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Find and Keep the Customers You Want:
The Customer Insight Mandate

After a half-decade of inward focus, companies are awakening
to the need to shift from customer retention to acquisition.
In fact, executives we’ve spoken with roundly agree that
their company’s success—in some cases, survival—is directly
tied to their ability to more effectively acquire new customers
and subsequently develop much more intimate relationships
with those customers.

Yet we’ve also heard and seen the frustration that companies
experience in addressing this challenge. In many organizations,
despite several years of Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) investment, capabilities for developing insights on
customers—and successfully acting on those insights—are
still lacking.

In this paper, we share our thoughts on how companies
can transcend the obstacles to generating deeper insights
into their customers. We explore how to use customer
insight to dramatically improve both the quality of sales
and marketing campaigns, as well as customer loyalty
and lifetime value. And we provide examples of leading
companies that are using customer insight as a key tool
in their journey to achieve high performance.
Find and Keep the Customers You Want:
The Customer Insight Mandate

Customers are key, but                      executives in France and Japan. French      with finance and insurance companies
                                            executives cited increasing customer        fell by 1.7 percent (and 6.5 percent
capabilities are lacking                    loyalty and retention (56 percent) and      since 1994). Furthermore, for the first
                                            increasing customer service capability      time ever, consumer satisfaction with
As companies continue their quest for       (50 percent) as their top issues, while     e-commerce providers dropped—by 2.7
growth, the need to build stronger, more    in Japan, acquiring new customers (45       percent from 2004.
profitable relationships with customers     percent) was tied for second on the
assumes greater importance. Accenture       top-issues list2 (See Figure 2).            Another well respected barometer of
research shows that growth is, indeed,                                                  consumer attitudes—this one involving
on the minds of many executives as the      However, many companies—despite             the automobile industry—is J.D. Power
economy improves. An Accenture survey       making significant investments in CRM       & Associates. In a recent study, they
of 244 executives around the world          over the past several years—still aren’t    discovered what should be a troubling
found that 42 percent will be focused       well-positioned to connect with cus-        trend for automakers: 17 automobile
primarily on growth in 2005 and an          tomers in ways that maximize loyalty        companies retain fewer than half of
additional 32 percent will attempt to       and repeat business. This is reflected      their customers when they buy a new
strike a balance between growth and         in a number of industry statistics that     car, with many of these companies
cost control. 1                             speak to consumers’ ongoing frustration     only holding on to one-third of their
                                            or dissatisfaction with various product     customers.
In a second survey of more than             and service providers. One such statistic
800 global executives conducted by          is the American Customer Satisfaction       Churn is an accurate gauge of customer
Accenture, 32 percent of respondents        Index created by the University of          displeasure, as the telecommunica-
said acquiring new customers is one of      Michigan. The most recent edition of        tions sector knows all too well. Most,
their top business issues—just behind       the index found that consumers grew         if not all, of the major telcos and cable
changing organizational culture and         less satisfied with product and service     television providers have struggled
employee attitudes (33 percent) and         providers in the past decade. In the        throughout the past decade to retain
attracting and retaining skilled staff      past year, satisfaction with retailers      their customers as the industry has
(35 percent) (See Figure 1). The focus on   dropped 3.2 percent (and just over 4        undergone significant technological and
customers is especially strong among        percent from 1994), while satisfaction      market upheaval. Cable companies,

for their part, continue to lose large      to engage customers with offerings that    Another study, conducted by Strativity
numbers of subscribers to hard-charging     more closely meet their needs.             Group, reinforces Accenture’s findings.
satellite providers, while traditional                                                 In this research, 54 percent of execu-
and mobile telephony companies seem         For example, it is well documented         tives said their company’s relationship
intent on fighting a price war that         that to generate true insights into        with the customer is not well defined.
no one can win. The vast majority of        customers’ behavior and preferences, a     Even worse, fewer than 20 percent had
customers switching telco and cable         company must have a complete view of       data on key aspects of their customer
providers typically cite poor service as    each customer’s interactions and history   relationships, including the cost of new
their top reason for making the move.       with the company—whether those             customers, customer complaints and
                                            interactions were via a store, website,    even average annual customer value.3
                                            catalog or call center. Yet, according
                                            to an Accenture survey of global           Clearly, companies must do a much
No insight equals                           marketing executives, only 29 percent      better job of knowing who their
no connection                               of companies surveyed have a single,       customers are and what motivates
                                            consistent view of all customers across    them if they are to stimulate the strong
                                            all business functions.                    customer loyalty that is the foundation
Why are companies continuing to
                                                                                       for business success.
struggle building strong and lasting
                                            Furthermore, the same survey found
relationships with their customers?
                                            that companies are not regularly
Based on our research and work with
                                            capitalizing on customer interactions as
leading companies around the world,
                                            selling opportunities (typically because
we believe the root of the problem
                                                                                       1. “The High Performance Workforce Study,quot;
                                            they lack a complete view of their
is that most companies still lack the                                                  Accenture, 2004.
                                            customers). Only 39 percent of partici-
capabilities to develop and act on robust                                              2. quot;Accenture Global Awareness Tracking Survey,quot;
                                            pating marketing executives said their
customer insights—and that shortcom-                                                   January 2005.
                                            companies offer additional products and
ing is preventing them from using                                                      3. quot;2004 Customer Experience Management Global
                                                                                       Survey,quot; by Strativity Group.
                                            services each time a customer contacts
customer interactions as opportunities
                                            the company.

