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Journal of Family Psychology                                                                             © 2011 American Psychological Association
2011, Vol. 25, No. 1, 117–126                                                                       0893-3200/11/$12.00   DOI: 10.1037/a0021877

           Adolescent Mothers’ Relationships With Their Own Mothers:
                        Impact on Parenting Outcomes
                                Katie Sellers                                                  Maureen M. Black
                           Tulane University                                                  University of Maryland

                            Neil W. Boris                                                     Sarah E. Oberlander
                           Tulane University                                                  University of Maryland

                                                               Leann Myers
                                                             Tulane University

                          This study examined the relationship between mother– grandmother relationship quality and
                          adolescent mothers’ parenting behaviors using longitudinal multimethod, multi-informant
                          data. Participants were 181 urban, African American adolescent mothers. Self-report data on
                          mother– grandmother relationship conflict and depressive symptoms were collected after
                          delivery and at 6-, 13-, and 24-month follow-up visits. Videotaped observations were used to
                          measure mother– grandmother relationship quality at baseline. Mother– child interactions
                          were videotaped at 6, 13, and 24 months to operationalize parenting. Mixed-model regression
                          methods were used to investigate the relation between mother– grandmother relationships and
                          mother– child interactions. Mother– grandmother relationship quality predicted both negative
                          control and nurturing parenting. Mothers whose own mothers were more direct (both
                          demanding and clear) and who reported low relationship conflict demonstrated low negative
                          control in their parenting. Mothers who demonstrated high levels of individuation (a balance
                          of autonomy and mutuality) and reported low relationship conflict showed high nurturing
                          parenting. The implications of these findings for adolescent health and emotional develop-
                          ment are discussed.

                          Keywords: adolescent parenting, family relations, family conflict, intergenerational

   The children of low-income, African American adoles-                     However, models of adult parenting often ignore the socio-
cent mothers are at high risk for behavior problems and                     economic distress experienced by many adolescent mothers,
impaired social and emotional development (Coley &                          and variation between adolescent mothers is often over-
Chase-Lansdale, 1998; Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn, &                           looked (East & Felice, 1996).
Chase-Lansdale, 1989). Adolescent mothers are less likely                      Adolescent mothers rarely parent alone, particularly since
than adult mothers to provide the kind of supportive and                    the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Op-
sensitive parenting that fosters social and emotional com-                  portunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, which
petence (Berlin, Brady-Smith, & Brooks-Gunn, 2002).                         requires adolescent mothers to live with a parent or guardian
                                                                            to qualify for public assistance. Maternal grandmothers are
                                                                            often key figures in rearing the children of low-income,
   This article was published Online First January 10, 2011.                African American adolescent mothers (Davis, 2002; Ober-
   Katie Sellers and Neil W. Boris, Department of Community                 lander, Black, & Starr, 2007; Voight, Hans, & Bernstein,
Health Sciences, Tulane University School of Public Health and              1996). Although adolescent mothers identify maternal
Tropical Medicine; Maureen M. Black, Department of Pediatrics,              grandmothers as their greatest source of support, grand-
University of Maryland School of Medicine; Sarah E. Oberlander,             mothers are also recognized as a common source of conflict
Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland School of Med-             (Davis & Rhodes, 1994; Nitz, Ketterlinus, & Brandt, 1995).
icine; Leann Myers, Department of Biostatistics, Tulane Univer-                Conflict in coresiding multigenerational households is
sity School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.                         common (Apfel & Seitz, 1991). Conflict between adoles-
   This study was supported by grant MCJ-240301 from the Ma-
                                                                            cent parents and their mothers may, in fact, predate the birth
ternal and Child Health Research Program. The authors extend
their appreciation to other members of the Three Generation team            of the child, and like any other major event, the birth of the
and to the families who participated in the project.                        child may either up- or down-regulate existing mother-
   Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to            daughter conflict. In some cases, young grandmothers are
Katie Sellers, 1632 Nicholson Street, NW, Washington, DC                    simultaneously parenting children of their own; the birth of
20011. E-mail:                                          another child into the family may increase stress and breed

118                               SELLERS, BLACK, BORIS, OBERLANDER, AND MYERS

resentment (Chase-Lansdale, Brooks-Gunn, & Zamsky,                 tially, but the goal is clearly to transfer responsibility to the
1994). Grandmothers of any age may feel their success as a         adolescent mother once she has become a competent parent.
parent is threatened when their child becomes an adolescent           In this study, we were guided by the parental apprentice
parent (Kaplan, 1996). Conflict arises when adolescent              model. Apfel and Seitz (1991) argued that this arrangement
mothers and grandmothers disagree over caregiving or dis-          would allow for successful achievement of adolescent
cipline techniques (Apfel & Seitz, 1991).                          goals, such as education, because grandmothers would ini-
   The quality of the mother– grandmother relationship may         tially provide substantial support with child care. The model
influence the young mother’s parenting in several different         would also allow for optimal adolescent parenting quality
ways. Belsky’s (1984) process model of the determinants of         and sense of competence, because grandmothers provided
parenting described the importance of the parent’s personal        support and mentorship. Young mothers could practice
psychological resources, the contextual sources of support         caregiving and gain a sense of autonomy in a safe, support-
and stress, and the child’s characteristics. In multigenera-       ive environment (Apfel & Seitz, 1991).
tional families, the mother– grandmother relationship plays           The parental apprentice model includes an implicit, but
an important role in the first two categories of determinants.      unstudied, emphasis on the quality of the adolescent
The grandmother’s parenting of the mother influences the            mother– grandmother relationship (Oberlander et al., 2007).
mother’s maturity and emotional well-being. In addition,           The impact of the extended family on adolescent mothers’
the grandmother may serve as a coparent (thereby taking            adjustment and acquisition of parenting skills may vary
over a portion of the marital partner role) or at least a major    depending on the quality of the mother– grandmother rela-
provider of support, stress, or both in the young mother’s         tionship. Just as conflict between two parents can detract
social network.                                                    from the quality of parenting in two-parent families (Grych
   In this study, we looked at the nature of the relationship      & Fincham, 1990), mother– grandmother conflict may in-
between mother and grandmother shortly after the birth of          fluence young mothers’ parenting when grandmothers are
the child, as well as the degree of mother– grandmother            substantially involved in child rearing.
conflict over the course of the first 2 years of the child’s life.      Family climate, including both conflict and support, is a
This design allowed us to investigate the resources the            clear predictor of parenting among adult samples. For ex-
mother and grandmother had to address conflict as it arose.         ample, Belsky, Jaffee, Sligo, Woodward, and Silva (2005)
   Several mechanisms exist through which shared caregiv-
                                                                   studied family climate in a sample of adult parents in New
ing may detract from adolescent parenting skills. The grand-
                                                                   Zealand. Findings revealed that a supportive parental rela-
mother may perform child-rearing tasks without allowing
                                                                   tionship during childhood was associated with warm and
the adolescent mother to develop parenting skills, or the
                                                                   sensitive parenting to the next generation. Extant research
adolescent mother may focus her energies on the tasks of
                                                                   does not fully explore this phenomenon among adolescent
adolescence without devoting much effort to the tasks of
                                                                   mothers, particularly after the passage of PRWORA, when
parenthood. Adolescent mothers with conflicted relation-
ships in their social networks are at risk for low levels of       adolescent mothers are mandated to coreside with adults.
parenting skills and maternal adjustment (Nitz et al., 1995;       Among families such as those in this study, it is difficult to
Voight et al., 1996). Parental conflict has been linked to          disentangle the intergenerational transmission of parenting
poor child adjustment, mediated through parenting skills           from the simultaneous conflict and support present in copa-
(Jones, Shaffer, Forehand, Brody, & Armistead, 2003).              renting situations. Most data on the quality of adolescent
   Although shared caregiving may enable young mothers to          mother– grandmother relationships are from cross-sectional
accomplish the tasks of adolescence (Gordon, Chase-                studies (Caldwell, Antonucci, & Jackson, 1998; Davis &
Lansdale, & Brooks-Gunn, 2004), it may interfere with the          Rhodes, 1994; Davis, Rhodes, & Hamilton-Leaks, 1997;
acquisition of parenting skills (Chase-Lansdale et al., 1994;      Wakschlag, Chase-Lansdale, & Brooks-Gunn, 1996),
Spieker & Bensley, 1994; Unger & Cooley, 1992). In an              thereby limiting the ability to estimate the impact of conflict
effort to understand family adaptation to adolescent parent-       on adolescent mothers’ parenting (see Jones and colleagues
hood, Apfel and Seitz (1991) conducted qualitative inter-          as an exception; Dorsey, Forehand, & Brody, 2007; Jones,
views with a sample of African American adolescent moth-           Forehand, Dorsey, Foster, & Brody, 2005; Jones et al.,
ers and grandmothers living in an inner-city environment.          2003). Furthermore, there may be significant differences in
Four models were discerned on the basis of division of             families for whom risks such as poverty, neighborhood
caregiving tasks. First, in the parental replacement model,        violence, or minority status complicate child rearing; the
grandmothers assume primary responsibility for child rear-         existing literature focuses primarily on such high-risk fam-
ing. Second, in the parental supplement model, mothers and         ilies, and generalizability from these studies is limited.
grandmothers, or other coresiding family members, share               Our goal in this study is to understand how adolescent
child care responsibilities. Third, in the supported primary       mother– grandmother relationship quality measured in the
parent model, adolescent mothers assume primary respon-            immediate postpartum period is associated with adolescent
sibility for child rearing, with only occasional assistance        mothers’ parenting behaviors at 6, 13, and 24 months post-
from grandmothers. Finally, Apfel and Seitz proposed a             partum. We hypothesized that conflict in the adolescent
parental apprentice model, in which grandmothers mentor            mother– grandmother relationship would predict more neg-
adolescent mothers to become satisfied and competent.               ative control and less nurturing parenting over the first 2
Grandmothers play an important role in child rearing ini-          years of the child’s life.
ADOLESCENT MOTHER–GRANDMOTHER RELATIONSHIPS                                               119

