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Original Article

                           Customer experience and
                           profitability: An application of the
                           empathy rating index (ERIC) in
                           UK call centres
                           Received (in revised form): 6th April 2009

                           Jamie Lywood
                           is CEO of Harding & Yorke ( He is a well-known and highly respected speaker, and is directly responsible
                           for the strategic direction of the Harding & Yorke businesses, which include measurement, benchmarking and consultancy
                           in the Customer Experience space.

                           Merlin Stone
                           is a leading author and advisor on CRM strategy and implementation. He is Research Director at WCL, one of the United
                           Kingdom’s fastest growing management consultancies; Professor of Marketing at Bristol Business School; and Visiting Professor
                           of Marketing at several universities, including Oxford Brookes.

                           Yuksel Ekinci
                           is a reader in Marketing at Oxford Brookes University Business School. He specialises in customer satisfaction measurement
                           and user satisfaction with CRM.

                           ABSTRACT This article explores the relationship between customer experiences with
                           call centres and company profitability. Empirical research using data from the ERIC
                           Programme™ of Harding & Yorke and financial data from the AMADEUS database
                           identifies that there is a strong relationship between certain dimensions of the customer
                           experience and profitability. The article concludes that companies need to investigate
                           this possible relationship for their call centres, to determine whether their management
                           of call centres is focusing on the right attributes.
                           Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management (2009) 16, 207–214.

                           Keywords:            call centres; customer experience; profitability; service quality; customer

                           INTRODUCTION                                                      experience, and creating superior customer
                           The literature in marketing and consumer                          experience has become a strategic necessity
                           research has historically not considered                          for firms to survive in competitive business
                           customer experience as a separate construct.                      environments.2,3 A similar position can be
                           Instead, researchers have concentrated on                         found in the managerial field. The majority
Correspondence:            measuring service quality and customer                            of senior business managers believe that
Merlin Stone
WCL Office, 83 Victoria     satisfaction.1 However, in recent years,                          differentiating solely on the traditional
Street, London, SW1H       scholars and practitioners have become                            elements such as price, product and quality
E-mail: merlin.stone@
                           increasingly aware of the need to create                          is no longer an effective business strategy,                  value for their customers in the form of                          and even more senior managers maintain

            © 2009 Palgrave Macmillan 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 16, 3, 207–214
Lywood et al

                       that the customer experience is the next           These are influenced by negative and
                       competitive battleground. Creating superior        positive forces that culminate in customer
                       customer experience has become essential           satisfaction. Carbone and Haeckel10
                       for repeat purchases and customer loyalty.         introduce the notion of experience cues,
                       It also affects a firm’s market share, and          defined as the visual, auditory, tactile,
                       thus provides enormous economic value for          aromatic and taste signals emitted by
                       firms.4,5                                           products, services and the environment.
                          Despite the recognition of the                     Recently, marketing scholars and
                       importance of customer experience, few             practitioners have begun to recognise the
                       firms understand what this means, what it           importance of the customer experience.
                       entails and how their managers can                 Today, definitions of customer experience
                       galvanise the firm to deliver a superior            abound in the literature.3 Hoch11 stated
                       customer experience.1,5 For instance, Meyer        that customer experience, as an emotional
                       and Schwager6 quoted research from Bain            and subjective experience, is uniquely
                       & Company’s recent customer survey that            personal and changeable with the customer,
                       included 362 companies. Although 80 per            product or service. Meyer and Schwager6
                       cent of the companies surveyed believe that        defined the customer experience as the
                       the experience they provide is ‘superior’,         internal and subjective response from
                       only 8 per cent of the customers described         customers. Padgett and Allen12 referred to
                       their experiences as ‘superior’. This survey       the customer experience as a coalescing of
                       discovers a huge gap in the perception             symbolic meaning with consumers’ allied
                       between the companies and their customers          behaviours, thoughts and feelings during
                       about the quality of customers’ experiences.       service or product consumption. It is
                       The problem in creating superior customer          suggested that customer experience
                       experience appears not only to be its              originates from a set of interactions
                       supposed intangibility, but also its               between a customer and a product or
                       inherently personal nature. Customer               company, or part of its organisation, that
                       experience exists only in the mind of an           provokes a reaction. Pine and Gilmore8
                       individual, and will probably be different         argue that customer experience is not an
                       for each customer.7                                amorphous construct, but is as real an
                                                                          offering as any service, product or
                       THE DEFINITION OF                                  commodity. Carbone and Haeckel10
                       CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE                                described the customer experience as
                       Customers’ experiences result from the             the aggregate and cumulative customer
                       interaction with a company or use of the           perception created during the process
                       company’s product or service.3 Pine and            of learning about, acquiring, using,
                       Gilmore8 suggest two dimensions to assist          maintaining and sometimes disposing
                       thinking about the customer experience.            of a product or service. Although a review
                       One dimension is the level of customer             of the literature on customer experience
                       participation (from passive to active) and         yields many definitions, some features
                       the other is the level of connection (or           of the customer experience are common
                       depth of relationship) between the customer        to most. First, it has a temporal dimension
                       and the performance – ranging from                 that originates from all the contact points
                       absorption to immersion. O’Loughlin et al,9        between the customer and the firm,
                       on the other hand, state that the concept          or the firm’s offer. Second, it is strictly
                       of customer experience consists of three           personal, and involves and engages a
                       components: brand experience, transactional        customer at different levels (rational,
                       experience and relationship experience.            emotional, sensorial, physical and spiritual).3

