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Hi there! Welcome back, and I sincerely hope you are not covered in bees like poor Alice
here. Last time I said that I had enough material for an entire college chapter, and since
that statement was 100% true, here is the college chapter in question. I believe I
mentioned last time that certain people had grown up into somewhat risible attire? Well,
that has been rectified, and things have already started happening as a result. But before
we start on that, there’s one tiny piece you need to know about. (Not because it’s super
important now, but it will make a difference later.) Do you remember last time when
Hunter was preparing to call somewhere?
This is newly-adopted Aren Fuchs.
Hunter is a Family sim and doesn’t particularly feel like wasting time. Never mind that
he’s only two years out of college and nowhere near old enough to have a six-year-old
ORION: Glad to hear you had a good time, Peter. Marie and I loved Twikki Island, and
we brought back the best souvenir ever from our honeymoon – Hunter.
HUNTER: Dad, you didn't have to tell him that! Esme, how embarrassing can you get?
ANDROMEDA: How does it feel to be part of the family, Aren?
AREN: It’s good. I always wanted my own family.
ANDROMEDA: So what do you want now?
AREN: I want a little brother to beat up on – I mean play with – and Dad and Pop said I
can have anything I want, so I'm gonna get one soon, I think.
HUNTER: We said “within reason,” Aren. I'm not sure that qualifies. Esme, what is
wrong with everybody today?
ANDROMEDA: Don't you want a sister instead, Aren? Sisters are the best, 'cause we
bring our friends home from school and then you get to meet all these cute girls who
know all about you already.
AREN: I don't want someone who knows about me already, yo. I wanna tell her all about
me so she's impressed. Other people don't tell it right.
ANDROMEDA: Hunter, I'm really nervous about starting college. I mean, I know I can
do the work, but what if people don't like me? Can you give me some tips or something?
HUNTER: You'll be fine, Rommy. You'll probably do better than me – you're a lot more
Outgoing. Don't worry about it.
PETER: Heck, you'll have to fight the guys off with a stick.
ANDROMEDA: Oh, what would you know about that?
PETER: Just cause I'm attracted to guys doesn't mean I'm blind. I can show you a coupla
moves from when I was in the army if you want.
Sorry about the plumbbob. Sorry sorry sorry…
*ahem* And with that little tidbit safely slotted in correct chronological sequence, we
move on to our promised college chapter… Already in Progress…
ANDREW: Oh Esme, Colin, what have you done to yourself? Mother will drop a brick!
COLIN: That's kind of the idea. Anyway, look who's talking, Mr. Walks-Around-In-His-
ANDREW: Opal – she has the room next door to me – she likes men who walk around in
their underwear.
COLIN: And you like Opal.
ANDREW: ...Does it show?
Yes, Andrew, it shows. But your friends still hang out with you even though you’re
making an idiot of yourself over this girl. How are they doing, by the way?
ALICE (V.O.): So this new girl joined my sorority. For rush week, we’re making her
wear a toga all the time.
ALICE (V.O.): Then we’re going to set the cow mascot on her and see what she does. I
think you know her – Andromeda Sanders?
ANDREW (V.O.): Yeah, she's one of our best friends. I used to have such a crush on her.
COLIN (V.O.): You did? You never told me.
ANDREW (V.O.): She’s a girl with black or red hair, isn’t she? I shouldn’t have to say.
ALICE: Waitaminnit – I have black hair.
ANDREW: Yeah, well, you're cute. Just not my type.
ALICE: Oh thank Esme, cause you're so not mine. There was this one girl I saw at the
store though… I wish I'd gone up and asked for her number. What about you, Colin?
What do you like?
COLIN: Dyed hair and jewelry.
ALICE: No, no – girls or guys?
COLIN: As long as they've got dyed hair and jewelry, I don't really care.
Sorry about the plumbbob… (cringes)
ALICE (V.O.): Oh. So are you having trouble finding, um, potential candidates?
COLIN (V.O.): Nah, not really. Not since I started offering free makeovers.
