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Part 1 : Introduction
In the (post-)crisis era, challenging the status quo
                  through innovation will be critical to restore profitability
                  in the financial sector. The commoditisation of products
                  within the industry is making it very difficult to compete
                  on price. Moreover, a whole array of non-banking
                  entities is entering the market to close the gap between
                  the offerings of banks and the needs of customers.
                  Suddenly, banks face competition from telcos,

What to expect?   supermarkets, tech firms and innovative start-ups, all
                  experienced in building online relationships and
                  developing and marketing transparent products.

                  In this paper we explain how
                                             financial institutions
                  can install structural collaboration
                  trajectories with key stakeholders (consumers,
                  employees, management) in order to develop true value
                  propositions consumers are willing to pay for.
Time to innovate is NOW!
 So from a bank‟s point of view the competitive frame
 of reference has expanded considerably and at a
 frightening pace.                                                     “Customers judge across their entire set of
                                                                       experiences rather than just comparing your
 As a result, only
                 financial institutions which                          organization to others like it. We want our
 invest in service innovations taking                                  technology to be as intuitive and user-friendly as
                                                                       Apple products, the service we receive to be as
 advantage of a profound understanding of
                                                                       thoughtful as we might get from Nordstrom, and
 consumer needs and demands will be able to                            personalization and ease of payment as good as
 outperform competition. (IBM Institute for                            Amazon’s”
                                                                       (Forbes, Rita McGrath, Five Big Trends in Business Innovation in 2012).
 Business Value 2010)

 …impediments to innovate are probably more persistent in the financial sector than in any other industry. Strict
 regulations, low margins, legacy, long time to market, focus on short-term financial success, commoditisation of
 services & products, IT-driven NPD, lack of organisational structures & funds fostering innovation… most often result in
 banks embracing the opposite of an open-innovation-minded culture. (Accenture Research, 2010)
With the rise of web 2.0 and social media, new
             tools are available for organisations to facilitate
             open innovation and structural collaboration

Here’s the   processes. In the next chapters, we explain why
             and how to install structural

solution!    collaboration trajectories with internal
             and external stakeholders (consumers,
             employees, management), what the keys to
             success are and the implications for the
             organization. We end with concrete cases in the
             telco, aviation and financial sector.
Part 2 : Structural Collaboration
When we talk about open            In     most        cases,       this
             innovation or   structural         collaboration starts with a pilot
             collaboration, we refer to the     project.      If   the   test     is
             integration of the voice of        successful, the collaboration
             the customer in all decision-      can gradually be built up in a
             making flows of your               more structural manner. Less
                                                than one out of ten companies
             company. In most companies,
                                                which co-create with their
             customers are only allowed to
Power to     give their feedback at the very
             end of a decision-making flow
                                                customers also uses this
                                                collaboration for launching new
                                                products or services. We could
             through   traditional market
the people   research. This paper gives
             insights on how to involve
                                                say that the focus of co-
                                                creation is mainly on the
                                                initiation of new ideas. But
             the customer in every single       even if consumers are more or
             phase of the decision-             less continually involved in the
             making flow on an on-going         process of dreaming up new
             basis. Currently, only 3% of all   ideas, this is still not enough to
                                                allow us to speak of „structural
             companies have experience
             with developing new products
             and    services    with    their
Structural collaboration means that the customer is
involved in all aspects of your company’s life. This includes:

1. Getting new insights:         Exploration of the target group. Listen directly to how
    they perceive the product and service quality in order to optimize the commercial
    portfolio. This also implies discovering new market trends and unmet needs from
    your most relevant customers.

2. The development of new ideas and fine-tuning of existing ideas:
    Create new commercial value together with the customer.

3. Key role during implementation:                     Include   customers    during   the
    implementation phase to make sure that your interpretation of their ideas is correct.

4. Continuous evaluation and optimization: Use the customer‟s voice as a
    continuous flow of information to improve loads of smaller, tactical issues and to re-
    shape the future of your company, your customer being your primary consultant.
Overview of structural collaboration and business issues

                                        And it pays off: a recent article in the
                                        „Harvard Business Review‟ claimed
                                        that companies are more able to
                                        solve all their main business
                                        issues if they collaborate closely
                                        with their consumers. The good
                                        news is that consumers are also
                                        willing to help companies out with
                                        this: more than half of them want to
                                        collaborate with one of their
                                        favourite brands on one or more of
                                        these issues. The goal of this paper
                                        is to look into the necessary
                                        ingredients for a company to
                                        structurally get the consumer on
The objectives of structural collaboration
 Based on 17 interviews with senior executives of (global) brands from different industries, we came to the
 conclusion that companies that are working on structural collaboration with their customers have four clear
 objectives in mind with this approach:

1. Create better products, improve the                3. Add consumer feeling to the gut feeling. A lot of
customer service and communicate in a                 managers rely on their gut feeling, which is wonderful.
                                                      Structural collaboration should add „consumer feeling‟ to
more impactful way. This is by far the most
                                                      it. By collaborating so often, managers create the ability to
important objective for large brands in order to
                                                      put on the consumers‟ hat during a meeting and think as
collaborate with consumers. By succeeding in this
                                                      the consumer. Which helps them to make more
objective, the overall performance of the
                                                      consumer-relevant choices.
organization will increase.

