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One of the vital organs of the human body is ‘liver’ and so it is mandatory to keep it healthy
on all accounts. In the ancient tradition of many countries, they carried out the process of
detoxification of the liver once in a year. The best way – hold on – will be discussed in the
later parts of this article. Do you know that a complete liver cleansing program can rejuvenate
your energy levels, promote immunity, enhance your alertness caliber, reduce symptoms of
bloating, cleansing of dark-eye bags, aid in weight loss and give lustrous skin – what more do
you want? In this article of liver cleansing: Natural 7-day diet plan for complete detox
information will be given step-by-step on how to cleanse your liver naturally.
Function Of The Liver
In any branch of medicine, it is agreed that liver is the most detoxifying organ which can
eliminate harmful substances such as toxins.
In the human body, a balance level of any enzyme, hormone is essential. Excess or deficiency
can result in ailments such as acne. The balancing of hormones or enzymes is the function of
the liver.
Blood sugar levels are important or else you can be suffering from diseases such as diabetes.
Lack of sugar may give rise to fatigue, obesity, cravings for sugar and finally complexities
resulting in loss of eyesight or death.
The most important function of the liver is production of the bile fluid. Lack of this fluid can
disrupt the functioning of the body causing disorders similar to bloating, nausea, allergies,
fatigue due to non-absorption of nutrients (vitamins D, K, E, and A).
Similar to the liver, there are also other organs which you have to clean regularly such as the
kidney, colon and the intestine.
Toxins In Liver
You may be suffering from lack of iron, but ensure that only correct doses are included in the
diet. Since the liver has no method by how the iron can be eliminated, it can be accumulated
in the tissues, organs and the liver. An excess of iron can lead to complexities in this body
part with the disease known as cirrhosis. In this case, the organ loses its sheen gradually and
cannot perform its regular functions. When the disease is genetically inherited it is known as
hemochromatosis. More iron content than 45 mg/ day can also lead to liver cancer.
The list of metals that can cause damage to your liver are as follows:
Lead – the metal is one of the highly toxic metals on the earth’s crust. It is used in a variety
of products such as cosmetics, batteries, gasoline, pipes, and solders. More lead in the blood
can kill the hepatic cells in the liver which is responsible for elimination of toxins from both
the same body part and the mainstream.
Mercury – This metal can neither be created nor destroyed. However, it is used in many
industries, like battery, thermometer, fungicides, which when found in the body in large
amounts can cause fatty liver disease.
Pesticides – These can get inside your body when you consume fish or dairy products
contaminated with these chemicals.
Toxic hepatitis is another condition where the liver becomes inflamed due to the exposure of
a toxic organism/substance.
Liver Parasites
In all cases, parasites invade your body either by direct contact over the skin or via partaking
of food. The main food of the parasite is the blood or the diet you ingest for day-to-day
You would be surprised to know that there are even parasites which do not leave even the
liver. The name is 'fluke.' You can get infected by this parasite when you have meat or when
your animal pet (dog or cat) licks your mouth. More commonly you can be infected when
you eat fish infected by the ‘fluke’ parasites such as Opisthorchis viverrini, Clonorchis
sinensis and Opisthorchis feline. Severe infection of this ‘fluke’ can cause complexities such
as an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly) and other painful conditions like indigestion, vomiting,
nausea and abdominal pain.
You can be diagnosed with jaundice if you are infected with this virus. The flukes cause
obstacles in the bile ducts because of its huge number, the condition could also be caused by
gall bladder stones. The last stage in this infection leads to bile duct cancer.
There are also organisms such as Entamoeba histolytica. They move around the body and
finally end up in the liver as a result of blood which flows from the intestines.
Some other diseases affecting the liver are trichinosis and clonorchiasis.
Symptoms That You Have To Mandatorily Do Liver Detoxification
 Stomach pain when you ingest food containing fats
 Suffering from heartburn/ acid reflux
 The skin has dark spots known as liver spots
 You get eye pain due to overheat (body) and perspiration is more
 You gain pounds in less duration or you are unable to lose weight even after
following a diet pattern
 Suffer from acne or more pimples or skin irritation.
 High blood pressure
 Chest pain
 Snoring patterns
 Rapid mood swings and negative feelings such as depression
 Morning sickness, nausea
 Bitter taste in mouth (especially after meals)
 Suffer from hangovers after consuming alcohol
 Suffer from varicose veins or hemorrhoids
 Pain among the shoulder blades
 Insomnia
 Body odor
 Sinus Congestion
 Body Odor
 Diarrhea or foul smelling stools
 Hot flashes
 Fuzzy vision
Why Is Liver Cleansing Necessary?
A regular schedule of food at the appropriate time and a healthy lifestyle is uncommon these
days when every action moves at a fast pace. Result – your body is filled with toxins. If the
food is processed properly in the stomach and is eliminated without a hitch, you seldom face
any challenges.
When protein is digested, the breaking takes place and some of it is converted to ammonia.
Overworking of the liver can result in the ammonia to be released in the blood resulting in
damage to the kidneys, liver, nervous system and brain.
In similar ways, the other toxin to be released into the blood is lactic acid. The symptoms will
be muscle ache and chronic fatigue.
Apart from the above mentioned aspects, the liver also has to deal with toxins from the
environment which are usually inhaled and consumed. A large proportion of the
environmental toxins can affect the digestive tract and the liver.
The toxins can be produced from salt, medicines, drugs, processed foods, and alcohol. From
drugs, you can note painkillers. Speaking about environmental pollutants, you can vouch on
pesticides, chemicals and cigarette smoke.
Detoxifying Your Life
When you are doing the process of detoxification or the process of a liver cleanse, then why
do you not opt for detoxifying the entire life? You can follow the instructions to the T in a
liver cleanse program but if your situation is full of stress situations, it will do more harm
than normal. The stress hormone is the adrenaline and to minimize the effect of this hormone,
a large amount of endorphins is released into the blood. The liver has to work extra time in
removing these substances from the body. So it is advisable to eliminate stress from your life
by practicing relaxation techniques and meditation. Some of the other techniques you can use
1.Air Purifier
It is no use if you are surrounded by new color paint with a pungent smell and you indulge in
the process of detoxification. You have to decrease the chemicals you are daily exposed such
as travelling in traffic. An air purifier is the best investment for your health and it assists in
clearing off the toxins from your home and keeps yours' as well as the family members’ liver
2. Simple Exercise
You have started the process, but it does not mean that being fed on a fat-free diet you should
indulge in laziness. A brisk walk of ten minutes can sum up the digestive enzymes. However,
you should not indulge in an excess training of the body such as weight lifting or running for
more than ten km.
