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A2 LevelCoursework By Harry Coaker
Music Cover Analysis
This is done from the use of CGI which has been done on the computer and then corporate on to the music album cover  The title is in large font which looks like it has been drawn in the sand, also they have their hit single ‘missing you’ written underneath. The background is of a beach which associates with something happy which gives us an insight of their music will be like. The image is of an over the head shot with a long shot.  It shows all the girls in the band which sing. We can see that they are on a beach from the way they are lying down, they also have props in the including the sun glasses and beach towels to give us a sense that they are there.  with the costumes, they are wearing different colours which are bold which stands out to the background.  With the different colours this shows us that they all play different roles and personalities as not all the same but all unique.
The background is computer generated with the name  being engraved into the background giving a wall like impression.  Flo-Rida is in the middle of the album cover which makes sure that when you first look a the cover you straight of see him.  This image is of a long shot, ‘Flo-ride’ it shows him crossing his arms which is a form of gangster look and to look in some what dominant and to show of his masculine look.  With the image we not only see that he is in the center but that he is in colour whilst the background is in black and white which makes him stand out towards the audience With the background they artist has given it a hard look which looks like it could be in jail and a hard wall behind the ‘Flo-Rida’ they have done this which could represent what type of music which may be included in the music Album.
This image is a close up, it shows the artist face ‘Cheryl’ looking intensively at you which could give you a feeling of what the music will be about.  The title is in an unusual place by that most album covers have the name at the top of the album cover. This title however is down the side and also is in pink font also bold which makes it stand out and shows us straight away who it is.  With the album r the artist is covering the whole cover. There is no other background to it. We see from the picture that her hair is pushed up it could either be done from taking a picture with Cheryl lying down and the camera taken from above her or it could be done from an air machine getting blown into her face which would allow her hair to be pushed backwards. The image is in black and white which gives us a sense of mysterious which her by that she is showing everything to the public.
Music VideoAnalysis
Foo Fighters- The pretender.            The video is set in an ice-hockey rink. With the ice-hockey rink we notice that this is where a sport is played and where in fact many fights happen, we can then see then straight from the beginning that some collisions may appear. This is the only setting they are using in the whole video. The video is mainly used from tracking shots and zooms and close ups on the main singer. The ice rink is very strangely laid out it has the band in one half of the rink and has a red board behind them which is representing something violent will happen as this is associated with violence and blood. On the ceiling there are strips of lights going across the half which the ‘Foo Fighters’ are playing on with their equipment, this is all lit up whilst the other half is all dark and you can’t see the end which shows something dark and mysterious and you don’t know what is going to happen.               At the start of the video it sends of a fairly political image by that there is a black line running across the rink with one riot police man all equipped ready for a fight. You can see that there is going to be somewhat violence between the officer and the band. The red board is still placed in the middle which gives you again somewhat mysterious image in why it is placed their and makes you wait for the reason it is used for. Whilst the music video continues and progresses more similar riot officers take to the stage, they appear in a line formation from the blacked out background from the other side to the band where the lights are out and is all dark, they appear wearing black clothes and stand to attention ready to sort out a riot.           The tempo in the music starts to come alive whilst reaching the climax of the song. The screen shots become quicker and the riot soldiers start shouting and look intimidating whilst hitting their shields with their batons.  When the song hits the bridge the riot soldiers charge at the band and it goes in to slow motion watching the way they are running and building it up to the contact of each other.  Whilst the riot soldiers are about to make contact the singer drops his knee and the red screen burst out red liquid at high power, as soon as this starts the song gets a quick and loud tempo going showing us the riot has began.  When the song then comes to an end the main soloist singer drops his guitar which gives us an impression that they defeated the soldiers and won the battle, he then drops to the floor showing us the energy loss in the fight and exhaustion.     
Cheryl Cole- Fight for This Love The video ‘fight for this love’ is set in all one stage, the stage has a led screen which they use a numerous of effects whilst filming. The video has a range of camera shots including close ups, long shots and medium shots, There are also zooms as well. We get the impression from the song that she sings like that she needs help and is slightly insecure.  We get this impression from clips in the video, for example the clip below shows her wearing all majority red clothing and black and the background which is a use of computer generated imagery is also black and red.  These colours are associated with violence and fighting. Also ‘fight for this love’ is encrypted over it, which is giving us an impression she is finding it hard and wants to go back to before. The video keeps referring back to one other by the different range of styles of shot they take with different costumes and backgrounds. When ‘Cheryl’ starts building up to the chorus it goes almost slow motion like and then when it starts the camera shots pick up the speed and tempo also increases. In the middle of the song we get the see that ‘Cheryl’ is wearing a tiger uniform by that it is orange striped with a hood. We get a sense of insecurity with this by that whilst dressed in this she repeats we got to fight for this love. From this scene we then get to see her wearing a military outfit which is building up to the end of the song. From this we get again an impression that she is defeating her problem and that as military she knows what needs to be done. It then goes on to the end with Cheryl wearing again the military outfit with her waving whilst turning around going into a fade. We see generally throughout the video that she is leaning against the wall, with this she is doing hand motions moving across her body and also against the wall, some of the angle shots then move on with her body facing backwards and her face tilted over her shoulder looking at the audience. From this we get a sense of feeling that she wants to say something without actually wanting to. The majority of the shots taken in this music video are mostly all face on shots with some which are different.  The use of ‘CGI’ is also there to help grasp us into the picture.  There are a lot of still shapes involved with this with a variety of shapes. This is shown to help draw us in to the image also the colour involved in them resemble the same colour clothes she is wearing. Which again are the colours of a military outfit.
 Black Eye Peas- Where Is The Love? The music video ‘Where Is the Love’ is based in a city area, it has some orchestral sounds in the background, some drums, and a couple of rappers. You could also describe the mood by looking at the music video because it gives a good idea of what is going on. The music video starts with the a piece of paper put closely to the camera with a question mark on, this straight away represents that they are un sure about what is going on and thinking something is not right. The video has a variety of shots used we see fading shots which you see nearer to the end of the video, also tracking shots are used when men are running and also medium, long and close ups are used.  In the beginning of the video you see hooded men running around putting question mark signs all over the place, we get a sense of insecurity by that they are questioning what everyone is doing. We again get a sense of insecurity by when the band ‘black eyed peas’ are in the van singing to their song it looks almost like a riot van so that it is very strong and that is people come banging on it they should be safe.  From the costumes they are wearing it is mostly all black in this video, this gives us a sense of racism. We see this strongly from when one of the members of the ‘black eye peas’ are running away he is getting chased by a white cop and then gets stopped by a white police officer in the car. In this entire video you only see white police officers.   The music video then goes on using a numerous of shots including different people with a close up to their face singing, this gives us the message and this shows what they are trying to give the message out. From this the lyrics are quoting ‘ where is the love’  this shows us the impression that people are getting a hard time from growing up, this then goes on with a man holding a question mark on a sign in the middle of the street this is shown on the picture below.  Again with the music video we see the question mark based on their body's walls and on the roads and vans which is showing us that no one knows what is going on in the world and things need to be sorted out. The video moves on to the end with all of the people shown during the video looking up in the sky which shows us they are praying and gives them a sense of hope. Praying is related to when people are in need and referring to this it is effective as the video is saying the need the love and know they are praying and looking for it.
