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Walking the Talk
Aligning Investments in the Finance Workforce with
Executive Priorities to Achieve High Performance
The finance organization used to be               The study shows that while finance          both in size and scope. These quot;finance
home to the quot;numbers guys,quot; the people            leaders are aware of the importance         leadersquot; reported obtaining higher
simply responsible for monitoring                 of the workforce to the achievement         levels of benefit from their
income and expenses and ensuring                  of high performance, their investment       transformation programs, better
the company did not run afoul of                  in that workforce is strikingly small—      returns on their workforce investments,
tax and reporting requirements. But               less than 2 percent of their budgets        and higher overall performance.
as any chief financial officer will               in many cases. And when they do
acknowledge, those days are long                  invest in the finance workforce, that       In this paper, we explore the finance
gone—replaced by mandates to provide              investment is not comprehensive             workforce challenges reported by
guidance on everything from capital               enough, focusing only on a few quot;hot         participants in recent Accenture
investments, outsourcing, business                spots.quot; In fact, our research discovered    research, as well as the leading
combinations, large-scale technology              that the workforce initiatives that are     practices identified by those
implementations and even business                 in place in the finance function deal       respondents with superior results.
strategy. Given this, it's not surprising         only with discrete aspects of the           We also discuss an integrated,
that executives participating in recent           workforce—such as staff commitment          concrete process and enabling tools
Accenture research named finance                  and performance feedback—while              that finance executives can use to
one of the three most critical work-              paying comparatively little attention       address their workforce challenges
forces within their company.                      to leadership, recruitment and staff        and realize enhanced productivity, a
                                                  training programs. This underdevelopment    more value-centered culture, greater
Yet for all its increasing importance,            of programs has a predictable result:       efficiency, higher levels of employee
the finance organization has struggled            Most executives do not believe              engagement and high performance.
in many cases to live up to expectations—         they have the organization, staff
largely because investment in the                 or skill level to meet their challenges.
finance workforce has seriously                   Furthermore, most think their work-
lagged spending on technology                     force initiatives are either inadequately
and process improvement. In fact,                 developed or insufficiently applied,
a new study by Accenture reveals that             and only one-third are satisfied with
a lack of comprehensive and holistic              those initiatives.
investment in the finance workforce
often prevents the function from                  But while prevalent, this condition is
effectively supporting the larger                 not always the case. Our research did
enterprise not only in day-to-day                 uncover a number of organizations
pursuit of high performance, but also             that are supporting the finance work-
in major transformation initiatives.              force with appropriate investment—

1 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
An increased need for high
performance in the finance
Figure 1: Primary focus of global companies
                                                                           Cost control
                                                                           Even split



    Today                             12 months from now

Source: Accenture 2006 High-Performance Workforce Study

As the global economy gains steam,                Furthermore, when these growth-          In addition, according to Accenture's
today's corporate leaders are mindful             focused executives appraise their        2006 Investment in the Finance
of their responsibility to generate as            organization's bench strength and        Workforce Study, finance executives
much shareholder value as possible                its ability to support their future      believe that the workforce is the
from each fiscal updraft. Indeed, the             goals, they are increasingly looking     single-most important factor in
2006 Accenture High-Performance                   to the finance function for help.        achieving high performance finance—
Workforce Study has confirmed                     When we asked executives participating   ahead of efficient processes, appropriate
a clear shift in their focus toward               in the Accenture High-Performance        tools and technology, or an effective
growth and away from cost                         Workforce Study to rank the functions    strategy (Figure 2). In the words of
containment. More specifically,                   most critical to achieving high          one surveyed CFO, quot;We are emphasizing
the study revealed that 22 percent                performance, finance was tied with       putting in place the absolute best
of CFOs said their company's primary              strategic planning as one of the top     athletes that we can find.quot; Another
focus today is on cost control, 16                three—just behind customer service       CFO added, quot;In terms of making
percent on growth, and 59 percent                 and sales.                               things happen, the workforce is
evenly split between cost and growth.                                                      everything: providing judgment and
In 12 months time, those figures shift                                                     an interface with business operations.
to 14 percent on cost, 33 percent                                                          Workforce is everything.quot;
on growth and a 36 percent split
between the two (Figure 1).

Figure 2: Most important factors for achieving high performance finance
                                                                               Extremely important
                                                                               Very important
                                                                               Somewhat important
                                              43%                              A little important
                                                                               Not at all important

                                                                  12%     3%
                                     1%       9%
                   1%                                    1%
       5%                            1%
  Highly skilled        Efficient         Appropriate         Effective and
  and well              process design    tools and           well-executed
  organized             and execution     technologies        strategy

Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study

These findings are consistent with                       has become increasingly responsible          quot;There is an expectation that we in
Accenture's ongoing research into the                    for the success of the company's              finance someday will be business
characteristics of high-performance                      transformation programs, and is being         leaders,quot; explained one CFO we
businesses which confirms the rising                     asked to advise top management                surveyed. quot;So beyond the basic
importance of the finance function                       on growth-related issues such as              technical skills, the educational
and its leaders to the achievement of                    mergers and acquisitions, product line        background and so on you also need
growth and other performance goals.                      changes, organizational restructurings        skills in change leadership and in
Indeed, when we talked to CFOs and                       and geographical expansions.                  performance management. We are
other leading finance executives                                                                       ensuring that the people we're putting
about their jobs and the challenges                      And while CFOs and other finance              in positions now in our finance and
they face, we heard a strikingly                         leaders have invested richly in new           accounting organization are going
consistent tale.                                         technologies and business processes           to drive our long-term performance.
                                                         to support this changing role,                Whereas 10 years ago, if you were
Once upon a time, the finance work-                      they have overlooked the need to              a great finance mind, you were just
force was narrowly focused on the                        simultaneously upgrade and enhance            going to keep moving up. It takes
management and containment of                            the workforce. Without new skills,            more than that now—I'm not promoting
expenditures, the timely collection                      new training and in some cases new            anybody to a VP position who isn't
of revenue, compliance with regulatory                   people, finance leaders can find              also a proven organizational leader.quot;
statutes and the accurate reporting of                   themselves in charge of a function
financial results to shareholders and                    that cannot fulfill the demands of its
analysts. Over time, however, finance                    new, more strategic role.

3 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
A function that often falls
short of high performance

Figure 3: Development of recruitment programs for skilled staff




   No recruitment          Inadequately            Programs are
   programs in place       developed               adequately
                           programs                developed

Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study

Unfortunately, the increasingly                     specifically, most think their workforce     In addition, when it comes to keeping
mission-critical finance function                   initiatives are inadequately developed       pace with a dynamic competitive
is not seen as achieving high                       or insufficiently applied and only           landscape, just half of finance
performance by a large majority                     one-third are satisfied with those           executives think their departments
of executives in the Accenture High                 initiatives. The specific challenges         adapt well to change and even fewer
Performance Workforce Study.                        these executives face include recruitment,   believe their departments anticipate it
Specifically, using a scale of 1=low                retention, leadership development and        well. Finally, only half the respondents
to 5=high, only 19 percent of all                   adaptability to change—in sum, the           believe in the coordination of their
respondents and 13 percent of CFOs                  entire employee lifecycle.                   leadership team—in other words, how
who named finance a top-three                                                                    well the top leaders work together—
function said the function performs                 For example, more than 60 percent            and even fewer give a high rating
at a high level. So while the finance               of finance executives participating          to the team's overall quality. quot;We
workforce is widely perceived as critical           in the survey describe their staff           recognize that we are not doing
to growth and a direct contributor                  recruitment strategies as inadequately       what's needed to get deep ranks in
to overall high performance, its low                developed (Figure 3), and finding            the finance organization, and that
relative performance is a potential                 qualified finance staff is a challenge       our line of succession is very thin,quot;
stumbling block.                                    for more than half of respondents            said one CFO. quot;We know we need to
                                                    (Figure 4). Indeed, only about one-          dig in on these issues.quot;
Indeed, this perception is reinforced               quarter of finance executives are
by the 2006 Investments in the                      satisfied with their recruitment and
Finance Workforce Study, which                      development programs (Figure 5).
found most finance leaders do not                   Furthermore, fully 62 percent are only
believe they have the organization,                 somewhat satisfied or are dissatisfied
staff or skill level to meet their                  with their staff retention programs
challenges, including growth. More                  (Figure 6).

