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 Arrhythmias = loss of heart rhythm
 Occurs when the electrical impulses in the heart that
coordinate heartbeats don't function properly
 Causes the heart to beat too fast, too slow or
 Can be broadly grouped into bradyarrhythmias and
Normal conduction of the heart
 Sinoatrial node
 Atrioventricular node
 Bundle of His
 Purkinje fibers 3
Types of Arrhythmias
 Sinus bradycardia
 Sinoatrial (SA) block
 Sinus pause
 Sinus arrest (slow
junctional rhythm)
 Supraventricular Arrhythmias
Sinus tachycardia
Atrial flutter
Atrial fibrillation
Automatic (ectopic) atrial tachycardia
Multifocal atrial tachycardia
Junctional tachycardia
Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant
Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardias
 Ventricular Arrhythmias
Premature ventricular beats
Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular fibrillation
 3 basic mechanisms:
 enhanced or suppressed automaticity
• Due to
• Ischemia, scarring, electrolyte disturbances, medications, advancing
age, excess catecholamine activity
 triggered activity
• Attempt to depolarize before or after the cell is fully repolarized
• torsades de pointes- initiated by early after-depolarization
• ventricular arrhythmias caused by digitalis toxicity- delayed after-
 re-entry
• Most common
• Supraventricular and monomorphic ventricular tachycardia
Risk Factors
Coronary artery disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Excessive alcohol use
Drug abuse
Family history of heart disease
Advancing age
Certain medications, dietary
supplements and herbal remedies
Signs and symptoms
 Most common signs &
 Palpitation
 A slow heartbeat
 An irregular heartbeat
 Feeling pauses between
 More serious signs &
 Anxiety
 Weakness, dizziness, and
 Fainting or nearly fainting
 Sweating
 Shortness of breath
 Chest pain (angina)
 IA - lengthen APD (Action Potential Duration)- (longer QT
 Moderate slowing of phase 0 (medium Na blockade)
 used for supraventricular & ventricular arrhythmias
 Disopyramide, Quinidine, Procainamide
 IB - Shorten APD
 Minimal slowing of phase 0 (least Na blockade)
therefore shorter QT interval
Used primarily in ventricular arrhythmias
 Lidocaine, Mexiletene, Tocainide, Phenytoin
 IC - no effect APD
 Maximal slowing of phase 0 (greatest Na blockade)
 Effective for both ventricular & supraventricular
 ↓ AV nodal conduction
 ↑ PR interval & prolong AV nodal refractoriness
 In the SA node, they reduce automaticity
 Reduce adrenergic activity
 In the atria and ventricles, they reduce contractility
 reduce calcium entry (during fast and slow potentials) and
depress phase 4 depolarization (in slow potentials only)
 Propranolol, Esmolol, Metoprolol, Sotalol
 Prolong effective refractory period by prolonging
Action Potential
 ↑↑ Refractory Period with little or no effect on
conduction velocity & automaticity
 Amiodarone & Dronedarone (dAlso has sodium, calcium,
and B-blocking actions)
 Ibutilide & Dofetilide (pure Kr blockers)
 Sotalol (also B blocker)
 Bretylium
 Blocks cardiac calcium currents
 velocity of AV nodal conduction decreases,
•↑ PR interval
 increase refractory period
• esp. in Ca2+ dependent tissues (i.e. AV node)
• Antidysrhythmic benefits derive from suppressing AV
nodal conduction
 Verapamil, Diltiazem
Supraventricular arrhythmias
 Originate from above the bifurcation (branching) of the
bundle of His
 Include
 Atrial fibrilation
 Atrial flutter
 Paroxysmal sinus tachycardia
 Etopic atrial tachycardia
 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias (PSVT)
 Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are common
supraventricular tachycardias.
 Atrial fibrillation is characterized by extremely rapid (atrial
rate of 400–600 beats/min) and disorganized atrial
 Atrial flutter occurs less frequently than AF, This
arrhythmia is characterized by rapid (270 to 330 atrial
beats/min) but regular atrial activation.
 Causes/Etiology:
 Cardiac: atrial septal defect, Previous cardiac surgery,
HTN, Coronary arterial disease, cardiomyopathy, mitral
valve disease, Pericarditis
 Systemic: alcohol, CVA, chronic pulmonary disease,
electrolyte abnormalities, fever, hypothermia,
Hyperthyroidism, Sleep apnea, Alcohol abuse, Smoking,
Excessive caffeine consumption.
 Patients with AF are at risk for thrombotic stroke
 risk increases following restoration of normal sinus rhythm,
• or in patients with other comorbidities (HF, cardiomyopathy,
congenital heart disease, thyrotoxicosis)
 Pathophysiology: Predominant mechanism is reentry, usually
 ECG shows irregularly irregular supraventricular rhythm
with no discernible, consistent atrial activity (P waves);
ventricular response usually 120–180 beats/min.
Desired Outcomes
 Prevent thromboembolic complications.
