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Logistics Competence in
                                                  Small and Medium-Sized
                                                  The Norwegian Experience
 Professor Prabir K. Bagchi, PHD                  The development of logistics as a competitive tool for increasing market
        The George Washington University          share and improving operational efficiency is mainly occurring in
Associate Professor Helge Virum                   the large “leading edge” companies. Several studies indicate that
       Norwegian School of Management             the small and medium sized enterprises (SME) are lagging behind in
                                                  adapting to these developments. In this project an instrument for
                                                  mapping the logistics processes in SMEs has been developed and tried
                                                  out in 30 Norwegian companies.

                                                  Background                               gies, and management practices is
                                                                                           inadequate to ensure that American
                                                  Never before has been accorded so        manufacturing will be globally
                                                  much importance as it has been in        competitive”(3). Yet, small medium
                                                  contemporary business, and never         companies contribute a large
                                                  before has logistics played such         portion of a country’s GNP. How
                                                  an important role in industrial          can the SME’s utilize the lessons
                                                  development as now. Much of the          from the experiences of their larger
                                                  development of logistics, however,       counterparts? The health of the
                                                  is occuring in the so-called “leading    SME’s is an important topic for
                                                  edge” companies. Increasingly, in        research in many countries. The
                                                  these firms, logistics is treated as a   importance of SMEs is much
                                                  strategic activity and the solutions     more in case of a tiny country
                                                  are often characterized by service       like Norway where 99.5% of
                                                  directed to customer demands, costs      the manufacturing companies are
                                                  efficiency and a comprehensive view      classified as small and medium
                                                  of the logistics process, from raw       sized (4). The financial health and
                                                  materials to the end customer(1).        competitiveness of the SMEs, there-
                                                  Close cooperation between sup-           fore, are critical for the nation’s
                                                  pliers, producers and customers is       economy. Three years ago, the
                                                  the hallmark in these companies.         transportation research group
                                                  These firms are concerned with           (PROTRANS) of the Research
                                                  on-going process improvements            Council of Norway initiated an
                                                  and attention to changes in both         audit of the logistics preparedness
                                                  internal and external environ-           in small and medium enterprises
                                                  ments(2). However, only a few            in Norway(5). The audit uncovered
                                                  of the small and medium-sized            considerable weaknesses and
                                                  enterprises (SME) have adequate          variability     in    the    logistics
                                                  administrative resources to partici-     processes. No company knew all
                                                  pate in such competence develop-         parts of their logistics costs, or had
                                                  ment. This is an accepted fact           established comprehensive norms
                                                  in many advanced countries.              for the quality of their delivery
                                                  According to one report by the           service. Few companies had any
                                                  Manufacturing Studies Board of the       control of service variations, and
                                                  National Research Council, USA,          even fewer had established
                                                  “Many of the smaller firms, however,     systems to deal with such
                                                  are operating far below their            variations. The study further
                                                  potential. Their use of modern           showed those companies with
                                                  manufacturing equipment, metholo -       more than 20 employees had a

 Supply Chain Forum    An International Journal          N°1 - 2000                 46          
better grip on logistics than the               an indirect positive contribution       social cognition (13). The theory
smallest companies. In addition,                for creating awareness in the           presupposes that individual per-
it was clear that companies                     companies and in the marketplace.       sons are characterized by limited
with ownership links to larger                  We believe that company participa-      capacity for information handling,
companies, and companies that                   tion in the data collection, followed   and that an individual will process
had demanding customers, were                   by information interchange with         information differently, depending
logistically better prepared than               other companies will contribute to      on what it is about. Information
the rest. Since the preliminary                 awakening and increasing the            about well-known, situations will be
study, industry’s interest for logis-           knowledge.                              treated more or less automatically,
tics has increased. To a great                                                          while less un-known situations
extent, this is due to escalating               Methodology                             require more advanced and time
competition in the marketplace.                                                         consuming thinking (14). A conside-
Higher efficiency and better                    In the first phase of the project,      rable part of the information
quality in goods delivery are                   thirty firms were selected based        required in the project falls in the
mere conditions of survival. Today              on industry type, size, market          latter category. The SME-compa-
quality applies to both products                orientation, geographical location      nies that participated in the project
and services. The companies                     (requirements of the research           generally have a very small
that develop the “best” logistics               council), their willingness to share    management staff and each
processes      are    winning    the            their experience and the resear-        management person is responsible
customers. Over the last few                    cher’s budgetary constraints. We        for several functions. Also, a
years, the open and active use of               wanted to understand the logistics      considerable part of the daily
comparing many independent                                                              management duties are of operatio-
                                                processes adopted by these
companies’ process efficiency and                                                       nal nature. The time available for
                                                companies. This could not be
quality attributes has become                                                           strategic thinking is limited. To
                                                fathomed by a simple mail survey.
a well-known and accepted impro-                                                        bridge this gap, the researchers
                                                The research questions required a
vement tool. Although it was                                                            organized a reference group
                                                good understanding of the meaning
the larger companies that led                                                           consisting of professionals from
                                                of the terms and often involved
this development, many smaller                                                          four companies for help with
                                                long answers.
companies have begun employing                                                          validation of responses received
similar principles through organiza-                                                    from the survey participants.
tional development and cooperati-                 The development                       During data collection, site
ve initiatives in several areas.                   of logistics as a                    visits were followed by in-depth
Facilitating this type of systematic                                                    discussions with the senior
comparison was a central part of                 competitive tool for                   managers and owners. Apart from
this project.                                                                           consultations regarding the compa-
                                                  increasing market                     ny characteristics observed by the
Purpose of the Study                            share and improving                     researchers, the discussions often
                                                                                        covered matters germane to the
                                                operational efficiency                  industry the manager represented.
The primary goal of this research is
to demonstrate how ongoing                       is mainly occurring                    By virtue of the seniority of these
improvement of the logistics                                                            managers (often they were owners)
processes in small and medium size
                                                      in the large                      and long experience in a particular
companies may be facilitated via                    “leading edge”                      industry, their responses were
information exchange among a                                                            considered as representative of the
group of such companies. The                          companies.                        industry they belonged to. The
goals for the project, in other                                                         following steps were carried out:
words, are to define and uncover                Quite frequently, the researchers
conditions that are decisive for                needed actual observation of the        – First, the logistics literature provi-
achieving efficiency and quality in             process at site. Thus, the responses    ded knowledge of logistics pro-
the logistics processes and to build            expected were beyond the scope of       cesses and their measurement (6,
up a reference database containing              simple “yes” or “no” answers and        7). Prior experience in benchmar-
logistics attributes from selected              required face-to-face interaction       king projects helped us to focus on
companies. The database will                    with the researchers. The research      the important logistics issues and
provide the basis for determining               was set up as an exploratory and        processes. These, together with
each company’s logistics compe-                 descriptive investigation. It started   experience from a previous study of
tence vis-à-vis a selected group.               by identifying the critical logistics   the logistics situation in small and
Improvement possibilities will be               processes and their measurement         medium-sized companies, formed
revealed by comparing logistics                 parameters, followed by a random        the basis for the project plan.
conditions in individual companies              selection of companies, collection      ƒ A reference group was formed
with that in other companies in the             of data, comparing and analyzing        with senior participants from four
database and by comparing to the                the data and providing feedback         companies. In cooperation with
best practices in the marketplace.              to the participating companies.         this group, parameters were
Simulateously, it is our hope                   Handling information is one of          chosen for measurement and a
that the project will also have                 the approaches to understanding         system for data gathering was

Supply Chain Forum   An International Journal          N°1 - 2000                 47         
established.The survey instrument                       Step     Objective                        Activities                         Participants
so designed was tested in these
                                                                A detailed plan for the project   Collect experiences from          Researchers and logistics
four companies. The feedback                                1                                     benchmarking projects, study      experts
                                                                                                  process, decide measurement
received resulted in a consi-                                                                     metrics. Plan activities, time
derable refinement of the survey                                                                  and resources
                                                                A realistic data collection       Develop and pretest data          Researchers and Reference
instrument.                                                 2   procedure and validation          collection system                 Industry group
„ Responses from 30 companies                                   A logistics variables data base   Visit and collect data from 30    Researchers and Management
were obtained using face-to-face                            3                                     small and medium enterprises      in the 30 enterprises
interviews, observation of logistics                            Feedback to participating SMEs data analysis, report writing,       Researchers and Reference
processes at work, and subsequent                                                              obtaining further responces          Industry group and
                                                            4                                  from the SMEs                        Management in the 30
discussion. The modified question-                                                                                                  enterprises
naire served as the basis for data                              Project report                    Statistical analysis, report      Researchers
                                                            5                                     writing and publication
collection.                                                      A simplified system for          Simplifying and improving         Researchers, Reference
… The collected data was organized                          6    interchange of logistics data in exploratory database for easy     Industry group and
                                                                 a SME-network                    reference by SMEs. Introducing    Management in the network
and analyzed. Feedback was then                                                                   the database and operationalize   enterprises
                                                                                                  data collection-and reporting
sent to each company.                                                                             system in one or more SME-
š Information on each company’s                                                                   network organizations.

opinion regarding the usefulness                       Figure 1 shows the steps involved in the project.
of the project was gathered, the
data was analyzed further and                         important data for investigation. All                       literature (7, 8, 9) and suggestions
conclusions were drawn.                               the firms in the study except one                           provided by the participants in the
                                                      had production facilities. The                              reference group. The instrument
                                                      respondents were owners and/or                              was an eleven page document and
The companies                                         senior managers of their firms.                             contained 94 sets of economic, effi-
                                                      These owners/managers generally                             ciency, quality and operational
We wanted a diverse group of small                    had over ten years experience in                            variables describing the following:
and medium-size enterprises. Thus,                    the field and held responsible
the participating companies were                      positions in their organizations.                           ­ The economic situation and
drawn from textiles, fish and meat                    Thus, their responses can be taken                          logistics costs in the firm
processing, electrical and mechani-                   as representative of their firms and                        ­ The logistics management process
cal engineering, wood and plastics                    of the field.
                                                                                                                  ­ Customer service
industries. They had from 5
                                                                                                                  ­ The production, purchasing, and
to 360 employees. The average                         Nine of companies are located in
number of employees in our sample                     Northern, eight in mid and West                             distribution processes
companies was 79. The annual                          Norway and thirteen are in Eastern
sales of these companies varied                       Norway. Most of the companies are                           The respondents provided their
between NOK 5 - 330 million (US $                     export-oriented and some have                               perceptions regarding the above
0.8 to 45 million) with the average                   large share of exports. Table 1                             factors. Quite often, these res-
being NOK 88 millions (about US $                     shows the relevant demographic                              ponses were based on available
12 millions). Although a few of                       data from the participating
these firms do not fit the definition                 companies.
                                                                                                                  1. The Euro Parliament’s definition of SMB is as
of small and medium business                                                                                      follows : SMEs are companies with fewer than
according to the EU definition1,
                                                      Data collection and Analysis                                250 employees, an annual sales of less than 20
these were included because the                                                                                   million ECU, a balance sheet with less that 10
firms were keen to participate in                     The data collection instrument was                          million ECU and no more than 25% owned by a
                                                                                                                  company that does not fit this definition. In the
the study and the researchers                         based on the researchers’ experien-                         US, these are typically defined as firms with
felt these firms would provide                        ce from previous studies, published                         fewer than 500 employees.

