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Preface: Where We Are Today – The Vision
What follows is a plan of ac�on to facilitate the immediate needs for capturing leads and then engaging
them from the hosted CMO roundtable. Two par�cipants have expressed an interest in highligh�ng their
past atendance with a post on LinkedIn.
This presents an opportunity, in coopera�on with the Host, to capture interest among each
organiza�on’s members and followers through an ac�ve campaign response to engage par�es which
show interest for downloading the published Roundtable report.
The Host has graciously offered support and will provide each organiza�on with a post image of the
Report linkable to a gated, lead capture, landing des�na�on on the Host website.
The opportunity for Agency is to leverage any resul�ng lead capture into a formal follow up campaign to
engage, and then build credibility, interest, trust and ul�mately conversion with interested persons of
influence and organiza�ons.
The Campaign to follow is designed as an ini�al step in developing a remarke�ng ini�a�ve as a serial,
triggered email campaign providing quick takeaway insights to educate recipients on Full Funnel Growth
Marke�ng. It will leverage the Agency’s value proposi�ons for the FFGM business model. We will use this
opportunity as our own Test and Learn model for developing best prac�ces for ac�va�ng a renewed,
reimagined remarke�ng effort.
As this Campaign is executed, learnings and best prac�ces will be developed, which can be applied to
future similar requests as the CMO Roundtable series con�nues. Once tested and proven with
measurable results, we should be able to promote and make a similar offer to future CMO roundtable
Furthermore, the campaign is designed to expand into an ac�onable template for future lead capture
remarke�ng in general (i.e., website leads). The resul�ng test and learn process will serve to op�mize
messaging + content idea�on for a reimagined marke�ng ini�a�ve which will be designed with
milestone �meline growth and revenue goals.
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
Remarke�ng Campaign Design
― Objec�ve
Apply a Test and Learn model leveraging AI (ChatGPT) for remarke�ng using the ini�al
opportunity as iden�fied from the CMO roundtable to reinforce and support a thought
leadership posi�on with the goal of iden�fying, recrui�ng and solici�ng new business.
― Goal(s)
The underlying goal is to move pre-qualified interest of LinkedIn followers through the Agency
marke�ng funnel to build credibility, value, trust and desire for our por�olio of strategic services.
The campaign design as a serial format will seek to move the pre-qualified prospect through
each of the funnel stages by delivering key messaging and content to inspire engagement.
TOF o Create Awareness + Educa�on
MOF o Build Aspira�on + Engagement
BOF o Convert CTAs Into SQLs
― Audience(s) + Poten�al Reach
This Test and Learn model is not directly targeted. It is lead response targe�ng for self-iden�fied,
pre-qualified leads as created by (2) specific organiza�ons via LinkedIn. (Of note, it is plausible
greater reach could be realized with the potential of post sharing outside of each organization’s
communities of followers.)
The poten�al reach is dependent on how the s�mulus LinkedIn post will be published. There are
three conven�onal possible direc�ons which will be verified:
1) Posted as a personal post on the atendee profiles reducing organic reach poten�al
without added paid support,
2) Posted as a corporate post on each of the organiza�on’s LinkedIn business pages
significantly increasing reach poten�al, and
3) A combina�on of the two direc�ons maximizing reach poten�al.
Personal #1
LinkedIn Profile
Corporate #1
LinkedIn Business Page
Personal #2
LinkedIn Profile
Corporate #2
LinkedIn Business Page
Poten�al Viral Reach
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
― Channel(s) Purpose & Use
LinkedIn (Social Media) is the s�mulus channel, Web becomes the lead capture channel, and
Email serves as the triggered response channel.
― Naviga�on Flow
S�mulus Post: par�cipants and/or par�cipant’s organiza�ons publish their LinkedIn Post with
embedded ( trackable) image link to Host website.
Lead Capture: Par�cipant and/or Corporate followers pre-qualify themselves by engaging with
the LinkedIn post and clicking through to gated lead capture landing page on Host website.
Email Response: The incoming leads are captured and shared with Agency which triggers a
serial (5) educa�onal and aspira�onal email campaign with unique CTAs. (Email construct follows.)
