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Play Framework Nul ne sait qui nous sommes
Mélanie 2 janvier 2017
Kévin 4 décembre 2017
Développeurs Back-End
Play Framework Shh .. we have a plan !
La philosophie, le créateur, l’histoire
La structure d'un projet
Les configurations
Le cheminement d’une requête HTTP
Le routing
Les contrôleurs
La couche DAO avec Slick
Les tests
+ Bonus Où retrouve-t-on les
éléments du langage fonctionnel
chers à nos 💓 ?
Option / Either / Future
Play Framework Révisons sinon c’est la session 2
● Option
● Either
● Future
Some[T] None
Either[A, B]
Left[A, B] Right[A, B]
Play Framework
open source → applications web en Java ou en Scala
Play Framework C’est quoi les bails ?
2007: Guillaume Bort (Zengularity SA → Fabernovel Technologies)
Play 1.0: Mai 2008 - Octobre 2009
Play 2.0: Fin 2011 - Mars 2012 (+Sadek Drobi)
Play 2.5: Mars 2016 - Akka Streams
Play 2.6: 23 Juin 2017 - Akka HTTP serveur backend par défaut + Scala 2.12 [...]
Stateless Scala I/O asynchrones
Play Framework Family Tree
Play Framework Les configurations
● Outil de build
● Ajout des librairies, configuration version Scala/SBT, ajout de tâches
> run
> compile
> test
> test-only maClasseDeTesterCestDouter.scala
> testQuick <mesTestsUnitairesTasVu>
> doc
Play Framework Les configurations
import Dependencies._
name := """poc-play"""
organization := "com.mrgueritte"
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
scalaVersion := "2.12.6"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-slick-evolutions"
% "3.0.3"
resolvers += Repositories.sonatypeOss
Play Framework Les configurations
● Paramétrage divers : BD, Filtres, Taille buffers ...
● Format clé-valeur, HOCON
● Système héritage application.conf -> production.conf
● Injecté automatiquement dans le paramétrage de Play
● Possibilité de le charger en custom
Play Framework Les configurations
# Database configuration
# ~~~~~
include "db.conf"
# Evolutions
# ~~~~~
# Authentication
# ~~~~~ = false
Play Framework Workflow
Route Action Service DAO DB
HTTP Response
HTTP Request
Contrôleurs Services
Play Framework Painless HTTP Routing
Route = HTTP Verb + URI → Controller Method
# Routes
# This files defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~
GET /api/cat/:id controllers.CatsController.get(id: CatId)
-> / order.Routes
-> / owner.Routes
Play Framework Les routeurs exemples
GET /clients/:id Long)
GET /api/list-all controllers.Api.list(version: Option[String])
GET /items/$id<[0-9]+> Long)
GET / = "home")
GET /:page
GET /clients controllers.Clients.list(page: Int ?= 1)
GET /api/cat/:id controllers.CatsController.get(id: CatId) ?
Play Framework Painless HTTP Routing
case class CatId(id: UUID)
Play Framework Router Tunning Custom
/build.sbt routesImport ++= "utils.RoutesParser._" :: "utils.CatId" :: Nil
object RoutesParser {
implicit object parameterBindableCatId extends PathBindable[CatId] {
override def bind(key: String, catIdStr: String): Either[String, CatId] = {
Try(CatId(UUID.fromString(catIdStr))) match {
case Success(catId) => Right(catId)
case Failure(e) => Left(s"Cannot parse parameter $key as CatId: $e")
override def unbind(key: String, catId: CatId): String =
Exemple d’UUID: 89a7df10-284f-415c-b52a-427acf4c31ae
Play Framework Workflow
Route Action Service DAO DB
HTTP Response
HTTP Request
Contrôleurs Services
Play Framework Dans les contrôleurs y a de l’action
play.api.mvc.Request =>
val echo = Action { request =>
Ok(s"Got request [$request]")
Play Framework Dans les contrôleurs y a de l’action
Action { Ok("Hello world") }
def hello(name: String) = Action {
Ok("Hello " + name)
def echo = Action { request =>
Ok("Got request [" + request + "]")
def createHouse() = Action(parse.json[House]) {request =>
Play Framework Dans les contrôleurs y a de l’action
def createHouseAsync = Action().async { request =>
for {
design <- getPlans()
wood <- getMaterial()
} yield Ok(Json.obj("House plans" -> design, "material" -> wood))
Play Framework Authentification
Support pour OAuth2
def list() = OrganizationMember(READ)("cats.list").async { implicit request =>
=> Future[Result]
Play Framework Les resultats c’est pas du bois
Ok("Hello World!")
