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A Phing fairy tale
Stephan Hochdörfer, bitExpert AG
A Phing fairy tale

 About me

  Stephan Hochdörfer

  Head of IT at bitExpert AG, Germany

  enjoying PHP since 1999


  @shochdoerfer
A Phing fairy tale


          You will see a hell lot of XML.
A Phing fairy tale

 What is Phing?
A Phing fairy tale

 What is Phing?

      It is a PHP project build system or
       build tool based on Apache Ant.
A Phing fairy tale

 What is Phing?

       Domain Specific Language for an
           project build system.
A Phing fairy tale

 What is Phing?

   Enables one button push automation.
A Phing fairy tale

 Project build system?
A Phing fairy tale

 Project build system?

  Automation of non-development tasks
A Phing fairy tale

 Project build system?

       Automate absolutely everything.
A Phing fairy tale

 Project build system?

       If you use Phing, only use Phing.
A Phing fairy tale

 Why Phing?
A Phing fairy tale

 Why Phing?

     Runs everywhere where PHP runs.
A Phing fairy tale

 Why Phing?

     No additional depencendies needed
               (e.g. Java, …).
A Phing fairy tale

 Why Phing?

             More than 120 predefined
              tasks to choose from.
A Phing fairy tale

 Why Phing?

            Easy to extend by writing
              custom tasks in PHP.
A Phing fairy tale

 How to install Phing?
A Phing fairy tale

 How to install Phing? The PEAR way...
 Installing Phing
 $> pear channel­discover
 $> pear install phing/phing
A Phing fairy tale

 How to install Phing? The PEAR way...
 Installing Phing
 $> pear channel­discover
 $> pear install phing/phing

 Running Phing:
 $> phing ­v
 Phing 2.4.14
A Phing fairy tale

 How to install Phing? The Composer way...
     "require": {
         "phing/phing": "2.4.14"
A Phing fairy tale

 How to install Phing? The Composer way...
     "require": {
         "phing/phing": "2.4.14"

 Running Composer:
 $> php composer.phar install
 Loading composer repositories with package information
 Installing dependencies
   ­ Installing phing/phing (2.4.14)
     Downloading: 100%         

 Writing lock file
 Generating autoload files
A Phing fairy tale

 How to install Phing? The Composer way...
A Phing fairy tale

 How to install Phing? The Composer way...

 Running Phing:
 $> ./vendor/bin/phing ­v
 Phing DEV
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing Basics
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing Basics

       Project, Target, Task, Properties
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing Basics: Project

           Root node of a build file
        containing one or more targets.
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing Basics: Target

                A group of tasks that
                  run as an entity.
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing Basics: Task

            Custom piece of code to
           perform a specific function.
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing Basics: Properties

         Properties (Variables) help to
             customize execution.
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing Basics: Built-In Properties

          e.g. host.os, line.separator,
         phing.version, php.version, …
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing Basics: Sample Build File
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="init">

     <target name="init">

          <!­­ insert logic here ­­>
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Hello World example
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says Hello, world!">

           <echo msg="Hello, world!" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Hello World example
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says Hello, world!">

           <echo msg="Hello, world!" />

 $> phing
 Buildfile: /home/shochdoerfer/build.xml

 myproject > hello:

      [echo] Hello, world!


 Total time: 0.0595 seconds
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Introducing Properties
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says Hello, world!">

           <property name="Hello" 
                 value="Hello, world!" />

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Introducing Properties
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" />
     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says Hello, world!">

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Externalizing Properties
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says whatever you want to say"

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Externalizing Properties (CLI)
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says whatever you want to say"

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />

 $> phing ­DHello="Hello from CLI"
 Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml

 myproject > hello:

      [echo] Hello from CLI


 Total time: 0.0599 seconds
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Externalizing Properties (File)
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says whatever you want to say">

             file="./" />

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Externalizing Properties (File)
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says whatever you want to say">

              file="./" />

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />
 Hello=Hello, world!
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Externalizing Properties (File)
 $> phing
 Buildfile: /home/shochdoerfer/build.xml

 myproject > hello:

  [property] Loading /home/shochdoerfer/
      [echo] Hello, world!


