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Compiled by: Jitendra Gajjar
Health & Fitness
A surprising number and variety of physical problems and diseases can be caused by
the problem of foods that are acid-producing after digestion. Today the vast majority
of the populace in industrialized nations suffers from problems caused by the stress of
acidosis, because both modern lifestyle and diet promote acidification of the body's
internal environment.
The current typical Western diet is largely composed of acid-forming foods (proteins,
cereals, sugars). Alkaline-producing foods such as vegetables are eaten in much smaller
quantities. Stimulants like tobacco, coffee, tea, and alcohol are also extremely
acidifying. Stress, and physical activity (both insufficient or excessive amounts) also
cause acidification.
Many foods are alkaline-producing or neutral by nature, but manufactured processed
foods are mostly acid-producing and these are the ones most heavily advertised in the
media, and filling the shelves of supermarkets. The whole issue is denigrated as
pseudo-science by many in the medical establishment - for more information,
download and read this excerpt from Naturally Good Magazine, The Relationship
between Body PH and Disease - or download this more formal scientific paper about
the role of alkaline/acidic balance in chronic disease and detoxification. Whatever, the
experience of my own family and friends clearly demonstrates eating a diet that
correctly balances acid- and alkaline-producing foods is beneficial to health.
It is important to consume at least 60% alkaline-producing foods in our diet, in order to
maintain health. We need plenty of fresh fruits and particularly vegetables (alkaline-
producing) to balance our necessary protein intake (acid-producing). And we need to
avoid processed, sugary or simple-carbohydrate foods, not only because they are acid-
producing but also because they raise blood sugar level too quickly - with high glycemic
index, therefore fattening and stressing our insulin response - plus they tend to be
nutrient-lacking and may be toxic too.
The body maintains correct pH in the blood at all costs, by homeostasis, but that is
stressful for the body's systems and resources when the diet is unbalanced in terms of
acid-forming foods (the residue after digestion, that is). Within cells it's a different
story. Saliva and urine tests show clearly enough the changes in alkalinity or acidity
that are caused by diet and lifestyle.
What is the body's pH?
Water is the most abundant compound in the human body, comprising 70% of the
body. The body therefore contains a wide range of solutions, which may be more or
less acid. pH (potential of Hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a
solution - the ratio between positively charged ions (acid-forming) and negatively
charged ions (alkaline-forming.) The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-
ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the
fluid is. The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is.
The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline,
anything below 7.0 is considered acidic.
Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 - 7.45). Below or above this range
means symptoms and disease. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop
functioning and the body dies. The body therefore continually strives to balance pH.
When this balance is compromised many problems can occur.
An imbalanced diet high in acidic-producing foods such as animal protein, sugar,
caffeine, and processed foods puts pressure on the body's regulating systems to
maintain pH neutrality. The extra buffering required can deplete the body of alkaline
minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, making the person
prone to chronic and degenerative disease. Minerals are borrowed from vital organs
and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because
of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage--a condition that may
go undetected for years.
Health problems caused by acidosis
Research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot
heal itself. So no matter what means you choose to take care of your health, it won't
be effective until the pH level is balanced. If your body's pH is not balanced, for
example, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food
supplements. Your body pH affects everything.
Acidosis will decrease the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients,
decrease the energy production in the cells, decrease its ability to repair damaged
cells, decrease its ability to detoxify heavy metals, make tumor cells thrive, and make it
more susceptible to fatigue and illness.
An acidic pH can occur from an acid-forming diet, emotional stress, toxic overload,
and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other
nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If
the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a buildup of acids in the
cells will occur. Acidosis can cause such problems as:
Cardiovascular damage.
Weight gain, obesity and
Bladder conditions.
Kidney stones.
Immune deficiency.
Acceleration of free radical
Hormonal problems.
Premature aging.
Osteoporosis and joint pain.
Aching muscles and lactic acid
Low energy and chronic fatigue.
Slow digestion and elimination.
Yeast/fungal overgrowth.
Lack of energy and fatigue.
Lower body temperature.
Tendency to get infections.
Loss of drive, joy, and
Depressive tendencies.
Easily stressed.
Pale complexion.
Inflammation of the corneas and
Loose and painful teeth.
Inflamed, sensitive gums.
Mouth and stomach ulcers.
Cracks at the corners of the lips.
Excess stomach acid.
Nails are thin and split easily.
Hair looks dull, has split ends,
and falls out.
Dry skin.
Skin easily irritated.
Leg cramps and spasms.
Test Your Body's Acidity or Alkalinity with pH Strips
It is recommended that you test your pH levels to determine if your body's pH needs
immediate attention. By using pH test strips (Litmus Paper), you can determine your
pH factor quickly and easily in the privacy of your own home. The best time to test
your pH is about one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal.
Saliva pH Test: Simply wet a piece of Litmus Paper with your saliva. While generally
more acidic than blood, salivary pH mirrors the blood and tells us what the body
retains. It is a fair indicator of the health of the extracellular fluids and their alkaline
mineral reserves. The optimal pH for saliva is 6.4 to 6.8. A reading lower than 6.4 is
indicative of insufficient alkaline reserves. After eating, the saliva pH should rise to 7.5
or more. To deviate from an ideal salivary pH for an extended time invites illness. If
your saliva stays between 6.5 and 7.5 all day, your body is functioning within a healthy
Acidosis, an extended time in the acid pH state, can result in rheumatoid arthritis,
diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, most cancers and
many more. If salivary pH stays too low, the diet should focus on fruit, vegetables and
mineral water as well as remove strong acidifiers such as sodas, whole wheat and red
Urine pH Test: The pH of the urine indicates how the body is working to maintain the
proper pH of the blood. The urine reveals the alkaline (building - anabolic) and acid
(tearing down - catabolic) metabolic cycles. The pH of urine indicates the efforts of the
body via the kidneys, adrenals, lungs and gonads to regulate pH through the buffer
salts and hormones. Urine can provide a fairly accurate picture of body chemistry,
because the kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH regulation and provide values
based on what the body is eliminating. Urine pH can vary from around 4.5 to 9.0 in
extremes, but the ideal range is 6.0 to 7.0. If your urinary pH fluctuates between 6.0 to
6.5 first thing in the morning and between 6.5 and 7.0 in the evening before dinner,
your body is functioning within a healthy range.
Urine testing may indicate how well your body is excreting acids and assimilating
minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These minerals
function as "buffers." Buffers are substances that help maintain and balance the body
against the introduction of too much acidity or too much alkalinity. Even with the
proper amounts of buffers, acid or alkaline levels can become stressful to the body's
regulatory systems. When the body produces too many of these acids or alkalis, it must
excrete the excess. The urine is the method the body uses to remove any excess acids
or alkaline substances that cannot be buffered. If the body's buffering system is
overwhelmed, a state of "autointoxication" exists, and attention should be given to
reducing this stress.
Understanding How an Alkaline Diet Works
Alkaline diets are a popular choice for people who want to achieve optimum good
health. However, many people don't actually understand this diet or how it works. The
concept is actually fairly simple - the diet just focuses on regaining the balance that
was lost when man started to eat a more domesticated diet. Instead of focusing on
foods that are high in sugar, simple carbohydrates (like white bread and chips) and
fatty meat and dairy... an alkaline diet primarily moves the balance toward fresh fruits
and vegetables, whole grains, wholesome protein sources such as beans and legumes,
and healthy oils such as olive and flax seed.
These foods may be either alkaline or acid in their natural state, but after the process
of digestion they all produce what is termed as an "alkaline ash" once digested and
metabolized by the body. When the body's pH is kept at a slightly alkaline level, all the
systems can work more efficiently.
Understanding the Effects of the Body's pH Level
The pH level of the body has the ability to affect every single cell of the body. When
the blood has an alkaline pH instead of an acidic pH, it will have a positive effect on
how every bodily system functions. The brain, circulatory system, nerves, muscles,
respiratory system, digestive system, and reproductive system can all benefit from a
proper pH level. On the other hand, when the pH of the body is too acidic, it is
susceptible to many diseases and problems. Weight gain, heart disease, premature
aging, fatigue, nerve problems, allergies, muscle disease and cancer are all more
prevalent when the body's pH is not optimal. Because these problems are all more
likely to occur when the body's pH is too acid, it makes good sense to eat a diet rich in
alkalizing foods. The primary goal is usually to eat approximately 75-80% alkaline foods
along with only about 20-25% acidifying foods. If this level is maintained in the diet,
the end result is a slightly alkaline pH in the body, which is perfect for optimum good
The indicator for acidity, alkalinity, or basic is known as the pH value. A pH value of 7
means a substance is neutral. The lower value indicates acidity, and a higher value is a
sign of alkalinity. To better understand the range in pH, take a look at these examples:
Apple Juice - 3
Orange Juice - 3.5
Coffee - 5.5
Milk - 6.2
Baking Soda - 8.5
Soapy water - 10
Bleach - 12
Choosing Foods for an Alkaline Diet
It's actually quite easy to eat a diet rich in alkaline-producing foods. Most fresh fruits
and vegetables are excellent choices. Red meat is not a good choice, but you can add
plenty of protein to your meals by using soy products, delicious beans, legumes, and
nuts such as almonds. You should eliminate unhealthy fats from your diet, but you can
use good fats such as olive, canola, and flax seed oil. High fat dairy products should be
avoided, but you can drink soy milk and goat's milk. Cheeses made from soy milk and
goat's milk would also be good choices.