Treatment (Desired Outcomes)
 Relieve symptoms
Slowing ventricular rate: (Digoxin, BBs, CCBs)
Restoring normal sinus rhythm
Chemical cardioconversion: (ibutilide, propafenone,
Electrical: (DCC) Hemodynamically unstable patients
 Preventing AF recurrences
Class IA, IC, III antiarrhythmic agents for maintenance of sinus
 Reduce risk of stroke
Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter
Acute Treatment
 with signs and/or symptoms of hemodynamic instability
(e.g., severe hypotension, angina, or pulmonary edema,
qualifies as a medical emergency
 DCC is indicated as first-line therapy in an attempt to
immediately restore sinus rhythm (without regard to the risk
of thromboembolism).
Acute Treatment
 If patients are hemodynamically stable, there is no
emergent need to restore sinus rhythm.
 Instead, the focus should be directed toward controlling
the patient’s ventricular rate.
 Achieving adequate ventricular rate control is a treatment
goal for all patients with AF.
Acute Treatment
 Initial therapy, drugs that slow conduction and ↑
refractoriness in the AV node (e.g., βBs,
nondihydropyridine CCBs, or digoxin).
 use of digoxin for achieving ventricular rate control,
especially in patients with normal LV systolic function
(left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] >40%) not
its relatively slow onset & its inability to control heart rate during
 digoxin , ineffective for controlling ventricular rate under
conditions of ↑ed sympathetic tone (i.e., surgery,
Acute Treatment
IV βBs (propranolol, metoprolol, esmolol),
diltiazem, or verapamil is preferred
a relatively quick onset and can effectively control the
ventricular rate at rest and during exercise.
 β- blockers are also effective for controlling ventricular rate
under conditions of increased sympathetic tone.
Acute Treatment
 Drug selection to control ventricular rate in the acute
setting should be primarily based on the patient’s LV
 In patients with normal LV function (LVEF >40%), IV
βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil is recommended as first-
line therapy
 If LVEF ≤40%, IV diltiazem or verapamil should be
avoided because of their potent negative inotropic
effects. 22
Acute Treatment
 If Exacerbation of HF symptoms, IV administration of
either digoxin or amiodarone should be used as first-
line therapy to achieve ventricular rate control.
 IV amiodarone can also be used in patients who are
refractory to or have C/Is to βBs, nondihydropyridine CCBs,
and digoxin
 But use of amiodarone for controlling ventricular rate may
also stimulate the conversion of AF to sinus rhythm, and
place the patient at risk for a thromboembolic event.
chronic management
 Because a rhythm control strategy does not confer any
advantage over a rate-control strategy in the management
of AF
 Now it remains acceptable to allow patients to remain in
AF, while being chronically treated with AV nodal-blocking
agents to achieve adequate ventricular rate control (e.g.,
HR <80 beats/min at rest and <100 beats/min during
chronic management
 The selection of an AV nodal-blocking agent to control ventricular
rate in the chronic setting primarily based on the patient’s LV
 normal LV function
 In patients with normal LV function (LVEF >40%), oral βBs,
diltiazem, or verapamil are preferred over digoxin because of
their relatively quick onset and maintained efficacy during
 When adequate ventricular rate control cannot be achieved with
one of these agents, the addition of digoxin may provide an
additive lowering of the heart rate.
chronic management
 LV dysfunction
 Verapamil and diltiazem should not be used (LVEF ≤40%).
 βBs (i.e., metoprolol, carvedilol, or bisoprolol) and digoxin are
preferred, as these agents are also concomitantly used to treat
chronic HF;
 if possible, βBs should be considered over digoxin in this situation
because of their survival benefits in patients with LV systolic
 If patients are having an episode of decompensated
HF, digoxin is preferred first-line therapy
 In those patients in whom it is decided to restore sinus
rhythm, one must consider that this very act (regardless of
whether an electrical or pharmacologic method is chosen)
places the patient at risk for a thromboembolic event.
 the return of sinus rhythm restores effective contraction in
the atria, which may dislodge poorly adherent thrombi.
 Administering antithrombotic therapy prior to cardioversion
not only prevents clot growth & formation of new thrombi
but also allows existing thrombi to become organized &
well-adherent to the atrial wall. 27
Indicated for
 CVA Prevention in Atrial fibrillation
 Preparation for atrial fibrillation cardioversion
Atrial fibrillation < 48 hours
Consider Heparin (UFH, lMWH) while considering cardioversion
Consider early atrial fibrillation cardioversion
Atrial fibrillation >48 hours
Warfarin – 3 weeks before cardioversion
Consider atrial fibrillation cardioversion
Continue warfarin for 4 weeks after cardioversion
 Dosing
 Target INR 2-3
 Tight INR control is important
INR 1.5-1.9 with 2 fold risk of severe CVA
INR 1.5-1.9 with 3 fold risk of mortality
 patients become at ↑ed risk of thrombus formation and a
subsequent embolic event particularly if duration of AF
exceeds 48 hours.
 patients with AF for longer than 48 hours or an unknown
duration should receive warfarin (target INR 2.5; range: 2.0
to 3.0) for at least 3 weeks prior to cardioversion.