Stimulus Post
Lead Capture
Triggered Response
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
― Serial Email Content Themes
The email campaign is designed to nurture the captured lead through each of the funnel stages
ending with a strong call to ac�on for a valued free consulta�on or a formal offer for a Discovery
session. The serial email approach uses emo�ve descrip�ve content with the content goals as
1. Create Awareness and Aspira�on for Agency.
2. Educate and Inspire to envision the future of marke�ng.
3. Deliver the Value Proposi�on for Revenue Growth.
4. Build Trust and Credibility for Agency’s por�olio of services.
5. Create Sense of Urgency for Ac�va�on via a formal Discovery.
― Email Offered Valued CTA(s)
1. TOF - Host Whitepaper (site link)
2. MOF - Agency Case Study (site link)
3. BOF - TVG 1:1 Consulta�on Workshop
o Sign-up lead capture
o 1:1 Problem Solving with an Agency Consultant
 Iden�fied Topic Need Deep Dive
4. BOF – Agency Formal Discovery Session
1:1 Free Consulta�on Offer Benefits
o Replaces a cold sales call.
o Demonstrates value before purchase.
o Creates prospect advocates for easier downstream adop�on.
o Advances a Discovery session with baseline advance organiza�onal informa�on.
o Email Structure | Content
As planned, the email campaign is designed to nurture the captured lead through each
of the funnel stages using a serial format culmina�ng with calls to ac�ons to build
credibility and trust leading to a Discovery session offer. Re-reviewing the content
themes as represented below, emails have been cra�ed for each theme.
1. Create Awareness and Aspira�on for Agency.
2. Educate and Inspire to envision the future of marke�ng.
3. Deliver the Value Proposi�on for Revenue Growth.
4. Build Trust and Credibility for Agency’s por�olio of services.
5. Create Sense of Urgency for Ac�va�on for Discovery.
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
― Email Pla�orm + Triggered Automa�on
TBD setup pending
― Email Host Opt-In Connec�on + Unsubscribe Boilerplate (Under Signature Block)
You are receiving this email from op�ng into marke�ng communica�ons from the Host Name
upon downloading the CMO Roundtable Report. If you no longer wish to receive these emails
you may unsubscribe at any �me.
TBD setup pending - requires automated unsubscribe list management capability (assumed
within email pla�orm of choice).
― Timeline Cadence
Ini�ally the campaign should be executed for delivering one email per week for a �meline of (5)
consecu�ve weeks (TBD - Tue, Wed, Thu is iden�fied as best days for delivery per C-Suite
professional open rates as iden�fied per available industry sta�s�cs).
― Data Analy�cs
o Based on Agency in-house capabili�es
o Recommended embedded ( post link
o Agency email pla�orm analy�cs
o Agency UTM CTA link embedding, tracking + GA access, measurement
o Host Landing Page web analy�cs as can be provided or automated report developed
― Expanded Campaign Evolu�onary Design
1. Future Roundtable Promo�on (use)
o Best Prac�ces Guide
• Templates
• Pos�ng Guidance
(personal vs. organiza�onal)
• Post Boos�ng
• Paid Ad Support
• InMail (LinkedIn)
• Lead Capture Use Policy
2. Agency Lead Genera�on
― A/B Tes�ng (headline, text, image, CTA, triggered cadence + delivery)
― Paid Promo�on Tes�ng (LinkedIn)
― Channel Tes�ng (Twiter for reach and amplifica�on)
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
― Expanded Content Marke�ng Idea�on Futures (CTAs)
1. Audio Serial Podcast(s) (site link lead capture)
2. Agency FFGM eBook (site link lead capture)
3. Agency Primary Research Reports (site link lead capture)
o Surveys, Anonymized Discoveries, Roundtables
4. Agency Serial Hosted Webinars (registra�on lead capture)
5. Co-op Idea�on: Host 1-Yr. Membership Offer (win/win)
6. Co-op Idea�on: Host Forum Event Offer Giveaways (win/win)
7. Co-op Idea�on: Host Primary Research-TBD (win/win)
8. Co-op Idea�on: Host Roundtable Inclusion Promo (win/win)
― Email Serial Copy + Template Design
― What follows are dra�s for each serial email which can be further copy edited and/or refined
based on Agency appeal and needs. Five (5) emails follow representa�ve of the serial flow.
Of note, the unsubscribe boilerplate with disclaimer for opt-in origina�on would be inserted
below the signature block in smaller typeface font.
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
Email #1 (Awareness & Aspiration) | CTA: Whitepaper + Soft Close Call Offer
Subject Headline: What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There.
