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Portland’s Interview Magazine
Fall 2011

       9 Local Designers

    Steve Jones
    Cheese Guru

    Buzz Siler
    Artist & Inventor

    David Iler

    Dan Straub
    Flavor Architect                          Bibi McGill
                                              Yogi, Musician,
    Kevin Carroll                               Entrepreneur
    Daredevil for Social Change

    Dr. Druker
    Cancer Therapy Revolutionist

Complimentary Issue                $4.95
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    P o r t l a n d ’s I n t e r v i e w M a g a z i n e

                                          Publisher       David Bentley

                                    Editor in Chief       Michael Sant
                                 Managing Editor          DC Rahe
                                        Copy Editor       Jenn Dawson
                               Graphic Designers          Michael Sant, Gary Menghini
                             Staff Photographer           Tim Sugden
                   Contributing Photographer Kyle Collins
                             Account Executives           Ann Lucia, Tim Sugden, Kyle Collins,
                                                          Lawrence Martin
                                       Bookkeeper         Robin Farm
                                  Feature Writers         Chris Angelus, Jenn Dawson, Gary Mier,
                                                          Jamie Mustard, DC Rahe, Becki Singer,
                                                          Chris Young
                                         Ad Models        Alyxann Phillips, Jordan Houle, Jessica
                                                          Youmans, Annie Angell, Hannah Anderson,
                                                          Paul Raglione, Kamyar Jahan
              Ad Hair Stylist & Makeup Artists Airial Jefferson, Annie Angell, Jazmine Kradle
                            Ad Videoographers Behind the Scenes Video by NaturalGrowth
                                               {Chris Buchal + Benjamin Parslow}

                                     ABOUT FACE MAGAZINE
                                    1801 NW Upshur St, #660
                                        Portland, OR 97209

                                     Download the free PDF at:

                                   ADVERTISING INQUIRIES

                        PUBLISHER’S NOTE
      Welcome to the Fall Fashion Issue…

      Most people I talk to mark this time as their favorite season; myself being
      a rag top man, I pray for a extended Indian summer. But as I look at our
      country and the crazy weather we’ve been having, we should be counting
      our blessings. With this Fall Fashion Issue we celebrate nine select Portland
      fashion designers with a snapshot of their fall line. Recognized locally,
      some even nationally, it’s exciting to see their vision and creative work.

      It’s getting harder and harder to decide who goes on the cover because
      we feel each celebrity we profile is deserving of that position. This month’s
      choice was tough, but what more can we say--Bibi literary ROCKS!!! Not ev-
      erybody lives in a city because they choose to, Bibi Mcgill wanted to move
      here ever since she discovered our great city. I realize many Portlanders
      want to keep this city a secret, but I say let’s welcome as many people like
      Bibi as we can.

      After you dive into the interviews, you will see that our city is richer be-
      cause of these people. So please read, enjoy and be inspired!

      David Bentley

                 ABOUT FACE Magazine and the entire contents of this magazine are copyright
                 2011 Bentley Patrick Inc., all rights reserved and may not be reproduced in any
                  manner, in whole or part without written permission from Bentley Patrick, Inc.

                 Published in Portland, Oregon by Bentley Patrick, Inc.

8        Follow us at

Mike Newton Classic Golf Tournament
                                    In March 2007 Mike Newton was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer
                                    and died one and one half days later. He was 57 years old and had
                                    never smoked. His three sons Patrick, Chris, Brian, and wife Jo Ellen
                                    created The Michael J. Newton Esophageal Cancer Foundation to
                                    promote education and research for the
                                    prevention, early detection, and cure
                                    of this deadly disease. So far the golf                                     Ron Walker, Ed Hutson, Ed Garrow, Tom Hutson III
                                    tournament has raised over $100,000.

                                    Since 1970, the incidence of
                                    Esophageal Cancer has risen by
                                    350% and its occurrence is rapidly
                                    rising, outpacing all other cancers
                                    and is most common in men over 40.

                                                                                   College football teammates    From Chicago, Mike’s sister Cathie Molitor, her
                                                                                     Bill Davis & Bob Ealing        husband Butch, and friend Terri Wheeler

   Newtons; Chris, Brian, Jo Ellen, and Patrick           Brian Newton and Hole in One sponsor, Cain Bailey                       Registration


CONTE NTS                                       SEPTEMBER 2011 // ISSUE THREE

          For champion cheesemonger Steve Jones, presentation is as
                                                                                 40   ABOUT FASHION
                                                                                      Portland’s penchant for meek minimalism is on hiatus!
          important as flavor.                                                        Fall fashion 2011 is about making a statement–the bolder
                                                                                      the better.

          Dan Straub describes his passion for taste and texture.
                                                                                 60   ABOUT MUSIC
                                                                                      Bibi McGill talks about balancing life at home, and on the
                                                                                      road as Beyonce’s music director.

     22   ABOUT ART
          Buzz Siler paints like he lives his life—in a layered, free form and
                                                                                 66   ABOUT HEROES
                                                                                      Doctor Brian Druker strives to take cancer from deadly
                                                                                                                                                          On the cover Bibi Mcgill
                                                                                                                                                          Photography Tim Sugden
                                                                                                                                                          Make-up Madeline Roosevelt

          flowing motion.                                                             disease to manageable malady.

     28   ABOUT SPORT
          Kevin Carroll travels the world promoting play to maximize hu-
                                                                                 73   ABOUT PORTLAND
                                                                                      Most people agree that the heart and soul of Portland are
          man potential and create social change.                                     the districts. Each district has its own distinct personality and
                                                                                      scene. This issue covers eleven of Portland’s business districts.

     34   ABOUT DESIGN
          Far more than a jewelry designer, David Iler works with metals at
                                                                                 90   ABOUT DESTINATIONS
                                                                                      Explore two great escapes on the Oregon Coast, Cannon
          an atomic level.                                                            Beach and Astoria.


     Photo Tim Sugden

                THE CHEESE GUY
                 THAT BINDS US
                                                                                                                       by Chris Angelus

     Cuisine culture runs deep in Portland, but there                                                   cheesemongers from around the US. A cheese-
     are few people as connected to it as Steve                                                         monger doesn’t make cheese. They choose it,
     Jones. His retail operation and kitchen, the                                                       pair it, describe it, serve it, and showcase it. And
     Cheese Bar, has provided him with the oppor-                                                       it’s rather fitting that Steve’s victory wasn’t his
     tunity to showcase his theatrical knowledge of                                                     alone. He did it the Portland way, with the help
     cheese with essential pairings of meat, bread,                                                     of his great friend and chocolatier David Briggs
     beer and wine. Surely, it’s one of Mt. Tabor’s                                                     (of Portland’s own Xocolatl de Davíd), with
     signature spots. It’s the go-to place in Port-                                                     whom Steve once worked at Park Kitchen. It was
     land to buy a hunk, or ten, of whatever satis-                                                     the secret accompaniment—David’s caramel
     fies your cheese craving. After all, that’s what                                                   and bacon popcorn served in a tiny paper cone
     many of Portland’s best chefs do. Anyone who                                                       sporting the retro Cheese Bar logo—paired with
     visits Portland’s best restaurants can’t avoid a                                                   Steve’s choice of an extra-aged Bergkase cow
     “Steve’s Cheese Plate” on menus or specials                                                        cheese from Austria that wowed the judges. I
     boards.                                                                                            had the opportunity to enjoy the winning plate
                                                                                                        as Steve and I sat down at the Cheese Bar to
     I caught up with Steve just days after he was                                                      talk about the life and times of the USA’s—and
     crowned champion at the 2011 Cheesemonger                                                          Portland’s—champion of cheese.
     Invitational in New York City, besting 39 other

What were the requirements for the dish you created at the competition?            So how are you supposed to eat this? Little bit of this, little bit of that?

I knew I needed one food item that wasn’t cheese, and, of course, cheese. I        You know, people ask, “The cheese first or the beer first?” As a cheesemonger
had David’s bacon caramel popcorn set as the other food item. And then you         I always go, “Cheese, beer, cheese...”
had to pick the cheese off their buffet of cheeses. I figured they would have
a mountain cheese I would use. But, as I was leaving my house on my way to         So what specifically did you pick up there that you brought back, other than
the 5:45am flight to New York, I checked my e-mail for the last time, and they     a grand and a Swiss cheese book?
changed the rules. Suddenly, they said, “You may have one non-food item.” But
I had no time—one non-food item? Of course, my competitors would be using          There is going to be a whole bunch of East Coast cheese that has never been
one, so I HAD to.                                                                  out here before—a bunch of little bitty farms. There’s some Portuguese cheese
                                                                                   that I’m really hopeful I can pull off. There were a few new Swiss cheeses that
So then on the plane I came up with this idea—what would be great is this little   are really, really funky and weird that we’re working on getting. If everything
circus sleeve. As soon as I got to New York, I bought a six-pack and brought       goes right, in about two months about half of the varieties in the Cheese Bar
it over to my buddy’s house in Queens. “Let’s design this thing!” So we ham-       should be all brand new cheeses that we’ve never had before. So... yeah, it’s
mered it out.                                                                      been a while since I’ve had a really good trip like this one.


So do you think those people on the East Coast might be more envious of                Do you choose what they serve, or do the chefs choose?
     your access to varieties than you might be of the East Coast?
                                                                                            Everyone is different. We strive for a relationship in which eventually they can
     Well, they’ve got Vermont. If you took Vermont out of the picture, it would prob-      say, “We’re ready for cheese,” and we’re done. A lot of chefs will give you pa-
     ably be an equal playing field. And I honestly think that we are going to become       rameters: “I only want regional cheese,” “I only want American cheese,” or, “I
     a major, major player in artisan cheese within the next ten years. I mean, like        don’t care as long as it’s cow-goat-sheep.” Some want a particular theme, so
     on the level with Vermont. We have green grass here year round and all these           we try to figure out that relationship as quickly as we can, and then our kind of
     young creamers.                                                                        agreement with them is that they will reorder within ten days, because that’s
                                                                                            in most cases, the life of the cheese.
     Did you hear a lot of talk about Portland there?
                                                                                            So when did you first decide, cheese? What was the moment?
     People love Portland. Vermont’s got the same “do it yourself” attitude and the
     whole “hipster” thing like New York.                                                   I got an art degree in painting. So, what the hell was I going to do for a living? I
                                                                                            learned how to cook. I was basically line cook. I was never a chef. People always
     Do you have a particular trip that you took that sticks out in your mind where         wanted to try to put that hat on me, but I was just a cook. I worked in the in-
     you thought, “I love being a cheesemonger?”                                            dustry off and on for about 10 years and I got tired of the hours. My wife hated
                                                                                            the hours, and I hated watching people in the industry become bigger and big-
     It would be a toss-up between the trip I just took to New York and one to Bra,         ger drunks and bigger and bigger assholes. I didn’t want that for my life and
     Italy for the cheese festival. The festival is simply called “Cheese,” and the         as I approached my 30’s, I wanted something better. But I really love food and
     entire village is overtaken by 400 cheese makers from all over Europe and a            all I had was an art degree. So I dropped into retail food, and I was managing
     handful from North America, too. But it’s just teeny tiny producers and every-         a delicatessen and really enjoyed it. There was a small cheese section and a
     thing is just unbelievable. And you’ve just got a density of cheese dorks. We’re       small cured meat section, so I slowly built that up into something that was kind
     just rolling around, drinking beer and eating cheese and having a blast. Not           of nice, but it wasn’t spectacular since I was learning on the run.
     pretentious and just totally fun. Learned a ton. Got to see the inside of some
     great facilities. Just really, really—definitely made me want to keep doing what       Then a guy in St. Louis saw my section and said, “Hey, do you want to come over
     I’m doing.                                                                             and help open three shops for me?” He had a small wine chain in St. Louis and
                                                                                            said, “I want you to come over and focus on American cheese.” And it was really
     Is there a common thread among cheesemongers—a personality type?                       cool. He was doing something that was so ahead of its time—15 years ago. We
                                                                                            were doing predominantly American cheese at a time when there wasn’t that
     Well, you definitely can’t be timid. Because people—if they’re going to go to the      much great American cheese, but the movement had begun. It set me down
     effort of going to a cheesemonger—they want the experience. And you are a              the road talking to all these small farmers and building these relationships
     big part of that experience. You can give them the best tasting piece of cheese        and going to American Cheese Society meetings... So, that was the beginning.
     in the world, and if you don’t use colorful adjectives and present it well, it could
     mean shit. But if you excite these people, and you tell them about the six cows        Can you recall your favorite food experiences in Portland?
     and the four acres and so on, then that’s the theater of selling cheese.
                                                                                            About 10 years ago, when I was interviewing for the job at Provvista, they took
     At this competition, a lot of people had theater backgrounds. They spoke with          me to Paley’s. That was my “coming back to Portland” moment. I don’t really
     their hands, they spoke loudly and clearly. A cheesemonger is potentially a dy-        remember specific aspects of the meal, but I just remember it being pretty
     ing breed. Every Fred Meyer and Whole Foods has a decent cheese section                amazing. I think one of my first meals at Clarklewis, back in the day, was pretty
     now. So, you know, to win somebody over—they drive way up to 61st & Belmont            spectacular.
     and find parking and walk in and buy eight pieces of cheese—you’ve got to do
     something more than just give them a tasty piece of cheese. Cheesemongers              As the cheese guy, what’s your favorite pizza in Portland?
     are generally opinionated and pretty loud.
                                                                                            Dove Vivi, Apizza Scholls of course. But Sizzle Pie is a new place. For a “slice”
     You don’t strike me as a loud guy.                                                     place, you can’t beat them. It’s got a little bit of that char, but not too much.
                                                                                            It’s very punk rock.
     No, I’m not loud. But I’m definitely opinionated. One of my personal things that
     I can’t stand when I go out to eat is when I ask a server, “Of these three items,      And your time off—what do you do?
     which do you prefer?” and they say, “They’re all really good.” Great! But which
     one is the best? Which one should I get? Tell me your opinion. Have an opinion.        I get about a half a day off a week. Some of our favorite things to do are we’ll
     Help me decide. And that’s a big part of cheesemongering. You get people to            run out to the gorge and do a hike, and then head on out to Hood River and
     come in, and they look at 250 cheeses, and they say, “How the hell am I ever           have pizza and beer at Devil Mountain, because they’re open on Monday and
     going to pick?” And you have to be able to say, “I’ll go help you,” and then actu-     that’s my day off. We try to tie in food and beer and kid events. We’re raising
     ally help them. And then you have to ask them things like, are you sharing this        the kids, you know.
     with other people? Are you eating this with wine or beer? Are you serving it
     today, tomorrow, or next week?                                                         ∂
     I really haven’t worked under a lot of cheesemongers, I’m kind of self-taught,
     but my dad is a world-class sales person, and I think he just kind of taught us
     all to listen well and to kind of be salesmen—me and my three brothers.