Table 1. The companies
Company Industry product Number    Sales 1994 Value of Company                                Industry product Number               Sales 1994        Value of
              type       employees million NOK export in                                            type       employees            million NOK      export in
                                               % of sales                                                                                            % of sales
   P1         Fish products          17              39,5           98           P16            Mechanical               40              9,9               -
   P2         Fish products          70             330,0           98           P17            Mechanical              165            170,0              40
   P3         Fish products         225             163,0           86           P18            Mechanical               95             92,9               3
   P4         Fish products          60              57,0           80           P19               Textiles              25             11,0              70
   P5         Fish products          60              63,4           50           P20               Textiles              21             11,0              65
   P6         Fish products          98              46,6           95           P21               Textiles               5              8,3               2
   P7         Fish products          23              46,0           90           P22          Electrical/mech.           47             49,3              10
   P8         Fish products           -              50,0           98           P23          Electrical/mech.          100             52,6               8
   P9         Fish products          50              17,0            -           P24          Plastic products           60             71,0              75
  P10        Wood products           10              5,4             4           P25          Printed product           110             56,0               -
  P11        Wood products          135             255,0           31           P26          Electrical/mech.           59             30,4              97
  P12        Wood products           50              79,8           40           P27           Meat products            126            248,0               -
  P13           Machines             68              69,5           95           P28          Electrical/mech.          360            155,5              82
  P14           Machines            155             104,0           20           P29          Electrical/mech.           63             68,5               -
  P15          Mechanical           75              256,4           95           H1           Electrical/mech.          11             17,8                -

Supply Chain Forum       An International Journal               N°1 - 2000                           48                    
information from the books                                                         I COMPANY DATA
of accounts and other records                                                        Revenue, industry,
of operational measurements.                                                      number of employees etc.
Some of these responses were
recorded using Likert-like scale.
The companies received the                                             II MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION
instrument three weeks prior to the
interviews. An interview lasted                      III PURCHASING                  IV PRODUCTION                        V DISTRIBUTION
four to five hours. Their general
manager, the sales and marketing                         Measured data                Measured data                        Measured data
manager and the manager of                                 Estimates                      Estimates                            Estimates
accounting and finance generally
represented the companies.
                                                                                 VI LOGISTICS STRATEGY
Two researchers participated in
twelve of the interviews and one                                                   Logistics Data Base
researcher for the rest. Quite often,
data regarding cost, efficiency
and service elements were based                          Key Ratios                          PROFILES                            DIAGNOSTIC
on estimates, which frequently                            visualize                         comparisons                               DATA
involved     lengthy     discussion                       situations                       based on ROI.                       explains differences
leading to consensus among
the participants. The next step
involved compiling, structuring                 Figure 2 Structuring and Processing of data
and transforming all the collected                          Fish processing companies                                      Textile companies
data using a simple spreadsheet.
                                                             P1 P2 P3 P4 P5              P6        P7   P8    P9     AC     P19     P20     P21       AC
Average values and ratios were
calculated for each company and                 Costs in
                                                            5.0 5.0 N/ 6.3 9.9 11. 13. 14. 16.                       10.    3.0      10.    10.       7.9
for the seven groups of companies.               % of
The following numerical ratios                                          A.                0        9    3      0      2               0       6
and performance indicators were
                                                Table 2. Total logistics costs in % of sales, AC = Average Cost.
                                                market. In this study total logistics
­ ROA (Return on assets),                       costs are defined as the sum of the                          Table 3. Changes in inbound lead-time during
­ Logistics costs expressed as a                following cost elements:                                                        the last three years (n=29)
percentage of sales,                                                                                        Changes in lead-time      No of companies
­ Perfect   customer deliveries                 – Incoming transportation
                                                                                                            Increased 21 - 30 %                2
expressed as a percentage of total              ƒ Outgoing transportation                                             11 - 20 %                2
number of deliveries,                           „ Inventory carrying cost on raw                                       1 - 10 %                1
­ Speed of the logistics processes,             materials, work-in-progress and                                      Unchanged                 9
­ Quality of the logistics manage-              finished goods                                              Reduced    1 - 10 %                7
ment process.                                   … Servicing of inventory (warehousing)                                11 - 20 %                6
                                                š Purchasing                                                          21 - 30 %                1
Using return on total assets                                                                                Red. more than 50 %                1
(ROA) as the primary performance                The companies were also asked
                                                                                                                Table 4. Changes in throughput time in the
measurement, the influences of                  to make relative assessments of                                                 production process during
the predictor variables were                    their own costs compared to the                                                the last three years (n=25)
determined using the multiple                   industry average. Administrative
                                                                                                            Changes of througput       No of companies
regression analysis.                            work and costs for data systems                              time
                                                are included in elements 4 and 5.                           Increased 21 - 30 %                   1
Results and Discussion                          Inventory interest rate was estima-                                  Unchanged                    4
                                                ted to be 20% per year including                            Reduced    1 - 10 %                   9
For the whole group, a part of the              cost of capital, insurance cost,                                      11 - 20 %                   4
main findings are presented. More               shrinkage, obsolescence and taxes.                                    21 - 30 %                   4
detailed results are included for               Only a few companies had comple-                                      31 - 40 %                   1
two major groups, e.g.,the fish and             te cost records. Estimation was
                                                                                                                      41 - 50 %                   1
meat processing companies and                   required in other cases. This was
                                                                                                            Red. more than 50 %                   1
the textile companies. The average              often due to CIF (cost, insurance,
total logistics costs for all the               and freight) deliveries from                                 Table5. Changes in outbound lead-time during
companies worked out to be about                suppliers or ex-works orders to                                                 the last three years (n=28)
10.0% of sales. This compares well              customers. In both cases estimates                          Changes in outbound        No of companies
with the results of similar stu-                were worked out for the transpor-                           lead-time
dies(10). It is worthwile to note that          tation costs. The warehousing                               Increased 11 - 20 %                 1
more than half the companies in                 costs were also often missing the                                     Unchanged                12
our study are competitive with the              records and had to be estimated                             Reduced     1 - 10 %               8
most efficient ones in the European             based on the size of the warehouse,                         Red. more than 50 %                 1

Supply Chain Forum   An International Journal            N°1 - 2000                           49                    
the number of warehouse workers
                                                 Company Inbound     Raw     Throughput Finished Outbound                               Credit         Total
the number of forklift trucks                            lead-time materials    time      goods   lead-time                              time        response
and other materials handling                                       inventory production inventory                                                    cycle time
equipement etc.
                                                    P8          0         19            19                 8            10               25             81
Of the fish processing companies,                   P7          21         7               7               23           12               19             89
both P1 and P2are producers
of high-priced products. They                       P2          3         35               1               14           11               30             94
estimate their logistics cost to                    P5          10        49               0               40           30               22            151
between 15-50% better than the                      P6          14        16            20                 51           20               34            155
industry average. Cured herring,
a low priced commodity type                         P1          1         91               1               31           14               67            161
product, is the main output of P8                   P4          2         43            43                 32           30               18            168
and P9, companies at the other                      P9          1         14               0               93           7                93            208
extreme in terms logistics cost.
                                                    P3          7         19            22                 9            3               N/A            N/A
Their markets are Poland and
Russia and they both estimated                                                  Table 6.Response cycle time for the fish processing companies, days.
their logistics about 15-25% more
than the industry average. Of                    Company Inbound      Raw    Throughput Finished Outbound                               Credit          Total
the textile companies, P19 is clearly                    lead-time materials    time      goods   lead-time                              time         response
the most cost effective. This                                      inventory production inventory                                                    cycle time
corresponds quite well with
their perception. One reason for                   P20          31        23               9               17           14               67            161
P19’s cost advantage may be the                    P19          1         91               1               31           14               27            165
uniqueness of its products (high
priced Norwegian wool garments).                   P21          29        198           30                 18           13               95            383
Another reason may be found in
their adoption of JIT principles                                                           Table 7.Response cycle time for the textile companies, days.
that P19 has been practicing for a                                                                     Fish companies                   Textile companies
number of years.
                                                 Variables                             P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 AS P19 P20 P21 AS
                                                 Long range logistics planning         6       6   6   5    6   1   8   5    1    4.9    5       4     4   4.3
Response cycle time                              Top-management focus on logistics     9       8   9   8    8   8   7   8    5    7.8    8       8     9   8.3
                                                 Planning of logistics operations      2       2   3   3    3   1   9   9    8    4.1    3       7     8   6.0
The total response cycle consists of             Improvement of logistics operations   8       4   5   5    8   5   7   5    8    6.1    8       9     8   8.3
the following elements:                          Internally integrated logistics       7       2   5   5    4   5   5   5    4    4.7    4       4     6   4.7
                                                 Logistics information systems         5       7   9   5    6   5   5   8    8    6.4    8       3     8   6.3
– Time from ordering to acceptance               Logistics performance measurement     8       7   5   7    5   5   5   5    5    5.8    6       5     7   6.0
of goods from supplier.
                                                 Co-operation with suppliers           8       8   6   7    7   5   5   5    5    6.2    8       4     9   7.0
ƒ Length of time in raw material stock.
                                                 Setting goals for customer service    8       9   8   5    8   7   7   8    8    7.6    8       7     7   7.3
„ Length of time in production.
                                                 Organizing for log. improvement       4       4   -   4    7   2   7   1    4    4.1    4       2     4   3.3
… Length of time in finished goods
stock.                                                                             Table 8.Logistics management performance AS = Average Score.
š Time from customer order to
receipt of finished goods.                       cycle times for the fish and textile                      fore depend on the product specter
› Time from receipt and acceptance               companies. When a time element is                         in addition to other marketing mix
of goods till bill payment (credit               less than half a day, it has been                         variables. P1, P2, P5 and P9 are
time)                                            registered as zero.                                       focusing on products made from
                                                                                                           fresh fish and their production pro-
The 29 companies, for which we                   As will be evident above, there is                        cesses are controlled by just-in-
collected complete data, had total               wide variation in response cycle                          time (JIT) principles. This explains
response cycle times ranging from                times for the fish processing com-                        short throughput times in these
81 to 584 days. Slightly more than               panies and the textile companies.                         firms. The credit time is mainly
50 % of the respondents confirmed                Many of the fish companies are                            dependent on the location of the
that they had been able to reduce                located close to the suppliers and                        market. Northern-Europe has the
their response times during the last
                                                 the inbound lead-time is short. The                       shortest credit times. Longer credit
three years. The average reduction
                                                 volume of raw materials in stock                          times signal customers in southern-
in throughput time in production
(time element 3) was 12,4 % and                  depends very much on whether                              Europe and extremely long credit
the average reduction of outbound                they are producing from fresh, chil-                      times are to be found in Africa and
lead-time (time element 5 was 5,9 %.             led or frozen fish. Generally, a fish-                    Asia. Many of these comments are
Tables 3 - 5 show the distribution of            processing firm is producing a                            also valid for the response cycle
changes of these time elements for               variety of products. Some are sold                        times of textile companies, but
the sample companies.                            fresh and some are preserved or                           their products are generally less
                                                 frozen. The time the products                             time-sensitive which might explain
Tables 6 and 7 show the time                     spend in finished goods inventory                         why the cycle times generally tend
elements and the total response                  and the outbound lead-time there-                         to be longer for these firms.

