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Acceptance &
                          Testing Using
                                   Ben Waine
                                Twitter: @bwaine

Saturday, 29 October 11
Pair Programming

                          Say hello to the person next to you....

Saturday, 29 October 11
Set Up

                          USB Stick

Saturday, 29 October 11
Set Up
                                  For instant set up:

            1) Copy code into a new vhost with the web root
                     pointing at the ‘public’ folder.

                              2) Uncomment line 13 in:

                          3) Install Sahi from the misc folder.

Saturday, 29 October 11
Set Up
                                  Goto: tests/acceptance/

            If setting up today run the Behat command using
                      eg: php behat.phar --tags demo1

                          If you have previously set up, run the
                                      behat command
                                  eg: behat --tags demo1

Saturday, 29 October 11
          Software Engineer
          PHP Developer

         Sky Bet
         PHP / MySQL Stack
         PHPUnit / Selenium / Behat

Saturday, 29 October 11
        •Intro To Behaviour Driven Development
        •Introducing Behat
        •Gherkin & Steps
        •API / Service Layer Testing
        •UI Testing
        •Phabric - Dynamic Fixture Creation

Saturday, 29 October 11


Saturday, 29 October 11
What Marco Said......

Saturday, 29 October 11

Saturday, 29 October 11
What is BDD?

Saturday, 29 October 11
Introducing Behat....

Saturday, 29 October 11
Resistance is futile.......
Saturday, 29 October 11

Origins in Rubys cucumber
What Does It Test?

                               Web Pages

Saturday, 29 October 11
Integration Testing
                             Unit Testing

Saturday, 29 October 11
Anatomy Of A Behat Test

Saturday, 29 October 11
Saturday, 29 October 11

Describes the behaviour in a story
Human Readable
Samples Later
Saturday, 29 October 11

PHP that maps to lines of the gherkin.
Behat parses gherkin and runs the associated
Writing Behat Tests

                          $ben > cd /path/to/projects/tests
                          $ben > behat --init

Saturday, 29 October 11

Bootstrap Behat. Provides you with a structure
Writing Behat Tests

Saturday, 29 October 11
Feature Files

         Feature: Home Page
                  When visiting the PHPCon site
                  As a site visitor
                  I need to be able to see what
         `        conferences are coming up

Saturday, 29 October 11

Name of test
Description of test
Scenario: Get all conferences
    Given there is conference data in the database
    When I go to the homepage
    Then I should see three conferences in a table

Saturday, 29 October 11

Multiple scenarios in a single feature file
                          (Some Context)

                           (Some Event)

                          (The Outcome)

Saturday, 29 October 11

Always follow the same formula
                          (Some Context)
            Given there is conference data in the database

Saturday, 29 October 11

Sets up some state or context
                                  (Some Event)
                              When I go to the homepage

                          When I use the findConferences method
                               When I am on "/index.php"

                    When I fill in "search-text" with "PHP"

Saturday, 29 October 11

Executes whatever it is your testing.
A http call, a method invocation, a page load
                            (The Outcome)
            Then I should see three conferences in a table

            Then I should get a array of three conferences

                          Then I should see "PHPNW"

Saturday, 29 October 11

An assertion.
Has it worked?
Are we seeing what we expect to see.

      Feature: ConferenceService Class
               In order to display conferences on
               PHPCon site
               As a developer
               I need to be able to retrieve conferences

      Scenario: Get all conferences
          Given there is conference data in the database
          When I use the findConferences method
          Then I should get a array of three conferences
                     AND it should contain the conference “PHPNW”

Saturday, 29 October 11

Written By our TESTERS - Fed In From BAs
How is this feature executed?
Each step is reusable!
Class Methods & Annotations

Saturday, 29 October 11

Written By our TESTERS - Fed In From BAs
How is this feature executed?
Each step is reusable!
/ Everybody Stand Back /
                Behat Knows Regular Expressions