Alterna�ve Headline: Unleash Your Growth Poten�al - It's Time to Break Free from the Ordinary.
What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There.
Dear [Recipient's Name],
Life is full of surprises and the only constant is change. O�en, we find comfort in s�cking to what we know,
enhancing and refining it. This is part of our natural urge to improve and streamline - a process we call itera�on. It
feels secure and reliable.
But the truth is, the benefits of this cycle are limited. It's only a mater of �me before profits decrease, revenue
drops, and growth comes to a stands�ll. We cannot rely solely on refining the old; we must embrace the new.
Now is the �me to break free from the familiar and ignite the spark of innova�on. The path forward is to pave the
way for dynamic growth, because in business as in life, standing s�ll is moving backward.
Stay ahead, embrace change, ignite growth. Let us show you how our strategic proprietary revenue growth
business processes can move you from itera�on and the ordinary -- to revolu�onary and the extraordinary that
delivers proven business change results.
Download our “Title Link” whitepaper today to begin reimagining revolu�onary change. Then, when you’re ready
to turn aspira�onal change into business ac�va�on, we can help. We offer a proven por�olio of strategic services to
ac�vate your revenue growth. Whether it’s consul�ng or execu�on, we got you covered.
Simply reach out to us to begin realizing how you can quickly transform your organiza�on’s revenue growth
opportuni�es. You have nothing to lose except exponen�al business growth. We’re here when you’re ready. Give us
a call today. Let’s get growing!
Best Regards,
Agency Name
Phone Number
Web Address
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
Email #2 (Education & Inspiration) | CTA: Case Study + Soft Close Call Offer
Subject Headline: Unleash Your Future Success. Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone Today.
Alterna�ve Headline: Don't Fear Change, Fear Stagnant Growth. Ignite Your Revenue Poten�al Now!
Unleash Your Future Success. Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone Today.
Dear [Recipient's Name],
Life is an exci�ng journey of change and adapta�on. It's human nature to take comfort in the familiar, perfec�ng
what we already know and hold dear. We streamline, refine, and iterate, and it seems like the safest route to take.
But here's the kicker – this cycle has its limits. It's like a �cking �me bomb, coun�ng down to reduced profits,
dwindling revenues, and halted growth. Just polishing the old won't cut it anymore - it's �me to step out and
embrace the new.
The future calls for more than just fine-tuning - it demands innova�on. To break away from the known and itera�on
requires kindling the fire of crea�vity. Moving forward is about dynamic full funnel growth because, in business and
life, if we're not advancing our customer engagements, we're retrea�ng.
With vision, you are empowered to lead the way, impact change, and spur growth. And we're here to help you
transi�on from rou�ne to revolu�onary. Our strategic, proprietary business full funnel growth processes are
proven to deliver impressive results and drive transforma�ve change and increased revenues.
Get started today and download our case study, "Case Study Title Link." Then, let's talk about how you too can
boost and revamp your own organiza�on's growth goals and unlock its poten�al. The only thing you stand to lose is
the chance to skyrocket your business growth. Are you ready to grow?
We offer a proven por�olio of strategic services to ac�vate your revenue growth. Whether it’s consul�ng or
execu�on support, we got you covered. Give us a call today. Let’s get growing!
Best Regards,
Agency Name
Phone Number
Web Address
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
Email #3 (Value Proposition) | CTA: 1:1 Workshop + Whitepaper + Hard Close Workshop Offer
Subject Headline: Ignite Revenue Growth and Unleash Your Business Poten�al.
Alterna�ve Headline: The Business Game-Changer: Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng.
Ignite Revenue Growth and Unleash Your Business Poten�al.
Dear [Recipient's Name],
We're thrilled to con�nue our journey exploring Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng with you, the transforma�ve
strategy that's revolu�onizing the marke�ng landscape. As you now understand, this approach me�culously
nurtures every stage of the customer journey, maximizing customer value and crea�ng loyal brand advocates.
This isn't just about capturing leads; it's about cul�va�ng meaningful rela�onships, propelling sustainable revenue
growth, and ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve.
In our increasingly compe��ve marketplace, mee�ng high customer expecta�ons is crucial. With Full Funnel
Growth Marke�ng, you're not just mee�ng these demands; you're surpassing them, se�ng the stage for long-term
business success.
