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                       in production
                       and supply
The third instalment
in our Manufacturing
Excellence series.
2   Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
                                   Introduction                                                                                                  3
                                   Identifying and preventing supply chain risk                                                                  4
                                   Linking demand planning with the whole value chain                                                            8
                                   Making customer and supplier collaboration real                                                               12
                                   Addressing life cycle opportunities and demonstrating sustainable value                                       14
                                   Attracting the people and skills needed for the future                                                        18
                                   Conclusion                                                                                                    19

Welcome to the third in our series of papers         Common to all five is the importance
on manufacturing excellence. In the first two        of companies engaging and connecting
editions we focused on growth markets and            better with customers, suppliers and the
customers. Now we look inside manufacturing          world around them. Companies that are
and take a look at the threats to and                disconnected or fail to engage appropriately
opportunities for achieving excellence in            will miss opportunities to achieve excellence
manufacturing production and supply.                 or, worse, face the danger of ticking time
                                                     bombs that could fatally disrupt production
Events such as the Japan earthquake have             and supply. Those that are successful in
highlighted the importance of supply chain           making the connections have the opportunity
resilience. We live in a world where the             to gain ground and move ahead of their peers
connections up and down the supply chain,            in distinctive and tangible ways.
as well as inside companies and outside to
the world around them, are increasingly
important. In this context, we highlight five
issues that we believe will play an important
part in determining the difference between
manufacturing excellence, adequacy
or mediocrity.

• Identifying and preventing supply chain risk.

• Linking demand planning with the whole
  value chain.

• Making customer and supplier
  collaboration real.

• Addressing lifecycle opportunities and
  demonstrating sustainable value.

• Attracting the people and skills needed for
  the future.

                                                  Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply       3
Identifying and preventing supply chain risk

Supply chain risk has been on a roller                     Gaining visibility over                       be critical for a variety of reasons and
coaster ride. Before the financial crisis                                                                risk management strategies need to take
supply chains were hit with skyrocketing
                                                           critical supplies                             these into account. In the Xirallic case,
prices of oil and other commodities. Then                  The Japan earthquake highlighted              the pigment was impossible to source
they were caught in a perfect storm of                     not just the interdependencies of the         from elsewhere. These kinds of risks
rising bankruptcies, high levels of debt,                  global supply chains that characterise        need to be identified and appropriate
tight credit, and weak demand. Now they                    many industries but the challenge for         measures taken, for example by way of
face a mix of conditions.                                  companies of maintaining visibility           inventory cushions, dual sourcing or
                                                           over the supply chain. The full extent        collaboration with suppliers to develop
Commodity prices are back to high levels,                                                                alternative sources.
                                                           of supply chain disruption following
there has been a renewal of confidence
                                                           the earthquake remains unclear as
but market conditions are varied.                                                                        Following the Japan earthquake, Boeing
                                                           the timescales for stock cushions and
Considerable macro-level and financial                                                                   was reported to be considering building
                                                           full visibility play out. Yossi Sheffi,
market concerns remain. Events in the                                                                    a new supplier system to minimize
                                                           director of the Massachusetts Institute
form of the Arab Spring civil uprisings                                                                  the impact of natural disasters on its
                                                           of Technology Center for Transportation
and the March 2011 Japan earthquake                                                                      operations. About 35% of the 787
                                                           and Logistics, observed: “Even the best
remind us of the risk of abrupt supply                                                                   Dreamliner aircraft is being developed
                                                           companies have very good visibility into
chain disruption.                                                                                        and manufactured by Japanese
                                                           their Tier One (direct) suppliers, but
                                                                                                         firms with supplies disrupted by the
                                                           little or none into their Tier Two and
                                                                                                         earthquake. CEO of Boeing Commercial
                                                           Three suppliers.”1
                                                                                                         Airplanes, Jim Albaugh, said the
                                                           It is orthodoxy for companies to focus        company is looking hard at its supplier
                                                           their supply chain risk management            relationships and the possibility of dual-
                                                           on key suppliers who make the biggest         sourcing critical parts: “We want to make
                                                           value contribution to the manufacturing       very sure that in the future we have a
                                                           process. But the Japan earthquake             production system that is not impacted
                                                           illustrated that disruption can come in       by natural catastrophe that could occur
                                                           unexpected forms. A supplier that is          anywhere in the world.”2
                                                           lower value or not central to the core
                                                           product platform may nonetheless
                                                           be critical.

                                                           For example, following the Japan
                                                           earthquake, a shortage of a specialty
                                                           pigment that gives cars a glittering shine
                                                           led car manufacturers to temporarily
                                                           restrict orders on vehicles in certain
                                                           shades of black, red and other colours.
                                                           Most major automakers use a pigment,
                                                           called Xirallic, which is produced at only
                                                           one factory in the world – the Onahama
                                                           plant near the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear
                                                           power station in Japan.

                                                           The Xirallic example (see case study
                                                           panel) reminds us that confining supply
                                                           chain risk management to only the
                                                           largest and most immediate parts of the
                                                           supply chain is insufficient. Suppliers can

1   Financial Times, US and Europe escape the worst of the quake’s aftershock, 19 May 2011.
2   Reuters, Boeing mulling new supplier system in case of natural disaster, 4 July 2011.

4   Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
Xirallic – when the finishing touch becomes critical
        The pearl-lustre effect of Xirallic paint                  The plant had to close following the
        finishes has become popular with car                       March 2011 earthquake, causing
        buyers. This evolution in consumer taste                   some car makers to stop or slow their
        has increased the importance of the                        own production. Merck succeeded in
        Xirallic pigment in the auto supply chain.                 completing the recovery and repair work
        It is manufactured by German chemical                      by early May, ahead of schedule. Regular
        company Merck KGaA but production                          production was recommenced in June
        took place at just one plant, 57 km south                  2011. The company has also announced
        of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi                           that it intends now to diversify
        nuclear power plant in Japan.                              production with the commissioning of a
                                                                   second production line in Germany.3

3   Merck press release, Merck Resumes Xirallic Production in Japan, May 10 2011.

                                                              Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply   5
Checklist – preventing supply chain risk
• Have you developed a set of leading risk    • Do you have effective systems in place
  indicators that is forward-looking, based     across your supply chain to pick up and
  on a continuous monitoring and analysis       act on early-warning signs or, in the
  of conditions?                                case of sudden onset risk, to deliver
                                                real-time information and enable fast
• Are you recognising all the different         implementation of preventive measures?
  types of risk that could affect your
  supply chain, including factors such        • Is the potential ticking time bomb of
  as natural disasters, civil and political     financial stability risk of suppliers on
  unrest or strike action?                      your radar screen? Do you have the
                                                screening systems in place to assess
• Are risks being matched with                  this factor?
  appropriate remedial measures such
  as inventory cushions, dual sourcing or
  dialogue with suppliers on alternative
Forward and real-time                                      susceptible to natural disasters, civil             There are similar risks in other parts of
                                                           and political unrest or factors such as             the world, particularly in North America
supply chain risk alerts                                   strike action, then these risks should be           where the banking system and smaller
Many industrial manufacturing                              as much a part of risk management as                companies are facing similar conditions.
companies still don’t know who their                       factors such as currency risk.                      Ahead of the August 2011 financial
high risk suppliers are. They haven’t                                                                          market turmoil, the risk of global interest
                                                                                                               rate rises had been viewed as significant.
expended the time to look hard at where                    Financial stability risk                            The European Central Bank, for
their supply chain risk is and haven’t
defined this risk comprehensively
                                                           – the potential ticking                             example, pointed to “the prospect of an
enough. Nor are they thinking about it                     time bomb                                           unexpected and sudden, market-driven
ahead of time.                                                                                                 rise in long-term interest rates” as a key
                                                           One risk that should be central to supply           risk.6 Although the creditworthiness
Companies are used to looking ahead                        chain risk management is the financial              of larger companies in most advanced
for innovative practices to make supply                    stability of suppliers. We believe current          economies had improved as profitability
chains more efficient and lean, but their                  financial and macro-economic conditions             increased, default rates have continued
risk mitigation activities often remain                    in 2011 are such that manufacturers                 to rise for smaller companies. Now, the
backward-looking, based on events they                     should elevate their scrutiny of this               latest economic concerns in the US and
have already experienced. This risk                        risk factor.                                        the risk of sovereign debt contagion in
management approach is lagging in                                                                              Europe have brought fears of a double-
                                                           The banking crisis has made the recent
nature and almost always ensures                                                                               dip recession back on the global agenda,
                                                           economic downturn and the subsequent
that new risks will be spotted only when                                                                       heightening the risk of company failure.
                                                           recovery different from previous
they become serious issues. A direct link
                                                           economic cycles. Lenders and banks
to organisational objectives is one way of
                                                           are under great scrutiny and have held
making supply chain risk management
                                                           on to very large portfolios of marginal
                                                           businesses that they would have
As far as possible, companies need to also                 normally tried to take earlier action on.
look at connecting the supply chain and                    If interest rates rise, it is going to be more
using real-time data. Hand-held mobile                     difficult for these businesses to service
communications and IT systems make                         loans and the banks will have to pay
electronic connectivity with partners and                  more attention to them. Alternatively,
suppliers much easier. Having sensors                      any renewed downturn will put
in place throughout the supply chain                       pressures on marginal companies and
enables manufacturers to know instantly                    also on banks.
what is going on at that moment in time

                                                           Either of the above scenarios make it
and for alerts to be triggered in the event
                                                           important for manufacturers to identify if
of any unforeseen developments. Events
                                                           such companies are in their supply chains
such as the Japan earthquake highlight
                                                           and take steps to derisk. The scale of the
the importance of being able to rearrange
                                                           potential risk, in the UK for example, is
sourcing and orders in real-time rather
                                                           illustrated by data in a mid 2011 Bank of
than face the time-lag of periodic reports.
                                                           England Financial Stability report which
The scope of the risk canvas also needs                    shows around 30% of companies have
                                                                                                                                Companies with
to match the nature of the supply                          interest rates greater than profits.4 The
                                                                                                                                interest rates greater
chain. Risk parameters should fully                        threat to supply chains as bank interest
                                                                                                                                than profits.
pick up factors such as a concentration                    rates rise could be a ticking time bomb
                                                                                                                                Mid 2011 Bank of
on one product, supplier or site that                      for manufacturers. Default rates on loans
                                                                                                                                England Financial
can heighten the vulnerability of that                     are continuing to rise among smaller
                                                                                                                                Stability report
part of the supply chain. Similarly, if a                  companies according to a survey of credit
supply chain includes locations that are                   conditions used by the Bank of England.5

4   Bank of England, Financial Stability Report, June 2011.
5   Credit Conditions Survey, Q1 2011.
6   European Central Bank, Financial Stability Review, 15 June 2011.

