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A Discussion Of Similarities And Differences
The discussion of similarities and differences is always controversial inasmuch as the impact of individuality determines the evolvement of any kind of
relationship, and it cannot be stated that attitudes of one person towards a specific social phenomena of present or past are the same as attitudes of
another person. The basis for this notion is supported by evidence of the results of scientific researchers, as human patterns of thinking, feeling, and
behaving are different, and this difference is grounded in biologically mandated individual features. Although, there is something in common for
different social groups, and ethnicity or religion might be contemplated as a wide factor that units individuals. The fact that people are connected by
events of their past cannot be denied, however, the question is whether or not the form of this connection is applicable for every individual, and can the
significance of influence of individual features be eliminated while stating that relationship with the past is similar for different individuals. The
philosophical approach to this discussion might be used while contemplating two protagonists represented in short stories by Andrew Lam, which are
included in Birds of Paradise Lost. Tammy in Slingshot and Ivory in Sister have a lot in common, and the resemblance between them, which is greatly
emphasized by the author, is mainly based on the past they share and consequences it has on their contemporary lives.
Both stories are focused on
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Group Discussion And Personal Reflection
Daniel Russ – Group Discussion and Personal Reflection
Geoff Gallop's article; "Acid test for policy advisers" was provided to groups to develop discussion on the legitimacy of Gallop's ten 'rules' that he
believes will enable individuals to become "not politicians but policy advisers within government". What emerged from our group was a significant
and diverse dialog involving the definition of the 'grand ideologies' – being capitalism and socialism– mentioned in the article and a reflective debate
concerning the function of political power and influence in the creation of policy.
Contributions from group members helped to define the processes of capitalism and socialism and led to a discussion on their applications in modern
day Australia. While there was an acceptance of Gallop's perspective that these two systems of thought are "active and relevant", the definition of these
ideologies being "moral and intellectual irritants...decreasingly used as benchmarks in political judgement" was not supported. A majority of the
discussion advocated the current government pursuing fiscal gains over the development of fair policy, indicating a belief in Commonwealth being
highly influenced by a capitalist more content...
Iterated through inputs from discussion participants, direct comparisons of Gallop's ideal policy making process to today's governance formed a
shared conviction over the high amount of power that political influence exhibits over policy making. This led to an agreement that this political
approach is significant in reducing policy creativity and directly influenced by the ideals of the overarching authority. In light of this perspective, it was
also interpreted that the bureaucracy created from this power struggle has led to an imbalance between political objectivity and dependence on
circumstantial agendas that ultimately mocks a fair policy
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Example Of Discussion Essay
Chapter 4 Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations "This increase of power from the mere musket and the little cannon all the way to the
hydrogen bomb in a single lifetime is indicative of the things that have happened to us. They indicate how far the advances of science have outraced
our social consciousness, how much we have developed scientifically than we are capable of handling emotionally and intellectually." –Dwight D.
Eisenhower Discussion We no longer have our eyes focused on what is happening beyond our borders, we now have an emerging problem with
radicalized, naturalized Americans citizens who are composed of a variety of groups. The groups are defended and guaranteed by the U. S.
Constitution's first and fourth amendment rights to conduct lawful marches (unrestrained) and cannot be forced to subject themselves to seizure and
search without a search warrant and probable cause. Many engage in peaceful marches, however, many have resorted to violent marches. Unfortunately,
recent marches have more content...
From a judiciary perspective, there has never been no specific designated cut off time in order to detain and hold a person. Because the arresting
/interviewing officer must have all the time necessary at his disposal in order to conduct the brief yet thorough investigation. However, there are legal
aspects that must be considered in order to hold a person indefinitely. U. S. citizens have basic rights under the law and protection for the innocent
civilian is always a consideration that must cross the interviewers/interrogators mind. However, the treatment and handling of an illegal immigrant and
terrorist crosses into Federal laws which require a completely different handling process. Illegal immigrants, cover a whole spectrum of legal status.
This report will focus on another group that is influencing private and public policies in
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Crime Discussion Paper
Crime Discussion #3
Throughout the social development of individuals, there are several things that we learn through inclusion and the way in which parents raise us. We
learn how to make appropriate social interactions depending on who is in our presence, we learn social expectation, what is considered good behavior,
and finally what is considered bad behavior. Yet, awareness of what can constitute as criminal conduct has become increasingly prominent in our
culture, especially with the strong presence in social media that it now has. However, what we are often exposed to are adult criminal assailants, and we
rarely hear about juvenile, unless they have committed an extreme offense. But it is that last population, the one that we need to focus on, considering
that it is them that can move to the extremes; to get blossom under help or to commit an increasing amount of crime.
People often blame parents over the criminal behavior of the children and do not take into consideration all the various factors such as peer groups
(book) that more content...
However, there are other forms of evidence towards juveniles deciding to partake in criminal behavior that the criminal justice system still struggle
to adjust and incorporate in their policies. An example of this is how there is a double standard when it comes to when the brain is mature enough to
make decision; 16 for driving, 18 to partake in war, 21 to drink alcohol, but on the other side of the spectrum, we have had instances when children as
young as ten years old have been executed for crimes. So, why are we holding children accountable on adult
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I Pencil Discussion Essay
I, Pencil; Discussion
This article is pretty neat for the simple fact that I never thought of a pencil in this aspect before. The pencil has had a profound effect in our society
and civilization as a whole. The main points that the author is trying to make is that only boys and girls who can read and write uses the pencil, the
pencil is taken for granted, and that the pencil can teach anyone a lesson if he or she wants to learn.