Supply Chain Forum    An International Journal           N°1 - 2000                         50                         
Fish processing companies                          Textile companies          competence. All textile companies
Strategic alternatives      P1 P2 P3          P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9                     P19         P20       P21      in our survey reported logistic
                                                                                                                   as an area of top management
Customer focus              3    3     3       2        2    2   1       1    2         1       1         1
                                                                                                                   attention. However, despite top
Product quality             2    2     2       3        3    1   2       2    1         3       2         3        management attention, it appears
Business process                                                                                                   the fish processing companies
efficiency                  1    1     1       1        1    3   3       3    3         2       3         2
                                                                                                                   are falling short in logistics plan-
                                                                                    Table 9.Strategy focus.        ning, organization, and achieving
                                                                                                                   internal functional integration.
                                                        Fish companies                  Textile companies          Organizing for logistics improve-
Variables                               P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 AS P19 P20 P21 AS                               ment is still difficult in textile
                                                                                                                   companies, although logistics
Price                                   1    2      1   1    2   2   2    2   1   1.6       3   5     2    3.6
                                                                                                                   operations planning is better than
Product quality                         2    2      1   1    3   3   1    1   3   1.9       2   2     2    2.0
                                                                                                                   their couterparts in fish processing
Large product assortment                5    3      2   4    4   4   4    3   6   3.9       5   2     5    4.0
                                                                                                                   industries. Most of these compa-
Products specified by customers         3    2      2   2    5   3   3    2   5   3.0       4   4     4    4.0
                                                                                                                   nies in both groups are using some
Fast delivery                           3    5      3   4    4   2   4    2   4   3.4       3   1     1    1.7     form of logistics information
Punctual delivery                       3    4      1   2    3   2   1    1   3   2.2       1   1     3    1.7     systems and have made customer
Order fulfillment                       3    4      1   2    7   3   1    2   3   2.9       3   1     4    2.7     service their priorities. Another
Timely and accurate information         3    3      1   4    6   3   1    2   3   2.9       1   1     4    2.0     important area these companies
After delivery service                  4    3      -   4    7   3   3    4   4   3.6       2   4     7    4.3     are using to achieve logistics
                                     Table 10.Importance of marketing variables, 1 = Very important,               competence is working closely with
                                                             7 = Not important,AS = Average Score                  suppliers. These trends bode well
                                                                                                                   for the future of SMEs in Norway as
                                                 Fish companies                         Textile companies
                                                                                                                   more countries from Europe and
                                P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7                     P8 P9 AS P19 P20 P21 AS                   North America try to enter the
No perfect orders in % of       98 80 N/ 98 96 93 100 95 90 93 98 95                                  95 96        Scandinavian markets.
total no of orders                    A.
                                                                                                                   Business strategy,
                         Table 11. Perfect order fulfillment in a one year period.AS = Average Score.              marketing mix and perfect
                                                                                                                   order fulfillment
The logistics management                                    flexibility. During the interviews,
process                                                     care was taken to explain to the
                                                                                                                   Three business strategy alterna-
                                                            respondents what the attributes
                                                                                                                   tives were included in the data col-
                                                            meant. The measurements were
The evaluation of the logistics                                                                                    lection instrument. The alterna-
                                                            done using a scale where 1=poor
management process included nine                                                                                   tives were evaluated by eliciting
                                                            and 9=excellent. A score of 9 meant
variables. Each variable measured                                                                                  information as to how closely they
                                                            logistics excellence in all aspects.
the manager’s perception of how                                                                                    matched the actual situation in
well his/her company performed                                                                                     each company. The scores for the
                                                            The scores for the logistics
vis-a-vis a set of logistics manage-                                                                               firms in the fish and textile groups
                                                            management variables were graded
ment attributes. The regression                                                                                    for these strategy alternatives are
                                                            as follows:
analysis shows that two of the                                                                                     shown in table 9 using a scale
                                                            – Scores in the range of 1 - 3
management variables are of                                 indicate situations that strongly                      where 1 = most closely matches the
particular interest for achieving                           need to be improved.                                   actual strategy in the company and
improvements. These variables are:                          ƒ Scores in the range of 4 - 6                         9 = least closely matches with the
setting goals for customer service                          indicate a situation that is better                    actual strategy. For example, a
and organizing for the improve-                             but still needs improvement.                           score of 1 with respect to customer
ment of the logistics processes.                            „ Score in the range of 7 - 9                          focus would mean the company
Setting goals for customer service                          indicate situations where the                          represented by the respondent
was captured by attributes like                             need for improvement is not as                         could be descripted as one whose
differentiating between customer                            significant.                                           actual strategy indeed resembles
and product groups, fulfileng                                                                                      that of a customer-focused compa-
customer’s service expectations                             Table 8 presents the variables with                    ny in all aspects. As already pointed
and handling customer complaints.                           scores for companies in the fish                       out elsewhere in this article,
Organizing for the improvementy of                          processing - and the textile groups.                   care was taken by the researchers
logistics includes the ability and                          Contrary to the prevailing notion,                     to explain the scale to the
will to change, openess regarding                           it appears that both fish and meat                     respondents.
change, willingness to channel                              processing and textile companies
resources for knowledge develop-                            are managing their logistics                           It appears from above that the fish
ment and increasing competence, a                           function quite well. In fact, top                      processing and textile companies
positive attitude to cooperating                            management in eight out of nine                        in our study had a good grounding
with suppliers and customers and                            fish processing companies has                          in strategy formulation and deve-
efforts toward increasing system                            focused their attention to logistics                   lopment process. It is worthwile

Supply Chain Forum       An International Journal                    N°1 - 2000                               51       
Variables                                                                       Fish companies                                          Textile companies
                                                       P1       P2      P3      P4      P5      P6        P7      P8   P9   AS      P19 P20 P21          AS
% total number of inbound deliveries
received on time                                       N/A      60      95      75      33      80        99      80   99 79.6       95      90   90    91.2
% of total number of inbound deliveries
received with no other quality deficiencies            99       70      60      60      80      95        97      80   96 81.9       98      95   98    97.0
Number of active suppliers in % of total
supplier base (last 12 month)                          100     100     100      95      70      90        100     75   80 90.0       90      60   70    73.3
% of suppliers with formalized patnership
agreement                                               0        0       0       0       0       0        0       0     0    0        0      0    10    3.3
% of suppliers with quality certificate                20        0       0       5      50      10        50      0     0   15.0      0      30   10    13.3
% of suppliers providing 80 % of total
purchase value                                         45       70     N/A      70      20      20        35      90   60 51.3 N/A 25             30    27.5
Change of value of purchased goods value
in % of total operating costs (last 3 years)           +15      +5     +15      +5     +25      +5        -5      +5    0   +7.8 +15 +5            0    +6.7
Table 12. Variables describing the purchasing process in each of the fish processing and the textile companies.
to re-emphasize the fact that,                         information processing are the most                        configuration, customer-ready with-
according to the respondents,                          important factors for the textile                          out damage.
quality and customer focus were                        companies. It would thus be appa-
perceived to be the guiding                            rent that logistics competitiveness                      It is important to point out that
principles in these companies. This                    is a critical element for both groups                    several of the companies remarked
is indeed remarkable considering                       of companies.                                            that the customers they serve
the fact that these are small and                                                                               would not regard the PRTM
medium size companies in textile                       To investigate further, using the                        definition as sufficient for perfect
and fish processing industries                         PRTM definition (15) of perfect                          order fulfillment. In particular
and traditionally these sectors                        order fulfillment as a comprehensi-                      many of the companies pointed
have not always been in the                            ve measurement of customer                               out that their customers often
forefront of technology diffusion                      service, we elicited responses                           require delivery specified to a given
and adaptation.                                        regarding order fulfillment situation                    hour. To arrive one day early or late
                                                       in these companies. A “perfect                           is not acceptable. Table 11 shows
                                                       order” according to PRTM is                              the results for the fish and textile
A set of related marketing variables
                                                       defined to be one that meets all of                      companies.
were also evaluated according to
                                                       the following standards:
the importance they had for win-
                                                                                                                As we can see, order fulfillment
ning in their markets. Table 10                        – Delivered complete, all items on                       rates were quite high in these
shows results for the companies in                     order are delivered in the quanti-                       companies. Again, this speaks very
the fish and textile groups.                           ties requested.                                          well of these companies’ logistics
                                                       ƒ Delivered on day earlier.                              preparedness and market competi-
It is clear from above that price,                     „ Documentation supporting the                           tiveness. It would certainly appear
product quality, and delivery                          order include packing slips, bill of                     these companies understand the
punctuality are the most important                     lading, invoices, etc…, is complete                      nature of the marketplace and have
drivers for the fish processing                        and accurate.                                            started working to make them
companies, while fast and punctual                     … Perfect condition: Faultlessly                         ready for a more competitive
delivery and timely and accurate                       installed (as applicable), correct                       world.
Table 13.Problem causes in the purchasing processes, (1 = no problem,5 = serious problem).