                                                               Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply   7
Linking demand planning with the whole value chain

High commodity prices have brought                 Demand planning –
renewed focus on the importance of
production efficiencies and a resilient
                                                   looking at the full picture
supply chain. The traditional mantra is            Demand planning is a step before ‘just
on the importance of companies driving             in time’ or ‘on demand’ manufacturing.
down costs and exploring opportunities             ‘On demand’ might be an outcome that a
to gain ever leaner production and                 company decides on after going through
supply chains. But, while this may be an           a full demand planning process but it is
important strategy for some situations,            just one possible outcome. With demand
it may not always be the best and most             planning, companies start with demand
sustainable approach for the long term.            and their customers’ requirements and
                                                   link that to the whole of their operational
Concepts like ‘lean’ and ‘just in time’ have
                                                   planning. Whether the product is then
gained a lot of traction in the past decade
                                                   produced on demand, in a regular flow, in
or so. They have a huge part to play for
                                                   a large-scale batch or some mix of these
many companies but their value is only
                                                   is determined by the whole context of the
as good as their fit with what specific
                                                   customer’s needs, the production logistics
companies and, most important, their
                                                   and the supply chain circumstances.
customers actually need. ‘Just in time’,
for example, may not be the best fit for           Demand planning can be particularly
a component or product that is vital but           productive when customers and
which could be prone to scarcity. As we            manufacturers look not just at what is
have seen with the example of Xirallic             being demanded but why it is needed in
in the previous section, there can be a            that way. All the way along the supply
fine line between ‘just in time’ and ‘just         chain, suppliers and their customers are
not there’.                                        good at specifying what they want but
                                                   don’t necessarily share why and how they
                                                   want it. Overlooking this wider context
                                                   means that opportunities may be missed
                                                   to engineer solutions that would help
                                                   both the supplier and the customer,
                                                   for example by understanding the
                                                   context of customer promotions or point
                                                   of use requirements.

                                                   Similarly, while most companies tie
                                                   future customer needs and expectations
                                                   into product development, the interface
                                                   with manufacturing and supply chain
                                                   planning is often overlooked or left too
                                                   late. This can be a particular stumbling
                                                   block for the manufacture of parts that
                                                   require special arrangement for their
                                                   production. But it might also lead to
                                                   opportunities missed for the smooth
                                                   and quick scale-up and sourcing of more
                                                   straightforward components.

8   Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
Smurfit Kappa Ireland – protecting margins and
improving demand planning
In an industry with ever increasing             With this lead time and costing
competition, paper-based packaging              information, SKI is able to accurately
company Smurfit Kappa Ireland’s (SKI)           assess the most efficient minimum
success is based on reliable and timely         order quantities and build these into
product supply. It has placed a high            service level agreements with customers.
priority on working with customers on           It also has unit-based tracking and
their demand planning.                          visibility of stocks at all times, allowing
                                                it to significantly reduce buffer stocks.
Effective demand planning has been              Customers are confident that they can
boosted by significant investment in            benefit from and rely on the short lead
new machinery at strategic plants               times and that they can forecast with
and an overhaul of supply chain and             sufficient accuracy to allow them to
business software systems. It has               operate a ‘just in time’ type system. In
replaced a variety of dated and difficult       turn, SKI has been able to protect its
to maintain legacy systems with new             margins by maintaining prices while
enterprise level corrugated business            delivering added value. For example,
software which integrates with the              SKI is moving towards the idea of
company’s scheduling software. It now           ‘solutions plants’ which are geared
has a centralised database model that           to identifying solutions for particular
runs across all plants, enabling it to          customer needs such as point of sale
manage work from plant to plant, have a         displays for promotion campaigns,
consolidated view of all orders and route       design and logistics.
new sales orders to any of the SKI plants
for manufacturing.                              Cultural change has also been necessary
                                                to make the changes effective. With
The company has much greater historic           accurate timely data and increased
and real-time visibility on demand and          efficiencies, management has had to
supply. Accurate costing information,           change its modus operandi. Without
based on actual real time data from             agile, proactive and flexible management
the factory floor, enables it to quickly        and staff, the information and systems
identify and remedy margin issues. It can       alone would not have transformed the
then take immediate action through, for         business. The company’s management
example, redesign or price discussions          was very open and honest in
with customers. Management now have             communication with staff with regular
accurate information on ‘make ready’            and forthright discussions throughout
times. They can guarantee service levels        the process. Staff responded by taking
to customers on specific lead times and         on new roles and becoming more flexible
deliver with certainty.                         and innovative.

                Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply   9
Checklist – linking demand planning with
              the whole value chain
              • Do you have demand-led business                  • Have you weighed up the
                planning systems and practices in                  appropriateness of developing
                place to enable you to link customers’             collaborative relationships and
                requirements to the whole of your                  networks up and down the
                operational planning?                              supply chain?

              • Are you looking all the way along                • Is procurement and contracting
                the supply chain to share and                      risk-based and does it take account
                communicate not just ‘what’ is wanted              of factors such as the total cost of
                but ‘why’ and ‘how’, identifying                   ownership rather than price alone?
                opportunities to improve production
                and supply?                                      • Are you measuring the contribution
                                                                   of suppliers to value generating
              • Do you have historic and real-time                 improvements and solutions? Have
                visibility on demand and supply and                you planned for this thoroughly,
                are you managing it in ways that                   setting targets based on real data and
                enable you to optimise pricing                     monitoring progress daily and weekly
                and production?                                    to validate the benefits?

10 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
Collaborative networks                                      accompany it, might be equally relevant            function to find that their potential
                                                            for an industrial products supplier as a           suppliers have been running process
A crucial question for manufacturers                        manufacturer serving end customers.                improvement techniques such as ‘lean’
to consider is the extent to which they                                                                        and ‘six sigma’ methods across their
might want to create or participate in                                                                         operations for many years as a way of
collaborative supply chain networks.
                                                            Getting knowledge and                              offsetting the contract pricing demands
Being more open and inviting                                value from suppliers                               of their customers. By changing the
participation not just in the ‘what’ but                                                                       procurement process to one of price,
                                                            Whether manufacturers decide to go
in the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ a product                                                                           agility, quality and value the advantages
                                                            down the collaborative network route or
is required can be a path towards                                                                              of working with these types of value-
                                                            not, all manufacturers can benefit from a
greater productivity and supply chain                                                                          driven suppliers becomes apparent.
                                                            re-examination of their procurement and
optimisation. It is also a strategy that
                                                            sourcing strategies. Procurement is often          Recently, for example, a global cereals
is likely to benefit companies that
                                                            price-led and fails to take account of             producer commenced a three year
are seeking to build their growth on
                                                            wider considerations of value. The result          continuous improvement programme.
strategies of innovation and service
                                                            can be a situation where a company’s               It focused first on their operations
rather than price alone.
                                                            procurement or sourcing department                 but, shortly after, was extended to the
The creation of collaborative networks is                   is doing eye catching deals on price but           procurement function. It was difficult at
most evident in the closed type of supply                   then components that seemed good value             first to find functional improvements and
chains developed by some companies,                         become related to severe and frequent              savings but, once the company engaged
typically in the technology sector.                         cases of downtime and, ultimately, much            with their contract suppliers and
In a recent discussion of open vs. closed                   higher operating and maintenance costs.            manufacturers, they found huge benefits.
supply chains, Financial Times writer                       Often, suppliers and the procurement               These came in the form of operational
Peter Marsh cites Apple as the most                         function are oblivious to these facts              uptime, reduced packaging consumption,
heralded example of a company using                         because the financial impact lands in              better power usage and lower shipment
a closed supply chain and observes:                         operations and not in procurement.                 and storage costs to the tune of millions
“A closed supply chain is a highly                                                                             of euros. Even better, relationships are
                                                            Procurement and operations need to be
integrated set of networks in which                                                                            far stronger and the pipeline of new
                                                            linked and agree approaches to critical
many of the technologies being applied                                                                         improvements is full for the next
                                                            supplier needs that take account of the
are developed at least partially by the                                                                        12-18 months with more suppliers and
                                                            value and total cost of ownership rather
company orchestrating the system.                                                                              producers entering the programme
                                                            than price alone. Where appropriate,
A large proportion of the components                                                                           each month.
                                                            the procurement process itself also
made by key suppliers are unique to the
                                                            needs to be conducted in ways that can
final product.”7
                                                            gain from the knowledge of suppliers.
Marsh contrasts closed supply chains                        A relationship which is purely
with “open supply chains – common in                        transaction-based and focused on
industries such as automotive, aerospace                    driving down the price is unlikely to
and many areas of consumer electronics –                    utilise the value and the insight that
(where) the emphasis is on standardised                     component suppliers might be able to
components that fit together in a                           offer. Such insight can be instrumental
modular fashion. In these systems,                          in preventing inefficiencies or other
suppliers are generally encouraged to be                    problems arising later.
the main innovators and sell the same
                                                            Such considerations become even more
components to a range of customers.”8
                                                            important when companies are moving
Of course, it is possible for industries and
                                                            beyond component and equipment
supply chains to have a mix of open and
                                                            purchasing and are setting up contract
closed networks. The decision whether
                                                            manufacturing arrangements. It often
to develop a closed supply chain, and the
                                                            surprises many in the procurement
collaborative relationships that typically

7   Financial Times, Closed encounters with suppliers, July 6 2011.
8   Ibid.

                                                                Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 11
Making customer and supplier collaboration real

In the same way that collaborative                 Developing a collaborative                     Breaking down silos
networks are increasingly important
up the supply chain, as discussed in the
                                                   mindset and protocols                          Developing a collaborative approach
previous section, they are also highly             Making collaboration real, whether it is       with customers and suppliers externally
pertinent for the customer relationship.           with customers or with other companies         also needs to be matched with greater
Business models in the manufacturing               along the supply chain, entails major          collaboration inside companies.
sector are changing. In the past most              mindset and cultural change, particularly      Greater external connectedness is
revenues came from the production of               among manufacturing companies.                 difficult to achieve if there are internal
components or end products. Now many               In our experience, many manufacturing          disconnections. Silo working with
companies also earn a significant amount           companies do not have the outward-             demarcations between marketers,
from offering services and solutions               facing skillset that is needed to foster       product designers and production
– and the trend is upwards. But this               collaboration. Indeed, when it comes           engineers characterises many
involves understanding customer needs              to some companies’ attitudes to their          manufacturing companies with
and involving them in the development              customers, it is not too strong to say that    consequent challenges for developing the
of product and service offerings.                  they are anti-customer, seeing them            right interfaces with customers and the
                                                   as a nuisance, getting in the way and          supply chain.
In the second paper in our manufacturing
                                                   making life difficult. ‘The customer is
performance series, we talked about                                                               The challenge here is that most
                                                   always right’ is not an adage that sits
the importance of collaborating with                                                              companies operate budgets and savings
                                                   easily with the engineering culture that
customers to build relationships                                                                  targets functionally. The best companies
                                                   still dominates in some parts of the
and revenue. We believe this type                                                                 build a business-wide operating or
                                                   manufacturing sector.
of approach will be fundamental to                                                                management system that takes the
innovating smarter and developing a                The same challenges also apply to              overall challenge and breaks it down
sustainable manufacturing business for             collaboration with suppliers. In some          into operational imperatives. In this
the future. We looked at how industrial            respects, they are perhaps even greater.       way, the focus is more on key business
manufacturing companies can use a                  It is not just natural reticence or culture    processes that transverse the functions.
variety of techniques to understand                that inhibits openness, it is well-            They allow everyone to contribute to the
customers better, both individually and            established practice and procedure.            challenge and strategic decisions to be
in groups.                                         The default setting for companies is,          taken that will often be counter intuitive
                                                   understandably, one of confidentiality         to individual functions.
                                                   rather than openness.
                                                                                                  Capital expenditure projects, such as
                                                   Successful collaboration needs to be built     operations, IT or service solutions, provide
                                                   on a clear and compelling case of why          an example of this. Often decisions
                                                   collaboration makes good business sense,       on these are taken within individual
                                                   what it covers and does not cover, and         functions as they benefit their budget,
                                                   what it means for changes to established       either through savings or revenue growth.
                                                   custom and practice. Even companies            But a broader business-wide management
                                                   that have the skills and mindset will          system perspective might conclude and
                                                   founder without a well-articulated             decide that a particular project is not the
                                                   strategy for changing the basic default        best project and more can be gained from
                                                   settings on what can be shared and what        a different investment project with
                                                   is confidential.                               far bigger benefits and impact for
                                                                                                  the business.

