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Letters in Applied Microbiology ISSN 0266-8254


A colony-to-lawn method for efficient transformation of
Escherichia coli
Y. An, A. Lv and W. Wu
Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China

Keywords                                         Abstract
chemical transformation, competent cells,
electroporation, low-copy-number plasmid,        Aims: To develop a fast, convenient, inexpensive and efficient Escherichia coli
mutant library.                                  transformation method for changing hosts of plasmids, which can also facilitate
                                                 the selection of positive clones after DNA ligation and transformation.
Correspondence                                   Methods and Results: A single fresh colony from plasmid-containing donor
Wenfang Wu, Institute of Applied Ecology,
                                                 strain is picked up and suspended in 75% ethanol. Cells are pelleted and resus-
Chinese Academy of Sciences. No.72 Wenhua
Road. Shenyang 110016, China.
                                                 pended in CaCl2 solution and lysed by repetitive freeze–thaw cycles to obtain
E-mail:                      plasmid-containing cell lysate. The E. coli recipient cells are scraped from the
                                                 lawn of LB plate and directly suspended in the plasmid-containing cell lysate
2010 ⁄ 0411: received 11 March 2010, revised     for transformation. Additionally, a process based on colony-to-lawn transfor-
4 April 2010 and accepted 21 April 2010          mation and protein expression was designed and conveniently used to screen
                                                 positive clones after DNA ligation and transformation.
                                                 Conclusions: With this method, a single colony from plasmid-containing
                                                 donor strain can be directly used to transform recipient cells scraped from
                                                 lawn of LB plate. Additionally, in combination with this method, screening of
                                                 positive clones after DNA ligation and transformation can be convenient and
                                                 Significance and Impact of the Study: Compared with current methods, this
                                                 procedure saves the steps of plasmid extraction and competent cell preparation.
                                                 Therefore, the method should be highly valuable especially for high-throughput
                                                 changing hosts of plasmids during mutant library creation.

                                                                              efficiency (Okamoto et al. 1997; McCormac et al. 1998).
                                                                              In addition, a liposome-mediated transformation system
Changing hosts of plasmids by transformation is essential                     has been developed, because bacterial cells were found to
for many experiments in molecular biology, molecular                          be susceptible to transformation by liposomes (Kawata
genetics, etc. The CaCl2-mediated chemical transforma-                        et al. 2003). Although the methods described earlier have
tion is one of the most commonly used transformation                          provided various choices for efficient transformation of
methods until now. With this method, after treatment                          Escherichia coli, they are all dependent on the extraction
with CaCl2, a transient state of ‘competence’ is introduced                   of plasmid DNA beforehand. Therefore, when changing
to the recipient cells, and the cells are more likely to                      the hosts of hundreds or thousands of plasmids is
incorporate bacteriophage DNA or plasmid DNA (Man-                            performed, the work should be very time-consuming,
del and Higa 1970; Cohen et al. 1972; Oishi and Cosloy                        expensive and inconvenient.
1972). Some modified methods have been designed to                                In addition, during molecular cloning or construction
promote the efficiency of chemical transformation (Golub                       of mutant libaries, frameshift mutations often occur,
1988; Liu and Rashidbaigi 1990; Tang et al. 1994; Pope                        which may prevent the expression of proper proteins in
and Kent 1996; Chen et al. 2001; Zeng et al. 2006).                           E. coli. Although these mutations can be detected and
Another efficient transformation method is electro-                            removed by DNA sequencing of randomly selected clones,
poration, which can introduce a higher transformation                         the process is inconvenient especially when changing

                                                                                                                                          ª 2010 The Authors
98                                          Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103
Y. An et al.                                                                                                 How to make transformation more efficient

