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Welcome AIESEC Alumni and Supporters

Hom e                                                                                                                           Join us
                    PwC joined the AIESEC International Congress                                                                    Global Partnership Page
News from AIESEC
Supporter's page
                    2011 in Kenya                                                                                                   AIESEC Interns Group

                                          At the end of August, AIESEC organized the AIESEC International Congress 2 01 1 in        Alum ni and Supporters
                                          Nairobi, Keny a...more                                                                     PwC Global Wiki

                                                                                                                                Cont act

Join our LinkedIn                                                                                                               Claudia Calinescu

                    International Presidents Meeting and Alumni
Did y ou know?      Congress, February 2012, Hungary
                                          Join the Global Leader's Sum m it2 01 2 which is organised by AIESEC Hungary and      Global Coordinator AIESEC
                                                                                                                                relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC
                                          is expected to host m ore than 3 00 AIESEC Alum ni plus the IPM with a m inim um of
                                          2 50 AIESEC m em bers...more                                                
                                                                                                                                +32 491 7 21 460

                                                                                                                                Your Feedback is
                                                                                                                                important for us
                    How are the partnerships going on today?
                                                                                                                                Take a m inute to tell us what
                                          Dear AIESEC Supporters, find out figures and facts about PwC and AIESEC               y ou think?
                                          partnership in FY2 01 1 , how teritories work with AIESEC, strongest regions and
                                          where are we looking to dev elop in the next period..more
                                                                                                                                PwC and AIESEC

                    Meet the new AIESECers in PwC
                                          Meet the new AIESEC interns that joined our team in the last m onths. They m ight
                                          be in the sam e office with y ou...more

                    Create a short video with the AIESECers in your
                                          Join the AIESECer@PwC.worldwide project and help us attract AIESEC m em bers
                                          and Alum ni by showcasting how is it to work in y our PwC office...more

                    AIESEC launched the new redesigned platform:
                               After months of working on redesigning the system to reflect the new
                               direction and ambition of the organisation, AIESEC International launched the new
                               platform on 30th September 2011...more

                    Help the Global Coordinator raise the
                    awareness of AIESEC in PwC
                                          Recom m end to y our m anager, director or partner to try the Global Internship
                    Program m e....more
03/11/2011                                              AIESEConnec - Welcome

                              Welcome AIESEC Al mni and S ppo e

         Home                  FY2012 main oppo                         ni ie fo P C fi m                          o          Join us
         PwC and AIESEC
                                o k i h AIESEC                                                                                    Global Partnership Page
         News from AIESEC
         Supporter's page                       During the ear AIESEC has m an opportunities where PwC can showcase the           AIESEC Interns Group
                                                brand, recruit interns, find business partners and get inv olv ed in CSR
                                                initiativ e                                                                Alum ni and Supporters
                                                                                                                                    PwC Global Wiki

                                                                                                                              Cont act
         Join our LinkedIn                                                                                                    Cla dia Caline c
                               Read he ecen ne                         le e          f om a io
         Did ou know?
                                               Sta connected with AIESEC in our region and read about AIESEC International,
                                               CEE, Colom bia, France, Germ an , Tan ania, Indonesia and m an mo e...
                                                                                                                              Global Coordinator AIESEC
                                                                                                                              relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC
                                                                                                                              +32 491 7 21 460

                                                                                                                              Yo Feedback i
                                                                                                                              impo an fo
                                                                                                                              Please take a m inute to tell us
                                                                                                                              what would ou like to find in
                                                                                                                              this newsletter?

                                                                                                                              PwC and AIESEC

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Home                                                                                                                          Join us
-> IC 2011
                      PwC joined the AIESEC IC 2011 in Kenya                                                                      Global Partnership Page
-> Regional                                                                                                                       AIESEC Interns Group
                      At the end of August, AIESEC organised the AIESEC
                      International Congress 2 01 1 in Nairobi, Keny a. For decades
2012                  PwC is present at this congress which is held in a different                                                Alum ni and Supporters
AIESECer@PwC          country each y ear.                                                                                          PwC Global Wiki
News from AIESEC
Supporter's page      PwC m eet 6 00 AIESEC m em bers from 1 00 countries y early
                                                                                                                              Cont act
                      and all of them hav e leadership roles in their chapters. We
                      interact with the participants during our workshops,                                                    Claudia Calinescu
                      presentations and country m eetings.