Replace the empty calories of soda with delicious iced herb tea, green tea and lemon
water. Coffee should be avoided, but you can drink hot herbal or green tea. Replace
pasta with healthy whole grains such as wild rice, millet and quinoa. When sweetening
your foods, focus on natural products such as raw sugar, Stevia and maple sugar. As
you can see, you'll have many nutritious choices that are both delicious and high in
alkalizing properties.
Use the food charts below to make your lifestyle more alkaline and reap the benefits of
vibrant health and abundant energy...
What is the pH of some popular drinks and food?
Colas 1.0 Coffee 5.0 Cereal Corn 2.5
Soft drinks artificially sweetened 1.0 Salt Refined 1.5 Meat 2.5
Sugar 1.0 Wheat Refined 1.5 Fried Potato Chips 3.0
Liquor 1.0-2.0 White Rice 1.5 Chicken & Fish 3.0
The pH of fruits and vegetables
Melons 7.0 Pineapple 6.5 Avocados 6.0
Asparagus 6.5 Fresh Fruit Juices 6.5 Citrus Fruits 6.0
Most Vegetables 5.0-6.0 Potatoes with Skin 5.5 Almonds 5.0
Even the experts, who acknowledge that a neutral or slightly alkaline pH is good,
disagree on what this means with regard to body fluids. For example, some
researchers consider a slightly acidic urine pH to be normal (healthy) because it might
indicate that the body is eliminating acids that are a natural product of metabolism.
Other experts maintain that the urine should be close to neutral or slightly more
alkaline. Acid/alkaline balance is extremely important to normal physiology.
For example, the blood will maintain a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45. Extended
pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. The management of the
pH factor is so important that the body's primary regulatory systems (especially
breathing, circulation and eliminations) closely regulate acid-alkaline balance in every
cell and system of the organism. Some researchers believe that high acidity can
deplete bones because the body has to steal alkalizing minerals (especially calcium)
from bones to keep the blood from dropping into the acid range.
Thus acid/alkaline balance may be relevant to diseases such
as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Alkalinity can be increased by consuming less meat
and sweets in place of eating more vegetables and fruits. Although eating fruit to
increase alkalinity may seem to be a contradiction because some fruits (especially
citrus) are acidic outside the body, digestion uses up their acidic components, leaving
an alkaline residue (ash). Thus the net effect is an alkaline-producing benefit for the
Foods: are they Acid or Alkaline-forming?
Note that a food's acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with
the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end-
products they produce after digestion and assimilation are alkaline so lemons are
alkaline-forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it
leaves acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is classified as
It is important that your daily dietary intake of food naturally acts to balance your body
pH. To maintain health, the diet should consist of at least 60% alkaline forming foods
and at most 40% acid forming foods. To restore health, the diet should consist of 80%
alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods.
Note: there are inconsistencies between the acid- or alkaline-forming values given in
the lists provided by many websites, and few reliable references. Please don't take the
above chart as any more than an approximate guide. Sites copy information (and
errors) from each other and we're not scientific institutes, we go by personal
experience and experience with clients, measuring with litmus paper, health results
gathered over time, and such - not laboratory testing of isolated substances.
Nevertheless, the principles are clear: eat plenty of vegetables, some fruit daily, and
don't eat too much of dairy products, grain products, and direct protein from eggs,
meat and fish (as is typically the case in Western diet). But remember... you don't have
to cut out all acid-forming foods - some are necessary, typically 40% - otherwise you
probably wouldn't get enough protein and variety of nutrients, yet alone make
interesting meals that you enjoy. But you DO want to shift the overall balance of your
diet over toward the alkaline, and away from the excessively acid-forming diet of a
quick-food culture.
Free range eggs, fish, beans, unsaturated oils - these are healthy foods, low glycemic
and nutritious, and even if marginally acid-forming (or alkaline or between the two
depending on how you measure or what chart you read). They are NOT the culprits in
an acid-forming diet. The real culprits are highly sweetened foods, pastries, red meat,
colas and highly processed foods - these are the ones to reduce to a sensible amount
or cut out of your diet if they also contain stimulants and undesirable chemical
Similarly, be sure to include your share of the high alkaline-forming foods to balance
those low-acid foods you eat for their overall nutritional value. And make alkaline
choices, e.g. better to have brown rice than white rice, even though both are on the
acid-forming side, because it moves you in the right pH direction - less acid - and also it
is more healthy and nutritious in other respects.
Detoxify with Fruit & Vegetable Juices
All natural, raw, vegetable and fruit juices are alkaline-producing. (Fruit juices become
more acid-producing when processed and especially when sweetened.)
The Science: Why are acidic lemons alkaline-producing?
The answer is simply that when we digest the food, it produces alkaline residue. That's
why we classify it as an alkaline food. When we digest a food it is chemically oxidized
('burned') to form water, carbon dioxide and an inorganic compound. The alkaline or
acidic nature of the inorganic compound formed determines whether the food is
alkaline or acid-producing. If it contains more sodium, potassium or calcium, it's
classed as an alkaline food. If it contains more sulphur, phosphate or chloride, it's
classed as an acid food.
What difference does it make to have toxic blood?
In order for the body to remain healthy and alive, your body keeps a delicate and
precise balance of blood pH at 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. The body does
whatever it has to in order to maintain this balance. The problem is that most people
have incredibly acid lifestyles. Acid is produced in your body whenever you have stress,
upset emotions and when the food you eat is acid-forming.
The typical diet is significantly acidic. So what happens to your body when you're over-
acid? Your body will store excess acid in your fat cells (which is why so many people
have such trouble losing weight). Over time, your body will leach calcium and alkaline
stores from your bones in a desperate attempt to retain the pH balance in your body
(which is why some people "shrink" as they get older).
Your blood plays a very important role in your healthy and energy: it carries oxygen to
all your cells! This gives you energy, and it's what keeps you alive. It also plays a key
role in how energizing your sleep is. Here's a picture of healthy red blood cells:
Do you see how far apart the blood cells are from each other? As a result, your blood
can move freely throughout your entire body, and get into all your small capillaries, so
you feel like your whole body is getting energy. During deep sleep, proper blood flow
and hydration is important. When your blood looks like this, your sleep is also really
energizing and you need less of it!
Blood cells have a negative charge on the outside and a positive charge inside; this is
what keeps them healthy and far apart from each other. However, when your body is
over-acidic, the acid strips your blood of its negative charge. Your blood cells no longer
have the same repelling force and clump together like this:
When your blood is clumped together, it no longer can get to all the little capillaries in
your body to give you the life giving oxygen you need. It no longer can give ever cell of
your body the energizing and rejuvenating effects. This is the major reason why some
people feel horrible when they wake up, and why they need to sleep longer. It's also
why you tend to wake up feeling de-hydrated.
Most of us, from the time we're children, have a fear installed into us by our parents
that "Disease is out to get you, and viruses are flying around all over the place looking
for their next victim!" It comes with sayings like: "Put on your sweater or you'll 'catch' a
cold!" However, the truth is most of us create toxic environments inside of our body
and this is why disease and fatigue happens. It doesn't happen TO YOU, instead, "you"
make it happen...
Here's a good example: Pretend you had a goldfish in a bowl, and one day you saw the
goldfish was beginning to look very unhealthy. You also notice that the water is a little
dirty. What makes more sense? To take the fish out and try to fix it? Or change its
water? Chances are it's the water that's making the fish unhealthy, not the fish itself.
When you change the water, the fish will get healthier. The fact that the goldfish is
unhealthy is actually a SYMPTOM of the unhealthy environment. Not the problem.
Fact: Our bodies are more than 70% Water! And most of the time because of our diets,
emotions and lifestyles, the "water" in our body is over-acidic, and to put it simply:
toxic. Yet, even knowing this, modern day establishment medicine puts much more
attention on fighting the symptoms, and not recognizing the root of the problem.
There are a few other things, in addition to diet, that can be done to help correct an
over acidic balance. These include taking enzyme supplements, organic calcium and
magnesium supplements, colloidal minerals, vitamin A and D, and drinking alkaline
vegetable juices (carrot, celery and beet) and lemon/maple syrup drink.
We can remedy our over-acidic bodies in the short term with alkalizing supplements,
but going forward, we must also choose a diet which is balanced on the side of
alkaline-forming foods. Fortunately most of these are also low glycemic, which takes
care of the second primary factor in our creating a healthy diet. Ensure adequate
Omega 3 with oily fish in our diet, which is another primary factor, and we can be sure
to live long and healthy lives.