     How many Steve’s Cheese Plates are there at restaurants in Portland?

     We’ve got probably 30 consistent accounts.


     Photo Tim Sugden

Dan Straub
Constructing Flavor                                            by DC Rahe

        aste is everything to Dan Straub, chef and own-
        er of the neighborhood restaurant, Soluna Grill,
        on NE Fremont in Portland’s Beaumont Village.
  Dan’s journey is a long and winding one that began in
  his parents’ kitchen and flowed through the teach-
  ings of various chefs on a myriad of cuisines. Dan is
  one of the most well-rounded and friendly chefs that
  you will encounter. He can cook up almost anything
  with ease, and you’ll know what Dan craves when you
  see it on the menu at Soluna Grill.


As a chef, what is important to you?                   something to fill your stomach. I like flavor com-        ask, “What are you guys having for dinner?” Be-
                                                            ponents that can built upon, and as I said, that just     cause at their house they would be having maca-
     Flavor is the most important thing for me. I don’t     kind of dance in your mouth a little bit. That, and I     roni or Hamburger Helper for dinner. It was crazy
     make dishes just because it’s there. There’s a dif-    love spice.                                               at school—everyone wanted to trade with me. My
     ference between a radish picked within a day ver-                                                                dad made the most incredible sack lunches. I’d
     sus a radish picked a week ago, even though it’s       What is currently on the menu that dances in the          only give up half the sandwich for some junk food
     been kept crisp in a fridge. There are these fla-      mouth?                                                    from my friends.
     vor nuisances that most people may not notice.
     I strive daily to have fresh ingredients to achieve    One of the more popular things is our Kahlua pork.        My mom was way ahead of her time. In the 70’s
     these nuisances—that makes all the difference in       It has a coconut jasmine rice that’s smothered            she was making Thai food and sushi before there
     taste.                                                 with a long braised pork shoulder and then mango          were Thai restaurants and sushi bars. So, before
                                                            slaw on top with a little bit of sweet soy. Each one      the age of ten I had this early exposure to exotic
     Is there a classification for your cuisine?            of these has good individual flavor, but when you         tastes that stays with me. All that was a great
                                                            can fit them all in one piece on your fork, it’s a nice   foundation for being a chef.
     Honestly, I just go for taste. I try to make my food   combination.
     approachable. For instance, our meatloaf. I never                                                                After leaving your parents kitchen, what was
     thought I’d ever put meatloaf on a menu. My first      One of my favorite soups is the butternut bisque,         next? Did you go right into culinary school?
     version was a Kobe beef meatloaf. We used to           and a lot of people serve butternut squash soup.
     serve Kobe steak, and it had a lot of fat trimmings.   This one I have, I serve it with a crispy bacon spaet-    It was probably my 2nd year in college—I was
     This fat provided such good flavor, so, I blended      zle and some buchis and sage oil, and all those           twenty years old, I was majoring in whatever, and
     it with some chuck. The Kobe meatloaf was re-          flavors work well together. It’s simple; I’m not try-     it hit me… What am I going to do with my life
     ally, really good. Since we discontinued the Kobe      ing to come up with some weird ingredients. If it         (laughs)? It was like, okay, what I’m studying now
     steaks, I had to change the meatloaf to three other    sounds weird on the menu, then you just have to           is not what I do want to do and it was at a point of
     meats. Chuck or veal short rib, veal and pork. Even    try it to understand it. It’s pretty straightforward.     my life where my parents had divorced. It made me
     with the change the meatloaf is still a customer                                                                 think, what makes me happy? And the one thing
     favorite.                                              Where does your passion for food come from?               that I realized was that if anything, I can stand all

                                                                                                                      day and cook. I had already been working in a res-
     How do you decide what to put on your menu?            My mom, and my dad too. They both love to cook.           taurant, so I knew what it takes. That’s when I en-
                                                            However, they each had their own approach. My             rolled in culinary school.
     It’s as simple as what I’m craving at the time. That   mother always followed the recipes exactly, while
     is what ends up on the menu—until I get tired of       my father was always trying something new. My             During culinary school, were there any instruc-
     it. As you see, my attention span is very short. My    earliest memories, when I was about four years            tors or types of cuisine you favored more than
     menus don’t have any true theme, but if you looked     old, are of helping my mother in the kitchen. I usu-      others?
     over three months worth of menus you would see         ally stood on a chair, stirring whatever was in the
     what I was craving to taste.                           bowl in front of me. My dad—they just both want           I was curious about all cuisine. When I graduat-
                                                            to be gourmets—but he was more of the against             ed from culinary school, my instructors gave me
     Besides taste, what else do you consider when          the grain kind of guy. He was always tweaking the         some great connections. I bounced around to a lot
     menu planning?                                         ingredients. From my mom I got the structure of           of restaurants—I was young and single—I could do
                                                            how to make something, and then I got the cre-            that. Through my network I just put it out there: “I
     I like flavors that dance in the mouth, you know,      ativity from my dad.                                      just want to work 2-4 weeks at any given place,”
     that are playful. To me a dish has to have several                                                               and so I spent a year just bouncing to a vegetarian
     components. There are textural differences—you         We were always entertaining; we were always               place, to seafood restaurants, fine dining, a sushi
     got the crunch, the fresh and the soft middle. I       cooking. My parents did a lot of entertaining. Our        bar, and just picking up as much as I could in a
     want every bite to be different, not like the same-    house was always filled with people. For tea par-         quick amount of time.
     ness of let’s say, spaghetti with marinara sauce,      ties or dinner parties, it was always about the food.
     where every bite is the same. It just becomes          The neighborhood flocked to us. My pals would


“I had a hard time convincing my wife to drop everything and follow a risky business...”
Besides your parents, do you have any specific          My first real influence was Ben Barker at Magnolia          And one of my best friends that I grew up with, lived
mentors that have influenced your life?                 Grill in North Carolina. I had eaten at his restaurant      here, told me of this restaurant. I got this phone
                                                        when I was twenty while visiting with my parents            call, “Hey, this place down the street from me that
Well, I won’t say “mentors” in cooking. I’ve taken      who were living in North Carolina. That is when I           we used to go to is closing. What do you think?
a little from every person in my life. It hasn’t all    first decided I want to be a chef—as a career. I was        Come check this out.” And that was a Sunday phone
been chefs. From various chefs I learned cooking,       fortunate that he took me on as an intern. I learned        call, and I was up here two days later and saw this
I learned technique, I learned the ABCs of what         a lot from him. Ben was the guy that went to the            place and met the owner here. That was in April. By
it takes to put something on the menu, to lead          farms every morning. He was the Alice Waters                July, we bought the place.
a kitchen. But honestly, some of my best influ-         of the East Coast, so to speak. He does amazing
ences have been my interns that worked for me,          things. I was a young punk, and he was an estab-            I had a hard time convincing my wife to drop ev-
or line cooks or even servers, or even customers.       lished star. He treated me with kindness, he kicked         erything and follow a risky business, but this place
The younger people with their attitudes about why       me in the butt; he saw something in me and gave             had all the elements I was looking for. It had a good
they’re in it, now that refreshes me. When you’re in    me a shot. If it wasn’t for the way he reacted to me,       feel in a great neighborhood. I think that Beaumont
one place 12 hours a day, five or six days a week,      I probably easily could have gotten chewed up in            Village is probably Portland’s quintessential neigh-
you have to push yourself to stay interested. These     this industry. As a mentor, he was the first, and has       borhood. Every couple of blocks that you go to, it’s
young refreshing attitudes come in, reminding me        had the greatest influence on me.                           completely different from the one you just came
of why I do this. And I see a little bit of me in the                                                               from and I love it. I was pretty easily sold, and it
intern, wanting to learn, and their eyes are wide       How did you know what you wanted when you                   superseded the weather.
open and they’re just a dry sponge and all you want     opened this restaurant?
to do is just spray it down with moisture. And even                                                                 Where does the name Soluna Grill come from?
the servers; there’s the servers. They might be part    I had my own catering company, and I was making
time students or they’re just lifers. They all have     sushi at people’s homes while I was looking to open         It is a blend. It comes from my business partner.
these wonderful attitudes, they just love people        my own place. I intended to open in a breakfast and         He and his wife have two twin daughters with the
and love working in restaurants. They’re not return-    lunch neighborhood. The location was extremely              middle names Sol and Bella Luna. That’s how we
ing to the table frequently just because they’re told   important—not a strip mall, not superbly exten-             got Soluna.
to, they want to make sure their table is taken care    sive—and I wasn’t finding that. I wanted to find a
of.                                                     place close to where I live, to my vicinity. I could go     Isn’t that Latin for sun and moon? Does having a
                                                        far away to find that, but where I lived it was it really   Latin name influence the restaurant?
How about chefs that influenced your ideas about        hard to find.


Not really, since our menu reflects my    the open kitchen, people come up and
     influence which is from cuisines from     say hi while they are going to their ta-
     all over the world. Remember, before, I   ble. So I am constantly waving, show-
     was making sushi...                       ing off my chicken fingers. Because
                                               we have such loyal customers, we like
     Before you moved here what had you        to keep them informed of any special
     heard of Portland?                        events or menu changes. So we ask
                                               our customers for their e-mails, so we
     Besides the rain? My longtime friend      can send them our newsletter.
     and now business partner was always
     sending me mushrooms and truffles         What are your plans? Opening more
     from Oregon. He is always talking         restaurants?
     about Portland and how wonderful it
     is here, that it was becoming a food      No. I am very happy with what we have
     mecca with all these chefs flocking       here. But, when you run a restaurant,
     here with new restaurants and even        it becomes harder and harder to know
     food carts. It’s just one of the things   what the latest trends are today. Cui-
     I’d heard but never paid much atten-      sine is always changing, chefs are do-
     tion to. But I was intrigued.             ing some amazing things. If I could,
                                               I would love to go to all the great
     Since Soluna is a neighborhood res-       restaurants in Portland and work at
     taurant, you must have a lot of regu-     least a week there. It would get the
     lars?                                     juices flowing to see how other chefs
                                               do things. That’s why I love Portland.
     Yeah. Since Beaumont Village is right     Chefs have more freedom here to do
     in the middle of two major residential    what they want to do, whether it’s a
     neighborhoods, we have a lot families     good concept or not.
     and a lot of kids here. People like to
     walk to our place. I’m fortunate that     ∂
     they’ve supported us so well. We love
     engaging with our customers. With

P O R T L A N D 208 NW 13th Avenue

                          S A N F R A N C I S C O 361 Sutter Street

                             S A N T A M O N I C A 1343 4th Street

                   S C O T T S D A L E 7051 E. Fifth Avenue, Suite A

                                    S A N T A F E 110 Don Gaspar

                               CHICAGO        25 East Huron Street

                            N E W Y O R K 353 Columbus Avenue

                   W A S H I N G T O N D C 3307 Cady’s Alley, N.W.

                                              B A B E T T E S F. C O M


     Photo Tim Sugden

      Buzz Siler
Artist - Inventor - Entertainer - Entrepreneur
                               by DC Rahe

                   he best word to describe Buzz is energetic.
                     He’s always moving while maintain-
                   ing a positive attitude with those bright
             whimsical grandfather eyes. Buzz paints for
             two reasons. The first is to communicate. The
             second is to escape the unbearable,
             overwhelming anxiety of being insignificant.
             Painting allows him to be young again, and
             invulnerable. When Buzz paints there is
             battle going on, a destructive fight and roman-
             tic dance, at the same time.