How old Are You [14-16]     [16-18]     [18-21]  [21-24]     [24+] What's Your Gender [Male]    [Female] How Do You Listen To Music [ITunes]            [YouTube]        [Television]     [Other] ( if so please say) How Do You Download Your Music [Limewire]         [ITunes]          [YouTube]         [Other] (if so please say) What do You Want in a music video [Girls]         [Money]          [Party]           [Funny]           [Romantic]  How do You hear about new music [Friends]       [YouTube]       [Television]     [Radio]       [News] Do you like fast moving music Videos [Yes]            [No]            [Not Bothered] How Many Tracks Do You Listen To a Week [ 10-20 times per week]          [20-40 times per week]      [40-70 times per week] What is Your favorite Music Genre [Pop]      [Rock]     [R&B]      [Rap]   [Hip-Hop]   [Techno]    What's Your Favorite Music Video and why
Answers To Questionnaire
How Old Are You? How Do You Download Your Music? From this information of the questionnaire. I have gathered that the majority of the people I asked where in the age of around 14- 16 years old which is also closely followed by the age group of 16-18. form this I can see that my music video will be majority shown to this age group. With this question from the questionnaire the result shows that most people download their music from limewire. Even though this is an illegal way of downloading this is how the majority of people seem to do it. ITunes Is followed closely behind as well, this shows us that if I want to show my music off I could do this on ITunes as this is where a lot of the public seem to download their music from.
What's Your Gender? What do You Want in a music video? With this question from my questionnaire it seems that the people answered seem to be nearly split between male and female, however the male seems to be slightly more. This results shows us that my video will need to appear to both genders as they are very close and that they listen to as much music as males. When I asked this question the feedback I got given was fairly mixed, the majority of what the people answered was that the look for a party in a music video, however this is not to say that they don’t want any other type of entertainment in a music video, there was also a lot of people who answered funny and girls in a music video, therefore with these results I will need to corporate this into my music video.
How Dou You  Listen To Music? How do You hear  about new music? When is asked this question is was very clear from the results I got given that the majority listen to there music from ITunes, with this piece of research when publishing a music video the best place to do so is put it into ITunes.   With this question it again is a very mixed set of results, however when asked the public have chose and that they hear about new music on YouTube. The television is closely followed again with friends from word and mouth and also the radio.
Do you like fast moving music Videos?  How Many Tracks Do You Listen To a Week?  With this question when I asked this it was very close on the set of results seeing as it nearly looks half and half. However a few more did say that they prefer a fast moving video to a no fast moving video. This relates to the question when I asked ‘ what do you want in a music video?’ seeing as the majority of people said they like party involved and that is a fast moving video. With these set of results I got from the questionnaire I gathered that the majority of people listen to either 20-40 and 40-70 tracks a week. This shows us that the music audience listen to a lot of songs. With the results showing these sets of results the music videos must appeal to the public.
What's Your Favorite  Music Video and why? What is Your favorite Music Genre? With this question I asked in the questionnaire I got the top 3 music videos which came out from the audience I asked. The top video they answered was Chamillionaire- ridin’ dirty which was then followed by Katy Perry-fireworks and JLS- one shot. The reason they said they voted for ridin’ dirty was because they like the pace in the video and the way it is filmed.  When I asked this question in the questionnaire the results came out as shown. The majority of the results came out with ‘pop’ this shows us that this is the preferred genre of music video chosen. It was however followed closely with ‘R&B’ and then ‘rap’ and ‘hip-hop’.
A2 Media- Music Video Band Name- Busted Song Name- That’s What I Go To School For Track Length- 3Mins 27Seconds Location- Shiplake College Call Time- Wednesday, 2pm Crew &Cast Actor 1-Michael Syropolou Actor 2-Rory O’Connor Actor 3-Charlie Moffatt Extras- Pierre Le Blanc Manager- Harry Coaker Director- Alex Humphreys Props Electric Guitar X3 Paper Car Wardrobe Ties X4 White ShirtsX4 Grey school trousers X4 School Shoes X4 Long Socks X4
Shooting Schedule
Story Board
Shot1:- Shot5:- Shot9:- This is the establishing shot and is the first shot on screen. It is a long shot and the camera zooms in towards the window.  When the camera zooms to the window fully it will then interchange to the next shot. The lighting for this shot will be daylight and sunny. This shot is based in the classroom and It is a medium shot, in this shot we see the person on the back seat which jumps over the desk and sits by the boy working on the front desk, when he jumps he will be facing the camera and this is where he starts singing. This shot is a long shot, it will be based outside the tithe barn and they will be in a line singing the song, the camera will be set directly in front of them so you can see the building behind them which will set the scene for the location.
Shot13:- Shot20:- Shot26:- This shot is of one of the actors who is strumming the guitar, it will be a close up shot of the guitar and so that all you see will be the hand going up and down across the strings.  This hot will also be placed outside the tithe barn on the steps with the actor standing up. This is a shot on the new field where all the main actors are together performing their song by singing the lyrics, they will be in front of a fence with all holding a guitar. This will be a medium long shot so that you can get the detail of them singing and to be able to see the use of detail and props. This shot will be on the right hand  of the screen and looking at them from an angle, the actor will be holding a piece of paper at a medium-close up whilst pointing to the paper which will relate to the lyrics of the song. This shot will be based in the classroom.
Shot28:- Shot31:- Shot33:- This is an over the head shot with the camera zooming into the phone, it is also a medium close up shot, this shot will be taken again the geography classroom , the action of what they are doing will relate to the lyrics of the song. This shot is a medium long shot, the camera will be looking up towards them so that it looks like the actors will be looking down on to you, this will be filmed in the lunch hall on a step to give it a stage appeal. This shot is a medium shot and it is the last shot in the music video, this is also based in the lunch hall and the actor will swing the guitar round to his back in time with the song and then followed by a point and then this is the shot finished.
Location Shots
Savills Office Geography Room New Field Lunch Hall Outside Tithe Barn
Outside Corridor Car Park College House
Risk Assessment
Music Album Cover Research
Here is a mixture of boy band album covers, we can see straight away from this is that with boy bands there is a lot about there image and there album covers generally always show everyone in it. I have shown four different album covers including JLS, Westlife, Blue and Busted. They are all different in there singing however they have similarities with there music album covers. There is no use of CGI and effects on the album covers which are sometimes used with either a soloist instead of a band.
With the music album covers I looked at with the boy band JLS, Westlife, Blue and Busted I decided to a questionnaire on which was there favourite album cover, the results are as shown. 14 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this album cover as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “ I like how it has a plain background as it makes them stand out”.  Another person quoted “ I like how it says there Band name and also there hit single on their title”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this  album cover and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “ The way the band are stood doesn’t make me look interested and if it was in a store I probably would walk past it”. 3 people out of the chosen people I asked out of the original 36 chose this album cover as there favourite album cover. The reasons where as followed:- “ I like how everything is red and the only colour which is different is the band, this shows them well and I s very effective”. Another person quoted “ I like how they are starring at you so when you pick it up it looks like they are looking at you”. However I did ask what someone else thought of the album cover who didn’t choose it and they said the following “ I am not that keen on the layout and colour used for an album cover and I don’t like how the title is printed over there body's whilst being the same colour as the background”.