                          Method                                 questions were asked through headphones (to accommodate
                                                                 low levels of literacy) on the computer and on the screen,
   We used data from a larger study of adolescent mothers        and respondents used a mouse to indicate their answers.
living in multigenerational families (Black et al., 2006;
Black, Siegel, Abel, & Bentley, 2001). Adolescent mothers        Measures
were recruited shortly after delivery in three urban hospitals
in Baltimore, Maryland. Eligibility criteria included              The quality of the mother– grandmother relationship was
younger than age 18 at delivery, primiparous, African            measured through a self-report questionnaire and an obser-
American, low income (defined as eligible for Special Sup-        vational procedure conducted at baseline.
plemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and                Network of Relationships Inventory (NRI; Furman & Buh-
Children—family income at or below 185% of the U.S.              rmester, 1985). Self-reported conflict was measured using
Poverty Income Guidelines), and no chronic illness that          an adapted version of the NRI, which was administered at
would interfere with parenting or adolescent development.        all four time points: baseline, 6 months, 13 months, and 24
Infants of eligible mothers had to be full term (37 weeks or     months. The NRI assesses the adolescent mother’s percep-
more) with a birth weight of more than 2,500 grams and no        tions of supportive and negative interactions with her own
congenital problems. None of the infants required neonatal       mother. Conflict was measured using three items (“How
intensive care services.                                         much do you and your mom get upset with or mad at each
   Eligible mothers were given a brochure explaining the         other?” “How much do you and your mom disagree and
study and, if interested, enrolled in a randomized controlled    quarrel?” “How much do you and your mom argue with
trial of a home-based intervention to promote positive par-      each other?”) The 5-point Likert-type response scale ranges
enting and adolescent development (Black et al., 2006). One      from 1 (little or none) to 5 (the most). The Cronbach’s alpha
hundred eighty-one mothers (more than 83% of eligible            for the Conflict subscale with this sample ranged from .62 at
mothers) completed the baseline evaluation, which was            baseline to .76 at 24 months (.69 at 6 and 13 months,
administered between 2 and 4 weeks after delivery, and           respectively).
were randomized into intervention and control groups. Eli-         Scale of Intergenerational Relationship Quality (SIRQ).
gible mothers who agreed and mothers who did not agree to        The quality of the mother– grandmother relationship was
participate did not differ in age or education. Consent forms    measured during a baseline observation by using the SIRQ.
were completed at baseline by all participating mothers.         The SIRQ yields four factors: Emotional Closeness, Posi-
Mothers were compensated for evaluation visits. Institu-         tive Affect, Grandmother Directness, and Individuation.
tional review boards of the participating institutions ap-       The SIRQ was developed for use with low-income, ethnic
proved the protocol.                                             minority mothers and grandmothers and standardized
   Families in the intervention group received home visits       among African American families in Baltimore (for details,
every other week over the 1st year postpartum to promote         see Wakschlag et al., 1996). Adolescent mothers and grand-
healthy adolescent development and positive parenting. Ad-       mothers were videotaped for 10 –15 min while engaging in
olescent mothers learned what to expect in their infant’s 1st    two tasks. In the first task, participants sorted cards of
year of life and how to provide developmentally enriching        child-related tasks on the basis of who was responsible. In
activities. The intervention used a mentorship model and         the second task, they chose personally contentious topics
was delivered by two college-educated African American           and discussed them.
women in their 20s who were single mothers, each raising            The Emotional Closeness factor consists of the connect-
a preschool child and living independently. Grandmothers         edness, warmth, mutual concern, and emotional openness
and other family members were encouraged to participate in       demonstrated during the disagreement. Positive Affect is
the sessions as often as possible. Families in the control       rated on the basis of the degree to which the dyad displays
group received no intervention and no contact other than the     an upbeat tone and is animated in the discussion. Grand-
evaluation visits. Intervention status was taken into account    mother Directness is characterized by the grandmother’s
in the data analysis for this study.                             expectation of maturity from the young mother and the
   Project staff conducted baseline and follow-up evaluation     nonconfrontational but assertive manner in which the grand-
in the participants’ homes. Of the 181 mothers enrolled in       mother demands mature behavior from the mother. Individ-
the study, 148 (82%), 127 (70%), and 146 (81%) completed         uation refers to a balance of autonomy and mutuality in the
the videotaped parenting assessments at 6, 13, and 24            discussion: A young mother who is able to assert herself
months, respectively. Of adolescent mothers, 92% com-            positively and nondefensively receives a higher rating for
pleted at least one follow-up evaluation. The mothers in the     individuation.
analysis sample and the mothers lost to follow-up did not           The coders in this study were trained by a member of
differ in maternal age, education, infant birth weight, or       Wakschlag’s team and followed coding procedures outlined
infant gender.                                                   by Wakschlag et al. (1996). They established interrater
   Data were collected via standardized questionnaires and       reliability and maintained it through weekly reliability
videotaped observational procedures. Questionnaires were         checks. Fifteen percent of the observations were double
administered by means of a laptop computer to increase           coded, and reliability exceeded 85%. Internal consistencies
privacy and decrease social desirability bias (Kissinger,        for the four scales were .78 (Emotional Closeness), .68
Rice, Farley, Trim, Jewitt, Margovio, & Martin, 1999). The       (Positive Affect), .85 (Grandmother Directness), and .74
120                               SELLERS, BLACK, BORIS, OBERLANDER, AND MYERS

(Individuation). The correlations among the factors ranged           mediating of the environment, genuine visual regard and mir-
from .028 (p .71) to .576 (p .001) and were similar to               roring of the child’s feeling states), negative affect, and behav-
those reported by Wakschlag et al.                                   ior toward the child (including angry or hostile tone of voice,
 Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck, Ward, Mendelson,              displeasure, criticism, intrusiveness, and inconsistency). The
Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961). Maternal depressive symptoms                 PCERA yields scale scores for nurturance and negative con-
were assessed by using the BDI, a 21-item scale that is              trol. Parent nurturance was based on six items (growth foster-
widely used and well validated among adolescents and                 ing, enthusiasm, social initiative, child-oriented language, ver-
adults. The BDI was administered to participating mothers            balizations, involvement with the child). The interrater
at all four assessments. The internal consistency of this scale      reliability was .95, and the coefficient alpha was .88. Scores
is reflected in a Cronbach’s alpha of .82 (Bennett, Ambro-            were averaged and ranged from minimal nurturance (low
sini, Bianchi, Barnett, Metz, & Rabinovich, 1997).                   score) to child-oriented nurturance (high score). Negative con-
  Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment (PCERA; Clark,            trol was based on four items (hostility, rigidity, intrusivity,
1985). Parenting observations were conducted at each of the          physical contact). The interrater reliability was .92, and the
follow-up visits (6, 13, and 24 months). Two parenting vari-         coefficient alpha was .77. Scores were averaged and ranged
ables, nurturance and negative control, were measured using a        from rigidity (low score) to flexible and unintrusive (high
modified version of the PCERA (Black, Hutcheson, Dubowitz,            score). Raters were masked to data on families and trained to
Starr, & Berenson-Howard, 1996). The PCERA provides an               reach at least 90% agreement. Interrater reliability was contin-
assessment of both the affective and the behavioral quality of       uously assessed through weekly checks.
mother– child interactions. The mother and child are video-
taped for 10 min of interaction. At 6 months, mothers and            Data Analysis
infants play with a toy, at 13 months they engage in a mealtime
interaction, and at 24 months they participate in a structured          Descriptive statistics on the predictor, covariate, and out-
play interaction with a picture book and a puzzle. The modified       come variables were calculated and appear in Table 1. Corre-
version of the PCERA used in this study was found to have            lations between the two measures of mother– grandmother
strong psychometric properties in a similar sample of low-           relationship quality (SIRQ and NRI) were examined and ap-
income, African American mothers (Black, Hutcheson,                  pear in Table 2. Correlations between maternal age at baseline
Dubowitz, & Berenson-Howard, 1994).                                  and mother– grandmother relationship quality (each subscale
   The videotaped interactions were coded for the amount,            of the SIRQ) were calculated; none were significant. Indepen-
duration, and intensity of positive involvement (including sen-      dent t tests were used to test for differences between the
sitivity and responsiveness to the child’s cues, structuring and     intervention group and the comparison group on the following

