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Oatly was established in the 1990s, based out of the southern region of Sweden. The company’s
sole purpose is to make it easy for people to turn what they drink into personal moments of joy
without taxing the planet’s resources in the process. Oatly decided to do a total rebrand in
2014. The new campaign raised eyebrows in Sweden, causing the Swedish Dairy Association to
sue Oatly over claims it was scaring consumers into thinking milk was dangerous.
Rad Ad wants to help bring up Oatly’s brand image and awareness by portraying Oatly as the
best non-dairy alternative. In our research, we found out that people are afraid to try oat milk in
general. To get people away from that perspective, we designed a campaign to deliver the
idea that “it’s just good.” This will give a reason for consumers to try it and help increase the
brand awareness.
Agency Identity…………………………………………………...2 Online Video…………………………………………………….……..15
Objectives………………………………………………………….3 Rich Online Display………………………………………………..….16
Brand Value Proposition…………………………………….......4 Media Objectives……………………………....…………...........….17
Environmental Analysis…………………….………....………….5 Media Strategies…………………………...………………………...18
SWOT Analysis……………………………………......….…….......6 Media Mix………....………..…..………...……………………….19-20
Competitor Analysis……………………………....………...........7 Media Flowchart………………………………….………………….21
Exploratory Research……………………………………….........8 Media Budgeting…………………………………………………….22
Primary Research…………………………………………...….....9 Brand Activation……………………………..…………………...23-24
Target Market Profiles…………………………………………...10 Brand Activation Flowchart…………………...……………………25
Campaign Strategy……………………………………………..11 Evaluation……………………………………………………………...26
Creative Strategy & The Big Idea…………………………….12 Creative Brief………………………………………………...……......27
Magazine……….…………………..……………….....…….......13 Meet the Team………………..………………..…...…....……....28-29
Transit……….…………………..………………………..…..........14 End Notes……………………………………………………..............30
Rad Ad is a well-rounded advertising agency,
solely focused on bringing creative and new
ideas to satisfy the client’s needs. We are
committed to helping brands stay on top of
their competitors while increasing their sales
and brand image. Our agency has committed,
hard working, and enthusiastic workers to help
brands stay rad.
To increase sales of Oatly by 7%.
Among our target market of women 18-34
years old, achieve 75% comprehension,
understanding of our key message, and
60% conviction, finding value in our key
message. We will also achieve an effective
reach of 75 and an effective frequency of
Our campaign will run for 1 year, from
January 2020 to December 2020.
Our budget for this campaign is $10 million.
Oatly provides a dairy free milk option for those who prefer non-dairy
based milk. It also comes in different variations, such as low-fat,
chocolate, and barista edition, giving consumers options when
buying Oatly.
Consumers will feel that they are making a healthier choice by
choosing Oatly when compared to dairy milk, which gives them
feelings of happiness and satisfaction. They’ll also feel a sense of
virtue and social responsibility by buying a milk that is more
environmentally friendly than other non-dairy milks. Oatly is also a
trendy brand, so consumers will feel “cool” by purchasing this trendy
Drinking Oatly shows that the consumer cares about their health, the
environment, and are on-trend. It also shows that they have the extra
money to spend on alternative milk and are joining the movement
against dairy-based products.
There has been a controversy between the dairy industry
and the dairy alternatives industry. Dairy farmers are arguing
that milk comes from cows only, and are trying to strip the
milk title from plant-based milks.
Since 2016, the milk industry has been experiencing a rapid
decline in sales. This is because of the rise of popularity of
dairy alternatives. Within the last decade, many Americans
between the ages of 18 and 50 have switched their diets to
vegetarian or vegan. These diets have risen in popularity
due to the trend of healthy eating, more humane practices,
and sustainability for the planet.
Living sustainably has become a prominent goal for many
people and their everyday lives. They want to make
sure everything they do can reflect positively on the
environment. Sustainability also reflects in what products
they choose to consume. It is important to consumers that
the brands they are buying from are responsible in their
production. More and more corporations are starting to
become transparent with their efforts to be more
sustainable and socially responsible. 5
• Sustainable and attractive to consumers
• Appealing design and packaging
• Website is easy to navigate
• Better for the planet
• Milk alternative for coffee
• Transparent with their consumers
• Independent company
• Delivers to all parts of the world
• Not a huge variety of flavors
• Higher in calories
• Less protein than milk and soy milks
• Potentially high in sugar
• More expensive than other milks
• No consistent advertising campaigns
• Increase brand awareness
• New studies about other milk alternatives not
being environmentally friendly
• Allergy friendly: no nuts, no gluten, no dairy
• Other non-dairy alternatives, especially
almond milk
• Regular milk
• Brand has a variety of dairy free
• Almond milk is available in an
abundance of flavors
• Low in calories and no added sugar
• Higher calcium than other milk
• Not the best tasting on its own
• Not the best for having with your
• New taste is said to be worse tasting
to consumers
• Contains no oil meaning it is low in
• Smoothest oat milk stated by
• Sweet taste without the added sugar
• Low brand awareness
• Limited range of products and flavors
• Color of the milk is off-putting
• Great in smoothies
• Brand offers many different products
• Coconut milk has anti-inflammatory
• Contains more saturated fat than any
other milk or milk alternative
• A lot of added sugars
• High in calories and fat
• Brand already sells a lot of milk
• One of the cheap alternatives to milk
• Rich and creamy
• 8 grams of protein per serving
• Too much soy could be a problem for
those with thyroid disease or other
• Soy milk is not the best milk
alternative for coffee lovers
1. Determine benefits of choosing Oatly
2. Determine competitors of Oatly
3. Determine Oatly’s current brand position
Rad Ad used charts from Statista to understand
Oatly’s recent trends in sales and popularity. We
also explored Oatly’s website, social media, and
read articles about the benefits of different
forms of non-dairy milk.