11 people out of the chosen 36 people I questioned chose that this was the most popular album cover for them. The reasons where as followed:- “ I like how it is all black and white and the only color part is the line which is rather effective and stands out well to the audience”. Another response I got was “ the way the band are all together looking at the camera looks good and would make me look at the album cover in a shop”. However when I asked a person who didn’t particularly like this album said, “ the background and close up of their faces doesn’t appeal to me and should do something different.”” 8 people out of the chosen 36 I asked chose that this was their favourite music video album cover for them. The reasons they said where as followed:- “ I like how it the album cover is all one shot”. Another person said “The title looks good and eye-catching with having it in the middle and also having the single underneath it” In contrast to this when is asked the people who didn’t like it some said “ the way they are spread out and the way they are looking doesn’t appeal to me and when choosing an album I wont something appealing and something that looks eye-catching”.
Music Advertisement Poster Research
Here is a mixture of music advertisement posters, we can see straight away there is a wide range in which you can show of a new album coming out or about to come out. I have picked four different music advertisement and I can quickly see similarities, and also many non-similarity. Some of the posters have their album cover as the whole of the poster which shows you straight away in what it will look like, others have the album cover with coming soon underneath this gives you a mysterious look in when it will come out and gets you excited it also makes you know what is about to come out so it wont be a surprise.  We can also see that with the advertisement posters they all have different layouts in which the album is show and also where the context is.
With the music album advertisement posters I have looked at I decided to a questionnaire on which was there favourite one and why they chose it, the results are as shown. 8 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this advert page as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I like how the background of the poster is all the same and that the album cover looks like it is faded in with the background, it gives it a good effect which I like ”.  Another person quoted “I like that there is no bright colours as I think it shows things off and doesn’t make them look that good”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this  music advert page and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “ I am not that keen on the way the layout has been placed as it has nothing that stands out and doesn’t grab your attention in anyway”. 14 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this music advert page as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I very much like the use of the background as this stands out hugely and is effective when looking a the page”.  Another person quoted “I like the use of text how there is different size fonts and also it is plain which stands out and gets the message across quickly”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this  music poster and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “I don’t like the font and also the background, I find it too plain and there is nothing that stands out hugely and isn't exciting which would not grab my attention”.
11 people out of the chosen 36 people I questioned chose that this  was the most popular music advert album cover for them. The reasons where as followed:- “I like a lot the use of effect on the title, It stands out and looks very appealing and I would stop and read It instead of walking past it.” Another response I got was “ The layout stands out a lot, there is not too much writing which would put you off and it is just giving you the information which you need to know.”. However when I asked a person who didn’t particularly like this advert they said, “the background doesn’t really appeal to me with the use of shot type they have taken, also I feel that there is nothing standing out that it is new. Also I find it too plain and boring”” 3 people out of the chosen people I asked out of the original 36 chose this music advert album cover as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I like how there is a lot on the page and that it stands out fully and the first thing that grabbed my eye attention was the 5 star rating this is effective as when walking past I would notice it immediately”. Another person quoted “I like the use of imagery and how it is laid out, I like how it is all centred and that you can clearly see the band and information which is given”. However I did ask what someone else thought of the music advert page who didn’t choose it and they said the following “I do not like how it is laid out, the use of imagery and colour  is not my type and I don’t think it would be grabbing any peoples attention especially to then go and buy the album”.
From what I originally started out with for the poster I have made some what a few changes. The changes which have been done are described below :- The font again with the                ‘ Tour Dates’ has changes again with this the reason being so is that with this colour it is more eye grabbing and hopefully grabs the readers and audiences attention when walking past or viewing it.  The album cover is placed directly in the centre of the page, this makes it easily visible for the viewer. Also for my research the majority of  posters have got their album cover in the centre rather than left or right aligned. I have inserted ‘Out Now’ and ‘CD And Download’ because this will help make it stand out and make you read it and shows of the music album cover. It also shows that it is able to be bought and to download I have put in ratings from what leading music brands have given about the album cover. This will again help it stand out and it also gives you an insight of what the songs are like aswell. I have put in a website link In which you would be able to download or buy the CD for purchase. It is placed at the bottom of the page as looks professional and the research I did the majority of posters all have there website links placed at the bottom of the page.
Research On Digipak's
Here is a mixture of Digipak's we can see straight away that there are different layouts you can get.  From the pictures we can see that you can get a four and a six sided Digipak's.  However on the internet and looking in stores you can get a 2 sided Digipak's but with these they have a pocket which is for the CD itself. Again not only this but with the research I have looked at you can see that some are all done pictures which may have used some CGI and some without. Also other designs of Digipak's are used by creative drawings. We can see that with the research Digipak's have the same layout in the same sided ones to an extent. They will generally have the main image on the front cover and on the back the track list.
7 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this Music Digipak as their favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I like the way the Digipak is split into four sides rather than six. I also like however that it is simple by that you can tell which is the front, back and the insides. ”.  Another person quoted “I like how all the pictures match up and you can get a real sense of what the music will be about from this”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this Digipak and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “ I am not that keen on the way the layout has been placed as it has nothing that stands out and doesn’t grab your attention in anyway also the theme is not my style with the dark background and masked face”. 13 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this music Digipak's as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I very much like the use of the close ups of each member in the band, I also like how they are different colours”.  Another person quoted “I like how there isn’t text in the inside of the Digipak considering most of the information I don’t read and I personally find irrelevant ”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this Digipak and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “I would  like if the Digipak would have some text and content inside it, the reason being is that it looks plain without nay and I like something when purchasing a Digipak”.
