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Mallorca | London | Zurich
+41 44 500 51 11 | |
Addiction is a term used to describe a physical, psychological and or
emotional dependency on a particular substance, act, ritual or behavior.
Addiction presents in many different forms, the most common of which is
the dependency on illicit or prescribed drugs, alcohol and tobacco. There
are many other types of addiction for example: gambling, sex and
pornography, addiction to work, shopping, food, sugar, sport, caffeine,
online gaming and social media etc. Addiction roots are located
predominantly in stress and anxiety disorders, and addictive behaviors
serve as a temporary relief to these symptoms.
Addiction can develop quickly or over a long period of time, behavior
becomes ‘compulsive’ and as the addictive behavior is repeated. The person
loses control and the ability to stop when they had planned or need to. The
substance or behavior begins to control and manipulate the person’s life.
People are often referred to as being an ‘addict’ and having an ‘addiction’
once this pattern of behavior has taken root. In its most chronic state, the
addicts’ main purpose, function and desire is to ‘feed’ the addiction, this
behavior is often referred to as ‘using’. This cultivates an endless cycle of
unhealthy behavior. This behavior triggers an over whelming sense to ‘use
more, more frequently’ in order to feel satisfied. This ‘using’ behavior
becomes the only means of pleasure or ‘escape’ for the addict. Eventually
addiction causes an often-devastating impact on all areas of life, such as
chronic health conditions, even death, poor social engagement, isolation,
work problems, family and relationship break down, a chaotic lifestyle, debt
or financial problems begin take root. Biologically, addiction disrupts the
central nervous system, and ‘high jacks’ the primary reward circuit inherent
in all human beings. Addicts will ‘crave’ until they can ‘fix’ the desire with
more and more of the substance or activity in order to feel ‘OK’ or satisfied.
If you would like to speak in confidence to a member of our team, please
contact us, and we will be in touch with you shortly.
At THE BALANCE we use a holistic and person-centered treatment method
for ‘recovery’ from addiction. Our program incorporates a combination of
talking therapies, complementary therapies and medical treatments.
Together these treatments build a program to help you identify and explore
the underlying ‘causes’ of the alcohol addiction; we enable you to connect
with and address difficulties and teach you the necessary skills required to
change the addictive behavior. We call this method of treatment ‘a
prescription for life’.
Biochemical Restoration
of body & brain
Comprehensive medical, psychiatric,
orthomolecular, lifestyle
and nutritional assessment
Luxury 5-star facilities and
hospitality with respect of
Holistic complementary therapies
including healthy lifestyle and
mindfulness techniques
Personal chef and personalised
nutrition & diet plan supporting
healing and weight loss
One client a time bespoke
and intensive program
with 24/7 counselling
Trauma program
treating the root causes
and not just the symptoms
of general, alternative and
technology based therapies
THE BALANCE program does not only work to heal or mend the presenting
symptom or problems, we endeavor to provide you with a lasting change in
behavior in order to overcome the unhealthy addictive behavior patterns.
We begin by asking you to be ‘curious’ about what brought you to this point
in your life, and then help you to explore solutions the underlying
problems. This method is proven to lead to lifelong positive change. We
treat alcoholism, nicotine addiction, drug addiction, medication addiction,
sex and love addiction, pathological gambling, food addiction, shopping
addiction, internet and media addiction and other forms of addiction.
Following is an example of a weekly schedule:
Drug or alcohol detoxification, or ́detox ́, is the first step taken before
entering treatment at THE BALANCE, detox is for clients presenting with
drug and alcohol dependency. Detox is a medical procedure and an
assessment process, which requires an inpatient admission to a private
The initial procedure takes place in order to stabilize the patient, after
which they are then able to move on to comprehensive treatment. Having
a detox prevents some of the most intense and unpleasant symptom which
can often be a result from withdrawal. Detoxing and can help you to become
abstinent from drugs and alcohol.
After stabilization the focus of detox shifts to monitoring and supporting
various processes within the body; as it rids itself of the drug.
