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September 2010

    Understanding the
health of your supplier: Is your company fuelled
                         with working capital?

At a glance
With demand hard-hit by the         Suppliers looking to increase     Suppliers, OEMs, and investors
recent recession, many suppliers    production in response to         should consider benchmarking
restructured their operations and   improving market conditions may   analysis of working capital
adjusted trade working capital to   have capacity challenges and      requirements and developing
reduced demand levels.              pressure on liquidity.            strategies to better understand
                                                                      future liquidity prospects.

Understanding the health of your supplier network: Is your
     company fuelled with working capital?

     Introduction:                             cash patterns. These variations
                                               can have major impact on a risk
     With demand hard-hit by the               assessment since the evaluation
     recent recession, many suppliers          of currently available liquidity and
     restructured their operations and         future cash requirements may
     adjusted trade working capital            differ significantly depending
     to reduced demand levels. As a            on the business model of the
     result, suppliers now looking to          analysed supplier.
     increase production in response to
     improving market conditions may           In this article, we look at the impact
     have capacity challenges and will         of the recent market developments
     often need to finance in advance          on working capital requirements
     significant shares of their purchases,    and highlight some of the different
     putting pressure on liquidity. Thus,      trends observed across segments.
     OEMs and suppliers need to                We also describe the advantages of
     understand and respond to the             using benchmarking analysis when
     resulting risks for their supply chains   considering liquidity patterns and
     or investments.                           working capital requirements. Thus,

     Those suppliers that survive the initial phase of an improved market with a solid
     liquidity cushion could have the financial flexibility to benefit from the recovery
     afterwards and the opportunity to gain a considerable competitive advantage.

     While traditionally risk management       identifying and including companies
     has focused attention primarily on        of the relevant segment within
     major suppliers, small and mid-           the benchmarking base is critical
     sized suppliers can also represent        to understanding and assessing
     a key element in the supply chain.        the overall risk levels of a specific
     These small and mid-sized suppliers       company. Finally, we provide some
     may have more limited financing           strategies for suppliers, OEMs,
     resources and other levels of             and investors looking to better
     working capital provision than            understand the future liquidity
     larger players, and correspondingly       prospects of their companies and
     higher risk profiles. Our working         competitors, supplier base, or
     capital analysis shows that different     potential investment targets.
     segments of suppliers have different

2   PricewaterhouseCoopers
The economic crisis: Full speed to hard brake

The global recession had a massive        The US market was the first to
impact on the automotive industry.        be hit by the economic crisis
In Germany alone, more than               in 2007, although the downturn
100 suppliers filed for insolvency.       quickly spread to European and
Across the Atlantic, two of the           Asian markets during the course
so-called Detroit 3 OEMs, General         of 2008. Consequently, European
Motors and Chrysler, went through         suppliers with a major share of their
bankruptcy that impacted many of          business coming from the US
their suppliers.                          market generally experienced a
                                          greater decline in EBIT in 2008 than
The impact of the crisis on the           did those with a strong focus on
P&L was dramatic. Operational             the European Market. Our analysis
profitability of European suppliers       shows that small and medium sized
fell by more than 70% between             companies experienced the smallest
2007 and 2009, from 5.3% to 1.4%,         impact on margins, possibly as
representing the steepest decline         they tend to have a smaller global
in the past five years (Figure 1).        footprint.
Revenue growth came to a virtual
halt in 2008, with an increase of just
1.5%, and collapsed in 2009, as           Figure 1:
revenues declined 21.9%.                  EBIT margin and revenue growth rate
                                          Median, in %
While the downturn had a negative
impact on all segments of the
industry, some suppliers were
less able to weather the crisis                                                          8.5%
than were their industry peers.                       5.8%                                      3.7%
Service providers in particular,            5%                                                                1.4%
                                                      4.8%              4.4%             5.3%
such as engineering companies,
experienced a decline in profitability
of almost 6% from 3.7% to -1.9%            -5%
in 2009 (Figure 2). When the
crisis began, OEMs and tier-1             -10%
suppliers limited their outsourcing
of development projects and               -15%
contracting third parties. As a result,
order books of service providers                                                                                 -21.9%
dried up after the completion of          -25%
ongoing projects in 2009.                              2005             2006             2007   2008          2009*

                                                    EBIT margin
                                                    Revenue growth rate
                                                 Source: PwC SupplierFacts
                                                 *2009 based on set of 61 selected suppliers

                                                                                                       PricewaterhouseCoopers   3
Sidebar heading 1 out of fuel?
     Scarce liquidity: Running

     In order to preserve liquidity,                                              While the need to free up cash may
     many companies looked to                                                     have been paramount for some,
     reduce investments and began                                                 cutting R&D can be a risky strategy.
     reassessing projects in research and                                         Demand trends are shifting and
     development (R&D). This strategy                                             technology is changing rapidly,
     was only able to offer limited                                               so suppliers that cut back too
     potential savings, as projects in                                            significantly on programs which
     progress were usually finished to                                            drive innovation risk losing their
     minimise sunk costs. As a means                                              competitiveness. Further, new
     to increase liquidity, this strategy                                         regulations are creating increased
     is generally more effective over the                                         technical demands on the industry.
     mid rather the short-term. Given the                                         Suppliers and car manufacturers
     precipitous drop in demand and the                                           may need to return to a higher
     difficulties inherent in cutting on-                                         level of investment in the medium
     going projects, it is not surprising                                         term to keep up with changing
     to see an increase in the relation of                                        demands impacted by regulation
     CAPEX to revenues in 2008. In 2009,                                          and competition.
     as more programs drew to a close,
     the level of investments bottomed
     out, with CAPEX averaging a mere
     4.1% of revenues.