                                                                                  Fish companies                                          Textile companies

Problem causes                                         P1       P2      P3       P4     P5      P6        P7      P8   P9   AS      P19 P20 P21          AS

Forecast errors                                         3        5       2       4       3       3        3       5     1   3.2       2      3     4    3.0

Planning errors                                         1        2       3       2       4       3        1       2     2   2.2       3      4     2    3.0

Internal ordering error                                 3        2     N/A       2       2       2        1       2     1   1.9       1      4     1    2.0

Customer changing order                                 3        1       4       2       2       2        3       2     1   2.2       1      2     5    2,7

Supplier deliver too late                               3        2       5       2       3       3        2       3     1   2.7       2      2     3    2.3

Supplier has capacity problems                          4        2       3       3       3       2        1       2     4   2.7       1      1     2    1.3

Late inbound transport                                  1        3       3       2       4       2        1       2     1   2.1       2      3     3    2.7

Faulty materials received from supplier                 3        3       5       3       2       3        1       2     4   3.2       2      2     2    2.0

Supply Chain Forum          An International Journal            N°1 - 2000                           52                  
Causes of disturbance                 Fish processing companies               Textile companies            quality of the Far East competitors,
                                               Average         Ón                Average score Ón                it is essential for any textile
                                             time, days       days                 time, days    days            company to organize their supply
                                                                                                                 pipeline efficiently in order to have
Norway                                               3.3           1.7               2.7           0.5
                                                                                                                 the capability to stay competitive
Sweden, Denmark, Finland                             4.8            2.7              4.0           2.0           in the marketplace.
Rest of Europe                                       6.2            2.5              4.3           2.1
                                                                                                                 The production process
Table 14.Causes of production disturbances, fish processing and textile companies
(1 = no disturbance, 5 = serious disturbance)
                                                                                                                 22 variables were measured in the
The logistics operations                                   errors, suppliers delivering late and                 production process. The variables
processes.                                                 suppliers lacking capacity were                       give an understanding of the
                                                           perceived most serious. As we can                     reasons for differences between
The data describing the logistics                          see, expertise in these areas often                   the production processes in the
operations processes were analyzed                         comes from the level of sophistica-                   companies and they provide a base
and reported in four comprehensi-                          tion reached in management. Thus,                     for studying variations in efficien-
ve sets of tables with values for                          logistics management maturity                         cies and quality aspects among the
every company and for groups of                            would certainly be desirable in                       companies. An important quality
companies. The respondents were                            these organizations. Although very                    variable is the percentage done
supplied with text explaining                              few respondents felt they had                         right the first time. Another impor-
how these questions should                                 serious deficiencies in any one
                                                                                                                 tant variable was the percentage of
be understood and used. We                                 area, some companies (P1, P2, P3,
                                                                                                                 orders produced with no delays.
have included selected data for                            P4, P5, P20 and P21) experienced
                                                                                                                 For the fish processing companies
the textile and fish processing                            problems in a number of areas,
                                                                                                                 and the textile companies, average
companies in tables 12, 13, 14, 15                         while several others (P7 and P9)
                                                                                                                 percentage done right the first time
and 16.                                                    felt their problems were limited to a
                                                                                                                 were 94 % and 98 % respectively. On
                                                           few areas.
                                                                                                                 the average, 8 % of the orders for
The purchasing process                                                                                           the fish processing and 5 % for the
                                                           These results in tables 12 and
                                                                                                                 textile companies were delayed.
The measurement of the purchasing                          13 certainly show that the fish
                                                                                                                 Other important variables included
process included 23 variables. Due                         processing companies have to
                                                                                                                 the length and frequency of
to space limitation, only a section                        work with their suppliers closely
of the responses are included                                                                                    production runs, number of levels
                                                           to improve their performance.
in tables 12 and 13. There are large                                                                             in the production processes,
                                                           This is understandable considering
variances in the results among                                                                                   number of levels in the product
                                                           the fact that most of these
the fish processing companies.                                                                                   structures and the division
                                                           suppliers are small and their
This may be explained by the                               management procedures are not                         between production to customer
differences in the product types                           always sophisticated. As would be                     orders and to stock. Table 14
ans the customer requirements.                             clear from table 13, many compa-                      shows the causes of disturbances
Raw material for ready-made meals                          nies face considerable problems                       in the two company groups.
and canned foods is different                              with inbound material quality and                     Misunderstanding and inadequate
from salmon to be sold fresh. The                          need to work with their suppliers to                  communication between marke-
uncertainty in inbound lead-time                           improve significantly. On the other                   ting, purchasing and production
is high for P4, P6 and P8 and very                         hand, textile companies have done                     were the most serious problems
high for P2 and P5. This is due                            better with their suppliers. This                     for the textile companies, while
to supplies coming from smaller                            can be explained if we consider the                   technical problems connected to
fishing vessels with arrivals                              nature of competition that prevails                   machines and equipment were
depending on the time it takes to                          in the textile companies. With the                    considered significant for the fish
catch the required volume, weather                         cheaper imports and consistent                        processing processes.
conditions, etc…, whereas, trawlers
and fish farmers, the main
                                                           Table 15.Lead times to customers, fish processing and textile companies.
suppliers to the majority of the
companies, can provide more                                Causes of disturbance                  Fish processing companies              Textile companies
predictable deliveries. The results                                                                   Average             Ón           Average score     Ón
show that the textile companies are                        Internal communication problems                 2.5           0.70                2.0        0.82
experiencing a much more reliable
                                                           Internal planning mistakes                      2.7           1.05                2.7        0.47
supply situation overall. Although
                                                           Errors in customers order                       1.2           0.42                2.0        0.00
both company groups show weak
ties to a large number of suppliers,                       Order picking errors                            1.6           0.68                1.3        0.47
the business volume procured from                          Production delays                               2.8           1.03                2.7        0.47
vendors seems to be growing.                               Delays in outbound transport                    3.3           1.05                2.5        0.96
                                                           Outbound transport damages                      1.9           0.87                1.7        0.47
Of the problems in the purchasing                          Stockout                                        2.1           0.57                2.5        0.50
process, planning errors, forecast                         Internal capacity problems                      2.7           0.94                2.3        0.47

Supply Chain Forum        An International Journal                  N°1 - 2000                        53                    
Causes of disturbance                       Fish processing companies           Textile companies    link shown here may not simply be
in the production processes                          (n=9)                             (n=3)         ignored as a random occurence.
                                              Average          Ón            Average score Ón        Based on our discussions with the
                                                                                                     senior managers of the reference
Internal communication problems                   2.6          0.83               3.7       0.47
                                                                                                     industry group and recognized
Internal planning problems                        2.3          0.70               2.7       0.47
                                                                                                     experts in the field, we expect
Technical production problems                     3.2          0.91               2.0       0.82     these relationship will be of interest
Production capacity problems                      2.3          0.94               2.7       0.47     to logistics professionals, both
Quality problems with purchased                                                                      practitioners and researchers. To
materials                                         2.6          1.06               1.3       0.47     understand the relevance of this
Customer changing order                           2.3          1.29               1.3       0.47     research, these results were freely
Forecast errors                                   2.6          0.83               2.0       0.83     shared with the participants.
Supplier delivery delays                          2.3          1.15               2.0       0.82     Thereafter, a follow-up questionnaire
Errors in customers order                         1.7          0.94               1.3       0.47     about the usefulness of the results
                                                                                                     was sent to the participating
Table 16.Causes of distribution disturbances, fish processing and textile companies
(1 = no disturbance, 5 = serious disturbance).                                                       companies. Two months later
                                                                                                     only two companies had returned
The distribution process                                effects of the predictor variables           the questionnaire. After a second
                                                        were studied using the multiple              distribution of the questionnaire,
In the distribution process, 32                         regression analysis. The results             eleven     additional     companies
variables were measured and a                           obtained for the whole sample set            answered. Eight companies were
nalyzed. These included service                         were as follows:                             enthusiastic about their participa-
elements, efficiency factors, costs,                    ­ A 10 % reduction in total logistics        tion in the project and reported
physical and technological aspects                      costs gives a 7.8 %improvement in            that they had benefited from their
of the distribution system. Many                        ROA.                                         role in the project. They believed
companies export a large part of                        ­ A 10 % reduction of time spent in          that they have been forced to
their output. Fast and reliable                         the logistics processes gives a 2.4 %        critically analyze their logistics
transportation is important for                         improvement in ROA.                          processes by virtue of their partici-
export. Road and water are the                          ­ A 10 % higher score in the                 pation in the project. They further
predominant modes of transporta-
                                                        management variable, “Organizing             added that they would like
tion for all companies. Road
transportation is fast and most                         for the improvement of the logistics         to continue working with the
reliable even to customers located                      processes”, gives a 1.6 % improve-           researchers. Another company
as far south Paris. Sea transport                       ment in ROA.                                 stated that they had not started
is the cheapest. Examples of                            ­ A 10 % higher score on the                 using the results, but wanted
transport time from factory to                          management variable, “Setting                to continue working with the
customers are presented in table                        goals for customer service”, gives a         researchers because this would
15. The fish processing companies,                      2.6 % reduction in ROA.                      be generally beneficial for the
with their perishable products,                                                                      development of logistics in their
have approximately the same trans-                      These four variables explain 87 % of         organization. Of the seventeen
port time as the textile companies                      the variance (R-square, coefficient          companies that did not return the
even though they are located 150 -                      of determination) in the return on           questionnaire, several were later
200 Km (in Northern Norway)                             total assets.                                contacted by telephone. Generally
farther from their main customers.                                                                   they were positive to the study, but
The textile companies have less                         These results are extremely impor-           they have not yet had the time to
variation in transit times. The                         tant indicators for advocating               analyze the results and thus have
difficult terrain in Northern Norway
                                                        logistic competence. The relation-           not started working to strengthen
perhaps contributes to a slightly
                                                        ship between logistics competency            their deficient areas. It should be
higher variability for the fish
companies.                                              and firm performance is quite                said that many participants gave
                                                        complicated and difficult to fathom.         the impression that they received
For many companies distribution                         Experts can surely testify that              increased and valuable insight
does not pose any problems.                             logistics competence has been                during the data collection. To go
For the fish industy, outbound                          valued in leading edge organiza-             through a critical review of their
transport is a frequent and serious                     tions since the dawn of civilization.        own logistics situation yielded
problem. Production delays and                          Yet, the nature of the relationship          many desirable benefits. The
internal planning problems have                         is not very easy to understand.              project has in many ways been
affected both product groups                            The linkage between logistics com-           a pioneering work. The results
adversely.                                              petence and market performance               indicate that increased efficiency
                                                        of a firm may not be as straightfor-         and speed in logistics processes
Discussion of Results                                   ward as it may appear from the               improve a company’s profitability.
and Conclusion                                          results of the regression analysis.          This signals that we are in an area
                                                        Critics will certainly point out that        where continued efforts should
Using return on total assets (ROA)                      there are many other factors that            give good returns. The study has
as the primary measurement of                           can contribute to a firm’s market            also provided a wealth of other
how well a company was doing, the                       performance. Yet, we believe the             insights into many generic logistics