4 people out of the chosen people I asked out of the original 36 chose this Digipak as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I like how there is a lot on the page and that it stands out fully and the first thing that grabbed my eye attention was the 5 star rating this is effective as when walking past I would notice it immediately”. Another person quoted “I like the use of imagery and how it is laid out, I like how it is all centred and that you can clearly see the band and information which is given”. However I did ask what someone else thought of the Digipak who didn’t choose it and they said the following “I do not like how it is laid out, the use of imagery and colour  is not my type and I don’t think it would be grabbing any peoples attention especially to then go and buy the album”. 12 people out of the chosen 36 people I questioned chose that this  was the most popular Digipak for them. The reasons where as followed:- “I like a lot the use of effect on the title, It stands out and looks very appealing and I would stop and read It instead of walking past it.” Another response I got was “ The layout stands out a lot, there is not too much writing which would put you off and it is just giving you the information which you need to know.”. However when I asked a person who didn’t particularly like this Digipak they quoted, “The background doesn’t really appeal to me with the use of shot type they have taken, also I feel that there is nothing standing out that it is new. Also I find it too plain and boring”
Inside Right Inside Left Back  Front
Task 1-In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9
This is a  shot that shows a link between lyrics and/or music and visuals, we can see this in this shot by that the character is in a tree and that the lyrics are going ‘ I climb a tree outside her home…’. This is relating the shot straight to the lyrics in the song. 2.This image typifies the way the record company would want their artist to be presented as it depicts the band standing on a stage. This makes them look down therefore giving them a sense of hierarchy and them being popular 3.This is a shot of the band in a classroom we can see the music genre here as pop rock as they one of the characters are on the phone in a lesson which represents being bad which you cannot do therefore it gives a rebellious feel which links to their genre. 4.The establishing shot comes up in virtually most music videos and is very common. For example in the music video empire state of mind by jay z they show new York building therefore we can see straight away that the song is based in New York 5. through out the video we tend to use medium close ups, this allows us to see the detail of what they are doing and also allows you to see the props used in quality. 6 .Through out the filming we used day light as our lighting as it was sufficient enough to get a clear picture without using extra lights to be visible. 7. In this shot we can see from the mise-en-scene that it is placed in a car park from the location and also with the costume and lighting this is also used from the sunlight and also the school uniform look which is represented for teachers. 8.This shot I got from watching music videos, I like the idea of a close up and also people in the background in a class so that you can see the detail in who is singing and also you can get a feel of where you are with people in the same shot. 9.This shot was another idea I got from watching music videos. Before we filmed I watched a video from McFly and this is what made me use a front on medium shot whilst in a classroom.  I tried to recreate the atmosphere slightly and this is the result.
1 2 3 6 5 4 9 7 8
This is a  shot that shows a link between lyrics and/or music and visuals, we can see this in this shot by that the image is showing a mini bar with all the drinks disappearing, this relates to the lyrics which are going ‘Then I saw the mini bar, and I was like Rarr Somebody terrorized it’ we can see that this is in contrast with the lyrics from what is shown on screen. 2.This image typifies the way the record company would want their artist to be presented as it depicts the band standing together.  This shows us that they are the main characters and that they are in a group, it also shows their popularity and  makes them look above people. 3.This is a shot of Taylor Swift in her music video ‘Mine’ we can see the music genre here as country pop by that she is outside dancing whilst wearing a summery dress which correlates to the country which then links to country pop genre. 4.This shot is of Enrique Iglesias in the song ‘I like It’ this shot is very common in music videos when they are in a club and dancing, we can see that he is in the front so we can hear him sing whilst the background are all dancing to the song. 5. With this shot we can see the use of camera, with this shot we can see it is pointing up to the sky and that it is in a rural but up market place and this is using the mise-en-scene with the location. 6 . This is a shot from pendulum ‘Witchcraft’  and this shows the use of lighting, we can see that the character is in the sea however the light is only on her and se is only lit up. 7. In this shot we can see from the mise-en-scene that it is placed in the desert somewhere, we can see that they have thought about the location also the use of props are used such as the car. The lighting is also used from the sky as this would be sufficient rather than getting extra lights to see them. 8.This shot I got from the actual Busted video, I got the idea from this however I changed it so it wasn’t exactly the same.. 9.This shot was the reason hwy I used my shot for this, the reason which gave it to me was that as they are all in a room performing I thought I would use a room where they would be singing and also acting.
Task 2- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Task 3-What have you learned from your audience feedback? Audience feedback from teachers and from class on the  Digipak For our audience feedback which we got from our teachers and from our class for the Digipak where as followed. Positive comments “I like how the Digipak Is laid out with the boys and the teacher on the front and back and then when you open it you get again the boys and a guitar as this sets the mood of what the songs are about.” “The use of editing for the title especially looks like it is blended in with the background which grabs my attention and it rather appealing” Negative comments  “ I find that the picture are too similar, if you could improve slightly I would suggest to put a more Varity of shot locations in the Digipak rather than one room.” “ The track songs on the  back panel are not the easiest to see, I would probably change the font so that it is more visible to the public.”
Audience feedback from teachers and from class on the music advertisement page. For our audience feedback which we got from our teachers and from our class for the music advertisement page where as followed. Positive comments “I like the layout how the text and picture are shown, I find it stand out very well and that the white boarder around the CD cover is very appealing and would grab the audiences attention quickly.” “The shading in some of the fonts and for the ratings are appealing and gives is some what  an unusual but effective effect.” Negative comments  “ The overall look about the poster doesn’t really shout out to me, I find that it needs more of a variety of colours rather than just two.” “ The title where it says ‘Busted’ is not my style and I find it is in an unusual place, I also am not that keen on the layout and I would probably have made it so that it stands out more with a range of font sizes and colours.”
Task 4- How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Above are several shots that I used to construct my music video. They where used in different stages throughout filming.    I used Google to get information  which was relevant to my video and also to do research. I also used pictures form Google images which where used through the planning stages so that I could compare them and see what the average go for in looks for a Digipak, poster and video. I used YouTube to upload my music video which was then visible to a wide range audience. We used YouTube as this is the largest viewing music website.  We also used this as we can get feedback from a wide range and this could then be used for our audience feedback. We used so that we could  upload all our work online and that it is visible anywhere with internet connection
Above are several shots of the programs I have used throughout my music video whilst constructing and researching In different stages. A lot of these programs where used for my final Digipak which included Paint, Microsoft Digital Suite and the Epson Scanner.  I used paint  to do a mock of my album front cover and also for the back of my album cover.  I found paint very useful as it is fairly simple and straight forward to use.  I used Microsoft Digital Image suite for  the whole of my Digipak and also to create the music advertisement poster. I have used this software last year so I new how the program worked and what techniques to use to produce a Digipak and a advertisement poster.  This software came in extremely useful for the Digipak as I was able to crop the size of pictures and edit the texture of the content on it. Vegas Movie Studio 9 was  used to create the music video, this is where all my clips where put on it and from this, this is where the final music video came from.  When I first used this software it was very new to me and I didn’t know how to work it, however after a few attempts of playing around I started to get the hang of it and after a while I finished the music video which I am very pleased with.  The Epson scanner was used mainly for  the storyboard so that I could get pictures I have drawn onto the computer where I could then annotate from them. The picture quality was not that amazing if I used a more expensive and higher quality the result for the pictures may of came out clearer.
Above are some shots of physical technology I used to create my music video.  We used the Samsung HD camera to film all of our clips of our music video and this was very simple to then put onto Vegas movie studio 9. the way we put them on was through the card reader which was initially in the camera however we would take it out and place it in the computer and take the clips off that way. The Samsung HD camera was very useful by that when filming it would have different effects you could use when filming, this came in useful when it was sunny so that we could dim the effect on so that we could actually see what we have filmed. We used the tripod which was given to us from the school, it was fairly standard however it had everything we needed to be able to film our music video.  Also it did have some funky effects on  by that you could tilt the camera down so and then had a handle to push across so that when using a tracking shot it was easily done.  Where all our information and research came from was all used on the school media computers.  The computers was more than efficient for what we needed, they had a large screen which made it easy to do our editing and also they where very quick and efficient so that there was no stalling when trying to edit or gather research

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  • 1. A2 LevelCoursework By Harry Coaker
  • 3. This is done from the use of CGI which has been done on the computer and then corporate on to the music album cover The title is in large font which looks like it has been drawn in the sand, also they have their hit single ‘missing you’ written underneath. The background is of a beach which associates with something happy which gives us an insight of their music will be like. The image is of an over the head shot with a long shot. It shows all the girls in the band which sing. We can see that they are on a beach from the way they are lying down, they also have props in the including the sun glasses and beach towels to give us a sense that they are there. with the costumes, they are wearing different colours which are bold which stands out to the background. With the different colours this shows us that they all play different roles and personalities as not all the same but all unique.