 Total time: 0.0601 seconds
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Defining multiple targets
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" />
     <target name="hello" 
         description="Says Hello, world!">

          <echo msg="${Hello}" />

     <target name="goodbye" 
         description="Says goodbye!">

           <echo msg="Goodbye!" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Defining multiple targets
 $> phing hello
 Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml

 myproject > hello:

      [echo] Hello, world!


 Total time: 0.0612 seconds
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Defining multiple targets
 $> phing hello
 Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml

 myproject > hello:

      [echo] Hello, world!


 Total time: 0.0612 seconds

 $> phing goodbye
 Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml

 myproject > goodbye:

      [echo] Goodbye!


 Total time: 0.0619 seconds
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Target dependencies
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="init" 
         description="Property initialization">

          <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" />

     <target name="hello" 

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Target dependencies
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="init" 
         description="Property initialization">

         <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" />

     <target name="customcode" 
         description="Some custom logic">

     <target name="hello" 
         depends="init, customcode">

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Target dependencies
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="pre­init">
         <property name="World" value="world" />

     <target name="init" 
          <property name="Hello" 
                value="Hello, ${World}!" />

     <target name="hello" 

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Calling targets programmatically I
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="print">
         <echo msg="Processing: ${filename}" />

     <target name="run">
            loop through files and call print target ­­>
          <foreach param="filename" 
              absparam="filename" target="print">

              <fileset dir=".">
                   <include name="*.php"/>
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Calling targets programmatically II
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="print">
         <echo msg="Processing: ${filename}" />

     <target name="run">

          <!­­ calling target with given property ­­>
          <phingcall target="print">
              <property name="filename" 
                   value="test.php" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Calling targets programmatically III
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">

          <!­­ calling target in print.xml with 
               given property ­­>
          <phing phingfile="print.xml" target="print">
              <property name="filename" 
                  value="test.php" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Fileset
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">

           <!­­ Copy files matching the expression ­­>
           <copy todir="/tmp/deploy">
              <fileset dir="." includes="**/*.php">
                       <size value="1024" when="more" />
                           datetime="01/01/2013 10:00 AM" 
                           when="after" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Filters
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">
           <!­­ Copy files and replace tokens ­­>
           <copy todir="/tmp/deploy">
                  <replacetokens begintoken="##"
                       <token key="VERSION" 

              <fileset dir=".">
                    <include name="**/*.php"/>
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing – What can it do for me?
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing – What can it do for me?
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">
           <!­­ correct file permissions ­­>
           <chmod file="${project.basedir}/cache" 
                   mode="0777" />
           <chmod file="${project.basedir}/uploads" 
                   mode="0777" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing – What can it do for me?
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">
           <!­­ create API documentation ­­>
           <docblox title="My project"

                <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/src">
                    <include name="**/*.php" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing – What can it do for me?
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">
           <!­­ minify javascript ­­>

           <jsMin targetDir="${project.basedir}/web/">
              <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/web/js/">
                  <include name="**/*.js"/>
A Phing fairy tale

 Phing – What can it do for me?
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">
           <!­­ exec database migrations ­­>

A Phing fairy tale

 Phing – Task missing? Use exec...
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">
           <!­­ deploy via rsync to dev server ­­>

               command="rsync ­vraCz ./ ${}"
               checkreturn="true" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Build File – Advanced usage
A Phing fairy tale

  Properties File - Improved version
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="hello" depends="init">
          <echo msg="${Hello}" />

     <target name="init" depends="prop, local­prop"
         <!­­ some more init logic ­­>

     <target name="prop">
         <echo message="Load default"
              file="./" />
A Phing fairy tale

  Properties File - Improved version
     <target name="local­prop"

         <echo message="Loading custom properties!"