 After restoration of sinus rhythm, full atrial contraction
returns gradually to a maximum contractile force over a 3-
to 4-week period.
 warfarin continued for at least 4 weeks after effective
cardioversion and return of sinus rhythm 29
chronic management
 methods of restoring sinus rhythm in patients with AF or
atrial flutter:
pharmacologic cardioversion and
 DCC.
 The disadvantages of pharmacologic cardioversion are the
risk of significant side effects
the inconvenience of drug–drug interactions (e.g.,
digoxin–amiodarone), and
drugs are generally less effective when compared to
 The advantages of DCC are that it is quick and more often
chronic management
 Pharmacologic cardioversion appears to be most effective
when initiated within 7 days after the onset of AF
 Single, oral loading doses of propafenone (600 mg) or
flecainide (300 mg) are effective for conversion of
recent onset AF and provide a simple regimen.
 A method called the “pill-in- the-pocket” approach was
recently endorsed by the treatment guidelines.
 In patients with AF that is longer than 7 days in duration,
only dofetilide, amiodarone, and ibutilide have proven
efficacy for cardioversion.
chronic management
 Selection of an antiarrhythmic drug should be based on whether the
patient has structural heart disease (SHD) (e.g., LV dysfunction,
coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, LV hypertrophy)
 In the absence of any structural heart disease, the use of a single,
oral loading dose of flecainide or propafenone is a reasonable
approach for cardioversion
 In patients with underlying SHD, these antiarrhythmics should be
avoided , and amiodarone or dofetilide should be used instead.
 amiodarone can be administered safely on an outpatient basis
because of its low proarrhythmic potential, dofetilide can only be
initiated in the hospital.
TABLE Guidelines for Selecting AADs for Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm
in Patients with Recurrent Paroxysmal (Persistent) AF
No structural heart disease
 1st line: flecainide, propafenone, or sotalol
 2nd line: amiodarone, dofetilide, or dronedarone (catheter ablation be
considered as alternative to AAD)
Heart failure
 1st line: amiodarone or dofetilide
 2nd line: catheter ablation
Coronary artery diseasea
 1st line: sotalol (to be used only if patients have normal LV systolic
 2nd line: amiodarone, dofetilide, or dronedaroneb (catheter ablation
alternative to AAD)
 Presence of significant LVH: 1st line: amiodarone; 2nd line: catheter
 Absence of significant LVH:
Fig 1. Algorithm for tt of atrial fibrillation (AF) & atrial
Chronic antithrombotic therapy
 Chronic antithrombotic therapy recommendations based on
stroke risk (Fig. 2).
 High risk (chA2DS2-VASc score ≥2): warfarin (INR 2–
3), apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, or rivaroxaban.
 Intermediate risk (chA2DS2-VASc score of 1): oral
anticoagulant (warfarin [INR target range 2–3], apixaban,
dabigatran, edoxaban, or rivaroxaban), aspirin 75–325
mg/day, or no antithrombotic therapy.
 Low risk (chA2DS2-VASc score of 0): no antithrombotic
Stroke risk stratification in AF patients
Fig 2. Algorithm for prevention of thromboembolism in

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  • 2. Definition  Arrhythmias = loss of heart rhythm  Occurs when the electrical impulses in the heart that coordinate heartbeats don't function properly  Causes the heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly  Can be broadly grouped into bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias. 2
  • 3. Normal conduction of the heart  Sinoatrial node  Atrioventricular node  Bundle of His  Purkinje fibers 3
  • 4. Types of Arrhythmias BRADYARRHYTHMIA S (<60bpm)  Sinus bradycardia  Sinoatrial (SA) block  Sinus pause  Sinus arrest (slow junctional rhythm) TACHYARRYTHMIAS (>100bpm)  Supraventricular Arrhythmias Sinus tachycardia Atrial flutter Atrial fibrillation Automatic (ectopic) atrial tachycardia Multifocal atrial tachycardia Junctional tachycardia Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardias Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardias  Ventricular Arrhythmias Premature ventricular beats Ventricular tachycardia Ventricular fibrillation 4
  • 5. Pathogenesis  3 basic mechanisms:  enhanced or suppressed automaticity • Due to • Ischemia, scarring, electrolyte disturbances, medications, advancing age, excess catecholamine activity  triggered activity • Attempt to depolarize before or after the cell is fully repolarized • torsades de pointes- initiated by early after-depolarization • ventricular arrhythmias caused by digitalis toxicity- delayed after- depolarization  re-entry • Most common • Supraventricular and monomorphic ventricular tachycardia 5
  • 6. Risk Factors Coronary artery disease High blood pressure Diabetes Smoking High cholesterol Obesity Excessive alcohol use Drug abuse Stress Family history of heart disease Advancing age Certain medications, dietary supplements and herbal remedies 6