First, I would like to discuss the merits of the argument that the author assumes that the pencil is for anyone that can read and write. I totally disagree
with this merit because, what about artists both young and old who draw and use their creativity on paper through the pencil. Are they not using the
pencil, it is a proven fact that people with disabilities and impaired in some shape or form can benefit from art, especially Alzheimer's patients. The
reason why I disagree, is that the pencil is for those that have not yet learned to read or write because we have all been through grade school and if it
was not for the pencil we would not be able to communicate, read, or write. You see, the pencil is for both young and old that are more
The reason why I agree with this merit is because with the increased use of computers and electronics these days the pencil is being used less and
less each year and we do; in fact, take the pencil for granted. I found it very interested that there are one and a half billion pencils made in the U.S.A
each year. As all of our kids return to school each year to learn and increase their knowledge through reading and writing let's not forget that if it was
not for he pencil we all would not be able to communicate as well as we do today. I want to encourage everyone today to go out and purchase a pack of
pencils and let it serve as a reminder that we would not be where we are today without the use of a simple
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Reflective Essay On Class Participation
Class Participation First, you must show up to class. Then you need to ask questions, provide feedback, suggest ideas, help a peer on the computer,
etc. Students are expected to actively participate in each class and in Blackboard discussions and assignments. Participation is defined as working
actively within the class or your assigned group(s), adding to the discussion of in–class activities, whether role–plays debriefing, case analysis, or
learning opportunities in the classroom, and posting responses to and questions for discussion threads assigned in Blackboard. Participation will be
included as part of the grade in this course. You will be assessed on your participation in the classroom (beyond simply attended class) and your
participation in discussion threads. So, you will have to actively be in class and participating each week to earn your points. Active input from
students in regard to their experience and opinions will enrich the class experience. In addition, a student's interactive involvement in all discussion
posts and assigned activities is important for creating a shared learning environment. This includes during class as well as participating in online
discussions outside of class. Discussion Board Postings Each week we will have an online discussion of the material assigned – text chapters, videos,
audios, articles, etc. ‐‐by your instructor. These discussions are for the purpose of exploring the assignments, the ideas presented, your
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Nursing Discussion Essay
My assumptions for nursing before walking into this course were that this profession focused on quality care for all different types of patients. I
viewed nurses as someone who is brave, courageous, always up for a challenge, and compassionate. When I made my career choice to become a
nurse, I thought their main jobs were to spend time with the patients, help them feel comfortable, provide them with medication that was ordered by
their physician, and help patients with day to day tasks. I looked at nurses as someone who is like a close family member – specifically a mother. They
provide you with all of the love and care that a mother can provide. My impression of nursing was that nurses were given a plan of treatment ordered
by the more content...
I feel that being present to watch new life come into this world is one of the greatest gifts. I find the female body to be truly fascinating. I also
want to be a labor and delivery nurse because I want women to feel heard, comfortable, and cared for during one of their most exposed and
vulnerable events. I always want them to look back and feel that besides their family, their nurse was their biggest supporter and cheerleader. Labor
and delivery nurses can truly change a woman's birthing experience. I would also love to be able to go back to school to become a nursing
professor. I have always had a thing for teaching and showing others and I feel that being a nursing professor would allow my life to feel more
fulfilled. I want nursing students to enjoy their experience and feel confident in what they are learning and how they are performing. If I become a
professor, I feel that I can provide that wisdom and enthusiasm to help them succeed. As a student myself, I really value the professors who speak
about their personal journey through nursing school and I love when they give words of encouragement and wisdom. I feel it is important for students
to see that even when the road seems closed off and impossible to get through, with a little pushing, there is always a way to
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Week 1 Discussion Essay
Chapter 1 of your textbook includes, on page 9, Table 1.1, "Managing Change: Some Lessons from the Four Stories." Review the four "lessons"
(bullet points) on the table, and think about what some of the key "learning points" you gleaned about change from these stories. Then, do one of two
things:1. Post the top three learning points you gleaned from the stories, and include how the stories for change helped you learn these points, or2.
Research one of the four companies and see how or if that company has since changed (yet more) since the time of the book's publication. How did that
recent change fit with or not fit in with the "lessons" that the textbook mentions the company "learned" from their original set of changes? Explain
what more content...
Grossman's presentation, they paired up to propagate the new strategy. Mr. Patrick brought his "connections" to the project to get "buy in" from
higher management while Mr. Grossman had the technical capabilities.| | | | RE: Welcome to Week 1| Rae Davis | 7/13/2012 11:38:48 PM| | |
Thomas, in regards to the line you comment on "innovative changes often originate from lower levels of the organization", I totally agree withthat
statement due to the fact that those lower level employees are the ones who are working in the fields, in terms of having their hands on the equipment
and having the full knowledge of what improvements are needed in the work field. Innovation often derive from insight and even frustration at times.
Good post. Rae Davis| | | | RE: Welcome to Week 1| Michael Rohde | 7/11/2012 1:49:17 PM| | | One of the main learning points that I read was that
communication needed to be thorough and maintained through the course of the changes to ensure that complacency didn't set in or any regression in
the implementation of the changes. Another is that consideration should be given to the concerns of the individuals that will be directly affected. It is
important to note these because these are sometimes the breaking points for an unsuccessful implementation. Especially considering the individuals
affected, it so simple just a little extra time understanding how and what the change will affect will ease the process in the
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50 Essays Discussion Questions
1. "Why Don't We Complain" Question 2 Employing simple anecdotes, William F. Buckley argues in his essay "Why Don't We Complain", that as
people continue to ignore rudimentary issues, their passivity is transferring into political indifference. Buckley begins with a simple story of how "train
temperatures in the dead of the winter... climb up to 85 degrees without complaint" and how "For generations, Americans who were too hot, or too
cold, got up and did something about it". Although there were many passengers on the train, all visibly uncomfortable, no one said a word to the
conductor about the issue. Buckley implies that the recent disinclination of Americans to speak up about a problem with a simple solution is only the
beginning of more content...
Her descriptions of people's content being the same through images of junk in old bags allows her to drive home the point that people aren't all
the different, no matter the appearance. The small detail of Hurston claiming she has no race allows her to plunge into the powerful bag
metaphor, effectively portraying her conception of race. Hurston's simple details followed by powerful yet perceptible images powerfully portray
her thoughts and points on racial conflict. 4. "No Name Woman" Question 2 In "No Name Woman", Maxine Kingston's ancestral line serves as a
life lesson, whereas in "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens", Alice Walker inherits culture and hope. Kingston recounts the first time hearing of her
aunt "who killed herself" due to the fact that she was pregnant, and "could not have been pregnant... because her husband had been gone for years";
the mom adds a reminder: "Don't humiliate us. You wouldn't like to be forgotten as if you were never born". Kingston's aunt disrespected the honor
of her family and her village by her lack of faith to her husband, and creating another person dependent on the village for food, which is always
scarce. Her ancestry and aunt serve as a lesson to always respect family and their well being, or risk being forgotten
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Essay on Discussion Questions
Discussion questions two each week: Should be responded to during the week class is in session Starting TUESDAY. (DO NOT wait till Monday the
last day of any academic week to answer all the questions) P.S... Read ALL of the posts with IMPORTANT in the subject line first and follow the
directions. Please put your name after the DQ in the subject line. When you respond directly to the DQ, 100 word count minimum on ALL posts.
