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Welcome back to Already in Progress! This time, for your reading pleasure, we have a
college chapter.
Yes, another one. Trust me, I am precisely as thrilled as you are.
Once again, I must apologize for a few of the pictures. I think I mentioned last time that I
had to reinstall everything and that my graphics settings got messed up? Well, some of
these pictures were taken before I got that fixed. Not too many, though. Just hang in there
and things will improve, I promise. Now let’s get back to our story – Already in
Harkon arrived at school in an outfit that I actually quite like, but that is more appropriate
for his father. (Harkon is not an all-black kind of guy.)
On his shopping trip to replace the inappropriate outfit, Harkon ended up spending most
of his time noticing…
…and being noticed by the young men on campus.
I’m not sure why, but my campus seems to be zoned for gay dormies. All the girls swoon
over other girls, and all the guys swoon over other guys. (shrugs) I blame the cow
Since hitting college, Harkon seems to have grown a chin, as you can see. I’m not
entirely sure where that came from. (scratches head in puzzlement) I mean, Perry
certainly can’t deny him, but neither the Standins nor the Littledragons have much chin to
speak of, although they do have more than many of the Sanderses…
Tzepish: No, I think you’re missing my poing.
f@lc0n@t0r: Poing?
Tzepish: Point. Typo.
f@lc0n@t0r: The point is Ripps’ always a jerk. Like just before the kiss in Three.
Tzepish: In 3 when Ripp said “yeah make fun of he gay guy” he was being hurt and
defensive. Not mean.
Tzepish: *The. Typo.
Harkon also likes spending time with his online friends. If you can figure out why his
screen name is “Tzepish,” I will give you a cupcake – and ice cream to go with it.
Anne isn’t a bit of trouble. She spends most of her time playing the piano, which is
annoying because then all other sound effects go away, but she likes earning the
creativity points and of course the money is always nice.
Anne also spends time on dates with Cillian. Unfortunately, these dates take place off-
I am so dumb. On-campus dates run down the semester clock much faster. Why oh why
oh why does University have to take so long?
Lucy is much more sensible about such things. See? On-campus date.
HARKON: Hey, mind if I join you?
CURTIS DAVISON: You can join me anytime, handsome.
HARKON (flustered): Uh… Thanks. I think. (sneaks a peek at Curtis while trying not to
be too obvious about it)
And somehow Harkon managed to find himself in the company of Curtis more often.
HARKON (to himself): He tells good jokes. And he’s Family, which is perfect. He’s got
dark hair. I wonder if he’s the active type?
Joking and flirting over the rest of the semester led to a shy request for a date, which was
cheerfully accepted.
And the date ended in Curtis’s dorm room, with a few kisses.
HARKON: Curtis, do you believe in destiny? And true love? You know, that there’s only
one person in the whole world for you?
CURTIS: I’m not sure, baby. I think there’s at least one somebody out there for everyone,
but statistically speaking, with nearly eight billion people in the world, there must be
multiple matches – (catches sight of Harkon’s face and realizes that perhaps he’s missed
something important) Uh, that is, I think that maybe there’s free will, but there’s also
luck. And I am so lucky to have met you –
HARKON: Thanks. Sorry. I have to go make a phone call.
HARKON: (pumping Samantha Royce the Matchmaker’s hand vigorously) Thank you so
much for coming! I have a question for you. It’s urgent.
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: Uh-huh. Can I have my hand back, hon?
HARKON: Oh. Sorry. It’s about the guy I’m dating. Curtis Davison.
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: If you’re dating someone, why do you
need me?
HARKON: That’s just the thing. I don’t know if I should be dating him. I mean, I like
him, but I don’t know if he’s my perfect match. I just want you to check for me. I’ll pay
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: What’s the guy’s name again?
HARKON: Curtis. Curtis Davison.
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: It’s your money. Curtis Davison, Curtis
Davison… Here we go. You’ve got two bolts with him, hon. That’s pretty good. More
than most people get. Congratulations.