    Figure 2:                                                                                                        Figure 3:
    EBIT—Margin by sub segment                                                                                       EBIT—Margin by size
    Median, in % of revenue                                                                                          Median, in % of revenue

    8%                                                                                                               8%

    6%                                                                                                                                                                           6.9%


    4%                                                                                                                                                     5.6%











    2%                                                                                                                                4.0%

                                                                                                                                               3.5%                                      3.4%
                                                                                                                     2%                                            2.8%

                                                                                                                                                                          1.3%                   0.1%
    -2%                                                                                                              0%

    -8%                                                                                                              -4%
            Exterior            Chassis/  Powertrain     Interior   Electrical/     Service              Raw                          <1,000                    1,000–5,000             >5,000
                                Underbody                           Electronic      Provider             Materials
                                                                                                                              2007                                                      Revenue in Mio. €
                                                                                                                              YoY Change 2008/09
             YoY Change
                                                                                                                           Source: PwC SupplierFacts
          Source: PwC SupplierFacts                                                                                        *2009 based on set of 60 suppliers

4    PricewaterhouseCoopers
Figure 4:                                                                  Figure 5:
CAPEX                                                                      Working capital to sales
Median, in % of revenue                                                    Median, in % of revenue

7%                                                                         18%

6%                                                                         16%
          5.5%              5.6%
5%                                           5.1%                          14%

4%                                                            4.1%         12%
                                                                                     2004           2005          2006         2007      2008        2009*
           2005             2006             2007   2008      2009*

     Source: PwC SupplierFacts                                                      500                     >5,000
     *2009 based on set of 60 selected suppliers                                    500–1,000               Median

                                                                                 Source: PwC SupplierFacts
                                                                                 *2009 based on set of 30 selected suppliers

                                                      Many companies viewed working                        Furthermore, the first signs of
                                                      capital as another feasible source                   recovery at the end of 2009 resulted
                                                      of liquidity. Facing zero or negative                in a restocking. This is reflected
                                                      growth, working capital was quickly                  in the year end values of working
                                                      adjusted to the new levels of                        capital of the analysed suppliers.
                                                      demand, and unrealised reserves to
                                                      cover operational liquidity demand                   A characteristic of the economic
                                                      were released.                                       crisis was the limited access to
                                                                                                           external financing via established
                                                      As a result, net working capital                     sources such as banks and capital
                                                      was reduced to a level below the                     markets or equity investors due to
                                                      average in periods of economic                       the high degree of uncertainty and
                                                      growth and stability. Working capital                disrupted global capital flows. Small
                                                      to sales was reduced from 13.4%                      suppliers in particular tend to have
                                                      in 2006 to 10.7% in 2008. This drop                  limited access to capital markets
                                                      is effectively a 20% decline and                     and often had to rely on internal
                                                      represents 2.7% of revenue. The                      sources of financing. Our analysis
                                                      impact cannot be overstated—the                      shows that the group of suppliers
                                                      liquidity achieved from working                      with less than m€ 500 revenue
                                                      capital reduction equals 45% of                      were able to reduce working capital
                                                      the capital expenditure in 2008 or                   between 2007 and 2008 more than
                                                      30% of the average EBITDA of the                     their larger competitors; however,
                                                      European supplier industry. In 2009                  with a ratio of 12.7%, the working
                                                      suppliers continued to draw upon                     capital of this group of suppliers is
                                                      working capital as a key source                      still above the average. In 2009 the
                                                      of liquidity, however, due to the                    suppliers had to restock partially,
                                                      speed of the revenue decline the                     but nevertheless working capital
                                                      levels of working capital could                      remained below pre-crisis levels.
                                                      not be adjusted simultaneously.

                                                                                                                                      PricewaterhouseCoopers   5
First signs of an upswing

     Some signs of hope for an               many industry observers expect
     improving economic outlook and a        decreasing sales volumes as such
     recovery in automotive demand can       initiatives come to an end in most
     be seen: in the emerging markets of     countries.
     India and China, demand showed
     a strong jump in August 2010;
     demand in India was up +34%

     Markets in Eastern Europe and Russia are still behind the registration levels seen
     before the crisis.

     in August and in China demand           Recovery would certainly be
     increased +37% YoY in August.           preferable to further stagnation
     In May 2010 Moody’s Investors           or decline; however, increasing
     Service upgraded the outlook for        demand also implies certain near-
     the global automotive industry to       term risks. Following a period of
     positive, and mature markets such       low or negative earnings and limited
     as the US posted more stable sales      access to financing, due to the
     than expected in the first quarter of   restrictive lending policies of banks,
     2010. However other major markets       suppliers and car manufacturers
     remain unpredictable. In Western        may have tapped every remaining
     Europe, demand for passenger            source of liquidity. Many suppliers
     vehicles was propped up by              may need to reassess their working
     scrappage schemes in 2009 and           capital policies to ensure that these
                                             are able to respond to market trends.

6   PricewaterhouseCoopers
Acceleration needs fuel

                            Optimisation of working capital is       with suppliers were maxed out or
                            generally considered essential for       renegotiated. Occasionally, car
                            a lean and efficient management          manufacturers agreed to settle
                            of companies. Improving capital          trade liabilities earlier to support
                            efficiency and thus capital charges      their supply base. For example, a
                            remain one of the main issues for        German OEM decided to pay its
                            operational management. But what         suppliers earlier at the end of 2009,
                            does the observed reduction of           eliminating a major share of trade
                            working capital mean? And what           receivables—and thus working
                            are the implications for supplier and    capital—of the OEM’s suppliers.
                            manufacturers as well as banks
                            and investors?                           Such measures only offer a
                                                                     stop-gap solution. If demand for
                            In the wake of the recent economic       passenger cars and commercial
                            crisis, even small companies are         vehicles normalises, levels of
                            actively addressing these questions      working capital is expected to revert
                            and working capital management           in the direction of the levels seen
                            has become a focal point of              before the crisis.