OPAL MCAULEY: So I saw you had some upperclassmen over yesterday. Who were
ANDREW: Oh, just my brother and my friend Alice. I've known them forever. Well, I
mean, of course I've known my brother – Um, Alice kind of hung out with me in high
school. She said it was nice to have a guy friend who wasn't into her. Uh, not that I don't
like girls or anything.
OPAL: I think it's great that you've got two best friends at the same school as you. None
of my high school friends came here.
ANDREW: We could be friends, maybe. If you wanted. Um.
OPAL: I'd like that.
That seems to be going well. How is Colin’s make-‘em-over-and-ask-‘em-out strategy
APRIL BECKETT: This doesn't go with my llama jacket, you know.
COLIN: No, but it goes great with your regular gear, and it's so you.
APRIL: I gotta say, I like the blue.
Apparently, she likes the hairdresser, too.
COLIN: So what's the verdict?
MATTHEW BRUENIG: Hardly a change at all...subtle. Well done.
Well done, indeed.
COLIN: So whaddaya think?
MALLORY WENDLAND: Eeee! It’s perfect! This is wonderful, Colin! How can I ever
thank you?
Oh, I’m sure he’ll think of something…
COLIN: I think that came out pretty well. How about you?
LEE LONG: It's great. Who's the weird guy?
COLIN: What weird guy?
LEE: The one standing behind you.
WEIRD GUY: Mr. Littledragon, you do know you're not licensed in this state, don't you?
COLIN: Hey, wait a minute! What's going on? Since when do you need a license to dye a
friend's hair? Leggo of me!
One of the nice side effects of trying to find someone for Colin was that he ended up in
the Order of the Llama – I mean, that he had nothing to do with anything even remotely
resembling any sort of secret society in any way whatsoever.
Obviously, the sight of Colin in handcuffs was simply irresistible.
(Sorry about the plumbbob!)
Of course, not all of Colin’s makeover attempts were successful…
Surprisingly enough, this one did not result in a date. And for a preppy-looking girl, she’s
got a mouth on her like a sailor.
Let’s leave them to it and see how Andromeda’s doing during rush week. (Warning:
Contains plumbbobs.)
KITTY NGAI: Hey, Andromeda...That guy keeps looking at you.
ANDROMEDA: Not exactly surprising, is it? I'm wearing a bedsheet in public.
KITTY: I don't think that's why he's looking.
MITCH SCOTT: Hi. You don't know me, but –
ANDROMEDA: Oh, I know you. You were in the seafood place earlier. And I saw you
last week handing out those flyers about the industrialization of the llama weaving
MITCH: You remember me?
ANDROMEDA: Sure, I've got a good memory for faces. You want to go get coffee or
ANDREW: ...and then the professor said that if you blibble blobble the bloppity bloop, it
OPAL: Ha! You tell such great stories, Andy! You're different.
ANDREW: ...Andy?
OPAL: Oh, sorry. Do you prefer Andrew?
ANDREW: Andy's fine! Uh… When you said I was different, was that different-good, or
OPAL: Oh, different-good, definitely! I'm really glad I got to know you.
At one point, I was going to fix Andrew’s dialog. But you know…an art major trying to
write amusing yet educated lines for a physics major…not exactly the most successful
undertaking out there. Since it might as well all be fibblewibble as far as I’m concerned,
that’s how I left it.
PETER (V.O): So, Rommy, you met anybody you like yet?
ANDROMEDA (V.O.): Well, there's this one guy named Mitch. He's great. He says I'm
majorly hot.
PETER (V.O.): You sure you don't want me to show you some army moves? It'd be no
ANDROMEDA (V.O.): No, thanks. I’m good.
That’s one way of putting it…
Has Andrew had any luck on that score? I mean, in that area of things?
COLIN: Hey, I know you. You're Opal, my brother's girlfriend. I'm Colin.
OPAL: Nice to meet you, Colin, but I think you must have made a mistake. I don't have a
COLIN: You don't? But Andrew talks about you all the time.
OPAL: Andrew? Andrew Littledragon Andrew?
COLIN: Yeah, that's him...Esme, I'm so embarrassed. Don't tell him I said that.
