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Anatomy of a
Reusable Module
Alessandro Franceschi
PuppetConf 2013
Include classes
Set Params 
Integration Logic
Configuration Files
How do we use Puppet today
Include classes
Set Parameters / Variables
Integration logic
Configuration files
Operating Systems
Node classifiers
Installation methods
Alternative setups
Harder  Longer
Not Optimized for
Managed resources attributes
Application specific config options
Application logic and behaviour
Integration with other modules
Parameters: Resources attributes
$package = $redis::params::package,
$service = $redis::params::service,
$service_ensure = 'running',
$service_enable = true,
$file = $redis::params::file,
$file_notify = Service['redis'],
$file_source = undef,
$file_content = undef,
Too much?
$package_provider = undef,
$file_owner = $redis::params::file_owner,
$file_group = $redis::params::file_group,
$file_mode = $redis::params::file_mode,
$file_replace = $redis::params::file_replace,
Benefits from: A standard naming convention
Parameters: Application options
$puppet_server = “puppet.${::domain}”,
$syslog_server = “syslog.${::domain}”,
$munin_server = “munin.${::domain}”,
$dns_servers = [ '' , '' ],
Too much!
$anonymous_enable = true,
$anon_mkdir_write_enable = true,
$anon_upload_enable = false,
$chroot_list_enable = true,
$chroot_list_file = '/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list',
$resourcefile = $nagios::params::resourcefile,
$statusfile = $nagios::params::statusfile,
$commandfile = $nagios::params::commandfile,
$resultpath = $nagios::params::resultpath,
$retentionfile = $nagios::params::retentionfile,
$p1file = $nagios::params::p1file,
Benefits from: Template + Options Hash pattern
Parameters: Application logic
$install_client = true,
$install_stomp_server = true,
$install_plugins = true,
$use_ssl = false,
$munin_autoconfigure = true,
$service_autorestart = true,
$manage_package_repo = true,
$run_initdb = undef,
Benefits from: A standard naming convention
Parameters: Modules Integrations
$mongo_db_host = $graylog2::params::mongo_db_host,
$mongo_db_port = $graylog2::params::mongo_db_port,
$mongo_db_name = $graylog2::params::mongo_db_name,
$mongo_user = $graylog2::params::mongo_user,
$mongo_password = $graylog2::params::mongo_password,
$elasticsearch_template = $graylog2::params::elasticsearch_template,
$elasticsearch_path = $graylog2::params::elasticsearch_path,
$database = $puppetdb::params::database,
$manage_redhat_firewall = $puppetdb::params::manage_redhat_firewall,
$db_type = 'mysql',
Benefits from: Shared Stacks
Let user decide how
to manage
configuration files.
custom types
Managing files: source  content
class redis (
$file = $redis::params::file,
$file_source = undef,
$file_template = undef,
$file_content = undef,
) {
$managed_file_content = $file_content ? {
undef = $file_template ? {
undef = undef,
default = template($file_template),
default = $file_content,
if $redis::file {
file { 'redis.conf':
path = $redis::file,
source = $redis::file_source,
content = $redis::managed_file_content,
Provide the Puppet path of an erb template
class { ‘redis’:
file_template = ‘site/redis/
Provide directly the content attribute
class { ‘redis’:
file_content = “template(‘site/redis/
Provide a fileserver source path
class { ‘redis’:
file_source = ‘puppet:///modules/site/
Manage the configuration file with other methods
(augeas, concat...)