hosts of multiple plasmids are performed during muta-                               BL21(DE3) harbouring pETM11-P450-BM3 obtained
tion library creation. To address these problems, we                                either from colony-to-lawn transformation or from chem-
describe a rapid, convenient and inexpensive method for                             ical transformation were cultured in TB media supple-
changing E. coli hosts of plasmids. Additionally, based on                          mented with kanamycin. The cultures were induced using
this method and protein expression, a process was                                   IPTG (0Æ2 mmol l)1) at the exponential growth phase and
designed and conveniently used to screen positive clones                            incubated at 20°C with shaking at 150 rev min)1 over-
after DNA ligation and transformation.                                              night. As a control, two colonies from the E. coli JM109
                                                                                    strain harbouring pETM11-P450-BM3 were also used for
                                                                                    induced protein expression as described earlier. Cells
Materials and methods
                                                                                    from these cultures were pelleted by centrifugation and
Escherichia coli JM109 strains harbouring plasmids pUC19                            checked the expression levels of protein P450-BM3 by
(Ampr), pBR322 (Ampr), pYES2 (Ampr), pLysS (Camr),                                  SDS-PAGE.
pSE380 (Ampr), pETM-11 (Kanr) and pETM11-p450BM3                                       A mutant library of P450-BM3 was generated by error-
(Kanr) were grown on antibiotic-supplemented LB agar                                prone PCR. The primers P450-For (5¢-GAGGGATACCA-
plates for 36 h. The concentrations of the antibiotics                              TGGCAATTAAAGAAATGCCTCAGCC-3¢) and P450-Rev
ampicillin, chloramphenicol and kanamycin were 50, 30                               (5¢-CTCGCGGCCGCTTACCCAGCCCACACGTCTTTTG-
and 50 mg l)1 respectively. For each strain, a single                               CG-3¢) were used for PCR amplification. The PCR was
colony was carefully picked up without gouging the agar.                            performed in mixture containing 2 ng of P450-BM3 tem-
Each colony was suspended in a tube containing 200 ll                               plate DNA, 0Æ5 lmol l)1 both primers, 1 mmol l)1
Milli-Q water followed by the addition of 600 ll ethanol                            d(C ⁄ T)TP, 0Æ2 mmol l)1 d(A ⁄ G)TP, 40 nmol l)1 MgCl2,
to the tube. The mixtures were put in room temperature                              1· Taq polymerase buffer and 3 Unit Taq polymerase
for 5 min, and then the cells were pelleted by centrifuga-                          with a total volume of 50 ll. This reaction mixture was
tion. The tubes were put upside down for 10 min at                                  heated at 95°C for 2 min followed by 30 cycles of incuba-
room temperature to dry pellets, and a 30-ll aliquot of                             tion at 95°C for 1 min, 48°C for 40 s, and 72°C for
0Æ1 mol l)1 CaCl2 was added to each tube and mixed                                  5 min and a final incubation at 72°C for 10 min. After
carefully. Then, the cells of different strains were lysed by                       purification, the PCR product was digested with NotI and
frozen at )80°C and thawed at 100°C for three cycles to                             NcoI and cloned into the corresponding restriction
obtain plasmid-containing cell lysates. The recipient strain                        enzyme sites of pETM11 vector and transformed into
BL21(DE3) was intensively grown on LB agar plates for                               E. coli JM109. Ten randomly selected transformants were
24 h to form lawn. The cells from lawn were carefully                               used to transform E. coli recipient strain BL21(DE3) with
scraped without gouging the agar and resuspended in five                             the colony-to-lawn transformation method. After trans-
times volume of ice-cold water. A 30-ll aliquot of cells                            formation, transformed bacteria were grown in 50-ml
suspension was transferred to each tube containing the                              auto-inducing media (ZYM-5052) (Studier 2005). The
plasmid-containing cell lysate and mixed gently. The mix-                           cultures were first incubated at 37°C till OD600 = 1 and
tures were incubated on ice for 15 min followed by heat                             then incubated at 20°C overnight with shaking at
shock at 42°C for 40 s to perform transformation. Trans-                            150 rev min)1. Cells from 5 ml of each culture were pel-
formed bacteria were grown and selected by standard                                 leted by centrifugation and used to check protein expres-
methods. The number of transformants after each trans-                              sion by SDS-PAGE, and the remaining cultures (about
formation with a single colony of plasmid-containing                                45 ml for each) were kept at 4°C. The plasmids were
donor strain was calculated after incubation at 37°C for                            extracted from the remaining cultures of positive clones
24 h. After each transformation, the plasmids were                                  with expected protein expression, and DNA sequencing
extracted from five randomly selected transformants and                              was performed.
re-transformed into BL21(DE3) competent cells with the
traditional chemical transformation method. This was
used to check whether the antibiotic-resistant colonies
were real transformants or just E. coli mutants or contam-                          The colony-to-lawn transformation method for changing
inants. As a control, the cell lysates were directly spread                         hosts of plasmids is illustrated in Fig. 1a. The first step is
on antibiotic-supplemented LB agar plates to check                                  preparation of plasmid-containing cell lysate. A single
whether all the cells were sterilized after 75% ethanol                             colony from plasmid donor strain is suspended in 75%
incubation and freeze–thaw cycles. Changing hosts of                                ethanol followed by centrifugation to get pellet, and then
plasmid pETM11-P450-BM3 from JM109 to BL21(DE3)                                     the cells are resuspended in CaCl2 solution and lysed
was also performed with chemical transformation after                               by freeze–thaw cycles to obtain plasmid-containing cell
plasmid extraction. Then, two transformants of                                      lysate. The second step is preparation of recipient cells for

ª 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103                                 99
How to make transformation more efficient                                                                                                                                 Y. An et al.