While in general the recent reduction in working capital levels is positive,
companies may want to ensure that they watch their liquidity closely and to remain
financially flexible to cover increased liquidity demands when growth returns.

                            interest for nearly every enterprise.    This could have a double impact on
                            This renewed attention has led to        the liquidity of suppliers. Suppliers
                            the uncovering of hidden reserves        may experience an immediate
                            and the optimisation of processes        cash outflow due to the additional
                            and stocks. In the long run this         working capital requirements of their
                            could result in a leaner organisation,   current level of revenues. Further,
                            less capital requirements and            an increase in demand could result
                            additional value for shareholders.       in the need to allocate additional
                                                                     capital to working capital reserves
                            Indeed, the current levels of working    in order to finance the additional
                            capital at suppliers are not likely      revenue growth.
                            to be sustainable. In the search
                            for liquidity, terms of payment

                                                                                           PricewaterhouseCoopers   7
Assuming that automotive suppliers return to a
     normalised level of working capital to revenue
     from 11.7% at the end of 2009 to the average
     of about 13.2% for the European supplier
     industry, working capital could need to grow by
     approximately 28.1% in 2010 compared to 2009.

     Many of the key forecasting                established than those of their larger
     parameters remain difficult to             counterparts. Thus, they may be
     predict, so projections for 2010 still     more sensitive to growing demand.
     reflect some uncertainty. In this light,
     the PwC Autofacts Group expects            Despite growing revenues,
     global assembly to be 68.7 million         profitability may remain low. Pre-
     vehicles in 2010.                          crisis production levels are not
                                                expected to be realized for some
     Smaller sized suppliers may                time, while global assembly
     experience even greater challenges.        overcapacity could remain at a high
     In general they have less negotiating      level, particularly in Europe, putting
     power and are less likely to be            pressure on car manufacturers to
     able to dictate conditions to other        demand further price cuts from
     suppliers and car manufacturers.           their suppliers. While investors and
     Smaller suppliers also showed              banks are likely to remain reluctant
     the highest net working capital            to finance automotive suppliers, and
     reduction in comparison to larger          only medium to large sized suppliers
     suppliers, and they may experience         may have direct access to capital
     a strong rebound effect. And while         markets, the quest for liquidity will
     we have seen impressive success            remain on the agenda of automotive
     in 2008 and 2009 regarding the             suppliers. Indeed, for many it may
     reduction of working capital, the          gain in importance and in some
     working capital management                 cases additional suppliers may
     processes at small sized suppliers         face illiquidity.
     are still less robust and well

8   PricewaterhouseCoopers
Benchmarking as integral part of financial forecasting

                                Many companies are aware of                       be grouped and benchmarked to
                                the patterns of working capital                   reveal the liquidity pattern of the
                                requirements when demand                          specific sub segment. To assess
                                returns after a downturn, however,                the risk of a specific supplier it is
                                they may not have implemented                     helpfull to map the relative position
                                sufficient tools to monitor and                   and performance of the company,
                                control the respective risks. Risks               as well as its current and future
                                and countermeasures often vary                    liquidity requirements.
                                depending on a company’s position
                                within the value chain.                           The benchmark for such evaluation
                                                                                  of a supplier can be derived from a
                                Our analysis shows that working                   comparable peer group to provide
                                capital based liquidity patterns may              realistic targets. For example,
                                vary significantly depending on the               engineering service providers that
                                size of the company. But size is                  have a high share of revenues from
                                not the only determiner of liquidity              products that are compensated on
                                requirements. Other factors that                  a per part base, when the specific
                                determine the supplier’s business                 part is used in production of a
                                model such as strategy, global                    supplier or OEM, generally have
                                footprint and product and service                 higher working capital requirements
                                portfolio are equally critical. It is             than those engineering service
                                obvious that each supplier could                  providers that focus on pre-
                                react individually on growing                     production development such as
                                demand; however, certain suppliers                prototyping. Thus, comparing the
                                with a similar business profile can               current or future cash requirements

                              Figure 6:
                              Implementing benchmarking in a risk management system

                                                                                  Define and              benchmarking
                                                            Gather resilient
                                 Define peer group                                calculate               data with
                                                                                  relevant KPIs           forecasting

                               • Direct competitors       • Standardised        • Define KPI relevant    • Historic liquidity
                                 or companies with          structure of          for specific segment     patterns of sub
                                 a similar risk profile     collected data      • Configure threshold      segment combined
                               • Experts judgment         • Audited data          values for KPIs and      with market
                                 of comparability           preferred             sub segments             forecasts
                                 of peers advisable       • Corporate level,                             • Suppliers, OEMs
                               • Analyse historical         where data is                                  and investors/
                                 development of             collected, should                              banks need to set
                                 peers to verify            be comparable                                  up process based
                                 comparability                                                             on individual

                                                                                                            PricewaterhouseCoopers   9
of an engineering service provider       different products instead of direct       available—individual accounts
     focused on the development of            competitors as part of the peer            for companies with no major
     production parts with the working        group.                                     subsidiaries.
     capital targets of prototyping
     focused service providers could          To ensure a robust analysis, the         Subsequently, meaningful key
     result in an underestimation of future   historic performance of identified       performance indicators (KPI) have
     liquidity needs.                         peer companies should also be            to be defined. They may differ for

     It is therefore essential to adjust the parameters and threshold values of a risk
     monitoring tool to peer group specific levels to assure a high level of reliability of
     the monitoring system.