It’s important to note that a detox is not considered a whole treatment for
alcohol or drug addiction. Detox alone might help a person to stop abusing
drugs and alcohol in the short term, but without follow-up care, medical
nutritional and therapeutic work, the risk of relapse into problematic use
again is highly likely.
Clients benefit at THE BALANCE from a combination of psychotherapeutic,
nutritional and medical treatment as part of the ongoing treatment post
detoxification. This is known as ́holistic ́ treatment and recognizes that all
areas of a person’s life need attention in order to regain health and
Patients who opt for a medical detox stop taking all substances and alcohol.
As they experience withdrawal symptoms, a short-term medication plan for
this detox stage might require them take certain medications for a limited
period of time to ease discomfort.
For example, one common impact from drug and alcohol withdrawal is
disturbed sleep, so you may be prescribed sleep medication, for a short
period of time, to help the physiological system return to some level of
balance. It is important also to note that long terms healthy relaxed sleep
can take months to return based on other psychological and physical
Another example is if someone experiences bone aches or muscle pains as
a result of withdrawal. In such cases, you may be offered temporary pain
relief. Controlled medications are available 24/7 to ensure patience have
what is needed to get through the discomfort of detox as quickly as
possible. Patience detoxing from alcohol are commonly given
benzodiazepines on a regular schedule or as symptoms arise. These drugs
can treat or prevent seizures and delirium and aren’t dangerous to take.
However, these medications are not to be taken long-term; due to their
cross-tolerance with alcohol, they can assist you in safely detoxing from
To treat use of opioid drugs such as heroin and prescription painkillers,
patients may be given the option to take longer-term medications. For
example, using methadone or the drug combination buprenorphine
(Subutex) and naloxone (Suboxone) to stop the more unpleasant withdrawal
symptoms. Over time, and under medical supervision, the dosage is lowered
until the patient are drug- free.
Detoxification from both drug and alcohol dependencies are individual and
based on the patients presenting health condition, severity and relative
time period of dependency. The amount of time that a patient spends in
hospital for a detox will also vary based on a client’s health, age, sex and
other individual variables. Typically, a detox takes between 2 to 5 days
before a patient can be safely discharged but may take longer in more
extreme cases. The main factor is the it takes place in a hospital and under
the supervision of a medical team, in order to ensure you safety and
At THE BALANCE we offer clients a holistic approach to physical and mental
health care. The term ́holistic ́ means that our program incorporates all
aspects of a person life and recognizes that each part of us is intimately
interconnected to a ́whole ́ so in terms of health care, it recognizes that all
areas of a person’s life need attention, in order to impact on the individual.
This incorporates our model of Mind, Body and Life.
Holistic medicine (also known as physiological regulating medicine and
Biological Medicine) treats the whole person. The patient’s symptoms are
always considered to be the outward expression of an underlying
dysfunction that can be remedied by stimulating the body’s own regulatory
forces. We search for the root causes of the patient’s disease in order to
give the body a chance to heal itself. This is why we give top priority to
improving the patient’s general metabolism, together with detoxification,
purification and the latest methods of immune - stimulation, as well as
other stimulating therapies.
THE BALANCE biological medicine aims at strengthening the whole, so that
diseases and susceptibility to disease can be overcome by the patient’s own
immune system and healing process. For this reason, our doctors utilize
'suppressive' medicines only during times of emergency, and not for
chronic care management, because this type of medicine is most effective
in acute situations. We are also slower to recommend certain operations,
preferring first to apply our holistic therapy concept.
As our patient, you are making a commitment to your health. With your
cooperation and the THE BALANCE staff’s input of experience and know
how, susceptibilities can be detected, and the course of the disease
reversed. It is important to note that our doctors have conventional medical
degrees and specialized training in Biological Medicine, and in certain
cases, conventional and holistic treatments will be integrated.
Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms, known as a syndrome,
that results when the adrenal glands function below the necessary level.
