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@ChrisTruncer &
▸ Sys admin turned red teamer
▸ Florida State Seminole
▸ Co-Founder and Red Team Lead of
FortyNorth Security
▸ Open Source Developer
▹ Veil-Framework
▹ WMImplant
▹ EyeWitness
▹ ...and more
▸ Sys/Net Admin turned Red Teamer/Pen Tester
▸ Previous:
▹ IT in the Navy for 9 years
▹ Navy Red Team Technical Lead
▸ Current:
▹ Red Team Security Consultant for Mandiant
▹ PowerShell Reverse Engineer
▸ Glorified Script Kiddie/Noobie
What’s This Talk About?
▸ Automation
▸ Aggressor
▹ Event driven language
▸ Events that we might care about
▸ Assessment/Attack lifecycle
▸ Where can automation help?
▸ Demos
▸ Links
This is NOT About…
▸ Automating Red Teams
▸ Automating Pen Testing
▸ There’s something to be said about the
human mind analyzing the problem
▹ What if an exploit fails once, but runs
the second time?
▹ How does automation account for this?
▹ Can it always identify the root cause?
▸ This isn’t SKYNET for offensive work
What’s our
expectation of it?
▸ Automation is useful for tasks
▹ Tasks that don’t require interaction
▹ Doesn’t need human processing
▸ At some level, we’re lazy
▹ Why manually do something if we can automate it?
▸ Trivial tasks are prime candidates
▹ Don’t require intensive analysis, if any
▸ How long will you have that initial access?
▹ Do you have the right permissions to install
▹ Can you install persistence fast enough before the
victim user logs off?
▹ Automation can help us accomplish these much faster
▸ There are additional benefits beyond letting
us sit and watch something do our job J
▸ Ensure a uniform process is always
▹ You can build out protection
mechanisms that keep you from doing
▸ Prevent user error
▹ Rather than fat fingering a
parameter/command, automation can
ensure you always run it correctly
▸ How can red teams/or pen testers use
automation on their tests
▹ Talk is cheap – what’s an easy way to
▸ Open Source
▹ Metasploit resource scripts are a good
▸ How do we do it?
▹ We’re a Cobalt Strike shop
▹ Scripts and code we reference/release
will use Aggressor
Aggressor What is it?
Aggressor – What is it?
▸ Aggressor is a scripting language built into
Cobalt Strike
▹ Since version 3.0
▸ It is based on the language Sleep
▸ Aggressor lets you automate operator
actions, manipulate data, generate reports,
▸ Aggressor isn’t a standard programming
▹ It’s an event driven language
Event Driven Language
▸ This doesn’t generate a compiled binary which
you run on a computer
▸ Rather than “starting” a program, your code is
triggered when a specific event is encountered
▹ Think similar to WMI events that occur after
X happens
▹ Remember IRC Bots?
▸ Aggressor is driven by events that happen while
it is running
▹ These are clearly related to actions that
occurs while compromising a system
Aggressor – The Core
▸ Aggressor is based on the language Sleep
▸ Sleep is a “java-based scripting language heavily
inspired by Perl”
▸ Aggressor is an additional set of exposed
functions for extending Cobalt Strike and its
associated functionality
▹ Extending can also mean creating
automation for your requirements
Aggressor – The Core
▸ Aggressor has the ability to interact with Cobalt
Strike, Beacons, and data such as:
▹ Running commands within a Beacon,
interpreting results, and making a decision
▹ Interacting with downloaded screenshots or
keylogged data
▹ Modify sites hosted by Cobalt Strike
▹ Interact with credentials stored on your team
▹ Develop custom reports for your customers,
and more…
How can you
interact with
Aggressor Scripting
▸ Aggressor scripting utilizes different functionality
to enable its developers
▸ Events – Aggressor Events initiates and runs your
code when a specific condition occurs
▸ Functions – Allow you to run “checks”, perform an
action locally, or run a command within Beacon -
this is the mechanism for performing an action
▸ Hooks – Can allow you to generate pop-up menus
▸ The Data Model – These are different data
repositories that you can manipulate
Aggressor Events
▸ There are triggerable events for almost everything
you could wish with Aggressor
▸ beacon_initial – This monitors for new beacons
checking in to your team server
▸ event_join – This event occurs when a new user
connects to your team server
▸ heartbeat_* - This event occurs every X seconds
or minutes
▸ ssh_initial – As new ssh connections check in,
this event will fire
Aggressor Events
▸ Remember how your DNS beacons first check in,
but with no data?
