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Linda Litasari
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Abstract: Based on previous research, Sarinten (2010) in her thesis titled
Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Text Through Picture Series (An
Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Cawas, Klaten in the Academic
Year of 2009/2010), she said that picture series can improve the students’ attention
and motivation in writing lesson, therefore researcher is interested to find out whether
the picture series can improve the skill of the tenth grade students’ of SMA Negeri 2
Banjarbaru in writing narrative text. This research uses quasi experimental method.
The instruments used in collecting data are test and observation. The sample of this
research are X6 students as experimental class and X8 students as control class. The
result of this research shows that the use of picture series in teaching writing has
improved the students’ student’s ability in writing narrative text. This is also proven
through the calculation of t-test. Since t-test result from both result of pre-test and
post-test is higher than t-table, it means picture series has given some effects in
improving the students’ ability in writing narrative text at the tenth grade students of
SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru.Based on the research, it is concluded that picture series is
a useful technique to use to improve the students’ achievement in writing skill,
especially in writing narrative text, since the students’ achievement increase after
they are taught by using this technique. Therefore, it is suggested that the teacher to
continue to use picture series in the next lesson.
Keywords: Picture series, Narrative text, Writing
Background of the Study
In learning English, there are
four language skills that should be
learnt, they are listening, reading,
speaking, and writing. Listening and
reading belong to receptive skills in
which the language users require the
ability to receive spoken and written
language, while speaking and writing
belong to productive skills in which the
language users require the ability to
produce language both spoken and
written (Harmer, 1983: 44). Based on
curriculum KTSP, all skills in teaching
and learning English that are integrated
each other must be learnt and taught by
both students and teacher, including
writing skill.
Writing is one of the skills that
are learnt in the English class. In
writing class we often find the students
who can not write an English
composition spontaniously or easily,
they might get struggle when they
write, they might be have some
difficulties in making a good sentence,
they might have a trouble with the right
sentence structure and the good word
One of the kinds of the text of
writing that is taught in senior high
school is narrative text. As the tenth
grade English teacher in SMA Negeri 2
Banjarbaru said that the tenth grade
students in this school still get struggle
when they are asked to write a
narrative text, it can be seen in the text
that the students produced, they can not
write the text in the correct sentence
structure, they can not write in the
correct word order. The biggest
problem is the students can not arrange
the text based on the correct generic
Based on the case above, a
certain technique is needed to help or
to motivate the students they write an
English composition, therefore the
students are expected to be able to
write a good composition, especially in
narrative text. Therefore, researcher
purposed picture series to be applied in
SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru, teacher can
use this technique while teaching and
learning process, picture series can be
used to visualize the students’ idea to
be written, therefore writing lesson
becomes easier. It is also supported by
Sarinten (2010) statement in her thesis
titled Improving Students’ Skill in
Writing Narrative Text Through
Picture Series (An Action Research at
the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1
Cawas, Klaten in the Academic Year of
2009/2010), she said that picture series
as teaching media improves the
students’ interest and motivation in
writing narrative text.
In senior high school syllabus,
the students are expected to be able to
express the meaning in short functional
text in a formal and informal language,
correctly and acceptable in daily life
context. When they are writing a
narrative text they are expected to use
the accurate grammar, vocabulary,
punctuation, and spelling, then they are
expected to be able to produce a good
narrative text in order to reach the
To teach writing successfully
and to reach the objectives, the teacher
should be able to teach by using certain
techniques, as Raimes (1983)
mentioned that there are 8 (eight)
techniques of teaching writing, they are
teaching writing by using picture
series, teaching writing by planning the
class, teching writing by using
readings, teaching writing by using all
language skills, teaching writing by
using practical writing, teaching
writing by using controlled writing,
teaching writing by using teaching
organization, and teaching writing by
responding to students’ writing.
In this thesis, the researcher
purposed to use picture series as the
technique in teaching narrative text.
This is as Sarinten (2010) statement in
her thesis titled Improving Students’
Skill in Writing Narrative Text Through
Picture Series (An Action Research at
the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1
Cawas, Klaten in the Academic Year of
2009/2010), she said that picture series
as teaching media improves the
students’ interest and motivation in
writing narrative text.
The Definition of Writing
Brown (2001: 335) explained
that writing is the representation of
spoken language, written language is
almost same with spoken language, the
difference is the performance of written
language is conveyed in graphichal.
Besides Brown also mentioned that
written products are the result of
thinking, drafting, and revising
procedures, specialized skills is
required in written laguage, and that
not every speaker develops naturally.
The conclusion based on
statements above that writing is a
process of expressing the idea into a
written form, and it needs specialized
skills that not every students can
develop it naturally, it needs the
teacher who is able to motivate and
encourage the students to develop their
writing skills, and they are expected to
be able to develop their writing skills
and make a good composition.
Characteristics of Written Language
There are 7 (seven)
characteristics of written language;
based on Brown (2001:341-342), they
1. Permanence: Written language
should have the power to correcting
the text, to clarify, and to withdraw,
therefore the teacher is expected to
be able to guide, to facilitate, and
help the students to revise and
refine their work, thus the students
feel confidence when they write.
