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How to Develop and Manage a
Successful Membership Marketing
AmCham Worldwide Executive Director’s Conference
Cairo, Egypt
Presented by
Tony Rossell
Senior Vice President
Marketing General, Inc.
Developing a Membership Strategy
“There is nothing like a crisis to clarify
the mind. In suddenly volatile and
different times, you must have a
Richard P. Rumelt, Strategy in a ‘structural break’, Mckinsey Quarterly, December
What is membership marketing?
• Membership Marketing is a subset
in the field of Relationship Marketing
• Membership is a customer model
being adopted by many other
industries and organizations.
• Membership Marketing is the
process of acquiring, engaging,
upgrading, and renewing members.
How to be a Strategic Membership
The four strategic areas for success in
membership marketing:
– Economics – Why
– Market -- Who
– Product – What
– Promotion – How
Goal: Take away at least one key
opportunity for your AmCham from
each of these four strategies.

Response Rate
Renewal Rate
Average Tenure
Lifetime Value
Maximum Acquisition Cost
Steady State Analysis
What is the basic marketing
Response Rate
• Response rate measures the number of prospects
who responded to a marketing effort.
– Total number of responses / Total number of
prospects contacted X 100.
– Example: (50/ 10,000) x 100 = .50%
How many members do we keep?
Renewal Rate
• Renewal Rate measures the number of members
kept over a given period of time -- usually during a
fiscal or calendar year.
• Total Number of Members Today (minus 12
months of new members) / Total Number of
Members in Previous Year
• Example: (10,500 – 1,500)/10,000 = 90% Renewal
How long do members stay?
Average Tenure
• Average Tenure measures how long on average a
member stays with an association.
• Reciprocal of Renewal Rate: 1 – Renewal Rate or,
1 - .90 = .10
• Example: Divide Reciprocal into 1, or, 1 /.10 = an
Average Tenure of 10 years
How much are members worth?
Lifetime Value (LTV)
• Assume US $1,000 / Year Dues and US $500 / Year in NonDues Revenue
· (Dues + Non-Dues Revenue) x Average Tenure = LTV
· Example: ($1,000 + $500) x 10 = $15,000 LTV
Maximum Acquisition Cost (MAC)
• Assume Incremental Servicing Costs = $200 and Cost of
Goods Sold = $250
· (Dues + Non-Dues Revenue) - (Incremental Servicing Costs +
Costs of Goods Sold) x Avg. Tenure = MAC
· Example: (($1,000 + $500) - ($200 + $250)) x 10 = $10,500
Where is membership headed?
Membership Steady State
• Annual New Member Input / Reciprocal of Renewal Rate (or
Lapse Rate) Shown as a Decimal = Total Membership Steady
• For example, 500 New Member Input / .20 Lapse Rate = 2,500
Total Membership.
What’s the best strategy?
• Focus on acquisition by prioritizing the
membership-marketing budget to maintain
the current 75% renewal rate and add 800
new members each year.
• Focus on renewals by prioritizing the
membership-marketing budget to achieve an
85% renewal rate and maintain the current
level of 200 new members who join during
the year.
• Focus on a balanced approach by prioritizing
the membership-marketing budget to
achieve an 80% renewal rate and adding
500 new members each year.
Strategy Impacts Outcomes
• The first option with a 75% renewal rate and
800 new members per year will achieve a
total membership of ____ members over
• The second option with an 85% renewal rate
and 200 new members per year will achieve
a total membership of ____ members over
• The third option with an 80% renewal rate
with 500 new members per year will achieve
a total membership of _____ members over
Case Study
The AmCham ABC last year had 10,000 members.
This year 1,500 new members were added to the
association. 600 of these new members were
attributed to two direct mail campaigns of 40,000
pieces each. Membership acquisition mailings cost
$750 per thousand pieces mailed. The
membership now stands at 10,500. Membership
dues are $500 a year. The average non-dues
revenue is $250 a year per member. Incremental
servicing costs average $100 per member. On
average, the cost of goods sold is 25 percent of the
sales price.
Exercise - Numbers
Please determine the following for
AmCham ABC:
– Acquisition Response Rate
– Association’s Renewal Rate
– Cost to obtain a member
– “Lifetime Value” of a Member
– “Maximum Acquisition Cost”
– “Steady State” Membership of ABC
Exercise -- Strategy
• Based on the member economics,
what would you recommend as a
strategy going forward for this
organization? Some possible
recommendations are:
– Move monies from acquisition to retention.
– Increase member acquisition.
– Stay the course. Don’t change anything.
• Serve a Market, Not a Product
(What do members use and value?)

