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A survey of what customers want in a cell phone design

                           Submitted by

                          Devan Kataria

     Northern Institute of Integrated Learning in Management
                 Centre for Management Studies

                         Devan Kataria
                     Contact no – 9717971895

The cell phone is an information appliance that has been widely used. It provides instant access to
information and makes people more ‘connected’. It consists of multiple features which are fancied
by the users all round the globe. Thus, the cell phone isn’t just a mean of communication but also
a mean of entertainment and fun for people.
The objective of our study was to identify the most important design features and to investigate the
relationship among the design features. In our survey study, we surveyed 100 college students,
using a 7-point Likert scale structured questionnaire to evaluate their preference of the design
features and overall satisfaction of their current cell phone.
The analysis part will consisted of calculation of mean and standard deviation of each design
feature to identify which features are most and least desired by the users. After this step, the inter-
correlation matrix method was used to evaluate the relationship between design features and at
last, the calculation of Multiple Regressions to evaluate user’s overall satisfaction with design

The Global Cellular phone market now stands at approximately 1.8 billion subscribers, and is
forecasted to reach 3 billion by the end of 2010, by which time nearly half of all human beings on
the planet are expected to own and use a cell phone (Reid Donna J and Reid Fraser J.M, 2007).
Moreover, people use the embedded cell phone features such as games, cameras, organizers and
mobile internet for various purposes of entertainment, organizing, or even shopping. The cell phone is
becoming an integral part of people’s everyday life. Cell phones are getting smaller and lighter, but
they support more features at the same time. But a cell phone packed with too many features may
overwhelm the user due to its complexity. Hence Market research on cell phones becomes very
important before they are launched in a particular market so that cell phone manufacturers can make
cell phones which attract customers and result in high profits for them.

The Indian Context
There are almost all types of mobile phones in Indian market but the high end phones have failed
to get the niche in the markets here. The recent survey showed across major cities in the country
was to determine the parameters what draws Indian customers to buy a mobile phone. The survey
tried to find out what things the Indian consumers consider when they want to buy a phone. To
some extend people listen to children’s recommendation. 3% of them buy mobile phones which
children recommend. Almost 8% of the buyers wish to get the latest mobiles in the market. And
equally 8% of people bother what phone looks like. Gizmo freaks and young studs comprising of
11% prefer to buy mobile phones in India with respect to software put inside the phones. Nearly
7.5% of the buyers are ready to pay as much provided the phones provide them what they need
functionally. 16.5% of the people take account of the camera functionalities and music quality of
phones. 3% of people wish ease of use. And a whopping 43% of the people consider the brand of
the   mobile     phone     an     important    factor    for    buying     the    mobile    phones.
Thus the Indian consumers look for the brand of the phone they use. Brand is the main factor that
influences consumers before they buy the phone. Cost is also an important factor for which the
high priced mobile phones like i-Phones and others could not make a mark in India 1.

A survey was recently conducted across major cities in India to determine parameters that Indian
consumers take into consideration when buying a mobile phone. Here’s the summary:

From the next figure it can be noticed that ‘Brand’ of the cell phone is most important
consideration followed by its music quality, functionality (rather than brand) and so on.

Important considerations in buying a mobile phone
In terms of features, multimedia (especially music) and camera quality of the phone do play an
important role. Men or women who are single are much more likely to buy latest phone models
and are also concerned about the looks of the phone when making a purchase while the 30+ group
prefers "ease of use" 2.

In another important survey conducted by In-Stat ( it has been found that
customers in India who are likely to purchase a low-cost handset show a strong preference for cell
phones with advanced features, rather than stripped-down ultra low-cost cell phones offering only
the most basic communication experience of voice and text messaging 3.

The recent research by In-Stat found the following:

 The greatest interest in advanced features is among people who have already used cell phones

 Residents of major Indian cities are more likely to prefer full-featured cell phones.

 Battery life is a key purchase factor in a country with poor basic infrastructure.
 The average price survey respondents expect to pay for a mobile phone is US$40.

Hence it can be seen that among Indian customers those who want to purchase low cost cell
phones, they have more inclination towards low cost cell phones having advanced features than
having ultra low cost cell phones with basic features such as voice communication and text
messaging. Also, residents of major Indian cities are more likely to prefer full-featured cell
phones. Hence this context becomes important as Indian customers’ preference is identified and
our study also focuses on identification of customer preferences relative to cell phone features.

In another study (IDC India Mobile Handset Usage Satisfaction Study 2006), Integrated Digital
Camera, FM Radio and Speaker Phones continue to remain the features which are most likely to
drive up-gradation of mobile handsets along with MMS 4 and customers would definitely like to
have these features in their next handsets if they’re not available in their current handsets (figure

Hence, the Indian Context evaluation was of much relevance for our study as the Indian cell phone
market is rapidly growing and this study became even more important and relevant to be
conducted in India to determine which features the Indian customers prefer in the cell phones and
which ones influence them in a great way and which ones do not live up to their expectations.
Hence this study was of much relevance to be conducted in India.

Literature Review:
The growth of cell phone usage among people has made the researchers study more and in depth
about cell phones.
A study was done to measure whether size and structure matter to mobile users (Chae M. and Kim
J., 2004). The aim of this study was to examine the effect of screen size and horizontal depth on the
navigation activities and perceptions of mobile users. Study results indicate that both information
structure and screen size significantly affect the navigation behavior and perceptions of mobile
internet users. While our study focused on important cell phone design features, including its size
and it was very useful to conduct this survey to know the perception of the mobile users to the
Another study was conducted where it was studied that menu organization is another important cell
phone feature which extensively fascinates the users (Amant, R., Horton, T.E. and Ritter, F.E.,
2004). Another study was conducted to evaluate the cell phone menu interaction and navigation
procedures with users and reduce the menu traversal time among users so that it becomes easy for
the users to access the menu as a whole. Our study included menu organization as a feature to be
studied and it helped us in a great way to know whether this feature is of any relevance to cell
phone users.