class { ‘redis’: }
Add parameters
to main class
Use a generic
conf define
Manage the whole
configuration dir
Multiple files: Add parameters
class elasticsearch (
$file = $elasticsearch::params::file,
$file_source = undef,
$file_template = undef,
$file_content = undef,
$init_script_file = '/etc/init.d/elasticsearch',
$init_script_file_template = 'elasticsearch/init.erb',
$init_options_file = $elasticsearch::params::init_options_file,
$init_options_file_template = 'elasticsearch/init_options.erb',
Provide custom templates for the main file and the init script
class { ‘elasticsearch’:
file_template = ‘site/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml.erb’,
init_script_file_template = ‘site/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.init.erb’,
Multiple files: Generic conf define
define nova::conf (
$source = undef,
$template = undef,
$content = undef,
$path = undef,
$options_hash = undef,
$ensure = present ) {
include nova
$managed_path = $path ? {
undef = ${nova::config_dir}/${name},
default = $path,
file { nova_conf_${name}:
ensure = $ensure,
source = $source,
content = $managed_content,
path = $managed_path,
mode = $managed_mode,
owner = $managed_owner,
group = $managed_group,
require = $managed_require,
notify = $managed_notify,
replace = $managed_replace,
Provide a custom template for an alternative config file in config_dir
nova::conf { ‘rootwrap.conf’:
template = ‘site/nova/rootwrap.conf.erb’,
Multiple files: Whole config dir
class redis (
$dir = $redis::params::dir,
$dir_source = undef,
$dir_purge = false,
$dir_recurse = true,
) {
$dir_ensure = $ensure ? {
'absent' = 'absent',
'present' = 'directory',
if $redis::dir_source {
file { 'redis.dir':
ensure = $redis::dir_ensure,
path = $redis::dir,
source = $redis::dir_source,
recurse = $redis::dir_recurse,
purge = $redis::dir_purge,
force = $redis::dir_purge,
notify = $redis::file_notify,
require = $redis::file_require,
Provide a custom source for the whole config_dir
class { ‘redis’:
dir_source = ‘puppet:///modules/site/redis/conf/’,
Provide a custom source for the whole config_dir and purge any
not managed config file
class { ‘redis’:
dir_source = ‘puppet:///modules/site/redis/conf/’,
dir_purge = true,
Everyone has his
own users...
Leave options to
if, how and where to
manage the ones
the module requires.
Managing Users
class elasticsearch {
$ensure = 'present',
$user = 'elasticsearch',
$user_uid = undef,
$user_gid = undef,
$user_groups = undef,
$user_class = 'elasticsearch::user',
if $elasticsearch::user_class {
require $elasticsearch::user_class
class elasticsearch::user {
@user { $elasticsearch::user :
ensure = $elasticsearch::ensure,
comment = ${elasticsearch::user} user,
password = '!',
managehome = false,
uid = $elasticsearch::user_uid,
gid = $elasticsearch::user_gid,
groups = $elasticsearch::user_groups,
shell = '/bin/bash',
User | title == $elasticsearch::user |
Do not create the requested user
class { ‘elasticsearch’:
user_class = undef,
Provide the user in a different custom class
class { ‘elasticsearch’:
user_class = 'site::users',
Run elasticsearch with a different user
class { ‘elasticsearch’:
user = 'apache',
Options to specify
custom classes
Options to pass
an hash to
Extra Resources: Custom classes
class elasticsearch (
$dependency_class = 'elasticsearch::dependency',
$monitor_class = 'elasticsearch::monitor',
$firewall_class = 'elasticsearch::firewall',
$my_class = undef,
) {
if $elasticsearch::dependency_class {
include $elasticsearch::dependency_class
if $elasticsearch::monitor and $elasticsearch::monitor_class {
include $elasticsearch::monitor_class
if $elasticsearch::firewall and $elasticsearch::firewall_class {
include $elasticsearch::firewall_class
if $elasticsearch::my_class {
include $elasticsearch::my_class
Provide the modules dependencies with a custom class
class { ‘elasticsearch’:
dependency_class = 'site::dep_elasticsearch',
Extra Resources: Resources Hash
class elasticsearch (
$create_resource = undef,
$resources_hash = undef,
) {
if $create_resource {
create_resources( $create_resource , $resources_hash )
Alternative: A single hash that includes resources and