     The first step in implementing           compared to the performance of           the specific segments and should
     a benchmarking analysis as               the focus company. This allows a         be chosen individually to measure
     part of the risk management              comprehensive peer group with a          the relevant value drivers of the
     and forecasting system is the            representative business and risk         business. Using the collected data,
     appropriate definition of a              profile to be identified.                the historical values of the KPIs can
     representative peer group. Direct                                                 be calculated and segment specific
                                              Afterwards, resilient data of the peer   patterns identified.
     competitors would seem to be
                                              group needs to be gathered in order
     the perfect fit, since they bear a
                                              to analyse performance. During this      Finally, the identified patterns should
     comparable risk implied in the
                                              process particular attention should      be combined with forecasting data
     business model. However, “pure
                                              be paid to the following factors:        to assess the risk of predicted
     play” suppliers of a single product or
     product segment are the exception.                                                market developments. While historic
                                              • Data should be gathered in a           results will not be a guarantee
     If the targeted peer companies             standardised structure to provide
     offer a similar product, however, it                                              for future trends, the identified
                                                a comparable database;                 patterns qualify as a suitable early
     represents only part of revenues
     for some of these companies and          • Audited financial statements           indicator. Forecasts should focus
     the risk profile will differ. The same     should be used. Major differences      on both the future development of
     principle holds true for other factors     in accounting standards should         the automotive market in general
     such as size or primary customers.         be eliminated or considered when       and the specific market of the focus
     In some cases it might be more             data is analysed;                      company. External automotive
     appropriate to use companies                                                      industry production forecasts,
     with similar business models but         • Data should be collected on            in combination with macro and
                                                a consolidated level or—if not         micro economic indicators, are a

10   PricewaterhouseCoopers
good foundation for a forecasting        • Continuously optimise and reduce       • Continuously benchmark data
system. Based on this data a               working capital requirements;            with respective peer group to
market model can be derived for                                                     monitor relative performance;
the relevant segment. Combining          • Implement an integrated cash
the projected market developments          flow forecasting methodology           • Simulate liquidity risks based on
with the selected, identified cash         based on market projections,             forecasted market development
flow patterns (e.g., working capital       including working capital                and sub-segment industry
patterns) will render possible the         requirements;                            patterns.
calculation of how KPIs of the focus
                                         • Consider results of integrated         Investors face the risk of mispricing
company are likely to be impacted
                                           forecasting in the development         a potential investment in the
by market developments.
                                           of financing strategy and your         pre-deal phase. Once they have
The process of implementation              communication with external            invested, they may end up losing
of an efficient and reliable risk          creditors.                             the investment or needing to inject
management system using historical                                                capital into a troubled investment
                                         OEMs also face supply chain risk.        due to a misinterpretation of
data as well as forecasting data
                                         While most OEMs monitor the              future capital requirements. These
needs to be tailored to the individual
                                         bigger suppliers, small and medium       concerns also apply to banks and
needs of the addressee. Installing
                                         sized suppliers, as well as tier-2       other creditors. The following steps
a benchmarking functionality in
                                         suppliers, can remain below the          could help to reduce such risks:
your risk management system
                                         radar. Nevertheless, a default by
may contribute significantly to the
                                         a specialist supplier may cause          • Compare historical capital
quality of the results. Suppliers,
                                         major disruption in the supply or          development with peer group
OEMs and investors should monitor
                                         production process or even halt            to assess performance of
the financial health of the supplier
                                         production. The following steps can        the company;
industry, but they face somewhat
                                         help to reduce the risk for the OEM
different issues, and will need to                                                • Reflect future business plan with
                                         and increase transparency:
refine their models accordingly.                                                    historical benchmarking data to
                                         • Get access to selected,                  validate plausibility;
Suppliers face the risk of limited
                                           standardised financial data of
access to working capital financing                                               • Simulate cash requirements
                                           own suppliers as well as selected,
in times of growing demand.                                                         based on industry patterns
                                           critical tier-2 suppliers (best in
Possible countermeasures include                                                    and assumptions regarding
                                           class processes may require
the following:                                                                      market development;
                                           critical tier -2 suppliers and those
• Analyse and understand working           who supply time-critical parts or
                                                                                  • Derive impact of cash
  capital requirements through             components to self-provide this
                                                                                    requirements on return on
  industry cycles;                         information on a regular basis);
                                                                                    investment and debt service.
• Monitor working capital                • Categorise suppliers to pre-
  on a timely basis as one                 defined sub segment with
  of the key KPIs for top                  individual industry pattern (e.g.,
  management reporting;                    electronic supplier, engineering
                                           service provider, etc.);

                                                                                                      PricewaterhouseCoopers   11
Gentlemen, keep your engines running

     While the worst of the economic          understanding the numbers may
     crisis may be behind us, major risks     not be enough, though. Automotive
     for all participants in the automotive   players also should consider having
     value chain lie ahead, even if           access to sound forecasting that
     demand recovers. For this reason,        helps anticipate changes in demand.
     suppliers, OEMs, investors and           Combining financial benchmarking
     creditors should consider further        with an integrated forecasting
     focus on liquidity issues. They          methodology can provide a sound
     could benefit from understanding         analytical basis for decision making.
     the industry patterns for each
     relevant sub segment, including          Those players that survive the crisis
     capital requirements driven both         and the initial phase of an upswing
     by working capital and by future         with a solid liquidity cushion may
     CAPEX needs, which may have to           have the financial flexibility to
     increase to pre-crisis levels in order   benefit from the recovery afterwards
     to keep up with the technological        and the opportunity to gain a
     progress of the industry. Simply         considerable competitive advantage.