The third study showed the opinion of i-Phone users around the world (Thompson J., Maryann,
2007). It reported that respondents found out that i-Phone handsets were packed with too many
features even if the cellular telephone experience varies from different parts of the world. This led
to the frustration among cell phone users. This study was of immense relevance to our study as our
study focuses on the most and least desired cell phone features by users and thus, it is not
necessary to pack the cell phone with too many features which are of no interest to the users.
Hence the unwanted features need to be eliminated from cell phones to reduce its complexity and
arouse interest in the users. Also, manufacturers can fare well from this study by just keeping the
desired features in their cell phones.
The fourth study focused that the cell phone users want just the basic features in their cell phones
(Rubin, Ross, 2004). The results showed that battery life, color screen, voice activated dialing,
speaker phone, built-in still camera, smaller size etc. were given top priorities among users. Our
study could correlate to the results shown in the above study and we could analyze the most desired
features and see by what extent our results may vary.
The fifth study listed several desired cell phone features including the one related to the health of
cell phone users. It stated that excessive cell phone usage leads to brain cancer5. Also, battery power
is very important as a feature. As more and more features are being added to cell phones, the
battery consumption is increasing too. Hence, to overcome this weak link, cell phone manufacturers
must equally focus on the improvement on battery life as much as they’re focusing on other
features. Our study focused on battery life as a feature and hence manufacturers should include
features keeping in mind the health of cell phone users.

Research Objective
The objective of our study was to identify the most important design features and to investigate the
relationship among the design features.
Cell phone manufacturers are very much concerned about which design features to put in the cell
phone and which ones to exclude and what features have the most impact on the user’s overall
satisfaction of the cell phone. With this knowledge, the cell phone manufacturers can put more
effort into improving the more important features, and can give less priority to those less important
features. To streamline the cell phone usage, functions provided by the more important features
should be easier to access than the less important ones.

Our study investigated the relationship among the design features of the cell phone and identifying
the most important design features based on an extensive survey study of the heavy users of cell
phones – college students. The result can help cell phone manufacturers to prioritize their design
efforts and improve user satisfaction.

Questionnaire and respondents:
A multi-page, un-branched, structured questionnaire measuring users’ overall satisfaction with the
phone and their preference level on the 20 features was developed. The 7-point Likert scale
anchored with opposing adjective phrases was used. Not all features were available on all phones. If
any feature was not available on the subject’s current cell phone or they perceive that they don’t
have that feature, they marked not applicable (N/A) for the question on that feature. Demographic
information including user’s age, gender, ethnic group, experience with cell phone, major of study,
the manufacturer and model of his/her current cell phone was collected. The number of college
students participating in the survey study was 100.The students were from Engineering, MBA and
other colleges of Jaipur. Our target population was college students, right from 18 to 26 years as
they are the most frequent and heavy users of cell phones.
The questionnaire was taken on request from one of the authors of this study, Wonil Hwang via
personal e-mail (
Since this study is more concerned with improving the design features of a cell phone, differences
among the service providers was not studied. Prior to the analysis, we excluded the observations
that will contained ‘N/A’ in any of the 20 common features, because the cases having ‘N/A’ can
be regarded as missing cases.
All of the respondents were between the age group of 18-26 as we desired. Maximum of the
respondents were male. Maximum of the respondents possessed NOKIA handsets.
MALES (86)


Our study revolved around cell phone features. The various design features that we studied are
listed below with their description.

Features                                                Description
Body colour              The colour(s) of the cell phone body.
                         The number of ringtones that can be selected, including the preset
                         selections that come with the phone, and the capacity provided for
Ringtone range
                         downloading other ringtones.
                         The design of the keypad of the cell phone, including its size, shape,
Keypad design
                         colour and button arrangement, etc.
Physical appearance      The visual appearance of the cell phone.
                         The games provided with the cell phone and the capacity provided for
                         downloading other games.
                         The function to call frequently used numbers from phone book entries
One touch dialing
                         with the push of a single key.
Phonebook                The collection of telephone numbers the user stores on the cell phone.
                         The memory capacity for call log, which allows the user to see a certain
Call log memory
                         number of last incoming, outgoing and missed call numbers.
                         The feature that lets the user know who is calling by displaying the
Caller ID
                         number and/or name of the calling party on your phone.
                         The feature that allows the user to arrange schedules, and write down to-
Organizer feature
                         The feature that rings or vibrates to notify the user about a data book
Alarm reminder
                         event that the user scheduled.
Vibrating alert for      The feature that tells the user of incoming message or call by means of
message and call         vibration mechanism.
A computerized answering service of the cell phone that automatically
Voicemail               answers the call, plays a greeting and records a message. After the
                        message is retrieved, it can be deleted, saved, or forwarded.
Personalization         The ability to customise the cell phone to the user’s needs.
                        The organization scheme of the cell phone menu to access different
Menu organization
                        functions or settings.
                        The physical dimension of the cell phone including its length, width and
Size of cell phone
Weight of cell phone    The weight of the cell phone.
                        The degree to which the cell phone retains its physical properties while
Durability              subjected to stress, such as heavy use, or adverse environmental
                        The size of buttons on the cell phone, including the keypad button, on-off
Button size
                        button, volume button, etc.
                        The length of time the user can talk on a cell phone without recharging
Battery duration        the battery. It is usually expressed in terms of number of hours of talk
                        time or standby time.

1. Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation:
The mean and standard deviation of the preference score for each of the 20 cell phone features
arranged from the largest preference score to the lowest were calculated to determine most
important and least important cell phone features.