Supply Chain Forum         An International Journal             N°1 - 2000                      54        
processes in the SMEs. Information                Washington, DC : National Academy
contained in the reports is                       Press : 1993, p. 1.
therefore of general interest to
                                                  4. Spilling O., SMB-1997 fakta om små o
logistics professionals. Regarding                mellomstore       bedrifter   i  Norge.
improving logistics excellence in                 Fagbokforlaget (in Norwegian) Oslo,
the participating companies, it may               1997.
however, be concluded that the
project has been a mixed success,                 5. Virum H., Logistikk i små og mellom -
at least in the short run. There are              store bedrifter, Handelshøyskolen BI
                                                  Research Report (in Norwegian)
several reasons for this. At the                  Sandvika, Norway 1994.
outset, the researchers and the
members of the reference group                    6. Lambert D.M. and Stock J.R., Strategic
had a strong focus on how to                      Logistics Management, Homewood, IL :
define and map logistics processes.               Irwin, 1993 p. 151-158, 583-622.
Much effort was put into trying out
                                                  7. Byrne P.M. and Markham J.W.,
and selecting variables that would                Improving Quality and Productivity in the
fit the purpose of describing logis-              Logistics Process, Council of Logistics
tics processes - but not so much to               Management, 1991.
facilitate implementation of the
results. Discussion with experts in               8. Bowersox D.J. et A.L., Logistics
organizational learning resulted in a             Management. Third Edition, Collier
                                                  Macmillan Publishers, London, 1986 p.
more profound and critical analysis
                                                  93-102, 268-277.
of the methodology applied in the
project (12). The misfit between the              9. Mentzer J., Konrad B., An
definitions and the participants’                 Efficient/effectiveness Approach to logis -
understanding and far too many                    tics Performance Analysis. The Journal of
variables in the data collection                  business Logistics, Vol. 12, N°1, 1991.
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                                                  10. A T Karney Inc., Logistics Productivity :
biggest obstacle. In addition, lack of            The Competitive Edge in Europe, 1990.
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participating companies became                    11. Virum H., Logistikk i små og mellom -
apparent during the data collection               store bedrifter, Forbedringer ved sam -
phase. As already explained, in                   menligninger       mellom       bedrifter,
many companies a large part of the                Handelshøyskolen BI Research Report (in
                                                  Norwegian) Sandvika, Norway 1996.
data had to be based on estimates
as no reliable information could be               12. Flygansvaer       B.,    Virum     H.,
gathered. Future research should                  Diffusjonsprosesser i nettverk - hvordan
emphasize the following in order to               bedrifter kan forbedre sin logistikk gjen -
obtain better cooperation from the                nom       laering     av      hverandre,
participating organizations:                      Handelshøyskolen BI Research Report (in
                                                  Norwegian) Sandvika, Norway 1998.
­ New information must be easily
recognizable to the management in                 13. Kiesles S.B., Sproull L.S., Mangerial
the participating companies.                      response to changing environements :
­ To get management attention                     Perspectives on problem sensing for
care should taken to obtain                       social cognition, Administrative Science
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Supply Chain Forum     An International Journal           N°1 - 2000                       55

