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■ The term anaesthesia is derived from two
words [an (absence) + aesthesia (sensation
of pain)] meaning ‘absence of pain
■ The drugs which are used to produce
anaesthesia are known as anaesthetics or
anaesthetic drugs.
■ General anaesthesia is defined as reversible
loss of all the sensations and consciousness.
– It is produced by the drugs, which act at
CNS level and are known as general
anaesthetic drugs.
■ Local anaesthesia is the defined as
reversible loss of all the local sensations
without loss of consciousness.
– It is produced by the drugs, which act at
peripheral level and are known as local
anaesthetic drugs.
■ General anaesthesia is the reversible loss of all
the sensations and consciousness.
■ This involves following special components:
– Analgesia (loss of pain sensations)
– Unconsciousness (Loss of consciousness)
– Amnesia
– Immobility & skeletal muscles relaxation
– Loss of all somatic & autonomic reflexes
■ An ideal anaesthetic drug should be able to
induce the unconsciousness smoothly &
rapidly with prompt recovery from anaesthesia
whenever required.
■ The drug, which is unable to produce the
above effects, is not considered as general
anaesthetic drug.
■ There is no anaesthetic agent, which can
produce all the above effects individually
without producing toxicity. Hence, in the
modern day anaesthetic practice, several
different categories of drugs are used
simultaneously to produce ‘balanced
■ The drug regimen for balanced
anaesthesia is made by keeping in view
the advantage of:
– the individual beneficial effects of
different drugs and
– minimizing their individual toxic effects.
■ This is usually made by making a
combination of Intravenous and inhaled
Steps of GAs:
■ Pre-anaesthetic medication.
■ Induction of anaesthesia
– IV route for adults
– Inhalational for children.
■ Maintenance of all phases of
■ Reversal of anaesthesia
■ Traditionally, the anaesthetic drugs produce
sequential effects as a part of increasing
depth of CNS depression.
■ These stages of anaesthesia were described
by Guedel in 1920 and ether was used as an
anaesthetic agent at that time. These are
known as Guedel’s signs.
■ In Modern anaesthesia, all these stages may
not be seen very clearly and even the
sequence may differ in some.
■ Stage of analgesia:
– It remains from beginning of anesthesia
to loss of consciousness.
– Patient remains conscious and feels a
dream like state.
– Very short procedures can be carried out
during this stage.
■ Stage of excitement:
– During this stage,
■ patient appears delirious or
■ may lose consciousness and
■ sympathetic activity is increased which is
manifested in the form of
– shouts, struggle, jerky breathing, vomiting,
involuntary micturation or defecation.
– Heart rate and BP may rise and pupils dilate
due to sympathetic stimulation.
– No operative procedure can be carried out
during this stage.
■ Stage of surgical anaesthesia:
– This stage begins with
■ slowing of respiration and
■ heart rate and
■ extends to complete cessation of spontaneous
respiration (apnoea).
– It has been further subdivided into four planes
depending upon changes in ocular movements,
eye reflexes and pupil size indicating the depth
of anaesthesia.
– Most of the surgical procedures are performed in
this stage
■ Stage of medullary paralysis:
– Due to increasing depth of
■ CNS depression, and
■ depression of respiration &
■ vasomotor center,
■ respiratory and circulatory failure occurs.
– Without respiratory and circulatory
support, it progresses to death.
Minimum alveolar
concentration (MAC)
■ It is the lowest concentration of any anesthetic that
produces immobility or loss of consciousness in 50%
■ The potency of any inhalational anesthetic depends
upon their MAC.
■ MAC is inversely proportional to potency of drugs.
– Example: nitrous oxide has high MAC [104], and
is very less potent; while methoxyflurane has
very low MAC [0.13] and is most potent
inhalational anaesthetic.
Blood Gas Solubility [BGS]
■ It is the solubility of inhalational anesthetic
gases into the blood.
■ BGS determines the speed of induction and
recovery by the inhalational agent.
■ If the inhalational anesthetic gas is less
soluble into the blood, it will induce quickly
and vice-versa.
– Example, N2O, sevoflurane, and
desflurane are used for quick induction,
as these are less blood soluble.
Inhalational anesthetic
Xenon 71 0.13-0.20
Desflurane 5.8 0.42
Nitrous oxide 105 0.45
Sevoflurane 2 0.63
Isoflurane 1.12 1.4
Halothane 0.74 2.25
Second gas effect and
diffusion hypoxia
■ In the initial part of induction, diffusion gradient from
alveoli to blood is high and larger quantity of
anaesthetic is entering blood.
■ If the concentration of inhaled anaesthetic is high, it
will more dissolved to the blood and unable to reach
at target region to produce anaesthetics effect.
■ As the solubility of N2) is very less, about 1 litre/min
of N2O enters blood in the first few minutes.
■ As such, gas flow is 1 litre/min higher than minute
volume. If another potent anaesthetic, e.g.
halothane (1–2%) is being given at the same time, it
also will be delivered to blood at a rate 1 litre/min
higher than minute volume and induction will be
faster. This is called ‘second gas effect’
General Anaesthetics Agents
Inhalational Agents Parenteral agents
Carrying gas
 Nitrous
 Xenon
Volatile liquids
 Halothane
 Isoflurane
 Desflurane
 Sevoflurane
 Ether
Inducing agents
 Thiopentone
 Propofol
 Etomidate
Short acting
 Benzodiazepin
e [Diazepam,
 Opioids
 Ketamine
(Nitrous oxide, Xenon)
Nitrous oxide [N2O]
■ It is noninflammable, colourless, odorless & non-
irritating gas.
■ It is used as carrying agent for inhalational
■ It has good analgesic with poor muscle relaxant
■ In major surgical procedure, it is used in a mixture of
70% N2O + 25–30% O2 + 0.2–2% another potent
■ The onset of action is quick and smooth with rapid
■ Post anaesthetic nausea is not seen with this agent.
■ It has a wide margin of safety as it has minimal effect on
heart, blood pressure, respiration and is not toxic to liver,
brain & kidney.
■ Second gas effect and diffusion hypoxia is seen with this
■ It is contraindicated in
– air embolism,
– pneumothorax and
– intestinal obstruction
■ as it moves very swiftly from blood into these
compartments and aggravates these conditions.
■ The commercially preparation of N2O gas comes in blue
coloured cylinder.
Xenon gas
■ It is an inert gas.
■ Being least soluble in blood, it has very rapid
inducing action.
■ It is commercially available in white body with
green-black shoulder cylinder.
■ It has to be extracted from air and is very
expensive than other carrying agents.
■ It is rarely used.
(Halothane, Isoflurane, Desflurane,
Sevoflurane, Ether)
■ It is a noninflammable, volatile liquid with sweet odour
& nonirritant in nature.
■ The induction with this agent can be achieved quickly
and pleasantly due to intermediate solubility.
■ 2–4% of halothane is given for induction and 0.5–1%
for maintenance.
■ It is delivered by the use of a special vaporizer.
■ Being highly potent, precise control of administered
concentration of halothane is very important as slight
deviation from the required concentration can be
■ It causes hypotension to the extent of 20–30 mmHg
■ It is a preferred agent for asthmatics as it dilates the
bronchi but respiratory depression can also occur.
■ It can prolong delivery and increase postpartal blood
loss; if used during labour.
■ It is used to facilitate external or internal podalic
version during late pregnancy due its property of
inhibition of uterine contractions.
■ In genetically predisposed individuals,
– hepatitis and
– malignant hyperthermia can occur.
■ Malignant hyperthermia is treated by:
– Rapid external cooling
– Bicarbonate infusion
– 100% O2 inhalation
– IV dantrolene (1 mg/kg repeated as
■ In children, it is suitable for both for induction as
well as maintenance.
■ In adults, it is mainly used for maintenance after
IV induction.
■ Practically, halothane is quite common in use.
■ Isoflurane is commonly used anaesthetic agent as it
produces relatively rapid induction and recovery as
compared to halothane.
■ It is administered through a special vaporizer.
■ 1.5–3% of isoflurane is given for induction and 1–2% for
■ Hypotension is similar to halothane with prominent
respiratory depression.
■ It is not preferred for induction because of its pungent
■ It is a good maintenance anaesthetic, and is suitable for
■ It has pleasant odour and it is more suitable anaesthetic
agent for induction in children.
■ It is administered through a face mask.