        Cell phone features                     Mean                     Standard Deviation
1. Phonebook                                    5.68                          1.32
2. Size of the phone                            5.17                          1.66
3. Physical appearance                          5.21                          1.73
4. Body color                                   5.15                           1.58
5. Alarm reminder                               5.38                           1.31
6. Personalization                              4.90                           1.73
7. Battery duration                             5.29                           1.48
8. Game                                         4.68                           1.80
9. Durability                                   5.26                           1.32
10. Organizer                                   4.98                           1.58
11. Voicemail                                   4.82                           1.61
12. Ringtone range durability                   5.06                           1.59
13. Menu organization                           5.05                           1.37
14. Weight pf cell phone                        5.34                           1.42
15. Vibrating alert                             5.41                           1.38
16. Caller ID                                     5.40                          1.40
17. Keypad design                                 5.22                          1.64
18. Button size                                   5.36                          1.46
19. Call-log memory                               5.15                          1.51
20. One touch dialing                             5.10                          1.64
21. User’s overall satisfaction                   5.46                          1.71

As it can be seen from the previous table, the most desired and preferred feature (most liked by
users) is phonebook, having the highest mean preference level of 5.68 and the second lowest
standard deviation value of 1.32. This means most users unanimously like this feature and this
feature is well designed by the manufacturers. The vibrating alert feature has second highest mean
of 5.41 and fairly low standard deviation (as compared to other features) of 1.38, hence this feature
is also preferred by the cell phone users. In contrast, the game feature has the lowest preference
feature of 4.68 and is having the highest standard deviation value of 1.80. Since its preference
rating is just above neutral i.e., > 4, it shows that the game feature does not really impress the
users but neither they are upset about this feature. It may imply that they may not like the idea of
playing games on a cell phone very much. They may have different opinions on the game feature
in a cell phone. The personalization feature has the second lowest mean of 4.90 and second highest
standard deviation of 1.73; hence this feature is also not desired much by users in their cell phones.
We can also observe that the alarm reminder feature is having the lowest standard deviation of
1.31 with a fairly good average preference rating of 5.38. This may imply that they are fairly
satisfied with this feature but it still has a scope for improvement.
As seen from the table, all 20 features have an above neutral preference level (> 4), with their
means ranging from 4.68 to 5.68. The preference level for the overall satisfaction is 5.46.
Therefore we can say that the cell phone users are satisfied with their cell phone features to a
significant extent.

2. Calculation of Inter-correlation Matrix:
The Inter-correlation matrix was drawn to determine the inter-relationship between design features
using Pearson Correlation method. All of the correlations were statistically significant. We
consider the correlation coefficients that are greater than 0.4 to indicate moderate correlation (as it
can be seen from the table) because the shared correlation between the two variables is at least
16% (mentioned by Cramer, 1997).
43 pairs of moderately correlated features such as phone book, size of the phone, body color, menu
organization etc. are identified and marked in bold (can be seen from the table).
For example, correlation between phonebook and size of the phone is 0.418; between
personalization and size of the phone is 0.523 etc. and so on. This means that such features are
significantly correlated with each other and changes in any of the features may have significant
change in the other feature. It can also be seen that overall satisfaction is correlated with many
features, including phonebook, size of the phone, body color, menu organization etc. As the
correlation of all these pairs of features are greater than 0.4(depicted in bold), we can say that they
all are positively correlated with each other.
The Inter-correlation matrix is depicted on the next page.

3. Calculation of Multiple Regression:
To investigate how preferences of the 20 design features can predict the users’ overall satisfaction,
a multiple regression model was used. Using the overall satisfaction as the dependent variable, and
the cell phone design features as the independent variables, we performed a multiple regression
analysis to select the significant independent variables among the twenty features.
The 20 selected features ranging from the highest partial R square and model R Square feature
include: Caller ID, phone book, menu organization, keypad design, size of the phone, body color,
vibrating alert, alarm reminder, one touch dialing and weight of the cell phone.
Among ten, the three most significant features that impact overall user satisfaction are Caller ID
(with a partial R-square of 0.278), phone book (with a partial R-square of 0.268) and menu
organization (with a partial R-square of 0.173).The table is shown below:

         Cell phone feature          Partial R square Model R Square                  F value
 1. Caller ID                              0.278                 0.270                36.546
 2. Phone book                             0.268                 0.260                35.832
 3. Menu organization                      0.173                 0.164                19.896
 4. Keypad Design                          0.170                 0.161                19.488
 5. Size of the phone                      0.167                 0.159                19.505
 6. Body Color                             0.167                 0.158                18.467
 7. Vibrating alert                        0.158                 0.149                17.794
 8. Alarm reminder                         0.145                 0.137                16.338
 9. One touch dialing                      0.145                 0.136                15.603
 10. Weight of the cell phone              0.112                 0.103                12.318
 11. Voice mail                            0.107                 0.096                10.370
 12. Battery duration                      0.100                 0.090                10.620
 13. Physical appearance                    0.85                  0.75                 8.396
 14. Personalization                        0.16                 0.006                 1.587
 15. Button size                           0.092                 0.082                 9.808
 16. Call log memory                       0.089                 0.079                 9.034
 17. Ringtone range                        0.085                 0.075                 8.396
 18. Durability                            0.081                 0.072                 8.554
 19. Organizer                             0.073                 0.063                 7.005
 20. Game                                  0.047                 0.037                 4.667
For example, the above feature values were calculated as follows:
Regression between dependable variable (Overall User Satisfaction) and independent variables
(Phonebook and Size of the phone) are depicted as examples. The rest of the regressions were
calculated in the same way keeping Overall user satisfaction as dependable variable and rest of the
features as independent variables.

Overall User Satisfaction and feature 1 (Phonebook)                    Model Summary
Adjusted R        Std. Error of
Model          R        R Square       Square           the Estimate                                  Change Statistics
         R Square                                                                          R Square
          Change        F Change         df1              df2      Sig. F Change            Change       F Change         df1                  df2
1           .517(a)          .268              .260          1.47923        .268             35.832             1               98                    .000

            a Predictors: (Constant), VAR00002
                                          Sum of
               Model                      Squares              df           Mean Square         F             Sig.
               1         Regression         78.404                     1          78.404        35.832        .000(a)
                         Residual          214.436                    98           2.188
                         Total           292.840                      99
            a Predictors: (Constant), VAR00002
            b Dependent Variable: VAR00001

            Overall User Satisfaction and Feature 2 (Size of the Phone)                                     Model Summary