2. Become more agile. By involving customers in       4. Marketing & PR. Companies that are listening and
every phase of a decision-making chain, things        that involve consumers in decision-making are popular
move faster. Companies can make better                nowadays. Tell all your customers that you take decisions
decisions more rapidly and have a better feeling of   based on consulting other customers, and they will like
what will be needed to be equally successful in the   you more. Leveraging the internal collaboration platforms
future. A big plus in today‟s fast-moving world.      towards the external communication has an impact on the
                                                      overall perception. This is not the main goal, but a very
                                                      welcomed indirect effect.
It‟s clear that structural collaboration with consumers is
                   not about having the right technology to make it
                   happen. It is about a mentality shift for most
                   organisations. A shift from a „we know best‟ attitude
                   towards an open mentality. The most beautiful result

An evolution,      of collaborating companies is the creation of what we
                   just called the „consumer feeling’.        Adding the
                   consumer feeling to the gut feeling of companies is
not a revolution   the biggest change one can achieve through structural

                   To reach this situation, a number of steps need to be
                   taken. Based on our research, we learned that all
                   companies started small and evolved towards bigger
                   and bigger collaboration projects. In the end,
                   collaboration was really embedded in their organization.
                   It was a process of change, not a revolution.
The evolution towards structural collaboration happens
     in three steps:

1.    Collaboration always starts with a first-time try out. Companies organize a co-creation project in which
      they allow the customer to participate in one specific project. Most frequently occurring examples are co-
      creation of a new product, a new package or new marketing communication.

2.    If this try-out is experienced as a success, the second step is to apply collaboration on a project-based
      level in the organization. In this stage, companies have the habit to involve customers in every
      important new project they work on.

3.    After a while, it becomes hard for them to take decisions without the voice of the customer during the
      process and they decide to collaborate structurally.
Three pillars for structural
collaboration with your customers
1              Select the right participants
In our opinion there are two types of - meaningful -     Companies that want to involve the customer in
structural customer collaboration : an open online       more strategic decisions and that have a need for in-
platform where everyone can participate and a            depth feedback, tend to work with a closed online
closed online community where you select the             community with a limited number of relevant
people to join in. In the large open communities you     customers. If you want to solve a specific
have little direct control over who joins and who        management problem, it is better to discuss possible
       The members come together in a                    solutions with a smaller, closed group of between 50
                                                         and 150 of people with a keen interest for your
very spontaneous way to discuss particular
                                                         category. It could also be a group of your most
subjects of their interest. Your role with               ardent fans, fans you have carefully vetted and
regards to these people is simply to listen. This will   selected yourself. The major advantage of this
allow you to discover a series of unfulfilled market     approach is that you have everything in your own
needs, which may eventually lead to new products         hands - and this is advisable if you don‟t want the
and services. Of course, you are also free to ask        whole world to know what decisions are being taken.
them questions, but you should always remember
that these are open communities - anyone else
might be listening to their answers!
1              Select the right participants
Having said that, it is important to acknowledge that not    Research has shown that without this kind of
every customer will be able - or is suitable - to help you   emotional commitment people seldom are
solve management problems. To give your company              interested enough to contribute effectively to an
access to the right advice on a daily basis, you need to                                you need to
                                                             online community. In other words,
listen to the right (and relevant) people. For your          talk to people who are interesting and
communities you should seek to attract people who            interested. If they don‟t have an opinion or if
can offer added value. The minimum condition is              the natural motivation to take part is missing,
that they have a clear commitment to the                     your community will not achieve what you want it
                                                             to achieve. But natural engagement is not
company and what it stands for. They may be experts
                                                             sufficient, in order to make your community a real
in the sector, knowledgeable and enthusiastic amateurs
                                                             success you need to manage it well. Several
in the sector or just big fans of your brand.
                                                             things are important: be open and transparent
                                                             about the goals of each project, listen actively
                                                             (allow participants to put their issues on your
                                                             agenda too), make it a fun experience (after all
                                                             people are doing this in their spare time) and give
                                                             enough feedback on what you did with their
2             Internal communication is not enough
                Internal = External

Managers show more interest in a project or      Sharing your collaboration work with the whole
approach which gets external credits than in a   organisation and the rest of the world has several
project with a sole internal focus. In other     advantages. Next to an increase in motivation of your
words: make sure your structural                 management, it will also increase the motivation of your
collaboration is not completely taking           communities‟ participants. Further, research has shown
                                                 that consumers have a higher trust level towards and a
place behind the scenes of your
                                                 better perception of co-creating brands. So, there is also a
organization.                                    commercial benefit to leveraging your efforts externally.
2              Internal communication is not enough
                  Internal = External
There are a few communication tactics you can apply to increase the internal and external impact of your
collaboration process:

Meet-up with participants:        Go      for   tangible       Bite-size &           Apply content marketing
Collaboration occurs on a         results: If you work         creative              techniques: Don‟t
digital platform but it is an     together     with     your   reporting: Share      communicate once or twice
interaction between people.       consumers         on     a                         about your collaboration, but
                                                               the results of your
To increase the interaction       structural level, make                             talk about it more frequently.
                                                               collaboration in a
and the emotional bonding,        sure you have concrete                             Use three levels of content: big
                                                               short, compelling
make sure your employees          deliverables.        These                         content campaigns (e.g. when
                                                               and creative way
meet up with these people in      results     (e.g.      new                         you have BIG news: launch of
                                                               with your
the real world as well. Show      products,        insights,   employees. Make       an initiative or showing the end
them around in your company,      advertising,                                       result), content projects (e.g. a
                                                               sure it is easy to
tell them your challenges and     packaging…) should be                              theme you talk about for a few
                                                               digest and to
treat them like part-time         shared with the world in                           days/weeks) and content
employees.                        order to make the                                  updates (small, daily updates
                                  collaboration aspirational                         with relevant information).
                                  for the market and for
                                  the manager involved.
3               Measure impact

                             there is need for evidence that the approach works. Therefore
To keep the collaboration flow going,
we advise to use a number of clear success indicators that you can measure during the
implementation of structural collaboration in your organization. There is no standard list of KPIs
to use; they differ from company to company, as they are closely linked to the company culture and the
company‟s (long-term) objectives. There are a few KPIs that apply to all companies to follow up on the impact of
structural collaboration.
3              Measure impact
Success    of    innovation,    impact    of           Cost reduction: by integrating the voice of the
communication and improvement of customer              customer in the entire decision-making flow, the cost
service: by involving customers early in the           of ad hoc market research should be reduced. Next
process, your company will take better decisions.      to that, by creating better products and services
Product launches, new advertising campaigns and        based on the input of the market, the impact of
so on should have a higher success rate than before    word-of-mouth will increase, which may lead to
the collaboration was implemented.                     lower media budgets.

Consumer feeling of the organization: you can           Brand perception: listening actively will humanise
measure to what extent your management has a            your brand and make it more popular.
better feeling of the attitude and behaviour of your
target market. The goal is that managers think as
consumers and improve their performance through
this newly acquired skill.
                                                       Define your KPIs, measure them and
                                                       celebrate success!
Need for changes in internal implementation

Collaboration should lead to decisions that               In other words: it is important to start with a try-out,
are taken through a between the market and                but it is equally important to start with a long-term
                                                          view. Make sure you know where you're going. After
your     company.       The    proof    of   structural
collaboration is in the implementation of the ideas. In   the try-out, it is a matter of including collaboration
order to succeed in this crucial step, there is a need    into projects where the fit feels right. People
to change the internal decision streams. The              (internally and externally) get bored rapidly. Make
challenge is to   integrate consumer feedback             sure you have a flow ready in your collaboration
                                                          process to keep the conversations going. Plan with
and input into every phase of the decision
                                                          room for flexibility. Once you have completed a
cycle. Remember that structural collaboration does        number of successful collaboration projects, the
not come overnight. It starts with a try-out that fits    possibility to move forward to structural collaboration
within the existing culture. Make sure that as from the   will arise.
start you know what your next step will be.
Make sure that, along the way, you take into account
these last tactical tips to make collaboration work:

Have clear objectives for each collaboration project

Involve all stakeholders early in the process

Manage expectations

Have a community manager

Create internal and external credibility
1.   Have clear objectives for each collaboration project. Make sure not to collaborate just for the sake of
     it. To get the feedback of consumers in the decision flow, the objectives have to be very clear, and in line
     with the business goals.

2.   Involve all stakeholders early in the process. The higher the number of departments involved at the
     beginning of the process, the better. In order to integrate the collaboration flow in the decision flow, it is
     crucial to have a buy-in from the relevant teams.

3.   Manage expectations. Collaboration won‟t lead to the next big idea for your company. Customers are
     great sparring partners, but don‟t set your expectations too high. Make sure that during the integration of
     their feedback in the decision flows, everybody is aware of what to expect from the collaboration.

4.   Have a community manager. Make sure to have assigned somebody to manage the community. This
     person is responsible for managing the conversation with participants in the collaboration process and for
     sharing the insights internally. He or she brings the consumer‟s voice to life within the company.

5.   Create internal and external credibility. By delivering results and integrating the voice of the customer
     in your decision flows, you will gain credibility among the participants in the collaboration platform.
     Credibility among employees will also grow as they will see that the collaboration adds value. Marketing
     your collaboration efforts is not a bad thing, but it should not be the only thing.
Part 3 : Cases
                              how we applied the above framework
In this last chapter, we demonstrate
for important players in the (financial) services sector. We report on 2
successful co-creation pilots in the telecom and aviation sector that -eventually-
resulted in a long-term connection between all parties involved. We also show how
the financial sector is gradually opening up and starting to implementing their first true
co-creation trajectories surfing the waves of social media and web 2.0.
The Telenet case:
The Launch of Yelo
Telenet is the largest provider of broadband cable services in Belgium. Its business comprises the provision of
analogue and digital cable television, high speed Internet and fixed & mobile telephony services. By launching a
new service in Beta and integrating the voice of the user in the further development, Telenet co-created unique
value with customers.