OPAL: It's okay. I didn't think he liked me. Does he really talk about me all the time?
COLIN: Hoh yeah. Hey, listen – my frat's having a toga party tonight. You oughta come.
Andrew'll be there. I'll give him a good old brotherly kick in the pants for you. How
about it?
OPAL: Hmmm. Which fraternity do you belong to?
ANDREW: Opal! What are you doing here?
OPAL: Colin invited me. I ran into him at the fine arts building earlier.
ANDREW: I didn't know you knew each other.
OPAL: Oh, we just met, but he's great.
ANDREW: Um, you do know he's seeing a bunch of people, right?
OPAL: Who doesn't? Good thing I'm not interested in dating...him.
Well, like they say, slow and steady...But what about Alice? We haven’t heard from her
Cheating at chess, I see. As usual.
As you can see, the house is still undergoing renovations, but that hasn’t stopped them
from having parties. All the time. They’re minimum Good Time, more often Roof Raiser.
So it looks like they’re doing okay.
Hold that thought…
ALICE: (retching noises)
ANDROMEDA: Alice, are you okay? You've been running to the bathroom every fifteen
minutes. Are you sick? What's going on?
ALICE (sotto voce): I think I might be...expecting.
ANDROMEDA: Expe – ? Oh, you mean expecting expecting?
ALICE: Uh-huh.
ANDROMEDA: But you're not seeing anybody. Who – ?
ALICE: (significant glance)
ANDROMEDA: Oh, Alice, really?
I didn’t think Young Adults could Try for Baby… I’ll be keeping an eye on you, young
Not that you can hear me. *sigh*
MITCH: So, Percy, I was thinking...
ANDROMEDA: Why did you call me that?
MITCH: Percy? As in Perseus? I think it fits you. Because Perseus rescued Andromeda.
Only I can't see you waiting around to be rescued. You'd be the one to go off and
seriously kick ass.
ANDROMEDA: But it's not my name. How would you like it if I called you something
that wasn't your name?
MITCH: Like what?
ANDROMEDA: Oh, I don't know. Francine?
MITCH: Francine?...Sure, why not? Or Frannie, maybe.
ANDROMEDA: Wait, you want people to call you Frannie?
MITCH: Not people. Just you. Because you're special. And I like the idea of us having
special names for each other.
MITCH (quickly): Or you can just call me Mitch. I mean, it is my name. And maybe I'm
not special to you.
ANDROMEDA: Oh, you're special, all right...Frannie.
MITCH: Um...Percy? Only call me that in private, okay?
Oh, how sweet. I wonder if Colin’s being as successful with his paramours.
APRIL: You schmuck! How could you do this to me?
COLIN: April, I told you I was seeing other people. You said an open relationship was
fine. You're Romance!
APRIL: You venemous piece of trash! Don't call me any more.
I guess not.
Andrew, on the other hand…
ANDREW: Thanks for coming, Opal. A lot of girls wouldn't go to a jazz club in the
middle of the day.
OPAL: Well, they've got good coffee. And karaoke. And anyway, a lot of girls wouldn't
go out with a guy in a pink bowling shirt no matter what time it was.
ANDREW: You don't like the shirt?
OPAL: I love the shirt. Are you going to sing me a song or what?
ANDREW (sings very badly): ...And the shiiiip
The black freieieighterrrr
With the skull
On the masthead
Will beeee
Coming innnn...
The song in question is “Pirate Jenny,” from The Threepenny Opera. It’s a woman’s
song. Nina Simone’s version, in particular, is not to be missed.
OPAL: Haha! That was great, Andy! I've never seen a guy sing that before. You must be
very secure in your orientation.
ANDREW: Um, yeah, I am. So, what do you want to do now?
OPAL: I'd love a kiss, since you're asking.
ANDREW: I think I can manage that.
Slow and steady, Andrew, slow and steady…
MALLORY (to herself): Oh, Colin, how could you? (sniffle)
Colin, you could really take some lessons from your brother.
ANDROMEDA (V.O.): Richard the llama dude said he found you collapsed on the porch
last night. What's going on? We're worried about you. You're not pregnant, so this
shouldn't be happening.