→ Content-Type header to text/plain
Ok(<message>Hello World!</message>)
→ application/xml
Ok(<h1>Hello World!</h1>)
→ application/html
Ok(Json.obj(”foo” -> “bar”)) -> application/json
val result = Ok("Hello World!").withHeaders(
CACHE_CONTROL -> "max-age=3600",
ETAG -> "xx")
Play Framework Les resultats c’est pas du bois
Play Framework Workflow
Route Action Service DAO DB
HTTP Response
HTTP Request
Contrôleurs Services
Play Framework & Slick
Play Framework Les configurations de Slick
val slick = "” %% "play-slick" % Version.slickVersion
val slickEvolution = "" %% "play-slick-evolutions" % Version.slickVersion
slick.dbs.default.profile = "slick.jdbc.H2Profile$"
slick.dbs.default.db.driver = "org.h2.Driver"
slick.dbs.default.db.url = "jdbc:h2:mem:play;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false"
slick.dbs.default.profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$"
slick.dbs.default.db.user = "user"
slick.dbs.default.db.password = "pswd"
Play Framework Les schémas
object Schemas extends EntityMappers {
class Cats(tag: Tag) extends Table[Cat](tag, "cats") {
def catId = column[CatId]("id")
def name = column[String]("name")
def pedigreeId = column[PedigreeId]("pedigree_id")
def gender = column[Gender]("gender")
def owner = column[Option[OwnerId]]("owner_id")
def dateOfBirth = column[Date]("date_of_birth")
def dateOfDeath = column[Option[Date]]("date_of_death")
override def * =
(catId, name, pedigreeId, gender, owner, dateOfBirth, dateOfDeath) <> (Cat.tupled, Cat.unapply)
val cats = TableQuery[Cats]
Play Framework Les requêtes : “tout est
collection”> SELECT * FROM cats WHERE id = ?
override def getById(id: CatId): DBIO[Option[Cat]] = Schemas.cats.filter( === id).headOption
> INSERT INTO cats VALUES (?,?,? …)
override def create(cat: Cat): DBIO[Unit] = Schemas.cats += cat
> SELECT c.* FROM pedigrees p JOIN cat c ON c.pedigreeId = WHERE = ?
override def getByPedigreeName(name: String): DBIO[Seq[Cat]] = {
for {
cat <- Schemas.cats
pedigree <- Schemas.pedigrees
if === cat.pedigreeId && pedigree.pedigree === name
} yield cat
Play Framework Les DBIO
override def getByPedigreeName(name: String): Future[Seq[Cat]] = {
val transaction = (for {
cat <- catsDAO.getByPedigreeName(name)
_ <- DBIO.seq( => catsDAO.delete(c.catId)): _*)
} yield cat).transactionally
> Les compositions de requêtes & les transactions
Play Framework Les évolutions
● Situé dans le dossier /conf/evolutions/<dbName>/
● Chaque script est composé de deux parties :
○ Ups! : SQL d’évolution de la BD (INSERT, CREATE …)
○ Downs! : Retour arrière de l’évolution (DROP, ALTER …)
● Une table `play_evolutions` est créée sur la DB => versionnage
# --- !Ups
CREATE TABLE pedigrees(
# --- !Downs
DROP TABLE owners;
DROP TABLE pedigrees;
Play Framework Les évolutions, “j’ai tout casséhéhé”
● Modification du script en question
● Marquer le script comme résolu => Application du `!Downs` puis du `!Ups`
Play Framework Injections de dépendances
● Guice est embarqué => utilisation à spécifier build.sbt
● Auto-gestion des dépendances avec @Inject() (java !)