Business issues ranked by order of importance

Attracting and retaining skilled staff

Changing organizational culture and
employee attitudes
Acquiring new customers

Develop new processes and products                                                         29%
to stay ahead of the competition
Increasing customer loyalty
and retention

Managing risk

Improving workplace performance                                                          28%

Increasing shareholder value

Using IT to reduce costs and
create value

Being flexible and adaptable to
rapidly changing market conditions

Developing employees into
capable leaders

                                         0      5%           10%   15%      20%      25%          30%         35%

Figure 1. Survey of 800 executives conducted by Accenture.

Customer insight                                                                                       Creating a single view
                                                      A consumer may have a home mortgage,
                                                                                                       of the customer
                                                      savings account, credit card, and
unlocks the door to                                   investment portfolio with the same bank.         The capability that is at the core of
                                                      Yet, because these products often are            customer insight is the single view of
profitable growth                                     sold and managed separately, the bank            the customer. Without such a view,
                                                      has no way of knowing the true value             it is impossible to paint a complete
Where does such knowledge begin? It
                                                      of that customer across its product              picture of customers and their needs
all starts with customer insight. The
                                                      lines. Similarly, telcos have millions of        and preferences. Gaining a single
logic really is quite simple: unless a
                                                      customers, each of whom purchases                view of the customer begins with the
company fully understands key aspects
                                                      some combination of broadband,                   implementation of a data warehouse
of a customer—including behaviors,
                                                      wireless, local, long-distance and               into which all relevant internal customer
attitudes, and perceptions of the com-
                                                      entertainment-content services. The big          data—often widely dispersed throughout
pany’s offerings relative to competitors’
                                                      challenge is to know what that specific          the organization—is fed. This data includes
products and services—it will be unable
                                                      combination is for each customer and             customer contact information, products
to take the steps necessary to create a
                                                      treat them accordingly.                          or services purchased, mode of purchases
strong bond with that customer.
                                                                                                       (Web, store, call center, catalog) and
                                                      To be sure, the challenge companies              monetary value of purchases. Importantly,
Of course, the simplicity of the concept
                                                      face is quite significant. But it can            this information must be augmented by
often clashes with the reality of managing
                                                      be solved. A number of organizations             external demographic data on customers.
thousands, hundreds of thousands or
                                                      —including a country’s postal service,           By teaming a customer’s transaction
millions of customers and their multiple
                                                      an energy company, a telco and a                 history with key data such as number
interactions across numerous touch
                                                      large retailer—have taken major strides          and ages of people in the customer’s
points. This is especially true with
                                                      toward generating and acting on strong           household, median income of the
industries such as telecommunications
                                                      customer insights. In the process,               customer’s neighborhood, and customer’s
and financial services, which often have
                                                      these organizations are building better          ethnic heritage, a company can transcend
different types of relationships with
                                                      relationships with their customers,              the one-dimensional, internal picture
customers depending on the particular
                                                      becoming more competitive and achieving          of a customer that purchase history
service or product being purchased.
                                                      higher performance overall.                      alone provides.

Just as important
as getting the right
type of data in the
data warehouse is
ensuring the data’s
quality and accuracy.

Just as important as getting the right     priate to the amount of business they       At the call center level, lack of integra-
type of data in the data warehouse is      do with the postal service, and grow        tion prevented call center agents from
ensuring the data’s quality and accu-      its overall customer base. However,         detecting the difference among various
racy. As the old saying goes, “Garbage     they also recognized that their existing    callers—for instance, a corporation that
in, garbage out.” We have seen many        customer-facing database systems were       did $10 million worth of business with the
companies spend considerable time and      holding them back. These systems were       postal service versus an individual who
money implementing a data warehouse,       spread throughout the postal service,       did $10 in shipping. Because they had no
but fail to take the necessary steps to    had their own set of business rules and     way of knowing how much business each
ensure that what goes into the ware-       view of the customer, and had no link-      person calling the postal service was
house is clean and consistent. Tools and   ages to each other.                         responsible for, agents treated every
governance processes must be put in                                                    caller the same way—whether it was
place to maintain data integrity and,      This lack of integration and pervasive      the $10 million customer complaining
hence, its value to the organization.      data integrity issues resulted in serious   about recurring service problems or the
                                           operational problems for the postal         $10 customer claiming his package was
One country’s postal service has           service. Because the organization didn’t    not picked up on his doorstep. Besides
experienced firsthand the value of a       have the tools in place to handle           the obvious implication—that the more
single view of the customer. Facing        variations in the name or address of        valuable customer was not receiving
formidable competition in the express      the same customer, a misspelling of a       more attentive and urgent service—
mail segment, the organization was in      customer’s name could lead to the same      this situation also resulted in missed
trouble. It not only was losing money      company being counted as two different      opportunities for cross-selling and agent
on various customer segments, it was       entities. This was especially problematic   follow-up to ensure that the problem
losing customers to competitors better     when it involved a major customer,          has been resolved satisfactorily.
equipped to understand and meet their      because reports based on such data
needs. Agency executives knew that the     would not provide an accurate picture       The postal service eventually decided
organization needed to develop deeper      of just how much business that customer     it had to act. The organization first
insights into its customers to create      conducted with the postal service (and,     designed, developed, tested and deployed
more relevant service offerings, ensure    consequently, the importance of that        a technology solution that automatically
a level of service for customers appro-    customer to the postal service).            cleanses and standardizes the data in