■ It is intermediate between isoflurane and desflurane in
different pharmacological properties.
■ The solubility in blood and potency are less than
isoflurane but more than desflurane.
■ It is good agent for induction as well as maintenance with
quick recovery.
■ It is suitable both for outpatient as well as inpatient
■ It is very expensive; rarely used in government hospitals
while commonly used in corporate hospitals.
■ It has pungent odour and is not suitable for
■ It is 5 times less potent than isoflurane.
■ It is administered in the vapour form along
with carrier gas (N2O+O2) mixture.
■ The induction and recovery is very fast due
to very low solubility in blood.
■ It is most commonly used as an anaesthetic
for outpatient surgery.
AGENTSProperties Halothane Isoflurane Sevoflurane Desflurane
Halogenated ether Isomer of enflurane Halogenated ether It is a structure
analogue of Isoflurane
with replacement of
chloride to Fluoride.
Boiling point 50°C 48°C 59°C 24°C (Room
temperature) to prevent
it from boiling TEC-6
vaporizer is used.
MAC 0.75 1.12 2 5.8
BGS 2.25 1.4 0.63 0.42
Colour code Red Purple Yellow Magenta blue
Least potent More than
More than
Most potent
More common Less common than
Less common than
Least common
 All inhalational anaesthetics are respiratory depressant.
 Isoflurane causes Coronary steal phenomenon; hence
contraindicated in MI.
 Sevoflurane is the inhalational agent of choice for
induction of GA.
 Desflurane is used as maintenance of choice for GAs.
 Desflurane is the inhalational agent of choice for
 surgery in elderly patient,
 renal impaired and
 day care surgery.
 Halothane is potent bronchodilator and best uterine
relaxant may cause
 uterine atony
 post partum hemorrhage.
 Malignant hyperthermia is more common with
halothane, which presents as fever, hypertension and
tachycardia and is managed by IV injection of
 Propofol is a DOC for malignant hyperthermia during
 Methoxyflurane is more potent than other inhalational
anaesthetics but it is not used nowadays due to severe
 Enflurane: It is also inhalational anaesthetic,
absolutes nowadays due to epileptogenic effects.
■ Ether is an inflammable and highly volatile liquid.
■ It has potent anaesthetic, analgesic and muscle
relaxant properties.
■ It is not used nowadays due to its potent side
Advantage Disadvantage
 It is cardiovascular stable drug.
 It does not depress respiratory
center; no hypoxia is seen.
 It obeys all five criteria of GAs.
 It is a good bronchodilator.
 It is quite economical.
 Both induction and recovery are
slow as it is highly soluble in
 It produces irritant vapors and
increases the tracheobronchial
secretions; prior atropine is
 It is a highly inflammable agent.
(Thiopentone sodium,
Propofol, Etomidate)
Thiopentone sodium
■ It is most commonly used ultra short acting
■ The solution for injection (2.5%) should be freshly
■ The solution is alkaline in nature with a pH of 10.5.
■ It produces induction within 10-12 seconds after IV
■ It has short duration of action and the
consciousness is regained within 6-8 minutes.
■ It is given in a dose of 3-5 mg/kg.
■ It decreases cerebral blood flow as well as cerebral
oxygen demand; cerebral perfusion is maintained as
per the requirement.
■ It also causes hypotension and tachycardia due to
peripheral vasodilatory effects.
■ It is useful for
– induction of anaesthesia,
– narcoanalysis (used as truth serum),
– management of status epilepticus,
– electroconvulsive therapy and
– brain surgery.
■ Most commonly seen adverse effects are
– delirium and
– shivering during reversal of anaesthesia.
■ It is contraindicated in-patients with asthma
as it may cause laryngospasm due to
increased respiratory secretions.
■ It is also contraindicated in shock and
■ Thiopentone sodium should be
administered only into the vein; if
accidentally injected into the artery, intense
pain, necrosis and gangrene can occur.
■ The first symptom, which appears after
injection into the artery, is severe pain and
first sign is pallor.
■ Leave the cannula in situ.
■ Stat injection of 500unit of heparin.
■ 1% Lignocaine 10ml given; causes
vasodilation and reduces pain.
■ Ganglionic block may be done by
blocking stellate ganglion.
■ It is preferred over thiopentone for induction.
■ It is used for both induction and maintenance
■ It is oily in nature and commercially prepared from
the egg extract; painful during injection.
■ The patient becomes unconscious within 15–45
second and the effect lasts for 5–10 min.
■ It is given in a dose of 2 mg/kg in 1-2%
concentration bolus i.v. for induction; 100–200
μg/kg/min for maintenance.
■ The recovery with Propofol is pleasant; hence, it
is a drug of choice for day care surgery.
■ It relaxes the upper airways; it is agent of choice for
endoscopy, intubation and in asthmatics. Higher doses
may produce respiratory depression also.
■ It also decreases cerebral metabolic O2 demand, cerebral
blood flow and ICT as thiopentone.
■ The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting is
very low.
■ The cardiac effects are similar to thiopentone.
■ In high dose, it may lead to metabolic acidosis, lipaemia
and heart failure even in adults.
■ It is contraindicated in shock.
■ Intermittent injection or continuous infusion of propofol
with fentanyl supplementation is used to produce total i.v.
■ It is also ultra-short acting anaesthetic with brief
duration of action.
■ It is given in a dose of 0.2–0.5mg/kg.
■ It produces less cardiovascular and respiratory
■ It is not used these days due to:
– Pain on injection.
– Excessive muscles movement on induction.
– Nausea, vomiting on recovery.
– Adrenocortical suppression if infusion is given for
prolonged period.
(Benzodiazepine, Opioids,
[Diazepam, Midazolam,
Lorazepam]■ These agents are used in pre-anaesthetic
medication, induction, maintaining and
supplementing anaesthesia as well as for
‘conscious sedation’.
■ They slightly decrease respiration, blood pressure
and cardiac contractility when given in combination
with opioids.
■ They produce amnesia, sedation and
unconsciousness within 5-10 minutes, when given
in slightly higher doses.
■ The side effects such as nausea or vomiting
are uncommon with BZDs.
■ The common indications of BZDs are
endoscopies, angiography, cardiac
catheterization, setting of fractures,
local/regional anaesthesia.
■ BZDs are also an important component of
balanced anaesthesia.
■ Flumazenil in a dose of 0.5–2 mg IV is used
for the reversal of anaesthetic effects of
■ Diazepam
– Administered in a running IV infusion in
a dose of 0.2–0.5 mg/kg slowly to
prevent thrombophlebitis.
■ Lorazepam
– It is a slow acting, less irritant and 3-
times more potent than diazepam.
– It is given in a dose of 2-4 mg IV.
– It has potent amnesic effect.
■ It is short acting, nonirritant to veins and water
soluble BZD.
■ It is 3 times more potent than diazepam.
■ It is given in a dose of 1–2.5 mg IV, while 0.02–
0.1 mg/kg/hour continuous IV infusion is given in
the critical care anaesthesia.
■ It is also used for the sedation of
■ intubated and
■ mechanically ventilated patients, and
■ for debridement &
■ dressing of burn wounds.
■ It is preferred over diazepam for anaesthetic
OPIOIDS [Fentanyl,
Remifentanil, Sufentanil].
■ Fentanyl
– It is more lipid soluble and easily crosses BBB;
produces analgesic effects within 5 minutes after IV
– It is given in a dose of 2–4 μg/kg and can be used in
combination with BZDs.
– It is used for endoscopic, angiographic and minor
surgical procedures in low risk patients.
– It is used as adjunct in nerve block, spinal block and
for the management of postoperative pain.
■ Alfentanil, Sufentanil and Remifentanil are still shorter
acting analogues, which can be used in place of fentanyl.
■ It induces ‘dissociative anaesthesia’, which is
characterized by dissociation from the body and
surroundings with profound analgesia, immobility,
amnesia and light sleep.
■ The primary site of action is in the cortex and
subcortical areas; not in the reticular activating
system, which is the site of action of barbiturates.
■ It acts by inhibition of NMDA receptor complex.
■ Respiration is not depressed, bronchi dilate, airway
reflexes are maintained, muscle tone increases.
■ A dose of 1–2 mg/kg IV or 3–5 mg/kg IM produces
the above effects within a minute, and recovery
starts after 10–15 min, but patient remains amnesic
for 1–2 hr.