Saturday, 29 October 11

PHP Annotations used to map steps to lines
Behat supplies regex.
Demo One

                          Behat’s - Regex Fu

Saturday, 29 October 11
                          The Sample Domain

Saturday, 29 October 11
My Amazing PHP Conference

Saturday, 29 October 11
Service Layers

Saturday, 29 October 11
Demo One

Saturday, 29 October 11
Fill in the Feature Context File
          public function __construct(array $parameters)
              $params = array(
                  'user' => $parameters['database']['username'],
                  'password' => $parameters['database']['password'],
                  'driver' => $parameters['database']['driver'],
                  'path' => $parameters['database']['dbPath'],

                    $con = DoctrineDBALDriverManager::getConnection($params);

                    $confMapper = new PHPConConferenceMapper($con);
                    $confService = new PHPConConferenceService($confMapper);

                    $this->service = $confService;

Saturday, 29 October 11

The Feature context file
- Ever feature gets a instance. Set up some
- Set up the object to test - similar to PHPUnit’s set
up method.
Fill in the Feature Context File

          * @Given /^there is conference data in the database$/
        public function thereIsConferneceDataInTheDatabase()
             $fileName = self::$dataDir .

Saturday, 29 October 11

Remember - Given sets the state.
Loads an sql fixture to the DB.
Fill in the Feature Context File

             * @When /^I use the findConferences method$/
           public function iUseTheFindConferencesMethod()
                $this->result = $this->service->findConferences();


Saturday, 29 October 11

Remember - When executes the thing you want to
Fill in the Feature Context File
             *@Then /^I should get an array of (d+) conferences$/
           public function iShouldGetAnArrayOfConferences
                assertInternalType('array', $this->result);
                assertEquals($numberOfCons, count($this->result));

Saturday, 29 October 11

Remember - This verifies the output
Also - identified a number. Passes the number into
the method.
                   * @Then /^it should contain the
                   * conference "([^"]*)"$/
                 public function itShouldContainTheConference
                      $names = array();

                          foreach($this->result as $conf)
                              $names[$conf->getName()] = true;

                          if(!array_key_exists($confName, $names))
                              throw new Exception("Conference "
                              . $confName . " not found");

Saturday, 29 October 11
Exceptions == Test Failures

Saturday, 29 October 11
Demo Two

                          Passing Behat Test

Saturday, 29 October 11
Exercise One

                          Testing a service layer with Behat.

Saturday, 29 October 11
Exercise One

                          Open the PDF in the misc folder.
                            Read through Section One.
                                  Start Coding :)

Saturday, 29 October 11
Failing Test

Saturday, 29 October 11

If exceptions are encountered .....
Passing Test!

Saturday, 29 October 11
What about the UI?

Saturday, 29 October 11

We’ve covered testing a service class. But how do you test the UI?

Saturday, 29 October 11

Part of the Behat Project.
A abstraction over a number of different browser testing tools.

                            Goutte           Sahi


Saturday, 29 October 11

Goutte - headless browser
Sahi - like selenium
Zombie.js -
Extend Mink Context

                          Includes predefined steps

                   Use Bundled steps to create
                    higher level abstractions.

Saturday, 29 October 11
Back To:
                 My Amazing PHP Conference

Saturday, 29 October 11

We need a UI to test

                          Using Minks Bundled Steps

  Scenario: View all conferences on the homepage
      Given there is conference data in the database
      When I am on "/index.php"
      Then I should see "PHPNW" in the ".conferences" element
      And I should see "PHPUK" in the ".conferences" element
      And I should see "PBC11" in the ".conferences" element

Saturday, 29 October 11

This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.

