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Amplify reach through social media mangagement

                                                 to people

Who is        BrandHOUSE is a creative consultancy.
BrandHOUSE,   We provide premium consulting in brand
              communications, advertising, graphic
and what      design services and social media.
do they do?
              We help clients to communicate
              by partnering with them to tell stories and
              open conversations on their behalf.

              Importantly, we connect brands to people.

our difference                                     of ‘human-centredness’, helping to transform
Transformational design is our difference.         organisations by giving them the capability to
We apply our strategic process of                  design experience from a human perspective.
transformational design to help our clients
                                                   Transformational design does not claim to be a
align their business plan with a clear brand
                                                   change management process, but aspects of
                                                   participating in the design process may help to
                                                   move towards the desired outcome.
what is transformational design                    This process can provide initial steps towards
Transformational design is a strategic             changing the culture, aligning thinking and
response that recognises to change the             focusing around the end user. Participation in
perceptions of your customer base, and             the process gives stakeholders ownership of a
the market you want to capture, you must           vision and helps champion the chosen direction.
influence their purchasing behaviour.              Leaving the participants with the tools and
                                                   capacity to continue to adapt and innovate
 Transformational design acknowledges that
                                                   means not only that organisational change will
‘design is never done’. Because organisations
                                                   continue to happen, but also that it can happen
 now operate in an environment of constant
                                                   alongside that organisation’s day-to-day work.
 change, the challenge is not how to design
 a response to a current issue, but how to         Sought response:
 design a means of continually responding,         From the application of this strategic response,
 adapting and innovating. Transformational         transformational design then leads onto ask:
 design seeks to leave behind not only the
                                                   What do I want potential clients/customers to
 shape of a new solution, but the tools, skills
                                                   think and/or do?
 and organisational capacity for ongoing
 change.                                           Step 1: I want to try your product or service out.

Transformational design shapes behaviour –         Step 2: I will continue to buy your product.
of people, systems and organisations – as
                                                   Step 3: I will tell my friends about you.
well as form. Because of this, its practice
demands a high level of ‘systems thinking’:        our hallmark
an ability to consider an issue holistically       Experience is our hallmark. With over 20 years
rather than reductively, understand                experience, all our clients benefit equally from
relationships as well as components, and to        a structure that enables us to offer an efficient
synthesize complex sets of information and         and broad range of design services to both local
constraints in order to frame the problem.         and national clients across many sectors.

Transformational design triggers a change in
the organisational culture of its clients to one

BrandHOUSE use storytelling to create
    compelling experiences that build human
    connections. Stories help us to understand
    complexity. Stories can enhance or change
    perceptions. Stories are easy to remember...
    and engage our feelings... Storytelling enables
    individuals to see brands in a different light,
    and accordingly take decisions, and change
    their behaviour in accordance with these new
    perceptions, insights, and identities.

    Great stories, though, don’t just happen
    randomly; they are designed.

our capabilities


                        PRINT                     INTERACTIVE                    ENVIRONMENT
                    Advertising                Interactive Design             Brand Environments
                  Annual Reports                  Social Media                   Event Signage
                   Brand Identity                                             Out-of-home Media
                  Communications                                                  Wayfinding

                                                 how we work

                                    PROJECT-BASED        OR       IN-HOUSE
                                     CONTRACTOR                   PARTNER

As a project-based contractor we come in as you               As an In-house partner we become an extension of
need us. We become the extra pair of hands with               your marketing department, or even become your
the creative mind to implement strategies to deliver          marketing department, to create,
strong conceptual creative to increase your brand             develop and implement your brand voice.
awareness and capitalise and expand your market share.
                                                              We become your brand custodian.
                                                              BrandHOUSE can develop brand and marketing
                                                              strategies to identify how to effectively communicate
                                                              your unique brand personality and competitive
                                                              advantages in ways that will increase your brand
                                                              awareness which in turn leads to an increase of
                                                              market share.