        (a)                                                                            (b)                Colonies from         Colonies from
                       Colonies from                                                                   plasmid-containing
                    plasmid-containing                                                                                        plasmid-containing        Lawn from
                                                                                                          donor strain           donor strain         recipient strain
                        donor strain
                                                 Lawn from
                                               recipient strain

                            A single colony                                                                       Liquid
       200 µl water            Cells pelleted by        Cells scraped
       600 µl ethanol           centrifugation           from lawn

                                             Water        Suspension                                                 Competent cell
         30 µl CaCI2           Freeze-thaw
          solution               cycles                                                                      Plasmid

                                                                                                        Transformation                     Transformation
                                                                                         Chemical transformation                  Colony-to-lawn transformation

        (c)                                                              (d)
                       M       1         2         3                                                  120
                                                                         Transformation frequencies

          120-                                                                                        80
           85-                                                                                        60

        (kDa)                                                                                          0
                                                                                                            pUC19 pBR322 pYES2 pLysS pSE380 pETM-11 pETM 11-

Figure 1 The colony-to-lawn transformation method used for changing hosts of plasmid. (a) Outline of the colony-to-lawn transformation
method. A single colony from plasmid donor strain is washed with 75% ethanol and air-dried, and then cells are suspended in CaCl2 solution and
lysed by freeze–thaw cycles to obtain plasmid-containing cell lysate. At the same time, cells of plasmid recipient strain are scraped carefully from
fresh lawn and suspended in ice-cold water. Then, the recipient cells and plasmid-containing cell lysate are mixed gently and performed transfor-
mation by heat shock method. The transformed bacteria are grown and selected by standard methods. (b) Comparison of the colony-to-lawn
transformation method and the chemical transformation method. Plasmid extraction and competent cell preparation are essential steps for chemi-
cal transformation, but not necessary for colony-to-lawn transformation. (c) SDS-PAGE gel shows protein expression of P450-BM3 before and
after changing hosts of pETM11-P450-BM3 either by colony-to-lawn transformation or by chemical transformation. Lane M: protein molecular
weight marker; lane 1, after host changing of pETM11-P450-BM3 with the chemical transformation method; lanes 2, after host changing of
pETM11-P450-BM3 with the colony-to-lawn transformation method; lanes 3, before host changing of pETM11-P450-BM3 (i.e. protein expressed
in Escherichia coli JM109). (d) The numbers of transformants obtained by changing hosts of various plasmids with the colony-to-lawn transforma-
tion method. Each value represents the mean of five independent experiments.

transformation. Cells of E. coli recipient strain are scraped                                                 plasmid extraction and competent cell preparation steps
carefully from fresh lawn without gouging the agar and                                                        are needed (Fig. 1b). Using pETM11-P450-BM3 as a sam-
then suspended in ice-cold water. The third step is trans-                                                    ple, we changed its hosts from E. coli JM109 to
formation. An aliquot of recipient cells and plasmid-con-                                                     BL21(DE3) either by colony-to-lawn transformation or by
taining cell lysate are mixed gently and we performed                                                         chemical transformation. After IPTG induction, the simi-
transformation by heat shock method. Then, transformed                                                        lar expression levels of P450-BM3 protein were obtained
bacteria are grown and selected by standard methods.                                                          (Fig. 1c), indicating that there is no fundamental differ-
The colony-to-lawn transformation method is more                                                              ence between these transformants. We tested the colony-
convenient and rapid than current methods, because no                                                         to-lawn transformation method by using it to change the

                                                                                                                                                 ª 2010 The Authors
100                                                Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103
Y. An et al.                                                                                                  How to make transformation more efficient

hosts of various plasmids, including the low-copy-number                            containing cell lysate, indicating that 75% ethanol incuba-
plasmid pLysS. As a result, no less than 60 transformants                           tion and freeze–thaw cycles were efficient for sterilization,
were available after each transformation with a single col-                         and no transformants obtained after transformation were
ony of plasmid-containing donor strain (Fig. 1d). Addi-                             mutants or contaminants.
tionally, the method is very convenient, because the LB                                A process based on colony-to-lawn transformation and
agar plates with colonies of donor strains and recipient                            protein expression was designed and conveniently used to
strain can be stocked at 4°C for at least 7 days without                            remove frameshift mutations during the construction of
affecting the transformation obviously (data not shown).                            mutant library (Fig. 2a). Recombinant plasmids are
As a control, plasmids from the randomly selected trans-                            constructed and transformed into E. coli cloning strain,
formants were successfully re-transformed into E. coli                              followed by changing the hosts of plasmids from cloning
BL21(DE3) by chemical transformation, indicating that                               strain to expression strain with the colony-to-lawn trans-
the antibiotic-resistant colonies after colony-based trans-                         formation method. Then, randomly selected transfor-
formation were real transformants but not E. coli mutants                           mants are cultured in auto-inducing media overnight. An
or contaminants. In addition, no colony was found on the                            aliquot of each culture is used to check protein expression
antibiotic-containing agar plates spread with the plasmid-                          by SDS-PAGE, and only the positive clones having