3. Preparation
You can take castor oil one night before the start of the process and the next day the toxins
will be flushed out. You might have to go to the restroom more than seven times in the
morning. Opt for this method on a weekend. However, remember that gall stones might be
displaced. Normally, persons with gallstones do not know of their existence.
Precaution: Who Should Not Do Liver Cleansing?
Although this process has to be done or initiated under the guidance of a physician, given the
physical conditions of the body, given are a few conditions where you will need a physician’s
 Heart Disease
 Diabetes
 Hypoglycemia
 Breastfeeding or pregnant women
 Elderly persons or children
 Persons suffering from liver or colon disease
 Colon problems ( Colon cancer, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Benefits Of The Liver Cleansing Process
A successful completion of the liver cleansing program will reduce or may prevent the
spreading of the below-mentioned diseases such as
 Alzheimer’s disease
 Lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
 High blood sugar
 Migraines
 Diseases of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis, gall bladder disease, hepatitis B, hepatitis C,
congestion, liver pain and liver cysts)
You can also get relief from simple/medium ailments such as
 Bad breath
 Acid reflux/GERD
 Bloating
 Body heat
 Depression
 Constipation
 Headaches
 Hives
 Imbalances of hormones
 Low libido
 Indigestion
 Infertility
 Poor memory
 Obesity
 Skin rashes
 Rosacea
How To Cleanse Your Liver?
I Part
It is essential to select a week properly, beca
liver cleansing foods use if you have a family function or birthday in the middle, the plan
might derail. You can experience side effects from the program in the first or second days
such as loose bowel movements or headaches, change in moods etc. The symptoms could be
because of the sudden stoppage of foods or ad
liver cleansing foods`dictive habits such as stopping smoking or drinking alcohol.
II Part
As far as possible, limit your exposure to air-borne toxins such as:
 Gasoline
 Cleaners
 Perfumes and nail polish
 Smoke
 Paint and Glue
Although any type of detoxification is necessary, it is also important that you have to take
into account your body conditions. As you cannot take decisions by yourself, it is advisable
that you consult your family physician regarding the diet pattern.
During the cleansing process, there are certain foods that you have to avoid:
Wheat The main constituent is a gluten, that can lead to anaemia, celiac, fatigue, constipation
Milk is good for calcium, however some proteins can be misunderstood as pathogens and the
liver will have a hard time in detoxification. You can, however, opt for soya milk, and if you
are a vegan, the better.
The caffeine in coffee has the ability to snuff out energy received from nutritious food. You
have to lay off caffeine for an entire week (we know that for some, the day does not begin
without a coffee). Your body system will be cleared of toxins and you can get relief from
stress, peaceful sleep and reduced fat.
Alcohol, when consumed during this period, can enhance the risk of intestinal, liver, throat
and mouth cancers. Many of the nutrients such as vitamins, minerals are eliminated due to the
diuretic activity.
Fat containing foods such as hydrogenated oils have been found to interrupt the thought
processes in the brain. The conversion of fats to energy needed by the body is blocked.
The other foods or snacks to be avoided are
Honey, artificial sweeteners, maple syrup and sugar
Grains (example – even products such as pasta, cakes, biscuits, bread)
Liver Cleansing Foods - What To Eat?
1. Fruits
Any fruit (it is better if you opt for seasonal ones). Some examples:
 Mango
 Apples
 Apricots
 Jackfruit
 Grapes
 Kiwi
 Pineapple
 Banana
 Avocados
 Pomegranate
 Tomato
 Watermelon
 Pineapple
 Guava
2. Vegetables
Every vegetable under the universe (If you are allergic to some of them, avoid those in the
salad or smoothie or diet of any kind).
 Potato
 Carrots
 Onion
 Beetroot
 Cucumber
3. Leafy Greens
 Kale
 Turnips Greens
 Collard Greens
 Spinach or Swiss Chard
 Cruciferous vegetables
4. Herbs
 Basil leaves
 Thyme
 Peppermint
 Lemon Balm
 Parsley
It is advisable that you include organic varieties of fruits or vegetables.
Water – you can have at least two to three litres per day. Ensure that you drink pure water
instead of having one from a chlorinated or brominated plant.
Although it is true that you have opted for a liver cleansing to get back your healthy body
from the toxins, it is also mandatory that you have to take care of the nutrients that you need
for daily activity. A loss of nutrients can lead to dizziness, nausea and can result in accidents.
It is advisable that you include lots of fruits and vegetables in the diet.
Nearly thirty to forty percent of the diet should consist of the above mentioned categories.
Juices and smoothies are another way of satisfying your hunger the natural and healthy way.
Snacks When You Feel Hungry
There will be occasions when you will be following the instructions of the liver detoxification
to the 'T' but due to increase in metabolism you will still remain hungry. During these
occasions, we strongly recommend that you do not starve yourself for carrying out the
process of liver cleansing, but take juices, smoothies and salads which can help in your quest
for removal of toxins. As of now, let us look into juices, smoothies and salads. And, kindly
note, when we mean detoxification or liver cleansing, we mean inclusion of organic
vegetables and fruits in the diet.
Juice Recipes
1. Juices Between Morning And Lunch
1. The ingredients are grated carrots, strawberries, red apples, kale leaves, ginger root,
tomato etc. You can mix all the mentioned in a blender and relish the taste.
2. The ingredients are celery, spinach, carrot and pineapple.
3. Asparagus, avocado, banana, broccoli, guava juice.
2. Juices Between Lunch And Evening
You can mix vegetables, leafy greens and fruits – beetroot, collard greens, radishes, carrot
and papaya.
A mixture consisting of cucumber, ginger root, cranberry seeds and collard greens.