To help you fully grasp and implement this powerful strategy, we're offering you an exclusive opportunity: a
personalized 1:1 consul�ng workshop. During this hands-on session, we'll delve deep into Full Funnel Growth
Marke�ng, tailoring the approach to your unique business needs and growth goals.
If you haven't already, download our “Whitepaper Title Link“ whitepaper to gain a deeper understanding. Then,
let's set up your exclusive workshop, where we'll lay the groundwork to revolu�onize your marke�ng efforts and
ignite unparalleled growth for your business.
We offer a full suite of strategic revenue growth services expertly designed to kickstart and ac�vate your vision.
From insigh�ul consul�ng to dedicated execu�on support as needed, we have the exper�se, resources, and tools
to transform your business.
Are you ready to grow your revenues? Are you ready to experience the Full Funnel difference? Let's turn your
vision into ac�on, and then turn your poten�al into increased revenues and profit. Click here to schedule your
workshop today or feel free to call us directly.
Embrace change, unlock growth. Let's embark on your journey. Your success story starts now – today.
Best Regards,
Agency Name
Phone Number
Web Address
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
Email #4 (Trust & Credibility) | CTA: 1:1 Workshop + Hard Close Workshop Offer
Subject Headline: Your Gateway to Groundbreaking Success - Unleash the Power of Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng!
Alterna�ve Headline: Unleash Your Business Poten�al with Full Funnel Marke�ng - Exclusive 1:1 Workshop Offer Inside!
Your Gateway to Groundbreaking Success - Unleash the Power of Full Funnel
Growth Marke�ng!
Dear [Recipient's Name],
Get ready to embark on a transforma�ve journey that holds the poten�al to be a game-changer for your business.
Whether you're batling the challenges of this new economy or riding the waves of success, there's always room to
grow, and we're here to show you how.
With Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng, we take you back to the basics. We introduce you to the key elements of this
holis�c strategy that have the poten�al to redefine your business opera�ons. It's not just about immediate change
but about incremental results that progressively transform how you perceive your sales and marke�ng func�ons.
These results won't materialize overnight, but with pa�ence and persistence, you'll witness powerful changes that
fuel your enthusiasm for the journey ahead. And the best part? You won't be walking this path alone. We'll be with
you every step of the way, guiding you towards the successful implementa�on of these strategies.
Are you ready to embark on this exci�ng journey towards transforma�on? Click here to schedule a 1:1
consulta�on with us, or simply give us a ring, and let's kickstart your journey to groundbreaking success!
Let's begin your story of remarkable growth together. The journey starts today.
Best Regards,
Agency Name
Phone Number
Web Address
Use Applica�on Demonstra�on
Email #5 (Urgency + Activation) | CTA: 1:1 Discovery + Hard Discovery Close Offer
Subject Headline: Your Gateway to Groundbreaking Success - Unleash the Power of Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng!
Alterna�ve Headline: Unleash Your Full Poten�al with Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng - Your Key to Long-Term Success.
Your Journey to Unparalleled Success - Schedule Your Discovery Session Today!
Dear [Recipient's Name],
As we conclude our series on Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng, it's �me to take ac�on and bring this game-changing
strategy to life in your business. By embracing this approach, you stand to gain a comprehensive understanding of
your target customer, harness the best marke�ng opportuni�es, and unlock a holis�c view of your marke�ng
Without Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng, your marke�ng efforts risk remaining disconnected, short-sighted, and
ul�mately underperforming. But with this comprehensive approach, you can ignite constant, incremental
improvements in your marke�ng effec�veness - turning even the smallest marke�ng ini�a�ves into impac�ul,
profitable assets for your organiza�on.
Our journey together doesn't end here. In fact, it's only the beginning of your path towards unlocking your
organiza�on's full revenue growth poten�al. We're invi�ng you to take the next step by scheduling a formal
Discovery session with us. During this session, we'll dive deeper into Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng and explore
how it can revolu�onize your business.
This is your opportunity to transform your marke�ng efforts, yield valuable insights, boost profitability, and
ul�mately drive greater revenue growth without adding any addi�onal complexity or effort to your organiza�on.
Are you ready to schedule your Discovery session and embark on this transforma�ve journey? Click here to book
your session and accelerate your path to unparalleled success, or simply give me a call.
Let's turn poten�al into revenue growth and profit, together. The journey starts today.