Balancing Acid/Alkaline Foods
The Alkaline Food Chart
Complete List of Alkaline Foods & Acidic Food pH Ratings
for a smooth digestion
Water 0-15 minutes
Juice 15-30 minutes
Fruit 30-60 minutes
Melons 30-60 minutes
Sprouts 60 minutes
Wheatgrass Juice 60-90 minutes
Most Vegetables 1-2 Hours
Grains and Beans 1-2 Hours
Meat and Fish 3-4 Hours+
Shell Fish 8 Hours+
1. Protein and carbohydrate concentrated foods
Breakdown of protein requires an acid medium, and digestion of protein dense animal
products requires high levels of hydrochloric acid. Since digestion of carbohydrate
dense foods requires an alkaline medium in order to be broken down, high
carbohydrate foods that have been mixed with high protein foods will not digest but
will sit there fermenting, producing indigestion, bloating and gas. And since this
fermentation of carbohydrates will inhibit the digestion of the protein, more gas,
bloating and discomfort will be produced. This makes the typical American meal,
composed of a large hunk of meat along with potatoes and bread, a recipe for
digestive disaster.
Most protein foods are best digested when accompanied by a fresh green salad. Other
concentrated protein foods like nuts and seeds combine well with acid fruits such as
oranges, pineapples blackberries, or strawberries. They also work fairly well with sub-
acid fruits such as apples, cherries, mangos, or peaches. The vitamin C in these fruits
aids digestion of the mixture.
2. Eating two concentrated proteins together
Each type of protein requires a specific character, strength and timing of digestive juice
secretions. This means that no two types of concentrated protein
should be consumed together at a meal. Nuts, meat, eggs, cheese, or other protein
foods should not be eaten together. And no two types of animal protein
should be eaten together, a rule that may be hard to swallow by the surf and turf
3. Protein and fats
Fats inhibit the secretion of gastric juices needed to digest meat, fish, dairy products,
nuts, and eggs by as much as fifty percent. When fat concentrated foods
are eaten with protein concentrated foods, the digestive breakdown of the fats is
delayed until gastric juices complete their work on the complex proteins. This
means fats will remain undigested in the stomach for a long period of time. Although
some high protein foods also contain high amounts of fat, these fats will be
held in suspension awaiting breakdown without impeding gastric action. However, free
fats such as oil, butter and milk fat will coat the gastric mucosa,
inhibiting gastric juice. This is why fried chicken is so hard to digest.
4. Acid fruits with carbohydrates
The enzyme in saliva that begins the breakdown of starch concentrated foods in the
mouth does the important job of converting complex starch molecules
into more simple sugars. In order to work, the enzyme requires a neutral or slightly
alkaline medium, the natural condition found in the mouth. When acid foods
are eaten, the action of the enzyme needed to break down starch is halted because the
medium needed has been altered. Thus acid fruits should not be
eaten at the same meal as sweet fruits or other starches. This combination is what
makes spaghetti and other dishes combining tomatoes with starch so
5. Acid fruits with protein
Oranges, tomatoes, lemons, pineapples and other acid fruits can be easily digested and
produce no distress when eaten away from starchy and protein
foods. However, when included in a meal that contains a protein concentrated food,
the acid fruits seriously hamper protein digestion. This is in part what
makes the typical American breakfast of orange juice, bacon, eggs and toast such a
digestive nightmare
6. Starch and sugar
Eating starches that have been disguised as sweets is not a good way to eat starch.
Although the “treat” produces an abundance of saliva, the saliva contains
none of the enzyme needed to digest the starch because the sugar has turned the
environment acidic. This is why such items as fruit filled Danish settle on the
digestive tract like a sack of bricks. The carbohydrates are fermenting in the body,
producing noxious gases.
7. Consuming melons
Melons should not be consumed with any other foods. Watermelon, cantaloupe,
honeydew, and the more exotic melons should always be eaten away from
mealtime and alone. Melons are meant to decompose quickly in the digestive system,
which is what they will do if there is no interfering with the process.
8. Consuming milk
Milk is best left to babies who traditionally consume it alone, away from other foods.
Milk does not digest in the stomach, but in the duodenum, so the presence
of milk in the stomach does not promote secretion of gastric juice. The use of acid
fruits with milk does not cause any digestive difficulty, although the benefits of
the antioxidant potential of the fruits may be lost due to the affinity they have for the
protein in milk.
The indicator for acidity, alkalinity, or basic is known as the pH value. A pH value of 7
means a substance is neutral. The lower value indicates acidity, and a higher value is a
sign of alkalinity. To better understand the range in pH, take a look at these examples:
Apple Juice - 3
Orange Juice - 3.5
Coffee - 5.5
Milk - 6.2
Baking Soda - 8.5
Soapy water - 10
Bleach - 12
PH ValuesOfWaterCompletelyExplained
pH and Water
So, what does pH mean for water? Basically, the pH value is a good indicator of
whether water is hard or soft. The pH of pure water is 7. In general, water with a pH
lower than 7 is considered acidic, and with a pH greater than 7 is considered basic. The
normal range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5, and the pH range for
groundwater systems is between 6 to 8.5. Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of the
water to resist a change in pH that would tend to make the water more acidic. The
measurement of alkalinity and pH is needed to determine the corrosiveness of the
In general, water with a pH < 6.5 could be acidic, soft, and corrosive. Acidic water could
contain metal ions such as iron, manganese, copper, lead, and zinc. In other words,
acidic water contains elevated levels of toxic metals. Acidic water can cause premature
damage to metal piping, and have associated aesthetic problems such as a metallic or
sour taste. It can also stain laundry and cause "blue-green" color staining on sinks and
drains. More importantly, there are health risks associated with these toxins. The
primary way to treat the problem of low pH water is with the use of a neutralizer. The
neutralizer feeds a solution into the water to prevent the water from reacting with the
household plumbing or from contributing to electrolytic corrosion. A typical
neutralizing chemical is soda ash. Also known as sodium carbonate, soda ash works to
increase the sodium content which increases pH. Water with a pH > 8.5 could indicate
that the water is hard. Hard water does not pose a health risk, but can also cause
aesthetic problems. These problems include an alkali taste to the water (making that
morning coffee taste bitter!), formation of scale deposits on dishes, utensils, and
laundry basins, difficulty in getting soaps and detergents to lather, and the formation
of insoluble precipitates on clothing.
While the ideal pH level of drinking water should be between 6-8.5, the human body
maintains pH equilibrium on a constant basis and will not be affected by water
consumption. For example, our stomachs have a naturally low pH level of 2 which is a
beneficial acidity that helps us with food digestion.
Change Water PH Easily - Just ADD Salt!
Water in nature is rarely pure in the "distilled water'' sense. It contains dissolved salts,
buffers, nutrients, etc., with exact concentrations dependent on local conditions.
Water also typically has four measurable properties that are commonly used to
characterize its chemistry. They are pH, buffering capacity, general hardness
and salinity. In addition, there are several nutrients and trace elements.
What is pH?
pH is the measurement of a liquids level of acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale runs from
0.0 to 14.0 with 7.0 being neutral. Acids have low pH values with anything lower than a
7 and alkaline solutions have high pH with anything above a 7. If the solution has an
equal amount of acidic and alkaline molecules, the pH is considered neutral.
What are the chemical properties of salt?
Sodium chloride, more commonly known as salt, is one of the most common mineral
compounds found in the world. It is required for the human body to function normally
because the sodium-potassium exchange is an integral part in the human heart beat.
Salt absorbs water from its surroundings, hence why it dissolves when you pour it in a
glass of water.
How important is pH?
For humans: When your saliva is in between 6.5 to 7.5 it indicates your body is in the
healthy alkaline function. When that pH falls below 6.5 it is a sign that your body is
overwhelmed and acids are not being adequately excreted through the urine. Your
saliva reflects digestive enzymes and your urinary pH indicates your mineral and
electrolyte balance. A healthy range for morning urine is 6.0 to 6.5, and 6.5 to 7.0 for
evening urine pH. A urine pH below a 6.5 is an indication that your body is
overwhelmed and is not cleansing as properly as it should. Urine pH is also a value of
the efforts of your kidneys, adrenals and lungs and gonads by the use of the buffering
elements and hormones.
When your body is too acidic, the body will rob your organs and bones of the vital
minerals of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium to maintain the body’s pH
and also to remove acidic waste. You can help your body neutralize acids in the blood
and maintain a balanced pH by taking some simple steps like eating the right foods,
exercising, and drinking plenty of water to give your body the proper fluids to excrete
any toxins. Drinking lots of water is essential for cutting down the acidic side affects of
coffee, soft drinks, alcohol, and tea, and it also aids in flushing the kidneys. By
maintaining a healthy diet we can help balance our bodies, prevent diseases and live a
longer, healthier and more energetic life!