 (a)                 Construction of                                                   (b)                    Construction of
                   recombinant plasmid                                                                     recombinant plasmid

                                              Colonies of
                                                                                                                                                 Colonies of
                                           plasmid-containing                                                                                plasmid-containing
                                              donor strain                                                                                      donor strain

                                                 Colony-based                                                                                Overnight cultures
                                                transformation                                                                                  derived from
                                                                                      One day                                                 single colonies
                                                                                                          1         2       3           4

                                               Liquid culture of        Less than
                                                recipient cells         two days
                   1     2      3      4                                                                  1                 3               Extract plasmid from
                                                                                                                                                each clone
                                                                                                                2                   4
                                                                                                                                            Transformation into
                                           1     2   3    4                                                                                   recipient cells
         3                                                                                                                                   Induced expression

Extract plasmids from                                                                                     1         2       3       4
  positive clones                   SDS-Page analysis                                 One day

                                                                                                               1        2       3       4
 DNA Sequencing or
 functional analysis                                                                                                                         SDS-Page

                                                                                                         DNA Sequencing or
                                                                                                         functional analysis

Figure 2 Protein expression in combination with the colony-to-lawn transformation method to screen in-frame clones from mutant library. (a)
Outline of the experimental strategy. Plasmids from mutant library construction were changed hosts from cloning strain to expression strain with
the colony-to-lawn transformation method. Then, the randomly selected transformants are checked for protein expression by SDS-PAGE. Plasmids
are extracted for positive clones, and DNA sequencing or next round of mutagenesis was performed (shown as dotted line). (b) The chemical
transformation method used for the same purpose. Plasmids are extracted from randomly selected clones after mutant library construction and
transformed into competent cells of expression strain for protein expression and SDS-PAGE analysis. The plasmids extracted from the clones which
have expected protein expression are used for DNA sequencing or next round of mutagenesis (shown as dotted line).

ª 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103                                                  101
How to make transformation more efficient                                                                                                 Y. An et al.

expected protein expression are used to extract plasmids               incorrect protein expression in E. coli. Therefore, expres-
from their remaining cultures, and DNA sequencing or                   sion of proteins (especially for the well expressed
another round of mutagenesis was performed Although                    proteins) can be used to predict whether the genes are
the current transformation methods can be used for the                 in-frame, which can be further determined by DNA
same purpose, the process should be less convenient,                   sequencing. This strategy is reasonable because less
because more time and an additional experimental step                  plasmids need to be extracted for DNA sequencing.
(competent cell preparation) are needed (Fig. 2b). Addi-               Therefore, a process based on colony-to-lawn transforma-
tionally, more plasmids should to be extracted, because                tion and protein expression provides a convenient way to
the clones used for plasmid extraction are before protein              screen in-frame clones from mutant libraries.
expression screening. In this work, the recombinant plas-                 In conclusion, as a simple and convenient DNA trans-
mids with random mutations of P450-BM3 gene intro-                     formation strategy, this method may find wide applica-
duced by error-prone PCR were used to test this method.                tions in bioscience and biotechnology, especially when
The recombinant plasmids were changed hosts from clon-                 changing hosts of multiple plasmids is needed.
ing strain JM109 to expression strain BL21(DE3) with the
colony-to-lawn transformation method. Then, ten randomly
selected transformants were used to check protein expres-
sion levels, five of them were found to have expected                   The authors thank Sergi Castellano and Promdonkoy
protein expression. The plasmids were extracted and                    Patcharee for helpful discussions and review of this man-
DNA sequencing was performed, and as a result, all the                 uscript.
DNA sequences of positive clones were found to be in the
correct open reading frames.
                                                                       Chen, X., Guo, P., Xie, Z. and Shen, P. (2001) A
                                                                           convenient and rapid method for genetic transformation
With this method, 75% ethanol is used for suspension of                    of E. coli with plasmids. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 80,
the colony, because it has the functions of sterilization,                 297–300.
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Therefore, this treatment can avoid contamination of the                   somal antibiotic resistance in bacteria: genetic transforma-
plasmid donor strain after transformation and at the                       tion of Escherichia coli by R-factor DNA. Proc Natl Acad
same time reduce the loss of plasmid DNA during pellet                     Sci U S A 69, 2110–2114.
                                                                       Golub, E.I. (1988) ‘One minute’ transformation of competent
washing. It is worth noting that E. coli cells from colony
                                                                           E. coli by plasmid DNA. Nucleic Acids Res 16, 1641.
are difficult to suspend directly in 75% ethanol, so the
                                                                       Kawata, Y., Yano, S. and Kojima, H. (2003) Escherichia coli
cells should be first suspended in water and then in 75%
                                                                           can be transformed by a liposome-mediated lipofection
ethanol by adding proper volume of ethanol to the sus-
                                                                           method. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 67, 1179–1181.
pension. In addition, the recipient cells are conveniently
                                                                       Liu, H.Y. and Rashidbaigi, A. (1990) Comparison of various
prepared, and repeated washing and centrifugation steps                    competent cell preparation methods for high efficiency
for preparing competent cells are not indispensable. This                  DNA transformation. BioTechniques 8, 21.
is because the cells are grown on plate but not in liquid              Mandel, M. and Higa, A. (1970) Calcium-dependent bacterio-
culture, and there is no need to remove residual medium                    phage DNA infection. J Mol Biol 53, 159–162.
from cell pellet by washing. Although only a small                     McCormac, A.C., Elliott, M.C. and Chen, D.F. (1998) A simple
number of transformants can be obtained after colony-to-                   method for the production of highly competent cells of
lawn transformation, in fact the number of transformants                   Agrobacterium for transformation via electroporation. Mol
is not a limiting factor for changing hosts of plasmids in                 Biotechnol 9, 155–159.
most cases. It is because even thousands of transformants              Oishi, M. and Cosloy, S.D. (1972) The genetic and biochemi-
can be obtained after transformation, and only one of                      cal basis of the transformability of Escherichia coli K12.
them is needed for the subsequent experiments. Because                     Biochem Biophys Res Commun 49, 1568–1572.
of its simplicity and convenience, the method should be                Okamoto, A., Kosugi, A., Koizumi, Y., Yanagida, F. and
valuable especially for high-throughput changing hosts of                  Udaka, S. (1997) High efficiency transformation of Bacillus
plasmids during mutant library creation and functional                     brevis by electroporation. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 61,
analysis.                                                                  202–203.
   Frameshift mutations often occur during molecular                   Pope, B. and Kent, H.M. (1996) High efficiency 5 min trans-
cloning or construction of mutant libraries. It is worth                   formation of Escherichia coli. Nucleic Acids Res 24, 536–
noting that frameshift mutations can introduce no or                       537.