12   PricewaterhouseCoopers
More about the SupplierFacts Benchmarking Tool
We analysed the influence of the crisis with our SupplierFacts Benchmarking
Tool to understand the implications on the financial performance of suppliers
and to identify major risks for suppliers, car manufacturers and investors, as
well as external creditors. We drew upon the annual reports of almost 200
European automotive suppliers for the period 2004-2008 to create a historical
dataset. For 2009 we analysed a set of 60 automotive suppliers with a global

To have a deeper conversation about any of the issues in
this paper, please contact:

Jan Ebert
Phone: +49 511 5357-5858

Dr. Michael Borgmann
Phone: +49 511 5357-5851

Regional Automotive Practice Lead Partners

Global Automotive Leader                                        North America Automotive Leader
Rick Hanna                                                      Dave Breen                              
Phone: +1 (313) 394 3450                                        Phone: +1 (313) 394 6559

European Leader                                                 Asia-Pacific Leader
Felix Kuhnert                                                   Graeme Billings                              
Phone: +49 711 25034 3309                                       Phone: +61 (3) 8603 3007

Global Automotive Tax Leader                                    South America Automotive Leader
Horst Rättig                                                    Marcelo Cioffi                              
Phone: +49 30 2636 5301                                         Phone: +55 (11) 3674-2000

Automotive Marketing
Monika Schwarzer
Phone: +49 711 25034-1262

© 2010 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. “PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP,
a Delaware limited liability partnership, or, as the context requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network or other member
firms of the network, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity. This document is for general information purposes
only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. DT-11-0020

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Understanding the-health-of-your-supplier