● Runtime
“Use another compile time dependency injection!”
Play Framework Injections de dépendances
● Point entrée unique facilement customisable => `application.conf`
● Chargement de toutes les “parties” de l’application => `Components`
class PocPlayApplicationLoader extends ApplicationLoader {
override def load(context: Context): Application = {
new PocPlayComponents(context).application
play.application.loader= "di.PocPlayApplicationLoader"
Play Framework Injections de dépendances
class PocPlayComponents(context: Context) extends
with HttpFiltersComponents // Add defaults HTTP Filters
with SlickComponents // Add Slick API (connect play to database)
with EvolutionsComponents { // Add Evolutions system
override lazy val dbApi: DBApi = SlickDBApi(slickApi)
PlayFramework On a parcouru le chemin, on a tenu la distance
class CatsController( catsService: CatsService [...]
def buy(catId: CatId, ownerId: OwnerId) = Action.async { implicit request =>, ownerId)[...] }
class CatsServiceImpl( catsDAO: CatsDAO, db: DbExecutor [...]
override def buy(catId: CatId, ownerId: OwnerId): Future[Either[ApiError, Void]] =
[...], ownerId)) [...]
case class CatsDAOSlick()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends CatsDAO {
override def updateOwner(catId: CatId, ownerId: OwnerId): DBIO[Void] = [...]
Play Framework Injections de dépendances
Components - Add dependency injection with macwire
class PocPlayComponents(context: Context) extends
with HttpFiltersComponents // Add defaults HTTP Filters
with SlickComponents // Add Slick API (connect play to database)
with EvolutionsComponents { // Add Evolutions system
lazy val db: DbExecutor =
lazy val catsDAO: CatsDAO = new CatsDAOSlick()
lazy val catsService: CatsService = wire[CatsServiceImpl]
lazy val catsController: CatsController = wire[CatsController]
Play Framework Tests
Scala Test - Flat Spec et d’autres WordSpec/FreeSpec etc.
class HelloWorldSpec extends Specification {
"The 'Hello world' string" should {
"contain 11 characters" in {
"Hello world" must have size(11)
"start with 'Hello'" in {
"Hello world" must startWith('Hello')
[info] HelloWorldSpec:
[info] The 'Hello world' string
[info] - should contain 11 characters
[info] - should start with 'Hello'
[info] ScalaTest
[info] Run completed in 2 seconds, 888 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 2
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 2, failed 0, canceled 0,
ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[info] Passed: Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 2
[success] Total time: 5 s, completed 3 juin 2018
Play Framework Tests
Mock API’s
import play.api.test.Helpers._
class CatsApiSpec extends PocPlayOneAppPerSuite {
def createCatApi(body: JsValue) = FakeRequest("POST", "/api/cats").withBody(body)
"Cats API" must {
"have a valid endpoint `create cat API`" in {
val Some(response) = route(app, createCatApi(catsBody))
status(response) == CREATED
val json = contentAsJson(response)
Play Framework Tests
Mock context
trait PocPlayOneAppPerSuite extends PlaySpec with GuiceOneAppPerSuite { self =>
override lazy val app = {
val context = ApplicationLoader.createContext(new Environment(new"."),
ApplicationLoader.getClass.getClassLoader, Mode.Test))
new TestComponents(context).application
class TestComponents(context: Context) extends PocPlayComponents(context: Context) {
override lazy val configuration = {
val databseConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(
"""slick.dbs.default.db.url = <database test>""".stripMargin)
context.initialConfiguration.copy(underlying = databseConfig)
Play Framework Fun with tests
Property-based testing - Scala Check
def catJsonGenerator: Gen[JsObject] = {
for {
name <- Gen.alphaStr.suchThat(_.size < 32)
gender <- Gen.oneOf(const(Gender.Female), const(Gender.Male))
pedigreeId <- const(PedigreeId(UUID.fromString("cc58095b-8d51-4a22-a110-7ace2d921c2c")))
ownerId <- option(const(OwnerId(UUID.fromString("76065e7d-8604-4995-a6ed-33fca30517aa"))))
dateOfBirth <- const(
} yield buildCatJson(name, gender, pedigreeId, ownerId, dateOfBirth, None)
"have a valid endpoint `create cat API`" in {
check {
Prop.forAll(catJsonGenerator) { catsBody: JsObject =>
val Some(response) = route(app, createCatApi(catsBody))
status(response) == CREATED
Play Framework Vous en profitez sans le savoir
Play Framework Merci d’être là, super sympa
Des questions ?
