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2: Table of Contents
3-8: Situational Analysis
9: Objectives
10-11: Research
12-13: Target Market Profiles
14: Campaign Strategy
15-19: Creative Strategy
19-23: Media Strategy
23-25: Brand Value Proposition
26: Evaluation
27-32: Appendix
	 Apple & Eve, a New York-based beverage com-
pany, is one of the leading producers of 100% juice and
organic juice in the United States. Offered nationwide,
Apple & Eve is most widely known for its apple juice
and on-the-go single servings for children and adults.
Apple & Eve is revered for its commitment for provid-
ing wholesome juice with servings of fruits and veg-
etables to consumers. They have received numerous
awards for their company growth and healthy product
	 In recent years, the juice category, specifically
the organic juice category, has been rapidly growing
and is highly congested. Today, there are over 119 juice
manufacturers and companies in the United States
competing within the category. Green Giraffe identi-
fied the need for an exciting campaign for Apple & Eve
as a way to separate it and help its greatness stand out
amongst the category. Through the use of television,
magazine, online, out-of-home and in store advertis-
ing, Green Giraffe strives to promote the Apple & Eve
brand as the only choice for moms for their children.
Their 100% juice and organic products come straight
from Mother Nature. “From one mother to another,”
Apple & Eve’s ingredients are more nutritious than all
other juices in the category and is the best choice for
moms and their families.
For over 25 years, Green Giraffe has been creating
powerful campaigns that go deeper than just the
measurable success of getting consumers to purchase
products. As a full-service advertising agency, we at
Green Giraffe offer resources from audience analyt-
ics to market research and creative development. We
believe in serving socially responsible brands and en-
suring that products, services and ideas that do good
for the world are able to achieve their ultimate height
among the other ads in the market. In an age where
consumers view over 5,000 ads each day, the ones that
are creative, innovative and relevant enough to con-
nect with the target market are those able to succeed
and stand out among the clutter. Green Giraffe is
determined to help brands achieve their goals with ul-
timate height among the competition. Through fierce
determination, speed, focus and ability to see beyond
the dense forest of media messages, Green Giraffe
knows how to bring your brand into the homes and
lives of your consumers. Give your brand optimum
height when you stand with Green Giraffe.
HistoricalContext CompetitiveForces
Apple & Eve pioneered the original 100% juice box
and has been around for the last 40 years creating
quality juice products that are healthy, convenient,
and great tasting. Apple & Eve provides vital vitamins
and minerals in all of their juices and juice blends as
a way of helping consumers reach their daily vitamin
intake. Additionally, Apple & Eve offers more than 100
different sizes and shapes of different juice blends to its
Due to product proliferation and the increasing num-
ber of juice flavors and brands in the market, there
is more competition facing Apple & Eve. Growing
numbers of vegetable juice and vegetable-fruit blends
compete with the Apple & Eve brand. Additionally, ris-
ing demands for coconut waters have become a com-
petitive force for our client and are a direct result of
the health-and-wellness movement in America. There
is also an increasing number of juice bars opening up
around the country, which bring competition to our
client because people are going to juice bars rather than
buying juice in-store. Recently, large numbers of quick
and self-service restaurants are offering smoothies and
juices, which make up nearly 39% of the $3.5 billion
juice and smoothie bar market. Lastly, juicing trends in
America have resulted in more consumers using home
blenders and juicers to make juice instead of buying
them in store.
Since 2007, fruit juice sales have been declining.
Vegetable juices and vegetable-fruit blends have also
increased sales in the market. The industry average for
juice prices is at its highest point, causing people to
buy other beverages as a way of saving money.
Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign, which was
announced in February of 2010, has been educating
parents and children about healthier food options. The
campaign aims to put healthier food and juice options
in schools as a way of making kids healthier and reduc-
ing childhood obesity rates in this country.
As of July 1st, 2014, the USDA implemented national
nutrition standards for competitive foods, which pro-
hibit schools and food and beverage companies from
selling fruit or vegetable juice that is not 100% juice.
With the development of the stevia plant, a natu-
ral, low-calorie sweetener, the nectar juice seg-
ment has boosted tremendously. Additionally,
increased production of fresh, organic fruits and
vegetables are available to consumers. The inter-
net has increased awareness for healthier juice
options. There is more knowledge on healthier
foods to put in juice through social media and it
is easy to find juicing recipes online. Flash-freez-
ing techniques help to preserve nutrients in
frozen fruits and vegetables, which allows for
improvement in the production of juice. Lastly,
new blenders and juicers with innovative tech-
nology are on the market, giving people the
ability to make their own juices at home.
Consumers are continuing to grow more and more conscious of their health, which leads to purchases of healthier
products. Juice is no longer just for kids as busy parents seek a quicker, more nutritious product. Restaurants are
also beginning to offer a wider variety of juice options. Rising environmental and animal-treatment awareness has
led to a higher demand for meatless products. Additionally, there is an increasing demand for innovative flavors
outside the standard orange and apple in the juice market. There has been a decline in sit-down breakfast eating,
			 Distinguishing Competitive Factor: Capri Sun offers unique packaging that
			 differentiates the brand from the rest of the category.
				- Strengths
					 - High brand awareness and identifiable target audience
					 (specific websites for each target market)
					 - Variety of flavors and product lines
					- 100% Juice Drink
				- Weaknesses
					- High sugar content
					- Non-recycable pouches
					- Few healthy drink lines
		 Distinguishing Competitive Factor: Juicy Juice strives to help parents raise happy 	
		 and healthy children by providing lines of nutritious juices filled with vitamins 	
		 and wholesome ingredients.
			- Strengths
				 - Promotes itself as healthy juice line with few artificial ingredients.
				- 100% Juice Drink.
				- High brand awareness.
			- Weaknesses
				 - Does not replace offerings of fruits and vegetables.
				 - Few product lines: Juicy Juice and Fruitfuls.
			 Distinguishing Competitive Factor: Motts is the leading juice category
			 competitor and places number one in the market.
				- Strengths
					 - 40% less sugar than the average less juice and all-natural
					 - Leader in the juice category.
					 - Dr Pepper-Snapple group is Motts’ parent company.
				- Weaknesses
					- Few flavor varieties.
					 - Apple White Grape and Fruit Punch variant contains juice
			 Distinguishing Competitive Factor: Minute Maid is the world’s leading juice 	
			 and drink competitor on the market with over 100 different flavor varieties 	
			 sold internationally.
				- Strengths
					 -High brand awareness and with easily identifiable logo and 	
					 - The Coca-Cola Company is the Minute Maid parent company.
					 - Integration into schools and prevalence in vending machines.
				- Weaknesses
					-Artificial ingredients.
The marketing goals of this campaign are to increase sales of Apple & Eve by 6%. Green Giraffe will accomplish this by
highlighting the brands’ qualities of pure ingredients, health benefits and refreshing taste that children will enjoy.
Within the target market of children ages 3-10 and mothers ages 18-49, Green Giraffe will see 80% of the target audience
comprehend Apple & Eve’s message by the end of the year. Of those 80%, 60% will find conviction and value within the
brand and intend to purchase Apple & Eve juice. Green Giraffe will reach 80% of our target audience an average of 4 times.
Overall, Apple & Eve’s sales will increase by 6%.
Green Giraffe’s campaign for Apple & Eve will run for one full year from August 2016 to July 2017. Children primarily
consume juice during average ten-month school period from mid-August to mid-May. Because of this, Green Giraffe has
implemented a pulsing campaign with periods of heavy-up advertising during the key time of back-to-school months
during September and January.
Green Giraffe has been granted 10 million dollars to execute this campaign. Our agency has allocated the budget as fol-
1. Determine what mothers look for in a juice box that they serve to their children
2. Ascertain what women in our target market know about Apple & Eve
3. Identify what media channels and vehicles our target markets use most frequent
	 For our secondary research, Green Giraffe organized
available data from Simmons OneView, Apple & Eve website,
trade journal publications and SRDS to discern what media
and lifestyle habits are practiced by women with children
between the ages of 18-24, 25-34, and 35-49.
	 Through Simmons OneView, we found women in
our primary target market between the ages of 25-34 say that
their friends come to them often for health and diet advice and
that they are the first among their friends to try a new health
food, but that they like to indulge themselves in foods that are
not as good for them. However, due to their busy lifestyles,
these women are not able to take care of themselves as well
as they should. Data also revealed that the internet has very
much changed the way our primary target market shops and
consumes media and information. These women are 60% more
likely to require internet access “on-the-go” when they are
away from home and work, and they rely on social media such
as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay connected with
friends and family.
