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Dependency Injection
Was, wie, warum?
Stephan Hochdörfer, bitExpert AG
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Über mich
 Stephan Hochdörfer
 Head of IT der bitExpert AG, Mannheim
 PHP`ler seit 1999
 @shochdoerfer
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
DI ist nicht alles. Es geht um mehr.
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Separation of Concerns
Design by Contract
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection
"[...] zur Laufzeit die Abhängigkeiten
eines Objekts diesem von einem
anderen Objekt als Referenzen zur
Verfügung gestellt werden."
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Was sind Dependencies?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Sind Dependencies schlecht?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependencies: Starke Kopplung
Keine Wiederverwendung!
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Keine Isolation, nicht testbar!
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Wahnsinn!
Was ist Dependency Injection?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Was ist Dependency Injection?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
new DeletePage(new PageManager());
Was ist Dependency Injection?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Was ist Dependency Injection?
Consumer Dependencies
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Was ist Dependency Injection?
Consumer Dependencies Container
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Was ist Dependency Injection?
Consumer Dependencies Container
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
„new“ is evil!
class DeletePage extends Mvc_Action_AAction {
private $pageManager;
public function __construct() {
$this->pageManager = new PageManager();
protected function execute(Mvc_Request $request) {
(int) $request->get('pageId')
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
„new“ is evil!
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
„new“ is evil!
class DeletePage extends Mvc_Action_AAction {
private $pageManager;
public function __construct(PageManager $pm) {
$this->pageManager = $pm;
protected function execute(Mvc_Request $request) {
(int) $request->get('pageId')
"High-level modules should not
depend on low-level modules.
Both should depend on abstractions."
Robert C. Martin
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
„new“ is evil!
class DeletePage extends Mvc_Action_AAction {
private $pageManager;
public function __construct(IPageManager $pm) {
$this->pageManager = $pm;
protected function execute(Mvc_Request $request) {
(int) $request->get('pageId')
Wie verwaltet man Dependencies?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Wie verwaltet man Dependencies?
Simple Container vs. Full stacked
DI Framework
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Der Container nimmt uns die Arbeit ab!
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Wie Dependencies injizieren?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Constructor Injection
class MySampleService implements IMySampleService {
* @var ISampleDao
private $sampleDao;
public function __construct(ISampleDao $sampleDao) {
$this->sampleDao = $sampleDao;
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Setter Injection
class MySampleService implements IMySampleService {
* @var ISampleDao
private $sampleDao;
public function setSampleDao(ISampleDao $sampleDao){
$this->sampleDao = $sampleDao;
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Interface Injection
interface IApplicationContextAware {
public function setCtx(IApplicationContext $ctx);
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Interface Injection
class MySampleService implements IMySampleService,
IApplicationContextAware {
* @var IApplicationContext
private $ctx;
public function setCtx(IApplicationContext $ctx) {
$this->ctx = $ctx;
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Property Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Property Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
David Zülke
Wie funktioniert das „Wiring“?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
class MySampleService implements IMySampleService {
private $sampleDao;
* @Inject
public function __construct(ISampleDao $sampleDao)
$this->sampleDao = $sampleDao;
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
class MySampleService implements IMySampleService {
private $sampleDao;
* @Inject
* @Named('TheSampleDao')
public function __construct(ISampleDao $sampleDao)
$this->sampleDao = $sampleDao;
Externe Konfiguration - XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<bean id="SampleDao" class="SampleDao">
<constructor-arg value="app_sample" />
<constructor-arg value="iSampleId" />
<constructor-arg value="BoSample" />
<bean id="SampleService" class="MySampleService">
<constructor-arg ref="SampleDao" />
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Externe Konfiguration - YAML
class: SampleDao
arguments: ['app_sample', 'iSampleId', 'BoSample']
class: SampleService
arguments: [@SampleDao]
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Externe Konfiguration - PHP
class BeanCache extends Beanfactory_Container_PHP {
protected function createSampleDao() {
$oBean = new SampleDao('app_sample',
'iSampleId', 'BoSample');
return $oBean;
protected function createMySampleService() {
$oBean = new MySampleService(
return $oBean;
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Interne vs. Externe Konfiguration
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Interne vs. Externe Konfiguration
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Was bringt mir das? Beispiel bitte.