HARKON: Only two? So he’s not the perfect match you told me about when I was a
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: This guy? Nah, but you’ve got pretty
good chemistry.
HARKON: Well, can you tell me more about that guy? The perfect match you told me
about before? Can you maybe set us up on a date or something? I can pay…
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: I already told you, he’s got some
catching up to do. If you’ve got a nice boy now, why give that up?
HARKON: But we only have two bolts! I want three bolts – I want perfection – I want –
I want Destiny! And True Love!
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: Hon, let me give you some advice,
okay? Three bolts just means you get fizzy looking at ‘em. It doesn’t mean that you’ll be
happier. Some of the happiest couples I’ve ever known didn’t have any bolts at all. True
Love and Destiny are a bunch of hooey. Hooey that keeps me in business, but still hooey.
HARKON: That can’t be true.
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: Fine, believe what you want. But don’t
give up happiness for something that might or might not ever pan out is my advice.
Tzepish: Do you believe in Destiny? And True Love?
f@lc0n@t0r: Destiny absolutely. True love I don’t know.
Tzepish: But aren’t they the same thing?
f@lc0n@t0r: No. Destiny is just another word for something you can’t avoid no matter
what and that completely exists. Trust me.
Tzepish: And true love?
OliveRocks: U r OT!
therealbella: and depressing go 2 a private chat room! *razz*
9er: Or PM.
9er: So Ophelia in 4? Whiny or what?
At the beginning of sophomore year, Anne decided to intervene. Er, that’s Harkon’s
sophomore year. Anne’s senior year.
ANNE: Oh, I think you should definitely talk to Harkon. He’s a really cute guy, and
really nice, and if we weren’t so totally wrong for each other I’d like to date him.
Because, you know, he likes guys and I like guys, and that’s just asking for trouble,
really. But you’re a guy, and you’re kind of cute, and you guys have the same fashion
sense, and he’s really been moping around since he stopped dating Chase, so I think you
should ask him out.
RANDOM DORMIE IN THE PINK SWEATER: Do you really think so?
ANNE: Oh yes! He’s a really nice guy. We get along great. He’s such a good friend. I
think you’d like him a lot.
RANDOM DORMIE IN THE PINK SWEATER: So, um, I hear that things didn’t go too
well with Chase, and I’m really sorry to hear that, but I’ve always thought you were
pretty cute and, well, I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me sometime.
HARKON: Seriously?
HARKON: I have just had my heart broken and my dreams crushed and been told that
my perfect man is out of my reach and you’re asking me to dinner? When we haven’t
even been introduced? You’ve got some nerve. Not to mention that you’re not active and
have brown hair.
RANDOM DORMIE IN THE PINK SWEATER: Okay, okay. No need to bite my head
off. Anne just said –
HARKON: Anne needs to mind her own business.
Harkon’s really quite Nice. This is something of an anomaly.
Anne’s interference may have come from a general overflow of, shall we say, ebullience.
LUCY (V.O.): Anne, you have got to stop acting like this.
ANNE (V.O.) (innocently): Like what?
LUCY (V.O.): Like you have been. Listen: (in a fierce whisper) you were seen leaving a
photo booth in City Hall with Cillian. City Hall, Anne!
ANNE (V.O.): Oh, that.
LUCY (V.O.): “Oh, that”? “Oh, that”?! Anne, have you gone crazy? What do you think
this will do to my reputation? I want to be a respected lawyer someday!
ANNE (V.O.): Well, Mom’s kind of ruined that, hasn’t she? I mean, being a Criminal
Mastermind and all? And anyway, I couldn’t bring Cillian back here to the dorm – they
have rules about visitors after hours and in the middle of the day there are lots of people
LUCY (V.O.): Oh, and there aren’t a lot of people at City Hall?
ANNE (V.O.): Sure, there are. But I don’t have to look at them every day. And my
room’s right over Harkon’s – I think he’d probably die of embarrassment, you know?