Table 1
Descriptives: Predictors, Covariates, and Outcomes
                                         Measures                                               N      Min     Max        M       SD
Mother–grandmother conflict (self-reported)
  Baseline                                                                                     179     1.00     5.00     1.78     0.74
  6 months                                                                                     141     1.00     5.00     2.07     0.89
  13 months                                                                                    120     1.00     5.00     2.19     0.87
  24 months                                                                                    141     1.00     5.00     2.09     1.01
Mother–grandmother relationship (Scale of Intergenerational Relationship Quality), baseline
  Emotional Closeness                                                                          177     3.00    27.00    17.30     3.49
  Positive Affect                                                                              177     4.00    12.00     7.76     1.63
  Grandmother Directness                                                                       176     3.00    15.00     7.97     2.58
  Individuation                                                                                176     3.00    15.00     7.72     2.52
Maternal depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory)
  Baseline                                                                                     177      .00    45.00    11.12     7.83
  6 months                                                                                     137      .00    37.00     9.15     8.12
  13 months                                                                                    123      .00    63.00     7.33    10.09
  24 months                                                                                    139      .00    54.00     8.81     9.52
Maternal and child characteristics
  Maternal age, baseline                                                                       181    13.54    17.98 16.33        0.98
  Maternal grade, baseline                                                                     164     7       12      10.17      1.14
  Child age (days)                                                                             181     2.00    42.00 16.73        8.04
  Child gender (% male)                                                                        181                 50.30
Parenting outcomes (Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment)
  Negative control, 6 months                                                                   144     3.00     5.00     4.29     0.44
  Parental nurturance, 6 months                                                                144     1.00     4.75     2.86     0.74
  Negative control, 13 months                                                                  117     1.67     5.00     4.15     0.50
  Parental nurturance, 13 months                                                               117     1.00     5.00     2.30     0.62
  Negative control, 24 months                                                                  142     3.25     5.00     4.37     0.37
  Parental nurturance, 24 months                                                               142     1.50     4.75     3.06     0.66
ADOLESCENT MOTHER–GRANDMOTHER RELATIONSHIPS                                                  121

Table 2
Correlations: Mother–Grandmother Relationship Quality and Conflict
             Variable                   1         2            3           4          5            6            7            8
1. SIRQ Emotional Closeness
   r                                   —        .25           .49        .58          .02         .11          .02           .18
   p                                            .00           .00        .00          .83         .20          .83           .04
2. SIRQ Positive Affect
   r                                              —           .11        .03          .09         .03          .04           .07
   p                                                          .14        .71          .23         .75          .63           .39
3. SIRQ Grandmother Directness
   r                                                          —          .33          .05         .02          .03           .07
   p                                                                     .00          .51         .82          .74           .41
4. SIRQ Individuation
   r                                                                      —           .05         .18          .03           .12
   p                                                                                  .49         .04          .76           .14
5. Conflict, baseline
   r                                                                                  —           .45          .48           .27
   p                                                                                              .00          .00           .00
6. Conflict, 6 months
   r                                                                                              —            .43           .28
   p                                                                                                           .00           .00
7. Conflict, 13 months
   r                                                                                                            —            .31
   p                                                                                                                         .00
8. Conflict, 24 months
   r                                                                                                                         —
 p    .05.     p    .01.

variables: maternal age, maternal education, mother–                                          Results
grandmother relationship quality (four SIRQ subscales),
mother– grandmother conflict (NRI), maternal depressive                 Mothers ranged in age from 13.5 to 17.9 years at delivery
symptoms (BDI), negative control in parenting, and nurturing        and from 13.6 to 18.0 years at baseline (Table 1). The
parenting. No significant differences were found, except for the     infants were between 2 and 42 days old. The last grade
SIRQ Positive Affect subscale, t(175)         2.775, p     .006,    completed by the mothers ranged from 7th to 12th grade,
which was not associated with the parenting outcomes that are       with a mean of 10th grade. The number of male (91) and
the focus of this study.                                            female (90) children were approximately equal. At baseline,
   Mixed-model regression methods, implemented by PROC              grandmothers were a mean age of 39 years old (SD 4.74)
MIXED (Version 9.1; SAS Inc., Cary, NC), were used to               and had a mean of 12 years of education (SD             1.85).
analyze the predictors, covariates, and outcomes simultane-         Grandmothers reported mean household incomes between
ously (Littel, Milliken, Stroup, & Wolfinger, 1996). The             $10,000 and $20,000 per year. All adolescent mothers lived
mixed-model approach allowed the analysis to account for the        with grandmothers at baseline, and at 24 months postpar-
longitudinal nature of the data, including measurement of           tum, 73% (n 108) of adolescent mothers remained in the
conflict at all four assessments and parenting behavior at the       household of origin.
three follow-up assessments. First, unadjusted effects were            The amount of conflict in the mother– grandmother rela-
estimated by performing regressions with one predictor at a         tionship changed over time, according to the mothers’ self-
time. The primary predictors were conflict and relationship          report. Conflict increased from baseline to the 6-month
quality. Time was entered into all models as a covariate.           assessment and from the 6-month assessment to the 13-
Because relationship quality and parenting behavior are related     month assessment, with a significant difference between
to maternal depressive symptoms (Caldwell et al., 1998; Davis       baseline and 6 months. Conflict at the 24-month assessment
& Rhodes, 1994; Davis et al., 1997; Dorsey et al., 2007; Jones      was very similar to that at the 13-month assessment. Con-
et al., 2005; Lovejoy, Graczyk, O’Hare, & Neuman, 2000), we         flict at any given time point was highly correlated with
included a measure of depressive symptoms at each time point        conflict at any other time point (all ps       .01), indicating
as a covariate. Maternal age, infant age, and maternal educa-       stability within cases despite the general upward trend be-
tion were also considered as covariates. Independent variables      tween baseline and the 13-month assessment.
were added to the model in a stepwise fashion, based on the            Maternal self-reports of conflict over the 24-month period
strength of their unadjusted effects on parenting, to determine     were not significantly correlated with any of the SIRQ
whether conflict and relationship quality predicted parenting        subscales, with two exceptions (Table 2). Individuation on
behavior and which covariates added to model’s explanatory          the SIRQ (measured at baseline) was significantly nega-
power.                                                              tively correlated with conflict at the 6-month assessment
122                                SELLERS, BLACK, BORIS, OBERLANDER, AND MYERS

(r       .18, p    .039). Emotional closeness (measured at         scales were univariately associated with negative control:
baseline) was significantly negatively correlated with con-         Individuation, Emotional Closeness, and Grandmother Di-
flict at the 24-month assessment (r          .18, p     .038).      rectness (Table 3). Emotional Closeness and Individuation
Thus, mothers who were more individuated from their own            were no longer significant predictors of negative control
mothers at baseline were less likely to report being embed-        after adjustment for Grandmother Directness. The other
ded in highly conflicted relationships 6 months later, and          variables were retained in the final model. No interactions
mothers who were emotionally closer to their own mothers           were significantly related to parenting behavior. The best
at baseline were less likely to show high levels of conflict 2      model predicting negative control included conflict, the
years later. Emotional closeness was highly correlated with        SIRQ Grandmother Directness subscale, and maternal age.
positive affect, grandmother directness, and individuation.        Mothers demonstrated less negative control in their parent-
Grandmother directness and individuation were also highly          ing if their own mothers were more direct (demanding and
correlated.                                                        clear), if they reported little conflict, and if they were older.
   Ratings of observed parenting (both negative control and           Stepwise modeling resulted in a final model for nurturing
nurturance) on the PCERA changed significantly from the             parenting that included conflict, individuation, and maternal
13-month assessment to the 24-month assessment. On av-             age (Table 4). Mothers who reported less conflict in their
erage, mothers significantly relaxed the use of negative            relationships with their own mothers and those who were
control techniques and increased their nurturing parenting         more individuated from their own mothers at the baseline
between the 13-month assessment and the 24-month assess-           assessment demonstrated more nurturing parenting. Older
ment.                                                              mothers also showed higher levels of nurturing parenting.
   Unadjusted effects of each covariate, including time,           Intervention status did not show a significant effect either
were examined (Tables 3 and 4); covariates that were asso-         directly or by interaction and was therefore excluded from
ciated with the parenting outcome (p .20) were retained            the final model.
for assessment in the multivariable regression model. The
multivariate models were fitted using forward stepwise pro-                                   Discussion
cedures, with the criterion for entry defined as p .20 and
the criterion for retention defined as p     .05. Interactions         Mother– grandmother relationship quality predicted both
were also considered as potential predictors but were not          negative control and nurturing parenting. Mothers who re-
significant.                                                        ported lower levels of conflict with their own mothers, but
   Mother– grandmother relationship quality significantly           whose mothers were demanding and clear with them (mea-
predicted parenting behavior. The association between re-          sured by the SIRQ Grandmother Directness subscale), dem-
lationship quality and parenting behavior did not change           onstrated lower levels of negative control in their parenting.
over time, thus we did not include time in the final model.         Low levels of conflict and higher levels of individuation in
The maternal age variable, however, varied across time             the mother– grandmother relationship also predicted higher
points, and thus accounts for the lapse in time over the           levels of nurturing parenting. Maternal age predicted par-
course of the study. Conflict and three of the SIRQ sub-            enting as expected: Older mothers used less negative control