Most commonly associated with intense or prolonged stress, it can also
arise during or after acute or chronic infections, especially respiratory
infections such as influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia... you live with a
general sense of un-wellness, tiredness or “grey” feelings. People
experiencing adrenal fatigue often have to use coffee, colas and other
stimulants to get going in the morning and to prop themselves up during
the day.
“The adrenal glands respond to all types of stress in the same way... It is
important to know that all stresses are additive and cumulative. The
number of stresses, whether or not you recognize them as stresses, the
intensity of each stress, and the frequency with which it occurs plus the
length of time it is present, all combine to form your total stress load.”
together with this it is necessary to be aware of connections in the body
The digestive and glandular systems are closely related to the autonomic
nervous system, which is also called the “abdominal brain”. It consists of
two parts, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, which control all our
involuntary body functions and must be rhythmically balanced with one
another for our metabolism and immune systems to function properly. At
RECORE we are able to measure this balance in a unique way via tools that
assess what is known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
By eliminating all influencing factors (e.g. dental foci, food allergies,
mineral, vitamin and trace element deficiencies, electromagnetic stress,
disorders of the autonomic nervous system, etc. more than 80% of all
patients we treat for these basic disorders fully recover. Virtually all of our
metabolic patients significantly improve thanks to our medicines, without
having to take the drugs commonly prescribed that involve adverse side
effects. With diabetes patients, the insulin dose they need can frequently
be reduced. But especially the quality of life and overall wellbeing improve
Quick facts
• Two days comprehensive health assessment
• Full medical check-up, clinical assessment, psychiatric assessment, extensive
laboratory tests.
• Aim: identify any physical health issues or risks and/or identify underlying reasons
for complex, often unspecific, physical or mental health symptoms.
• Detailed debriefing and report explaining all findings, treatment recommendations
and prognosis.
• Suitable for individuals who have either specific health problems and seek the best
possible solution recommendation, or for individuals who have complex symptoms
of physical or mental health problems and want to investigate what underlying
reasons could be and receive treatment recommendations.
• Suitable also for healthy individuals who want to prevent future illnesses, learn
about risk factors, impact of lifestyle choices on physical and mental health, etc.
• 100% private and confidential, one client at a time
1) Full medical checkup
• Including ECG, Chest-X-ray, abdominal sonogram, physical fitness test and breathing
volume test in order to determine his current physical and cardiovascular health.
• Basic Screening (blood): Hematology, liver values, glycaemia, blood lipids, thyroid
• Review of any available medical history (provided by the client prior to the
• Symptoms to be researched can be: high blood pressure, weight problems, post
cancer- treatment fatigue and loss of energy, chronic or acute pain symptoms,
chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, circulatory problems
such as erectile dysfunction or menopause symptoms as well as signs of ageing
such as “brain fog”, lack of concentration and forgetfulness, among many others.
2) A comprehensive psychiatric assessment
• Screening for depression, trauma, addiction, burnout etc.
• Identifying possible emotional reasons for physical symptoms (such as pain,
constipation, heart racing, etc.)
• Review of any psychotropic medication, prior psychiatric diagnoses, etc.
3) Orthomolecular, lifestyle and nutritional assessment
• We will look at the bio-chemistry of the brain and body (neurotransmitter profiles,
stress profiles, see laboratory tests below for more details).
• Identify energy levels and functioning of the different organs, possible damage and
strategies for restoration of health.
• Specialized laboratory tests (see below).
• Food Intolerance testing: testing of allergic reaction to most frequent food allergen
(food intolerances lead to chronic emotional symptoms, sleep problems, etc.)
• Lifestyle (exercise, sleep habits, eating rhythm and meals, etc.) has a significant
impact on the emotional well-being, stress, anxiety, and cravings, as well as physical
health. A lifestyle assessment will identify risk factors and issues around lifestyle
4) The extensive specialized laboratory tests to check all
relevant medical and biochemical parameters include:
• Hormone level screen: chronic stress often brings hormones out of balance,
increases fatigue, decreases activities, libido and the immune system etc.