Unittesting einfach gemacht
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Unittesting einfach gemacht
require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php';
class ServiceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public function testSampleService() {
// set up dependencies
$sampleDao = $this->getMock('ISampleDao');
$service = new MySampleService($sampleDao);
// run test case
$return = $service->doWork();
// check assertions
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
Page ExporterPage Exporter
Released / Published
Released / Published
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
abstract class PageExporter {
protected function setPageDao(IPageDao $pageDao) {
$this->pageDao = $pageDao;
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
abstract class PageExporter {
protected function setPageDao(IPageDao $pageDao) {
$this->pageDao = $pageDao;
Zur Erinnerung:
Der Vertrag!
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
class PublishedPageExporter extends PageExporter {
public function __construct() {
$this->setPageDao(new PublishedPageDao());
class WorkingCopyPageExporter extends PageExporter {
public function __construct() {
$this->setPageDao(new WorkingCopyPageDao());
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
"Only deleted code is good code!"
Oliver Gierke
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
class PageExporter {
public function __construct(IPageDao $pageDao) {
$this->pageDao = $pageDao;
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<bean id="ExportLive" class="PageExporter">
<constructor-arg ref="PublishedPageDao" />
<bean id="ExportWorking" class="PageExporter">
<constructor-arg ref="WorkingCopyPageDao" />
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung
// create ApplicationContext instance
$ctx = new ApplicationContext();
// retrieve live exporter
$exporter = $ctx->getBean('ExportLive');
// retrieve working copy exporter
$exporter = $ctx->getBean('ExportWorking');
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Externe Services mocken
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Externe Services mocken
BookingmanagerBookingmanager WS-
Konnektor WebserviceWebservice
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Externe Services mocken
BookingmanagerBookingmanager WS-
Konnektor WebserviceWebservice
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Zur Erinnerung:
Der Vertrag!
Externe Services mocken
BookingmanagerBookingmanager FS-
Konnektor FilesystemFilesystem
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Externe Services mocken
BookingmanagerBookingmanager FS-
Konnektor FilesystemFilesystem
erfüllt den
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Sauberer, lesbarer Code
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Sauberer, lesbarer Code
class DeletePage extends Mvc_Action_AAction {
private $pageManager;
public function __construct(IPageManager $pm) {
$this->pageManager = $pm;
protected function execute(Mvc_Request $request) {
(int) $request->get('pageId'));
return new ModelAndView($this->getSuccessView());
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Keine Framework Abhängigkeit
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Keine Framework Abhängigkeit
class MySampleService implements IMySampleService {
private $sampleDao;
public function __construct(ISampleDao $sampleDao) {
$this->sampleDao = $sampleDao;
public function getSample($sampleId) {
try {
return $this->sampleDao->readById($sampleId);
catch(DaoException $exception) {}
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Wie siehst das nun in der Praxis aus?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Pimple – Erste Schritte
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
class TalkService {
public function __construct() {
public function getTalks() {
Pimple – Erste Schritte
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
require_once '/path/to/Pimple.php';
require_once '/path/to/TalkService.php';
// create the Container
$container = new Pimple();
// define talkService object in container
$container['talkService'] = function ($c) {
return new TalkService();
// instantiate talkService from container
$talkService = $container['talkService'];
Pimple – Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
interface GenericRepository {
public function readTalks();
class TalkRepository implements GenericRepository {
public function readTalks() {
class TalkService {
public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) {
public function getTalks() {
Pimple – Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
require_once '/path/to/Pimple.php';
require_once '/path/to/TalkService.php';
// create the Container
$container = new Pimple();
// define services in container
$container['talkRepository'] = function ($c) {
return new TalkRepository();
$container['talkService'] = function ($c) {
return new TalkService($c['talkRepository']);
// instantiate talkService from container
$talkService = $container['talkService'];
Pimple – Setter Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
class Logger {
public function doLog($logMsg) {
class TalkService {
public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) {
public function setLogger(Logger $logger) {
public function getTalks() {
Pimple – Setter Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
require_once '/path/to/Pimple.php';
require_once '/path/to/TalkService.php';
// create the Container
$container = new Pimple();
// define services in container
$container['logger'] = function ($c) {
return new Logger();
$container['talkRepository'] = function ($c) {
return new TalkRepository();
$container['talkService'] = function ($c) {
$service = new TalkService($c['talkRepository']);
return $service;
// instantiate talkService from container
$talkService = $container['talkService'];
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
ZendDi – Erste Schritte
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
namespace Acme;
class TalkService {
public function __construct() {
public function getTalks() {
ZendDi – Erste Schritte
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