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Customer experience and profitability

               CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AND                            advantage, such as customer loyalty and
               PROFITABILITY                                      profitability, research on call centres and
               The relationship between the quality of the        voice-on-voice encounters is very limited.14
               customer experience and achievement of             This lack of literature arises from the fact
               business objectives such as profit has rarely       that most research on customer experience,
               been researched, although its importance is        to date, has focused on face-to-face service
               acknowledged. Tools such as Net Promoter           and sales interactions, and relatively little is
               Score have made claims of correlation with         known about the special needs of
               key business objectives that are often             telephone-related customer experience.
               misinterpreted as profit ratios. Following             Call centres are an increasingly important
               more detailed academic research, these             component of the services that companies
               claims have been challenged.13                     offer customers. Many business organisations
                  More confusion is created by the                provide this as their main (or only)
               complete lack of correlation with traditional      customer interface for solving problems,
               customer satisfaction scores used by the vast      resolving complaints, providing information
               majority of organisations to measure their         or answering questions. Scholars suggest
               relationship with their customers. While we        that service-based competition and the
               appreciate that some firms will produce             opportunity for high-volume, low-cost
               independent evidence of a correlation with         service delivery via telephone-based
               profit, these research initiatives, by their        technology have resulted in the enormous
               very nature, rarely stand up to proper             growth of call centres. Managing the
               academic scrutiny. Thus, Frow and Payne5           customer experience resulting from call
               suggested that improvements in customer            centre encounters will likely have important
               experience should be based on the profit            implications for a firm’s success.14
               potential, and that service strategies and            Customer experience often depends on
               investment decisions should be made with           an evaluation of the service encounter with
               the knowledge of this profit potential.             contact employees, in face-to-face or
                  The purpose of this research is to              telephone encounters. However, there are
               contribute an understanding of the                 differences between these two types of
               customer experience and investigate how            encounters as far as the issue of customer
               the customer experience relates to company         experience is concerned.15 At call centres,
               profitability through Harding & Yoke’s              service encounters occur via telephone each
               ERIC database – the UK’s most                      time a customer interacts with a company.
               comprehensive research on customer                 This is different from face-to-face
               experience with call centres.                      encounters that occur between employees
                                                                  and customers in the non-electronic
               CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE                                environments of service companies.16
               DURING CONTACT WITH CALL                              In face-to-face encounters, tangible
               CENTRES                                            factors such as physical appearance
               The customer experience takes place in             (including dress) and body language of
               many different ways – on the web, via              employees and characteristics of the tangible
               e-mail, in a store, hotel, restaurant, airport     environment in which encounters take
               or other service location, when the                place are important determinants of
               customer is using the product or service,          customer experience. However, in
               and of course at call and contact centres.         telephone encounters, physical issues do
               Although many organisations have                   not contribute to customer experience.
               identified the importance of the customer           Customer experience is based on factors
               experience in achieving a competitive              such as empathy, reliability, responsiveness

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                       and assurance, and thus customer                   related to service quality and its translation
                       experience may be influenced by the                 into affective commitment and customer
                       interpersonal traits of call centres. The          loyalty. The main findings of this research
                       customer-contact employee plays a major            were that customer focus was related to
                       role in delivering superior customer               loyalty, with partial mediation by perceived
                       experience.15,16 Interestingly, the differences    service quality. In contrast, customer
                       between the customer experience as defined          feedback exhibits a direct relationship only
                       by face-to-face versus telephone interactions      to affective commitment.
                       may not be so extreme, according to
                       research being carried out by Harding &
                       Yorke. They are investigating the physical         METHODOLOGY
                       perception of agents by customers who
                       interact mainly through call centres and           Measure of customer experience
                       only rarely, if ever, through face-to-face         at call centres
                       interactions. Initial findings suggest that the     Customer experience with call centres was
                       ‘perceived’ physical embodiment of the             measured by Harding & Yorke’s ERIC
                       agents by the customer is very strong, and         Programme™ (Empathy Rating Index
                       that this will vary both positively and            Company), which started to be developed
                       negatively with the levels of positive and         in 2002 and was launched 2 years later in
                       negative empathy.                                  2004. The ERIC Programme™ measures
                          Empirical evidence from studies on the          the nature of feelings resulting from being
                       effect of call centres on customers is limited     a customer, and includes semi-annual
                       and still far from sufficient. Feinberg et al17     measures in the call centres of 200
                       investigated the operational determinants of       companies from 12 different industries
                       caller satisfaction at call centres, finding that   (mortgages, savings, home insurance, motor
                       of all the critical operational determinants,      insurance, loans, credit cards, catalogue
                       only ‘percentage of calls closed on first           clothing, utilities, healthcare insurance, life
                       contact’ and ‘average abandonment’ have a          insurance, mobile phones and telephone
                       significant influence on caller satisfaction.        banking). The selected companies have a
                       Mount and Mattila18 examined the impact            large market share in the relevant sector.
                       of three types of listening behaviour              They may subscribe to the service
                       (attentiveness, perceptiveness and                 (subscribers are called ‘Members’) or may
                       responsiveness) on call centre satisfaction        be included because a Member has
                       and future purchase intention, finding that         requested it. For call centres, the research
                       attentiveness and perceptiveness are the           is accomplished by specialist, trained
                       most salient dimensions of listening               researchers calling an advertised number
                       behaviour with regard to call centre               identified as a main brand contact for the
                       satisfaction and future purchase intention.        target company (in some cases these
                       Research by Dean19 indicated that both             experiences may be considerably distanced
                       perceptions of quality and customer                from the actual brand through the
                       orientation of call centres were related to        outsourcing of the call centre operations).
                       loyalty to the providing organisation, while       Test calls are made to each company by the
                       perceptions of quality partially mediated the      Harding & Yorke research team to ensure
                       relationship between customer orientation          that the target telephone numbers are
                       and loyalty. Another study by Dean14               correct and that the receiving agents are
                       investigated how the perceived customer            able to deal with the stories and scenarios
                       orientation of call centre employees               used. The trained researchers then make
                       (customer focus and customer feedback)             40 unscripted calls over three weeks