Table 3
Regression Coefficients: Conflict, Relationship Quality, and Negative Control in Parenting
                                                                Dependent variable: Negative control (PCERA)
                                         Regression coefficient                               Regression coefficient
           Variable                          (unadjusted)                    p                    (adjusted)                   p
   Maternal                                      13.17                     .00a                        0.06                  .00
   Infant                                         4.48                     .04a
Maternal education (grade level)                  5.38                     .02a
Intervention group status                         0.01                     .93
   Baseline                                       9.81                     .00a                        0.11                  .00
   Concurrent                                     0.49                     .48
   Emotional Closeness                            5.24                     .02a
   Positive Affect                                0.01                     .92
   Grandmother Directness                         8.54                     .00a                        0.03                  .00
   Individuation                                  6.89                     .01a
Maternal depressive symptoms
   Baseline                                       0.51                     .48
   Concurrent                                     0.41                     .52
Note. PCERA Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment; SIRQ           Scale of Intergeneration Relationship Quality.
  Entered into model (p .20).
  p .05.       p .01.
ADOLESCENT MOTHER–GRANDMOTHER RELATIONSHIPS                                                  123

Table 4
Regression Coefficients: Conflict, Relationship Quality, and Nurturing Parenting
                                                          Dependent variable: Nurturing parenting (PCERA)
                                      Regression coefficient                            Regression coefficient
          Variable                        (unadjusted)                 p                    (adjusted)                  p
   Maternal                                   16.11                  .0001a                     0.10                  .00
   Infant                                      7.85                  .01a
Maternal education (grade)                     7.28                  .01a
Intervention group status                      0.91                  .34
   Baseline                                    4.45                  .04a                         .11                 .04
   Conflict                                     0.03                  .85
   Emotional Closeness                        11.22                  .00a
   Positive Affect                             0.99                  .32
   Grandmother Directness                      3.13                  .08a
   Individuation                              19.53                  .0001a                     0.07                  .0001
Maternal depressive symptoms
   Baseline                                    0.19                 0.66
   Concurrent                                  1.63                 0.20a
Note. PCERA Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment; SIRQ        Scale of Intergeneration Relationship Quality.
  Entered into model (p .20).
  p .05.       p .01.

and demonstrated more nurturing parenting with their chil-      mother who has achieved the level of individuation required
dren.                                                           for her to be the responsible parent of the infant. This study
   The finding that the quality of the mother– grandmother       found that more grandmother directness predicted less neg-
relationship predicts the quality of the young mother’s par-    ative control in the young mother’s parenting and that more
enting is consistent with previous research with this sample    individuation predicted more nurturing parenting by the
(Hess, Papas, & Black, 2002). On average, the mothers in        young mother. Thus, the combination of grandmother di-
this sample reported lower levels of conflict than their peers   rectness and individuation, in the context of low levels of
in a mostly White, middle- to upper-class sample previously     conflict in the mother– grandmother relationship, which ap-
described in the literature: Mothers in this study reported     proximates the parental apprentice model, yields the most
conflict ranging from 1.78 (at baseline) to 2.19 (at 13          positive parenting over the course of the child’s first 2 years
months) compared with 2.3 among their more affluent peers        of life.
(Furman & Buhrmester, 1992). Yet some mothers in this              The young mother’s individuation, in particular, predicts
sample reported conflict levels at the maximum end of the        how nurturing her parenting will be. Individuation is dem-
scale (up to 5). Young mothers who are embedded in highly       onstrated by adolescents who have at least partially
conflicted relationships with their own mothers struggle to      achieved one of the fundamental tasks of adolescent devel-
provide a nurturing presence and avoid negative ways of         opment: transforming the parent– child relationship into an
controlling their infants’ behavior. Spencer, Kalil, Larson,    autonomous, peerlike relationship. Young mothers who
Spieker, and Gilchrist (2000) found that conflict between        have negotiated this task before becoming parents may be
adolescent mothers and their own mothers is associated with     more psychologically ready to provide the kind of respon-
increased parenting stress. Dorsey et al. (2007) found that     sive and consistent parenting that supports healthy devel-
conflict between coparents predicted parenting behavior          opment in children than mothers who have not individuated
both directly and indirectly, through maternal psychological    (Wakschlag et al., 1996).
distress. Another study indicated that conflict in the mother–      Maternal age was not correlated with degree of individ-
grandmother relationship had a significant association with      uation, even though those who demonstrated individuation
the young mother’s psychological functioning, but that sup-     reflected a more mature mother– grandmother relationship.
port did not (Davis & Rhodes, 1994).                            Previous work using the SIRQ Individuation factor found
   The significance of grandmother directness and individ-       that it correlated significantly with the mother’s grade level,
uation in predicting positive parenting behaviors supports      but not with her age (Wakschlag et al., 1996). Individuation
the Apfel and Seitz (1991) concept of parental apprentice.      may be a better measure of maturity or psychological read-
The hallmark of the parental apprentice model is that the       iness to parent than chronological age. This finding is of
grandmother very explicitly guides the young mother’s par-      particular interest in light of the work of Geronimus (1992),
enting, but does so in the interest of developing the young     Burton (1990), and others who have suggested that imma-
mother as the responsible primary parent of the infant. This    turity rather than age compromises young mothers’ parent-
model requires both a direct grandmother who is demanding       ing capabilities. This study suggested that the quality of the
and clear in her expectations of the new mother and a young     mother– grandmother relationship discriminates between
124                              SELLERS, BLACK, BORIS, OBERLANDER, AND MYERS

young mothers who are ready to adopt the parenting behav-       Conclusions
iors that foster healthy child development and those for
                                                                   These findings have clear implications for adolescent
whom teen pregnancy is one among several risk factors that
                                                                health care. To improve parenting outcomes among young
compromise their health and developmental outcomes
                                                                mothers, it would be helpful to determine whether adoles-
(Wakschlag & Hans, 2005).
                                                                cent mothers have developed a sense of autonomy while
   Grandmother Directness predicted less reliance on nega-      still being able to rely on their own mother for support.
tive control. This SIRQ subscale is similar to the demand-      Adolescent mothers who have achieved a sense of auton-
ingness dimension of Baumrind’s (1971) parenting styles         omy or individuation may be ripe for dyadic intervention to
and is thus a critical component of authoritative parenting.    support positive parenting. Few interventions have specifi-
Grandmother Directness is characterized by a nonconfron-        cally targeted adolescent mothers and grandmothers, and
tational firmness in parenting that is subsequently adopted      those interventions that have (e.g., McDonald et al., 2009)
by the young mother to guide her child’s behavior without       have not found clear effects on adolescent mothers’ parent-
using a hostile tone or negative physical contact.              ing behavior. Mothers who are embedded in difficult rela-
   We found that self-reported conflict increased over the       tionships with their own mothers may need more intensive
1st year of parenting, which confirms what others have           family intervention that could potentially affect the mother–
reported (Gee & Rhodes, 1999). The self-reported measure        grandmother relationship and the mother– child relation-
of conflict was generally not related to the observational       ship. Adding a mother– grandmother negotiation skills com-
measure of mother– grandmother relationship quality, with       ponent to a home visit intervention may be a relatively
two exceptions. Individuation was negatively correlated         inexpensive way to increase a young mother’s ability to
with conflict at the 6-month assessment, and Emotional           incorporate new parenting practices in a shared caregiving
Closeness was negatively related to conflict at the 24-month     environment (Black et al., 2001). This study emphasized the
assessment. The self-reported conflict measure clearly mea-      importance of observing interpersonal communication in
sures an aspect of the mother– grandmother relationship not     addition to relying on self-report of relationship conflict.
captured by the SIRQ observational measures and predicted       Observational measures have been underused with African
both nurturing and negative control in the young mother’s       American families in general (McLoyd, Cauce, Takeuchi, &
parenting.                                                      Wilson, 2000), and have clear advantages in measuring
   Prior research has suggested that a high level of conflict    constructs that are prone to self-report bias. The SIRQ
in a young mother’s relationship with her own mother may        (Wakschlag et al., 1996) holds particular promise for use
have negative consequences for her psychological adjust-        with African American adolescent mothers and grandmoth-
ment, the quality of her parenting, her child’s social and      ers and should be used to test whether a young mother’s
emotional development, or all of these (Apfel & Seitz,          degree of individuation determines her ability to put parent-
1991; Caldwell et al., 1998; Dorsey et al., 2007). Few          ing education into practice. Future research should investi-
studies, however, have measured relationship quality with       gate characteristics of the grandmother that may influence
both self-report and observed measures, and fewer still have    mother– grandmother relationship quality and the adoles-
used in-home observations of young mothers’ parenting to        cent mother’s parenting.
assess the potential impact of relationship quality among
individuals who share caregiving duties. The use of multi-                                References
method, multi-informant data is an important strength of        Apfel, N. H., & Seitz, V. (1991). Four models of adolescent
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                                                                 Studies, 40, 421– 429.
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                                                                 tory factors to depression among adolescents. Journal of Affec-
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do not.                                                          Project. Infant Mental Health Journal, 23, 104 –129.
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Adolescent mothers