Figure 4: Difficulty in attracting and growing talented staff





  Not at all     A little         Somewhat   Very much     Extremely

Figure 5: Satisfaction with staff recruitment and                      Figure 6: Satisfaction with staff retention programs
development programs

                                               Extremely/very much                          Extremely/very much
                                               Somewhat                                     Somewhat
       25%                  27%
                                               Not at all/little                            Not at all/little



  Recruitment        Development
  strategy           program

Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study

5 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
Most finance leaders do not
believe they have the organization,
staff or skill level to meet their
challenges, including growth.

A critical factor: lack
of alignment between
investments and priorities

Figure 7: Percentage of finance’s investment budget spent on
workforce enhancement




   0-2%              >2-5%            >5-10%             >10%

Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study

We believe that this low performance                In fact, with respect to workforce        A respondent who did invest richly
may be due in part to a dichotomy in                investments as part of overall            in the workforce during a major
the minds of CFOs. Most executives                  transformation programs, nearly           transformation had this to say: quot;[With
participating in the 2006 Investments               40 percent of finance executives          less investment in the workforce]
in the Finance Workforce Study agree                in our survey said their companies        we would be in a very marginalized
that the workforce is more important                had made minor or no investment.          position. Instead, we are enjoying
than technology and process for                     Of particularly low importance to         a great degree of success and our
creating a strong finance organization.             finance executives were investments       people are optimistic. We often think
However, in contrast to this mandate,               in employee morale and leadership         of what would have happened if we
finance executives are allocating a                 development during transformations,       had not invested in the workforce—I
relative pittance to the workforce                  with nearly 50 percent reporting          believe that we would be in a big hole
compared with their investments in                  minor or no investments in those areas.   and trying to dig ourselves out of it.quot;
technology and process improvements.
Indeed, fully one-third of surveyed                 These decisions are not without           Furthermore, the initiatives that are in
executives spent 2 percent or less of               consequences. Indeed, the result of       place in support of these transformation
their investment budgets on enhancing               failing to invest in the workforce as     programs deal only with a few
the workforce (Figure 7).                           part of transformation programs is        aspects of the workforce. Our finance
                                                    that while quality, access and speed      survey revealed an all-too-common
Furthermore, in companywide                         of information is improved and            phenomenon: serious gaps in the
transformations such as ERP                         operational efficiency increases,         initiatives intended to make finance
implementations, outsourcing and                    improvements in workforce productivity    workforces capable of achieving
post-merger integrations, finance                   and workforce service to the              high performance.
executives continue to overlook the                 organization are not fully achieved.
workforce when making investments.

7 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
Figure 8: Leadership development program in place                          Figure 9: Staff development programs in place

                     Have had programs in place for over 2 years                               Yes, for all staff
                     Recently initiated programs                                               Yes, for >75% of staff
                     Programs are being considered                                             Yes, for about 50% of staff
     42%             No perceived need for programs                                            Yes, for about 25% of staff
                     No funds allocated for programs                                           No staff development programs



Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study

For example, fully 40 percent of                     Leadership and staff development are           workforce initiatives is widespread,
respondents do not have leadership                   only two areas where finance executives        indicating finance executives' awareness
initiatives in place at all, which is                are failing to provide adequate                of a need for attention. And, about
especially surprising given every                    resources. Our survey also revealed            50 percent of respondents to our
organization's need for qualified                    that 66 percent of respondents have            survey have plans to address some
leaders (Figure 8). And while these                  training initiatives in place for less         aspect of the workforce.
organizations are failing to adequately              than half of employees, and only just
develop leaders, they also are falling               over one-third of companies have              quot;We feel pretty good about where we
short in developing the best skills of               initiatives to develop employees'              are, but we also have a healthy level
quot;the rank and file.quot; In fact, 81 percent             ability to respond to change.                  of discontent with the status quo,quot;
have staff development initiatives in                                                               noted the CFO of a major retailer.
place for half of their employees, and               The good news is that finance                  quot;We know we need to get to the
nearly 61 percent have them for 25                   executives are aware of the need               next level of maturation, and to get
percent or less of their employees                   for change in their approach to                on that path we are establishing
(Figure 9).                                          workforce management. Our study                several formal development programs
                                                     reveals that executive evaluation of           within finance.quot;

What separates the best
from the rest?
Figure 10: Percent of finance organizations with strategies in six dimensions
of workforce development

Leadership acquisition and development                    36%              56%
                                                                56%                          94%
Organizational structure
Talent management                                          46%                     78%
                                                               51%                       97%
Workforce performance
                                                           47%                   67%
Employee engagement
                                                         30%             61%
Change management

Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study

There's one inescapable conclusion                  An analysis of the survey responses            workforce development. In comparison,
of our research: To shift from quot;talking             of the finance leaders and all other           the majority of leaders had strategies
the talkquot; to quot;walking the talk,quot; finance            companies in the sample (the laggards)         in place for all six (Figure 10).
executives must not only make their                 revealed two clear patterns: Leaders
approach to workforce investment                    spend a greater percentage of their            In all, the leaders as a group have
much more comprehensive and                         budgets on workforce development               strategies in place to address a much
complete, but they also should                      and they take a much more                      wider range of workforce challenges
consider improvements in workforce                  comprehensive approach toward                  than do laggards. The words of one
productivity and service to the                     that investment. For example, 31               leading CFO capture the comprehensive,
organization as essential as technology             percent of leaders reported spending           quot;can-doquot; attitude that separates them
enhancements-as is being done by a                  greater than 5 percent of their                from laggards. quot;You've got to get the
small subset (30 percent) of companies              investment budgets on workforce-               whole organization in tune with the
participating in our survey. These                  oriented activities, versus only 19            fact that we really need to develop
companies—which we deemed the                       percent of laggards.                           our people, and this is what we
quot;finance leadersquot;—reported skills equal                                                            need to do to do that,quot; the CFO said.
to or better than those of competitors              Leaders also reported much more                quot;You've got to get everybody on board
in three or more key aspects of the                 broad-based strategies than laggards.          and say we're going to measure it
finance function.                                   Less than half of laggards indicated           and it's got to become a part of
                                                    that they had strategies to address            everything you do.quot;
                                                    four out of six basic dimensions of

9 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
The payoff of emphasizing
investments in the workforce
Figure 11: Benefits of a comprehensive approach to workforce performance
                                                                              Retain top performers
                                                                              over time
                80% proficiency
in %

                                                                              The Value: The gap between the two (shaded) areas highlights the reduction
                                                                              in cost and increase in productivity achieved through the increase in
                                                                              performance attained by comprehensive investments in workforce
              talent                         Build core

                            30 days          60 days            90 days
                            Orientation      Performance        Performance
                            and initial      enhancement        improvement