  • 7. Signs and symptoms  Most common signs & symptoms:  Palpitation  A slow heartbeat  An irregular heartbeat  Feeling pauses between heartbeats  More serious signs & symptoms:  Anxiety  Weakness, dizziness, and lightheadedness  Fainting or nearly fainting  Sweating  Shortness of breath  Chest pain (angina) 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. CLASS I: SODIUM CHANNEL BLOCKING DRUGS  IA - lengthen APD (Action Potential Duration)- (longer QT interval)  Moderate slowing of phase 0 (medium Na blockade)  used for supraventricular & ventricular arrhythmias  Disopyramide, Quinidine, Procainamide  IB - Shorten APD  Minimal slowing of phase 0 (least Na blockade) therefore shorter QT interval Used primarily in ventricular arrhythmias  Lidocaine, Mexiletene, Tocainide, Phenytoin  IC - no effect APD  Maximal slowing of phase 0 (greatest Na blockade)  Effective for both ventricular & supraventricular 9
  • 10. CLASS II: BETA-BLOCKING AGENTS  ↓ AV nodal conduction  ↑ PR interval & prolong AV nodal refractoriness  In the SA node, they reduce automaticity  Reduce adrenergic activity  In the atria and ventricles, they reduce contractility  reduce calcium entry (during fast and slow potentials) and depress phase 4 depolarization (in slow potentials only)  Propranolol, Esmolol, Metoprolol, Sotalol 10
  • 11. CLASS III: POTASSIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS  Prolong effective refractory period by prolonging Action Potential  ↑↑ Refractory Period with little or no effect on conduction velocity & automaticity  Amiodarone & Dronedarone (dAlso has sodium, calcium, and B-blocking actions)  Ibutilide & Dofetilide (pure Kr blockers)  Sotalol (also B blocker)  Bretylium 11
  • 12. CLASS IV: CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS  Blocks cardiac calcium currents  velocity of AV nodal conduction decreases, •↑ PR interval  increase refractory period • esp. in Ca2+ dependent tissues (i.e. AV node) • Antidysrhythmic benefits derive from suppressing AV nodal conduction  Verapamil, Diltiazem 12
  • 13. Supraventricular arrhythmias  Originate from above the bifurcation (branching) of the bundle of His  Include  Atrial fibrilation  Atrial flutter  Paroxysmal sinus tachycardia  Etopic atrial tachycardia  Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias (PSVT)
  • 14. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER  Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are common supraventricular tachycardias.  Atrial fibrillation is characterized by extremely rapid (atrial rate of 400–600 beats/min) and disorganized atrial activation  Atrial flutter occurs less frequently than AF, This arrhythmia is characterized by rapid (270 to 330 atrial beats/min) but regular atrial activation. 14
  • 15. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION/FLUTTER  Causes/Etiology:  Cardiac: atrial septal defect, Previous cardiac surgery, HTN, Coronary arterial disease, cardiomyopathy, mitral valve disease, Pericarditis  Systemic: alcohol, CVA, chronic pulmonary disease, electrolyte abnormalities, fever, hypothermia, Hyperthyroidism, Sleep apnea, Alcohol abuse, Smoking, Excessive caffeine consumption.  Patients with AF are at risk for thrombotic stroke  risk increases following restoration of normal sinus rhythm, • or in patients with other comorbidities (HF, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease, thyrotoxicosis)  Pathophysiology: Predominant mechanism is reentry, usually
  • 16. Diagnosis  ECG shows irregularly irregular supraventricular rhythm with no discernible, consistent atrial activity (P waves); ventricular response usually 120–180 beats/min. Desired Outcomes  Prevent thromboembolic complications. 16
  • 17. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION/FLUTTER Management Treatment (Desired Outcomes)  Relieve symptoms Slowing ventricular rate: (Digoxin, BBs, CCBs) Restoring normal sinus rhythm Chemical cardioconversion: (ibutilide, propafenone, flecainide) Electrical: (DCC) Hemodynamically unstable patients  Preventing AF recurrences Class IA, IC, III antiarrhythmic agents for maintenance of sinus rhythm  Reduce risk of stroke
  • 18. Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter Acute Treatment  with signs and/or symptoms of hemodynamic instability (e.g., severe hypotension, angina, or pulmonary edema, qualifies as a medical emergency  DCC is indicated as first-line therapy in an attempt to immediately restore sinus rhythm (without regard to the risk of thromboembolism). 18
  • 19. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER Acute Treatment  If patients are hemodynamically stable, there is no emergent need to restore sinus rhythm.  Instead, the focus should be directed toward controlling the patient’s ventricular rate.  Achieving adequate ventricular rate control is a treatment goal for all patients with AF. 19
  • 20. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER Acute Treatment  Initial therapy, drugs that slow conduction and ↑ refractoriness in the AV node (e.g., βBs, nondihydropyridine CCBs, or digoxin).  use of digoxin for achieving ventricular rate control, especially in patients with normal LV systolic function (left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] >40%) not recommended. its relatively slow onset & its inability to control heart rate during exercise.  digoxin , ineffective for controlling ventricular rate under conditions of ↑ed sympathetic tone (i.e., surgery, thyrotoxicosis) 20
  • 21. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER Acute Treatment IV βBs (propranolol, metoprolol, esmolol), diltiazem, or verapamil is preferred a relatively quick onset and can effectively control the ventricular rate at rest and during exercise.  β- blockers are also effective for controlling ventricular rate under conditions of increased sympathetic tone. 21