  • 1. Journal of Family Psychology © 2011 American Psychological Association 2011, Vol. 25, No. 1, 117–126 0893-3200/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0021877 Adolescent Mothers’ Relationships With Their Own Mothers: Impact on Parenting Outcomes Katie Sellers Maureen M. Black Tulane University University of Maryland Neil W. Boris Sarah E. Oberlander Tulane University University of Maryland Leann Myers Tulane University This study examined the relationship between mother– grandmother relationship quality and adolescent mothers’ parenting behaviors using longitudinal multimethod, multi-informant data. Participants were 181 urban, African American adolescent mothers. Self-report data on mother– grandmother relationship conflict and depressive symptoms were collected after delivery and at 6-, 13-, and 24-month follow-up visits. Videotaped observations were used to measure mother– grandmother relationship quality at baseline. Mother– child interactions were videotaped at 6, 13, and 24 months to operationalize parenting. Mixed-model regression methods were used to investigate the relation between mother– grandmother relationships and mother– child interactions. Mother– grandmother relationship quality predicted both negative control and nurturing parenting. Mothers whose own mothers were more direct (both demanding and clear) and who reported low relationship conflict demonstrated low negative control in their parenting. Mothers who demonstrated high levels of individuation (a balance of autonomy and mutuality) and reported low relationship conflict showed high nurturing parenting. The implications of these findings for adolescent health and emotional develop- ment are discussed. Keywords: adolescent parenting, family relations, family conflict, intergenerational relations The children of low-income, African American adoles- However, models of adult parenting often ignore the socio- cent mothers are at high risk for behavior problems and economic distress experienced by many adolescent mothers, impaired social and emotional development (Coley & and variation between adolescent mothers is often over- Chase-Lansdale, 1998; Furstenberg, Brooks-Gunn, & looked (East & Felice, 1996). Chase-Lansdale, 1989). Adolescent mothers are less likely Adolescent mothers rarely parent alone, particularly since than adult mothers to provide the kind of supportive and the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Op- sensitive parenting that fosters social and emotional com- portunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996, which petence (Berlin, Brady-Smith, & Brooks-Gunn, 2002). requires adolescent mothers to live with a parent or guardian to qualify for public assistance. Maternal grandmothers are often key figures in rearing the children of low-income, This article was published Online First January 10, 2011. African American adolescent mothers (Davis, 2002; Ober- Katie Sellers and Neil W. Boris, Department of Community lander, Black, & Starr, 2007; Voight, Hans, & Bernstein, Health Sciences, Tulane University School of Public Health and 1996). Although adolescent mothers identify maternal Tropical Medicine; Maureen M. Black, Department of Pediatrics, grandmothers as their greatest source of support, grand- University of Maryland School of Medicine; Sarah E. Oberlander, mothers are also recognized as a common source of conflict Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland School of Med- (Davis & Rhodes, 1994; Nitz, Ketterlinus, & Brandt, 1995). icine; Leann Myers, Department of Biostatistics, Tulane Univer- Conflict in coresiding multigenerational households is sity School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. common (Apfel & Seitz, 1991). Conflict between adoles- This study was supported by grant MCJ-240301 from the Ma- cent parents and their mothers may, in fact, predate the birth ternal and Child Health Research Program. The authors extend their appreciation to other members of the Three Generation team of the child, and like any other major event, the birth of the and to the families who participated in the project. child may either up- or down-regulate existing mother- Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to daughter conflict. In some cases, young grandmothers are Katie Sellers, 1632 Nicholson Street, NW, Washington, DC simultaneously parenting children of their own; the birth of 20011. E-mail: another child into the family may increase stress and breed 117
  • 2. 118 SELLERS, BLACK, BORIS, OBERLANDER, AND MYERS resentment (Chase-Lansdale, Brooks-Gunn, & Zamsky, tially, but the goal is clearly to transfer responsibility to the 1994). Grandmothers of any age may feel their success as a adolescent mother once she has become a competent parent. parent is threatened when their child becomes an adolescent In this study, we were guided by the parental apprentice parent (Kaplan, 1996). Conflict arises when adolescent model. Apfel and Seitz (1991) argued that this arrangement mothers and grandmothers disagree over caregiving or dis- would allow for successful achievement of adolescent cipline techniques (Apfel & Seitz, 1991). goals, such as education, because grandmothers would ini- The quality of the mother– grandmother relationship may tially provide substantial support with child care. The model influence the young mother’s parenting in several different would also allow for optimal adolescent parenting quality ways. Belsky’s (1984) process model of the determinants of and sense of competence, because grandmothers provided parenting described the importance of the parent’s personal support and mentorship. Young mothers could practice psychological resources, the contextual sources of support caregiving and gain a sense of autonomy in a safe, support- and stress, and the child’s characteristics. In multigenera- ive environment (Apfel & Seitz, 1991). tional families, the mother– grandmother relationship plays The parental apprentice model includes an implicit, but an important role in the first two categories of determinants. unstudied, emphasis on the quality of the adolescent The grandmother’s parenting of the mother influences the mother– grandmother relationship (Oberlander et al., 2007). mother’s maturity and emotional well-being. In addition, The impact of the extended family on adolescent mothers’ the grandmother may serve as a coparent (thereby taking adjustment and acquisition of parenting skills may vary over a portion of the marital partner role) or at least a major depending on the quality of the mother– grandmother rela- provider of support, stress, or both in the young mother’s tionship. Just as conflict between two parents can detract social network. from the quality of parenting in two-parent families (Grych In this study, we looked at the nature of the relationship & Fincham, 1990), mother– grandmother conflict may in- between mother and grandmother shortly after the birth of fluence young mothers’ parenting when grandmothers are the child, as well as the degree of mother– grandmother substantially involved in child rearing. conflict over the course of the first 2 years of the child’s life. Family climate, including both conflict and support, is a This design allowed us to investigate the resources the clear predictor of parenting among adult samples. For ex- mother and grandmother had to address conflict as it arose. ample, Belsky, Jaffee, Sligo, Woodward, and Silva (2005) Several mechanisms exist through which shared caregiv- studied family climate in a sample of adult parents in New ing may detract from adolescent parenting skills. The grand- Zealand. Findings revealed that a supportive parental rela- mother may perform child-rearing tasks without allowing tionship during childhood was associated with warm and the adolescent mother to develop parenting skills, or the sensitive parenting to the next generation. Extant research adolescent mother may focus her energies on the tasks of does not fully explore this phenomenon among adolescent adolescence without devoting much effort to the tasks of mothers, particularly after the passage of PRWORA, when parenthood. Adolescent mothers with conflicted relation- ships in their social networks are at risk for low levels of adolescent mothers are mandated to coreside with adults. parenting skills and maternal adjustment (Nitz et al., 1995; Among families such as those in this study, it is difficult to Voight et al., 1996). Parental conflict has been linked to disentangle the intergenerational transmission of parenting poor child adjustment, mediated through parenting skills from the simultaneous conflict and support present in copa- (Jones, Shaffer, Forehand, Brody, & Armistead, 2003). renting situations. Most data on the quality of adolescent Although shared caregiving may enable young mothers to mother– grandmother relationships are from cross-sectional accomplish the tasks of adolescence (Gordon, Chase- studies (Caldwell, Antonucci, & Jackson, 1998; Davis & Lansdale, & Brooks-Gunn, 2004), it may interfere with the Rhodes, 1994; Davis, Rhodes, & Hamilton-Leaks, 1997; acquisition of parenting skills (Chase-Lansdale et al., 1994; Wakschlag, Chase-Lansdale, & Brooks-Gunn, 1996), Spieker & Bensley, 1994; Unger & Cooley, 1992). In an thereby limiting the ability to estimate the impact of conflict effort to understand family adaptation to adolescent parent- on adolescent mothers’ parenting (see Jones and colleagues hood, Apfel and Seitz (1991) conducted qualitative inter- as an exception; Dorsey, Forehand, & Brody, 2007; Jones, views with a sample of African American adolescent moth- Forehand, Dorsey, Foster, & Brody, 2005; Jones et al., ers and grandmothers living in an inner-city environment. 2003). Furthermore, there may be significant differences in Four models were discerned on the basis of division of families for whom risks such as poverty, neighborhood caregiving tasks. First, in the parental replacement model, violence, or minority status complicate child rearing; the grandmothers assume primary responsibility for child rear- existing literature focuses primarily on such high-risk fam- ing. Second, in the parental supplement model, mothers and ilies, and generalizability from these studies is limited. grandmothers, or other coresiding family members, share Our goal in this study is to understand how adolescent child care responsibilities. Third, in the supported primary mother– grandmother relationship quality measured in the parent model, adolescent mothers assume primary respon- immediate postpartum period is associated with adolescent sibility for child rearing, with only occasional assistance mothers’ parenting behaviors at 6, 13, and 24 months post- from grandmothers. Finally, Apfel and Seitz proposed a partum. We hypothesized that conflict in the adolescent parental apprentice model, in which grandmothers mentor mother– grandmother relationship would predict more neg- adolescent mothers to become satisfied and competent. ative control and less nurturing parenting over the first 2 Grandmothers play an important role in child rearing ini- years of the child’s life.