Week 1; DQ1: How does psychology as a scientific discipline differ from the casual observations we make about the world in everyday life? What are
the similarities? I never thought about why I react to certain thing that I have observed in my everyday environment, until I started reading
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At one time my sister signed herself off of some of the casino here in St. Louis and in Illinois. To only go to another casino that recently open or go
to some out of town. The same sister is also planning to visit Vegas. Reference: Kowalski, R., & Westen, D. (2011). Psychology (6th ed.). Retrieved
from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Hi Dan, I read your responds earlier today and I thought I should take some time to think about your question a bit before replying. As a child I can
recall my aunt going thru a stressful period in her life. From time to time I would ask her why when we are out together we would from time to time
cross the street for no reason "at least to me." Later on I found out that someone attempted to attack her. She was saved by a group of friends she was
going to meet. Even though no harm was done to her, mentally she never forgot how she felt in that moment. So because of that, she always taught me
to pay attention to the little thing people do and the feeling I received from it. Speaking with her today, she told me she sew the person walking toward
her and sew that he was hiding something, but her excitement of meet up with her friend she annoyed her warning signs. I have not thought about this
in years, so to answer your question he had to be doing something that made me feel uncomfortable. Without a second thought I
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The Sound of Silence Discussion Essays defines silence, as being an absence of a sound or noise, but for John Cage this could not be farther from the truth. Most people
would agree with the dictionary definition that no noise is silence but Cage believed that silence is sound. Cage was not only a great composer but is
known for his odd perspective and philosophy on silence and sound. His unique outlook differs from many composers, he believed to let "sounds be
themselves" and to not manipulate them ("John Cage– Music, Sound and Silence). As stated in the YouTube video of John Cage about silence he
believes that music is one of those things that don't mean anything and that we should let things be as they are. This theory differs from many
composers, who wish more content...
Cage refuted these movements rather than following them, he had his own ideas and thoughts. Cage was influenced by others as well as certain
philosophies and ways of thinking. Zen Buddhism was a big influence in Cage's career. This influenced Cage's thoughts on music and how it should be
used to change the mind and soul. Cage wanted to "evoke stillness" in his life as well as show others how to do so (Prichett). He learned also from D.T.
Suzuki, a known teacher of Zen Buddhism. Through this philosophy and the teachings of Suzuki, Cage brought about a true understanding of music
where the listener creates their own illustration. Cage used Zen Buddhism to further understand music and how it works independently. Another of
Cage's influences is Merce Cunningham, who later became his life long partner. They met while Cage was working as a dance accompanist at UCLA
in 1937. They were not only partners but also worked together. During this time the two experimented with different ideas involving percussion and
dancers. He began to write music for percussion ensembles, which then resulted in using dancers as musicians (pritchet). They brought life to inanimate
objects or object known to be "unmusical". Cage illustrated through this that music comes from anything and everywhere. He illustrated that he was
able to use people in music and make movement into sound. Cage saw music and sound in an unusual way, different
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Examples Of Workplace Discussion
Workplace Discussion
This nurse works in a 65 bed neonatal intensive care unit. Census in this unit is usually high from the summer into the holiday season. In addition to the
unit on the second floor, there is an overflow unit on the third floor that can hold twelve additional patients. Any premature baby born before thirty–five
weeks is automatically admitted into the NICU. In addition to the premature infants, full–term infants with respiratory distress, hypoglycemia,
drug–withdrawal, or other disease processes are admitted for care. There are over 140 nurses employed. Through monthly staff meetings, "grand
rounds" mini–seminars taught by the neonatologists, and regular emails, nurses are exposed to the constantly evolving more content...
On this nurse's unit, the use of cell phones is highly discouraged and even punishable. While this limits the nurses ability to access EBP information
or use mobile apps, it is a reasonable policy given the ability of most phones to take pictures and the close proximity of the neonates could make
parents uncomfortable. There are nursing journals and reference books available for resources, as well as the neonatologist's journals. At least half of
them are older than five years. The nurses do have access using the hospital's intranet to resources. This is available at any time during the work day
using the staff computers. This does include an e–library resource for evidence searches. This nurse does not often use these resources as this time due
to time limitations.
The unit this nurse works in does promote evidence–based practice on a daily basis. However, individual nurses are not encouraged as widely to
research on their own. It would be helpful if they were given extra time and encouragement to work on evidence–based projects. The simple truth is
when it comes down to care of one's patient, or searching for evidence, the nurse is going to choose her patient every time. The nurse should not have
to make this choice.
To conclude, the unit this nurse works in is actively involved in researching and implementing evidence–based practice.
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Group Discussion Case Study
3. As a group Sophia, Cassy, and I worked very well together. We all completed our jobs and didn't miss any assignments. I always did my job and
eagerly participated in the group discussions. However, I did occasionally get distracted talking to members of other groups. Sophia was always
prepared for class and she greatly contributed to the group discussion and comprehended all of the stories very well. She helped organize the group,
but sometimes she would get overly upset with me for little reasons. Cassy did not contribute to the group as much as Sophia and I did, but she made
up for this with the effort she put into her work. She tried her hardest to do all of the proper assignments and did a good job. Towards the end of the
group, she
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Discussion Forum Essay
| NSB020 Assignment 2| Discussion Forum Essay| | | | Contents Page Contents
Discussion Forum 2– 8
9–12 Appendix 1: Toolkit 13–16 Appendix 2A: Reflection – Patient Centred 17 Appendix 2B: Reflection – Hostility in the 18 Appendix 2C:
Reflection – 19 There are many issues associated with the transition from graduate registered nurse
into practicing registered nurse. Recent studies have found the phase to be a stressful period for many graduates the main challenges were
more content...
There was also concern if current education can develop a nurse's preparedness in delivering quality care (Griffiths et al, 2012). One of the
participants stated "you might be the best clinician in the world but if you can't communicate and you can't listen properly to people and you don't take
on board and understand what they're saying you may as well go dig the street" (Griffiths et al, 2012). Furthermore another participant stated "...each
individual should be [evaluated] and their needs be assessed and implemented on that particular individual...I just feel it's a conveyor belt system. Get
them in and get them out sort of thing" (Griffiths et al, 2012). In another qualitative review which explored nurse's perspectives on patient–centred care,
suggested time management was the largest barrier preventing them from communicating effectively with their patients (Chan et al, 2012). One nurse
stated "sometimes, I have to deal with 20 patients in one single shift... if one needs 10 minutes and there are 20 patients in total, how much time would
we have to spend on this? Don't we need to do other tasks?" (Chan et al, 2012). According to the Australian Commission on safety and quality in health
care, (2011) effective patient–centred care is employed through training health professionals to
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Unit 3 Discussion Forum Assignment
Unit 3 Discussion Forum Assignment by Jessica Lofton (Instructor) – Wednesday, 20 April 2016, 9:01 AM
There are always multiple questions and concerns regarding peer assessments. So let's open a discussion about the following:
1.What criteria do you consider to be of more importance? Ideas, proper English grammar or both? Support your answer.