	 Using the Apple & Eve website, we were able to gauge
how the company interacts with its consumers and succeeds in
marketing towards women and children in their tactics com-
pared to other members of the category. We also used their
website to analyze their overall brand aesthetic, history and
online representation.
	 Green Giraffe used SRDS to determine what media
vehicles 	best penetrated our target market. Through this site
we found the number of circulations, unique visitors and rates
for each medium our campaign intends to utilize for this
To ensure the clearest sense of our primary and secondary targets, Green Giraffe conducted
primary research by creating an online survey. Our team isolated the responses of survey
responders to interpret the data most relevant to approximate the opinions, values and beliefs
of our primary target market. Of all of the 102 responses gathered, Green Giraffe totaled 88
responses from the primary and secondary target market of women with children between the
ages of 18 and 49.
Green Giraffe’s first intention was to gauge our audiences habitual and timely consumption of
juice. According to our results, Green Giraffe found that 3 out of 4 women in our target market
only consumed juice drinks “rarely” to “sometimes.” Only 17% of women with children report-
ed that they drink juice “often” or “everyday.” The optimal time for juice intake was reported by
65% of our responders to be in the morning.
Second, Green Giraffe aimed to determine what brand and type of juice women with children
between the ages of 18 and 49 prefer. Our findings informed us that 52% of women did not
have a juice brand preference. However, when asked what juice brand first came to mind when
hearing the word “juice,” 53% of responders indicated Tropicana, followed by Motts at 13%.
One written text response was “Green Juice (we juice at home),” indicative of the growing
home-juicing trend.
We chose to include questions pertaining to the health-conscious reasons associated with juice
consumption. Health deemed important when women with children were asked if they would
choose a juice brand offering all-natural ingredients over artificial ingredients. 74% of responses
indicated “definitely yes” to purchasing all-natural juice, followed by 24% of responders choos-
ing “probably yes.” Furthermore, 57% of these women would be inclined to purchase a juice that
included a full serving of vegetables, 28% answered “maybe,” while 6% indicated they required
more information. When asked about their willingness to pay more for organic juice, 67% of
respondents reported “definitely yes” or “probably yes.”
Regarding flavor, the majority of our target market reported that they purchase juice for taste
(64%) as opposed to convenience (6%), nutrition (21%) or dietary need (9%). Orange ranked
as the number one juice flavor by 44 out of 84 responders wrote a text response pertaining to
Green Giraffe’s question of flavor preference. This is not surprising, as orange juice is the most
popular American juice flavoring and is primarily consumed in the morning hours. Factors
that were most important to consumers when they made a juice purchase were nutrition, flavor
and ingredients as opposed to fun packaging which was deemed as least important by 51% of
Finally, Green Giraffe how Apple & Eve ranked among our consumers as a brand of juice
they would prefer to consume over Capri Sun, Juicy Juice, Minute Maid and Mott’s. Out of
the responses to this question, 37% ranked Apple & Eve as their top preference followed by
Mott’s at 26%. Minute Maid, Juicy Juice and Capri Sun were preferred by less than 17% of
Apple & Eve is a company that turns
the fruits and vegetables Mother Na-
ture provides into delicious and nutri-
tious beverages that satisfy the palates
of both kids and adults. Mothers who
want their children to lead healthier
lifestyles enjoy giving Apple & Eve to
their kids because they know they are
getting a 100% USDA certified organic
juice beverage that is fully packed with
essential vitamins and minerals. Apple
& Eve offers a wide variety of product
lines and flavors of juice, which are
conveniently packed in on-the-go juice
boxes and family size bottles. Busy
moms who are looking for an easy way
to get their kids to eat vegetables give
their children Fruitables to ensure that
they are following a healthy diet while
staying hydrated at the same time.
Since Apple & Eve’s juices do not con-
tain any artificial flavors or sweeten-
ers, mothers can guarantee that what
they are feeding their kids is naturally
flavorful and USDA organic.
Moms want a juice brand they can
trust. Expecting and experienced
mothers want the best for their chil-
dren, and a brand that offers juices
made solely with fruits and vegetables
gives mothers that peace of mind.
When mothers buy Apple & Eve they
can feel confident that they are pur-
chasing a healthy beverage that serves
as an excellent source of vitamins and
nutrients the whole family can enjoy.
Mothers who drink Apple & Eve juice with their children can be identified
as health conscious and caring parents. They want to put the best possible
ingredients into their bodies and their children’s bodies because they know
that long lives begin with healthy nutrition. They realize the benefits of
drinking all natural juice rather than artificially enhanced juice, and are will-
ing to spend more to ensure their kids are consuming the most wholesome
ingredients possible. Due to the recent health trend in America, expecting
mothers feel inclined to follow suit and show off the healthy choices they are
providing for their children.
Ellen is a 27 year old expectant mother in her second trimester. She lives in Buffalo, New York
with her husband Tom, and their daughter Jamie (4). Her husband is a homeopathic doctor
who works full-time. Because Jamie is pregnant, she and Tom have decided to change their eat-
ing habits and become healthier for the newborn baby, and their family as a whole. They strive
to feed their family organic foods and are constantly looking for quick and easy ways to do so.
Jamie began pre-school this year and Tom and Ellen have been looking for healthier options
that they can pack her for her lunch. Jamie hates eating her vegetables, so Ellen has been trying
to find a clever way to sneak them into her foods/drinks without her knowing. Ellen usual-
ly does most of the shopping for the household, so she is always looking for deals on organic
foods and beverages. She wants to find something that her kids will enjoy, as well as her and
her husband.
Jennifer is a 32 year old mother living in San Francisco, California. She has been married for 4 years and
has two children: Brad (3) and Amy (5). She is educated, having received an undergraduate degree and
now working as a full-time stay at home mom. Family is extremely important to Jennifer, and so are the
items that she chooses to bring into her home. She thinks that it is important for big corporations to do
their part in helping nonprofit and human rights organizations around the world, and chooses her prod-
ucts and what she likes to buy based on a company’s mission and vision. When she finds a brand that she
likes and supports, she sticks with it. Jennifer also chooses brands that are apt to reward her for brand loy-
alty, and appreciate how hard she works as a mom. When eating out and going grocery shopping, Jennifer
likes to choose healthy options. She limits “junk food” to a minimum in the home, and always looks at the
nutritional value of what she buys. When making juice purchases for her family, Jennifer chooses options
that fit the nutritional needs and savory desires Brad, Amy and husband can all enjoy.
Alison is a married 39 year old of 15 years and is a mother of three: George (4), Kristy (7), and Jane (10). As
full-time working parents, Alison and her husband Tom live lead busy lives just outside Washington, D.C. They
are often eating “on-the-go,” but will not sacrifice their families health for the convenience of junk and fast
foods. She checks “mommy blogs” and utilizes Facebook to catch up with her friends who are also parents to
see what the latest and greatest tips and tricks are regarding the best ways to balance being a mom and working
a full-time job. Alison is the primary shopper and although she enjoys juicing organically, when it comes to
packing lunches for her children, her brand of choice is Apple & Eve. She chooses Apple & Eve because of its
organic qualities, trusted name and the brand’s variety of healthy options from fruit to vegetable flavors that
she and her family can all enjoy.
Amy is a 23 year old mom of 3 year old Rebecca and resides in New York, New York. She and her
partner Tom both work full-time. Technology is a huge part of her life and she uses it as a way
to communicate and meet other people. Amy identifies and brands herself through her inter-
net personas on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Snapchat. She actively updates her
profile, creates statuses and uploads pictures to let her friends know what she and Rebecca are
doing. Amy actively posts in forums online about “mommy” issues and about the best ways she
can care for her child by interacting with other moms on the internet, and she checks WebMD
to search for health issues regarding her daughter. She receives most of her primary news from
television and the internet. Amy tries to be healthy and makes purchases for her family that will
save money, provide convenience and keep her, Tom and her young daughter happy and healthy.
Many mothers are buying on-the-go juice for their children and for themselves out of convenience and price,
often times forgetting about the nutritional components inside the juices that they are consuming. Green Giraffe’s
campaign will challenge mothers to choose the all-natural, organic option for themselves and for their children.
Through our primary and secondary research, Green Giraffe found that 74% of mothers want to purchase juice
from a brand that offers all-natural ingredients over artificial ingredients and 67% were willing to pay more for
that option. We also found that 57% of women would be inclined to purchase juice with a full serving of vegetables.