One telecommunications
company knew that the
only way to grow was to
convince customers to
switch from its competitors.
all the postal service’s systems, and uses   As a result of this initiative, the postal   the behavior and value of customers;
advanced matching capabilities to link       service team now has the capability to       and tactical customer and prospect
corresponding customer entries across        target marketing, sales and service ef-      segmentation to continually improve
the disparate organizational systems         forts to specific customer needs, as         marketing campaigns based on
to one unique identifier (a customer         well as identify new revenue and cost-       initial response.
identification number). Next, the agency     cutting opportunities. Whereas in the
created a central repository of the 16       past, the organization was centered          Building on effective segmentation, the
million uniquely identified postal service   on products and services, its new            company then can take advantage of
customers, as well as a cross-reference      customer-centric model enables postal        best-of-breed marketing practices and
capability that allows the postal service    service employees to cluster products        a more rigorous, scientific approach
to know which systems are storing            by particular customer segments,             to customer interaction to plan and
transaction information for each of          thus resulting in better service for         coordinate multi-channel campaigns
these customers. The various source          these customers.                             that reach customers with the
systems can access these capabilities,                                                    appropriate offers via their preferred
                                             Executing more precise targeting
in batch or in real-time, depending on                                                    channel. And by using advanced
                                             and superior campaigns
their business needs. Finally, to improve                                                 technology to automate the campaign
the quality of customer data stored in       With a single view of the customer,          development and execution process, the
the source system databases, the project     an organization can take the next step       company can capture information on
team worked with each source system          toward building stronger customer            campaign performance to continually
business owner to assess data quality        relationships: executing more precise        improve campaign effectiveness.
and address issues such as duplicate         targeting and superior campaigns.
customers, bad address data and missing      Using a variety of analytical tools and      The experience of one global telecom-
customer information. The resulting          processes to deeply analyze customer         munications company illustrates the
data consistency across all systems          and prospect data, the company can           impact more precise targeting and
gives the postal service a clear and         conduct strategic market segmentation        better campaign execution can have on
accurate picture of every way in which       to understand its relative position in the   a company’s marketing efforts. Facing
the organization serves a customer—and       marketplace; strategic customer and          a saturated mobile phone market and
opportunities to enhance that service.       prospect segmentation to understand          stiff competition, this company knew

Organizations are
becoming experts at
learning what their
customers want and
need, and then giving
it to them.

that the only way to grow is to convince    customer data would be consolidated.          the company has improved the speed
customers to switch from its competitors.   This repository enables the company           of campaign creation and execution
Doing so hinged on the ability to under-    to quickly pull relevant data for             and has strengthened its analytical
stand customers’ lifestyles—and then to     specific campaigns. It also allows the        capabilities and on-demand evaluation
more effectively communicate how its        company to conduct complex analyses           of campaign performance. Company
offerings fit into those lifestyles.        that often require cross-referencing          executives believe the new campaign
                                            with different data sets. Next, the           management capabilities give the telco
To address the challenge, the company       company implemented a new campaign            a strong competitive advantage not only
streamlined and automated a large           management system that would access           by solidifying the company’s current
number of activities associated with the    the data in the repository for analysis,      market leadership position, but also by
planning, execution and evaluation of       segmentation and list generation by           laying the groundwork for future efforts
marketing campaigns. The company’s          marketing personnel. This system is           that are expected to include real-time
existing marketing campaign design and      critical to the marketing team’s ability to   personalization capabilities that can help
implementation process was actually         more efficiently and effectively launch       the company boost revenue through
quite mature and effective. But the         campaigns to the right audience, and          increased cross-selling and up-selling.
process of identifying campaign targets     to evaluate the effects in time to make
                                                                                          Boosting customer loyalty
and evaluating campaign effectiveness       necessary adjustments.
                                                                                          and lifetime value
required considerable time and effort to
gather and cleanse data from disparate      As a result of its efforts, the company       History and conventional wisdom
systems, as well as to collect customer     has reduced by 25 percent the cycle           tell us it is much cheaper to keep a
feedback. Also, necessary adjustments to    time of marketing campaigns from              customer than get a new one. So while
the campaign could not be implemented       initial data sourcing to final evaluation     organizations make a pronounced
quickly because of the lack of an           of campaign performance. In fact, the         move toward more aggressive customer
appropriate online analytical tool.         telco’s campaign process has become 32        acquisition, they must not do so at the
                                            percent more efficient, as measured by        expense of existing customers who
To improve its campaign management          the amount of time that the activities        are a prime target for competitors.
process, the company first built a          associated with the campaign are actu-        As customers become more informed
campaign data repository in which the       ally adding value. Through automation,        and competition intensifies, leading