With the purpose of securing   (1) market leadership and (2) first mover advantage, Telenet‟s mission
statement comprises “generate impact through happy clients spreading positive word-of-mouth”, turning the
ground swell phenomenon to their advantage. Therefore, they launched a new service in Beta and different
internal teams (R&D, marketing, communication, management, even de CEO, Duco himself) collaborated with a
user group in an online pre-launch community on the further development of this application.
During the official (press) launch of     By integrating the voice of the
Yelo, an application bringing             customer in the development of this
                                          new service, consumers were not
digital TV to mobile devices
                                          only collaborating on improvements,
like the iPhone, iPad and
                                          they actually co-defined the
(portable) computer, users were
                                          development roadmap and the
invited to   provide feedback on social
media.       100 participants were        go-to-market strategy for the
recruited    from the open community      following years.
to join a    3-week closed pre-launch     This roadmap is structured around a
                                                                                  This     co-creation     approach
community      to    allow   in-depth     model generated by consumer
                                                                                  resulted in highly satisfied users,
discussion of the uncovered themes,       feedback, differentiating between
collaboration on improvements and         basic     expectations,    satisfying   with83% being satisfied to
to structure the development              improvements and addictive new          very satisfied, turning users
roadmap. After the community,             features. 30 out of 45 user-            into     real         brand
feedback was shared on social             generated        and      prioritized
                                                                                  ambassadors. About 1 out of 7
media again, offering all users a         improvements have already been
                                                                                  iPhone and iPad users in the
chance to join the dialogue.              added to the roadmap, ranging from
                                                                                  Belgian market installed Yelo.
                                          bugs and interface changes to
                                          content features. More than 50% of
                                                                                  Recently,     similar  co-creation
                                          the last update were user-generated
                                                                                  initiatives have been set up for a
                                                                                  large Belgian Bank and a
                                                                                  worldwide issuer of credit cards.
ING Student House
Leveraging on the next generation
ING, a global financial institution of   Barbera      Van     der     Wal,   Senior
Dutch origin, has the ambition to        Research Manager, ING retail: “Our
become THE bank for students and         marketing challenge was to gain
                                         experience with an online community
wants to have  full understanding
                                         as a tool for structural collaboration
of the life of students and their
                                         with key target groups. The goal was
banking needs.                           to generate relevant customer insights
In the 'ING Student House' community     in the fuzzy front end of the innovation
the different marketing teams gained     funnel, to test marketing ideas and to
insights into the daily life of 150      co-create with the target group”.
students by discussing, among            Eventually, the community provided
others, themes such as income,           ING with a rich and detailed view
expenditure, financial administration,   of the life of students nowadays.            Susanne Streng, Segment Marketer,
banking and insurances, during 3         In a closing workshop with the ING           ING retail: “For me the added value of
months. The focus was on    how ING      Marketing-students team, over 100            the collaboration project was not only
can add relevance to student             (smaller and bigger) ideas were              the   concrete   outcome,   but   also
                                         generated to better match ING to the         installing a real dialogue with the
clients. In that perspective marketing
                                         needs and wishes of their student
ideas were evaluated and co-created                                                   target and ACTING upon true
                                         clients. The NPD department now has
with the students.                                                                    customer centricity. Engaging
                                         a clear view on the directions for the
                                         development of the new student               customers in structural collaboration
                                                                                      is the ultimate brand touch-point
                                         positioning,   and     thecommunity
                                                                                      turning them into true brand
                                         provided them with a rich source of
                                         customer quotes, brand reflections
                                         and unsolicited feedback.
It’s not only about technology and
To further improve the experience of    In a second phase, another group of
travellers, Air France-KLM, the         frequent travellers placed the
French-Dutch      airline    holding    insights into perspective with their
company, wanted to connect with         stories and came up with ideas on
their customers on an emotional         the “My Transfer Idea” community, a
                                        3-week creative journey. Analysis of
level. Transfer flights in particular
                                        the ideas resulted in 32 concept
are complex situations, evoking a lot
                                        boards; the 4 most feasible were
of emotions, mostly negative. To
                                        integrated in a quantitative and
approach this situation as an
                                        emotional concept screener.
opportunity and to demystify the
innovation     process,   InSites
                                        This “My Transfer Idea” project does
Consulting   and Air France-KLM
                                        not only use the emotional
collaborated on a complete and
                                        experience of travellers as a starting
staged    co-creation  project,         point for innovation in service
centralised around the emotional
                                        design, the emotional layer is
service perception. By connecting
                                        present    in  the   complete
with Air France and KLM frequent
flyers in an insightment community,     innovation    approach   and
10 insight platforms were defined,      connection with the frequent
emphasizing their needs, emotions       flyers.
and expectations.
Also in the financial sector, a wide range of      Both groups were followed for 3 months, with a
target groups and business challenges have         meet & greet between the second and third
been tackled by long-term customer                 months. The results revealed different types of
connections using online platforms:                autonomous investors embodying different
                                                   needs and insights on the dynamics between
- In the aftermath of the financial crisis, a 1-   the investors and account managers. In the
  year intensive collaboration process (via an     end, quick wins, short-term actions and
  online community) was set up between             strategic projects towards the target group
  different internal teams (active involvement     were defined.
  of the CEO) and customers of 2 large
  banks facing a merger. The goal was to           - Also in a more sensitive context, true
  keep the finger on the pulse and generate         customer-centricity is key - nothing makes a
  customer insights on the integration, so that     basher bash more than not being able to tell it
  the teams could act upon them and control         to your face - whether it is about how to
  damage or loss due to the fusion.                 handle a compensation trajectory towards
                                                    investment customers or giving meaning to
- With the purpose of better servicing their        your brand after re-branding.
  autonomous investors, a large Belgian
  retail bank installed a dedicated community
  among autonomous investor customers and
  account managers (with a sub-community
  per profile).
Research team