Saturday, 29 October 11

This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
class FeatureContext

                      public function __construct(array $parameters)
                                            new UIContext($parameters));

              !     // REST OF FEATURE CONSTRUCTOR


              # features/bootstrap/UIContext.php

              use BehatBehatContextClosuredContextInterface,

              use BehatGherkinNodePyStringNode,

              require_once 'mink/autoload.php';

              class UIContext extends BehatMinkBehatContextMinkContext


Saturday, 29 October 11

1) Linking feature files
2) All steps included ‘out the box’
Demo Three

                          A Behat UI Test (Using Mink + Goutte)

Saturday, 29 October 11

This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
Exercise Two

                          Testing the UI with Mink and
                          the headless browser Goutte.

Saturday, 29 October 11
Exercise Two

                          Open the PDF in the sources folder.
                             Read through Section Two.
                                   Start Coding :)

Saturday, 29 October 11
Abstracting your scenario

 Scenario: View all conferences on the homepage
     Given there is conference data in the database
     When I am on the "home" page
     Then I should see "PHPNW" in the "conferences table”
     And I should see "PHPUK" in the "conferences table”
     And I should see "PBC11" in the "conferences table”

Saturday, 29 October 11
Mink Feature Context

 class UIContext extends BehatMinkBehatContext
     protected $pageList = array(
                             "home" => '/index.php');
     protected $elementList = array(
                   "conferences table" => '.conferences');

Saturday, 29 October 11

A simple abstraction that makes a map of pages >
urls and elements > css selectors.
Example of step delegation.
Now you never change the feature file. Just steps.
              * @When /^I am on the "([^"]*)" page$/
             public function iAmOnThePage($pageName) {

                          if(!isset($this->pageList[$pageName])) {
                              throw new Exception(
                                      'Page Name: not in page list');

                          $page = $this->pageList[$pageName];

                          return new When("I am on "$page"");

Saturday, 29 October 11

A simple abstraction that makes a map of pages >
urls and elements > css selectors.
Example of step delegation.
Now you never change the feature file. Just steps.
              * @Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)"$/
             public function iShouldSeeInThe($text, $element) {
                 if(!isset($this->elementList[$element])) {
                      throw new Exception(
                   'Element: ' . $element . ‘not in element list');
                 $element = $this->elementList[$element];

         new Then("I should see "$text" in the
 "$element" element");

Saturday, 29 October 11

A simple abstraction that makes a map of pages >
urls and elements > css selectors.
Example of step delegation.
Now you never change the feature file. Just steps.
Demo Four

              A Behat UI Test (Using Mink + Goutte)
         UI implementation abstracted away from Gherkin.

Saturday, 29 October 11

This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
Exercise Three

          Abstracting the UI implementation away from the

Saturday, 29 October 11
Exercise Three

                          Open the PDF in the sources folder.
                            Read through Section Three.
                                   Start Coding :)

Saturday, 29 October 11
Javascript Testing with

Saturday, 29 October 11
Back To:
                 My Amazing PHP Conference

Saturday, 29 October 11

We need a UI to test
          Scenario: Use autocomplete functionality to
          complete a input field
              Given there is conference data in the
              When I am on the "home" page
              When I fill in "search-text" with "PHP"
              And I wait for the suggestion box to appear
              Then I should see "PHPNW"

Saturday, 29 October 11

Mention @tags
SO you need to test java script.
Headless browser isn’t suitable.
Great Reuse

             Scenario: Use autocomplete functionality to
             complete a input field
                 Given there is conference data in the
                 When I am on the "home" page
                 When I fill in "search-text" with "PHP"
                 And I wait for the suggestion box to appear
                 Then I should see "PHPNW"

Saturday, 29 October 11

These are supplied by Mink. Woohoo!
// In the UIContext class
                             * @Given /^I wait for the suggestion box to appear$/
                           public function iWaitForTheSuggestionBoxToAppear()
                                    "$('.suggestions-results').children().length > 0"

Saturday, 29 October 11

Get session - gets you mink
Then execute jquery!
Demo Five

                              UI Testing With Sahi

Saturday, 29 October 11

This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
Saturday, 29 October 11
Exercise Four

                          UI Testing With Sahi

Saturday, 29 October 11
Exercise Four

                          Open the PDF in the sources folder.
                             Read through Section Four.
                                   Start Coding :)

Saturday, 29 October 11

Saturday, 29 October 11

How do you supply your data?
SQL Fixture

Saturday, 29 October 11

Can be difficult to maintain.
Hides Data in a fixture NOT in your scenarios.