• Neurotransmitter screen in order to determine the current brain and emotional
functioning and deficiencies (the “Biochemistry of Happiness, Depression, Burnout”:
testing of excitatory neurotransmitters such as Adrenalin, Noradrenalin, Dopamine,
Glutamate; and testing of inhibitory neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, GABA)
• Amino acid profile (testing of all essential amino acids which are crucial to build up
enough neurotransmitters)
• Thyroid screen in order to determine metabolic functioning
• Metabolic screen to determine possible pre-diabetic conditions due to weight gain
when on medication
• Vitamin screen in order to determine Vitamin and Mineral levels which often are out
of balance when under medication and long-lasting stress
• Hair Mineral Test to determine the presence of heavy metals such as lead etc. in
order to determine the interference with neurotransmitters and mood
• Gut biology (stool)-tests to determine intestinal health and functioning: we know
today that gut health is an important contributor to brain functioning. Gut health
can be restored and supports the successful withdrawal from many psycho-
active/psychotropic medications while uptake of indispensable nutritional
supplements will be supported by intact gut health.
• Parasites testing: some parasites literally “eat up” necessary nutrients and
compromise the immune system.
• Stress Profile: evaluation of stress reaction (adrenal gland activity)
• Inflammatory parameter screen and testing stress on cell level: chronic stress and
medication intake often triggers inflammatory reactions in the body and
inflammation contributes to low mood and depression. Inflammation can be
detected in the blood and successfully treated with nutritional supplements,
targeted plant compounds and anti- oxidative vitamins.
Living in beautiful settings, you will experience being part of a safe and
healthy surrounding. For many of our clients, this is the first time they have
ever felt secure enough to talk openly about the challenges they face in
their life experience. Here, you will be accepted, regardless of your
presenting issues. With the support of our team, and others in the program,
you will begin to make the changes needed to live a balanced and
meaningful life.
1 - Biochemical Restoration of Body & Brain
Our biochemical imbalances can be affected by diet and stressful life events,
but it often goes back to genetics and epigenetics. We do specific
biochemical laboratory testing to determine an individual’s biochemical
imbalance. Combining the results of the lab tests with anamnestic
information’s and clinical tests we prescribe an individualized and
compounded vitamin, mineral, nutrient protocol to help our patients recover
from various disease states.
2 - Treating the complexity of underlying issues from a 360°
Our holistic and top-rated program supports a wide range of emotional,
physical and psychological issues covering all addiction and mental health
problems. This includes dependencies, anxiety, depression, burnout, eating
disorders and trauma & PTSD as well as biochemical rebalancing of brain
and body. A unique concept for severe Addiction and Mental Health issues.
3 - One client a time - intensive, unique, proven and 100% tailored with 24/7
We focus on holistic and person-centered approaches and include both
alternative and traditional models to help you become the best version of
yourself. We believe our lives are a reflection of our inner worlds. We aim to
challenge any negative beliefs and thought patterns. We view the body as a
reflection of the mind, and vice versa. Living constantly in stress,
unhappiness, or negativity have a serious impact on the physical health.
After traumatic or negative experiences, we may struggle to reform our
identity. We encourage you to see all experience, good or bad, as an
opportunity for growth.
4 - A 5-star luxury, private and discrete residence with premier hospitality to
feel at home
During your time at THE BALANCE, you will stay in one of our luxury
residences or a location of your choice. We aim to make you feel completely
at ease by surrounding you with abundant nature and making sure all your
needs are met. A personal in-house counselor, a private chef,
complementary therapist and many more take care of you 24/7. As best and
private luxury rehab in the world we are perfect suitable for celebrities,
executives and CEO's.