$di = new ZendDiDi();
$service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService');
ZendDi – Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
namespace Acme;
interface GenericRepository {
public function readTalks();
class TalkRepository implements GenericRepository {
public function readTalks() {
class TalkService {
public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) {
public function getTalks() {
ZendDi – Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
$di = new ZendDiDi();
$service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService');
ZendDi – Setter Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
namespace Acme;
class Logger {
public function doLog($logMsg) {
class TalkService {
public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) {
public function setLogger(Logger $logger) {
public function getTalks() {
ZendDi – Setter Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
$di = new ZendDiDi();
new ZendDiConfiguration(
'definition' => array(
'class' => array(
'AcmeTalkService' => array(
'setLogger' => array('required' => true)
$service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService');
ZendDi – Interface Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
namespace Acme;
class Logger {
public function doLog($logMsg) {
interface LoggerAware {
public function setLogger(Logger $logger);
class TalkService implements LoggerAware {
public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) {
public function setLogger(Logger $logger) {
public function getTalks() {
ZendDi – Interface Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
$di = new ZendDiDi();
$service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService');
ZendDi – Grundsätzliches
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
$di = new ZendDiDi();
$service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService');
$service2 = $di->get('AcmeTalkService');
var_dump($service2); // same instance as $service
$service3 = $di->get(
'repo' => new AcmeTalkRepository()
ZendDi – Builder Definition
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
// describe dependency
$dep = new ZendDiDefinitionBuilderPhpClass();
// describe class
$class = new ZendDiDefinitionBuilderPhpClass();
// add injection method
$im = new ZendDiDefinitionBuilderInjectionMethod();
$im->addParameter('repo', 'AcmeTalkRepository');
// configure builder
$builder = new ZendDiDefinitionBuilderDefinition();
ZendDi – Builder Definition
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
// add to Di
$defList = new ZendDiDefinitionList($builder);
$di = new ZendDiDi($defList);
$service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService');
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
namespace AcmeTalkBundleController;
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute;
use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate;
class TalkController extends Controller {
* @Route("/", name="_talk")
* @Template()
public function indexAction() {
$service = $this->get('');
return array();
Symfony2 – Konfigurationsdatei
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
File services.xml in src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config
Symfony2 – Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<service id=""
class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkRepository" />
<service id=""
<argument type="service" id="" />
Symfony2 – Setter Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<service id=""
class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceLogger" />
<service id=""
class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkRepository" />
<service id=""
<argument type="service" id="" />
<call method="setLogger">
<argument type="service" id="" />
Symfony2 – Setter Injection (optional)
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<service id=""
class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceLogger" />
<service id=""
class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkRepository" />
<service id=""
<argument type="service" id="" />
<call method="setLogger">
<argument type="service" id=""
on-invalid="ignore" />
Symfony2 – Property Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<container xmlns=""
<service id=""
class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkRepository" />
<service id=""
<property name="talkRepository" type="service"
id="" />
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Flow3 – Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
namespace AcmeDemoController;
use TYPO3FLOW3Annotations as FLOW3;
* @FLOW3Scope("session")
class StandardController extends TYPO3FLOW3MVCControllerActionController {
* @var AcmeDemoServiceTalkServiceInterface
protected $talkService;
public function __construct(
AcmeDemoServiceTalkService $talkService) {
$this->talkService = $talkService;
public function indexAction() {
Flow3 – Setter Injection (manuell)
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
namespace AcmeDemoController;
use TYPO3FLOW3Annotations as FLOW3;
* @FLOW3Scope("session")
class StandardController extends TYPO3FLOW3MVCControllerActionController {
* @var AcmeDemoServiceTalkServiceInterface
protected $talkService;
public function setTalkService(
AcmeDemoServiceTalkService $talkService) {
$this->talkService = $talkService;
public function indexAction() {
Flow3 – Setter Injection (manuell)
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
File Objects.yaml in Packages/Application/Acme.Demo/Configuration
# @package Acme
object: AcmeDemoServiceTalkService
Flow3 – Setter Injection (automatisch)
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
namespace AcmeDemoController;
use TYPO3FLOW3Annotations as FLOW3;
* @FLOW3Scope("session")
class StandardController extends TYPO3FLOW3MVCControllerActionController {
* @var AcmeDemoServiceTalkServiceInterface
protected $talkService;
public function injectTalkService(
AcmeDemoServiceTalkService $talkService) {
$this->talkService = $talkService;
public function indexAction() {
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Fokus aufs Wesentliche. Keine Ablenkung.
