=1600ml)
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 69
3. Functional residual capacity (FRC) - Volume of air remaining in
lungs after normal tidal expiration
FRC= ERV + RV ( 1100 + 1200 = 2300ml
4. Vital capacity (VC) = Max Amount of air expelled after deepest
possible inspiration
500+3000+1100= 4600ml
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 70
5. Total lung capacity (TLC) = Volume of air present in lung after
max inspiration
TV + IRV + ERV + RV (the SUM of all volumes; about 6.0 L).
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 71
2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 72

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Anatomy & physiology of respiratory system

  • 1. Respiratory system Anil Patidar Assistant professor 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 1
  • 2. Introduction • Vital system in human body • Important role in breathing 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 2
  • 5. 5 Major Functions of the Respiratory System • To supply the body with oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide • Respiration – four distinct processes must happen • Pulmonary ventilation – moving air into and out of the lungs • External respiration – gas exchange between the lungs and the blood 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT
  • 6. 6 • Transport – transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and tissues • Internal respiration – gas exchange between systemic blood vessels and tissues 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT
  • 7. Division of Respiratory system 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 7
  • 8. Nose & Nasal Cavity The nose consists of the external nose and the nasal cavity, Both are divided by a septum into right and left halves. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 8
  • 9. External Nose • The external nose has two elliptical orifices called the naris (nostrils), which are separated from each other by the nasal septum. • The lateral margin, the ala nasi, is rounded and mobile. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 9
  • 10. • The framework of the external nose is made up above by the nasal bones, the frontal processes of the maxillae, and the nasal part of the frontal bone. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 10
  • 11. Nasal cartilages • The nasal cartilages provide structure and support to the nose. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 11
  • 12. CHARUSAT 12 Structure of the Nose Figure 22. 2/12/2020
  • 13. Blood Supply of the External Nose • The skin of the external nose is supplied by branches of the ophthalmic and the maxillary arteries. • The skin of the ala and the lower part of the septum are supplied by branches from the facial artery. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 13
  • 14. Nasal Cavity The Roof divided into three Part • Fronto nasal Part- is slopping and is formed by nasal cartilage, Nasal bone and frontal bone • Ethimoidal Part - in the middle by the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, • Sphenoidal Part – is also slopping and is formed by body of sphenoid bone. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 14
  • 15. The floor of Nasal cavity • Palatine process maxilla • Horizontal plate palatine bone 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 15
  • 16. • The Medial Wall of Nasal Cavity • • The Nasal Septum • Divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves • It has osseous and cartilaginous parts • • Nasal septum consists of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone (superior), the vomer (inferior) and septal cartilage (anterior) Septal Cartilage Perpendicular Plate (ethmoid Vomer 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 16
  • 17. • The Lateral Walls of Nasal Cavity • Three shelf like projection called –conchae (Turbinate) -Superior concha - Middle concha - Inferior concha • The space below each concha is called a meatus 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 17
  • 18. Posterior ethmoidal air cells open into superior meatus Drainage of two of the paranasal sinuses: the sphenoid and back (posterior) ethmoid sinuses. Nasolacrimal Canal drains into Inferior Meatus (The nasolacrimal duct (tear duct) empties any drainage from the eyes, starting at the external eye and emptying into the inferior meatus.) Drainage of three of the paranasal sinuses; the maxillary, frontal, and front (anterior) ethmoid sinuses. Airflow through the paranasal sinuses which creates the tones of our voices. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 18
  • 19. Blood Supply to the Nasal Cavity • From branches of the maxillary artery, one of the terminal branches of the external carotid artery. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 19
  • 20. Functions of Nose • The only externally visible part of the respiratory system that functions by: • Providing an airway for respiration • Moistening (humidifying) and warming the entering air • Filtering inspired air and cleaning it of foreign matter • Serving as a resonating chamber for speech • Housing the olfactory receptors 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 20
  • 21. The Paranasal Sinuses • The paranasal sinuses are cavities found in the interior of the maxilla, frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones . • They are lined with mucoperiosteum and filled with air. • They communicate with the nasal cavity through relatively small apertures.2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 21