2. Production time: The efficient time
in writing process, the goal is to
train the students to make the best
posible use of limitation time.
3. Distance: The students perspective;
general knowledge, cultural and
literary schemata, and specific
subject matter knowledge about
what they write.
4. 4. Orthography: The differences
between our native language with
5. Complexity:
1. How to remove redudancy.
2. How combine sentence.
3. How to make references.
4. How to create syntactical and
lexical variety.
6. Vocabulary: The students’ mastery
of vocabulary.
7. Formality: The students have to
learn how to describe, explain,
compare, contrast, illustrate,
defend, criticize, and argue.
Teaching Writing
Harmer (1998: 261-262) stated
the teacher not only needs to deploy
some or all of the usual roles when they
ask students to write, but also they
should have the ones of these
important roles when they are teaching
writing, the roles are: motivator,
resource, and feedback provider.
Based on Harmer, when teaching
writing teachers are expected to act as:
1. Motivator: teacher will be able to
motivate the students, create the
right conditions for the generation of
ideas, persuade them of the
usefulness of the activity, and
encourage them to make as much
effort as possible for maximum
benefit. And also help them to
generate their idea.
2. Resource: teacher should be ready to
suply information and language
where necessary. Teachers need to
tell the students that they are
available and be prepared to look the
students’ work as it progress, offer
advice and suggestions in a
constructive and tactful way.
3. Feedback provider: teachers should
respond positively and
encouragingly to the content of what
students have written.
Narrative Text
The definition of narrative text:
Rebecca (2003) defined a narrative text
is a text which relates a series of
logically, and chronologically related
events that are caused or experienced
by factors. It is a kind of text to amuse,
entertain, and to deal the readers with
actual or vicarious experience in
different ways.
The generic structure of
narrative text: Anderson, M. &
Anderson, K. (2003) explained 3
(three) steps in constructing a narrative
text. They are orientation,
complication, and resolution.
1. Orientation, the writer tells the
audience who is in the story, when
it is happening, where it is
happening, and what is happening.
2. Complication, the writer tells about
something that will begin a chain of
3. Resolution is the ending of the
story, it shows how the characters
deal with the problem.
Pictures Series and the Use of
Pictures in Teaching Learning
The following is the general
strategies for using any pictures
according to Rimes:
1. Whole-class discussion which then
leads to writing, can be generated by
many types of pictures.
2. To provide a student audience for
the student writers, give a half the
class one picture, and the other half
3. With students working in pairs or
small group, give each student of
pair or each group a different
pictures to work with, it can make
teacher frees of obtaining class sets
of pictures, and also provides
students with a real communicative
task. When the students have the
only copy of a picture, they should
be able to inform the rest of the class
about it.
4. Real communicative tasks can be
developed by using in the classroom
pictures that the students themselves
provide. The advantages are: the
teacher can relieved of the task of
finding a picture and the students
have something to write about in the
classroom. The other advantage is
students can be asked to provide
their own favourite picture, they can
choose the picture that they like,
therefore, they will be interested to
participate the lesson.
5. Teacher can ask the students to use
their imagination to visualize what
happened just before the moment in
the picture and what will happen
next, it will be easier for the student
to predict the event that might be
happened when they see it in the
picture, they will be able to express
write their idea easily.
Based on the explanation above,
researcher can conclude that the
students still have some difficulties,
problems, and they often get struggle to
convey their idea when they are writing
a narrative text, it is because they have
poor vocabulary, can not put the
sentences in a correct order, and can
not convey the idea in past tense form
As the teacher we are expected
to able to help, to guide and to
encourage the student in certain
technique, when teaching writing
teacher should be able to act as
motivator, resource, and feedback
provider, and the students are expected
to be able to make a good composition.
The technique that is used in this
reasearch is picture series, because the
picture is attractive for the students,
besides it can povide students’
attention when they are asked to write
narrative text. Therefore, after
treatment using this technique the
students are expected to be able to
write a narrative text correctly.
Methodology of the Research
Research Design
Fraenkel and Wallen (2006:
267) stated that experimental research
is the most powerful research
methodologies that reseachers can use.
Of the many types of research that
might be used, experimental is the best
way to establish cause-and-effect
relathionships among variables.
Experimental research is the
research which is the researcher
decides the nature of treatment; (that is,
what is going to happen to the subject
of the study), to whom it is to be
applied, and to what extent. Fraenkel
and Wallen (2006)
The researcher decide what is
suitable the treatment that will be used
in the research, researcher have also
decide the subject and the purpose of
the research. As the treatment in this
research the students of experimental
class were asked to practice writing
narrative text using picture series, but
the students of control class did not
give a treatment, for the treatment they
were asked to write narrative text
without using picture series. The
subject of this research is the tenth
grade students of SMA Negeri 2
Banjarbaru, the students of X6 class as
experimental class and X8 class as
control class, each class is consisting of
28 students. This research is conducted
to find whether using picture series can
improve the students’ skill in writing
narrative text.