The mind that can generate ideas is very important but the use of proper English grammar is no less significant. One of the main objectives of a
University education is to develop the communication skills of its students. An idea has no value when it cannot be expressed in the English language
that is most widely spoken in the world and it's the main language of the academia and scholarly research. Proper skills in English grammar gives
wings to ideas. The mind that can grow ideas is high in demand but you need to know proper syntax of language to cultivate the idea. When a
University graduate speaks and writes English flawlessly he or she is leaving traces that can be tracked back to his or her University education and
perhaps leaving a mark in the history or a dent in the Universe.
2.How would you assess a forum response or a peer assignment which is counter to your personal values? What feedback would you give in this
situation? more content...
This generates a plethora of views toward a single object or subject that gets engraved in our psychology and becomes our personal values. I strongly
believe that one should be completely open to understanding and realize that there can be different views or approaches toward a single matter. One
should be egoless and comprehending to the counterpart in order understand the point of view. Even, if then there are contradictions, one should
analyze and discuss the topic with convincing arguments that may lead to a uniform
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Effective Group Discussion Essay
Effective Group Discussion Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Effective Group Discussion Active group discussion is an activity practiced in a
group that consists of 8–10 members and takes about 15–20 minutes during the debate. The main aim of conducting an active group discussion is to
bring new ideas and different thoughts from the group members. An active group discussion has the small group of members to promote equal
participation. A retail company based in California had a broad advertising comprised of people such as, Andreas, Jenifer, Jiang and Robyn. Each one
of them had specific duties, Jenifer served as the leader of the broadcast media buyer as Jiang controlled promotional events where his duties were to
ensure that business details kept to date. On the other hand, Andreas was in charge of the production department in which he assisted in the production,
writing and directing radio and television commercial. Whereas, more content...
Leaders should take time and prepare the list of what is discussed in the group and those who will attend the discussion. Leaders are urged to follow
steps to achieve practical group discussion, actions such as group assembly. It is achieved through careful selection of group members. Leaders should
choose members who are positive minded can participate in the group. A leader must make a team charter to that explains the intention of starting of
the group; the group charter contains information that guides the members such as the composition of the group. Meeting planning is a significant step
where a leader must explain because starting the meeting. Based on the above tips a group leader must follow on the progress of the meeting through
ensuring that no–one is interfering with the interest of the team (Galanes & Adams,
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Sample: How to Write a Discussion Essay
This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of disciplining children. Firstly, it will consider the disadvantages of disciplining children in
terms of injuries, children taking revenge and broken relationships. Equally, it will consider the advantages of disciplining children in terms of having
more respectful children, appreciation and learning life lessons. Finally, the essay will conclude that disciplining children will eventually lead to a better
society in the future.
Children can be quite a handful to deal with at times. Disciplining children, no matter what methods are used, will always come to mind. The
concerning subject are the advantages and the disadvantages that may concern people who are in more content...
Next, disciplining children will teach them about appreciation. Children may learn to value what is given to them. For example, it can be assumed that
consequences will arise when parents' instructions are not followed.
Consequences work when the child is trying to get the parent 's attention by misbehaving and when children fight, dawdle, and fail to do their
chores. Consequences can be used to get children to school on time, to meals on time, and to take responsibility for homework. The child learns
that if he doesn 't pick up his toys, he can 't go out and play; if he doesn 't wash his hands before meals, he won 't be served any food; and if he fights
with his brother while in the car, the car will be stopped until calm resumes. (Telep 2009, N.P.)
Thus, children appreciating valuable things and understanding the consequences of misbehaviour is an advantage when disciplining children.
Finally, life lessons can be learned through discipline. These life lessons can possibly determine the child's future. For example, disciplining a child to
complete school work before engaging in leisure activities will teach the child the importance of education. Another example is disciplining a child for
being very careless, to prevent serious future injuries. Therefore, an advantage of disciplining children is that children may learn very important life
lessons through discipline.
The issues of disciplining children both have advantages and disadvantages. Though
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Discussion Group Discussion Questions
1.a) The class is in a productive zone when every individual is contributing to the discussion. Prevalent silence is a sign that we aren't being
productive, but the discussion must also be meaningful rather than just filling the silence. For me personally, I need to make sure to pick the times
when my input is most insightful to speak up, as well as trying to reach out to the people who are quiet. My level of heat started out too high and
went down to a manageable amount where I don't feel nearly as afraid to contribute. The class as a whole tends a little on the cold side, and that seems
mostly due to fear of heat. It's not that people don't want to contribute, it's that they're afraid of saying something stupid or meaningless.
b) Success would more content...
Jeff says he doesn't want to edit the paper, but he accepts anyways. Annie believes she can prove that the school is profiling. Annie and Britta don't
want to add anyone to the study group. Jeff frequently excersises control over the study group.
Interpretations: Jeff just wants the editor position so he can have an office. Annie thinks the school's Dean is racist. Annie doesn't actually think the
school's Dean is racist, she only wants to have an interesting story for the paper. The study group is conflicted about adding new people. The study
group looks to Jeff for guidance.
3.What has surprised you about the group dynamic in the class?
There has been a lot of genuine support for other peoples' ideas and also the conversation we all had where we established that we don't think other
people look as stupid as they think they do. I realize that we're all civil, but I feel like people actually care more than I would have expected. 4.At
first I didn't think I was going to enjoy this class at all, but it's actually grown on me. Outside of this class, I don't think I would be friends with anyone,
but inside I actually appreciate them and seeing how they
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Lab Report Discussion Essay
RESULTS & DISCUSSION In this experiment, multiple titrations were performed in order to accurately identify the unknown concentration of HCl
that was present in a solution. Specifically, the strong base NaOH was used to accomplish this. In addition to this, the NaOH was standardized, and
from this, the concentration of NaOH was also determined. Experimentation called for no repetition, however, if the experiment were repeated, a more
effective method of measuring the KHP and NaOH compounds could have been used. Also, the experiment could have allowed for a more precise
method of depositing the NaOH solution into the solutions obtained in Parts A and B. Consistent, accurate amounts of NaOH were hard to obtain, so a
more effective drip more content...