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  • 1. Logistics Competence in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Norwegian Experience Professor Prabir K. Bagchi, PHD The development of logistics as a competitive tool for increasing market The George Washington University share and improving operational efficiency is mainly occurring in Associate Professor Helge Virum the large “leading edge” companies. Several studies indicate that Norwegian School of Management the small and medium sized enterprises (SME) are lagging behind in adapting to these developments. In this project an instrument for mapping the logistics processes in SMEs has been developed and tried out in 30 Norwegian companies. Background gies, and management practices is inadequate to ensure that American Never before has been accorded so manufacturing will be globally much importance as it has been in competitive”(3). Yet, small medium contemporary business, and never companies contribute a large before has logistics played such portion of a country’s GNP. How an important role in industrial can the SME’s utilize the lessons development as now. Much of the from the experiences of their larger development of logistics, however, counterparts? The health of the is occuring in the so-called “leading SME’s is an important topic for edge” companies. Increasingly, in research in many countries. The these firms, logistics is treated as a importance of SMEs is much strategic activity and the solutions more in case of a tiny country are often characterized by service like Norway where 99.5% of directed to customer demands, costs the manufacturing companies are efficiency and a comprehensive view classified as small and medium of the logistics process, from raw sized (4). The financial health and materials to the end customer(1). competitiveness of the SMEs, there- Close cooperation between sup- fore, are critical for the nation’s pliers, producers and customers is economy. Three years ago, the the hallmark in these companies. transportation research group These firms are concerned with (PROTRANS) of the Research on-going process improvements Council of Norway initiated an and attention to changes in both audit of the logistics preparedness internal and external environ- in small and medium enterprises ments(2). However, only a few in Norway(5). The audit uncovered of the small and medium-sized considerable weaknesses and enterprises (SME) have adequate variability in the logistics administrative resources to partici- processes. No company knew all pate in such competence develop- parts of their logistics costs, or had ment. This is an accepted fact established comprehensive norms in many advanced countries. for the quality of their delivery According to one report by the service. Few companies had any Manufacturing Studies Board of the control of service variations, and National Research Council, USA, even fewer had established “Many of the smaller firms, however, systems to deal with such are operating far below their variations. The study further potential. Their use of modern showed those companies with manufacturing equipment, metholo - more than 20 employees had a Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 46
  • 2. better grip on logistics than the an indirect positive contribution social cognition (13). The theory smallest companies. In addition, for creating awareness in the presupposes that individual per- it was clear that companies companies and in the marketplace. sons are characterized by limited with ownership links to larger We believe that company participa- capacity for information handling, companies, and companies that tion in the data collection, followed and that an individual will process had demanding customers, were by information interchange with information differently, depending logistically better prepared than other companies will contribute to on what it is about. Information the rest. Since the preliminary awakening and increasing the about well-known, situations will be study, industry’s interest for logis- knowledge. treated more or less automatically, tics has increased. To a great while less un-known situations extent, this is due to escalating Methodology require more advanced and time competition in the marketplace. consuming thinking (14). A conside- Higher efficiency and better In the first phase of the project, rable part of the information quality in goods delivery are thirty firms were selected based required in the project falls in the mere conditions of survival. Today on industry type, size, market latter category. The SME-compa- quality applies to both products orientation, geographical location nies that participated in the project and services. The companies (requirements of the research generally have a very small that develop the “best” logistics council), their willingness to share management staff and each processes are winning the their experience and the resear- management person is responsible customers. Over the last few cher’s budgetary constraints. We for several functions. Also, a years, the open and active use of wanted to understand the logistics considerable part of the daily comparing many independent management duties are of operatio- processes adopted by these companies’ process efficiency and nal nature. The time available for companies. This could not be quality attributes has become strategic thinking is limited. To fathomed by a simple mail survey. a well-known and accepted impro- bridge this gap, the researchers The research questions required a vement tool. Although it was organized a reference group good understanding of the meaning the larger companies that led consisting of professionals from of the terms and often involved this development, many smaller four companies for help with long answers. companies have begun employing validation of responses received similar principles through organiza- from the survey participants. tional development and cooperati- The development During data collection, site ve initiatives in several areas. of logistics as a visits were followed by in-depth Facilitating this type of systematic discussions with the senior comparison was a central part of competitive tool for managers and owners. Apart from this project. consultations regarding the compa- increasing market ny characteristics observed by the Purpose of the Study share and improving researchers, the discussions often covered matters germane to the operational efficiency industry the manager represented. The primary goal of this research is to demonstrate how ongoing is mainly occurring By virtue of the seniority of these improvement of the logistics managers (often they were owners) processes in small and medium size in the large and long experience in a particular companies may be facilitated via “leading edge” industry, their responses were information exchange among a considered as representative of the group of such companies. The companies. industry they belonged to. The goals for the project, in other following steps were carried out: words, are to define and uncover Quite frequently, the researchers conditions that are decisive for needed actual observation of the – First, the logistics literature provi- achieving efficiency and quality in process at site. Thus, the responses ded knowledge of logistics pro- the logistics processes and to build expected were beyond the scope of cesses and their measurement (6, up a reference database containing simple “yes” or “no” answers and 7). Prior experience in benchmar- logistics attributes from selected required face-to-face interaction king projects helped us to focus on companies. The database will with the researchers. The research the important logistics issues and provide the basis for determining was set up as an exploratory and processes. These, together with each company’s logistics compe- descriptive investigation. It started experience from a previous study of tence vis-à-vis a selected group. by identifying the critical logistics the logistics situation in small and Improvement possibilities will be processes and their measurement medium-sized companies, formed revealed by comparing logistics parameters, followed by a random the basis for the project plan. conditions in individual companies selection of companies, collection ƒ A reference group was formed with that in other companies in the of data, comparing and analyzing with senior participants from four database and by comparing to the the data and providing feedback companies. In cooperation with best practices in the marketplace. to the participating companies. this group, parameters were Simulateously, it is our hope Handling information is one of chosen for measurement and a that the project will also have the approaches to understanding system for data gathering was Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 47
  • 3. established.The survey instrument Step Objective Activities Participants so designed was tested in these A detailed plan for the project Collect experiences from Researchers and logistics four companies. The feedback 1 benchmarking projects, study experts process, decide measurement received resulted in a consi- metrics. Plan activities, time derable refinement of the survey and resources A realistic data collection Develop and pretest data Researchers and Reference instrument. 2 procedure and validation collection system Industry group „ Responses from 30 companies A logistics variables data base Visit and collect data from 30 Researchers and Management were obtained using face-to-face 3 small and medium enterprises in the 30 enterprises (SME) interviews, observation of logistics Feedback to participating SMEs data analysis, report writing, Researchers and Reference processes at work, and subsequent obtaining further responces Industry group and 4 from the SMEs Management in the 30 discussion. The modified question- enterprises naire served as the basis for data Project report Statistical analysis, report Researchers 5 writing and publication collection. A simplified system for Simplifying and improving Researchers, Reference … The collected data was organized 6 interchange of logistics data in exploratory database for easy Industry group and a SME-network reference by SMEs. Introducing Management in the network and analyzed. Feedback was then the database and operationalize enterprises data collection-and reporting sent to each company. system in one or more SME- š Information on each company’s network organizations. opinion regarding the usefulness Figure 1 shows the steps involved in the project. of the project was gathered, the data was analyzed further and important data for investigation. All literature (7, 8, 9) and suggestions conclusions were drawn. the firms in the study except one provided by the participants in the had production facilities. The reference group. The instrument respondents were owners and/or was an eleven page document and The companies senior managers of their firms. contained 94 sets of economic, effi- These owners/managers generally ciency, quality and operational We wanted a diverse group of small had over ten years experience in variables describing the following: and medium-size enterprises. Thus, the field and held responsible the participating companies were positions in their organizations. ­ The economic situation and drawn from textiles, fish and meat Thus, their responses can be taken logistics costs in the firm processing, electrical and mechani- as representative of their firms and ­ The logistics management process cal engineering, wood and plastics of the field. ­ Customer service industries. They had from 5 ­ The production, purchasing, and to 360 employees. The average Nine of companies are located in number of employees in our sample Northern, eight in mid and West distribution processes companies was 79. The annual Norway and thirteen are in Eastern sales of these companies varied Norway. Most of the companies are The respondents provided their between NOK 5 - 330 million (US $ export-oriented and some have perceptions regarding the above 0.8 to 45 million) with the average large share of exports. Table 1 factors. Quite often, these res- being NOK 88 millions (about US $ shows the relevant demographic ponses were based on available 12 millions). Although a few of data from the participating these firms do not fit the definition companies. 1. The Euro Parliament’s definition of SMB is as of small and medium business follows : SMEs are companies with fewer than according to the EU definition1, Data collection and Analysis 250 employees, an annual sales of less than 20 these were included because the million ECU, a balance sheet with less that 10 firms were keen to participate in The data collection instrument was million ECU and no more than 25% owned by a company that does not fit this definition. In the the study and the researchers based on the researchers’ experien- US, these are typically defined as firms with felt these firms would provide ce from previous studies, published fewer than 500 employees. Table 1. The companies Company Industry product Number Sales 1994 Value of Company Industry product Number Sales 1994 Value of type employees million NOK export in type employees million NOK export in % of sales % of sales P1 Fish products 17 39,5 98 P16 Mechanical 40 9,9 - P2 Fish products 70 330,0 98 P17 Mechanical 165 170,0 40 P3 Fish products 225 163,0 86 P18 Mechanical 95 92,9 3 P4 Fish products 60 57,0 80 P19 Textiles 25 11,0 70 P5 Fish products 60 63,4 50 P20 Textiles 21 11,0 65 P6 Fish products 98 46,6 95 P21 Textiles 5 8,3 2 P7 Fish products 23 46,0 90 P22 Electrical/mech. 47 49,3 10 P8 Fish products - 50,0 98 P23 Electrical/mech. 100 52,6 8 P9 Fish products 50 17,0 - P24 Plastic products 60 71,0 75 P10 Wood products 10 5,4 4 P25 Printed product 110 56,0 - P11 Wood products 135 255,0 31 P26 Electrical/mech. 59 30,4 97 P12 Wood products 50 79,8 40 P27 Meat products 126 248,0 - P13 Machines 68 69,5 95 P28 Electrical/mech. 360 155,5 82 P14 Machines 155 104,0 20 P29 Electrical/mech. 63 68,5 - P15 Mechanical 75 256,4 95 H1 Electrical/mech. 11 17,8 - Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 48