Based on the statement above,
the researcher will conduct a quasi
experimental research, because the
researcher will find out whether using
picture series can improve students’
skill of writing a narrative text or not.
The procedures of the
experiment that are used are:
1. Pre-test
In the first meeting pre-test will be
done to measure students’ writing
skill. In the pre-test, both of control
class and experimental class
students was asked to write a
narrative task without using picture
series. The pre-test is in written
2. Treatment
For the treatment, the teacher asked
the students to practice writing
narrative text using picture series, in
each class this treatment given three
times in every class meeting. Each
meeting teacher used different
narrative story and different picture.
- In the control class students
wrote a narrative text without
picture series.
- In the experimental class students
wrote a narrative text using
picture series.
3. Post-test
After treatment, the researcher will
give the post-test in the last meeting.
The test was similar with the pre-
test. The post-test will be done after
the treatment given to the students to
practice writing a narrative text
using picture series in the class.
In the post test students will be
asked to write a similar story that have
been done in the pre-test, but in the
post-test teacher asked the students to
write narrative text the using picture
The researcher will find out if
there any improvement in students’
skill of writing narrative text after they
practice writing using picture series. To
analyze the each result of the
experiment, both the experimental and
the control class, researcher used the
formula below:
t =
Research Findings and Discussion
The research is begun by
conducting a pre test to the students.
The pre-test was done to find out
whether using picture series can
improve the students’ ability in writing
narrative text or not. In this research
researcher used quasi experimental
research, therefore researcher needed to
do the pre-test, treatment and post-test
to get the data to conduct this research,
to get the data resarcher asked the
teacher of the class to teach using
picture series in experimental class.
Findings on the Pre-Test
In the pre-test the students asked
to write the narrative text without using
picture series, and the story was
Pinocchio. First, the teacher stimulated
the students’ background knowledge
about narrative text. Then, the teacher
introduced the topic or the material to
learn and asked the students to write
narrative text based on the topic. In this
stage students wrote the narrative text
without picture series to know the
students’ ability in writing narrative
text before the treatment.
The researcher found out the
mean of the data of pre-test with the
Md =
Md = 1960
= 70
After the data are analyzed, from
the table above it shows that the mean
of the control class is 70, the highest
score 16 and the mark is 8; the lowest
score is 6 and the mark is 3. There is 1
students got the highest score and there
are 4 of 28 students got the lowest
score. Based on the result of the pre-
test above, the students’ ability in
writing narrative text is good, because
the mean of the pre-test in control class
is 70, there was only 1 student got
higher score and 4 students of 28
students got the lowest score.
The mean of the pre-test result is
calculated with the formula:
Md =
Md = 1590
= 56.78
After the data are analyzed, it
shows that the mean of the
experimental class is 56.78, the highest
score is 17 and the mark is 8,5; the
lowest score is 8 and the mark is 4.
There is 1 students got the highest
score and 20 of 28 students got the
lowest score. Based on the result of the
pre-test above, the students’ ability in
writing narrative text is poor and worse
than the Control class, because the
mean of the pre-test in Experimental
class is 56.78, there was only 1 student
got higher score and 20 students of 28
students got the lowest score than the
control class.
Based on the pre-test result of
each class, it can be seen that the mean
of the students’ score is 70 in the
control class an 56.78 in the
experimantal class. It shows the
differences of each class of the
students’ ability in writing narrative
text. It show that the control class
students’ ability in writing narrative
text is good, because the mean of the
pre-test in control class is 70, and the
experimental class students’ ability in
writing narrative text is poor and worse
than the Control class, because the
mean of the pre-test in Experimental
class is 56.78. Then, researcher
analyzed the post-test result in
experimental class to find out whether
picture series can improve the students’
ability in writing narrative text.
Findings on the Post-Test
The post-test is conducted in
order to find whether using picture
series can improve the students’ ability
in writing narrative text. The result of
post-test is more satisfying than the
pre-test result because most of the
students show the improvement in
writing narrative text after they were
given treatment using picture series.
They show very significant changes in
their skill in writing narrative text after
they got treatment using picture series
as technique in teaching writing
The final result shows that the
score of t-test is 1504,76, and the
percentage of the significant of the
post-test in experimental class is 99%.
After the result of t-test is found then
compare it with t-table. Since the
subject of the test is 28 and find the
result for 28 subject in the t-table.
Having analyzed the data of pre- test
and post-test by using t-test formula,
the result shows that the coefficient is
0.36313. From the result of calculation,
it is obtained the value of the t-
observation (to) 1504,76 is the degree
of freedom (df) is 27 (obtained from N-
1) = (28-1= 27). The researcher used
the degree of significance of 5% and
1%. In the table of significance, it can
be seen that on the degree of freedom
27 and on the degree of significance of
5% and 1%, the value of degrees of
significance are 2.055 and 2.77. If the
to (test observation) compared with
each value of degrees of significance,
the result is 2.055 < 1504,76 > 2.77. It
means that the t-test higher than t-table.