It has been stated that if the condition of our extra cellular fluids, especially the blood,
becomes acidic, our physical condition will first manifest tiredness, proneness to
catching colds, etc. When these fluids become more acidic, our condition then
manifests pain and suffering such as headaches, chest pains, stomach aches, etc.
According to Keiichi Morishita in his Hidden Truth of Cancer, if the Blood develops a
more acidic condition, then our body inevitably deposits these excess acidic substances
in some areas of the body, thus the blood will not be able to maintain an
alkaline condition which causes these areas such as the cells to become acidic which
lowers in oxygen. As this tendency continues, such areas increase in acidity and some
cells die; these dead cells then turn themselves into acids.
However, some other cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of
dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming
abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not
correspond with brain function or with our own DNS memory code. Your body's pH
level is a large indicator of your alkalinity.
Why should we be concerned about pH levels? Since most of the body is water-based
(50-60%), the pH level has profound effects on all body chemistry, health, and disease.
All regulatory mechanisms (including breathing, circulation, digestion, hormonal
production) serve the purpose of balancing pH, by removing caustic metabolized acid
residues from body tissues without damaging living cells. If the pH deviates too far to
the acid side or too far to the alkaline side, cells become poisoned by their own toxic
waste and die.
Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake; an
imbalanced pH can corrode all body tissue and slowly eat into the 60,000 miles of veins
and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. If left unchecked, an imbalanced pH will
interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the
neural firing of your brain.
The body is largely made up of water, a medium that is biologically useful in allowing
nutrients, oxygen and bio-chemicals to be transported from place to place. This water-
based medium can have either acid or alkaline properties that are measured by a
graduated scale called pH (for potential hydrogen). Wherein 1.0 to 6.9 is considered
acidic, 7.0 is neutral and 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline.
What is the pH of some popular drinks and food?
Colas 1.0 Coffee 5.0 Cereal Corn 2.5
Soft drinks artificially sweetened 1.0 Salt Refined 1.5 Meat 2.5
Sugar 1.0 Wheat Refined 1.5 Fried Potato Chips 3.0
Liquor 1.0-2.0 White Rice 1.5 Chicken & Fish 3.0
The pH of fruits and vegetables
Melons 7.0 Pineapple 6.5 Avocados 6.0
Asparagus 6.5 Fresh Fruit Juices 6.5 Citrus Fruits 6.0
Most Vegetables 5.0-6.0 Potatoes with Skin 5.5 Almonds 5.0
Even the experts, who acknowledge that a neutral or slightly alkaline pH is good,
disagree on what this means with regard to body fluids. For example, some
researchers consider a slightly acidic urine pH to be normal (healthy) because it might
indicate that the body is eliminating acids that are a natural product of metabolism.
Other experts maintain that the urine should be close to neutral or slightly more
alkaline. Acid/alkaline balance is extremely important to normal physiology.
For example, the blood will maintain a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45. Extended
pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. The management of the
pH factor is so important that the body's primary regulatory systems (especially
breathing, circulation and eliminations) closely regulate acid-alkaline balance in every
cell and system of the organism. Some researchers believe that high acidity can
deplete bones because the body has to steal alkalizing minerals(especially calcium)
from bones to keep the blood from dropping into the acid range.
Thus acid/alkaline balance may be relevant to diseases such
as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Alkalinity can be increased by consuming less meat
and sweets in place of eating more vegetables and fruits. Although eating fruit to
increase alkalinity may seem to be a contradiction because some fruits (especially
citrus) are acidic outside the body, digestion uses up their acidic components, leaving
an alkaline residue (ash). Thus the net effect is an alkaline-producing benefit for the
Do We Receive Our Minerals From Drinking Water?
Minerals are essential for the basic functions of the human body to take place. They
help to control bone growth, regulate fluids, normalize nerve and muscle functions,
keep up metabolism, grow connective tissues, and so much more.
However, a big misconception is that that we obtain enough minerals from our
drinking water. This is actually not true because in reality, the main source of minerals
is always from our food and diet, not from our drinking water. In order to receive
enough minerals for our bodies, we would need to drink a full bathtub amount of
water everyday, which is not very feasible. We are sure that your doctor will not
prescribe you a "bathtub of water" if you are deficient in minerals, right?
Keep in mind that water contains only inorganic minerals which can actually be
detrimental to human health. Our bodies have a hard time processing inorganic
minerals and what we cannot absorb may be stored in our tissues and organs and
eventually become toxic to the body. The primary culprits are calcium salts and over
time they can cause gallstones, kidney stones, bone & joint calcification, arthritis, and
hardening and blocking our arteries. Organ failure and cancer could also occur from
long term exposure to certain types of toxic or radioactive minerals found in tap and
natural spring water. Organic minerals which are abundant in food are much easier to
absorb and preferred by our bodies because they do not contain toxic minerals.
A natural occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical
processes with a crystalline structure. Minerals help your body with many different
functions and are essential in growth and maintaining health.
The chemical reactions in the body that convert the fuel from food into energy, and
determine how efficiently you burn that fuel. Whether you are eating, sleeping, or
running your body is constantly burning calories to keep you going. In order to increase
your metabolism it is important to exercise and to eat a lower fat diet. As you get older
your metabolism will slow down which makes it easier to gain weight. Keep in mind
that the energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively.
A chemical element which is known as an alkaline earth metal abundant in earth's
crust. Magnesium is found in the body where it is stored half in the bones and half in
the other organs and cells and is crucial for normal muscle and nerve function.
Magnesium is also related to strong bones and a healthy immune system.
Iron is one of the most abundant metals on earth, and is an essential mineral to the
human body health. Iron's main function is to carry oxygen from our lungs throughout
our body. Iron deficiency in our body can cause many health issues and is the leading
cause of anemia. Iron is also used as a common metal to build automobiles, machine
tools, large ships and many more.
An ion that is electronically charged and moves to either a negative or positive
electrode. Electrolytes are important because they are what your cells use to carry
electrical impulses across themselves to other cells. Electrolytes are often added to
sports drinks to replenish an athlete with the electrolytes they lost during their
Distilled Water
Water that has many of its impurities removed through distillation. Distillation is the
process of boiling water which condensates the clean water into a container leaving a
broad range of contaminants behind. Distillation's disadvantage is that it requires a
large amount of energy and water which can be costly.
Short for detoxification, is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances
from a living organism. A diet detox serves as a plan to eliminate waste or toxic
materials out of the body, leaving a toxin-free healthy body. There are different types
of detox diets for alcohol addiction, improved digestion, enhanced concentration, drug
detoxification and many more.
Dehydration occurs when the body is lacking in vital fluids. The first sign of dehydration
is typically a headache followed by dizziness and severe thirst. More severe
dehydration symptoms involve loss of appetite, muscle cramping, and increased heart
rates. When the body loses more than 15% of its water volume, it is usually fatal.
Chronic Dehydration
The body is comprised of 75% water and is required for many essential functions of the
body. Over time when the body is not properly hydrated chronic dehydration occurs
which can lead to fatigue, constipation, high/low blood pressure, stomach ulcers,
repertory problems, and many more.
The most abundant mineral in the human body stored mostly in our bones and teeth.
The body constantly breaks down and rebuilds the bones, however the older the body
gets it tends to reabsorb more calcium than it returns leading to osteoporosis. Calcium
is found in milk, cheese, yogurt, dark green vegetables, but more importantly your
body needs Vitamin D to be able to absorb the calcium.
A medicine used to treat infections by killing the bacteria and inhibiting its ability to
reproduce. Antibiotics do not work on viruses because viruses are not alive, unlike
bacteria. It is important to finish the course of the prescribed antibiotics so the
bacteria is fully killed. If some bacteria remain, they can reproduce causing the illness
to come back which also means they will be stronger the next time you take the
Acid Rain
Acid Rain is rain that has been made acidic by certain pollutants released in the air,
most commonly caused by human activities. Acid rain creates tiny particles which can
easily enter people's lungs and cause health problems, especially those with difficulty
breathing. Acid rain also harms forests by precipitating harmful toxins into the soil
which then destroys certain nutrients that nature is dependent on. Lastly, acid rain
damages lakes and streams by increasing the acidity in water which can be deadly to
aquatic wildlife.
A type of arthritis that causes the cartilage in between joints to breakdown and
eventually deteriorate. This causes immense pain because the bones and joints will rub
against each other without any cushion. Highly acidic foods are said to bring on
osteoarthritis symptoms so there is an alkaline diet developed to lower acidity in ones
body by avoiding acidic food and drinks.
The most common type of bone disease which occurs when the body fails to form
enough new bone, or when too much old bone is reabsorbed by the body or both. The
most common symptoms of osteoporosis is a hunched back and fracture in the bones.