  • 4. information from the books I COMPANY DATA of accounts and other records Revenue, industry, of operational measurements. number of employees etc. Some of these responses were recorded using Likert-like scale. The companies received the II MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION instrument three weeks prior to the interviews. An interview lasted III PURCHASING IV PRODUCTION V DISTRIBUTION four to five hours. Their general manager, the sales and marketing Measured data Measured data Measured data manager and the manager of Estimates Estimates Estimates accounting and finance generally represented the companies. VI LOGISTICS STRATEGY Two researchers participated in twelve of the interviews and one Logistics Data Base researcher for the rest. Quite often, data regarding cost, efficiency and service elements were based Key Ratios PROFILES DIAGNOSTIC on estimates, which frequently visualize comparisons DATA involved lengthy discussion situations based on ROI. explains differences leading to consensus among the participants. The next step involved compiling, structuring Figure 2 Structuring and Processing of data and transforming all the collected Fish processing companies Textile companies data using a simple spreadsheet. P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 AC P19 P20 P21 AC Average values and ratios were calculated for each company and Costs in 5.0 5.0 N/ 6.3 9.9 11. 13. 14. 16. 10. 3.0 10. 10. 7.9 for the seven groups of companies. % of The following numerical ratios A. 0 9 3 0 2 0 6 sales and performance indicators were Table 2. Total logistics costs in % of sales, AC = Average Cost. considered: market. In this study total logistics ­ ROA (Return on assets), costs are defined as the sum of the Table 3. Changes in inbound lead-time during ­ Logistics costs expressed as a following cost elements: the last three years (n=29) percentage of sales, Changes in lead-time No of companies ­ Perfect customer deliveries – Incoming transportation Increased 21 - 30 % 2 expressed as a percentage of total ƒ Outgoing transportation 11 - 20 % 2 number of deliveries, „ Inventory carrying cost on raw 1 - 10 % 1 ­ Speed of the logistics processes, materials, work-in-progress and Unchanged 9 ­ Quality of the logistics manage- finished goods Reduced 1 - 10 % 7 ment process. … Servicing of inventory (warehousing) 11 - 20 % 6 š Purchasing 21 - 30 % 1 Using return on total assets Red. more than 50 % 1 (ROA) as the primary performance The companies were also asked Table 4. Changes in throughput time in the measurement, the influences of to make relative assessments of production process during the predictor variables were their own costs compared to the the last three years (n=25) determined using the multiple industry average. Administrative Changes of througput No of companies regression analysis. work and costs for data systems time are included in elements 4 and 5. Increased 21 - 30 % 1 Results and Discussion Inventory interest rate was estima- Unchanged 4 ted to be 20% per year including Reduced 1 - 10 % 9 For the whole group, a part of the cost of capital, insurance cost, 11 - 20 % 4 main findings are presented. More shrinkage, obsolescence and taxes. 21 - 30 % 4 detailed results are included for Only a few companies had comple- 31 - 40 % 1 two major groups, e.g.,the fish and te cost records. Estimation was 41 - 50 % 1 meat processing companies and required in other cases. This was Red. more than 50 % 1 the textile companies. The average often due to CIF (cost, insurance, total logistics costs for all the and freight) deliveries from Table5. Changes in outbound lead-time during companies worked out to be about suppliers or ex-works orders to the last three years (n=28) 10.0% of sales. This compares well customers. In both cases estimates Changes in outbound No of companies with the results of similar stu- were worked out for the transpor- lead-time dies(10). It is worthwile to note that tation costs. The warehousing Increased 11 - 20 % 1 more than half the companies in costs were also often missing the Unchanged 12 our study are competitive with the records and had to be estimated Reduced 1 - 10 % 8 most efficient ones in the European based on the size of the warehouse, Red. more than 50 % 1 Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 49
  • 5. the number of warehouse workers Company Inbound Raw Throughput Finished Outbound Credit Total the number of forklift trucks lead-time materials time goods lead-time time response and other materials handling inventory production inventory cycle time equipement etc. P8 0 19 19 8 10 25 81 Of the fish processing companies, P7 21 7 7 23 12 19 89 both P1 and P2are producers of high-priced products. They P2 3 35 1 14 11 30 94 estimate their logistics cost to P5 10 49 0 40 30 22 151 between 15-50% better than the P6 14 16 20 51 20 34 155 industry average. Cured herring, a low priced commodity type P1 1 91 1 31 14 67 161 product, is the main output of P8 P4 2 43 43 32 30 18 168 and P9, companies at the other P9 1 14 0 93 7 93 208 extreme in terms logistics cost. P3 7 19 22 9 3 N/A N/A Their markets are Poland and Russia and they both estimated Table 6.Response cycle time for the fish processing companies, days. their logistics about 15-25% more than the industry average. Of Company Inbound Raw Throughput Finished Outbound Credit Total the textile companies, P19 is clearly lead-time materials time goods lead-time time response the most cost effective. This inventory production inventory cycle time corresponds quite well with their perception. One reason for P20 31 23 9 17 14 67 161 P19’s cost advantage may be the P19 1 91 1 31 14 27 165 uniqueness of its products (high priced Norwegian wool garments). P21 29 198 30 18 13 95 383 Another reason may be found in their adoption of JIT principles Table 7.Response cycle time for the textile companies, days. that P19 has been practicing for a Fish companies Textile companies number of years. Variables P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 AS P19 P20 P21 AS Long range logistics planning 6 6 6 5 6 1 8 5 1 4.9 5 4 4 4.3 Response cycle time Top-management focus on logistics 9 8 9 8 8 8 7 8 5 7.8 8 8 9 8.3 Planning of logistics operations 2 2 3 3 3 1 9 9 8 4.1 3 7 8 6.0 The total response cycle consists of Improvement of logistics operations 8 4 5 5 8 5 7 5 8 6.1 8 9 8 8.3 the following elements: Internally integrated logistics 7 2 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 4.7 4 4 6 4.7 Logistics information systems 5 7 9 5 6 5 5 8 8 6.4 8 3 8 6.3 – Time from ordering to acceptance Logistics performance measurement 8 7 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 5.8 6 5 7 6.0 of goods from supplier. Co-operation with suppliers 8 8 6 7 7 5 5 5 5 6.2 8 4 9 7.0 ƒ Length of time in raw material stock. Setting goals for customer service 8 9 8 5 8 7 7 8 8 7.6 8 7 7 7.3 „ Length of time in production. Organizing for log. improvement 4 4 - 4 7 2 7 1 4 4.1 4 2 4 3.3 … Length of time in finished goods stock. Table 8.Logistics management performance AS = Average Score. š Time from customer order to receipt of finished goods. cycle times for the fish and textile fore depend on the product specter › Time from receipt and acceptance companies. When a time element is in addition to other marketing mix of goods till bill payment (credit less than half a day, it has been variables. P1, P2, P5 and P9 are time) registered as zero. focusing on products made from fresh fish and their production pro- The 29 companies, for which we As will be evident above, there is cesses are controlled by just-in- collected complete data, had total wide variation in response cycle time (JIT) principles. This explains response cycle times ranging from times for the fish processing com- short throughput times in these 81 to 584 days. Slightly more than panies and the textile companies. firms. The credit time is mainly 50 % of the respondents confirmed Many of the fish companies are dependent on the location of the that they had been able to reduce located close to the suppliers and market. Northern-Europe has the their response times during the last the inbound lead-time is short. The shortest credit times. Longer credit three years. The average reduction volume of raw materials in stock times signal customers in southern- in throughput time in production (time element 3) was 12,4 % and depends very much on whether Europe and extremely long credit the average reduction of outbound they are producing from fresh, chil- times are to be found in Africa and lead-time (time element 5 was 5,9 %. led or frozen fish. Generally, a fish- Asia. Many of these comments are Tables 3 - 5 show the distribution of processing firm is producing a also valid for the response cycle changes of these time elements for variety of products. Some are sold times of textile companies, but the sample companies. fresh and some are preserved or their products are generally less frozen. The time the products time-sensitive which might explain Tables 6 and 7 show the time spend in finished goods inventory why the cycle times generally tend elements and the total response and the outbound lead-time there- to be longer for these firms. Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 50
  • 6. Fish processing companies Textile companies competence. All textile companies Strategic alternatives P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P19 P20 P21 in our survey reported logistic as an area of top management Customer focus 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 attention. However, despite top Product quality 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 management attention, it appears Business process the fish processing companies efficiency 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 are falling short in logistics plan- Table 9.Strategy focus. ning, organization, and achieving internal functional integration. Fish companies Textile companies Organizing for logistics improve- Variables P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 AS P19 P20 P21 AS ment is still difficult in textile companies, although logistics Price 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1.6 3 5 2 3.6 operations planning is better than Product quality 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1.9 2 2 2 2.0 their couterparts in fish processing Large product assortment 5 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 6 3.9 5 2 5 4.0 industries. Most of these compa- Products specified by customers 3 2 2 2 5 3 3 2 5 3.0 4 4 4 4.0 nies in both groups are using some Fast delivery 3 5 3 4 4 2 4 2 4 3.4 3 1 1 1.7 form of logistics information Punctual delivery 3 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 2.2 1 1 3 1.7 systems and have made customer Order fulfillment 3 4 1 2 7 3 1 2 3 2.9 3 1 4 2.7 service their priorities. Another Timely and accurate information 3 3 1 4 6 3 1 2 3 2.9 1 1 4 2.0 important area these companies After delivery service 4 3 - 4 7 3 3 4 4 3.6 2 4 7 4.3 are using to achieve logistics Table 10.Importance of marketing variables, 1 = Very important, competence is working closely with 7 = Not important,AS = Average Score suppliers. These trends bode well for the future of SMEs in Norway as Fish companies Textile companies more countries from Europe and P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 AS P19 P20 P21 AS North America try to enter the No perfect orders in % of 98 80 N/ 98 96 93 100 95 90 93 98 95 95 96 Scandinavian markets. total no of orders A. Business strategy, Table 11. Perfect order fulfillment in a one year period.AS = Average Score. marketing mix and perfect order fulfillment The logistics management flexibility. During the interviews, process care was taken to explain to the Three business strategy alterna- respondents what the attributes tives were included in the data col- meant. The measurements were The evaluation of the logistics lection instrument. The alterna- done using a scale where 1=poor management process included nine tives were evaluated by eliciting and 9=excellent. A score of 9 meant variables. Each variable measured information as to how closely they logistics excellence in all aspects. the manager’s perception of how matched the actual situation in well his/her company performed each company. The scores for the The scores for the logistics vis-a-vis a set of logistics manage- firms in the fish and textile groups management variables were graded ment attributes. The regression for these strategy alternatives are as follows: analysis shows that two of the shown in table 9 using a scale – Scores in the range of 1 - 3 management variables are of indicate situations that strongly where 1 = most closely matches the particular interest for achieving need to be improved. actual strategy in the company and improvements. These variables are: ƒ Scores in the range of 4 - 6 9 = least closely matches with the setting goals for customer service indicate a situation that is better actual strategy. For example, a and organizing for the improve- but still needs improvement. score of 1 with respect to customer ment of the logistics processes. „ Score in the range of 7 - 9 focus would mean the company Setting goals for customer service indicate situations where the represented by the respondent was captured by attributes like need for improvement is not as could be descripted as one whose differentiating between customer significant. actual strategy indeed resembles and product groups, fulfileng that of a customer-focused compa- customer’s service expectations Table 8 presents the variables with ny in all aspects. As already pointed and handling customer complaints. scores for companies in the fish out elsewhere in this article, Organizing for the improvementy of processing - and the textile groups. care was taken by the researchers logistics includes the ability and Contrary to the prevailing notion, to explain the scale to the will to change, openess regarding it appears that both fish and meat respondents. change, willingness to channel processing and textile companies resources for knowledge develop- are managing their logistics It appears from above that the fish ment and increasing competence, a function quite well. In fact, top processing and textile companies positive attitude to cooperating management in eight out of nine in our study had a good grounding with suppliers and customers and fish processing companies has in strategy formulation and deve- efforts toward increasing system focused their attention to logistics lopment process. It is worthwile Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 51
  • 7. Variables Fish companies Textile companies P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 AS P19 P20 P21 AS % total number of inbound deliveries received on time N/A 60 95 75 33 80 99 80 99 79.6 95 90 90 91.2 % of total number of inbound deliveries received with no other quality deficiencies 99 70 60 60 80 95 97 80 96 81.9 98 95 98 97.0 Number of active suppliers in % of total supplier base (last 12 month) 100 100 100 95 70 90 100 75 80 90.0 90 60 70 73.3 % of suppliers with formalized patnership agreement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 3.3 % of suppliers with quality certificate 20 0 0 5 50 10 50 0 0 15.0 0 30 10 13.3 % of suppliers providing 80 % of total purchase value 45 70 N/A 70 20 20 35 90 60 51.3 N/A 25 30 27.5 Change of value of purchased goods value in % of total operating costs (last 3 years) +15 +5 +15 +5 +25 +5 -5 +5 0 +7.8 +15 +5 0 +6.7 Table 12. Variables describing the purchasing process in each of the fish processing and the textile companies. to re-emphasize the fact that, information processing are the most configuration, customer-ready with- according to the respondents, important factors for the textile out damage. quality and customer focus were companies. It would thus be appa- perceived to be the guiding rent that logistics competitiveness It is important to point out that principles in these companies. This is a critical element for both groups several of the companies remarked is indeed remarkable considering of companies. that the customers they serve the fact that these are small and would not regard the PRTM medium size companies in textile To investigate further, using the definition as sufficient for perfect and fish processing industries PRTM definition (15) of perfect order fulfillment. In particular and traditionally these sectors order fulfillment as a comprehensi- many of the companies pointed have not always been in the ve measurement of customer out that their customers often forefront of technology diffusion service, we elicited responses require delivery specified to a given and adaptation. regarding order fulfillment situation hour. To arrive one day early or late in these companies. A “perfect is not acceptable. Table 11 shows order” according to PRTM is the results for the fish and textile A set of related marketing variables defined to be one that meets all of companies. were also evaluated according to the following standards: the importance they had for win- As we can see, order fulfillment ning in their markets. Table 10 – Delivered complete, all items on rates were quite high in these shows results for the companies in order are delivered in the quanti- companies. Again, this speaks very the fish and textile groups. ties requested. well of these companies’ logistics ƒ Delivered on day earlier. preparedness and market competi- It is clear from above that price, „ Documentation supporting the tiveness. It would certainly appear product quality, and delivery order include packing slips, bill of these companies understand the punctuality are the most important lading, invoices, etc…, is complete nature of the marketplace and have drivers for the fish processing and accurate. started working to make them companies, while fast and punctual … Perfect condition: Faultlessly ready for a more competitive delivery and timely and accurate installed (as applicable), correct world. Table 13.Problem causes in the purchasing processes, (1 = no problem,5 = serious problem). Fish companies Textile companies Problem causes P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 AS P19 P20 P21 AS Forecast errors 3 5 2 4 3 3 3 5 1 3.2 2 3 4 3.0 Planning errors 1 2 3 2 4 3 1 2 2 2.2 3 4 2 3.0 Internal ordering error 3 2 N/A 2 2 2 1 2 1 1.9 1 4 1 2.0 Customer changing order 3 1 4 2 2 2 3 2 1 2.2 1 2 5 2,7 Supplier deliver too late 3 2 5 2 3 3 2 3 1 2.7 2 2 3 2.3 Supplier has capacity problems 4 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 4 2.7 1 1 2 1.3 Late inbound transport 1 3 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 2.1 2 3 3 2.7 Faulty materials received from supplier 3 3 5 3 2 3 1 2 4 3.2 2 2 2 2.0 Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 52