  • 22. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER Acute Treatment  Drug selection to control ventricular rate in the acute setting should be primarily based on the patient’s LV function.  In patients with normal LV function (LVEF >40%), IV βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil is recommended as first- line therapy  If LVEF ≤40%, IV diltiazem or verapamil should be avoided because of their potent negative inotropic effects. 22
  • 23. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER Acute Treatment  If Exacerbation of HF symptoms, IV administration of either digoxin or amiodarone should be used as first- line therapy to achieve ventricular rate control.  IV amiodarone can also be used in patients who are refractory to or have C/Is to βBs, nondihydropyridine CCBs, and digoxin  But use of amiodarone for controlling ventricular rate may also stimulate the conversion of AF to sinus rhythm, and place the patient at risk for a thromboembolic event. 23
  • 24. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management  Because a rhythm control strategy does not confer any advantage over a rate-control strategy in the management of AF  Now it remains acceptable to allow patients to remain in AF, while being chronically treated with AV nodal-blocking agents to achieve adequate ventricular rate control (e.g., HR <80 beats/min at rest and <100 beats/min during exercise). 24
  • 25. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management  The selection of an AV nodal-blocking agent to control ventricular rate in the chronic setting primarily based on the patient’s LV function.  normal LV function  In patients with normal LV function (LVEF >40%), oral βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil are preferred over digoxin because of their relatively quick onset and maintained efficacy during exercise.  When adequate ventricular rate control cannot be achieved with one of these agents, the addition of digoxin may provide an additive lowering of the heart rate. 25
  • 26. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management  LV dysfunction  Verapamil and diltiazem should not be used (LVEF ≤40%).  βBs (i.e., metoprolol, carvedilol, or bisoprolol) and digoxin are preferred, as these agents are also concomitantly used to treat chronic HF;  if possible, βBs should be considered over digoxin in this situation because of their survival benefits in patients with LV systolic dysfunction.  If patients are having an episode of decompensated HF, digoxin is preferred first-line therapy 26
  • 27. AF……ANTICOAGULATION  In those patients in whom it is decided to restore sinus rhythm, one must consider that this very act (regardless of whether an electrical or pharmacologic method is chosen) places the patient at risk for a thromboembolic event.  the return of sinus rhythm restores effective contraction in the atria, which may dislodge poorly adherent thrombi.  Administering antithrombotic therapy prior to cardioversion not only prevents clot growth & formation of new thrombi but also allows existing thrombi to become organized & well-adherent to the atrial wall. 27
  • 28. AF…..ANTICOAGULATION THERAPY Indicated for  CVA Prevention in Atrial fibrillation  Preparation for atrial fibrillation cardioversion Atrial fibrillation < 48 hours Consider Heparin (UFH, lMWH) while considering cardioversion Consider early atrial fibrillation cardioversion Atrial fibrillation >48 hours Warfarin – 3 weeks before cardioversion Consider atrial fibrillation cardioversion Continue warfarin for 4 weeks after cardioversion  Dosing  Target INR 2-3  Tight INR control is important INR 1.5-1.9 with 2 fold risk of severe CVA INR 1.5-1.9 with 3 fold risk of mortality
  • 29. AF……ANTICOAGULATION  patients become at ↑ed risk of thrombus formation and a subsequent embolic event particularly if duration of AF exceeds 48 hours.  patients with AF for longer than 48 hours or an unknown duration should receive warfarin (target INR 2.5; range: 2.0 to 3.0) for at least 3 weeks prior to cardioversion.  After restoration of sinus rhythm, full atrial contraction returns gradually to a maximum contractile force over a 3- to 4-week period.  warfarin continued for at least 4 weeks after effective cardioversion and return of sinus rhythm 29
  • 30. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management  methods of restoring sinus rhythm in patients with AF or atrial flutter: pharmacologic cardioversion and  DCC.  The disadvantages of pharmacologic cardioversion are the risk of significant side effects the inconvenience of drug–drug interactions (e.g., digoxin–amiodarone), and drugs are generally less effective when compared to DCC.  The advantages of DCC are that it is quick and more often 30
  • 31. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management  Pharmacologic cardioversion appears to be most effective when initiated within 7 days after the onset of AF  Single, oral loading doses of propafenone (600 mg) or flecainide (300 mg) are effective for conversion of recent onset AF and provide a simple regimen.  A method called the “pill-in- the-pocket” approach was recently endorsed by the treatment guidelines.  In patients with AF that is longer than 7 days in duration, only dofetilide, amiodarone, and ibutilide have proven efficacy for cardioversion. 31