Loyalty (not satisfaction)

• Use behavior and characteristics to
segment your market
• Spend time, energy, and resources
on top prospects.
Product Awareness and Usage



Board Member



































Administrative Procedures 









E-tools for Boards and 

















Policy Manual Customization
Policy Reference Education 
Subscription Service 
Policy Manual Update

School Board Policies Online

Product Gap Analysis











Meeting needs












Meeting needs












Meeting needs












Meeting needs






Enhancing my performance 
by providing information 
on best practices
Meeting needs

















Meeting needs






Improving my research 
Enhancing my professional 
Providing information on 
graduate training programs
Providing test prep/support 
for licensing

Improving my consulting 

Red=statistically significant decrease
Blue=statistically significant increase
Potential Acquisition Market
Former Members

Like Associations


Market Segmentation Through
Data Modeling

80% of responses with
20% of the market
Look for Thriving People,
Companies, and Sectors
“Prosperity, success and happiness at
work encourage association membership,
because associations are where the
winners meet in many professions.”
– 79% of association members “very happy in
– 49% of association members “very happy in

Arthur C. Brooks, PhD., Where the Winners Meet: Why Happier, More Successful
People Gravitate toward Associations, The William E. Smith Institute for Association
Research, January 2008, page 13.
• Value Proposition
• Product Line Extension (Increasing
share of wallet)
– Product Packaging (Don’t sell a “black” Ford)

• Pricing
– Maximizing revenue through the inelastic dues demand of
Product -- Value Proposition
“The message . . . Is that no company
can succeed today by trying to be all
things to all people. It must instead find
the unique value it alone can deliver to
a chosen market.”
Treacy and Wiersema, The Discipline of Market Leaders, page xiv
Product -- Value Proposition




What separates you from all
other organizations?
ASAE’s Decision to Join -research of 16,944 members and
former members from 18
associations -- highlights these
components of value that a
member is looking to receive.
Product -- Defining Elements

Vision – When we cast a vision for members that
together we can do more than we can do alone, we
create a compelling answer to the question, “Why
belong to this organization?”


Reward – Members want tangible value to support
their continued membership with product that
makes a difference in their lives or career. This
answers the question, “What’s in it for me?”


Relationship – We are a communal people. We
want to be around people that we can help and that
can help us. Relationship can be with staff or other
members and face to face or electronic. It answers
the question, “Who can I connect to here?”
Sample Value Proposition
“SMPS is a community of marketing and business
development professionals working to secure
profitable business relationships for their A/E/C
companies. Through networking, business
intelligence, and research, SMPS members gain a
competitive advantage in positioning their firms
successfully in the marketplace. SMPS offers
members professional development, leadership
opportunities, and market-ing resources to
advance their careers. SMPS is the only
organization dedicated to creating business
opportunities in the A/E/C industry.”
Product -- Exercise
• Discussion of value proposition
• Drafting a value proposition for your
• Sharing your value proposition
Product Line Extension
“Product line extension -- adding
depth to an existing product line by
introducing new products in the
same product category; product line
extensions give customers greater
choice and help to protect the firm
from a flanking attack by a
The Marketing Dictionary
Product Line Extension