  • 4. The background is computer generated with the name being engraved into the background giving a wall like impression. Flo-Rida is in the middle of the album cover which makes sure that when you first look a the cover you straight of see him. This image is of a long shot, ‘Flo-ride’ it shows him crossing his arms which is a form of gangster look and to look in some what dominant and to show of his masculine look. With the image we not only see that he is in the center but that he is in colour whilst the background is in black and white which makes him stand out towards the audience With the background they artist has given it a hard look which looks like it could be in jail and a hard wall behind the ‘Flo-Rida’ they have done this which could represent what type of music which may be included in the music Album.
  • 5. This image is a close up, it shows the artist face ‘Cheryl’ looking intensively at you which could give you a feeling of what the music will be about. The title is in an unusual place by that most album covers have the name at the top of the album cover. This title however is down the side and also is in pink font also bold which makes it stand out and shows us straight away who it is. With the album r the artist is covering the whole cover. There is no other background to it. We see from the picture that her hair is pushed up it could either be done from taking a picture with Cheryl lying down and the camera taken from above her or it could be done from an air machine getting blown into her face which would allow her hair to be pushed backwards. The image is in black and white which gives us a sense of mysterious which her by that she is showing everything to the public.
  • 7. Foo Fighters- The pretender. The video is set in an ice-hockey rink. With the ice-hockey rink we notice that this is where a sport is played and where in fact many fights happen, we can then see then straight from the beginning that some collisions may appear. This is the only setting they are using in the whole video. The video is mainly used from tracking shots and zooms and close ups on the main singer. The ice rink is very strangely laid out it has the band in one half of the rink and has a red board behind them which is representing something violent will happen as this is associated with violence and blood. On the ceiling there are strips of lights going across the half which the ‘Foo Fighters’ are playing on with their equipment, this is all lit up whilst the other half is all dark and you can’t see the end which shows something dark and mysterious and you don’t know what is going to happen. At the start of the video it sends of a fairly political image by that there is a black line running across the rink with one riot police man all equipped ready for a fight. You can see that there is going to be somewhat violence between the officer and the band. The red board is still placed in the middle which gives you again somewhat mysterious image in why it is placed their and makes you wait for the reason it is used for. Whilst the music video continues and progresses more similar riot officers take to the stage, they appear in a line formation from the blacked out background from the other side to the band where the lights are out and is all dark, they appear wearing black clothes and stand to attention ready to sort out a riot.         The tempo in the music starts to come alive whilst reaching the climax of the song. The screen shots become quicker and the riot soldiers start shouting and look intimidating whilst hitting their shields with their batons. When the song hits the bridge the riot soldiers charge at the band and it goes in to slow motion watching the way they are running and building it up to the contact of each other. Whilst the riot soldiers are about to make contact the singer drops his knee and the red screen burst out red liquid at high power, as soon as this starts the song gets a quick and loud tempo going showing us the riot has began. When the song then comes to an end the main soloist singer drops his guitar which gives us an impression that they defeated the soldiers and won the battle, he then drops to the floor showing us the energy loss in the fight and exhaustion.    
  • 8. Cheryl Cole- Fight for This Love The video ‘fight for this love’ is set in all one stage, the stage has a led screen which they use a numerous of effects whilst filming. The video has a range of camera shots including close ups, long shots and medium shots, There are also zooms as well. We get the impression from the song that she sings like that she needs help and is slightly insecure. We get this impression from clips in the video, for example the clip below shows her wearing all majority red clothing and black and the background which is a use of computer generated imagery is also black and red. These colours are associated with violence and fighting. Also ‘fight for this love’ is encrypted over it, which is giving us an impression she is finding it hard and wants to go back to before. The video keeps referring back to one other by the different range of styles of shot they take with different costumes and backgrounds. When ‘Cheryl’ starts building up to the chorus it goes almost slow motion like and then when it starts the camera shots pick up the speed and tempo also increases. In the middle of the song we get the see that ‘Cheryl’ is wearing a tiger uniform by that it is orange striped with a hood. We get a sense of insecurity with this by that whilst dressed in this she repeats we got to fight for this love. From this scene we then get to see her wearing a military outfit which is building up to the end of the song. From this we get again an impression that she is defeating her problem and that as military she knows what needs to be done. It then goes on to the end with Cheryl wearing again the military outfit with her waving whilst turning around going into a fade. We see generally throughout the video that she is leaning against the wall, with this she is doing hand motions moving across her body and also against the wall, some of the angle shots then move on with her body facing backwards and her face tilted over her shoulder looking at the audience. From this we get a sense of feeling that she wants to say something without actually wanting to. The majority of the shots taken in this music video are mostly all face on shots with some which are different. The use of ‘CGI’ is also there to help grasp us into the picture. There are a lot of still shapes involved with this with a variety of shapes. This is shown to help draw us in to the image also the colour involved in them resemble the same colour clothes she is wearing. Which again are the colours of a military outfit.
  • 9.  Black Eye Peas- Where Is The Love? The music video ‘Where Is the Love’ is based in a city area, it has some orchestral sounds in the background, some drums, and a couple of rappers. You could also describe the mood by looking at the music video because it gives a good idea of what is going on. The music video starts with the a piece of paper put closely to the camera with a question mark on, this straight away represents that they are un sure about what is going on and thinking something is not right. The video has a variety of shots used we see fading shots which you see nearer to the end of the video, also tracking shots are used when men are running and also medium, long and close ups are used. In the beginning of the video you see hooded men running around putting question mark signs all over the place, we get a sense of insecurity by that they are questioning what everyone is doing. We again get a sense of insecurity by when the band ‘black eyed peas’ are in the van singing to their song it looks almost like a riot van so that it is very strong and that is people come banging on it they should be safe. From the costumes they are wearing it is mostly all black in this video, this gives us a sense of racism. We see this strongly from when one of the members of the ‘black eye peas’ are running away he is getting chased by a white cop and then gets stopped by a white police officer in the car. In this entire video you only see white police officers.   The music video then goes on using a numerous of shots including different people with a close up to their face singing, this gives us the message and this shows what they are trying to give the message out. From this the lyrics are quoting ‘ where is the love’ this shows us the impression that people are getting a hard time from growing up, this then goes on with a man holding a question mark on a sign in the middle of the street this is shown on the picture below. Again with the music video we see the question mark based on their body's walls and on the roads and vans which is showing us that no one knows what is going on in the world and things need to be sorted out. The video moves on to the end with all of the people shown during the video looking up in the sky which shows us they are praying and gives them a sense of hope. Praying is related to when people are in need and referring to this it is effective as the video is saying the need the love and know they are praying and looking for it.