Green Giraffe will promote Apple & Eve as the organic, all-natural option of juice for moms and their kids. We want
to show moms that Apple & Eve cares about what kids are putting in their bodies because wholesome nutrition is
the key to a healthy life. We want moms to incorporate Apple & Eve as a quick and easy solution to providing nutri-
Through extensive research, Green Giraffe has discovered that suburban moms are concerned about their children’s
consumption of processed and chemically-infused foods and beverages. As a result, they desire to purchase items
that are organic. However, finding the brand with guaranteed, all-natural ingredients can prove a challenge in this
highly competitive market. Green Giraffe’s campaign will clear the confusion by providing moms with an assurance
The visuals for this campaign connect average moms with Mother Nature through Apple & Eve juice. Average moms
and their kids portrayed in natural landscapes to show how closely related mothers are to Mother Nature when they
purchase Apple & Eve. Earth tones such as green and blue will reinforce the ads’ pure, natural theme. We will also
use pictures of children happily drinking Apple & Eve to reinforce our target markets preference for the juice.
Our messages stress Apple & Eve’s commitment to all-natural ingredients and reinforce the idea that Apple & Eve
provides products directly from Mother Nature to the everyday mom. Our ad will bring brand awareness of Apple &
Eve to all moms. Our ad copy states the message: “From one mother to another,” along with sentences explaining the
meaning behind each image.
1 2 3 4
( Animated Skyskrapers )
To ensure Green Giraffe’s creative would be effective, we shared our commercial, storyboard, billboard, online
and print advertisements with members of the primary and secondary target audience. The women we showed
our ads to were very responsive to our creative, and felt that what we generated was relevant and felt they could
identify with the message. Many women felt that the magazine ad portraying Apple & Eve coming out of the
ground was innovative, captivating and intriguing. They liked how Apple & Eve was shown directly coming out
of the ground, and liked to be compared to Mother Nature. Moms who saw our ads felt that the Apple & Eve
brand supported their personal commitments to healthy lifestyles for themselves and for their families. There
were several comments about Apple & Eve’s original logo. Because of this, Green Giraffe altered the design and
created an alternative logo.
						Media Objectives
Reach our Target Audience
	 Our primary target audience is mothers between the ages of 25 and 34 years old. Our secondary tar-
get audience is mothers between the ages of 18 and 24 and mothers between the ages of 34 and 49. We plan to
reach these mothers through a variety of media including print, television, internet, transit and out-of-home
outlets as well as earned and owned media.
Geographic Scope
	 The geographic scope of our campaign encompasses a combination approach of national and spot lo-
cations. Television, magazine and digital advertising media will maintain a national geographic focus, whereas
regional locations will be utilized in regards to advertisements placed in out-of-home, transit and in-store me-
dia. Our regionally focused advertisements will be placed in the metropolitan areas, specifically New York, Los
Angeles, Chicago and Boston. Green Giraffe has decided to implement this mixed geographic strategy as we
have found we can reach a majority of our target market and attain our desired levels of reach and frequency.
Message Weight
	 A majority of the women in our target audience regularly check their email, social media (Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter), watch television and browse the internet. Mothers in our audience also enjoy finding
activities outside the home to do with their children. Green Giraffe has chosen its weight within each medium
to remain consistent with the lifestyle habits of this campaign’s target audience.
						Media Strategies
Green Giraffe’s effective reach for the Apple & Eve campaign is 80 with an effective frequency of 4. This cam-
paign will follow a pulsing strategy throughout the course of the year. We have chosen to heavy-up our media
during the back-to-school months when mothers are preparing to send their children back to school after the
common winter and summer academic breaks. These occur on average in August, and January, which are the
months we have chosen most of our media to go live. Additionally, Green Giraffe’s brand activation tactics will
occur throughout the year and heavy-up during the kick-off of our campaign in August, the end of the winter
season between January and March, and at the end of the school year in May, which will end our campaign.
Advertisement Dimensions
Television Advertisements: (2) :15s commercials
Print Advertisements: Full Page Color Print – 8.5” – 11”
Online Advertisements: Skyskraper – 120 x 600 pixels
Billboard Advertisements: 14’ high x 48’ wide
In-Store Aisle Advertisements: Aisle coupons - 2.5” – 6”
Media Choices - WebsiteWebMD:
Reach: 23,483,086
WebMD is a website that
provides valuable health
information, tools for
managing health, advice
and expertise to those
seeking information.
Women who have kids
or are pregnant use Web-
MD frequently because
they can get fast answers
to medical questions re-
garding their loved ones.
Real Simple:
Reach: 2,468,426
Real Simple is a women’s
interest website that of-
fers simple solutions for
busy women and their
everyday challenges.
The website focuses on a
simple and Zen lifestyle
movement that attracts
professional women
because of its clean
and uncluttered layout.
Women trust this web-
site for tips regarding
kids, work, beauty, orga-
nization, entertainment,
cooking, and emotional
Reach: 7,418,103
CafeMom is an online
community that targets
mothers and mothers
to be who are looking
for advice and support
on topics such as preg-
nancy, health, food, en-
tertainment, and more.
Moms use this site to
discover helpful tips
and to connect with
other moms struggling
with similar issues.
Reach: 17,093,656
Groupon is a website that
features daily deals on
discounted gift certificates,
which are usable at local and
national companies. The
website offers thousands of
discounts on restaurants,
stores, and services all over
North America, and are
commonly 50% off. Because
mothers are always looking
to save money, they use
Groupon as a source to find
deals that will satisfy their
wants and needs without the
expensive cost.
Media Choices - Television
Food Network Star:	
Food Network star is an ex-
citing reality television series
where celebrities and food
network stars like Bobby Flay
and Bob Tuschman judge
participant chefs who want
to be the next Food Network
Star. The show airs on Sunday
nights on the Food Network
and reaches an average of
over one million people
ranging from 18-49 years old.
Women watch the show to be
entertained and to learn new
ideas for cooking in their
everyday lives.
Modern Family:
Modern Family is a comedy
series revolving around three
different families, which airs
on ABC. The show has pro-
duced 6 seasons already, and
is one of the highest rated
television shows on ABC net-
work. With over 10 million
viewers, Modern Family is
sure way to reach our target
Today Show:
The Today Show is
America’s favorite morn-
ing show, which airs Mon-
day through Friday on the
NBC network. Women
watch this show because
they are able to see the
latest headlines and expert
tips on money, health, and
parenting. With over 4
million viewers, the Today
Show is a fast way to reach
our target audience.
Media Choices - Magazines
OK! Magazine:
Circulation: 508,401
OK! magazine is a weekly
consumer magazine that
specializes in the coverage of
fashion, celebrity news, beau-
ty, and entertainment. Wom-
en read OK! Magazine for
their weekly fix of celebrity
gossip and also learn what’s
trending in movies, music,
TV, fashion, babies, and wed-
dings from the hottest stars
in showbiz. Due to its layout
and glossy photographs, OK!
Magazine is the #1 magazine
for reaching women ages
Circulation: 3,510,533
(August, October, December,
February, April, June)
People Magazine is a weekly
magazine that covers ce-
lebrity and human-interest
stories. The magazine deliv-
ers the latest celebrity news,
exclusive photos of your fa-
vorite stars, and stories about
real-life heroes. Women
also read People as a way of
staying up to date with what’s
trending in regards to food,
pets, children, style, and
Circulation: 2,176,645
(August, January)
Parents is a monthly magazine that
features scientific news on child
development geared to helping
parents raise their children. Wom-
en use this magazine as a source
for finding tips, advice, and tech-
niques that cover health, pregnan-
cy, children, safety, food, and other
parenting related topics.
Media Choices - Out of Home
In Store:
We want to be the top-of-mind
awareness brand for moms and
future moms when purchasing
juice, which is why we are putting
our ads in grocery store aisles in
coupon dispensaries throughout
the entire year. Our ads will be
placed in the top five grocery store
chains in the country to assure that
we reach our target audience. Our
target audience will see the coupon
dispensaries in the juice aisle and
be incentivized to purchase Apple
& Eve juice because they are saving
We are also placing advertisements
on billboards in major cities such
as New York, Boston, Chicago, and
Los Angeles. The billboards will go
up during the months of August,
January, and July. Due to their loca-
tions and the time period in which
we put the billboards up, Moms
will be able to see these advertise-
ments on a regular basis while they
are commuting to work or running
their daily errands.