▸ beacon_initial_empty – This event triggers
when the team server receives an empty beacon
▸ One of the first things people may do is type
“checkin” and/or set the “mode”
▹ Save yourself the step!
Aggressor Events
▸ Events expose access to different objects
depending on the event
▹ beacon_initial – This will provide a
handle into the individual beacon
checking in
▹ This is how you can have an
individual beacon perform an
▹ Heartbeat_* - exposes nothing, but you
can use a function to iterate over all
▹ This provides you access to them
Aggressor Events
▸ There are a large number of events that you
can use to trigger your code
▸ Events are available here -
▸ You can’t create your own custom events
▹ This part isn’t user-expandable
▸ However, you can always ask if you can
think of a useful trigger
Aggressor Functions
▸ Functions are the “code” associated with
your Aggressor Script
▸ Functions dictate the actions that you will
perform once your trigger is activated
▸ Your code isn’t limited to what you see
listed on the Aggressor function page
▸ Aggressor is based on Sleep, right?
▸ Your code will likely be a combination of
Aggressor and Sleep
Aggressor Functions
▸ Functions include essentially every action
that you can conduct within Beacon
▹ bpowershell_import – Imports a
PowerShell script within a beacon
▹ bps – Performs a process listing on the
targeted beacon
▹ blogonpasswords – Runs the mimikatz
logonpasswords command
▹ bls – Lists all files in a specific
▹ bsetenv – Sets an environmental
variable on the current beacon
Aggressor Functions
▸ It also includes “metafunctions” with
interact and provide results based on
Beacon metadata
▹ -is64 – This function will return true if
the Beacon is running in a x64 process
▹ -isadmin – This returns true if the
Beacon is running with admin rights
▹ -isssh – This returns true if the active
session is a SSH session
Aggressor Functions
▸ You also have the ability to interact with
Cobalt Strike (rather than Beacon) and
manipulate data through Aggressor
▹ gzip – Gzip a string
▹ Base64_decode – Base64 decode a
▹ openfilebrowser – Opens the file
browser interface for a beacon
▹ openScreenshotBrowser – Opens the
screenshot tab
▹ str_encode – Encodes a string in the
specified encoding format
Aggressor Sample
▸ Let’s piece some of this together in a
sample scenario
▸ You’ve compromised a Windows jump-box
used by admins/users
▸ You were able to escalate privileges
▸ You’re interested in capturing passwords
from users regularly logging in to the
▸ How can Aggressor help?
Automation –
A Phishing
What steps can
A Phishing Tale
▸ What’s likely the most prevalent method of
gaining access into an environment?
▸ Phishing!
▸ This is a time intensive process
▹ Generally requires developing a
scenario for your customer
▹ Writing custom malware for your
customer and scenario
▹ Developing domain reputation
▹ Etc.
A Phishing Tale
▸ Eventually, you’ve fired your first salvo and
have started phishing
▸ If you’re lucky, your first target opens your
e-mail and runs your malware
▸ However, this isn’t always the case
▹ It might take a few people
▹ If you’re sending every 15-30 minutes,
time adds up
▸ What if you go grab a drink, are watching a
different screen, etc.
▹ Do you see your incoming Beacon?
A Phishing Tale
▸ One of the worst feelings can be coming
back to your system and seeing you missed
a callback
▸ It’s also great to know right when your
Beacon arrives
▸ Aggressor can help
▹ Let’s look into the correct trigger
▹ There’s publicly available code that
sends text messages via e-mail
▹ Sleep can let us run an existing script
Automation –
What steps can
Identifying EDR
▸ Now that we’ve been alerted to our beacon,
we might want to recon it
▸ What sort of data are we interested in?