companies have recognized the                clear that the company no longer could    customer service agents, marketing
necessity of instilling discipline and       pursue business as usual.                 and sales specialists, and other parts
rigor in their customer loyalty activities                                             of the business with complete views of
and boosting the lifetime value of their     One of the company’s biggest problems     customers’ product/service holdings and
most profitable customer segments. The       was that its product orientation,         their contacts within the company.
key to managing and growing loyalty          coupled with a number of process
is developing specific experiences           and technology shortcomings, made         On the heels of the successful rollout
for each customer segment that are           it extremely difficult for employees      of the new CRM system, the project
unique to those customers and their          to understand—and, thus, effectively      team moved to phase two: adding
specific needs. By analyzing patterns        market to and service—customers.          an enhancement to the system that
of churn on a segment-by-segment             Company executives recognized that        would help call center agents become
basis, an organization can develop a         incremental fixes and process tweaks      more successful salespeople. These
deep understanding of the reasons why        would not be sufficient; nothing short    enhancements included “campaign
customers defect. Once a company has         of a complete transformation in the way   prompts” that are marked against each
identified its most important sources        the company dealt with customers—         customer’s record in the CRM system,
of value, it then can develop specific       including marketing, sales, service and   which is linked to a data warehouse that
loyalty programs that have the highest       billing—was needed.                       contains more detailed information on
chance of being enthusiastically                                                       customers such as complete transaction
received by the most profitable              The company ultimately embarked           history and demographic data. Another
customers.                                   on a multiphase project, the first        improvement is a product configuration
                                             phase of which involved creating a        tool that enables employees to select
A major provider of gas, electricity and     common CRM technology layer on            the different types of options on a
a variety of home heating and plumb-         top of the company’s legacy systems       product (payment methods, rates,
ing services faced a loyalty crossroads      for gas, electricity and home services    etc.) along with a common three-step
of sorts. The confluence of three key        customers. By aggregating the separate    process to configure, price and submit
challenges—intensifying competition,         sets of product-based information         a sale. And a number of automatic
increasing customer churn and heightened     into accurate comprehensive customer      and integrated validation steps have
investor pressure for growth—made it         files, the company could provide its      been added as part of the sales process

Targeted campaign
prompts in the CRM
system have delivered
uplift in sales
conversion rates.

Current business issues: France                                               Current business issues: Japan

Figure 2. Survey of 800 executives conducted by Accenture.

improvements, including address and                   dramatically. Following the completion     business. This approach had the retailer
payment validation and credit vetting.                of the second phase of work, average       carrying a wide assortment that was
                                                      handling time for energy customers         difficult for its sales force to support
As a result of the project, the company               increased from 4 percent to 11 percent,    and that greatly hindered profitability.
is enjoying numerous operational and                  but sales conversion rates rose by as      The company thought that shifting to
financial benefits. All sales agents in               much as 30 percent. Similarly average      a customer-centric business model—a
the company now have a single view                    handling time for home services            new store layout, selling strategy and
of its customers—and all the products                 customers jumped by 3 percent but was      operating model geared to the retailer’s
they hold—over its three major business               accompanied by an increase in sales        most profitable customer group—would
areas (gas, electricity and home servicing).          conversion rates of 7 percent.             restore the organization’s growth
This single customer view has improved                                                           and profitability.
sales people’s efficiency because they                Targeted campaign prompts in the
are entering fewer duplicate sales, no                CRM system have delivered uplift in        The retailer’s first step was to mine
longer wasting time trying to acquire                 sales conversion rates. A pilot of the     its customer database to determine
customers that already are won, and                   campaign prompts functionality across      the shopping and lifestyle traits of the
spending much less time recontacting                  four different sites demonstrated an       company’s most profitable customer
customers for more information.                       average uplift in conversion rates of      group. After conducting a fact-based
                                                      7.3 percent. Rejection rates on sales      analysis of historical purchases
Because the CRM system supports a                     made by field agents have been reduced     and primary research, the company
common process and front-end interface                from 60 percent to 25 percent due          realized that it didn’t need such a
to energy and servicing sales, all call               to improvements in the automatic           broad assortment. On the contrary,
center agents can easily generate quotes              validation, credit vetting and address     its most profitable customer group
and create customer orders—which                      verification processes implemented. And,   wanted select, fewer items with
has greatly increased agents’ ability to              within just a few months of operation,     better sales support and higher-value
carry out cross-sales, and has spurred                the CRM system significantly stemmed       offerings. As a result of its findings,
agents to actively look for cross-                    the company’s loss of gas customers.       the company began reformatting its
selling opportunities. Furthermore, the                                                          stores to expressly appeal to its most
customer-centric nature of the CRM                    A large retailer is another company        profitable customer segments in various
system gives the company a unique                     that has boosted its top and bottom        geographic areas. The new-format
ability to generate deeper customer                   lines on the back of stronger loyalty.     rollout is still in its early stages, but
insights and marketing programs                       To differentiate itself in a crowded       thus far, the company reports that
based on the actions and life events                  market and reverse a serious decline       its new formats are generating sales
happening to its customers. These                     in revenue and profits, this organiza-     at twice the rate of the company’s
operational benefits have led to some                 tion decided to make a major shift in      traditional formats.
dramatic, measurable improvements in                  focus. Historically, the company had
the company’s business. For example,                  a very product-centric approach that
sales conversion rates have increased                 dominated almost every aspect of its

To be sure, building and              Leading organizations such as      and need, and then giving it
maintaining strong, profitable        those profiled are examples of     to them. In doing so, they are
customer relationships is far         how customer insight can be        positioning themselves to make
from easy. It requires significant    a powerful tool in the drive       and strengthen the connection
shifts in organization and culture,   toward more valuable and           with customers that is so vital to
sophisticated technologies and        lasting customer relationships.    keeping revenue and profits high
analytical capabilities, and the      Armed with a single view of        and leaving competitors far,
discipline to continuously monitor    its customers—and leveraging       far behind.
and measure the results of all        that capability to segment
marketing activities. And, because    customers more precisely,
of constantly changing market         execute more effective and
conditions, “customer nirvana”        efficient campaigns, and drive
is a journey, not a destination.      stronger customer loyalty and
However, although difficult, it’s a   higher lifetime value—these
journey that every company must       high-performance organizations
take to grow and prosper in the       are becoming experts at learning
next five, 10 and 20 years.           what their customers want

About the Author
Alton L. Adams is the Global Managing Partner for Accenture’s
Customer Insight practice in the CRM Global Service Line. Mr.
Adams has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, sales
and general management. He has particular expertise in the use
of information for sales, marketing and risk management decisions.