Source: Accenture

Accenture's own client experience                         Accenture's experience also has                      companies can focus not only on
supports the CFO's sentiments and                         revealed that comprehensive                          building a new organization, but also
shows that this comprehensive                             workforce initiatives are particularly               on enhancing the roles and skills
approach to workforce performance                         important at key moments in an                       of the retained organization. For
can reduce costs while it increases                       organization's lifecycle. For example,               organizations implementing new
productivity, leading to significant                      during a change in finance leadership                Enterprise Performance Management
business benefits (Figure 11). Such an                    or strategy, a merger or acquisition,                (EPM) toolsets, workforce initiatives
approach can enable an organization                       a systems consolidation or ERP                       can help ensure that the people
to attract employees with higher                          implementation, or a period of                       that will use the new tools have the
levels of proficiency, decrease the                       increased regulatory oversight, such                 required skills and business acumen.
time it takes employees to gain                           initiatives can help win employees                   And during a post merger integration,
additional skills and knowledge,                          over to the organization's new focus,                workforce initiatives can help make
retain top performers and put in place                    goals and procedures. Furthermore,                   sure that skills from the old and new
performance management processes                          comprehensive workforce initiatives                  organizations complement each other
that lead to continuous improvement.                      help employees develop the skills they               and align for maximum benefit.
As the figure shows, these benefits                       need to adapt to change, and help
can add substantial value by quickly                      ensure that change does not result in
and effectively ramping up the                            the loss of top talent. For example,
organization's overall performance.                       during a shared services program

For the leaders in our survey, a               Furthermore, when it comes to
comprehensive approach to workforce            proactively preparing for change,
performance has resulted in similar            taking a more comprehensive
operational and competitive advantages.        approach has clear benefits. More
                                               specifically, 52 percent of leaders
In general, leaders felt much better           rated their workforce's ability to
equipped to face the challenges that           prepare and react to change either
affect their ability to operate at high        a 4 or a 5 (on a scale of 1=lowest to
levels of performance, with much               5=highest). In comparison, only 31
lower percentages reporting extreme            percent of laggards reported the same
levels of challenge with quot;number               level of preparedness. At the lowest
or caliber of managers/leaders,quot;               levels of preparedness, the comparison
quot;organizational structure/job                  was just as compelling, with 29
definition and alignment,quot; quot;skills             percent of laggards describing their
and knowledge of workforce,quot;                   finance workforces as a 1 or 2 on the
quot;employee engagement, morale,                  same scale and only 6 percent of
and commitment,quot; and quot;workforce                leaders reporting the same low levels
adaptability to changequot; (Figure 12).           of readiness for change (Figure 14).
Perhaps this explains why nearly 60
percent of leaders reported having             The comment of one leading CFO
finance leadership teams very capable          sums up the attitude of the leaders.
of delivering high levels of performance,      When asked whether or not his
and why only 34 percent of laggards            staff responded well to change, this
could make the same claim.                     respondent said, quot;In my lifespan as
                                               CFO we have changed operating
Leaders also experienced fewer                 models at least two or three times,
challenges attracting and developing           changed CEOs and regimes three
skilled staff. Indeed, while nearly one        times, installed SAP in 50 countries
in four laggards reported high levels          and several hundred legal entities,
of difficulty attracting and growing           and did an IPO without much of a
talented staff, only less than 1 of            blip. So I would say the answer to
every 10 leaders reported the same             that question is yes.quot;
levels of difficulty. In fact, 53 percent
of leaders experienced no difficulty or        Finally, companies that invest
quot;a little,quot; while that level of ease was       significantly in workforce initiatives
attained only by 36 percent of laggards        during transformation programs
(Figure 13). This advantage can be             achieve a greater percentage of
very meaningful, especially given the          expected benefits than those that
challenges facing finance recruiters.          don't. High-investment respondents
In the words of one CFO: quot;For high-            reported better results in terms of
end talent there's always a war—               their control environment; the service
everyone wants the best and the                provided by finance to the rest of the
brightest and that's always a challenge.       organization; operational efficiency;
As people start retiring, that's going         and data quality, speed, and access
to be an even bigger challenge.quot;               (Figure 15). In sum, nearly 90
In this context, it seems especially           percent of respondents who invested
significant that more leaders than             in workforce initiatives during
laggards described their turnover rates        transformations reported that
as quot;much lower than industry average.quot;         those programs helped achieve
                                               the transformation's full benefits
                                               (Figure 16).

11 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
Figure 12: Percentage of respondents reporting quot;extreme levels of challengequot;
in workforce areas
                                                               10%                 3%
Workforce adaptability to change
Employee engagement, morale and commitment

Skills and knowledge of workforce                         8%                  3%
Organizational structure/job definition and
Number or caliber of managers/leaders                                   15%                          6%

Figure 13: Difficulty attracting and growing talented staff

Extremely                                     8%         3%
Very much                                          16%         6%

Somewhat                                                       40%                             39%

A little                                            22%                            42%

                                               14%              11%
Not at all

Figure 14: Workforce proactive preparedness for change

5 - Extremely high                            6%
4 - High                                                  31%                            46%

3 - Average                                                    40%                             43%

2 - Low                                                  27%            6%

1 - Very low

Figure 15: Percentage of respondents achieving greater than two-thirds of
expected benefits from transformation programs

                                                                                 47%              47%
                                                                           44%                           Lower average investment in
                                                         41%   41%
                                                                                                         workforce during transformation
                                                                                                         Higher average investment in
                                                                                                         workforce during transformation
   29%                              28%

  Improved         Strengthened    Improved          Enhanced             Better quality, Increased
  control          workforce       service           use of               access and speed operational
  environment                                        technology           of information efficiency

Figure 16: Extent to which workforce investment helped realize the full
benefit of transformation programs



  Extremely     Very much       Somewhat      A little          Not at all

Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study

13 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
A proven approach to making
the most of investments in
the finance workforce

While our research provides many           and expertise spell the difference        important issues, creates a climate
reasons why more comprehensive             between initiatives that have             that attracts and retains top talent,
investment in the finance workforce        substantial, lasting business impact      and helps the function build strong
is critical, how should a CFO go about     on the organization and those             and productive relationships with the
implementing such an approach?             that generate merely incremental          business. Accenture estimates that
Our deep experience in finance             performance improvement.                  between 15 percent and 20 percent
transformations is helpful in augmenting                                             of an organization's business
                                           Diagnosing shortfalls
our research findings. In our years                                                  performance is determined by
of working with the world's leading        The first step in transforming the        the quality of its leadership. This
companies, we have observed that           finance workforce involves diagnosing     estimate is born out by our experience,
while those with superior finance          any shortfalls in the current workforce   in which we have seen greater than
functions follow approaches that           performance. One tool that we have        20 percent productivity gains when
differ, each of those approaches           found to be highly effective in such      leaders have worked hard to develop
incorporate the following three basic      an evaluation is the Accenture Human      their own capabilities.
steps: diagnosing shortfalls in current    Capital Development Framework.
                                                                                     2. Organization structure: A focus
workforce performance, establishing        Developed by Accenture as part
a target state, and devising and           of its High Performance Business          on organization structure enables
implementing a comprehensive               initiative, the framework measures        finance workforces to better align
improvement plan.                          the performance of a company's            with the company's strategic direction,
                                           workforce along six key dimensions:       understand how finance roles and
To be sure, these steps may seem                                                     leading practices can be best integrated
                                           1. Leadership: Top-quality leadership
obvious and intuitive. However, what                                                 and incorporated into the function's
distinguishes leading companies from       is critical to the performance of         structure, and develop quot;customizationsquot;
all others are the tools and expertise     finance organizations. It focuses         of the basic organizational structure to
supporting these steps. Superior tools     effort and attention on the most          deliver the specific finance capabilities