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Y. An et al.                                                                                                 How to make transformation more efficient

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    optimization of preparations of competent cells for                                silica-nanoparticles. Biotechnology 5, 341–343.

ª 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103                                 103

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A colony to-lawn method for efficient transformation of escherichia coli

  • 1. Letters in Applied Microbiology ISSN 0266-8254 ORIGINAL ARTICLE A colony-to-lawn method for efficient transformation of Escherichia coli Y. An, A. Lv and W. Wu Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China Keywords Abstract chemical transformation, competent cells, electroporation, low-copy-number plasmid, Aims: To develop a fast, convenient, inexpensive and efficient Escherichia coli mutant library. transformation method for changing hosts of plasmids, which can also facilitate the selection of positive clones after DNA ligation and transformation. Correspondence Methods and Results: A single fresh colony from plasmid-containing donor Wenfang Wu, Institute of Applied Ecology, strain is picked up and suspended in 75% ethanol. Cells are pelleted and resus- Chinese Academy of Sciences. No.72 Wenhua Road. Shenyang 110016, China. pended in CaCl2 solution and lysed by repetitive freeze–thaw cycles to obtain E-mail: plasmid-containing cell lysate. The E. coli recipient cells are scraped from the lawn of LB plate and directly suspended in the plasmid-containing cell lysate 2010 ⁄ 0411: received 11 March 2010, revised for transformation. Additionally, a process based on colony-to-lawn transfor- 4 April 2010 and accepted 21 April 2010 mation and protein expression was designed and conveniently used to screen positive clones after DNA ligation and transformation. doi:10.1111/j.1472-765X.2010.02864.x Conclusions: With this method, a single colony from plasmid-containing donor strain can be directly used to transform recipient cells scraped from lawn of LB plate. Additionally, in combination with this method, screening of positive clones after DNA ligation and transformation can be convenient and time-saving. Significance and Impact of the Study: Compared with current methods, this procedure saves the steps of plasmid extraction and competent cell preparation. Therefore, the method should be highly valuable especially for high-throughput changing hosts of plasmids during mutant library creation. efficiency (Okamoto et al. 1997; McCormac et al. 1998). Introduction In addition, a liposome-mediated transformation system Changing hosts of plasmids by transformation is essential has been developed, because bacterial cells were found to for many experiments in molecular biology, molecular be susceptible to transformation by liposomes (Kawata genetics, etc. The CaCl2-mediated chemical transforma- et al. 2003). Although the methods described earlier have tion is one of the most commonly used transformation provided various choices for efficient transformation of methods until now. With this method, after treatment Escherichia coli, they are all dependent on the extraction with CaCl2, a transient state of ‘competence’ is introduced of plasmid DNA beforehand. Therefore, when changing to the recipient cells, and the cells are more likely to the hosts of hundreds or thousands of plasmids is incorporate bacteriophage DNA or plasmid DNA (Man- performed, the work should be very time-consuming, del and Higa 1970; Cohen et al. 1972; Oishi and Cosloy expensive and inconvenient. 1972). Some modified methods have been designed to In addition, during molecular cloning or construction promote the efficiency of chemical transformation (Golub of mutant libaries, frameshift mutations often occur, 1988; Liu and Rashidbaigi 1990; Tang et al. 1994; Pope which may prevent the expression of proper proteins in and Kent 1996; Chen et al. 2001; Zeng et al. 2006). E. coli. Although these mutations can be detected and Another efficient transformation method is electro- removed by DNA sequencing of randomly selected clones, poration, which can introduce a higher transformation the process is inconvenient especially when changing ª 2010 The Authors 98 Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103