Join our
LinkedIn group
                      In 2011 the congress was held on the African continent
                      where PwC hosted 3 events and attended as a guest at                                                    Global Coordinator AIESEC
                                                                                                                              relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC

How is it to work     another 2                                                                                     
                                                                                                                              +32 491 7 21 460
in y our PwC

                      PwC Workshop
                                                                                                                              Your Feedback is
Share it with us
...m ore
                                                                                                                              important for us
                      PwC contributed to the "Innov ation" topic with a v ery strong
                      workshop on "Dem y stify ing innov ation" extracted from the                                            Take a m inute to tell us what
                      "1 4 th Annual Global CEO Surv ey ".                                                                    y ou think?
Do y ou hav e any
plans for             Karel De Baere, current TSP at PwC in Belgium supported
February 2012?        our presence by deliv ering the session.

AIESEC Alum ni        photos
Meeting in
Hungary ?

                      PwC Launch
Did y ou know?        PwC launched the Partnership with AIESEC for FY2 01 2 where 580 AIESECers attended and Karel De         Please consider endorsing
                      Baere presented the new im age of PwC, an ov erv iew of the Partnership with AIESEC and future plans.   AIESEC to y our PwC
                                                                                                                              office...m ore

Check the
conferences           The presentation was opened by
Eastern, Central or   the "Rudy" group, 6 drummers
Cluster...m ore       and 6 dancers who won the
                      Guinness Records in 2005 for
                      playing 100 hours continuously
                      Watch the v ideo

                      Alumni Hall of Fame
                      In the sam e week, on Friday the 2 6 th, AIESEC organised the
                      Alum ni Hall of Fam e which is sponsored by PwC and DHL
                      and it is m eant to award Alum ni of AIESEC with an
                      outstanding contribution.

                      The ev ent was hosted by Ev a Mattheeussen the Regional HR
                      Manager at DP DHL Keny a and Jam es Maitho the Regional
                      Hum an Capital Senior Manager at PwC in Keny a.


                      Partners Dinner and IAC

                      We attended at the Partners Dinner together with Nancy

Hom e                 Partners Dinner and IAC                                        Join us
-> IC 2011            We attended at the Partners Dinner together with Nanc
                                                                                         Global Partnership Page
-> Regional           On ango (PwC Ken a, AIESEC Alum ni) and Tabitha Muem a
Conferences 2012      (PwC Ken a, AIESEC Supporter) which was a networking ev ent        AIESEC Interns Group
AIESECer@PwC          where v arious partners of AIESEC were present: DHL, Alcatel
                      Lucent, Unilev er, TCS, Ericsson, IE, United Nation and m an       Alum ni and Supporters
News from AIESEC
Supporter's page      m ore.                                                              PwC Global Wiki

                                                                                     Cont act

                                                                                     Claudia Calinescu

Join our              On Wednesda Karel De Baere hosted the AIESEC
LinkedIn group
                      International Advisor Council as a chairman and
                      offered valuable inputs                                        Global Coordinator AIESEC
How is it to work                                                                    relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC
in our PwC                                                                 
office?               Back to Home page                                              +32 491 7 21 460

Share it with us
...m ore                                                                             Your Feedback is
                                                                                     important for us
Do ou hav e an                                                                       Take a m inute to tell us what
plans for                                                                             ou think?
Februar 2012?

AIESEC Alum ni
Meeting in
Hungar ?

Did ou know?