How do
we work
with you?

                 listen                  explore                         create                            define             transform

    Listen. It sounds so simple       After having       After brainstorming, ideas are sorted     This next stage is       Design is a method,
    really, but we actually do it.    listened to        on the premise that ‘the patient is the   about defining which     transformational
    We give you our undivided         you, we use        arbiter of the best solution.’            prototype will best      design is a strategic
    attention so we can fully         these insights                                               serve to meet the        response.
    understand your business          to start                                                     client’s challenges,
                                                         We then begin the process of                                       Transformational
    challenges and understand         exploring                                                    that will lead to a
                                                         prototyping concepts that are                                      design is about
    the scope of the issue and        ways to                                                      change in customer
                                                         based on sound strategies that                                     creating fundamental
    define the right problem to       deliver                                                      perception, give new
                                                         unlock complex problems to deliver                                 change, that gives a
    tackle.                           strategic                                                    insights to your brand
                                                         an outcome that will result in                                     return on investment
                                      outcomes by                                                  and change purchasing
                                                         transformational design.                                           through increase of
                                      placing your                                                 behaviour.
                                                                                                                            purchasing behaviour
                                      target market
                                                                                                                            and elevates
                                     – the ‘user’ – at
                                                                                                                            your brand in the
                                      the heart of a
                                                                                                                            market place above
                                                                                                                            competitor brands.

Do more
                               Amplify the reach of your brand through
                               social engagament. Brandhouse can help you

    with your
                               tactically build campaigns across multiple

    next                       Multichannel marketing is the way forward.
                               We can build integrated campaigns that adopt

                               across offline and online environments to
                               create meaningful and engaging conversations
                               with your target market.
                               To develop a successful social media campaign
                               there are five steps that should become a part
                               of your strategy:

1.	 Define your digital    3.	 Invest in the right technology                       4.	 Build your customer 	
	   and offline strategy   	   Use Customer relationship management (CRM)           	 enagagement 	
	   Feed overarching 	     	   and database tools to build a holistic view of the   	model
	   business objectives    	   customer, and then use this to target your           	 Be clear about what
	   into your online and   	   communications with more efficiency.                 	 you want to achieve 	
	   offline marketing                                                               	 in your integrated
	   mix to create 	                                                                 	 campaign, both
	   compelling cross                                                                	 offline and
	   channel strategies.                                                             	 online. Then, use
                                                                                    	 yourCRM system
                                                                                    	 along with customer
                                                                                    	 segmentation and
2.	 Collect the right                                                               	 profiling to achieve
	 customer data                                                                     	 these goals..
	 Determine what
	 data you need to
	 capture to provide                                                                5.	 Start a
	 meanigful insights                                                                	conversation
	 to drive strategy                                                                 	 Engage your
	 and maximise                                                                      	 cumsumer with
	consumer                                                                           	 information that
	enagagement.                                                                       	 they want and
                                                                                    	 influence their
                                                                                    	 Engage, inform
                                                                                    	 and convert.

Facebook 3rd Party application

We successfully executed a social media
strategy in partnership with Naked
Centred around a third party Facebook app,
features included a customised quiz with
specialised questions focussing on testing
participants responses . The results were then
shared across their social media platforms
and worked to reinforce the main points of the
Worksafe campaign. Additionally, the client was
able to extract live data from the execution.
A secondary element was the strategy to
generate awareness and target people who
might be interested in the campaign so that
they were exposed to it.
The Worksafe Youtube channel became the
eighteenth most veiwed in the education
category, and third most viewed in the comedy

                                                            58,124                                                     1,355
                                                            Views                                                      Likes

Back           A-Z Products
                                                                                                                               Title                                   Back      Incra Positioners                     Back