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Customer experience and profitability

               to each company and complete an online             companies was extracted from ‘AMADEUS’,
               questionnaire. Harding & Yorke researchers         a pan-European financial database.
               are recruited for their sensitivity to
               customers’ physical and emotional needs
               and their ability to articulate feelings in a      The sample
               concise, fair and consistent way. Each             The study sample was limited to 28
               researcher is trained and constantly               companies in which ROCE and ERIC
               monitored for accuracy, fairness and               ratings were both available. As the unit of
               call-assessment techniques.                        analysis was a company, the ERIC ratings
                  The ERIC instrument consists of 29              were taken from 1400 customers and
               empathy questions measured on a 10-point           aggregated to a company level. The study
               rating scale and 11 call process questions that    sample included the following companies:
               are related to how the calls are processed.        BT Mobile, Bupa Health Insurance, Cotton
               The empathy questions include insights into        Traders, Dial-a-Phone, EDF Energy,
               the developing of the relationship, handling       Freemans, Grattan, Halifax Travel
               of the task, promotions and wrapping-up            Insurance, Halifax Home Insurance, J D
               and some common values. The call process           Williams, Lands’ End, Legal & General,
               questions are grouped into five parts:              Littlewoods, MBNA, Morgan Stanley
               Opening Salutation (based on three                 Credit Cards, Norwich Union Life, O2,
               questions), Putting on Hold (based on two          Sainsbury’s Bank, Scottish Hydro Electric,
               questions), Preparing for the Call (based on       Scottish Power, Sony Ericsson, South East
               three questions), Offering Further Assistance      Water, South Staffs Water, Tesco Personal
               (based on three questions) and Number of           Finance, The Carphone Warehouse, Three
               Calls. Since 2004, nearly 4 million data           Valleys Water, Virgin Mobile, Virgin
               points have been collected and analysed            Money Life Insurance, Vodafone and
               by the ERIC Programme.20 Exploratory               Yorkshire Water.
               Factor Analysis with a sample of the
               5000 randomly selected customers from
               this database showed that the construct            FINDINGS
               validity of ERIC was robust. The                   OLS regression analysis assessed the
               Cronbach statistics suggested that the             influence of customer experience on
               EMPATHY scale was a very reliable                  ROCE. Before analysis, the suitability of
               measure ( = 98 per cent).21                        the research variables was checked for the
                                                                  regression assumptions. Accordingly, no
               Profitability: Return on capital                    effect of multicollinearity appeared and the
               employed (ROCE)                                    distribution of the model variables was
               Having established the validity and                normal.22 Table 1 shows the influence of
               reliability of the measures, this study sought     customer experience on profitability.
               to identify whether there was a relationship          The findings suggest that the customer
               between the customer experience, as                experience had a statistically significant
               measured by Harding & Yorke, and                   influence on profitability. The
               profitability as measured by ROCE. ROCE             intercorrelation between ERIC and ROCE
               is a financial performance indicator that           was very strong (r = 0.85; P < 0.05).
               represents the ratio of income before taxes,       ERIC™ explains 72 per cent of the total
               minority interest, and taxes to capital            variance in profitability, which is a very
               employed. This ratio indicates the efficiency       good prediction. Five out of the six
               and profitability of a company’s capital            components from the ERIC Programme™
               investments. The ROCE ratio of the                 demonstrated a statistically significant