ALICE (V.O.): Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just a touch of food poisoning. It'll go away on
its own in a day or two.
ANDROMEDA: I don't believe you, Alice. Food poisoning doesn't last this long. You
can't keep anything down.
ALICE: Really, I'm good. Better than ever.
ANDROMEDA: Are you telling me the truth?
ALICE: Would I lie to my best friend and sorority sister?
ALICE: (violent and disgusting retching noises)
I can’t stand it when people are sick. Let’s move on, quick. Ummmm – Colin! You’re up!
MATTHEW: ...Look, Colin, I can't do this. You're a great guy and we'll always be
friends, but I don't think I love you anymore.
COLIN: I don't understand.
MATTHEW: It's not you, it's me. It was great, but I watch you with Lee and the way the
two of you are together...I can't give you that. I hate parties. I hate meeting people. And
honestly, I want someone who will stay at home and you've got ambition. I'd only hold
you back. It's better this way, really.
COLIN: But...Matt, you were the first person I ever fell in love with.
MATTHEW: I know. You were for me, too. But I'm not the last person you ever fell in
love with, and that's what I really wanted. Please, let's not make this harder than it has to
be. No hard feelings?
COLIN (softly): Goodbye, Matt.
Oookay…that worked out well…or not. Is anybody having a good day?
OPAL: Andy, what are we doing at a motel? I thought we were on a date.
ANDREW: Well, there's never any privacy at the dorm. I thought that it'd be nice to just
have a little time to ourselves, you know?
OPAL: Ah, I see...
OPAL: we've got some privacy, what do you want to do?
ANDREW: Oh, I've got a few ideas...
OPAL: Well, it's about time!
All signs point to yes.
ANDROMEDA: Alice, I don't care what you say. You are not fine. People who are fine
don't faint on their way to bed.
ALICE: No, no, I'm good. I stood up too fast before I came in here, that's all.
ANDROMEDA: Stood up from what? There's nothing close to the bedroom. If you were
going to pass out from standing up, you would have done it already. Talk to me, Alice.
ALICE: I'm. Fine. I just need to go to bed so I can be ready for Colin's party tomorrow.
ANDROMEDA: Maybe you shouldn't go to the party. I think we should take you to the
doctor instead.
ALICE: I've been to the doctor already, and I told you, I'm fine! IoLANthe, leave me
alone, will you?!
This plumbbob is actually deliberate. It lets you know just how awful Alice feels, doesn’t
Although she seems to be holding up okay now.
COLIN: Lee, will you move in with me after graduation? I know it's a big step, but
I...really like you.
LEE: That better be an understatement. And of course I will.
LEE: ...Or maybe I won't after all. What's up with that outfit? (snicker) You look like
General Grunt gone horribly, horribly wrong!
COLIN: Oh, bite me. Like you'll do any better.
ANDREW (under his breath): Please let her say yes, please let her say yes...
OPAL: Oh, Andy, I thought you'd never ask!
OPAL: Although if you hadn't asked by graduation, I was going to ask you.
ANDREW: You were?
OPAL: Yup. I'm not letting you get away.
ANDREW: Don't worry. I don't want to.
Like I said, Andrew…Slow and steady wins the race.
ANDROMEDA: Mitch, you make me really happy, and call me selfish, but I'd like to go
on being happy for the rest of my life. So...will you make me the happiest girl in the
whole world?
MITCH: Sure, Percy.
ANDROMEDA: Oh, Frannie! This is fantastic!
MITCH: Heh. I guess I'm just selfish too. I love you, Andromeda Sanders. I even love
you enough to let you call me "Frannie" in public.
ANDROMEDA: Whoops. Sorry.
ANDROMEDA: Alice! I have the best news ever! Mitch said – Alice? Alice, what's
ALICE: I don't feel so good.
Oh dear. I’ll have to go tell her parents. What awful news to have to deliver.
Please join me next time.