Express Membership -- $29: online only services
Basic Membership -- $49: online services plus
subscriptions to the monthly periodical and
Comprehensive Membership -- $89: basic benefits
plus 5 association books shipped as they are
Premium Membership -- $219: all of the above plus
an additional newsletter, four additional books and
a $100 professional development voucher
Institutional Membership -- $899: a package that
includes one Premium membership and 10 Basic
Product -- Pricing Increases
• Association Dues Increase
– Association memberships will support an
increase as high as 11% to 20%.
– Associations in the study raising dues by 11%
to 20% had the highest percentage of revenue
increase, no reported revenue decrease and
the lowest percentage of stagnant revenue.
Full Dues Increase Study can be found at
Product – Price Points
A New Zealand study found the
• 87% of prices were defined as odd
• 60% of prices ended in the digit 9
• 30% of prices ending in the digit 5
Judith Holdershaw, Philip Gendall and Ron Garland, The Widespread Use of Odd
Pricing in the Retail Sector, Marketing Bulletin, 1997.
• Flawed Strategies
– “If you build it, they will come” – Field of
– “If someone comes to you with a 'great'
product that just needs some
marketing, the game is probably
already over.” -- Seth Godin’s Blog
– Stop marketing in a bad economy.
Another View
“It is well documented that brands
that increase advertising during a
recession, when competitors are
cutting back, can improve market
share and return on investment at
lower cost than during good
economic times.”
John Quelch, Marketing Your Way Through a Recession, Harvard Business School,
March 3, 2008
Three Foundations of Promotion
1. Hypothesizing – Start each promotion with
the question, “What cool stuff can we do?”

Can we combine?
Can we add?
Can we eliminate?
Can we make an connection?
Can we simplify?
Can we substitute?
Can we reverse?
Can we copy (adapting best practices)?
Bob Stone, Successful Direct Marketing Methods.
Promotion – How to Validate?
2. Testing – Reveals 1,000% Variance in

Channel (mail, email, FAX, phone, face to face)
Offers (discounts, trials, premiums)
Messages (gain, fear, pain)
Payment Options (ACCR and installment billing)
Format Graphics

3. Tracking – Benchmarking success
“Successful companies are learning
companies. They collect feedback from the
marketplace, audit and evaluate results, and
take corrections designed to improve their
performance. Good marketing works by
constantly monitoring its position in relation
to its destination.”
Philip Kotler, Kotler on Marketing, page 34
Membership Promotional Strategy
“Don’t Push Growth;
Remove the Factors
Limiting Growth.”
Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline
Membership Lifecycle




• Defined: The process of establishing your
brand in the minds of prospective
• Members do not join an organization they
do not know, so “90% of success is just
showing up.”

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Free Email Newsletter
Online PR Releases (i.e. PR Web)
Word of Mouth Marketing
Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter)
Development and Participation in Blogs

• Goal – Build Mind Share (and Prospect
Free Email Newsletter
A key step to
building a
database of
members and
making them
aware of your
organization and
activity is to offer a
free email
• Definition: The process of inviting
new members to join your
• Push vs. Pull Products -Membership is a “PUSH” product
7 Top Recruitment Tips
1. Begin each and every campaign by thinking
creatively and asking “WHO MIGHT BE
INTERESTED IN JOINING?” Then search out lists
that contain these potential members.
2. Develop a special offer to answer your prospect’s
question: “WHY JOIN NOW?”
• Dues Discount
• No-Obligation
• Guarantees
• Installment Billing
1. Carefully develop a strong Unique Selling
Proposition (USP). The USP answers the
prospect’s question of “WHY THIS
Why People Buy
In trouble and want to get out of it.







See trouble coming
and want to avoid it.


Can visualize something great
and want to experience it.