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Wiederverwendung steigern.
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Hilft den Code besser zu verstehen.
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Wieder Spaß bei der Arbeit ;)
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Kein Standard. Kein Tooling.
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Es braucht Zeit um DI zu verstehen.
Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
Konfiguration vs. Laufzeit
Vielen Dank!

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Dependency Injection in PHP - dwx13

  • 1. Dependency Injection Was, wie, warum? Stephan Hochdörfer, bitExpert AG
  • 2. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Über mich  Stephan Hochdörfer  Head of IT der bitExpert AG, Mannheim  PHP`ler seit 1999   @shochdoerfer
  • 3. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? DI ist nicht alles. Es geht um mehr.
  • 4. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Separation of Concerns
  • 5. Design by Contract Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 6. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Dependency Injection
  • 7. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Dependency Injection "[...] zur Laufzeit die Abhängigkeiten eines Objekts diesem von einem anderen Objekt als Referenzen zur Verfügung gestellt werden." (Wikipedia)
  • 8. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Was sind Dependencies?
  • 9. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Sind Dependencies schlecht?
  • 10. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Dependencies: Starke Kopplung
  • 12. Keine Isolation, nicht testbar! Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 13. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Dependency Wahnsinn!
  • 14. Was ist Dependency Injection? Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 15. Was ist Dependency Injection? Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? new DeletePage(new PageManager());
  • 16. Was ist Dependency Injection? Consumer Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 17. Was ist Dependency Injection? Consumer Dependencies Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 18. Was ist Dependency Injection? Consumer Dependencies Container Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 19. Was ist Dependency Injection? Consumer Dependencies Container Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 20. s Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? „new“ is evil!
  • 21. <?php class DeletePage extends Mvc_Action_AAction { private $pageManager; public function __construct() { $this->pageManager = new PageManager(); } protected function execute(Mvc_Request $request) { $this->pageManager->delete( (int) $request->get('pageId') ); } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? „new“ is evil!
  • 22. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? „new“ is evil! <?php class DeletePage extends Mvc_Action_AAction { private $pageManager; public function __construct(PageManager $pm) { $this->pageManager = $pm; } protected function execute(Mvc_Request $request) { $this->pageManager->delete( (int) $request->get('pageId') ); } }
  • 23. "High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions." Robert C. Martin Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 24. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? „new“ is evil! <?php class DeletePage extends Mvc_Action_AAction { private $pageManager; public function __construct(IPageManager $pm) { $this->pageManager = $pm; } protected function execute(Mvc_Request $request) { $this->pageManager->delete( (int) $request->get('pageId') ); } }
  • 25. Wie verwaltet man Dependencies? Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 26. Wie verwaltet man Dependencies? Simple Container vs. Full stacked DI Framework Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 27. Der Container nimmt uns die Arbeit ab! Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 28. Wie Dependencies injizieren? Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 29. Constructor Injection <?php class MySampleService implements IMySampleService { /** * @var ISampleDao */ private $sampleDao; public function __construct(ISampleDao $sampleDao) { $this->sampleDao = $sampleDao; } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 30. Setter Injection <?php class MySampleService implements IMySampleService { /** * @var ISampleDao */ private $sampleDao; public function setSampleDao(ISampleDao $sampleDao){ $this->sampleDao = $sampleDao; } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 31. Interface Injection <?php interface IApplicationContextAware { public function setCtx(IApplicationContext $ctx); } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 32. Interface Injection <?php class MySampleService implements IMySampleService, IApplicationContextAware { /** * @var IApplicationContext */ private $ctx; public function setCtx(IApplicationContext $ctx) { $this->ctx = $ctx; } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 34. Property Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? "NEIN NEIN NEIN!" David Zülke