▹ Sky’s the limit
▹ Network Connections/Interfaces
▹ Mapped Drives
▹ Local Admin Rights
▹ Etc.
▸ What about end point protection
software/defenses and its settings?
Identifying EDR
▸ Most EDR products install minifilter drivers/.sys files
▸ Installed to %SystemRoot%System32drivers or
▹ Minifilter altitudes are allocated by
Microsoft and are publicly listed
▹ This document associates minifilter drivers with
vendor names
Identifying EDR
▸ Why is this important and how can we use this?
▹ If the EDR product is not using the cloud based option
we can identify the minifilter driver and match it to
the company name
▹ This process can be automated using Aggressor
▹ Gives Red Teamers awareness of what they are up
against before executing commands
▸ How can this be automated?
▹ Cobalt Strike's Beacon has a built-in 'ls' command we
can use
▹ This built-in 'ls' command uses Win32 API's to list a
directory (more stealthy than using dir or powershell)
Identifying EDR
▸ Does the built-in 'ls' command have documentation??
Identifying EDR
▸ List out the driver directories and parse the results
with conditional statements to determine what EDR is
▹ Define a static array of .sys files
▹ Store the 'ls' command results in an array
▹ Parse the results array and do exact matching
to determine the proper vendor information
▹ Profit
▸ We can also identify other AV products and Admin
Tools present using the 'ps' built-in beacon command
and matching on the process name
Identifying EDR
Identifying EDR
Identifying EDR
Identifying EDR
Automation –
What steps can
▸ We’ve found minimal EDR software, or
exclusions which we can exploit to
maintain access
▸ Persistence might be the next step we want
to take (depending on previous results)
▸ Automating persistence is something we
hesitate on doing
▸ Let’s have this be a combination of manual
analysis and Aggressor
▸ There’s a couple different ways to persist
depending on the level of access
▹ Registry Key
▹ Scheduled Task
▹ WMI Persistence
▸ Rather than doing this all from the
command line, let’s generate a pop-up for
ease of use!
Automation –
What steps can
Generating Payloads
▸ Payload generation is another crucial step in Red
Team engagements and are used for many different
▹ Initial Access
▹ Lateral Movement
▹ Persistence
▹ Obfuscation/Encoding/AWL Bypass
▸ Beneficial for Blue Team as well!
▹ Signature based identifiers/IOCs
▹ Test detection capabilities
▹ Payload sizes/types
Generating Payloads
▸ What types of payloads can we generate?
▸ How do they work and how are they generated?
▹ Staged vs Stageless (S)
▹ Based off listener information, malleable
profile, architecture selection (x64/x86)
▹ Attacks -> Packages menu options
Generating Payloads
▸ How can we automate payload generation using
▹ Utilize dialog API with drow_listener
▹ artifact/artifact_stageless functions
Generating Payloads
Generating Payloads
Automation –
What steps can
Lateral Movement
▸ Lateral movement is a vital part of every
engagement and can be approached in
different ways
▹ What value can we add if we
show successful pivoting inside a
▹ 9 times out of 10 we need to
move laterally to accomplish our
▸ Can we automate this methodology?
▹ How can we use Aggressor Scripts to
enhance lateral movement?
Lateral Movement
▸ Built-in methods of lateral movement
inside of beacon
▹ wmi
▹ psexec/psexec_psh
▹ winrm
▸ All of these methods invoke a
PowerShell one-liner based on the listener
▹ Good for quick and easy lateral
▹ Bad for staying stealthy and avoiding
the use of PowerShell/PsExec
Lateral Movement
▸ Let's use Aggressor to build out a newer
technique of Lateral Movement
▸ Focus on using unmanaged powershell
with msbuild
▸ Set global variables to help generate the
xml file
▸ Functions that we need to utilize:
▹ alias
▹ beacon_command_register
▹ bupload_raw
▹ bpowerpick
▹ exec 90
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
▸ Building out our alias commands with
▹ remote_msbuild_script
▹ remote_msbuild_cmd
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
▸ Let's run through the other alias command
(remote_msbuild_cmd) and use similar
code with minor differences
Lateral Movement
Lateral Movement
Automation –
What steps can
▸ Reporting is part of every assessment and
it should be done right
▹ What value are we if we can hack our
customers but can’t convey what we
did, risk remediations, etc?