Prior to joining Accenture, Mr. Adams was president of the
Database Solutions business at Experian, specializing in customer
information, decision support and target marketing services.
Before joining Experian, Mr. Adams held several positions in the
information services industry, including executive positions with
TRW, Equifax and Standard and Poors.

Mr. Adams holds an MBA in Marketing & Finance from the Wharton
School and a BA in Economics from Georgetown University.

He can be reached at:

About Accenture
                                        Accenture is widely regarded as
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Customer Insight Findand Keepthe Customers You Want

  • 1. Find and Keep the Customers You Want: The Customer Insight Mandate 3
  • 2. 4
  • 3. After a half-decade of inward focus, companies are awakening to the need to shift from customer retention to acquisition. In fact, executives we’ve spoken with roundly agree that their company’s success—in some cases, survival—is directly tied to their ability to more effectively acquire new customers and subsequently develop much more intimate relationships with those customers. Yet we’ve also heard and seen the frustration that companies experience in addressing this challenge. In many organizations, despite several years of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) investment, capabilities for developing insights on customers—and successfully acting on those insights—are still lacking. In this paper, we share our thoughts on how companies can transcend the obstacles to generating deeper insights into their customers. We explore how to use customer insight to dramatically improve both the quality of sales and marketing campaigns, as well as customer loyalty and lifetime value. And we provide examples of leading companies that are using customer insight as a key tool in their journey to achieve high performance. 5
  • 4. Find and Keep the Customers You Want: The Customer Insight Mandate Customers are key, but executives in France and Japan. French with finance and insurance companies executives cited increasing customer fell by 1.7 percent (and 6.5 percent capabilities are lacking loyalty and retention (56 percent) and since 1994). Furthermore, for the first increasing customer service capability time ever, consumer satisfaction with As companies continue their quest for (50 percent) as their top issues, while e-commerce providers dropped—by 2.7 growth, the need to build stronger, more in Japan, acquiring new customers (45 percent from 2004. profitable relationships with customers percent) was tied for second on the assumes greater importance. Accenture top-issues list2 (See Figure 2). Another well respected barometer of research shows that growth is, indeed, consumer attitudes—this one involving on the minds of many executives as the However, many companies—despite the automobile industry—is J.D. Power economy improves. An Accenture survey making significant investments in CRM & Associates. In a recent study, they of 244 executives around the world over the past several years—still aren’t discovered what should be a troubling found that 42 percent will be focused well-positioned to connect with cus- trend for automakers: 17 automobile primarily on growth in 2005 and an tomers in ways that maximize loyalty companies retain fewer than half of additional 32 percent will attempt to and repeat business. This is reflected their customers when they buy a new strike a balance between growth and in a number of industry statistics that car, with many of these companies cost control. 1 speak to consumers’ ongoing frustration only holding on to one-third of their or dissatisfaction with various product customers. In a second survey of more than and service providers. One such statistic 800 global executives conducted by is the American Customer Satisfaction Churn is an accurate gauge of customer Accenture, 32 percent of respondents Index created by the University of displeasure, as the telecommunica- said acquiring new customers is one of Michigan. The most recent edition of tions sector knows all too well. Most, their top business issues—just behind the index found that consumers grew if not all, of the major telcos and cable changing organizational culture and less satisfied with product and service television providers have struggled employee attitudes (33 percent) and providers in the past decade. In the throughout the past decade to retain attracting and retaining skilled staff past year, satisfaction with retailers their customers as the industry has (35 percent) (See Figure 1). The focus on dropped 3.2 percent (and just over 4 undergone significant technological and customers is especially strong among percent from 1994), while satisfaction market upheaval. Cable companies, 6
  • 5. for their part, continue to lose large to engage customers with offerings that Another study, conducted by Strativity numbers of subscribers to hard-charging more closely meet their needs. Group, reinforces Accenture’s findings. satellite providers, while traditional In this research, 54 percent of execu- and mobile telephony companies seem For example, it is well documented tives said their company’s relationship intent on fighting a price war that that to generate true insights into with the customer is not well defined. no one can win. The vast majority of customers’ behavior and preferences, a Even worse, fewer than 20 percent had customers switching telco and cable company must have a complete view of data on key aspects of their customer providers typically cite poor service as each customer’s interactions and history relationships, including the cost of new their top reason for making the move. with the company—whether those customers, customer complaints and interactions were via a store, website, even average annual customer value.3 catalog or call center. Yet, according to an Accenture survey of global Clearly, companies must do a much No insight equals marketing executives, only 29 percent better job of knowing who their no connection of companies surveyed have a single, customers are and what motivates consistent view of all customers across them if they are to stimulate the strong all business functions. customer loyalty that is the foundation Why are companies continuing to for business success. struggle building strong and lasting Furthermore, the same survey found relationships with their customers? that companies are not regularly Based on our research and work with capitalizing on customer interactions as leading companies around the world, selling opportunities (typically because we believe the root of the problem 1. “The High Performance Workforce Study,quot; they lack a complete view of their is that most companies still lack the Accenture, 2004. customers). Only 39 percent of partici- capabilities to develop and act on robust 2. quot;Accenture Global Awareness Tracking Survey,quot; pating marketing executives said their customer insights—and that shortcom- January 2005. companies offer additional products and ing is preventing them from using 3. quot;2004 Customer Experience Management Global Survey,quot; by Strativity Group. services each time a customer contacts customer interactions as opportunities the company. 7