Saturday, 29 October 11
Gherkin Tables

        Given The         following events   exist
        | Name |          Date               | Venue                  | Desc             |
        | PHPNW |         2011-10-08 09:00   | Ramada Hotel           | Awesome conf!    |
        | PHPUK |         2012-02-27 09:00   | London Business Center | Quite good conf. |

Saturday, 29 October 11
Demo Five

                          Dynamic fixture creation with Phabric.

Saturday, 29 October 11

This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
Case Study:
                          Behat at Sky Bet

Saturday, 29 October 11

Whats the problem we are solving.
Three elements of the team.
Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
The Problem

Saturday, 29 October 11

Whats the problem we are solving.
Three elements of the team.
Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
The Business
Saturday, 29 October 11

BA / Product owner has all the knowledge
Write stories
The Tester

Saturday, 29 October 11

Testers test implementation vs the story
Saturday, 29 October 11

Dev - write the code
Automate the process of testing if code meets the
requirements of a story
The Problem

Saturday, 29 October 11

Whats the problem we are solving.
Three elements of the team.
Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
BDD - Skybet Workflow

                                BA’s Write Stories

                              Testers Write Gherkin

                          Developers Write Steps + Code

Saturday, 29 October 11

Whats the problem we are solving.
Three elements of the team.
Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
BDD - Skybet Workflow

                                  Less Defects

                          Fewer times through this cycle

Saturday, 29 October 11

Whats the problem we are solving.
Three elements of the team.
Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
The Place Of Acceptance &
                        Integration Tests

Saturday, 29 October 11

Whats the problem we are solving.
Three elements of the team.
Delivering the product first time. Correctly.

Saturday, 29 October 11

Jason Huggins
The place of acceptance and integration tests
A whole world of trouble.

Saturday, 29 October 11

Takes a long time to run,
Harder to implement, when they break you have to do this again!
not as reassuring!


Saturday, 29 October 11

Saturday, 29 October 11
     Behat Github Page:

        Mink On Github:


       Phabric On Github:

Saturday, 29 October 11

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Acceptance & Integration Testing With Behat (PBC11)