Provide the modules dependencies with a custom class
class { ‘elasticsearch’:
create_resource = 'file',
resources_hash = {
path = '/etc/elasticsearch/my_file',
content = template('site/elasticsearch/my_file.erb),
mode = '0600',
Names change
Custom packages
are common
Leave choice,
Managing packages
class openssh (
$ensure = 'present',
$version = undef,
$package = $openssh::params::package,
) {
if $version and $ensure == 'present' {
$managed_package_ensure = $version
} else {
$managed_package_ensure = $ensure
if $openssh::package {
package { $openssh::package:
ensure = $openssh::managed_package_ensure,
class openssh::params {
$package = $::osfamily ? {
Suse = 'openssh',
OpenBSD = '',
default = 'openssh-server',
Install a custom company-openssh package
class { ‘openssh’:
package = 'company-openssh',
Managing services
class openssh (
$service = $openssh::params::service,
$service_ensure = 'running',
$service_enable = true,
) {
if $ensure == 'absent' {
$managed_service_enable = undef
$managed_service_ensure = stopped
} else {
$managed_service_enable = $service_enable
$managed_service_ensure = $service_ensure
if $openssh::service {
service { $openssh::service:
ensure = $openssh::managed_service_ensure,
enable = $openssh::managed_service_enable,
class openssh::params {
$service = $::osfamily ? {
Debian = 'ssh',
default = 'sshd',
Manage a custom company-openssh service
class { ‘openssh’:
service = 'company-openssh',
Let users decide:
OS Packages
Upstream tarballs
Installation options
class elasticsearch (
$package_provider = undef,
$install = 'package',
$install_base_url = $elasticsearch::params::install_base_url,
$install_source = undef,
$install_destination = '/opt',
) {
$managed_file = $elasticsearch::install ? {
package = $elasticsearch::file,
default = ${elasticsearch::home_dir}/config/elasticsearch.yml,
case $elasticsearch::install {
package: {
package { $elasticsearch::package:
ensure = $elasticsearch::managed_package_ensure,
provider = $elasticsearch::package_provider,
upstream: {
puppi::netinstall { 'netinstall_elasticsearch':
url = $elasticsearch::managed_install_source,
destination_dir = $elasticsearch::install_destination,
owner = $elasticsearch::user,
group = $elasticsearch::user,
Install elasticsearch from upstream source
class { ‘elasticsearch’:
install = 'upstream',
install_source = '
Managing specific
application configs
parameters may get
out of control
A single config hash
to show them all
A custom template
to use them
Application specific configs
Options Hash: Setup
class openssh (
$file_template = undef,
$options_hash = undef,
# File Managed by Puppet
Port %= scope.function_options_lookup(['Port','22']) %
PermitRootLogin %= scope.function_options_lookup(['PermitRootLogin','yes']) %
UsePAM %= scope.function_options_lookup(['UsePAM','yes']) %
* Function options_lookup currently in Example42's Puppi module
Alternative site/templates/openssh/sshd_config.erb
Port %= scope.lookupvar('openssh::options_hash')['Port'] ||='22' %
PermitRootLogin %= scope.lookupvar('openssh::options_hash')['PermitRootLogin'] ||='yes' %
UsePAM %= scope.lookupvar('openssh::options_hash')['UsePAM'] ||='yes' %
Options Hash: Usage
Usage (with Hiera):
include openssh
openssh::file_template: 'site/openssh/sshd_config.erb'
Port: '22222'
PermitRootLogin: 'no'
Usage (with parametrized class):
class { 'openssh':
file_template = 'site/openssh/sshd_config.erb'
file_options_hash = {
Port = '22222',
PermitRootLogin = 'no',
Managed resources attributes

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Anatomy of a reusable module

  • 1. Anatomy of a Reusable Module Alessandro Franceschi PuppetConf 2013
  • 2. Be
  • 4. How
  • 6.  use Puppet today? Include classes Set Params Variables Define Business Integration Logic Provide Configuration Files Manage Resources
  • 7. How do we use Puppet today Include classes manifests/ site.pp Set Parameters / Variables Integration logic Resources ENC HIERA SITE MODULES SHARED MODULES BAD EDGE Configuration files manifests/ site.pp ENC HIERA manifests/ site.pp BAD? BAD? BAD SITE MODULES SITE MODULES SHARED MODULES SITE MODULES SHARED MODULES manifests/ site.pp BAD? ENC BAD?