▸ There are steps you can take to make
reporting more efficient
▹ Develop approved finding language
▹ Develop reporting templates
▹ Automate generating commonly
requested information
▸ Let’s tackle that last bullet point
▹ Automate generating commonly
requested information
▸ What’s something that our customers
▹ What computers were compromised?
▹ What accounts were compromised?
▸ Let’s create a report generating function
which captures this information!
Where to get this?
▸ We just covered a lot of different code
▸ Aggregate everything within a central repo
▹ This is not all our code
▹ It’s some of the scripts we use the most in
one area
▹ Get all of the code here!
▸ Aggregate everything within a central repo
▹ This is not all our code
▹ It’s some of the scripts we use the most in one area
▹ Get all of the code here!
@ r3dQu1nn

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Aggressive Autonomous Actions - Operating with Automation

  • 2. #whoami @ChrisTruncer ▸ Sys admin turned red teamer ▸ Florida State Seminole ▸ Co-Founder and Red Team Lead of FortyNorth Security ▸ Open Source Developer ▹ Veil-Framework ▹ WMImplant ▹ EyeWitness ▹ ...and more 2
  • 3. #whoami @r3dQu1nn ▸ Sys/Net Admin turned Red Teamer/Pen Tester ▸ Previous: ▹ IT in the Navy for 9 years ▹ Navy Red Team Technical Lead ▸ Current: ▹ Red Team Security Consultant for Mandiant ▹ PowerShell Reverse Engineer ▸ Glorified Script Kiddie/Noobie ▹ 3
  • 4. What’s This Talk About? ▸ Automation ▸ Aggressor ▹ Event driven language ▸ Events that we might care about ▸ Assessment/Attack lifecycle ▸ Where can automation help? ▸ Demos ▸ Links 4
  • 5. This is NOT About… ▸ Automating Red Teams ▸ Automating Pen Testing ▸ There’s something to be said about the human mind analyzing the problem ▹ What if an exploit fails once, but runs the second time? ▹ How does automation account for this? ▹ Can it always identify the root cause? ▸ This isn’t SKYNET for offensive work 5,800x800,075,f.jpg
  • 7. Automation ▸ Automation is useful for tasks ▹ Tasks that don’t require interaction ▹ Doesn’t need human processing ▸ At some level, we’re lazy ▹ Why manually do something if we can automate it? ▸ Trivial tasks are prime candidates ▹ Don’t require intensive analysis, if any ▸ How long will you have that initial access? ▹ Do you have the right permissions to install persistence? ▹ Can you install persistence fast enough before the victim user logs off? ▹ Automation can help us accomplish these much faster 7
  • 8. Automation ▸ There are additional benefits beyond letting us sit and watch something do our job J ▸ Ensure a uniform process is always followed ▹ You can build out protection mechanisms that keep you from doing something ▸ Prevent user error ▹ Rather than fat fingering a parameter/command, automation can ensure you always run it correctly 8
  • 9. Automation ▸ How can red teams/or pen testers use automation on their tests ▹ Talk is cheap – what’s an easy way to implement? ▸ Open Source ▹ Metasploit resource scripts are a good option ▸ How do we do it? ▹ We’re a Cobalt Strike shop ▹ Scripts and code we reference/release will use Aggressor 9
  • 11. Aggressor – What is it? ▸ Aggressor is a scripting language built into Cobalt Strike ▹ Since version 3.0 ▸ It is based on the language Sleep ▸ Aggressor lets you automate operator actions, manipulate data, generate reports, etc. ▸ Aggressor isn’t a standard programming language ▹ It’s an event driven language 11
  • 12. Event Driven Language ▸ This doesn’t generate a compiled binary which you run on a computer ▸ Rather than “starting” a program, your code is triggered when a specific event is encountered ▹ Think similar to WMI events that occur after X happens ▹ Remember IRC Bots? ▸ Aggressor is driven by events that happen while it is running ▹ These are clearly related to actions that occurs while compromising a system 12