Where does all your creativity come from?                 got over there we bought a Volkswagen Van for our          free.” And that sent me on my way to a very big busi-
                                                               equipment and us. Rick, his wife, and me, traveling        ness. Within a couple years I was selling spa covers
     My dad had these wonderful insights into how things       and entertaining—it was great fun. At the end of that      called Spajamas to every spa dealer in America.
     worked, while my mom was very creative and entre-         summer, I bought a used Mercedes, and they took
     preneurial. While I attended Sunset High School in        the Volkswagen to London to meet up with some              The next invention was because I was skiing and
     Beaverton, they both worked at Tektronix. My mom          friends there. I took the Mercedes up through the          couldn’t keep my goggles clean. I created a simple
     worked in the R&D department, and my dad worked           Scandinavian countries and eventually caught up            and easy new way to clean the goggles rather than
     in mechanical maintenance. I always liked to draw. In     with them back in London. I shipped the Mercedes           stopping and wiping off my goggles with a cloth.
     fact, I got a scholarship to study art at the Carnegie    back, sold it a week after I got here for about $4,000     I created the Ski-Gee. It looks like a swim fin for a
     Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. That       more than I paid for it.                                   Cabbage Patch doll. The Ski-Gee goes on your glove
     did not last long, because I was having too much fun                                                                 thumb when you’re skiing. You don’t even have to
     being a disk jockey at the college radio station and      After your European tour, what was next?                   stop, you just reach up and squeegee off your gog-
     playing music, so I flunked out.                                                                                     gles.
                                                               I settled down in Southern California as a single
     In college, is that where you got into the music          singing act. I had already built a pretty good follow-     What happened with the Ski-Gee?
     business?                                                 ing within the Pomona Valley, which is East of Los
                                                               Angeles. I’d entertain at the Holiday Inn nightclub        I visited different ski resorts around the US and gave
     I certainly spent more time playing guitar and sing-      for three months, then take off for a month and go         tons of them away. Well, as luck would have it, I was
     ing in bands than I did in the classroom. While I was     somewhere in the world and just to learn what that         in Sun Valley and I gave a whole bunch of them to a
     at the University of Oregon I formed the band X-25        was all about. I met my future wife Sandi at the Holi-     guy named Curry Harbor, and he was the marketing
     with my brother Rick. We were the opening group for       day Inn nightclub. We dated five years before getting      director for Life-Link. They make those quirky sun-
     the Beach Boys and other major acts that were com-        married. After three years at the Holiday Inn night-       glass straps. We sold them 100,000 Ski-Gees. Ros-
     ing to Oregon. The end of my senior year, we had a        club, I had my own fan base. That’s when I opened by       signol gave away a Ski-Gee with every pair of sport
     record on the charts here in the Northwest and we         own restaurant/nightclub The Cat & Fiddle.                 optics goggles they sold.
     had some notoriety. Then we got a recording con-
     tract with Pat Boon’s label CoogaMooga. So at the         It was a good way to transition from being an enter-       These two inventions really gave me the bug. Once
     end of my senior year, we packed up our four-piece        tainer to being a businessman, by hiring other enter-      with the spa cover and now with the Ski-Gee goggle
     band for California.                                      tainers while I entertained on the side there. Sandi       wiper. So in earnest I started to create more new
                                                               became my bookkeeper. After two years we got mar-          products. I created the Bio-Hoop, a vomit bag which
     We found out that we were a very small fish in a very     ried and started our family. Now we have four won-         is in most ambulances. It’s a plastic bag with a cable
     big pool in California, whereas here we were really       derful and beautiful daughters.                            tie along the top edge of it. When somebody throws
     hot stuff. So at the end of the summer, two of the                                                                   up into it, they can cinch up the cable tie and save the
     band members went back to Oregon. I mean three            How long did you own the nightclub?                        contents for the doctor to see. Then police depart-
     months was all they could take of being humiliated                                                                   ments started using the Bio-Hoop as an evidence
     by every high school band out there, and my brother       For about four years, then we sold it and moved            bag. The police would go to a crime scene or even an
     and I decided we would go on as a duo. So we created      back to Portland so our daughters could get to know        accident scene, and immediately take the jewelry off
     an act kind of similar to the Smothers Brothers, or       their grandparents. We fell in love with Portland over     of the person who was in the accident or at the crime
     we did a lot of ad lib comedy on stage while we mixed     again, and fortunately, I started inventing.               scene or their wallets and put it my bag, cinch it up
     a little bit of music in with it. We were much better                                                                and then it became non-contaminated from the site
     entertainers then we were musicians. So we played         What kind of inventions?                                   where they picked it up to wherever the lab.
     in Southern California all over the place.
                                                               It all started with a hot tub. We installed one in our     These are very diverse inventions. What else?
     After about a year we still hadn’t created a record       backyard, in a very romantic setting with trees and
     at CoogaMooga, so we terminated our contract with         things like that over hanging it, and could not keep       I invented a special spray called Flavor-Mist that the
     them and I went to work for Burt Rosen at Four Star       the thing clean. The leaves were falling every day,        dentists use on those little cardboard bite things. It
     Television. My brother and I wrote music for televi-      and that was back in the day when all they had was         is also sprayed on almost anything else that goes in
     sion specials like the Ann-Margaret Show. When we         those little bubble packs that floated on top of the       the patient’s mouth—gloves, clay impressions, etc.
     weren’t writing, Rick and I worked the nightclubs         water. So, I created a cover for the spas and hot tubs,    It is available in four flavors: spearmint, chocolate,
     singing.                                                  and it was made out of a nylon treacle material, kind      bubble gum, and berry.
                                                               of like a women’s slip material. Very thin nylon. So it
     It sounds as though you had some great opportuni-         was lightweight. Basically I just cut a gigantic circle    Did you market these inventions yourself?
     ties. How long were you in LA?                            and then sewed a hem around the outside and put
                                                               a drawstring in it so it could hook over the lip of the    No, I usually licensed the invention to a major com-
     Just a few years. We went to Palm Springs, I opened       spa. Cinch it up, and it would stay there overnight        pany and just collected the royalties. That way it
     my own gallery the Struggling Artist in Palm Springs.     with the floating cover still inside, but all the leaves   freed up my time.
     I’d work days at the gallery, and nights entertaining     that fell on it would stay on top of the cover and then
     at nightclubs. After a year or so, I discovered that I    you could pull the cover off and shake the leaves off      When you were doing all this inventing, did you do
     couldn’t make a living as an artist. I was making a ton   or throw it in the washing machine, whatever. So it        any painting?
     of money as an entertainer and I was making next          was very, very efficient. So some of my neighbors
     to nothing as an artist. So two or three years later I    started asking me to make them for them and I did.         I had stopped for almost twenty years. My wife Sandi
     closed the gallery and gave into being an entertainer     And then finally, a light went on and I said, you know,    was the painter in the family. She had her own studio
     full time. But then my brother who had just gotten        this might sell on the market.                             close to our home. So I was inventing and she was
     married, decides he wants to get out of the enter-                                                                   painting and one day I went up into her art studio
     tainment business and move back to Oregon.                Fortunately, I met the publisher of Spa and Sauna          and I just got the bug to paint again. This is stupid.
                                                               magazine. I showed him the product and he said,            Why have I given up painting when it is—heads and
     So as a last hurrah, we did a European tour. We           “Buzz, you have a winner here.” He said, “I’ll invest      shoulders above inventing? It’s pure fantasy, its pure
     booked ourselves all over Europe at the different US      in your product if you want.” I said, “No, I can afford    creative freedom. I don’t have to worry about the
     Military bases and wherever else we could. When we        to do it.” So he said, “I’ll give you a product release—   utilitarian nature of something. I can paint and do

whatever I want to do. That was about eight        ally started working on that technique to the
years ago. Soon after that, my paintings mi-       point that now I discipline myself only to paint
raculously started selling far better than they    that style. And secretly, if I decide to paint
ever did when I was in Palm Springs.               something else, it never sees the light of day,
                                                   I only do it for my own pleasure. But for the
How would describe your painting tech-             public consumption, I want to establish this…
nique?                                             this technique that is uniquely mine.

I have developed a very special style using        Looking around your studio, many of your
both acrylics and oils and… it was a style I       works are of women. It almost appears to
hadn’t seen anybody else use before. Be-           be the same model.
cause I paint flat on a table, and so if I laid
down the water based acrylics first on that        I get that comment a lot. The inspiration is
canvas and then start painting over the top        not any one woman. It is the many beautiful
of the acrylics with the oil based paint, then a   women in my life. My beautiful wife, of over
lot of chemically activated events happen in       thirty-four years, and I have four beautiful
this mixture of the oils and the acrylics.         daughters. So over the years, I got this in-
                                                   grained image in my head. It was this sense
I think the wisdom that I finally gained after     of beauty—whether it be my wife or my
all those years was if I can stick with a style    daughters or friends of ours or people walk-
that is my own—develop it, perfect it—if there     ing along the street. Essentially, I think all of
is such a thing as perfecting it, then I could     us have some innate thing built within us so
make it recognizable, where somebody could         that we recognize a beautiful woman when
look across the room and see a Siler. They         we see her—whether it be beautiful eyes or
would know it’s a Siler instead of a Picasso       a beautiful nose or beautiful legs or beauti-
or Dali or Monroe or something like that. So       ful breasts. I see beauty in all women—their
these things that first started by accident, I     beautiful lips, their beautiful eyes—and so
could now recreate at will and… and… and…          the woman you see is a combination of all
I began to understand what was happening           these images.
between the paints, understand that if I put
a napkin under the canvas, here, I can make        When I look at this painting it appears that
the paint go one way or the other. If I splash     there are two styles going on. The face is
water against it, it would do one thing, or even   very still, while the hair and body are flow-
if I didn’t splash water against it… So I re-      ing.

           Popup Art Gallery

                                                                                                       Hours:      Friday and Saturday 12 – 5PM,
                                                                                                                   or by appointment

                                                                                                       Location: 937 NW 10th Ave Portland OR 97209
                                                                                                                 (corner of NW 10th & Glisan)

                                                                                                       Charties:   The Regional Arts & Culture Council’s
                                                                                                                   Public Art Murals Program


                                                                                                       Founder:    Nez Hallett

                                                                                                         Popup space donated by 937 Condominiums


in all sorts of different forms that are not pretty. So         gallery on NW Marshall in the Pearl, right across the
                                                                 essentially, I leave the face area fairly blank. I only         street from Tanner Springs.
                                                                 rough out in the painting when I’m doing the original
                                                                 part of it. I only rough out where the eyes will be. I          So you started back with landscapes. When did you
                                                                 only rough out where the mouth and nose will be. So             start painting women?
                                                                 that as it dries and I have that very liquidy figure, I
                                                                 can then go back in with a very small brush and start           My daughter Hope did a chalk drawing of a nude lady,
                                                                 putting the details of their face in there. And for me,         and I was so fascinated by it, I decided I’d start paint-
                                                                 it’s like I’m mixing the abstract with impressionism.           ing women and it helped change my career from do-
                                                                                                                                 ing landscapes into doing women. I took a right angle
                                                                 Not all your paintings are of women. You have this              and… it worked out well. It was appealing to a lot of
                                                                 wonderful painting of a saxophone player.                       people, the women thing. So because I was selling
                                                                                                                                 so much, I told my wife that I would like to open my
                                                                 I painted Jazz Man to challenge myself. How do I de-            own gallery.
     That’s the nature of my style, because I’m really not
                                                                 scribe Jazz to a deaf person? So if somebody has
     a manager of the brush. I’m more a manager of the
                                                                 sight but they can’t hear, what can I do as an artist           Three years ago on the Fourth of July—or it was the
     paint itself. And so in the early stages of painting a
                                                                 to convey to them that multitude of tones and over-             first Thursday of July three years ago—we opened
     painting, I really start off with this pool of acrylics
                                                                 tones and phonetic energy that Jazz can bring to the            our gallery for the first time. We just celebrated our
     laying on that canvas, very wet. And then when I add
                                                                 ear? I was trying to bring that same energy to the              third anniversary here at the gallery and every year it
     the blacks, as I described earlier, that reaction starts
                                                                 eye and so that’s why that particular painting—like             gets better. And now the focus this year is to not just
     taking place.
                                                                 my piano painting—has so many colors in it, because             have a gallery here in Portland, but also to get rep-
                                                                 that’s what Jazz does.                                          resentation for my works in New York, London, Paris,
     I paint with the purpose of trying not to show a brush
                                                                                                                                 Santa Fe and LA. Maybe even Chicago. So I’m actively
     stroke. And so I want to have that very liquid feel, al-
                                                                 You had a gallery before. What did you do differ-               seeking out other galleries to handle my paintings in
     most as if the paint laid itself down on the canvas
                                                                 ently to market yourself as an artist? Did you open             places where I can’t be, and trying to get my name
     rather than me putting it on the canvas. Everything
                                                                 your own gallery first?                                         and my art out there to be recognized worldwide, not
     I do in splashing the water against it, in making it so
                                                                                                                                 just in the Northwest.
     thick it runs all over the place, and letting the dif-
                                                                 When I first started painting again back in 2004, I
     ferent colors blend with each other naturally rather
                                                                 was painting just landscapes and seascapes. They                Besides First Thursdays, do you do any other
     than me trying to mix them ahead of time and put
                                                                 were very horizontal, and peaceful colors. I would              events?
     them on the canvas—I try to do it on the canvas it-
                                                                 take my paintings around to the different restau-
     self and let those paints mix in a very liquid way. That
                                                                 rants and nightclubs, corporate offices, basically              Well this gallery is our living room, so every Friday
     gives me that… free form, flowing motion.
                                                                 saying I will put these in here for free and I’ll change        afternoon we serve a little wine, we invite our friends
                                                                 them out every month. Key Bank in Lake Oswego was               and neighbors. We get to know them and they get to
     But when it comes to the faces, the difficulty you have
                                                                 the first place. The second place was Peemkaew Thai             know us. So stop by next Friday!
     is if you let the paint flow, you will end up with ter-
                                                                 restaurant in the North Park blocks in the Pearl. And
     rible lips, terrible eyes. I mean, they will be contorted
                                                                 I have sold many paintings there. Now I have my own             ∂