Steamed sweet potatoes, beetroot, kale, garlic, onion and grapes and papaya.
3. Juices/Salad After Dinner
You can have juice consisting of apple, Kiwi fruit, mango (seasonal), pineapple and garlic.
You can have juice of pears, radish, raisins, strawberry, tomatoes and turnip and horseradish.
One of the best juices to have is a mixture of watercress, pomegranate, grapefruit and blue
Salads Of Fruits And Vegetables
1. The salad will be grated carrots, garlic cloves (three), parsley, onion, cabbage, potato
and turnips.
2. The ingredients of this salad will be tomato, onion (quarter of an onion), kiwi fruit
and grapes.
3. Relish this fruit salad consisting of watermelon, watercress, papaya and guava.
4. How would you like this salad made of strawberries, seedless grapes, blueberries,
peppermint leaves, spinach, ground and steamed flaxseeds and sesame seeds powder?
5. Sliced cucumber, tomatoes, half onion (sliced), celery and avocados.
6. Thinly sliced pears, spinach, strawberries, two tablespoons of steamed sesame seeds,
basil and thyme leaves.
Foods For The 7 Day Liver Cleansing Program
Once again, we recommend to seek the guidance of a naturopathy doctor or family physician
before starting any diet. If you are a person who is suffering from low blood pressure you are
bound to experience fatigue if you do not feed your body the essential nutrients. This might
amount to symptoms of dizziness, nausea and changes in mood swings.
A person of high blood pressure might be prone to feelings of anger or irritation while during
the process of liver detoxification. If you are losing muscle mass due to the process and feel
symptoms of fatigue, then seek the guidance of a doctor after stopping the process.
You can also be prone to symptoms of dysentery or diarrhea as you would not be taking your
regular schedule diet. If you have included herbs in the diet such as dandelion, senna, thyme
or basil leaves, then you can have a laxative effect or face an acid reflux symptom.
Normally, the symptoms will disappear after one or two days, but if the symptoms persist,
then stop the process and seek the services of a physician as soon as possible.
7 Day Liver Cleansing Program With Liver Cleansing Foods
Day 1
You would have cleared up to thirty percent of the toxins during the first cleaning phase.
Now let us walk one day by two to the seven days by taking in only fruits, vegetables and
1. Breakfast
Option 1
Since this is the first day, it is advisable that you consume vegetables and have a fruit juice.
You can opt for steamed sweet potatoes, beetroots, and take ten almonds as supplements.
You would not feel hungry in the first phase of the liver detoxification process. For juice, you
can choose orange.
Option 2
You can have a salad consisting of garlic cloves (five), carrots, sea weeds, grapefruit and
lemon grass.
Option 3
You can have a fruit salad consisting of banana, pineapple, kiwi and watermelon. More
hungry, you can opt for a potato juice mixed with garlic.
2. Lunch
Option 1
Fruit salad consisting of beetroot, walnuts, asparagus, banana. You can have coconut water as
a supplement.
Option 2
You can consume a salad consisting of cucumber, apple, watermelon, and apricots.
Option 3
Opt for a jackfruit salad consisting of the same along with pomegranate, raisins, horseradish.
You can also have two bananas.
3. Dinner
You can have a large bowl consisting of cashew nuts, blue berries, three spoons of steamed
sesame seeds and flax seeds.
Since this is the first day, it is better that you take another step for the elimination of toxins.
Take two handfuls of neem leaves and crush the juice out of them. You can also go for neem
Step 1
Take two teaspoons of neem juice or three teaspoons of neem powder and a glass of warm
Step 2
The taste is very bitter. In both the cases, ensure that you shake the mixture properly before
going for a complete gulp.
Kindly note, this process has to be carried out after one hour after having dinner and before
going to sleep.
Option 2
You can have a soup made of horseradish and pineapple juice. Two hours later, you can opt
for an apple and banana salad.
Option 3
You can have pomegranate, banana and stone fruit salad.
Just keep a diary of if you had got symptoms of dizziness, nausea or a headache. The
symptoms will not carry forward to the second day or two.
In the other options also, you can have two spoons of powdered neem leaves before going to
Day 2
To keep the organs healthy, you have embarked on the liver cleansing process. Now practice
the process consistently so that you can live healthily.
1. Breakfast
You can drink pure lemon juice (without sugar or salt) in the morning after a bath. This will
spice up your digestive system and the toxins will be eliminated slowly.
Option 1
You can have a fruit salad comprising of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. All the three
contains components which can promote the health of the liver. The acids in these berries can
lower the sugar levels in the blood, thus saving the vital organ from getting affected by fatty
liver diseases. You can also include banana.
Option 2
You can have three grapefruits as breakfast. However, ensure that you are not suffering from
cold or a sore throat. The fruit promotes a healthy liver cleanse, by the presence of the
compound known as naringenin. This component, burns the fat instead of storing the excess
Option 3
You can also have two avocados and a banana. While the bananas make you feel full, the
glutathione in avocados prevent the liver from accumulating overload of toxins.
2. Lunch
Only one day in the liver cleansing program and your body would feel lighter. This is due to
high metabolism and removal of some toxins from the liver.
Option 1
Have a fruit salad consisting of pineapple, grapes, apples, avocados, bananas and stone fruit.
You can also include coconut milk if you are more hungry.
Option 2
Have a bowl of nuts consisting of walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds and three bananas. The L-
arginine (amino acid) in walnuts can help eliminate the liver from ammonia. A half spoon of
turmeric can spice up the nuts. The ingredient in turmeric has been known to repair damaged
cells in the liver.
Option 3
Have a vegetable salad consisting of apple, carrot and beetroot. You can add five drops of
lemon juice to give it a tangy taste.
3. Dinner
Option 1
Take a bowl of dried cranberries, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, raisins, apples and put them
into a blender. Relish the juice for a peaceful sleep.
Step 1
Take a bowl of cranberries, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and put them into a blender.
Step 2
At the same time, have juice prepared of citric acid fruits such as lemons and oranges.
You can have them both for a peaceful sleep.