required by the organization. A                      leading to lower productivity, low         capabilities and how they differ from
detailed study of leading finance                    talent retention and high absenteeism1.    existing capabilities, and how the
organizations has revealed that                      Gallup estimates that the lower            function can best support the overall
optimal organization design                          productivity of actively disengaged        goals of the organization. Also during
contributes to lower cost, increased                 workers costs the U.S. economy $328        this stage, a company establishes and
effectiveness, and improved focus                    billion. On the other hand, there is       supports clear, objective performance
on higher value-added activities.                    little that can stop a motivated work-     metrics that will allow it to analyze
                                                     force on a mission, equipped with all      the return on any workforce investments.
3. Talent management: By employing                   the tools and knowledge it needs to
                                                                                                Establishing targets
good talent management practices, an                 complete that mission. By focusing
organization ensures that its workforce              on employee engagement, finance            Once data is collected, it is synthesized,
is always quot;fit for purpose.quot; Best of                 executives ensure that their workforces    organized and analyzed to provide a
all, even when this is not the case,                 achieve that level of motivation, and      clear, actionable picture of where
organizations with strong talent                     are not distracted by organizational       gaps exist within each of the six
management know exactly where                        changes or career frustrations.            dimensions just discussed. At this
the fit is off and can take action                                                              point, it should become clear where
                                                     6. Ability to change: The ability to
quickly. Our experience shows that                                                              the finance workforce falls short
conscientious talent management                      change is critical to addressing large,    compared with industry benchmarks,
can be a source of real competitive                  potentially disruptive events such as      key competitors and peer companies,
advantage. For example, the difference               acquisitions, internal re-organizations    and the needs and desires expressed
between a quot;rightquot; and a slightly                     or market re-positionings. Conversely,     by stakeholders. Armed with such
quot;out of balancequot; talent pool can                     in the absence of a change-ready           a comprehensive view of capability
mean as much as 15 percent to 20                     culture, finance organizations are left    gaps, the organization can prioritize
percent of the total labor cost for                  with slow and ineffective reactions to     each opportunity for improvement in
the finance organization.                            the changing business environment,         terms of its value to the enterprise.
                                                     leaving workforces in disarray and         Once approved by all key stakeholders,
4. Workforce performance: By                         incapable of supporting continuous         this priority list enables the organization
focusing on driving high levels of                   improvements and progress. Research        to develop high-level recommendations
workforce performance through                        by Change Track reveals that only          for workforce improvement.
on-demand, role-based information                    one in nine workgroups is able to
delivery to employees, organizations                 effectively manage change—meaning          To aid the efforts in this step and
have achieved productivity increases                 millions of business dollars are wasted    through its experience working with
of up to 20 percent. Furthermore,                    each year2. In contrast, the creation of   many companies, Accenture has
skill gaps in the workforce have been                a change-ready culture ensures that        developed the Accenture Finance
found to be an important reason for                  the finance organization is capable        Workforce Maturity Model (see Figure
project failure; by bridging these                   of implementing, owning, developing,       17). This tool allows a company to
gaps, organizations have been able                   and sustaining the process and             make a point-by-point comparison of
to significantly reduce these failures.              structural changes required for            actual finance performance against
And by better leveraging high                        sustained high performance.                industry benchmarks, as well as assess
performers while elevating the                                                                  the function in comparison to the
performance of quot;averagequot; workers,                    Using the Accenture framework, a           capabilities required to achieve
finance executives can achieve                       company begins diagnosis of shortfalls     both the overall company strategy
dramatic productivity increases that                 in each of these areas with a              and the finance function's specific goals.
benefit every level of the organization.             comprehensive data collection
                                                                                                Devising and
                                                     process. This process includes surveys,
5. Employee engagement: A recent                     focus groups and in-depth interviews
                                                                                                implementing the plan
Gallup study showed that 20.6 million                with a wide range of stakeholders to
                                                                                                The final step is generating and
employees or 15 percent of the U.S.                  gain insights on the current state of
                                                                                                implementing a detailed action plan
workforce are actively disengaged,                   the function, the function's desired
                                                                                                for improving each of the workforce

 Source: Gallup Management Journal 2006

 Source: ChangeTrack Research, Breaking the Cost Cutting Cycle, Insight CT-0205

15 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
Figure 17: Accenture's workforce maturity model (illustrative)

 Human capital
                             Ad-hoc    Basic        Proactive   Progressive Pioneering



  Talent management
  & HC efficiency

  Workforce performance

 Ability to change

 Employee engagement

         Actual capability
         Target capability

Source: Accenture

dimensions under focus. This plan should       For example, as part of its quot;Achieving    on an initiative to transform the
classify improvement opportunities             Finance and Controlling Excellencequot;       entire finance function—an effort that
into quick wins and long-term goals,           agenda, Siemens decided it needed         included a new finance organization
and should be explicit about the               to focus on workforce performance—        structure, clear divisions of responsibility,
dependencies between each—with                 a major portion of which is learning.     global shared services, a holistic
the ultimate goal being to develop             The company created and deployed a        finance training program, and supporting
superior capabilities in each of the           sustainable accounting training program   change management. The other
six workforce dimensions.                      supported by a Web-based-training         company, Halliburton, has committed
                                               technology, with the goals being to       to building a world-class finance
It's important to note here that               foster an understanding of intermediate   organization by focusing on leader-
quot;comprehensive and holisticquot;                   and expert Siemens-specific account-      ship development, talent management
investment in the workforce does               ing knowledge; provide fast updates       (with an emphasis on recruiting and
not necessarily mean addressing all            for new accounting topics; enable         making finance a more rewarding
six workforce dimensions simultaneously.       usage of accounting and expert            career at Halliburton), culture change
In some cases, a company may                   knowledge; evaluate individual            and workforce performance, and
already have sufficient capabilities           training needs; and enhance               knowledge sharing.
in some areas and needs to focus on            decentralized accounting quality.
the two or three in which it is lacking.                                                 The point is that there is no quot;right
In other cases, a company could                Two other companies we looked at,         wayquot; to develop critical finance
use more investment across all six             however, are looking at the challenge     workforce capabilities, nor does one
dimensions, but its business model             more broadly and addressing several       capability necessarily take precedence.
or strategy requires emphasis on one           dimensions of the finance workforce.      Rather, the type and scope of
or two that would have a substantial,          One of these, a multibillion dollar       improvement efforts should be
immediate payback.                             global high-tech company, embarked        dictated explicitly by the needs
                                                                                         of the business.

The secret to a successful
finance function: people

In a profession characterized by               Clearly, it is critical that workforce      Guided by tools and techniques such
ratios, equations, and spreadsheets,           enhancements assume the same                as the Accenture Human Capital
the human element retains considerable         level of priority among CFOs currently      Development Framework and Finance
importance. Multiple Accenture                 enjoyed by technology and process           Workforce Maturity Model, finance
research studies, coupled with our             enhancements. While technology and          leaders can make workforce investments
deep experience working with companies         processes inevitably become obsolete        that address a wider range of
that have achieved high performance            as a function of time and progress,         challenges and generate substantially
with the help of a superior finance            the workforce is intelligent, dynamic,      higher returns. With the right people
function, have revealed that the               and able to be upgraded to a nearly         in place and the right initiatives
human element is a linchpin for                unlimited degree. Without a systematic      supporting their growth and develop-
achieving economic value. This body            approach, however, knowing how              ment, these executives can make
of knowledge makes it irrefutable that         much to invest and where to spend           substantial progress toward creating
those companies that take a more               it can be akin to finding the proverbial    a finance driven value-centered
comprehensive, holistic approach to            needle in a haystack. Furthermore,          culture of the finance organization
developing their finance workforce             today's finance function faces a host       and, in the process, take major strides
achieve higher levels of performance           of unprecedented demands on its             toward the achievement of high
than those that do not.                        time, attention and expertise, increasing   performance in the overall enterprise.
                                               the pressure to perform at high levels.