12 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
Checklist – making customer supplier
and collaboration real
• Are you sitting down with your             • Are you identifying and acting on
  suppliers and customers to look at the       internal barriers to change such as
  potential for shared systems, protocols      silo-based working or established
  and ways of working?                         rules, customs and practices? Do you
                                               have effective business-wide operating
• Are you confident your company               or management systems in place to
  has the outward-facing mindset and           cross-over functional boundaries?
  culture needed to identify and develop
  the potential gains of collaboration up    • Do you have effective business
  and down the supply chain?                   planning and shared information
                                               systems in place to support
• Do you have a clear understanding            collaboration?
  of why collaboration makes good
  business sense, what it covers
  and does not cover, and are you
  communicating this to the people who
  need to make it happen?

                              Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 13
Addressing lifecycle opportunities and demonstrating sustainable value

One of the most important ways that                Gaining competitive
industrial manufacturers can secure
growth is by demonstrating the
sustainable value inherent in their                Manufacturers and suppliers that are
products and exploring the opportunities           able to demonstrate sustainability in
that come from considering the whole               their processes and products are gaining
product lifecycle. Increasingly, companies         competitive advantage. For example,
are realising that such an approach can            building and construction companies
be a differentiator in the marketplace             competing to be part of the supply chain
that can directly enhance revenues rather          for most major projects are expected
than being a bolt-on strategy in response          to meet certain specifically-defined
to regulatory imperatives.                         thresholds. Many projects now expect
                                                   suppliers to go well beyond these as end
Opportunities to maximise sustainable
                                                   customers, whether they are public or
value arise at the product design,
                                                   private entities, seek to show that their
product support and product end of
                                                   new facility excels in sustainability terms.
life stages. In the first of these stages,
sustainability can be designed-in to               For example, the 2012 London Olympics
the product. Once a product is in use,             has sought to set new benchmarks in
support and maintenance packages can               carbon reduction for large scale projects
be tailored to extend product life or              and regeneration projects. As well
increase its output or efficiency. Always          as climate change, it also has strong
the relationship with the customer is of           themes related to waste, biodiversity,
central importance. Some customers are             inclusion and healthy living that have
mature and are looking for a ‘through              been part of contractor and supplier
life’ total cost approach. Others are              selection. Similarly, in France PwC has
less sophisticated and, in such cases,             been working with Nice City Council on
suppliers need to think carefully about            tender proposals for the construction of
their cost/value equation and how they             a new soccer stadium. Each of the four
communicate this.                                  proposals have been graded according
                                                   to their environmental impact, taking
In many sectors, sustainability-related
                                                   into account factors such as energy and
initiatives are most evident among
                                                   water consumption and the life cycle of
first and second tier suppliers who
                                                   building materials.
are close to the consumer/retailer
interface where, often, regulation
applies or customer choice comes into
play. But understanding of the value
of sustainability and its adoption often
fades as you move further along the
supply chain. A noteworthy example
of impetus to address such issues
throughout the entire supply chain
and across the whole industry is the
nonwoven fibre sector. Here firms in the
industry have come together to form
EDANA, an initiative that seeks to embed
sustainability throughout the entire
supply chain (see opposite).

14 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
A whole supply chain approach – measuring
               economic, social and environmental impact
               EDANA is an international association         focus for information on key issues in
               serving the diversified interests of over     the industry such as the evaluation of
               220 member companies, representing            the environmental impact of single use
               over 90% of the vertically integrated         vs. reusable products and the industry’s
               supply chain in nonwovens.9 It promotes       contribution to waste prevention – a big
               cooperation on sustainability in the          debate surrounding disposable nappies.
               value chain and conducts an annual
               sustainability report on its efforts to       EDANA’s 2011 sustainability report was
               embed sustainability at the core of the       informed by an initiative called Vision
               industry. Nonwoven fibres have a wide         2010.10 It asked the Copenhagen Institute
               range of uses. Most well known are            for Futures Studies to carry out a detailed
               feminine hygiene products, nappies and        assessment of nonwovens in which
               wound care dressings but nonwovens are        they developed a number of scenarios
               also used in more than 40 automotive          and associated recommendations for
               parts, such as air and fuel filters, trunk    EDANA and its member companies over
               liners and carpets, and they are used in      the next ten years. The results show
               many aspects of building construction.        the importance of the sector to health,
                                                             hygiene and environmental challenges
               A key part of EDANA’s approach is to          that will become increasingly acute over
               identify and communicate the social,          time. For example, the report highlights
               economic and environmental benefits and       the ways in which the sector’s products
               impact of nonwoven fibres. In doing so,       are contributing to the number of people
               it brings together assessments of matters     who can remain economically active
               such as the economic and social value-        in an increasingly feminised global
               add of the industry. These measures are       workforce and the impact of products
               diverse, ranging from things such as          such as incontinence pads to help an
               the number of people employed by the          ageing population remain mobile and
               sector through to the social and economic     independent.
               benefits of its products. It provides a

10 EDANA, Sustainability Report 2011.

                                                  Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 15
Lifecycle assessment                                      The ‘cradle to cradle®’ design                 tyres in France. PwC has conducted a
                                                          approach goes a step further than              comparative life cycle assessment of the
and ‘cradle to cradle®’                                   minimising harmful impacts. Its goal           main tyre recycling methods on behalf
approaches                                                is product design and manufacturing            of Aliapur. One of these is the use of
                                                          that reflects the ability of nature’s          granules from old tyres in the production
The push towards sustainability is being
                                                          ecosystem to replenish – namely, by            of synthetic turf. This enables the
given a strong reinforcement by the impact
                                                          designing products that have value             substitution of ethylene propylene diene
of rising energy and other input costs,
                                                          beyond their immediate lifetime and            monomer rubber (EPDM) granules.
including the cost of carbon arising from
                                                          can provide input, or ‘nutrients’, for         EPDM granule production is very energy
tax or trading requirements. This all puts a
                                                          the next generation. “Toward this end,         consuming and granule lifetime is only
premium on designing products that have
                                                          product ingredients are evaluated for          half that of granules made from old tyres.
minimal carbon footprints, consume less
                                                          their human and environmental health           Other options for tyre recycling include
energy, water and other inputs in their
                                                          attributes and their potential to be           the construction of retention basins
manufacture and end-use, and produce
                                                          safely cycled,” argue ‘cradle to cradle®’      which make it possible to store rainwater
fewer air, water and other pollutants.
                                                          proponents William McDonough and               or runoff water temporarily. Using whole
Manufacturers are responding in a                         Michael Braungart. They talk about             or shredded tyres for retention basins
variety of ways – with products that have                 “either ‘biological nutrients’ that are        provides an alternative to quarry gravel.
prolonged useful lives or modular parts                   derived from the biosphere and can             As tyres are less costly both as a raw
to extend the useful lives of components                  biodegrade to build healthy soil, or           material and in terms of transportation,
or that are composed of parts that are                    ‘technical nutrients’ that are recyclable      they make it possible to fill the basin
recyclable and reusable to the greatest                   materials and can be returned to high-         whilst conserving a very large quantity
extent possible. Manufacturers can                        valued uses in new products without            of water.
also differentiate themselves and gain                    contaminating the biosphere.”11
competitive advantage by initiating
                                                          Aliapur is a used tyre recovery
take-back programmes and by assuming
                                                          company founded by seven leading tyre
extended product responsibility, ensuring
                                                          manufacturers, including companies
that their products’ ultimate disposal is
                                                          such as Bridgestone, Dunlop, Goodyear,
environmentally sustainable.
                                                          Michelin and Pirelli. Its aim is to
Manufacturers who gain reputation                         neutralise the environmental hazards
in this space stand to benefit from                       brought about by the presence of used
‘dematerialisation’, where they use
fewer materials to do more and their
products gain a value and resonance
over and above their basic functionality.                           Life cycle analysis of a new product range
Lifecycle assessment and ‘cradle to
cradle®’ strategies can help industrial                             Europe’s number-one producer of           bags use three times less non-
manufacturers design out or minimise                                household wraps and waste collection      renewable natural resources than the
harmful impacts and maximise benefits                               packaging, Sphere, asked PwC to           ‘fossil origin’ bags. The greenhouse
for any given production process.                                   perform a life cycle analysis of its      emissions generated at all stages
                                                                    new product range, produced with          of the new bag’s lifecycle – from
                                                                    renewable polyethylene made from          cultivation, through manufacture
                                                                    sugarcane ethanol. It wanted to           and end-use and disposal – are offset
                                                                    identify the gains expected in terms      by the carbon taken up during the
                                                                    of environmental impact compared          growth of the sugar cane, the main
                                                                    with waste bags made from plastics of     raw material in the bag.
                                                                    fossil origin. Over their complete life
                                                                    cycle, the ‘biosourced’ polyethylene