  • 11. How old Are You [14-16] [16-18] [18-21] [21-24] [24+] What's Your Gender [Male] [Female] How Do You Listen To Music [ITunes] [YouTube] [Television] [Other] ( if so please say) How Do You Download Your Music [Limewire] [ITunes] [YouTube] [Other] (if so please say) What do You Want in a music video [Girls] [Money] [Party] [Funny] [Romantic] How do You hear about new music [Friends] [YouTube] [Television] [Radio] [News] Do you like fast moving music Videos [Yes] [No] [Not Bothered] How Many Tracks Do You Listen To a Week [ 10-20 times per week] [20-40 times per week] [40-70 times per week] What is Your favorite Music Genre [Pop] [Rock] [R&B] [Rap] [Hip-Hop] [Techno] What's Your Favorite Music Video and why
  • 13. How Old Are You? How Do You Download Your Music? From this information of the questionnaire. I have gathered that the majority of the people I asked where in the age of around 14- 16 years old which is also closely followed by the age group of 16-18. form this I can see that my music video will be majority shown to this age group. With this question from the questionnaire the result shows that most people download their music from limewire. Even though this is an illegal way of downloading this is how the majority of people seem to do it. ITunes Is followed closely behind as well, this shows us that if I want to show my music off I could do this on ITunes as this is where a lot of the public seem to download their music from.
  • 14. What's Your Gender? What do You Want in a music video? With this question from my questionnaire it seems that the people answered seem to be nearly split between male and female, however the male seems to be slightly more. This results shows us that my video will need to appear to both genders as they are very close and that they listen to as much music as males. When I asked this question the feedback I got given was fairly mixed, the majority of what the people answered was that the look for a party in a music video, however this is not to say that they don’t want any other type of entertainment in a music video, there was also a lot of people who answered funny and girls in a music video, therefore with these results I will need to corporate this into my music video.
  • 15. How Dou You Listen To Music? How do You hear about new music? When is asked this question is was very clear from the results I got given that the majority listen to there music from ITunes, with this piece of research when publishing a music video the best place to do so is put it into ITunes. With this question it again is a very mixed set of results, however when asked the public have chose and that they hear about new music on YouTube. The television is closely followed again with friends from word and mouth and also the radio.
  • 16. Do you like fast moving music Videos? How Many Tracks Do You Listen To a Week? With this question when I asked this it was very close on the set of results seeing as it nearly looks half and half. However a few more did say that they prefer a fast moving video to a no fast moving video. This relates to the question when I asked ‘ what do you want in a music video?’ seeing as the majority of people said they like party involved and that is a fast moving video. With these set of results I got from the questionnaire I gathered that the majority of people listen to either 20-40 and 40-70 tracks a week. This shows us that the music audience listen to a lot of songs. With the results showing these sets of results the music videos must appeal to the public.
  • 17. What's Your Favorite Music Video and why? What is Your favorite Music Genre? With this question I asked in the questionnaire I got the top 3 music videos which came out from the audience I asked. The top video they answered was Chamillionaire- ridin’ dirty which was then followed by Katy Perry-fireworks and JLS- one shot. The reason they said they voted for ridin’ dirty was because they like the pace in the video and the way it is filmed. When I asked this question in the questionnaire the results came out as shown. The majority of the results came out with ‘pop’ this shows us that this is the preferred genre of music video chosen. It was however followed closely with ‘R&B’ and then ‘rap’ and ‘hip-hop’.
  • 19. A2 Media- Music Video Band Name- Busted Song Name- That’s What I Go To School For Track Length- 3Mins 27Seconds Location- Shiplake College Call Time- Wednesday, 2pm Crew &Cast Actor 1-Michael Syropolou Actor 2-Rory O’Connor Actor 3-Charlie Moffatt Extras- Pierre Le Blanc Manager- Harry Coaker Director- Alex Humphreys Props Electric Guitar X3 Paper Car Wardrobe Ties X4 White ShirtsX4 Grey school trousers X4 School Shoes X4 Long Socks X4
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  • 30. Shot1:- Shot5:- Shot9:- This is the establishing shot and is the first shot on screen. It is a long shot and the camera zooms in towards the window. When the camera zooms to the window fully it will then interchange to the next shot. The lighting for this shot will be daylight and sunny. This shot is based in the classroom and It is a medium shot, in this shot we see the person on the back seat which jumps over the desk and sits by the boy working on the front desk, when he jumps he will be facing the camera and this is where he starts singing. This shot is a long shot, it will be based outside the tithe barn and they will be in a line singing the song, the camera will be set directly in front of them so you can see the building behind them which will set the scene for the location.
  • 31. Shot13:- Shot20:- Shot26:- This shot is of one of the actors who is strumming the guitar, it will be a close up shot of the guitar and so that all you see will be the hand going up and down across the strings. This hot will also be placed outside the tithe barn on the steps with the actor standing up. This is a shot on the new field where all the main actors are together performing their song by singing the lyrics, they will be in front of a fence with all holding a guitar. This will be a medium long shot so that you can get the detail of them singing and to be able to see the use of detail and props. This shot will be on the right hand of the screen and looking at them from an angle, the actor will be holding a piece of paper at a medium-close up whilst pointing to the paper which will relate to the lyrics of the song. This shot will be based in the classroom.
  • 32. Shot28:- Shot31:- Shot33:- This is an over the head shot with the camera zooming into the phone, it is also a medium close up shot, this shot will be taken again the geography classroom , the action of what they are doing will relate to the lyrics of the song. This shot is a medium long shot, the camera will be looking up towards them so that it looks like the actors will be looking down on to you, this will be filmed in the lunch hall on a step to give it a stage appeal. This shot is a medium shot and it is the last shot in the music video, this is also based in the lunch hall and the actor will swing the guitar round to his back in time with the song and then followed by a point and then this is the shot finished.
  • 34. Savills Office Geography Room New Field Lunch Hall Outside Tithe Barn
  • 35. Outside Corridor Car Park College House
  • 37.
  • 38. Music Album Cover Research
  • 39. Here is a mixture of boy band album covers, we can see straight away from this is that with boy bands there is a lot about there image and there album covers generally always show everyone in it. I have shown four different album covers including JLS, Westlife, Blue and Busted. They are all different in there singing however they have similarities with there music album covers. There is no use of CGI and effects on the album covers which are sometimes used with either a soloist instead of a band.
  • 40. With the music album covers I looked at with the boy band JLS, Westlife, Blue and Busted I decided to a questionnaire on which was there favourite album cover, the results are as shown. 14 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this album cover as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “ I like how it has a plain background as it makes them stand out”. Another person quoted “ I like how it says there Band name and also there hit single on their title”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this album cover and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “ The way the band are stood doesn’t make me look interested and if it was in a store I probably would walk past it”. 3 people out of the chosen people I asked out of the original 36 chose this album cover as there favourite album cover. The reasons where as followed:- “ I like how everything is red and the only colour which is different is the band, this shows them well and I s very effective”. Another person quoted “ I like how they are starring at you so when you pick it up it looks like they are looking at you”. However I did ask what someone else thought of the album cover who didn’t choose it and they said the following “ I am not that keen on the layout and colour used for an album cover and I don’t like how the title is printed over there body's whilst being the same colour as the background”.