  • 6. Business issues ranked by order of importance Attracting and retaining skilled staff 35% Changing organizational culture and 33% employee attitudes Acquiring new customers 32% Develop new processes and products 29% to stay ahead of the competition Increasing customer loyalty 29% and retention Managing risk 29% Improving workplace performance 28% Increasing shareholder value 27% Using IT to reduce costs and 27% create value Being flexible and adaptable to 26% rapidly changing market conditions Developing employees into 26% capable leaders 0 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Figure 1. Survey of 800 executives conducted by Accenture. Customer insight Creating a single view A consumer may have a home mortgage, of the customer savings account, credit card, and unlocks the door to investment portfolio with the same bank. The capability that is at the core of Yet, because these products often are customer insight is the single view of profitable growth sold and managed separately, the bank the customer. Without such a view, has no way of knowing the true value it is impossible to paint a complete Where does such knowledge begin? It of that customer across its product picture of customers and their needs all starts with customer insight. The lines. Similarly, telcos have millions of and preferences. Gaining a single logic really is quite simple: unless a customers, each of whom purchases view of the customer begins with the company fully understands key aspects some combination of broadband, implementation of a data warehouse of a customer—including behaviors, wireless, local, long-distance and into which all relevant internal customer attitudes, and perceptions of the com- entertainment-content services. The big data—often widely dispersed throughout pany’s offerings relative to competitors’ challenge is to know what that specific the organization—is fed. This data includes products and services—it will be unable combination is for each customer and customer contact information, products to take the steps necessary to create a treat them accordingly. or services purchased, mode of purchases strong bond with that customer. (Web, store, call center, catalog) and To be sure, the challenge companies monetary value of purchases. Importantly, Of course, the simplicity of the concept face is quite significant. But it can this information must be augmented by often clashes with the reality of managing be solved. A number of organizations external demographic data on customers. thousands, hundreds of thousands or —including a country’s postal service, By teaming a customer’s transaction millions of customers and their multiple an energy company, a telco and a history with key data such as number interactions across numerous touch large retailer—have taken major strides and ages of people in the customer’s points. This is especially true with toward generating and acting on strong household, median income of the industries such as telecommunications customer insights. In the process, customer’s neighborhood, and customer’s and financial services, which often have these organizations are building better ethnic heritage, a company can transcend different types of relationships with relationships with their customers, the one-dimensional, internal picture customers depending on the particular becoming more competitive and achieving of a customer that purchase history service or product being purchased. higher performance overall. alone provides. 8
  • 7. Just as important as getting the right type of data in the data warehouse is ensuring the data’s quality and accuracy. 9
  • 8. Just as important as getting the right priate to the amount of business they At the call center level, lack of integra- type of data in the data warehouse is do with the postal service, and grow tion prevented call center agents from ensuring the data’s quality and accu- its overall customer base. However, detecting the difference among various racy. As the old saying goes, “Garbage they also recognized that their existing callers—for instance, a corporation that in, garbage out.” We have seen many customer-facing database systems were did $10 million worth of business with the companies spend considerable time and holding them back. These systems were postal service versus an individual who money implementing a data warehouse, spread throughout the postal service, did $10 in shipping. Because they had no but fail to take the necessary steps to had their own set of business rules and way of knowing how much business each ensure that what goes into the ware- view of the customer, and had no link- person calling the postal service was house is clean and consistent. Tools and ages to each other. responsible for, agents treated every governance processes must be put in caller the same way—whether it was place to maintain data integrity and, This lack of integration and pervasive the $10 million customer complaining hence, its value to the organization. data integrity issues resulted in serious about recurring service problems or the operational problems for the postal $10 customer claiming his package was One country’s postal service has service. Because the organization didn’t not picked up on his doorstep. Besides experienced firsthand the value of a have the tools in place to handle the obvious implication—that the more single view of the customer. Facing variations in the name or address of valuable customer was not receiving formidable competition in the express the same customer, a misspelling of a more attentive and urgent service— mail segment, the organization was in customer’s name could lead to the same this situation also resulted in missed trouble. It not only was losing money company being counted as two different opportunities for cross-selling and agent on various customer segments, it was entities. This was especially problematic follow-up to ensure that the problem losing customers to competitors better when it involved a major customer, has been resolved satisfactorily. equipped to understand and meet their because reports based on such data needs. Agency executives knew that the would not provide an accurate picture The postal service eventually decided organization needed to develop deeper of just how much business that customer it had to act. The organization first insights into its customers to create conducted with the postal service (and, designed, developed, tested and deployed more relevant service offerings, ensure consequently, the importance of that a technology solution that automatically a level of service for customers appro- customer to the postal service). cleanses and standardizes the data in One telecommunications company knew that the only way to grow was to convince customers to switch from its competitors. 10