■ Ketamine has been used for operations on the
– head and neck,
– in asthmatics (relieves bronchospasm),
– in those who do not want to lose
consciousness and for short operations.
■ It is the only IV anaesthetic that produces
analgesic effects.
■ Ketamine increases the cerebral blood flow, intraocular
pressure (IOP) and intracranial tension (ICT).
■ Therefore, it is contraindicated in patients with
– hypertension,
– ischemic heart disease,
– glaucoma and
– neurosurgical procedures but
■ suitable for patient of hypovolumic shock.
■ It is used in combination with diazepam for
angiographies, cardiac catheterization and trauma
■ Children tolerate this drug better than adults.
■ ‘Conscious sedation’ is a state of altered
consciousness that is used in minor procedures
(localized surgical or therapeutic procedure) which
do not require proper anaesthesia.
■ In this condition the patient is in conscious state but
doesn’t feel any pain stimulus.
■ This is due to CNS depressant effects by the drugs
without interfering the level of consciousness of
Drugs used for conscious
sedation are
■ Fentanyl: At 1–2 μg/kg every 15–30 min
with/without combination of other drugs
[Propofol, Midazolam].
■ Nitrous oxide: 10% nitrous oxide [maximum up to
50%] in combination with 100% oxygen. The
effects last only for ≤ 1 hour.
■ Propofol: Given as continuous IV infusion till the
procedure is performed. It has very short action.
As soon as Propofol is withdrawn, patient
recovers within minutes.
■ Diazepam: 1-2 mg slow IV infusion in small repeated
doses produces satisfactory sedative effects like
slurring of speech, ptosis, muscles relaxation, etc.
– The further administration is stopped after this
– The effects of diazepam persist for an hour while
the psychomotor impairment persists for 6–24
■ Midazolam: It is used as an alternative to diazepam.
Dexmedetomidine is a centrally active
selective α2A agonist that has been
introduced for sedating critically
ill/ventilated patients in intensive care
■ Preanaesthetic medications are the drugs given before
anaesthesia to make patient calm and to make the
anaesthesia more pleasant and safe.
■ It is given:
– To decrease the level of anxiety and apprehension
– To facilitate induction
– For pre- and postoperative amnesia
– To decrease the requirement of anaesthetic drugs
– To decrease gastric and respiratory secretions and
antiemetic effect.
■ Depending upon the need of patient and type of surgery
being performed, different combination of drugs are
used as pre-anaesthetic medications.
Sedative-antianxiety drugs
■ Benzodiazepines like diazepam, lorazepam,
midazolam, and promethazine are commonly
used drug as preanaesthetic medications for
their tranquilizer and smooth induction
■ Diazepam (5–10 mg oral) or lorazepam (2 mg
oral or 0.05 mg/kg IM) are used one hour
before the surgery.
■ Midazolam is commonly used
intravenously due to it shorter action and
water solubility. It is used along with
pethidine/fentanyl for a variety of minor
surgical and endoscopic procedures
■ Promethazine having antihistaminic,
antiemetic anticholinergic and sedative
effects is used in a dose of 50 mg
■ These drugs are less frequently used
nowadays due to availability of non-irritant
anaesthetics drugs.
■ The commonly used anticholinergics for
preanaesthetics are atropine or hyoscine
or glycopyrrolate.
■ These drugs are used to reduce GI and
bronchial secretions to prevent aspiration.
■ Atropine or hyoscine given in a dose of 0.6
mg or 10–20 μg/kg IM/IV and glycopyrrolate
at 0.2–0.3 mg or 5–10 μ g/kg IM/IV.
■ Glycopyrrolate is more preferred than
atropine due to its lesser side effects and
good anti-secretory action after IM injection.
■ Hyoscine having both antiemetic and
amnestic effects but may lead to delirium
and disorientation; hence less frequently
H2 blockers/proton pump
■ These agents are mainly indicated in the individuals who
are at high risk of gastric regurgitation and aspiration
pneumonia usually seen after prolonged GI surgery,
caesarian section and obese patients.
■ The commonly prescribed drugs are pantoprazole (40
mg) or Ranitidine (150 mg) or famotidine (20 mg) or
omeprazole (20 mg). These are given night before and in
the morning or preferably 12 hours before any procedure.
■ They reduce GI secretions as well as pH; hence routinely
prescribed nowadays.
■ They are also beneficial to prevented stress ulcer.
■ The commonly prescribed drugs are
metoclopramide, ondansetron and domperidone.
Metoclopramide Ondansetron Domperidone
 Preoperatively 10–
20 mg IM is given
to counteract
 It increases LES
tone and promoting
gastric emptying.
 It may use in
combination with
H2 blockers.
 Preoperatively 4–8
mg IV is given to
nausea and
 It selectively
 It has very few
side effects; hence
most commonly
 Domperidone is
nearly as
effective and
does not produce
side effects.
■ Nowadays opioids are less commonly used in
postoperative pain; fentanyl is used only if
specifically indicated.
■ Opioids are used for induction, pre-and post-
operative analgesia and to manage preoperative
■ Commonly intramuscularly morphine (10 mg) or
pethidine (50-100 mg) are used.
■ They may cause respiratory depression, biliary
spasm, hypotension and may precipitate
■ Morphine may cause postoperative vomiting,
urinary retention and constipation; while
pethidine induces tachycardia.
■ These agents have great potency to
develop hypotension and respiratory
depression; hence infrequently used
■ In children muscles dystonia and
involuntary movements may be seen.
■ These agents are used as antiemetics,
antianxiety and for induction.
■ The commonly used preanaesthetic drugs
are chlorpromazine (25 mg), triflupromazine
(10 mg) or haloperidol (2–4mg) given
■ Local anesthesia refers to a reversible loss
of sensations in limited areas of the body.
■ The local anaesthetic drugs block
generation and conduction of nerve impulse
at any part of the neuron with which they
come in contact, without causing any
structural damage to the nerve.
■ When a LA is applied to a mixed nerve, both
sensory and motor impulses are interrupted
which results in muscular paralysis and loss
of autonomic control as well.
■ Local anesthesia can be achieved by
several different methods:
– Topical administration,
– infiltration,
– field block,
– nerve block, and
– intravenous regional anesthesia.
Topical Administration
■ Topical local anesthesia involves the
application of a cream, lotion, ointment, or
drop of a local anesthetic to skin or
mucous membrane to relieve pain or to
anesthetize the area to facilitate a
medical procedure.
■ Although systemic absorption is rare with
topical application, it can occur if there is
damage or breakdown of the tissues in
the area.
Infiltration anaesthesia
■ Infiltration local anesthesia involves
injecting the anesthetic drug directly into
the tissues to be anaesthetized.
■ The infiltrated anesthetic comes into
contact with the nerve endings in the area
and prevents them from transmitting
nerve impulses to the brain.
Field Block
■ Field block local anesthesia involves
injecting the anesthetic drug all around
the area, which needs to be anesthetized
for procedure or surgery.
■ Example: block for tooth extractions.
Nerve Block
■ Nerve block local anesthesia involves
injecting the anesthetic drug at some
point along the nerve or nerves that run to
and from the region in which the loss of
pain sensation or muscle paralysis is
■ The blocks are given at some distance
from the field to be operated.
Several types of nerve blocks
are possible:
■ Peripheral nerve block: for relief of pain or for
diagnostic purposes.
■ Central nerve block: injection of anesthetic into the
roots of the nerves in the spinal cord.
■ Epidural anesthesia: Injection of the drug into the
epidural space where the nerves emerge from the
spinal cord.
■ Caudal block: Injection of anesthetic into the sacral
canal, below the epidural area.
■ Spinal anesthesia: Injection of anesthetic into the
spinal subarachnoid space.
Intravenous Regional Local
■ Intravenous regional local anesthesia
involves carefully draining all of the blood
from the patient’s arm or leg, securing a
tourniquet to prevent the anesthetic from
entering the general circulation, and then
injecting the anesthetic into the vein of the
arm or leg.
■ This technique is used for very specific
surgical procedures.