Calcium and phosphate are two essential minerals for the growth of bones that are
used to grow bones throughout our lifetime. As time goes by the body absorbs these
two minerals which makes the bone tissue weaker.
Any variety of disorders marked by inflammation, degeneration, or metabolic
derangement of the connective tissue structures. Often accompanied by pain,
stiffness, or limitation of movement in joints and related structures. Most often people
associate rheumatism with arthritis, rheumatic fever, or a complication of strep throat.

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About pH Guide

  • 1. Compiled by: Jitendra Gajjar Health & Fitness A surprising number and variety of physical problems and diseases can be caused by the problem of foods that are acid-producing after digestion. Today the vast majority of the populace in industrialized nations suffers from problems caused by the stress of acidosis, because both modern lifestyle and diet promote acidification of the body's internal environment. The current typical Western diet is largely composed of acid-forming foods (proteins, cereals, sugars). Alkaline-producing foods such as vegetables are eaten in much smaller quantities. Stimulants like tobacco, coffee, tea, and alcohol are also extremely acidifying. Stress, and physical activity (both insufficient or excessive amounts) also cause acidification. Many foods are alkaline-producing or neutral by nature, but manufactured processed foods are mostly acid-producing and these are the ones most heavily advertised in the media, and filling the shelves of supermarkets. The whole issue is denigrated as pseudo-science by many in the medical establishment - for more information, download and read this excerpt from Naturally Good Magazine, The Relationship between Body PH and Disease - or download this more formal scientific paper about the role of alkaline/acidic balance in chronic disease and detoxification. Whatever, the
  • 2. experience of my own family and friends clearly demonstrates eating a diet that correctly balances acid- and alkaline-producing foods is beneficial to health. It is important to consume at least 60% alkaline-producing foods in our diet, in order to maintain health. We need plenty of fresh fruits and particularly vegetables (alkaline- producing) to balance our necessary protein intake (acid-producing). And we need to avoid processed, sugary or simple-carbohydrate foods, not only because they are acid- producing but also because they raise blood sugar level too quickly - with high glycemic index, therefore fattening and stressing our insulin response - plus they tend to be nutrient-lacking and may be toxic too. The body maintains correct pH in the blood at all costs, by homeostasis, but that is stressful for the body's systems and resources when the diet is unbalanced in terms of acid-forming foods (the residue after digestion, that is). Within cells it's a different story. Saliva and urine tests show clearly enough the changes in alkalinity or acidity that are caused by diet and lifestyle. What is the body's pH? Water is the most abundant compound in the human body, comprising 70% of the body. The body therefore contains a wide range of solutions, which may be more or less acid. pH (potential of Hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution - the ratio between positively charged ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.) The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen- ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is. The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic. Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 - 7.45). Below or above this range means symptoms and disease. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop functioning and the body dies. The body therefore continually strives to balance pH. When this balance is compromised many problems can occur. An imbalanced diet high in acidic-producing foods such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods puts pressure on the body's regulating systems to maintain pH neutrality. The extra buffering required can deplete the body of alkaline minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, making the person prone to chronic and degenerative disease. Minerals are borrowed from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage--a condition that may go undetected for years.
  • 3. Health problems caused by acidosis Research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. So no matter what means you choose to take care of your health, it won't be effective until the pH level is balanced. If your body's pH is not balanced, for example, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food supplements. Your body pH affects everything. Acidosis will decrease the body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients, decrease the energy production in the cells, decrease its ability to repair damaged cells, decrease its ability to detoxify heavy metals, make tumor cells thrive, and make it more susceptible to fatigue and illness. An acidic pH can occur from an acid-forming diet, emotional stress, toxic overload, and/or immune reactions or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen and other nutrients. The body will try to compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, a buildup of acids in the cells will occur. Acidosis can cause such problems as: Cardiovascular damage. Weight gain, obesity and diabetes. Bladder conditions. Kidney stones. Immune deficiency. Acceleration of free radical damage. Hormonal problems. Premature aging. Osteoporosis and joint pain. Aching muscles and lactic acid buildup. Low energy and chronic fatigue. Slow digestion and elimination. Yeast/fungal overgrowth. Lack of energy and fatigue. Lower body temperature. Tendency to get infections. Loss of drive, joy, and enthusiasm. Depressive tendencies. Easily stressed. Pale complexion. Headaches. Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids. Loose and painful teeth. Inflamed, sensitive gums. Mouth and stomach ulcers. Cracks at the corners of the lips. Excess stomach acid. Gastritis. Nails are thin and split easily. Hair looks dull, has split ends, and falls out. Dry skin. Skin easily irritated. Leg cramps and spasms. Test Your Body's Acidity or Alkalinity with pH Strips It is recommended that you test your pH levels to determine if your body's pH needs immediate attention. By using pH test strips (Litmus Paper), you can determine your pH factor quickly and easily in the privacy of your own home. The best time to test your pH is about one hour before a meal and two hours after a meal. Saliva pH Test: Simply wet a piece of Litmus Paper with your saliva. While generally more acidic than blood, salivary pH mirrors the blood and tells us what the body retains. It is a fair indicator of the health of the extracellular fluids and their alkaline
  • 4. mineral reserves. The optimal pH for saliva is 6.4 to 6.8. A reading lower than 6.4 is indicative of insufficient alkaline reserves. After eating, the saliva pH should rise to 7.5 or more. To deviate from an ideal salivary pH for an extended time invites illness. If your saliva stays between 6.5 and 7.5 all day, your body is functioning within a healthy range. Acidosis, an extended time in the acid pH state, can result in rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, lupus, tuberculosis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, most cancers and many more. If salivary pH stays too low, the diet should focus on fruit, vegetables and mineral water as well as remove strong acidifiers such as sodas, whole wheat and red meat. Urine pH Test: The pH of the urine indicates how the body is working to maintain the proper pH of the blood. The urine reveals the alkaline (building - anabolic) and acid (tearing down - catabolic) metabolic cycles. The pH of urine indicates the efforts of the body via the kidneys, adrenals, lungs and gonads to regulate pH through the buffer salts and hormones. Urine can provide a fairly accurate picture of body chemistry, because the kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH regulation and provide values based on what the body is eliminating. Urine pH can vary from around 4.5 to 9.0 in extremes, but the ideal range is 6.0 to 7.0. If your urinary pH fluctuates between 6.0 to
  • 5. 6.5 first thing in the morning and between 6.5 and 7.0 in the evening before dinner, your body is functioning within a healthy range. Urine testing may indicate how well your body is excreting acids and assimilating minerals, especially calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These minerals function as "buffers." Buffers are substances that help maintain and balance the body against the introduction of too much acidity or too much alkalinity. Even with the proper amounts of buffers, acid or alkaline levels can become stressful to the body's regulatory systems. When the body produces too many of these acids or alkalis, it must excrete the excess. The urine is the method the body uses to remove any excess acids or alkaline substances that cannot be buffered. If the body's buffering system is overwhelmed, a state of "autointoxication" exists, and attention should be given to reducing this stress. Understanding How an Alkaline Diet Works Alkaline diets are a popular choice for people who want to achieve optimum good health. However, many people don't actually understand this diet or how it works. The concept is actually fairly simple - the diet just focuses on regaining the balance that was lost when man started to eat a more domesticated diet. Instead of focusing on foods that are high in sugar, simple carbohydrates (like white bread and chips) and fatty meat and dairy... an alkaline diet primarily moves the balance toward fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, wholesome protein sources such as beans and legumes, and healthy oils such as olive and flax seed.