                                                                                                                                                                                Incra LS Positioner 17"                            Incra LS Positioner 25"
                                                                                                                                                                                Full Metric Super System                           Full metric Super System
                                                                                                                                                                                (incl. WonderFENCE)                                (incl. WonderFENCE)
                                                                 What’s hot at PWS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    $885.00      Qty:
                                                                                                              Hand tools &                        Incra                         Incra LS 32" Conversion Kit
                                                                                                              Accessories                       Positioners                     (incl. replacement leadscrew,
                                                                                                                                                                                rack, scales, Template Library etc.)               The LS is unquestionably
                                                                                                            Work efficiently across          Only one system offers
                                                                                                            tasks from setting-out,          accuracy, repeatability                                                               the most accurate router
       We source the best possible products to
       enhance the woodworking experience for           FAQs           Call Us   Email Us                    assembly to finishing               and versatility                Incra LS Positioner 25"                            table fence available. It’s
        hobby and professional woodworkers.                                                                                                                                     Full metric Super System                           capable of achieving
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       We are proud of the reputation for service     A–Z Products
           and quality that we have built for                                                                                                                                                                                      on machinery costing tens of
                                                                                                                                                                                Incra LS Positioner 17"
        Professional Woodworkers Supplies.                                                                                                                                                                                         thousands of dollars. The
                                                      One-Time Tools                                                                                                            Full Metric Std
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   new LS achieves positioning
                                                                                                                                                                                (incl. WonderFENCE)
                                                                                                               Measuring                      Miscellaneous                                                                        accuracy independently
               Tap to continue                        Combo Value Packs                                          Rules                                                          Incra WonderFENCE                                  verified to 0.0015” per 12” of
                                                                                                            Measuring and set-out                                               Upgrades Ultra etc. to                             travel and repeatability of
                                                      Clearance Corner                                    accuracy is the basis of any                                          WonderFENCE metric version                         better than 0.001”. This is
                                                                                                             woodworking project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   only possible because of its
                                                                                                                                                                                Incra LS Positioner 17"
                                                                                                                                                                                Full Metric Joinery System
     Search               Cart             Checkout     Search           Cart     Checkout                      Search                Cart               Checkout         Search excl.   WonderFENCE)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Cart          Checkout       Search          Cart          Checkout

professional woodworkers supplies
Mobile app currently in development.

                                                                                             With clients coming to the realisation to the
                                                                                             importance of needing to be where their target

Mobile App
                                                                                             market is and to successfully engage them,
                                                                                             Professional Woodworkers Supplies have
                                                                                             added a mobile app as part of their marketing.

Social media
drives revenue


                                                                                        65%	 330%	2%
As social networks continue to gain traction at
incredible speeds, many corporations and small
businesses are investing heavily in building
communities online, and were looking for ways
to measure the impact of their investment.        Value of share                        $4.15	$1.85	$0.92
In 2010, a report was released by Eventbrite
                                                  by platform
                                                  Every time someone shares an           Since 2010, the average, aggregate dollars per share has
which detailed the cash benefits of ‘sharing’.    event, it drives, on average $3.25    increased (81%) from $1.78 to $3.23. Twitter saw the greatest
                                                  in additional revenue back to the     increase (330%) from $0.43 to $1.85, while Facebook saw
The social commerce report revealed that every                                          healthy growth (65%) from $2.52 to $4.15. Dollars per LinkedIn
time someone shared a paid event on Facebook,                                           share increased only slightly (2%) from $0.90 to $0.92.
it drove an additional $2.52 in revenue back      Shares drive
to the event organizer, and 11 additional page
                                                  traffic                               14	 33	10
views of their event page.                        Visits per share in 2012 over 2010    Over the last two years, the average number of people who
                                                  have also from increased, with        click links shared by organizers and attendees through social
                                                  Twitter driving more event page       media has increased from 7 to 17 visits per share. Links shared
                                                  traffic than Facebook and LinkedIn.   on Facebook now drive 14 visits back to the event website,
                                                                                        compared with 11 in 2010. Twitter drives the most visits with
                                                                                        33 visits per share, while LinkedIn users visit event pages an
                                                                                        average of 10 times for every link that is shared.

Crative strategy and proposal                    Seeding                                             Google and Facebook advertising
Creative and strategy for a digital online       Seeding is an online PR service that involves       Google and Facebook advertising is a great way
campaign. Full proposal document on options      dropping links on affiliated websites, social       to drive traffic to your website. Campaigns can
for generating unique branded content and        media, forums and blogs that consequently           be run over 1–3 months. To achive a number one
integrating social media with the objective of   generates hits, views and likes to your Facebook    page ranking, a 3 month campaign is advised.
maximizing your brand online and also driving    fanpage and the website.
                                                                                                     Specific Services
traffic to your webiste.
                                                 Seeding is best optimized with engaging content     Graphic design - banner ads & media placement.
Specific Services                                in mind and works best with a strong Facebook
Creative strategy, copywriting.                  3rd party application and/or viral video.
                                                                                                     Dependent on brief and/or budget.
Cost                                             Specific Services
Dependent on brief and/or budget.                Research Strategy with 10 days of seeding.
                                                                                                     Electronic email send outs featuring a branded
Facebook fanpage 3rd party app                   Cost
                                                                                                     skin template and a CMS providing you with
                                                 Dependent on brief and/or budget.
The creative, design and execution of a                                                              access to change content for weekly/monthly
Facebook fanpage and 3rd party fan page          Viral Video                                         send outs via database.
application with engaging content and possible
                                                 The creative, production and post production        Specific Services
prize incentive that gears users towards using
                                                 of a viral video that will showcase your brand      Graphic design of template, backend
the application, pushing brand equity and
                                                 and be used as a vehicle for generating views to    development - CMS.
getting them to the website.
                                                 your Youtube channel and then subsequently to
Specific Services                                your website.
                                                                                                     Dependent on brief and/or budget.
Graphic design, art direction, stock imagery,    Specific Services
backend development and client management.       Services subject to creative.
Cost                                             Cost
Dependent on brief and/or budget.                The cost for this service is heavily dependent on
                                                 the creative concepts that can be put forward
                                                 in the creative strategy plan as previously