Option 2
You can opt for ten olives and a fruit juice consisting of strawberries, avocado and mango
Option 3
Vegetable salad consisting of grated carrot, beetroot, two teaspoons of turmeric. You can put
the mixture in a boil on a bowl and simmer for 15 minutes until the contents are soft.
Day 3
On the third day morning, after you have a bath, drink a juice made of lemon juice, basil
leaves, parsley leaves and olive oil.
1. Breakfast
Option 1
Have a fruit salad consisting of apples, grapefruit, cranberries, watermelon, kiwi, orange.
Option 2
Fruit salad consisting of watermelon, guava, pumpkin seeds, one teaspoon of papaya seeds
and carrot slices.
Option 3
How would you like to have a vegetable salad consisting of tomatoes, cucumber, cabbage,
broccoli, spinach and coriander leaves?
2. Lunch
Option 1
For easy digestion you can have a salad consisting of watermelon and pepper powder.
This dish can make you feel for at least three hours. If you feel more hungry, you can
substitute with grated coconut, pomegranate, parsley and lemon juice.
Option 2
You can relish a salad made of grated cabbage, carrot, onion, tomato, coriander leaves and
pepper powder.
Option 3
A vegetable salad made of six tomatoes, horseradish, pumpkins, one chopped onion, celery,
mustard seeds, fresh broccoli and basil leaves.
3. Dinner
Option 1
Have a bowl consisting of Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leeks, wheat grass. You can also
have a small glass of soymilk if more hungry.
Option 2
Beetroot salad mixed with lettuce, five garlic cloves, and lemon thyme. You can have
steamed sweet potatoes in case you felt hungry.
Option 3
To enhance digestion you can opt for a banana, strawberry and blue berry juice.
Day 4
Do not break the customary habit of partaking lemon juice before breakfast.
Option 1
Have a fruit salad consisting of coconut milk, walnuts and raisins.
Option 2
You can consume the breakfast made of pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Have two stone
apples in periods of more appetite.
Option 3
Have a vegetable/nut salad consisting of walnuts, beetroot and spinach. You can also have a
pineapple juice.
2. Lunch
Feeling more hungry as your metabolism rate has increased?
Option 1
Then opt for a steamed millet, lettuce, mint leaves, radish and beetroot salad.
Option 2
Salad – Ingredients - Asparagus (only the parts which can be eaten), six garlic cloves, two
grated cucumber slices, grated half onion, two avocados.
Option 3
Vegetable/fruit salad consisting of potatoes, green beans, broccoli, Swiss Chard and basil
3. Dinner
Option 1
Since your metabolism is high and you need nutrients for the 12 hour period before you can
take food, you can opt for a bowl mixture of steamed flax seeds, sesame seeds. You can also
have a fruit salad consisting of kiwi, pineapple, grapes and apples.
Option 2
Opt for steamed fennel seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds. You can have five sapotes also.
Option 3
Opt for a bowl of cranberries mixed with parsley, spinach, and apricots.
Day 5
As usual, have lime water half an hour before opting for breakfast.
1. Breakfast
Option 1
Have a fruit and vegetable salad consisting of onions, carrot, blue berries, papaya, strawberry,
apple and kiwi.
Option 2
How about a salad of figs, almonds, beetroot, and carrots?
Option 3
You can have grated carrots, onions, and five garlic cloves. Opt for an orange juice.
2. Lunch
Option 1
Fruit salad consisting of strawberry, dried cranberry, cashew nuts, raspberry, banana and
coconut pieces.
Option 2
A fruit/vegetable salad consisting of two avocados, citrus fruits, papaya and tomatoes with
six garlic cloves.
Option 3
Pomegranate juice with three bananas.
3. Dinner
Want a peaceful sleep in the dark even though you have shifted from the basic food schedule?
Here are the options.
Option 1
Strawberry salad with radish, pineapple, apple and guava.
Option 2
Peaches, onions and basil leaves.
Option 3
Watermelon salad with mint leaves and kale.
Day 6
So you resolved to make your liver healthy and took plans. You are already on the sixth day.
You would be feeling lighter and have clarity in thoughts. Keep up the good work!
1. Breakfast
Option 1
Watermelon salad along with strawberry salad and lemongrass.
Option 2
Beetroot salad along with collard greens, basil leaves and peppermint.
Option 3
Spinach with onions, tomatoes and parsley.
2. Lunch
Option 1
Fruit salad consisting of watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, apples, grapes, peaches and
Option 2
Spinach, two teaspoons of cayenne pepper, watermelon, grapes and tofu.
Option 3
Salad ingredients: spinach, quinoa and Shiitake.
3. Dinner
Option 1
Relish the dish made of steamed potatoes, spinach, sesame seeds, flax seeds and pumpkin
Option 2
Salad variety consisting of groundnuts, chickpeas, cucumber, orange and jackfruit.
Option 3
Salad ingredients: Grapefruit along with guava, strawberry and kiwi.
Before going to bed, consume a glass of warm water mixed with four teaspoons of neem leaf
Day 7
So you have come to the last day of the liver cleansing program. Congrats! To keep in tune
with the process let us look at the recipes below.
1. Breakfast
Option 1
You can start the day with a wonderful mango smoothie for refreshing your whole body.
Since it is the last day of the liver detoxification process, indulge in a salad consisting of
berries such as the strawberry, raspberries, apricots, figs and dates.
Option 2
Steamed potato salad with carrots, onions and parsley leaves.
Option 3
Beetroot salad with walnuts and nutmegs as supplements.
2. Lunch
Option 1
Grapes, figs, apricots, oranges, and dates. You can also have a smoothie consisting of
spinach, kale and collard greens along with four garlic cloves.
Option 2
Have a salad with the ingredients - Broccoli, beetroot along with five almonds.
Option 3
Marinated artichoke hearts, tomatoes, onions and grapes – vegetables and fruit salad.
3. Dinner
Have a salad or juice consisting mostly of herbal leaves such as basil, thyme, peppermint etc.
Option 1
You have almost completed the last phase of the liver detoxification program. Have a leaf
green salad consisting of banana, oats, ground flax seeds. You can spice it up with basil
leaves or thyme or rosemary.