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                       Table 1: Customer experience and profitability                Harding & Yorke) are linked with
                       Customer experience                 Profitability             profitability; however, this does not
                                                  Beta       t-value      P-value   necessarily mean that they ‘cause’
                                                                                    profitability. However, companies that focus
                       Opening salutation         0.47         3.50       0.002*
                       Putting on hold            0.59         4.29       0.000*    on the customer experience as measured by
                       Preparing for the call     0.14         0.97       0.342     the ERIC Programme™ seem to be more
                       Offering further         − 0.87       − 5.63       0.000*
                         assistance                                                 profitable than those who do not. The
                       Number of calls          − 1.10       − 5.85       0.000*    empathy component of the ERIC
                       Empathy                    0.97         5.42       0.000*
                       (Constant)                            − 3.78       0.001*
                                                                                    Programme™ is seen to be a key driver of
                                                                                    profitability: the higher the empathy rating,
                       R2                         0.727                             the greater the profitability. This study also
                       F                          9.319
                       P                          0.000                             supports other studies that suggest a positive
                                                                                    relationship between customer experience
                       *statistically significant at the 0.01 level.
                                                                                    and customer loyalty or brand image, both
                                                                                    of which are essential for profitability. As
                                                                                    found by this study, empathy is an essential
                       influence on ROCE, including the                              component of customer experience. The
                       empathy and opening salutation dimensions.                   findings suggest that while companies
                          As expressed in Table 1, a positive                       extend greater empathy to their customers,
                       relationship exists between Empathy and                      they must also control the cost of the call
                       ROCE. Empathy, in particular, had the                        in order to manage profitability.
                       largest positive beta coefficient (0.97),                        The results of the ERIC Programme™
                       implying that it makes the strongest                         show that managing call centre profitability
                       contribution to explaining profitability.                     is a complex issue. A firm’s inherent ability
                       Furthermore, every point increase on                         to manage and control its costs is identified
                       empathy projects a 16.4 per cent impact on                   through the cultural elements of the ERIC
                       ROCE if the other variables are held                         Programme research, and support is on a
                       constant. This finding suggests that empathy                  case-by-case basis. However, some basic
                       is not only a good measure for assessing                     observations can be made: For example, the
                       customer experience with call centres, but                   study found negative relationships among
                       is also one of the key performance                           ‘offering further assistance’, ‘number of
                       indicators for managing profitability.                        calls’ and profitability. Arguably, when the
                          Number of calls and offering further                      call centre agent offers extra help to
                       assistance had a negative influence on                        develop better empathy with customers, the
                       ROCE. Arguably, these could be indicators                    extra time increases the call centre’s
                       of cost pressures. As the time spent on calls                operating cost, and thus this would have a
                       increases, so does the operating cost, and                   negative impact on profitability. Call centre
                       therefore extending time spent per call will                 managers are well aware of the fact that
                       negatively affect profitability.                              extra time spent on calls dramatically
                                                                                    increases operating costs as a result of
                       CONCLUSIONS                                                  processing a high volume of calls. One of
                       Our findings suggest that customer                            the implications of this study for call centres
                       experience with call centres had a                           is that companies must determine a
                       statistically significant influence on company                 desirable level of empathy versus cost.
                       profitability centres. The significance of this                Alternatively, a more cost-effective method
                       finding for companies with call centres is                    of developing empathy with customers must
                       relatively simple to discern. Some aspects of                be considered. This will, inevitably, involve
                       call centre behaviour (as measured by                        creating an environment in which empathy

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Customer experience and profitability

               can thrive. Additional interventions may           feel?’ and then let the scale reflect two
               involve improvements to employee                   opposite points and the variants between
               recruitment, training and retention, the use       them (Harding & Yorke use a combined
               of technology, or better call routing. To          verbal and numeric scale).
               create and manage sustainable empathy is              A third reason is linked to who is doing
               not an easy task, and may require a change         the measurement. If customers are asked
               in customer management culture.                    how they feel, they will often provide a
                  We may be naive to suggest a positive           logical rather than an emotional response.
               relationship between empathy and                   They do not mean to lie, but find difficulty
               profitability. After all, ROCE is a general         in articulating their emotional states. Even
               measure, resulting from the endeavours of          if they can, they prefer to respond in a way
               managers in all functions. We have found a         that does not cause further questioning, that
               correlation, not necessarily a causal              does not open an avenue to personal
               relationship. However, the correlation may         criticism or that will include a personal
               be good because ERIC™ is a good                    analysis of a prolonged relationship with the
               measure of the quality of call centre              organisation. Instead of asking customers,
               management, which may in turn be                   the ERIC Programme™ uses trained
               correlated with profitability. Customer             researchers to analyse interactions between
               satisfaction surveys have mainly measured          customers and companies. This removes the
               either the process of satisfying customers         effect of any previous expectations a
               (for example did the agent say Good                customer may have about an organisation,
               morning/afternoon? and so on) or the end           and captures emotional effects fairly and
               result of an interaction (for example did the      consistently. The ERIC Programme™
               customer get what they wanted?). While             measures the agent rather than the
               the ‘process’ element of ERIC™ is                  customer, and reports on an organisation’s
               comparable to many of these measures, the          culture, which is why it seems to correlate
               ‘empathy’ element measures something very          well with ROCE.
               different, namely, how customers are made             ERIC analysis and validation may reveal
               to feel through the combination of attitudes       reward and recognition approaches for call
               and subsequent behaviours of call centre           centre workers that do not make customers
               agents. This is closely related to a common        feel better. ‘Getting what you measure’ is
               ‘gut feeling’ that is difficult to articulate,      intensified by reward and recognition
               but may result in customers buying more            programmes, while the ERIC
               and/or staying loyal, or bad-mouthing the          Programme™ aims to improve overall
               company and leaving. Importantly, the              empathy between agent and customer,
               ERIC Programme™ captures both ‘gut                 making the interaction more enjoyable and
               feeling’ and some key operational measures         rewarding for both parties.
               of call centres.                                      This research has been specifically based
                  A second reason for the quality of the          on the relationship between customers and
               ERIC Programme arises from the quality of          organisations when interacting through call
               the questions assessed and the scales against      centres. However, the findings are based
               which they are measured. The questions are         more on the Harding & Yorke
               designed not to lead the answer. Thus,             methodology of measuring ‘feelings’ than
               ‘How good does it feel?’ is a leading              on more traditional measures, and it is
               question because it implies the need for           likely that similar outcomes and correlations
               ‘goodness’ in an experience rather than a          will be developed though alternative
               dispassionate response. It is fairer and more      channels such as internet, correspondence
               appropriate question to ask ‘How does it           and face-to-face interactions. Using a