                                    Adjusted R        Std. Error of
Model      R           R Square      Square           the Estimate                               Change Statistics
        R Square                                                                      R Square
        Change      F Change          df1       df2      Sig. F Change                Change          F Change          df1              df2
1          .409(a)         .167           .159     1.57892        .167                  19.505               1                97               .000
             a Predictors: (Constant), VAR00003

                                          Sum of
               Model                      Squares              df           Mean Square         F             Sig.
               1         Regression         48.626                     1          48.626        19.505        .000(a)
                         Residual          241.819                    97           2.493
                         Total           290.444                      98
            a Predictors: (Constant), VAR00003
            b Dependent Variable: VAR00001

            Features impacting overall satisfaction:
            Based on above calculations, we finally drew conclusions regarding which features impact the
            overall user satisfaction and which features do not.
            Classification                             Features impacting overall Features                   which        do       not
                                                       satisfaction                           impact overall satisfaction
Above average score                  Caller Id                         Battery duration
of preference                        Phone book                        Physical appearance
                                     Keypad Design                     Button size
                                     Vibrating alert                   Durability
                                     Alarm reminder
                                     Weight of the cell phone

Below average score                  Menu organization                 Voice mail
of preference                        Size of the phone                 personalization
                                     Body color                        Call log memory
                                     One touch dialing                 Ringtone range
    Significant cell phone features to overall satisfaction of cell phone based on multiple regression.
    Cell phone features whose preference scores are above overall average (5.2).

The above table classifies the features into those impacting overall satisfaction and those that do
not which were calculated from the multiple regression analysis. The basic statistics can classify
them into above average and below average, based on the average preference scores that they
received. In our basic statistics analysis, the average score for all of the features is 5.18; therefore,
features receiving a preference score above or equal to 5.18 are considered to be above average,
and below 5.18 are considered as below average. The 10 features impacting overall user
satisfaction and with average preference score above and below 5.18 are listed in first row, first
column and first row, second column respectively. Similarly the rest of 10 features which do not
impact overall user satisfaction and with average preference score above and below 5.18 are listed
in second row, first column and second row, second column respectively.
Then, design efforts can be prioritized. For significant features with above-average scores,
continuous effort should be put to maintain their excellent standard. For significant features with
below-average scores, it is urgent for manufacturers to spend effort and resources improving these
features. For insignificant features with above average scores, manufacturers should not spend a lot
of resource on them now. For insignificant features with below-average scores, manufacturers
should improve them when resources permit.
Finally, our study completed successfully at this point.
The purpose of this study was to prioritize the design features and design aspects of cell phones
based on user’s feedback to optimize the customer’s satisfaction. Our study captured the college
students’ perception of the whole cell phone as well as the individual features, and subsequently
moved in to explore their relationships. Second, we used the structured questionnaire as the major
tool to collect data. Their opinions about the most important cell phone features were elicited in
which phonebook was the most desired and game is the least desired feature. Based on their
answers, their preference level among 20 features was identified. This was done with the help of
multiple regression analysis which studied the relationship between multiple features and user’s
satisfaction. Among 20 features, the most preferred features are Caller ID followed by Voicemail
and least preferred feature is the Game feature. The maximum correlation coefficient is 6.10
between Phonebook and keypad design, that is, both of these features are significantly positively
correlated with each other. Among 20 features, the most important design features that contribute
to the user’s overall satisfaction with above average preference score are Caller ID, phone book,
keypad design, vibrating alert, alarm reminder and weight of the cell phone.
Studying these relationships is important because even when users are satisfied with the individual
features that a cell phone supports, it is not guaranteed that they will like the phone as a whole.
Current technology has enabled more fancy and appealing features to be added to cell phones.
Therefore it becomes important to capture the user’s real feelings towards their own cell phones.
Based on our analysis of user’s preference and satisfaction data, while developing new features,
cell phone manufacturers should keep on applying their resources to enhance these important


Ling C., Hwang W., Salvendy G. (2007), “A survey of what customers want in a cell phone design”,
Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 26, No. 2, March–April 2007, 149– 163.

Reid Donna J and Reid Fraser J.M (2007). Text or Talk? Social Anxiety, Loneliness, and Divergent
Preferences for Cell Phone Use, Cyber psychology & Behavior, Volume 10, Number 3, 2007.
Amant R., Horton T E. and Ritter F.E. (2004), “Model-based evaluation of cell phone menu
interaction”. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference in Human Factors in Computing Systems
(CHI), E. Dykstra-Erickson and M. Tscheligi (Eds), 24 – 29 April, Vienna, Austria (New York:
ACM), pp. 343 – 350.

Chae M. and Kim J. (2004), “Do size and structure matter to mobile users”? An empirical study of
the effects of screen size, information structure and task complexity on user activities with
standard web phones.Behaviour and Information Technology, 23, pp. 165 – 181.

Thompson J, Maryann, Macworld (Sep 2007), Vol. 24, Issue 9, p26-26

Rubin, Ross, TWICE: This Week in Consumer Electronics; 12/20/2004, Vol. 19 Issue 26, p92-93


                           Cell Phone Usability Structured Survey

                                    Interviewee Information
Name: _________________________

               Major: _________________________

               Age:     18-27       28-37         Above 37

               Gender: Male        Female

               Cell Phone Model: ____________________________________
               (Include manufacturer)

               Numbers of Months You have Owned Your Current Phone: _______________months

               Contact No. ______________________

               Please tick the number that best reflects your view of each item in regards to the cell phone that
               you currently own. Please tick “N/A” for each question that does not apply to your phone. There
               are 21 items.