Best Regards,
Agency Name
Phone Number
Web Address

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AI EMail Content Example

  • 1. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMO ROUNDATBLE REMARKETING EMAIL CAMPAIGN Preface: Where We Are Today – The Vision What follows is a plan of ac�on to facilitate the immediate needs for capturing leads and then engaging them from the hosted CMO roundtable. Two par�cipants have expressed an interest in highligh�ng their past atendance with a post on LinkedIn. This presents an opportunity, in coopera�on with the Host, to capture interest among each organiza�on’s members and followers through an ac�ve campaign response to engage par�es which show interest for downloading the published Roundtable report. The Host has graciously offered support and will provide each organiza�on with a post image of the Report linkable to a gated, lead capture, landing des�na�on on the Host website. The opportunity for Agency is to leverage any resul�ng lead capture into a formal follow up campaign to engage, and then build credibility, interest, trust and ul�mately conversion with interested persons of influence and organiza�ons. The Campaign to follow is designed as an ini�al step in developing a remarke�ng ini�a�ve as a serial, triggered email campaign providing quick takeaway insights to educate recipients on Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng. It will leverage the Agency’s value proposi�ons for the FFGM business model. We will use this opportunity as our own Test and Learn model for developing best prac�ces for ac�va�ng a renewed, reimagined remarke�ng effort. As this Campaign is executed, learnings and best prac�ces will be developed, which can be applied to future similar requests as the CMO Roundtable series con�nues. Once tested and proven with measurable results, we should be able to promote and make a similar offer to future CMO roundtable atendees. Furthermore, the campaign is designed to expand into an ac�onable template for future lead capture remarke�ng in general (i.e., website leads). The resul�ng test and learn process will serve to op�mize messaging + content idea�on for a reimagined marke�ng ini�a�ve which will be designed with milestone �meline growth and revenue goals.
  • 2. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remarke�ng Campaign Design ― Objec�ve Apply a Test and Learn model leveraging AI (ChatGPT) for remarke�ng using the ini�al opportunity as iden�fied from the CMO roundtable to reinforce and support a thought leadership posi�on with the goal of iden�fying, recrui�ng and solici�ng new business. ― Goal(s) The underlying goal is to move pre-qualified interest of LinkedIn followers through the Agency marke�ng funnel to build credibility, value, trust and desire for our por�olio of strategic services. The campaign design as a serial format will seek to move the pre-qualified prospect through each of the funnel stages by delivering key messaging and content to inspire engagement. TOF o Create Awareness + Educa�on MOF o Build Aspira�on + Engagement BOF o Convert CTAs Into SQLs ― Audience(s) + Poten�al Reach This Test and Learn model is not directly targeted. It is lead response targe�ng for self-iden�fied, pre-qualified leads as created by (2) specific organiza�ons via LinkedIn. (Of note, it is plausible greater reach could be realized with the potential of post sharing outside of each organization’s communities of followers.) The poten�al reach is dependent on how the s�mulus LinkedIn post will be published. There are three conven�onal possible direc�ons which will be verified: 1) Posted as a personal post on the atendee profiles reducing organic reach poten�al without added paid support, 2) Posted as a corporate post on each of the organiza�on’s LinkedIn business pages significantly increasing reach poten�al, and 3) A combina�on of the two direc�ons maximizing reach poten�al. Personal #1 LinkedIn Profile 1,672 Followers Corporate #1 LinkedIn Business Page 247,882 Followers Personal #2 LinkedIn Profile 4,873 Followers Corporate #2 LinkedIn Business Page 108,537 Followers Poten�al Viral Reach
  • 3. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ― Channel(s) Purpose & Use LinkedIn (Social Media) is the s�mulus channel, Web becomes the lead capture channel, and Email serves as the triggered response channel. ― Naviga�on Flow S�mulus Post: par�cipants and/or par�cipant’s organiza�ons publish their LinkedIn Post with embedded ( trackable) image link to Host website. Lead Capture: Par�cipant and/or Corporate followers pre-qualify themselves by engaging with the LinkedIn post and clicking through to gated lead capture landing page on Host website. Email Response: The incoming leads are captured and shared with Agency which triggers a serial (5) educa�onal and aspira�onal email campaign with unique CTAs. (Email construct follows.) LinkedIn Stimulus Post Website Lead Capture Email Triggered Response HOST AGENCY