Option 2
Vegetable salad consisting of radish, mint leaves, tomatoes, basil leaves and beetroot. You
can also have two bananas in case of more appetite.
Option 3
Have a fruit salad consisting of coconut milk, grapes, strawberries, and peaches.
So you have successfully completed the liver detoxification or liver cleansing process. With
the completion, you save metabolic energy, and once again the vital organ is ready to go back
to work full-time. Cheers!
Liver clean

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Liver clean

  • 1. One of the vital organs of the human body is ‘liver’ and so it is mandatory to keep it healthy on all accounts. In the ancient tradition of many countries, they carried out the process of detoxification of the liver once in a year. The best way – hold on – will be discussed in the later parts of this article. Do you know that a complete liver cleansing program can rejuvenate your energy levels, promote immunity, enhance your alertness caliber, reduce symptoms of bloating, cleansing of dark-eye bags, aid in weight loss and give lustrous skin – what more do you want? In this article of liver cleansing: Natural 7-day diet plan for complete detox information will be given step-by-step on how to cleanse your liver naturally. Function Of The Liver In any branch of medicine, it is agreed that liver is the most detoxifying organ which can eliminate harmful substances such as toxins. In the human body, a balance level of any enzyme, hormone is essential. Excess or deficiency can result in ailments such as acne. The balancing of hormones or enzymes is the function of the liver. Blood sugar levels are important or else you can be suffering from diseases such as diabetes. Lack of sugar may give rise to fatigue, obesity, cravings for sugar and finally complexities resulting in loss of eyesight or death. The most important function of the liver is production of the bile fluid. Lack of this fluid can disrupt the functioning of the body causing disorders similar to bloating, nausea, allergies, fatigue due to non-absorption of nutrients (vitamins D, K, E, and A). Similar to the liver, there are also other organs which you have to clean regularly such as the kidney, colon and the intestine. Toxins In Liver
  • 2. You may be suffering from lack of iron, but ensure that only correct doses are included in the diet. Since the liver has no method by how the iron can be eliminated, it can be accumulated in the tissues, organs and the liver. An excess of iron can lead to complexities in this body part with the disease known as cirrhosis. In this case, the organ loses its sheen gradually and cannot perform its regular functions. When the disease is genetically inherited it is known as hemochromatosis. More iron content than 45 mg/ day can also lead to liver cancer. The list of metals that can cause damage to your liver are as follows: Lead – the metal is one of the highly toxic metals on the earth’s crust. It is used in a variety of products such as cosmetics, batteries, gasoline, pipes, and solders. More lead in the blood can kill the hepatic cells in the liver which is responsible for elimination of toxins from both the same body part and the mainstream. Mercury – This metal can neither be created nor destroyed. However, it is used in many industries, like battery, thermometer, fungicides, which when found in the body in large amounts can cause fatty liver disease. Pesticides – These can get inside your body when you consume fish or dairy products contaminated with these chemicals. Toxic hepatitis is another condition where the liver becomes inflamed due to the exposure of a toxic organism/substance. Liver Parasites In all cases, parasites invade your body either by direct contact over the skin or via partaking of food. The main food of the parasite is the blood or the diet you ingest for day-to-day energy. You would be surprised to know that there are even parasites which do not leave even the liver. The name is 'fluke.' You can get infected by this parasite when you have meat or when your animal pet (dog or cat) licks your mouth. More commonly you can be infected when you eat fish infected by the ‘fluke’ parasites such as Opisthorchis viverrini, Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis feline. Severe infection of this ‘fluke’ can cause complexities such as an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly) and other painful conditions like indigestion, vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. You can be diagnosed with jaundice if you are infected with this virus. The flukes cause obstacles in the bile ducts because of its huge number, the condition could also be caused by gall bladder stones. The last stage in this infection leads to bile duct cancer. There are also organisms such as Entamoeba histolytica. They move around the body and finally end up in the liver as a result of blood which flows from the intestines. Some other diseases affecting the liver are trichinosis and clonorchiasis. Symptoms That You Have To Mandatorily Do Liver Detoxification  Stomach pain when you ingest food containing fats
  • 3.  Suffering from heartburn/ acid reflux  The skin has dark spots known as liver spots  You get eye pain due to overheat (body) and perspiration is more  You gain pounds in less duration or you are unable to lose weight even after following a diet pattern  Suffer from acne or more pimples or skin irritation.  High blood pressure  Chest pain  Snoring patterns  Rapid mood swings and negative feelings such as depression  Morning sickness, nausea  Bitter taste in mouth (especially after meals)  Suffer from hangovers after consuming alcohol  Suffer from varicose veins or hemorrhoids  Pain among the shoulder blades  Insomnia  Body odor  Sinus Congestion  Body Odor  Diarrhea or foul smelling stools  Hot flashes  Fuzzy vision Why Is Liver Cleansing Necessary? A regular schedule of food at the appropriate time and a healthy lifestyle is uncommon these days when every action moves at a fast pace. Result – your body is filled with toxins. If the food is processed properly in the stomach and is eliminated without a hitch, you seldom face any challenges. When protein is digested, the breaking takes place and some of it is converted to ammonia. Overworking of the liver can result in the ammonia to be released in the blood resulting in damage to the kidneys, liver, nervous system and brain. In similar ways, the other toxin to be released into the blood is lactic acid. The symptoms will be muscle ache and chronic fatigue. Apart from the above mentioned aspects, the liver also has to deal with toxins from the environment which are usually inhaled and consumed. A large proportion of the environmental toxins can affect the digestive tract and the liver. The toxins can be produced from salt, medicines, drugs, processed foods, and alcohol. From drugs, you can note painkillers. Speaking about environmental pollutants, you can vouch on pesticides, chemicals and cigarette smoke. Detoxifying Your Life When you are doing the process of detoxification or the process of a liver cleanse, then why do you not opt for detoxifying the entire life? You can follow the instructions to the T in a liver cleanse program but if your situation is full of stress situations, it will do more harm