  • 3. ADOLESCENT MOTHER–GRANDMOTHER RELATIONSHIPS 119 Method questions were asked through headphones (to accommodate low levels of literacy) on the computer and on the screen, We used data from a larger study of adolescent mothers and respondents used a mouse to indicate their answers. living in multigenerational families (Black et al., 2006; Black, Siegel, Abel, & Bentley, 2001). Adolescent mothers Measures were recruited shortly after delivery in three urban hospitals in Baltimore, Maryland. Eligibility criteria included The quality of the mother– grandmother relationship was younger than age 18 at delivery, primiparous, African measured through a self-report questionnaire and an obser- American, low income (defined as eligible for Special Sup- vational procedure conducted at baseline. plemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Network of Relationships Inventory (NRI; Furman & Buh- Children—family income at or below 185% of the U.S. rmester, 1985). Self-reported conflict was measured using Poverty Income Guidelines), and no chronic illness that an adapted version of the NRI, which was administered at would interfere with parenting or adolescent development. all four time points: baseline, 6 months, 13 months, and 24 Infants of eligible mothers had to be full term (37 weeks or months. The NRI assesses the adolescent mother’s percep- more) with a birth weight of more than 2,500 grams and no tions of supportive and negative interactions with her own congenital problems. None of the infants required neonatal mother. Conflict was measured using three items (“How intensive care services. much do you and your mom get upset with or mad at each Eligible mothers were given a brochure explaining the other?” “How much do you and your mom disagree and study and, if interested, enrolled in a randomized controlled quarrel?” “How much do you and your mom argue with trial of a home-based intervention to promote positive par- each other?”) The 5-point Likert-type response scale ranges enting and adolescent development (Black et al., 2006). One from 1 (little or none) to 5 (the most). The Cronbach’s alpha hundred eighty-one mothers (more than 83% of eligible for the Conflict subscale with this sample ranged from .62 at mothers) completed the baseline evaluation, which was baseline to .76 at 24 months (.69 at 6 and 13 months, administered between 2 and 4 weeks after delivery, and respectively). were randomized into intervention and control groups. Eli- Scale of Intergenerational Relationship Quality (SIRQ). gible mothers who agreed and mothers who did not agree to The quality of the mother– grandmother relationship was participate did not differ in age or education. Consent forms measured during a baseline observation by using the SIRQ. were completed at baseline by all participating mothers. The SIRQ yields four factors: Emotional Closeness, Posi- Mothers were compensated for evaluation visits. Institu- tive Affect, Grandmother Directness, and Individuation. tional review boards of the participating institutions ap- The SIRQ was developed for use with low-income, ethnic proved the protocol. minority mothers and grandmothers and standardized Families in the intervention group received home visits among African American families in Baltimore (for details, every other week over the 1st year postpartum to promote see Wakschlag et al., 1996). Adolescent mothers and grand- healthy adolescent development and positive parenting. Ad- mothers were videotaped for 10 –15 min while engaging in olescent mothers learned what to expect in their infant’s 1st two tasks. In the first task, participants sorted cards of year of life and how to provide developmentally enriching child-related tasks on the basis of who was responsible. In activities. The intervention used a mentorship model and the second task, they chose personally contentious topics was delivered by two college-educated African American and discussed them. women in their 20s who were single mothers, each raising The Emotional Closeness factor consists of the connect- a preschool child and living independently. Grandmothers edness, warmth, mutual concern, and emotional openness and other family members were encouraged to participate in demonstrated during the disagreement. Positive Affect is the sessions as often as possible. Families in the control rated on the basis of the degree to which the dyad displays group received no intervention and no contact other than the an upbeat tone and is animated in the discussion. Grand- evaluation visits. Intervention status was taken into account mother Directness is characterized by the grandmother’s in the data analysis for this study. expectation of maturity from the young mother and the Project staff conducted baseline and follow-up evaluation nonconfrontational but assertive manner in which the grand- in the participants’ homes. Of the 181 mothers enrolled in mother demands mature behavior from the mother. Individ- the study, 148 (82%), 127 (70%), and 146 (81%) completed uation refers to a balance of autonomy and mutuality in the the videotaped parenting assessments at 6, 13, and 24 discussion: A young mother who is able to assert herself months, respectively. Of adolescent mothers, 92% com- positively and nondefensively receives a higher rating for pleted at least one follow-up evaluation. The mothers in the individuation. analysis sample and the mothers lost to follow-up did not The coders in this study were trained by a member of differ in maternal age, education, infant birth weight, or Wakschlag’s team and followed coding procedures outlined infant gender. by Wakschlag et al. (1996). They established interrater Data were collected via standardized questionnaires and reliability and maintained it through weekly reliability videotaped observational procedures. Questionnaires were checks. Fifteen percent of the observations were double administered by means of a laptop computer to increase coded, and reliability exceeded 85%. Internal consistencies privacy and decrease social desirability bias (Kissinger, for the four scales were .78 (Emotional Closeness), .68 Rice, Farley, Trim, Jewitt, Margovio, & Martin, 1999). The (Positive Affect), .85 (Grandmother Directness), and .74
  • 4. 120 SELLERS, BLACK, BORIS, OBERLANDER, AND MYERS (Individuation). The correlations among the factors ranged mediating of the environment, genuine visual regard and mir- from .028 (p .71) to .576 (p .001) and were similar to roring of the child’s feeling states), negative affect, and behav- those reported by Wakschlag et al. ior toward the child (including angry or hostile tone of voice, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, displeasure, criticism, intrusiveness, and inconsistency). The Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961). Maternal depressive symptoms PCERA yields scale scores for nurturance and negative con- were assessed by using the BDI, a 21-item scale that is trol. Parent nurturance was based on six items (growth foster- widely used and well validated among adolescents and ing, enthusiasm, social initiative, child-oriented language, ver- adults. The BDI was administered to participating mothers balizations, involvement with the child). The interrater at all four assessments. The internal consistency of this scale reliability was .95, and the coefficient alpha was .88. Scores is reflected in a Cronbach’s alpha of .82 (Bennett, Ambro- were averaged and ranged from minimal nurturance (low sini, Bianchi, Barnett, Metz, & Rabinovich, 1997). score) to child-oriented nurturance (high score). Negative con- Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment (PCERA; Clark, trol was based on four items (hostility, rigidity, intrusivity, 1985). Parenting observations were conducted at each of the physical contact). The interrater reliability was .92, and the follow-up visits (6, 13, and 24 months). Two parenting vari- coefficient alpha was .77. Scores were averaged and ranged ables, nurturance and negative control, were measured using a from rigidity (low score) to flexible and unintrusive (high modified version of the PCERA (Black, Hutcheson, Dubowitz, score). Raters were masked to data on families and trained to Starr, & Berenson-Howard, 1996). The PCERA provides an reach at least 90% agreement. Interrater reliability was contin- assessment of both the affective and the behavioral quality of uously assessed through weekly checks. mother– child interactions. The mother and child are video- taped for 10 min of interaction. At 6 months, mothers and Data Analysis infants play with a toy, at 13 months they engage in a mealtime interaction, and at 24 months they participate in a structured Descriptive statistics on the predictor, covariate, and out- play interaction with a picture book and a puzzle. The modified come variables