Tom De Ruyck                              Delphine Vantomme
  +32 9 269 14 07                           +32 9 269 15 20      

Want to know more about
research in the
financial sector?

                                       Delphine Vantomme
                                   Business Director Financial Services
                                               +32 9 269 15 20

How structural collaboration leads to value propositions in the financial sector

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How structural collaboration leads to value propositions in the financial sector

  • 1.
  • 2. Part 1 : Introduction
  • 3. In the (post-)crisis era, challenging the status quo through innovation will be critical to restore profitability in the financial sector. The commoditisation of products within the industry is making it very difficult to compete on price. Moreover, a whole array of non-banking entities is entering the market to close the gap between the offerings of banks and the needs of customers. Suddenly, banks face competition from telcos, What to expect? supermarkets, tech firms and innovative start-ups, all experienced in building online relationships and developing and marketing transparent products. In this paper we explain how financial institutions can install structural collaboration trajectories with key stakeholders (consumers, employees, management) in order to develop true value propositions consumers are willing to pay for.
  • 4. Time to innovate is NOW! So from a bank‟s point of view the competitive frame of reference has expanded considerably and at a frightening pace. “Customers judge across their entire set of experiences rather than just comparing your As a result, only financial institutions which organization to others like it. We want our invest in service innovations taking technology to be as intuitive and user-friendly as Apple products, the service we receive to be as advantage of a profound understanding of thoughtful as we might get from Nordstrom, and consumer needs and demands will be able to personalization and ease of payment as good as outperform competition. (IBM Institute for Amazon’s” (Forbes, Rita McGrath, Five Big Trends in Business Innovation in 2012). Business Value 2010) However… …impediments to innovate are probably more persistent in the financial sector than in any other industry. Strict regulations, low margins, legacy, long time to market, focus on short-term financial success, commoditisation of services & products, IT-driven NPD, lack of organisational structures & funds fostering innovation… most often result in banks embracing the opposite of an open-innovation-minded culture. (Accenture Research, 2010)
  • 5. With the rise of web 2.0 and social media, new tools are available for organisations to facilitate open innovation and structural collaboration Here’s the processes. In the next chapters, we explain why and how to install structural solution! collaboration trajectories with internal and external stakeholders (consumers, employees, management), what the keys to success are and the implications for the organization. We end with concrete cases in the telco, aviation and financial sector.
  • 6. Part 2 : Structural Collaboration
  • 7. When we talk about open In most cases, this innovation or structural collaboration starts with a pilot collaboration, we refer to the project. If the test is integration of the voice of successful, the collaboration the customer in all decision- can gradually be built up in a making flows of your more structural manner. Less than one out of ten companies company. In most companies, which co-create with their customers are only allowed to Power to give their feedback at the very end of a decision-making flow customers also uses this collaboration for launching new products or services. We could through traditional market the people research. This paper gives insights on how to involve say that the focus of co- creation is mainly on the initiation of new ideas. But the customer in every single even if consumers are more or phase of the decision- less continually involved in the making flow on an on-going process of dreaming up new basis. Currently, only 3% of all ideas, this is still not enough to allow us to speak of „structural companies have experience collaboration‟. with developing new products and services with their consumers.
  • 8. Structural collaboration means that the customer is involved in all aspects of your company’s life. This includes: 1. Getting new insights: Exploration of the target group. Listen directly to how they perceive the product and service quality in order to optimize the commercial portfolio. This also implies discovering new market trends and unmet needs from your most relevant customers. 2. The development of new ideas and fine-tuning of existing ideas: Create new commercial value together with the customer. 3. Key role during implementation: Include customers during the implementation phase to make sure that your interpretation of their ideas is correct. 4. Continuous evaluation and optimization: Use the customer‟s voice as a continuous flow of information to improve loads of smaller, tactical issues and to re- shape the future of your company, your customer being your primary consultant.
  • 9. Overview of structural collaboration and business issues And it pays off: a recent article in the „Harvard Business Review‟ claimed that companies are more able to solve all their main business issues if they collaborate closely with their consumers. The good news is that consumers are also willing to help companies out with this: more than half of them want to collaborate with one of their favourite brands on one or more of these issues. The goal of this paper is to look into the necessary ingredients for a company to structurally get the consumer on board.