We found Oatly is centered upon the idea of
being good for both you and the environment,
and creating a drink that is environmentally
sustainable. Sales of Oatly have increased
drastically since 2012, and was the number 10
top selling refrigerated milk substitute in the U.S.
in 2018.
1. To understand consumer perception of oat milk
2. To understand Oatly’s current consumer brand awareness
Rad Ad created an online survey through Google Forms, and
distributed it through various social media platforms and word of
mouth. We received a total of 169 responses, with 93% of our
respondents being within our target audience demographic.
We found that 59.5% of our respondents said they prefer non-
dairy based milk. Almond milk was the most popular non-dairy
milk option (76.8%), and oat milk was the second most popular
(41.7%). We also learned three major reasons why our
respondents don’t choose oat milk over other milk alternatives.
The reasons are: they aren’t familiar with it, they are used to
almond milk being the go-to alternative, or they think oat milk is
too thick and creamy. Conversely, the most popular reason why
our respondents choose oat milk is because they are aware of
oat milk’s production being more sustainable than other non-
dairy options.
Lauren is a 25-year-old woman living in New York City who is frequently concerned
about political and environmental problems in the United States. She graduated with
a degree in environmental science from Binghamton University and is now a life
scientist at the Environmental Protection Agency in New York City. Lauren rents an
apartment in the Upper West Side with her roommate, Anna. Growing up, Lauren has
been conscious of the food she eats, being a vegetarian and dairy free. She is the
type of person who watches documentaries on the food industry and has been a
strong advocate for cruelty free and environmentally friendly products. Lauren is
conscious of what goes into her body and how it affects the environment. She is
constantly searching for new healthy alternatives to add to her diet.
Alexandra is a 30-year-old woman living in Seattle, Washington. She lives with her
current boyfriend in an apartment in the city. Alexandra is constantly on the go as the
owner of her own coffee shop, Fuel Coffee. Alexandra struggles being a young
business owner and strives to be the best she can be. She wants to offer her customers
the best products and a large variety of options for food and coffee. As an avid
coffee drinker herself, Alexandra loves trying new cafes and restaurants, and relies on
coffee to keep her hectic life a little bit sane. Alexandra is constantly taking inspiration
from her favorite local spots and is always looking for ways to expand her business to
new customers.
18-34 WOMEN
People are aware of non-dairy
alternatives, but not of Oatly.
Some are hesitant to try Oatly
because they aren't aware of the
brand and don’t know if they'll
like it.
People are more likely to drink
non-dairy based milk. Oatly is a
new, trendy, environmentally
friendly way to fulfill their non-
dairy needs.
Oatly uses just oats. That’s why
Oatly is more environmentally
friendly and sustainable than
other non-dairy options.
The Oatly creative strategy aims to highlight that Oatly’s oat milk has no tricks or gimmicks. It will portray to
consumers that Oatly is one of the best dairy-free alternatives.
Ads will use Oatly’s bright and attention-grabbing colors, a speech bubble from the product showing how Oatly
is “good,” and a simple design to stand out in a cluttered market of dairy-free milk options. This will keep the
campaign connected with the tone of Oatly’s brand. The product will be featured, and the design will create an
incentive to look at the ad for longer than usual.
All of the copy in the executions of this campaign will highlight the different benefits of drinking Oatly. In larger
print and different typeface, we will have our tagline, “It’s Just Good.” The first thing the consumer will see is our
tagline and then they will go on to read exactly why Oatly is, “Just Good.” Keeping with Oatly’s brand, we want
the consumer to know exactly what they’re going to get.
To pre-test this campaign, Rad-Ad showed members of the target audience some of our beginning concepts of
creative work. Participants responded positively saying they liked the colors and simplicity of the ads. Many also
said they would be more inclined to purchase Oatly than another competitive brand after seeing the ads. Based
on these responses, we moved forward with our campaign.