11 MBDC/Cradle to Cradle®, Design for a cradle to cradle Future, 2010.

16 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
Optimising manufacturing                                    first global business to put a true value                  Checklist – addressing
                                                            on the natural resources used and
processes                                                   the environmental impacts caused by                        lifecycle opportunities
Underpinning everything is the need for                     providing products to its customers.                       and demonstrating
manufacturers to be able to monitor and
                                                            Environmental P&L accounting is an                         sustainable value
optimise their processes to ensure they
                                                            emerging field for reporting. The profit                   • Are there opportunities in your
are as efficient as possible and are not
                                                            and loss account is intended to give                         sector to take a whole supply chain
in any way wasteful. The use of modern
                                                            PUMA a detailed understanding of                             approach to sustainability?
process control technology on individual
                                                            the implications of decisions on the
operations and processes, enabling
                                                            environment, enabling better positive                      • Are you identifying and promoting
them to be continually monitored and
                                                            actions to be taken to deliver commercial                    the environmental, economic and
accurately controlled, can significantly
                                                            benefits and safeguard the natural assets                    social value-add of your products
reduce or eliminate waste and, in
                                                            businesses depend on. PUMA has taken a                       and feeding this back into
turn, ensure minimal use of energy
                                                            significant first step, effectively holding                  product development?
and other inputs. Such technology
                                                            a mirror up to its supply chain, showing
can be integrated into overall system                                                                                  • Do you have modern process
                                                            its dependencies on natural capital
architecture, allowing full transparency                                                                                 control systems in place to manage
                                                            so that they can be tackled from the
on quality aspects from unit operation                                                                                   production in ways that reduce
                                                            first design concept to the shop shelf.
up to manufacturing execution system                                                                                     or eliminate waste and, in turn,
                                                            The supply chain holds the key for
(MES) or even enterprise resource                                                                                        ensure minimal use of energy and
                                                            many companies’ ability to tackle
planning (ERP) level.                                                                                                    other inputs?
                                                            environmental risk and impacts.
Waste heat is a major efficiency and                                                                                   • Have you evaluated the potential
energy production opportunity for                                                                                        of initiatives such as take-back
manufacturers in some sectors. In                                                                                        programmes and extended
glassmaking, for example, large amounts                                                                                  product responsibility which have
of waste heat with temperatures between                                                                                  the potential of reinforcing and
400°C and 800°C are produced. But                                                                                        sustaining customer relationships and
many companies are still failing to make                                                                                 revenue streams as well as boosting
use of the energy generation potential                                                                                   environmental sustainability?
of such heat. The electrical energy from
waste heat could cover up to half a glass                                                                              • Do you have effective mechanisms
manufacturing plant’s total electricity                                                                                  for monitoring, gathering data and
needs,12 saving money and reducing                                                                                       reporting on energy intensity, carbon
carbon dioxide emissions.                                                                                                use and other impacts and have you
                                                                                                                         considered ways of enhancing this,
                                                                                                                         for example through environmental
Measuring and reporting                                                                                                  profit and loss accounting?
Monitoring and control of energy
intensity, carbon use and other impacts
is increasingly important, not just for
regulatory compliance purposes, but
also for customers so that they can
evaluate environmental and other
impacts in their supply chains. In 2011,
PwC helped sports lifestyle company
PUMA develop an environmental profit
and loss account, making them the

12 Siemens, Energy efficiency thanks to waste heat recovery, innovative concepts for the glass industry, 2008.

                                                                Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 17
Attracting the people and skills needed for the future

CEOs worldwide are once again citing                       investing in education and training                  initiatives including the involvement of
a lack of key skills as the hottest issue                  to meet its staffing needs, including                Airbus UK in a cross-sector initiative in
on their agenda. Managing talent                           apprenticeship programmes of the kind                the West Midlands with power utility
has overtaken risk as top of the CEO                       it uses in Germany.                                  company E.ON to link learning in schools
agenda and two thirds report that                                                                               to the real world of engineering.
lack of the right skills is their biggest
talent challenge.13 Manufacturing is
                                                           Investing in the skills                              Emerging markets are also placing a
no exception and companies in many                         supply chain                                         high priority on the skills agenda. In
different countries report shortages of                                                                         India, for example, efforts are underway
                                                           Manufacturers are increasingly                       to enhance the skills level of the
suitably qualified science, technology,                    addressing their skills and talent
engineering and mathematics (STEM)                                                                              labour force, with the National Skills
                                                           challenges by stepping up investment in              Development Council looking to “skill or
qualified workers. In the UK, a fifth                      their people development programmes.
of manufacturers report skills gaps                                                                             upskill” 150 million workers, and new
                                                           For example, multi-brand commercial                  private engineering colleges springing up
and, despite high unemployment,                            products manufacturer Ingersoll
45% report that hard-to-fill vacancies                                                                          at a rapid rate.20
                                                           Rand has developed its own ‘Ingersoll
are causing delays in new product or                       Rand University’ (IRU). It is a training
service development.14                                     resource which provides strategic
                                                           education to develop business leaders,                 Checklist – attracting
New types of skills                                        enhance strategic competencies and
                                                           drive the Ingersoll Rand culture.                      the people and skills
Gaps seem particularly evident in the                      Training programmes are delivered                      needed for the future
type of skills needed to deliver the                       locally across the globe as well as at the
culture of collaborative working and                       company’s University Education Centres                 • Are your assessment of skillset
breaking down silos that is discussed                      in Davidson, North Carolina; Prague,                     requirements and your people
earlier in this report. For example,                       the Czech Republic; Shanghai, China;                     development and recruitment
specific skills gaps in problem solving,                   and Bangalore, India. IRU learning                       activities keeping up with the
team working, oral communications                          programmes are also available on-                        changing needs of your customer
and customer handling skills account for                   line, 24 hours a day, at no cost to the                  and supply chain strategies?
four of the top five positions in a list of                employee. During 2010, 23,000 Ingersoll
15 skills shortages reported by                                                                                   • Are you making the appropriate
                                                           Rand employees used this training
companies in the UK process and                                                                                     investment in in-house
                                                           resource.18 The resource is also open to
manufacturing sector.15                                                                                             development packages and future
                                                           customer, distributors and partners.
                                                                                                                    talent programmes? Have you got
In the US, the Manufacturing                               Attention is also being focused on ways                  the metrics in place to assess the
Institute reports that “according to US                    of stimulating the future supply line of                 return on such investments?
manufacturing executives, a skilled,                       STEM-qualified students. In the UK for
educated workforce is the single most                                                                             • Are you making the most of ways
                                                           example, Tomorrow’s Engineers is
critical element of innovation success                                                                              in which you could reach up the
                                                            led by Engineering UK and the Royal
— and the hardest to acquire.”16                                                                                    future talent supply chain and
                                                           Academy of Engineering and reaches
Eric Spiegel, US chief executive of                                                                                 collaborate with schools and
                                                           more than 35,000 students in over
German engineering group Siemens,                                                                                   universities?
                                                           1,000 schools across the UK each year.19
observed: “There’s a mismatch between                      It brings engineering into the classroom,              • What are the opportunities for
the jobs that are available, at least in                   enabling young people to experience                      shared initiatives across your
our portfolio, and the people that we                      for themselves the possibilities that                    supply chain or with other
see out there.”17 Siemens is responding                    engineering has to offer. The broad                      companies in your sector?
to this environment in the US by                           programme is backed up with regional

13   PwC, 14th Annual CEO Survey, 2011.
14   UK Commission for Employment and Skills, National Employer Skills Survey for England 2009, August 2010.
15   Proskills UK, The Sector Skills Assessment 2010 for the Process and Manufacturing Sector, December 2010.
17   Financial Times, Siemens chief warns on US skills shortage, June 11 2011.
18   Ingersoll Rand, 2010 Sustainability Website Content.
20   The Times of India, TN to get 42 new engineering colleges, July 9 2010.

18 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply

Looking ahead, the importance of                 High energy and commodity prices will            But, as we have seen, greater
the themes discussed in this report              continue to require an emphasis on the           collaboration and external connectedness
is likely to intensify rather than               need for manufacturers to monitor and            is difficult to achieve if there are internal
diminish. Manufacturers that succeed             optimise their processes to ensure they          disconnections or if the right skillset is
in strengthening the connections and             are as efficient as possible and are not in      not in place to deliver it. A collaborative
resilience of links up and down the supply       any way wasteful. Sustainability in the          approach with customers and suppliers
chain and demonstrating the value-add of         form of minimising harmful footprints            externally needs to be matched with
their strategies for sustainability will be in   and maximising lifecycle utility will be an      culture change internally. Just as
a stronger position than companies that          expectation and will also be an important        companies are stepping up investment in
underestimate these priorities.                  service-add to build relationships and           their people development programmes
                                                 revenue with customers.                          to address STEM skills shortages, so
Factors such as geopolitical, economic                                                            they also need to be looking at the
and financial market risk are an ever-           Demand planning, with manufacturers              softer skills, such as problem solving
present. As the experience from the Japan        linking the totality of their customers’         and team working, that are needed for
earthquake has showed, companies need            requirements to the whole of their               collaborative working up and down the
to identify and monitor all the different        operational planning, will be an important       supply chain.
types of risk that could affect supply           priority. This requires a greater degree
chains and match them with appropriate           of collaborative working. Being more
remedial measures such as inventory              open and inviting participation not just
cushions, dual sourcing or dialogue with         in the ‘what’ but in the ‘why’ and the
suppliers on alternative production.             ‘how’ a product is required can be a path
                                                 towards greater productivity and supply
The banking crisis has made the                  chain optimisation. It is also a strategy
nature of the recovery from the recent           that is likely to benefit companies that are
downturn very different from previous            seeking to build their growth on strategies
economic cycles. Lenders and banks               of innovation and service rather than
have held on to loans that they would            price alone.
have normally tried to take earlier
action on. If interest rates rise or fears
of a renewed downturn become real,
we believe manufacturers need to be
especially vigilant to the potential
ticking time bomb of financial stability
risk of companies in their supply chains.

                                                   Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 19
Further reading

Customer                              Capturing growth                       14th PwC CEO                     Manufacturing
Collaboration                         markets                                survey: Industrial               barometer
Designs Excellence                    In the 80’s and 90’s, many
                                                                             manufacturing                    Given today’s economic
It’s a given that a business          companies looked to the                sector summary                   conditions, this window on
needs to focus on its                 emerging markets for low-                                               the views and expectations
                                                                             In ‘Growth reimagined:
customers. But how does this          cost sourcing. Now they are                                             of other executives will help
                                                                             Prospects in emerging
work in practice for industrial       looking to places like China                                            you to understand what your
                                                                             markets’, we show how CEO
sectors, where customers aren’t       as important markets in their                                           peers are thinking, and how
                                                                             confidence is being driven
consumers, but businesses?            own right. We highlight some                                            they are responding to current
                                                                             by targeted investments
In this paper we take a               examples of manufacturers                                               business issues. Every quarter,
                                                                             in particular emerging
look at how manufacturing             who are already building                                                the Manufacturing Barometer
                                                                             markets – often far from
companies are collaborating           plants, working with local                                              surveys US-based senior
                                                                             home. Like their peers in
with customers to build               partners and governments,                                               executives from multinational
                                                                             other sectors, industrial
relationships and revenue.            conducting research – and                                               manufacturing companies
                                                                             manufacturing CEOs have
                                      most importantly, generating                                            regarding their view of the
                                                                             renewed confidence in their
                                      significant sales – in some key                                         US and global industrial
                                                                             companies’ growth prospects.
                                      emerging markets.                                                       manufacturing economies
                                                                             They honed their cost-cutting
                                                                                                              over the past quarter and their
                                                                             skills during the recession,
                                                                                                              outlook for the next
                                                                             patiently waiting for the time
                                                                                                              12 months.
                                                                             when global growth would

20 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
Assembling value                 Never waste a                      Different shades
Assembling value is the PwC
                                 good crisis                        of green
quarterly analysis of mergers    Business leaders have taken        In this short paper we look at
and acquisitions in the global   their companies through            the state of the climate change
industrial manufacturing         unprecedented times recently       agenda post Copenhagen and
industry. In addition to a       and now face new challenges        the business implications for
detailed summary of deal         in embedding the lessons           Industrial companies. The
activity in each quarter, we     learned and driving for            accompanying manufacturing
supplement each issue            growth in a rapidly changing       sector supplement gives
of Assembling Value with         environment. In this report        some background on the
a special report looking at      we show how some leading           current state of the sector
the impact of wider industry     players in the Industrial          followed by an analysis of top
challenges on the strategic      Manufacturing sector have          sector companies and their
deal environment.                used the period to adapt and       responses to climate change
                                 strengthen their businesses        issues based on publicly
                                 providing lessons for those        available information.
                                 tackling their own particular
                                 stage of the cycle.