And I don’t see why what I do should affect your reputation. Besides, I’m engaged to
Cillian, so it’s okay.
LUCY (V.O.): I – You – Wait, when did you get engaged to Cillian?
ANNE (V.O.): Right before we went in the photo booth.
Although Lucy should have been worried about her own reputation, really. You see, in
senior year, Lucy developed a dangerous piano addiction. (Er, that’s her senior year.
Harkon’s sophomore year.) She wouldn’t eat. Or sleep. Or pee. I ended up having to
delete the piano.
Good riddance.
Harkon’s sophomore year was mostly quite dull. He skilled…
HARKON: And I believe the phrase that describes this compulsory Charisma point is,
LUCY: (walking past) Do Not Want.
HARKON: Yes, that’s right. Do Not Want. – Thanks, Lucy!
And studying at the library.
Why not? Community lots run the semester timer down too.
And dealing with creepy older men.
RENAUD PHILLIPS: Hey there, sugar. What’s your major?
KENNEDY COX: Oh, leave him alone, Ren. You know the cute ones never go for you.
HARKON: (concentrates on his food and pretends to be deaf)
In fact, there was really only one event of note that occurred during Harkon’s sophomore
f@lc0n@t0r: Can I tell you something and you won’t freak out?
Tzepish: I’ll try…
f@lc0n@t0r: I tried to call you this afternoon.
Tzepish: I’ve never given you my real information.
f@lc0n@t0r: Harkon Littledragon, right?
f@lc0n@t0r: You go to ISI?
f@lc0n@t0r: Please don’t log off!
Tzepish: Okay that’s scary. How do you know that?
f@lc0n@t0r: You shouldn’t use Tzepish as your screenname. Too obvious.
Tzepish: You tried to ca=
f@lc0n@t0r: Yes, but a woman said you weren’t in.
Tzepish: You tried to call why?
f@lc0n@t0r: Is she your girlfriend?
Tzepish: No girlfriends.
f@lc0n@t0r: Because you’re the only friend I have that I’m not related to
f@lc0n@t0r: and my dad died last night.
f@lc0n@t0r: I just wanted to talk to somebody.
Tzepish: Esme, I’m sorry.
Tzepish: Tell me about your dad.
Anne graduated with honors, into an outfit that works very well, and which she might
actually be allowed to keep.
Lucy had some unfinished business to wrap up before she graduated.
LUCY: To being done with school!
SIMON: Being done with school! Chin chin!
LUCY: Here’s mud in your eye!
(Both drink)
LUCY: So, Simon… I understand you still like alpha females, and I’m guessing you
haven’t found one that feels especially possessive about you, or you wouldn’t be here
tonight. In that case, may I mark my territory?
SIMON: I don’t know. You’re not going to pee on my leg, are you?
LUCY: Not before we’re married, anyway. Speaking of which, I have a little something
here for you.
SIMON: Should I squee like a fangirl now?
LUCY: No, just put it on, please.
SIMON: Lucy?
LUCY: Yes, sweets?
SIMON: Be honest: You need a husband, don’t you? For your image?
LUCY: Yes. But I had plenty of choices. And you’re the one I chose. Is that a problem?
SIMON: No, I could get used to this. Can I have an expensive telescope?
LUCY: Sure, sweets. But no green babies, please.
Lucy did better with her grades than Anne, and nearly as well with her transition outfit.
Whatever they thought of to keep Jasper out of the loop worked.
f@lc0n@t0r: How’s your senior going?
Tzepish: Just fine. How’s yous going?
f@lc0n@t0r: I’m not going to confirm or deny anything. What’s new?
Tzepish: I met this guy. At a dance club.
f@lc0n@t0r: Do you like him?
Tzepish: Yes.
f@lc0n@t0r: Does he like you?
Tzepish: I’m not sure. Maybe.