were calculated and appear in Table 1. Corre- version of the PCERA used in this study was found to have lations between the two measures of mother– grandmother strong psychometric properties in a similar sample of low- relationship quality (SIRQ and NRI) were examined and ap- income, African American mothers (Black, Hutcheson, pear in Table 2. Correlations between maternal age at baseline Dubowitz, & Berenson-Howard, 1994). and mother– grandmother relationship quality (each subscale The videotaped interactions were coded for the amount, of the SIRQ) were calculated; none were significant. Indepen- duration, and intensity of positive involvement (including sen- dent t tests were used to test for differences between the sitivity and responsiveness to the child’s cues, structuring and intervention group and the comparison group on the following Table 1 Descriptives: Predictors, Covariates, and Outcomes Measures N Min Max M SD Mother–grandmother conflict (self-reported) Baseline 179 1.00 5.00 1.78 0.74 6 months 141 1.00 5.00 2.07 0.89 13 months 120 1.00 5.00 2.19 0.87 24 months 141 1.00 5.00 2.09 1.01 Mother–grandmother relationship (Scale of Intergenerational Relationship Quality), baseline Emotional Closeness 177 3.00 27.00 17.30 3.49 Positive Affect 177 4.00 12.00 7.76 1.63 Grandmother Directness 176 3.00 15.00 7.97 2.58 Individuation 176 3.00 15.00 7.72 2.52 Maternal depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory) Baseline 177 .00 45.00 11.12 7.83 6 months 137 .00 37.00 9.15 8.12 13 months 123 .00 63.00 7.33 10.09 24 months 139 .00 54.00 8.81 9.52 Maternal and child characteristics Maternal age, baseline 181 13.54 17.98 16.33 0.98 Maternal grade, baseline 164 7 12 10.17 1.14 Child age (days) 181 2.00 42.00 16.73 8.04 Child gender (% male) 181 50.30 Parenting outcomes (Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment) Negative control, 6 months 144 3.00 5.00 4.29 0.44 Parental nurturance, 6 months 144 1.00 4.75 2.86 0.74 Negative control, 13 months 117 1.67 5.00 4.15 0.50 Parental nurturance, 13 months 117 1.00 5.00 2.30 0.62 Negative control, 24 months 142 3.25 5.00 4.37 0.37 Parental nurturance, 24 months 142 1.50 4.75 3.06 0.66
  • 5. ADOLESCENT MOTHER–GRANDMOTHER RELATIONSHIPS 121 Table 2 Correlations: Mother–Grandmother Relationship Quality and Conflict Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. SIRQ Emotional Closeness r — .25 .49 .58 .02 .11 .02 .18 p .00 .00 .00 .83 .20 .83 .04 2. SIRQ Positive Affect r — .11 .03 .09 .03 .04 .07 p .14 .71 .23 .75 .63 .39 3. SIRQ Grandmother Directness r — .33 .05 .02 .03 .07 p .00 .51 .82 .74 .41 4. SIRQ Individuation r — .05 .18 .03 .12 p .49 .04 .76 .14 5. Conflict, baseline r — .45 .48 .27 p .00 .00 .00 6. Conflict, 6 months r — .43 .28 p .00 .00 7. Conflict, 13 months r — .31 p .00 8. Conflict, 24 months r — p p .05. p .01. variables: maternal age, maternal education, mother– Results grandmother relationship quality (four SIRQ subscales), mother– grandmother conflict (NRI), maternal depressive Mothers ranged in age from 13.5 to 17.9 years at delivery symptoms (BDI), negative control in parenting, and nurturing and from 13.6 to 18.0 years at baseline (Table 1). The parenting. No significant differences were found, except for the infants were between 2 and 42 days old. The last grade SIRQ Positive Affect subscale, t(175) 2.775, p .006, completed by the mothers ranged from 7th to 12th grade, which was not associated with the parenting outcomes that are with a mean of 10th grade. The number of male (91) and the focus of this study. female (90) children were approximately equal. At baseline, Mixed-model regression methods, implemented by PROC grandmothers were a mean age of 39 years old (SD 4.74) MIXED (Version 9.1; SAS Inc., Cary, NC), were used to and had a mean of 12 years of education (SD 1.85). analyze the predictors, covariates, and outcomes simultane- Grandmothers reported mean household incomes between ously (Littel, Milliken, Stroup, & Wolfinger, 1996). The $10,000 and $20,000 per year. All adolescent mothers lived mixed-model approach allowed the analysis to account for the with grandmothers at baseline, and at 24 months postpar- longitudinal nature of the data, including measurement of tum, 73% (n 108) of adolescent mothers remained in the conflict at all four assessments and parenting behavior at the household of origin. three follow-up assessments. First, unadjusted effects were The amount of conflict in the mother– grandmother rela- estimated by performing regressions with one predictor at a tionship changed over time, according to the mothers’ self- time. The primary predictors were conflict and relationship report. Conflict increased from baseline to the 6-month quality. Time was entered into all models as a covariate. assessment and from the 6-month assessment to the 13- Because relationship quality and parenting behavior are related month assessment, with a significant difference between to maternal depressive symptoms (Caldwell et al., 1998; Davis baseline and 6 months. Conflict at the 24-month assessment & Rhodes, 1994; Davis et al., 1997; Dorsey et al., 2007; Jones was very similar to that at the 13-month assessment. Con- et al., 2005; Lovejoy, Graczyk, O’Hare, & Neuman, 2000), we flict at any given time point was highly correlated with included a measure of depressive symptoms at each time point conflict at any other time point (all ps .01), indicating as a covariate. Maternal age, infant age, and maternal educa- stability within cases despite the general upward trend be- tion were also considered as covariates. Independent variables tween baseline and the 13-month assessment. were added to the model in a stepwise fashion, based on the Maternal self-reports of conflict over the 24-month period strength of their unadjusted effects on parenting, to determine were not significantly correlated with any of the SIRQ whether conflict and relationship quality predicted parenting subscales, with two exceptions (Table 2). Individuation on behavior and which covariates added to model’s explanatory the SIRQ (measured at baseline) was significantly nega- power. tively correlated with conflict at the 6-month assessment
  • 6. 122 SELLERS, BLACK, BORIS, OBERLANDER, AND MYERS (r .18, p .039). Emotional closeness (measured at scales were univariately associated with negative control: baseline) was significantly negatively correlated with con- Individuation, Emotional Closeness, and Grandmother Di- flict at the 24-month assessment (r .18, p .038). rectness (Table 3). Emotional Closeness and Individuation Thus, mothers who were more individuated from their own were no longer significant predictors of negative control mothers at baseline were less likely to report being embed- after adjustment for Grandmother Directness. The other ded in highly conflicted relationships 6 months later, and variables were retained in the final model. No interactions mothers who were emotionally closer to their own mothers were significantly related to parenting behavior. The best at baseline were less likely to show high levels of conflict 2 model predicting negative control included conflict, the years later. Emotional closeness was highly correlated with SIRQ Grandmother Directness subscale, and maternal age. positive affect, grandmother directness, and individuation. Mothers demonstrated less negative control in their parent- Grandmother directness and individuation were also highly ing if their own mothers were more direct (demanding and correlated. clear), if they reported little conflict, and if they were older. Ratings of observed parenting (both negative control and Stepwise modeling resulted in a final model for nurturing nurturance) on the PCERA changed significantly from the parenting that included conflict, individuation, and maternal 13-month assessment to the 24-month assessment. On av- age (Table 4). Mothers who reported less conflict in their erage, mothers significantly relaxed the use of negative relationships with their own mothers and those who were control techniques and increased their nurturing parenting more individuated from their own mothers at the baseline between the 13-month assessment and the 24-month assess- assessment demonstrated more nurturing parenting. Older ment. mothers also showed higher levels of nurturing parenting. Unadjusted effects of each covariate, including time, Intervention status did not show a significant effect either were examined (Tables 3 and 4); covariates that were asso- directly or by interaction and was therefore excluded from ciated with the parenting outcome (p .20) were retained the final model. for assessment in the multivariable regression model. The multivariate models were fitted using forward stepwise pro- Discussion cedures, with the criterion for entry defined as p .20 and the criterion for retention defined as p .05. Interactions Mother– grandmother relationship quality predicted both were also considered as potential predictors but were not negative control and nurturing parenting. Mothers who re- significant. ported lower levels of conflict with their own mothers, but Mother– grandmother relationship quality significantly whose mothers were demanding and clear with them (mea- predicted parenting behavior. The association between re- sured by the SIRQ Grandmother Directness subscale), dem- lationship quality and parenting behavior did not change onstrated lower levels of negative control in their parenting. over time, thus we did not include time in the final model. Low levels of conflict and higher levels of individuation in The maternal age variable, however, varied across time the mother– grandmother relationship also predicted higher points, and thus accounts for the lapse in time over the levels of nurturing parenting. Maternal age predicted par- course of the study. Conflict and three of the SIRQ sub- enting as expected: Older mothers used less negative control Table 3 Regression Coefficients: Conflict, Relationship Quality, and Negative Control in Parenting Dependent variable: Negative control (PCERA) Regression coefficient Regression coefficient Variable (unadjusted) p (adjusted) p Age Maternal 13.17 .00a 0.06 .00 Infant 4.48 .04a Maternal education (grade level) 5.38 .02a Intervention group status 0.01 .93 Conflict Baseline 9.81 .00a 0.11 .00 Concurrent 0.49 .48 SIRQ Emotional Closeness 5.24 .02a Positive Affect 0.01 .92 Grandmother Directness 8.54 .00a 0.03 .00 Individuation 6.89 .01a Maternal depressive symptoms Baseline 0.51 .48 Concurrent 0.41 .52 Note. PCERA Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment; SIRQ Scale of Intergeneration Relationship Quality. a Entered into model (p .20). p .05. p .01.