                                              Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 21
Global Industrial
                                      Manufacturing Industry
Global Industrial
Manufacturing team                    Group
Barry Misthal                         The Global Industrial Manufacturing
Global Industrial                     Industry Group at PwC includes over 9,300
Manufacturing Leader                  professionals who are committed to serving              the Industrial Manufacturing industry. It is
Tel: +1 267 330 2146                  part of an Industrial Products group consisting
                                      of over 32,000 professionals, including over
                                      17,000 providing Assurance services, 8,300
Erica McEvoy
                                      providing Tax services, and 7,000 providing
Global Industrial Manufacturing
                                      Advisory services.
Marketing & Knowledge
Management                            Our group is dedicated to delivering effective               solutions to the complex business challenges
Tel: +61 3 8603 4827                  faced by industrial manufacturing companies.
                                      As a global leader in serving the industry
                                      PwC has extensive experience working with
                                      companies on industry-specific strategic,
                                      operational, and financial issues.

                                      Our expertise includes assurance, tax and
                                      advisory services, as well as specialised
                                      capabilities in regulatory compliance, risk
                                      management, performance improvement and
                                      transaction support. In helping our clients, we
                                      draw on the full knowledge and skills of
                                      PwC’s professionals.

22 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
Territory Industrial Manufacturing contacts

Australia                      Korea                                            Switzerland
Graeme Billings                Jae-Eun Lee                                      Stefan Raebsamen                 
Canada                         Luxembourg                                       Taiwan
Calum Semple                   Mervyn Martins                                   Gary Chih              
Central and Eastern Europe     Malaysia                                         United Kingdom
Matt Pottle                    Thaya Sangara Pillai                             Chris Baker        
China                          Mexico                                           United States
Malcolm MacDonald              Hector Rabago                                    Barry Misthal               
Finland                        Middle East
Urmas Rania                    Alistair Kett
France                         Netherlands
Edouard Sattler                Alexander Staal
Germany                        Russia
Martin Bork                    John Campbell
India                          South Africa
N.V. Sivakumar                 Diederik Fouche
Ireland                        South and Central America
Alisa Hayden                   Marcos Panassol
Italy                          Spain
Gianluca Sacchi                Julio Balaguer Abadia
Japan                          Sweden
Shigeru Shiina                 Olof Enerbäck

                                 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 23

© 2011 PwC. All rights reserved. Not for further distribution without the permission of PwC. “PwC” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
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Achieving excellence in production and supply