Vous êtes sûrs ? On va être coupés, y a un tunnel.

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FP - Découverte de Play Framework Scala

  • 2. Play Framework Nul ne sait qui nous sommes Mélanie 2 janvier 2017 Kévin 4 décembre 2017 Développeurs Back-End
  • 3. Play Framework Shh .. we have a plan ! La philosophie, le créateur, l’histoire La structure d'un projet Les configurations Le cheminement d’une requête HTTP Le routing Les contrôleurs La couche DAO avec Slick Les tests + Bonus Où retrouve-t-on les éléments du langage fonctionnel chers à nos 💓 ? Option / Either / Future
  • 4. Play Framework Révisons sinon c’est la session 2 ● Option ● Either ● Future Option[T] Some[T] None Either[A, B] Left[A, B] Right[A, B] Future
  • 5. Play Framework open source → applications web en Java ou en Scala φ
  • 6. Play Framework C’est quoi les bails ? 2007: Guillaume Bort (Zengularity SA → Fabernovel Technologies) Play 1.0: Mai 2008 - Octobre 2009 Play 2.0: Fin 2011 - Mars 2012 (+Sadek Drobi) Play 2.5: Mars 2016 - Akka Streams Play 2.6: 23 Juin 2017 - Akka HTTP serveur backend par défaut + Scala 2.12 [...] Stateless Scala I/O asynchrones
  • 8. Play Framework Les configurations sbt ● Outil de build ● Ajout des librairies, configuration version Scala/SBT, ajout de tâches > run > compile > test > test-only maClasseDeTesterCestDouter.scala > testQuick <mesTestsUnitairesTasVu> > doc
  • 9. Play Framework Les configurations /build.sbt import Dependencies._ name := """poc-play""" organization := "com.mrgueritte" version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT" scalaVersion := "2.12.6" lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala) libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-slick-evolutions" % "3.0.3" resolvers += Repositories.sonatypeOss
  • 10. Play Framework Les configurations application.conf ● Paramétrage divers : BD, Filtres, Taille buffers ... ● Format clé-valeur, HOCON ● Système héritage application.conf -> production.conf ● Injecté automatiquement dans le paramétrage de Play ● Possibilité de le charger en custom
  • 11. Play Framework Les configurations # Database configuration # ~~~~~ include "db.conf" # Evolutions # ~~~~~ play.evolutions.db.default.autoApply=true play.evolutions.db.default.autoApplyDowns=true # Authentication # ~~~~~ = false
  • 12. Play Framework Workflow l’internet mondial Route Action Service DAO DB HTTP Response HTTP Request Routeurs Route Contrôleurs Services
  • 13. Play Framework Painless HTTP Routing Route = HTTP Verb + URI → Controller Method # Routes # This files defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first) # # ~~~~ GET /api/cat/:id controllers.CatsController.get(id: CatId) -> / order.Routes -> / owner.Routes
  • 14. Play Framework Les routeurs exemples GET /clients/:id Long) GET /api/list-all controllers.Api.list(version: Option[String]) GET /items/$id<[0-9]+> Long) GET / = "home") GET /:page GET /clients controllers.Clients.list(page: Int ?= 1) GET /api/cat/:id controllers.CatsController.get(id: CatId) ?