  • 8. A
  • 11.  all
  • 13. The
  • 16. THE PARAMETERS DILEMMA Managed resources attributes Application specific config options Application logic and behaviour Integration with other modules
  • 17. Parameters: Resources attributes Enough: $package = $redis::params::package, $service = $redis::params::service, $service_ensure = 'running', $service_enable = true, $file = $redis::params::file, $file_notify = Service['redis'], $file_source = undef, $file_content = undef, Too much? $package_provider = undef, $file_owner = $redis::params::file_owner, $file_group = $redis::params::file_group, $file_mode = $redis::params::file_mode, $file_replace = $redis::params::file_replace, Benefits from: A standard naming convention
  • 18. Parameters: Application options Enough: $puppet_server = “puppet.${::domain}”, $syslog_server = “syslog.${::domain}”, $munin_server = “munin.${::domain}”, $dns_servers = [ '' , '' ], Too much! $anonymous_enable = true, $anon_mkdir_write_enable = true, $anon_upload_enable = false, $chroot_list_enable = true, $chroot_list_file = '/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list', $resourcefile = $nagios::params::resourcefile, $statusfile = $nagios::params::statusfile, $commandfile = $nagios::params::commandfile, $resultpath = $nagios::params::resultpath, $retentionfile = $nagios::params::retentionfile, $p1file = $nagios::params::p1file, Benefits from: Template + Options Hash pattern
  • 19. Parameters: Application logic Examples: $install_client = true, $install_stomp_server = true, $install_plugins = true, $use_ssl = false, $munin_autoconfigure = true, $service_autorestart = true, $manage_package_repo = true, $run_initdb = undef, Benefits from: A standard naming convention
  • 20. Parameters: Modules Integrations Examples: $mongo_db_host = $graylog2::params::mongo_db_host, $mongo_db_port = $graylog2::params::mongo_db_port, $mongo_db_name = $graylog2::params::mongo_db_name, $mongo_user = $graylog2::params::mongo_user, $mongo_password = $graylog2::params::mongo_password, $elasticsearch_template = $graylog2::params::elasticsearch_template, $elasticsearch_path = $graylog2::params::elasticsearch_path, $database = $puppetdb::params::database, $manage_redhat_firewall = $puppetdb::params::manage_redhat_firewall, $db_type = 'mysql', Benefits from: Shared Stacks
  • 23.   files Let user decide how to manage configuration files. Alternatives: source content concat augeas custom types
  • 24. Managing files: source content redis/manifests/init.pp class redis ( $file = $redis::params::file, $file_source = undef, $file_template = undef, $file_content = undef, ) { [...] $managed_file_content = $file_content ? { undef = $file_template ? { undef = undef, default = template($file_template), }, default = $file_content, } [...] if $redis::file { file { 'redis.conf': path = $redis::file, source = $redis::file_source, content = $redis::managed_file_content, } } } Provide the Puppet path of an erb template class { ‘redis’: file_template = ‘site/redis/ redis.conf.erb’, } Provide directly the content attribute class { ‘redis’: file_content = “template(‘site/redis/ redis.conf.erb’)”, } Provide a fileserver source path class { ‘redis’: file_source = ‘puppet:///modules/site/ redis/redis.conf’, } Manage the configuration file with other methods (augeas, concat...) class { ‘redis’: }
  • 28.   Add parameters to main class Use a generic conf define Manage the whole configuration dir
  • 29. Multiple files: Add parameters elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp class elasticsearch ( $file = $elasticsearch::params::file, $file_source = undef, $file_template = undef, $file_content = undef, [...] $init_script_file = '/etc/init.d/elasticsearch', $init_script_file_template = 'elasticsearch/init.erb', $init_options_file = $elasticsearch::params::init_options_file, $init_options_file_template = 'elasticsearch/init_options.erb', Provide custom templates for the main file and the init script class { ‘elasticsearch’: file_template = ‘site/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml.erb’, init_script_file_template = ‘site/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.init.erb’, }