Tzepish: We had a good time, anyway.
f@lc0n@t0r: So is he your One?
f@lc0n@t0r: Well?
Tzepish: I don’t want to talk about it.
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: I’d say you shoulda got his phone
number yourself, but then I’d be out my fee. Lessee – his name’s Tucker Stratton, and the
two of you have three bolts.
HARKON: And is he – ?
HARKON: Can you – ?
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: No. Listen, hon, this is three bolts we’re
talking here. Do you know how rare that is? Why would you throw that away? You could
be happy with this one.
HARKON: But he’s not my Destiny.
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: He might be. What do I know? There’s
more than one perfect match out there for everybody.
HARKON: But when I asked before –
SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: Hon, the ball works on cash, proximity,
and sunspots. This guy lived farther away from you than the other at the time and
Mercury was in retrograde, that’s all. Let me give you the drop. On the house. Please.
HARKON (mulishly): No.
Tzepish: Hey, I don’t even know your real name.
f@lc0n@t0r: Nope.
Tzepish: But you know a lot about me and we’ve been friends for ages. Do you live near
Sandersville? Maybe we could meet up IRL sometime.
f@lc0n@t0r: I’m pretty sure there’s laws against that.
HARKON: Frammit!
And thus senior year ended.
Ah, so that’s how Anne and Lucy got out of having Jasper pick their transition outfits:
they convinced him that Cousin Harkon was dying for his help.
Oh, and this face means that I’ve just officially failed the Internet Lover mini-challenge I
set myself. They aren’t supposed to talk on the phone at all, but “f@lc0n@t0r” keeps
calling and calling, and this time Harkon answered the phone before I could stop him. He
hung up right away, but I’ve still lost.
Oh well. I shall keep going for purposes of plot, such as it is. (snickers) As if there were
ever any plot to speak of in this story.
I’ll see you next time. Until then, Happy Simming!

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Already in Progress, Chapter 28

  • 1. Welcome back to Already in Progress! This time, for your reading pleasure, we have a college chapter. Yes, another one. Trust me, I am precisely as thrilled as you are. Once again, I must apologize for a few of the pictures. I think I mentioned last time that I had to reinstall everything and that my graphics settings got messed up? Well, some of these pictures were taken before I got that fixed. Not too many, though. Just hang in there and things will improve, I promise. Now let’s get back to our story – Already in Progress…
  • 2. Harkon arrived at school in an outfit that I actually quite like, but that is more appropriate for his father. (Harkon is not an all-black kind of guy.)
  • 3. On his shopping trip to replace the inappropriate outfit, Harkon ended up spending most of his time noticing…
  • 4. …and being noticed by the young men on campus. I’m not sure why, but my campus seems to be zoned for gay dormies. All the girls swoon over other girls, and all the guys swoon over other guys. (shrugs) I blame the cow mascots.
  • 5. Since hitting college, Harkon seems to have grown a chin, as you can see. I’m not entirely sure where that came from. (scratches head in puzzlement) I mean, Perry certainly can’t deny him, but neither the Standins nor the Littledragons have much chin to speak of, although they do have more than many of the Sanderses… Tzepish: No, I think you’re missing my poing. f@lc0n@t0r: Poing? Tzepish: Point. Typo. f@lc0n@t0r: The point is Ripps’ always a jerk. Like just before the kiss in Three. Tzepish: In 3 when Ripp said “yeah make fun of he gay guy” he was being hurt and defensive. Not mean. Tzepish: *The. Typo. Harkon also likes spending time with his online friends. If you can figure out why his screen name is “Tzepish,” I will give you a cupcake – and ice cream to go with it.
  • 6. Anne isn’t a bit of trouble. She spends most of her time playing the piano, which is annoying because then all other sound effects go away, but she likes earning the creativity points and of course the money is always nice.
  • 7. Anne also spends time on dates with Cillian. Unfortunately, these dates take place off- campus. I am so dumb. On-campus dates run down the semester clock much faster. Why oh why oh why does University have to take so long?