■ Injectable anaesthetics
■ Surface anaesthetics
Low potency and
short duration
 Procaine
 Chloroprocaine
potency and
 Lidocaine
 Prilocaine
High potency and long
 Tetracaine
 Bupivacaine
 Ropivacaine
 Dibucaine
 Cocaine
 Lidocaine
 Tetracaine
 Benoxinate
 Benzocaine
 Oxethazaine
 Butylaminobenzoate
Deference between Ester and
Amide of Local Anaesthetics
Properties Ester Amide
Onset of action Slow Fast
Duration of
Short Intermediate
Poor Good
Metabolism By cholinesterase By liver microsomal
Allergic reactions Common Uncommon
Drugs Cocaine, Procaine,
Lidocaine, Dibucaine,
Ropivacaine, Prilocaine ,
Mechanism of Action
■ Local anaesthetics [LAs] interfere with the
sodium ions entry during action potential
and this leads to inhibition of nerve
■ They mainly act on the voltage gated
sodium channel and open it, leading to
efflux of positive ions and cell become
negative inside causing hyperpolarization.
■ Mostly, the LAs are used for their local
action, but after systemic absorption from
the local site, some systemic effects may
be seen.
■ The systemic actions are seen depending
up on the concentration attained in
plasma and tissues.
■ All LAs produce CNS stimulation followed
by depression.
■ The LAs act as cardiac depressants
– if they achieve concentration 2-3 times
higher than that producing CNS effects or
accidently these are injected intravenously.
■ They decrease:
– automaticity,
– excitability,
– contractility,
– conductivity and
– prolong effective refractory period (ERP).
■ By causing vasodilation, they cause
The local anaesthetic agents are not
able to provide adequate pain control
in inflamed tissues.
■ This occurs due to following reasons:
– Due to inflammation, the pH of the tissues
becomes acidic which causes ionization of
greater fraction of the LA. This hinders the
diffusion of LAs into the axolemma of nerve.
– The LA is removed more rapidly from the site
due to increased blood flow to the inflamed
– Inflammatory mediators may oppose LA action.
Usually, adrenaline is added to the local
anaesthetic solutions.
■ The adrenaline acts as vasoconstrictor in a ratio
of 1:50,000 to 1:200,000 and the addition of a
vasoconstrictor offers following advantages as
compared to plain local anaesthetic solution:
– It prolongs the duration of action of LAs by decreasing
their rate of removal from the local site. It increases
the intensity of nerve block.
– As the rate of absorption is reduced, the plasma
concentration remains on the lower side and the
systemic toxicity of LAs is reduced.
– Due to intense local vasoconstriction, the
field of surgery remains bloodless.
– Simultaneously, there are disadvantages of
this combination in the form of
■ local tissue edema,
■ necrosis,
■ delay in wound healing due to local tissue
hypoxia and
■ rise in blood pressure and
■ arrhythmias in the susceptible individuals
Precautions while using LAs
■ Before injecting the LAs, aspiration test
should be performed to avoid intravascular
■ Inject the LA slowly and take care not to
exceed the maximum safe dose, especially
in children.
■ Propranolol (probably other β blockers also)
may reduce metabolism of lidocaine and
other amide LAs by reducing hepatic blood
■ Vasoconstrictor (adrenaline) containing LA
should be avoided for patients with
– ischemic heart disease,
– cardiac arrhythmia,
– thyrotoxicosis,
– uncontrolled hypertension, and
– those receiving
■ β blockers (rise in BP can occur due to
unopposed α action) or
■ tricyclic antidepressants (uptake blockade
and potentiation of Adr).
Reasons of failure in induction
of local anaesthesia
Causes of failure of local
Management of failed local
 Wrong technique &
anatomical variations
 Inadequate dose
 Sepsis
 Injection in blood
 Anxiety [reduces patient
pain threshold]
 Check anatomical
 Repeat injection.
 Settle pain and
inflammation and try
again about a week later.
 Manage accordingly.
 Consider whether
anxiety may be
Drugs Groups Duration
of action
Special features
Procaine Ester 15-30 Slow  It was the first synthetic LA.
 It slows the absorption of
penicillin making it OD dose.
 Presented as injection PPF
(procaine penicillin fortified).
Chloroprocaine Ester 15-30 Rapid  Low toxicity due to rapid
Amide 30-60 Rapid  Most widely used LA.
 Both surface and injectable
forms are available.
 Used for most of the surgical
Prilocaine Amide 30-90 Interm
 Used for infiltration, nerve block
and intravenous regional
Drugs Groups Duration
of action
Special features
Tetracaine Ester 120-240 Very
 Use is restricted to eye, nose,
throat and tracheobronchial tree.
Bupivacaine Amide 120-240 Interm
 Epidural injection (0.25-0.5%)
provides analgesia- painless
vaginal delivery.
 Cardiotoxic at ≥0.75%
Ropivacaine Amide 120-360 Interm
 Similar to bupivacaine with less
cardiotoxicity, preferred over
bupivacaine in postoperative
pain and painless vaginal
Dibucaine Amide 180–600 Slow  It is most potent, most toxic and
longest acting LA.
 Used only topically
Drugs Onset of
Special features
Cocaine Fast  Rarely used as anaesthetic agent.
 Produces drug dependence and abuse.
Benoxinate Rapid  0.4% solution is used for corneal
anaesthesia for tonometry (intraocular
pressure measurement procedure).
Tetracaine Very slow  0.5% solution is used for eye, nose, throat
and tracheobronchial tree.
Lidocaine (Lignocaine) Rapid  Topical: 4%, jelly & viscous form: 2%,
ointment: 5%, spray: 10% available in the
 Transdermal patch is used in post-herpetic
Benzocaine Intermediate  It is not absorbed from mucous membrane.
 Used as lozenges for stomatitis, sore throat.
 As powder/ointment for wound/ulcerated
surface and suppository for anorectal
Butylaminobenzoate Intermediate  Same as above
Oxethazaine Slow  It is active even at low pH. Hence, used
along with antacids for anesthetizing gastric
(Eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics
lignocaine 2.5% and pilocaine 2.5%)
■ Eutectic mixture is made by mixing 2.5%
lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine in equal
proportions at 25°C.
■ This lowers the melting point of these two
■ The resulting oil is emulsified into water to
form a cream.
■ This preparation can anaesthetize intact skin
after surface application.
■ The method of application of this cream is
■ The EMLA cream is applied under occlusive
dressing for 1 hr before the requirement of
anaesthesia in conditions such as
– split skin graft harvesting,
– painless IV cannulation and
– other superficial procedures.
■ The part remains anaesthetized for 1-2
hours after removal of occlusive dressing.
■ It is used as an alternative to lidocaine
■ It should not be used on
– mucous membranes and
– abraded skin.
■ It is available in 5% concentration.
■ The rapidly absorbed LAs with slow
metabolism are more toxic and produce
side effects when they come in circulation
and reach to various organs such as
CNS, CVS etc.
■ CNS effects: Dizziness, mental confusion,
disorientation, shivering, twitching,
auditory and visual disturbances,
convulsions and respiratory arrest.
– This is treated by diazepam.
■ Cardiovascular toxicity of LAs presents as
– bradycardia,
– hypotension,
– cardiac arrhythmias and
– vascular collapse.
■ Injection of LAs is painful and addition of
vasoconstrictor enhances the local tissue damage.
■ The lignocaine with adrenaline combination should not
be used for
– infiltration in ring block of hands, feet, fingers, toes,
in pinna and penis.
■ Hypersensitivity reactions and rarely anaphylaxis can
also occur.
– These reactions are more common with ester-
linked LAs, but rare with lidocaine or its congeners.
■ Cross reactivity is frequent among ester compounds,
but not with amide-linked LAs.
■ The cause of allergic reaction is methylparaben, which
is added as preservative in certain LA solutions.

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  • 2. ■ The term anaesthesia is derived from two words [an (absence) + aesthesia (sensation of pain)] meaning ‘absence of pain sensation’. ■ The drugs which are used to produce anaesthesia are known as anaesthetics or anaesthetic drugs.
  • 3. ■ General anaesthesia is defined as reversible loss of all the sensations and consciousness. – It is produced by the drugs, which act at CNS level and are known as general anaesthetic drugs. ■ Local anaesthesia is the defined as reversible loss of all the local sensations without loss of consciousness. – It is produced by the drugs, which act at peripheral level and are known as local anaesthetic drugs.