  • 7. ADOLESCENT MOTHER–GRANDMOTHER RELATIONSHIPS 123 Table 4 Regression Coefficients: Conflict, Relationship Quality, and Nurturing Parenting Dependent variable: Nurturing parenting (PCERA) Regression coefficient Regression coefficient Variable (unadjusted) p (adjusted) p Age Maternal 16.11 .0001a 0.10 .00 Infant 7.85 .01a Maternal education (grade) 7.28 .01a Intervention group status 0.91 .34 Conflict Baseline 4.45 .04a .11 .04 Conflict 0.03 .85 SIRQ Emotional Closeness 11.22 .00a Positive Affect 0.99 .32 Grandmother Directness 3.13 .08a Individuation 19.53 .0001a 0.07 .0001 Maternal depressive symptoms Baseline 0.19 0.66 Concurrent 1.63 0.20a Note. PCERA Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment; SIRQ Scale of Intergeneration Relationship Quality. a Entered into model (p .20). p .05. p .01. and demonstrated more nurturing parenting with their chil- mother who has achieved the level of individuation required dren. for her to be the responsible parent of the infant. This study The finding that the quality of the mother– grandmother found that more grandmother directness predicted less neg- relationship predicts the quality of the young mother’s par- ative control in the young mother’s parenting and that more enting is consistent with previous research with this sample individuation predicted more nurturing parenting by the (Hess, Papas, & Black, 2002). On average, the mothers in young mother. Thus, the combination of grandmother di- this sample reported lower levels of conflict than their peers rectness and individuation, in the context of low levels of in a mostly White, middle- to upper-class sample previously conflict in the mother– grandmother relationship, which ap- described in the literature: Mothers in this study reported proximates the parental apprentice model, yields the most conflict ranging from 1.78 (at baseline) to 2.19 (at 13 positive parenting over the course of the child’s first 2 years months) compared with 2.3 among their more affluent peers of life. (Furman & Buhrmester, 1992). Yet some mothers in this The young mother’s individuation, in particular, predicts sample reported conflict levels at the maximum end of the how nurturing her parenting will be. Individuation is dem- scale (up to 5). Young mothers who are embedded in highly onstrated by adolescents who have at least partially conflicted relationships with their own mothers struggle to achieved one of the fundamental tasks of adolescent devel- provide a nurturing presence and avoid negative ways of opment: transforming the parent– child relationship into an controlling their infants’ behavior. Spencer, Kalil, Larson, autonomous, peerlike relationship. Young mothers who Spieker, and Gilchrist (2000) found that conflict between have negotiated this task before becoming parents may be adolescent mothers and their own mothers is associated with more psychologically ready to provide the kind of respon- increased parenting stress. Dorsey et al. (2007) found that sive and consistent parenting that supports healthy devel- conflict between coparents predicted parenting behavior opment in children than mothers who have not individuated both directly and indirectly, through maternal psychological (Wakschlag et al., 1996). distress. Another study indicated that conflict in the mother– Maternal age was not correlated with degree of individ- grandmother relationship had a significant association with uation, even though those who demonstrated individuation the young mother’s psychological functioning, but that sup- reflected a more mature mother– grandmother relationship. port did not (Davis & Rhodes, 1994). Previous work using the SIRQ Individuation factor found The significance of grandmother directness and individ- that it correlated significantly with the mother’s grade level, uation in predicting positive parenting behaviors supports but not with her age (Wakschlag et al., 1996). Individuation the Apfel and Seitz (1991) concept of parental apprentice. may be a better measure of maturity or psychological read- The hallmark of the parental apprentice model is that the iness to parent than chronological age. This finding is of grandmother very explicitly guides the young mother’s par- particular interest in light of the work of Geronimus (1992), enting, but does so in the interest of developing the young Burton (1990), and others who have suggested that imma- mother as the responsible primary parent of the infant. This turity rather than age compromises young mothers’ parent- model requires both a direct grandmother who is demanding ing capabilities. This study suggested that the quality of the and clear in her expectations of the new mother and a young mother– grandmother relationship discriminates between
  • 8. 124 SELLERS, BLACK, BORIS, OBERLANDER, AND MYERS young mothers who are ready to adopt the parenting behav- Conclusions iors that foster healthy child development and those for These findings have clear implications for adolescent whom teen pregnancy is one among several risk factors that health care. To improve parenting outcomes among young compromise their health and developmental outcomes mothers, it would be helpful to determine whether adoles- (Wakschlag & Hans, 2005). cent mothers have developed a sense of autonomy while Grandmother Directness predicted less reliance on nega- still being able to rely on their own mother for support. tive control. This SIRQ subscale is similar to the demand- Adolescent mothers who have achieved a sense of auton- ingness dimension of Baumrind’s (1971) parenting styles omy or individuation may be ripe for dyadic intervention to and is thus a critical component of authoritative parenting. support positive parenting. Few interventions have specifi- Grandmother Directness is characterized by a nonconfron- cally targeted adolescent mothers and grandmothers, and tational firmness in parenting that is subsequently adopted those interventions that have (e.g., McDonald et al., 2009) by the young mother to guide her child’s behavior without have not found clear effects on adolescent mothers’ parent- using a hostile tone or negative physical contact. ing behavior. Mothers who are embedded in difficult rela- We found that self-reported conflict increased over the tionships with their own mothers may need more intensive 1st year of parenting, which confirms what others have family intervention that could potentially affect the mother– reported (Gee & Rhodes, 1999). The self-reported measure grandmother relationship and the mother– child relation- of conflict was generally not related to the observational ship. Adding a mother– grandmother negotiation skills com- measure of mother– grandmother relationship quality, with ponent to a home visit intervention may be a relatively two exceptions. Individuation was negatively correlated inexpensive way to increase a young mother’s ability to with conflict at the 6-month assessment, and Emotional incorporate new parenting practices in a shared caregiving Closeness was negatively related to conflict at the 24-month environment (Black et al., 2001). This study emphasized the assessment. The self-reported conflict measure clearly mea- importance of observing interpersonal communication in sures an aspect of the mother– grandmother relationship not addition to relying on self-report of relationship conflict. captured by the SIRQ observational measures and predicted Observational measures have been underused with African both nurturing and negative control in the young mother’s American families in general (McLoyd, Cauce, Takeuchi, & parenting. Wilson, 2000), and have clear advantages in measuring Prior research has suggested that a high level of conflict constructs that are prone to self-report bias. The SIRQ in a young mother’s relationship with her own mother may (Wakschlag et al., 1996) holds particular promise for use have negative consequences for her psychological adjust- with African American adolescent mothers and grandmoth- ment, the quality of her parenting, her child’s social and ers and should be used to test whether a young mother’s emotional development, or all of these (Apfel & Seitz, degree of individuation determines her ability to put parent- 1991; Caldwell et al., 1998; Dorsey et al., 2007). Few ing education into practice. Future research should investi- studies, however, have measured relationship quality with gate characteristics of the grandmother that may influence both self-report and observed measures, and fewer still have mother– grandmother relationship quality and the adoles- used in-home observations of young mothers’ parenting to cent mother’s parenting. assess the potential impact of relationship quality among individuals who share caregiving duties. The use of multi- References method, multi-informant data is an important strength of Apfel, N. H., & Seitz, V. (1991). Four models of adolescent this study. mother– grandmother relationships in Black inner-city families. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, 40, 421– 429. Limitations Baumrind, D. (1971). Current patterns of parental authority. De- velopmental Psychology, 4(1, Pt. 2), 1–103. The narrowly defined, demographically homogeneous Beck, A. T., Ward, C. 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