17 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
About the
Three recently conducted Accenture        118 CFOs or their direct reports
research efforts are referenced in        conducted over a two-month span.
this paper, each of which focused         Respondents were distributed across
on important aspects of workforce         the world's leading companies from
performance and managing human            more than 12 industries. Survey findings
capital in today's dynamic environment.   with finance executives at leading
                                          global organizations were bolstered
The Accenture High-Performance            by in depth interviews.
Workforce Study is conducted
approximately every 18 months             Accenture's Finance and Performance
to measure workforce management           Management Mastery and the High
trends among executives in large          Performance Business report examines
corporations around the world. The        the relationship between finance
2006 edition included a telephone         mastery and high performance.
survey of more than 250 senior            Throughout the report, which includes
executives (including CFOs) across        a benchmark analysis in collaboration
seven broad industry segments in          with the Hackett Group and more
the United States, United Kingdom,        than 40 CFO interviews, Accenture
France, Germany, Spain and Australia.     empirically demonstrates the unique
                                          role that finance and performance
Accenture's 2006 Investment in the        management capabilities play for
Finance Workforce survey was a global     companies aspiring to become
multi-industry Web-based polling of       high-performance businesses.

About Accenture
About the authors                       Chris Rutledge is an executive
                                        partner in the Accenture Finance        Accenture is a global management
Rodney Bergman is an executive
                                        & Performance Management service        consulting, technology services and
partner in the Accenture Human
                                        line. Chris has responsibility for      outsourcing company. Committed
Performance service line. He
                                        managing our finance strategy           to delivering innovation, Accenture
serves as the lead for the Human
                                        practice. Since joining Accenture,      collaborates with its clients to help
Performance practice in Canada and
                                        Chris has focused on global finance     them become high-performance
as the global lead for Accenture's
                                        transformational efforts across         businesses and governments. With
human performance offerings in
                                        industries and functional areas.        deep industry and business process
Finance Workforce Transformation
                                        He has expertise in finance visioning   expertise, broad global resources and
and Organization Design. Rodney
                                        and strategy, finance and accounting    a proven track record, Accenture can
specializes in design and development
                                        shared services and outsourcing, and    mobilize the right people, skills and
of human performance solutions and
                                        enterprise performance management.      technologies to help clients improve
strategies and has deep expertise in
                                                                                their performance. With approximately
organization design and development.
                                        Rosanne Williams is a partner in the    146,000 people in 49 countries, the
With over 17 years of experience, he
                                        Accenture Finance & Performance         company generated net revenues of
has led shared services projects for
                                        Management service line. Ms.            US$16.65 billion for the fiscal year
finance and HR functions as well as
                                        Williams has over 15 years experience   ended Aug. 31, 2006. Its home page
numerous transformation projects for
                                        consulting in the finance and           is
finance functions in the high tech,
                                        performance management area
communications and media industries.
                                        and is currently the Director of
                                        Research and Innovation for the
                                        service line.

                                                                                For further information on
Copyright © 2007 Accenture
All rights reserved.                                                            this research or the Accenture
                                                                                Finance & Performance
Accenture, its logo, and
                                                                                Management service line, please
High Performance Delivered
are trademarks of Accenture.
                                                                                or contact us at