  • 1. Achieving excellence in production and supply Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing The third instalment in our Manufacturing Excellence series.
  • 2. 2 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 3. Contents Introduction 3 Identifying and preventing supply chain risk 4 Linking demand planning with the whole value chain 8 Making customer and supplier collaboration real 12 Addressing life cycle opportunities and demonstrating sustainable value 14 Attracting the people and skills needed for the future 18 Conclusion 19 Introduction Welcome to the third in our series of papers Common to all five is the importance on manufacturing excellence. In the first two of companies engaging and connecting editions we focused on growth markets and better with customers, suppliers and the customers. Now we look inside manufacturing world around them. Companies that are and take a look at the threats to and disconnected or fail to engage appropriately opportunities for achieving excellence in will miss opportunities to achieve excellence manufacturing production and supply. or, worse, face the danger of ticking time bombs that could fatally disrupt production Events such as the Japan earthquake have and supply. Those that are successful in highlighted the importance of supply chain making the connections have the opportunity resilience. We live in a world where the to gain ground and move ahead of their peers connections up and down the supply chain, in distinctive and tangible ways. as well as inside companies and outside to the world around them, are increasingly important. In this context, we highlight five issues that we believe will play an important part in determining the difference between manufacturing excellence, adequacy or mediocrity. • Identifying and preventing supply chain risk. • Linking demand planning with the whole value chain. • Making customer and supplier collaboration real. • Addressing lifecycle opportunities and demonstrating sustainable value. • Attracting the people and skills needed for the future. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 3
  • 4. Identifying and preventing supply chain risk Supply chain risk has been on a roller Gaining visibility over be critical for a variety of reasons and coaster ride. Before the financial crisis risk management strategies need to take supply chains were hit with skyrocketing critical supplies these into account. In the Xirallic case, prices of oil and other commodities. Then The Japan earthquake highlighted the pigment was impossible to source they were caught in a perfect storm of not just the interdependencies of the from elsewhere. These kinds of risks rising bankruptcies, high levels of debt, global supply chains that characterise need to be identified and appropriate tight credit, and weak demand. Now they many industries but the challenge for measures taken, for example by way of face a mix of conditions. companies of maintaining visibility inventory cushions, dual sourcing or over the supply chain. The full extent collaboration with suppliers to develop Commodity prices are back to high levels, alternative sources. of supply chain disruption following there has been a renewal of confidence the earthquake remains unclear as but market conditions are varied. Following the Japan earthquake, Boeing the timescales for stock cushions and Considerable macro-level and financial was reported to be considering building full visibility play out. Yossi Sheffi, market concerns remain. Events in the a new supplier system to minimize director of the Massachusetts Institute form of the Arab Spring civil uprisings the impact of natural disasters on its of Technology Center for Transportation and the March 2011 Japan earthquake operations. About 35% of the 787 and Logistics, observed: “Even the best remind us of the risk of abrupt supply Dreamliner aircraft is being developed companies have very good visibility into chain disruption. and manufactured by Japanese their Tier One (direct) suppliers, but firms with supplies disrupted by the little or none into their Tier Two and earthquake. CEO of Boeing Commercial Three suppliers.”1 Airplanes, Jim Albaugh, said the It is orthodoxy for companies to focus company is looking hard at its supplier their supply chain risk management relationships and the possibility of dual- on key suppliers who make the biggest sourcing critical parts: “We want to make value contribution to the manufacturing very sure that in the future we have a process. But the Japan earthquake production system that is not impacted illustrated that disruption can come in by natural catastrophe that could occur unexpected forms. A supplier that is anywhere in the world.”2 lower value or not central to the core product platform may nonetheless be critical. For example, following the Japan earthquake, a shortage of a specialty pigment that gives cars a glittering shine led car manufacturers to temporarily restrict orders on vehicles in certain shades of black, red and other colours. Most major automakers use a pigment, called Xirallic, which is produced at only one factory in the world – the Onahama plant near the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power station in Japan. The Xirallic example (see case study panel) reminds us that confining supply chain risk management to only the largest and most immediate parts of the supply chain is insufficient. Suppliers can 1 Financial Times, US and Europe escape the worst of the quake’s aftershock, 19 May 2011. 2 Reuters, Boeing mulling new supplier system in case of natural disaster, 4 July 2011. 4 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 5. Xirallic – when the finishing touch becomes critical The pearl-lustre effect of Xirallic paint The plant had to close following the finishes has become popular with car March 2011 earthquake, causing buyers. This evolution in consumer taste some car makers to stop or slow their has increased the importance of the own production. Merck succeeded in Xirallic pigment in the auto supply chain. completing the recovery and repair work It is manufactured by German chemical by early May, ahead of schedule. Regular company Merck KGaA but production production was recommenced in June took place at just one plant, 57 km south 2011. The company has also announced of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi that it intends now to diversify nuclear power plant in Japan. production with the commissioning of a second production line in Germany.3 3 Merck press release, Merck Resumes Xirallic Production in Japan, May 10 2011. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 5
  • 6. Checklist – preventing supply chain risk • Have you developed a set of leading risk • Do you have effective systems in place indicators that is forward-looking, based across your supply chain to pick up and on a continuous monitoring and analysis act on early-warning signs or, in the of conditions? case of sudden onset risk, to deliver real-time information and enable fast • Are you recognising all the different implementation of preventive measures? types of risk that could affect your supply chain, including factors such • Is the potential ticking time bomb of as natural disasters, civil and political financial stability risk of suppliers on unrest or strike action? your radar screen? Do you have the screening systems in place to assess • Are risks being matched with this factor? appropriate remedial measures such as inventory cushions, dual sourcing or dialogue with suppliers on alternative production?
  • 7. Forward and real-time susceptible to natural disasters, civil There are similar risks in other parts of and political unrest or factors such as the world, particularly in North America supply chain risk alerts strike action, then these risks should be where the banking system and smaller Many industrial manufacturing as much a part of risk management as companies are facing similar conditions. companies still don’t know who their factors such as currency risk. Ahead of the August 2011 financial high risk suppliers are. They haven’t market turmoil, the risk of global interest rate rises had been viewed as significant. expended the time to look hard at where Financial stability risk The European Central Bank, for their supply chain risk is and haven’t defined this risk comprehensively – the potential ticking example, pointed to “the prospect of an enough. Nor are they thinking about it time bomb unexpected and sudden, market-driven ahead of time. rise in long-term interest rates” as a key One risk that should be central to supply risk.6 Although the creditworthiness Companies are used to looking ahead chain risk management is the financial of larger companies in most advanced for innovative practices to make supply stability of suppliers. We believe current economies had improved as profitability chains more efficient and lean, but their financial and macro-economic conditions increased, default rates have continued risk mitigation activities often remain in 2011 are such that manufacturers to rise for smaller companies. Now, the backward-looking, based on events they should elevate their scrutiny of this latest economic concerns in the US and have already experienced. This risk risk factor. the risk of sovereign debt contagion in management approach is lagging in Europe have brought fears of a double- The banking crisis has made the recent nature and almost always ensures dip recession back on the global agenda, economic downturn and the subsequent that new risks will be spotted only when heightening the risk of company failure. recovery different from previous they become serious issues. A direct link economic cycles. Lenders and banks to organisational objectives is one way of are under great scrutiny and have held making supply chain risk management on to very large portfolios of marginal forward-looking. businesses that they would have As far as possible, companies need to also normally tried to take earlier action on. look at connecting the supply chain and If interest rates rise, it is going to be more using real-time data. Hand-held mobile difficult for these businesses to service communications and IT systems make loans and the banks will have to pay electronic connectivity with partners and more attention to them. Alternatively, suppliers much easier. Having sensors any renewed downturn will put in place throughout the supply chain pressures on marginal companies and enables manufacturers to know instantly also on banks. what is going on at that moment in time 30% Either of the above scenarios make it and for alerts to be triggered in the event important for manufacturers to identify if of any unforeseen developments. Events such companies are in their supply chains such as the Japan earthquake highlight and take steps to derisk. The scale of the the importance of being able to rearrange potential risk, in the UK for example, is sourcing and orders in real-time rather illustrated by data in a mid 2011 Bank of than face the time-lag of periodic reports. England Financial Stability report which The scope of the risk canvas also needs shows around 30% of companies have Companies with to match the nature of the supply interest rates greater than profits.4 The interest rates greater chain. Risk parameters should fully threat to supply chains as bank interest than profits. pick up factors such as a concentration rates rise could be a ticking time bomb Mid 2011 Bank of on one product, supplier or site that for manufacturers. Default rates on loans England Financial can heighten the vulnerability of that are continuing to rise among smaller Stability report part of the supply chain. Similarly, if a companies according to a survey of credit supply chain includes locations that are conditions used by the Bank of England.5 4 Bank of England, Financial Stability Report, June 2011. 5 Credit Conditions Survey, Q1 2011. 6 European Central Bank, Financial Stability Review, 15 June 2011. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 7
  • 8. Linking demand planning with the whole value chain High commodity prices have brought Demand planning – renewed focus on the importance of production efficiencies and a resilient looking at the full picture supply chain. The traditional mantra is Demand planning is a step before ‘just on the importance of companies driving in time’ or ‘on demand’ manufacturing. down costs and exploring opportunities ‘On demand’ might be an outcome that a to gain ever leaner production and company decides on after going through supply chains. But, while this may be an a full demand planning process but it is important strategy for some situations, just one possible outcome. With demand it may not always be the best and most planning, companies start with demand sustainable approach for the long term. and their customers’ requirements and link that to the whole of their operational Concepts like ‘lean’ and ‘just in time’ have planning. Whether the product is then gained a lot of traction in the past decade produced on demand, in a regular flow, in or so. They have a huge part to play for a large-scale batch or some mix of these many companies but their value is only is determined by the whole context of the as good as their fit with what specific customer’s needs, the production logistics companies and, most important, their and the supply chain circumstances. customers actually need. ‘Just in time’, for example, may not be the best fit for Demand planning can be particularly a component or product that is vital but productive when customers and which could be prone to scarcity. As we manufacturers look not just at what is have seen with the example of Xirallic being demanded but why it is needed in in the previous section, there can be a that way. All the way along the supply fine line between ‘just in time’ and ‘just chain, suppliers and their customers are not there’. good at specifying what they want but don’t necessarily share why and how they want it. Overlooking this wider context means that opportunities may be missed to engineer solutions that would help both the supplier and the customer, for example by understanding the context of customer promotions or point of use requirements. Similarly, while most companies tie future customer needs and expectations into product development, the interface with manufacturing and supply chain planning is often overlooked or left too late. This can be a particular stumbling block for the manufacture of parts that require special arrangement for their production. But it might also lead to opportunities missed for the smooth and quick scale-up and sourcing of more straightforward components. 8 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 9. Smurfit Kappa Ireland – protecting margins and improving demand planning In an industry with ever increasing With this lead time and costing competition, paper-based packaging information, SKI is able to accurately company Smurfit Kappa Ireland’s (SKI) assess the most efficient minimum success is based on reliable and timely order quantities and build these into product supply. It has placed a high service level agreements with customers. priority on working with customers on It also has unit-based tracking and their demand planning. visibility of stocks at all times, allowing it to significantly reduce buffer stocks. Effective demand planning has been Customers are confident that they can boosted by significant investment in benefit from and rely on the short lead new machinery at strategic plants times and that they can forecast with and an overhaul of supply chain and sufficient accuracy to allow them to business software systems. It has operate a ‘just in time’ type system. In replaced a variety of dated and difficult turn, SKI has been able to protect its to maintain legacy systems with new margins by maintaining prices while enterprise level corrugated business delivering added value. For example, software which integrates with the SKI is moving towards the idea of company’s scheduling software. It now ‘solutions plants’ which are geared has a centralised database model that to identifying solutions for particular runs across all plants, enabling it to customer needs such as point of sale manage work from plant to plant, have a displays for promotion campaigns, consolidated view of all orders and route design and logistics. new sales orders to any of the SKI plants for manufacturing. Cultural change has also been necessary to make the changes effective. With The company has much greater historic accurate timely data and increased and real-time visibility on demand and efficiencies, management has had to supply. Accurate costing information, change its modus operandi. Without based on actual real time data from agile, proactive and flexible management the factory floor, enables it to quickly and staff, the information and systems identify and remedy margin issues. It can alone would not have transformed the then take immediate action through, for business. The company’s management example, redesign or price discussions was very open and honest in with customers. Management now have communication with staff with regular accurate information on ‘make ready’ and forthright discussions throughout times. They can guarantee service levels the process. Staff responded by taking to customers on specific lead times and on new roles and becoming more flexible deliver with certainty. and innovative. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 9