  • 32. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management  Selection of an antiarrhythmic drug should be based on whether the patient has structural heart disease (SHD) (e.g., LV dysfunction, coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, LV hypertrophy)  In the absence of any structural heart disease, the use of a single, oral loading dose of flecainide or propafenone is a reasonable approach for cardioversion  In patients with underlying SHD, these antiarrhythmics should be avoided , and amiodarone or dofetilide should be used instead.  amiodarone can be administered safely on an outpatient basis because of its low proarrhythmic potential, dofetilide can only be initiated in the hospital. 32
  • 33. TABLE Guidelines for Selecting AADs for Maintenance of Sinus Rhythm in Patients with Recurrent Paroxysmal (Persistent) AF No structural heart disease  1st line: flecainide, propafenone, or sotalol  2nd line: amiodarone, dofetilide, or dronedarone (catheter ablation be considered as alternative to AAD) Heart failure  1st line: amiodarone or dofetilide  2nd line: catheter ablation Coronary artery diseasea  1st line: sotalol (to be used only if patients have normal LV systolic function)  2nd line: amiodarone, dofetilide, or dronedaroneb (catheter ablation alternative to AAD) Hypertension  Presence of significant LVH: 1st line: amiodarone; 2nd line: catheter ablation  Absence of significant LVH:
  • 34. 34 Fig 1. Algorithm for tt of atrial fibrillation (AF) & atrial flutter.
  • 35. Chronic antithrombotic therapy  Chronic antithrombotic therapy recommendations based on stroke risk (Fig. 2).  High risk (chA2DS2-VASc score ≥2): warfarin (INR 2– 3), apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, or rivaroxaban.  Intermediate risk (chA2DS2-VASc score of 1): oral anticoagulant (warfarin [INR target range 2–3], apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban, or rivaroxaban), aspirin 75–325 mg/day, or no antithrombotic therapy.  Low risk (chA2DS2-VASc score of 0): no antithrombotic therapy. 35
  • 36. Stroke risk stratification in AF patients 36
  • 37. Fig 2. Algorithm for prevention of thromboembolism in AF 37

Editor's Notes

  1. The normal electrical conduction of the heart allows electrical propagation to be transmitted from the Sinoatrial Node through both atria and forward to the Atrioventricular Node. 3The impulses then enter the base of the ventricle at the Bundle of His and then follow the left and right bundle branches along the interventricular septum.  These specialized fibers conduct the impulses at a very rapid velocity (about 2 m/sec).  The bundle branches then divide into an extensive system of Purkinje fibers that conduct the impulses at high velocity (about 4 m/sec)
  2. Class IC (moricizine, flecainide, encainide)
  3. β-Adrenergic blocking agents (acebutolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol, metoprolol, nadolol, pindolol, propranolol)
  4. Prolong action potential duration by increasing repolarization and refractoriness (amiodarone, sotalol, bretylium, dofetilide, azimilide, ibutilide)
  5. Supraventricular arrhythmias PSVT: Is reentry to Av node and HR 180-200bpm Mgt: Valsalva maneuver, DCC if hemodynamic instability Pharmacologic: that slow conduction & ↑refractoriness: Adenosine=DOC, CCBs, BBs or digoxin occasionally IA & IC WPWS: excitation of ventricle before regular impulse arrival via AV node Non cologic Mgt: Radiofrequency catheter ablation Pharmacologic mgt: drugs that slow AV conduction and ↑ refractory period: Class I agent s but IB is least effective ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER At. Flatter 270 to 330 atrial beats/min but regular atrial activation. At. Fibr 400 to 600 atrial beats/min with disorganized atrial activation. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER Acute Treatment Hemodynamically unstable-medical emergency: restore sinus rhythm is the goal …. DCC Hemodynamically stable: controlling ventricular rate is the goal…. drugs that slow conduction and ↑ refractoriness in AV node (BBs, NDP CCBs, Digoxine, Amiodareone) Normal EF: βBs, NDP CCBs first line LVD: BBs preferred Exacerbation of HF symptoms: Digoxin, Amiodareone (Thromboembolic risk) preferred ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management Rate-control strategy: AV nodal-blocking agents (BBs, CCBs, Digoxin) normal LV function: βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil or βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil + digoxin LV dysfunction: βBs >digoxin (Avoid CCBs) If episode of decompensated HF: Digoxin preferred Rhythm control strategy methods of restoring sinus rhythm in patients with AF or atrial flutter: is cardioversion pharmacologic cardioversion () within 7 days and/or no SHD: Single, oral loading doses of propafenone (600 mg) or flecainide (300 mg) After 7 days and/or has SHD: dofetilide and amiodarone, DCC Sinus rhythm restoration (both of electrical or pharmacologic) places the patient at risk for a thromboembolic event……antithrombotic therapy prior to cardioversion mandatory Atrial fibrillation < 48 hours, Consider Heparin for 24 hrs then …. considering early AF cardioversion Atrial fibrillation >48 hours (↑ risk & prolonged risk of clot): Warfarin – 3 weeks before cardioversion…Consider AF cardioversion….Continue warfarin for 4 weeks after cardioversion CVA prevention with anticoagulant in AF is also indicated