  • 1. Acceptance & Integration Testing Using Behat Ben Waine Email: Twitter: @bwaine Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 2. Pair Programming Say hello to the person next to you.... Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 3. Set Up USB Stick Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 4. Set Up For instant set up: 1) Copy code into a new vhost with the web root pointing at the ‘public’ folder. 2) Uncomment line 13 in: tests/acceptance/features/bootstrap/UIContext.php 3) Install Sahi from the misc folder. Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 5. Set Up Goto: tests/acceptance/ If setting up today run the Behat command using behat.phar eg: php behat.phar --tags demo1 If you have previously set up, run the behat command eg: behat --tags demo1 Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 6. Me Software Engineer PHP Developer Sky Bet PHP / MySQL Stack PHPUnit / Selenium / Behat Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 7. Roadmap •Intro To Behaviour Driven Development •Introducing Behat •Gherkin & Steps •API / Service Layer Testing •UI Testing •Phabric - Dynamic Fixture Creation Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 8. Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 11. What is BDD? Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 13. Resistance is futile....... Saturday, 29 October 11 Origins in Rubys cucumber
  • 14. What Does It Test? Scripts API’s Web Pages Models Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 15. Integration Testing != Unit Testing Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 16. Anatomy Of A Behat Test Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 17. Saturday, 29 October 11 Describes the behaviour in a story Human Readable Samples Later
  • 18. Saturday, 29 October 11 PHP that maps to lines of the gherkin. Behat parses gherkin and runs the associated steps.
  • 19. Writing Behat Tests $ben > cd /path/to/projects/tests $ben > behat --init Saturday, 29 October 11 Bootstrap Behat. Provides you with a structure
  • 21. Feature Files Feature: Home Page When visiting the PHPCon site As a site visitor I need to be able to see what ` conferences are coming up Saturday, 29 October 11 Name of test Description of test
  • 22. Scenarios Scenario: Get all conferences Given there is conference data in the database When I go to the homepage Then I should see three conferences in a table Saturday, 29 October 11 Scenario. Multiple scenarios in a single feature file
  • 23. Scenarios Given (Some Context) When (Some Event) Then (The Outcome) Saturday, 29 October 11 Keywords. Always follow the same formula
  • 24. Given (Some Context) Given there is conference data in the database Saturday, 29 October 11 Sets up some state or context
  • 25. When (Some Event) When I go to the homepage When I use the findConferences method When I am on "/index.php" When I fill in "search-text" with "PHP" Saturday, 29 October 11 Executes whatever it is your testing. A http call, a method invocation, a page load
  • 26. Then (The Outcome) Then I should see three conferences in a table Then I should get a array of three conferences Then I should see "PHPNW" Saturday, 29 October 11 An assertion. Has it worked? Are we seeing what we expect to see.
  • 27. ConferenceService.feature Feature: ConferenceService Class In order to display conferences on PHPCon site As a developer I need to be able to retrieve conferences Scenario: Get all conferences Given there is conference data in the database When I use the findConferences method Then I should get a array of three conferences AND it should contain the conference “PHPNW” Saturday, 29 October 11 Written By our TESTERS - Fed In From BAs How is this feature executed? Each step is reusable! MENTION PHP METHODS + ANNOTATIONS!!!!
  • 28. Class Methods & Annotations Saturday, 29 October 11 Written By our TESTERS - Fed In From BAs How is this feature executed? Each step is reusable! MENTION PHP METHODS + ANNOTATIONS!!!!
  • 29. / Everybody Stand Back / Behat Knows Regular Expressions Saturday, 29 October 11 PHP Annotations used to map steps to lines Behat supplies regex.
  • 30. Demo One Behat’s - Regex Fu Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 31. Introducing....... The Sample Domain Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 32. My Amazing PHP Conference Website Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 34. Demo One Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 35. Fill in the Feature Context File public function __construct(array $parameters) { $params = array( 'user' => $parameters['database']['username'], 'password' => $parameters['database']['password'], 'driver' => $parameters['database']['driver'], 'path' => $parameters['database']['dbPath'], ); $con = DoctrineDBALDriverManager::getConnection($params); $confMapper = new PHPConConferenceMapper($con); $confService = new PHPConConferenceService($confMapper); $this->service = $confService; } Saturday, 29 October 11 The Feature context file - Ever feature gets a instance. Set up some resources. - Set up the object to test - similar to PHPUnit’s set up method.