Mallorca | London | Zurich
+41 44 500 51 11

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Addiction treatment the balance

  • 1. ADDICTION TREATMENT T H E B A L A N C E Mallorca | London | Zurich +41 44 500 51 11 | |
  • 2. 2 WHAT IS ADDICTION? Addiction is a term used to describe a physical, psychological and or emotional dependency on a particular substance, act, ritual or behavior. Addiction presents in many different forms, the most common of which is the dependency on illicit or prescribed drugs, alcohol and tobacco. There are many other types of addiction for example: gambling, sex and pornography, addiction to work, shopping, food, sugar, sport, caffeine, online gaming and social media etc. Addiction roots are located predominantly in stress and anxiety disorders, and addictive behaviors serve as a temporary relief to these symptoms. Addiction can develop quickly or over a long period of time, behavior becomes ‘compulsive’ and as the addictive behavior is repeated. The person loses control and the ability to stop when they had planned or need to. The substance or behavior begins to control and manipulate the person’s life. People are often referred to as being an ‘addict’ and having an ‘addiction’ once this pattern of behavior has taken root. In its most chronic state, the addicts’ main purpose, function and desire is to ‘feed’ the addiction, this behavior is often referred to as ‘using’. This cultivates an endless cycle of unhealthy behavior. This behavior triggers an over whelming sense to ‘use more, more frequently’ in order to feel satisfied. This ‘using’ behavior becomes the only means of pleasure or ‘escape’ for the addict. Eventually addiction causes an often-devastating impact on all areas of life, such as chronic health conditions, even death, poor social engagement, isolation, work problems, family and relationship break down, a chaotic lifestyle, debt or financial problems begin take root. Biologically, addiction disrupts the central nervous system, and ‘high jacks’ the primary reward circuit inherent in all human beings. Addicts will ‘crave’ until they can ‘fix’ the desire with more and more of the substance or activity in order to feel ‘OK’ or satisfied. If you would like to speak in confidence to a member of our team, please contact us, and we will be in touch with you shortly.
  • 3. 3 HOW WE TREAT ADDICTION At THE BALANCE we use a holistic and person-centered treatment method for ‘recovery’ from addiction. Our program incorporates a combination of talking therapies, complementary therapies and medical treatments. Together these treatments build a program to help you identify and explore the underlying ‘causes’ of the alcohol addiction; we enable you to connect with and address difficulties and teach you the necessary skills required to change the addictive behavior. We call this method of treatment ‘a prescription for life’. Biochemical Restoration of body & brain Comprehensive medical, psychiatric, orthomolecular, lifestyle and nutritional assessment Luxury 5-star facilities and hospitality with respect of Holistic complementary therapies including healthy lifestyle and mindfulness techniques Personal chef and personalised nutrition & diet plan supporting healing and weight loss One client a time bespoke and intensive program with 24/7 counselling Trauma program treating the root causes and not just the symptoms of general, alternative and technology based therapies
  • 4. 4 THE BALANCE program does not only work to heal or mend the presenting symptom or problems, we endeavor to provide you with a lasting change in behavior in order to overcome the unhealthy addictive behavior patterns. We begin by asking you to be ‘curious’ about what brought you to this point in your life, and then help you to explore solutions the underlying problems. This method is proven to lead to lifelong positive change. We treat alcoholism, nicotine addiction, drug addiction, medication addiction, sex and love addiction, pathological gambling, food addiction, shopping addiction, internet and media addiction and other forms of addiction. Following is an example of a weekly schedule:
  • 5. 5 WHAT IS ALCOHOL & DRUG DETOXIFICATION (DETOX) Drug or alcohol detoxification, or ́detox ́, is the first step taken before entering treatment at THE BALANCE, detox is for clients presenting with drug and alcohol dependency. Detox is a medical procedure and an assessment process, which requires an inpatient admission to a private hospital. The initial procedure takes place in order to stabilize the patient, after which they are then able to move on to comprehensive treatment. Having a detox prevents some of the most intense and unpleasant symptom which can often be a result from withdrawal. Detoxing and can help you to become abstinent from drugs and alcohol. After stabilization the focus of detox shifts to monitoring and supporting various processes within the body; as it rids itself of the drug. It’s important to note that a detox is not considered a whole treatment for alcohol or drug addiction. Detox alone might help a person to stop abusing drugs and alcohol in the short term, but without follow-up care, medical nutritional and therapeutic work, the risk of relapse into problematic use again is highly likely. Clients benefit at THE BALANCE from a combination of psychotherapeutic, nutritional and medical treatment as part of the ongoing treatment post detoxification. This is known as ́holistic ́ treatment and recognizes that all areas of a person’s life need attention in order to regain health and wellbeing.