  • 1. September 2010 Understanding the health of your supplier: Is your company fuelled with working capital? At a glance With demand hard-hit by the Suppliers looking to increase Suppliers, OEMs, and investors recent recession, many suppliers production in response to should consider benchmarking restructured their operations and improving market conditions may analysis of working capital adjusted trade working capital to have capacity challenges and requirements and developing reduced demand levels. pressure on liquidity. strategies to better understand future liquidity prospects. pwc
  • 2. Understanding the health of your supplier network: Is your company fuelled with working capital? Introduction: cash patterns. These variations can have major impact on a risk With demand hard-hit by the assessment since the evaluation recent recession, many suppliers of currently available liquidity and restructured their operations and future cash requirements may adjusted trade working capital differ significantly depending to reduced demand levels. As a on the business model of the result, suppliers now looking to analysed supplier. increase production in response to improving market conditions may In this article, we look at the impact have capacity challenges and will of the recent market developments often need to finance in advance on working capital requirements significant shares of their purchases, and highlight some of the different putting pressure on liquidity. Thus, trends observed across segments. OEMs and suppliers need to We also describe the advantages of understand and respond to the using benchmarking analysis when resulting risks for their supply chains considering liquidity patterns and or investments. working capital requirements. Thus, Those suppliers that survive the initial phase of an improved market with a solid liquidity cushion could have the financial flexibility to benefit from the recovery afterwards and the opportunity to gain a considerable competitive advantage. While traditionally risk management identifying and including companies has focused attention primarily on of the relevant segment within major suppliers, small and mid- the benchmarking base is critical sized suppliers can also represent to understanding and assessing a key element in the supply chain. the overall risk levels of a specific These small and mid-sized suppliers company. Finally, we provide some may have more limited financing strategies for suppliers, OEMs, resources and other levels of and investors looking to better working capital provision than understand the future liquidity larger players, and correspondingly prospects of their companies and higher risk profiles. Our working competitors, supplier base, or capital analysis shows that different potential investment targets. segments of suppliers have different 2 PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 3. The economic crisis: Full speed to hard brake The global recession had a massive The US market was the first to impact on the automotive industry. be hit by the economic crisis In Germany alone, more than in 2007, although the downturn 100 suppliers filed for insolvency. quickly spread to European and Across the Atlantic, two of the Asian markets during the course so-called Detroit 3 OEMs, General of 2008. Consequently, European Motors and Chrysler, went through suppliers with a major share of their bankruptcy that impacted many of business coming from the US their suppliers. market generally experienced a greater decline in EBIT in 2008 than The impact of the crisis on the did those with a strong focus on P&L was dramatic. Operational the European Market. Our analysis profitability of European suppliers shows that small and medium sized fell by more than 70% between companies experienced the smallest 2007 and 2009, from 5.3% to 1.4%, impact on margins, possibly as representing the steepest decline they tend to have a smaller global in the past five years (Figure 1). footprint. Revenue growth came to a virtual halt in 2008, with an increase of just 1.5%, and collapsed in 2009, as Figure 1: revenues declined 21.9%. EBIT margin and revenue growth rate Median, in % While the downturn had a negative impact on all segments of the 15% industry, some suppliers were less able to weather the crisis 8.5% 10% 7.5% than were their industry peers. 5.8% 3.7% Service providers in particular, 5% 1.4% 4.8% 4.4% 5.3% such as engineering companies, 0% experienced a decline in profitability 1.5% of almost 6% from 3.7% to -1.9% -5% in 2009 (Figure 2). When the crisis began, OEMs and tier-1 -10% suppliers limited their outsourcing of development projects and -15% contracting third parties. As a result, -20% order books of service providers -21.9% dried up after the completion of -25% ongoing projects in 2009. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009* EBIT margin Revenue growth rate Source: PwC SupplierFacts *2009 based on set of 61 selected suppliers PricewaterhouseCoopers 3
  • 4. Sidebar heading 1 out of fuel? Scarce liquidity: Running In order to preserve liquidity, While the need to free up cash may many companies looked to have been paramount for some, reduce investments and began cutting R&D can be a risky strategy. reassessing projects in research and Demand trends are shifting and development (R&D). This strategy technology is changing rapidly, was only able to offer limited so suppliers that cut back too potential savings, as projects in significantly on programs which progress were usually finished to drive innovation risk losing their minimise sunk costs. As a means competitiveness. Further, new to increase liquidity, this strategy regulations are creating increased is generally more effective over the technical demands on the industry. mid rather the short-term. Given the Suppliers and car manufacturers precipitous drop in demand and the may need to return to a higher difficulties inherent in cutting on- level of investment in the medium going projects, it is not surprising term to keep up with changing to see an increase in the relation of demands impacted by regulation CAPEX to revenues in 2008. In 2009, and competition. as more programs drew to a close, the level of investments bottomed out, with CAPEX averaging a mere 4.1% of revenues. Figure 2: Figure 3: EBIT—Margin by sub segment EBIT—Margin by size Median, in % of revenue Median, in % of revenue 8% 8% 6% 6.9% 6% 5.8% 5.7% 5.7% 5.4% 4% 5.6% 4.8% 4.5% 1.2% 0.6% 1.2% 1.8% 1.6% 0.8% 4.2% 3.8% 3.7% 4% 3.6% 4.5% 3.5% 3.4% 2% 4.0% 2.3% 2.2% 3.5% 3.4% 2% 2.8% 0% -2.1% 1.3% 0.1% -2% 0% -4% -2% -6% -8% -4% Exterior Chassis/ Powertrain Interior Electrical/ Service Raw <1,000 1,000–5,000 >5,000 Underbody Electronic Provider Materials 2007 Revenue in Mio. € 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 YoY Change 2008/09 YoY Change Source: PwC SupplierFacts Source: PwC SupplierFacts *2009 based on set of 60 suppliers 4 PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 5. Figure 4: Figure 5: CAPEX Working capital to sales Median, in % of revenue Median, in % of revenue 7% 18% 6% 16% 6.0% 5.5% 5.6% 5% 5.1% 14% 4% 4.1% 12% 3% 10% 2% 8% 1% 6% 0% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009* 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009* Source: PwC SupplierFacts 500 >5,000 *2009 based on set of 60 selected suppliers 500–1,000 Median 1,000–5,000 Source: PwC SupplierFacts *2009 based on set of 30 selected suppliers Many companies viewed working Furthermore, the first signs of capital as another feasible source recovery at the end of 2009 resulted of liquidity. Facing zero or negative in a restocking. This is reflected growth, working capital was quickly in the year end values of working adjusted to the new levels of capital of the analysed suppliers. demand, and unrealised reserves to cover operational liquidity demand A characteristic of the economic were released. crisis was the limited access to external financing via established As a result, net working capital sources such as banks and capital was reduced to a level below the markets or equity investors due to average in periods of economic the high degree of uncertainty and growth and stability. Working capital disrupted global capital flows. Small to sales was reduced from 13.4% suppliers in particular tend to have in 2006 to 10.7% in 2008. This drop limited access to capital markets is effectively a 20% decline and and often had to rely on internal represents 2.7% of revenue. The sources of financing. Our analysis impact cannot be overstated—the shows that the group of suppliers liquidity achieved from working with less than m€ 500 revenue capital reduction equals 45% of were able to reduce working capital the capital expenditure in 2008 or between 2007 and 2008 more than 30% of the average EBITDA of the their larger competitors; however, European supplier industry. In 2009 with a ratio of 12.7%, the working suppliers continued to draw upon capital of this group of suppliers is working capital as a key source still above the average. In 2009 the of liquidity, however, due to the suppliers had to restock partially, speed of the revenue decline the but nevertheless working capital levels of working capital could remained below pre-crisis levels. not be adjusted simultaneously. PricewaterhouseCoopers 5