A woman opens her
fridge and reaches in to
grab something.
She takes Oatly out of
the fridge and pours
some into her coffee
She smiles and sits down
with her drink. The camera
focuses on the Oatly carton,
rather than on the woman.
Narrator: “Add our dairy-
free oat milk for a better
morning. Why?
Because Oatly is just good.”
”Pick one up at your local
grocery store!”
The carton moves side to side The statement “it’s just good”
starts to get typed out and the
carton stops moving
Our target audience is 18-34 year old women. They are people who
are aware of the environmental crisis and want to help change it.
Our target audience chooses to consume non-dairy alternatives as a
way to help make a positive impact on the environment. Whether
milk is a big or small part of their day, when they consume milk, they
choose a non-dairy alternative. They feel good when they choose a
non-dairy alternative, and therefore would choose Oatly over other
types of brands because of their sustainable values.
All geographic areas will receive an equally distributed message
weight to keep the message of the campaign consistent all across
the country.
Location: San Francisco, New York City, Boston, Portland, and Seattle
In order to reach the women within our target audience, we chose
these cities to display our transit ads. These cities are part of the top
25 most environmentally friendly cities in the U.S. Our target audience
is more likely to reside in these cities based off their lifestyles and
values. The magazines we chose are national, so they will be
distributed all across the country.
Achieve an effective reach of 75% among women 18-34
years old and an effective frequency of at least 3 message
Because Oatly is a product we want consumers to purchase
all year, we will use a continuous advertising schedule. By
doing this we hope to keep Oatly on top of consumers’
minds whenever they drink, purchase, or think of milk.
Our campaign includes three colorful full page magazine
advertisements, a :06 second online video advertisement, an
internet display advertisement with the dimensions of
250x250, and transit advertisements with the dimensions of
4 ft x 12 ft.
Cosmopolitan has a total circulation of 2,717,940. Cosmopolitan
is a great vehicle for reaching our target audience because it is
a magazine geared towards women within our target
audience. This is also a magazine focused lifestyle as well as
health and wellness so not only will our advertisements will reach
many women, but many people who care about their health
and well-being.
People has a total circulation of 3,458,033. People is a very
popular celebrity gossip magazine, which attracts a lot of women
within our target audience. The ads in People are typically food
and beauty product based, so Oatly will fit in perfectly. By
inserting interesting and fun advertisements in People, we will be
able to reach a lot of consumers.
Shape has a total circulation of 2,503,794. Shape is a magazine
geared towards women and focuses on health, beauty, fashion,
and more. The women who read this magazine are interested in
learning about different lifestyles, and new products. By inserting
an advertisement for Oatly here, many women reading the
magazine would stop to read it since they are most likely
interested in products that could improve their quality of life.
YouTube has a total of 126 million unique visitors. Our target
audience makes up 13% of the viewers who visit the site
monthly. The average viewer visits the site 16.3 times a month.
With our :06 advertisement video, viewers will not be allowed to
skip it, ensuring that viewers will play the entire ad. Viewers will
also be more likely to pay attention to the ad because it’s so
short in length.
16% of Instagram's 26,290,000 unique visitors and 19% of Pinterest’s
32,376,000 unique visitors fall within our target audience. Many women
in our target audience spend a lot of time on both Instagram and
Pinterest, making these social media sites highly effective vehicles to
reach our target audience with our rich online display.
New York, NY: A hugely populated city with tons of public
transportation that’s ecofriendly.
Boston, MA: A city with a lot of green spaces that helps lead the
world in environmental sustainability.
Seattle, WA: With over 500 parks, Seattle is one of the nation’s
greenest cities – literally. Like Boston, it is a leader in sustainability.
Portland, OR: A hip and sustainable city that offers ecofriendly
mass transportation.
San Francisco, CA: An environmentally friendly city with access to
beautiful outdoor spaces. It’s largest age group is 25 to 30, which
is within our target audience.
Objectives: A social media campaign will be a great way to connect
with our target audience. We want our customers to post about how
and why they choose Oatly to be a part of their day.
Strategy: The “Show Us How You Oatly” campaign will allow
consumers to post about their relationship with Oatly. Whether
customers put it in smoothies, coffee, or just to drink, we want to see
how our Oatly enthusiasts like to use Oatly products. At the end of this
month-long campaign, we will pick a select number of winners who
will receive free Oatly products for an entire year.
Objectives: Encourage Oatly drinkers to try other products in the
Oatly family by hosting a pop up in five cities across the
Strategy: We want to create a pop-up booth in New York,
Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland, Oregon. Fans of
Oatly or passer byers can stop by and try other Oatly products
such as the barista blend oat milk in a latte or Oatly’s chocolate
oat milk. We will also include a backdrop where people can
pose with their drinks and take pictures for social media while
advertising Oatly with the hashtag #ItsJustGood.