  • 10. The objectives of structural collaboration Based on 17 interviews with senior executives of (global) brands from different industries, we came to the conclusion that companies that are working on structural collaboration with their customers have four clear objectives in mind with this approach: 1. Create better products, improve the 3. Add consumer feeling to the gut feeling. A lot of customer service and communicate in a managers rely on their gut feeling, which is wonderful. Structural collaboration should add „consumer feeling‟ to more impactful way. This is by far the most it. By collaborating so often, managers create the ability to important objective for large brands in order to put on the consumers‟ hat during a meeting and think as collaborate with consumers. By succeeding in this the consumer. Which helps them to make more objective, the overall performance of the consumer-relevant choices. organization will increase. 2. Become more agile. By involving customers in 4. Marketing & PR. Companies that are listening and every phase of a decision-making chain, things that involve consumers in decision-making are popular move faster. Companies can make better nowadays. Tell all your customers that you take decisions decisions more rapidly and have a better feeling of based on consulting other customers, and they will like what will be needed to be equally successful in the you more. Leveraging the internal collaboration platforms future. A big plus in today‟s fast-moving world. towards the external communication has an impact on the overall perception. This is not the main goal, but a very welcomed indirect effect.
  • 11. It‟s clear that structural collaboration with consumers is not about having the right technology to make it happen. It is about a mentality shift for most organisations. A shift from a „we know best‟ attitude towards an open mentality. The most beautiful result An evolution, of collaborating companies is the creation of what we just called the „consumer feeling’. Adding the consumer feeling to the gut feeling of companies is not a revolution the biggest change one can achieve through structural collaboration. To reach this situation, a number of steps need to be taken. Based on our research, we learned that all companies started small and evolved towards bigger and bigger collaboration projects. In the end, collaboration was really embedded in their organization. It was a process of change, not a revolution.
  • 12. The evolution towards structural collaboration happens in three steps: 1. Collaboration always starts with a first-time try out. Companies organize a co-creation project in which they allow the customer to participate in one specific project. Most frequently occurring examples are co- creation of a new product, a new package or new marketing communication. 2. If this try-out is experienced as a success, the second step is to apply collaboration on a project-based level in the organization. In this stage, companies have the habit to involve customers in every important new project they work on. 3. After a while, it becomes hard for them to take decisions without the voice of the customer during the process and they decide to collaborate structurally.
  • 13. Three pillars for structural collaboration with your customers
  • 14. 1 Select the right participants In our opinion there are two types of - meaningful - Companies that want to involve the customer in structural customer collaboration : an open online more strategic decisions and that have a need for in- platform where everyone can participate and a depth feedback, tend to work with a closed online closed online community where you select the community with a limited number of relevant people to join in. In the large open communities you customers. If you want to solve a specific have little direct control over who joins and who management problem, it is better to discuss possible doesn‟t. The members come together in a solutions with a smaller, closed group of between 50 and 150 of people with a keen interest for your very spontaneous way to discuss particular category. It could also be a group of your most subjects of their interest. Your role with ardent fans, fans you have carefully vetted and regards to these people is simply to listen. This will selected yourself. The major advantage of this allow you to discover a series of unfulfilled market approach is that you have everything in your own needs, which may eventually lead to new products hands - and this is advisable if you don‟t want the and services. Of course, you are also free to ask whole world to know what decisions are being taken. them questions, but you should always remember that these are open communities - anyone else might be listening to their answers!
  • 15. 1 Select the right participants Having said that, it is important to acknowledge that not Research has shown that without this kind of every customer will be able - or is suitable - to help you emotional commitment people seldom are solve management problems. To give your company interested enough to contribute effectively to an access to the right advice on a daily basis, you need to you need to online community. In other words, listen to the right (and relevant) people. For your talk to people who are interesting and communities you should seek to attract people who interested. If they don‟t have an opinion or if can offer added value. The minimum condition is the natural motivation to take part is missing, that they have a clear commitment to the your community will not achieve what you want it to achieve. But natural engagement is not company and what it stands for. They may be experts sufficient, in order to make your community a real in the sector, knowledgeable and enthusiastic amateurs success you need to manage it well. Several in the sector or just big fans of your brand. things are important: be open and transparent about the goals of each project, listen actively (allow participants to put their issues on your agenda too), make it a fun experience (after all people are doing this in their spare time) and give enough feedback on what you did with their answers.
  • 16. 2 Internal communication is not enough Internal = External Managers show more interest in a project or Sharing your collaboration work with the whole approach which gets external credits than in a organisation and the rest of the world has several project with a sole internal focus. In other advantages. Next to an increase in motivation of your words: make sure your structural management, it will also increase the motivation of your collaboration is not completely taking communities‟ participants. Further, research has shown that consumers have a higher trust level towards and a place behind the scenes of your better perception of co-creating brands. So, there is also a organization. commercial benefit to leveraging your efforts externally.