  • 4. than normal. The stress hormone is the adrenaline and to minimize the effect of this hormone, a large amount of endorphins is released into the blood. The liver has to work extra time in removing these substances from the body. So it is advisable to eliminate stress from your life by practicing relaxation techniques and meditation. Some of the other techniques you can use are: 1.Air Purifier It is no use if you are surrounded by new color paint with a pungent smell and you indulge in the process of detoxification. You have to decrease the chemicals you are daily exposed such as travelling in traffic. An air purifier is the best investment for your health and it assists in clearing off the toxins from your home and keeps yours' as well as the family members’ liver clean. 2. Simple Exercise You have started the process, but it does not mean that being fed on a fat-free diet you should indulge in laziness. A brisk walk of ten minutes can sum up the digestive enzymes. However, you should not indulge in an excess training of the body such as weight lifting or running for more than ten km. 3. Preparation You can take castor oil one night before the start of the process and the next day the toxins will be flushed out. You might have to go to the restroom more than seven times in the morning. Opt for this method on a weekend. However, remember that gall stones might be displaced. Normally, persons with gallstones do not know of their existence. Precaution: Who Should Not Do Liver Cleansing? Although this process has to be done or initiated under the guidance of a physician, given the physical conditions of the body, given are a few conditions where you will need a physician’s assistance.  Heart Disease  Diabetes  Hypoglycemia  Breastfeeding or pregnant women  Elderly persons or children  Persons suffering from liver or colon disease  Colon problems ( Colon cancer, Crohn’s, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Benefits Of The Liver Cleansing Process A successful completion of the liver cleansing program will reduce or may prevent the spreading of the below-mentioned diseases such as
  • 5.  Alzheimer’s disease  Lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis  High blood sugar  Migraines  Diseases of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis, gall bladder disease, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, congestion, liver pain and liver cysts) You can also get relief from simple/medium ailments such as  Bad breath  Acid reflux/GERD  Bloating  Body heat  Depression  Constipation  Headaches  Hives  Imbalances of hormones  Low libido  Indigestion  Infertility  Poor memory  Obesity  Skin rashes  Rosacea How To Cleanse Your Liver? Plan I Part It is essential to select a week properly, beca liver cleansing foods use if you have a family function or birthday in the middle, the plan might derail. You can experience side effects from the program in the first or second days such as loose bowel movements or headaches, change in moods etc. The symptoms could be because of the sudden stoppage of foods or ad liver cleansing foods`dictive habits such as stopping smoking or drinking alcohol. II Part As far as possible, limit your exposure to air-borne toxins such as:  Gasoline  Cleaners  Perfumes and nail polish  Smoke
  • 6.  Paint and Glue Although any type of detoxification is necessary, it is also important that you have to take into account your body conditions. As you cannot take decisions by yourself, it is advisable that you consult your family physician regarding the diet pattern. During the cleansing process, there are certain foods that you have to avoid: Wheat The main constituent is a gluten, that can lead to anaemia, celiac, fatigue, constipation etc. Milk is good for calcium, however some proteins can be misunderstood as pathogens and the liver will have a hard time in detoxification. You can, however, opt for soya milk, and if you are a vegan, the better. The caffeine in coffee has the ability to snuff out energy received from nutritious food. You have to lay off caffeine for an entire week (we know that for some, the day does not begin without a coffee). Your body system will be cleared of toxins and you can get relief from stress, peaceful sleep and reduced fat. Alcohol, when consumed during this period, can enhance the risk of intestinal, liver, throat and mouth cancers. Many of the nutrients such as vitamins, minerals are eliminated due to the diuretic activity. Fat containing foods such as hydrogenated oils have been found to interrupt the thought processes in the brain. The conversion of fats to energy needed by the body is blocked. The other foods or snacks to be avoided are Honey, artificial sweeteners, maple syrup and sugar Grains (example – even products such as pasta, cakes, biscuits, bread) Liver Cleansing Foods - What To Eat? 1. Fruits Any fruit (it is better if you opt for seasonal ones). Some examples:  Mango  Apples  Apricots  Jackfruit  Grapes  Kiwi  Pineapple  Banana  Avocados  Pomegranate  Tomato
  • 7.  Watermelon  Pineapple  Guava 2. Vegetables Every vegetable under the universe (If you are allergic to some of them, avoid those in the salad or smoothie or diet of any kind).  Potato  Carrots  Onion  Beetroot  Cucumber 3. Leafy Greens  Kale  Turnips Greens  Collard Greens  Spinach or Swiss Chard  Cruciferous vegetables 4. Herbs  Basil leaves  Thyme  Peppermint  Lemon Balm  Parsley It is advisable that you include organic varieties of fruits or vegetables. Water – you can have at least two to three litres per day. Ensure that you drink pure water instead of having one from a chlorinated or brominated plant. Although it is true that you have opted for a liver cleansing to get back your healthy body from the toxins, it is also mandatory that you have to take care of the nutrients that you need for daily activity. A loss of nutrients can lead to dizziness, nausea and can result in accidents. It is advisable that you include lots of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Nearly thirty to forty percent of the diet should consist of the above mentioned categories. Juices and smoothies are another way of satisfying your hunger the natural and healthy way. Snacks When You Feel Hungry There will be occasions when you will be following the instructions of the liver detoxification to the 'T' but due to increase in metabolism you will still remain hungry. During these occasions, we strongly recommend that you do not starve yourself for carrying out the
  • 8. process of liver cleansing, but take juices, smoothies and salads which can help in your quest for removal of toxins. As of now, let us look into juices, smoothies and salads. And, kindly note, when we mean detoxification or liver cleansing, we mean inclusion of organic vegetables and fruits in the diet. Juice Recipes 1. Juices Between Morning And Lunch 1. The ingredients are grated carrots, strawberries, red apples, kale leaves, ginger root, tomato etc. You can mix all the mentioned in a blender and relish the taste. 2. The ingredients are celery, spinach, carrot and pineapple. 3. Asparagus, avocado, banana, broccoli, guava juice. 2. Juices Between Lunch And Evening You can mix vegetables, leafy greens and fruits – beetroot, collard greens, radishes, carrot and papaya. A mixture consisting of cucumber, ginger root, cranberry seeds and collard greens. Steamed sweet potatoes, beetroot, kale, garlic, onion and grapes and papaya. 3. Juices/Salad After Dinner You can have juice consisting of apple, Kiwi fruit, mango (seasonal), pineapple and garlic. You can have juice of pears, radish, raisins, strawberry, tomatoes and turnip and horseradish. One of the best juices to have is a mixture of watercress, pomegranate, grapefruit and blue berries. Salads Of Fruits And Vegetables 1. The salad will be grated carrots, garlic cloves (three), parsley, onion, cabbage, potato and turnips. 2. The ingredients of this salad will be tomato, onion (quarter of an onion), kiwi fruit and grapes. 3. Relish this fruit salad consisting of watermelon, watercress, papaya and guava. 4. How would you like this salad made of strawberries, seedless grapes, blueberries, peppermint leaves, spinach, ground and steamed flaxseeds and sesame seeds powder? 5. Sliced cucumber, tomatoes, half onion (sliced), celery and avocados. 6. Thinly sliced pears, spinach, strawberries, two tablespoons of steamed sesame seeds, basil and thyme leaves. Foods For The 7 Day Liver Cleansing Program Once again, we recommend to seek the guidance of a naturopathy doctor or family physician before starting any diet. If you are a person who is suffering from low blood pressure you are