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Walking The Talk

  • 1. Walking the Talk Aligning Investments in the Finance Workforce with Executive Priorities to Achieve High Performance
  • 2. Introduction The finance organization used to be The study shows that while finance both in size and scope. These quot;finance home to the quot;numbers guys,quot; the people leaders are aware of the importance leadersquot; reported obtaining higher simply responsible for monitoring of the workforce to the achievement levels of benefit from their income and expenses and ensuring of high performance, their investment transformation programs, better the company did not run afoul of in that workforce is strikingly small— returns on their workforce investments, tax and reporting requirements. But less than 2 percent of their budgets and higher overall performance. as any chief financial officer will in many cases. And when they do acknowledge, those days are long invest in the finance workforce, that In this paper, we explore the finance gone—replaced by mandates to provide investment is not comprehensive workforce challenges reported by guidance on everything from capital enough, focusing only on a few quot;hot participants in recent Accenture investments, outsourcing, business spots.quot; In fact, our research discovered research, as well as the leading combinations, large-scale technology that the workforce initiatives that are practices identified by those implementations and even business in place in the finance function deal respondents with superior results. strategy. Given this, it's not surprising only with discrete aspects of the We also discuss an integrated, that executives participating in recent workforce—such as staff commitment concrete process and enabling tools Accenture research named finance and performance feedback—while that finance executives can use to one of the three most critical work- paying comparatively little attention address their workforce challenges forces within their company. to leadership, recruitment and staff and realize enhanced productivity, a training programs. This underdevelopment more value-centered culture, greater Yet for all its increasing importance, of programs has a predictable result: efficiency, higher levels of employee the finance organization has struggled Most executives do not believe engagement and high performance. in many cases to live up to expectations— they have the organization, staff largely because investment in the or skill level to meet their challenges. finance workforce has seriously Furthermore, most think their work- lagged spending on technology force initiatives are either inadequately and process improvement. In fact, developed or insufficiently applied, a new study by Accenture reveals that and only one-third are satisfied with a lack of comprehensive and holistic those initiatives. investment in the finance workforce often prevents the function from But while prevalent, this condition is effectively supporting the larger not always the case. Our research did enterprise not only in day-to-day uncover a number of organizations pursuit of high performance, but also that are supporting the finance work- in major transformation initiatives. force with appropriate investment— 1 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 3. An increased need for high performance in the finance function Figure 1: Primary focus of global companies 59% Growth Cost control Even split 36% 33% 22% 16% 14% Today 12 months from now Source: Accenture 2006 High-Performance Workforce Study As the global economy gains steam, Furthermore, when these growth- In addition, according to Accenture's today's corporate leaders are mindful focused executives appraise their 2006 Investment in the Finance of their responsibility to generate as organization's bench strength and Workforce Study, finance executives much shareholder value as possible its ability to support their future believe that the workforce is the from each fiscal updraft. Indeed, the goals, they are increasingly looking single-most important factor in 2006 Accenture High-Performance to the finance function for help. achieving high performance finance— Workforce Study has confirmed When we asked executives participating ahead of efficient processes, appropriate a clear shift in their focus toward in the Accenture High-Performance tools and technology, or an effective growth and away from cost Workforce Study to rank the functions strategy (Figure 2). In the words of containment. More specifically, most critical to achieving high one surveyed CFO, quot;We are emphasizing the study revealed that 22 percent performance, finance was tied with putting in place the absolute best of CFOs said their company's primary strategic planning as one of the top athletes that we can find.quot; Another focus today is on cost control, 16 three—just behind customer service CFO added, quot;In terms of making percent on growth, and 59 percent and sales. things happen, the workforce is evenly split between cost and growth. everything: providing judgment and In 12 months time, those figures shift an interface with business operations. to 14 percent on cost, 33 percent Workforce is everything.quot; on growth and a 36 percent split between the two (Figure 1). 2
  • 4. Figure 2: Most important factors for achieving high performance finance Extremely important Very important Somewhat important 38% 43% A little important 52% Not at all important 65% 45% 44% 44% 29% 1% 12% 3% 2% 1% 9% 1% 1% 1% 5% 1% Highly skilled Efficient Appropriate Effective and and well process design tools and well-executed organized and execution technologies strategy workforce Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study These findings are consistent with has become increasingly responsible quot;There is an expectation that we in Accenture's ongoing research into the for the success of the company's finance someday will be business characteristics of high-performance transformation programs, and is being leaders,quot; explained one CFO we businesses which confirms the rising asked to advise top management surveyed. quot;So beyond the basic importance of the finance function on growth-related issues such as technical skills, the educational and its leaders to the achievement of mergers and acquisitions, product line background and so on you also need growth and other performance goals. changes, organizational restructurings skills in change leadership and in Indeed, when we talked to CFOs and and geographical expansions. performance management. We are other leading finance executives ensuring that the people we're putting about their jobs and the challenges And while CFOs and other finance in positions now in our finance and they face, we heard a strikingly leaders have invested richly in new accounting organization are going consistent tale. technologies and business processes to drive our long-term performance. to support this changing role, Whereas 10 years ago, if you were Once upon a time, the finance work- they have overlooked the need to a great finance mind, you were just force was narrowly focused on the simultaneously upgrade and enhance going to keep moving up. It takes management and containment of the workforce. Without new skills, more than that now—I'm not promoting expenditures, the timely collection new training and in some cases new anybody to a VP position who isn't of revenue, compliance with regulatory people, finance leaders can find also a proven organizational leader.quot; statutes and the accurate reporting of themselves in charge of a function financial results to shareholders and that cannot fulfill the demands of its analysts. Over time, however, finance new, more strategic role. 3 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 5. A function that often falls short of high performance Figure 3: Development of recruitment programs for skilled staff 61% 43% 65% 27% 12% No recruitment Inadequately Programs are programs in place developed adequately programs developed Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study Unfortunately, the increasingly specifically, most think their workforce In addition, when it comes to keeping mission-critical finance function initiatives are inadequately developed pace with a dynamic competitive is not seen as achieving high or insufficiently applied and only landscape, just half of finance performance by a large majority one-third are satisfied with those executives think their departments of executives in the Accenture High initiatives. The specific challenges adapt well to change and even fewer Performance Workforce Study. these executives face include recruitment, believe their departments anticipate it Specifically, using a scale of 1=low retention, leadership development and well. Finally, only half the respondents to 5=high, only 19 percent of all adaptability to change—in sum, the believe in the coordination of their respondents and 13 percent of CFOs entire employee lifecycle. leadership team—in other words, how who named finance a top-three well the top leaders work together— function said the function performs For example, more than 60 percent and even fewer give a high rating at a high level. So while the finance of finance executives participating to the team's overall quality. quot;We workforce is widely perceived as critical in the survey describe their staff recognize that we are not doing to growth and a direct contributor recruitment strategies as inadequately what's needed to get deep ranks in to overall high performance, its low developed (Figure 3), and finding the finance organization, and that relative performance is a potential qualified finance staff is a challenge our line of succession is very thin,quot; stumbling block. for more than half of respondents said one CFO. quot;We know we need to (Figure 4). Indeed, only about one- dig in on these issues.quot; Indeed, this perception is reinforced quarter of finance executives are by the 2006 Investments in the satisfied with their recruitment and Finance Workforce Study, which development programs (Figure 5). found most finance leaders do not Furthermore, fully 62 percent are only believe they have the organization, somewhat satisfied or are dissatisfied staff or skill level to meet their with their staff retention programs challenges, including growth. More (Figure 6). 4
  • 6. Figure 4: Difficulty in attracting and growing talented staff 40% 30% 65% 13% 11% 6% Not at all A little Somewhat Very much Extremely Figure 5: Satisfaction with staff recruitment and Figure 6: Satisfaction with staff retention programs development programs Extremely/very much Extremely/very much Somewhat Somewhat 25% 27% Not at all/little Not at all/little 38% 42% 53% 38% 31% 24% 22% Recruitment Development strategy program Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study 5 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 7. Most finance leaders do not believe they have the organization, staff or skill level to meet their challenges, including growth. 6