                                                                                     Please consider endorsing
                                                                                     AIESEC to our PwC
                                                                                     office...m ore

Check the

Eastern, Central or
Cluster...m ore
News from AIESEC

Hom e                                                                                                                              Join us
AIESECer@PwC          Global Leader's Summit 2012                                                                                      Global Partnership Page
News from
AIESEC                Between 15th– 26 th February, AIESEC Hungary will                                                                AIESEC Interns Group
-> IPM & AAIM         host the gathering of AIESEC's most experienced
                      membership:                                                                                                       Alum ni and Supporters
-> The new                                                                                                                               PwC Global Wiki
plat form             AIESEC Directors from 110 countries, senior
                      management from Global & Local Partners of AIESEC,
-> Keep in t ouch                                                                                                                  Cont act
                      Governmental officials, prominent Alumni of the
Supporter's page
                      organization and over 500 top Students all in one place                                                      Claudia Calinescu
                      to convey the message of Responsible Leadership.

Join our LinkedIn
                                                                                During the GLS 2012,                               Global Coordinator AIESEC
                                                                                                                                   relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC
                                                                                AIESEC will organise the                 
How is it to work                                                                                                                  +32 491 7 21 460
in y our PwC                                                                    Youth Forum, International
                                                                                President Meeting,                                 Your Feedback is
Share with us
...m ore                                                                        AIESEC Alumni                                      important for us
                                                                                International Meeting and                          Please take a m inute to tell us
Check the
FY 2012 AIESEC                                                                  Global Village                                     what would y ou like to find in
                                                                                                                                   this newsletter?

Eastern, Central or
Western               AIESEC Alumni International Meeting 2012
Cluster...m ore
                      The AIESEC Alumni International Meeting is a 4
                      daylong event designed to provide a platform for Alumni
                      to network, re-connect and reminiscence.

                      The AAIM will serve as a bridge between generations of
                      AIESEC members who will come together to                                                                     Please consider endorsing
                      commemorate the extraordinary accomplishments of                                                             AIESEC to y our PwC
                      our prominent Alumni and the event will mark the 40th
                                                                                                                                   office...m ore
                      Anniversary of AIESEC Hungary.

                      The first two days will be held in Budapest, in Danubius
                      Health Spa Resort Helia from where the Alumni will travel together to the next venue in the countryside of
                      Hungary, Hunguest Hotel Pelion. Check all details here: http://gls2 01 2 .org/ev ents/aaim -2 01 2

                      As an Alumni of AIESEC you can now join the AIESEC Alumni International (AAI) and reconnect with your
                      former AIESEC network.

                      Let's gather an Alumni@PwC Delegation?
                      Let us know if y ou want to attend?

                      Back to Home page
Welcome AIESEC Supporters

Hom e                                                                                                                 Join us
News from AIESEC
                      How are the partnerships going on today?                                                            Global Partnership Page
                                                                                                                          AIESEC Interns Group
Support er's page

                                                        AIESEC Supporters are all PwC                                      Alum ni and Supporters
                                                                                                                            PwC Global Wiki
                                                        employees who are involved in the
Join our LinkedIn
                                                        partnership with AIESEC and who                               Cont act

                                                                                                                      Claudia Calinescu
group                                                   are furthering this relationship.
                      Here you will find various information about AIESEC, the global and national partnerships and
                      new opportunities to work with the local AIESEC chapter in your country.

                      Who is AIESEC?                                                                                  Global Coordinator AIESEC
                                                                                                                      relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC
Check the m ain                                                                                                       +32 491 7 21 460
AIESEC Conferences
in Eastern, Central
and Western Cluster
for 2 01 2
                                                                                                                      Your Feedback is
                                                                                                                      important for us
                                                                                                                      Please take a m inute to tell us
                                                                                                                      what would y ou like to find in
                                                                                                                      this newsletter?

                      Why we part ner wit h AIESEC?

                      How we current ly work wit h AIESEC?