This value, like in Part A, was discovered to be one, resulting in the same number of moles of NaOH and HCl. This mole value was then divided by
the total volume of HCl solution which was 5 mL. This calculation needed further conversion from moles/mL through the multiplication of 1000 mL
resulting in unites of moles/L . The final concentration obtained for Run 1 was about 1.2707858 M and 1.2786574 M for Run 2. The average, or final,
concentration value obtained was then about 1.2747216
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A Discussion Of Similarities And Differences

  • 1. A Discussion Of Similarities And Differences The discussion of similarities and differences is always controversial inasmuch as the impact of individuality determines the evolvement of any kind of relationship, and it cannot be stated that attitudes of one person towards a specific social phenomena of present or past are the same as attitudes of another person. The basis for this notion is supported by evidence of the results of scientific researchers, as human patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving are different, and this difference is grounded in biologically mandated individual features. Although, there is something in common for different social groups, and ethnicity or religion might be contemplated as a wide factor that units individuals. The fact that people are connected by events of their past cannot be denied, however, the question is whether or not the form of this connection is applicable for every individual, and can the significance of influence of individual features be eliminated while stating that relationship with the past is similar for different individuals. The philosophical approach to this discussion might be used while contemplating two protagonists represented in short stories by Andrew Lam, which are included in Birds of Paradise Lost. Tammy in Slingshot and Ivory in Sister have a lot in common, and the resemblance between them, which is greatly emphasized by the author, is mainly based on the past they share and consequences it has on their contemporary lives. Both stories are focused on Get more content on
  • 2. Group Discussion And Personal Reflection Daniel Russ – Group Discussion and Personal Reflection Geoff Gallop's article; "Acid test for policy advisers" was provided to groups to develop discussion on the legitimacy of Gallop's ten 'rules' that he believes will enable individuals to become "not politicians but policy advisers within government". What emerged from our group was a significant and diverse dialog involving the definition of the 'grand ideologies' – being capitalism and socialism– mentioned in the article and a reflective debate concerning the function of political power and influence in the creation of policy. Contributions from group members helped to define the processes of capitalism and socialism and led to a discussion on their applications in modern day Australia. While there was an acceptance of Gallop's perspective that these two systems of thought are "active and relevant", the definition of these ideologies being "moral and intellectual irritants...decreasingly used as benchmarks in political judgement" was not supported. A majority of the discussion advocated the current government pursuing fiscal gains over the development of fair policy, indicating a belief in Commonwealth being highly influenced by a capitalist more content... Iterated through inputs from discussion participants, direct comparisons of Gallop's ideal policy making process to today's governance formed a shared conviction over the high amount of power that political influence exhibits over policy making. This led to an agreement that this political approach is significant in reducing policy creativity and directly influenced by the ideals of the overarching authority. In light of this perspective, it was also interpreted that the bureaucracy created from this power struggle has led to an imbalance between political objectivity and dependence on circumstantial agendas that ultimately mocks a fair policy Get more content on
  • 3. Example Of Discussion Essay Chapter 4 Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations "This increase of power from the mere musket and the little cannon all the way to the hydrogen bomb in a single lifetime is indicative of the things that have happened to us. They indicate how far the advances of science have outraced our social consciousness, how much we have developed scientifically than we are capable of handling emotionally and intellectually." –Dwight D. Eisenhower Discussion We no longer have our eyes focused on what is happening beyond our borders, we now have an emerging problem with radicalized, naturalized Americans citizens who are composed of a variety of groups. The groups are defended and guaranteed by the U. S. Constitution's first and fourth amendment rights to conduct lawful marches (unrestrained) and cannot be forced to subject themselves to seizure and search without a search warrant and probable cause. Many engage in peaceful marches, however, many have resorted to violent marches. Unfortunately, recent marches have more content... From a judiciary perspective, there has never been no specific designated cut off time in order to detain and hold a person. Because the arresting /interviewing officer must have all the time necessary at his disposal in order to conduct the brief yet thorough investigation. However, there are legal aspects that must be considered in order to hold a person indefinitely. U. S. citizens have basic rights under the law and protection for the innocent civilian is always a consideration that must cross the interviewers/interrogators mind. However, the treatment and handling of an illegal immigrant and terrorist crosses into Federal laws which require a completely different handling process. Illegal immigrants, cover a whole spectrum of legal status. This report will focus on another group that is influencing private and public policies in Get more content on
  • 4. Crime Discussion Paper Crime Discussion #3 Throughout the social development of individuals, there are several things that we learn through inclusion and the way in which parents raise us. We learn how to make appropriate social interactions depending on who is in our presence, we learn social expectation, what is considered good behavior, and finally what is considered bad behavior. Yet, awareness of what can constitute as criminal conduct has become increasingly prominent in our culture, especially with the strong presence in social media that it now has. However, what we are often exposed to are adult criminal assailants, and we rarely hear about juvenile, unless they have committed an extreme offense. But it is that last population, the one that we need to focus on, considering that it is them that can move to the extremes; to get blossom under help or to commit an increasing amount of crime. People often blame parents over the criminal behavior of the children and do not take into consideration all the various factors such as peer groups (book) that more content... However, there are other forms of evidence towards juveniles deciding to partake in criminal behavior that the criminal justice system still struggle to adjust and incorporate in their policies. An example of this is how there is a double standard when it comes to when the brain is mature enough to make decision; 16 for driving, 18 to partake in war, 21 to drink alcohol, but on the other side of the spectrum, we have had instances when children as young as ten years old have been executed for crimes. So, why are we holding children accountable on adult Get more content on
  • 5. I Pencil Discussion Essay I, Pencil; Discussion This article is pretty neat for the simple fact that I never thought of a pencil in this aspect before. The pencil has had a profound effect in our society and civilization as a whole. The main points that the author is trying to make is that only boys and girls who can read and write uses the pencil, the pencil is taken for granted, and that the pencil can teach anyone a lesson if he or she wants to learn. First, I would like to discuss the merits of the argument that the author assumes that the pencil is for anyone that can read and write. I totally disagree with this merit because, what about artists both young and old who draw and use their creativity on paper through the pencil. Are they not using the pencil, it is a proven fact that people with disabilities and impaired in some shape or form can benefit from art, especially Alzheimer's patients. The reason why I disagree, is that the pencil is for those that have not yet learned to read or write because we have all been through grade school and if it was not for the pencil we would not be able to communicate, read, or write. You see, the pencil is for both young and old that are more content... The reason why I agree with this merit is because with the increased use of computers and electronics these days the pencil is being used less and less each year and we do; in fact, take the pencil for granted. I found it very interested that there are one and a half billion pencils made in the U.S.A each year. As all of our kids return to school each year to learn and increase their knowledge through reading and writing let's not forget that if it was not for he pencil we all would not be able to communicate as well as we do today. I want to encourage everyone today to go out and purchase a pack of pencils and let it serve as a reminder that we would not be where we are today without the use of a simple Get more content on