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Already In Progress: Chapter 3

  • 1. Hi there! Welcome back, and I sincerely hope you are not covered in bees like poor Alice here. Last time I said that I had enough material for an entire college chapter, and since that statement was 100% true, here is the college chapter in question. I believe I mentioned last time that certain people had grown up into somewhat risible attire? Well, that has been rectified, and things have already started happening as a result. But before we start on that, there’s one tiny piece you need to know about. (Not because it’s super important now, but it will make a difference later.) Do you remember last time when Hunter was preparing to call somewhere?
  • 2. This is newly-adopted Aren Fuchs. Hunter is a Family sim and doesn’t particularly feel like wasting time. Never mind that he’s only two years out of college and nowhere near old enough to have a six-year-old son.
  • 3. ORION: Glad to hear you had a good time, Peter. Marie and I loved Twikki Island, and we brought back the best souvenir ever from our honeymoon – Hunter. HUNTER: Dad, you didn't have to tell him that! Esme, how embarrassing can you get? ANDROMEDA: How does it feel to be part of the family, Aren? AREN: It’s good. I always wanted my own family. ANDROMEDA: So what do you want now?
  • 4. AREN: I want a little brother to beat up on – I mean play with – and Dad and Pop said I can have anything I want, so I'm gonna get one soon, I think. HUNTER: We said “within reason,” Aren. I'm not sure that qualifies. Esme, what is wrong with everybody today? ANDROMEDA: Don't you want a sister instead, Aren? Sisters are the best, 'cause we bring our friends home from school and then you get to meet all these cute girls who know all about you already. AREN: I don't want someone who knows about me already, yo. I wanna tell her all about me so she's impressed. Other people don't tell it right.
  • 5. ANDROMEDA: Hunter, I'm really nervous about starting college. I mean, I know I can do the work, but what if people don't like me? Can you give me some tips or something? HUNTER: You'll be fine, Rommy. You'll probably do better than me – you're a lot more Outgoing. Don't worry about it. PETER: Heck, you'll have to fight the guys off with a stick. ANDROMEDA: Oh, what would you know about that? PETER: Just cause I'm attracted to guys doesn't mean I'm blind. I can show you a coupla moves from when I was in the army if you want. Sorry about the plumbbob. Sorry sorry sorry… *ahem* And with that little tidbit safely slotted in correct chronological sequence, we move on to our promised college chapter… Already in Progress…
  • 6. ANDREW: Oh Esme, Colin, what have you done to yourself? Mother will drop a brick! COLIN: That's kind of the idea. Anyway, look who's talking, Mr. Walks-Around-In-His- Undies. ANDREW: Opal – she has the room next door to me – she likes men who walk around in their underwear. COLIN: And you like Opal. ANDREW: ...Does it show? Yes, Andrew, it shows. But your friends still hang out with you even though you’re making an idiot of yourself over this girl. How are they doing, by the way?
  • 7. ALICE (V.O.): So this new girl joined my sorority. For rush week, we’re making her wear a toga all the time.
  • 8. ALICE (V.O.): Then we’re going to set the cow mascot on her and see what she does. I think you know her – Andromeda Sanders? ANDREW (V.O.): Yeah, she's one of our best friends. I used to have such a crush on her. COLIN (V.O.): You did? You never told me. ANDREW (V.O.): She’s a girl with black or red hair, isn’t she? I shouldn’t have to say.
  • 9. ALICE: Waitaminnit – I have black hair. ANDREW: Yeah, well, you're cute. Just not my type. ALICE: Oh thank Esme, cause you're so not mine. There was this one girl I saw at the store though… I wish I'd gone up and asked for her number. What about you, Colin? What do you like? COLIN: Dyed hair and jewelry. ALICE: No, no – girls or guys? COLIN: As long as they've got dyed hair and jewelry, I don't really care. Sorry about the plumbbob… (cringes)
  • 10. ALICE (V.O.): Oh. So are you having trouble finding, um, potential candidates? COLIN (V.O.): Nah, not really. Not since I started offering free makeovers.