Objectives: In our efforts to spread Oatly’s name
to our target audience and ensure that people
ask for “Oatly,” we will be partnering with high
end coffee shops across New York City.
Strategy: Oatly isn’t the cheapest option when it
comes to milk alternatives and because of that,
there’s typically an additional charge when
adding it to coffee. That’s why we’ll be
partnering with higher end coffee shops in New
York City where people will be more willing to
pay a higher price. We’ll bring in a month's
supply of Oatly to the participating coffee shops
completely free of charge in exchange for their
exclusivity. The coffee shops will also receive
posters to hang up advertising how they’re an
“Oatly verified coffee shop.” We want people to
know Oatly is in their coffee. We hope this
partnership, influences customers to specifically
ask for Oatly at their coffee shops and to buy it
on their own for their homemade cups of coffee.
We chose to begin this
campaign in mid-
September and end it in
mid-October because
during these months,
people like to enjoy both
hot and iced coffee. This
way, customers can try
Oatly in both.
Our social media campaign
will take place in May. This is a
good way to maintain buzz
during the summer months in
between the pop-up and the
coffee shop partnership. Plus, it
allows customers to show off
their favorite Oatly products
from all product lines.
Our pop-up tent will be
placed in five different
cities across the US in
March. We decided on
March because it’s cold
enough for people to want
a warm coffee, while still
being nice enough for
people to come check it
Our marketing goal was to increase sales by 7%,
conviction by 60% and comprehension by 75%
Maddie Jacobs is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications
major with a minor in Live Events Design and Management at Ithaca
College. She is from Westfield, New Jersey and at school she
participates in ICTV, Women In Communications, Club Ultimate
Frisbee and NYFTSA. Maddie hopes to have a social media
marketing job in the television industry.
Julia Loffredo is a sophomore at Ithaca College majoring in
Integrated Marketing Communications. On campus, she is a part of
the Ithaca College Softball Varsity team, American Marketing
Association, Student Athlete Advisory Council, and the Leadership
Academy. Julia hopes to work in advertising as an art director.
Emma Waite is a sophomore Integrated Marketing
Communications major with a minor in Communication
Management and Design at Ithaca college. On campus Emma
is a part of the Club Tennis Team, 180 Degree Consulting, and
Women in Communications. In the future, Emma hopes to have
a social media or marketing job for a fashion company.
Lydia Lepinski is a sophomore Integrated Marketing
Communications major with minors in Live Events Design and
Management and Anthropology at Ithaca College. On campus,
Lydia participates in clubs like Women in Communications, ICTV,
and the Women's Club Ultimate Frisbee team. Lydia hopes to go
into the entertainment industry, working in either advertising or
event planning.
Erin Traut is a sophomore Television-Radio major with a minor in
Integrated Marketing Communications. On campus, she is a
rower for the Ithaca College Women’s Varsity Crew Team, and is
part of the multimedia team for The Ithacan. She hopes to one
day work for Disney or Marvel Studios.
Lexie Thomas is a junior at Ithaca College, studying Integrated
Marketing Communications with a minor in Graphic Design. On
campus she is the Music Director of WICB and DJs two live shows.
Lexie also interned with concert promoter DSP shows Summer
2019. Next semester you can find her in Florence, Italy, studying
Studio Art.
BevNET. (November 1, 2018). Dollar sales of refrigerated milk substitutes in the United States in 2018, by
brand (in thousand U.S. dollars) [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved December 09, 2019, from https://www-
Cagle, S. (2019, November 18). We Tried Nearly Every Oat Milk Out There; Here's How We Ranked Them.
Retrieved from (November 4, 2019). Net sales of Oatly AB from 2012 to 2018 (in 1,000 SEK) [Graph]. In Statista.
Retrieved December 09, 2019, from
Fiedler, P. (2018, September 13). Oatly's Marketing Strategy-Unveiling the Hype! Retrieved from
Miller, Z. (2019, May 29). The most environmentally friendly cities in the US. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from https://next-srds-
Silk® - Smooth and Delicious Plant-Based Products. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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Oatly Advertisement Campaign Booklet

  • 2.