  • 8. A critical factor: lack of alignment between investments and priorities Figure 7: Percentage of finance’s investment budget spent on workforce enhancement 45% 33% 20% 1% 0-2% >2-5% >5-10% >10% Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study We believe that this low performance In fact, with respect to workforce A respondent who did invest richly may be due in part to a dichotomy in investments as part of overall in the workforce during a major the minds of CFOs. Most executives transformation programs, nearly transformation had this to say: quot;[With participating in the 2006 Investments 40 percent of finance executives less investment in the workforce] in the Finance Workforce Study agree in our survey said their companies we would be in a very marginalized that the workforce is more important had made minor or no investment. position. Instead, we are enjoying than technology and process for Of particularly low importance to a great degree of success and our creating a strong finance organization. finance executives were investments people are optimistic. We often think However, in contrast to this mandate, in employee morale and leadership of what would have happened if we finance executives are allocating a development during transformations, had not invested in the workforce—I relative pittance to the workforce with nearly 50 percent reporting believe that we would be in a big hole compared with their investments in minor or no investments in those areas. and trying to dig ourselves out of it.quot; technology and process improvements. Indeed, fully one-third of surveyed These decisions are not without Furthermore, the initiatives that are in executives spent 2 percent or less of consequences. Indeed, the result of place in support of these transformation their investment budgets on enhancing failing to invest in the workforce as programs deal only with a few the workforce (Figure 7). part of transformation programs is aspects of the workforce. Our finance that while quality, access and speed survey revealed an all-too-common Furthermore, in companywide of information is improved and phenomenon: serious gaps in the transformations such as ERP operational efficiency increases, initiatives intended to make finance implementations, outsourcing and improvements in workforce productivity workforces capable of achieving post-merger integrations, finance and workforce service to the high performance. executives continue to overlook the organization are not fully achieved. workforce when making investments. 7 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 9. Figure 8: Leadership development program in place Figure 9: Staff development programs in place Have had programs in place for over 2 years Yes, for all staff 11% Recently initiated programs Yes, for >75% of staff 9% Programs are being considered Yes, for about 50% of staff 42% No perceived need for programs Yes, for about 25% of staff 20% No funds allocated for programs No staff development programs 18% 33% 38% 28% 1% 1% Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study For example, fully 40 percent of Leadership and staff development are workforce initiatives is widespread, respondents do not have leadership only two areas where finance executives indicating finance executives' awareness initiatives in place at all, which is are failing to provide adequate of a need for attention. And, about especially surprising given every resources. Our survey also revealed 50 percent of respondents to our organization's need for qualified that 66 percent of respondents have survey have plans to address some leaders (Figure 8). And while these training initiatives in place for less aspect of the workforce. organizations are failing to adequately than half of employees, and only just develop leaders, they also are falling over one-third of companies have quot;We feel pretty good about where we short in developing the best skills of initiatives to develop employees' are, but we also have a healthy level quot;the rank and file.quot; In fact, 81 percent ability to respond to change. of discontent with the status quo,quot; have staff development initiatives in noted the CFO of a major retailer. place for half of their employees, and The good news is that finance quot;We know we need to get to the nearly 61 percent have them for 25 executives are aware of the need next level of maturation, and to get percent or less of their employees for change in their approach to on that path we are establishing (Figure 9). workforce management. Our study several formal development programs reveals that executive evaluation of within finance.quot; 8
  • 10. What separates the best from the rest? Figure 10: Percent of finance organizations with strategies in six dimensions of workforce development Laggards Leadership acquisition and development 36% 56% Leaders 56% 94% Organizational structure Talent management 46% 78% 51% 97% Workforce performance 47% 67% Employee engagement 30% 61% Change management Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study There's one inescapable conclusion An analysis of the survey responses workforce development. In comparison, of our research: To shift from quot;talking of the finance leaders and all other the majority of leaders had strategies the talkquot; to quot;walking the talk,quot; finance companies in the sample (the laggards) in place for all six (Figure 10). executives must not only make their revealed two clear patterns: Leaders approach to workforce investment spend a greater percentage of their In all, the leaders as a group have much more comprehensive and budgets on workforce development strategies in place to address a much complete, but they also should and they take a much more wider range of workforce challenges consider improvements in workforce comprehensive approach toward than do laggards. The words of one productivity and service to the that investment. For example, 31 leading CFO capture the comprehensive, organization as essential as technology percent of leaders reported spending quot;can-doquot; attitude that separates them enhancements-as is being done by a greater than 5 percent of their from laggards. quot;You've got to get the small subset (30 percent) of companies investment budgets on workforce- whole organization in tune with the participating in our survey. These oriented activities, versus only 19 fact that we really need to develop companies—which we deemed the percent of laggards. our people, and this is what we quot;finance leadersquot;—reported skills equal need to do to do that,quot; the CFO said. to or better than those of competitors Leaders also reported much more quot;You've got to get everybody on board in three or more key aspects of the broad-based strategies than laggards. and say we're going to measure it finance function. Less than half of laggards indicated and it's got to become a part of that they had strategies to address everything you do.quot; four out of six basic dimensions of 9 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 11. The payoff of emphasizing investments in the workforce Figure 11: Benefits of a comprehensive approach to workforce performance (illustrative) Potential Retain top performers performance over time Exhibited job Current 80% proficiency proficiency performance in % Continuously improve performance Cost The Value: The gap between the two (shaded) areas highlights the reduction in cost and increase in productivity achieved through the increase in Attract performance attained by comprehensive investments in workforce top talent Build core finance skills Recruiting 30 days 60 days 90 days Time Orientation Performance Performance and initial enhancement improvement training Source: Accenture Accenture's own client experience Accenture's experience also has companies can focus not only on supports the CFO's sentiments and revealed that comprehensive building a new organization, but also shows that this comprehensive workforce initiatives are particularly on enhancing the roles and skills approach to workforce performance important at key moments in an of the retained organization. For can reduce costs while it increases organization's lifecycle. For example, organizations implementing new productivity, leading to significant during a change in finance leadership Enterprise Performance Management business benefits (Figure 11). Such an or strategy, a merger or acquisition, (EPM) toolsets, workforce initiatives approach can enable an organization a systems consolidation or ERP can help ensure that the people to attract employees with higher implementation, or a period of that will use the new tools have the levels of proficiency, decrease the increased regulatory oversight, such required skills and business acumen. time it takes employees to gain initiatives can help win employees And during a post merger integration, additional skills and knowledge, over to the organization's new focus, workforce initiatives can help make retain top performers and put in place goals and procedures. Furthermore, sure that skills from the old and new performance management processes comprehensive workforce initiatives organizations complement each other that lead to continuous improvement. help employees develop the skills they and align for maximum benefit. As the figure shows, these benefits need to adapt to change, and help can add substantial value by quickly ensure that change does not result in and effectively ramping up the the loss of top talent. For example, organization's overall performance. during a shared services program 10
  • 12. For the leaders in our survey, a Furthermore, when it comes to comprehensive approach to workforce proactively preparing for change, performance has resulted in similar taking a more comprehensive operational and competitive advantages. approach has clear benefits. More specifically, 52 percent of leaders In general, leaders felt much better rated their workforce's ability to equipped to face the challenges that prepare and react to change either affect their ability to operate at high a 4 or a 5 (on a scale of 1=lowest to levels of performance, with much 5=highest). In comparison, only 31 lower percentages reporting extreme percent of laggards reported the same levels of challenge with quot;number level of preparedness. At the lowest or caliber of managers/leaders,quot; levels of preparedness, the comparison quot;organizational structure/job was just as compelling, with 29 definition and alignment,quot; quot;skills percent of laggards describing their and knowledge of workforce,quot; finance workforces as a 1 or 2 on the quot;employee engagement, morale, same scale and only 6 percent of and commitment,quot; and quot;workforce leaders reporting the same low levels adaptability to changequot; (Figure 12). of readiness for change (Figure 14). Perhaps this explains why nearly 60 percent of leaders reported having The comment of one leading CFO finance leadership teams very capable sums up the attitude of the leaders. of delivering high levels of performance, When asked whether or not his and why only 34 percent of laggards staff responded well to change, this could make the same claim. respondent said, quot;In my lifespan as CFO we have changed operating Leaders also experienced fewer models at least two or three times, challenges attracting and developing changed CEOs and regimes three skilled staff. Indeed, while nearly one times, installed SAP in 50 countries in four laggards reported high levels and several hundred legal entities, of difficulty attracting and growing and did an IPO without much of a talented staff, only less than 1 of blip. So I would say the answer to every 10 leaders reported the same that question is yes.quot; levels of difficulty. In fact, 53 percent of leaders experienced no difficulty or Finally, companies that invest quot;a little,quot; while that level of ease was significantly in workforce initiatives attained only by 36 percent of laggards during transformation programs (Figure 13). This advantage can be achieve a greater percentage of very meaningful, especially given the expected benefits than those that challenges facing finance recruiters. don't. High-investment respondents In the words of one CFO: quot;For high- reported better results in terms of end talent there's always a war— their control environment; the service everyone wants the best and the provided by finance to the rest of the brightest and that's always a challenge. organization; operational efficiency; As people start retiring, that's going and data quality, speed, and access to be an even bigger challenge.quot; (Figure 15). In sum, nearly 90 In this context, it seems especially percent of respondents who invested significant that more leaders than in workforce initiatives during laggards described their turnover rates transformations reported that as quot;much lower than industry average.quot; those programs helped achieve the transformation's full benefits (Figure 16). 11 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 13. Figure 12: Percentage of respondents reporting quot;extreme levels of challengequot; in workforce areas Laggards 10% 3% Workforce adaptability to change Leaders 14% Employee engagement, morale and commitment Skills and knowledge of workforce 8% 3% Organizational structure/job definition and 6% alignment Number or caliber of managers/leaders 15% 6% Figure 13: Difficulty attracting and growing talented staff Laggards Extremely 8% 3% Leaders Very much 16% 6% Somewhat 40% 39% A little 22% 42% 14% 11% Not at all Figure 14: Workforce proactive preparedness for change Laggards 5 - Extremely high 6% Leaders 4 - High 31% 46% 3 - Average 40% 43% 2 - Low 27% 6% 2% 1 - Very low 12