  • 6. First signs of an upswing Some signs of hope for an many industry observers expect improving economic outlook and a decreasing sales volumes as such recovery in automotive demand can initiatives come to an end in most be seen: in the emerging markets of countries. India and China, demand showed a strong jump in August 2010; demand in India was up +34% Markets in Eastern Europe and Russia are still behind the registration levels seen before the crisis. in August and in China demand Recovery would certainly be increased +37% YoY in August. preferable to further stagnation In May 2010 Moody’s Investors or decline; however, increasing Service upgraded the outlook for demand also implies certain near- the global automotive industry to term risks. Following a period of positive, and mature markets such low or negative earnings and limited as the US posted more stable sales access to financing, due to the than expected in the first quarter of restrictive lending policies of banks, 2010. However other major markets suppliers and car manufacturers remain unpredictable. In Western may have tapped every remaining Europe, demand for passenger source of liquidity. Many suppliers vehicles was propped up by may need to reassess their working scrappage schemes in 2009 and capital policies to ensure that these are able to respond to market trends. 6 PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 7. Acceleration needs fuel Optimisation of working capital is with suppliers were maxed out or generally considered essential for renegotiated. Occasionally, car a lean and efficient management manufacturers agreed to settle of companies. Improving capital trade liabilities earlier to support efficiency and thus capital charges their supply base. For example, a remain one of the main issues for German OEM decided to pay its operational management. But what suppliers earlier at the end of 2009, does the observed reduction of eliminating a major share of trade working capital mean? And what receivables—and thus working are the implications for supplier and capital—of the OEM’s suppliers. manufacturers as well as banks and investors? Such measures only offer a stop-gap solution. If demand for In the wake of the recent economic passenger cars and commercial crisis, even small companies are vehicles normalises, levels of actively addressing these questions working capital is expected to revert and working capital management in the direction of the levels seen has become a focal point of before the crisis. While in general the recent reduction in working capital levels is positive, companies may want to ensure that they watch their liquidity closely and to remain financially flexible to cover increased liquidity demands when growth returns. interest for nearly every enterprise. This could have a double impact on This renewed attention has led to the liquidity of suppliers. Suppliers the uncovering of hidden reserves may experience an immediate and the optimisation of processes cash outflow due to the additional and stocks. In the long run this working capital requirements of their could result in a leaner organisation, current level of revenues. Further, less capital requirements and an increase in demand could result additional value for shareholders. in the need to allocate additional capital to working capital reserves Indeed, the current levels of working in order to finance the additional capital at suppliers are not likely revenue growth. to be sustainable. In the search for liquidity, terms of payment PricewaterhouseCoopers 7
  • 8. Assuming that automotive suppliers return to a normalised level of working capital to revenue from 11.7% at the end of 2009 to the average of about 13.2% for the European supplier industry, working capital could need to grow by approximately 28.1% in 2010 compared to 2009. Many of the key forecasting established than those of their larger parameters remain difficult to counterparts. Thus, they may be predict, so projections for 2010 still more sensitive to growing demand. reflect some uncertainty. In this light, the PwC Autofacts Group expects Despite growing revenues, global assembly to be 68.7 million profitability may remain low. Pre- vehicles in 2010. crisis production levels are not expected to be realized for some Smaller sized suppliers may time, while global assembly experience even greater challenges. overcapacity could remain at a high In general they have less negotiating level, particularly in Europe, putting power and are less likely to be pressure on car manufacturers to able to dictate conditions to other demand further price cuts from suppliers and car manufacturers. their suppliers. While investors and Smaller suppliers also showed banks are likely to remain reluctant the highest net working capital to finance automotive suppliers, and reduction in comparison to larger only medium to large sized suppliers suppliers, and they may experience may have direct access to capital a strong rebound effect. And while markets, the quest for liquidity will we have seen impressive success remain on the agenda of automotive in 2008 and 2009 regarding the suppliers. Indeed, for many it may reduction of working capital, the gain in importance and in some working capital management cases additional suppliers may processes at small sized suppliers face illiquidity. are still less robust and well 8 PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 9. Benchmarking as integral part of financial forecasting Many companies are aware of be grouped and benchmarked to the patterns of working capital reveal the liquidity pattern of the requirements when demand specific sub segment. To assess returns after a downturn, however, the risk of a specific supplier it is they may not have implemented helpfull to map the relative position sufficient tools to monitor and and performance of the company, control the respective risks. Risks as well as its current and future and countermeasures often vary liquidity requirements. depending on a company’s position within the value chain. The benchmark for such evaluation of a supplier can be derived from a Our analysis shows that working comparable peer group to provide capital based liquidity patterns may realistic targets. For example, vary significantly depending on the engineering service providers that size of the company. But size is have a high share of revenues from not the only determiner of liquidity products that are compensated on requirements. Other factors that a per part base, when the specific determine the supplier’s business part is used in production of a model such as strategy, global supplier or OEM, generally have footprint and product and service higher working capital requirements portfolio are equally critical. It is than those engineering service obvious that each supplier could providers that focus on pre- react individually on growing production development such as demand; however, certain suppliers prototyping. Thus, comparing the with a similar business profile can current or future cash requirements Figure 6: Implementing benchmarking in a risk management system Combine Define and benchmarking Gather resilient Define peer group calculate data with database relevant KPIs forecasting model • Direct competitors • Standardised • Define KPI relevant • Historic liquidity or companies with structure of for specific segment patterns of sub a similar risk profile collected data • Configure threshold segment combined • Experts judgment • Audited data values for KPIs and with market of comparability preferred sub segments forecasts of peers advisable • Corporate level, • Suppliers, OEMs • Analyse historical where data is and investors/ development of collected, should banks need to set peers to verify be comparable up process based comparability on individual requirements PricewaterhouseCoopers 9