                                  Extremely        Dis-       Slightly             Slightly                Extremely
                                  dissatisfied   satisfied   dissatified   Neutral satisfied   Satisfied    satisfied   NA
1. Overall, indicate your
   general satisfaction with
   your      cell phone                1            2            3           4         5          6            7        NA
2. Indicate your satisfaction
   with your phone’s method
   of accessing a contact in the
   phone book.                      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

3. Indicate your satisfaction
   with the width, (“thinness”),
   of your cell phone.              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

4. I am satisfied with the body
   style of my phone.(flip,
   “open style”,etc.)               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

5. What is your opinion about
   the colors of your screen?
                                    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

6. What is your opinion on the
   alarm feature in your phone?
                                    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

7. I am satisfied with the width,
   (“thinness”), of my cell
   phone                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

8. I am satisfied with the
   duration of my cell phone
   battery.                         1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

9. I am satisfied with the games
   in my phone.                     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

10.How do you feel about the
   durability of your phone?        1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

11.How much do you like the
   personal organizer/planner
   in your cell phone?              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

12.How satisfied are you with
   your phone’s method of
   accessing voice mail?
                                    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

13.Indicate your satisfaction
   with the durability of your
   phone                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

14.How much do you like             1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA
  being able to customize the
menu organization in your

15.I am satisfied with the
   weight of my phone.             1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

16.What is your opinion on the
   vibrating alert feature for
   messages and calls?             1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

17.How satisfied are you with
   the caller ID feature on your
   phone?                          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

18.What is your opinion on the
   design and layout of the
   keypad?                         1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

19.How much do you like the
   size of the buttons on your
   phone?                          1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

20.I am satisfied with the size
   of call log memory available
   on my phone.                    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

21.How satisfied are you with
   the speed dial or “one
   touch” dialing on your
   phone                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   NA

Thank You for your time !!