  • 41. 11 people out of the chosen 36 people I questioned chose that this was the most popular album cover for them. The reasons where as followed:- “ I like how it is all black and white and the only color part is the line which is rather effective and stands out well to the audience”. Another response I got was “ the way the band are all together looking at the camera looks good and would make me look at the album cover in a shop”. However when I asked a person who didn’t particularly like this album said, “ the background and close up of their faces doesn’t appeal to me and should do something different.”” 8 people out of the chosen 36 I asked chose that this was their favourite music video album cover for them. The reasons they said where as followed:- “ I like how it the album cover is all one shot”. Another person said “The title looks good and eye-catching with having it in the middle and also having the single underneath it” In contrast to this when is asked the people who didn’t like it some said “ the way they are spread out and the way they are looking doesn’t appeal to me and when choosing an album I wont something appealing and something that looks eye-catching”.
  • 42.
  • 44. Here is a mixture of music advertisement posters, we can see straight away there is a wide range in which you can show of a new album coming out or about to come out. I have picked four different music advertisement and I can quickly see similarities, and also many non-similarity. Some of the posters have their album cover as the whole of the poster which shows you straight away in what it will look like, others have the album cover with coming soon underneath this gives you a mysterious look in when it will come out and gets you excited it also makes you know what is about to come out so it wont be a surprise. We can also see that with the advertisement posters they all have different layouts in which the album is show and also where the context is.
  • 45. With the music album advertisement posters I have looked at I decided to a questionnaire on which was there favourite one and why they chose it, the results are as shown. 8 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this advert page as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I like how the background of the poster is all the same and that the album cover looks like it is faded in with the background, it gives it a good effect which I like ”. Another person quoted “I like that there is no bright colours as I think it shows things off and doesn’t make them look that good”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this music advert page and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “ I am not that keen on the way the layout has been placed as it has nothing that stands out and doesn’t grab your attention in anyway”. 14 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this music advert page as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I very much like the use of the background as this stands out hugely and is effective when looking a the page”. Another person quoted “I like the use of text how there is different size fonts and also it is plain which stands out and gets the message across quickly”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this music poster and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “I don’t like the font and also the background, I find it too plain and there is nothing that stands out hugely and isn't exciting which would not grab my attention”.
  • 46. 11 people out of the chosen 36 people I questioned chose that this was the most popular music advert album cover for them. The reasons where as followed:- “I like a lot the use of effect on the title, It stands out and looks very appealing and I would stop and read It instead of walking past it.” Another response I got was “ The layout stands out a lot, there is not too much writing which would put you off and it is just giving you the information which you need to know.”. However when I asked a person who didn’t particularly like this advert they said, “the background doesn’t really appeal to me with the use of shot type they have taken, also I feel that there is nothing standing out that it is new. Also I find it too plain and boring”” 3 people out of the chosen people I asked out of the original 36 chose this music advert album cover as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I like how there is a lot on the page and that it stands out fully and the first thing that grabbed my eye attention was the 5 star rating this is effective as when walking past I would notice it immediately”. Another person quoted “I like the use of imagery and how it is laid out, I like how it is all centred and that you can clearly see the band and information which is given”. However I did ask what someone else thought of the music advert page who didn’t choose it and they said the following “I do not like how it is laid out, the use of imagery and colour is not my type and I don’t think it would be grabbing any peoples attention especially to then go and buy the album”.
  • 47. From what I originally started out with for the poster I have made some what a few changes. The changes which have been done are described below :- The font again with the ‘ Tour Dates’ has changes again with this the reason being so is that with this colour it is more eye grabbing and hopefully grabs the readers and audiences attention when walking past or viewing it. The album cover is placed directly in the centre of the page, this makes it easily visible for the viewer. Also for my research the majority of posters have got their album cover in the centre rather than left or right aligned. I have inserted ‘Out Now’ and ‘CD And Download’ because this will help make it stand out and make you read it and shows of the music album cover. It also shows that it is able to be bought and to download I have put in ratings from what leading music brands have given about the album cover. This will again help it stand out and it also gives you an insight of what the songs are like aswell. I have put in a website link In which you would be able to download or buy the CD for purchase. It is placed at the bottom of the page as looks professional and the research I did the majority of posters all have there website links placed at the bottom of the page.
  • 49. Here is a mixture of Digipak's we can see straight away that there are different layouts you can get. From the pictures we can see that you can get a four and a six sided Digipak's. However on the internet and looking in stores you can get a 2 sided Digipak's but with these they have a pocket which is for the CD itself. Again not only this but with the research I have looked at you can see that some are all done pictures which may have used some CGI and some without. Also other designs of Digipak's are used by creative drawings. We can see that with the research Digipak's have the same layout in the same sided ones to an extent. They will generally have the main image on the front cover and on the back the track list.
  • 50. 7 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this Music Digipak as their favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I like the way the Digipak is split into four sides rather than six. I also like however that it is simple by that you can tell which is the front, back and the insides. ”. Another person quoted “I like how all the pictures match up and you can get a real sense of what the music will be about from this”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this Digipak and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “ I am not that keen on the way the layout has been placed as it has nothing that stands out and doesn’t grab your attention in anyway also the theme is not my style with the dark background and masked face”. 13 people out of the chosen people I asked from the 36 chose this music Digipak's as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I very much like the use of the close ups of each member in the band, I also like how they are different colours”. Another person quoted “I like how there isn’t text in the inside of the Digipak considering most of the information I don’t read and I personally find irrelevant ”. However I asked a person who didn’t choose this Digipak and asked what didn’t appeal to them there response was as followed “I would like if the Digipak would have some text and content inside it, the reason being is that it looks plain without nay and I like something when purchasing a Digipak”.