  • 35. Wie funktioniert das „Wiring“? Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 36. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Annotations <?php class MySampleService implements IMySampleService { private $sampleDao; /** * @Inject */ public function __construct(ISampleDao $sampleDao) { $this->sampleDao = $sampleDao; } }
  • 37. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Annotations <?php class MySampleService implements IMySampleService { private $sampleDao; /** * @Inject * @Named('TheSampleDao') */ public function __construct(ISampleDao $sampleDao) { $this->sampleDao = $sampleDao; } }
  • 38. Externe Konfiguration - XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <beans> <bean id="SampleDao" class="SampleDao"> <constructor-arg value="app_sample" /> <constructor-arg value="iSampleId" /> <constructor-arg value="BoSample" /> </bean> <bean id="SampleService" class="MySampleService"> <constructor-arg ref="SampleDao" /> </bean> </beans> Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 39. Externe Konfiguration - YAML services: SampleDao: class: SampleDao arguments: ['app_sample', 'iSampleId', 'BoSample'] SampleService: class: SampleService arguments: [@SampleDao] Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 40. Externe Konfiguration - PHP <?php class BeanCache extends Beanfactory_Container_PHP { protected function createSampleDao() { $oBean = new SampleDao('app_sample', 'iSampleId', 'BoSample'); return $oBean; } protected function createMySampleService() { $oBean = new MySampleService( $this->getBean('SampleDao') ); return $oBean; } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 41. Interne vs. Externe Konfiguration Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 42. Interne vs. Externe Konfiguration Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Klassenkonfiguration vs. Instanzkonfiguration
  • 43. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Was bringt mir das? Beispiel bitte.
  • 44. Unittesting einfach gemacht Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 45. Unittesting einfach gemacht <?php require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework.php'; class ServiceTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testSampleService() { // set up dependencies $sampleDao = $this->getMock('ISampleDao'); $service = new MySampleService($sampleDao); // run test case $return = $service->doWork(); // check assertions $this->assertTrue($return); } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 46. Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 47. Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung Page ExporterPage Exporter Released / Published Pages Released / Published Pages Workingcopy Pages Workingcopy Pages Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 48. Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung <?php abstract class PageExporter { protected function setPageDao(IPageDao $pageDao) { $this->pageDao = $pageDao; } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 49. Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung <?php abstract class PageExporter { protected function setPageDao(IPageDao $pageDao) { $this->pageDao = $pageDao; } } Zur Erinnerung: Der Vertrag! Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 50. Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung <?php class PublishedPageExporter extends PageExporter { public function __construct() { $this->setPageDao(new PublishedPageDao()); } } class WorkingCopyPageExporter extends PageExporter { public function __construct() { $this->setPageDao(new WorkingCopyPageDao()); } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 51. "Only deleted code is good code!" Oliver Gierke Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 52. Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung <?php class PageExporter { public function __construct(IPageDao $pageDao) { $this->pageDao = $pageDao; } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 53. Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <beans> <bean id="ExportLive" class="PageExporter"> <constructor-arg ref="PublishedPageDao" /> </bean> <bean id="ExportWorking" class="PageExporter"> <constructor-arg ref="WorkingCopyPageDao" /> </bean> </beans> Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 54. Eine Klasse, mehrfache Ausprägung <?php // create ApplicationContext instance $ctx = new ApplicationContext(); // retrieve live exporter $exporter = $ctx->getBean('ExportLive'); // retrieve working copy exporter $exporter = $ctx->getBean('ExportWorking'); Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 55. Externe Services mocken Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 56. Externe Services mocken BookingmanagerBookingmanager WS- Konnektor WS- Konnektor WebserviceWebservice Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 57. Externe Services mocken BookingmanagerBookingmanager WS- Konnektor WS- Konnektor WebserviceWebservice Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Zur Erinnerung: Der Vertrag!