                                                                                                                CoNfIrmed SPeakerS INClude:
              What do a chef, architect, special                                                                1.   JIm kouf: screenwriter (National Treasure, Rush Hour,
                                                                                                                     Stakeout), producer (Con Air, Ghost Whisperer, Angel, Grimm)
           effects genius, global creative director,                                            2               2.   davId GreeNwalT: producer (X-Files, Buffy the Vampire
                                                                                                                     Slayer, Angel, Eureka, Grimm); writer (Wonder Years, X-Files,
               TV show-runner, radio producer,                                                                       Buffy, Miracles, Angel, Grimm); and director (Help Wanted Kids,
                                                                                                                     Double Switch).
                screenwriter and documentary                                                    3               3.   rob leGaTo: special effects supervisor (Avatar, Harry Potter and
                                                                                                                     the Sorcerer’s Stone, Titanic, Apollo 13, Armageddon and others).
                 filmmaker have in common?                                                                      4. bryNN bardaCke: global creative director, Coca-Cola
                                                                                                4               5. PeTer rIChardSoN: Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury
                                                                                                                     Prize winner for documentary How to Die in Oregon

            It’s the creative process.
                                                                                                                6.   roberT ThomPSoN: architect and design director at TVA
                                                                                                                     Architects (Nike campus, Matthew Knight Arena at University of
                                                                                                                     Oregon, Fox Tower and Proctor and Gamble headquarters)
                                                                                                                7. NaomI Pomeroy: chef (Bravo’s Top Chef Masters TV show)
                                                                                                                8. IreNe Taylor brodSky: documentary director (Saving
                 Come learn their secrets and unleash                                           6
                                                                                                                     Pelican 895, Hear and Now)
                                                                                                                    robyN TeNeNbaum: producer (OPB’s Live Wire! radio show)
                  your own creative potential at the                                                            9.

                                                                                                                10. CourTeNay hameISTer: radio host, head writer and

                    Portland Creative Conference,                                               7
                                                                                                                     artistic director (OPB’s Live Wire! radio show)

             Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Newmark Theater.                                                        register online at Cost to attend is $99.

           It’s a theme-park vacation for your brain.                                                                                    Portland
                                                                                                                                         Creative Conference

The Allure of the Automobile with Jay Leno
TV personality and avid car collector Jay Leno spent the evening with Portland Art Museum patrons and car enthusiasts touring The Allure of the Automobile. This exhibit investigates
the stylistic development of automobiles. To the delight of the attendees, Jay made comments about almost every one of these masterpieces of automotive design and engineering.

In the Whitsell Auditorium, Ken Gross, automotive historian, former director of the Petersen Automotive Museum, and guest curator, led Jay Leno in a discussion about buying and
restoring cars. At the end of the evening, Museum Director Brian Ferriso received a $10,000 check from Jay Leno, which was added to the grand total raised that evening (over
$70,000) to benefit the Portland Art Museum. (photos provided by Randy Boverman and the Portland Art Museum)

       Jay Leno and Museum                                                                                                                                 Jay Leno and guest curator Ken
        Director Brian Ferriso                                                                                                                             Gross discuss past design
           admire the classics

                                                                            Jay Leno and guest              Museum Director
                                                                            curator Ken Gross              Brian Ferriso, guest
                                                                            discuss automobile          curator Ken Gross, Jay
                                                                            collecting and Leno’s       Leno, and board chair
                                                                            collection                   Gordon Sondland at
                                                                                                         cocktail reception at
                                                                                                              the Westin Hotel

                                                                                Photos provided by Randy Boverman of the
                                                                                          Portland Art Museum

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     Photo Tim Sugden

Daredevil for Social Change
                                                                                                                                          by Jamie Mustard

                                          A Man Without Fear
                                          Nike invented a job for Kevin Carroll called The Katalyst (the “K” is for Kevin) to serve as an
                                          agent for creative change and to add value to the overall mission of the Nike brand. Kevin has
                                          travelled the world to promote play as a means of maximizing human potential and creat-
                                          ing social change. This might seem a tad idealistic until you see his resume. He speaks 5
                                          languages including Croatian, Czech, Serbian and German. He went from being a high school
                                          athletic trainer, to a college athletic trainer, to the athletic trainer for the Philadelphia 76ers
                                          in just 5 years. His words have appeared on over 17 million Starbucks coffee cups. He has
                                          addressed the United Nations on the importance of play in developing countries. He is the
                                          author of 3 highly successful books published by ESPN Books, Disney Press and McGraw Hill–
                                          most notably the Rules of the Red Rubber Ball.

                                          He was also abandoned by his parents. Kevin Carroll knows something about human potential.

Okay, let’s get to it. What is the significance of      What’s the difference between inspiring some-           Actually, I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me the
the “Red Rubber Ball,” and how can a ball create        body and creating social change?                        significance of Daredevil. It’s very personal and
social change?                                                                                                  emotional when I talk about it out loud. I discov-
                                                        The ball is about your chase—your personal pur-         ered Daredevil at 10 years old. I remember dis-
The significance of “Red Rubber Ball” for me is         suits, your passion and action. How do you mani-        covering him rummaging through all the different
a metaphor. It’s also a literal thing for me, as far    fest your dreams into reality? When somebody is         comic books. I grabbed that one because I saw the
as the ball and sports and what it has meant for        actually chasing their passion, they change. When       tag line, “The man without fear.” I took a pause, I
me in my chase. It’s a metaphor for my pursuit of       you get enough people chasing their passion, their      looked at it and I said, “I want to be that.” I wanted
                                                        red rubber ball, the society changes. People are        to be the man without fear because that’s all I was
possibilities, my human potential and rising above
                                                        different when they are doing things in life that are   dealing with—a lot of uncertainty, a lot of disap-
my circumstances—finding a way to demonstrate
                                                        personal and mean something to them. If the en-         pointment, a lot of challenges as a child—and I
to people that circumstances don’t dictate a per-                                                               wanted to have courage, I wanted to live a life of
                                                        tirety of society pursued their passion, the society
son’s destiny. I truly believe that it didn’t matter                                                            courage and be courageous as I faced things.
                                                        would be better off in obvious ways. When people
what those social workers were saying about me
                                                        have meaning in their lives they are happier and so
and how they had written me off so early in my life,                                                            So, I devoured Matthew Murdock (Daredevil’s alter
                                                        is the culture.
how people in the neighborhood just looked at my                                                                ego) and Daredevil in all things. I’ve always kept
brothers and said, “We know those guys are going        I get it. The icon of the red rubber ball is a meta-    him at my side as a reminder that I can live a life
to be laborers or whatever.” The “Red Rubber Ball”      phor for a purpose.                                     of courage. I can lead that way. I can have abilities
represents my life in two ways: my chase, but also                                                              beyond what people can see. It’s not just about
my pursuit of being my personal best on a regu-         It’s also as a symbol for community and belonging       a superhero who happens to be blind. It was this
lar basis. At Nike I got to travel the world and see,   to me. Look at it as a symbol of purpose, a meta-       whole other thing about him having presence and
no matter where you go, a ball is always used to        phor for your own chase.                                being more present because he lost his sight. He
bring people together. So, a ball has a meaning                                                                 lost his sight because he tried to save someone
to people. Anyone can relate to chasing a ball and      When I went to your office there were no win-           when he was a boy. His willingness to sacrifice
doing it with determination. For me it started with     dows. I saw references to the comic book hero,          himself—all these things made me realize that I
                                                                                                                wanted to have that superheroesque ingredient,
those red rubber balls we all used as kids on the       Daredevil, all over. It reminded me of a secret
                                                                                                                that DNA, in me. So I did my best to manifest it.
playground.                                             hideout. What role has comic books, but espe-
                                                                                                                Daredevil has always meant the world to me. I only
                                                        cially Daredevil, played in your life?
                                                                                                                get Daredevil comics.


In a way your windowless office is a secret lair…            have to make a lot of big
                                                                  decisions quickly. “What’s
     Absolutely.                                                  my path going to be?” You
                                                                  have to bear all that comes
     Your office is filled with collections from your             with that because people
     travels. Do these sensitize you, and can the aver-           will hate on you.
     age person, or even a failed person, benefit from
     collecting things?                                           You give people a box of
                                                                  magic in the back of one of
     I think it’s important for people to surround them-          your books. What is a box
     selves with things that move them. When you are              of magic?
     dealing with a challenge or facing some adversity,
     you have something to look to that can be a source           A box of magic is about
     of inspiration to uplift you. All those things you see       your story.
     in my office are just those kinds of moments or
     recollections or memories that are uplifting. Im-            After they create their box
     merse yourself in things that feed your creative             by artistically rendering
     soul, things that feed you on a regular basis so             their story on the outside
     that you get sustenance for your soul.                       and putting things that
                                                                  represent their dreams
     What is the most important or significant item in            on the inside, they have a
     your vast collection?                                        better understanding of
                                                                                                                             of the day, to go and pursue something that feeds
                                                                  themselves and an increased ability to commu-
                                                                                                                             you, pursue something that brings you joy? If you
     I have a bottle of magic. I’ve had that bottle of            nicate their goals.
                                                                                                                             do that it will change the way you look at your job
     magic for nearly a decade now. It used to travel
                                                                                                                             and all other aspects of your life. By changing you,
     the world with me. It’s been handled by thousands            Yes, they have now defined that for themselves
                                                                                                                             it changes society as it creates a happier, healthier
     of people who wanted to pour magic on them-                  and because of that they will be able to commu-
                                                                                                                             person in a profound way.
     selves—from business people to students, from                nicate it effectively to others. We need to be able
     civic leaders to individuals—anyone that may feel            to share the story of our passion. We need to be
                                                                                                                             So the “Red Rubber Ball” forces you to narrow
     they want some help with a hard time. On it says,            able to get people to believe in us if we are going
                                                                                                                             down the one thing that is that thing for you.
     “MAGIC uncork the possibilities.”                            to expect others to help us.
                                                                                                                             Even if you don’t build a career around it, just the
                                                                                                                             fact that you are now pursuing a passion is go-
     But it’s not really magic?                                   It’s not just about defining it for yourself. It’s so
                                                                                                                             ing to improve your life and improve the lives of
                                                                  that you can communicate yourself and your
                                                                                                                             people around you.
     Or is it?                                                    goals to others.
                                                                                                                             Exactly. You can enhance everything. I think that’s
     The question is—and this is what I’ve learned from           Absolutely. I think that’s imperative. That’s the
                                                                                                                             what people tend not to realize. They’d rather rail
     children—that bottle represents belief beyond                courage moment. So many people keep dreams
                                                                                                                             on what they don’t have. Tell me what it is that you
     something you can see. Children always hold on               locked up inside, they are scared to death of say-
                                                                                                                             would do for free. Tell me what it is that gives you
     to something like that. They don’t even question             ing them to others. Creating a box of magic makes
                                                                                                                             passion. What’s giving you the ability to have some
     it. Adults always go, “Hmm, I’m not really sure,”            it possible to communicate one’s dreams, which is
                                                                                                                             money, some freedom, some economic freedom,
     but once I tell them where the bottle’s been, who            the first step. It’s out there now, so it forces one to
                                                                                                                             to be able to pursue something you love?
     it touched… After I explain to them it’s about be-           be accountable to their dreams.
     lief, it’s about faith, they say, “Give me a little bit of
                                                                                                                             Okay, should there ever be a distinction be-
     that.” Belief and faith, chasing your own personal           That’s intense when you think about it. What
                                                                                                                             tween work and play? What about the surgeon?
     red rubber ball, having purpose—it’s transforma-             about a person who is stuck in a dead-end job for
                                                                                                                             Shouldn’t a surgeon be serious?
     tive.                                                        20 years and is maybe in a rut, has bills, a mort-
                                                                  gage and a family to support? How can a person
                                                                                                                             Oh! So here’s a great story to combat that.
     Speaking of children, how has the struggle of                that is 55 years old and pursued a life that may-
                                                                                                                             There’s a surgeon Malcolm Gladwell writes about—
     your childhood informed your life?                           be they aren’t happy with decide to chase their
                                                                                                                             a genius, Charlie Wilson. Charlie Wilson is a neu-
                                                                  “Red Rubber Ball?”
                                                                                                                             rosurgeon in the Boston area, one of the most
     Abandonment is something that my childhood re-
                                                                                                                             renowned in North America, maybe globally. Char-
     ally presented to me; finding a way to manage that           I absolutely believe that we can all find a source of
                                                                                                                             lie talks about how his work is play and how he is
     and deal with that loss. I was told as a young per-          passion, a source of joy in our lives. I’m 52 years
                                                                                                                             doing the most delicate, intricate of surgeries on
     son that children who deal with a lot of adversity           old. I’m not some rose-colored, ridiculous dreamer
                                                                                                                             the brain and how he practiced and practiced on
     and challenges and overcome them and rise above              kind of person.
                                                                                                                             cadavers. He practiced on mice, all these things—
     them will reap the benefits in their adulthood. This
                                                                                                                             which to him was a form of play—to get to this lev-
     was my pastor who said that at my church. Ms.                You look like you’re 25.
                                                                                                                             el of mastery. So that by the time he would actually
     Lane, my childhood best friend’s mom, always re-
                                                                                                                             go in to do the surgeries, he reveled in the unex-
     minded me of that. Embracing that struggle and               Thank you. I say this to people: “What’s your pri-
                                                                                                                             pected—where he had problems to solve, where
     how that struggle was framed for me had a huge               mal source of joy? What would you be willing to do
                                                                                                                             he could play. Because he had found a way to play
     impact on how I looked at my plight. Had I not had           for free?” So we have bills. We have obligations.
                                                                                                                             toward a level of mastery, he had that confidence.
     others framing it as an opportunity, things might            We have commitments. Check. That dead-end job
     have turned out different.                                   that you’ve had has actually served an amazing
                                                                                                                             What about the garbage man? How would he
                                                                  purpose. It has allowed you to meet your commit-
     What’s interesting is that most people who grow              ments and to do the things that you need to do—
     up in those circumstances don’t become Kevin                 to keep a roof over your head, food on the table
                                                                                                                             People on the garbage truck—we used to talk about
     Carroll. It makes me think that the “Red Rubber              and so forth. That job has actually been something
                                                                                                                             this all the time. The guys in my neighborhood who
     Ball” creates social change by reframing one’s               wonderful if you actually look at it a little different-
                                                                                                                             were garbage men, they love the fact that that job
     situation in life.                                           ly. Yeah, maybe it hasn’t fulfilled your soul. Maybe
                                                                                                                             which paid great money—hard demanding work—
                                                                  it hasn’t, but it actually has reduced some noise.
                                                                                                                             they then had all this economic freedom to pursue
     Absolutely, because there are plenty of other
                                                                                                                             their joy: their fishing, their love of muscle cars.
     choices out there, especially when you don’t have            Now, knowing that that job is providing that, how
                                                                                                                             All these other things. Once again, that dead-end
     somebody who is really keeping you in line. You              can you then take that, whatever hours are left out
                                                                                                                             job—no it’s not, if it’s actually availing of you the
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AboutFaceMag Sept2011