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Oatly was established in the 1990s, based out of the southern region of Sweden. The company’s sole purpose is to make it easy for people to turn what they drink into personal moments of joy without taxing the planet’s resources in the process. Oatly decided to do a total rebrand in 2014. The new campaign raised eyebrows in Sweden, causing the Swedish Dairy Association to sue Oatly over claims it was scaring consumers into thinking milk was dangerous. Rad Ad wants to help bring up Oatly’s brand image and awareness by portraying Oatly as the best non-dairy alternative. In our research, we found out that people are afraid to try oat milk in general. To get people away from that perspective, we designed a campaign to deliver the idea that “it’s just good.” This will give a reason for consumers to try it and help increase the brand awareness. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Agency Identity…………………………………………………...2 Online Video…………………………………………………….……..15 Objectives………………………………………………………….3 Rich Online Display………………………………………………..….16 Brand Value Proposition…………………………………….......4 Media Objectives……………………………....…………...........….17 Environmental Analysis…………………….………....………….5 Media Strategies…………………………...………………………...18 SWOT Analysis……………………………………......….…….......6 Media Mix………....………..…..………...……………………….19-20 Competitor Analysis……………………………....………...........7 Media Flowchart………………………………….………………….21 Exploratory Research……………………………………….........8 Media Budgeting…………………………………………………….22 Primary Research…………………………………………...….....9 Brand Activation……………………………..…………………...23-24 Target Market Profiles…………………………………………...10 Brand Activation Flowchart…………………...……………………25 Campaign Strategy……………………………………………..11 Evaluation……………………………………………………………...26 Creative Strategy & The Big Idea…………………………….12 Creative Brief………………………………………………...……......27 Magazine……….…………………..……………….....…….......13 Meet the Team………………..………………..…...…....……....28-29 Transit……….…………………..………………………..…..........14 End Notes……………………………………………………..............30 1
  • 4. AGENCY IDENTITY Rad Ad is a well-rounded advertising agency, solely focused on bringing creative and new ideas to satisfy the client’s needs. We are committed to helping brands stay on top of their competitors while increasing their sales and brand image. Our agency has committed, hard working, and enthusiastic workers to help brands stay rad. 2
  • 5. OBJECTIVES MARKETING GOAL To increase sales of Oatly by 7%. ADVERTISING GOAL Among our target market of women 18-34 years old, achieve 75% comprehension, understanding of our key message, and 60% conviction, finding value in our key message. We will also achieve an effective reach of 75 and an effective frequency of 3. TIME FRAME Our campaign will run for 1 year, from January 2020 to December 2020. BUDGET Our budget for this campaign is $10 million. 3
  • 6. BRAND VALUE PROPOSITION 4 FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS Oatly provides a dairy free milk option for those who prefer non-dairy based milk. It also comes in different variations, such as low-fat, chocolate, and barista edition, giving consumers options when buying Oatly. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS Consumers will feel that they are making a healthier choice by choosing Oatly when compared to dairy milk, which gives them feelings of happiness and satisfaction. They’ll also feel a sense of virtue and social responsibility by buying a milk that is more environmentally friendly than other non-dairy milks. Oatly is also a trendy brand, so consumers will feel “cool” by purchasing this trendy product. SELF-EXPRESSIVE BENEFITS Drinking Oatly shows that the consumer cares about their health, the environment, and are on-trend. It also shows that they have the extra money to spend on alternative milk and are joining the movement against dairy-based products.
  • 7. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ECONOMIC FORCES There has been a controversy between the dairy industry and the dairy alternatives industry. Dairy farmers are arguing that milk comes from cows only, and are trying to strip the milk title from plant-based milks. SOCIOCULTURAL FORCES Since 2016, the milk industry has been experiencing a rapid decline in sales. This is because of the rise of popularity of dairy alternatives. Within the last decade, many Americans between the ages of 18 and 50 have switched their diets to vegetarian or vegan. These diets have risen in popularity due to the trend of healthy eating, more humane practices, and sustainability for the planet. ECOLOGICAL FORCES Living sustainably has become a prominent goal for many people and their everyday lives. They want to make sure everything they do can reflect positively on the environment. Sustainability also reflects in what products they choose to consume. It is important to consumers that the brands they are buying from are responsible in their production. More and more corporations are starting to become transparent with their efforts to be more sustainable and socially responsible. 5
  • 8. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS 6 • Sustainable and attractive to consumers • Appealing design and packaging • Website is easy to navigate • Better for the planet • Milk alternative for coffee • Transparent with their consumers • Independent company • Delivers to all parts of the world WEAKNESSES • Not a huge variety of flavors • Higher in calories • Less protein than milk and soy milks • Potentially high in sugar • More expensive than other milks • No consistent advertising campaigns OPPORTUNITIES • Increase brand awareness • New studies about other milk alternatives not being environmentally friendly • Allergy friendly: no nuts, no gluten, no dairy THREATS • Other non-dairy alternatives, especially almond milk • Regular milk