  • 6. Reflective Essay On Class Participation Class Participation First, you must show up to class. Then you need to ask questions, provide feedback, suggest ideas, help a peer on the computer, etc. Students are expected to actively participate in each class and in Blackboard discussions and assignments. Participation is defined as working actively within the class or your assigned group(s), adding to the discussion of in–class activities, whether role–plays debriefing, case analysis, or learning opportunities in the classroom, and posting responses to and questions for discussion threads assigned in Blackboard. Participation will be included as part of the grade in this course. You will be assessed on your participation in the classroom (beyond simply attended class) and your participation in discussion threads. So, you will have to actively be in class and participating each week to earn your points. Active input from students in regard to their experience and opinions will enrich the class experience. In addition, a student's interactive involvement in all discussion posts and assigned activities is important for creating a shared learning environment. This includes during class as well as participating in online discussions outside of class. Discussion Board Postings Each week we will have an online discussion of the material assigned – text chapters, videos, audios, articles, etc. ‐‐by your instructor. These discussions are for the purpose of exploring the assignments, the ideas presented, your Get more content on
  • 7. Nursing Discussion Essay My assumptions for nursing before walking into this course were that this profession focused on quality care for all different types of patients. I viewed nurses as someone who is brave, courageous, always up for a challenge, and compassionate. When I made my career choice to become a nurse, I thought their main jobs were to spend time with the patients, help them feel comfortable, provide them with medication that was ordered by their physician, and help patients with day to day tasks. I looked at nurses as someone who is like a close family member – specifically a mother. They provide you with all of the love and care that a mother can provide. My impression of nursing was that nurses were given a plan of treatment ordered by the more content... I feel that being present to watch new life come into this world is one of the greatest gifts. I find the female body to be truly fascinating. I also want to be a labor and delivery nurse because I want women to feel heard, comfortable, and cared for during one of their most exposed and vulnerable events. I always want them to look back and feel that besides their family, their nurse was their biggest supporter and cheerleader. Labor and delivery nurses can truly change a woman's birthing experience. I would also love to be able to go back to school to become a nursing professor. I have always had a thing for teaching and showing others and I feel that being a nursing professor would allow my life to feel more fulfilled. I want nursing students to enjoy their experience and feel confident in what they are learning and how they are performing. If I become a professor, I feel that I can provide that wisdom and enthusiasm to help them succeed. As a student myself, I really value the professors who speak about their personal journey through nursing school and I love when they give words of encouragement and wisdom. I feel it is important for students to see that even when the road seems closed off and impossible to get through, with a little pushing, there is always a way to Get more content on
  • 8. Week 1 Discussion Essay Chapter 1 of your textbook includes, on page 9, Table 1.1, "Managing Change: Some Lessons from the Four Stories." Review the four "lessons" (bullet points) on the table, and think about what some of the key "learning points" you gleaned about change from these stories. Then, do one of two things:1. Post the top three learning points you gleaned from the stories, and include how the stories for change helped you learn these points, or2. Research one of the four companies and see how or if that company has since changed (yet more) since the time of the book's publication. How did that recent change fit with or not fit in with the "lessons" that the textbook mentions the company "learned" from their original set of changes? Explain what more content... Grossman's presentation, they paired up to propagate the new strategy. Mr. Patrick brought his "connections" to the project to get "buy in" from higher management while Mr. Grossman had the technical capabilities.| | | | RE: Welcome to Week 1| Rae Davis | 7/13/2012 11:38:48 PM| | | Thomas, in regards to the line you comment on "innovative changes often originate from lower levels of the organization", I totally agree withthat statement due to the fact that those lower level employees are the ones who are working in the fields, in terms of having their hands on the equipment and having the full knowledge of what improvements are needed in the work field. Innovation often derive from insight and even frustration at times. Good post. Rae Davis| | | | RE: Welcome to Week 1| Michael Rohde | 7/11/2012 1:49:17 PM| | | One of the main learning points that I read was that communication needed to be thorough and maintained through the course of the changes to ensure that complacency didn't set in or any regression in the implementation of the changes. Another is that consideration should be given to the concerns of the individuals that will be directly affected. It is important to note these because these are sometimes the breaking points for an unsuccessful implementation. Especially considering the individuals affected, it so simple just a little extra time understanding how and what the change will affect will ease the process in the Get more content on
  • 9. 50 Essays Discussion Questions 1. "Why Don't We Complain" Question 2 Employing simple anecdotes, William F. Buckley argues in his essay "Why Don't We Complain", that as people continue to ignore rudimentary issues, their passivity is transferring into political indifference. Buckley begins with a simple story of how "train temperatures in the dead of the winter... climb up to 85 degrees without complaint" and how "For generations, Americans who were too hot, or too cold, got up and did something about it". Although there were many passengers on the train, all visibly uncomfortable, no one said a word to the conductor about the issue. Buckley implies that the recent disinclination of Americans to speak up about a problem with a simple solution is only the beginning of more content... Her descriptions of people's content being the same through images of junk in old bags allows her to drive home the point that people aren't all the different, no matter the appearance. The small detail of Hurston claiming she has no race allows her to plunge into the powerful bag metaphor, effectively portraying her conception of race. Hurston's simple details followed by powerful yet perceptible images powerfully portray her thoughts and points on racial conflict. 