  • 1. ABOUTFACE Portland’s Interview Magazine Fall 2011 Fall Fashion Issue 9 Local Designers Steve Jones Cheese Guru Buzz Siler Artist & Inventor David Iler Alchemist Dan Straub Flavor Architect Bibi McGill Yogi, Musician, Kevin Carroll Entrepreneur Daredevil for Social Change Dr. Druker Cancer Therapy Revolutionist Complimentary Issue $4.95 NS & p.7 ATIO ND Scan this QR Code to download IN LA issues and join our e-mail list for ST RT special invites and giveaways. DE T PO OU 3 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM AB
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  • 8. ABOUT FACE P o r t l a n d ’s I n t e r v i e w M a g a z i n e Publisher David Bentley Editor in Chief Michael Sant Managing Editor DC Rahe Copy Editor Jenn Dawson Graphic Designers Michael Sant, Gary Menghini Staff Photographer Tim Sugden Contributing Photographer Kyle Collins Account Executives Ann Lucia, Tim Sugden, Kyle Collins, Lawrence Martin Bookkeeper Robin Farm Feature Writers Chris Angelus, Jenn Dawson, Gary Mier, Jamie Mustard, DC Rahe, Becki Singer, Chris Young Ad Models Alyxann Phillips, Jordan Houle, Jessica Youmans, Annie Angell, Hannah Anderson, Paul Raglione, Kamyar Jahan Ad Hair Stylist & Makeup Artists Airial Jefferson, Annie Angell, Jazmine Kradle Ad Videoographers Behind the Scenes Video by NaturalGrowth {Chris Buchal + Benjamin Parslow} ABOUT FACE MAGAZINE 1801 NW Upshur St, #660 Portland, OR 97209 503.922.2731 Download the free PDF at: ADVERTISING INQUIRIES PUBLISHER’S NOTE Welcome to the Fall Fashion Issue… Most people I talk to mark this time as their favorite season; myself being a rag top man, I pray for a extended Indian summer. But as I look at our country and the crazy weather we’ve been having, we should be counting our blessings. With this Fall Fashion Issue we celebrate nine select Portland fashion designers with a snapshot of their fall line. Recognized locally, some even nationally, it’s exciting to see their vision and creative work. It’s getting harder and harder to decide who goes on the cover because we feel each celebrity we profile is deserving of that position. This month’s choice was tough, but what more can we say--Bibi literary ROCKS!!! Not ev- erybody lives in a city because they choose to, Bibi Mcgill wanted to move here ever since she discovered our great city. I realize many Portlanders want to keep this city a secret, but I say let’s welcome as many people like Bibi as we can. After you dive into the interviews, you will see that our city is richer be- cause of these people. So please read, enjoy and be inspired! David Bentley ABOUT FACE Magazine and the entire contents of this magazine are copyright 2011 Bentley Patrick Inc., all rights reserved and may not be reproduced in any manner, in whole or part without written permission from Bentley Patrick, Inc. Published in Portland, Oregon by Bentley Patrick, Inc. 8 Follow us at
  • 9. ABOUT TOWN Mike Newton Classic Golf Tournament In March 2007 Mike Newton was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer and died one and one half days later. He was 57 years old and had never smoked. His three sons Patrick, Chris, Brian, and wife Jo Ellen created The Michael J. Newton Esophageal Cancer Foundation to promote education and research for the prevention, early detection, and cure of this deadly disease. So far the golf Ron Walker, Ed Hutson, Ed Garrow, Tom Hutson III tournament has raised over $100,000. Since 1970, the incidence of Esophageal Cancer has risen by 350% and its occurrence is rapidly rising, outpacing all other cancers and is most common in men over 40. College football teammates From Chicago, Mike’s sister Cathie Molitor, her Bill Davis & Bob Ealing husband Butch, and friend Terri Wheeler Newtons; Chris, Brian, Jo Ellen, and Patrick Brian Newton and Hole in One sponsor, Cain Bailey Registration 9 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 10. CONTE NTS SEPTEMBER 2011 // ISSUE THREE 12 ABOUT BUSINESS For champion cheesemonger Steve Jones, presentation is as 40 ABOUT FASHION Portland’s penchant for meek minimalism is on hiatus! important as flavor. Fall fashion 2011 is about making a statement–the bolder the better. 16 ABOUT CUISINE Dan Straub describes his passion for taste and texture. 60 ABOUT MUSIC Bibi McGill talks about balancing life at home, and on the road as Beyonce’s music director. 22 ABOUT ART Buzz Siler paints like he lives his life—in a layered, free form and 66 ABOUT HEROES Doctor Brian Druker strives to take cancer from deadly On the cover Bibi Mcgill Photography Tim Sugden Make-up Madeline Roosevelt flowing motion. disease to manageable malady. 28 ABOUT SPORT Kevin Carroll travels the world promoting play to maximize hu- 73 ABOUT PORTLAND Most people agree that the heart and soul of Portland are man potential and create social change. the districts. Each district has its own distinct personality and scene. This issue covers eleven of Portland’s business districts. 34 ABOUT DESIGN Far more than a jewelry designer, David Iler works with metals at 90 ABOUT DESTINATIONS Explore two great escapes on the Oregon Coast, Cannon an atomic level. Beach and Astoria. 10
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  • 13. ABOUT BUSINESS THE CHEESE GUY THAT BINDS US by Chris Angelus Cuisine culture runs deep in Portland, but there cheesemongers from around the US. A cheese- are few people as connected to it as Steve monger doesn’t make cheese. They choose it, Jones. His retail operation and kitchen, the pair it, describe it, serve it, and showcase it. And Cheese Bar, has provided him with the oppor- it’s rather fitting that Steve’s victory wasn’t his tunity to showcase his theatrical knowledge of alone. He did it the Portland way, with the help cheese with essential pairings of meat, bread, of his great friend and chocolatier David Briggs beer and wine. Surely, it’s one of Mt. Tabor’s (of Portland’s own Xocolatl de Davíd), with signature spots. It’s the go-to place in Port- whom Steve once worked at Park Kitchen. It was land to buy a hunk, or ten, of whatever satis- the secret accompaniment—David’s caramel fies your cheese craving. After all, that’s what and bacon popcorn served in a tiny paper cone many of Portland’s best chefs do. Anyone who sporting the retro Cheese Bar logo—paired with visits Portland’s best restaurants can’t avoid a Steve’s choice of an extra-aged Bergkase cow “Steve’s Cheese Plate” on menus or specials cheese from Austria that wowed the judges. I boards. had the opportunity to enjoy the winning plate as Steve and I sat down at the Cheese Bar to I caught up with Steve just days after he was talk about the life and times of the USA’s—and crowned champion at the 2011 Cheesemonger Portland’s—champion of cheese. Invitational in New York City, besting 39 other What were the requirements for the dish you created at the competition? So how are you supposed to eat this? Little bit of this, little bit of that? I knew I needed one food item that wasn’t cheese, and, of course, cheese. I You know, people ask, “The cheese first or the beer first?” As a cheesemonger had David’s bacon caramel popcorn set as the other food item. And then you I always go, “Cheese, beer, cheese...” had to pick the cheese off their buffet of cheeses. I figured they would have a mountain cheese I would use. But, as I was leaving my house on my way to So what specifically did you pick up there that you brought back, other than the 5:45am flight to New York, I checked my e-mail for the last time, and they a grand and a Swiss cheese book? changed the rules. Suddenly, they said, “You may have one non-food item.” But I had no time—one non-food item? Of course, my competitors would be using There is going to be a whole bunch of East Coast cheese that has never been one, so I HAD to. out here before—a bunch of little bitty farms. There’s some Portuguese cheese that I’m really hopeful I can pull off. There were a few new Swiss cheeses that So then on the plane I came up with this idea—what would be great is this little are really, really funky and weird that we’re working on getting. If everything circus sleeve. As soon as I got to New York, I bought a six-pack and brought goes right, in about two months about half of the varieties in the Cheese Bar it over to my buddy’s house in Queens. “Let’s design this thing!” So we ham- should be all brand new cheeses that we’ve never had before. So... yeah, it’s mered it out. been a while since I’ve had a really good trip like this one. 13 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 14. So do you think those people on the East Coast might be more envious of Do you choose what they serve, or do the chefs choose? your access to varieties than you might be of the East Coast? Everyone is different. We strive for a relationship in which eventually they can Well, they’ve got Vermont. If you took Vermont out of the picture, it would prob- say, “We’re ready for cheese,” and we’re done. A lot of chefs will give you pa- ably be an equal playing field. And I honestly think that we are going to become rameters: “I only want regional cheese,” “I only want American cheese,” or, “I a major, major player in artisan cheese within the next ten years. I mean, like don’t care as long as it’s cow-goat-sheep.” Some want a particular theme, so on the level with Vermont. We have green grass here year round and all these we try to figure out that relationship as quickly as we can, and then our kind of young creamers. agreement with them is that they will reorder within ten days, because that’s in most cases, the life of the cheese. Did you hear a lot of talk about Portland there? So when did you first decide, cheese? What was the moment? People love Portland. Vermont’s got the same “do it yourself” attitude and the whole “hipster” thing like New York. I got an art degree in painting. So, what the hell was I going to do for a living? I learned how to cook. I was basically line cook. I was never a chef. People always Do you have a particular trip that you took that sticks out in your mind where wanted to try to put that hat on me, but I was just a cook. I worked in the in- you thought, “I love being a cheesemonger?” dustry off and on for about 10 years and I got tired of the hours. My wife hated the hours, and I hated watching people in the industry become bigger and big- It would be a toss-up between the trip I just took to New York and one to Bra, ger drunks and bigger and bigger assholes. I didn’t want that for my life and Italy for the cheese festival. The festival is simply called “Cheese,” and the as I approached my 30’s, I wanted something better. But I really love food and entire village is overtaken by 400 cheese makers from all over Europe and a all I had was an art degree. So I dropped into retail food, and I was managing handful from North America, too. But it’s just teeny tiny producers and every- a delicatessen and really enjoyed it. There was a small cheese section and a thing is just unbelievable. And you’ve just got a density of cheese dorks. We’re small cured meat section, so I slowly built that up into something that was kind just rolling around, drinking beer and eating cheese and having a blast. Not of nice, but it wasn’t spectacular since I was learning on the run. pretentious and just totally fun. Learned a ton. Got to see the inside of some great facilities. Just really, really—definitely made me want to keep doing what Then a guy in St. Louis saw my section and said, “Hey, do you want to come over I’m doing. and help open three shops for me?” He had a small wine chain in St. Louis and said, “I want you to come over and focus on American cheese.” And it was really Is there a common thread among cheesemongers—a personality type? cool. He was doing something that was so ahead of its time—15 years ago. We were doing predominantly American cheese at a time when there wasn’t that Well, you definitely can’t be timid. Because people—if they’re going to go to the much great American cheese, but the movement had begun. It set me down effort of going to a cheesemonger—they want the experience. And you are a the road talking to all these small farmers and building these relationships big part of that experience. You can give them the best tasting piece of cheese and going to American Cheese Society meetings... So, that was the beginning. in the world, and if you don’t use colorful adjectives and present it well, it could mean shit. But if you excite these people, and you tell them about the six cows Can you recall your favorite food experiences in Portland? and the four acres and so on, then that’s the theater of selling cheese. About 10 years ago, when I was interviewing for the job at Provvista, they took At this competition, a lot of people had theater backgrounds. They spoke with me to Paley’s. That was my “coming back to Portland” moment. I don’t really their hands, they spoke loudly and clearly. A cheesemonger is potentially a dy- remember specific aspects of the meal, but I just remember it being pretty ing breed. Every Fred Meyer and Whole Foods has a decent cheese section amazing. I think one of my first meals at Clarklewis, back in the day, was pretty now. So, you know, to win somebody over—they drive way up to 61st & Belmont spectacular. and find parking and walk in and buy eight pieces of cheese—you’ve got to do something more than just give them a tasty piece of cheese. Cheesemongers As the cheese guy, what’s your favorite pizza in Portland? are generally opinionated and pretty loud. Dove Vivi, Apizza Scholls of course. But Sizzle Pie is a new place. For a “slice” You don’t strike me as a loud guy. place, you can’t beat them. It’s got a little bit of that char, but not too much. It’s very punk rock. No, I’m not loud. But I’m definitely opinionated. One of my personal things that I can’t stand when I go out to eat is when I ask a server, “Of these three items, And your time off—what do you do? which do you prefer?” and they say, “They’re all really good.” Great! But which one is the best? Which one should I get? Tell me your opinion. Have an opinion. I get about a half a day off a week. Some of our favorite things to do are we’ll Help me decide. And that’s a big part of cheesemongering. You get people to run out to the gorge and do a hike, and then head on out to Hood River and come in, and they look at 250 cheeses, and they say, “How the hell am I ever have pizza and beer at Devil Mountain, because they’re open on Monday and going to pick?” And you have to be able to say, “I’ll go help you,” and then actu- that’s my day off. We try to tie in food and beer and kid events. We’re raising ally help them. And then you have to ask them things like, are you sharing this the kids, you know. with other people? Are you eating this with wine or beer? Are you serving it today, tomorrow, or next week? ∂ I really haven’t worked under a lot of cheesemongers, I’m kind of self-taught, but my dad is a world-class sales person, and I think he just kind of taught us all to listen well and to kind of be salesmen—me and my three brothers. How many Steve’s Cheese Plates are there at restaurants in Portland? We’ve got probably 30 consistent accounts. 14