  • 2. Y. An et al. How to make transformation more efficient hosts of multiple plasmids are performed during muta- BL21(DE3) harbouring pETM11-P450-BM3 obtained tion library creation. To address these problems, we either from colony-to-lawn transformation or from chem- describe a rapid, convenient and inexpensive method for ical transformation were cultured in TB media supple- changing E. coli hosts of plasmids. Additionally, based on mented with kanamycin. The cultures were induced using this method and protein expression, a process was IPTG (0Æ2 mmol l)1) at the exponential growth phase and designed and conveniently used to screen positive clones incubated at 20°C with shaking at 150 rev min)1 over- after DNA ligation and transformation. night. As a control, two colonies from the E. coli JM109 strain harbouring pETM11-P450-BM3 were also used for induced protein expression as described earlier. Cells Materials and methods from these cultures were pelleted by centrifugation and Escherichia coli JM109 strains harbouring plasmids pUC19 checked the expression levels of protein P450-BM3 by (Ampr), pBR322 (Ampr), pYES2 (Ampr), pLysS (Camr), SDS-PAGE. pSE380 (Ampr), pETM-11 (Kanr) and pETM11-p450BM3 A mutant library of P450-BM3 was generated by error- (Kanr) were grown on antibiotic-supplemented LB agar prone PCR. The primers P450-For (5¢-GAGGGATACCA- plates for 36 h. The concentrations of the antibiotics TGGCAATTAAAGAAATGCCTCAGCC-3¢) and P450-Rev ampicillin, chloramphenicol and kanamycin were 50, 30 (5¢-CTCGCGGCCGCTTACCCAGCCCACACGTCTTTTG- and 50 mg l)1 respectively. For each strain, a single CG-3¢) were used for PCR amplification. The PCR was colony was carefully picked up without gouging the agar. performed in mixture containing 2 ng of P450-BM3 tem- Each colony was suspended in a tube containing 200 ll plate DNA, 0Æ5 lmol l)1 both primers, 1 mmol l)1 Milli-Q water followed by the addition of 600 ll ethanol d(C ⁄ T)TP, 0Æ2 mmol l)1 d(A ⁄ G)TP, 40 nmol l)1 MgCl2, to the tube. The mixtures were put in room temperature 1· Taq polymerase buffer and 3 Unit Taq polymerase for 5 min, and then the cells were pelleted by centrifuga- with a total volume of 50 ll. This reaction mixture was tion. The tubes were put upside down for 10 min at heated at 95°C for 2 min followed by 30 cycles of incuba- room temperature to dry pellets, and a 30-ll aliquot of tion at 95°C for 1 min, 48°C for 40 s, and 72°C for 0Æ1 mol l)1 CaCl2 was added to each tube and mixed 5 min and a final incubation at 72°C for 10 min. After carefully. Then, the cells of different strains were lysed by purification, the PCR product was digested with NotI and frozen at )80°C and thawed at 100°C for three cycles to NcoI and cloned into the corresponding restriction obtain plasmid-containing cell lysates. The recipient strain enzyme sites of pETM11 vector and transformed into BL21(DE3) was intensively grown on LB agar plates for E. coli JM109. Ten randomly selected transformants were 24 h to form lawn. The cells from lawn were carefully used to transform E. coli recipient strain BL21(DE3) with scraped without gouging the agar and resuspended in five the colony-to-lawn transformation method. After trans- times volume of ice-cold water. A 30-ll aliquot of cells formation, transformed bacteria were grown in 50-ml suspension was transferred to each tube containing the auto-inducing media (ZYM-5052) (Studier 2005). The plasmid-containing cell lysate and mixed gently. The mix- cultures were first incubated at 37°C till OD600 = 1 and tures were incubated on ice for 15 min followed by heat then incubated at 20°C overnight with shaking at shock at 42°C for 40 s to perform transformation. Trans- 150 rev min)1. Cells from 5 ml of each culture were pel- formed bacteria were grown and selected by standard leted by centrifugation and used to check protein expres- methods. The number of transformants after each trans- sion by SDS-PAGE, and the remaining cultures (about formation with a single colony of plasmid-containing 45 ml for each) were kept at 4°C. The plasmids were donor strain was calculated after incubation at 37°C for extracted from the remaining cultures of positive clones 24 h. After each transformation, the plasmids were with expected protein expression, and DNA sequencing extracted from five randomly selected transformants and was performed. re-transformed into BL21(DE3) competent cells with the traditional chemical transformation method. This was Results used to check whether the antibiotic-resistant colonies were real transformants or just E. coli mutants or contam- The colony-to-lawn transformation method for changing inants. As a control, the cell lysates were directly spread hosts of plasmids is illustrated in Fig. 1a. The first step is on antibiotic-supplemented LB agar plates to check preparation of plasmid-containing cell lysate. A single whether all the cells were sterilized after 75% ethanol colony from plasmid donor strain is suspended in 75% incubation and freeze–thaw cycles. Changing hosts of ethanol followed by centrifugation to get pellet, and then plasmid pETM11-P450-BM3 from JM109 to BL21(DE3) the cells are resuspended in CaCl2 solution and lysed was also performed with chemical transformation after by freeze–thaw cycles to obtain plasmid-containing cell plasmid extraction. Then, two transformants of lysate. The second step is preparation of recipient cells for ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103 99