Shopright- Middle-Income Shoppers
Kroger- Middle-Income Shoppers
Walmart – Low Income Shoppers
Wegmans- Organic Conscious Shoppers
Whole foods- Organic Conscious Shoppers
Apple & Eve Orchards
Activity -The Apple & Eve Orchards will be a series of interactive outdoor exhibits placed in locations cities such as
Union Square in New York City and Millennium Park in Chicago.
Objective - Our goal with this out-of-home brand activation tactic is to enhance and promote Apple and Eve’s im-
age and awareness among mothers and their children. This will help to promote a fun and caring image of Apple
and Eve among moms and their families. This event will ensure that Apple and Eve is at the forefront of a mother’s
mind when deciding which juice to buy for her kids.
Strategy - The exhibit will feature fun activities that engage mothers and their children and offer free samples of
Apple & Eve juices. The exhibit will revolve around an “orchard” featuring fake trees where parents and children
can pick juice boxes from the branches as if they were apples and will attract others into the event. Other activities
will include bobbing for apples, live music, and samples for kids. These will be implemented during early Summer
and Fall months when kids are gearing up to head back to school and apples are in season.
“Modern Family” Product Placement
Activity - Placing Apple & Eve family size organics and family size 100% juice into an episode of Modern Family.
Objective - To align Apple & Eve with a show that is entertaining, honest, and promotes the image of a strong family bond.
Strategy - We plan to place Apple & Eve family size juice in an episode of “Modern Family” to appeal to mothers. By showing characters
in “Modern Family” drinking Apple & Eve products we hope to align our juice with the idea of family. Mothers will see that the mom
on the show chose Apple & Eve juice which will strengthen our brand image and place us in the minds of mothers the next time they go
grocery shopping.
“Today Show” Brand Integration
Activity - Feature Apple & Eve products in a back-to-school showcase on the “Today Show.”
Objective - Make Apple & Eve the “go-to” brand for mothers shopping for back-to-school snacks and lunches. Also, showcase the wide
variety and benefits of the Apple & Eve product line, especially our organic juices.
Strategy - In a special back-to-school feature on the “Today Show” we plan to showcase Apple & Eve products and demonstrate our
healthy and organic juices to a large audience of moms. This segment will associate the image of Apple & Eve as a healthy product with
organic options. It will show our products in a back-to-school context to get mothers thinking about our juices as the perfect choice for
school snacks and lunches.
Website Forum
Activity - “From One Mother to Another” discussion forum on Apple & Eve website.
Objective - Engage mothers in an interactive conversation about parenting, the best products for their children, and most specifically
Apple & Eve juices.
Strategy - An online forum will be developed on the Apple & Eve website with the theme of “From One Mother to Another.” This will
allow mothers to interact with each other to discuss different Apple & Eve products among other parenting topics important to them. It
will be a great way to get interactivity on the website as well as spread the word about our product line.
Mobile App
Activity - An Apple & Eve app compatible with mobile and tablet devices with product info and interactive games.
Objective - Create an app to engage children with fun games and offer information on all of the Apple & Eve products.
Strategy - This will be a free downloadable app designed specifically to engage to children. The app will feature fun games such as “tic-
tAPPLE-toe” and “Apple Ninja.” Information and descriptions of Apple & Eve products will be available on the app as well. This will
engage the kids with fun games featuring our products while giving product info for parents to keep our brand presence strong and in
the minds of consumers.
Twitter Activation
Activity - Start an Apple & Eve twitter account and the hashtag: #OneMotherToAnother.
Objective- Strengthen Apple & Eve’s social media presence with a twitter account and hashtag featuring our campaign slogan.
Strategy- We will create a Twitter account for Apple & Eve to increase social media presence and allow another medium for consum-
ers to interact with the brand. The hashtag #OneMotherToAnother will be used to advertise our brand and slogan and will also be
used on the Apple & Eve Twitter account. Using the hashtag, Apple & Eve will give advice to other moms regarding new products and
parenting tips.
Green Giraffe was given three criteria to measure the success of our campaign: increase comprehension by 80%,
increase conviction by 60%, and increase sales by 6%. The following charts depict quantitative benchmarks that will
be used throughout our campaign to evaluate and guide our campaign’s effectiveness among our target audience.
The Story
In 1975, “a time when natural foods were more hippie than hip,” Apple & Eve joined the market with its first 100% all-natural juice. The
company decided to let “juice be juice.” This meant no additives such as sugar or preservatives to be included in its product lines. Nearly
40 years later, they have stuck to this same model and continue to provide USDA organic, all-natural juice to their consumers.
In 1978, Apple & Eve introduced a 100% all-natural cranberry blend. Then, in 1982, the company invented the first additive-free juice
box, which changed school lunches forever. Since then, kids have been the focus of the all marketing efforts. The company partnered
with Sesame Street in 1999 as a way of featuring various characters on different juice-flavored boxes. The campaign was named “Sesame
Street Puts Kids on the Road to Healthy Habits,” and is still running.
Apple & Eve now boasts over seven different product lines in over 20 different flavors. The brand places a strong emphasis on flavor and
nutrition--satisfying both moms’ expectations and kids’ taste-buds all over the country.
By the end of next year, we predict this campaign will boost Apple & Eve sales by 6%, awareness by 80% and comprehension by 60%.
Target Market
Suburban, upper-middle class moms ages 18 to 49
The Challenge
Grocery store aisles are inundated with brands making claims to 100% all-natural, organic ingredients. Apple & Eve challenge is posi-
tioning the brand above its competitors as the best juice of choice for their children. moms have trouble determining which juice is the
best choice for their child’s’ nutrition.
Advertising Objectives
Effective reach for this campaign is 80 and effective frequency is 4. Of all U.S. moms ages 18 to 49, at least 80% will have an opportunity
to see the “from one mother to another” message on an average of four times.
The Emotional Need
Moms want a juice brand they can trust. In other words, a juice that places their nutritional concerns at the core of every bottle and box.
“From one mother to another” means natural ingredients moms can count on: not a false claim or a marketing ploy. Moms want to feel
confident in what goes in their childs’ bodies.
Our main competitors for this campaign are Motts, Capri Sun, Minute Maid and Juicy Juice.
Steven Gilburne is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications
major from Sarasota, Florida. Steve recently landed an internship at
Chrysler where he will spend a summer in California purusing his
dream of working with cars. He enjoys working with Photoshop and
Indesign and hopes to use these talents in his future career. Steve
plans on becoming an F1-class racecar driver for Ferrari in the future
and is well on his way to realizes his dream.
Julia Castle is a senior Integrated Market-
ing Communications major with a minor in
Theater Studies. She hails from Suffern, New
York, and Apple & Eve’s Fruitables is her go-to
juice drink to make sure her that she and her
nieces of 3 and 4 years old receive healthy vi-
tamins, nutrients and ample servings of fruits
and veggies. When she isn’t drinking Apple
& Eve, Julia is actively involved in the student
orgs: IC Players IABC, STAT, and ICTV.
Nicetomeetyou,I'm Spencer.
Spencer Pereira is a junior, Integrated Marketing
Communications major from Omaha, Nebras-
ka. Spencer has worked for two years as a in dig-
ital marketing and analytics. He is now working
on utilizing these skills for positive-social benefit.
As a result, he has come to Green Giraffe to pro-
mote socially conscious brands. He specializes
in copywriting and coming up with Big Ideas.
Trevor LaRose is a junior Integrated
Marketing Communications major from
Scarborough, Maine. He was introduced
to Apple & Eve products through his
work with children at a summer camp.
Trevor plans to study a semester in Los
Angeles where he will further his edu-
cation and talents for Photoshop and
advertising. He plans to get a job in the
media industry where his affinity towards
creative work will be utilized.
Leah Sachs is a junior Integrated Marketing
Communications major at Ithaca College. She
enjoys exploring nature, going to see live mu-
sic, and hanging out with good friends. Leah
was a social media intern at a cause marketing
agency in New York City last year, and plans
on joining a cause when she graduates. Her
favorite flavor of Apple & Eve juice is the origi-
nal apple flavor.
Simmons OneView Excel Chart. Base: Female, Column: Ages 25-34, Row/Category: Flavored Juice Drinks Most 	
	 Likely to Purchase
LED for a Sustainable Future. (2009, January 1). Retrieved December 3, 2014, from http://www.juicetechnology.
Wolf, B. (2013, February 1). Bringing the Juice. Retrieved December 3, 2014, from http://www.qsrmagazine.	