Because of the t-test result more than
the t-table result means that the using
picture series in teaching writing has
improved students’ achievement in
writing narrative text
Besides, researcher also
interviewed the students and the
teacher about the picture
Findings on the Observation
While the teaching learning
process, the researcher did the
observation. The observation done to
find out the teacher and students’
performance while teaching and
learning process happening. Researcher
observed the teching and learning
activities based on te lesson plan.
Besides, researcher also
interviewed the students and the
teacher about the picture series.
Researcher interviewed the
experimental class students to know
their opinion about learning English
using picture series, and researcher
interviewed teacher to know her
opinion about teaching English using
picture series.
The result of the observation are
from 28 students of the experimental
class there are 7 students said that
learning English is difficult, and they
said that they are have some difficulties
in writing narrative text, the rest of the
students said that they like studying
English and they said that they do not
find too much difficulties in learning
English, but they are still have some
problems in writing narrative text.
Most of the students said that using
picture series make them more
interested in learning English, in this
case when writing narrative text, they
said that picture series made them
easier to write because they can look at
the series of the picture therefore they
can convey their idea more easily. And
they agree to use picture series in the
next lessons.
The teacher opinion about
teaching using picture series is since
she became a teacher 4 years ago in
this school she never taught using
picture series, she said she has some
difficulties in teaching writing skill, she
said that picture series made the student
more easily and more organized in
writing narrative text and made her
more easily in teaching writing
narrative text. She said that picture
series improved the students’ ability in
writing narrative text. She also agreed
if using picture series to teach the next
Research Discussion
Based on the test results, it
shows that after teaching learning
process by using picture series as the
technique in teaching narrative text can
increase the students’ score. The using
of simulation can improve the students’
achievement in writing narrative text. It
can be seen from the mean of the pre-
test is 6000 while the mean of the post
test is 21.300. It means that the
classroom average results increased.
The picture series provided students
attention while they are asked to write
a narrative text, picture series made
them more interested in learning
English, picture series made them
easier to write because they can look at
the picture therefore they can convey
their idea more easily
Besides, the results of pre test
and post test, the improvement also
proven by using formula t-test. It
shows that the result is 2.055 < 1504,76
> 2.77. It means that the t-test higher
than t-table. Because of the t-test result
more than t-table result means that
using picture series in teaching
narrative text gives an effect in
improving students’ achievement in
writing narrative text.
Regarding the previous data
analysis, the researcher can take a
conclusion that picture series gives
effects to improve the students’
achievement in writing narrative text.
Before the technique was applied, the
students seemed to be not interested in
writing lesson, after the technique was
applied the students were interested in
writing lesson, picture series made
them easier to write because they can
look at the series of the picture, they
enjoy writing because they look at the
colorful picture, therefore they can
convey their idea more easily.
After the picture was applied in
the classroom, the students are focus
and participate actively the writing
lesson while teaching-learning activity
was happening, the picture helped to
increase students’ attention when they
are asked to write a narrative text,
therefore they enjoyed the lesson.
Picture series helped the students to
visualize what happened and what will
happen next in the picture, it made
them easier to predict the event that
might be happened when they see it in
the picture, therefore, they were able to
express their idea easily. They also
produce the well-organized narrative
text, they can write and convey their
idea more easily, they can write with
the accurate diction, punctuation and
spelling, they can write in a correct
generic structure of the text, they can
use the past tense correctly
Based on research in SMA
Negeri 2 Banjarbaru, the appearance of
picture series as a technique in teaching
writing narrative text has improved the
students’ writing ability in writing
narrative text of tenth grade students of
SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru especially
the students in X6 class as the
experimental class. Therefore, the
researcher can coclude that:
1. The appearance of picture series as
a technique in teaching writing
narrative text has improved the
students’ writing ability in writing
narrative text, it can be seen in the
differences from their result in pre-
test and post-test mean in control
class, which the mean of the pre-
test is 56.78 while the mean of the
post-test improved up to 76.42. The
score improvement also can be seen
in the result of experimental class
which the mean of pre-test score is
56.78, and post-test score is 72.14.
This is also proven through the t-
test calculation, since t-test result
from both result of pre-test and
post-test in experimental class is
higher than t-table, it means that
picture series as the one of the
techniques in teaching can improve
the tenth grade students’s skill of
SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru in
writing narrative text.
2. Using picture series had effects in
improving students’ skill in writing
narrative text. Besides, using
picture series in teaching writing
has improved the students’ writing
ability in writing narrative text,
since the students’ achievement
increase after they were taught by
using picture series, it increased
students attention while they are
asked to write a narrative text, the
students were focus to participate
the writing lesson while teaching-
learning activity was happening.
In teaching and learning process
teacher should be able to make the
activity of teaching-learning becomes
enjoyable and fun, therefore, the
students have a high motivation in
learning. The teacher should be able to
use various techniques in teaching-
learning process.