  • 9. COMPETITOR ANALYSIS STRENGTHS • Brand has a variety of dairy free products • Almond milk is available in an abundance of flavors • Low in calories and no added sugar • Higher calcium than other milk alternatives WEAKNESSES • Not the best tasting on its own • Not the best for having with your cereal • New taste is said to be worse tasting to consumers STRENGTHS • Contains no oil meaning it is low in fat • Smoothest oat milk stated by consumers • Sweet taste without the added sugar WEAKNESSES • Low brand awareness • Limited range of products and flavors • Color of the milk is off-putting STRENGTHS • Great in smoothies • Brand offers many different products • Coconut milk has anti-inflammatory properties WEAKNESSES • Contains more saturated fat than any other milk or milk alternative • A lot of added sugars • High in calories and fat STRENGTHS • Brand already sells a lot of milk alternatives • One of the cheap alternatives to milk • Rich and creamy • 8 grams of protein per serving WEAKNESSES • Too much soy could be a problem for those with thyroid disease or other conditions • Soy milk is not the best milk alternative for coffee lovers 7
  • 10. EXPLORATORY RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1. Determine benefits of choosing Oatly 2. Determine competitors of Oatly 3. Determine Oatly’s current brand position METHODS Rad Ad used charts from Statista to understand Oatly’s recent trends in sales and popularity. We also explored Oatly’s website, social media, and read articles about the benefits of different forms of non-dairy milk. KEY DISCOVERIES We found Oatly is centered upon the idea of being good for both you and the environment, and creating a drink that is environmentally sustainable. Sales of Oatly have increased drastically since 2012, and was the number 10 top selling refrigerated milk substitute in the U.S. in 2018. 8
  • 11. PRIMARY RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1. To understand consumer perception of oat milk 2. To understand Oatly’s current consumer brand awareness METHODS Rad Ad created an online survey through Google Forms, and distributed it through various social media platforms and word of mouth. We received a total of 169 responses, with 93% of our respondents being within our target audience demographic. KEY DISCOVERIES We found that 59.5% of our respondents said they prefer non- dairy based milk. Almond milk was the most popular non-dairy milk option (76.8%), and oat milk was the second most popular (41.7%). We also learned three major reasons why our respondents don’t choose oat milk over other milk alternatives. The reasons are: they aren’t familiar with it, they are used to almond milk being the go-to alternative, or they think oat milk is too thick and creamy. Conversely, the most popular reason why our respondents choose oat milk is because they are aware of oat milk’s production being more sustainable than other non- dairy options. 9
  • 12. TARGET MARKET PROFILES Lauren is a 25-year-old woman living in New York City who is frequently concerned about political and environmental problems in the United States. She graduated with a degree in environmental science from Binghamton University and is now a life scientist at the Environmental Protection Agency in New York City. Lauren rents an apartment in the Upper West Side with her roommate, Anna. Growing up, Lauren has been conscious of the food she eats, being a vegetarian and dairy free. She is the type of person who watches documentaries on the food industry and has been a strong advocate for cruelty free and environmentally friendly products. Lauren is conscious of what goes into her body and how it affects the environment. She is constantly searching for new healthy alternatives to add to her diet. Alexandra is a 30-year-old woman living in Seattle, Washington. She lives with her current boyfriend in an apartment in the city. Alexandra is constantly on the go as the owner of her own coffee shop, Fuel Coffee. Alexandra struggles being a young business owner and strives to be the best she can be. She wants to offer her customers the best products and a large variety of options for food and coffee. As an avid coffee drinker herself, Alexandra loves trying new cafes and restaurants, and relies on coffee to keep her hectic life a little bit sane. Alexandra is constantly taking inspiration from her favorite local spots and is always looking for ways to expand her business to new customers. LAUREN DAVIS ALEXANDRA WEST 10 18-34 WOMEN
  • 13. CAMPAIGN STATEGY PROBLEM People are aware of non-dairy alternatives, but not of Oatly. Some are hesitant to try Oatly because they aren't aware of the brand and don’t know if they'll like it. KEY INSIGHT People are more likely to drink non-dairy based milk. Oatly is a new, trendy, environmentally friendly way to fulfill their non- dairy needs. SMP Oatly uses just oats. That’s why Oatly is more environmentally friendly and sustainable than other non-dairy options. 11
  • 14. CREATIVE STRATEGY 12 CREATIVE STRATEGY The Oatly creative strategy aims to highlight that Oatly’s oat milk has no tricks or gimmicks. It will portray to consumers that Oatly is one of the best dairy-free alternatives. ART DIRECTION Ads will use Oatly’s bright and attention-grabbing colors, a speech bubble from the product showing how Oatly is “good,” and a simple design to stand out in a cluttered market of dairy-free milk options. This will keep the campaign connected with the tone of Oatly’s brand. The product will be featured, and the design will create an incentive to look at the ad for longer than usual. COPYWRITING All of the copy in the executions of this campaign will highlight the different benefits of drinking Oatly. In larger print and different typeface, we will have our tagline, “It’s Just Good.” The first thing the consumer will see is our tagline and then they will go on to read exactly why Oatly is, “Just Good.” Keeping with Oatly’s brand, we want the consumer to know exactly what they’re going to get. CREATIVE TESTING To pre-test this campaign, Rad-Ad showed members of the target audience some of our beginning concepts of creative work. Participants responded positively saying they liked the colors and simplicity of the ads. Many also said they would be more inclined to purchase Oatly than another competitive brand after seeing the ads. Based on these responses, we moved forward with our campaign. IT’S JUST GOOD