Strom, S. (2013, April 23). With Juice and Vegan Trends, a Company Aims for National Exposure. Retrieved 	
December 3, 2014, from	
Ferdman, R. (2014, February 26). How America fell out of love with orange juice. Retrieved
	 December 3, 2014, from

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  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 TableofContents 2: Table of Contents 3-8: Situational Analysis 9: Objectives 10-11: Research 12-13: Target Market Profiles 14: Campaign Strategy 15-19: Creative Strategy 19-23: Media Strategy 23-25: Brand Value Proposition 26: Evaluation 27-32: Appendix
  • 3. 3 Apple & Eve, a New York-based beverage com- pany, is one of the leading producers of 100% juice and organic juice in the United States. Offered nationwide, Apple & Eve is most widely known for its apple juice and on-the-go single servings for children and adults. Apple & Eve is revered for its commitment for provid- ing wholesome juice with servings of fruits and veg- etables to consumers. They have received numerous awards for their company growth and healthy product lines. In recent years, the juice category, specifically the organic juice category, has been rapidly growing and is highly congested. Today, there are over 119 juice manufacturers and companies in the United States competing within the category. Green Giraffe identi- fied the need for an exciting campaign for Apple & Eve as a way to separate it and help its greatness stand out amongst the category. Through the use of television, magazine, online, out-of-home and in store advertis- ing, Green Giraffe strives to promote the Apple & Eve brand as the only choice for moms for their children. Their 100% juice and organic products come straight from Mother Nature. “From one mother to another,” Apple & Eve’s ingredients are more nutritious than all other juices in the category and is the best choice for moms and their families. ExecutiveSummaryAgencyIdentity For over 25 years, Green Giraffe has been creating powerful campaigns that go deeper than just the measurable success of getting consumers to purchase products. As a full-service advertising agency, we at Green Giraffe offer resources from audience analyt- ics to market research and creative development. We believe in serving socially responsible brands and en- suring that products, services and ideas that do good for the world are able to achieve their ultimate height among the other ads in the market. In an age where consumers view over 5,000 ads each day, the ones that are creative, innovative and relevant enough to con- nect with the target market are those able to succeed and stand out among the clutter. Green Giraffe is determined to help brands achieve their goals with ul- timate height among the competition. Through fierce determination, speed, focus and ability to see beyond the dense forest of media messages, Green Giraffe knows how to bring your brand into the homes and lives of your consumers. Give your brand optimum height when you stand with Green Giraffe.
  • 4. 4 HistoricalContext CompetitiveForces Apple & Eve pioneered the original 100% juice box and has been around for the last 40 years creating quality juice products that are healthy, convenient, and great tasting. Apple & Eve provides vital vitamins and minerals in all of their juices and juice blends as a way of helping consumers reach their daily vitamin intake. Additionally, Apple & Eve offers more than 100 different sizes and shapes of different juice blends to its consumers. Due to product proliferation and the increasing num- ber of juice flavors and brands in the market, there is more competition facing Apple & Eve. Growing numbers of vegetable juice and vegetable-fruit blends compete with the Apple & Eve brand. Additionally, ris- ing demands for coconut waters have become a com- petitive force for our client and are a direct result of the health-and-wellness movement in America. There is also an increasing number of juice bars opening up around the country, which bring competition to our client because people are going to juice bars rather than buying juice in-store. Recently, large numbers of quick and self-service restaurants are offering smoothies and juices, which make up nearly 39% of the $3.5 billion juice and smoothie bar market. Lastly, juicing trends in America have resulted in more consumers using home blenders and juicers to make juice instead of buying them in store. Since 2007, fruit juice sales have been declining. Vegetable juices and vegetable-fruit blends have also increased sales in the market. The industry average for juice prices is at its highest point, causing people to buy other beverages as a way of saving money. EconomicForces
  • 5. 5 PoliticalForces Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign, which was announced in February of 2010, has been educating parents and children about healthier food options. The campaign aims to put healthier food and juice options in schools as a way of making kids healthier and reduc- ing childhood obesity rates in this country. LegalandRegulatory Forces As of July 1st, 2014, the USDA implemented national nutrition standards for competitive foods, which pro- hibit schools and food and beverage companies from selling fruit or vegetable juice that is not 100% juice. TechnologicalForces With the development of the stevia plant, a natu- ral, low-calorie sweetener, the nectar juice seg- ment has boosted tremendously. Additionally, increased production of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables are available to consumers. The inter- net has increased awareness for healthier juice options. There is more knowledge on healthier foods to put in juice through social media and it is easy to find juicing recipes online. Flash-freez- ing techniques help to preserve nutrients in frozen fruits and vegetables, which allows for improvement in the production of juice. Lastly, new blenders and juicers with innovative tech- nology are on the market, giving people the ability to make their own juices at home. SocioculturalForces Consumers are continuing to grow more and more conscious of their health, which leads to purchases of healthier products. Juice is no longer just for kids as busy parents seek a quicker, more nutritious product. Restaurants are also beginning to offer a wider variety of juice options. Rising environmental and animal-treatment awareness has led to a higher demand for meatless products. Additionally, there is an increasing demand for innovative flavors outside the standard orange and apple in the juice market. There has been a decline in sit-down breakfast eating,
  • 6. 6 CompetitorAnalysis Distinguishing Competitive Factor: Capri Sun offers unique packaging that differentiates the brand from the rest of the category. - Strengths - High brand awareness and identifiable target audience (specific websites for each target market) - Variety of flavors and product lines - 100% Juice Drink - Weaknesses - High sugar content - Non-recycable pouches - Few healthy drink lines Distinguishing Competitive Factor: Juicy Juice strives to help parents raise happy and healthy children by providing lines of nutritious juices filled with vitamins and wholesome ingredients. - Strengths - Promotes itself as healthy juice line with few artificial ingredients. - 100% Juice Drink. - High brand awareness. - Weaknesses - Does not replace offerings of fruits and vegetables. - Few product lines: Juicy Juice and Fruitfuls.
  • 7. 7 Distinguishing Competitive Factor: Motts is the leading juice category competitor and places number one in the market. - Strengths - 40% less sugar than the average less juice and all-natural ingredients. - Leader in the juice category. - Dr Pepper-Snapple group is Motts’ parent company. - Weaknesses - Few flavor varieties. - Apple White Grape and Fruit Punch variant contains juice Distinguishing Competitive Factor: Minute Maid is the world’s leading juice and drink competitor on the market with over 100 different flavor varieties sold internationally. - Strengths -High brand awareness and with easily identifiable logo and trademark. - The Coca-Cola Company is the Minute Maid parent company. - Integration into schools and prevalence in vending machines. - Weaknesses -Artificial ingredients.