  • 13. Aggressor – The Core ▸ Aggressor is based on the language Sleep ▹ ▸ Sleep is a “java-based scripting language heavily inspired by Perl” ▸ Aggressor is an additional set of exposed functions for extending Cobalt Strike and its associated functionality ▹ Extending can also mean creating automation for your requirements 13 20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=143822723X
  • 14. Aggressor – The Core ▸ Aggressor has the ability to interact with Cobalt Strike, Beacons, and data such as: ▹ Running commands within a Beacon, interpreting results, and making a decision ▹ Interacting with downloaded screenshots or keylogged data ▹ Modify sites hosted by Cobalt Strike ▹ Interact with credentials stored on your team server ▹ Develop custom reports for your customers, and more… 14
  • 16. Aggressor Scripting ▸ Aggressor scripting utilizes different functionality to enable its developers ▸ Events – Aggressor Events initiates and runs your code when a specific condition occurs ▸ Functions – Allow you to run “checks”, perform an action locally, or run a command within Beacon - this is the mechanism for performing an action ▸ Hooks – Can allow you to generate pop-up menus ▸ The Data Model – These are different data repositories that you can manipulate 16
  • 17. Aggressor Events ▸ There are triggerable events for almost everything you could wish with Aggressor ▸ beacon_initial – This monitors for new beacons checking in to your team server ▸ event_join – This event occurs when a new user connects to your team server ▸ heartbeat_* - This event occurs every X seconds or minutes ▸ ssh_initial – As new ssh connections check in, this event will fire 17
  • 18. Aggressor Events ▸ Remember how your DNS beacons first check in, but with no data? ▸ beacon_initial_empty – This event triggers when the team server receives an empty beacon ▸ One of the first things people may do is type “checkin” and/or set the “mode” ▹ Save yourself the step! 18 4YzBK9MuoaiNqO5k1gaCRtBZ181KXNb1pvLZbWTj6N1Hi-T9GcHWuwOIQNpvekw0swJ0D- mTouZMb4h0mYyNe0GRFqRuF-SwfM42u7n5TPLi0cuwsENqPB4zVSa0ioprJ
  • 19. Aggressor Events ▸ Events expose access to different objects depending on the event ▹ beacon_initial – This will provide a handle into the individual beacon checking in ▹ This is how you can have an individual beacon perform an action ▹ Heartbeat_* - exposes nothing, but you can use a function to iterate over all beacons ▹ This provides you access to them 19
  • 20. Aggressor Events ▸ There are a large number of events that you can use to trigger your code ▸ Events are available here - script/events.html ▸ You can’t create your own custom events ▹ This part isn’t user-expandable ▸ However, you can always ask if you can think of a useful trigger 20
  • 21. Aggressor Functions ▸ Functions are the “code” associated with your Aggressor Script ▸ Functions dictate the actions that you will perform once your trigger is activated ▸ Your code isn’t limited to what you see listed on the Aggressor function page ▸ Aggressor is based on Sleep, right? ▸ Your code will likely be a combination of Aggressor and Sleep 21
  • 22. Aggressor Functions ▸ Functions include essentially every action that you can conduct within Beacon ▹ bpowershell_import – Imports a PowerShell script within a beacon ▹ bps – Performs a process listing on the targeted beacon ▹ blogonpasswords – Runs the mimikatz logonpasswords command ▹ bls – Lists all files in a specific directory ▹ bsetenv – Sets an environmental variable on the current beacon 22
  • 23. Aggressor Functions ▸ It also includes “metafunctions” with interact and provide results based on Beacon metadata ▹ -is64 – This function will return true if the Beacon is running in a x64 process ▹ -isadmin – This returns true if the Beacon is running with admin rights ▹ -isssh – This returns true if the active session is a SSH session 23