  • 10. Checklist – linking demand planning with the whole value chain • Do you have demand-led business • Have you weighed up the planning systems and practices in appropriateness of developing place to enable you to link customers’ collaborative relationships and requirements to the whole of your networks up and down the operational planning? supply chain? • Are you looking all the way along • Is procurement and contracting the supply chain to share and risk-based and does it take account communicate not just ‘what’ is wanted of factors such as the total cost of but ‘why’ and ‘how’, identifying ownership rather than price alone? opportunities to improve production and supply? • Are you measuring the contribution of suppliers to value generating • Do you have historic and real-time improvements and solutions? Have visibility on demand and supply and you planned for this thoroughly, are you managing it in ways that setting targets based on real data and enable you to optimise pricing monitoring progress daily and weekly and production? to validate the benefits? 10 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 11. Collaborative networks accompany it, might be equally relevant function to find that their potential for an industrial products supplier as a suppliers have been running process A crucial question for manufacturers manufacturer serving end customers. improvement techniques such as ‘lean’ to consider is the extent to which they and ‘six sigma’ methods across their might want to create or participate in operations for many years as a way of collaborative supply chain networks. Getting knowledge and offsetting the contract pricing demands Being more open and inviting value from suppliers of their customers. By changing the participation not just in the ‘what’ but procurement process to one of price, Whether manufacturers decide to go in the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ a product agility, quality and value the advantages down the collaborative network route or is required can be a path towards of working with these types of value- not, all manufacturers can benefit from a greater productivity and supply chain driven suppliers becomes apparent. re-examination of their procurement and optimisation. It is also a strategy that sourcing strategies. Procurement is often Recently, for example, a global cereals is likely to benefit companies that price-led and fails to take account of producer commenced a three year are seeking to build their growth on wider considerations of value. The result continuous improvement programme. strategies of innovation and service can be a situation where a company’s It focused first on their operations rather than price alone. procurement or sourcing department but, shortly after, was extended to the The creation of collaborative networks is is doing eye catching deals on price but procurement function. It was difficult at most evident in the closed type of supply then components that seemed good value first to find functional improvements and chains developed by some companies, become related to severe and frequent savings but, once the company engaged typically in the technology sector. cases of downtime and, ultimately, much with their contract suppliers and In a recent discussion of open vs. closed higher operating and maintenance costs. manufacturers, they found huge benefits. supply chains, Financial Times writer Often, suppliers and the procurement These came in the form of operational Peter Marsh cites Apple as the most function are oblivious to these facts uptime, reduced packaging consumption, heralded example of a company using because the financial impact lands in better power usage and lower shipment a closed supply chain and observes: operations and not in procurement. and storage costs to the tune of millions “A closed supply chain is a highly of euros. Even better, relationships are Procurement and operations need to be integrated set of networks in which far stronger and the pipeline of new linked and agree approaches to critical many of the technologies being applied improvements is full for the next supplier needs that take account of the are developed at least partially by the 12-18 months with more suppliers and value and total cost of ownership rather company orchestrating the system. producers entering the programme than price alone. Where appropriate, A large proportion of the components each month. the procurement process itself also made by key suppliers are unique to the needs to be conducted in ways that can final product.”7 gain from the knowledge of suppliers. Marsh contrasts closed supply chains A relationship which is purely with “open supply chains – common in transaction-based and focused on industries such as automotive, aerospace driving down the price is unlikely to and many areas of consumer electronics – utilise the value and the insight that (where) the emphasis is on standardised component suppliers might be able to components that fit together in a offer. Such insight can be instrumental modular fashion. In these systems, in preventing inefficiencies or other suppliers are generally encouraged to be problems arising later. the main innovators and sell the same Such considerations become even more components to a range of customers.”8 important when companies are moving Of course, it is possible for industries and beyond component and equipment supply chains to have a mix of open and purchasing and are setting up contract closed networks. The decision whether manufacturing arrangements. It often to develop a closed supply chain, and the surprises many in the procurement collaborative relationships that typically 7 Financial Times, Closed encounters with suppliers, July 6 2011. 8 Ibid. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 11
  • 12. Making customer and supplier collaboration real In the same way that collaborative Developing a collaborative Breaking down silos networks are increasingly important up the supply chain, as discussed in the mindset and protocols Developing a collaborative approach previous section, they are also highly Making collaboration real, whether it is with customers and suppliers externally pertinent for the customer relationship. with customers or with other companies also needs to be matched with greater Business models in the manufacturing along the supply chain, entails major collaboration inside companies. sector are changing. In the past most mindset and cultural change, particularly Greater external connectedness is revenues came from the production of among manufacturing companies. difficult to achieve if there are internal components or end products. Now many In our experience, many manufacturing disconnections. Silo working with companies also earn a significant amount companies do not have the outward- demarcations between marketers, from offering services and solutions facing skillset that is needed to foster product designers and production – and the trend is upwards. But this collaboration. Indeed, when it comes engineers characterises many involves understanding customer needs to some companies’ attitudes to their manufacturing companies with and involving them in the development customers, it is not too strong to say that consequent challenges for developing the of product and service offerings. they are anti-customer, seeing them right interfaces with customers and the as a nuisance, getting in the way and supply chain. In the second paper in our manufacturing making life difficult. ‘The customer is performance series, we talked about The challenge here is that most always right’ is not an adage that sits the importance of collaborating with companies operate budgets and savings easily with the engineering culture that customers to build relationships targets functionally. The best companies still dominates in some parts of the and revenue. We believe this type build a business-wide operating or manufacturing sector. of approach will be fundamental to management system that takes the innovating smarter and developing a The same challenges also apply to overall challenge and breaks it down sustainable manufacturing business for collaboration with suppliers. In some into operational imperatives. In this the future. We looked at how industrial respects, they are perhaps even greater. way, the focus is more on key business manufacturing companies can use a It is not just natural reticence or culture processes that transverse the functions. variety of techniques to understand that inhibits openness, it is well- They allow everyone to contribute to the customers better, both individually and established practice and procedure. challenge and strategic decisions to be in groups. The default setting for companies is, taken that will often be counter intuitive understandably, one of confidentiality to individual functions. rather than openness. Capital expenditure projects, such as Successful collaboration needs to be built operations, IT or service solutions, provide on a clear and compelling case of why an example of this. Often decisions collaboration makes good business sense, on these are taken within individual what it covers and does not cover, and functions as they benefit their budget, what it means for changes to established either through savings or revenue growth. custom and practice. Even companies But a broader business-wide management that have the skills and mindset will system perspective might conclude and founder without a well-articulated decide that a particular project is not the strategy for changing the basic default best project and more can be gained from settings on what can be shared and what a different investment project with is confidential. far bigger benefits and impact for the business. 12 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 13. Checklist – making customer supplier and collaboration real • Are you sitting down with your • Are you identifying and acting on suppliers and customers to look at the internal barriers to change such as potential for shared systems, protocols silo-based working or established and ways of working? rules, customs and practices? Do you have effective business-wide operating • Are you confident your company or management systems in place to has the outward-facing mindset and cross-over functional boundaries? culture needed to identify and develop the potential gains of collaboration up • Do you have effective business and down the supply chain? planning and shared information systems in place to support • Do you have a clear understanding collaboration? of why collaboration makes good business sense, what it covers and does not cover, and are you communicating this to the people who need to make it happen? Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 13
  • 14. Addressing lifecycle opportunities and demonstrating sustainable value One of the most important ways that Gaining competitive industrial manufacturers can secure growth is by demonstrating the advantage sustainable value inherent in their Manufacturers and suppliers that are products and exploring the opportunities able to demonstrate sustainability in that come from considering the whole their processes and products are gaining product lifecycle. Increasingly, companies competitive advantage. For example, are realising that such an approach can building and construction companies be a differentiator in the marketplace competing to be part of the supply chain that can directly enhance revenues rather for most major projects are expected than being a bolt-on strategy in response to meet certain specifically-defined to regulatory imperatives. thresholds. Many projects now expect suppliers to go well beyond these as end Opportunities to maximise sustainable customers, whether they are public or value arise at the product design, private entities, seek to show that their product support and product end of new facility excels in sustainability terms. life stages. In the first of these stages, sustainability can be designed-in to For example, the 2012 London Olympics the product. Once a product is in use, has sought to set new benchmarks in support and maintenance packages can carbon reduction for large scale projects be tailored to extend product life or and regeneration projects. As well increase its output or efficiency. Always as climate change, it also has strong the relationship with the customer is of themes related to waste, biodiversity, central importance. Some customers are inclusion and healthy living that have mature and are looking for a ‘through been part of contractor and supplier life’ total cost approach. Others are selection. Similarly, in France PwC has less sophisticated and, in such cases, been working with Nice City Council on suppliers need to think carefully about tender proposals for the construction of their cost/value equation and how they a new soccer stadium. Each of the four communicate this. proposals have been graded according to their environmental impact, taking In many sectors, sustainability-related into account factors such as energy and initiatives are most evident among water consumption and the life cycle of first and second tier suppliers who building materials. are close to the consumer/retailer interface where, often, regulation applies or customer choice comes into play. But understanding of the value of sustainability and its adoption often fades as you move further along the supply chain. A noteworthy example of impetus to address such issues throughout the entire supply chain and across the whole industry is the nonwoven fibre sector. Here firms in the industry have come together to form EDANA, an initiative that seeks to embed sustainability throughout the entire supply chain (see opposite). 14 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 15. A whole supply chain approach – measuring economic, social and environmental impact EDANA is an international association focus for information on key issues in serving the diversified interests of over the industry such as the evaluation of 220 member companies, representing the environmental impact of single use over 90% of the vertically integrated vs. reusable products and the industry’s supply chain in nonwovens.9 It promotes contribution to waste prevention – a big cooperation on sustainability in the debate surrounding disposable nappies. value chain and conducts an annual sustainability report on its efforts to EDANA’s 2011 sustainability report was embed sustainability at the core of the informed by an initiative called Vision industry. Nonwoven fibres have a wide 2010.10 It asked the Copenhagen Institute range of uses. Most well known are for Futures Studies to carry out a detailed feminine hygiene products, nappies and assessment of nonwovens in which wound care dressings but nonwovens are they developed a number of scenarios also used in more than 40 automotive and associated recommendations for parts, such as air and fuel filters, trunk EDANA and its member companies over liners and carpets, and they are used in the next ten years. The results show many aspects of building construction. the importance of the sector to health, hygiene and environmental challenges A key part of EDANA’s approach is to that will become increasingly acute over identify and communicate the social, time. For example, the report highlights economic and environmental benefits and the ways in which the sector’s products impact of nonwoven fibres. In doing so, are contributing to the number of people it brings together assessments of matters who can remain economically active such as the economic and social value- in an increasingly feminised global add of the industry. These measures are workforce and the impact of products diverse, ranging from things such as such as incontinence pads to help an the number of people employed by the ageing population remain mobile and sector through to the social and economic independent. benefits of its products. It provides a 9 10 EDANA, Sustainability Report 2011. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 15
  • 16. Lifecycle assessment The ‘cradle to cradle®’ design tyres in France. PwC has conducted a approach goes a step further than comparative life cycle assessment of the and ‘cradle to cradle®’ minimising harmful impacts. Its goal main tyre recycling methods on behalf approaches is product design and manufacturing of Aliapur. One of these is the use of that reflects the ability of nature’s granules from old tyres in the production The push towards sustainability is being ecosystem to replenish – namely, by of synthetic turf. This enables the given a strong reinforcement by the impact designing products that have value substitution of ethylene propylene diene of rising energy and other input costs, beyond their immediate lifetime and monomer rubber (EPDM) granules. including the cost of carbon arising from can provide input, or ‘nutrients’, for EPDM granule production is very energy tax or trading requirements. This all puts a the next generation. “Toward this end, consuming and granule lifetime is only premium on designing products that have product ingredients are evaluated for half that of granules made from old tyres. minimal carbon footprints, consume less their human and environmental health Other options for tyre recycling include energy, water and other inputs in their attributes and their potential to be the construction of retention basins manufacture and end-use, and produce safely cycled,” argue ‘cradle to cradle®’ which make it possible to store rainwater fewer air, water and other pollutants. proponents William McDonough and or runoff water temporarily. Using whole Manufacturers are responding in a Michael Braungart. They talk about or shredded tyres for retention basins variety of ways – with products that have “either ‘biological nutrients’ that are provides an alternative to quarry gravel. prolonged useful lives or modular parts derived from the biosphere and can As tyres are less costly both as a raw to extend the useful lives of components biodegrade to build healthy soil, or material and in terms of transportation, or that are composed of parts that are ‘technical nutrients’ that are recyclable they make it possible to fill the basin recyclable and reusable to the greatest materials and can be returned to high- whilst conserving a very large quantity extent possible. Manufacturers can valued uses in new products without of water. also differentiate themselves and gain contaminating the biosphere.”11 competitive advantage by initiating Aliapur is a used tyre recovery take-back programmes and by assuming company founded by seven leading tyre extended product responsibility, ensuring manufacturers, including companies that their products’ ultimate disposal is such as Bridgestone, Dunlop, Goodyear, environmentally sustainable. Michelin and Pirelli. Its aim is to Manufacturers who gain reputation neutralise the environmental hazards in this space stand to benefit from brought about by the presence of used ‘dematerialisation’, where they use fewer materials to do more and their products gain a value and resonance over and above their basic functionality. Life cycle analysis of a new product range Lifecycle assessment and ‘cradle to cradle®’ strategies can help industrial Europe’s number-one producer of bags use three times less non- manufacturers design out or minimise household wraps and waste collection renewable natural resources than the harmful impacts and maximise benefits packaging, Sphere, asked PwC to ‘fossil origin’ bags. The greenhouse for any given production process. perform a life cycle analysis of its emissions generated at all stages new product range, produced with of the new bag’s lifecycle – from renewable polyethylene made from cultivation, through manufacture sugarcane ethanol. It wanted to and end-use and disposal – are offset identify the gains expected in terms by the carbon taken up during the of environmental impact compared growth of the sugar cane, the main with waste bags made from plastics of raw material in the bag. fossil origin. Over their complete life cycle, the ‘biosourced’ polyethylene 11 MBDC/Cradle to Cradle®, Design for a cradle to cradle Future, 2010. 