  • 17. ONLINE VIDEO A woman opens her fridge and reaches in to grab something. End Notes………………… ……………………… …………………....32 (6 SECOND VIDEO) She takes Oatly out of the fridge and pours some into her coffee mug. She smiles and sits down with her drink. The camera focuses on the Oatly carton, rather than on the woman. Narrator: “Add our dairy- free oat milk for a better morning. Why? Because Oatly is just good.” 15 ”Pick one up at your local grocery store!” IT’S JUST GOOD
  • 18. RICH ONLINE DISPLAY The carton moves side to side The statement “it’s just good” starts to get typed out and the carton stops moving 16
  • 19. MEDIA OBJECTIVES REACH THE TARGET AUDIENCE Our target audience is 18-34 year old women. They are people who are aware of the environmental crisis and want to help change it. Our target audience chooses to consume non-dairy alternatives as a way to help make a positive impact on the environment. Whether milk is a big or small part of their day, when they consume milk, they choose a non-dairy alternative. They feel good when they choose a non-dairy alternative, and therefore would choose Oatly over other types of brands because of their sustainable values. MESSAGE WEIGHT All geographic areas will receive an equally distributed message weight to keep the message of the campaign consistent all across the country. GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE OF PLACEMENT Location: San Francisco, New York City, Boston, Portland, and Seattle In order to reach the women within our target audience, we chose these cities to display our transit ads. These cities are part of the top 25 most environmentally friendly cities in the U.S. Our target audience is more likely to reside in these cities based off their lifestyles and values. The magazines we chose are national, so they will be distributed all across the country. 17
  • 20. MEDIA STRATEGIES EFFECTIVE REACH AND FREQUENCY Achieve an effective reach of 75% among women 18-34 years old and an effective frequency of at least 3 message exposures. CONTINUITY Because Oatly is a product we want consumers to purchase all year, we will use a continuous advertising schedule. By doing this we hope to keep Oatly on top of consumers’ minds whenever they drink, purchase, or think of milk. ADVERTISEMENT DIMENSIONS Our campaign includes three colorful full page magazine advertisements, a :06 second online video advertisement, an internet display advertisement with the dimensions of 250x250, and transit advertisements with the dimensions of 4 ft x 12 ft. 18
  • 21. MEDIA MIX MAGAZINE Cosmopolitan has a total circulation of 2,717,940. Cosmopolitan is a great vehicle for reaching our target audience because it is a magazine geared towards women within our target audience. This is also a magazine focused lifestyle as well as health and wellness so not only will our advertisements will reach many women, but many people who care about their health and well-being. MAGAZINE People has a total circulation of 3,458,033. People is a very popular celebrity gossip magazine, which attracts a lot of women within our target audience. The ads in People are typically food and beauty product based, so Oatly will fit in perfectly. By inserting interesting and fun advertisements in People, we will be able to reach a lot of consumers. MAGAZINE Shape has a total circulation of 2,503,794. Shape is a magazine geared towards women and focuses on health, beauty, fashion, and more. The women who read this magazine are interested in learning about different lifestyles, and new products. By inserting an advertisement for Oatly here, many women reading the magazine would stop to read it since they are most likely interested in products that could improve their quality of life. 19
  • 22. MEDIA MIX ONLINE VIDEO YouTube has a total of 126 million unique visitors. Our target audience makes up 13% of the viewers who visit the site monthly. The average viewer visits the site 16.3 times a month. With our :06 advertisement video, viewers will not be allowed to skip it, ensuring that viewers will play the entire ad. Viewers will also be more likely to pay attention to the ad because it’s so short in length. RICH ONLINE DISPLAY 16% of Instagram's 26,290,000 unique visitors and 19% of Pinterest’s 32,376,000 unique visitors fall within our target audience. Many women in our target audience spend a lot of time on both Instagram and Pinterest, making these social media sites highly effective vehicles to reach our target audience with our rich online display. TRANSIT New York, NY: A hugely populated city with tons of public transportation that’s ecofriendly. Boston, MA: A city with a lot of green spaces that helps lead the world in environmental sustainability. Seattle, WA: With over 500 parks, Seattle is one of the nation’s greenest cities – literally. Like Boston, it is a leader in sustainability. Portland, OR: A hip and sustainable city that offers ecofriendly mass transportation. San Francisco, CA: An environmentally friendly city with access to beautiful outdoor spaces. It’s largest age group is 25 to 30, which is within our target audience. 20