  • 11. OPAL MCAULEY: So I saw you had some upperclassmen over yesterday. Who were they? ANDREW: Oh, just my brother and my friend Alice. I've known them forever. Well, I mean, of course I've known my brother – Um, Alice kind of hung out with me in high school. She said it was nice to have a guy friend who wasn't into her. Uh, not that I don't like girls or anything. OPAL: I think it's great that you've got two best friends at the same school as you. None of my high school friends came here. ANDREW: We could be friends, maybe. If you wanted. Um. OPAL: I'd like that. That seems to be going well. How is Colin’s make-‘em-over-and-ask-‘em-out strategy working?
  • 12. APRIL BECKETT: This doesn't go with my llama jacket, you know. COLIN: No, but it goes great with your regular gear, and it's so you. APRIL: I gotta say, I like the blue.
  • 13. Apparently, she likes the hairdresser, too.
  • 14. COLIN: So what's the verdict? MATTHEW BRUENIG: Hardly a change at all...subtle. Well done.
  • 16. COLIN: So whaddaya think? MALLORY WENDLAND: Eeee! It’s perfect! This is wonderful, Colin! How can I ever thank you?
  • 17. Oh, I’m sure he’ll think of something…
  • 18. COLIN: I think that came out pretty well. How about you? LEE LONG: It's great. Who's the weird guy? COLIN: What weird guy? LEE: The one standing behind you.
  • 19. WEIRD GUY: Mr. Littledragon, you do know you're not licensed in this state, don't you? COLIN: Hey, wait a minute! What's going on? Since when do you need a license to dye a friend's hair? Leggo of me! One of the nice side effects of trying to find someone for Colin was that he ended up in the Order of the Llama – I mean, that he had nothing to do with anything even remotely resembling any sort of secret society in any way whatsoever.
  • 20. Obviously, the sight of Colin in handcuffs was simply irresistible. (Sorry about the plumbbob!)
  • 21. Of course, not all of Colin’s makeover attempts were successful… Surprisingly enough, this one did not result in a date. And for a preppy-looking girl, she’s got a mouth on her like a sailor. Let’s leave them to it and see how Andromeda’s doing during rush week. (Warning: Contains plumbbobs.)
  • 22. KITTY NGAI: Hey, Andromeda...That guy keeps looking at you. ANDROMEDA: Not exactly surprising, is it? I'm wearing a bedsheet in public. KITTY: I don't think that's why he's looking.
  • 23. MITCH SCOTT: Hi. You don't know me, but – ANDROMEDA: Oh, I know you. You were in the seafood place earlier. And I saw you last week handing out those flyers about the industrialization of the llama weaving community. MITCH: You remember me? ANDROMEDA: Sure, I've got a good memory for faces. You want to go get coffee or something?
  • 24. ANDREW: ...and then the professor said that if you blibble blobble the bloppity bloop, it fibblewibbles! OPAL: Ha! You tell such great stories, Andy! You're different. ANDREW: ...Andy? OPAL: Oh, sorry. Do you prefer Andrew? ANDREW: Andy's fine! Uh… When you said I was different, was that different-good, or different-bad? OPAL: Oh, different-good, definitely! I'm really glad I got to know you. At one point, I was going to fix Andrew’s dialog. But you know…an art major trying to write amusing yet educated lines for a physics major…not exactly the most successful undertaking out there. Since it might as well all be fibblewibble as far as I’m concerned, that’s how I left it.
  • 25. PETER (V.O): So, Rommy, you met anybody you like yet? ANDROMEDA (V.O.): Well, there's this one guy named Mitch. He's great. He says I'm majorly hot. PETER (V.O.): You sure you don't want me to show you some army moves? It'd be no trouble... ANDROMEDA (V.O.): No, thanks. I’m good.
  • 26. That’s one way of putting it… Has Andrew had any luck on that score? I mean, in that area of things?
  • 27. COLIN: Hey, I know you. You're Opal, my brother's girlfriend. I'm Colin. OPAL: Nice to meet you, Colin, but I think you must have made a mistake. I don't have a boyfriend. COLIN: You don't? But Andrew talks about you all the time. OPAL: Andrew? Andrew Littledragon Andrew? COLIN: Yeah, that's him...Esme, I'm so embarrassed. Don't tell him I said that. OPAL: It's okay. I didn't think he liked me. Does he really talk about me all the time?