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 9 MarketingObjectives The marketing goals of this campaign are to increase sales of Apple & Eve by 6%. Green Giraffe will accomplish this by highlighting the brands’ qualities of pure ingredients, health benefits and refreshing taste that children will enjoy. AdvertisingObjectives Within the target market of children ages 3-10 and mothers ages 18-49, Green Giraffe will see 80% of the target audience comprehend Apple & Eve’s message by the end of the year. Of those 80%, 60% will find conviction and value within the brand and intend to purchase Apple & Eve juice. Green Giraffe will reach 80% of our target audience an average of 4 times. Overall, Apple & Eve’s sales will increase by 6%. TimeFrame Green Giraffe’s campaign for Apple & Eve will run for one full year from August 2016 to July 2017. Children primarily consume juice during average ten-month school period from mid-August to mid-May. Because of this, Green Giraffe has implemented a pulsing campaign with periods of heavy-up advertising during the key time of back-to-school months during September and January. Budget Green Giraffe has been granted 10 million dollars to execute this campaign. Our agency has allocated the budget as fol- lowed:
  • 10. 10 ResearchObjectives 1. Determine what mothers look for in a juice box that they serve to their children 2. Ascertain what women in our target market know about Apple & Eve 3. Identify what media channels and vehicles our target markets use most frequent SecondaryResearch For our secondary research, Green Giraffe organized available data from Simmons OneView, Apple & Eve website, trade journal publications and SRDS to discern what media and lifestyle habits are practiced by women with children between the ages of 18-24, 25-34, and 35-49. Through Simmons OneView, we found women in our primary target market between the ages of 25-34 say that their friends come to them often for health and diet advice and that they are the first among their friends to try a new health food, but that they like to indulge themselves in foods that are not as good for them. However, due to their busy lifestyles, these women are not able to take care of themselves as well as they should. Data also revealed that the internet has very much changed the way our primary target market shops and consumes media and information. These women are 60% more likely to require internet access “on-the-go” when they are away from home and work, and they rely on social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay connected with friends and family. Using the Apple & Eve website, we were able to gauge how the company interacts with its consumers and succeeds in marketing towards women and children in their tactics com- pared to other members of the category. We also used their website to analyze their overall brand aesthetic, history and online representation. Green Giraffe used SRDS to determine what media vehicles best penetrated our target market. Through this site we found the number of circulations, unique visitors and rates for each medium our campaign intends to utilize for this campaign. PrimaryResearch To ensure the clearest sense of our primary and secondary targets, Green Giraffe conducted primary research by creating an online survey. Our team isolated the responses of survey responders to interpret the data most relevant to approximate the opinions, values and beliefs of our primary target market. Of all of the 102 responses gathered, Green Giraffe totaled 88 responses from the primary and secondary target market of women with children between the ages of 18 and 49. Green Giraffe’s first intention was to gauge our audiences habitual and timely consumption of juice. According to our results, Green Giraffe found that 3 out of 4 women in our target market only consumed juice drinks “rarely” to “sometimes.” Only 17% of women with children report- ed that they drink juice “often” or “everyday.” The optimal time for juice intake was reported by 65% of our responders to be in the morning. Second, Green Giraffe aimed to determine what brand and type of juice women with children between the ages of 18 and 49 prefer. Our findings informed us that 52% of women did not have a juice brand preference. However, when asked what juice brand first came to mind when hearing the word “juice,” 53% of responders indicated Tropicana, followed by Motts at 13%. One written text response was “Green Juice (we juice at home),” indicative of the growing home-juicing trend. We chose to include questions pertaining to the health-conscious reasons associated with juice consumption. Health deemed important when women with children were asked if they would choose a juice brand offering all-natural ingredients over artificial ingredients. 74% of responses indicated “definitely yes” to purchasing all-natural juice, followed by 24% of responders choos- ing “probably yes.” Furthermore, 57% of these women would be inclined to purchase a juice that included a full serving of vegetables, 28% answered “maybe,” while 6% indicated they required more information. When asked about their willingness to pay more for organic juice, 67% of respondents reported “definitely yes” or “probably yes.” Regarding flavor, the majority of our target market reported that they purchase juice for taste (64%) as opposed to convenience (6%), nutrition (21%) or dietary need (9%). Orange ranked as the number one juice flavor by 44 out of 84 responders wrote a text response pertaining to Green Giraffe’s question of flavor preference. This is not surprising, as orange juice is the most popular American juice flavoring and is primarily consumed in the morning hours. Factors that were most important to consumers when they made a juice purchase were nutrition, flavor and ingredients as opposed to fun packaging which was deemed as least important by 51% of responders. Finally, Green Giraffe how Apple & Eve ranked among our consumers as a brand of juice they would prefer to consume over Capri Sun, Juicy Juice, Minute Maid and Mott’s. Out of the responses to this question, 37% ranked Apple & Eve as their top preference followed by Mott’s at 26%. Minute Maid, Juicy Juice and Capri Sun were preferred by less than 17% of responders.
  • 11. 11 BrandValueProposition FunctionalBenefits Apple & Eve is a company that turns the fruits and vegetables Mother Na- ture provides into delicious and nutri- tious beverages that satisfy the palates of both kids and adults. Mothers who want their children to lead healthier lifestyles enjoy giving Apple & Eve to their kids because they know they are getting a 100% USDA certified organic juice beverage that is fully packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Apple & Eve offers a wide variety of product lines and flavors of juice, which are conveniently packed in on-the-go juice boxes and family size bottles. Busy moms who are looking for an easy way to get their kids to eat vegetables give their children Fruitables to ensure that they are following a healthy diet while staying hydrated at the same time. Since Apple & Eve’s juices do not con- tain any artificial flavors or sweeten- ers, mothers can guarantee that what they are feeding their kids is naturally flavorful and USDA organic. Moms want a juice brand they can trust. Expecting and experienced mothers want the best for their chil- dren, and a brand that offers juices made solely with fruits and vegetables gives mothers that peace of mind. When mothers buy Apple & Eve they can feel confident that they are pur- chasing a healthy beverage that serves as an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients the whole family can enjoy. EmotionalBenefits Self-ExpressiveBenefits Mothers who drink Apple & Eve juice with their children can be identified as health conscious and caring parents. They want to put the best possible ingredients into their bodies and their children’s bodies because they know that long lives begin with healthy nutrition. They realize the benefits of drinking all natural juice rather than artificially enhanced juice, and are will- ing to spend more to ensure their kids are consuming the most wholesome ingredients possible. Due to the recent health trend in America, expecting mothers feel inclined to follow suit and show off the healthy choices they are providing for their children.
  • 12. 12 PrimaryTargetMarketProfiles Women,Ages25-34 Ellen Ellen is a 27 year old expectant mother in her second trimester. She lives in Buffalo, New York with her husband Tom, and their daughter Jamie (4). Her husband is a homeopathic doctor who works full-time. Because Jamie is pregnant, she and Tom have decided to change their eat- ing habits and become healthier for the newborn baby, and their family as a whole. They strive to feed their family organic foods and are constantly looking for quick and easy ways to do so. Jamie began pre-school this year and Tom and Ellen have been looking for healthier options that they can pack her for her lunch. Jamie hates eating her vegetables, so Ellen has been trying to find a clever way to sneak them into her foods/drinks without her knowing. Ellen usual- ly does most of the shopping for the household, so she is always looking for deals on organic foods and beverages. She wants to find something that her kids will enjoy, as well as her and her husband. Jennifer Jennifer is a 32 year old mother living in San Francisco, California. She has been married for 4 years and has two children: Brad (3) and Amy (5). She is educated, having received an undergraduate degree and now working as a full-time stay at home mom. Family is extremely important to Jennifer, and so are the items that she chooses to bring into her home. She thinks that it is important for big corporations to do their part in helping nonprofit and human rights organizations around the world, and chooses her prod- ucts and what she likes to buy based on a company’s mission and vision. When she finds a brand that she likes and supports, she sticks with it. Jennifer also chooses brands that are apt to reward her for brand loy- alty, and appreciate how hard she works as a mom. When eating out and going grocery shopping, Jennifer likes to choose healthy options. She limits “junk food” to a minimum in the home, and always looks at the nutritional value of what she buys. When making juice purchases for her family, Jennifer chooses options that fit the nutritional needs and savory desires Brad, Amy and husband can all enjoy.
  • 13. 13 SecondaryTargetMarketProfiles Women,Ages18-24and35-49 Alison Alison is a married 39 year old of 15 years and is a mother of three: George (4), Kristy (7), and Jane (10). As full-time working parents, Alison and her husband Tom live lead busy lives just outside Washington, D.C. They are often eating “on-the-go,” but will not sacrifice their families health for the convenience of junk and fast foods. She checks “mommy blogs” and utilizes Facebook to catch up with her friends who are also parents to see what the latest and greatest tips and tricks are regarding the best ways to balance being a mom and working a full-time job. Alison is the primary shopper and although she enjoys juicing organically, when it comes to packing lunches for her children, her brand of choice is Apple & Eve. She chooses Apple & Eve because of its organic qualities, trusted name and the brand’s variety of healthy options from fruit to vegetable flavors that she and her family can all enjoy. Amy is a 23 year old mom of 3 year old Rebecca and resides in New York, New York. She and her partner Tom both work full-time. Technology is a huge part of her life and she uses it as a way to communicate and meet other people. Amy identifies and brands herself through her inter- net personas on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and Snapchat. She actively updates her profile, creates statuses and uploads pictures to let her friends know what she and Rebecca are doing. Amy actively posts in forums online about “mommy” issues and about the best ways she can care for her child by interacting with other moms on the internet, and she checks WebMD to search for health issues regarding her daughter. She receives most of her primary news from television and the internet. Amy tries to be healthy and makes purchases for her family that will save money, provide convenience and keep her, Tom and her young daughter happy and healthy. Amy
  • 14. 14 CampaignStrategy TheChallenge Many mothers are buying on-the-go juice for their children and for themselves out of convenience and price, often times forgetting about the nutritional components inside the juices that they are consuming. Green Giraffe’s campaign will challenge mothers to choose the all-natural, organic option for themselves and for their children. TheKeyInsight Through our primary and secondary research, Green Giraffe found that 74% of mothers want to purchase juice from a brand that offers all-natural ingredients over artificial ingredients and 67% were willing to pay more for that option. We also found that 57% of women would be inclined to purchase juice with a full serving of vegetables. TheBrandPromise Green Giraffe will promote Apple & Eve as the organic, all-natural option of juice for moms and their kids. We want to show moms that Apple & Eve cares about what kids are putting in their bodies because wholesome nutrition is the key to a healthy life. We want moms to incorporate Apple & Eve as a quick and easy solution to providing nutri-
  • 15. 15 CreativeStrategy TheBigIdea:FromOneMotherToAnother CreativeStrategy Through extensive research, Green Giraffe has discovered that suburban moms are concerned about their children’s consumption of processed and chemically-infused foods and beverages. As a result, they desire to purchase items that are organic. However, finding the brand with guaranteed, all-natural ingredients can prove a challenge in this highly competitive market. Green Giraffe’s campaign will clear the confusion by providing moms with an assurance ArtDirection The visuals for this campaign connect average moms with Mother Nature through Apple & Eve juice. Average moms and their kids portrayed in natural landscapes to show how closely related mothers are to Mother Nature when they purchase Apple & Eve. Earth tones such as green and blue will reinforce the ads’ pure, natural theme. We will also use pictures of children happily drinking Apple & Eve to reinforce our target markets preference for the juice. Copywriting Our messages stress Apple & Eve’s commitment to all-natural ingredients and reinforce the idea that Apple & Eve provides products directly from Mother Nature to the everyday mom. Our ad will bring brand awareness of Apple & Eve to all moms. Our ad copy states the message: “From one mother to another,” along with sentences explaining the meaning behind each image.