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                       longitudinal study with a larger sample size            10 Carbone, L.P. and Haeckel, S.H. (1994)
                                                                                  Engineering customer experience. Marketing
                       would establish the external validity of this              Management 3(3): 8–19.
                       research. Thus, Harding & Yorke continues               11 Hoch, S.J. (2002) Product experience is seductive.
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                                                                               12 Padgett, D. and Allen, D. (1997) Communicating
                       Kingdom and overseas, and we will be                       experience: A narrative approach to creating service
                       re-visiting their data at regular intervals.               brand image. Journal of Advertising 26(4): 49–62.
                                                                               13 Keiningham, T.L., Cooil, B., Andreassen, T.W. and
                                                                                  Aksoy, L. (2007) A longitudinal examination of net
                       REFERENCES AND NOTES                                       promoter and firm revenue growth. Journal of
                       1 Verhoef, P.C., Lemon, K.N., Parasuraman, A.,             Marketing 71(July): 39–51.
                         Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M. and Schlesinger, L.A.       14 Dean, A.M. (2007) The impact of the customer
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                         Determinants, dynamics and management strategies.        affective commitment and loyalty. Journal of Service
                         Journal of Retailing, (in press).                        Research 10(2): 161–173.
                       2 Berry, L.L., Carbone, L.P. and Haeckel, S.H.          15 Malhotra, N. and Mukherjee, A. (2003) Analysing
                         (2002) Managing the total customer experience.           the commitment – Service quality relationships: A
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                       3 Gentile, C., Spiller, N. and Noci, G. (2007) How         branches. Journal of Marketing Management 19(9/10):
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                       4 Pine, B.J. and Gilmore, J.H. (1999) The Experience    17 Feinberg, R.A., Kim, I.S. and Hokama, L. (2000)
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                         Press.                                                   call center. International Journal of Service Industry
                       5 Frow, P. and Payne, A. (2007) Towards the                Management 11(2): 131–141.
                         ‘perfect’ customer experience. Journal of Brand       18 Mount, D.J. and Mattila, A. (2002) Last chance to
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                       6 Meyer, C. and Schwager, A. (2007) Understanding          center satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
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                         Contemporary Hospitality Management 11(6): 303–308.   20 225 companies × 40 interactions × 47 questions × 2
                       8 Pine, B.J. and Gilmore, J.H. (1998) Welcome to           (twice a year) × 3 (years) = 2 538 000 data points.
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Academic Journal : Linking Empathy with Profit