  • 6. 6 DETOX PROCEDURES Patients who opt for a medical detox stop taking all substances and alcohol. As they experience withdrawal symptoms, a short-term medication plan for this detox stage might require them take certain medications for a limited period of time to ease discomfort. For example, one common impact from drug and alcohol withdrawal is disturbed sleep, so you may be prescribed sleep medication, for a short period of time, to help the physiological system return to some level of balance. It is important also to note that long terms healthy relaxed sleep can take months to return based on other psychological and physical issues. Another example is if someone experiences bone aches or muscle pains as a result of withdrawal. In such cases, you may be offered temporary pain relief. Controlled medications are available 24/7 to ensure patience have what is needed to get through the discomfort of detox as quickly as possible. Patience detoxing from alcohol are commonly given benzodiazepines on a regular schedule or as symptoms arise. These drugs can treat or prevent seizures and delirium and aren’t dangerous to take. However, these medications are not to be taken long-term; due to their cross-tolerance with alcohol, they can assist you in safely detoxing from alcohol. To treat use of opioid drugs such as heroin and prescription painkillers, patients may be given the option to take longer-term medications. For example, using methadone or the drug combination buprenorphine (Subutex) and naloxone (Suboxone) to stop the more unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Over time, and under medical supervision, the dosage is lowered until the patient are drug- free. Detoxification from both drug and alcohol dependencies are individual and based on the patients presenting health condition, severity and relative time period of dependency. The amount of time that a patient spends in hospital for a detox will also vary based on a client’s health, age, sex and other individual variables. Typically, a detox takes between 2 to 5 days before a patient can be safely discharged but may take longer in more extreme cases. The main factor is the it takes place in a hospital and under the supervision of a medical team, in order to ensure you safety and comfort.
  • 7. 7 MEDICAL TREATMENT AT THE BALANCE At THE BALANCE we offer clients a holistic approach to physical and mental health care. The term ́holistic ́ means that our program incorporates all aspects of a person life and recognizes that each part of us is intimately interconnected to a ́whole ́ so in terms of health care, it recognizes that all areas of a person’s life need attention, in order to impact on the individual. This incorporates our model of Mind, Body and Life. Holistic medicine (also known as physiological regulating medicine and Biological Medicine) treats the whole person. The patient’s symptoms are always considered to be the outward expression of an underlying dysfunction that can be remedied by stimulating the body’s own regulatory forces. We search for the root causes of the patient’s disease in order to give the body a chance to heal itself. This is why we give top priority to improving the patient’s general metabolism, together with detoxification, purification and the latest methods of immune - stimulation, as well as other stimulating therapies. THE BALANCE biological medicine aims at strengthening the whole, so that diseases and susceptibility to disease can be overcome by the patient’s own immune system and healing process. For this reason, our doctors utilize 'suppressive' medicines only during times of emergency, and not for chronic care management, because this type of medicine is most effective in acute situations. We are also slower to recommend certain operations, preferring first to apply our holistic therapy concept. As our patient, you are making a commitment to your health. With your cooperation and the THE BALANCE staff’s input of experience and know how, susceptibilities can be detected, and the course of the disease reversed. It is important to note that our doctors have conventional medical degrees and specialized training in Biological Medicine, and in certain cases, conventional and holistic treatments will be integrated.