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  • 17. ABOUT CUISINE Dan Straub Constructing Flavor by DC Rahe T aste is everything to Dan Straub, chef and own- er of the neighborhood restaurant, Soluna Grill, on NE Fremont in Portland’s Beaumont Village. Dan’s journey is a long and winding one that began in his parents’ kitchen and flowed through the teach- ings of various chefs on a myriad of cuisines. Dan is one of the most well-rounded and friendly chefs that you will encounter. He can cook up almost anything with ease, and you’ll know what Dan craves when you see it on the menu at Soluna Grill. 17 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 18. As a chef, what is important to you? something to fill your stomach. I like flavor com- ask, “What are you guys having for dinner?” Be- ponents that can built upon, and as I said, that just cause at their house they would be having maca- Flavor is the most important thing for me. I don’t kind of dance in your mouth a little bit. That, and I roni or Hamburger Helper for dinner. It was crazy make dishes just because it’s there. There’s a dif- love spice. at school—everyone wanted to trade with me. My ference between a radish picked within a day ver- dad made the most incredible sack lunches. I’d sus a radish picked a week ago, even though it’s What is currently on the menu that dances in the only give up half the sandwich for some junk food been kept crisp in a fridge. There are these fla- mouth? from my friends. vor nuisances that most people may not notice. I strive daily to have fresh ingredients to achieve One of the more popular things is our Kahlua pork. My mom was way ahead of her time. In the 70’s these nuisances—that makes all the difference in It has a coconut jasmine rice that’s smothered she was making Thai food and sushi before there taste. with a long braised pork shoulder and then mango were Thai restaurants and sushi bars. So, before slaw on top with a little bit of sweet soy. Each one the age of ten I had this early exposure to exotic Is there a classification for your cuisine? of these has good individual flavor, but when you tastes that stays with me. All that was a great can fit them all in one piece on your fork, it’s a nice foundation for being a chef. Honestly, I just go for taste. I try to make my food combination. approachable. For instance, our meatloaf. I never After leaving your parents kitchen, what was thought I’d ever put meatloaf on a menu. My first One of my favorite soups is the butternut bisque, next? Did you go right into culinary school? version was a Kobe beef meatloaf. We used to and a lot of people serve butternut squash soup. serve Kobe steak, and it had a lot of fat trimmings. This one I have, I serve it with a crispy bacon spaet- It was probably my 2nd year in college—I was This fat provided such good flavor, so, I blended zle and some buchis and sage oil, and all those twenty years old, I was majoring in whatever, and it with some chuck. The Kobe meatloaf was re- flavors work well together. It’s simple; I’m not try- it hit me… What am I going to do with my life ally, really good. Since we discontinued the Kobe ing to come up with some weird ingredients. If it (laughs)? It was like, okay, what I’m studying now steaks, I had to change the meatloaf to three other sounds weird on the menu, then you just have to is not what I do want to do and it was at a point of meats. Chuck or veal short rib, veal and pork. Even try it to understand it. It’s pretty straightforward. my life where my parents had divorced. It made me with the change the meatloaf is still a customer think, what makes me happy? And the one thing favorite. Where does your passion for food come from? that I realized was that if anything, I can stand all Cuisine day and cook. I had already been working in a res- How do you decide what to put on your menu? My mom, and my dad too. They both love to cook. taurant, so I knew what it takes. That’s when I en- However, they each had their own approach. My rolled in culinary school. It’s as simple as what I’m craving at the time. That mother always followed the recipes exactly, while is what ends up on the menu—until I get tired of my father was always trying something new. My During culinary school, were there any instruc- it. As you see, my attention span is very short. My earliest memories, when I was about four years tors or types of cuisine you favored more than menus don’t have any true theme, but if you looked old, are of helping my mother in the kitchen. I usu- others? over three months worth of menus you would see ally stood on a chair, stirring whatever was in the what I was craving to taste. bowl in front of me. My dad—they just both want I was curious about all cuisine. When I graduat- to be gourmets—but he was more of the against ed from culinary school, my instructors gave me Besides taste, what else do you consider when the grain kind of guy. He was always tweaking the some great connections. I bounced around to a lot menu planning? ingredients. From my mom I got the structure of of restaurants—I was young and single—I could do how to make something, and then I got the cre- that. Through my network I just put it out there: “I I like flavors that dance in the mouth, you know, ativity from my dad. just want to work 2-4 weeks at any given place,” that are playful. To me a dish has to have several and so I spent a year just bouncing to a vegetarian components. There are textural differences—you We were always entertaining; we were always place, to seafood restaurants, fine dining, a sushi got the crunch, the fresh and the soft middle. I cooking. My parents did a lot of entertaining. Our bar, and just picking up as much as I could in a want every bite to be different, not like the same- house was always filled with people. For tea par- quick amount of time. ness of let’s say, spaghetti with marinara sauce, ties or dinner parties, it was always about the food. where every bite is the same. It just becomes The neighborhood flocked to us. My pals would 18
  • 19. ABOUT CUISINE “I had a hard time convincing my wife to drop everything and follow a risky business...” Besides your parents, do you have any specific My first real influence was Ben Barker at Magnolia And one of my best friends that I grew up with, lived mentors that have influenced your life? Grill in North Carolina. I had eaten at his restaurant here, told me of this restaurant. I got this phone when I was twenty while visiting with my parents call, “Hey, this place down the street from me that Well, I won’t say “mentors” in cooking. I’ve taken who were living in North Carolina. That is when I we used to go to is closing. What do you think? a little from every person in my life. It hasn’t all first decided I want to be a chef—as a career. I was Come check this out.” And that was a Sunday phone been chefs. From various chefs I learned cooking, fortunate that he took me on as an intern. I learned call, and I was up here two days later and saw this I learned technique, I learned the ABCs of what a lot from him. Ben was the guy that went to the place and met the owner here. That was in April. By it takes to put something on the menu, to lead farms every morning. He was the Alice Waters July, we bought the place. a kitchen. But honestly, some of my best influ- of the East Coast, so to speak. He does amazing ences have been my interns that worked for me, things. I was a young punk, and he was an estab- I had a hard time convincing my wife to drop ev- or line cooks or even servers, or even customers. lished star. He treated me with kindness, he kicked erything and follow a risky business, but this place The younger people with their attitudes about why me in the butt; he saw something in me and gave had all the elements I was looking for. It had a good they’re in it, now that refreshes me. When you’re in me a shot. If it wasn’t for the way he reacted to me, feel in a great neighborhood. I think that Beaumont one place 12 hours a day, five or six days a week, I probably easily could have gotten chewed up in Village is probably Portland’s quintessential neigh- you have to push yourself to stay interested. These this industry. As a mentor, he was the first, and has borhood. Every couple of blocks that you go to, it’s young refreshing attitudes come in, reminding me had the greatest influence on me. completely different from the one you just came of why I do this. And I see a little bit of me in the from and I love it. I was pretty easily sold, and it intern, wanting to learn, and their eyes are wide How did you know what you wanted when you superseded the weather. open and they’re just a dry sponge and all you want opened this restaurant? to do is just spray it down with moisture. And even Where does the name Soluna Grill come from? the servers; there’s the servers. They might be part I had my own catering company, and I was making time students or they’re just lifers. They all have sushi at people’s homes while I was looking to open It is a blend. It comes from my business partner. these wonderful attitudes, they just love people my own place. I intended to open in a breakfast and He and his wife have two twin daughters with the and love working in restaurants. They’re not return- lunch neighborhood. The location was extremely middle names Sol and Bella Luna. That’s how we ing to the table frequently just because they’re told important—not a strip mall, not superbly exten- got Soluna. to, they want to make sure their table is taken care sive—and I wasn’t finding that. I wanted to find a of. place close to where I live, to my vicinity. I could go Isn’t that Latin for sun and moon? Does having a far away to find that, but where I lived it was it really Latin name influence the restaurant? How about chefs that influenced your ideas about hard to find. cooking? 19 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 20. Not really, since our menu reflects my the open kitchen, people come up and influence which is from cuisines from say hi while they are going to their ta- all over the world. Remember, before, I ble. So I am constantly waving, show- was making sushi... ing off my chicken fingers. Because we have such loyal customers, we like Before you moved here what had you to keep them informed of any special heard of Portland? events or menu changes. So we ask our customers for their e-mails, so we Besides the rain? My longtime friend can send them our newsletter. and now business partner was always sending me mushrooms and truffles What are your plans? Opening more from Oregon. He is always talking restaurants? about Portland and how wonderful it is here, that it was becoming a food No. I am very happy with what we have mecca with all these chefs flocking here. But, when you run a restaurant, here with new restaurants and even it becomes harder and harder to know food carts. It’s just one of the things what the latest trends are today. Cui- I’d heard but never paid much atten- sine is always changing, chefs are do- tion to. But I was intrigued. ing some amazing things. If I could, I would love to go to all the great Since Soluna is a neighborhood res- restaurants in Portland and work at taurant, you must have a lot of regu- least a week there. It would get the lars? juices flowing to see how other chefs do things. That’s why I love Portland. Yeah. Since Beaumont Village is right Chefs have more freedom here to do in the middle of two major residential what they want to do, whether it’s a neighborhoods, we have a lot families good concept or not. and a lot of kids here. People like to walk to our place. I’m fortunate that ∂ they’ve supported us so well. We love engaging with our customers. With 20
  • 21. P O R T L A N D 208 NW 13th Avenue S A N F R A N C I S C O 361 Sutter Street S A N T A M O N I C A 1343 4th Street S C O T T S D A L E 7051 E. Fifth Avenue, Suite A S A N T A F E 110 Don Gaspar CHICAGO 25 East Huron Street N E W Y O R K 353 Columbus Avenue W A S H I N G T O N D C 3307 Cady’s Alley, N.W. B A B E T T E S F. C O M 21 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 22. 22 Photo Tim Sugden
  • 23. ABOUT ART Buzz Siler Artist - Inventor - Entertainer - Entrepreneur by DC Rahe T he best word to describe Buzz is energetic. He’s always moving while maintain- ing a positive attitude with those bright whimsical grandfather eyes. Buzz paints for two reasons. The first is to communicate. The second is to escape the unbearable, overwhelming anxiety of being insignificant. Painting allows him to be young again, and invulnerable. When Buzz paints there is battle going on, a destructive fight and roman- tic dance, at the same time. 23 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 24. Where does all your creativity come from? got over there we bought a Volkswagen Van for our free.” And that sent me on my way to a very big busi- equipment and us. Rick, his wife, and me, traveling ness. Within a couple years I was selling spa covers My dad had these wonderful insights into how things and entertaining—it was great fun. At the end of that called Spajamas to every spa dealer in America. worked, while my mom was very creative and entre- summer, I bought a used Mercedes, and they took preneurial. While I attended Sunset High School in the Volkswagen to London to meet up with some The next invention was because I was skiing and Beaverton, they both worked at Tektronix. My mom friends there. I took the Mercedes up through the couldn’t keep my goggles clean. I created a simple worked in the R&D department, and my dad worked Scandinavian countries and eventually caught up and easy new way to clean the goggles rather than in mechanical maintenance. I always liked to draw. In with them back in London. I shipped the Mercedes stopping and wiping off my goggles with a cloth. fact, I got a scholarship to study art at the Carnegie back, sold it a week after I got here for about $4,000 I created the Ski-Gee. It looks like a swim fin for a Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. That more than I paid for it. Cabbage Patch doll. The Ski-Gee goes on your glove did not last long, because I was having too much fun thumb when you’re skiing. You don’t even have to being a disk jockey at the college radio station and After your European tour, what was next? stop, you just reach up and squeegee off your gog- playing music, so I flunked out. gles. I settled down in Southern California as a single In