  • 4. GENERAL ANAESTHETICS (GAs) ■ General anaesthesia is the reversible loss of all the sensations and consciousness. ■ This involves following special components: – Analgesia (loss of pain sensations) – Unconsciousness (Loss of consciousness) – Amnesia – Immobility & skeletal muscles relaxation – Loss of all somatic & autonomic reflexes
  • 5. ■ An ideal anaesthetic drug should be able to induce the unconsciousness smoothly & rapidly with prompt recovery from anaesthesia whenever required. ■ The drug, which is unable to produce the above effects, is not considered as general anaesthetic drug. ■ There is no anaesthetic agent, which can produce all the above effects individually without producing toxicity. Hence, in the modern day anaesthetic practice, several different categories of drugs are used simultaneously to produce ‘balanced anaesthesia’.
  • 6. ■ The drug regimen for balanced anaesthesia is made by keeping in view the advantage of: – the individual beneficial effects of different drugs and – minimizing their individual toxic effects. ■ This is usually made by making a combination of Intravenous and inhaled drugs.
  • 7. Steps of GAs: ■ Pre-anaesthetic medication. ■ Induction of anaesthesia – IV route for adults – Inhalational for children. ■ Maintenance of all phases of anaesthesia. ■ Reversal of anaesthesia
  • 8. STAGES OF ANAESTHESIA ■ Traditionally, the anaesthetic drugs produce sequential effects as a part of increasing depth of CNS depression. ■ These stages of anaesthesia were described by Guedel in 1920 and ether was used as an anaesthetic agent at that time. These are known as Guedel’s signs. ■ In Modern anaesthesia, all these stages may not be seen very clearly and even the sequence may differ in some.
  • 9.
  • 10. ■ Stage of analgesia: – It remains from beginning of anesthesia to loss of consciousness. – Patient remains conscious and feels a dream like state. – Very short procedures can be carried out during this stage.
  • 11. ■ Stage of excitement: – During this stage, ■ patient appears delirious or ■ may lose consciousness and ■ sympathetic activity is increased which is manifested in the form of – shouts, struggle, jerky breathing, vomiting, involuntary micturation or defecation. – Heart rate and BP may rise and pupils dilate due to sympathetic stimulation. – No operative procedure can be carried out during this stage.
  • 12. ■ Stage of surgical anaesthesia: – This stage begins with ■ slowing of respiration and ■ heart rate and ■ extends to complete cessation of spontaneous respiration (apnoea). – It has been further subdivided into four planes depending upon changes in ocular movements, eye reflexes and pupil size indicating the depth of anaesthesia. – Most of the surgical procedures are performed in this stage
  • 13. ■ Stage of medullary paralysis: – Due to increasing depth of ■ CNS depression, and ■ depression of respiration & ■ vasomotor center, ■ respiratory and circulatory failure occurs. – Without respiratory and circulatory support, it progresses to death.
  • 14. Minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) ■ It is the lowest concentration of any anesthetic that produces immobility or loss of consciousness in 50% individuals. ■ The potency of any inhalational anesthetic depends upon their MAC. ■ MAC is inversely proportional to potency of drugs. – Example: nitrous oxide has high MAC [104], and is very less potent; while methoxyflurane has very low MAC [0.13] and is most potent inhalational anaesthetic.
  • 15. Blood Gas Solubility [BGS] ■ It is the solubility of inhalational anesthetic gases into the blood. ■ BGS determines the speed of induction and recovery by the inhalational agent. ■ If the inhalational anesthetic gas is less soluble into the blood, it will induce quickly and vice-versa. – Example, N2O, sevoflurane, and desflurane are used for quick induction, as these are less blood soluble.
  • 16. Inhalational anesthetic Gases MAC BGS Xenon 71 0.13-0.20 Desflurane 5.8 0.42 Nitrous oxide 105 0.45 Sevoflurane 2 0.63 Isoflurane 1.12 1.4 Halothane 0.74 2.25
  • 17. Second gas effect and diffusion hypoxia ■ In the initial part of induction, diffusion gradient from alveoli to blood is high and larger quantity of anaesthetic is entering blood. ■ If the concentration of inhaled anaesthetic is high, it will more dissolved to the blood and unable to reach at target region to produce anaesthetics effect. ■ As the solubility of N2) is very less, about 1 litre/min of N2O enters blood in the first few minutes. ■ As such, gas flow is 1 litre/min higher than minute volume. If another potent anaesthetic, e.g. halothane (1–2%) is being given at the same time, it also will be delivered to blood at a rate 1 litre/min higher than minute volume and induction will be faster. This is called ‘second gas effect’
  • 18. CLASSIFICATION OF ANAESTHETICS General Anaesthetics Agents Inhalational Agents Parenteral agents Carrying gas  Nitrous oxide  Xenon Volatile liquids  Halothane  Isoflurane  Desflurane  Sevoflurane  Ether Inducing agents  Thiopentone sodium  Propofol  Etomidate Short acting agents  Benzodiazepin e [Diazepam, Midazolam, Lorazepam].  Opioids [Fentanyl, Remifentanil, Sufentanil].  Ketamine
  • 21. Nitrous oxide [N2O] ■ It is noninflammable, colourless, odorless & non- irritating gas. ■ It is used as carrying agent for inhalational anaesthetics. ■ It has good analgesic with poor muscle relaxant property. ■ In major surgical procedure, it is used in a mixture of 70% N2O + 25–30% O2 + 0.2–2% another potent anaesthetic. ■ The onset of action is quick and smooth with rapid recovery. ■ Post anaesthetic nausea is not seen with this agent.
  • 22. Cont.. ■ It has a wide margin of safety as it has minimal effect on heart, blood pressure, respiration and is not toxic to liver, brain & kidney. ■ Second gas effect and diffusion hypoxia is seen with this agent. ■ It is contraindicated in – air embolism, – pneumothorax and – intestinal obstruction ■ as it moves very swiftly from blood into these compartments and aggravates these conditions. ■ The commercially preparation of N2O gas comes in blue coloured cylinder.
  • 23. Xenon gas ■ It is an inert gas. ■ Being least soluble in blood, it has very rapid inducing action. ■ It is commercially available in white body with green-black shoulder cylinder. ■ It has to be extracted from air and is very expensive than other carrying agents. ■ It is rarely used.
  • 25. VOLATILE LIQUIDS (Halothane, Isoflurane, Desflurane, Sevoflurane, Ether)
  • 26. Halothane ■ It is a noninflammable, volatile liquid with sweet odour & nonirritant in nature. ■ The induction with this agent can be achieved quickly and pleasantly due to intermediate solubility. ■ 2–4% of halothane is given for induction and 0.5–1% for maintenance. ■ It is delivered by the use of a special vaporizer. ■ Being highly potent, precise control of administered concentration of halothane is very important as slight deviation from the required concentration can be harmful.
  • 27. ■ It causes hypotension to the extent of 20–30 mmHg drop. ■ It is a preferred agent for asthmatics as it dilates the bronchi but respiratory depression can also occur. ■ It can prolong delivery and increase postpartal blood loss; if used during labour. ■ It is used to facilitate external or internal podalic version during late pregnancy due its property of inhibition of uterine contractions. ■ In genetically predisposed individuals, – hepatitis and – malignant hyperthermia can occur.
  • 28. ■ Malignant hyperthermia is treated by: – Rapid external cooling – Bicarbonate infusion – 100% O2 inhalation – IV dantrolene (1 mg/kg repeated as required). ■ In children, it is suitable for both for induction as well as maintenance. ■ In adults, it is mainly used for maintenance after IV induction. ■ Practically, halothane is quite common in use.
  • 29. Isoflurane ■ Isoflurane is commonly used anaesthetic agent as it produces relatively rapid induction and recovery as compared to halothane. ■ It is administered through a special vaporizer. ■ 1.5–3% of isoflurane is given for induction and 1–2% for maintenance. ■ Hypotension is similar to halothane with prominent respiratory depression. ■ It is not preferred for induction because of its pungent nature. ■ It is a good maintenance anaesthetic, and is suitable for neurosurgery.
  • 30. Sevoflurane ■ It has pleasant odour and it is more suitable anaesthetic agent for induction in children. ■ It is administered through a face mask. ■ It is intermediate between isoflurane and desflurane in different pharmacological properties. ■ The solubility in blood and potency are less than isoflurane but more than desflurane. ■ It is good agent for induction as well as maintenance with quick recovery. ■ It is suitable both for outpatient as well as inpatient surgery. ■ It is very expensive; rarely used in government hospitals while commonly used in corporate hospitals.