  • 4. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ― Serial Email Content Themes The email campaign is designed to nurture the captured lead through each of the funnel stages ending with a strong call to ac�on for a valued free consulta�on or a formal offer for a Discovery session. The serial email approach uses emo�ve descrip�ve content with the content goals as represented: 1. Create Awareness and Aspira�on for Agency. 2. Educate and Inspire to envision the future of marke�ng. 3. Deliver the Value Proposi�on for Revenue Growth. 4. Build Trust and Credibility for Agency’s por�olio of services. 5. Create Sense of Urgency for Ac�va�on via a formal Discovery. ― Email Offered Valued CTA(s) 1. TOF - Host Whitepaper (site link) 2. MOF - Agency Case Study (site link) 3. BOF - TVG 1:1 Consulta�on Workshop o Sign-up lead capture o 1:1 Problem Solving with an Agency Consultant  Iden�fied Topic Need Deep Dive 4. BOF – Agency Formal Discovery Session o EXECUTION MANAGEMENT DETAILS 1:1 Free Consulta�on Offer Benefits o Replaces a cold sales call. o Demonstrates value before purchase. o Creates prospect advocates for easier downstream adop�on. o Advances a Discovery session with baseline advance organiza�onal informa�on. Management o Email Structure | Content As planned, the email campaign is designed to nurture the captured lead through each of the funnel stages using a serial format culmina�ng with calls to ac�ons to build credibility and trust leading to a Discovery session offer. Re-reviewing the content themes as represented below, emails have been cra�ed for each theme. 1. Create Awareness and Aspira�on for Agency. 2. Educate and Inspire to envision the future of marke�ng. 3. Deliver the Value Proposi�on for Revenue Growth. 4. Build Trust and Credibility for Agency’s por�olio of services. 5. Create Sense of Urgency for Ac�va�on for Discovery.
  • 5. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ― Email Pla�orm + Triggered Automa�on TBD setup pending ― Email Host Opt-In Connec�on + Unsubscribe Boilerplate (Under Signature Block) You are receiving this email from op�ng into marke�ng communica�ons from the Host Name upon downloading the CMO Roundtable Report. If you no longer wish to receive these emails you may unsubscribe at any �me. TBD setup pending - requires automated unsubscribe list management capability (assumed within email pla�orm of choice). ― Timeline Cadence Ini�ally the campaign should be executed for delivering one email per week for a �meline of (5) consecu�ve weeks (TBD - Tue, Wed, Thu is iden�fied as best days for delivery per C-Suite professional open rates as iden�fied per available industry sta�s�cs). ― Data Analy�cs o Based on Agency in-house capabili�es o Recommended embedded ( post link o Agency email pla�orm analy�cs o Agency UTM CTA link embedding, tracking + GA access, measurement o Host Landing Page web analy�cs as can be provided or automated report developed ― Expanded Campaign Evolu�onary Design 1. Future Roundtable Promo�on (use) o Best Prac�ces Guide • Templates • Pos�ng Guidance (personal vs. organiza�onal) • Post Boos�ng • Paid Ad Support • InMail (LinkedIn) • Lead Capture Use Policy 2. Agency Lead Genera�on ― A/B Tes�ng (headline, text, image, CTA, triggered cadence + delivery) ― Paid Promo�on Tes�ng (LinkedIn) ― Channel Tes�ng (Twiter for reach and amplifica�on)
  • 6. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ― Expanded Content Marke�ng Idea�on Futures (CTAs) 1. Audio Serial Podcast(s) (site link lead capture) 2. Agency FFGM eBook (site link lead capture) 3. Agency Primary Research Reports (site link lead capture) o Surveys, Anonymized Discoveries, Roundtables 4. Agency Serial Hosted Webinars (registra�on lead capture) 5. Co-op Idea�on: Host 1-Yr. Membership Offer (win/win) 6. Co-op Idea�on: Host Forum Event Offer Giveaways (win/win) 7. Co-op Idea�on: Host Primary Research-TBD (win/win) 8. Co-op Idea�on: Host Roundtable Inclusion Promo (win/win) ― Email Serial Copy + Template Design ― What follows are dra�s for each serial email which can be further copy edited and/or refined based on Agency appeal and needs. Five (5) emails follow representa�ve of the serial flow. Of note, the unsubscribe boilerplate with disclaimer for opt-in origina�on would be inserted below the signature block in smaller typeface font.