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  • 1. A survey of what customers want in a cell phone design Submitted by Devan Kataria 28081 Northern Institute of Integrated Learning in Management Centre for Management Studies Devan Kataria Contact no – 9717971895 ABSTRACT
  • 2. The cell phone is an information appliance that has been widely used. It provides instant access to information and makes people more ‘connected’. It consists of multiple features which are fancied by the users all round the globe. Thus, the cell phone isn’t just a mean of communication but also a mean of entertainment and fun for people. The objective of our study was to identify the most important design features and to investigate the relationship among the design features. In our survey study, we surveyed 100 college students, using a 7-point Likert scale structured questionnaire to evaluate their preference of the design features and overall satisfaction of their current cell phone. The analysis part will consisted of calculation of mean and standard deviation of each design feature to identify which features are most and least desired by the users. After this step, the inter- correlation matrix method was used to evaluate the relationship between design features and at last, the calculation of Multiple Regressions to evaluate user’s overall satisfaction with design features. INTRODUCTION
  • 3. The Global Cellular phone market now stands at approximately 1.8 billion subscribers, and is forecasted to reach 3 billion by the end of 2010, by which time nearly half of all human beings on the planet are expected to own and use a cell phone (Reid Donna J and Reid Fraser J.M, 2007). Moreover, people use the embedded cell phone features such as games, cameras, organizers and mobile internet for various purposes of entertainment, organizing, or even shopping. The cell phone is becoming an integral part of people’s everyday life. Cell phones are getting smaller and lighter, but they support more features at the same time. But a cell phone packed with too many features may overwhelm the user due to its complexity. Hence Market research on cell phones becomes very important before they are launched in a particular market so that cell phone manufacturers can make cell phones which attract customers and result in high profits for them. The Indian Context There are almost all types of mobile phones in Indian market but the high end phones have failed to get the niche in the markets here. The recent survey showed across major cities in the country was to determine the parameters what draws Indian customers to buy a mobile phone. The survey tried to find out what things the Indian consumers consider when they want to buy a phone. To some extend people listen to children’s recommendation. 3% of them buy mobile phones which children recommend. Almost 8% of the buyers wish to get the latest mobiles in the market. And equally 8% of people bother what phone looks like. Gizmo freaks and young studs comprising of 11% prefer to buy mobile phones in India with respect to software put inside the phones. Nearly 7.5% of the buyers are ready to pay as much provided the phones provide them what they need functionally. 16.5% of the people take account of the camera functionalities and music quality of phones. 3% of people wish ease of use. And a whopping 43% of the people consider the brand of the mobile phone an important factor for buying the mobile phones. Thus the Indian consumers look for the brand of the phone they use. Brand is the main factor that influences consumers before they buy the phone. Cost is also an important factor for which the high priced mobile phones like i-Phones and others could not make a mark in India 1. A survey was recently conducted across major cities in India to determine parameters that Indian consumers take into consideration when buying a mobile phone. Here’s the summary: From the next figure it can be noticed that ‘Brand’ of the cell phone is most important consideration followed by its music quality, functionality (rather than brand) and so on. Important considerations in buying a mobile phone
  • 4. In terms of features, multimedia (especially music) and camera quality of the phone do play an important role. Men or women who are single are much more likely to buy latest phone models and are also concerned about the looks of the phone when making a purchase while the 30+ group prefers "ease of use" 2. In another important survey conducted by In-Stat ( it has been found that customers in India who are likely to purchase a low-cost handset show a strong preference for cell phones with advanced features, rather than stripped-down ultra low-cost cell phones offering only the most basic communication experience of voice and text messaging 3. The recent research by In-Stat found the following:  The greatest interest in advanced features is among people who have already used cell phones extensively.  Residents of major Indian cities are more likely to prefer full-featured cell phones.  Battery life is a key purchase factor in a country with poor basic infrastructure.
  • 5.  The average price survey respondents expect to pay for a mobile phone is US$40. Hence it can be seen that among Indian customers those who want to purchase low cost cell phones, they have more inclination towards low cost cell phones having advanced features than having ultra low cost cell phones with basic features such as voice communication and text messaging. Also, residents of major Indian cities are more likely to prefer full-featured cell phones. Hence this context becomes important as Indian customers’ preference is identified and our study also focuses on identification of customer preferences relative to cell phone features. In another study (IDC India Mobile Handset Usage Satisfaction Study 2006), Integrated Digital Camera, FM Radio and Speaker Phones continue to remain the features which are most likely to drive up-gradation of mobile handsets along with MMS 4 and customers would definitely like to have these features in their next handsets if they’re not available in their current handsets (figure below). Hence, the Indian Context evaluation was of much relevance for our study as the Indian cell phone market is rapidly growing and this study became even more important and relevant to be
  • 6. conducted in India to determine which features the Indian customers prefer in the cell phones and which ones influence them in a great way and which ones do not live up to their expectations. Hence this study was of much relevance to be conducted in India. Literature Review: The growth of cell phone usage among people has made the researchers study more and in depth about cell phones. A study was done to measure whether size and structure matter to mobile users (Chae M. and Kim J., 2004). The aim of this study was to examine the effect of screen size and horizontal depth on the navigation activities and perceptions of mobile users. Study results indicate that both information structure and screen size significantly affect the navigation behavior and perceptions of mobile internet users. While our study focused on important cell phone design features, including its size and it was very useful to conduct this survey to know the perception of the mobile users to the same. Another study was conducted where it was studied that menu organization is another important cell phone feature which extensively fascinates the users (Amant, R., Horton, T.E. and Ritter, F.E., 2004). Another study was conducted to evaluate the cell phone menu interaction and navigation procedures with users and reduce the menu traversal time among users so that it becomes easy for the users to access the menu as a whole. Our study included menu organization as a feature to be studied and it helped us in a great way to know whether this feature is of any relevance to cell phone users. ______________________________________________________________________________ 1 a-mobile-phone-737277.html 2 3 4
  • 7. The third study showed the opinion of i-Phone users around the world (Thompson J., Maryann, 2007). It reported that respondents found out that i-Phone handsets were packed with too many features even if the cellular telephone experience varies from different parts of the world. This led to the frustration among cell phone users. This study was of immense relevance to our study as our study focuses on the most and least desired cell phone features by users and thus, it is not necessary to pack the cell phone with too many features which are of no interest to the users. Hence the unwanted features need to be eliminated from cell phones to reduce its complexity and arouse interest in the users. Also, manufacturers can fare well from this study by just keeping the desired features in their cell phones. The fourth study focused that the cell phone users want just the basic features in their cell phones (Rubin, Ross, 2004). The results showed that battery life, color screen, voice activated dialing, speaker phone, built-in still camera, smaller size etc. were given top priorities among users. Our study could correlate to the results shown in the above study and we could analyze the most desired features and see by what extent our results may vary. The fifth study listed several desired cell phone features including the one related to the health of cell phone users. It stated that excessive cell phone usage leads to brain cancer5. Also, battery power is very important as a feature. As more and more features are being added to cell phones, the battery consumption is increasing too. Hence, to overcome this weak link, cell phone manufacturers must equally focus on the improvement on battery life as much as they’re focusing on other features. Our study focused on battery life as a feature and hence manufacturers should include features keeping in mind the health of cell phone users. Research Objective The objective of our study was to identify the most important design features and to investigate the relationship among the design features. Cell phone manufacturers are very much concerned about which design features to put in the cell phone and which ones to exclude and what features have the most impact on the user’s overall satisfaction of the cell phone. With this knowledge, the cell phone manufacturers can put more effort into improving the more important features, and can give less priority to those less important features. To streamline the cell phone usage, functions provided by the more important features should be easier to access than the less important ones.