  • 31. Desflurane ■ It has pungent odour and is not suitable for induction. ■ It is 5 times less potent than isoflurane. ■ It is administered in the vapour form along with carrier gas (N2O+O2) mixture. ■ The induction and recovery is very fast due to very low solubility in blood. ■ It is most commonly used as an anaesthetic for outpatient surgery.
  • 32. COMPARATIVE FEATURES OF DIFFERENT INHALATIONAL AGENTSProperties Halothane Isoflurane Sevoflurane Desflurane Chemical structure Halogenated ether Isomer of enflurane Halogenated ether It is a structure analogue of Isoflurane with replacement of chloride to Fluoride. Boiling point 50°C 48°C 59°C 24°C (Room temperature) to prevent it from boiling TEC-6 vaporizer is used. MAC 0.75 1.12 2 5.8 BGS 2.25 1.4 0.63 0.42 Colour code Red Purple Yellow Magenta blue Muscles relaxant Least potent More than halothane More than Isoflurane Most potent Malignant hyperthermia More common Less common than halothane Less common than Isoflurane Least common
  • 33.  All inhalational anaesthetics are respiratory depressant.  Isoflurane causes Coronary steal phenomenon; hence contraindicated in MI.  Sevoflurane is the inhalational agent of choice for induction of GA.  Desflurane is used as maintenance of choice for GAs.  Desflurane is the inhalational agent of choice for  surgery in elderly patient,  renal impaired and  day care surgery.  Halothane is potent bronchodilator and best uterine relaxant may cause  uterine atony  post partum hemorrhage.
  • 34.  Malignant hyperthermia is more common with halothane, which presents as fever, hypertension and tachycardia and is managed by IV injection of Dantrolene.  Propofol is a DOC for malignant hyperthermia during anaesthesia.  Methoxyflurane is more potent than other inhalational anaesthetics but it is not used nowadays due to severe nephrotoxicity.  Enflurane: It is also inhalational anaesthetic, absolutes nowadays due to epileptogenic effects.
  • 35. Ether ■ Ether is an inflammable and highly volatile liquid. ■ It has potent anaesthetic, analgesic and muscle relaxant properties. ■ It is not used nowadays due to its potent side effects. ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE OF ETHER Advantage Disadvantage  It is cardiovascular stable drug.  It does not depress respiratory center; no hypoxia is seen.  It obeys all five criteria of GAs.  It is a good bronchodilator.  It is quite economical.  Both induction and recovery are slow as it is highly soluble in blood.  It produces irritant vapors and increases the tracheobronchial secretions; prior atropine is required.  It is a highly inflammable agent.
  • 37. Thiopentone sodium ■ It is most commonly used ultra short acting thiobarbiturate. ■ The solution for injection (2.5%) should be freshly prepared. ■ The solution is alkaline in nature with a pH of 10.5. ■ It produces induction within 10-12 seconds after IV injection. ■ It has short duration of action and the consciousness is regained within 6-8 minutes. ■ It is given in a dose of 3-5 mg/kg.
  • 38. ■ It decreases cerebral blood flow as well as cerebral oxygen demand; cerebral perfusion is maintained as per the requirement. ■ It also causes hypotension and tachycardia due to peripheral vasodilatory effects. ■ It is useful for – induction of anaesthesia, – narcoanalysis (used as truth serum), – management of status epilepticus, – electroconvulsive therapy and – brain surgery. ■ Most commonly seen adverse effects are – delirium and – shivering during reversal of anaesthesia.
  • 39. ■ It is contraindicated in-patients with asthma as it may cause laryngospasm due to increased respiratory secretions. ■ It is also contraindicated in shock and porphyria. ■ Thiopentone sodium should be administered only into the vein; if accidentally injected into the artery, intense pain, necrosis and gangrene can occur. ■ The first symptom, which appears after injection into the artery, is severe pain and first sign is pallor.
  • 40. Management ■ Leave the cannula in situ. ■ Stat injection of 500unit of heparin. ■ 1% Lignocaine 10ml given; causes vasodilation and reduces pain. ■ Ganglionic block may be done by blocking stellate ganglion.
  • 41. Propofol ■ It is preferred over thiopentone for induction. ■ It is used for both induction and maintenance purpose. ■ It is oily in nature and commercially prepared from the egg extract; painful during injection. ■ The patient becomes unconscious within 15–45 second and the effect lasts for 5–10 min. ■ It is given in a dose of 2 mg/kg in 1-2% concentration bolus i.v. for induction; 100–200 μg/kg/min for maintenance. ■ The recovery with Propofol is pleasant; hence, it is a drug of choice for day care surgery.
  • 42. ■ It relaxes the upper airways; it is agent of choice for endoscopy, intubation and in asthmatics. Higher doses may produce respiratory depression also. ■ It also decreases cerebral metabolic O2 demand, cerebral blood flow and ICT as thiopentone. ■ The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting is very low. ■ The cardiac effects are similar to thiopentone. ■ In high dose, it may lead to metabolic acidosis, lipaemia and heart failure even in adults. ■ It is contraindicated in shock. ■ Intermittent injection or continuous infusion of propofol with fentanyl supplementation is used to produce total i.v. anaesthesia.
  • 43. Etomidate ■ It is also ultra-short acting anaesthetic with brief duration of action. ■ It is given in a dose of 0.2–0.5mg/kg. ■ It produces less cardiovascular and respiratory depression. ■ It is not used these days due to: – Pain on injection. – Excessive muscles movement on induction. – Nausea, vomiting on recovery. – Adrenocortical suppression if infusion is given for prolonged period.
  • 45. Benzodiazepines [Diazepam, Midazolam, Lorazepam]■ These agents are used in pre-anaesthetic medication, induction, maintaining and supplementing anaesthesia as well as for ‘conscious sedation’. ■ They slightly decrease respiration, blood pressure and cardiac contractility when given in combination with opioids. ■ They produce amnesia, sedation and unconsciousness within 5-10 minutes, when given in slightly higher doses.
  • 46. ■ The side effects such as nausea or vomiting are uncommon with BZDs. ■ The common indications of BZDs are endoscopies, angiography, cardiac catheterization, setting of fractures, local/regional anaesthesia. ■ BZDs are also an important component of balanced anaesthesia. ■ Flumazenil in a dose of 0.5–2 mg IV is used for the reversal of anaesthetic effects of BZDs.
  • 47. ■ Diazepam – Administered in a running IV infusion in a dose of 0.2–0.5 mg/kg slowly to prevent thrombophlebitis. ■ Lorazepam – It is a slow acting, less irritant and 3- times more potent than diazepam. – It is given in a dose of 2-4 mg IV. – It has potent amnesic effect.
  • 48. Midazolam ■ It is short acting, nonirritant to veins and water soluble BZD. ■ It is 3 times more potent than diazepam. ■ It is given in a dose of 1–2.5 mg IV, while 0.02– 0.1 mg/kg/hour continuous IV infusion is given in the critical care anaesthesia. ■ It is also used for the sedation of ■ intubated and ■ mechanically ventilated patients, and ■ for debridement & ■ dressing of burn wounds. ■ It is preferred over diazepam for anaesthetic use.
  • 49. OPIOIDS [Fentanyl, Remifentanil, Sufentanil]. ■ Fentanyl – It is more lipid soluble and easily crosses BBB; produces analgesic effects within 5 minutes after IV injection. – It is given in a dose of 2–4 μg/kg and can be used in combination with BZDs. – It is used for endoscopic, angiographic and minor surgical procedures in low risk patients. – It is used as adjunct in nerve block, spinal block and for the management of postoperative pain. ■ Alfentanil, Sufentanil and Remifentanil are still shorter acting analogues, which can be used in place of fentanyl.
  • 50. Ketamine ■ It induces ‘dissociative anaesthesia’, which is characterized by dissociation from the body and surroundings with profound analgesia, immobility, amnesia and light sleep. ■ The primary site of action is in the cortex and subcortical areas; not in the reticular activating system, which is the site of action of barbiturates. ■ It acts by inhibition of NMDA receptor complex. ■ Respiration is not depressed, bronchi dilate, airway reflexes are maintained, muscle tone increases.