Regarding to the teaching
writing narrative text by using picture
series and based on the general
conclusion of the research, the
researcher suggests:
1. The teacher can use picture series
as one of technique in teaching
writing since it is proved that this
technique can improve the students’
ability, especially in writing
narrative text. Before using the
picture series to the students in
teaching-learning process, the
teacher should make sure that the
students have understood and have
enough vocabulary and information
to write narrative text.
2. The teacher should try to use
picture series which suitable with
the material or genre of text in the
next teaching-learning process,
therefore, the students can produce
the well-organized narrative text,
the students can write and convey
their idea more easily.
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Prentice Hall Regents
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Harmer, Jeremy.1998. How to Teach English. Harlow: Longman
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(Accessed date 20th
July 2011)
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Raimes, Ann. 1983. Techniques in Teaching Writing. New York: Oxford University Press
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An Experimental Study On The Use Of Picture Series In Teaching Writing

  • 1. “AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE USE OF PICTURE SERIES IN TEACHING WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT AT THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA NEGERI 2 BANJARBARU” Linda Litasari Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Abstract: Based on previous research, Sarinten (2010) in her thesis titled Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Text Through Picture Series (An Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Cawas, Klaten in the Academic Year of 2009/2010), she said that picture series can improve the students’ attention and motivation in writing lesson, therefore researcher is interested to find out whether the picture series can improve the skill of the tenth grade students’ of SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru in writing narrative text. This research uses quasi experimental method. The instruments used in collecting data are test and observation. The sample of this research are X6 students as experimental class and X8 students as control class. The result of this research shows that the use of picture series in teaching writing has improved the students’ student’s ability in writing narrative text. This is also proven through the calculation of t-test. Since t-test result from both result of pre-test and post-test is higher than t-table, it means picture series has given some effects in improving the students’ ability in writing narrative text at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru.Based on the research, it is concluded that picture series is a useful technique to use to improve the students’ achievement in writing skill, especially in writing narrative text, since the students’ achievement increase after they are taught by using this technique. Therefore, it is suggested that the teacher to continue to use picture series in the next lesson. Keywords: Picture series, Narrative text, Writing Background of the Study In learning English, there are four language skills that should be learnt, they are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Listening and reading belong to receptive skills in which the language users require the ability to receive spoken and written language, while speaking and writing belong to productive skills in which the language users require the ability to produce language both spoken and written (Harmer, 1983: 44). Based on curriculum KTSP, all skills in teaching and learning English that are integrated each other must be learnt and taught by both students and teacher, including writing skill. Writing is one of the skills that are learnt in the English class. In writing class we often find the students who can not write an English
  • 2. composition spontaniously or easily, they might get struggle when they write, they might be have some difficulties in making a good sentence, they might have a trouble with the right sentence structure and the good word order. One of the kinds of the text of writing that is taught in senior high school is narrative text. As the tenth grade English teacher in SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru said that the tenth grade students in this school still get struggle when they are asked to write a narrative text, it can be seen in the text that the students produced, they can not write the text in the correct sentence structure, they can not write in the correct word order. The biggest problem is the students can not arrange the text based on the correct generic structure. Based on the case above, a certain technique is needed to help or to motivate the students they write an English composition, therefore the students are expected to be able to write a good composition, especially in narrative text. Therefore, researcher purposed picture series to be applied in SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru, teacher can use this technique while teaching and learning process, picture series can be used to visualize the students’ idea to be written, therefore writing lesson becomes easier. It is also supported by Sarinten (2010) statement in her thesis titled Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Text Through Picture Series (An Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Cawas, Klaten in the Academic Year of 2009/2010), she said that picture series as teaching media improves the students’ interest and motivation in writing narrative text. In senior high school syllabus, the students are expected to be able to express the meaning in short functional text in a formal and informal language, correctly and acceptable in daily life context. When they are writing a narrative text they are expected to use the accurate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling, then they are expected to be able to produce a good narrative text in order to reach the objectives. To teach writing successfully and to reach the objectives, the teacher should be able to teach by using certain techniques, as Raimes (1983) mentioned that there are 8 (eight) techniques of teaching writing, they are