  • 1. Original Article Customer experience and profitability: An application of the empathy rating index (ERIC) in UK call centres Received (in revised form): 6th April 2009 Jamie Lywood is CEO of Harding & Yorke ( He is a well-known and highly respected speaker, and is directly responsible for the strategic direction of the Harding & Yorke businesses, which include measurement, benchmarking and consultancy in the Customer Experience space. Merlin Stone is a leading author and advisor on CRM strategy and implementation. He is Research Director at WCL, one of the United Kingdom’s fastest growing management consultancies; Professor of Marketing at Bristol Business School; and Visiting Professor of Marketing at several universities, including Oxford Brookes. Yuksel Ekinci is a reader in Marketing at Oxford Brookes University Business School. He specialises in customer satisfaction measurement and user satisfaction with CRM. ABSTRACT This article explores the relationship between customer experiences with call centres and company profitability. Empirical research using data from the ERIC Programme™ of Harding & Yorke and financial data from the AMADEUS database identifies that there is a strong relationship between certain dimensions of the customer experience and profitability. The article concludes that companies need to investigate this possible relationship for their call centres, to determine whether their management of call centres is focusing on the right attributes. Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management (2009) 16, 207–214. doi:10.1057/dbm.2009.24 Keywords: call centres; customer experience; profitability; service quality; customer satisfaction INTRODUCTION experience, and creating superior customer The literature in marketing and consumer experience has become a strategic necessity research has historically not considered for firms to survive in competitive business customer experience as a separate construct. environments.2,3 A similar position can be Instead, researchers have concentrated on found in the managerial field. The majority Correspondence: measuring service quality and customer of senior business managers believe that Merlin Stone WCL Office, 83 Victoria satisfaction.1 However, in recent years, differentiating solely on the traditional Street, London, SW1H scholars and practitioners have become elements such as price, product and quality 0HW, UK E-mail: merlin.stone@ increasingly aware of the need to create is no longer an effective business strategy, value for their customers in the form of and even more senior managers maintain © 2009 Palgrave Macmillan 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 16, 3, 207–214
  • 2. Lywood et al that the customer experience is the next These are influenced by negative and competitive battleground. Creating superior positive forces that culminate in customer customer experience has become essential satisfaction. Carbone and Haeckel10 for repeat purchases and customer loyalty. introduce the notion of experience cues, It also affects a firm’s market share, and defined as the visual, auditory, tactile, thus provides enormous economic value for aromatic and taste signals emitted by firms.4,5 products, services and the environment. Despite the recognition of the Recently, marketing scholars and importance of customer experience, few practitioners have begun to recognise the firms understand what this means, what it importance of the customer experience. entails and how their managers can Today, definitions of customer experience galvanise the firm to deliver a superior abound in the literature.3 Hoch11 stated customer experience.1,5 For instance, Meyer that customer experience, as an emotional and Schwager6 quoted research from Bain and subjective experience, is uniquely & Company’s recent customer survey that personal and changeable with the customer, included 362 companies. Although 80 per product or service. Meyer and Schwager6 cent of the companies surveyed believe that defined the customer experience as the the experience they provide is ‘superior’, internal and subjective response from only 8 per cent of the customers described customers. Padgett and Allen12 referred to their experiences as ‘superior’. This survey the customer experience as a coalescing of discovers a huge gap in the perception symbolic meaning with consumers’ allied between the companies and their customers behaviours, thoughts and feelings during about the quality of customers’ experiences. service or product consumption. It is The problem in creating superior customer suggested that customer experience experience appears not only to be its originates from a set of interactions supposed intangibility, but also its between a customer and a product or inherently personal nature. Customer company, or part of its organisation, that experience exists only in the mind of an provokes a reaction. Pine and Gilmore8 individual, and will probably be different argue that customer experience is not an for each customer.7 amorphous construct, but is as real an offering as any service, product or THE DEFINITION OF commodity. Carbone and Haeckel10 CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE described the customer experience as Customers’ experiences result from the the aggregate and cumulative customer interaction with a company or use of the perception created during the process company’s product or service.3 Pine and of learning about, acquiring, using, Gilmore8 suggest two dimensions to assist maintaining and sometimes disposing thinking about the customer experience. of a product or service. Although a review One dimension is the level of customer of the literature on customer experience participation (from passive to active) and yields many definitions, some features the other is the level of connection (or of the customer experience are common depth of relationship) between the customer to most. First, it has a temporal dimension and the performance – ranging from that originates from all the contact points absorption to immersion. O’Loughlin et al,9 between the customer and the firm, on the other hand, state that the concept or the firm’s offer. Second, it is strictly of customer experience consists of three personal, and involves and engages a components: brand experience, transactional customer at different levels (rational, experience and relationship experience. emotional, sensorial, physical and spiritual).3 208 © 2009 Palgrave Macmillan 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 16, 3, 207–214
  • 3. Customer experience and profitability CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE AND advantage, such as customer loyalty and PROFITABILITY profitability, research on call centres and The relationship between the quality of the voice-on-voice encounters is very limited.14 customer experience and achievement of This lack of literature arises from the fact business objectives such as profit has rarely that most research on customer experience, been researched, although its importance is to date, has focused on face-to-face service acknowledged. Tools such as Net Promoter and sales interactions, and relatively little is Score have made claims of correlation with known about the special needs of key business objectives that are often telephone-related customer experience. misinterpreted as profit ratios. Following Call centres are an increasingly important more detailed academic research, these component of the services that companies claims have been challenged.13 offer customers. Many business organisations More confusion is created by the provide this as their main (or only) complete lack of correlation with traditional customer interface for solving problems, customer satisfaction scores used by the vast resolving complaints, providing information majority of organisations to measure their or answering questions. Scholars suggest relationship with their customers. While we that service-based competition and the appreciate that some firms will produce opportunity for high-volume, low-cost independent evidence of a correlation with service delivery via telephone-based profit, these research initiatives, by their technology have resulted in the enormous very nature, rarely stand up to proper growth of call centres. Managing the academic scrutiny. Thus, Frow and Payne5 customer experience resulting from call suggested that improvements in customer centre encounters will likely have important experience should be based on the