  • 51. ■ A dose of 1–2 mg/kg IV or 3–5 mg/kg IM produces the above effects within a minute, and recovery starts after 10–15 min, but patient remains amnesic for 1–2 hr. ■ Ketamine has been used for operations on the – head and neck, – in asthmatics (relieves bronchospasm), – in those who do not want to lose consciousness and for short operations. ■ It is the only IV anaesthetic that produces analgesic effects.
  • 52. ■ Ketamine increases the cerebral blood flow, intraocular pressure (IOP) and intracranial tension (ICT). ■ Therefore, it is contraindicated in patients with – hypertension, – ischemic heart disease, – glaucoma and – neurosurgical procedures but ■ suitable for patient of hypovolumic shock. ■ It is used in combination with diazepam for angiographies, cardiac catheterization and trauma surgery. ■ Children tolerate this drug better than adults.
  • 53. CONSCIOUS SEDATION ■ ‘Conscious sedation’ is a state of altered consciousness that is used in minor procedures (localized surgical or therapeutic procedure) which do not require proper anaesthesia. ■ In this condition the patient is in conscious state but doesn’t feel any pain stimulus. ■ This is due to CNS depressant effects by the drugs without interfering the level of consciousness of patient.
  • 54. Drugs used for conscious sedation are ■ Fentanyl: At 1–2 μg/kg every 15–30 min with/without combination of other drugs [Propofol, Midazolam]. ■ Nitrous oxide: 10% nitrous oxide [maximum up to 50%] in combination with 100% oxygen. The effects last only for ≤ 1 hour. ■ Propofol: Given as continuous IV infusion till the procedure is performed. It has very short action. As soon as Propofol is withdrawn, patient recovers within minutes.
  • 55. ■ Diazepam: 1-2 mg slow IV infusion in small repeated doses produces satisfactory sedative effects like slurring of speech, ptosis, muscles relaxation, etc. – The further administration is stopped after this observation. – The effects of diazepam persist for an hour while the psychomotor impairment persists for 6–24 hour. ■ Midazolam: It is used as an alternative to diazepam.
  • 56. Dexmedetomidine is a centrally active selective α2A agonist that has been introduced for sedating critically ill/ventilated patients in intensive care units.
  • 58. ■ Preanaesthetic medications are the drugs given before anaesthesia to make patient calm and to make the anaesthesia more pleasant and safe. ■ It is given: – To decrease the level of anxiety and apprehension – To facilitate induction – For pre- and postoperative amnesia – To decrease the requirement of anaesthetic drugs – To decrease gastric and respiratory secretions and antiemetic effect. ■ Depending upon the need of patient and type of surgery being performed, different combination of drugs are used as pre-anaesthetic medications.
  • 59. Sedative-antianxiety drugs ■ Benzodiazepines like diazepam, lorazepam, midazolam, and promethazine are commonly used drug as preanaesthetic medications for their tranquilizer and smooth induction property. ■ Diazepam (5–10 mg oral) or lorazepam (2 mg oral or 0.05 mg/kg IM) are used one hour before the surgery.
  • 60. ■ Midazolam is commonly used intravenously due to it shorter action and water solubility. It is used along with pethidine/fentanyl for a variety of minor surgical and endoscopic procedures ■ Promethazine having antihistaminic, antiemetic anticholinergic and sedative effects is used in a dose of 50 mg intramuscularly.
  • 61. Anticholinergics ■ These drugs are less frequently used nowadays due to availability of non-irritant anaesthetics drugs. ■ The commonly used anticholinergics for preanaesthetics are atropine or hyoscine or glycopyrrolate. ■ These drugs are used to reduce GI and bronchial secretions to prevent aspiration.
  • 62. ■ Atropine or hyoscine given in a dose of 0.6 mg or 10–20 μg/kg IM/IV and glycopyrrolate at 0.2–0.3 mg or 5–10 μ g/kg IM/IV. ■ Glycopyrrolate is more preferred than atropine due to its lesser side effects and good anti-secretory action after IM injection. ■ Hyoscine having both antiemetic and amnestic effects but may lead to delirium and disorientation; hence less frequently used.
  • 63. H2 blockers/proton pump inhibitors ■ These agents are mainly indicated in the individuals who are at high risk of gastric regurgitation and aspiration pneumonia usually seen after prolonged GI surgery, caesarian section and obese patients. ■ The commonly prescribed drugs are pantoprazole (40 mg) or Ranitidine (150 mg) or famotidine (20 mg) or omeprazole (20 mg). These are given night before and in the morning or preferably 12 hours before any procedure. ■ They reduce GI secretions as well as pH; hence routinely prescribed nowadays. ■ They are also beneficial to prevented stress ulcer.
  • 64. Antiemetics ■ The commonly prescribed drugs are metoclopramide, ondansetron and domperidone. Metoclopramide Ondansetron Domperidone  Preoperatively 10– 20 mg IM is given to counteract postoperative vomiting.  It increases LES tone and promoting gastric emptying.  It may use in combination with H2 blockers.  Preoperatively 4–8 mg IV is given to counteract postoperative nausea and vomiting.  It selectively inhibits5-HT3 receptors.  It has very few side effects; hence most commonly used.  Domperidone is nearly as effective and does not produce extrapyramidal side effects.
  • 65. Opioids ■ Nowadays opioids are less commonly used in postoperative pain; fentanyl is used only if specifically indicated. ■ Opioids are used for induction, pre-and post- operative analgesia and to manage preoperative anxiety. ■ Commonly intramuscularly morphine (10 mg) or pethidine (50-100 mg) are used. ■ They may cause respiratory depression, biliary spasm, hypotension and may precipitate asthma. ■ Morphine may cause postoperative vomiting, urinary retention and constipation; while pethidine induces tachycardia.
  • 66. Neuroleptics ■ These agents have great potency to develop hypotension and respiratory depression; hence infrequently used nowadays. ■ In children muscles dystonia and involuntary movements may be seen. ■ These agents are used as antiemetics, antianxiety and for induction. ■ The commonly used preanaesthetic drugs are chlorpromazine (25 mg), triflupromazine (10 mg) or haloperidol (2–4mg) given intramuscularly.
  • 68. ■ Local anesthesia refers to a reversible loss of sensations in limited areas of the body. ■ The local anaesthetic drugs block generation and conduction of nerve impulse at any part of the neuron with which they come in contact, without causing any structural damage to the nerve. ■ When a LA is applied to a mixed nerve, both sensory and motor impulses are interrupted which results in muscular paralysis and loss of autonomic control as well.
  • 69. ■ Local anesthesia can be achieved by several different methods: – Topical administration, – infiltration, – field block, – nerve block, and – intravenous regional anesthesia.
  • 70. Topical Administration ■ Topical local anesthesia involves the application of a cream, lotion, ointment, or drop of a local anesthetic to skin or mucous membrane to relieve pain or to anesthetize the area to facilitate a medical procedure. ■ Although systemic absorption is rare with topical application, it can occur if there is damage or breakdown of the tissues in the area.
  • 71. Infiltration anaesthesia ■ Infiltration local anesthesia involves injecting the anesthetic drug directly into the tissues to be anaesthetized. ■ The infiltrated anesthetic comes into contact with the nerve endings in the area and prevents them from transmitting nerve impulses to the brain.
  • 72. Field Block ■ Field block local anesthesia involves injecting the anesthetic drug all around the area, which needs to be anesthetized for procedure or surgery. ■ Example: block for tooth extractions.
  • 73. Nerve Block ■ Nerve block local anesthesia involves injecting the anesthetic drug at some point along the nerve or nerves that run to and from the region in which the loss of pain sensation or muscle paralysis is desired. ■ The blocks are given at some distance from the field to be operated.
  • 74. Several types of nerve blocks are possible: ■ Peripheral nerve block: for relief of pain or for diagnostic purposes. ■ Central nerve block: injection of anesthetic into the roots of the nerves in the spinal cord. ■ Epidural anesthesia: Injection of the drug into the epidural space where the nerves emerge from the spinal cord. ■ Caudal block: Injection of anesthetic into the sacral canal, below the epidural area. ■ Spinal anesthesia: Injection of anesthetic into the spinal subarachnoid space.
  • 75. Intravenous Regional Local Anesthesia ■ Intravenous regional local anesthesia involves carefully draining all of the blood from the patient’s arm or leg, securing a tourniquet to prevent the anesthetic from entering the general circulation, and then injecting the anesthetic into the vein of the arm or leg. ■ This technique is used for very specific surgical procedures.