  • 7. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email #1 (Awareness & Aspiration) | CTA: Whitepaper + Soft Close Call Offer Subject Headline: What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There. Alterna�ve Headline: Unleash Your Growth Poten�al - It's Time to Break Free from the Ordinary. What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There. Dear [Recipient's Name], Life is full of surprises and the only constant is change. O�en, we find comfort in s�cking to what we know, enhancing and refining it. This is part of our natural urge to improve and streamline - a process we call itera�on. It feels secure and reliable. But the truth is, the benefits of this cycle are limited. It's only a mater of �me before profits decrease, revenue drops, and growth comes to a stands�ll. We cannot rely solely on refining the old; we must embrace the new. Now is the �me to break free from the familiar and ignite the spark of innova�on. The path forward is to pave the way for dynamic growth, because in business as in life, standing s�ll is moving backward. Stay ahead, embrace change, ignite growth. Let us show you how our strategic proprietary revenue growth business processes can move you from itera�on and the ordinary -- to revolu�onary and the extraordinary that delivers proven business change results. Download our “Title Link” whitepaper today to begin reimagining revolu�onary change. Then, when you’re ready to turn aspira�onal change into business ac�va�on, we can help. We offer a proven por�olio of strategic services to ac�vate your revenue growth. Whether it’s consul�ng or execu�on, we got you covered. Simply reach out to us to begin realizing how you can quickly transform your organiza�on’s revenue growth opportuni�es. You have nothing to lose except exponen�al business growth. We’re here when you’re ready. Give us a call today. Let’s get growing! Best Regards, Signature Name Title Agency Name Phone Number Web Address LOGO
  • 8. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email #2 (Education & Inspiration) | CTA: Case Study + Soft Close Call Offer Subject Headline: Unleash Your Future Success. Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone Today. Alterna�ve Headline: Don't Fear Change, Fear Stagnant Growth. Ignite Your Revenue Poten�al Now! Unleash Your Future Success. Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone Today. Dear [Recipient's Name], Life is an exci�ng journey of change and adapta�on. It's human nature to take comfort in the familiar, perfec�ng what we already know and hold dear. We streamline, refine, and iterate, and it seems like the safest route to take. But here's the kicker – this cycle has its limits. It's like a �cking �me bomb, coun�ng down to reduced profits, dwindling revenues, and halted growth. Just polishing the old won't cut it anymore - it's �me to step out and embrace the new. The future calls for more than just fine-tuning - it demands innova�on. To break away from the known and itera�on requires kindling the fire of crea�vity. Moving forward is about dynamic full funnel growth because, in business and life, if we're not advancing our customer engagements, we're retrea�ng. With vision, you are empowered to lead the way, impact change, and spur growth. And we're here to help you transi�on from rou�ne to revolu�onary. Our strategic, proprietary business full funnel growth processes are proven to deliver impressive results and drive transforma�ve change and increased revenues. Get started today and download our case study, "Case Study Title Link." Then, let's talk about how you too can boost and revamp your own organiza�on's growth goals and unlock its poten�al. The only thing you stand to lose is the chance to skyrocket your business growth. Are you ready to grow? We offer a proven por�olio of strategic services to ac�vate your revenue growth. Whether it’s consul�ng or execu�on support, we got you covered. Give us a call today. Let’s get growing! Best Regards, Signature Name Title Agency Name Phone Number Web Address LOGO
  • 9. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email #3 (Value Proposition) | CTA: 1:1 Workshop + Whitepaper + Hard Close Workshop Offer Subject Headline: Ignite Revenue Growth and Unleash Your Business Poten�al. Alterna�ve Headline: The Business Game-Changer: Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng. Ignite Revenue Growth and Unleash Your Business Poten�al. Dear [Recipient's Name], We're thrilled to con�nue our journey exploring Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng with you, the transforma�ve strategy that's revolu�onizing the marke�ng landscape. As you now understand, this approach me�culously nurtures every stage of the customer journey, maximizing customer value and crea�ng loyal brand advocates. This isn't just about capturing leads; it's about cul�va�ng meaningful rela�onships, propelling sustainable revenue growth, and ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve. In our increasingly compe��ve marketplace, mee�ng high customer expecta�ons is crucial. With Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng, you're not just mee�ng these demands; you're surpassing them, se�ng the stage for long-term business success. To help you fully grasp and implement this powerful strategy, we're offering you an