  • 8. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5 Our study investigated the relationship among the design features of the cell phone and identifying the most important design features based on an extensive survey study of the heavy users of cell phones – college students. The result can help cell phone manufacturers to prioritize their design efforts and improve user satisfaction. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Questionnaire and respondents: A multi-page, un-branched, structured questionnaire measuring users’ overall satisfaction with the phone and their preference level on the 20 features was developed. The 7-point Likert scale anchored with opposing adjective phrases was used. Not all features were available on all phones. If any feature was not available on the subject’s current cell phone or they perceive that they don’t have that feature, they marked not applicable (N/A) for the question on that feature. Demographic information including user’s age, gender, ethnic group, experience with cell phone, major of study, the manufacturer and model of his/her current cell phone was collected. The number of college students participating in the survey study was 100.The students were from Engineering, MBA and other colleges of Jaipur. Our target population was college students, right from 18 to 26 years as they are the most frequent and heavy users of cell phones. The questionnaire was taken on request from one of the authors of this study, Wonil Hwang via personal e-mail ( Since this study is more concerned with improving the design features of a cell phone, differences among the service providers was not studied. Prior to the analysis, we excluded the observations that will contained ‘N/A’ in any of the 20 common features, because the cases having ‘N/A’ can be regarded as missing cases. All of the respondents were between the age group of 18-26 as we desired. Maximum of the respondents were male. Maximum of the respondents possessed NOKIA handsets.
  • 9. MALES (86) FEMALES(14) ANALYSIS: Our study revolved around cell phone features. The various design features that we studied are listed below with their description. Features Description Body colour The colour(s) of the cell phone body. The number of ringtones that can be selected, including the preset selections that come with the phone, and the capacity provided for Ringtone range downloading other ringtones. The design of the keypad of the cell phone, including its size, shape, Keypad design colour and button arrangement, etc. Physical appearance The visual appearance of the cell phone. The games provided with the cell phone and the capacity provided for Game downloading other games. The function to call frequently used numbers from phone book entries One touch dialing with the push of a single key. Phonebook The collection of telephone numbers the user stores on the cell phone. The memory capacity for call log, which allows the user to see a certain Call log memory number of last incoming, outgoing and missed call numbers. The feature that lets the user know who is calling by displaying the Caller ID number and/or name of the calling party on your phone. The feature that allows the user to arrange schedules, and write down to- Organizer feature do-list. The feature that rings or vibrates to notify the user about a data book Alarm reminder event that the user scheduled. Vibrating alert for The feature that tells the user of incoming message or call by means of message and call vibration mechanism.
  • 10. A computerized answering service of the cell phone that automatically Voicemail answers the call, plays a greeting and records a message. After the message is retrieved, it can be deleted, saved, or forwarded. Personalization The ability to customise the cell phone to the user’s needs. The organization scheme of the cell phone menu to access different Menu organization functions or settings. The physical dimension of the cell phone including its length, width and Size of cell phone thickness. Weight of cell phone The weight of the cell phone. The degree to which the cell phone retains its physical properties while Durability subjected to stress, such as heavy use, or adverse environmental conditions. The size of buttons on the cell phone, including the keypad button, on-off Button size button, volume button, etc. The length of time the user can talk on a cell phone without recharging Battery duration the battery. It is usually expressed in terms of number of hours of talk time or standby time. 1. Calculation of Mean and Standard Deviation: The mean and standard deviation of the preference score for each of the 20 cell phone features arranged from the largest preference score to the lowest were calculated to determine most important and least important cell phone features. BASIC STATISTICS OF THE PREFERENCES OF CELLPHONE FEATURES ( N=100) Cell phone features Mean Standard Deviation 1. Phonebook 5.68 1.32 2. Size of the phone 5.17 1.66 3. Physical appearance 5.21 1.73 4. Body color 5.15 1.58 5. Alarm reminder 5.38 1.31 6. Personalization 4.90 1.73 7. Battery duration 5.29 1.48 8. Game 4.68 1.80 9. Durability 5.26 1.32 10. Organizer 4.98 1.58 11. Voicemail 4.82 1.61 12. Ringtone range durability 5.06 1.59 13. Menu organization 5.05 1.37 14. Weight pf cell phone 5.34 1.42 15. Vibrating alert 5.41 1.38
  • 11. 16. Caller ID 5.40 1.40 17. Keypad design 5.22 1.64 18. Button size 5.36 1.46 19. Call-log memory 5.15 1.51 20. One touch dialing 5.10 1.64 21. User’s overall satisfaction 5.46 1.71 As it can be seen from the previous table, the most desired and preferred feature (most liked by users) is phonebook, having the highest mean preference level of 5.68 and the second lowest standard deviation value of 1.32. This means most users unanimously like this feature and this feature is well designed by the manufacturers. The vibrating alert feature has second highest mean of 5.41 and fairly low standard deviation (as compared to other features) of 1.38, hence this feature is also preferred by the cell phone users. In contrast, the game feature has the lowest preference feature of 4.68 and is having the highest standard deviation value of 1.80. Since its preference rating is just above neutral i.e., > 4, it shows that the game feature does not really impress the users but neither they are upset about this feature. It may imply that they may not like the idea of playing games on a cell phone very much. They may have different opinions on the game feature in a cell phone. The personalization feature has the second lowest mean of 4.90 and second highest standard deviation of 1.73; hence this feature is also not desired much by users in their cell phones. We can also observe that the alarm reminder feature is having the lowest standard deviation of 1.31 with a fairly good average preference rating of 5.38. This may imply that they are fairly satisfied with this feature but it still has a scope for improvement. As seen from the table, all 20 features have an above neutral preference level (> 4), with their means ranging from 4.68 to 5.68. The preference level for the overall satisfaction is 5.46. Therefore we can say that the cell phone users are satisfied with their cell phone features to a significant extent. 2. Calculation of Inter-correlation Matrix: The Inter-correlation matrix was drawn to determine the inter-relationship between design features using Pearson Correlation method. All of the correlations were statistically significant. We
  • 12. consider the correlation coefficients that are greater than 0.4 to indicate moderate correlation (as it can be seen from the table) because the shared correlation between the two variables is at least 16% (mentioned by Cramer, 1997). 43 pairs of moderately correlated features such as phone book, size of the phone, body color, menu organization etc. are identified and marked in bold (can be seen from the table). For example, correlation between phonebook and size of the phone is 0.418; between personalization and size of the phone is 0.523 etc. and so on. This means that such features are significantly correlated with each other and changes in any of the features may have significant change in the other feature. It can also be seen that overall satisfaction is correlated with many features, including phonebook, size of the phone, body color, menu organization etc. As the correlation of all these pairs of features are greater than 0.4(depicted in bold), we can say that they all are positively correlated with each other. The Inter-correlation matrix is depicted on the next page. 3. Calculation of Multiple Regression: To investigate how preferences of the 20 design features can predict the users’ overall satisfaction, a multiple regression model was used. Using the overall satisfaction as the dependent variable, and