     <target name="local­prop­check">
              property="local­prop.exists" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Enforce Internal Targets
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="init" 
         description="Property initialization">

          <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" />

     <target name="hello" 

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />

 User can call both targets from command line.
 We do not want that.
A Phing fairy tale

 Enforce Internal Targets
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">

     <target name="­init" 
         description="Property initialization">

          <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" />

     <target name="hello" 

           <echo msg="${Hello}" />

 Prefixing a targets with a „-“ prevents the target
 from being called from the command line.
A Phing fairy tale

 Custom Task (Adhoc definition)
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">
     <target name="init"> 
          <adhoc­task name="mytask"><![CDATA[
          class MyTask extends Task {
               * (non­PHPdoc)
               * @see Task::main()
              public function main() {
                   // Custom code here...

     <target name="hello" 

           <mytask />
A Phing fairy tale

 Custom Task (External file)
 require_once 'phing/Task.php';

 class MyTask extends Task {
      * (non­PHPdoc)
      * @see Task::main()
     public function main() {
          // Custom code here...
A Phing fairy tale

 Custom Task (External file)
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">
     <target name="init"> 
              classname="MyApp.Common.Phing.MyTask" />

     <target name="hello" 

           <mytask />
A Phing fairy tale

 Custom Task with Parameters
 require_once 'phing/Task.php';

 class MyTask extends Task {
     protected $file;

      * @param string $file
     public function setFile($file) {
         $this­>file = $file;

      * @see Task::main()
     public function main() {
         // Custom code here...
A Phing fairy tale

 Custom Task with Parameters
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="hello">
     <target name="init"> 
              classname="MyApp.Common.Phing.MyTask" />

     <target name="hello" 

           <mytask file="myfile.txt" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Imports for Targets can help structuring
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="app:run">

     The following target namespaces exist:
     db:*  ­ Database specific targets
     app:* ­ Application specific tasks
     ci:*  ­ CI server specific tasks
     <import file="build/build.db.xml" />
     <import file="build/" />
     <import file="build/" />
A Phing fairy tale

 Distinct Target Naming
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="ci:run­tests">

     <target name="app:clean­cache">

     <target name="app:create­cache">

     <target name="db:migrate">

     <target name="js:minifiy">

     <target name="ci:lint">

     <target name="ci:run­tests">
A Phing fairy tale

 Prompt user for input
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">
           <!­­ tag the database →

             defaultValue="mytag">Tag to create?</input>

A Phing fairy tale

 Calling PHP functions from Phing
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="myproject" default="run">

     <target name="run">

                 Returns canonicalized absolute pathname 
           <php function="realpath" 
                 <param value="${app.dir}"/>
A Phing fairy tale

 Follow conventions

 Phing expects your build file to be called
  build.xml and the build’s properties file
A Phing fairy tale

 Follow conventions

      Pick meaningful, human-readable
      names for targets and properties.
A Phing fairy tale

 Follow conventions

         Make build files self-contained.
Thank you!

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A Phing fairy tale - ConFoo13