exclusive opportunity: a personalized 1:1 consul�ng workshop. During this hands-on session, we'll delve deep into Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng, tailoring the approach to your unique business needs and growth goals. If you haven't already, download our “Whitepaper Title Link“ whitepaper to gain a deeper understanding. Then, let's set up your exclusive workshop, where we'll lay the groundwork to revolu�onize your marke�ng efforts and ignite unparalleled growth for your business. We offer a full suite of strategic revenue growth services expertly designed to kickstart and ac�vate your vision. From insigh�ul consul�ng to dedicated execu�on support as needed, we have the exper�se, resources, and tools to transform your business. Are you ready to grow your revenues? Are you ready to experience the Full Funnel difference? Let's turn your vision into ac�on, and then turn your poten�al into increased revenues and profit. Click here to schedule your workshop today or feel free to call us directly. Embrace change, unlock growth. Let's embark on your journey. Your success story starts now – today. Best Regards, Signature Name Title Agency Name Phone Number Web Address LOGO
  • 10. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email #4 (Trust & Credibility) | CTA: 1:1 Workshop + Hard Close Workshop Offer Subject Headline: Your Gateway to Groundbreaking Success - Unleash the Power of Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng! Alterna�ve Headline: Unleash Your Business Poten�al with Full Funnel Marke�ng - Exclusive 1:1 Workshop Offer Inside! Your Gateway to Groundbreaking Success - Unleash the Power of Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng! Dear [Recipient's Name], Get ready to embark on a transforma�ve journey that holds the poten�al to be a game-changer for your business. Whether you're batling the challenges of this new economy or riding the waves of success, there's always room to grow, and we're here to show you how. With Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng, we take you back to the basics. We introduce you to the key elements of this holis�c strategy that have the poten�al to redefine your business opera�ons. It's not just about immediate change but about incremental results that progressively transform how you perceive your sales and marke�ng func�ons. These results won't materialize overnight, but with pa�ence and persistence, you'll witness powerful changes that fuel your enthusiasm for the journey ahead. And the best part? You won't be walking this path alone. We'll be with you every step of the way, guiding you towards the successful implementa�on of these strategies. Are you ready to embark on this exci�ng journey towards transforma�on? Click here to schedule a 1:1 consulta�on with us, or simply give us a ring, and let's kickstart your journey to groundbreaking success! Let's begin your story of remarkable growth together. The journey starts today. Best Regards, Signature Name Title Agency Name Phone Number Web Address LOGO
  • 11. Use Applica�on Demonstra�on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email #5 (Urgency + Activation) | CTA: 1:1 Discovery + Hard Discovery Close Offer Subject Headline: Your Gateway to Groundbreaking Success - Unleash the Power of Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng! Alterna�ve Headline: Unleash Your Full Poten�al with Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng - Your Key to Long-Term Success. Your Journey to Unparalleled Success - Schedule Your Discovery Session Today! Dear [Recipient's Name], As we conclude our series on Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng, it's �me to take ac�on and bring this game-changing strategy to life in your business. By embracing this approach, you stand to gain a comprehensive understanding of your target customer, harness the best marke�ng opportuni�es, and unlock a holis�c view of your marke�ng metrics. Without Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng, your marke�ng efforts risk remaining disconnected, short-sighted, and ul�mately underperforming. But with this comprehensive approach, you can ignite constant, incremental improvements in your marke�ng effec�veness - turning even the smallest marke�ng ini�a�ves into impac�ul, profitable assets for your organiza�on. Our journey together doesn't end here. In fact, it's only the beginning of your path towards unlocking your organiza�on's full revenue growth poten�al. We're invi�ng you to take the next step by scheduling a formal Discovery session with us. During this session, we'll dive deeper into Full Funnel Growth Marke�ng and explore how it can revolu�onize your business. This is your opportunity to transform your marke�ng efforts, yield valuable insights, boost profitability, and ul�mately drive greater revenue growth without adding any addi�onal complexity or effort to your organiza�on. Are you ready to schedule your Discovery session and embark on this transforma�ve journey? Click here to book your session and accelerate your path to unparalleled success, or simply give me a call. Let's turn poten�al into revenue growth and profit, together. The journey starts today. Best Regards, Signature Name Title Agency Name Phone Number Web Address LOGO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------