  • 13. the cell phone design features as the independent variables, we performed a multiple regression analysis to select the significant independent variables among the twenty features. The 20 selected features ranging from the highest partial R square and model R Square feature include: Caller ID, phone book, menu organization, keypad design, size of the phone, body color, vibrating alert, alarm reminder, one touch dialing and weight of the cell phone. Among ten, the three most significant features that impact overall user satisfaction are Caller ID (with a partial R-square of 0.278), phone book (with a partial R-square of 0.268) and menu organization (with a partial R-square of 0.173).The table is shown below: Cell phone feature Partial R square Model R Square F value 1. Caller ID 0.278 0.270 36.546 2. Phone book 0.268 0.260 35.832 3. Menu organization 0.173 0.164 19.896 4. Keypad Design 0.170 0.161 19.488 5. Size of the phone 0.167 0.159 19.505 6. Body Color 0.167 0.158 18.467 7. Vibrating alert 0.158 0.149 17.794 8. Alarm reminder 0.145 0.137 16.338 9. One touch dialing 0.145 0.136 15.603 10. Weight of the cell phone 0.112 0.103 12.318 11. Voice mail 0.107 0.096 10.370 12. Battery duration 0.100 0.090 10.620 13. Physical appearance 0.85 0.75 8.396 14. Personalization 0.16 0.006 1.587 15. Button size 0.092 0.082 9.808 16. Call log memory 0.089 0.079 9.034 17. Ringtone range 0.085 0.075 8.396 18. Durability 0.081 0.072 8.554 19. Organizer 0.073 0.063 7.005 20. Game 0.047 0.037 4.667 For example, the above feature values were calculated as follows: Regression between dependable variable (Overall User Satisfaction) and independent variables (Phonebook and Size of the phone) are depicted as examples. The rest of the regressions were calculated in the same way keeping Overall user satisfaction as dependable variable and rest of the features as independent variables. Overall User Satisfaction and feature 1 (Phonebook) Model Summary
  • 14. Adjusted R Std. Error of Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change Statistics R Square R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change Change F Change df1 df2 1 .517(a) .268 .260 1.47923 .268 35.832 1 98 .000 a Predictors: (Constant), VAR00002 Sum of Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 78.404 1 78.404 35.832 .000(a) Residual 214.436 98 2.188 Total 292.840 99 a Predictors: (Constant), VAR00002 b Dependent Variable: VAR00001 Overall User Satisfaction and Feature 2 (Size of the Phone) Model Summary Adjusted R Std. Error of Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change Statistics R Square R Square Change F Change df1 df2 Sig. F Change Change F Change df1 df2 1 .409(a) .167 .159 1.57892 .167 19.505 1 97 .000 a Predictors: (Constant), VAR00003 Sum of Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 48.626 1 48.626 19.505 .000(a) Residual 241.819 97 2.493 Total 290.444 98 a Predictors: (Constant), VAR00003 b Dependent Variable: VAR00001 Features impacting overall satisfaction: Based on above calculations, we finally drew conclusions regarding which features impact the overall user satisfaction and which features do not. Classification Features impacting overall Features which do not 1 satisfaction impact overall satisfaction
  • 15. Above average score Caller Id Battery duration 2 of preference Phone book Physical appearance Keypad Design Button size Vibrating alert Durability Alarm reminder Weight of the cell phone Below average score Menu organization Voice mail of preference Size of the phone personalization Body color Call log memory One touch dialing Ringtone range Organizer Game 1 Significant cell phone features to overall satisfaction of cell phone based on multiple regression. 2 Cell phone features whose preference scores are above overall average (5.2). The above table classifies the features into those impacting overall satisfaction and those that do not which were calculated from the multiple regression analysis. The basic statistics can classify them into above average and below average, based on the average preference scores that they received. In our basic statistics analysis, the average score for all of the features is 5.18; therefore, features receiving a preference score above or equal to 5.18 are considered to be above average, and below 5.18 are considered as below average. The 10 features impacting overall user satisfaction and with average preference score above and below 5.18 are listed in first row, first column and first row, second column respectively. Similarly the rest of 10 features which do not impact overall user satisfaction and with average preference score above and below 5.18 are listed in second row, first column and second row, second column respectively. Then, design efforts can be prioritized. For significant features with above-average scores, continuous effort should be put to maintain their excellent standard. For significant features with below-average scores, it is urgent for manufacturers to spend effort and resources improving these features. For insignificant features with above average scores, manufacturers should not spend a lot of resource on them now. For insignificant features with below-average scores, manufacturers should improve them when resources permit. Finally, our study completed successfully at this point.
  • 16. Conclusion: The purpose of this study was to prioritize the design features and design aspects of cell phones based on user’s feedback to optimize the customer’s satisfaction. Our study captured the college students’ perception of the whole cell phone as well as the individual features, and subsequently moved in to explore their relationships. Second, we used the structured questionnaire as the major tool to collect data. Their opinions about the most important cell phone features were elicited in which phonebook was the most desired and game is the least desired feature. Based on their answers, their preference level among 20 features was identified. This was done with the help of multiple regression analysis which studied the relationship between multiple features and user’s satisfaction. Among 20 features, the most preferred features are Caller ID followed by Voicemail and least preferred feature is the Game feature. The maximum correlation coefficient is 6.10 between Phonebook and keypad design, that is, both of these features are significantly positively correlated with each other. Among 20 features, the most important design features that contribute to the user’s overall satisfaction with above average preference score are Caller ID, phone book, keypad design, vibrating alert, alarm reminder and weight of the cell phone. Studying these relationships is important because even when users are satisfied with the individual features that a cell phone supports, it is not guaranteed that they will like the phone as a whole. Current technology has enabled more fancy and appealing features to be added to cell phones. Therefore it becomes important to capture the user’s real feelings towards their own cell phones. Based on our analysis of user’s preference and satisfaction data, while developing new features, cell phone manufacturers should keep on applying their resources to enhance these important features. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ling C., Hwang W., Salvendy G. (2007), “A survey of what customers want in a cell phone design”, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 26, No. 2, March–April 2007, 149– 163. Reid Donna J and Reid Fraser J.M (2007). Text or Talk? Social Anxiety, Loneliness, and Divergent Preferences for Cell Phone Use, Cyber psychology & Behavior, Volume 10, Number 3, 2007.
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  • 18. Name: _________________________ Major: _________________________ Age: 18-27 28-37 Above 37 Gender: Male Female Cell Phone Model: ____________________________________ (Include manufacturer) Numbers of Months You have Owned Your Current Phone: _______________months Contact No. ______________________ Please tick the number that best reflects your view of each item in regards to the cell phone that you currently own. Please tick “N/A” for each question that does not apply to your phone. There are 21 items. Extremely Dis- Slightly Slightly Extremely dissatisfied satisfied dissatified Neutral satisfied Satisfied satisfied NA 1. Overall, indicate your general satisfaction with your cell phone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
  • 19. 2. Indicate your satisfaction with your phone’s method of accessing a contact in the phone book. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 3. Indicate your satisfaction with the width, (“thinness”), of your cell phone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 4. I am satisfied with the body style of my phone.(flip, “open style”,etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 5. What is your opinion about the colors of your screen? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 6. What is your opinion on the alarm feature in your phone? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 7. I am satisfied with the width, (“thinness”), of my cell phone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 8. I am satisfied with the duration of my cell phone battery. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 9. I am satisfied with the games in my phone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 10.How do you feel about the durability of your phone? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 11.How much do you like the personal organizer/planner in your cell phone? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 12.How satisfied are you with your phone’s method of accessing voice mail? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 13.Indicate your satisfaction with the durability of your phone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 14.How much do you like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA being able to customize the
  • 20. menu organization in your phone 15.I am satisfied with the weight of my phone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 16.What is your opinion on the vibrating alert feature for messages and calls? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 17.How satisfied are you with the caller ID feature on your phone? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 18.What is your opinion on the design and layout of the keypad? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 19.How much do you like the size of the buttons on your phone? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 20.I am satisfied with the size of call log memory available on my phone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA 21.How satisfied are you with the speed dial or “one touch” dialing on your phone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA Thank You for your time !!