  • 24. Aggressor Functions ▸ You also have the ability to interact with Cobalt Strike (rather than Beacon) and manipulate data through Aggressor ▹ gzip – Gzip a string ▹ Base64_decode – Base64 decode a string ▹ openfilebrowser – Opens the file browser interface for a beacon ▹ openScreenshotBrowser – Opens the screenshot tab ▹ str_encode – Encodes a string in the specified encoding format 24
  • 25. Aggressor Sample ▸ Let’s piece some of this together in a sample scenario ▸ You’ve compromised a Windows jump-box used by admins/users ▸ You were able to escalate privileges ▸ You’re interested in capturing passwords from users regularly logging in to the system ▸ How can Aggressor help? 25
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  • 34. Applied Automation – A Phishing Tale What steps can leverage automation? 34
  • 35. A Phishing Tale ▸ What’s likely the most prevalent method of gaining access into an environment? ▸ Phishing! ▸ This is a time intensive process ▹ Generally requires developing a scenario for your customer ▹ Writing custom malware for your customer and scenario ▹ Developing domain reputation ▹ Etc. 35 g/s320/_40998639_net_phishingcartoon203.gif
  • 36. A Phishing Tale ▸ Eventually, you’ve fired your first salvo and have started phishing ▸ If you’re lucky, your first target opens your e-mail and runs your malware ▸ However, this isn’t always the case ▹ It might take a few people ▹ If you’re sending every 15-30 minutes, time adds up ▸ What if you go grab a drink, are watching a different screen, etc. ▹ Do you see your incoming Beacon? 36
  • 37. A Phishing Tale ▸ One of the worst feelings can be coming back to your system and seeing you missed a callback ▸ It’s also great to know right when your Beacon arrives ▸ Aggressor can help ▹ Let’s look into the correct trigger ▹ There’s publicly available code that sends text messages via e-mail ▹ Sleep can let us run an existing script 37
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  • 49. Identifying EDR ▸ Now that we’ve been alerted to our beacon, we might want to recon it ▸ What sort of data are we interested in? ▹ Sky’s the limit ▹ Network Connections/Interfaces ▹ Mapped Drives ▹ Local Admin Rights ▹ Etc. ▸ What about end point protection software/defenses and its settings? 49
  • 50. Identifying EDR ▸ Most EDR products install minifilter drivers/.sys files ▸ Installed to %SystemRoot%System32drivers or %SystemRoot%System32DriverStoreFileRepository ▹ Minifilter altitudes are allocated by Microsoft and are publicly listed ▹ hardware/drivers/ifs/allocated-altitudes ▹ This document associates minifilter drivers with vendor names 50
  • 51. Identifying EDR ▸ Why is this important and how can we use this? ▹ If the EDR product is not using the cloud based option we can identify the minifilter driver and match it to the company name ▹ This process can be automated using Aggressor ▹ Gives Red Teamers awareness of what they are up against before executing commands ▸ How can this be automated? ▹ Cobalt Strike's Beacon has a built-in 'ls' command we can use ▹ This built-in 'ls' command uses Win32 API's to list a directory (more stealthy than using dir or powershell) 51
  • 52. Identifying EDR ▸ Does the built-in 'ls' command have documentation?? ▹ script/functions.html#bls 52
  • 53. Identifying EDR ▸ List out the driver directories and parse the results with conditional statements to determine what EDR is present ▹ Define a static array of .sys files ▹ Store the 'ls' command results in an array ▹ Parse the results array and do exact matching to determine the proper vendor information ▹ Profit ▸ We can also identify other AV products and Admin Tools present using the 'ps' built-in beacon command and matching on the process name 53
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  • 60. Applied Automation – Persistence What steps can leverage automation? 60