  • 28. COLIN: Hoh yeah. Hey, listen – my frat's having a toga party tonight. You oughta come. Andrew'll be there. I'll give him a good old brotherly kick in the pants for you. How about it? OPAL: Hmmm. Which fraternity do you belong to?
  • 29. ANDREW: Opal! What are you doing here? OPAL: Colin invited me. I ran into him at the fine arts building earlier. ANDREW: I didn't know you knew each other. OPAL: Oh, we just met, but he's great. ANDREW: Um, you do know he's seeing a bunch of people, right? OPAL: Who doesn't? Good thing I'm not interested in dating...him. Well, like they say, slow and steady...But what about Alice? We haven’t heard from her lately.
  • 30. Cheating at chess, I see. As usual.
  • 31. As you can see, the house is still undergoing renovations, but that hasn’t stopped them from having parties. All the time. They’re minimum Good Time, more often Roof Raiser. So it looks like they’re doing okay. Hold that thought…
  • 33. ANDROMEDA: Alice, are you okay? You've been running to the bathroom every fifteen minutes. Are you sick? What's going on? ALICE (sotto voce): I think I might be...expecting. ANDROMEDA: Expe – ? Oh, you mean expecting expecting? ALICE: Uh-huh.
  • 34. ANDROMEDA: But you're not seeing anybody. Who – ? ALICE: (significant glance) ANDROMEDA: Oh, Alice, really? I didn’t think Young Adults could Try for Baby… I’ll be keeping an eye on you, young lady. Not that you can hear me. *sigh*
  • 35. MITCH: So, Percy, I was thinking... ANDROMEDA: Why did you call me that? MITCH: Percy? As in Perseus? I think it fits you. Because Perseus rescued Andromeda. Only I can't see you waiting around to be rescued. You'd be the one to go off and seriously kick ass. ANDROMEDA: But it's not my name. How would you like it if I called you something that wasn't your name? MITCH: Like what? ANDROMEDA: Oh, I don't know. Francine? MITCH: Francine?...Sure, why not? Or Frannie, maybe. ANDROMEDA: Wait, you want people to call you Frannie? MITCH: Not people. Just you. Because you're special. And I like the idea of us having special names for each other. ANDROMEDA: I –
  • 36. MITCH (quickly): Or you can just call me Mitch. I mean, it is my name. And maybe I'm not special to you. ANDROMEDA: Oh, you're special, all right...Frannie. MITCH: Um...Percy? Only call me that in private, okay? Oh, how sweet. I wonder if Colin’s being as successful with his paramours.
  • 37. APRIL: You schmuck! How could you do this to me? COLIN: April, I told you I was seeing other people. You said an open relationship was fine. You're Romance! APRIL: You venemous piece of trash! Don't call me any more. I guess not. Andrew, on the other hand…
  • 38. ANDREW: Thanks for coming, Opal. A lot of girls wouldn't go to a jazz club in the middle of the day. OPAL: Well, they've got good coffee. And karaoke. And anyway, a lot of girls wouldn't go out with a guy in a pink bowling shirt no matter what time it was. ANDREW: You don't like the shirt? OPAL: I love the shirt. Are you going to sing me a song or what?
  • 39. ANDREW (sings very badly): ...And the shiiiip The black freieieighterrrr With the skull On the masthead Will beeee Coming innnn... The song in question is “Pirate Jenny,” from The Threepenny Opera. It’s a woman’s song. Nina Simone’s version, in particular, is not to be missed.
  • 40. OPAL: Haha! That was great, Andy! I've never seen a guy sing that before. You must be very secure in your orientation. ANDREW: Um, yeah, I am. So, what do you want to do now? OPAL: I'd love a kiss, since you're asking.
  • 41. ANDREW: I think I can manage that. Slow and steady, Andrew, slow and steady…
  • 42. MALLORY (to herself): Oh, Colin, how could you? (sniffle) Colin, you could really take some lessons from your brother.