profit implications for a firm’s success.14 potential, and that service strategies and Customer experience often depends on investment decisions should be made with an evaluation of the service encounter with the knowledge of this profit potential. contact employees, in face-to-face or The purpose of this research is to telephone encounters. However, there are contribute an understanding of the differences between these two types of customer experience and investigate how encounters as far as the issue of customer the customer experience relates to company experience is concerned.15 At call centres, profitability through Harding & Yoke’s service encounters occur via telephone each ERIC database – the UK’s most time a customer interacts with a company. comprehensive research on customer This is different from face-to-face experience with call centres. encounters that occur between employees and customers in the non-electronic CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE environments of service companies.16 DURING CONTACT WITH CALL In face-to-face encounters, tangible CENTRES factors such as physical appearance The customer experience takes place in (including dress) and body language of many different ways – on the web, via employees and characteristics of the tangible e-mail, in a store, hotel, restaurant, airport environment in which encounters take or other service location, when the place are important determinants of customer is using the product or service, customer experience. However, in and of course at call and contact centres. telephone encounters, physical issues do Although many organisations have not contribute to customer experience. identified the importance of the customer Customer experience is based on factors experience in achieving a competitive such as empathy, reliability, responsiveness © 2009 Palgrave Macmillan 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 16, 3, 207–214 209
  • 4. Lywood et al and assurance, and thus customer related to service quality and its translation experience may be influenced by the into affective commitment and customer interpersonal traits of call centres. The loyalty. The main findings of this research customer-contact employee plays a major were that customer focus was related to role in delivering superior customer loyalty, with partial mediation by perceived experience.15,16 Interestingly, the differences service quality. In contrast, customer between the customer experience as defined feedback exhibits a direct relationship only by face-to-face versus telephone interactions to affective commitment. may not be so extreme, according to research being carried out by Harding & Yorke. They are investigating the physical METHODOLOGY perception of agents by customers who interact mainly through call centres and Measure of customer experience only rarely, if ever, through face-to-face at call centres interactions. Initial findings suggest that the Customer experience with call centres was ‘perceived’ physical embodiment of the measured by Harding & Yorke’s ERIC agents by the customer is very strong, and Programme™ (Empathy Rating Index that this will vary both positively and Company), which started to be developed negatively with the levels of positive and in 2002 and was launched 2 years later in negative empathy. 2004. The ERIC Programme™ measures Empirical evidence from studies on the the nature of feelings resulting from being effect of call centres on customers is limited a customer, and includes semi-annual and still far from sufficient. Feinberg et al17 measures in the call centres of 200 investigated the operational determinants of companies from 12 different industries caller satisfaction at call centres, finding that (mortgages, savings, home insurance, motor of all the critical operational determinants, insurance, loans, credit cards, catalogue only ‘percentage of calls closed on first clothing, utilities, healthcare insurance, life contact’ and ‘average abandonment’ have a insurance, mobile phones and telephone significant influence on caller satisfaction. banking). The selected companies have a Mount and Mattila18 examined the impact large market share in the relevant sector. of three types of listening behaviour They may subscribe to the service (attentiveness, perceptiveness and (subscribers are called ‘Members’) or may responsiveness) on call centre satisfaction be included because a Member has and future purchase intention, finding that requested it. For call centres, the research attentiveness and perceptiveness are the is accomplished by specialist, trained most salient dimensions of listening researchers calling an advertised number behaviour with regard to call centre identified as a main brand contact for the satisfaction and future purchase intention. target company (in some cases these Research by Dean19 indicated that both experiences may be considerably distanced perceptions of quality and customer from the actual brand through the orientation of call centres were related to outsourcing of the call centre operations). loyalty to the providing organisation, while Test calls are made to each company by the perceptions of quality partially mediated the Harding & Yorke research team to ensure relationship between customer orientation that the target telephone numbers are and loyalty. Another study by Dean14 correct and that the receiving agents are investigated how the perceived customer able to deal with the stories and scenarios orientation of call centre employees used. The trained researchers then make (customer focus and customer feedback) 40 unscripted calls over three weeks 210 © 2009 Palgrave Macmillan 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 16, 3, 207–214
  • 5. Customer experience and profitability to each company and complete an online companies was extracted from ‘AMADEUS’, questionnaire. Harding & Yorke researchers a pan-European financial database. are recruited for their sensitivity to customers’ physical and emotional needs and their ability to articulate feelings in a The sample concise, fair and consistent way. Each The study sample was limited to 28 researcher is trained and constantly companies in which ROCE and ERIC monitored for accuracy, fairness and ratings were both available. As the unit of call-assessment techniques. analysis was a company, the ERIC ratings The ERIC instrument consists of 29 were taken from 1400 customers and empathy questions measured on a 10-point aggregated to a company level. The study rating scale and 11 call process questions that sample included the following companies: are related to how the calls are processed. BT Mobile, Bupa Health Insurance, Cotton The empathy questions include insights into Traders, Dial-a-Phone, EDF Energy, the developing of the relationship, handling Freemans, Grattan, Halifax Travel of the task, promotions and wrapping-up Insurance, Halifax Home Insurance, J D and some common values. The call process Williams, Lands’ End, Legal & General, questions are grouped into five parts: Littlewoods, MBNA, Morgan Stanley Opening Salutation (based on three Credit Cards, Norwich Union Life, O2, questions), Putting on Hold (based on two Sainsbury’s Bank, Scottish Hydro Electric, questions), Preparing for the Call (based on Scottish Power, Sony Ericsson, South East three questions), Offering Further Assistance Water, South Staffs Water, Tesco Personal (based on three questions) and Number of Finance, The Carphone Warehouse, Three Calls. Since 2004, nearly 4 million data Valleys Water, Virgin Mobile, Virgin points have been collected and analysed Money Life Insurance, Vodafone and by the ERIC Programme.20 Exploratory Yorkshire Water. Factor Analysis with a sample of the 5000 randomly selected customers from this database showed that the construct FINDINGS validity of ERIC was robust. The OLS regression analysis assessed the Cronbach statistics suggested that the influence of customer experience on EMPATHY scale was a very reliable ROCE. Before analysis, the suitability of measure ( = 98 per cent).21 the research variables was checked for the regression assumptions. Accordingly, no Profitability: Return on capital effect of multicollinearity appeared and the employed (ROCE) distribution of the model variables was Having established the validity and normal.22 Table 1 shows the influence of reliability of the measures, this study sought customer experience on profitability. to identify whether there was a relationship The findings suggest that the customer between the customer experience, as experience had a statistically significant measured by Harding & Yorke, and influence on profitability. The profitability as measured by ROCE. ROCE intercorrelation between ERIC and ROCE is a financial performance indicator that was very strong (r = 0.85; P < 0.05). represents the ratio of income before taxes, ERIC™ explains 72 per cent of the total minority interest, and taxes to capital variance in profitability, which is a very employed. This ratio indicates the efficiency good prediction. Five out of the six and profitability of a company’s capital components from the ERIC Programme™ investments. The ROCE ratio of the demonstrated a statistically significant © 2009 Palgrave Macmillan 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 16, 3, 207–214 211