  • 8. Lucy is much more sensible about such things. See? On-campus date.
  • 9. HARKON: Hey, mind if I join you? CURTIS DAVISON: You can join me anytime, handsome. HARKON (flustered): Uh… Thanks. I think. (sneaks a peek at Curtis while trying not to be too obvious about it)
  • 10. And somehow Harkon managed to find himself in the company of Curtis more often. HARKON (to himself): He tells good jokes. And he’s Family, which is perfect. He’s got dark hair. I wonder if he’s the active type?
  • 11. Joking and flirting over the rest of the semester led to a shy request for a date, which was cheerfully accepted.
  • 12. And the date ended in Curtis’s dorm room, with a few kisses.
  • 13. HARKON: Curtis, do you believe in destiny? And true love? You know, that there’s only one person in the whole world for you? CURTIS: I’m not sure, baby. I think there’s at least one somebody out there for everyone, but statistically speaking, with nearly eight billion people in the world, there must be multiple matches – (catches sight of Harkon’s face and realizes that perhaps he’s missed something important) Uh, that is, I think that maybe there’s free will, but there’s also luck. And I am so lucky to have met you – HARKON: Thanks. Sorry. I have to go make a phone call.
  • 14. HARKON: (pumping Samantha Royce the Matchmaker’s hand vigorously) Thank you so much for coming! I have a question for you. It’s urgent. SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: Uh-huh. Can I have my hand back, hon? HARKON: Oh. Sorry. It’s about the guy I’m dating. Curtis Davison. SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: If you’re dating someone, why do you need me? HARKON: That’s just the thing. I don’t know if I should be dating him. I mean, I like him, but I don’t know if he’s my perfect match. I just want you to check for me. I’ll pay you. SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: What’s the guy’s name again? HARKON: Curtis. Curtis Davison.
  • 15. SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: It’s your money. Curtis Davison, Curtis Davison… Here we go. You’ve got two bolts with him, hon. That’s pretty good. More than most people get. Congratulations. HARKON: Only two? So he’s not the perfect match you told me about when I was a Teen? SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: This guy? Nah, but you’ve got pretty good chemistry. HARKON: Well, can you tell me more about that guy? The perfect match you told me about before? Can you maybe set us up on a date or something? I can pay… SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: I already told you, he’s got some catching up to do. If you’ve got a nice boy now, why give that up? HARKON: But we only have two bolts! I want three bolts – I want perfection – I want – I want Destiny! And True Love! SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: Hon, let me give you some advice, okay? Three bolts just means you get fizzy looking at ‘em. It doesn’t mean that you’ll be happier. Some of the happiest couples I’ve ever known didn’t have any bolts at all. True Love and Destiny are a bunch of hooey. Hooey that keeps me in business, but still hooey. HARKON: That can’t be true. SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: Fine, believe what you want. But don’t give up happiness for something that might or might not ever pan out is my advice.
  • 16. Tzepish: Do you believe in Destiny? And True Love? f@lc0n@t0r: Destiny absolutely. True love I don’t know. Tzepish: But aren’t they the same thing? f@lc0n@t0r: No. Destiny is just another word for something you can’t avoid no matter what and that completely exists. Trust me. Tzepish: And true love? OliveRocks: U r OT! therealbella: and depressing go 2 a private chat room! *razz* 9er: Or PM. 9er: So Ophelia in 4? Whiny or what?
  • 17. At the beginning of sophomore year, Anne decided to intervene. Er, that’s Harkon’s sophomore year. Anne’s senior year. ANNE: Oh, I think you should definitely talk to Harkon. He’s a really cute guy, and really nice, and if we weren’t so totally wrong for each other I’d like to date him. Because, you know, he likes guys and I like guys, and that’s just asking for trouble, really. But you’re a guy, and you’re kind of cute, and you guys have the same fashion sense, and he’s really been moping around since he stopped dating Chase, so I think you should ask him out. RANDOM DORMIE IN THE PINK SWEATER: Do you really think so? ANNE: Oh yes! He’s a really nice guy. We get along great. He’s such a good friend. I think you’d like him a lot.