  • 76. CLASSIFICATION ■ Injectable anaesthetics ■ Surface anaesthetics Low potency and short duration  Procaine  Chloroprocaine Intermediate potency and duration  Lidocaine (Lignocaine)  Prilocaine High potency and long duration  Tetracaine  Bupivacaine  Ropivacaine  Dibucaine Soluble  Cocaine  Lidocaine  Tetracaine  Benoxinate Insoluble  Benzocaine  Oxethazaine  Butylaminobenzoate
  • 77. Deference between Ester and Amide of Local Anaesthetics Properties Ester Amide Onset of action Slow Fast Duration of action Short Intermediate Tissue penetration Poor Good Metabolism By cholinesterase By liver microsomal enzyme Allergic reactions Common Uncommon Drugs Cocaine, Procaine, Benzocaine, Tetracaine Chloroprocaine Lidocaine, Dibucaine, Bupivacaine, Ropivacaine, Prilocaine , Articaine
  • 78. Mechanism of Action ■ Local anaesthetics [LAs] interfere with the sodium ions entry during action potential and this leads to inhibition of nerve conduction. ■ They mainly act on the voltage gated sodium channel and open it, leading to efflux of positive ions and cell become negative inside causing hyperpolarization.
  • 79.
  • 80. ■ Mostly, the LAs are used for their local action, but after systemic absorption from the local site, some systemic effects may be seen. ■ The systemic actions are seen depending up on the concentration attained in plasma and tissues. ■ All LAs produce CNS stimulation followed by depression.
  • 81. ■ The LAs act as cardiac depressants – if they achieve concentration 2-3 times higher than that producing CNS effects or accidently these are injected intravenously. ■ They decrease: – automaticity, – excitability, – contractility, – conductivity and – prolong effective refractory period (ERP). ■ By causing vasodilation, they cause hypotension.
  • 82. The local anaesthetic agents are not able to provide adequate pain control in inflamed tissues. ■ This occurs due to following reasons: – Due to inflammation, the pH of the tissues becomes acidic which causes ionization of greater fraction of the LA. This hinders the diffusion of LAs into the axolemma of nerve. – The LA is removed more rapidly from the site due to increased blood flow to the inflamed area. – Inflammatory mediators may oppose LA action.
  • 83. Usually, adrenaline is added to the local anaesthetic solutions. ■ The adrenaline acts as vasoconstrictor in a ratio of 1:50,000 to 1:200,000 and the addition of a vasoconstrictor offers following advantages as compared to plain local anaesthetic solution: – It prolongs the duration of action of LAs by decreasing their rate of removal from the local site. It increases the intensity of nerve block. – As the rate of absorption is reduced, the plasma concentration remains on the lower side and the systemic toxicity of LAs is reduced.
  • 84. Cont… – Due to intense local vasoconstriction, the field of surgery remains bloodless. – Simultaneously, there are disadvantages of this combination in the form of ■ local tissue edema, ■ necrosis, ■ delay in wound healing due to local tissue hypoxia and ■ rise in blood pressure and ■ arrhythmias in the susceptible individuals
  • 85. Precautions while using LAs ■ Before injecting the LAs, aspiration test should be performed to avoid intravascular injection. ■ Inject the LA slowly and take care not to exceed the maximum safe dose, especially in children. ■ Propranolol (probably other β blockers also) may reduce metabolism of lidocaine and other amide LAs by reducing hepatic blood flow.
  • 86. Cont… ■ Vasoconstrictor (adrenaline) containing LA should be avoided for patients with – ischemic heart disease, – cardiac arrhythmia, – thyrotoxicosis, – uncontrolled hypertension, and – those receiving ■ β blockers (rise in BP can occur due to unopposed α action) or ■ tricyclic antidepressants (uptake blockade and potentiation of Adr).
  • 87. Reasons of failure in induction of local anaesthesia Causes of failure of local anaesthesia Management of failed local anaesthesia  Wrong technique & anatomical variations  Inadequate dose  Sepsis  Injection in blood vessels  Anxiety [reduces patient pain threshold]  Check anatomical landmarks.  Repeat injection.  Settle pain and inflammation and try again about a week later.  Manage accordingly.  Consider whether anxiety may be contributory.
  • 88. Drugs Groups Duration of action (minutes) Onset of action Special features Procaine Ester 15-30 Slow  It was the first synthetic LA.  It slows the absorption of penicillin making it OD dose.  Presented as injection PPF (procaine penicillin fortified). Chloroprocaine Ester 15-30 Rapid  Low toxicity due to rapid metabolism. Lidocaine (Lignocaine) Amide 30-60 Rapid  Most widely used LA.  Both surface and injectable forms are available.  Used for most of the surgical procedures. Prilocaine Amide 30-90 Interm ediate  Used for infiltration, nerve block and intravenous regional anaesthesia.
  • 89. Drugs Groups Duration of action (minutes) Onset of action Special features Tetracaine Ester 120-240 Very slow  Use is restricted to eye, nose, throat and tracheobronchial tree. Bupivacaine Amide 120-240 Interm ediate  Epidural injection (0.25-0.5%) provides analgesia- painless vaginal delivery.  Cardiotoxic at ≥0.75% concentration. Ropivacaine Amide 120-360 Interm ediate  Similar to bupivacaine with less cardiotoxicity, preferred over bupivacaine in postoperative pain and painless vaginal delivery. Dibucaine Amide 180–600 Slow  It is most potent, most toxic and longest acting LA.  Used only topically
  • 90. Drugs Onset of action Special features Cocaine Fast  Rarely used as anaesthetic agent.  Produces drug dependence and abuse. Benoxinate Rapid  0.4% solution is used for corneal anaesthesia for tonometry (intraocular pressure measurement procedure). Tetracaine Very slow  0.5% solution is used for eye, nose, throat and tracheobronchial tree. Lidocaine (Lignocaine) Rapid  Topical: 4%, jelly & viscous form: 2%, ointment: 5%, spray: 10% available in the market.  Transdermal patch is used in post-herpetic neuralgia. Benzocaine Intermediate  It is not absorbed from mucous membrane.  Used as lozenges for stomatitis, sore throat.  As powder/ointment for wound/ulcerated surface and suppository for anorectal lesions. Butylaminobenzoate Intermediate  Same as above Oxethazaine Slow  It is active even at low pH. Hence, used along with antacids for anesthetizing gastric mucosa.
  • 92. EMLA (Eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics lignocaine 2.5% and pilocaine 2.5%) ■ Eutectic mixture is made by mixing 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine in equal proportions at 25°C. ■ This lowers the melting point of these two drugs. ■ The resulting oil is emulsified into water to form a cream.
  • 93. ■ This preparation can anaesthetize intact skin after surface application. ■ The method of application of this cream is unique. ■ The EMLA cream is applied under occlusive dressing for 1 hr before the requirement of anaesthesia in conditions such as – split skin graft harvesting, – painless IV cannulation and – other superficial procedures.
  • 94. Cont.. ■ The part remains anaesthetized for 1-2 hours after removal of occlusive dressing. ■ It is used as an alternative to lidocaine infiltration. ■ It should not be used on – mucous membranes and – abraded skin. ■ It is available in 5% concentration.
  • 95. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF LOCAL ANAESTHETICS ■ The rapidly absorbed LAs with slow metabolism are more toxic and produce side effects when they come in circulation and reach to various organs such as CNS, CVS etc.
  • 96. ■ CNS effects: Dizziness, mental confusion, disorientation, shivering, twitching, auditory and visual disturbances, convulsions and respiratory arrest. – This is treated by diazepam. ■ Cardiovascular toxicity of LAs presents as – bradycardia, – hypotension, – cardiac arrhythmias and – vascular collapse.
  • 97. ■ Injection of LAs is painful and addition of vasoconstrictor enhances the local tissue damage. ■ The lignocaine with adrenaline combination should not be used for – infiltration in ring block of hands, feet, fingers, toes, in pinna and penis. ■ Hypersensitivity reactions and rarely anaphylaxis can also occur. – These reactions are more common with ester- linked LAs, but rare with lidocaine or its congeners. ■ Cross reactivity is frequent among ester compounds, but not with amide-linked LAs. ■ The cause of allergic reaction is methylparaben, which is added as preservative in certain LA solutions.
  • 98. thanx