Simply put, if you don’t innovate
                                              then you won’t survive.

                                              Brands must be relevant as markets evolve.
                                              Those brands that recognise that markets are
                                              fractured over many platforms, who leverage
                                              existing, new and emerging touchpoints will be
                                              the future.

                                              Don’t be a brand for today.

                                              We would love to hear from you.To learn more
                                              about your business challenges. To discuss how
                                              we are able to help. To provide insight. To think
                                              about how we can partner with you to give more
                                              presence to your brand.

Chris Waldron / Creative Director             Suite 9 / 501 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121
t +61 412 374 050 e

                                                                                                  to people


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Amplify your social media reach

  • 1. Amplify reach through social media mangagement Connecting brands to people 1
  • 2. Who is BrandHOUSE is a creative consultancy. BrandHOUSE, We provide premium consulting in brand communications, advertising, graphic and what design services and social media. do they do? We help clients to communicate by partnering with them to tell stories and open conversations on their behalf. Importantly, we connect brands to people. 2 2
  • 3. our difference of ‘human-centredness’, helping to transform Transformational design is our difference. organisations by giving them the capability to We apply our strategic process of design experience from a human perspective. transformational design to help our clients Transformational design does not claim to be a align their business plan with a clear brand change management process, but aspects of strategy. participating in the design process may help to move towards the desired outcome. what is transformational design This process can provide initial steps towards Transformational design is a strategic changing the culture, aligning thinking and response that recognises to change the focusing around the end user. Participation in perceptions of your customer base, and the process gives stakeholders ownership of a the market you want to capture, you must vision and helps champion the chosen direction. influence their purchasing behaviour. Leaving the participants with the tools and capacity to continue to adapt and innovate Transformational design acknowledges that means not only that organisational change will ‘design is never done’. Because organisations continue to happen, but also that it can happen now operate in an environment of constant alongside that organisation’s day-to-day work. change, the challenge is not how to design a response to a current issue, but how to Sought response: design a means of continually responding, From the application of this strategic response, adapting and innovating. Transformational transformational design then leads onto ask: design seeks to leave behind not only the What do I want potential clients/customers to shape of a new solution, but the tools, skills think and/or do? and organisational capacity for ongoing change. Step 1: I want to try your product or service out. Transformational design shapes behaviour – Step 2: I will continue to buy your product. of people, systems and organisations – as Step 3: I will tell my friends about you. well as form. Because of this, its practice demands a high level of ‘systems thinking’: our hallmark an ability to consider an issue holistically Experience is our hallmark. With over 20 years rather than reductively, understand experience, all our clients benefit equally from relationships as well as components, and to a structure that enables us to offer an efficient synthesize complex sets of information and and broad range of design services to both local constraints in order to frame the problem. and national clients across many sectors. Transformational design triggers a change in the organisational culture of its clients to one 3
  • 4. BrandHOUSE use storytelling to create compelling experiences that build human connections. Stories help us to understand complexity. Stories can enhance or change perceptions. Stories are easy to remember... and engage our feelings... Storytelling enables individuals to see brands in a different light, and accordingly take decisions, and change their behaviour in accordance with these new perceptions, insights, and identities. Great stories, though, don’t just happen randomly; they are designed. 4