  • 58. Externe Services mocken BookingmanagerBookingmanager FS- Konnektor FS- Konnektor FilesystemFilesystem Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 59. Externe Services mocken BookingmanagerBookingmanager FS- Konnektor FS- Konnektor FilesystemFilesystem erfüllt den Vertrag! Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 60. Sauberer, lesbarer Code Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 61. Sauberer, lesbarer Code <?php class DeletePage extends Mvc_Action_AAction { private $pageManager; public function __construct(IPageManager $pm) { $this->pageManager = $pm; } protected function execute(Mvc_Request $request) { $this->pageManager->delete( (int) $request->get('pageId')); return new ModelAndView($this->getSuccessView()); } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 62. Keine Framework Abhängigkeit Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 63. Keine Framework Abhängigkeit <?php class MySampleService implements IMySampleService { private $sampleDao; public function __construct(ISampleDao $sampleDao) { $this->sampleDao = $sampleDao; } public function getSample($sampleId) { try { return $this->sampleDao->readById($sampleId); } catch(DaoException $exception) {} } } Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 64. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Wie siehst das nun in der Praxis aus?
  • 65. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Pimple
  • 66. Pimple – Erste Schritte Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php class TalkService { public function __construct() { } public function getTalks() { } }
  • 67. Pimple – Erste Schritte Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php require_once '/path/to/Pimple.php'; require_once '/path/to/TalkService.php'; // create the Container $container = new Pimple(); // define talkService object in container $container['talkService'] = function ($c) { return new TalkService(); }; // instantiate talkService from container $talkService = $container['talkService'];
  • 68. Pimple – Constructor Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php interface GenericRepository { public function readTalks(); } class TalkRepository implements GenericRepository { public function readTalks() { } } class TalkService { public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) { } public function getTalks() { } }
  • 69. Pimple – Constructor Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php require_once '/path/to/Pimple.php'; require_once '/path/to/TalkService.php'; // create the Container $container = new Pimple(); // define services in container $container['talkRepository'] = function ($c) { return new TalkRepository(); }; $container['talkService'] = function ($c) { return new TalkService($c['talkRepository']); }; // instantiate talkService from container $talkService = $container['talkService'];
  • 70. Pimple – Setter Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php class Logger { public function doLog($logMsg) { } } class TalkService { public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) { } public function setLogger(Logger $logger) { } public function getTalks() { } }
  • 71. Pimple – Setter Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php require_once '/path/to/Pimple.php'; require_once '/path/to/TalkService.php'; // create the Container $container = new Pimple(); // define services in container $container['logger'] = function ($c) { return new Logger(); }; $container['talkRepository'] = function ($c) { return new TalkRepository(); }; $container['talkService'] = function ($c) { $service = new TalkService($c['talkRepository']); $service->setLogger($c['logger']); return $service; }; // instantiate talkService from container $talkService = $container['talkService'];
  • 72. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 73. ZendDi – Erste Schritte Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php namespace Acme; class TalkService { public function __construct() { } public function getTalks() { } }
  • 74. ZendDi – Erste Schritte Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php $di = new ZendDiDi(); $service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService'); $service->getTalks();
  • 75. ZendDi – Constructor Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php namespace Acme; interface GenericRepository { public function readTalks(); } class TalkRepository implements GenericRepository { public function readTalks() { } } class TalkService { public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) { } public function getTalks() { } }
  • 76. ZendDi – Constructor Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php $di = new ZendDiDi(); $service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService'); $service->getTalks();
  • 77. ZendDi – Setter Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php namespace Acme; class Logger { public function doLog($logMsg) { } } class TalkService { public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) { } public function setLogger(Logger $logger) { } public function getTalks() { } }
  • 78. ZendDi – Setter Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php $di = new ZendDiDi(); $di->configure( new ZendDiConfiguration( array( 'definition' => array( 'class' => array( 'AcmeTalkService' => array( 'setLogger' => array('required' => true) ) ) ) ) ) ); $service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService'); var_dump($service);
  • 79. ZendDi – Interface Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php namespace Acme; class Logger { public function doLog($logMsg) { } } interface LoggerAware { public function setLogger(Logger $logger); } class TalkService implements LoggerAware { public function __construct(TalkRepository $repo) { } public function setLogger(Logger $logger) { } public function getTalks() { } }
  • 80. ZendDi – Interface Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php $di = new ZendDiDi(); $service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService'); $service->getTalks();