  • 22. Drainage of Mucus and Function of Paranasal Sinuses • The mucus produced by the mucous membrane is moved into the nose by ciliary action of the columnar cells. • Functions: • 1. Resonators of the voice • 2. They also reduce the skulls weight • 3. Help wam and moisten inhaled air • 4. Act as shock absorbers in trauma 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 22
  • 23. Pharynx • It lies behind the nose, mouth and larynx and is wider at its upper end. • The upper part of the pharynx transmits only air, the lower part( below the inlet of the larynx) only food, but the middle part is a common passage for both air and food 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 23
  • 24. 1. Nasopharynx Nasopharynx is the uppermost part of the pharynx, It lies behind the nasal cavities and extends from the base of skull to the soft palate 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 24
  • 25. Function of Nasopharynx 1-Conduit for air. 2-Through the eustachian tube, it ventilates the middle ear and equalizes air pressure. 3-Acts as a resonating chamber during voice production. 4-Acts as a drainage channel for the mucus secreted by nasal and nasopharyngeal glands. 5-Elevation of the soft palate against posterior pharyngeal wall its helps to separate nasopharynx from oropharynx, This function is important during swallowing, vomiting, and speech. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 25
  • 26. Nasopharyngeal tonsils or pharyngeal tonsil (ADENOID) • It is a subepithelial collection of lymphoid tissue at the junction of roof and posterior wall of nasopharynx, It increases in size up to the age of 6 years and then gradually atrophies. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 26
  • 27. • OROPHARYNX Oropharynx is the middle part of the pharynx, located between the soft palate and superior border of epiglottis. The oropharynx lies behind the oral cavity. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 27
  • 28. • Function of Oropharynx: 1. As a conduit for passage of air and food. 2. Helps in the pharyngeal phase of deglutition (swallowing). 3. Provides local defense and immunity against harmful intruders into the air and food passages. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 28
  • 29. Laryngopharynx • Hypopharynx is the lowest part of the pharynx and lies behind and partly on the sides of the larynx. • Hypopharynx lies opposite the third, fourth, fifth, sixth cervical vertebrae 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 29
  • 30. • Function of Laryngopharynx: • 1-common pathway for air and food. • 2-provides a vocal tract for resonance of certain speech sounds. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 30
  • 31. Blood supply: • Arterial supply • -Ascending pharyngeal from external carotid artery • -Tonsillar and ascending palatine from facial artery • -Descending palatine artery from maxillary artery • -Lingual artery Venous drainage: • To pharyngeal and pterygoid venous plexus then to the • common facial veins and internal jugular vein 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 31
  • 32. The Larynx (Voice box) • Commonly called- voice box • Shape- tube shaped. • Composed- muscles, cartilages, connective tissue. • Bony part- hyoid bone. • Location- 4-6 cervical vertebra. • Lies- midline of the neck. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 32
  • 33. • The shape of the larynx in lower side is circular and from the upper it is tringular in shape. • Its length is 4.3 cm, • transverse diameter is 4.2 cm and anterior posterior diameter 3.6 cm. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 33
  • 34. • The larynx is composed of nine pieces of cartilage. • PAIRED • Arytenoid cartilage • Corniculate cartilage • Cuneiform cartilage • UNPAIRED: • Thyroid cartilage • Cricoid cartilage • Epiglottis 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 34
  • 35. • Thyroid cartilage Largest cartilage. consist of two laminae the anterior border of which are fused with each other at an angle in the middle line of the neck and form a subcutaneous projection named as ADAM’S APPLE OR laryngeal prominence 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 35
  • 36. CRICOID CARTILAG • A ring of hyaline cartilage known as SIGNET RING. • attached to the first ring of cartilage of the trachea by the cricotracheal ligament • the thyroid cartilage is connected to the cricoid cartilage by the cricothyroid ligament 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 36
  • 37. EPIGLOTTIS • •It is a large leaf-shaped piece of elastic cartilage that is covered with epithelium • the broad superior leaf portion of epiglottis is unattached and free to move up and down like a trap door 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 37
  • 38. • ARYTENOID CARTILAGE • Tringular pieces, hyaline cartilage located at the posterior, superior border of the cricoid cartilage at the back of the larynx. • Posterior surface in tringular, smooth and concave. Anterolateral surface is convex and rough 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 38
  • 39. • CORNICULATE CARTILAGES • Two small conical nodules • Shape-horn shaped , elastic cartilage. • Located apex of the each arytenoid • cartilage. Situated in the posterior part of the aryepiglottic. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 39
  • 40. • CUNEIFORM CARTILAGES • club shaped,placed one on either side , in the aryepiglottic fold. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 40
  • 41. • BLOOD SUPPLY • Upper Larynx – External carotid artery – Superior thyroid artery – Superior laryngeal artery • • Lower Larynx – Subclavian artery – Thyrocervical artery – Inferior thyroid artery – Inferior laryngeal artery 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 41
  • 42. BASIC FUNCTIONS OF LARYNX • Protection • Respiration • Phonation • Closure of glottis 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 42