  • 5. our capabilities BRANDING PRINT INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENT Advertising Interactive Design Brand Environments Annual Reports Social Media Event Signage Brand Identity Out-of-home Media Communications Wayfinding Packaging how we work PROJECT-BASED OR IN-HOUSE CONTRACTOR PARTNER As a project-based contractor we come in as you As an In-house partner we become an extension of need us. We become the extra pair of hands with your marketing department, or even become your the creative mind to implement strategies to deliver marketing department, to create, strong conceptual creative to increase your brand develop and implement your brand voice. awareness and capitalise and expand your market share. We become your brand custodian. BrandHOUSE can develop brand and marketing strategies to identify how to effectively communicate your unique brand personality and competitive advantages in ways that will increase your brand awareness which in turn leads to an increase of market share. 5
  • 6. How do we work with you? listen explore create define transform Listen. It sounds so simple After having After brainstorming, ideas are sorted This next stage is Design is a method, really, but we actually do it. listened to on the premise that ‘the patient is the about defining which transformational We give you our undivided you, we use arbiter of the best solution.’ prototype will best design is a strategic attention so we can fully these insights serve to meet the response. understand your business to start client’s challenges, We then begin the process of Transformational challenges and understand exploring that will lead to a prototyping concepts that are design is about the scope of the issue and ways to change in customer based on sound strategies that creating fundamental define the right problem to deliver perception, give new unlock complex problems to deliver change, that gives a tackle. strategic insights to your brand an outcome that will result in return on investment outcomes by and change purchasing transformational design. through increase of placing your behaviour. purchasing behaviour target market and elevates – the ‘user’ – at your brand in the the heart of a market place above solution. competitor brands. 6
  • 7. Do more Amplify the reach of your brand through social engagament. Brandhouse can help you with your tactically build campaigns across multiple channels. next Multichannel marketing is the way forward. We can build integrated campaigns that adopt campaign across offline and online environments to create meaningful and engaging conversations with your target market. To develop a successful social media campaign there are five steps that should become a part of your strategy: 1. Define your digital 3. Invest in the right technology 4. Build your customer and offline strategy Use Customer relationship management (CRM) enagagement Feed overarching and database tools to build a holistic view of the model business objectives customer, and then use this to target your Be clear about what into your online and communications with more efficiency. you want to achieve offline marketing in your integrated mix to create campaign, both compelling cross offline and channel strategies. online. Then, use yourCRM system along with customer segmentation and 2. Collect the right profiling to achieve customer data these goals.. Determine what data you need to capture to provide 5. Start a meanigful insights conversation to drive strategy Engage your and maximise cumsumer with consumer information that enagagement. they want and influence their decisions. Engage, inform and convert. 7
  • 8. Worksafe Campaign Facebook 3rd Party application We successfully executed a social media strategy in partnership with Naked Communications. Centred around a third party Facebook app, features included a customised quiz with specialised questions focussing on testing participants responses . The results were then shared across their social media platforms and worked to reinforce the main points of the Worksafe campaign. Additionally, the client was able to extract live data from the execution. A secondary element was the strategy to generate awareness and target people who might be interested in the campaign so that they were exposed to it. The Worksafe Youtube channel became the eighteenth most veiwed in the education category, and third most viewed in the comedy section. 58,124 1,355 Views Likes 8
  • 9. Back A-Z Products Title Back Incra Positioners Back Incra LS Positioner 17" Incra LS Positioner 25" Full Metric Super System Full metric Super System (incl. WonderFENCE) (incl. WonderFENCE) What’s hot at PWS $885.00 Qty: Hand tools & Incra Incra LS 32" Conversion Kit Accessories Positioners (incl. replacement leadscrew, rack, scales, Template Library etc.) The LS is unquestionably Work efficiently across Only one system offers tasks from setting-out, accuracy, repeatability the most accurate router We source the best possible products to enhance the woodworking experience for FAQs Call Us Email Us assembly to finishing and versatility Incra LS Positioner 25" table fence available. It’s hobby and professional woodworkers. Full metric Super System capable of achieving (incl. WonderFENCE) accuracy usually only found We are proud of the reputation for service A–Z Products and quality that we have built for on machinery costing tens of Incra LS Positioner 17" Professional Woodworkers Supplies. thousands of dollars. The One-Time Tools Full Metric Std new LS achieves positioning (incl. WonderFENCE) Measuring Miscellaneous accuracy independently Tap to continue Combo Value Packs Rules Incra WonderFENCE verified to 0.0015” per 12” of Measuring and set-out Upgrades Ultra etc. to travel and repeatability of Clearance Corner accuracy is the basis of any WonderFENCE metric version better than 0.001”. This is woodworking project only possible because of its Incra LS Positioner 17" Full Metric Joinery System Search Cart Checkout Search Cart Checkout Search Cart Checkout Search excl. WonderFENCE) Cart Checkout Search Cart Checkout professional woodworkers supplies Mobile app currently in development. PWS With clients coming to the realisation to the importance of needing to be where their target Mobile App market is and to successfully engage them, Professional Woodworkers Supplies have added a mobile app as part of their marketing. 9