  • 17. 2 Internal communication is not enough Internal = External There are a few communication tactics you can apply to increase the internal and external impact of your collaboration process: Meet-up with participants: Go for tangible Bite-size & Apply content marketing Collaboration occurs on a results: If you work creative techniques: Don‟t digital platform but it is an together with your reporting: Share communicate once or twice interaction between people. consumers on a about your collaboration, but the results of your To increase the interaction structural level, make talk about it more frequently. collaboration in a and the emotional bonding, sure you have concrete Use three levels of content: big short, compelling make sure your employees deliverables. These content campaigns (e.g. when and creative way meet up with these people in results (e.g. new you have BIG news: launch of with your the real world as well. Show products, insights, employees. Make an initiative or showing the end them around in your company, advertising, result), content projects (e.g. a sure it is easy to tell them your challenges and packaging…) should be theme you talk about for a few digest and to treat them like part-time shared with the world in days/weeks) and content share. employees. order to make the updates (small, daily updates collaboration aspirational with relevant information). for the market and for the manager involved.
  • 18. 3 Measure impact there is need for evidence that the approach works. Therefore To keep the collaboration flow going, we advise to use a number of clear success indicators that you can measure during the implementation of structural collaboration in your organization. There is no standard list of KPIs to use; they differ from company to company, as they are closely linked to the company culture and the company‟s (long-term) objectives. There are a few KPIs that apply to all companies to follow up on the impact of structural collaboration.
  • 19. 3 Measure impact Success of innovation, impact of Cost reduction: by integrating the voice of the communication and improvement of customer customer in the entire decision-making flow, the cost service: by involving customers early in the of ad hoc market research should be reduced. Next process, your company will take better decisions. to that, by creating better products and services Product launches, new advertising campaigns and based on the input of the market, the impact of so on should have a higher success rate than before word-of-mouth will increase, which may lead to the collaboration was implemented. lower media budgets. Consumer feeling of the organization: you can Brand perception: listening actively will humanise measure to what extent your management has a your brand and make it more popular. better feeling of the attitude and behaviour of your target market. The goal is that managers think as consumers and improve their performance through this newly acquired skill. Define your KPIs, measure them and celebrate success!
  • 20. Need for changes in internal implementation processes Collaboration should lead to decisions that In other words: it is important to start with a try-out, are taken through a between the market and but it is equally important to start with a long-term view. Make sure you know where you're going. After your company. The proof of structural collaboration is in the implementation of the ideas. In the try-out, it is a matter of including collaboration order to succeed in this crucial step, there is a need into projects where the fit feels right. People to change the internal decision streams. The (internally and externally) get bored rapidly. Make challenge is to integrate consumer feedback sure you have a flow ready in your collaboration process to keep the conversations going. Plan with and input into every phase of the decision room for flexibility. Once you have completed a cycle. Remember that structural collaboration does number of successful collaboration projects, the not come overnight. It starts with a try-out that fits possibility to move forward to structural collaboration within the existing culture. Make sure that as from the will arise. start you know what your next step will be.
  • 21. Make sure that, along the way, you take into account these last tactical tips to make collaboration work: Have clear objectives for each collaboration project Involve all stakeholders early in the process Manage expectations Have a community manager Create internal and external credibility
  • 22. 1. Have clear objectives for each collaboration project. Make sure not to collaborate just for the sake of it. To get the feedback of consumers in the decision flow, the objectives have to be very clear, and in line with the business goals. 2. Involve all stakeholders early in the process. The higher the number of departments involved at the beginning of the process, the better. In order to integrate the collaboration flow in the decision flow, it is crucial to have a buy-in from the relevant teams. 3. Manage expectations. Collaboration won‟t lead to the next big idea for your company. Customers are great sparring partners, but don‟t set your expectations too high. Make sure that during the integration of their feedback in the decision flows, everybody is aware of what to expect from the collaboration. 4. Have a community manager. Make sure to have assigned somebody to manage the community. This person is responsible for managing the conversation with participants in the collaboration process and for sharing the insights internally. He or she brings the consumer‟s voice to life within the company. 5. Create internal and external credibility. By delivering results and integrating the voice of the customer in your decision flows, you will gain credibility among the participants in the collaboration platform. Credibility among employees will also grow as they will see that the collaboration adds value. Marketing your collaboration efforts is not a bad thing, but it should not be the only thing.
  • 23. Part 3 : Cases how we applied the above framework In this last chapter, we demonstrate for important players in the (financial) services sector. We report on 2 successful co-creation pilots in the telecom and aviation sector that -eventually- resulted in a long-term connection between all parties involved. We also show how the financial sector is gradually opening up and starting to implementing their first true co-creation trajectories surfing the waves of social media and web 2.0.
  • 24. The Telenet case: The Launch of Yelo
  • 25. Telenet is the largest provider of broadband cable services in Belgium. Its business comprises the provision of analogue and digital cable television, high speed Internet and fixed & mobile telephony services. By launching a new service in Beta and integrating the voice of the user in the further development, Telenet co-created unique value with customers. With the purpose of securing (1) market leadership and (2) first mover advantage, Telenet‟s mission statement comprises “generate impact through happy clients spreading positive word-of-mouth”, turning the ground swell phenomenon to their advantage. Therefore, they launched a new service in Beta and different internal teams (R&D, marketing, communication, management, even de CEO, Duco himself) collaborated with a user group in an online pre-launch community on the further development of this application.