  • 8. 8 PHYSICAL AND MENTAL WEAKNESS AND THE ADRENAL GLAND Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms, known as a syndrome, that results when the adrenal glands function below the necessary level. Most commonly associated with intense or prolonged stress, it can also arise during or after acute or chronic infections, especially respiratory infections such as influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia... you live with a general sense of un-wellness, tiredness or “grey” feelings. People experiencing adrenal fatigue often have to use coffee, colas and other stimulants to get going in the morning and to prop themselves up during the day. “The adrenal glands respond to all types of stress in the same way... It is important to know that all stresses are additive and cumulative. The number of stresses, whether or not you recognize them as stresses, the intensity of each stress, and the frequency with which it occurs plus the length of time it is present, all combine to form your total stress load.” together with this it is necessary to be aware of connections in the body system: The digestive and glandular systems are closely related to the autonomic nervous system, which is also called the “abdominal brain”. It consists of two parts, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, which control all our involuntary body functions and must be rhythmically balanced with one another for our metabolism and immune systems to function properly. At RECORE we are able to measure this balance in a unique way via tools that assess what is known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV). By eliminating all influencing factors (e.g. dental foci, food allergies, mineral, vitamin and trace element deficiencies, electromagnetic stress, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, etc. more than 80% of all patients we treat for these basic disorders fully recover. Virtually all of our metabolic patients significantly improve thanks to our medicines, without having to take the drugs commonly prescribed that involve adverse side effects. With diabetes patients, the insulin dose they need can frequently be reduced. But especially the quality of life and overall wellbeing improve immensely.
  • 9. 9 THE COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT UPON YOUR ARRIVAL Quick facts • Two days comprehensive health assessment • Full medical check-up, clinical assessment, psychiatric assessment, extensive laboratory tests. • Aim: identify any physical health issues or risks and/or identify underlying reasons for complex, often unspecific, physical or mental health symptoms. • Detailed debriefing and report explaining all findings, treatment recommendations and prognosis. • Suitable for individuals who have either specific health problems and seek the best possible solution recommendation, or for individuals who have complex symptoms of physical or mental health problems and want to investigate what underlying reasons could be and receive treatment recommendations. • Suitable also for healthy individuals who want to prevent future illnesses, learn about risk factors, impact of lifestyle choices on physical and mental health, etc. • 100% private and confidential, one client at a time 1) Full medical checkup • Including ECG, Chest-X-ray, abdominal sonogram, physical fitness test and breathing volume test in order to determine his current physical and cardiovascular health. • Basic Screening (blood): Hematology, liver values, glycaemia, blood lipids, thyroid activity • Review of any available medical history (provided by the client prior to the assessment) • Symptoms to be researched can be: high blood pressure, weight problems, post cancer- treatment fatigue and loss of energy, chronic or acute pain symptoms, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, circulatory problems such as erectile dysfunction or menopause symptoms as well as signs of ageing such as “brain fog”, lack of concentration and forgetfulness, among many others. 2) A comprehensive psychiatric assessment • Screening for depression, trauma, addiction, burnout etc. • Identifying possible emotional reasons for physical symptoms (such as pain, constipation, heart racing, etc.) • Review of any psychotropic medication, prior psychiatric diagnoses, etc.