  • 1. A Phing fairy tale Stephan Hochdörfer, bitExpert AG
  • 2. A Phing fairy tale About me  Stephan Hochdörfer  Head of IT at bitExpert AG, Germany  enjoying PHP since 1999   @shochdoerfer
  • 3. A Phing fairy tale Disclaimer Warning: You will see a hell lot of XML.
  • 4. A Phing fairy tale What is Phing?
  • 5. A Phing fairy tale What is Phing? It is a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant.
  • 6. A Phing fairy tale What is Phing? Domain Specific Language for an project build system.
  • 7. A Phing fairy tale What is Phing? Enables one button push automation.
  • 8. A Phing fairy tale Project build system?
  • 9. A Phing fairy tale Project build system? Automation of non-development tasks
  • 10. A Phing fairy tale Project build system? Automate absolutely everything.
  • 11. A Phing fairy tale Project build system? If you use Phing, only use Phing.
  • 12. A Phing fairy tale Why Phing?
  • 13. A Phing fairy tale Why Phing? Runs everywhere where PHP runs.
  • 14. A Phing fairy tale Why Phing? No additional depencendies needed (e.g. Java, …).
  • 15. A Phing fairy tale Why Phing? More than 120 predefined tasks to choose from.
  • 16. A Phing fairy tale Why Phing? Easy to extend by writing custom tasks in PHP.
  • 17. A Phing fairy tale How to install Phing?
  • 18. A Phing fairy tale How to install Phing? The PEAR way... Installing Phing $> pear channel­discover $> pear install phing/phing
  • 19. A Phing fairy tale How to install Phing? The PEAR way... Installing Phing $> pear channel­discover $> pear install phing/phing Running Phing: $> phing ­v Phing 2.4.14
  • 20. A Phing fairy tale How to install Phing? The Composer way... composer.json: { "require": { "phing/phing": "2.4.14" } }
  • 21. A Phing fairy tale How to install Phing? The Composer way... composer.json: { "require": { "phing/phing": "2.4.14" } } Running Composer: $> php composer.phar install Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies   ­ Installing phing/phing (2.4.14)     Downloading: 100%          Writing lock file Generating autoload files
  • 22. A Phing fairy tale How to install Phing? The Composer way... /home/shochdoerfer/myproject    |­vendor    |­­­bin    |­­­­­@phing    |­­­composer    |­­­phing    |­­­­­phing    |­­­­­­­bin    |­­­­­­­­­phing    |­­­­­­­build    |­­­­­­­classes    |­­­­­­­docs    |­­­­­­­etc    |­­­­­­­test
  • 23. A Phing fairy tale How to install Phing? The Composer way... /home/shochdoerfer/myproject    |­vendor    |­­­bin    |­­­­­@phing    |­­­composer    |­­­phing    |­­­­­phing    |­­­­­­­bin    |­­­­­­­­­phing    |­­­­­­­build    |­­­­­­­classes    |­­­­­­­docs    |­­­­­­­etc    |­­­­­­­test Running Phing: $> ./vendor/bin/phing ­v Phing DEV
  • 24. A Phing fairy tale Phing Basics
  • 25. A Phing fairy tale Phing Basics Project, Target, Task, Properties
  • 26. A Phing fairy tale Phing Basics: Project Root node of a build file containing one or more targets.
  • 27. A Phing fairy tale Phing Basics: Target A group of tasks that run as an entity.
  • 28. A Phing fairy tale Phing Basics: Task Custom piece of code to perform a specific function.
  • 29. A Phing fairy tale Phing Basics: Properties Properties (Variables) help to customize execution.
  • 30. A Phing fairy tale Phing Basics: Built-In Properties e.g. host.os, line.separator, phing.version, php.version, …
  • 31. A Phing fairy tale Phing Basics: Sample Build File <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="init"> <target name="init"> <!­­ insert logic here ­­> </target> </project>
  • 32. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Hello World example <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="hello"  description="Says Hello, world!">  <echo msg="Hello, world!" /> </target> </project>
  • 33. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Hello World example <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="hello"  description="Says Hello, world!">  <echo msg="Hello, world!" /> </target> </project> $> phing Buildfile: /home/shochdoerfer/build.xml myproject > hello:      [echo] Hello, world! BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.0595 seconds
  • 34. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Introducing Properties <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="hello"  description="Says Hello, world!">  <property name="Hello"                  value="Hello, world!" />  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project>
  • 35. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Introducing Properties <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" />   <target name="hello"  description="Says Hello, world!">  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project>
  • 36. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Externalizing Properties <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="hello"  description="Says whatever you want to say"  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project>
  • 37. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Externalizing Properties (CLI) <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="hello"  description="Says whatever you want to say"  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project> $> phing ­DHello="Hello from CLI" Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml myproject > hello:      [echo] Hello from CLI BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.0599 seconds
  • 38. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Externalizing Properties (File) <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="hello"  description="Says whatever you want to say"> <property file="./" />  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project>