  • 61. Persisting ▸ We’ve found minimal EDR software, or exclusions which we can exploit to maintain access ▸ Persistence might be the next step we want to take (depending on previous results) ▸ Automating persistence is something we hesitate on doing ▸ Let’s have this be a combination of manual analysis and Aggressor 61
  • 62. Persisting ▸ There’s a couple different ways to persist depending on the level of access ▹ Registry Key ▹ Scheduled Task ▹ WMI Persistence ▸ Rather than doing this all from the command line, let’s generate a pop-up for ease of use! 62
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  • 79. Generating Payloads ▸ Payload generation is another crucial step in Red Team engagements and are used for many different reasons ▹ Initial Access ▹ Lateral Movement ▹ Persistence ▹ Obfuscation/Encoding/AWL Bypass ▸ Beneficial for Blue Team as well! ▹ Signature based identifiers/IOCs ▹ Test detection capabilities ▹ Payload sizes/types 79
  • 80. Generating Payloads ▸ What types of payloads can we generate? ▹ HTTP ▹ HTTPS ▹ SMB ▹ DNS ▸ How do they work and how are they generated? ▹ Staged vs Stageless (S) ▹ Based off listener information, malleable profile, architecture selection (x64/x86) ▹ Attacks -> Packages menu options 80
  • 81. Generating Payloads ▸ How can we automate payload generation using Aggressor? ▹ Utilize dialog API with drow_listener ▹ artifact/artifact_stageless functions 81
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  • 88. Lateral Movement ▸ Lateral movement is a vital part of every engagement and can be approached in different ways ▹ What value can we add if we show successful pivoting inside a network? ▹ 9 times out of 10 we need to move laterally to accomplish our objectives ▸ Can we automate this methodology? ▹ How can we use Aggressor Scripts to enhance lateral movement? 88
  • 89. Lateral Movement ▸ Built-in methods of lateral movement inside of beacon ▹ wmi ▹ psexec/psexec_psh ▹ winrm ▸ All of these methods invoke a PowerShell one-liner based on the listener selection ▹ Good for quick and easy lateral movement ▹ Bad for staying stealthy and avoiding the use of PowerShell/PsExec 89
  • 90. Lateral Movement ▸ Let's use Aggressor to build out a newer technique of Lateral Movement ▸ Focus on using unmanaged powershell with msbuild ▸ Set global variables to help generate the xml file ▸ Functions that we need to utilize: ▹ alias ▹ beacon_command_register ▹ bupload_raw ▹ bpowerpick ▹ exec 90
  • 92. Lateral Movement ▸ Building out our alias commands with beacon_command_register ▹ remote_msbuild_script ▹ remote_msbuild_cmd 92
  • 99. Lateral Movement ▸ Let's run through the other alias command (remote_msbuild_cmd) and use similar code with minor differences 99
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  • 104. Reporting ▸ Reporting is part of every assessment and it should be done right ▹ What value are we if we can hack our customers but can’t convey what we did, risk remediations, etc? ▸ There are steps you can take to make reporting more efficient ▹ Develop approved finding language ▹ Develop reporting templates ▹ Automate generating commonly requested information 104
  • 105. Reporting ▸ Let’s tackle that last bullet point ▹ Automate generating commonly requested information ▸ What’s something that our customers ALWAYS ask? ▹ What computers were compromised? ▹ What accounts were compromised? ▸ Let’s create a report generating function which captures this information! 105 =20160219063637
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  • 109. Where to get this? ▸ We just covered a lot of different code ▸ Aggregate everything within a central repo ▹ This is not all our code ▹ It’s some of the scripts we use the most in one area ▸ Assessor ▹ Get all of the code here! 109
  • 110. ▸ Aggregate everything within a central repo ▹ This is not all our code ▹ It’s some of the scripts we use the most in one area ▸ sor ▹ Get all of the code here! @ChrisTruncer ▹ @ r3dQu1nn ▹ 110 Thanks!