16 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 17. Optimising manufacturing first global business to put a true value Checklist – addressing on the natural resources used and processes the environmental impacts caused by lifecycle opportunities Underpinning everything is the need for providing products to its customers. and demonstrating manufacturers to be able to monitor and Environmental P&L accounting is an sustainable value optimise their processes to ensure they emerging field for reporting. The profit • Are there opportunities in your are as efficient as possible and are not and loss account is intended to give sector to take a whole supply chain in any way wasteful. The use of modern PUMA a detailed understanding of approach to sustainability? process control technology on individual the implications of decisions on the operations and processes, enabling environment, enabling better positive • Are you identifying and promoting them to be continually monitored and actions to be taken to deliver commercial the environmental, economic and accurately controlled, can significantly benefits and safeguard the natural assets social value-add of your products reduce or eliminate waste and, in businesses depend on. PUMA has taken a and feeding this back into turn, ensure minimal use of energy significant first step, effectively holding product development? and other inputs. Such technology a mirror up to its supply chain, showing can be integrated into overall system • Do you have modern process its dependencies on natural capital architecture, allowing full transparency control systems in place to manage so that they can be tackled from the on quality aspects from unit operation production in ways that reduce first design concept to the shop shelf. up to manufacturing execution system or eliminate waste and, in turn, The supply chain holds the key for (MES) or even enterprise resource ensure minimal use of energy and many companies’ ability to tackle planning (ERP) level. other inputs? environmental risk and impacts. Waste heat is a major efficiency and • Have you evaluated the potential energy production opportunity for of initiatives such as take-back manufacturers in some sectors. In programmes and extended glassmaking, for example, large amounts product responsibility which have of waste heat with temperatures between the potential of reinforcing and 400°C and 800°C are produced. But sustaining customer relationships and many companies are still failing to make revenue streams as well as boosting use of the energy generation potential environmental sustainability? of such heat. The electrical energy from waste heat could cover up to half a glass • Do you have effective mechanisms manufacturing plant’s total electricity for monitoring, gathering data and needs,12 saving money and reducing reporting on energy intensity, carbon carbon dioxide emissions. use and other impacts and have you considered ways of enhancing this, for example through environmental Measuring and reporting profit and loss accounting? progress Monitoring and control of energy intensity, carbon use and other impacts is increasingly important, not just for regulatory compliance purposes, but also for customers so that they can evaluate environmental and other impacts in their supply chains. In 2011, PwC helped sports lifestyle company PUMA develop an environmental profit and loss account, making them the 12 Siemens, Energy efficiency thanks to waste heat recovery, innovative concepts for the glass industry, 2008. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 17
  • 18. Attracting the people and skills needed for the future CEOs worldwide are once again citing investing in education and training initiatives including the involvement of a lack of key skills as the hottest issue to meet its staffing needs, including Airbus UK in a cross-sector initiative in on their agenda. Managing talent apprenticeship programmes of the kind the West Midlands with power utility has overtaken risk as top of the CEO it uses in Germany. company E.ON to link learning in schools agenda and two thirds report that to the real world of engineering. lack of the right skills is their biggest talent challenge.13 Manufacturing is Investing in the skills Emerging markets are also placing a no exception and companies in many supply chain high priority on the skills agenda. In different countries report shortages of India, for example, efforts are underway Manufacturers are increasingly to enhance the skills level of the suitably qualified science, technology, addressing their skills and talent engineering and mathematics (STEM) labour force, with the National Skills challenges by stepping up investment in Development Council looking to “skill or qualified workers. In the UK, a fifth their people development programmes. of manufacturers report skills gaps upskill” 150 million workers, and new For example, multi-brand commercial private engineering colleges springing up and, despite high unemployment, products manufacturer Ingersoll 45% report that hard-to-fill vacancies at a rapid rate.20 Rand has developed its own ‘Ingersoll are causing delays in new product or Rand University’ (IRU). It is a training service development.14 resource which provides strategic education to develop business leaders, Checklist – attracting New types of skills enhance strategic competencies and drive the Ingersoll Rand culture. the people and skills Gaps seem particularly evident in the Training programmes are delivered needed for the future type of skills needed to deliver the locally across the globe as well as at the culture of collaborative working and company’s University Education Centres • Are your assessment of skillset breaking down silos that is discussed in Davidson, North Carolina; Prague, requirements and your people earlier in this report. For example, the Czech Republic; Shanghai, China; development and recruitment specific skills gaps in problem solving, and Bangalore, India. IRU learning activities keeping up with the team working, oral communications programmes are also available on- changing needs of your customer and customer handling skills account for line, 24 hours a day, at no cost to the and supply chain strategies? four of the top five positions in a list of employee. During 2010, 23,000 Ingersoll 15 skills shortages reported by • Are you making the appropriate Rand employees used this training companies in the UK process and investment in in-house resource.18 The resource is also open to manufacturing sector.15 development packages and future customer, distributors and partners. talent programmes? Have you got In the US, the Manufacturing Attention is also being focused on ways the metrics in place to assess the Institute reports that “according to US of stimulating the future supply line of return on such investments? manufacturing executives, a skilled, STEM-qualified students. In the UK for educated workforce is the single most • Are you making the most of ways example, Tomorrow’s Engineers is critical element of innovation success in which you could reach up the led by Engineering UK and the Royal — and the hardest to acquire.”16 future talent supply chain and Academy of Engineering and reaches Eric Spiegel, US chief executive of collaborate with schools and more than 35,000 students in over German engineering group Siemens, universities? 1,000 schools across the UK each year.19 observed: “There’s a mismatch between It brings engineering into the classroom, • What are the opportunities for the jobs that are available, at least in enabling young people to experience shared initiatives across your our portfolio, and the people that we for themselves the possibilities that supply chain or with other see out there.”17 Siemens is responding engineering has to offer. The broad companies in your sector? to this environment in the US by programme is backed up with regional 13 PwC, 14th Annual CEO Survey, 2011. 14 UK Commission for Employment and Skills, National Employer Skills Survey for England 2009, August 2010. 15 Proskills UK, The Sector Skills Assessment 2010 for the Process and Manufacturing Sector, December 2010. 16 17 Financial Times, Siemens chief warns on US skills shortage, June 11 2011. 18 Ingersoll Rand, 2010 Sustainability Website Content. 19 20 The Times of India, TN to get 42 new engineering colleges, July 9 2010. 18 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 19. Conclusion Looking ahead, the importance of High energy and commodity prices will But, as we have seen, greater the themes discussed in this report continue to require an emphasis on the collaboration and external connectedness is likely to intensify rather than need for manufacturers to monitor and is difficult to achieve if there are internal diminish. Manufacturers that succeed optimise their processes to ensure they disconnections or if the right skillset is in strengthening the connections and are as efficient as possible and are not in not in place to deliver it. A collaborative resilience of links up and down the supply any way wasteful. Sustainability in the approach with customers and suppliers chain and demonstrating the value-add of form of minimising harmful footprints externally needs to be matched with their strategies for sustainability will be in and maximising lifecycle utility will be an culture change internally. Just as a stronger position than companies that expectation and will also be an important companies are stepping up investment in underestimate these priorities. service-add to build relationships and their people development programmes revenue with customers. to address STEM skills shortages, so Factors such as geopolitical, economic they also need to be looking at the and financial market risk are an ever- Demand planning, with manufacturers softer skills, such as problem solving present. As the experience from the Japan linking the totality of their customers’ and team working, that are needed for earthquake has showed, companies need requirements to the whole of their collaborative working up and down the to identify and monitor all the different operational planning, will be an important supply chain. types of risk that could affect supply priority. This requires a greater degree chains and match them with appropriate of collaborative working. Being more remedial measures such as inventory open and inviting participation not just cushions, dual sourcing or dialogue with in the ‘what’ but in the ‘why’ and the suppliers on alternative production. ‘how’ a product is required can be a path towards greater productivity and supply The banking crisis has made the chain optimisation. It is also a strategy nature of the recovery from the recent that is likely to benefit companies that are downturn very different from previous seeking to build their growth on strategies economic cycles. Lenders and banks of innovation and service rather than have held on to loans that they would price alone. have normally tried to take earlier action on. If interest rates rise or fears of a renewed downturn become real, we believe manufacturers need to be especially vigilant to the potential ticking time bomb of financial stability risk of companies in their supply chains. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 19
  • 20. Further reading Customer Capturing growth 14th PwC CEO Manufacturing Collaboration markets survey: Industrial barometer Designs Excellence In the 80’s and 90’s, many manufacturing Given today’s economic It’s a given that a business companies looked to the sector summary conditions, this window on needs to focus on its emerging markets for low- the views and expectations In ‘Growth reimagined: customers. But how does this cost sourcing. Now they are of other executives will help Prospects in emerging work in practice for industrial looking to places like China you to understand what your markets’, we show how CEO sectors, where customers aren’t as important markets in their peers are thinking, and how confidence is being driven consumers, but businesses? own right. We highlight some they are responding to current by targeted investments In this paper we take a examples of manufacturers business issues. Every quarter, in particular emerging look at how manufacturing who are already building the Manufacturing Barometer markets – often far from companies are collaborating plants, working with local surveys US-based senior home. Like their peers in with customers to build partners and governments, executives from multinational other sectors, industrial relationships and revenue. conducting research – and manufacturing companies manufacturing CEOs have most importantly, generating regarding their view of the renewed confidence in their significant sales – in some key US and global industrial companies’ growth prospects. emerging markets. manufacturing economies They honed their cost-cutting over the past quarter and their skills during the recession, outlook for the next patiently waiting for the time 12 months. when global growth would return. 20 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 21. Assembling value Never waste a Different shades Assembling value is the PwC good crisis of green quarterly analysis of mergers Business leaders have taken In this short paper we look at and acquisitions in the global their companies through the state of the climate change industrial manufacturing unprecedented times recently agenda post Copenhagen and industry. In addition to a and now face new challenges the business implications for detailed summary of deal in embedding the lessons Industrial companies. The activity in each quarter, we learned and driving for accompanying manufacturing supplement each issue growth in a rapidly changing sector supplement gives of Assembling Value with environment. In this report some background on the a special report looking at we show how some leading current state of the sector the impact of wider industry players in the Industrial followed by an analysis of top challenges on the strategic Manufacturing sector have sector companies and their deal environment. used the period to adapt and responses to climate change strengthen their businesses issues based on publicly providing lessons for those available information. tackling their own particular stage of the cycle. Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 21
  • 22. Global Industrial Manufacturing Industry Global Industrial Manufacturing team Group Barry Misthal The Global Industrial Manufacturing Global Industrial Industry Group at PwC includes over 9,300 Manufacturing Leader professionals who are committed to serving the Industrial Manufacturing industry. It is Tel: +1 267 330 2146 part of an Industrial Products group consisting of over 32,000 professionals, including over 17,000 providing Assurance services, 8,300 Erica McEvoy providing Tax services, and 7,000 providing Global Industrial Manufacturing Advisory services. Marketing & Knowledge Management Our group is dedicated to delivering effective solutions to the complex business challenges Tel: +61 3 8603 4827 faced by industrial manufacturing companies. As a global leader in serving the industry PwC has extensive experience working with companies on industry-specific strategic, operational, and financial issues. Our expertise includes assurance, tax and advisory services, as well as specialised capabilities in regulatory compliance, risk management, performance improvement and transaction support. In helping our clients, we draw on the full knowledge and skills of PwC’s professionals. 22 Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply
  • 23. Territory Industrial Manufacturing contacts Australia Korea Switzerland Graeme Billings Jae-Eun Lee Stefan Raebsamen Canada Luxembourg Taiwan Calum Semple Mervyn Martins Gary Chih Central and Eastern Europe Malaysia United Kingdom Matt Pottle Thaya Sangara Pillai Chris Baker China Mexico United States Malcolm MacDonald Hector Rabago Barry Misthal Finland Middle East Urmas Rania Alistair Kett France Netherlands Edouard Sattler Alexander Staal Germany Russia Martin Bork John Campbell India South Africa N.V. Sivakumar Diederik Fouche Ireland South and Central America Alisa Hayden Marcos Panassol Italy Spain Gianluca Sacchi Julio Balaguer Abadia Japan Sweden Shigeru Shiina Olof Enerbäck Industrial Products Industrial Manufacturing – Achieving excellence in production and supply 23
  • 24. © 2011 PwC. All rights reserved. Not for further distribution without the permission of PwC. “PwC” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), or, as the context requires, individual member firms of the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member firm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member firms nor can it control the exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way. No member firm is responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any other member firm nor can it control the exercise of another member firm’s professional judgment or bind another member firm or PwCIL in any way. These materials are for general information purposes only, and are provided “as is”, with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We thank a number of partners and staff at PwC for their contributions to the research, writing and management of this publication. This document is printed on heaven 42. heaven 42 is an environmentally responsible paper manufactured using Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) pulp sourced from certified, well managed forests. heaven 42 is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody (CoC) certified (mixed sources).