  • 81. ZendDi – Grundsätzliches Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php $di = new ZendDiDi(); $service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService'); var_dump($service); $service2 = $di->get('AcmeTalkService'); var_dump($service2); // same instance as $service $service3 = $di->get( 'AcmeTalkService', array( 'repo' => new AcmeTalkRepository() ) );
  • 82. ZendDi – Builder Definition Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php // describe dependency $dep = new ZendDiDefinitionBuilderPhpClass(); $dep->setName('AcmeTalkRepository'); // describe class $class = new ZendDiDefinitionBuilderPhpClass(); $class->setName('AcmeTalkService'); // add injection method $im = new ZendDiDefinitionBuilderInjectionMethod(); $im->setName('__construct'); $im->addParameter('repo', 'AcmeTalkRepository'); $class->addInjectionMethod($im); // configure builder $builder = new ZendDiDefinitionBuilderDefinition(); $builder->addClass($dep); $builder->addClass($class);
  • 83. ZendDi – Builder Definition Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php // add to Di $defList = new ZendDiDefinitionList($builder); $di = new ZendDiDi($defList); $service = $di->get('AcmeTalkService'); var_dump($service);
  • 84. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 85. Symfony2 Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php namespace AcmeTalkBundleController; use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationRoute; use SensioBundleFrameworkExtraBundleConfigurationTemplate; class TalkController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/", name="_talk") * @Template() */ public function indexAction() { $service = $this->get(''); return array(); } }
  • 86. Symfony2 – Konfigurationsdatei Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?xml version="1.0" ?> <container xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> </container> File services.xml in src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config
  • 87. Symfony2 – Constructor Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?xml version="1.0" ?> <container xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <services> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkRepository" /> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkService"> <argument type="service" id="" /> </service> </services> </container>
  • 88. Symfony2 – Setter Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?xml version="1.0" ?> <container xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <services> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceLogger" /> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkRepository" /> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkService"> <argument type="service" id="" /> <call method="setLogger"> <argument type="service" id="" /> </call> </service> </services> </container>
  • 89. Symfony2 – Setter Injection (optional) Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?xml version="1.0" ?> <container xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <services> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceLogger" /> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkRepository" /> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkService"> <argument type="service" id="" /> <call method="setLogger"> <argument type="service" id="" on-invalid="ignore" /> </call> </service> </services> </container>
  • 90. Symfony2 – Property Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?xml version="1.0" ?> <container xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <services> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkRepository" /> <service id="" class="AcmeTalkBundleServiceTalkService"> <property name="talkRepository" type="service" id="" /> </service> </services> </container>
  • 91. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum?
  • 92. Flow3 – Constructor Injection Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php namespace AcmeDemoController; use TYPO3FLOW3Annotations as FLOW3; /** * @FLOW3Scope("session") */ class StandardController extends TYPO3FLOW3MVCControllerActionController { /** * @var AcmeDemoServiceTalkServiceInterface */ protected $talkService; public function __construct( AcmeDemoServiceTalkService $talkService) { $this->talkService = $talkService; } public function indexAction() { } }
  • 93. Flow3 – Setter Injection (manuell) Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php namespace AcmeDemoController; use TYPO3FLOW3Annotations as FLOW3; /** * @FLOW3Scope("session") */ class StandardController extends TYPO3FLOW3MVCControllerActionController { /** * @var AcmeDemoServiceTalkServiceInterface */ protected $talkService; public function setTalkService( AcmeDemoServiceTalkService $talkService) { $this->talkService = $talkService; } public function indexAction() { } }
  • 94. Flow3 – Setter Injection (manuell) Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? File Objects.yaml in Packages/Application/Acme.Demo/Configuration # @package Acme AcmeDemoControllerStandardController: properties: talkService: object: AcmeDemoServiceTalkService
  • 95. Flow3 – Setter Injection (automatisch) Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? <?php namespace AcmeDemoController; use TYPO3FLOW3Annotations as FLOW3; /** * @FLOW3Scope("session") */ class StandardController extends TYPO3FLOW3MVCControllerActionController { /** * @var AcmeDemoServiceTalkServiceInterface */ protected $talkService; public function injectTalkService( AcmeDemoServiceTalkService $talkService) { $this->talkService = $talkService; } public function indexAction() { } }
  • 96. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Fokus aufs Wesentliche. Keine Ablenkung.
  • 97. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Wiederverwendung steigern.
  • 98. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Hilft den Code besser zu verstehen.
  • 99. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Wieder Spaß bei der Arbeit ;)
  • 100. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Kein Standard. Kein Tooling.
  • 101. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Es braucht Zeit um DI zu verstehen.
  • 102. Dependency Injection – Was, wie warum? Konfiguration vs. Laufzeit