  6. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER Acute Treatment Hemodynamically unstable-medical emergency: restore sinus rhythm is the goal …. DCC Hemodynamically stable: controlling ventricular rate is the goal…. drugs that slow conduction and ↑ refractoriness in AV node (BBs, NDP CCBs, Digoxine, Amiodareone) Normal EF: βBs, NDP CCBs first line LVD: BBs preferred Exacerbation of HF symptoms: Digoxin, Amiodareone (Thromboembolic risk) preferred ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management Rate-control strategy: AV nodal-blocking agents (BBs, CCBs, Digoxin) normal LV function: βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil or βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil + digoxin LV dysfunction: βBs >digoxin (Avoid CCBs) If episode of decompensated HF: Digoxin preferred Rhythm control strategy methods of restoring sinus rhythm in patients with AF or atrial flutter: is cardioversion pharmacologic cardioversion () within 7 days and/or no SHD: Single, oral loading doses of propafenone (600 mg) or flecainide (300 mg) After 7 days and/or has SHD: dofetilide and amiodarone, DCC AF for >48 hours…. warfarin for at least 3 weeks prior ……. Cardioversion ……warfarin continued for at least 4 weeks after
  7. CREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT = CVA. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Predominant mechanism is reentry, usually associated with organic heart disease causing atrial distention (eg, ischemia or infarction, hypertensive heart disease, valvular disorders).
  8. There are two methods of restoring SR in patients with AF or atrial flutter: pharmacologic cardioversion and DCC. The decision to use either of these methods is generally a matter of clinical preference. The disadvantages of pharmacologic cardioversion are the risk of significant side effects (e.g., drug-induced TdP),32 the potential for drug–drug interactions (e.g., digoxin–amiodarone), and the lower efficacy of AADs when compared with DCC. The advantages of DCC are that it is quick and more often successful (80% to 90% success rate). The disadvantages of DCC are the need for prior sedation/anesthesia and a risk (albeit small) of serious complications such as sinus arrest or ventricular arrhythmias. Contrary to past beliefs, DCC carries very little risk in patients who are receiving digoxin and have no evidence of digoxin toxicity
  9. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER Acute Treatment Hemodynamically unstable-medical emergency: restore sinus rhythm is the goal …. DCC Hemodynamically stable: controlling ventricular rate is the goal…. drugs that slow conduction and ↑ refractoriness in AV node (BBs, NDP CCBs, Digoxine, Amiodareone) Normal EF: βBs, NDP CCBs first line LVD: BBs preferred Exacerbation of HF symptoms: Digoxin, Amiodareone (Thromboembolic risk) preferred ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management Rate-control strategy: AV nodal-blocking agents (BBs, CCBs, Digoxin) normal LV function: βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil or βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil + digoxin LV dysfunction: βBs >digoxin (Avoid CCBs) If episode of decompensated HF: Digoxin preferred Rhythm control strategy methods of restoring sinus rhythm in patients with AF or atrial flutter: is cardioversion pharmacologic cardioversion () within 7 days and/or no SHD: Single, oral loading doses of propafenone (600 mg) or flecainide (300 mg) After 7 days and/or has SHD: dofetilide and amiodarone, DCC AF for >48 hours…. warfarin for at least 3 weeks prior ……. Cardioversion ……warfarin continued for at least 4 weeks after
  10. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION AND ATRIAL FLUTTER chronic management Rate-control strategy: AV nodal-blocking agents (BBs, CCBs, Digoxin) normal LV function: βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil or βBs, diltiazem, or verapamil + digoxin LV dysfunction: βBs >digoxin (Avoid CCBs) If episode of decompensated HF: Digoxin preferred Rhythm control strategy methods of restoring sinus rhythm in patients with AF or atrial flutter: is cardioversion pharmacologic cardioversion () within 7 days and/or no SHD: Single, oral loading doses of propafenone (600 mg) or flecainide (300 mg) After 7 days and/or has SHD: dofetilide and amiodarone, DCC AF for >48 hours…. warfarin for at least 3 weeks prior ……. Cardioversion ……warfarin continued for at least 4 weeks after
  11. aIf AF is less than 48 hours in duration, anticoagulation prior to cardioversion is unnecessary; initiate anticoagulation with unfractionated heparin, a low-molecular-weight heparin, apixaban, dabigatran, or rivaroxaban as soon as possible either before or after cardioversion for patients at high risk for stroke (this anticoagulant regimen or no antithrombotic therapy may be considered in low-risk patients). bAblation may be considered for patients who fail or do not tolerate at least 1 AAD or as first-line therapy (before AAD therapy) for select patients with recurrent symptomatic paroxysmal AF. cChronic antithrombotic therapy should be considered in all patients with AF and risk factors for stroke regardless of whether or not they remain in sinus rhythm. (AAD, antiarrhythmic drug; AF, atrial fibrillation; AFl, atrial utter; BB, β-blocker; CCB, calcium channel blocker [ie, verapamil or diltiazem]; DCC, direct current cardioversion; TEE, transesophageal echocardiogram.)