  • 43. Trachea • The trachea is a mobile cartilaginous and membranous tube. • It begins as a continuation of the larynx at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra • Trachea ends at the carina by dividing into right and left principal (main) bronchi at the level of the sternal angle (opposite the disc between the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 43
  • 44. The carina is a cartilaginous ridge within the trachea at the site of the tracheal bifurcation • In adults the trachea is about 4½ in. (11.25 cm) long and 1 in. (2.5 cm) in diameter 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 44
  • 45. • U-shaped cartilaginous bars (rings) of hyaline cartilage embedded in its wall and keep the trachea patent. • The trachealis muscle which is a smooth muscle that connects the posterior free ends of the cartilage are connected. • The mucous membrane of the trachea is lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium and contains many goblet cells and tubular mucous glands2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 45
  • 46. • Blood Supply of the Trachea • The upper two thirds are supplied by the inferior thyroid arteries and the lower third is supplied by the bronchial arteries. • Nerve Supply of the Trachea The sensory nerve supply is from the vagi and the recurrent laryngeal nerves. Sympathetic nerves supply the trachealis muscle 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 46
  • 47. The Bronchi • The trachea bifurcates at the level of sternal angle into the right and left principal (primary, or main bronchi) 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 47
  • 48. Right Bronchus • about 2.5cm long, it is shorter than the left primary bronchus, but wider in diameter • Right primary bronchi branches into three secondary or lobar bronchi, the superior (upper), middle, and inferior (lower) lobar bronchi. • The secondary bronchi then further subdivide into ten tertiary or segmental bronchi • These tertiary bronchi then give rise to the subsegmental bronchi, which then leads to the smallest branches of a bronchus, the bronchioles 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 48
  • 49. Left bronchus • is around 5cm in size, twice as long as the right main bronchus • left one also divides into two lobar bronchi, the superior and inferior lobar bronchi • lobar bronchi then subdivide into eight tertiary or segmental bronchi • tertiary bronchi continue to divide into smaller tubes to become subsegmental bronchi and then bronchioles, Alveoli2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 49
  • 50. Lungs • Lungs are a pair of respiratory organs situated in the thoracic cavity. • In the young ,lungs are brown or grey in color. Gradually, they become mottled black because of the deposition of inhaled carbon particles • The right lung weighs about 700g.It is about 50- 100g heavier than the left lung. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 50
  • 51. • 1)Each lung is conical in shape • 2)It has a) apex at the upper end b) Base resting on the diaphragm • c) Three borders,i.e.,anterior, posterior, and inferior • d) Two surfaces,i.e.costal and medial 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 51
  • 52. • The apex lies above the level of first rib. It reaches 2.5 cm above the medial one third of clavicle,just medial to supraclavicular fossa. The base rests on the diaphragm which separates the right lung from the right lobe of the liver and the left lung from the left lobe of the liver, fundus of stomach and the spleen 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 52
  • 53. • The anterior border of the left lung shows a wide cardiac notch (lingual) below the level of the fourth costal cartilage. • The posterior border -It extends from the level of 7th cervical spine to the 10th thoracic spine • Inferior border separates the base from costal and medial surfaces. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 53
  • 54. Fissures and lobes of the lungs • The right lung is divided into three lobes by two fissures, oblique and horizontal • The left lung is divided into two lobes by oblique fissure 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 54
  • 55. • Root of Lungs • It is formed by the structures which either enter or come out of the lung at the hilum • 1) Principal bronchus on the left side, and eparterial and hyparterial bronchi on right side • 2)One pulmonary artery • 3)Two pulmonary veins, superior and inferior • 4)Bronchial arteries ,one on the right side and two on the left side • 5)Bronchial veins • 6)Anterior and posterior pulmonary plexuses of nerves • 7)Lymphatics of lung • 8)Bronchopulmonary lymph nodes • 9)Areolar tissue2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 55
  • 56. Pleura • Lung enclosed in 2 layers of pleura - visceral & parietal • Space b/w them - pleural space • Turn over of pleural fluid - 1- 2 L/Day • 5-10 ml fluid present at any time • Normally no free gas in pleural space • There is a negative pressure in pleural space 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 56
  • 57. • ARTERIAL SUPPLY • 1) Right pulmonary artery • 2) Left pulmonary artery 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 57
  • 58. VENOUS DRAINAGE • Superior pulmonary vein • Inferior pulmonary Vein 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 58
  • 59. RESPIRATION • The term respiration means the exchange of gases between body cells and the environment 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 59 Types of Respiration  1. External Respiration:  Exchange of O2 & CO2 Between lungs & blood Internal Respiration: Exchange of gases between blood & tissues.