  • 43. ANDROMEDA (V.O.): Richard the llama dude said he found you collapsed on the porch last night. What's going on? We're worried about you. You're not pregnant, so this shouldn't be happening. ALICE (V.O.): Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just a touch of food poisoning. It'll go away on its own in a day or two.
  • 44. ANDROMEDA: I don't believe you, Alice. Food poisoning doesn't last this long. You can't keep anything down. ALICE: Really, I'm good. Better than ever. ANDROMEDA: Are you telling me the truth? ALICE: Would I lie to my best friend and sorority sister?
  • 45. ALICE: (violent and disgusting retching noises) I can’t stand it when people are sick. Let’s move on, quick. Ummmm – Colin! You’re up!
  • 46. MATTHEW: ...Look, Colin, I can't do this. You're a great guy and we'll always be friends, but I don't think I love you anymore. COLIN: I don't understand. MATTHEW: It's not you, it's me. It was great, but I watch you with Lee and the way the two of you are together...I can't give you that. I hate parties. I hate meeting people. And honestly, I want someone who will stay at home and you've got ambition. I'd only hold you back. It's better this way, really. COLIN: But...Matt, you were the first person I ever fell in love with. MATTHEW: I know. You were for me, too. But I'm not the last person you ever fell in love with, and that's what I really wanted. Please, let's not make this harder than it has to be. No hard feelings?
  • 47. COLIN (softly): Goodbye, Matt. Oookay…that worked out well…or not. Is anybody having a good day?
  • 48. OPAL: Andy, what are we doing at a motel? I thought we were on a date. ANDREW: Well, there's never any privacy at the dorm. I thought that it'd be nice to just have a little time to ourselves, you know? OPAL: Ah, I see...
  • 49. OPAL: we've got some privacy, what do you want to do? ANDREW: Oh, I've got a few ideas... OPAL: Well, it's about time! All signs point to yes.
  • 50. ANDROMEDA: Alice, I don't care what you say. You are not fine. People who are fine don't faint on their way to bed. ALICE: No, no, I'm good. I stood up too fast before I came in here, that's all. ANDROMEDA: Stood up from what? There's nothing close to the bedroom. If you were going to pass out from standing up, you would have done it already. Talk to me, Alice. ALICE: I'm. Fine. I just need to go to bed so I can be ready for Colin's party tomorrow. ANDROMEDA: Maybe you shouldn't go to the party. I think we should take you to the doctor instead. ALICE: I've been to the doctor already, and I told you, I'm fine! IoLANthe, leave me alone, will you?! This plumbbob is actually deliberate. It lets you know just how awful Alice feels, doesn’t it?
  • 51. Although she seems to be holding up okay now.
  • 52. COLIN: Lee, will you move in with me after graduation? I know it's a big step, but I...really like you. LEE: That better be an understatement. And of course I will.
  • 53. LEE: ...Or maybe I won't after all. What's up with that outfit? (snicker) You look like General Grunt gone horribly, horribly wrong! COLIN: Oh, bite me. Like you'll do any better.
  • 54. ANDREW (under his breath): Please let her say yes, please let her say yes...
  • 55. OPAL: Oh, Andy, I thought you'd never ask!
  • 56. OPAL: Although if you hadn't asked by graduation, I was going to ask you. ANDREW: You were? OPAL: Yup. I'm not letting you get away. ANDREW: Don't worry. I don't want to. Like I said, Andrew…Slow and steady wins the race.
  • 57. ANDROMEDA: Mitch, you make me really happy, and call me selfish, but I'd like to go on being happy for the rest of my life. So...will you make me the happiest girl in the whole world? MITCH: Sure, Percy. ANDROMEDA: Oh, Frannie! This is fantastic! MITCH: Heh. I guess I'm just selfish too. I love you, Andromeda Sanders. I even love you enough to let you call me "Frannie" in public. ANDROMEDA: Whoops. Sorry.
  • 58. ANDROMEDA: Alice! I have the best news ever! Mitch said – Alice? Alice, what's wrong? ALICE: I don't feel so good.
  • 59. ANDROMEDA and ERIN CHARVAT: (sobbing) Oh dear. I’ll have to go tell her parents. What awful news to have to deliver. Please join me next time.