  • 6. These foods may be either alkaline or acid in their natural state, but after the process of digestion they all produce what is termed as an "alkaline ash" once digested and metabolized by the body. When the body's pH is kept at a slightly alkaline level, all the systems can work more efficiently. Understanding the Effects of the Body's pH Level The pH level of the body has the ability to affect every single cell of the body. When the blood has an alkaline pH instead of an acidic pH, it will have a positive effect on how every bodily system functions. The brain, circulatory system, nerves, muscles, respiratory system, digestive system, and reproductive system can all benefit from a proper pH level. On the other hand, when the pH of the body is too acidic, it is susceptible to many diseases and problems. Weight gain, heart disease, premature aging, fatigue, nerve problems, allergies, muscle disease and cancer are all more prevalent when the body's pH is not optimal. Because these problems are all more likely to occur when the body's pH is too acid, it makes good sense to eat a diet rich in alkalizing foods. The primary goal is usually to eat approximately 75-80% alkaline foods along with only about 20-25% acidifying foods. If this level is maintained in the diet, the end result is a slightly alkaline pH in the body, which is perfect for optimum good health. The indicator for acidity, alkalinity, or basic is known as the pH value. A pH value of 7 means a substance is neutral. The lower value indicates acidity, and a higher value is a sign of alkalinity. To better understand the range in pH, take a look at these examples: Apple Juice - 3 Orange Juice - 3.5 Coffee - 5.5 Milk - 6.2 Baking Soda - 8.5 Soapy water - 10 Bleach - 12
  • 7. Choosing Foods for an Alkaline Diet It's actually quite easy to eat a diet rich in alkaline-producing foods. Most fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent choices. Red meat is not a good choice, but you can add plenty of protein to your meals by using soy products, delicious beans, legumes, and nuts such as almonds. You should eliminate unhealthy fats from your diet, but you can use good fats such as olive, canola, and flax seed oil. High fat dairy products should be avoided, but you can drink soy milk and goat's milk. Cheeses made from soy milk and goat's milk would also be good choices. Replace the empty calories of soda with delicious iced herb tea, green tea and lemon water. Coffee should be avoided, but you can drink hot herbal or green tea. Replace pasta with healthy whole grains such as wild rice, millet and quinoa. When sweetening your foods, focus on natural products such as raw sugar, Stevia and maple sugar. As you can see, you'll have many nutritious choices that are both delicious and high in alkalizing properties. Use the food charts below to make your lifestyle more alkaline and reap the benefits of vibrant health and abundant energy... What is the pH of some popular drinks and food? Colas 1.0 Coffee 5.0 Cereal Corn 2.5 Soft drinks artificially sweetened 1.0 Salt Refined 1.5 Meat 2.5 Sugar 1.0 Wheat Refined 1.5 Fried Potato Chips 3.0 Liquor 1.0-2.0 White Rice 1.5 Chicken & Fish 3.0 The pH of fruits and vegetables Melons 7.0 Pineapple 6.5 Avocados 6.0 Asparagus 6.5 Fresh Fruit Juices 6.5 Citrus Fruits 6.0 Most Vegetables 5.0-6.0 Potatoes with Skin 5.5 Almonds 5.0 Even the experts, who acknowledge that a neutral or slightly alkaline pH is good, disagree on what this means with regard to body fluids. For example, some researchers consider a slightly acidic urine pH to be normal (healthy) because it might indicate that the body is eliminating acids that are a natural product of metabolism. Other experts maintain that the urine should be close to neutral or slightly more alkaline. Acid/alkaline balance is extremely important to normal physiology.
  • 8. For example, the blood will maintain a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45. Extended pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. The management of the pH factor is so important that the body's primary regulatory systems (especially breathing, circulation and eliminations) closely regulate acid-alkaline balance in every cell and system of the organism. Some researchers believe that high acidity can deplete bones because the body has to steal alkalizing minerals (especially calcium) from bones to keep the blood from dropping into the acid range. Thus acid/alkaline balance may be relevant to diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Alkalinity can be increased by consuming less meat and sweets in place of eating more vegetables and fruits. Although eating fruit to increase alkalinity may seem to be a contradiction because some fruits (especially citrus) are acidic outside the body, digestion uses up their acidic components, leaving an alkaline residue (ash). Thus the net effect is an alkaline-producing benefit for the body. Foods: are they Acid or Alkaline-forming? Note that a food's acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end- products they produce after digestion and assimilation are alkaline so lemons are alkaline-forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is classified as acid-forming. It is important that your daily dietary intake of food naturally acts to balance your body pH. To maintain health, the diet should consist of at least 60% alkaline forming foods and at most 40% acid forming foods. To restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline forming foods and 20% acid forming foods. Note: there are inconsistencies between the acid- or alkaline-forming values given in the lists provided by many websites, and few reliable references. Please don't take the above chart as any more than an approximate guide. Sites copy information (and errors) from each other and we're not scientific institutes, we go by personal experience and experience with clients, measuring with litmus paper, health results gathered over time, and such - not laboratory testing of isolated substances. Nevertheless, the principles are clear: eat plenty of vegetables, some fruit daily, and don't eat too much of dairy products, grain products, and direct protein from eggs,
  • 9. meat and fish (as is typically the case in Western diet). But remember... you don't have to cut out all acid-forming foods - some are necessary, typically 40% - otherwise you probably wouldn't get enough protein and variety of nutrients, yet alone make interesting meals that you enjoy. But you DO want to shift the overall balance of your diet over toward the alkaline, and away from the excessively acid-forming diet of a quick-food culture. Free range eggs, fish, beans, unsaturated oils - these are healthy foods, low glycemic and nutritious, and even if marginally acid-forming (or alkaline or between the two depending on how you measure or what chart you read). They are NOT the culprits in an acid-forming diet. The real culprits are highly sweetened foods, pastries, red meat, colas and highly processed foods - these are the ones to reduce to a sensible amount or cut out of your diet if they also contain stimulants and undesirable chemical additives. Similarly, be sure to include your share of the high alkaline-forming foods to balance those low-acid foods you eat for their overall nutritional value. And make alkaline choices, e.g. better to have brown rice than white rice, even though both are on the acid-forming side, because it moves you in the right pH direction - less acid - and also it is more healthy and nutritious in other respects. Detoxify with Fruit & Vegetable Juices All natural, raw, vegetable and fruit juices are alkaline-producing. (Fruit juices become more acid-producing when processed and especially when sweetened.) The Science: Why are acidic lemons alkaline-producing? The answer is simply that when we digest the food, it produces alkaline residue. That's why we classify it as an alkaline food. When we digest a food it is chemically oxidized ('burned') to form water, carbon dioxide and an inorganic compound. The alkaline or acidic nature of the inorganic compound formed determines whether the food is alkaline or acid-producing. If it contains more sodium, potassium or calcium, it's classed as an alkaline food. If it contains more sulphur, phosphate or chloride, it's classed as an acid food. What difference does it make to have toxic blood? In order for the body to remain healthy and alive, your body keeps a delicate and precise balance of blood pH at 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. The body does whatever it has to in order to maintain this balance. The problem is that most people have incredibly acid lifestyles. Acid is produced in your body whenever you have stress, upset emotions and when the food you eat is acid-forming.
  • 10.
  • 11. The typical diet is significantly acidic. So what happens to your body when you're over- acid? Your body will store excess acid in your fat cells (which is why so many people have such trouble losing weight). Over time, your body will leach calcium and alkaline stores from your bones in a desperate attempt to retain the pH balance in your body (which is why some people "shrink" as they get older). Your blood plays a very important role in your healthy and energy: it carries oxygen to all your cells! This gives you energy, and it's what keeps you alive. It also plays a key role in how energizing your sleep is. Here's a picture of healthy red blood cells: Do you see how far apart the blood cells are from each other? As a result, your blood can move freely throughout your entire body, and get into all your small capillaries, so you feel like your whole body is getting energy. During deep sleep, proper blood flow and hydration is important. When your blood looks like this, your sleep is also really energizing and you need less of it! Blood cells have a negative charge on the outside and a positive charge inside; this is what keeps them healthy and far apart from each other. However, when your body is over-acidic, the acid strips your blood of its negative charge. Your blood cells no longer have the same repelling force and clump together like this:
  • 12. When your blood is clumped together, it no longer can get to all the little capillaries in your body to give you the life giving oxygen you need. It no longer can give ever cell of your body the energizing and rejuvenating effects. This is the major reason why some people feel horrible when they wake up, and why they need to sleep longer. It's also why you tend to wake up feeling de-hydrated. Most of us, from the time we're children, have a fear installed into us by our parents that "Disease is out to get you, and viruses are flying around all over the place looking for their next victim!" It comes with sayings like: "Put on your sweater or you'll 'catch' a cold!" However, the truth is most of us create toxic environments inside of our body and this is why disease and fatigue happens. It doesn't happen TO YOU, instead, "you" make it happen... Here's a good example: Pretend you had a goldfish in a bowl, and one day you saw the goldfish was beginning to look very unhealthy. You also notice that the water is a little dirty. What makes more sense? To take the fish out and try to fix it? Or change its water? Chances are it's the water that's making the fish unhealthy, not the fish itself. When you change the water, the fish will get healthier. The fact that the goldfish is unhealthy is actually a SYMPTOM of the unhealthy environment. Not the problem. Fact: Our bodies are more than 70% Water! And most of the time because of our diets, emotions and lifestyles, the "water" in our body is over-acidic, and to put it simply: toxic. Yet, even knowing this, modern day establishment medicine puts much more attention on fighting the symptoms, and not recognizing the root of the problem. There are a few other things, in addition to diet, that can be done to help correct an over acidic balance. These include taking enzyme supplements, organic calcium and magnesium supplements, colloidal minerals, vitamin A and D, and drinking alkaline vegetable juices (carrot, celery and beet) and lemon/maple syrup drink. We can remedy our over-acidic bodies in the short term with alkalizing supplements, but going forward, we must also choose a diet which is balanced on the side of alkaline-forming foods. Fortunately most of these are also low glycemic, which takes care of the second primary factor in our creating a healthy diet. Ensure adequate Omega 3 with oily fish in our diet, which is another primary factor, and we can be sure to live long and healthy lives.