  • 3. teaching writing by using picture series, teaching writing by planning the class, teching writing by using readings, teaching writing by using all language skills, teaching writing by using practical writing, teaching writing by using controlled writing, teaching writing by using teaching organization, and teaching writing by responding to students’ writing. In this thesis, the researcher purposed to use picture series as the technique in teaching narrative text. This is as Sarinten (2010) statement in her thesis titled Improving Students’ Skill in Writing Narrative Text Through Picture Series (An Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Cawas, Klaten in the Academic Year of 2009/2010), she said that picture series as teaching media improves the students’ interest and motivation in writing narrative text. The Definition of Writing Brown (2001: 335) explained that writing is the representation of spoken language, written language is almost same with spoken language, the difference is the performance of written language is conveyed in graphichal. Besides Brown also mentioned that written products are the result of thinking, drafting, and revising procedures, specialized skills is required in written laguage, and that not every speaker develops naturally. The conclusion based on statements above that writing is a process of expressing the idea into a written form, and it needs specialized skills that not every students can develop it naturally, it needs the teacher who is able to motivate and encourage the students to develop their writing skills, and they are expected to be able to develop their writing skills and make a good composition. Characteristics of Written Language There are 7 (seven) characteristics of written language; based on Brown (2001:341-342), they are: 1. Permanence: Written language should have the power to correcting the text, to clarify, and to withdraw, therefore the teacher is expected to be able to guide, to facilitate, and help the students to revise and refine their work, thus the students feel confidence when they write. 2. Production time: The efficient time in writing process, the goal is to
  • 4. train the students to make the best posible use of limitation time. 3. Distance: The students perspective; general knowledge, cultural and literary schemata, and specific subject matter knowledge about what they write. 4. 4. Orthography: The differences between our native language with English. 5. Complexity: 1. How to remove redudancy. 2. How combine sentence. 3. How to make references. 4. How to create syntactical and lexical variety. 6. Vocabulary: The students’ mastery of vocabulary. 7. Formality: The students have to learn how to describe, explain, compare, contrast, illustrate, defend, criticize, and argue. Teaching Writing Harmer (1998: 261-262) stated the teacher not only needs to deploy some or all of the usual roles when they ask students to write, but also they should have the ones of these important roles when they are teaching writing, the roles are: motivator, resource, and feedback provider. Based on Harmer, when teaching writing teachers are expected to act as: 1. Motivator: teacher will be able to motivate the students, create the right conditions for the generation of ideas, persuade them of the usefulness of the activity, and encourage them to make as much effort as possible for maximum benefit. And also help them to generate their idea. 2. Resource: teacher should be ready to suply information and language where necessary. Teachers need to tell the students that they are available and be prepared to look the students’ work as it progress, offer advice and suggestions in a constructive and tactful way. 3. Feedback provider: teachers should respond positively and encouragingly to the content of what students have written. Narrative Text The definition of narrative text: Rebecca (2003) defined a narrative text is a text which relates a series of logically, and chronologically related events that are caused or experienced by factors. It is a kind of text to amuse, entertain, and to deal the readers with
  • 5. actual or vicarious experience in different ways. The generic structure of narrative text: Anderson, M. & Anderson, K. (2003) explained 3 (three) steps in constructing a narrative text. They are orientation, complication, and resolution. 1. Orientation, the writer tells the audience who is in the story, when it is happening, where it is happening, and what is happening. 2. Complication, the writer tells about something that will begin a chain of events. 3. Resolution is the ending of the story, it shows how the characters deal with the problem. Pictures Series and the Use of Pictures in Teaching Learning Process The following is the general strategies for using any pictures according to Rimes: 1. Whole-class discussion which then leads to writing, can be generated by many types of pictures. 2. To provide a student audience for the student writers, give a half the class one picture, and the other half another. 3. With students working in pairs or small group, give each student of pair or each group a different pictures to work with, it can make teacher frees of obtaining class sets of pictures, and also provides students with a real communicative task. When the students have the only copy of a picture, they should be able to inform the rest of the class about it. 4. Real communicative tasks can be developed by using in the classroom pictures that the students themselves provide. The advantages are: the teacher can relieved of the task of finding a picture and the students have something to write about in the classroom. The other advantage is students can be asked to provide their own favourite picture, they can choose the picture that they like, therefore, they will be interested to participate the lesson. 5. Teacher can ask the students to use their imagination to visualize what happened just before the moment in the picture and what will happen next, it will be easier for the student to predict the event that might be happened when they see it in the
  • 6. picture, they will be able to express write their idea easily. Based on the explanation above, researcher can conclude that the students still have some difficulties, problems, and they often get struggle to convey their idea when they are writing a narrative text, it is because they have poor vocabulary, can not put the sentences in a correct order, and can not convey the idea in past tense form easily. As the teacher we are expected to able to help, to guide and to encourage the student in certain technique, when teaching writing teacher should be able to act as motivator, resource, and feedback provider, and the students are expected to be able to make a good composition. The technique that is used in this reasearch is picture series, because the picture is attractive for the students, besides it can povide students’ attention when they are asked to write narrative text. Therefore, after treatment using this technique the students are expected to be able to write a narrative text correctly. Methodology of the Research Research Design Fraenkel and Wallen (2006: 267) stated that experimental research is the most powerful research methodologies that reseachers can use. Of the many types of research that might be used, experimental is the best way to establish cause-and-effect relathionships among variables. Experimental research is the research which is the researcher decides the nature of treatment; (that is, what is going to happen to the subject of the study), to whom it is to be applied, and to what extent. Fraenkel and Wallen (2006) The researcher decide what is suitable the treatment that will be used in the research, researcher have also decide the subject and the purpose of the research. As the treatment in this research the students of experimental class were asked to practice writing narrative text using picture series, but the students of control class did not give a treatment, for the treatment they were asked to write narrative text without using picture series. The subject of this research is the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru, the students of X6 class as