  12. CVA Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation Preparation for Atrial Fibrillation Cardioversion Atrial Fibrillation longer than 48 hours Cardioversion without Anticoagulation risks embolus Protocol: Anticoagulation for Cardioversion Protocol Assumes Atrial Fibrillation >48 hours or unknown See Atrial Fibrillation Acute Management for <48 hour Delayed cardioversion Anticoagulation on Coumadin for 3 weeks Atrial Fibrillation Cardioversion Anticoagulation on Coumadin for 4 more weeks Early cardioversion Intravenous Heparin for 24 hours Transesophageal Echocardiogram excludes atrial clot Atrial Fibrillation Cardioversion Anticoagulation on Coumadin for 4 more weeks Atrial Fibrillation Cardioversion to sinus rhythm Atrial Fibrillation less than 48 hours Consider Heparin while considering cardioversion Consider early Atrial Fibrillation Cardioversion Atrial Fibrillation more than 48 hours Coumadin for 3 weeks before cardioversion Consider Atrial Fibrillation Cardioversion Continue Coumadin for 4 weeks after cardioversion See Atrial Fibrillation Anticoagulation Early cardioversion ok if cleared with TEE first See Atrial Fibrillation Anticoagulation
  13. direct-current cardioversion [DCC]
  14. bDronedarone should only be used in this situation if the patient has normal LV systolic function.
  15. Emerging Anti-Xa Inhibitors The introduction of LMWH and fondaparinux transformed the initial treatment of VTE from a purely inpatient endeavor to one where the majority of patients can be treated as outpatients. However, the need for daily subcutaneous injections is a significant barrier for some patients.39 Warfarin therapy poses even greater challenges as discussed previously and the required monitoring is labor intensive and stressful for patients and anticoagulation providers.40 These shortcomings in available anticoagulants have driven the search for replacements with rapid onset of effect that can be administered orally without the need for anticoagulant monitoring. Two such agents that target factor Xa, rivaroxaban and apixaban are in advanced stages of clinical development. Rivaroxaban has been approved in Europe and Canada for prevention of VTE following orthopedic surgery.40 Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics Rivaroxaban and apixaban are potent and selective inhibitors of factor Xa that do not require antithrombin to exert their anticoagulant effect.39 Both drugs have good oral bioavailability (80% and 50% for rivaroxaban and abixaban, respectively) and reach peak plasma concentrations in about 3 hours.39 The terminal half-life of rivaroxaban is 5 to 9 hours and 9 to 14 hours for abixaban.39 Both drugs are excreted in the urine and feces and are metabolized by CYP 3A4 (among others) and CYP-independent mechanisms.39 Inhibitors of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein may increase plasma concentrations of either drug.40 Monitoring Rivaroxaban and abixaban prolong the PT and the aPTT. For rivaroxaban, the effect on PT and aPTT is short-lived and only appreciable at peak concentrations. Apixiban's effect on PT and aPTT is minimal at therapeutic concentrations. Both drugs can be monitored using factor Xa inhibition assay; however, clinical trials have demonstrated that routine coagulation monitoring is unnecessary for either. Oral Direct Thrombin Inhibitors Recent progress has also been made in the development of oral DTIs. These agents appear promising and offer various advantages such as oral administration, predictable pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, a broader therapeutic window, no need for routine laboratory monitoring, no significant drug interactions, and fixed dose administration without the need of dosing adjustments.42 Several of these compounds are being investigated with dabigatran etexilate being in most advanced phases of clinical development. A previous oral DTI (ximelagatran) was denied FDA approval because of concerns of drug-induced liver toxicity. Dabigatran is being investigated in the prevention and treatment of venous thrombosis and for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation. Available data suggest that dabigatran is at least as effective and safe as LMWH in the prevention of VTE after major orthopedic surgery and at least as effective and safe as warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation.51,52 Dabigatran has been approved in Canada and Europe for VTE prevention after hip and knee replacement surgery, but it is not yet approved by the FDA. Dabigatran shows promise as an effective and convenient oral anticoagulant. The first safe, oral DTI to make it to the U.S. market has the potential to revolutionize the provision of antithrombotic therapy.