  • 9. bound to experience fatigue if you do not feed your body the essential nutrients. This might amount to symptoms of dizziness, nausea and changes in mood swings. A person of high blood pressure might be prone to feelings of anger or irritation while during the process of liver detoxification. If you are losing muscle mass due to the process and feel symptoms of fatigue, then seek the guidance of a doctor after stopping the process. You can also be prone to symptoms of dysentery or diarrhea as you would not be taking your regular schedule diet. If you have included herbs in the diet such as dandelion, senna, thyme or basil leaves, then you can have a laxative effect or face an acid reflux symptom. Normally, the symptoms will disappear after one or two days, but if the symptoms persist, then stop the process and seek the services of a physician as soon as possible. 7 Day Liver Cleansing Program With Liver Cleansing Foods Day 1 You would have cleared up to thirty percent of the toxins during the first cleaning phase. Now let us walk one day by two to the seven days by taking in only fruits, vegetables and herbs. 1. Breakfast Option 1 Since this is the first day, it is advisable that you consume vegetables and have a fruit juice. You can opt for steamed sweet potatoes, beetroots, and take ten almonds as supplements. You would not feel hungry in the first phase of the liver detoxification process. For juice, you can choose orange. Option 2 You can have a salad consisting of garlic cloves (five), carrots, sea weeds, grapefruit and lemon grass. Option 3 You can have a fruit salad consisting of banana, pineapple, kiwi and watermelon. More hungry, you can opt for a potato juice mixed with garlic. 2. Lunch Option 1 Fruit salad consisting of beetroot, walnuts, asparagus, banana. You can have coconut water as a supplement. Option 2
  • 10. You can consume a salad consisting of cucumber, apple, watermelon, and apricots. Option 3 Opt for a jackfruit salad consisting of the same along with pomegranate, raisins, horseradish. You can also have two bananas. 3. Dinner You can have a large bowl consisting of cashew nuts, blue berries, three spoons of steamed sesame seeds and flax seeds. Since this is the first day, it is better that you take another step for the elimination of toxins. Take two handfuls of neem leaves and crush the juice out of them. You can also go for neem powder. Step 1 Take two teaspoons of neem juice or three teaspoons of neem powder and a glass of warm water. Step 2 The taste is very bitter. In both the cases, ensure that you shake the mixture properly before going for a complete gulp. Kindly note, this process has to be carried out after one hour after having dinner and before going to sleep. Option 2 You can have a soup made of horseradish and pineapple juice. Two hours later, you can opt for an apple and banana salad. Option 3 You can have pomegranate, banana and stone fruit salad. Just keep a diary of if you had got symptoms of dizziness, nausea or a headache. The symptoms will not carry forward to the second day or two. In the other options also, you can have two spoons of powdered neem leaves before going to sleep. Day 2 To keep the organs healthy, you have embarked on the liver cleansing process. Now practice the process consistently so that you can live healthily.
  • 11. 1. Breakfast You can drink pure lemon juice (without sugar or salt) in the morning after a bath. This will spice up your digestive system and the toxins will be eliminated slowly. Option 1 You can have a fruit salad comprising of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. All the three contains components which can promote the health of the liver. The acids in these berries can lower the sugar levels in the blood, thus saving the vital organ from getting affected by fatty liver diseases. You can also include banana. Option 2 You can have three grapefruits as breakfast. However, ensure that you are not suffering from cold or a sore throat. The fruit promotes a healthy liver cleanse, by the presence of the compound known as naringenin. This component, burns the fat instead of storing the excess amount. Option 3 You can also have two avocados and a banana. While the bananas make you feel full, the glutathione in avocados prevent the liver from accumulating overload of toxins. 2. Lunch Only one day in the liver cleansing program and your body would feel lighter. This is due to high metabolism and removal of some toxins from the liver. Option 1 Have a fruit salad consisting of pineapple, grapes, apples, avocados, bananas and stone fruit. You can also include coconut milk if you are more hungry. Option 2 Have a bowl of nuts consisting of walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds and three bananas. The L- arginine (amino acid) in walnuts can help eliminate the liver from ammonia. A half spoon of turmeric can spice up the nuts. The ingredient in turmeric has been known to repair damaged cells in the liver. Option 3 Have a vegetable salad consisting of apple, carrot and beetroot. You can add five drops of lemon juice to give it a tangy taste. 3. Dinner Option 1
  • 12. Take a bowl of dried cranberries, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, raisins, apples and put them into a blender. Relish the juice for a peaceful sleep. Step 1 Take a bowl of cranberries, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and put them into a blender. Step 2 At the same time, have juice prepared of citric acid fruits such as lemons and oranges. You can have them both for a peaceful sleep. Option 2 You can opt for ten olives and a fruit juice consisting of strawberries, avocado and mango (seasonal). Option 3 Vegetable salad consisting of grated carrot, beetroot, two teaspoons of turmeric. You can put the mixture in a boil on a bowl and simmer for 15 minutes until the contents are soft. Day 3 On the third day morning, after you have a bath, drink a juice made of lemon juice, basil leaves, parsley leaves and olive oil. 1. Breakfast Option 1 Have a fruit salad consisting of apples, grapefruit, cranberries, watermelon, kiwi, orange. Option 2 Fruit salad consisting of watermelon, guava, pumpkin seeds, one teaspoon of papaya seeds and carrot slices. Option 3 How would you like to have a vegetable salad consisting of tomatoes, cucumber, cabbage, broccoli, spinach and coriander leaves? 2. Lunch Option 1 For easy digestion you can have a salad consisting of watermelon and pepper powder.