4. "No Name Woman" Question 2 In "No Name Woman", Maxine Kingston's ancestral line serves as a life lesson, whereas in "In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens", Alice Walker inherits culture and hope. Kingston recounts the first time hearing of her aunt "who killed herself" due to the fact that she was pregnant, and "could not have been pregnant... because her husband had been gone for years"; the mom adds a reminder: "Don't humiliate us. You wouldn't like to be forgotten as if you were never born". Kingston's aunt disrespected the honor of her family and her village by her lack of faith to her husband, and creating another person dependent on the village for food, which is always scarce. Her ancestry and aunt serve as a lesson to always respect family and their well being, or risk being forgotten Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Discussion Questions Discussion questions two each week: Should be responded to during the week class is in session Starting TUESDAY. (DO NOT wait till Monday the last day of any academic week to answer all the questions) P.S... Read ALL of the posts with IMPORTANT in the subject line first and follow the directions. Please put your name after the DQ in the subject line. When you respond directly to the DQ, 100 word count minimum on ALL posts. Week 1; DQ1: How does psychology as a scientific discipline differ from the casual observations we make about the world in everyday life? What are the similarities? I never thought about why I react to certain thing that I have observed in my everyday environment, until I started reading more content... At one time my sister signed herself off of some of the casino here in St. Louis and in Illinois. To only go to another casino that recently open or go to some out of town. The same sister is also planning to visit Vegas. Reference: Kowalski, R., & Westen, D. (2011). Psychology (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Hi Dan, I read your responds earlier today and I thought I should take some time to think about your question a bit before replying. As a child I can recall my aunt going thru a stressful period in her life. From time to time I would ask her why when we are out together we would from time to time cross the street for no reason "at least to me." Later on I found out that someone attempted to attack her. She was saved by a group of friends she was going to meet. Even though no harm was done to her, mentally she never forgot how she felt in that moment. So because of that, she always taught me to pay attention to the little thing people do and the feeling I received from it. Speaking with her today, she told me she sew the person walking toward her and sew that he was hiding something, but her excitement of meet up with her friend she annoyed her warning signs. I have not thought about this in years, so to answer your question he had to be doing something that made me feel uncomfortable. Without a second thought I Get more content on
  • 11. The Sound of Silence Discussion Essays defines silence, as being an absence of a sound or noise, but for John Cage this could not be farther from the truth. Most people would agree with the dictionary definition that no noise is silence but Cage believed that silence is sound. Cage was not only a great composer but is known for his odd perspective and philosophy on silence and sound. His unique outlook differs from many composers, he believed to let "sounds be themselves" and to not manipulate them ("John Cage– Music, Sound and Silence). As stated in the YouTube video of John Cage about silence he believes that music is one of those things that don't mean anything and that we should let things be as they are. This theory differs from many composers, who wish more content... Cage refuted these movements rather than following them, he had his own ideas and thoughts. Cage was influenced by others as well as certain philosophies and ways of thinking. Zen Buddhism was a big influence in Cage's career. This influenced Cage's thoughts on music and how it should be used to change the mind and soul. Cage wanted to "evoke stillness" in his life as well as show others how to do so (Prichett). He learned also from D.T. Suzuki, a known teacher of Zen Buddhism. Through this philosophy and the teachings of Suzuki, Cage brought about a true understanding of music where the listener creates their own illustration. Cage used Zen Buddhism to further understand music and how it works independently. Another of Cage's influences is Merce Cunningham, who later became his life long partner. They met while Cage was working as a dance accompanist at UCLA in 1937. They were not only partners but also worked together. During this time the two experimented with different ideas involving percussion and dancers. He began to write music for percussion ensembles, which then resulted in using dancers as musicians (pritchet). They brought life to inanimate objects or object known to be "unmusical". Cage illustrated through this that music comes from anything and everywhere. He illustrated that he was able to use people in music and make movement into sound. Cage saw music and sound in an unusual way, different Get more content on
  • 12. Examples Of Workplace Discussion Workplace Discussion This nurse works in a 65 bed neonatal intensive care unit. Census in this unit is usually high from the summer into the holiday season. In addition to the unit on the second floor, there is an overflow unit on the third floor that can hold twelve additional patients. Any premature baby born before thirty–five weeks is automatically admitted into the NICU. In addition to the premature infants, full–term infants with respiratory distress, hypoglycemia, drug–withdrawal, or other disease processes are admitted for care. There are over 140 nurses employed. Through monthly staff meetings, "grand rounds" mini–seminars taught by the neonatologists, and regular emails, nurses are exposed to the constantly evolving more content... Resources On this nurse's unit, the use of cell phones is highly discouraged and even punishable. While this limits the nurses ability to access EBP information or use mobile apps, it is a reasonable policy given the ability of most phones to take pictures and the close proximity of the neonates could make parents uncomfortable. There are nursing journals and reference books available for resources, as well as the neonatologist's journals. At least half of them are older than five years. The nurses do have access using the hospital's intranet to resources. This is available at any time during the work day using the staff computers. This does include an e–library resource for evidence searches. This nurse does not often use these resources as this time due to time limitations. Recommendations The unit this nurse works in does promote evidence–based practice on a daily basis. However, individual nurses are not encouraged as widely to research on their own. It would be helpful if they were given extra time and encouragement to work on evidence–based projects. The simple truth is when it comes down to care of one's patient, or searching for evidence, the nurse is going to choose her patient every time. The nurse should not have to make this choice. Conclusion To conclude, the unit this nurse works in is actively involved in researching and implementing evidence–based practice.
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  • 14. Group Discussion Case Study 3. As a group Sophia, Cassy, and I worked very well together. We all completed our jobs and didn't miss any assignments. I always did my job and eagerly participated in the group discussions. However, I did occasionally get distracted talking to members of other groups. Sophia was always prepared for class and she greatly contributed to the group discussion and comprehended all of the stories very well. She helped organize the group, but sometimes she would get overly upset with me for little reasons. Cassy did not contribute to the group as much as Sophia and I did, but she made up for this with the effort she put into her work. She tried her hardest to do all of the proper assignments and did a good job. Towards the end of the group, she Get more content on
  • 15. Discussion Forum Essay | NSB020 Assignment 2| Discussion Forum Essay| | | | Contents Page Contents Discussion Forum 2– 8 9–12 Appendix 1: Toolkit 13–16 Appendix 2A: Reflection – Patient Centred 17 Appendix 2B: Reflection – Hostility in the 18 Appendix 2C: Reflection – 19 There are many issues associated with the transition from graduate registered nurse into practicing registered nurse. Recent studies have found the phase to be a stressful period for many graduates the main challenges were more content... There was also concern if current education can develop a nurse's preparedness in delivering quality care (Griffiths et al, 2012). One of the participants stated "you might be the best clinician in the world but if you can't communicate and you can't listen properly to people and you don't take on board and understand what they're saying you may as well go dig the street" (Griffiths et al, 2012). Furthermore another participant stated "...each individual should be [evaluated] and their needs be assessed and implemented on that particular individual...I just feel it's a conveyor belt system. Get them in and get them out sort of thing" (Griffiths et al, 2012). In another qualitative review which explored nurse's perspectives on patient–centred care, suggested time management was the largest barrier preventing them from communicating effectively with their patients (Chan et al, 2012). One nurse stated "sometimes, I have to deal with 20 patients in one single shift... if one needs 10 minutes and there are 20 patients in total, how much time would we have to spend on this? Don't we need to do other tasks?" (Chan et al, 2012). According to the Australian Commission on safety and quality in health care, (2011) effective patient–centred care is employed through training health professionals to Get more content on