  • 3. How to make transformation more efficient Y. An et al. (a) (b) Colonies from Colonies from Colonies from plasmid-containing plasmid-containing plasmid-containing Lawn from donor strain donor strain recipient strain donor strain Lawn from recipient strain A single colony Liquid culture 200 µl water Cells pelleted by Cells scraped 600 µl ethanol centrifugation from lawn Water Suspension Competent cell preparation 30 µl CaCI2 Freeze-thaw solution cycles Plasmid extraction Transformation Transformation Transformation Chemical transformation Colony-to-lawn transformation (c) (d) M 1 2 3 120 Transformation frequencies 100 120- 80 100- 85- 60 40 50- 20 (kDa) 0 pUC19 pBR322 pYES2 pLysS pSE380 pETM-11 pETM 11- p450BM3 Plasmids Figure 1 The colony-to-lawn transformation method used for changing hosts of plasmid. (a) Outline of the colony-to-lawn transformation method. A single colony from plasmid donor strain is washed with 75% ethanol and air-dried, and then cells are suspended in CaCl2 solution and lysed by freeze–thaw cycles to obtain plasmid-containing cell lysate. At the same time, cells of plasmid recipient strain are scraped carefully from fresh lawn and suspended in ice-cold water. Then, the recipient cells and plasmid-containing cell lysate are mixed gently and performed transfor- mation by heat shock method. The transformed bacteria are grown and selected by standard methods. (b) Comparison of the colony-to-lawn transformation method and the chemical transformation method. Plasmid extraction and competent cell preparation are essential steps for chemi- cal transformation, but not necessary for colony-to-lawn transformation. (c) SDS-PAGE gel shows protein expression of P450-BM3 before and after changing hosts of pETM11-P450-BM3 either by colony-to-lawn transformation or by chemical transformation. Lane M: protein molecular weight marker; lane 1, after host changing of pETM11-P450-BM3 with the chemical transformation method; lanes 2, after host changing of pETM11-P450-BM3 with the colony-to-lawn transformation method; lanes 3, before host changing of pETM11-P450-BM3 (i.e. protein expressed in Escherichia coli JM109). (d) The numbers of transformants obtained by changing hosts of various plasmids with the colony-to-lawn transforma- tion method. Each value represents the mean of five independent experiments. transformation. Cells of E. coli recipient strain are scraped plasmid extraction and competent cell preparation steps carefully from fresh lawn without gouging the agar and are needed (Fig. 1b). Using pETM11-P450-BM3 as a sam- then suspended in ice-cold water. The third step is trans- ple, we changed its hosts from E. coli JM109 to formation. An aliquot of recipient cells and plasmid-con- BL21(DE3) either by colony-to-lawn transformation or by taining cell lysate are mixed gently and we performed chemical transformation. After IPTG induction, the simi- transformation by heat shock method. Then, transformed lar expression levels of P450-BM3 protein were obtained bacteria are grown and selected by standard methods. (Fig. 1c), indicating that there is no fundamental differ- The colony-to-lawn transformation method is more ence between these transformants. We tested the colony- convenient and rapid than current methods, because no to-lawn transformation method by using it to change the ª 2010 The Authors 100 Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103
  • 4. Y. An et al. How to make transformation more efficient hosts of various plasmids, including the low-copy-number containing cell lysate, indicating that 75% ethanol incuba- plasmid pLysS. As a result, no less than 60 transformants tion and freeze–thaw cycles were efficient for sterilization, were available after each transformation with a single col- and no transformants obtained after transformation were ony of plasmid-containing donor strain (Fig. 1d). Addi- mutants or contaminants. tionally, the method is very convenient, because the LB A process based on colony-to-lawn transformation and agar plates with colonies of donor strains and recipient protein expression was designed and conveniently used to strain can be stocked at 4°C for at least 7 days without remove frameshift mutations during the construction of affecting the transformation obviously (data not shown). mutant library (Fig. 2a). Recombinant plasmids are As a control, plasmids from the randomly selected trans- constructed and transformed into E. coli cloning strain, formants were