  • 15. Play Framework Painless HTTP Routing case class CatId(id: UUID)
  • 16. Play Framework Router Tunning Custom /build.sbt routesImport ++= "utils.RoutesParser._" :: "utils.CatId" :: Nil /RoutesParser.scala object RoutesParser { implicit object parameterBindableCatId extends PathBindable[CatId] { override def bind(key: String, catIdStr: String): Either[String, CatId] = { Try(CatId(UUID.fromString(catIdStr))) match { case Success(catId) => Right(catId) case Failure(e) => Left(s"Cannot parse parameter $key as CatId: $e") } } override def unbind(key: String, catId: CatId): String = } } Exemple d’UUID: 89a7df10-284f-415c-b52a-427acf4c31ae
  • 17. Play Framework Workflow Route Action Service DAO DB HTTP Response HTTP Request Routeurs Route Contrôleurs Services
  • 18. Play Framework Dans les contrôleurs y a de l’action play.api.mvc.Request => play.api.mvc.Result val echo = Action { request => Ok(s"Got request [$request]") }
  • 19. Play Framework Dans les contrôleurs y a de l’action Action { Ok("Hello world") } def hello(name: String) = Action { Ok("Hello " + name) } def echo = Action { request => Ok("Got request [" + request + "]") } def createHouse() = Action(parse.json[House]) {request => Ok(request.body)//House }
  • 20. Play Framework Dans les contrôleurs y a de l’action def createHouseAsync = Action().async { request => for { design <- getPlans() wood <- getMaterial() } yield Ok(Json.obj("House plans" -> design, "material" -> wood)) }
  • 21. Play Framework Authentification Support pour OAuth2 Guest Member OrganizationMember.(Read) PlatformAdmin Api(Scope) [...] def list() = OrganizationMember(READ)("cats.list").async { implicit request => catsService .listByOrganization(request.organizationId) .map(Ok(_)) } => Future[Result]
  • 22. Play Framework Les resultats c’est pas du bois Ok("Hello World!") → Content-Type header to text/plain Ok(<message>Hello World!</message>) → application/xml Ok(<h1>Hello World!</h1>) → application/html Ok(Json.obj(”foo” -> “bar”)) -> application/json val result = Ok("Hello World!").withHeaders( CACHE_CONTROL -> "max-age=3600", ETAG -> "xx")
  • 23. Play Framework Les resultats c’est pas du bois
  • 24. Play Framework Workflow Route Action Service DAO DB HTTP Response HTTP Request Routeurs Route Contrôleurs Services
  • 26. Play Framework Les configurations de Slick val slick = "” %% "play-slick" % Version.slickVersion val slickEvolution = "" %% "play-slick-evolutions" % Version.slickVersion /build.sbt /application.conf slick.dbs.default.profile = "slick.jdbc.H2Profile$" slick.dbs.default.db.driver = "org.h2.Driver" slick.dbs.default.db.url = "jdbc:h2:mem:play;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false" slick.dbs.default.profile = "slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile$" slick.dbs.default.db.user = "user" slick.dbs.default.db.password = "pswd"
  • 27. Play Framework Les schémas object Schemas extends EntityMappers { class Cats(tag: Tag) extends Table[Cat](tag, "cats") { def catId = column[CatId]("id") def name = column[String]("name") def pedigreeId = column[PedigreeId]("pedigree_id") def gender = column[Gender]("gender") def owner = column[Option[OwnerId]]("owner_id") def dateOfBirth = column[Date]("date_of_birth") def dateOfDeath = column[Option[Date]]("date_of_death") override def * = (catId, name, pedigreeId, gender, owner, dateOfBirth, dateOfDeath) <> (Cat.tupled, Cat.unapply) } ... val cats = TableQuery[Cats] }