  • 8. Causes of disturbance Fish processing companies Textile companies quality of the Far East competitors, Average Ón Average score Ón it is essential for any textile time, days days time, days days company to organize their supply pipeline efficiently in order to have Norway 3.3 1.7 2.7 0.5 the capability to stay competitive Sweden, Denmark, Finland 4.8 2.7 4.0 2.0 in the marketplace. Rest of Europe 6.2 2.5 4.3 2.1 The production process Table 14.Causes of production disturbances, fish processing and textile companies (1 = no disturbance, 5 = serious disturbance) 22 variables were measured in the The logistics operations errors, suppliers delivering late and production process. The variables processes. suppliers lacking capacity were give an understanding of the perceived most serious. As we can reasons for differences between The data describing the logistics see, expertise in these areas often the production processes in the operations processes were analyzed comes from the level of sophistica- companies and they provide a base and reported in four comprehensi- tion reached in management. Thus, for studying variations in efficien- ve sets of tables with values for logistics management maturity cies and quality aspects among the every company and for groups of would certainly be desirable in companies. An important quality companies. The respondents were these organizations. Although very variable is the percentage done supplied with text explaining few respondents felt they had right the first time. Another impor- how these questions should serious deficiencies in any one tant variable was the percentage of be understood and used. We area, some companies (P1, P2, P3, orders produced with no delays. have included selected data for P4, P5, P20 and P21) experienced For the fish processing companies the textile and fish processing problems in a number of areas, and the textile companies, average companies in tables 12, 13, 14, 15 while several others (P7 and P9) percentage done right the first time and 16. felt their problems were limited to a were 94 % and 98 % respectively. On few areas. the average, 8 % of the orders for The purchasing process the fish processing and 5 % for the These results in tables 12 and textile companies were delayed. The measurement of the purchasing 13 certainly show that the fish Other important variables included process included 23 variables. Due processing companies have to the length and frequency of to space limitation, only a section work with their suppliers closely of the responses are included production runs, number of levels to improve their performance. in tables 12 and 13. There are large in the production processes, This is understandable considering variances in the results among number of levels in the product the fact that most of these the fish processing companies. structures and the division suppliers are small and their This may be explained by the management procedures are not between production to customer differences in the product types always sophisticated. As would be orders and to stock. Table 14 ans the customer requirements. clear from table 13, many compa- shows the causes of disturbances Raw material for ready-made meals nies face considerable problems in the two company groups. and canned foods is different with inbound material quality and Misunderstanding and inadequate from salmon to be sold fresh. The need to work with their suppliers to communication between marke- uncertainty in inbound lead-time improve significantly. On the other ting, purchasing and production is high for P4, P6 and P8 and very hand, textile companies have done were the most serious problems high for P2 and P5. This is due better with their suppliers. This for the textile companies, while to supplies coming from smaller can be explained if we consider the technical problems connected to fishing vessels with arrivals nature of competition that prevails machines and equipment were depending on the time it takes to in the textile companies. With the considered significant for the fish catch the required volume, weather cheaper imports and consistent processing processes. conditions, etc…, whereas, trawlers and fish farmers, the main Table 15.Lead times to customers, fish processing and textile companies. suppliers to the majority of the companies, can provide more Causes of disturbance Fish processing companies Textile companies predictable deliveries. The results Average Ón Average score Ón show that the textile companies are Internal communication problems 2.5 0.70 2.0 0.82 experiencing a much more reliable Internal planning mistakes 2.7 1.05 2.7 0.47 supply situation overall. Although Errors in customers order 1.2 0.42 2.0 0.00 both company groups show weak ties to a large number of suppliers, Order picking errors 1.6 0.68 1.3 0.47 the business volume procured from Production delays 2.8 1.03 2.7 0.47 vendors seems to be growing. Delays in outbound transport 3.3 1.05 2.5 0.96 Outbound transport damages 1.9 0.87 1.7 0.47 Of the problems in the purchasing Stockout 2.1 0.57 2.5 0.50 process, planning errors, forecast Internal capacity problems 2.7 0.94 2.3 0.47 Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 53
  • 9. Causes of disturbance Fish processing companies Textile companies link shown here may not simply be in the production processes (n=9) (n=3) ignored as a random occurence. Average Ón Average score Ón Based on our discussions with the senior managers of the reference Internal communication problems 2.6 0.83 3.7 0.47 industry group and recognized Internal planning problems 2.3 0.70 2.7 0.47 experts in the field, we expect Technical production problems 3.2 0.91 2.0 0.82 these relationship will be of interest Production capacity problems 2.3 0.94 2.7 0.47 to logistics professionals, both Quality problems with purchased practitioners and researchers. To materials 2.6 1.06 1.3 0.47 understand the relevance of this Customer changing order 2.3 1.29 1.3 0.47 research, these results were freely Forecast errors 2.6 0.83 2.0 0.83 shared with the participants. Supplier delivery delays 2.3 1.15 2.0 0.82 Thereafter, a follow-up questionnaire Errors in customers order 1.7 0.94 1.3 0.47 about the usefulness of the results was sent to the participating Table 16.Causes of distribution disturbances, fish processing and textile companies (1 = no disturbance, 5 = serious disturbance). companies. Two months later only two companies had returned The distribution process effects of the predictor variables the questionnaire. After a second were studied using the multiple distribution of the questionnaire, In the distribution process, 32 regression analysis. The results eleven additional companies variables were measured and a obtained for the whole sample set answered. Eight companies were nalyzed. These included service were as follows: enthusiastic about their participa- elements, efficiency factors, costs, ­ A 10 % reduction in total logistics tion in the project and reported physical and technological aspects costs gives a 7.8 %improvement in that they had benefited from their of the distribution system. Many ROA. role in the project. They believed companies export a large part of ­ A 10 % reduction of time spent in that they have been forced to their output. Fast and reliable the logistics processes gives a 2.4 % critically analyze their logistics transportation is important for improvement in ROA. processes by virtue of their partici- export. Road and water are the ­ A 10 % higher score in the pation in the project. They further predominant modes of transporta- management variable, “Organizing added that they would like tion for all companies. Road transportation is fast and most for the improvement of the logistics to continue working with the reliable even to customers located processes”, gives a 1.6 % improve- researchers. Another company as far south Paris. Sea transport ment in ROA. stated that they had not started is the cheapest. Examples of ­ A 10 % higher score on the using the results, but wanted transport time from factory to management variable, “Setting to continue working with the customers are presented in table goals for customer service”, gives a researchers because this would 15. The fish processing companies, 2.6 % reduction in ROA. be generally beneficial for the with their perishable products, development of logistics in their have approximately the same trans- These four variables explain 87 % of organization. Of the seventeen port time as the textile companies the variance (R-square, coefficient companies that did not return the even though they are located 150 - of determination) in the return on questionnaire, several were later 200 Km (in Northern Norway) total assets. contacted by telephone. Generally farther from their main customers. they were positive to the study, but The textile companies have less These results are extremely impor- they have not yet had the time to variation in transit times. The tant indicators for advocating analyze the results and thus have difficult terrain in Northern Norway logistic competence. The relation- not started working to strengthen perhaps contributes to a slightly ship between logistics competency their deficient areas. It should be higher variability for the fish companies. and firm performance is quite said that many participants gave complicated and difficult to fathom. the impression that they received For many companies distribution Experts can surely testify that increased and valuable insight does not pose any problems. logistics competence has been during the data collection. To go For the fish industy, outbound valued in leading edge organiza- through a critical review of their transport is a frequent and serious tions since the dawn of civilization. own logistics situation yielded problem. Production delays and Yet, the nature of the relationship many desirable benefits. The internal planning problems have is not very easy to understand. project has in many ways been affected both product groups The linkage between logistics com- a pioneering work. The results adversely. petence and market performance indicate that increased efficiency of a firm may not be as straightfor- and speed in logistics processes Discussion of Results ward as it may appear from the improve a company’s profitability. and Conclusion results of the regression analysis. This signals that we are in an area Critics will certainly point out that where continued efforts should Using return on total assets (ROA) there are many other factors that give good returns. The study has as the primary measurement of can contribute to a firm’s market also provided a wealth of other how well a company was doing, the performance. Yet, we believe the insights into many generic logistics Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 54
  • 10. processes in the SMEs. Information Washington, DC : National Academy contained in the reports is Press : 1993, p. 1. therefore of general interest to 4. Spilling O., SMB-1997 fakta om små o logistics professionals. Regarding mellomstore bedrifter i Norge. improving logistics excellence in Fagbokforlaget (in Norwegian) Oslo, the participating companies, it may 1997. however, be concluded that the project has been a mixed success, 5. Virum H., Logistikk i små og mellom - at least in the short run. There are store bedrifter, Handelshøyskolen BI Research Report (in Norwegian) several reasons for this. At the Sandvika, Norway 1994. outset, the researchers and the members of the reference group 6. Lambert D.M. and Stock J.R., Strategic had a strong focus on how to Logistics Management, Homewood, IL : define and map logistics processes. Irwin, 1993 p. 151-158, 583-622. Much effort was put into trying out 7. Byrne P.M. and Markham J.W., and selecting variables that would Improving Quality and Productivity in the fit the purpose of describing logis- Logistics Process, Council of Logistics tics processes - but not so much to Management, 1991. facilitate implementation of the results. Discussion with experts in 8. Bowersox D.J. et A.L., Logistics organizational learning resulted in a Management. Third Edition, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London, 1986 p. more profound and critical analysis 93-102, 268-277. of the methodology applied in the project (12). The misfit between the 9. Mentzer J., Konrad B., An definitions and the participants’ Efficient/effectiveness Approach to logis - understanding and far too many tics Performance Analysis. The Journal of variables in the data collection business Logistics, Vol. 12, N°1, 1991. instrument proved to be the 10. A T Karney Inc., Logistics Productivity : biggest obstacle. In addition, lack of The Competitive Edge in Europe, 1990. availability of information in the participating companies became 11. Virum H., Logistikk i små og mellom - apparent during the data collection store bedrifter, Forbedringer ved sam - phase. As already explained, in menligninger mellom bedrifter, many companies a large part of the Handelshøyskolen BI Research Report (in Norwegian) Sandvika, Norway 1996. data had to be based on estimates as no reliable information could be 12. Flygansvaer B., Virum H., gathered. Future research should Diffusjonsprosesser i nettverk - hvordan emphasize the following in order to bedrifter kan forbedre sin logistikk gjen - obtain better cooperation from the nom laering av hverandre, participating organizations: Handelshøyskolen BI Research Report (in Norwegian) Sandvika, Norway 1998. ­ New information must be easily recognizable to the management in 13. Kiesles S.B., Sproull L.S., Mangerial the participating companies. response to changing environements : ­ To get management attention Perspectives on problem sensing for care should taken to obtain social cognition, Administrative Science Quaterly N°27, 1992 p. 548-570. strength and continuity in the ties between the researhers and the 14. Bazerman M., Judgement in management. Managerial Decision Maki, Second ­ Care must be taken to avoid Edition, John Wiley, London 1994. jargons. 15. Kardon K., Integrated-Supply Chain Performance Measurement. A Multi- References Industry Consortium Recommendation, PRTM 1994.B 1. Christopher M., Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pitman: London 1993. 2. Bowersox D.J. et Al., Global Logistics Best Practice - An International research Perspective. Council of Logistics Management, Annual Conference Proceedings 1994, p. 27 - 42. 3. National Research Council, Learning to Change : Oppurtunities to Improve the Performance of Smaller Manufacturers, Supply Chain Forum An International Journal N°1 - 2000 55