  • 18. 18 Coupon Billboard Skyscraper 1 2 3 4 ( Animated Skyskrapers )
  • 19. 19 CreativeTestingResults To ensure Green Giraffe’s creative would be effective, we shared our commercial, storyboard, billboard, online and print advertisements with members of the primary and secondary target audience. The women we showed our ads to were very responsive to our creative, and felt that what we generated was relevant and felt they could identify with the message. Many women felt that the magazine ad portraying Apple & Eve coming out of the ground was innovative, captivating and intriguing. They liked how Apple & Eve was shown directly coming out of the ground, and liked to be compared to Mother Nature. Moms who saw our ads felt that the Apple & Eve brand supported their personal commitments to healthy lifestyles for themselves and for their families. There were several comments about Apple & Eve’s original logo. Because of this, Green Giraffe altered the design and created an alternative logo. MediaStrategy Media Objectives Reach our Target Audience Our primary target audience is mothers between the ages of 25 and 34 years old. Our secondary tar- get audience is mothers between the ages of 18 and 24 and mothers between the ages of 34 and 49. We plan to reach these mothers through a variety of media including print, television, internet, transit and out-of-home outlets as well as earned and owned media. Geographic Scope The geographic scope of our campaign encompasses a combination approach of national and spot lo- cations. Television, magazine and digital advertising media will maintain a national geographic focus, whereas regional locations will be utilized in regards to advertisements placed in out-of-home, transit and in-store me- dia. Our regionally focused advertisements will be placed in the metropolitan areas, specifically New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston. Green Giraffe has decided to implement this mixed geographic strategy as we have found we can reach a majority of our target market and attain our desired levels of reach and frequency. Message Weight A majority of the women in our target audience regularly check their email, social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter), watch television and browse the internet. Mothers in our audience also enjoy finding activities outside the home to do with their children. Green Giraffe has chosen its weight within each medium to remain consistent with the lifestyle habits of this campaign’s target audience.
  • 20. 20 Media Strategies Green Giraffe’s effective reach for the Apple & Eve campaign is 80 with an effective frequency of 4. This cam- paign will follow a pulsing strategy throughout the course of the year. We have chosen to heavy-up our media during the back-to-school months when mothers are preparing to send their children back to school after the common winter and summer academic breaks. These occur on average in August, and January, which are the months we have chosen most of our media to go live. Additionally, Green Giraffe’s brand activation tactics will occur throughout the year and heavy-up during the kick-off of our campaign in August, the end of the winter season between January and March, and at the end of the school year in May, which will end our campaign. Advertisement Dimensions Television Advertisements: (2) :15s commercials Print Advertisements: Full Page Color Print – 8.5” – 11” Online Advertisements: Skyskraper – 120 x 600 pixels Billboard Advertisements: 14’ high x 48’ wide In-Store Aisle Advertisements: Aisle coupons - 2.5” – 6” Media Choices - WebsiteWebMD: Reach: 23,483,086 (Year-long) WebMD is a website that provides valuable health information, tools for managing health, advice and expertise to those seeking information. Women who have kids or are pregnant use Web- MD frequently because they can get fast answers to medical questions re- garding their loved ones. Real Simple: Reach: 2,468,426 (Year-long) Real Simple is a women’s interest website that of- fers simple solutions for busy women and their everyday challenges. The website focuses on a simple and Zen lifestyle movement that attracts professional women because of its clean and uncluttered layout. Women trust this web- site for tips regarding kids, work, beauty, orga- nization, entertainment, cooking, and emotional well-being. CafeMom: Reach: 7,418,103 (Year-Long) CafeMom is an online community that targets mothers and mothers to be who are looking for advice and support on topics such as preg- nancy, health, food, en- tertainment, and more. Moms use this site to discover helpful tips and to connect with other moms struggling with similar issues. Groupon: Reach: 17,093,656 (Year-Long) Groupon is a website that features daily deals on discounted gift certificates, which are usable at local and national companies. The website offers thousands of discounts on restaurants, stores, and services all over North America, and are commonly 50% off. Because mothers are always looking to save money, they use Groupon as a source to find deals that will satisfy their wants and needs without the expensive cost.
  • 21. 21 Media Choices - Television Food Network Star: Food Network star is an ex- citing reality television series where celebrities and food network stars like Bobby Flay and Bob Tuschman judge participant chefs who want to be the next Food Network Star. The show airs on Sunday nights on the Food Network and reaches an average of over one million people ranging from 18-49 years old. Women watch the show to be entertained and to learn new ideas for cooking in their everyday lives. Modern Family: Modern Family is a comedy series revolving around three different families, which airs on ABC. The show has pro- duced 6 seasons already, and is one of the highest rated television shows on ABC net- work. With over 10 million viewers, Modern Family is sure way to reach our target audience. Today Show: The Today Show is America’s favorite morn- ing show, which airs Mon- day through Friday on the NBC network. Women watch this show because they are able to see the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health, and parenting. With over 4 million viewers, the Today Show is a fast way to reach our target audience. Media Choices - Magazines OK! Magazine: Circulation: 508,401 (Year-Long) OK! magazine is a weekly consumer magazine that specializes in the coverage of fashion, celebrity news, beau- ty, and entertainment. Wom- en read OK! Magazine for their weekly fix of celebrity gossip and also learn what’s trending in movies, music, TV, fashion, babies, and wed- dings from the hottest stars in showbiz. Due to its layout and glossy photographs, OK! Magazine is the #1 magazine for reaching women ages 18-49. People: Circulation: 3,510,533 (August, October, December, February, April, June) People Magazine is a weekly magazine that covers ce- lebrity and human-interest stories. The magazine deliv- ers the latest celebrity news, exclusive photos of your fa- vorite stars, and stories about real-life heroes. Women also read People as a way of staying up to date with what’s trending in regards to food, pets, children, style, and entertainment. Parents: Circulation: 2,176,645 (August, January) Parents is a monthly magazine that features scientific news on child development geared to helping parents raise their children. Wom- en use this magazine as a source for finding tips, advice, and tech- niques that cover health, pregnan- cy, children, safety, food, and other parenting related topics.
  • 22. 22 Media Choices - Out of Home In Store: We want to be the top-of-mind awareness brand for moms and future moms when purchasing juice, which is why we are putting our ads in grocery store aisles in coupon dispensaries throughout the entire year. Our ads will be placed in the top five grocery store chains in the country to assure that we reach our target audience. Our target audience will see the coupon dispensaries in the juice aisle and be incentivized to purchase Apple & Eve juice because they are saving money. Billboards: We are also placing advertisements on billboards in major cities such as New York, Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The billboards will go up during the months of August, January, and July. Due to their loca- tions and the time period in which we put the billboards up, Moms will be able to see these advertise- ments on a regular basis while they are commuting to work or running their daily errands. Shopright- Middle-Income Shoppers Kroger- Middle-Income Shoppers Walmart – Low Income Shoppers Wegmans- Organic Conscious Shoppers Whole foods- Organic Conscious Shoppers MediaSchedule
  • 23. 23 MediaBudgeting BrandActivation Apple & Eve Orchards Activity -The Apple & Eve Orchards will be a series of interactive outdoor exhibits placed in locations cities such as Union Square in New York City and Millennium Park in Chicago. Objective - Our goal with this out-of-home brand activation tactic is to enhance and promote Apple and Eve’s im- age and awareness among mothers and their children. This will help to promote a fun and caring image of Apple and Eve among moms and their families. This event will ensure that Apple and Eve is at the forefront of a mother’s mind when deciding which juice to buy for her kids. Strategy - The exhibit will feature fun activities that engage mothers and their children and offer free samples of Apple & Eve juices. The exhibit will revolve around an “orchard” featuring fake trees where parents and children can pick juice boxes from the branches as if they were apples and will attract others into the event. Other activities will include bobbing for apples, live music, and samples for kids. These will be implemented during early Summer and Fall months when kids are gearing up to head back to school and apples are in season.