Your USP for Membership

As employment and consumer spending slows, manufacturing
professionals are concerned. So how can you prepare for change, build
your skills and position yourself for career success? See details inside...
7 Top Recruitment Tips
4. Build your promotion around a metaphor -something a prospect will recognize and know what
to do with. Try using an invitation, survey,
certificate, or temporary membership card format.
5. Write your promotion in terms of a conversation
between a salesperson and a prospective member.
Ask and answer the questions any prospective
member would ask (e.g., “IT SEEMS TOO
6. If you are using direct mail, make the investment in
a computer-personalized format (i.e., lasering the
name and address on the letter and reply).
7. Before you send out your promotion, be sure to set
up a system to accurately track responses.
• Definition: The process of moving
members from observers into users
of the resources made available by
your organization.
• The first year of membership is the
“Conversion Year”
• Members Who Interact Convert
Impact of Interaction
• Data Analytics for one association
on engagement.
– Members who attended an association meeting in the
past year were 19% more likely to renew than those
who did not attend a meeting.
– Members who attended four or more meetings were
30% more likely to renew than members who never
attended a meeting.
– Members who placed a product order in the past year
were 28% more likely to renew than those who had
not placed an order.
– Members who upgraded their membership in the past
year to a higher level of service were 12% more likely
to renew.
• Definition: The process of
confirming the value that has been
delivered to the member over the
past year and requesting the
continuance of the relationship.
– Renewals are the members chance to “vote” on the
value of what you have provided to them.

• The number one reason members
give for not renewing is: “I
– Renewal keys: Frequency, Intensity, Duration
Renewal Frequency and Timing



Renewal Acknowledgment e-mail


New Member “Special Offer”


New Member Survey


NCOA/fax/email/phone append




Pre-renewal “Early Bird” Email


Mail notice # 1 & Email


Mail notice # 2 & Email


Mail notice # 3 & Email


Expire email or fax renewal




Mail notice # 4 & Email
• Definition: The process of re-introducing
yourself to your former member.
• Reinstatement programs test the
effectiveness of your renewal program.
– "Look not where you fell, look where you slipped." - African

• Many organizations are sitting on
hundreds of members just waiting to
What Lapsed Members Say
Likelihood to Renew Membership in the Future
Among lapsed members

Neither Likely nor

Very Likely

Somewhat Likely
Growth Strategy
“Growth endures not because of
fortuitous demand, a hot
product, or any single tactic.
Growth endures when
management follows a portfolio
of disciplines to ensure that a
broad set of growth
opportunities are identified and
captured as routinely as costs
are controlled and processes
are improved.”
Michael Treacy, Double-Digit Growth
Tony Rossell
Tony serves as the senior vice president of
Marketing General, Inc., an Alexandria, Virginiabased firm that specializes in membership
marketing solutions for associations. A frequent
write and speaker on marketing topics, Tony is a
contributing author to two books, Membership
Marketing (ASAE 2000) and Membership
Essentials (ASAE 2008). He writes the
Membership Marketing Blog. Contact Tony at 703706-0360 or

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Am cham worldwide executive director's conference cairo