  • 25. BRAND ACTIVATION Objectives: A social media campaign will be a great way to connect with our target audience. We want our customers to post about how and why they choose Oatly to be a part of their day. Strategy: The “Show Us How You Oatly” campaign will allow consumers to post about their relationship with Oatly. Whether customers put it in smoothies, coffee, or just to drink, we want to see how our Oatly enthusiasts like to use Oatly products. At the end of this month-long campaign, we will pick a select number of winners who will receive free Oatly products for an entire year. SHOW US HOW YOU OATLY IT’S JUST GOOD: THE OATLY EXPERIENCE Objectives: Encourage Oatly drinkers to try other products in the Oatly family by hosting a pop up in five cities across the country. Strategy: We want to create a pop-up booth in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland, Oregon. Fans of Oatly or passer byers can stop by and try other Oatly products such as the barista blend oat milk in a latte or Oatly’s chocolate oat milk. We will also include a backdrop where people can pose with their drinks and take pictures for social media while advertising Oatly with the hashtag #ItsJustGood. 23
  • 26. BRAND ACTIVATION Objectives: In our efforts to spread Oatly’s name to our target audience and ensure that people ask for “Oatly,” we will be partnering with high end coffee shops across New York City. Strategy: Oatly isn’t the cheapest option when it comes to milk alternatives and because of that, there’s typically an additional charge when adding it to coffee. That’s why we’ll be partnering with higher end coffee shops in New York City where people will be more willing to pay a higher price. We’ll bring in a month's supply of Oatly to the participating coffee shops completely free of charge in exchange for their exclusivity. The coffee shops will also receive posters to hang up advertising how they’re an “Oatly verified coffee shop.” We want people to know Oatly is in their coffee. We hope this partnership, influences customers to specifically ask for Oatly at their coffee shops and to buy it on their own for their homemade cups of coffee. VERIFIABLY OATLY: PARTNERING WITH COFFEE SHOPS 24
  • 27. BRAND ACTIVATION FLOWCHART 25 VERIFIABLY OATLY: We chose to begin this campaign in mid- September and end it in mid-October because during these months, people like to enjoy both hot and iced coffee. This way, customers can try Oatly in both. SHOW US HOW YOU OATLY: Our social media campaign will take place in May. This is a good way to maintain buzz during the summer months in between the pop-up and the coffee shop partnership. Plus, it allows customers to show off their favorite Oatly products from all product lines. IT’S JUST GOOD: Our pop-up tent will be placed in five different cities across the US in March. We decided on March because it’s cold enough for people to want a warm coffee, while still being nice enough for people to come check it out.
  • 28. EVALUATION Our marketing goal was to increase sales by 7%, conviction by 60% and comprehension by 75% 26
  • 30. MEET THE TEAM Maddie Jacobs is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major with a minor in Live Events Design and Management at Ithaca College. She is from Westfield, New Jersey and at school she participates in ICTV, Women In Communications, Club Ultimate Frisbee and NYFTSA. Maddie hopes to have a social media marketing job in the television industry. Julia Loffredo is a sophomore at Ithaca College majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications. On campus, she is a part of the Ithaca College Softball Varsity team, American Marketing Association, Student Athlete Advisory Council, and the Leadership Academy. Julia hopes to work in advertising as an art director. Emma Waite is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major with a minor in Communication Management and Design at Ithaca college. On campus Emma is a part of the Club Tennis Team, 180 Degree Consulting, and Women in Communications. In the future, Emma hopes to have a social media or marketing job for a fashion company. 28
  • 31. MEET THE TEAM Lydia Lepinski is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major with minors in Live Events Design and Management and Anthropology at Ithaca College. On campus, Lydia participates in clubs like Women in Communications, ICTV, and the Women's Club Ultimate Frisbee team. Lydia hopes to go into the entertainment industry, working in either advertising or event planning. Erin Traut is a sophomore Television-Radio major with a minor in Integrated Marketing Communications. On campus, she is a rower for the Ithaca College Women’s Varsity Crew Team, and is part of the multimedia team for The Ithacan. She hopes to one day work for Disney or Marvel Studios. 29 Lexie Thomas is a junior at Ithaca College, studying Integrated Marketing Communications with a minor in Graphic Design. On campus she is the Music Director of WICB and DJs two live shows. Lexie also interned with concert promoter DSP shows Summer 2019. Next semester you can find her in Florence, Italy, studying Studio Art.
  • 32. END NOTES BevNET. (November 1, 2018). Dollar sales of refrigerated milk substitutes in the United States in 2018, by brand (in thousand U.S. dollars) [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved December 09, 2019, from https://www- states/ Cagle, S. (2019, November 18). We Tried Nearly Every Oat Milk Out There; Here's How We Ranked Them. Retrieved from (November 4, 2019). Net sales of Oatly AB from 2012 to 2018 (in 1,000 SEK) [Graph]. In Statista. Retrieved December 09, 2019, from sales-of-oatly-ab/ Fiedler, P. (2018, September 13). Oatly's Marketing Strategy-Unveiling the Hype! Retrieved from Miller, Z. (2019, May 29). The most environmentally friendly cities in the US. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from https://next-srds- Silk® - Smooth and Delicious Plant-Based Products. (n.d.). Retrieved from 30