  • 30. Multiple files: Generic conf define nova/manifests/conf.pp define nova::conf ( $source = undef, $template = undef, $content = undef, $path = undef, [...] $options_hash = undef, $ensure = present ) { include nova $managed_path = $path ? { undef = ${nova::config_dir}/${name}, default = $path, } [...] file { nova_conf_${name}: ensure = $ensure, source = $source, content = $managed_content, path = $managed_path, mode = $managed_mode, owner = $managed_owner, group = $managed_group, require = $managed_require, notify = $managed_notify, replace = $managed_replace, } } Provide a custom template for an alternative config file in config_dir nova::conf { ‘rootwrap.conf’: template = ‘site/nova/rootwrap.conf.erb’, }
  • 31. Multiple files: Whole config dir redis/manifests/init.pp class redis ( $dir = $redis::params::dir, $dir_source = undef, $dir_purge = false, $dir_recurse = true, ) { [...] $dir_ensure = $ensure ? { 'absent' = 'absent', 'present' = 'directory', } if $redis::dir_source { file { 'redis.dir': ensure = $redis::dir_ensure, path = $redis::dir, source = $redis::dir_source, recurse = $redis::dir_recurse, purge = $redis::dir_purge, force = $redis::dir_purge, notify = $redis::file_notify, require = $redis::file_require, } } } Provide a custom source for the whole config_dir class { ‘redis’: dir_source = ‘puppet:///modules/site/redis/conf/’, } Provide a custom source for the whole config_dir and purge any not managed config file class { ‘redis’: dir_source = ‘puppet:///modules/site/redis/conf/’, dir_purge = true, }
  • 33.   Users Everyone has his own users... Leave options to decide if, how and where to manage the ones the module requires.
  • 34. Managing Users elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp class elasticsearch { $ensure = 'present', [...] $user = 'elasticsearch', $user_uid = undef, $user_gid = undef, $user_groups = undef, $user_class = 'elasticsearch::user', [...] if $elasticsearch::user_class { require $elasticsearch::user_class } elasticsearch/manifests/user.pp class elasticsearch::user { @user { $elasticsearch::user : ensure = $elasticsearch::ensure, comment = ${elasticsearch::user} user, password = '!', managehome = false, uid = $elasticsearch::user_uid, gid = $elasticsearch::user_gid, groups = $elasticsearch::user_groups, shell = '/bin/bash', } User | title == $elasticsearch::user | } Do not create the requested user class { ‘elasticsearch’: user_class = undef, } Provide the user in a different custom class class { ‘elasticsearch’: user_class = 'site::users', } Run elasticsearch with a different user class { ‘elasticsearch’: user = 'apache', }
  • 36.   resources Options to specify custom classes Options to pass an hash to create_resources
  • 37. Extra Resources: Custom classes elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp class elasticsearch ( $dependency_class = 'elasticsearch::dependency', $monitor_class = 'elasticsearch::monitor', $firewall_class = 'elasticsearch::firewall', $my_class = undef, ) { [...] if $elasticsearch::dependency_class { include $elasticsearch::dependency_class } if $elasticsearch::monitor and $elasticsearch::monitor_class { include $elasticsearch::monitor_class } if $elasticsearch::firewall and $elasticsearch::firewall_class { include $elasticsearch::firewall_class } if $elasticsearch::my_class { include $elasticsearch::my_class }[...] Provide the modules dependencies with a custom class class { ‘elasticsearch’: dependency_class = 'site::dep_elasticsearch', }