  • 16. Unit 3 Discussion Forum Assignment Unit 3 Discussion Forum Assignment by Jessica Lofton (Instructor) – Wednesday, 20 April 2016, 9:01 AM There are always multiple questions and concerns regarding peer assessments. So let's open a discussion about the following: 1.What criteria do you consider to be of more importance? Ideas, proper English grammar or both? Support your answer. The mind that can generate ideas is very important but the use of proper English grammar is no less significant. One of the main objectives of a University education is to develop the communication skills of its students. An idea has no value when it cannot be expressed in the English language that is most widely spoken in the world and it's the main language of the academia and scholarly research. Proper skills in English grammar gives wings to ideas. The mind that can grow ideas is high in demand but you need to know proper syntax of language to cultivate the idea. When a University graduate speaks and writes English flawlessly he or she is leaving traces that can be tracked back to his or her University education and perhaps leaving a mark in the history or a dent in the Universe. 2.How would you assess a forum response or a peer assignment which is counter to your personal values? What feedback would you give in this situation? more content... This generates a plethora of views toward a single object or subject that gets engraved in our psychology and becomes our personal values. I strongly believe that one should be completely open to understanding and realize that there can be different views or approaches toward a single matter. One should be egoless and comprehending to the counterpart in order understand the point of view. Even, if then there are contradictions, one should analyze and discuss the topic with convincing arguments that may lead to a uniform Get more content on
  • 17. Effective Group Discussion Essay Effective Group Discussion Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Effective Group Discussion Active group discussion is an activity practiced in a group that consists of 8–10 members and takes about 15–20 minutes during the debate. The main aim of conducting an active group discussion is to bring new ideas and different thoughts from the group members. An active group discussion has the small group of members to promote equal participation. A retail company based in California had a broad advertising comprised of people such as, Andreas, Jenifer, Jiang and Robyn. Each one of them had specific duties, Jenifer served as the leader of the broadcast media buyer as Jiang controlled promotional events where his duties were to ensure that business details kept to date. On the other hand, Andreas was in charge of the production department in which he assisted in the production, writing and directing radio and television commercial. Whereas, more content... Leaders should take time and prepare the list of what is discussed in the group and those who will attend the discussion. Leaders are urged to follow steps to achieve practical group discussion, actions such as group assembly. It is achieved through careful selection of group members. Leaders should choose members who are positive minded can participate in the group. A leader must make a team charter to that explains the intention of starting of the group; the group charter contains information that guides the members such as the composition of the group. Meeting planning is a significant step where a leader must explain because starting the meeting. Based on the above tips a group leader must follow on the progress of the meeting through ensuring that no–one is interfering with the interest of the team (Galanes & Adams, Get more content on
  • 18. Sample: How to Write a Discussion Essay Abstract This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of disciplining children. Firstly, it will consider the disadvantages of disciplining children in terms of injuries, children taking revenge and broken relationships. Equally, it will consider the advantages of disciplining children in terms of having more respectful children, appreciation and learning life lessons. Finally, the essay will conclude that disciplining children will eventually lead to a better society in the future. Children can be quite a handful to deal with at times. Disciplining children, no matter what methods are used, will always come to mind. The concerning subject are the advantages and the disadvantages that may concern people who are in more content... Next, disciplining children will teach them about appreciation. Children may learn to value what is given to them. For example, it can be assumed that consequences will arise when parents' instructions are not followed. Consequences work when the child is trying to get the parent 's attention by misbehaving and when children fight, dawdle, and fail to do their chores. Consequences can be used to get children to school on time, to meals on time, and to take responsibility for homework. The child learns that if he doesn 't pick up his toys, he can 't go out and play; if he doesn 't wash his hands before meals, he won 't be served any food; and if he fights with his brother while in the car, the car will be stopped until calm resumes. (Telep 2009, N.P.) Thus, children appreciating valuable things and understanding the consequences of misbehaviour is an advantage when disciplining children. Finally, life lessons can be learned through discipline. These life lessons can possibly determine the child's future. For example, disciplining a child to complete school work before engaging in leisure activities will teach the child the importance of education. Another example is disciplining a child for being very careless, to prevent serious future injuries. Therefore, an advantage of disciplining children is that children may learn very important life lessons through discipline. The issues of disciplining children both have advantages and disadvantages. Though Get more content on
  • 19. Discussion Group Discussion Questions 1.a) The class is in a productive zone when every individual is contributing to the discussion. Prevalent silence is a sign that we aren't being productive, but the discussion must also be meaningful rather than just filling the silence. For me personally, I need to make sure to pick the times when my input is most insightful to speak up, as well as trying to reach out to the people who are quiet. My level of heat started out too high and went down to a manageable amount where I don't feel nearly as afraid to contribute. The class as a whole tends a little on the cold side, and that seems mostly due to fear of heat. It's not that people don't want to contribute, it's that they're afraid of saying something stupid or meaningless. b) Success would more content... Jeff says he doesn't want to edit the paper, but he accepts anyways. Annie believes she can prove that the school is profiling. Annie and Britta don't want to add anyone to the study group. Jeff frequently excersises control over the study group. Interpretations: Jeff just wants the editor position so he can have an office. Annie thinks the school's Dean is racist. Annie doesn't actually think the school's Dean is racist, she only wants to have an interesting story for the paper. The study group is conflicted about adding new people. The study group looks to Jeff for guidance. 3.What has surprised you about the group dynamic in the class? There has been a lot of genuine support for other peoples' ideas and also the conversation we all had where we established that we don't think other people look as stupid as they think they do. I realize that we're all civil, but I feel like people actually care more than I would have expected. 4.At first I didn't think I was going to enjoy this class at all, but it's actually grown on me. Outside of this class, I don't think I would be friends with anyone, but inside I actually appreciate them and seeing how they Get more content on
  • 20. Lab Report Discussion Essay RESULTS & DISCUSSION In this experiment, multiple titrations were performed in order to accurately identify the unknown concentration of HCl that was present in a solution. Specifically, the strong base NaOH was used to accomplish this. In addition to this, the NaOH was standardized, and from this, the concentration of NaOH was also determined. Experimentation called for no repetition, however, if the experiment were repeated, a more effective method of measuring the KHP and NaOH compounds could have been used. Also, the experiment could have allowed for a more precise method of depositing the NaOH solution into the solutions obtained in Parts A and B. Consistent, accurate amounts of NaOH were hard to obtain, so a more effective drip more content... This value, like in Part A, was discovered to be one, resulting in the same number of moles of NaOH and HCl. This mole value was then divided by the total volume of HCl solution which was 5 mL. This calculation needed further conversion from moles/mL through the multiplication of 1000 mL resulting in unites of moles/L . The final concentration obtained for Run 1 was about 1.2707858 M and 1.2786574 M for Run 2. The average, or final, concentration value obtained was then about 1.2747216 Get more content on