                      Out st anding count ry part nerships

                      How t he PwC t errit ories worked wit h AIESEC in FY 2011?
03/11/2011                                                       S ppo e ' Page

                               Welcome AIESEC S ppo e

                                How t he PwC t errit ories worked wit h AIESEC in FY 2011?
         Hom e                                                                                                                     Join us
         PwC and AIESEC
         AIESECer@PwC                                                                                                                  Global Partnership Page
         News from AIESEC
                                                                                                                                       AIESEC Interns Group
         Support er's page
                                                                                                                                        Alum ni and Supporters
                                                                                                                                         PwC Global Wiki

                                                                                                                                   Cont act
         Join our LinkedIn                                                                                                         Cla dia Caline c

                                                                                                                                   Global Coordinator AIESEC
                                                                                                                                   relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC
         Check the m ain                                                                                                           +32 491 7 21 460
         AIESEC Conferences
         in Eastern, Central
         and Western Cluster
         for 2 01 2
                                                                                                                                   Yo Feedback i
                                                                                                                                   impo an fo
                                                                                                                                   Please take a m inute to tell us
                                                                                                                                   what would ou like to find in
                                                                                                                                   this newsletter?

                                Aft er 38 ears

                                AIESEC and t he Global Coordinat or are looking t o st art or furt her t he part nership in t he
                                following t errit ories:

                                                                                                   Do not hesitate to
                                                                                                   contact Claudia
                                                                                                   Calinescu for an

                                Back to Home page

file:///C:/U e /caline c/De k op/4.2. S ppo e ' Page.h m                                                                                                              1/1

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AIESEC Connect Newsletter Oct 2011 for Alumni and Supporters at PwC - part 1