successfully re-transformed into E. coli followed by changing the hosts of plasmids from cloning BL21(DE3) by chemical transformation, indicating that strain to expression strain with the colony-to-lawn trans- the antibiotic-resistant colonies after colony-based trans- formation method. Then, randomly selected transfor- formation were real transformants but not E. coli mutants mants are cultured in auto-inducing media overnight. An or contaminants. In addition, no colony was found on the aliquot of each culture is used to check protein expression antibiotic-containing agar plates spread with the plasmid- by SDS-PAGE, and only the positive clones having (a) Construction of (b) Construction of recombinant plasmid recombinant plasmid Transformation Transformation Colonies of Colonies of plasmid-containing plasmid-containing donor strain donor strain Colony-based Overnight cultures transformation derived from One day single colonies 1 2 3 4 Liquid culture of Less than recipient cells two days 1 2 3 4 1 3 Extract plasmid from each clone 2 4 Transformation into 1 2 3 4 recipient cells 1 3 Induced expression Extract plasmids from 1 2 3 4 positive clones SDS-Page analysis One day 1 2 3 4 DNA Sequencing or functional analysis SDS-Page analysis DNA Sequencing or functional analysis Figure 2 Protein expression in combination with the colony-to-lawn transformation method to screen in-frame clones from mutant library. (a) Outline of the experimental strategy. Plasmids from mutant library construction were changed hosts from cloning strain to expression strain with the colony-to-lawn transformation method. Then, the randomly selected transformants are checked for protein expression by SDS-PAGE. Plasmids are extracted for positive clones, and DNA sequencing or next round of mutagenesis was performed (shown as dotted line). (b) The chemical transformation method used for the same purpose. Plasmids are extracted from randomly selected clones after mutant library construction and transformed into competent cells of expression strain for protein expression and SDS-PAGE analysis. The plasmids extracted from the clones which have expected protein expression are used for DNA sequencing or next round of mutagenesis (shown as dotted line). ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 98–103 101
  • 5. How to make transformation more efficient Y. An et al. expected protein expression are used to extract plasmids incorrect protein expression in E. coli. Therefore, expres- from their remaining cultures, and DNA sequencing or sion of proteins (especially for the well expressed another round of mutagenesis was performed Although proteins) can be used to predict whether the genes are the current transformation methods can be used for the in-frame, which can be further determined by DNA same purpose, the process should be less convenient, sequencing. This strategy is reasonable because less because more time and an additional experimental step plasmids need to be extracted for DNA sequencing. (competent cell preparation) are needed (Fig. 2b). Addi- Therefore, a process based on colony-to-lawn transforma- tionally, more plasmids should to be extracted, because tion and protein expression provides a convenient way to the clones used for plasmid extraction are before protein screen in-frame clones from mutant libraries. expression screening. In this work, the recombinant plas- In conclusion, as a simple and convenient DNA trans- mids with random mutations of P450-BM3 gene intro- formation strategy, this method may find wide applica- duced by error-prone PCR were used to test this method. tions in bioscience and biotechnology, especially when The recombinant plasmids were changed hosts from clon- changing hosts of multiple plasmids is needed. ing strain JM109 to expression strain BL21(DE3) with the colony-to-lawn transformation method. Then, ten randomly Acknowledgements selected transformants were used to check protein expres- sion levels, five of them were found to have expected The authors thank Sergi Castellano and Promdonkoy protein expression. The plasmids were extracted and Patcharee for helpful discussions and review of this man- DNA sequencing was performed, and as a result, all the uscript. DNA sequences of positive clones were found to be in the correct open reading frames. References Chen, X., Guo, P., Xie, Z. and Shen, P. (2001) A Discussion convenient and rapid method for genetic transformation With this method, 75% ethanol is used for suspension of of E. coli with plasmids. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 80, the colony, because it has the functions of sterilization, 297–300. DNA sedimentation and pellet washing at the same time. Cohen, S.N., Chang, A.C.Y. and Hsu, L. 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