college, is that where you got into the music singing act. I had already built a pretty good follow- What happened with the Ski-Gee? business? ing within the Pomona Valley, which is East of Los Angeles. I’d entertain at the Holiday Inn nightclub I visited different ski resorts around the US and gave I certainly spent more time playing guitar and sing- for three months, then take off for a month and go tons of them away. Well, as luck would have it, I was ing in bands than I did in the classroom. While I was somewhere in the world and just to learn what that in Sun Valley and I gave a whole bunch of them to a at the University of Oregon I formed the band X-25 was all about. I met my future wife Sandi at the Holi- guy named Curry Harbor, and he was the marketing with my brother Rick. We were the opening group for day Inn nightclub. We dated five years before getting director for Life-Link. They make those quirky sun- the Beach Boys and other major acts that were com- married. After three years at the Holiday Inn night- glass straps. We sold them 100,000 Ski-Gees. Ros- ing to Oregon. The end of my senior year, we had a club, I had my own fan base. That’s when I opened by signol gave away a Ski-Gee with every pair of sport record on the charts here in the Northwest and we own restaurant/nightclub The Cat & Fiddle. optics goggles they sold. had some notoriety. Then we got a recording con- tract with Pat Boon’s label CoogaMooga. So at the It was a good way to transition from being an enter- These two inventions really gave me the bug. Once end of my senior year, we packed up our four-piece tainer to being a businessman, by hiring other enter- with the spa cover and now with the Ski-Gee goggle band for California. tainers while I entertained on the side there. Sandi wiper. So in earnest I started to create more new became my bookkeeper. After two years we got mar- products. I created the Bio-Hoop, a vomit bag which We found out that we were a very small fish in a very ried and started our family. Now we have four won- is in most ambulances. It’s a plastic bag with a cable big pool in California, whereas here we were really derful and beautiful daughters. tie along the top edge of it. When somebody throws hot stuff. So at the end of the summer, two of the up into it, they can cinch up the cable tie and save the band members went back to Oregon. I mean three How long did you own the nightclub? contents for the doctor to see. Then police depart- months was all they could take of being humiliated ments started using the Bio-Hoop as an evidence by every high school band out there, and my brother For about four years, then we sold it and moved bag. The police would go to a crime scene or even an and I decided we would go on as a duo. So we created back to Portland so our daughters could get to know accident scene, and immediately take the jewelry off an act kind of similar to the Smothers Brothers, or their grandparents. We fell in love with Portland over of the person who was in the accident or at the crime we did a lot of ad lib comedy on stage while we mixed again, and fortunately, I started inventing. scene or their wallets and put it my bag, cinch it up a little bit of music in with it. We were much better and then it became non-contaminated from the site entertainers then we were musicians. So we played What kind of inventions? where they picked it up to wherever the lab. in Southern California all over the place. It all started with a hot tub. We installed one in our These are very diverse inventions. What else? After about a year we still hadn’t created a record backyard, in a very romantic setting with trees and at CoogaMooga, so we terminated our contract with things like that over hanging it, and could not keep I invented a special spray called Flavor-Mist that the them and I went to work for Burt Rosen at Four Star the thing clean. The leaves were falling every day, dentists use on those little cardboard bite things. It Television. My brother and I wrote music for televi- and that was back in the day when all they had was is also sprayed on almost anything else that goes in sion specials like the Ann-Margaret Show. When we those little bubble packs that floated on top of the the patient’s mouth—gloves, clay impressions, etc. weren’t writing, Rick and I worked the nightclubs water. So, I created a cover for the spas and hot tubs, It is available in four flavors: spearmint, chocolate, singing. and it was made out of a nylon treacle material, kind bubble gum, and berry. of like a women’s slip material. Very thin nylon. So it It sounds as though you had some great opportuni- was lightweight. Basically I just cut a gigantic circle Did you market these inventions yourself? ties. How long were you in LA? and then sewed a hem around the outside and put a drawstring in it so it could hook over the lip of the No, I usually licensed the invention to a major com- Just a few years. We went to Palm Springs, I opened spa. Cinch it up, and it would stay there overnight pany and just collected the royalties. That way it my own gallery the Struggling Artist in Palm Springs. with the floating cover still inside, but all the leaves freed up my time. I’d work days at the gallery, and nights entertaining that fell on it would stay on top of the cover and then at nightclubs. After a year or so, I discovered that I you could pull the cover off and shake the leaves off When you were doing all this inventing, did you do couldn’t make a living as an artist. I was making a ton or throw it in the washing machine, whatever. So it any painting? of money as an entertainer and I was making next was very, very efficient. So some of my neighbors to nothing as an artist. So two or three years later I started asking me to make them for them and I did. I had stopped for almost twenty years. My wife Sandi closed the gallery and gave into being an entertainer And then finally, a light went on and I said, you know, was the painter in the family. She had her own studio full time. But then my brother who had just gotten this might sell on the market. close to our home. So I was inventing and she was married, decides he wants to get out of the enter- painting and one day I went up into her art studio tainment business and move back to Oregon. Fortunately, I met the publisher of Spa and Sauna and I just got the bug to paint again. This is stupid. magazine. I showed him the product and he said, Why have I given up painting when it is—heads and So as a last hurrah, we did a European tour. We “Buzz, you have a winner here.” He said, “I’ll invest shoulders above inventing? It’s pure fantasy, its pure booked ourselves all over Europe at the different US in your product if you want.” I said, “No, I can afford creative freedom. I don’t have to worry about the Military bases and wherever else we could. When we to do it.” So he said, “I’ll give you a product release— utilitarian nature of something. I can paint and do 24
  • 25. ABOUT ART whatever I want to do. That was about eight ally started working on that technique to the years ago. Soon after that, my paintings mi- point that now I discipline myself only to paint raculously started selling far better than they that style. And secretly, if I decide to paint ever did when I was in Palm Springs. something else, it never sees the light of day, I only do it for my own pleasure. But for the How would describe your painting tech- public consumption, I want to establish this… nique? this technique that is uniquely mine. I have developed a very special style using Looking around your studio, many of your both acrylics and oils and… it was a style I works are of women. It almost appears to hadn’t seen anybody else use before. Be- be the same model. cause I paint flat on a table, and so if I laid down the water based acrylics first on that I get that comment a lot. The inspiration is canvas and then start painting over the top not any one woman. It is the many beautiful of the acrylics with the oil based paint, then a women in my life. My beautiful wife, of over lot of chemically activated events happen in thirty-four years, and I have four beautiful this mixture of the oils and the acrylics. daughters. So over the years, I got this in- grained image in my head. It was this sense I think the wisdom that I finally gained after of beauty—whether it be my wife or my all those years was if I can stick with a style daughters or friends of ours or people walk- that is my own—develop it, perfect it—if there ing along the street. Essentially, I think all of is such a thing as perfecting it, then I could us have some innate thing built within us so make it recognizable, where somebody could that we recognize a beautiful woman when look across the room and see a Siler. They we see her—whether it be beautiful eyes or would know it’s a Siler instead of a Picasso a beautiful nose or beautiful legs or beauti- or Dali or Monroe or something like that. So ful breasts. I see beauty in all women—their these things that first started by accident, I beautiful lips, their beautiful eyes—and so could now recreate at will and… and… and… the woman you see is a combination of all I began to understand what was happening these images. between the paints, understand that if I put a napkin under the canvas, here, I can make When I look at this painting it appears that the paint go one way or the other. If I splash there are two styles going on. The face is water against it, it would do one thing, or even very still, while the hair and body are flow- if I didn’t splash water against it… So I re- ing. Popup Art Gallery Hours: Friday and Saturday 12 – 5PM, or by appointment Location: 937 NW 10th Ave Portland OR 97209 (corner of NW 10th & Glisan) Charties: The Regional Arts & Culture Council’s Public Art Murals Program Website: Founder: Nez Hallett Popup space donated by 937 Condominiums 25 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 26. in all sorts of different forms that are not pretty. So gallery on NW Marshall in the Pearl, right across the essentially, I leave the face area fairly blank. I only street from Tanner Springs. rough out in the painting when I’m doing the original part of it. I only rough out where the eyes will be. I So you started back with landscapes. When did you only rough out where the mouth and nose will be. So start painting women? that as it dries and I have that very liquidy figure, I can then go back in with a very small brush and start My daughter Hope did a chalk drawing of a nude lady, putting the details of their face in there. And for me, and I was so fascinated by it, I decided I’d start paint- it’s like I’m mixing the abstract with impressionism. ing women and it helped change my career from do- ing landscapes into doing women. I took a right angle Not all your paintings are of women. You have this and… it worked out well. It was appealing to a lot of wonderful painting of a saxophone player. people, the women thing. So because I was selling so much, I told my wife that I would like to open my I painted Jazz Man to challenge myself. How do I de- own gallery. That’s the nature of my style, because I’m really not scribe Jazz to a deaf person? So if somebody has a manager of the brush. I’m more a manager of the sight but they can’t hear, what can I do as an artist Three years ago on the Fourth of July—or it was the paint itself. And so in the early stages of painting a to convey to them that multitude of tones and over- first Thursday of July three years ago—we opened painting, I really start off with this pool of acrylics tones and phonetic energy that Jazz can bring to the our gallery for the first time. We just celebrated our laying on that canvas, very wet. And then when I add ear? I was trying to bring that same energy to the third anniversary here at the gallery and every year it the blacks, as I described earlier, that reaction starts eye and so that’s why that particular painting—like gets better. And now the focus this year is to not just taking place. my piano painting—has so many colors in it, because have a gallery here in Portland, but also to get rep- that’s what Jazz does. resentation for my works in New York, London, Paris, I paint with the purpose of trying not to show a brush Santa Fe and LA. Maybe even Chicago. So I’m actively stroke. And so I want to have that very liquid feel, al- You had a gallery before. What did you do differ- seeking out other galleries to handle my paintings in most as if the paint laid itself down on the canvas ently to market yourself as an artist? Did you open places where I can’t be, and trying to get my name rather than me putting it on the canvas. Everything your own gallery first? and my art out there to be recognized worldwide, not I do in splashing the water against it, in making it so just in the Northwest. thick it runs all over the place, and letting the dif- When I first started painting again back in 2004, I ferent colors blend with each other naturally rather was painting just landscapes and seascapes. They Besides First Thursdays, do you do any other than me trying to mix them ahead of time and put were very horizontal, and peaceful colors. I would events? them on the canvas—I try to do it on the canvas it- take my paintings around to the different restau- self and let those paints mix in a very liquid way. That rants and nightclubs, corporate offices, basically Well this gallery is our living room, so every Friday gives me that… free form, flowing motion. saying I will put these in here for free and I’ll change afternoon we serve a little wine, we invite our friends them out every month. Key Bank in Lake Oswego was and neighbors. We get to know them and they get to But when it comes to the faces, the difficulty you have the first place. The second place was Peemkaew Thai know us. So stop by next Friday! is if you let the paint flow, you will end up with ter- restaurant in the North Park blocks in the Pearl. And rible lips, terrible eyes. I mean, they will be contorted I have sold many paintings there. Now I have my own ∂ 1 CoNfIrmed SPeakerS INClude: What do a chef, architect, special 1. JIm kouf: screenwriter (National Treasure, Rush Hour, Stakeout), producer (Con Air, Ghost Whisperer, Angel, Grimm) effects genius, global creative director, 2 2. davId GreeNwalT: producer (X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Eureka, Grimm); writer (Wonder Years, X-Files, TV show-runner, radio producer, Buffy, Miracles, Angel, Grimm); and director (Help Wanted Kids, Double Switch). screenwriter and documentary 3 3. rob leGaTo: special effects supervisor (Avatar, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Titanic, Apollo 13, Armageddon and others). filmmaker have in common? 4. bryNN bardaCke: global creative director, Coca-Cola 4 5. PeTer rIChardSoN: Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize winner for documentary How to Die in Oregon It’s the creative process. 6. roberT ThomPSoN: architect and design director at TVA 5 Architects (Nike campus, Matthew Knight Arena at University of Oregon, Fox Tower and Proctor and Gamble headquarters) 7. NaomI Pomeroy: chef (Bravo’s Top Chef Masters TV show) 8. IreNe Taylor brodSky: documentary director (Saving Come learn their secrets and unleash 6 Pelican 895, Hear and Now) robyN TeNeNbaum: producer (OPB’s Live Wire! radio show) your own creative potential at the 9. 10. CourTeNay hameISTer: radio host, head writer and Portland Creative Conference, 7 artistic director (OPB’s Live Wire! radio show) Saturday, Sept. 17, at the Newmark Theater. register online at Cost to attend is $99. 8 It’s a theme-park vacation for your brain. Portland 9 Creative Conference 10 26