  • 1. Welcome AIESEC Alumni and Supporters Hom e Join us PwC and AIESEC AIESECer@PwC PwC joined the AIESEC International Congress Global Partnership Page News from AIESEC Supporter's page 2011 in Kenya AIESEC Interns Group At the end of August, AIESEC organized the AIESEC International Congress 2 01 1 in Alum ni and Supporters Nairobi, Keny a...more PwC Global Wiki Cont act Join our LinkedIn Claudia Calinescu group International Presidents Meeting and Alumni Did y ou know? Congress, February 2012, Hungary Join the Global Leader's Sum m it2 01 2 which is organised by AIESEC Hungary and Global Coordinator AIESEC relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC is expected to host m ore than 3 00 AIESEC Alum ni plus the IPM with a m inim um of 2 50 AIESEC m em bers...more +32 491 7 21 460 Your Feedback is important for us How are the partnerships going on today? Take a m inute to tell us what Dear AIESEC Supporters, find out figures and facts about PwC and AIESEC y ou think? partnership in FY2 01 1 , how teritories work with AIESEC, strongest regions and where are we looking to dev elop in the next period..more PwC and AIESEC Meet the new AIESECers in PwC Meet the new AIESEC interns that joined our team in the last m onths. They m ight be in the sam e office with y ou...more Create a short video with the AIESECers in your office Join the AIESECer@PwC.worldwide project and help us attract AIESEC m em bers and Alum ni by showcasting how is it to work in y our PwC office...more AIESEC launched the new redesigned platform: After months of working on redesigning the system to reflect the new direction and ambition of the organisation, AIESEC International launched the new platform on 30th September 2011...more Help the Global Coordinator raise the awareness of AIESEC in PwC Recom m end to y our m anager, director or partner to try the Global Internship Program m e....more
  • 2. 03/11/2011 AIESEConnec - Welcome Welcome AIESEC Al mni and S ppo e Home FY2012 main oppo ni ie fo P C fi m o Join us PwC and AIESEC AIESECer@PwC o k i h AIESEC Global Partnership Page News from AIESEC Supporter's page During the ear AIESEC has m an opportunities where PwC can showcase the AIESEC Interns Group brand, recruit interns, find business partners and get inv olv ed in CSR initiativ e Alum ni and Supporters PwC Global Wiki Cont act Join our LinkedIn Cla dia Caline c group Read he ecen ne le e f om a io Did ou know? egion Sta connected with AIESEC in our region and read about AIESEC International, CEE, Colom bia, France, Germ an , Tan ania, Indonesia and m an mo e... Global Coordinator AIESEC relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC +32 491 7 21 460 Yo Feedback i impo an fo Please take a m inute to tell us what would ou like to find in this newsletter? PwC and AIESEC file:///C:/U e /caline c/De k op/1.2. AIESEConnec - Welcome.h m 1/1
  • 3. PwC and AIESEC Home Join us PwC and AIESEC -> IC 2011 PwC joined the AIESEC IC 2011 in Kenya Global Partnership Page -> Regional AIESEC Interns Group At the end of August, AIESEC organised the AIESEC Conferences International Congress 2 01 1 in Nairobi, Keny a. For decades 2012 PwC is present at this congress which is held in a different Alum ni and Supporters AIESECer@PwC country each y ear. PwC Global Wiki News from AIESEC Supporter's page PwC m eet 6 00 AIESEC m em bers from 1 00 countries y early Cont act and all of them hav e leadership roles in their chapters. We interact with the participants during our workshops, Claudia Calinescu presentations and country m eetings. Join our LinkedIn group In 2011 the congress was held on the African continent where PwC hosted 3 events and attended as a guest at Global Coordinator AIESEC relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC How is it to work another 2 +32 491 7 21 460 in y our PwC office? PwC Workshop Your Feedback is Share it with us ...m ore important for us PwC contributed to the "Innov ation" topic with a v ery strong workshop on "Dem y stify ing innov ation" extracted from the Take a m inute to tell us what "1 4 th Annual Global CEO Surv ey ". y ou think? Do y ou hav e any plans for Karel De Baere, current TSP at PwC in Belgium supported February 2012? our presence by deliv ering the session. AIESEC Alum ni photos International Meeting in Hungary ? PwC Launch Did y ou know? PwC launched the Partnership with AIESEC for FY2 01 2 where 580 AIESECers attended and Karel De Please consider endorsing Baere presented the new im age of PwC, an ov erv iew of the Partnership with AIESEC and future plans. AIESEC to y our PwC office...m ore Check the FY 2012 AIESEC regional conferences The presentation was opened by Eastern, Central or the "Rudy" group, 6 drummers Western Cluster...m ore and 6 dancers who won the Guinness Records in 2005 for playing 100 hours continuously Watch the v ideo Alumni Hall of Fame In the sam e week, on Friday the 2 6 th, AIESEC organised the Alum ni Hall of Fam e which is sponsored by PwC and DHL and it is m eant to award Alum ni of AIESEC with an outstanding contribution. The ev ent was hosted by Ev a Mattheeussen the Regional HR Manager at DP DHL Keny a and Jam es Maitho the Regional Hum an Capital Senior Manager at PwC in Keny a. photos Partners Dinner and IAC We attended at the Partners Dinner together with Nancy