  • 24. 24 “Modern Family” Product Placement Activity - Placing Apple & Eve family size organics and family size 100% juice into an episode of Modern Family. Objective - To align Apple & Eve with a show that is entertaining, honest, and promotes the image of a strong family bond. Strategy - We plan to place Apple & Eve family size juice in an episode of “Modern Family” to appeal to mothers. By showing characters in “Modern Family” drinking Apple & Eve products we hope to align our juice with the idea of family. Mothers will see that the mom on the show chose Apple & Eve juice which will strengthen our brand image and place us in the minds of mothers the next time they go grocery shopping. “Today Show” Brand Integration Activity - Feature Apple & Eve products in a back-to-school showcase on the “Today Show.” Objective - Make Apple & Eve the “go-to” brand for mothers shopping for back-to-school snacks and lunches. Also, showcase the wide variety and benefits of the Apple & Eve product line, especially our organic juices. Strategy - In a special back-to-school feature on the “Today Show” we plan to showcase Apple & Eve products and demonstrate our healthy and organic juices to a large audience of moms. This segment will associate the image of Apple & Eve as a healthy product with organic options. It will show our products in a back-to-school context to get mothers thinking about our juices as the perfect choice for school snacks and lunches.
  • 25. 25 Website Forum Activity - “From One Mother to Another” discussion forum on Apple & Eve website. Objective - Engage mothers in an interactive conversation about parenting, the best products for their children, and most specifically Apple & Eve juices. Strategy - An online forum will be developed on the Apple & Eve website with the theme of “From One Mother to Another.” This will allow mothers to interact with each other to discuss different Apple & Eve products among other parenting topics important to them. It will be a great way to get interactivity on the website as well as spread the word about our product line. Mobile App Activity - An Apple & Eve app compatible with mobile and tablet devices with product info and interactive games. Objective - Create an app to engage children with fun games and offer information on all of the Apple & Eve products. Strategy - This will be a free downloadable app designed specifically to engage to children. The app will feature fun games such as “tic- tAPPLE-toe” and “Apple Ninja.” Information and descriptions of Apple & Eve products will be available on the app as well. This will engage the kids with fun games featuring our products while giving product info for parents to keep our brand presence strong and in the minds of consumers. Twitter Activation Activity - Start an Apple & Eve twitter account and the hashtag: #OneMotherToAnother. Objective- Strengthen Apple & Eve’s social media presence with a twitter account and hashtag featuring our campaign slogan. Strategy- We will create a Twitter account for Apple & Eve to increase social media presence and allow another medium for consum- ers to interact with the brand. The hashtag #OneMotherToAnother will be used to advertise our brand and slogan and will also be used on the Apple & Eve Twitter account. Using the hashtag, Apple & Eve will give advice to other moms regarding new products and parenting tips.
  • 26. 26 Evaluation Green Giraffe was given three criteria to measure the success of our campaign: increase comprehension by 80%, increase conviction by 60%, and increase sales by 6%. The following charts depict quantitative benchmarks that will be used throughout our campaign to evaluate and guide our campaign’s effectiveness among our target audience.
  • 27. 27 TheCreativeBrief The Story In 1975, “a time when natural foods were more hippie than hip,” Apple & Eve joined the market with its first 100% all-natural juice. The company decided to let “juice be juice.” This meant no additives such as sugar or preservatives to be included in its product lines. Nearly 40 years later, they have stuck to this same model and continue to provide USDA organic, all-natural juice to their consumers. In 1978, Apple & Eve introduced a 100% all-natural cranberry blend. Then, in 1982, the company invented the first additive-free juice box, which changed school lunches forever. Since then, kids have been the focus of the all marketing efforts. The company partnered with Sesame Street in 1999 as a way of featuring various characters on different juice-flavored boxes. The campaign was named “Sesame Street Puts Kids on the Road to Healthy Habits,” and is still running. Apple & Eve now boasts over seven different product lines in over 20 different flavors. The brand places a strong emphasis on flavor and nutrition--satisfying both moms’ expectations and kids’ taste-buds all over the country. Goals By the end of next year, we predict this campaign will boost Apple & Eve sales by 6%, awareness by 80% and comprehension by 60%. Target Market Suburban, upper-middle class moms ages 18 to 49 The Challenge Grocery store aisles are inundated with brands making claims to 100% all-natural, organic ingredients. Apple & Eve challenge is posi- tioning the brand above its competitors as the best juice of choice for their children. moms have trouble determining which juice is the best choice for their child’s’ nutrition. Advertising Objectives Effective reach for this campaign is 80 and effective frequency is 4. Of all U.S. moms ages 18 to 49, at least 80% will have an opportunity to see the “from one mother to another” message on an average of four times. The Emotional Need Moms want a juice brand they can trust. In other words, a juice that places their nutritional concerns at the core of every bottle and box. “From one mother to another” means natural ingredients moms can count on: not a false claim or a marketing ploy. Moms want to feel confident in what goes in their childs’ bodies. Competitors Our main competitors for this campaign are Motts, Capri Sun, Minute Maid and Juicy Juice.
  • 28. 28 MeetSteven Steven Gilburne is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major from Sarasota, Florida. Steve recently landed an internship at Chrysler where he will spend a summer in California purusing his dream of working with cars. He enjoys working with Photoshop and Indesign and hopes to use these talents in his future career. Steve plans on becoming an F1-class racecar driver for Ferrari in the future and is well on his way to realizes his dream.
  • 29. 29 Hey!JuliaHere. Julia Castle is a senior Integrated Market- ing Communications major with a minor in Theater Studies. She hails from Suffern, New York, and Apple & Eve’s Fruitables is her go-to juice drink to make sure her that she and her nieces of 3 and 4 years old receive healthy vi- tamins, nutrients and ample servings of fruits and veggies. When she isn’t drinking Apple & Eve, Julia is actively involved in the student orgs: IC Players IABC, STAT, and ICTV.
  • 30. 30 Nicetomeetyou,I'm Spencer. Spencer Pereira is a junior, Integrated Marketing Communications major from Omaha, Nebras- ka. Spencer has worked for two years as a in dig- ital marketing and analytics. He is now working on utilizing these skills for positive-social benefit. As a result, he has come to Green Giraffe to pro- mote socially conscious brands. He specializes in copywriting and coming up with Big Ideas.
  • 31. 31 IAmTrevor Trevor LaRose is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major from Scarborough, Maine. He was introduced to Apple & Eve products through his work with children at a summer camp. Trevor plans to study a semester in Los Angeles where he will further his edu- cation and talents for Photoshop and advertising. He plans to get a job in the media industry where his affinity towards creative work will be utilized.
  • 32. 32 MyNameIsLeah Leah Sachs is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major at Ithaca College. She enjoys exploring nature, going to see live mu- sic, and hanging out with good friends. Leah was a social media intern at a cause marketing agency in New York City last year, and plans on joining a cause when she graduates. Her favorite flavor of Apple & Eve juice is the origi- nal apple flavor.
  • 33. 33 EndNotes Simmons OneView Excel Chart. Base: Female, Column: Ages 25-34, Row/Category: Flavored Juice Drinks Most Likely to Purchase LED for a Sustainable Future. (2009, January 1). Retrieved December 3, 2014, from http://www.juicetechnology. Wolf, B. (2013, February 1). Bringing the Juice. Retrieved December 3, 2014, from http://www.qsrmagazine. com/consumer-trends/bringing-juice Strom, S. (2013, April 23). With Juice and Vegan Trends, a Company Aims for National Exposure. Retrieved December 3, 2014, from and-vegan-trends-are-moving-mainstream.html?_r=0 Ferdman, R. (2014, February 26). How America fell out of love with orange juice. Retrieved December 3, 2014, from