  • 10. Social media drives revenue 2010 2012 Growth 65% 330% 2% As social networks continue to gain traction at incredible speeds, many corporations and small businesses are investing heavily in building communities online, and were looking for ways to measure the impact of their investment. Value of share $4.15 $1.85 $0.92 In 2010, a report was released by Eventbrite by platform Every time someone shares an Since 2010, the average, aggregate dollars per share has which detailed the cash benefits of ‘sharing’. event, it drives, on average $3.25 increased (81%) from $1.78 to $3.23. Twitter saw the greatest in additional revenue back to the increase (330%) from $0.43 to $1.85, while Facebook saw The social commerce report revealed that every healthy growth (65%) from $2.52 to $4.15. Dollars per LinkedIn organiser. time someone shared a paid event on Facebook, share increased only slightly (2%) from $0.90 to $0.92. it drove an additional $2.52 in revenue back Shares drive to the event organizer, and 11 additional page traffic 14 33 10 views of their event page. Visits per share in 2012 over 2010 Over the last two years, the average number of people who have also from increased, with click links shared by organizers and attendees through social Twitter driving more event page media has increased from 7 to 17 visits per share. Links shared traffic than Facebook and LinkedIn. on Facebook now drive 14 visits back to the event website, compared with 11 in 2010. Twitter drives the most visits with 33 visits per share, while LinkedIn users visit event pages an average of 10 times for every link that is shared. 10
  • 11. Digital strategy capabilities Crative strategy and proposal Seeding Google and Facebook advertising Creative and strategy for a digital online Seeding is an online PR service that involves Google and Facebook advertising is a great way campaign. Full proposal document on options dropping links on affiliated websites, social to drive traffic to your website. Campaigns can for generating unique branded content and media, forums and blogs that consequently be run over 1–3 months. To achive a number one integrating social media with the objective of generates hits, views and likes to your Facebook page ranking, a 3 month campaign is advised. maximizing your brand online and also driving fanpage and the website. Specific Services traffic to your webiste. Seeding is best optimized with engaging content Graphic design - banner ads & media placement. Specific Services in mind and works best with a strong Facebook Cost Creative strategy, copywriting. 3rd party application and/or viral video. Dependent on brief and/or budget. Cost Specific Services EDM’s Dependent on brief and/or budget. Research Strategy with 10 days of seeding. Electronic email send outs featuring a branded Facebook fanpage 3rd party app Cost skin template and a CMS providing you with Dependent on brief and/or budget. The creative, design and execution of a access to change content for weekly/monthly Facebook fanpage and 3rd party fan page Viral Video send outs via database. application with engaging content and possible The creative, production and post production Specific Services prize incentive that gears users towards using of a viral video that will showcase your brand Graphic design of template, backend the application, pushing brand equity and and be used as a vehicle for generating views to development - CMS. getting them to the website. your Youtube channel and then subsequently to Cost Specific Services your website. Dependent on brief and/or budget. Graphic design, art direction, stock imagery, Specific Services backend development and client management. Services subject to creative. Cost Cost Dependent on brief and/or budget. The cost for this service is heavily dependent on the creative concepts that can be put forward in the creative strategy plan as previously outlined. 11
  • 12. Simply put, if you don’t innovate then you won’t survive. Brands must be relevant as markets evolve. Those brands that recognise that markets are fractured over many platforms, who leverage existing, new and emerging touchpoints will be the future. Don’t be a brand for today. We would love to hear from you.To learn more about your business challenges. To discuss how we are able to help. To provide insight. To think about how we can partner with you to give more presence to your brand. Contact: Chris Waldron / Creative Director Suite 9 / 501 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121 t +61 412 374 050 e Connecting brands to people 12