  • 4. P C and AIESEC Hom e Partners Dinner and IAC Join us PwC and AIESEC -> IC 2011 We attended at the Partners Dinner together with Nanc Global Partnership Page -> Regional On ango (PwC Ken a, AIESEC Alum ni) and Tabitha Muem a Conferences 2012 (PwC Ken a, AIESEC Supporter) which was a networking ev ent AIESEC Interns Group AIESECer@PwC where v arious partners of AIESEC were present: DHL, Alcatel Lucent, Unilev er, TCS, Ericsson, IE, United Nation and m an Alum ni and Supporters News from AIESEC Supporter's page m ore. PwC Global Wiki Cont act Claudia Calinescu Join our On Wednesda Karel De Baere hosted the AIESEC LinkedIn group International Advisor Council as a chairman and offered valuable inputs Global Coordinator AIESEC How is it to work relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC in our PwC office? Back to Home page +32 491 7 21 460 Share it with us ...m ore Your Feedback is important for us Do ou hav e an Take a m inute to tell us what plans for ou think? Februar 2012? AIESEC Alum ni International Meeting in Hungar ? Did ou know? Please consider endorsing AIESEC to our PwC office...m ore Check the FY 2012 AIESEC regional conferences Eastern, Central or Western Cluster...m ore
  • 5. News from AIESEC Hom e Join us PwC and AIESEC AIESECer@PwC Global Leader's Summit 2012 Global Partnership Page News from AIESEC Between 15th– 26 th February, AIESEC Hungary will AIESEC Interns Group -> IPM & AAIM host the gathering of AIESEC's most experienced membership: Alum ni and Supporters 2012 -> The new PwC Global Wiki plat form AIESEC Directors from 110 countries, senior management from Global & Local Partners of AIESEC, -> Keep in t ouch Cont act Governmental officials, prominent Alumni of the Supporter's page organization and over 500 top Students all in one place Claudia Calinescu to convey the message of Responsible Leadership. Join our LinkedIn group During the GLS 2012, Global Coordinator AIESEC relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC AIESEC will organise the How is it to work +32 491 7 21 460 in y our PwC Youth Forum, International office? President Meeting, Your Feedback is Share with us ...m ore AIESEC Alumni important for us International Meeting and Please take a m inute to tell us Check the FY 2012 AIESEC Global Village what would y ou like to find in this newsletter? regional conferences? Eastern, Central or Western AIESEC Alumni International Meeting 2012 Cluster...m ore The AIESEC Alumni International Meeting is a 4 daylong event designed to provide a platform for Alumni to network, re-connect and reminiscence. The AAIM will serve as a bridge between generations of AIESEC members who will come together to Please consider endorsing commemorate the extraordinary accomplishments of AIESEC to y our PwC our prominent Alumni and the event will mark the 40th office...m ore Anniversary of AIESEC Hungary. The first two days will be held in Budapest, in Danubius Health Spa Resort Helia from where the Alumni will travel together to the next venue in the countryside of Hungary, Hunguest Hotel Pelion. Check all details here: http://gls2 01 2 .org/ev ents/aaim -2 01 2 As an Alumni of AIESEC you can now join the AIESEC Alumni International (AAI) and reconnect with your former AIESEC network. Let's gather an Alumni@PwC Delegation? Let us know if y ou want to attend? Back to Home page
  • 6. Welcome AIESEC Supporters Hom e Join us PwC and AIESEC AIESECer@PwC News from AIESEC How are the partnerships going on today? Global Partnership Page AIESEC Interns Group Support er's page AIESEC Supporters are all PwC Alum ni and Supporters PwC Global Wiki employees who are involved in the Join our LinkedIn partnership with AIESEC and who Cont act Claudia Calinescu group are furthering this relationship. Here you will find various information about AIESEC, the global and national partnerships and new opportunities to work with the local AIESEC chapter in your country. Who is AIESEC? Global Coordinator AIESEC relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC Check the m ain +32 491 7 21 460 AIESEC Conferences in Eastern, Central and Western Cluster for 2 01 2 Your Feedback is important for us Please take a m inute to tell us what would y ou like to find in this newsletter? Why we part ner wit h AIESEC? How we current ly work wit h AIESEC? Out st anding count ry part nerships How t he PwC t errit ories worked wit h AIESEC in FY 2011?
  • 7. 03/11/2011 S ppo e ' Page Welcome AIESEC S ppo e How t he PwC t errit ories worked wit h AIESEC in FY 2011? Hom e Join us PwC and AIESEC AIESECer@PwC Global Partnership Page News from AIESEC AIESEC Interns Group Support er's page Alum ni and Supporters PwC Global Wiki Cont act Join our LinkedIn Cla dia Caline c group Global Coordinator AIESEC relation 1 1 /1 2 at PwC Check the m ain +32 491 7 21 460 AIESEC Conferences in Eastern, Central and Western Cluster for 2 01 2 Yo Feedback i impo an fo Please take a m inute to tell us what would ou like to find in this newsletter? Aft er 38 ears AIESEC and t he Global Coordinat or are looking t o st art or furt her t he part nership in t he following t errit ories: Do not hesitate to contact Claudia Calinescu for an questions. Back to Home page file:///C:/U e /caline c/De k op/4.2. S ppo e ' Page.h m 1/1