  • 39. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Externalizing Properties (File) <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="hello"  description="Says whatever you want to say"> <property file="./" />  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project> Hello=Hello, world!
  • 40. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Externalizing Properties (File) $> phing Buildfile: /home/shochdoerfer/build.xml myproject > hello:  [property] Loading /home/shochdoerfer/      [echo] Hello, world! BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.0601 seconds
  • 41. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Defining multiple targets <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" />   <target name="hello"  description="Says Hello, world!">  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> <target name="goodbye"  description="Says goodbye!">  <echo msg="Goodbye!" /> </target> </project>
  • 42. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Defining multiple targets $> phing hello Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml myproject > hello:      [echo] Hello, world! BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.0612 seconds
  • 43. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Defining multiple targets $> phing hello Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml myproject > hello:      [echo] Hello, world! BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.0612 seconds $> phing goodbye Buildfile: /tmp/build.xml myproject > goodbye:      [echo] Goodbye! BUILD FINISHED Total time: 0.0619 seconds
  • 44. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Target dependencies <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="init"  description="Property initialization">  <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /> </target> <target name="hello"  depends="init">  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project>
  • 45. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Target dependencies <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="init"  description="Property initialization"> <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /> </target> <target name="customcode"  description="Some custom logic"> </target> <target name="hello"  depends="init, customcode">  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project>
  • 46. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Target dependencies <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="pre­init"> <property name="World" value="world" /> </target> <target name="init"  depends="pre­init"> <property name="Hello"                 value="Hello, ${World}!" /> </target> <target name="hello"  depends="init">  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project>
  • 47. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Calling targets programmatically I <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="print"> <echo msg="Processing: ${filename}" /> </target> <target name="run"> <!­­             loop through files and call print target ­­> <foreach param="filename"               absparam="filename" target="print"> <fileset dir="."> <include name="*.php"/> </fileset> </foreach> </target> </project>
  • 48. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Calling targets programmatically II <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="print"> <echo msg="Processing: ${filename}" /> </target> <target name="run"> <!­­ calling target with given property ­­> <phingcall target="print"> <property name="filename"                    value="test.php" /> </phingcall> </target> </project>
  • 49. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Calling targets programmatically III <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run"> <!­­ calling target in print.xml with                given property ­­> <phing phingfile="print.xml" target="print"> <property name="filename"                   value="test.php" /> </phing> </target> </project>
  • 50. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Fileset <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­ Copy files matching the expression ­­>       <copy todir="/tmp/deploy"> <fileset dir="." includes="**/*.php"> <and> <size value="1024" when="more" /> <date                            datetime="01/01/2013 10:00 AM"                            when="after" /> </and> </fileset>       </copy> </target> </project>
  • 51. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Filters <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­ Copy files and replace tokens ­­>       <copy todir="/tmp/deploy"> <filterchain> <replacetokens begintoken="##"                        endtoken="##"> <token key="VERSION"                                value="${app.version}" </replacetokens> </filterchain> <fileset dir=".">       <include name="**/*.php"/> </fileset>       </copy> </target> </project>
  • 52. A Phing fairy tale Phing – What can it do for me?
  • 53. A Phing fairy tale Phing – What can it do for me? <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­ correct file permissions ­­>              <chmod file="${project.basedir}/cache"                    mode="0777" />              <chmod file="${project.basedir}/uploads"                    mode="0777" /> </target> </project>
  • 54. A Phing fairy tale Phing – What can it do for me? <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­ create API documentation ­­>              <docblox title="My project"               destdir="apidocs"            template="new_black">       <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/src">           <include name="**/*.php" />       </fileset>       </docblox> </target> </project>
  • 55. A Phing fairy tale Phing – What can it do for me? <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­ minify javascript ­­>       <jsMin targetDir="${project.basedir}/web/"> <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/web/js/"> <include name="**/*.js"/> </fileset>       </jsMin> </target> </project>