  • 7. experimental class and X8 class as control class, each class is consisting of 28 students. This research is conducted to find whether using picture series can improve the students’ skill in writing narrative text. Based on the statement above, the researcher will conduct a quasi experimental research, because the researcher will find out whether using picture series can improve students’ skill of writing a narrative text or not. The procedures of the experiment that are used are: 1. Pre-test In the first meeting pre-test will be done to measure students’ writing skill. In the pre-test, both of control class and experimental class students was asked to write a narrative task without using picture series. The pre-test is in written form. 2. Treatment For the treatment, the teacher asked the students to practice writing narrative text using picture series, in each class this treatment given three times in every class meeting. Each meeting teacher used different narrative story and different picture. - In the control class students wrote a narrative text without picture series. - In the experimental class students wrote a narrative text using picture series. 3. Post-test After treatment, the researcher will give the post-test in the last meeting. The test was similar with the pre- test. The post-test will be done after the treatment given to the students to practice writing a narrative text using picture series in the class. In the post test students will be asked to write a similar story that have been done in the pre-test, but in the post-test teacher asked the students to write narrative text the using picture series. The researcher will find out if there any improvement in students’ skill of writing narrative text after they practice writing using picture series. To analyze the each result of the experiment, both the experimental and the control class, researcher used the formula below: t =
  • 8. Research Findings and Discussion Findings The research is begun by conducting a pre test to the students. The pre-test was done to find out whether using picture series can improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text or not. In this research researcher used quasi experimental research, therefore researcher needed to do the pre-test, treatment and post-test to get the data to conduct this research, to get the data resarcher asked the teacher of the class to teach using picture series in experimental class. Findings on the Pre-Test In the pre-test the students asked to write the narrative text without using picture series, and the story was Pinocchio. First, the teacher stimulated the students’ background knowledge about narrative text. Then, the teacher introduced the topic or the material to learn and asked the students to write narrative text based on the topic. In this stage students wrote the narrative text without picture series to know the students’ ability in writing narrative text before the treatment. The researcher found out the mean of the data of pre-test with the formula: Md = Md = 1960 28 = 70 After the data are analyzed, from the table above it shows that the mean of the control class is 70, the highest score 16 and the mark is 8; the lowest score is 6 and the mark is 3. There is 1 students got the highest score and there are 4 of 28 students got the lowest score. Based on the result of the pre- test above, the students’ ability in writing narrative text is good, because the mean of the pre-test in control class is 70, there was only 1 student got higher score and 4 students of 28 students got the lowest score. The mean of the pre-test result is calculated with the formula: Md = Md = 1590 28 = 56.78 After the data are analyzed, it shows that the mean of the experimental class is 56.78, the highest score is 17 and the mark is 8,5; the
  • 9. lowest score is 8 and the mark is 4. There is 1 students got the highest score and 20 of 28 students got the lowest score. Based on the result of the pre-test above, the students’ ability in writing narrative text is poor and worse than the Control class, because the mean of the pre-test in Experimental class is 56.78, there was only 1 student got higher score and 20 students of 28 students got the lowest score than the control class. Based on the pre-test result of each class, it can be seen that the mean of the students’ score is 70 in the control class an 56.78 in the experimantal class. It shows the differences of each class of the students’ ability in writing narrative text. It show that the control class students’ ability in writing narrative text is good, because the mean of the pre-test in control class is 70, and the experimental class students’ ability in writing narrative text is poor and worse than the Control class, because the mean of the pre-test in Experimental class is 56.78. Then, researcher analyzed the post-test result in experimental class to find out whether picture series can improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text. Findings on the Post-Test The post-test is conducted in order to find whether using picture series can improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text. The result of post-test is more satisfying than the pre-test result because most of the students show the improvement in writing narrative text after they were given treatment using picture series. They show very significant changes in their skill in writing narrative text after they got treatment using picture series as technique in teaching writing The final result shows that the score of t-test is 1504,76, and the percentage of the significant of the post-test in experimental class is 99%. After the result of t-test is found then compare it with t-table. Since the subject of the test is 28 and find the result for 28 subject in the t-table. Having analyzed the data of pre- test and post-test by using t-test formula, the result shows that the coefficient is 0.36313. From the result of calculation, it is obtained the value of the t- observation (to) 1504,76 is the degree of freedom (df) is 27 (obtained from N- 1) = (28-1= 27). The researcher used the degree of significance of 5% and 1%. In the table of significance, it can