  • 27. ABOUT TOWN The Allure of the Automobile with Jay Leno TV personality and avid car collector Jay Leno spent the evening with Portland Art Museum patrons and car enthusiasts touring The Allure of the Automobile. This exhibit investigates the stylistic development of automobiles. To the delight of the attendees, Jay made comments about almost every one of these masterpieces of automotive design and engineering. In the Whitsell Auditorium, Ken Gross, automotive historian, former director of the Petersen Automotive Museum, and guest curator, led Jay Leno in a discussion about buying and restoring cars. At the end of the evening, Museum Director Brian Ferriso received a $10,000 check from Jay Leno, which was added to the grand total raised that evening (over $70,000) to benefit the Portland Art Museum. (photos provided by Randy Boverman and the Portland Art Museum) Jay Leno and Museum Jay Leno and guest curator Ken Director Brian Ferriso Gross discuss past design admire the classics Jay Leno and guest Museum Director curator Ken Gross Brian Ferriso, guest discuss automobile curator Ken Gross, Jay collecting and Leno’s Leno, and board chair collection Gordon Sondland at cocktail reception at the Westin Hotel Photos provided by Randy Boverman of the Portland Art Museum PDX Condo Specialist • 937 Condos • Irving Street • Old Town Lofts • Avenue Lofts • Johnson Street • North Park Lofts • Bridgeport Townhouses • Park Place • Casey • Lexis Condominiums • Chown Pella • Marshall Wells in the Pearl • Edge Lofts Lofts • Block 90 • Elizabeth Lofts • McCormick Pier • Pinnacle • Encore • Mckenzie Lofts • Riverstone • Flanders Lofts • Metropolitan • Street Car Lofts • Gregory • Modern • Tanner Place • Henry Confectionery • Hoyt Commons Lofts CALL TODAY 503.295.3001 27 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 28. 28 KE V IN C AR RO LL Photo Tim Sugden
  • 29. ABOUT SPORT Daredevil for Social Change by Jamie Mustard A Man Without Fear Nike invented a job for Kevin Carroll called The Katalyst (the “K” is for Kevin) to serve as an agent for creative change and to add value to the overall mission of the Nike brand. Kevin has travelled the world to promote play as a means of maximizing human potential and creat- ing social change. This might seem a tad idealistic until you see his resume. He speaks 5 languages including Croatian, Czech, Serbian and German. He went from being a high school athletic trainer, to a college athletic trainer, to the athletic trainer for the Philadelphia 76ers in just 5 years. His words have appeared on over 17 million Starbucks coffee cups. He has addressed the United Nations on the importance of play in developing countries. He is the author of 3 highly successful books published by ESPN Books, Disney Press and McGraw Hill– most notably the Rules of the Red Rubber Ball. He was also abandoned by his parents. Kevin Carroll knows something about human potential. Okay, let’s get to it. What is the significance of What’s the difference between inspiring some- Actually, I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me the the “Red Rubber Ball,” and how can a ball create body and creating social change? significance of Daredevil. It’s very personal and social change? emotional when I talk about it out loud. I discov- The ball is about your chase—your personal pur- ered Daredevil at 10 years old. I remember dis- The significance of “Red Rubber Ball” for me is suits, your passion and action. How do you mani- covering him rummaging through all the different a metaphor. It’s also a literal thing for me, as far fest your dreams into reality? When somebody is comic books. I grabbed that one because I saw the as the ball and sports and what it has meant for actually chasing their passion, they change. When tag line, “The man without fear.” I took a pause, I me in my chase. It’s a metaphor for my pursuit of you get enough people chasing their passion, their looked at it and I said, “I want to be that.” I wanted red rubber ball, the society changes. People are to be the man without fear because that’s all I was possibilities, my human potential and rising above different when they are doing things in life that are dealing with—a lot of uncertainty, a lot of disap- my circumstances—finding a way to demonstrate personal and mean something to them. If the en- pointment, a lot of challenges as a child—and I to people that circumstances don’t dictate a per- wanted to have courage, I wanted to live a life of tirety of society pursued their passion, the society son’s destiny. I truly believe that it didn’t matter courage and be courageous as I faced things. would be better off in obvious ways. When people what those social workers were saying about me have meaning in their lives they are happier and so and how they had written me off so early in my life, So, I devoured Matthew Murdock (Daredevil’s alter is the culture. how people in the neighborhood just looked at my ego) and Daredevil in all things. I’ve always kept brothers and said, “We know those guys are going I get it. The icon of the red rubber ball is a meta- him at my side as a reminder that I can live a life to be laborers or whatever.” The “Red Rubber Ball” phor for a purpose. of courage. I can lead that way. I can have abilities represents my life in two ways: my chase, but also beyond what people can see. It’s not just about my pursuit of being my personal best on a regu- It’s also as a symbol for community and belonging a superhero who happens to be blind. It was this lar basis. At Nike I got to travel the world and see, to me. Look at it as a symbol of purpose, a meta- whole other thing about him having presence and no matter where you go, a ball is always used to phor for your own chase. being more present because he lost his sight. He bring people together. So, a ball has a meaning lost his sight because he tried to save someone to people. Anyone can relate to chasing a ball and When I went to your office there were no win- when he was a boy. His willingness to sacrifice doing it with determination. For me it started with dows. I saw references to the comic book hero, himself—all these things made me realize that I wanted to have that superheroesque ingredient, those red rubber balls we all used as kids on the Daredevil, all over. It reminded me of a secret that DNA, in me. So I did my best to manifest it. playground. hideout. What role has comic books, but espe- Daredevil has always meant the world to me. I only cially Daredevil, played in your life? get Daredevil comics. 29 ABOUTFACEMAG.COM
  • 30. In a way your windowless office is a secret lair… have to make a lot of big decisions quickly. “What’s Absolutely. my path going to be?” You have to bear all that comes Your office is filled with collections from your with that because people travels. Do these sensitize you, and can the aver- will hate on you. age person, or even a failed person, benefit from collecting things? You give people a box of magic in the back of one of I think it’s important for people to surround them- your books. What is a box selves with things that move them. When you are of magic? dealing with a challenge or facing some adversity, you have something to look to that can be a source A box of magic is about of inspiration to uplift you. All those things you see your story. in my office are just those kinds of moments or recollections or memories that are uplifting. Im- After they create their box merse yourself in things that feed your creative by artistically rendering soul, things that feed you on a regular basis so their story on the outside that you get sustenance for your soul. and putting things that represent their dreams What is the most important or significant item in on the inside, they have a your vast collection? better understanding of of the day, to go and pursue something that feeds themselves and an increased ability to commu- you, pursue something that brings you joy? If you I have a bottle of magic. I’ve had that bottle of nicate their goals. do that it will change the way you look at your job magic for nearly a decade now. It used to travel and all other aspects of your life. By changing you, the world with me. It’s been handled by thousands Yes, they have now defined that for themselves it changes society as it creates a happier, healthier of people who wanted to pour magic on them- and because of that they will be able to commu- person in a profound way. selves—from business people to students, from nicate it effectively to others. We need to be able civic leaders to individuals—anyone that may feel to share the story of our passion. We need to be So the “Red Rubber Ball” forces you to narrow they want some help with a hard time. On it says, able to get people to believe in us if we are going down the one thing that is that thing for you. “MAGIC uncork the possibilities.” to expect others to help us. Even if you don’t build a career around it, just the fact that you are now pursuing a passion is go- But it’s not really magic? It’s not just about defining it for yourself. It’s so ing to improve your life and improve the lives of that you can communicate yourself and your people around you. Or is it? goals to others. Exactly. You can enhance everything. I think that’s The question is—and this is what I’ve learned from Absolutely. I think that’s imperative. That’s the what people tend not to realize. They’d rather rail children—that bottle represents belief beyond courage moment. So many people keep dreams on what they don’t have. Tell me what it is that you something you can see. Children always hold on locked up inside, they are scared to death of say- would do for free. Tell me what it is that gives you to something like that. They don’t even question ing them to others. Creating a box of magic makes passion. What’s giving you the ability to have some it. Adults always go, “Hmm, I’m not really sure,” it possible to communicate one’s dreams, which is money, some freedom, some economic freedom, but once I tell them where the bottle’s been, who the first step. It’s out there now, so it forces one to to be able to pursue something you love? it touched… After I explain to them it’s about be- be accountable to their dreams. lief, it’s about faith, they say, “Give me a little bit of Okay, should there ever be a distinction be- that.” Belief and faith, chasing your own personal That’s intense when you think about it. What tween work and play? What about the surgeon? red rubber ball, having purpose—it’s transforma- about a person who is stuck in a dead-end job for Shouldn’t a surgeon be serious? tive. 20 years and is maybe in a rut, has bills, a mort- gage and a family to support? How can a person Oh! So here’s a great story to combat that. Speaking of children, how has the struggle of that is 55 years old and pursued a life that may- There’s a surgeon Malcolm Gladwell writes about— your childhood informed your life? be they aren’t happy with decide to chase their a genius, Charlie Wilson. Charlie Wilson is a neu- “Red Rubber Ball?” rosurgeon in the Boston area, one of the most Abandonment is something that my childhood re- renowned in North America, maybe globally. Char- ally presented to me; finding a way to manage that I absolutely believe that we can all find a source of lie talks about how his work is play and how he is and deal with that loss. I was told as a young per- passion, a source of joy in our lives. I’m 52 years doing the most delicate, intricate of surgeries on son that children who deal with a lot of adversity old. I’m not some rose-colored, ridiculous dreamer the brain and how he practiced and practiced on and challenges and overcome them and rise above kind of person. cadavers. He practiced on mice, all these things— them will reap the benefits in their adulthood. This which to him was a form of play—to get to this lev- was my pastor who said that at my church. Ms. You look like you’re 25. el of mastery. So that by the time he would actually Lane, my childhood best friend’s mom, always re- go in to do the surgeries, he reveled in the unex- minded me of that. Embracing that struggle and Thank you. I say this to people: “What’s your pri- pected—where he had problems to solve, where how that struggle was framed for me had a huge mal source of joy? What would you be willing to do he could play. Because he had found a way to play impact on how I looked at my plight. Had I not had for free?” So we have bills. We have obligations. toward a level of mastery, he had that confidence. others framing it as an opportunity, things might We have commitments. Check. That dead-end job have turned out different. that you’ve had has actually served an amazing What about the garbage man? How would he purpose. It has allowed you to meet your commit- play? What’s interesting is that most people who grow ments and to do the things that you need to do— up in those circumstances don’t become Kevin to keep a roof over your head, food on the table People on the garbage truck—we used to talk about Carroll. It makes me think that the “Red Rubber and so forth. That job has actually been something this all the time. The guys in my neighborhood who Ball” creates social change by reframing one’s wonderful if you actually look at it a little different- were garbage men, they love the fact that that job situation in life. ly. Yeah, maybe it hasn’t fulfilled your soul. Maybe which paid great money—hard demanding work— it hasn’t, but it actually has reduced some noise. they then had all this economic freedom to pursue Absolutely, because there are plenty of other their joy: their fishing, their love of muscle cars. choices out there, especially when you don’t have Now, knowing that that job is providing that, how All these other things. Once again, that dead-end somebody who is really keeping you in line. You can you then take that, whatever hours are left out job—no it’s not, if it’s actually availing of you the 30