  • 38. Extra Resources: Resources Hash elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp class elasticsearch ( $create_resource = undef, $resources_hash = undef, ) { [...] if $create_resource { create_resources( $create_resource , $resources_hash ) } Alternative: A single hash that includes resources and resources_hash Provide the modules dependencies with a custom class class { ‘elasticsearch’: create_resource = 'file', resources_hash = { path = '/etc/elasticsearch/my_file', content = template('site/elasticsearch/my_file.erb), mode = '0600', }, }
  • 40. Managing packages openssh/manifests/init.pp class openssh ( $ensure = 'present', $version = undef, $package = $openssh::params::package, [...] ) { if $version and $ensure == 'present' { $managed_package_ensure = $version } else { $managed_package_ensure = $ensure } if $openssh::package { package { $openssh::package: ensure = $openssh::managed_package_ensure, } } openssh/manifests/params.pp class openssh::params { $package = $::osfamily ? { Suse = 'openssh', OpenBSD = '', default = 'openssh-server', } Install a custom company-openssh package class { ‘openssh’: package = 'company-openssh', }
  • 41. Managing services openssh/manifests/init.pp class openssh ( $service = $openssh::params::service, $service_ensure = 'running', $service_enable = true, [...] ) { if $ensure == 'absent' { $managed_service_enable = undef $managed_service_ensure = stopped } else { $managed_service_enable = $service_enable $managed_service_ensure = $service_ensure } if $openssh::service { service { $openssh::service: ensure = $openssh::managed_service_ensure, enable = $openssh::managed_service_enable, } } openssh/manifests/params.pp class openssh::params { $service = $::osfamily ? { Debian = 'ssh', default = 'sshd', } [...] Manage a custom company-openssh service class { ‘openssh’: service = 'company-openssh', }
  • 43.   options Let users decide: OS Packages Upstream tarballs Provider
  • 44. Installation options elasticsearch/manifests/init.pp class elasticsearch ( $package_provider = undef, $install = 'package', $install_base_url = $elasticsearch::params::install_base_url, $install_source = undef, $install_destination = '/opt', ) { [...] $managed_file = $elasticsearch::install ? { package = $elasticsearch::file, default = ${elasticsearch::home_dir}/config/elasticsearch.yml, } [...] case $elasticsearch::install { package: { package { $elasticsearch::package: ensure = $elasticsearch::managed_package_ensure, provider = $elasticsearch::package_provider, } } upstream: { puppi::netinstall { 'netinstall_elasticsearch': url = $elasticsearch::managed_install_source, destination_dir = $elasticsearch::install_destination, owner = $elasticsearch::user, group = $elasticsearch::user, } [...] Install elasticsearch from upstream source class { ‘elasticsearch’: install = 'upstream', install_source = ' elasticsearch/elasticsearch/', }
  • 46.  hashes Managing specific application configs parameters may get out of control A single config hash to show them all A custom template to use them Application specific configs THE PARAMETERS DILEMMA
  • 47. Options Hash: Setup openssh/manifests/init.pp class openssh ( [...] $file_template = undef, $options_hash = undef, site/templates/openssh/sshd_config.erb # File Managed by Puppet [...] Port %= scope.function_options_lookup(['Port','22']) % PermitRootLogin %= scope.function_options_lookup(['PermitRootLogin','yes']) % UsePAM %= scope.function_options_lookup(['UsePAM','yes']) % [...] * Function options_lookup currently in Example42's Puppi module Alternative site/templates/openssh/sshd_config.erb Port %= scope.lookupvar('openssh::options_hash')['Port'] ||='22' % PermitRootLogin %= scope.lookupvar('openssh::options_hash')['PermitRootLogin'] ||='yes' % UsePAM %= scope.lookupvar('openssh::options_hash')['UsePAM'] ||='yes' % [...]