  • 28. Play Framework Les requêtes : “tout est collection”> SELECT * FROM cats WHERE id = ? override def getById(id: CatId): DBIO[Option[Cat]] = Schemas.cats.filter( === id).headOption > INSERT INTO cats VALUES (?,?,? …) override def create(cat: Cat): DBIO[Unit] = Schemas.cats += cat > SELECT c.* FROM pedigrees p JOIN cat c ON c.pedigreeId = WHERE = ? override def getByPedigreeName(name: String): DBIO[Seq[Cat]] = { for { cat <- Schemas.cats pedigree <- Schemas.pedigrees if === cat.pedigreeId && pedigree.pedigree === name } yield cat }
  • 29. Play Framework Les DBIO override def getByPedigreeName(name: String): Future[Seq[Cat]] = { val transaction = (for { cat <- catsDAO.getByPedigreeName(name) _ <- DBIO.seq( => catsDAO.delete(c.catId)): _*) } yield cat).transactionally } > Les compositions de requêtes & les transactions
  • 30. Play Framework Les évolutions ● Situé dans le dossier /conf/evolutions/<dbName>/ ● Chaque script est composé de deux parties : ○ Ups! : SQL d’évolution de la BD (INSERT, CREATE …) ○ Downs! : Retour arrière de l’évolution (DROP, ALTER …) ● Une table `play_evolutions` est créée sur la DB => versionnage # --- !Ups CREATE TABLE pedigrees( id UUID NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL ); … # --- !Downs DROP TABLE cats; DROP TABLE owners; DROP TABLE pedigrees;
  • 31. Play Framework Les évolutions, “j’ai tout casséhéhé” ● Modification du script en question ● Marquer le script comme résolu => Application du `!Downs` puis du `!Ups`
  • 32. Play Framework Injections de dépendances ● Guice est embarqué => utilisation à spécifier build.sbt ● Auto-gestion des dépendances avec @Inject() (java !) ● Runtime “Use another compile time dependency injection!”
  • 33. Play Framework Injections de dépendances ApplicationLoader ● Point entrée unique facilement customisable => `application.conf` ● Chargement de toutes les “parties” de l’application => `Components` class PocPlayApplicationLoader extends ApplicationLoader { override def load(context: Context): Application = { new PocPlayComponents(context).application } } play.application.loader= "di.PocPlayApplicationLoader"
  • 34. Play Framework Injections de dépendances Components class PocPlayComponents(context: Context) extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) with HttpFiltersComponents // Add defaults HTTP Filters with SlickComponents // Add Slick API (connect play to database) with EvolutionsComponents { // Add Evolutions system override lazy val dbApi: DBApi = SlickDBApi(slickApi) applicationEvolutions.start() ... }
  • 35. PlayFramework On a parcouru le chemin, on a tenu la distance class CatsController( catsService: CatsService [...] def buy(catId: CatId, ownerId: OwnerId) = Action.async { implicit request =>, ownerId)[...] } class CatsServiceImpl( catsDAO: CatsDAO, db: DbExecutor [...] override def buy(catId: CatId, ownerId: OwnerId): Future[Either[ApiError, Void]] = [...], ownerId)) [...] case class CatsDAOSlick()(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends CatsDAO { override def updateOwner(catId: CatId, ownerId: OwnerId): DBIO[Void] = [...]