  • 10. of an engineering service provider different products instead of direct available—individual accounts focused on the development of competitors as part of the peer for companies with no major production parts with the working group. subsidiaries. capital targets of prototyping focused service providers could To ensure a robust analysis, the Subsequently, meaningful key result in an underestimation of future historic performance of identified performance indicators (KPI) have liquidity needs. peer companies should also be to be defined. They may differ for It is therefore essential to adjust the parameters and threshold values of a risk monitoring tool to peer group specific levels to assure a high level of reliability of the monitoring system. The first step in implementing compared to the performance of the specific segments and should a benchmarking analysis as the focus company. This allows a be chosen individually to measure part of the risk management comprehensive peer group with a the relevant value drivers of the and forecasting system is the representative business and risk business. Using the collected data, appropriate definition of a profile to be identified. the historical values of the KPIs can representative peer group. Direct be calculated and segment specific Afterwards, resilient data of the peer patterns identified. competitors would seem to be group needs to be gathered in order the perfect fit, since they bear a to analyse performance. During this Finally, the identified patterns should comparable risk implied in the process particular attention should be combined with forecasting data business model. However, “pure be paid to the following factors: to assess the risk of predicted play” suppliers of a single product or product segment are the exception. market developments. While historic • Data should be gathered in a results will not be a guarantee If the targeted peer companies standardised structure to provide offer a similar product, however, it for future trends, the identified a comparable database; patterns qualify as a suitable early represents only part of revenues for some of these companies and • Audited financial statements indicator. Forecasts should focus the risk profile will differ. The same should be used. Major differences on both the future development of principle holds true for other factors in accounting standards should the automotive market in general such as size or primary customers. be eliminated or considered when and the specific market of the focus In some cases it might be more data is analysed; company. External automotive appropriate to use companies industry production forecasts, with similar business models but • Data should be collected on in combination with macro and a consolidated level or—if not micro economic indicators, are a 10 PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 11. good foundation for a forecasting • Continuously optimise and reduce • Continuously benchmark data system. Based on this data a working capital requirements; with respective peer group to market model can be derived for monitor relative performance; the relevant segment. Combining • Implement an integrated cash the projected market developments flow forecasting methodology • Simulate liquidity risks based on with the selected, identified cash based on market projections, forecasted market development flow patterns (e.g., working capital including working capital and sub-segment industry patterns) will render possible the requirements; patterns. calculation of how KPIs of the focus • Consider results of integrated Investors face the risk of mispricing company are likely to be impacted forecasting in the development a potential investment in the by market developments. of financing strategy and your pre-deal phase. Once they have The process of implementation communication with external invested, they may end up losing of an efficient and reliable risk creditors. the investment or needing to inject management system using historical capital into a troubled investment OEMs also face supply chain risk. due to a misinterpretation of data as well as forecasting data While most OEMs monitor the future capital requirements. These needs to be tailored to the individual bigger suppliers, small and medium concerns also apply to banks and needs of the addressee. Installing sized suppliers, as well as tier-2 other creditors. The following steps a benchmarking functionality in suppliers, can remain below the could help to reduce such risks: your risk management system radar. Nevertheless, a default by may contribute significantly to the a specialist supplier may cause • Compare historical capital quality of the results. Suppliers, major disruption in the supply or development with peer group OEMs and investors should monitor production process or even halt to assess performance of the financial health of the supplier production. The following steps can the company; industry, but they face somewhat help to reduce the risk for the OEM different issues, and will need to • Reflect future business plan with and increase transparency: refine their models accordingly. historical benchmarking data to • Get access to selected, validate plausibility; Suppliers face the risk of limited standardised financial data of access to working capital financing • Simulate cash requirements own suppliers as well as selected, in times of growing demand. based on industry patterns critical tier-2 suppliers (best in Possible countermeasures include and assumptions regarding class processes may require the following: market development; critical tier -2 suppliers and those • Analyse and understand working who supply time-critical parts or • Derive impact of cash capital requirements through components to self-provide this requirements on return on industry cycles; information on a regular basis); investment and debt service. • Monitor working capital • Categorise suppliers to pre- on a timely basis as one defined sub segment with of the key KPIs for top individual industry pattern (e.g., management reporting; electronic supplier, engineering service provider, etc.); PricewaterhouseCoopers 11
  • 12. Gentlemen, keep your engines running While the worst of the economic understanding the numbers may crisis may be behind us, major risks not be enough, though. Automotive for all participants in the automotive players also should consider having value chain lie ahead, even if access to sound forecasting that demand recovers. For this reason, helps anticipate changes in demand. suppliers, OEMs, investors and Combining financial benchmarking creditors should consider further with an integrated forecasting focus on liquidity issues. They methodology can provide a sound could benefit from understanding analytical basis for decision making. the industry patterns for each relevant sub segment, including Those players that survive the crisis capital requirements driven both and the initial phase of an upswing by working capital and by future with a solid liquidity cushion may CAPEX needs, which may have to have the financial flexibility to increase to pre-crisis levels in order benefit from the recovery afterwards to keep up with the technological and the opportunity to gain a progress of the industry. Simply considerable competitive advantage. 12 PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 13. More about the SupplierFacts Benchmarking Tool We analysed the influence of the crisis with our SupplierFacts Benchmarking Tool to understand the implications on the financial performance of suppliers and to identify major risks for suppliers, car manufacturers and investors, as well as external creditors. We drew upon the annual reports of almost 200 European automotive suppliers for the period 2004-2008 to create a historical dataset. For 2009 we analysed a set of 60 automotive suppliers with a global footprint. To have a deeper conversation about any of the issues in this paper, please contact: Authors Jan Ebert Phone: +49 511 5357-5858 Dr. Michael Borgmann Phone: +49 511 5357-5851
  • 14. Regional Automotive Practice Lead Partners Global Automotive Leader North America Automotive Leader Rick Hanna Dave Breen Phone: +1 (313) 394 3450 Phone: +1 (313) 394 6559 European Leader Asia-Pacific Leader Felix Kuhnert Graeme Billings Phone: +49 711 25034 3309 Phone: +61 (3) 8603 3007 Global Automotive Tax Leader South America Automotive Leader Horst Rättig Marcelo Cioffi Phone: +49 30 2636 5301 Phone: +55 (11) 3674-2000 Automotive Marketing Monika Schwarzer Phone: +49 711 25034-1262 © 2010 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. “PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership, or, as the context requires, the PricewaterhouseCoopers global network or other member firms of the network, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity. This document is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. DT-11-0020