  • 9. all the postal service’s systems, and uses As a result of this initiative, the postal the behavior and value of customers; advanced matching capabilities to link service team now has the capability to and tactical customer and prospect corresponding customer entries across target marketing, sales and service ef- segmentation to continually improve the disparate organizational systems forts to specific customer needs, as marketing campaigns based on to one unique identifier (a customer well as identify new revenue and cost- initial response. identification number). Next, the agency cutting opportunities. Whereas in the created a central repository of the 16 past, the organization was centered Building on effective segmentation, the million uniquely identified postal service on products and services, its new company then can take advantage of customers, as well as a cross-reference customer-centric model enables postal best-of-breed marketing practices and capability that allows the postal service service employees to cluster products a more rigorous, scientific approach to know which systems are storing by particular customer segments, to customer interaction to plan and transaction information for each of thus resulting in better service for coordinate multi-channel campaigns these customers. The various source these customers. that reach customers with the systems can access these capabilities, appropriate offers via their preferred Executing more precise targeting in batch or in real-time, depending on channel. And by using advanced and superior campaigns their business needs. Finally, to improve technology to automate the campaign the quality of customer data stored in With a single view of the customer, development and execution process, the the source system databases, the project an organization can take the next step company can capture information on team worked with each source system toward building stronger customer campaign performance to continually business owner to assess data quality relationships: executing more precise improve campaign effectiveness. and address issues such as duplicate targeting and superior campaigns. customers, bad address data and missing Using a variety of analytical tools and The experience of one global telecom- customer information. The resulting processes to deeply analyze customer munications company illustrates the data consistency across all systems and prospect data, the company can impact more precise targeting and gives the postal service a clear and conduct strategic market segmentation better campaign execution can have on accurate picture of every way in which to understand its relative position in the a company’s marketing efforts. Facing the organization serves a customer—and marketplace; strategic customer and a saturated mobile phone market and opportunities to enhance that service. prospect segmentation to understand stiff competition, this company knew 11
  • 10. Organizations are becoming experts at learning what their customers want and need, and then giving it to them. that the only way to grow is to convince customer data would be consolidated. the company has improved the speed customers to switch from its competitors. This repository enables the company of campaign creation and execution Doing so hinged on the ability to under- to quickly pull relevant data for and has strengthened its analytical stand customers’ lifestyles—and then to specific campaigns. It also allows the capabilities and on-demand evaluation more effectively communicate how its company to conduct complex analyses of campaign performance. Company offerings fit into those lifestyles. that often require cross-referencing executives believe the new campaign with different data sets. Next, the management capabilities give the telco To address the challenge, the company company implemented a new campaign a strong competitive advantage not only streamlined and automated a large management system that would access by solidifying the company’s current number of activities associated with the the data in the repository for analysis, market leadership position, but also by planning, execution and evaluation of segmentation and list generation by laying the groundwork for future efforts marketing campaigns. The company’s marketing personnel. This system is that are expected to include real-time existing marketing campaign design and critical to the marketing team’s ability to personalization capabilities that can help implementation process was actually more efficiently and effectively launch the company boost revenue through quite mature and effective. But the campaigns to the right audience, and increased cross-selling and up-selling. process of identifying campaign targets to evaluate the effects in time to make Boosting customer loyalty and evaluating campaign effectiveness necessary adjustments. and lifetime value required considerable time and effort to gather and cleanse data from disparate As a result of its efforts, the company History and conventional wisdom systems, as well as to collect customer has reduced by 25 percent the cycle tell us it is much cheaper to keep a feedback. Also, necessary adjustments to time of marketing campaigns from customer than get a new one. So while the campaign could not be implemented initial data sourcing to final evaluation organizations make a pronounced quickly because of the lack of an of campaign performance. In fact, the move toward more aggressive customer appropriate online analytical tool. telco’s campaign process has become 32 acquisition, they must not do so at the percent more efficient, as measured by expense of existing customers who To improve its campaign management the amount of time that the activities are a prime target for competitors. process, the company first built a associated with the campaign are actu- As customers become more informed campaign data repository in which the ally adding value. Through automation, and competition intensifies, leading 12
  • 11. companies have recognized the clear that the company no longer could customer service agents, marketing necessity of instilling discipline and pursue business as usual. and sales specialists, and other parts rigor in their customer loyalty activities of the business with complete views of and boosting the lifetime value of their One of the company’s biggest problems customers’ product/service holdings and most profitable customer segments. The was that its product orientation, their contacts within the company. key to managing and growing loyalty coupled with a number of process is developing specific experiences and technology shortcomings, made On the heels of the successful rollout for each customer segment that are it extremely difficult for employees of the new CRM system, the project unique to those customers and their to understand—and, thus, effectively team moved to phase two: adding specific needs. By analyzing patterns market to and service—customers. an enhancement to the system that of churn on a segment-by-segment Company executives recognized that would help call center agents become basis, an organization can develop a incremental fixes and process tweaks more successful salespeople. These deep understanding of the reasons why would not be sufficient; nothing short enhancements included “campaign customers defect. Once a company has of a complete transformation in the way prompts” that are marked against each identified its most important sources the company dealt with customers— customer’s record in the CRM system, of value, it then can develop specific including marketing, sales, service and which is linked to a data warehouse that loyalty programs that have the highest billing—was needed. contains more detailed information on chance of being enthusiastically customers such as complete transaction received by the most profitable The company ultimately embarked history and demographic data. Another customers. on a multiphase project, the first improvement is a product configuration phase of which involved creating a tool that enables employees to select A major provider of gas, electricity and common CRM technology layer on the different types of options on a a variety of home heating and plumb- top of the company’s legacy systems product (payment methods, rates, ing services faced a loyalty crossroads for gas, electricity and home services etc.) along with a common three-step of sorts. The confluence of three key customers. By aggregating the separate process to configure, price and submit challenges—intensifying competition, sets of product-based information a sale. And a number of automatic increasing customer churn and heightened into accurate comprehensive customer and integrated validation steps have investor pressure for growth—made it files, the company could provide its been added as part of the sales process 13