  • 13. Balancing Acid/Alkaline Foods The Alkaline Food Chart Complete List of Alkaline Foods & Acidic Food pH Ratings
  • 14. THE FOOD COMBINING CHART for a smooth digestion Water 0-15 minutes Juice 15-30 minutes Fruit 30-60 minutes Melons 30-60 minutes Sprouts 60 minutes Wheatgrass Juice 60-90 minutes Most Vegetables 1-2 Hours Grains and Beans 1-2 Hours Meat and Fish 3-4 Hours+ Shell Fish 8 Hours+ 1. Protein and carbohydrate concentrated foods Breakdown of protein requires an acid medium, and digestion of protein dense animal products requires high levels of hydrochloric acid. Since digestion of carbohydrate dense foods requires an alkaline medium in order to be broken down, high carbohydrate foods that have been mixed with high protein foods will not digest but will sit there fermenting, producing indigestion, bloating and gas. And since this fermentation of carbohydrates will inhibit the digestion of the protein, more gas, bloating and discomfort will be produced. This makes the typical American meal, composed of a large hunk of meat along with potatoes and bread, a recipe for digestive disaster.
  • 15. Most protein foods are best digested when accompanied by a fresh green salad. Other concentrated protein foods like nuts and seeds combine well with acid fruits such as oranges, pineapples blackberries, or strawberries. They also work fairly well with sub- acid fruits such as apples, cherries, mangos, or peaches. The vitamin C in these fruits aids digestion of the mixture. 2. Eating two concentrated proteins together Each type of protein requires a specific character, strength and timing of digestive juice secretions. This means that no two types of concentrated protein should be consumed together at a meal. Nuts, meat, eggs, cheese, or other protein foods should not be eaten together. And no two types of animal protein should be eaten together, a rule that may be hard to swallow by the surf and turf crowd. 3. Protein and fats Fats inhibit the secretion of gastric juices needed to digest meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, and eggs by as much as fifty percent. When fat concentrated foods are eaten with protein concentrated foods, the digestive breakdown of the fats is delayed until gastric juices complete their work on the complex proteins. This means fats will remain undigested in the stomach for a long period of time. Although some high protein foods also contain high amounts of fat, these fats will be held in suspension awaiting breakdown without impeding gastric action. However, free fats such as oil, butter and milk fat will coat the gastric mucosa, inhibiting gastric juice. This is why fried chicken is so hard to digest. 4. Acid fruits with carbohydrates The enzyme in saliva that begins the breakdown of starch concentrated foods in the mouth does the important job of converting complex starch molecules into more simple sugars. In order to work, the enzyme requires a neutral or slightly alkaline medium, the natural condition found in the mouth. When acid foods are eaten, the action of the enzyme needed to break down starch is halted because the medium needed has been altered. Thus acid fruits should not be eaten at the same meal as sweet fruits or other starches. This combination is what makes spaghetti and other dishes combining tomatoes with starch so bloating. 5. Acid fruits with protein Oranges, tomatoes, lemons, pineapples and other acid fruits can be easily digested and produce no distress when eaten away from starchy and protein foods. However, when included in a meal that contains a protein concentrated food, the acid fruits seriously hamper protein digestion. This is in part what
  • 16. makes the typical American breakfast of orange juice, bacon, eggs and toast such a digestive nightmare 6. Starch and sugar Eating starches that have been disguised as sweets is not a good way to eat starch. Although the “treat” produces an abundance of saliva, the saliva contains none of the enzyme needed to digest the starch because the sugar has turned the environment acidic. This is why such items as fruit filled Danish settle on the digestive tract like a sack of bricks. The carbohydrates are fermenting in the body, producing noxious gases. 7. Consuming melons Melons should not be consumed with any other foods. Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, and the more exotic melons should always be eaten away from mealtime and alone. Melons are meant to decompose quickly in the digestive system, which is what they will do if there is no interfering with the process. 8. Consuming milk Milk is best left to babies who traditionally consume it alone, away from other foods. Milk does not digest in the stomach, but in the duodenum, so the presence of milk in the stomach does not promote secretion of gastric juice. The use of acid fruits with milk does not cause any digestive difficulty, although the benefits of the antioxidant potential of the fruits may be lost due to the affinity they have for the protein in milk.
  • 17. The indicator for acidity, alkalinity, or basic is known as the pH value. A pH value of 7 means a substance is neutral. The lower value indicates acidity, and a higher value is a sign of alkalinity. To better understand the range in pH, take a look at these examples: Apple Juice - 3 Orange Juice - 3.5 Coffee - 5.5 Milk - 6.2 Baking Soda - 8.5 Soapy water - 10 Bleach - 12 PH ValuesOfWaterCompletelyExplained pH and Water So, what does pH mean for water? Basically, the pH value is a good indicator of whether water is hard or soft. The pH of pure water is 7. In general, water with a pH lower than 7 is considered acidic, and with a pH greater than 7 is considered basic. The normal range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5, and the pH range for groundwater systems is between 6 to 8.5. Alkalinity is a measure of the capacity of the water to resist a change in pH that would tend to make the water more acidic. The measurement of alkalinity and pH is needed to determine the corrosiveness of the water. In general, water with a pH < 6.5 could be acidic, soft, and corrosive. Acidic water could contain metal ions such as iron, manganese, copper, lead, and zinc. In other words, acidic water contains elevated levels of toxic metals. Acidic water can cause premature damage to metal piping, and have associated aesthetic problems such as a metallic or sour taste. It can also stain laundry and cause "blue-green" color staining on sinks and drains. More importantly, there are health risks associated with these toxins. The
  • 18. primary way to treat the problem of low pH water is with the use of a neutralizer. The neutralizer feeds a solution into the water to prevent the water from reacting with the household plumbing or from contributing to electrolytic corrosion. A typical neutralizing chemical is soda ash. Also known as sodium carbonate, soda ash works to increase the sodium content which increases pH. Water with a pH > 8.5 could indicate that the water is hard. Hard water does not pose a health risk, but can also cause aesthetic problems. These problems include an alkali taste to the water (making that morning coffee taste bitter!), formation of scale deposits on dishes, utensils, and laundry basins, difficulty in getting soaps and detergents to lather, and the formation of insoluble precipitates on clothing. While the ideal pH level of drinking water should be between 6-8.5, the human body maintains pH equilibrium on a constant basis and will not be affected by water consumption. For example, our stomachs have a naturally low pH level of 2 which is a beneficial acidity that helps us with food digestion. Change Water PH Easily - Just ADD Salt! Water in nature is rarely pure in the "distilled water'' sense. It contains dissolved salts, buffers, nutrients, etc., with exact concentrations dependent on local conditions. Water also typically has four measurable properties that are commonly used to characterize its chemistry. They are pH, buffering capacity, general hardness and salinity. In addition, there are several nutrients and trace elements. What is pH? pH is the measurement of a liquids level of acidity or alkalinity. The pH scale runs from 0.0 to 14.0 with 7.0 being neutral. Acids have low pH values with anything lower than a 7 and alkaline solutions have high pH with anything above a 7. If the solution has an equal amount of acidic and alkaline molecules, the pH is considered neutral. What are the chemical properties of salt? Sodium chloride, more commonly known as salt, is one of the most common mineral compounds found in the world. It is required for the human body to function normally because the sodium-potassium exchange is an integral part in the human heart beat. Salt absorbs water from its surroundings, hence why it dissolves when you pour it in a glass of water.
  • 19. How important is pH? For humans: When your saliva is in between 6.5 to 7.5 it indicates your body is in the healthy alkaline function. When that pH falls below 6.5 it is a sign that your body is overwhelmed and acids are not being adequately excreted through the urine. Your saliva reflects digestive enzymes and your urinary pH indicates your mineral and electrolyte balance. A healthy range for morning urine is 6.0 to 6.5, and 6.5 to 7.0 for evening urine pH. A urine pH below a 6.5 is an indication that your body is overwhelmed and is not cleansing as properly as it should. Urine pH is also a value of the efforts of your kidneys, adrenals and lungs and gonads by the use of the buffering elements and hormones. When your body is too acidic, the body will rob your organs and bones of the vital minerals of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium to maintain the body’s pH and also to remove acidic waste. You can help your body neutralize acids in the blood and maintain a balanced pH by taking some simple steps like eating the right foods, exercising, and drinking plenty of water to give your body the proper fluids to excrete any toxins. Drinking lots of water is essential for cutting down the acidic side affects of coffee, soft drinks, alcohol, and tea, and it also aids in flushing the kidneys. By maintaining a healthy diet we can help balance our bodies, prevent diseases and live a longer, healthier and more energetic life! IsYourBody'sPHLevelsAnIndicatorOfHealth? It has been stated that if the condition of our extra cellular fluids, especially the blood, becomes acidic, our physical condition will first manifest tiredness, proneness to catching colds, etc. When these fluids become more acidic, our condition then manifests pain and suffering such as headaches, chest pains, stomach aches, etc. According to Keiichi Morishita in his Hidden Truth of Cancer, if the Blood develops a more acidic condition, then our body inevitably deposits these excess acidic substances in some areas of the body, thus the blood will not be able to maintain an alkaline condition which causes these areas such as the cells to become acidic which lowers in oxygen. As this tendency continues, such areas increase in acidity and some cells die; these dead cells then turn themselves into acids. However, some other cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function or with our own DNS memory code. Your body's pH level is a large indicator of your alkalinity.