  • 51. 4 people out of the chosen people I asked out of the original 36 chose this Digipak as there favourite one. The reasons where as followed:- “I like how there is a lot on the page and that it stands out fully and the first thing that grabbed my eye attention was the 5 star rating this is effective as when walking past I would notice it immediately”. Another person quoted “I like the use of imagery and how it is laid out, I like how it is all centred and that you can clearly see the band and information which is given”. However I did ask what someone else thought of the Digipak who didn’t choose it and they said the following “I do not like how it is laid out, the use of imagery and colour is not my type and I don’t think it would be grabbing any peoples attention especially to then go and buy the album”. 12 people out of the chosen 36 people I questioned chose that this was the most popular Digipak for them. The reasons where as followed:- “I like a lot the use of effect on the title, It stands out and looks very appealing and I would stop and read It instead of walking past it.” Another response I got was “ The layout stands out a lot, there is not too much writing which would put you off and it is just giving you the information which you need to know.”. However when I asked a person who didn’t particularly like this Digipak they quoted, “The background doesn’t really appeal to me with the use of shot type they have taken, also I feel that there is nothing standing out that it is new. Also I find it too plain and boring”
  • 52. Inside Right Inside Left Back Front
  • 54. Task 1-In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9
  • 55. This is a shot that shows a link between lyrics and/or music and visuals, we can see this in this shot by that the character is in a tree and that the lyrics are going ‘ I climb a tree outside her home…’. This is relating the shot straight to the lyrics in the song. 2.This image typifies the way the record company would want their artist to be presented as it depicts the band standing on a stage. This makes them look down therefore giving them a sense of hierarchy and them being popular 3.This is a shot of the band in a classroom we can see the music genre here as pop rock as they one of the characters are on the phone in a lesson which represents being bad which you cannot do therefore it gives a rebellious feel which links to their genre. 4.The establishing shot comes up in virtually most music videos and is very common. For example in the music video empire state of mind by jay z they show new York building therefore we can see straight away that the song is based in New York 5. through out the video we tend to use medium close ups, this allows us to see the detail of what they are doing and also allows you to see the props used in quality. 6 .Through out the filming we used day light as our lighting as it was sufficient enough to get a clear picture without using extra lights to be visible. 7. In this shot we can see from the mise-en-scene that it is placed in a car park from the location and also with the costume and lighting this is also used from the sunlight and also the school uniform look which is represented for teachers. 8.This shot I got from watching music videos, I like the idea of a close up and also people in the background in a class so that you can see the detail in who is singing and also you can get a feel of where you are with people in the same shot. 9.This shot was another idea I got from watching music videos. Before we filmed I watched a video from McFly and this is what made me use a front on medium shot whilst in a classroom. I tried to recreate the atmosphere slightly and this is the result.
  • 56. 1 2 3 6 5 4 9 7 8
  • 57. This is a shot that shows a link between lyrics and/or music and visuals, we can see this in this shot by that the image is showing a mini bar with all the drinks disappearing, this relates to the lyrics which are going ‘Then I saw the mini bar, and I was like Rarr Somebody terrorized it’ we can see that this is in contrast with the lyrics from what is shown on screen. 2.This image typifies the way the record company would want their artist to be presented as it depicts the band standing together. This shows us that they are the main characters and that they are in a group, it also shows their popularity and makes them look above people. 3.This is a shot of Taylor Swift in her music video ‘Mine’ we can see the music genre here as country pop by that she is outside dancing whilst wearing a summery dress which correlates to the country which then links to country pop genre. 4.This shot is of Enrique Iglesias in the song ‘I like It’ this shot is very common in music videos when they are in a club and dancing, we can see that he is in the front so we can hear him sing whilst the background are all dancing to the song. 5. With this shot we can see the use of camera, with this shot we can see it is pointing up to the sky and that it is in a rural but up market place and this is using the mise-en-scene with the location. 6 . This is a shot from pendulum ‘Witchcraft’ and this shows the use of lighting, we can see that the character is in the sea however the light is only on her and se is only lit up. 7. In this shot we can see from the mise-en-scene that it is placed in the desert somewhere, we can see that they have thought about the location also the use of props are used such as the car. The lighting is also used from the sky as this would be sufficient rather than getting extra lights to see them. 8.This shot I got from the actual Busted video, I got the idea from this however I changed it so it wasn’t exactly the same.. 9.This shot was the reason hwy I used my shot for this, the reason which gave it to me was that as they are all in a room performing I thought I would use a room where they would be singing and also acting.
  • 58. Task 2- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • 59. Task 3-What have you learned from your audience feedback? Audience feedback from teachers and from class on the Digipak For our audience feedback which we got from our teachers and from our class for the Digipak where as followed. Positive comments “I like how the Digipak Is laid out with the boys and the teacher on the front and back and then when you open it you get again the boys and a guitar as this sets the mood of what the songs are about.” “The use of editing for the title especially looks like it is blended in with the background which grabs my attention and it rather appealing” Negative comments “ I find that the picture are too similar, if you could improve slightly I would suggest to put a more Varity of shot locations in the Digipak rather than one room.” “ The track songs on the back panel are not the easiest to see, I would probably change the font so that it is more visible to the public.”
  • 60. Audience feedback from teachers and from class on the music advertisement page. For our audience feedback which we got from our teachers and from our class for the music advertisement page where as followed. Positive comments “I like the layout how the text and picture are shown, I find it stand out very well and that the white boarder around the CD cover is very appealing and would grab the audiences attention quickly.” “The shading in some of the fonts and for the ratings are appealing and gives is some what an unusual but effective effect.” Negative comments “ The overall look about the poster doesn’t really shout out to me, I find that it needs more of a variety of colours rather than just two.” “ The title where it says ‘Busted’ is not my style and I find it is in an unusual place, I also am not that keen on the layout and I would probably have made it so that it stands out more with a range of font sizes and colours.”
  • 61. Task 4- How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Above are several shots that I used to construct my music video. They where used in different stages throughout filming. I used Google to get information which was relevant to my video and also to do research. I also used pictures form Google images which where used through the planning stages so that I could compare them and see what the average go for in looks for a Digipak, poster and video. I used YouTube to upload my music video which was then visible to a wide range audience. We used YouTube as this is the largest viewing music website. We also used this as we can get feedback from a wide range and this could then be used for our audience feedback. We used so that we could upload all our work online and that it is visible anywhere with internet connection
  • 62. Above are several shots of the programs I have used throughout my music video whilst constructing and researching In different stages. A lot of these programs where used for my final Digipak which included Paint, Microsoft Digital Suite and the Epson Scanner. I used paint to do a mock of my album front cover and also for the back of my album cover. I found paint very useful as it is fairly simple and straight forward to use. I used Microsoft Digital Image suite for the whole of my Digipak and also to create the music advertisement poster. I have used this software last year so I new how the program worked and what techniques to use to produce a Digipak and a advertisement poster. This software came in extremely useful for the Digipak as I was able to crop the size of pictures and edit the texture of the content on it. Vegas Movie Studio 9 was used to create the music video, this is where all my clips where put on it and from this, this is where the final music video came from. When I first used this software it was very new to me and I didn’t know how to work it, however after a few attempts of playing around I started to get the hang of it and after a while I finished the music video which I am very pleased with. The Epson scanner was used mainly for the storyboard so that I could get pictures I have drawn onto the computer where I could then annotate from them. The picture quality was not that amazing if I used a more expensive and higher quality the result for the pictures may of came out clearer.
  • 63. Above are some shots of physical technology I used to create my music video. We used the Samsung HD camera to film all of our clips of our music video and this was very simple to then put onto Vegas movie studio 9. the way we put them on was through the card reader which was initially in the camera however we would take it out and place it in the computer and take the clips off that way. The Samsung HD camera was very useful by that when filming it would have different effects you could use when filming, this came in useful when it was sunny so that we could dim the effect on so that we could actually see what we have filmed. We used the tripod which was given to us from the school, it was fairly standard however it had everything we needed to be able to film our music video. Also it did have some funky effects on by that you could tilt the camera down so and then had a handle to push across so that when using a tracking shot it was easily done. Where all our information and research came from was all used on the school media computers. The computers was more than efficient for what we needed, they had a large screen which made it easy to do our editing and also they where very quick and efficient so that there was no stalling when trying to edit or gather research