  • 10. 10 3) Orthomolecular, lifestyle and nutritional assessment • We will look at the bio-chemistry of the brain and body (neurotransmitter profiles, stress profiles, see laboratory tests below for more details). • Identify energy levels and functioning of the different organs, possible damage and strategies for restoration of health. • Specialized laboratory tests (see below). • Food Intolerance testing: testing of allergic reaction to most frequent food allergen (food intolerances lead to chronic emotional symptoms, sleep problems, etc.) • Lifestyle (exercise, sleep habits, eating rhythm and meals, etc.) has a significant impact on the emotional well-being, stress, anxiety, and cravings, as well as physical health. A lifestyle assessment will identify risk factors and issues around lifestyle choices. 4) The extensive specialized laboratory tests to check all relevant medical and biochemical parameters include: • Hormone level screen: chronic stress often brings hormones out of balance, increases fatigue, decreases activities, libido and the immune system etc. • Neurotransmitter screen in order to determine the current brain and emotional functioning and deficiencies (the “Biochemistry of Happiness, Depression, Burnout”: testing of excitatory neurotransmitters such as Adrenalin, Noradrenalin, Dopamine, Glutamate; and testing of inhibitory neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, GABA) • Amino acid profile (testing of all essential amino acids which are crucial to build up enough neurotransmitters) • Thyroid screen in order to determine metabolic functioning • Metabolic screen to determine possible pre-diabetic conditions due to weight gain when on medication • Vitamin screen in order to determine Vitamin and Mineral levels which often are out of balance when under medication and long-lasting stress • Hair Mineral Test to determine the presence of heavy metals such as lead etc. in order to determine the interference with neurotransmitters and mood • Gut biology (stool)-tests to determine intestinal health and functioning: we know today that gut health is an important contributor to brain functioning. Gut health can be restored and supports the successful withdrawal from many psycho- active/psychotropic medications while uptake of indispensable nutritional supplements will be supported by intact gut health. • Parasites testing: some parasites literally “eat up” necessary nutrients and compromise the immune system. • Stress Profile: evaluation of stress reaction (adrenal gland activity) • Inflammatory parameter screen and testing stress on cell level: chronic stress and medication intake often triggers inflammatory reactions in the body and inflammation contributes to low mood and depression. Inflammation can be detected in the blood and successfully treated with nutritional supplements, targeted plant compounds and anti- oxidative vitamins.
  • 11. 11 LUXURY 5-STAR RESIDENCES AND PREMIER HOSPITALITY SERVICES Living in beautiful settings, you will experience being part of a safe and healthy surrounding. For many of our clients, this is the first time they have ever felt secure enough to talk openly about the challenges they face in their life experience. Here, you will be accepted, regardless of your presenting issues. With the support of our team, and others in the program, you will begin to make the changes needed to live a balanced and meaningful life.
  • 12. 12 WHY THE BALANCE? 1 - Biochemical Restoration of Body & Brain Our biochemical imbalances can be affected by diet and stressful life events, but it often goes back to genetics and epigenetics. We do specific biochemical laboratory testing to determine an individual’s biochemical imbalance. Combining the results of the lab tests with anamnestic information’s and clinical tests we prescribe an individualized and compounded vitamin, mineral, nutrient protocol to help our patients recover from various disease states. 2 - Treating the complexity of underlying issues from a 360° Our holistic and top-rated program supports a wide range of emotional, physical and psychological issues covering all addiction and mental health problems. This includes dependencies, anxiety, depression, burnout, eating disorders and trauma & PTSD as well as biochemical rebalancing of brain and body. A unique concept for severe Addiction and Mental Health issues. 3 - One client a time - intensive, unique, proven and 100% tailored with 24/7 support We focus on holistic and person-centered approaches and include both alternative and traditional models to help you become the best version of yourself. We believe our lives are a reflection of our inner worlds. We aim to challenge any negative beliefs and thought patterns. We view the body as a reflection of the mind, and vice versa. Living constantly in stress, unhappiness, or negativity have a serious impact on the physical health. After traumatic or negative experiences, we may struggle to reform our identity. We encourage you to see all experience, good or bad, as an opportunity for growth. 4 - A 5-star luxury, private and discrete residence with premier hospitality to feel at home During your time at THE BALANCE, you will stay in one of our luxury residences or a location of your choice. We aim to make you feel completely at ease by surrounding you with abundant nature and making sure all your needs are met. A personal in-house counselor, a private chef, complementary therapist and many more take care of you 24/7. As best and private luxury rehab in the world we are perfect suitable for celebrities, executives and CEO's.
  • 13. 13 THE BALANCE Mallorca | London | Zurich +41 44 500 51 11