  • 36. Play Framework Injections de dépendances Components - Add dependency injection with macwire class PocPlayComponents(context: Context) extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) with HttpFiltersComponents // Add defaults HTTP Filters with SlickComponents // Add Slick API (connect play to database) with EvolutionsComponents { // Add Evolutions system ... lazy val db: DbExecutor = slickApi.dbConfig[JdbcProfile](DbName("default")).db lazy val catsDAO: CatsDAO = new CatsDAOSlick() lazy val catsService: CatsService = wire[CatsServiceImpl] lazy val catsController: CatsController = wire[CatsController] }
  • 37. Play Framework Tests Scala Test - Flat Spec et d’autres WordSpec/FreeSpec etc. class HelloWorldSpec extends Specification { "The 'Hello world' string" should { "contain 11 characters" in { "Hello world" must have size(11) } "start with 'Hello'" in { "Hello world" must startWith('Hello') } } } [info] HelloWorldSpec: [info] The 'Hello world' string [info] - should contain 11 characters [info] - should start with 'Hello' [info] ScalaTest [info] Run completed in 2 seconds, 888 milliseconds. [info] Total number of tests run: 2 [info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0 [info] Tests: succeeded 2, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0 [info] All tests passed. [info] Passed: Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 2 [success] Total time: 5 s, completed 3 juin 2018 22:13:54
  • 38. Play Framework Tests Mock API’s import play.api.test.Helpers._ class CatsApiSpec extends PocPlayOneAppPerSuite { … def createCatApi(body: JsValue) = FakeRequest("POST", "/api/cats").withBody(body) "Cats API" must { "have a valid endpoint `create cat API`" in { ... val Some(response) = route(app, createCatApi(catsBody)) status(response) == CREATED val json = contentAsJson(response) ... } } }
  • 39. Play Framework Tests Mock context trait PocPlayOneAppPerSuite extends PlaySpec with GuiceOneAppPerSuite { self => override lazy val app = { val context = ApplicationLoader.createContext(new Environment(new"."), ApplicationLoader.getClass.getClassLoader, Mode.Test)) new TestComponents(context).application } } class TestComponents(context: Context) extends PocPlayComponents(context: Context) { override lazy val configuration = { val databseConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString( """slick.dbs.default.db.url = <database test>""".stripMargin) context.initialConfiguration.copy(underlying = databseConfig) } }
  • 40. Play Framework Fun with tests Property-based testing - Scala Check def catJsonGenerator: Gen[JsObject] = { for { name <- Gen.alphaStr.suchThat(_.size < 32) gender <- Gen.oneOf(const(Gender.Female), const(Gender.Male)) pedigreeId <- const(PedigreeId(UUID.fromString("cc58095b-8d51-4a22-a110-7ace2d921c2c"))) ownerId <- option(const(OwnerId(UUID.fromString("76065e7d-8604-4995-a6ed-33fca30517aa")))) dateOfBirth <- const( } yield buildCatJson(name, gender, pedigreeId, ownerId, dateOfBirth, None) } "have a valid endpoint `create cat API`" in { check { Prop.forAll(catJsonGenerator) { catsBody: JsObject => val Some(response) = route(app, createCatApi(catsBody)) status(response) == CREATED } } }
  • 41. Play Framework Vous en profitez sans le savoir
  • 42. Play Framework Merci d’être là, super sympa Des questions ? Vous êtes sûrs ? On va être coupés, y a un tunnel.

Editor's Notes

  1. Support code ->
  2. Mélou
  3. Mélou
  4. Mélou
  5. Mélou + Kevin
  6. Kévin
  7. Mélou
  8. Mélou
  9. def Hello(name: String) = Action { request => } def createTruc() = Action(parse.json[House]) { request => println(request.body) // House } def createAsync = Action().async { request => for { res1 <- getWS1() res2 <- getWS2() } yield Ok(Json.obj("res1" -> res1, "res" -> res2)) }
  10. def Hello(name: String) = Action { request => } def createTruc() = Action(parse.json[House]) { request => println(request.body) // House } def createAsync = Action().async { request => for { res1 <- getWS1() res2 <- getWS2() } yield Ok(Json.obj("res1" -> res1, "res" -> res2)) }
  11. Etaler les exemples
  12. Kévin
  13. Kevinou
  14. Kevinou
  15. Kevinou
  16. Kevin override def create(cat: Cat): DBIO[Unit] = (Schemas.cats += cat).map(_ => Unit) Request Join à revoir
  17. Kevin override def create(cat: Cat): DBIO[Unit] = (Schemas.cats += cat).map(_ => Unit) Request Join à revoir
  18. Mélanie
  19. Mélanie
  20. Mélou