  • 18. RANDOM DORMIE IN THE PINK SWEATER: So, um, I hear that things didn’t go too well with Chase, and I’m really sorry to hear that, but I’ve always thought you were pretty cute and, well, I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me sometime. HARKON: Seriously? RANDOM DORMIE IN THE PINK SWEATER: Um, well –
  • 19. HARKON: I have just had my heart broken and my dreams crushed and been told that my perfect man is out of my reach and you’re asking me to dinner? When we haven’t even been introduced? You’ve got some nerve. Not to mention that you’re not active and have brown hair. RANDOM DORMIE IN THE PINK SWEATER: Okay, okay. No need to bite my head off. Anne just said – HARKON: Anne needs to mind her own business. Harkon’s really quite Nice. This is something of an anomaly.
  • 20. Anne’s interference may have come from a general overflow of, shall we say, ebullience. LUCY (V.O.): Anne, you have got to stop acting like this. ANNE (V.O.) (innocently): Like what? LUCY (V.O.): Like you have been. Listen: (in a fierce whisper) you were seen leaving a photo booth in City Hall with Cillian. City Hall, Anne! ANNE (V.O.): Oh, that. LUCY (V.O.): “Oh, that”? “Oh, that”?! Anne, have you gone crazy? What do you think this will do to my reputation? I want to be a respected lawyer someday! ANNE (V.O.): Well, Mom’s kind of ruined that, hasn’t she? I mean, being a Criminal Mastermind and all? And anyway, I couldn’t bring Cillian back here to the dorm – they have rules about visitors after hours and in the middle of the day there are lots of people around. LUCY (V.O.): Oh, and there aren’t a lot of people at City Hall? ANNE (V.O.): Sure, there are. But I don’t have to look at them every day. And my room’s right over Harkon’s – I think he’d probably die of embarrassment, you know? And I don’t see why what I do should affect your reputation. Besides, I’m engaged to Cillian, so it’s okay. LUCY (V.O.): I – You – Wait, when did you get engaged to Cillian? ANNE (V.O.): Right before we went in the photo booth.
  • 21. Although Lucy should have been worried about her own reputation, really. You see, in senior year, Lucy developed a dangerous piano addiction. (Er, that’s her senior year. Harkon’s sophomore year.) She wouldn’t eat. Or sleep. Or pee. I ended up having to delete the piano. Good riddance.
  • 22. Harkon’s sophomore year was mostly quite dull. He skilled… HARKON: And I believe the phrase that describes this compulsory Charisma point is, um… LUCY: (walking past) Do Not Want. HARKON: Yes, that’s right. Do Not Want. – Thanks, Lucy!
  • 23. And studying at the library. Why not? Community lots run the semester timer down too.
  • 24. And dealing with creepy older men. RENAUD PHILLIPS: Hey there, sugar. What’s your major? KENNEDY COX: Oh, leave him alone, Ren. You know the cute ones never go for you. HARKON: (concentrates on his food and pretends to be deaf)
  • 25. In fact, there was really only one event of note that occurred during Harkon’s sophomore year. f@lc0n@t0r: Can I tell you something and you won’t freak out? Tzepish: I’ll try… f@lc0n@t0r: I tried to call you this afternoon. Tzepish: I’ve never given you my real information. f@lc0n@t0r: Harkon Littledragon, right? f@lc0n@t0r: You go to ISI? f@lc0n@t0r: Please don’t log off! Tzepish: Okay that’s scary. How do you know that? f@lc0n@t0r: You shouldn’t use Tzepish as your screenname. Too obvious.