  • 6. Lywood et al Table 1: Customer experience and profitability Harding & Yorke) are linked with Customer experience Profitability profitability; however, this does not Beta t-value P-value necessarily mean that they ‘cause’ profitability. However, companies that focus Opening salutation 0.47 3.50 0.002* Putting on hold 0.59 4.29 0.000* on the customer experience as measured by Preparing for the call 0.14 0.97 0.342 the ERIC Programme™ seem to be more Offering further − 0.87 − 5.63 0.000* assistance profitable than those who do not. The Number of calls − 1.10 − 5.85 0.000* empathy component of the ERIC Empathy 0.97 5.42 0.000* (Constant) − 3.78 0.001* Programme™ is seen to be a key driver of profitability: the higher the empathy rating, R2 0.727 the greater the profitability. This study also F 9.319 P 0.000 supports other studies that suggest a positive relationship between customer experience *statistically significant at the 0.01 level. and customer loyalty or brand image, both of which are essential for profitability. As found by this study, empathy is an essential influence on ROCE, including the component of customer experience. The empathy and opening salutation dimensions. findings suggest that while companies As expressed in Table 1, a positive extend greater empathy to their customers, relationship exists between Empathy and they must also control the cost of the call ROCE. Empathy, in particular, had the in order to manage profitability. largest positive beta coefficient (0.97), The results of the ERIC Programme™ implying that it makes the strongest show that managing call centre profitability contribution to explaining profitability. is a complex issue. A firm’s inherent ability Furthermore, every point increase on to manage and control its costs is identified empathy projects a 16.4 per cent impact on through the cultural elements of the ERIC ROCE if the other variables are held Programme research, and support is on a constant. This finding suggests that empathy case-by-case basis. However, some basic is not only a good measure for assessing observations can be made: For example, the customer experience with call centres, but study found negative relationships among is also one of the key performance ‘offering further assistance’, ‘number of indicators for managing profitability. calls’ and profitability. Arguably, when the Number of calls and offering further call centre agent offers extra help to assistance had a negative influence on develop better empathy with customers, the ROCE. Arguably, these could be indicators extra time increases the call centre’s of cost pressures. As the time spent on calls operating cost, and thus this would have a increases, so does the operating cost, and negative impact on profitability. Call centre therefore extending time spent per call will managers are well aware of the fact that negatively affect profitability. extra time spent on calls dramatically increases operating costs as a result of CONCLUSIONS processing a high volume of calls. One of Our findings suggest that customer the implications of this study for call centres experience with call centres had a is that companies must determine a statistically significant influence on company desirable level of empathy versus cost. profitability centres. The significance of this Alternatively, a more cost-effective method finding for companies with call centres is of developing empathy with customers must relatively simple to discern. Some aspects of be considered. This will, inevitably, involve call centre behaviour (as measured by creating an environment in which empathy 212 © 2009 Palgrave Macmillan 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 16, 3, 207–214
  • 7. Customer experience and profitability can thrive. Additional interventions may feel?’ and then let the scale reflect two involve improvements to employee opposite points and the variants between recruitment, training and retention, the use them (Harding & Yorke use a combined of technology, or better call routing. To verbal and numeric scale). create and manage sustainable empathy is A third reason is linked to who is doing not an easy task, and may require a change the measurement. If customers are asked in customer management culture. how they feel, they will often provide a We may be naive to suggest a positive logical rather than an emotional response. relationship between empathy and They do not mean to lie, but find difficulty profitability. After all, ROCE is a general in articulating their emotional states. Even measure, resulting from the endeavours of if they can, they prefer to respond in a way managers in all functions. We have found a that does not cause further questioning, that correlation, not necessarily a causal does not open an avenue to personal relationship. However, the correlation may criticism or that will include a personal be good because ERIC™ is a good analysis of a prolonged relationship with the measure of the quality of call centre organisation. Instead of asking customers, management, which may in turn be the ERIC Programme™ uses trained correlated with profitability. Customer researchers to analyse interactions between satisfaction surveys have mainly measured customers and companies. This removes the either the process of satisfying customers effect of any previous expectations a (for example did the agent say Good customer may have about an organisation, morning/afternoon? and so on) or the end and captures emotional effects fairly and result of an interaction (for example did the consistently. The ERIC Programme™ customer get what they wanted?). While measures the agent rather than the the ‘process’ element of ERIC™ is customer, and reports on an organisation’s comparable to many of these measures, the culture, which is why it seems to correlate ‘empathy’ element measures something very well with ROCE. different, namely, how customers are made ERIC analysis and validation may reveal to feel through the combination of attitudes reward and recognition approaches for call and subsequent behaviours of call centre centre workers that do not make customers agents. This is closely related to a common feel better. ‘Getting what you measure’ is ‘gut feeling’ that is difficult to articulate, intensified by reward and recognition but may result in customers buying more programmes, while the ERIC and/or staying loyal, or bad-mouthing the Programme™ aims to improve overall company and leaving. Importantly, the empathy between agent and customer, ERIC Programme™ captures both ‘gut making the interaction more enjoyable and feeling’ and some key operational measures rewarding for both parties. of call centres. This research has been specifically based A second reason for the quality of the on the relationship between customers and ERIC Programme arises from the quality of organisations when interacting through call the questions assessed and the scales against centres. However, the findings are based which they are measured. The questions are more on the Harding & Yorke designed not to lead the answer. Thus, methodology of measuring ‘feelings’ than ‘How good does it feel?’ is a leading on more traditional measures, and it is question because it implies the need for likely that similar outcomes and correlations ‘goodness’ in an experience rather than a will be developed though alternative dispassionate response. It is fairer and more channels such as internet, correspondence appropriate question to ask ‘How does it and face-to-face interactions. Using a © 2009 Palgrave Macmillan 1741-2439 Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management Vol. 16, 3, 207–214 213
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