  • 60. Mechanism of Respiration • Muscles of Respiration i. Primary Inspiratory: Diaphragm ii. Accessory Inspiratory: Sternomastoid, Scaleni, Anterior Serrati, Elevators of Scapula & Pectorals iii. Primary Expiratory: Internal Intercostal muscles iv. Accessory expiratory: Abdominal muscles Inspiration 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 60
  • 62. • Inspiration • 1. Diaphragm muscle contracts, increasing thoracic cavity size in the superior-inferior dimension • 2. External intercostal muscles contract, expanding lateral & anterior-posterior dimension 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 62
  • 63. • Expiration • Relaxation of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm results in downward and inward movement of the rib cage and elastic recoil of the lungs. • • As this occurs, pressure inside the lungs exceeds that in the atmosphere and so air is expelled from respiratory tract. 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 63
  • 65. Exchanges of Gases • External respiration • • External respiration refers to gas exchange across the respiratory membrane in the lungs. • • Each alveolar wall is one cell thick and surrounded by a network of tiny capillaries. • • Carbon dioxide diffuses from venous blood down its concentration gradient into the alveoli. • • By the same process, oxygen diffuses from the alveoli into the blood 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 65
  • 66. • Internal respiration • • Internal respiration refers to gas exchange across the respiratory membrane in the metabolizing tissues, like your skeletal muscles • Oxygen: blood (104 mm) tissues (40 mm) • Carbon Dioxide: tissues (>45 mm) blood (40 mm) 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 66
  • 67. CONTROL OF RESPIRATION • The respiratory center: Medulla oblongata 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 67
  • 68. Pulmonary Volumes, Capacities Respiratory Volumes • 1. Tidal volume (TV) - Normal volume of air inspired or expired during quiet breathing- 500 ml • 2. Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) - Extra volume of air inhaled after tidal volume by max inspiratory effort. (3000ml) • 3. Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) - Extra volume of air that can be exhaled after tidal volume by max expiratory (1100 ml) • 4. Residual volume (RV) - air that remains in lungs even after totally forced exhalation (1200ml). 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 68
  • 69. • Respiratory Capacities 1. Inspiratory capacity (IC) = Max volume of air that can be inspired after normal tidal expiration TV + IRV (500 +3000 = 3500 ml). 2. Expiratory Capacity (EC)= Max volume of air that can be expired after normal tidal inspiration EC=TV+ERV (500+1100=1600ml) 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 69
  • 70. 3. Functional residual capacity (FRC) - Volume of air remaining in lungs after normal tidal expiration FRC= ERV + RV ( 1100 + 1200 = 2300ml 4. Vital capacity (VC) = Max Amount of air expelled after deepest possible inspiration VC = TV+IRV+ERV 500+3000+1100= 4600ml 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 70
  • 71. 5. Total lung capacity (TLC) = Volume of air present in lung after max inspiration TV + IRV + ERV + RV (the SUM of all volumes; about 6.0 L). 2/12/2020 CHARUSAT 71

Editor's Notes

  1. They increase the surface area of these cavities, thus providing for rapid warming and humidification of air as it passes to the lungs.
  2. Partial Pressure Gradients & Solubilities a. Oxygen: alveolar (104 mm) ---> blood (40 mm) b. Carbon Dioxide: blood (45 mm) ----> alveolar (40 mm) (carbon dioxide much more soluble than oxygen)