  • 26. During the official (press) launch of By integrating the voice of the Yelo, an application bringing customer in the development of this new service, consumers were not digital TV to mobile devices only collaborating on improvements, like the iPhone, iPad and they actually co-defined the (portable) computer, users were development roadmap and the invited to provide feedback on social media. 100 participants were go-to-market strategy for the recruited from the open community following years. to join a 3-week closed pre-launch This roadmap is structured around a This co-creation approach community to allow in-depth model generated by consumer resulted in highly satisfied users, discussion of the uncovered themes, feedback, differentiating between collaboration on improvements and basic expectations, satisfying with83% being satisfied to to structure the development improvements and addictive new very satisfied, turning users roadmap. After the community, features. 30 out of 45 user- into real brand feedback was shared on social generated and prioritized ambassadors. About 1 out of 7 media again, offering all users a improvements have already been iPhone and iPad users in the chance to join the dialogue. added to the roadmap, ranging from Belgian market installed Yelo. bugs and interface changes to content features. More than 50% of Recently, similar co-creation the last update were user-generated initiatives have been set up for a changes. large Belgian Bank and a worldwide issuer of credit cards.
  • 27. ING Student House Leveraging on the next generation
  • 28. ING, a global financial institution of Barbera Van der Wal, Senior Dutch origin, has the ambition to Research Manager, ING retail: “Our become THE bank for students and marketing challenge was to gain experience with an online community wants to have full understanding as a tool for structural collaboration of the life of students and their with key target groups. The goal was banking needs. to generate relevant customer insights In the 'ING Student House' community in the fuzzy front end of the innovation the different marketing teams gained funnel, to test marketing ideas and to insights into the daily life of 150 co-create with the target group”. students by discussing, among Eventually, the community provided others, themes such as income, ING with a rich and detailed view expenditure, financial administration, of the life of students nowadays. Susanne Streng, Segment Marketer, banking and insurances, during 3 In a closing workshop with the ING ING retail: “For me the added value of months. The focus was on how ING Marketing-students team, over 100 the collaboration project was not only can add relevance to student (smaller and bigger) ideas were the concrete outcome, but also generated to better match ING to the installing a real dialogue with the clients. In that perspective marketing needs and wishes of their student ideas were evaluated and co-created target and ACTING upon true clients. The NPD department now has with the students. customer centricity. Engaging a clear view on the directions for the development of the new student customers in structural collaboration is the ultimate brand touch-point positioning, and thecommunity turning them into true brand provided them with a rich source of ambassadors”. customer quotes, brand reflections and unsolicited feedback.
  • 29. It’s not only about technology and youngsters…
  • 30. To further improve the experience of In a second phase, another group of travellers, Air France-KLM, the frequent travellers placed the French-Dutch airline holding insights into perspective with their company, wanted to connect with stories and came up with ideas on their customers on an emotional the “My Transfer Idea” community, a 3-week creative journey. Analysis of level. Transfer flights in particular the ideas resulted in 32 concept are complex situations, evoking a lot boards; the 4 most feasible were of emotions, mostly negative. To integrated in a quantitative and approach this situation as an emotional concept screener. opportunity and to demystify the innovation process, InSites This “My Transfer Idea” project does Consulting and Air France-KLM not only use the emotional collaborated on a complete and experience of travellers as a starting staged co-creation project, point for innovation in service centralised around the emotional design, the emotional layer is service perception. By connecting present in the complete with Air France and KLM frequent flyers in an insightment community, innovation approach and 10 insight platforms were defined, connection with the frequent emphasizing their needs, emotions flyers. and expectations.
  • 31. Also in the financial sector, a wide range of Both groups were followed for 3 months, with a target groups and business challenges have meet & greet between the second and third been tackled by long-term customer months. The results revealed different types of connections using online platforms: autonomous investors embodying different needs and insights on the dynamics between - In the aftermath of the financial crisis, a 1- the investors and account managers. In the year intensive collaboration process (via an end, quick wins, short-term actions and online community) was set up between strategic projects towards the target group different internal teams (active involvement were defined. of the CEO) and customers of 2 large banks facing a merger. The goal was to - Also in a more sensitive context, true keep the finger on the pulse and generate customer-centricity is key - nothing makes a customer insights on the integration, so that basher bash more than not being able to tell it the teams could act upon them and control to your face - whether it is about how to damage or loss due to the fusion. handle a compensation trajectory towards investment customers or giving meaning to - With the purpose of better servicing their your brand after re-branding. autonomous investors, a large Belgian retail bank installed a dedicated community among autonomous investor customers and account managers (with a sub-community per profile).
  • 32. Research team Tom De Ruyck Delphine Vantomme +32 9 269 14 07 +32 9 269 15 20 @tomderuyck
  • 33. Want to know more about research in the financial sector? Delphine Vantomme Business Director Financial Services +32 9 269 15 20