  • 26. Tzepish: You tried to ca= f@lc0n@t0r: Yes, but a woman said you weren’t in. Tzepish: You tried to call why? f@lc0n@t0r: Is she your girlfriend? Tzepish: No girlfriends. f@lc0n@t0r: Because you’re the only friend I have that I’m not related to f@lc0n@t0r: and my dad died last night. f@lc0n@t0r: I just wanted to talk to somebody. Tzepish: Esme, I’m sorry. Tzepish: Tell me about your dad.
  • 27. Anne graduated with honors, into an outfit that works very well, and which she might actually be allowed to keep.
  • 28. Lucy had some unfinished business to wrap up before she graduated. LUCY: To being done with school! SIMON: Being done with school! Chin chin! LUCY: Here’s mud in your eye! (Both drink)
  • 29. LUCY: So, Simon… I understand you still like alpha females, and I’m guessing you haven’t found one that feels especially possessive about you, or you wouldn’t be here tonight. In that case, may I mark my territory? SIMON: I don’t know. You’re not going to pee on my leg, are you? LUCY: Not before we’re married, anyway. Speaking of which, I have a little something here for you. SIMON: Should I squee like a fangirl now? LUCY: No, just put it on, please.
  • 30. SIMON: Lucy? LUCY: Yes, sweets? SIMON: Be honest: You need a husband, don’t you? For your image? LUCY: Yes. But I had plenty of choices. And you’re the one I chose. Is that a problem? SIMON: No, I could get used to this. Can I have an expensive telescope? LUCY: Sure, sweets. But no green babies, please.
  • 31. Lucy did better with her grades than Anne, and nearly as well with her transition outfit. Whatever they thought of to keep Jasper out of the loop worked.
  • 32. f@lc0n@t0r: How’s your senior going? Tzepish: Just fine. How’s yous going? f@lc0n@t0r: I’m not going to confirm or deny anything. What’s new?
  • 33. Tzepish: I met this guy. At a dance club. f@lc0n@t0r: Do you like him? Tzepish: Yes. f@lc0n@t0r: Does he like you?
  • 34. Tzepish: I’m not sure. Maybe.
  • 35. Tzepish: We had a good time, anyway. f@lc0n@t0r: So is he your One?
  • 36. f@lc0n@t0r: Well? Tzepish: I don’t want to talk about it. SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: I’d say you shoulda got his phone number yourself, but then I’d be out my fee. Lessee – his name’s Tucker Stratton, and the two of you have three bolts. HARKON: And is he – ? SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: No. HARKON: Can you – ? SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: No. Listen, hon, this is three bolts we’re talking here. Do you know how rare that is? Why would you throw that away? You could be happy with this one. HARKON: But he’s not my Destiny. SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: He might be. What do I know? There’s more than one perfect match out there for everybody. HARKON: But when I asked before – SAMANTHA ROYCE THE MATCHMAKER: Hon, the ball works on cash, proximity, and sunspots. This guy lived farther away from you than the other at the time and Mercury was in retrograde, that’s all. Let me give you the drop. On the house. Please. HARKON (mulishly): No.
  • 37. Tzepish: Hey, I don’t even know your real name. f@lc0n@t0r: Nope. Tzepish: But you know a lot about me and we’ve been friends for ages. Do you live near Sandersville? Maybe we could meet up IRL sometime. f@lc0n@t0r: I’m pretty sure there’s laws against that. HARKON: Frammit! And thus senior year ended.
  • 38. Ah, so that’s how Anne and Lucy got out of having Jasper pick their transition outfits: they convinced him that Cousin Harkon was dying for his help.
  • 39. Oh, and this face means that I’ve just officially failed the Internet Lover mini-challenge I set myself. They aren’t supposed to talk on the phone at all, but “f@lc0n@t0r” keeps calling and calling, and this time Harkon answered the phone before I could stop him. He hung up right away, but I’ve still lost. Oh well. I shall keep going for purposes of plot, such as it is. (snickers) As if there were ever any plot to speak of in this story. I’ll see you next time. Until then, Happy Simming!