  • 56. A Phing fairy tale Phing – What can it do for me? <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­ exec database migrations ­­>      <liquibase­update     jar="/opt/liquibase/liquibase.jar"     classpathref="/opt/liquibase/lib/mysql.jar"     changelogFile="${project.basedir}/diff.xml"     username="liquibase"     password="liquibase"     url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/myproject"/> </target> </project>
  • 57. A Phing fairy tale Phing – Task missing? Use exec... <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­ deploy via rsync to dev server ­­>      <exec      command="rsync ­vraCz ./ ${}"      dir="${project.basedir}"      checkreturn="true" /> </target> </project>
  • 58. A Phing fairy tale Build File – Advanced usage
  • 59. A Phing fairy tale Properties File - Improved version <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="hello" depends="init">  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> <target name="init" depends="prop, local­prop" <!­­ some more init logic ­­> </target> <target name="prop"> <echo message="Load default" <property file="./" /> </target>
  • 60. A Phing fairy tale Properties File - Improved version <target name="local­prop" if="local­prop.exists" depends="local­prop­check"> <echo message="Loading custom properties!" <property file="${project.basedir}/" override="true"/> </target> <target name="local­prop­check"> <available file="${project.basedir}/" property="local­prop.exists" /> </target> </project>
  • 61. A Phing fairy tale Enforce Internal Targets <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="init"  description="Property initialization">  <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /> </target> <target name="hello"  depends="init">  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project> User can call both targets from command line. We do not want that.
  • 62. A Phing fairy tale Enforce Internal Targets <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="­init"  description="Property initialization">  <property name="Hello" value="Hello, world!" /> </target> <target name="hello"  depends="­init">  <echo msg="${Hello}" /> </target> </project> Prefixing a targets with a „-“ prevents the target from being called from the command line.
  • 63. A Phing fairy tale Custom Task (Adhoc definition) <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="init">  <adhoc­task name="mytask"><![CDATA[ class MyTask extends Task { /**  * (non­PHPdoc)  * @see Task::main()  */ public function main() { // Custom code here... } } ]]></adhoc­task> </target> <target name="hello"  depends="init">  <mytask /> </target> </project>
  • 64. A Phing fairy tale Custom Task (External file) <?php require_once 'phing/Task.php'; class MyTask extends Task { /**  * (non­PHPdoc)  * @see Task::main()  */ public function main() { // Custom code here... } }
  • 65. A Phing fairy tale Custom Task (External file) <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="init">  <taskdef name="mytask" classpath="${project.basedir}" classname="MyApp.Common.Phing.MyTask" /> </target> <target name="hello"  depends="init">  <mytask /> </target> </project>
  • 66. A Phing fairy tale Custom Task with Parameters <?php require_once 'phing/Task.php'; class MyTask extends Task { protected $file; /**  * @param string $file  */ public function setFile($file) { $this­>file = $file; } /**  * @see Task::main()  */ public function main() { // Custom code here... } }
  • 67. A Phing fairy tale Custom Task with Parameters <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="hello"> <target name="init">  <taskdef name="mytask" classpath="${project.basedir}" classname="MyApp.Common.Phing.MyTask" /> </target> <target name="hello"  depends="init">  <mytask file="myfile.txt" /> </target> </project>
  • 68. A Phing fairy tale Imports for Targets can help structuring <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="app:run"> <!­­ The following target namespaces exist: db:*  ­ Database specific targets app:* ­ Application specific tasks ci:*  ­ CI server specific tasks ­­> <import file="build/build.db.xml" /> <import file="build/" /> <import file="build/" /> </project>
  • 69. A Phing fairy tale Distinct Target Naming <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="ci:run­tests"> <target name="app:clean­cache"> </target> <target name="app:create­cache"> </target> <target name="db:migrate"> </target> <target name="js:minifiy"> </target> <target name="ci:lint"> </target> <target name="ci:run­tests"> </target> </project>
  • 70. A Phing fairy tale Prompt user for input <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­ tag the database →       <input     propertyname="tag"     defaultValue="mytag">Tag to create?</input>       <liquibase­tag     tag="${tag}"     jar="/opt/liquibase/liquibase.jar"     classpathref="/opt/liquibase/lib/mysql.jar"     changelogFile="${project.basedir}/diff.xml"     username="liquibase"     password="liquibase"     url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/myproject"/> </target> </project>
  • 71. A Phing fairy tale Calling PHP functions from Phing <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="myproject" default="run"> <target name="run">       <!­­                  Returns canonicalized absolute pathname             ­­>       <php function="realpath"                  returnProperty="app.dir">        <param value="${app.dir}"/>       </php> </target> </project>
  • 72. A Phing fairy tale Follow conventions Phing expects your build file to be called build.xml and the build’s properties file
  • 73. A Phing fairy tale Follow conventions Pick meaningful, human-readable names for targets and properties.
  • 74. A Phing fairy tale Follow conventions Make build files self-contained.