  • 10. be seen that on the degree of freedom 27 and on the degree of significance of 5% and 1%, the value of degrees of significance are 2.055 and 2.77. If the to (test observation) compared with each value of degrees of significance, the result is 2.055 < 1504,76 > 2.77. It means that the t-test higher than t-table. Because of the t-test result more than the t-table result means that the using picture series in teaching writing has improved students’ achievement in writing narrative text Besides, researcher also interviewed the students and the teacher about the picture Findings on the Observation While the teaching learning process, the researcher did the observation. The observation done to find out the teacher and students’ performance while teaching and learning process happening. Researcher observed the teching and learning activities based on te lesson plan. Besides, researcher also interviewed the students and the teacher about the picture series. Researcher interviewed the experimental class students to know their opinion about learning English using picture series, and researcher interviewed teacher to know her opinion about teaching English using picture series. The result of the observation are from 28 students of the experimental class there are 7 students said that learning English is difficult, and they said that they are have some difficulties in writing narrative text, the rest of the students said that they like studying English and they said that they do not find too much difficulties in learning English, but they are still have some problems in writing narrative text. Most of the students said that using picture series make them more interested in learning English, in this case when writing narrative text, they said that picture series made them easier to write because they can look at the series of the picture therefore they can convey their idea more easily. And they agree to use picture series in the next lessons. The teacher opinion about teaching using picture series is since she became a teacher 4 years ago in this school she never taught using picture series, she said she has some difficulties in teaching writing skill, she said that picture series made the student
  • 11. more easily and more organized in writing narrative text and made her more easily in teaching writing narrative text. She said that picture series improved the students’ ability in writing narrative text. She also agreed if using picture series to teach the next lessons. Research Discussion Based on the test results, it shows that after teaching learning process by using picture series as the technique in teaching narrative text can increase the students’ score. The using of simulation can improve the students’ achievement in writing narrative text. It can be seen from the mean of the pre- test is 6000 while the mean of the post test is 21.300. It means that the classroom average results increased. The picture series provided students attention while they are asked to write a narrative text, picture series made them more interested in learning English, picture series made them easier to write because they can look at the picture therefore they can convey their idea more easily Besides, the results of pre test and post test, the improvement also proven by using formula t-test. It shows that the result is 2.055 < 1504,76 > 2.77. It means that the t-test higher than t-table. Because of the t-test result more than t-table result means that using picture series in teaching narrative text gives an effect in improving students’ achievement in writing narrative text. Regarding the previous data analysis, the researcher can take a conclusion that picture series gives effects to improve the students’ achievement in writing narrative text. Before the technique was applied, the students seemed to be not interested in writing lesson, after the technique was applied the students were interested in writing lesson, picture series made them easier to write because they can look at the series of the picture, they enjoy writing because they look at the colorful picture, therefore they can convey their idea more easily. After the picture was applied in the classroom, the students are focus and participate actively the writing lesson while teaching-learning activity was happening, the picture helped to increase students’ attention when they are asked to write a narrative text, therefore they enjoyed the lesson. Picture series helped the students to
  • 12. visualize what happened and what will happen next in the picture, it made them easier to predict the event that might be happened when they see it in the picture, therefore, they were able to express their idea easily. They also produce the well-organized narrative text, they can write and convey their idea more easily, they can write with the accurate diction, punctuation and spelling, they can write in a correct generic structure of the text, they can use the past tense correctly Conclusions Based on research in SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru, the appearance of picture series as a technique in teaching writing narrative text has improved the students’ writing ability in writing narrative text of tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru especially the students in X6 class as the experimental class. Therefore, the researcher can coclude that: 1. The appearance of picture series as a technique in teaching writing narrative text has improved the students’ writing ability in writing narrative text, it can be seen in the differences from their result in pre- test and post-test mean in control class, which the mean of the pre- test is 56.78 while the mean of the post-test improved up to 76.42. The score improvement also can be seen in the result of experimental class which the mean of pre-test score is 56.78, and post-test score is 72.14. This is also proven through the t- test calculation, since t-test result from both result of pre-test and post-test in experimental class is higher than t-table, it means that picture series as the one of the techniques in teaching can improve the tenth grade students’s skill of SMA Negeri 2 Banjarbaru in writing narrative text. 2. Using picture series had effects in improving students’ skill in writing narrative text. Besides, using picture series in teaching writing has improved the students’ writing ability in writing narrative text, since the students’ achievement increase after they were taught by using picture series, it increased students attention while they are asked to write a narrative text, the students were focus to participate the writing lesson while teaching- learning activity was happening.
  • 13. Suggestions In teaching and learning process teacher should be able to make the activity of teaching-learning becomes enjoyable and fun, therefore, the students have a high motivation in learning. The teacher should be able to use various techniques in teaching- learning process. Regarding to the teaching writing narrative text by using picture series and based on the general conclusion of the research, the researcher suggests: 1. The teacher can use picture series as one of technique in teaching writing since it is proved that this technique can improve the students’ ability, especially in writing narrative text. Before using the picture series to the students in teaching-learning process, the teacher should make sure that the students have understood and have enough vocabulary and information to write narrative text. 2. The teacher should try to use picture series which suitable with the material or genre of text in the next teaching-learning process, therefore, the students can produce the well-organized narrative text, the students can write and convey their idea more easily.
  • 14. REFERENCES Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents Brown, H. Douglas. 2011. Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.San Fransisco State University Harris, David. P. Testing English as a Second Language Harmer, Jeremy.1998. How to Teach English. Harlow: Longman Levine, Mel. (Accessed date 20th July 2011) M & K Anderson, M. 2003. (Accessed date 20th July 2011) Raimes, Ann. 1983. Techniques in Teaching Writing. New York: Oxford University Press Suhaimi, Arikunto. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.