  • 48. Options Hash: Usage Usage (with Hiera): include openssh /etc/puppet/hieradata/global.yml: --- openssh::file_template: 'site/openssh/sshd_config.erb' openssh::file_options_hash: Port: '22222' PermitRootLogin: 'no' Usage (with parametrized class): class { 'openssh': file_template = 'site/openssh/sshd_config.erb' file_options_hash = { Port = '22222', PermitRootLogin = 'no', }
  • 53.   Standards A blog post* Some discussions on Puppet-Users Naming standards for modules parameters Community driven (draft 0.0.2) *
  • 55.  of
  • 59. Stdmod Params: Main resources ### General parameters ensure (enable?) version (package_version?) ### Package - Service - Main configuration file package (package_name?) package_ensure package_provider package_* [any relevant package type attribute] service (service_name?) service_ensure service_enable service_subscribe service_* file (file_path? config_file? config?) file_source (source? config_file_source? config_source?) file_template (template? config_file_template? config_template?) file_content (content? config_file_content? config_content?) file_* (config_file_*? config_*?) file_options_hash (options? options_hash? file_options?)
  • 60. Stdmod Params: Extra resources other_package other_package_* client_package client_package_* server_package server_package_* other_service other_service_* log_file log_file_* pid_file pid_file_* init_script_file init_script_file_* init_config_file init_config_file_*
  • 61. Stdmod Params: Installation ### Parameter related parameters install install_url install_base_url install_source install_destination install_pre_exec install_pre_exec_* install_post_exec install_post_exec_* install_script_file install_script_file_* install_response_file install_response_file_*
  • 65. Why
  • 68.  stack? We always use stacks. We need them to make something useful with modules. What about: Sharing? Best practices? Standardization?
  • 69. Stacks - A Simple Sample class stack::logs ( $ensure = 'present', $syslog_server = false, $syslog_server_port = '5544', $elasticsearch_server = false, $elasticsearch_server_port = '9200', $elasticsearch_cluster = 'logs', $elasticsearch_java_opts = '-Xmx2g -Xms1g', $install_logstash = false, $install_elasticsearch = false, $install_kibana = false, $install_graylog2 = false, $install_graylog2_webinterface = false, $syslog_config_template = 'stack/logs/syslog.conf.erb', $logstash_config_template = 'stack/logs/logstash.conf.erb', $elasticsearch_config_template = 'stack/logs/elasticsearch.yml.erb', $kibana_config_template = 'stack/logs/config.js.erb', $graylog2_config_template = 'stack/logs/graylog2.conf.erb', ) { [... TO BE CONTINUED ...]
  • 70. Stacks - A Simple Sample [...] if $syslog_server { rsyslog::config { 'logstash_stack': content = template($syslog_config_template), } } if $install_logstash { class { 'logstash': template = $logstash_config_template, } } if $install_elasticsearch { class { 'elasticsearch': java_opts = $elasticsearch_java_opts, template = $elasticsearch_config_template, } } [...]
  • 71. Stacks - Usage On any host: stack::logs { 'central': syslog_server = '', } On the Logstash (syslog) server: stack::logs { 'central': syslog_server = '', install_logstash = true, elasticsearch_server = '', } On the Elasticsearch server(s), with a custom configuration file: stack::logs { 'central': syslog_server = '', install_elasticsearch = true, elasticsearch_server = '', elasticsearch_config_template = 'site/logs/elasticsearch.yml.erb', } On the Kibana server: stack::logs { 'central': syslog_server = '', install_kibana = true, elasticsearch_server = '', }
  • 72. The Stacks Logic Stacks are local Modules are shared Higher level interface Integrate different set of modules Preserve modules local change
  • 73. How do we use Puppet today Include classes manifests/ site.pp Set Parameters / Variables Integration logic Resources ENC HIERA SITE MODULES SHARED MODULES BAD EDGE Configuration files manifests/ site.pp ENC HIERA manifests/ site.pp BAD? BAD? BAD SITE MODULES SITE MODULES SHARED MODULES SITE MODULES SHARED MODULES manifests/ site.pp BAD? ENC BAD? STACKS STACKS STACKS
  • 75. Steps Define stdmod naming conventions Explore Stacks design and approach Create templates for stacks and modules Explore GUI integrations
  • 76. SO
  • 77.  Long and thanks for all the fish! Graphics: @alvagante
  • 78. SO
  • 79.  Long and thanks for all the fish! Graphics: @alvagante