  • 20. Why should we be concerned about pH levels? Since most of the body is water-based (50-60%), the pH level has profound effects on all body chemistry, health, and disease. All regulatory mechanisms (including breathing, circulation, digestion, hormonal production) serve the purpose of balancing pH, by removing caustic metabolized acid residues from body tissues without damaging living cells. If the pH deviates too far to the acid side or too far to the alkaline side, cells become poisoned by their own toxic waste and die. Just as acid rain can destroy a forest and alkaline wastes can pollute a lake; an imbalanced pH can corrode all body tissue and slowly eat into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like corrosives eating into marble. If left unchecked, an imbalanced pH will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. The body is largely made up of water, a medium that is biologically useful in allowing nutrients, oxygen and bio-chemicals to be transported from place to place. This water- based medium can have either acid or alkaline properties that are measured by a graduated scale called pH (for potential hydrogen). Wherein 1.0 to 6.9 is considered acidic, 7.0 is neutral and 7.1 to 14.0 is alkaline. What is the pH of some popular drinks and food? Colas 1.0 Coffee 5.0 Cereal Corn 2.5 Soft drinks artificially sweetened 1.0 Salt Refined 1.5 Meat 2.5 Sugar 1.0 Wheat Refined 1.5 Fried Potato Chips 3.0 Liquor 1.0-2.0 White Rice 1.5 Chicken & Fish 3.0 The pH of fruits and vegetables Melons 7.0 Pineapple 6.5 Avocados 6.0 Asparagus 6.5 Fresh Fruit Juices 6.5 Citrus Fruits 6.0 Most Vegetables 5.0-6.0 Potatoes with Skin 5.5 Almonds 5.0 Even the experts, who acknowledge that a neutral or slightly alkaline pH is good, disagree on what this means with regard to body fluids. For example, some researchers consider a slightly acidic urine pH to be normal (healthy) because it might indicate that the body is eliminating acids that are a natural product of metabolism. Other experts maintain that the urine should be close to neutral or slightly more alkaline. Acid/alkaline balance is extremely important to normal physiology.
  • 21. For example, the blood will maintain a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45. Extended pH imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. The management of the pH factor is so important that the body's primary regulatory systems (especially breathing, circulation and eliminations) closely regulate acid-alkaline balance in every cell and system of the organism. Some researchers believe that high acidity can deplete bones because the body has to steal alkalizing minerals(especially calcium) from bones to keep the blood from dropping into the acid range. Thus acid/alkaline balance may be relevant to diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Alkalinity can be increased by consuming less meat and sweets in place of eating more vegetables and fruits. Although eating fruit to increase alkalinity may seem to be a contradiction because some fruits (especially citrus) are acidic outside the body, digestion uses up their acidic components, leaving an alkaline residue (ash). Thus the net effect is an alkaline-producing benefit for the body. Do We Receive Our Minerals From Drinking Water? Minerals are essential for the basic functions of the human body to take place. They help to control bone growth, regulate fluids, normalize nerve and muscle functions, keep up metabolism, grow connective tissues, and so much more. However, a big misconception is that that we obtain enough minerals from our drinking water. This is actually not true because in reality, the main source of minerals is always from our food and diet, not from our drinking water. In order to receive enough minerals for our bodies, we would need to drink a full bathtub amount of water everyday, which is not very feasible. We are sure that your doctor will not prescribe you a "bathtub of water" if you are deficient in minerals, right? Keep in mind that water contains only inorganic minerals which can actually be detrimental to human health. Our bodies have a hard time processing inorganic minerals and what we cannot absorb may be stored in our tissues and organs and eventually become toxic to the body. The primary culprits are calcium salts and over time they can cause gallstones, kidney stones, bone & joint calcification, arthritis, and hardening and blocking our arteries. Organ failure and cancer could also occur from long term exposure to certain types of toxic or radioactive minerals found in tap and natural spring water. Organic minerals which are abundant in food are much easier to absorb and preferred by our bodies because they do not contain toxic minerals.
  • 22. Minerals A natural occurring solid chemical substance formed through biogeochemical processes with a crystalline structure. Minerals help your body with many different functions and are essential in growth and maintaining health. Metabolism The chemical reactions in the body that convert the fuel from food into energy, and determine how efficiently you burn that fuel. Whether you are eating, sleeping, or running your body is constantly burning calories to keep you going. In order to increase your metabolism it is important to exercise and to eat a lower fat diet. As you get older your metabolism will slow down which makes it easier to gain weight. Keep in mind that the energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively. Magnesium A chemical element which is known as an alkaline earth metal abundant in earth's crust. Magnesium is found in the body where it is stored half in the bones and half in the other organs and cells and is crucial for normal muscle and nerve function. Magnesium is also related to strong bones and a healthy immune system. Iron Iron is one of the most abundant metals on earth, and is an essential mineral to the human body health. Iron's main function is to carry oxygen from our lungs throughout our body. Iron deficiency in our body can cause many health issues and is the leading cause of anemia. Iron is also used as a common metal to build automobiles, machine tools, large ships and many more. Electrolyte An ion that is electronically charged and moves to either a negative or positive electrode. Electrolytes are important because they are what your cells use to carry electrical impulses across themselves to other cells. Electrolytes are often added to sports drinks to replenish an athlete with the electrolytes they lost during their workout. Distilled Water Water that has many of its impurities removed through distillation. Distillation is the process of boiling water which condensates the clean water into a container leaving a
  • 23. broad range of contaminants behind. Distillation's disadvantage is that it requires a large amount of energy and water which can be costly. Detox Short for detoxification, is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism. A diet detox serves as a plan to eliminate waste or toxic materials out of the body, leaving a toxin-free healthy body. There are different types of detox diets for alcohol addiction, improved digestion, enhanced concentration, drug detoxification and many more. Dehydrated Dehydration occurs when the body is lacking in vital fluids. The first sign of dehydration is typically a headache followed by dizziness and severe thirst. More severe dehydration symptoms involve loss of appetite, muscle cramping, and increased heart rates. When the body loses more than 15% of its water volume, it is usually fatal. Chronic Dehydration The body is comprised of 75% water and is required for many essential functions of the body. Over time when the body is not properly hydrated chronic dehydration occurs which can lead to fatigue, constipation, high/low blood pressure, stomach ulcers, repertory problems, and many more. Calcium The most abundant mineral in the human body stored mostly in our bones and teeth. The body constantly breaks down and rebuilds the bones, however the older the body gets it tends to reabsorb more calcium than it returns leading to osteoporosis. Calcium is found in milk, cheese, yogurt, dark green vegetables, but more importantly your body needs Vitamin D to be able to absorb the calcium. Antibiotics A medicine used to treat infections by killing the bacteria and inhibiting its ability to reproduce. Antibiotics do not work on viruses because viruses are not alive, unlike bacteria. It is important to finish the course of the prescribed antibiotics so the bacteria is fully killed. If some bacteria remain, they can reproduce causing the illness to come back which also means they will be stronger the next time you take the antibiotic.
  • 24. Acid Rain Acid Rain is rain that has been made acidic by certain pollutants released in the air, most commonly caused by human activities. Acid rain creates tiny particles which can easily enter people's lungs and cause health problems, especially those with difficulty breathing. Acid rain also harms forests by precipitating harmful toxins into the soil which then destroys certain nutrients that nature is dependent on. Lastly, acid rain damages lakes and streams by increasing the acidity in water which can be deadly to aquatic wildlife. Osteoarthritis A type of arthritis that causes the cartilage in between joints to breakdown and eventually deteriorate. This causes immense pain because the bones and joints will rub against each other without any cushion. Highly acidic foods are said to bring on osteoarthritis symptoms so there is an alkaline diet developed to lower acidity in ones body by avoiding acidic food and drinks. Osteoporosis The most common type of bone disease which occurs when the body fails to form enough new bone, or when too much old bone is reabsorbed by the body or both. The most common symptoms of osteoporosis is a hunched back and fracture in the bones. Calcium and phosphate are two essential minerals for the growth of bones that are used to grow bones throughout our lifetime. As time goes by the body absorbs these two minerals which makes the bone tissue weaker. Rheumatism Any variety of disorders marked by inflammation, degeneration, or metabolic derangement of the connective tissue structures. Often accompanied by pain, stiffness, or limitation of movement in joints and related structures. Most often people associate rheumatism with arthritis, rheumatic fever, or a complication of strep throat.