  • 1. How to Develop and Manage a Successful Membership Marketing Program AmCham Worldwide Executive Director’s Conference Cairo, Egypt Presented by Tony Rossell Senior Vice President Marketing General, Inc.
  • 2. Developing a Membership Strategy “There is nothing like a crisis to clarify the mind. In suddenly volatile and different times, you must have a strategy” Richard P. Rumelt, Strategy in a ‘structural break’, Mckinsey Quarterly, December 2008.
  • 3. What is membership marketing? • Membership Marketing is a subset in the field of Relationship Marketing • Membership is a customer model being adopted by many other industries and organizations. • Membership Marketing is the process of acquiring, engaging, upgrading, and renewing members.
  • 4. How to be a Strategic Membership Marketer The four strategic areas for success in membership marketing: – Economics – Why – Market -- Who – Product – What – Promotion – How Goal: Take away at least one key opportunity for your AmCham from each of these four strategies.
  • 5. Economics • • • • • • Response Rate Renewal Rate Average Tenure Lifetime Value Maximum Acquisition Cost Steady State Analysis
  • 6. What is the basic marketing measure? Response Rate • Response rate measures the number of prospects who responded to a marketing effort. – Total number of responses / Total number of prospects contacted X 100. – Example: (50/ 10,000) x 100 = .50%
  • 7. How many members do we keep? Renewal Rate • Renewal Rate measures the number of members kept over a given period of time -- usually during a fiscal or calendar year. • Total Number of Members Today (minus 12 months of new members) / Total Number of Members in Previous Year • Example: (10,500 – 1,500)/10,000 = 90% Renewal Rate
  • 8. How long do members stay? Average Tenure • Average Tenure measures how long on average a member stays with an association. • Reciprocal of Renewal Rate: 1 – Renewal Rate or, 1 - .90 = .10 • Example: Divide Reciprocal into 1, or, 1 /.10 = an Average Tenure of 10 years
  • 9. How much are members worth? Lifetime Value (LTV) • Assume US $1,000 / Year Dues and US $500 / Year in NonDues Revenue · (Dues + Non-Dues Revenue) x Average Tenure = LTV · Example: ($1,000 + $500) x 10 = $15,000 LTV Maximum Acquisition Cost (MAC) • Assume Incremental Servicing Costs = $200 and Cost of Goods Sold = $250 · (Dues + Non-Dues Revenue) - (Incremental Servicing Costs + Costs of Goods Sold) x Avg. Tenure = MAC · Example: (($1,000 + $500) - ($200 + $250)) x 10 = $10,500 MAC
  • 10. Where is membership headed? Membership Steady State • Annual New Member Input / Reciprocal of Renewal Rate (or Lapse Rate) Shown as a Decimal = Total Membership Steady State. • For example, 500 New Member Input / .20 Lapse Rate = 2,500 Total Membership.
  • 11. What’s the best strategy? • Focus on acquisition by prioritizing the membership-marketing budget to maintain the current 75% renewal rate and add 800 new members each year. • Focus on renewals by prioritizing the membership-marketing budget to achieve an 85% renewal rate and maintain the current level of 200 new members who join during the year. • Focus on a balanced approach by prioritizing the membership-marketing budget to achieve an 80% renewal rate and adding 500 new members each year.
  • 12. Strategy Impacts Outcomes • The first option with a 75% renewal rate and 800 new members per year will achieve a total membership of ____ members over time. • The second option with an 85% renewal rate and 200 new members per year will achieve a total membership of ____ members over time. • The third option with an 80% renewal rate with 500 new members per year will achieve a total membership of _____ members over time.
  • 13. Case Study The AmCham ABC last year had 10,000 members. This year 1,500 new members were added to the association. 600 of these new members were attributed to two direct mail campaigns of 40,000 pieces each. Membership acquisition mailings cost $750 per thousand pieces mailed. The membership now stands at 10,500. Membership dues are $500 a year. The average non-dues revenue is $250 a year per member. Incremental servicing costs average $100 per member. On average, the cost of goods sold is 25 percent of the sales price.
  • 14. Exercise - Numbers Please determine the following for AmCham ABC: – Acquisition Response Rate – Association’s Renewal Rate – Cost to obtain a member – “Lifetime Value” of a Member – “Maximum Acquisition Cost” – “Steady State” Membership of ABC Association
  • 15. Exercise -- Strategy • Based on the member economics, what would you recommend as a strategy going forward for this organization? Some possible recommendations are: – Move monies from acquisition to retention. – Increase member acquisition. – Stay the course. Don’t change anything.