  • 36. Fill in the Feature Context File /** * @Given /^there is conference data in the database$/ */ public function thereIsConferneceDataInTheDatabase() { $fileName = self::$dataDir . 'sample-conf-session-data.sql'; self::executeQueriesInFile($fileName); } Saturday, 29 October 11 Remember - Given sets the state. Loads an sql fixture to the DB.
  • 37. Fill in the Feature Context File /** * @When /^I use the findConferences method$/ */ public function iUseTheFindConferencesMethod() { $this->result = $this->service->findConferences(); } Saturday, 29 October 11 Remember - When executes the thing you want to test.
  • 38. Fill in the Feature Context File /** *@Then /^I should get an array of (d+) conferences$/ */ public function iShouldGetAnArrayOfConferences ($numberOfCons) { assertInternalType('array', $this->result); assertEquals($numberOfCons, count($this->result)); } Saturday, 29 October 11 Remember - This verifies the output Also - identified a number. Passes the number into the method.
  • 39. /** * @Then /^it should contain the * conference "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function itShouldContainTheConference ($confName) { $names = array(); foreach($this->result as $conf) { $names[$conf->getName()] = true; } if(!array_key_exists($confName, $names)) { throw new Exception("Conference " . $confName . " not found"); } } Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 40. Exceptions == Test Failures Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 41. Demo Two Passing Behat Test Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 42. Exercise One Testing a service layer with Behat. Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 43. Exercise One Open the PDF in the misc folder. Read through Section One. Start Coding :) Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 44. Failing Test Saturday, 29 October 11 If exceptions are encountered .....
  • 46. What about the UI? Saturday, 29 October 11 We’ve covered testing a service class. But how do you test the UI?
  • 47. Mink Saturday, 29 October 11 Part of the Behat Project. A abstraction over a number of different browser testing tools.
  • 48. Mink Goutte Sahi Zombie.js Saturday, 29 October 11 Goutte - headless browser Sahi - like selenium Zombie.js -
  • 49. Extend Mink Context Includes predefined steps Use Bundled steps to create higher level abstractions. Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 50. Back To: My Amazing PHP Conference Website! Saturday, 29 October 11 We need a UI to test introducing.....
  • 51. Example Using Minks Bundled Steps Scenario: View all conferences on the homepage Given there is conference data in the database When I am on "/index.php" Then I should see "PHPNW" in the ".conferences" element And I should see "PHPUK" in the ".conferences" element And I should see "PBC11" in the ".conferences" element Saturday, 29 October 11 This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
  • 52. Link FeatureContext.php to UIContext.php Saturday, 29 October 11 This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
  • 53. class FeatureContext public function __construct(array $parameters) { $this->useContext('subcontext_alias', new UIContext($parameters)); ! // REST OF FEATURE CONSTRUCTOR } # features/bootstrap/UIContext.php use BehatBehatContextClosuredContextInterface, BehatBehatContextBehatContext, BehatBehatExceptionPendingException; use BehatGherkinNodePyStringNode, BehatGherkinNodeTableNode; require_once 'mink/autoload.php'; class UIContext extends BehatMinkBehatContextMinkContext { } Saturday, 29 October 11 1) Linking feature files 2) All steps included ‘out the box’
  • 54. Demo Three A Behat UI Test (Using Mink + Goutte) Saturday, 29 October 11 This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
  • 55. Exercise Two Testing the UI with Mink and the headless browser Goutte. Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 56. Exercise Two Open the PDF in the sources folder. Read through Section Two. Start Coding :) Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 57. Abstracting your scenario Scenario: View all conferences on the homepage Given there is conference data in the database When I am on the "home" page Then I should see "PHPNW" in the "conferences table” And I should see "PHPUK" in the "conferences table” And I should see "PBC11" in the "conferences table” Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 58. Mink Feature Context class UIContext extends BehatMinkBehatContext MinkContext { protected $pageList = array( "home" => '/index.php'); protected $elementList = array( "conferences table" => '.conferences'); Saturday, 29 October 11 A simple abstraction that makes a map of pages > urls and elements > css selectors. Example of step delegation. Now you never change the feature file. Just steps.
  • 59. /** * @When /^I am on the "([^"]*)" page$/ */ public function iAmOnThePage($pageName) { if(!isset($this->pageList[$pageName])) { throw new Exception( 'Page Name: not in page list'); } $page = $this->pageList[$pageName]; return new When("I am on "$page""); } Saturday, 29 October 11 A simple abstraction that makes a map of pages > urls and elements > css selectors. Example of step delegation. Now you never change the feature file. Just steps.