  • 12. Targeted campaign prompts in the CRM system have delivered uplift in sales conversion rates. 14
  • 13. Current business issues: France Current business issues: Japan Figure 2. Survey of 800 executives conducted by Accenture. improvements, including address and dramatically. Following the completion business. This approach had the retailer payment validation and credit vetting. of the second phase of work, average carrying a wide assortment that was handling time for energy customers difficult for its sales force to support As a result of the project, the company increased from 4 percent to 11 percent, and that greatly hindered profitability. is enjoying numerous operational and but sales conversion rates rose by as The company thought that shifting to financial benefits. All sales agents in much as 30 percent. Similarly average a customer-centric business model—a the company now have a single view handling time for home services new store layout, selling strategy and of its customers—and all the products customers jumped by 3 percent but was operating model geared to the retailer’s they hold—over its three major business accompanied by an increase in sales most profitable customer group—would areas (gas, electricity and home servicing). conversion rates of 7 percent. restore the organization’s growth This single customer view has improved and profitability. sales people’s efficiency because they Targeted campaign prompts in the are entering fewer duplicate sales, no CRM system have delivered uplift in The retailer’s first step was to mine longer wasting time trying to acquire sales conversion rates. A pilot of the its customer database to determine customers that already are won, and campaign prompts functionality across the shopping and lifestyle traits of the spending much less time recontacting four different sites demonstrated an company’s most profitable customer customers for more information. average uplift in conversion rates of group. After conducting a fact-based 7.3 percent. Rejection rates on sales analysis of historical purchases Because the CRM system supports a made by field agents have been reduced and primary research, the company common process and front-end interface from 60 percent to 25 percent due realized that it didn’t need such a to energy and servicing sales, all call to improvements in the automatic broad assortment. On the contrary, center agents can easily generate quotes validation, credit vetting and address its most profitable customer group and create customer orders—which verification processes implemented. And, wanted select, fewer items with has greatly increased agents’ ability to within just a few months of operation, better sales support and higher-value carry out cross-sales, and has spurred the CRM system significantly stemmed offerings. As a result of its findings, agents to actively look for cross- the company’s loss of gas customers. the company began reformatting its selling opportunities. Furthermore, the stores to expressly appeal to its most customer-centric nature of the CRM A large retailer is another company profitable customer segments in various system gives the company a unique that has boosted its top and bottom geographic areas. The new-format ability to generate deeper customer lines on the back of stronger loyalty. rollout is still in its early stages, but insights and marketing programs To differentiate itself in a crowded thus far, the company reports that based on the actions and life events market and reverse a serious decline its new formats are generating sales happening to its customers. These in revenue and profits, this organiza- at twice the rate of the company’s operational benefits have led to some tion decided to make a major shift in traditional formats. dramatic, measurable improvements in focus. Historically, the company had the company’s business. For example, a very product-centric approach that sales conversion rates have increased dominated almost every aspect of its 15
  • 14. Conclusion To be sure, building and Leading organizations such as and need, and then giving it maintaining strong, profitable those profiled are examples of to them. In doing so, they are customer relationships is far how customer insight can be positioning themselves to make from easy. It requires significant a powerful tool in the drive and strengthen the connection shifts in organization and culture, toward more valuable and with customers that is so vital to sophisticated technologies and lasting customer relationships. keeping revenue and profits high analytical capabilities, and the Armed with a single view of and leaving competitors far, discipline to continuously monitor its customers—and leveraging far behind. and measure the results of all that capability to segment marketing activities. And, because customers more precisely, of constantly changing market execute more effective and conditions, “customer nirvana” efficient campaigns, and drive is a journey, not a destination. stronger customer loyalty and However, although difficult, it’s a higher lifetime value—these journey that every company must high-performance organizations take to grow and prosper in the are becoming experts at learning next five, 10 and 20 years. what their customers want 16
  • 15. About the Author Alton L. Adams is the Global Managing Partner for Accenture’s Customer Insight practice in the CRM Global Service Line. Mr. Adams has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, sales and general management. He has particular expertise in the use of information for sales, marketing and risk management decisions. Prior to joining Accenture, Mr. Adams was president of the Database Solutions business at Experian, specializing in customer information, decision support and target marketing services. Before joining Experian, Mr. Adams held several positions in the information services industry, including executive positions with TRW, Equifax and Standard and Poors. Mr. Adams holds an MBA in Marketing & Finance from the Wharton School and a BA in Economics from Georgetown University. He can be reached at: 17
  • 16. About Accenture Accenture is widely regarded as Accenture is a global management the leading provider of consulting consulting, technology services and solutions and managed services outsourcing company. Committed to designed to deliver high performance delivering innovation, Accenture to your business. The company infuses collaborates with its clients to help marketing, sales and customer service them become high-performance operations with strategic insight, businesses and governments. With sophisticated data analysis, advanced deep industry and business process technology and operational excellence. expertise, broad global resources and Combining experience, innovation a proven track record, Accenture can and a global delivery network, our mobilize the right people, skills and Customer Relationship Management technologies to help clients improve professionals team with clients across their performance. With more than virtually all industries to design and 115,000 people in 48 countries, the implement strategies for creating company generated net revenues of customer experiences that enable US$13.67 billion for the fiscal year growth, increased profitability and ended Aug. 31, 2004. Its home page is high performance. Copyright © 2005 Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accenture.