  • 16. Market • Serve a Market, Not a Product (What do members use and value?) – – – – Awareness Usage Importance Loyalty (not satisfaction) • Use behavior and characteristics to segment your market • Spend time, energy, and resources on top prospects.
  • 17. Product Awareness and Usage Service   Position  Total Board Member   Superintendent Aware 83.0% 77.8% 90.8% Used* 68.0% 67.3% 69.0% Aware 74.2% 61.4% 93.4% Used* 81.6% 72.1% 91.0% Aware 70.5% 64.5% 79.5% Used* 48.4% 47.3% 49.8% Aware 55.6% 47.4% 67.8% Used* 41.9% 38.6% 46.2% Administrative Procedures  Project Aware 48.4% 39.6% 61.5% Used* 38.5% 34.0% 42.9% E-tools for Boards and  Districts Aware 42.4% 38.1% 48.7% Used* 28.0% 32.1% 22.7% Aware 37.7% 29.3% 50.2% Used* 44.4% 38.3% 49.6% Policy Manual Customization Policy Reference Education  Subscription Service  (PRESS) Policy Manual Update School Board Policies Online PRESS Plus
  • 18. Product Gap Analysis Overall Academic Only Practitioner Only Both Student Importance 3.25 3.74 2.83 3.26 3.53 Meeting needs 2.55 2.72 2.56 2.56 2.56 Importance 3.45 3.04 3.41 3.17 3.94 Meeting needs 2.37 2.57 2.30 2.45 2.37 Importance 2.78 2.83 1.99 2.80 3.55 Meeting needs 3.09 3.04 3.14 3.12 2.95 Importance 2.54 1.89 2.42 2.05 3.19 Meeting needs 1.96 2.26 2.01 1.99 1.84 Enhancing my performance  Importance by providing information  on best practices Meeting needs 3.80 3.22 4.02 3.47 3.78 2.43 2.62 2.31 2.43 2.63 Importance 3.40 2.44 3.55 2.89 3.75 Meeting needs 2.00 2.34 1.91 2.03 2.16 Improving my research  skills Enhancing my professional  credentials/capabilities Providing information on  graduate training programs Providing test prep/support  for licensing Improving my consulting  skills Red=statistically significant decrease Blue=statistically significant increase
  • 19. Potential Acquisition Market Segments Former Members Like Associations Subscribers Directories
  • 20. Market Segmentation Through Data Modeling 80% of responses with 20% of the market
  • 21. Look for Thriving People, Companies, and Sectors “Prosperity, success and happiness at work encourage association membership, because associations are where the winners meet in many professions.” – 79% of association members “very happy in job” – 49% of association members “very happy in job” Arthur C. Brooks, PhD., Where the Winners Meet: Why Happier, More Successful People Gravitate toward Associations, The William E. Smith Institute for Association Research, January 2008, page 13.
  • 22. Product • Value Proposition • Product Line Extension (Increasing share of wallet) – Product Packaging (Don’t sell a “black” Ford) • Pricing – Maximizing revenue through the inelastic dues demand of membership
  • 23. Product -- Value Proposition “The message . . . Is that no company can succeed today by trying to be all things to all people. It must instead find the unique value it alone can deliver to a chosen market.” Treacy and Wiersema, The Discipline of Market Leaders, page xiv
  • 24. Product -- Value Proposition Vision Reward Relationship What separates you from all other organizations? ASAE’s Decision to Join -research of 16,944 members and former members from 18 associations -- highlights these components of value that a member is looking to receive.
  • 25. Product -- Defining Elements • Vision – When we cast a vision for members that together we can do more than we can do alone, we create a compelling answer to the question, “Why belong to this organization?” • Reward – Members want tangible value to support their continued membership with product that makes a difference in their lives or career. This answers the question, “What’s in it for me?” • Relationship – We are a communal people. We want to be around people that we can help and that can help us. Relationship can be with staff or other members and face to face or electronic. It answers the question, “Who can I connect to here?”
  • 26. Sample Value Proposition “SMPS is a community of marketing and business development professionals working to secure profitable business relationships for their A/E/C companies. Through networking, business intelligence, and research, SMPS members gain a competitive advantage in positioning their firms successfully in the marketplace. SMPS offers members professional development, leadership opportunities, and market-ing resources to advance their careers. SMPS is the only organization dedicated to creating business opportunities in the A/E/C industry.”
  • 27. Product -- Exercise • Discussion of value proposition • Drafting a value proposition for your organization • Sharing your value proposition