  • 13. This dish can make you feel for at least three hours. If you feel more hungry, you can substitute with grated coconut, pomegranate, parsley and lemon juice. Option 2 You can relish a salad made of grated cabbage, carrot, onion, tomato, coriander leaves and pepper powder. Option 3 A vegetable salad made of six tomatoes, horseradish, pumpkins, one chopped onion, celery, mustard seeds, fresh broccoli and basil leaves. 3. Dinner Option 1 Have a bowl consisting of Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leeks, wheat grass. You can also have a small glass of soymilk if more hungry. Option 2 Beetroot salad mixed with lettuce, five garlic cloves, and lemon thyme. You can have steamed sweet potatoes in case you felt hungry. Option 3 To enhance digestion you can opt for a banana, strawberry and blue berry juice. Day 4 Do not break the customary habit of partaking lemon juice before breakfast. Option 1 Have a fruit salad consisting of coconut milk, walnuts and raisins. Option 2 You can consume the breakfast made of pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Have two stone apples in periods of more appetite. Option 3 Have a vegetable/nut salad consisting of walnuts, beetroot and spinach. You can also have a pineapple juice. 2. Lunch
  • 14. Feeling more hungry as your metabolism rate has increased? Option 1 Then opt for a steamed millet, lettuce, mint leaves, radish and beetroot salad. Option 2 Salad – Ingredients - Asparagus (only the parts which can be eaten), six garlic cloves, two grated cucumber slices, grated half onion, two avocados. Option 3 Vegetable/fruit salad consisting of potatoes, green beans, broccoli, Swiss Chard and basil leaves. 3. Dinner Option 1 Since your metabolism is high and you need nutrients for the 12 hour period before you can take food, you can opt for a bowl mixture of steamed flax seeds, sesame seeds. You can also have a fruit salad consisting of kiwi, pineapple, grapes and apples. Option 2 Opt for steamed fennel seeds, sesame seeds and flax seeds. You can have five sapotes also. Option 3 Opt for a bowl of cranberries mixed with parsley, spinach, and apricots. Day 5 As usual, have lime water half an hour before opting for breakfast. 1. Breakfast Option 1 Have a fruit and vegetable salad consisting of onions, carrot, blue berries, papaya, strawberry, apple and kiwi. Option 2 How about a salad of figs, almonds, beetroot, and carrots?
  • 15. Option 3 You can have grated carrots, onions, and five garlic cloves. Opt for an orange juice. 2. Lunch Option 1 Fruit salad consisting of strawberry, dried cranberry, cashew nuts, raspberry, banana and coconut pieces. Option 2 A fruit/vegetable salad consisting of two avocados, citrus fruits, papaya and tomatoes with six garlic cloves. Option 3 Pomegranate juice with three bananas. 3. Dinner Want a peaceful sleep in the dark even though you have shifted from the basic food schedule? Here are the options. Option 1 Strawberry salad with radish, pineapple, apple and guava. Option 2 Peaches, onions and basil leaves. Option 3 Watermelon salad with mint leaves and kale. Day 6 So you resolved to make your liver healthy and took plans. You are already on the sixth day. You would be feeling lighter and have clarity in thoughts. Keep up the good work! 1. Breakfast Option 1 Watermelon salad along with strawberry salad and lemongrass.
  • 16. Option 2 Beetroot salad along with collard greens, basil leaves and peppermint. Option 3 Spinach with onions, tomatoes and parsley. 2. Lunch Option 1 Fruit salad consisting of watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, apples, grapes, peaches and raspberries. Option 2 Spinach, two teaspoons of cayenne pepper, watermelon, grapes and tofu. Option 3 Salad ingredients: spinach, quinoa and Shiitake. 3. Dinner Option 1 Relish the dish made of steamed potatoes, spinach, sesame seeds, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds. Option 2 Salad variety consisting of groundnuts, chickpeas, cucumber, orange and jackfruit. Option 3 Salad ingredients: Grapefruit along with guava, strawberry and kiwi. Before going to bed, consume a glass of warm water mixed with four teaspoons of neem leaf powder. Day 7 So you have come to the last day of the liver cleansing program. Congrats! To keep in tune with the process let us look at the recipes below. 1. Breakfast Option 1
  • 17. You can start the day with a wonderful mango smoothie for refreshing your whole body. Since it is the last day of the liver detoxification process, indulge in a salad consisting of berries such as the strawberry, raspberries, apricots, figs and dates. Option 2 Steamed potato salad with carrots, onions and parsley leaves. Option 3 Beetroot salad with walnuts and nutmegs as supplements. 2. Lunch Option 1 Grapes, figs, apricots, oranges, and dates. You can also have a smoothie consisting of spinach, kale and collard greens along with four garlic cloves. Option 2 Have a salad with the ingredients - Broccoli, beetroot along with five almonds. Option 3 Marinated artichoke hearts, tomatoes, onions and grapes – vegetables and fruit salad. 3. Dinner Have a salad or juice consisting mostly of herbal leaves such as basil, thyme, peppermint etc. Option 1 You have almost completed the last phase of the liver detoxification program. Have a leaf green salad consisting of banana, oats, ground flax seeds. You can spice it up with basil leaves or thyme or rosemary. Option 2 Vegetable salad consisting of radish, mint leaves, tomatoes, basil leaves and beetroot. You can also have two bananas in case of more appetite. Option 3 Have a fruit salad consisting of coconut milk, grapes, strawberries, and peaches. So you have successfully completed the liver detoxification or liver cleansing process. With the completion, you save metabolic energy, and once again the vital organ is ready to go back to work full-time. Cheers!