  • 60. /** * @Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" in the "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iShouldSeeInThe($text, $element) { if(!isset($this->elementList[$element])) { throw new Exception( 'Element: ' . $element . ‘not in element list'); } $element = $this->elementList[$element]; return new Then("I should see "$text" in the "$element" element"); } Saturday, 29 October 11 A simple abstraction that makes a map of pages > urls and elements > css selectors. Example of step delegation. Now you never change the feature file. Just steps.
  • 61. Demo Four A Behat UI Test (Using Mink + Goutte) UI implementation abstracted away from Gherkin. Saturday, 29 October 11 This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
  • 62. Exercise Three Abstracting the UI implementation away from the Gherkin. Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 63. Exercise Three Open the PDF in the sources folder. Read through Section Three. Start Coding :) Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 64. Javascript Testing with Sahi Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 65. Back To: My Amazing PHP Conference Website! Saturday, 29 October 11 We need a UI to test introducing.....
  • 66. Example @javascript Scenario: Use autocomplete functionality to complete a input field Given there is conference data in the database When I am on the "home" page When I fill in "search-text" with "PHP" And I wait for the suggestion box to appear Then I should see "PHPNW" Saturday, 29 October 11 Mention @tags SO you need to test java script. Headless browser isn’t suitable.
  • 67. Great Reuse @javascript Scenario: Use autocomplete functionality to complete a input field Given there is conference data in the database When I am on the "home" page When I fill in "search-text" with "PHP" And I wait for the suggestion box to appear Then I should see "PHPNW" Saturday, 29 October 11 These are supplied by Mink. Woohoo! REUSE
  • 68. // In the UIContext class /** * @Given /^I wait for the suggestion box to appear$/ */ public function iWaitForTheSuggestionBoxToAppear() { $this->getSession()->wait(5000, "$('.suggestions-results').children().length > 0" ); } Saturday, 29 October 11 Get session - gets you mink Wait, Then execute jquery!
  • 69. Demo Five UI Testing With Sahi Saturday, 29 October 11 This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
  • 71. Exercise Four UI Testing With Sahi Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 72. Exercise Four Open the PDF in the sources folder. Read through Section Four. Start Coding :) Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 73. Data Saturday, 29 October 11 How do you supply your data?
  • 74. SQL Fixture Saturday, 29 October 11 Can be difficult to maintain. Hides Data in a fixture NOT in your scenarios.
  • 76. Gherkin Tables Scenario: Given The following events exist | Name | Date | Venue | Desc | | PHPNW | 2011-10-08 09:00 | Ramada Hotel | Awesome conf! | | PHPUK | 2012-02-27 09:00 | London Business Center | Quite good conf. | Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 77. Demo Five Dynamic fixture creation with Phabric. Saturday, 29 October 11 This is ok - but ties the feature to your implementation.
  • 78. Case Study: Behat at Sky Bet Saturday, 29 October 11 Whats the problem we are solving. Three elements of the team. Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
  • 79. The Problem Saturday, 29 October 11 Whats the problem we are solving. Three elements of the team. Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
  • 80. The Business Analyst Saturday, 29 October 11 BA / Product owner has all the knowledge Write stories
  • 81. The Tester Saturday, 29 October 11 Testers test implementation vs the story
  • 82. The Developer Saturday, 29 October 11 Dev - write the code Automate the process of testing if code meets the requirements of a story
  • 83. The Problem Saturday, 29 October 11 Whats the problem we are solving. Three elements of the team. Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
  • 84. BDD - Skybet Workflow BA’s Write Stories Testers Write Gherkin Developers Write Steps + Code Saturday, 29 October 11 Whats the problem we are solving. Three elements of the team. Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
  • 85. BDD - Skybet Workflow Less Defects Fewer times through this cycle Saturday, 29 October 11 Whats the problem we are solving. Three elements of the team. Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
  • 86. The Place Of Acceptance & Integration Tests Saturday, 29 October 11 Whats the problem we are solving. Three elements of the team. Delivering the product first time. Correctly.
  • 87. Balance. Saturday, 29 October 11 Jason Huggins The place of acceptance and integration tests
  • 88. A whole world of trouble. Saturday, 29 October 11 Takes a long time to run, Harder to implement, when they break you have to do this again! not as reassuring!
  • 89. Saturday, 29 October 11
  • 91. Links Behat Github Page: Mink On Github: Website: Phabric On Github: Phabric Saturday, 29 October 11