  • 28. Product Line Extension “Product line extension -- adding depth to an existing product line by introducing new products in the same product category; product line extensions give customers greater choice and help to protect the firm from a flanking attack by a competitor." The Marketing Dictionary
  • 29. Product Line Extension • • • • • Express Membership -- $29: online only services Basic Membership -- $49: online services plus subscriptions to the monthly periodical and newsletter Comprehensive Membership -- $89: basic benefits plus 5 association books shipped as they are published Premium Membership -- $219: all of the above plus an additional newsletter, four additional books and a $100 professional development voucher Institutional Membership -- $899: a package that includes one Premium membership and 10 Basic memberships
  • 30. Product -- Pricing Increases • Association Dues Increase Research – Association memberships will support an increase as high as 11% to 20%. – Associations in the study raising dues by 11% to 20% had the highest percentage of revenue increase, no reported revenue decrease and the lowest percentage of stagnant revenue. Full Dues Increase Study can be found at
  • 31. Product – Price Points A New Zealand study found the following: • 87% of prices were defined as odd prices • 60% of prices ended in the digit 9 • 30% of prices ending in the digit 5 Judith Holdershaw, Philip Gendall and Ron Garland, The Widespread Use of Odd Pricing in the Retail Sector, Marketing Bulletin, 1997.
  • 32. Promotion • Flawed Strategies – “If you build it, they will come” – Field of Dreams – “If someone comes to you with a 'great' product that just needs some marketing, the game is probably already over.” -- Seth Godin’s Blog – Stop marketing in a bad economy.
  • 33. Another View “It is well documented that brands that increase advertising during a recession, when competitors are cutting back, can improve market share and return on investment at lower cost than during good economic times.” John Quelch, Marketing Your Way Through a Recession, Harvard Business School, March 3, 2008
  • 34. Promotion Three Foundations of Promotion 1. Hypothesizing – Start each promotion with the question, “What cool stuff can we do?” – – – – – – – – Can we combine? Can we add? Can we eliminate? Can we make an connection? Can we simplify? Can we substitute? Can we reverse? Can we copy (adapting best practices)? Bob Stone, Successful Direct Marketing Methods.
  • 35. Promotion – How to Validate? 2. Testing – Reveals 1,000% Variance in Response – – – – – – Lists Channel (mail, email, FAX, phone, face to face) Offers (discounts, trials, premiums) Messages (gain, fear, pain) Payment Options (ACCR and installment billing) Format Graphics 3. Tracking – Benchmarking success
  • 36.
  • 37. Promotion “Successful companies are learning companies. They collect feedback from the marketplace, audit and evaluate results, and take corrections designed to improve their performance. Good marketing works by constantly monitoring its position in relation to its destination.” Philip Kotler, Kotler on Marketing, page 34
  • 38. Membership Promotional Strategy Applied “Don’t Push Growth; Remove the Factors Limiting Growth.” Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline
  • 40. Awareness • Defined: The process of establishing your brand in the minds of prospective members. • Members do not join an organization they do not know, so “90% of success is just showing up.” – – – – – – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Free Email Newsletter Online PR Releases (i.e. PR Web) Word of Mouth Marketing Social Media (LinkedIn, Twitter) Development and Participation in Blogs • Goal – Build Mind Share (and Prospect Database)
  • 41.
  • 42. Free Email Newsletter A key step to building a database of prospective members and making them aware of your organization and activity is to offer a free email newsletter.
  • 43. Recruitment • Definition: The process of inviting new members to join your organization. • Push vs. Pull Products -Membership is a “PUSH” product
  • 44. 7 Top Recruitment Tips 1. Begin each and every campaign by thinking creatively and asking “WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN JOINING?” Then search out lists that contain these potential members. 2. Develop a special offer to answer your prospect’s question: “WHY JOIN NOW?” • Dues Discount • No-Obligation • Guarantees • Installment Billing 1. Carefully develop a strong Unique Selling Proposition (USP). The USP answers the prospect’s question of “WHY THIS MEMBERSHIP?”
  • 45. Why People Buy Pain In trouble and want to get out of it. A Present Present Future Future Fear Gain See trouble coming and want to avoid it. B Can visualize something great and want to experience it. C
  • 46. Your USP for Membership As employment and consumer spending slows, manufacturing professionals are concerned. So how can you prepare for change, build your skills and position yourself for career success? See details inside...
  • 47. 7 Top Recruitment Tips 4. Build your promotion around a metaphor -something a prospect will recognize and know what to do with. Try using an invitation, survey, certificate, or temporary membership card format. 5. Write your promotion in terms of a conversation between a salesperson and a prospective member. Ask and answer the questions any prospective member would ask (e.g., “IT SEEMS TOO EXPENSIVE”, or "I’M NOT SURE IT WILL BE USEFUL TO ME.") 6. If you are using direct mail, make the investment in a computer-personalized format (i.e., lasering the name and address on the letter and reply). 7. Before you send out your promotion, be sure to set up a system to accurately track responses.
  • 48. Engagement • Definition: The process of moving members from observers into users of the resources made available by your organization. • The first year of membership is the “Conversion Year” • Members Who Interact Convert
  • 49. Impact of Interaction • Data Analytics for one association on engagement. – Members who attended an association meeting in the past year were 19% more likely to renew than those who did not attend a meeting. – Members who attended four or more meetings were 30% more likely to renew than members who never attended a meeting. – Members who placed a product order in the past year were 28% more likely to renew than those who had not placed an order. – Members who upgraded their membership in the past year to a higher level of service were 12% more likely to renew.
  • 50. Renewal • Definition: The process of confirming the value that has been delivered to the member over the past year and requesting the continuance of the relationship. – Renewals are the members chance to “vote” on the value of what you have provided to them. • The number one reason members give for not renewing is: “I FORGOT” – Renewal keys: Frequency, Intensity, Duration
  • 51. Renewal Frequency and Timing Month Activity 1 Renewal Acknowledgment e-mail 2 New Member “Special Offer” 3 4 New Member Survey 5 NCOA/fax/email/phone append 6 7   8 Pre-renewal “Early Bird” Email 9 Mail notice # 1 & Email 10 Mail notice # 2 & Email 11 Mail notice # 3 & Email 12 Expire email or fax renewal 13 Telemarketing 14 Mail notice # 4 & Email
  • 52. Reinstatement • Definition: The process of re-introducing yourself to your former member. • Reinstatement programs test the effectiveness of your renewal program. – "Look not where you fell, look where you slipped." - African Proverb • Many organizations are sitting on hundreds of members just waiting to return.
  • 53. What Lapsed Members Say Likelihood to Renew Membership in the Future Among lapsed members Very/Somewhat Unlikely 25% Neither Likely nor Unlikely 16% Very Likely 25% Somewhat Likely 34%
  • 54. Growth Strategy “Growth endures not because of fortuitous demand, a hot product, or any single tactic. Growth endures when management follows a portfolio of disciplines to ensure that a broad set of growth opportunities are identified and captured as routinely as costs are controlled and processes are improved.” Michael Treacy, Double-Digit Growth
  • 55. Tony Rossell Tony serves as the senior vice president of Marketing General, Inc., an Alexandria, Virginiabased firm that specializes in membership marketing solutions for associations. A frequent write and speaker on marketing topics, Tony is a contributing author to two books, Membership Marketing (ASAE 2000) and Membership Essentials (ASAE 2008). He writes the Membership Marketing Blog. Contact Tony at 703706-0360 or

Editor's Notes

  1. “After all, human beings are deeply social creatures. We desire to live, love and work with others whom we know and who know us. And so did our ancestors, whose membership to small groups helped protect them from the weather and from predators. Belonging to a group gave them- and gives us- a chance to thrive.”[1] [1] Gerda Wever-Rabebl, The Anthropology of Belonging: The Need for Social Inclusion.
  2. Option 1 – 3,200 members Option 2 – 1,333 members Option 3 – 2,500 members
  3. Acquisition Response Rate -- .75% Association’s Renewal Rate – 90% Cost to obtain a member -- $40 on total or $100 from campaign “Lifetime Value” of a Member -- $7,500 “Maximum Acquisition Cost” -- $5,875 “Steady State” Membership of ABC Association – 15,000
  4. Here is an example how data can help segment your market. We matched the membership of companies using aircraft up against a large database with lots of details on aircraft types. We found 5 or 6 key predictors of types of aircraft that matched members.
  5. [1] Society for Marketing Professional Service (SMPS), CLU Apr May Jun 2009