  • 14. Figure 15: Percentage of respondents achieving greater than two-thirds of expected benefits from transformation programs 53% 49% 47% 47% 47% 44% Lower average investment in 41% 41% workforce during transformation 37% Higher average investment in workforce during transformation 29% 28% 23% Improved Strengthened Improved Enhanced Better quality, Increased control workforce service use of access and speed operational environment technology of information efficiency Figure 16: Extent to which workforce investment helped realize the full benefit of transformation programs 41% 37% 10% 9% 3% Extremely Very much Somewhat A little Not at all Source: 2006 Investment in the Finance Workforce Study 13 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 15. A proven approach to making the most of investments in the finance workforce While our research provides many and expertise spell the difference important issues, creates a climate reasons why more comprehensive between initiatives that have that attracts and retains top talent, investment in the finance workforce substantial, lasting business impact and helps the function build strong is critical, how should a CFO go about on the organization and those and productive relationships with the implementing such an approach? that generate merely incremental business. Accenture estimates that Our deep experience in finance performance improvement. between 15 percent and 20 percent transformations is helpful in augmenting of an organization's business Diagnosing shortfalls our research findings. In our years performance is determined by of working with the world's leading The first step in transforming the the quality of its leadership. This companies, we have observed that finance workforce involves diagnosing estimate is born out by our experience, while those with superior finance any shortfalls in the current workforce in which we have seen greater than functions follow approaches that performance. One tool that we have 20 percent productivity gains when differ, each of those approaches found to be highly effective in such leaders have worked hard to develop incorporate the following three basic an evaluation is the Accenture Human their own capabilities. steps: diagnosing shortfalls in current Capital Development Framework. 2. Organization structure: A focus workforce performance, establishing Developed by Accenture as part a target state, and devising and of its High Performance Business on organization structure enables implementing a comprehensive initiative, the framework measures finance workforces to better align improvement plan. the performance of a company's with the company's strategic direction, workforce along six key dimensions: understand how finance roles and To be sure, these steps may seem leading practices can be best integrated 1. Leadership: Top-quality leadership obvious and intuitive. However, what and incorporated into the function's distinguishes leading companies from is critical to the performance of structure, and develop quot;customizationsquot; all others are the tools and expertise finance organizations. It focuses of the basic organizational structure to supporting these steps. Superior tools effort and attention on the most deliver the specific finance capabilities 14
  • 16. required by the organization. A leading to lower productivity, low capabilities and how they differ from detailed study of leading finance talent retention and high absenteeism1. existing capabilities, and how the organizations has revealed that Gallup estimates that the lower function can best support the overall optimal organization design productivity of actively disengaged goals of the organization. Also during contributes to lower cost, increased workers costs the U.S. economy $328 this stage, a company establishes and effectiveness, and improved focus billion. On the other hand, there is supports clear, objective performance on higher value-added activities. little that can stop a motivated work- metrics that will allow it to analyze force on a mission, equipped with all the return on any workforce investments. 3. Talent management: By employing the tools and knowledge it needs to Establishing targets good talent management practices, an complete that mission. By focusing organization ensures that its workforce on employee engagement, finance Once data is collected, it is synthesized, is always quot;fit for purpose.quot; Best of executives ensure that their workforces organized and analyzed to provide a all, even when this is not the case, achieve that level of motivation, and clear, actionable picture of where organizations with strong talent are not distracted by organizational gaps exist within each of the six management know exactly where changes or career frustrations. dimensions just discussed. At this the fit is off and can take action point, it should become clear where 6. Ability to change: The ability to quickly. Our experience shows that the finance workforce falls short conscientious talent management change is critical to addressing large, compared with industry benchmarks, can be a source of real competitive potentially disruptive events such as key competitors and peer companies, advantage. For example, the difference acquisitions, internal re-organizations and the needs and desires expressed between a quot;rightquot; and a slightly or market re-positionings. Conversely, by stakeholders. Armed with such quot;out of balancequot; talent pool can in the absence of a change-ready a comprehensive view of capability mean as much as 15 percent to 20 culture, finance organizations are left gaps, the organization can prioritize percent of the total labor cost for with slow and ineffective reactions to each opportunity for improvement in the finance organization. the changing business environment, terms of its value to the enterprise. leaving workforces in disarray and Once approved by all key stakeholders, 4. Workforce performance: By incapable of supporting continuous this priority list enables the organization focusing on driving high levels of improvements and progress. Research to develop high-level recommendations workforce performance through by Change Track reveals that only for workforce improvement. on-demand, role-based information one in nine workgroups is able to delivery to employees, organizations effectively manage change—meaning To aid the efforts in this step and have achieved productivity increases millions of business dollars are wasted through its experience working with of up to 20 percent. Furthermore, each year2. In contrast, the creation of many companies, Accenture has skill gaps in the workforce have been a change-ready culture ensures that developed the Accenture Finance found to be an important reason for the finance organization is capable Workforce Maturity Model (see Figure project failure; by bridging these of implementing, owning, developing, 17). This tool allows a company to gaps, organizations have been able and sustaining the process and make a point-by-point comparison of to significantly reduce these failures. structural changes required for actual finance performance against And by better leveraging high sustained high performance. industry benchmarks, as well as assess performers while elevating the the function in comparison to the performance of quot;averagequot; workers, Using the Accenture framework, a capabilities required to achieve finance executives can achieve company begins diagnosis of shortfalls both the overall company strategy dramatic productivity increases that in each of these areas with a and the finance function's specific goals. benefit every level of the organization. comprehensive data collection Devising and process. This process includes surveys, 5. Employee engagement: A recent focus groups and in-depth interviews implementing the plan Gallup study showed that 20.6 million with a wide range of stakeholders to The final step is generating and employees or 15 percent of the U.S. gain insights on the current state of implementing a detailed action plan workforce are actively disengaged, the function, the function's desired for improving each of the workforce Source: Gallup Management Journal 2006 1 Source: ChangeTrack Research, Breaking the Cost Cutting Cycle, Insight CT-0205 2 15 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 17. Figure 17: Accenture's workforce maturity model (illustrative) Human capital Ad-hoc Basic Proactive Progressive Pioneering capabilities Leadership Organization Talent management & HC efficiency Workforce performance Ability to change Employee engagement Actual capability Target capability Source: Accenture dimensions under focus. This plan should For example, as part of its quot;Achieving on an initiative to transform the classify improvement opportunities Finance and Controlling Excellencequot; entire finance function—an effort that into quick wins and long-term goals, agenda, Siemens decided it needed included a new finance organization and should be explicit about the to focus on workforce performance— structure, clear divisions of responsibility, dependencies between each—with a major portion of which is learning. global shared services, a holistic the ultimate goal being to develop The company created and deployed a finance training program, and supporting superior capabilities in each of the sustainable accounting training program change management. The other six workforce dimensions. supported by a Web-based-training company, Halliburton, has committed technology, with the goals being to to building a world-class finance It's important to note here that foster an understanding of intermediate organization by focusing on leader- quot;comprehensive and holisticquot; and expert Siemens-specific account- ship development, talent management investment in the workforce does ing knowledge; provide fast updates (with an emphasis on recruiting and not necessarily mean addressing all for new accounting topics; enable making finance a more rewarding six workforce dimensions simultaneously. usage of accounting and expert career at Halliburton), culture change In some cases, a company may knowledge; evaluate individual and workforce performance, and already have sufficient capabilities training needs; and enhance knowledge sharing. in some areas and needs to focus on decentralized accounting quality. the two or three in which it is lacking. The point is that there is no quot;right In other cases, a company could Two other companies we looked at, wayquot; to develop critical finance use more investment across all six however, are looking at the challenge workforce capabilities, nor does one dimensions, but its business model more broadly and addressing several capability necessarily take precedence. or strategy requires emphasis on one dimensions of the finance workforce. Rather, the type and scope of or two that would have a substantial, One of these, a multibillion dollar improvement efforts should be immediate payback. global high-tech company, embarked dictated explicitly by the needs of the business. 16
  • 18. The secret to a successful finance function: people In a profession characterized by Clearly, it is critical that workforce Guided by tools and techniques such ratios, equations, and spreadsheets, enhancements assume the same as the Accenture Human Capital the human element retains considerable level of priority among CFOs currently Development Framework and Finance importance. Multiple Accenture enjoyed by technology and process Workforce Maturity Model, finance research studies, coupled with our enhancements. While technology and leaders can make workforce investments deep experience working with companies processes inevitably become obsolete that address a wider range of that have achieved high performance as a function of time and progress, challenges and generate substantially with the help of a superior finance the workforce is intelligent, dynamic, higher returns. With the right people function, have revealed that the and able to be upgraded to a nearly in place and the right initiatives human element is a linchpin for unlimited degree. Without a systematic supporting their growth and develop- achieving economic value. This body approach, however, knowing how ment, these executives can make of knowledge makes it irrefutable that much to invest and where to spend substantial progress toward creating those companies that take a more it can be akin to finding the proverbial a finance driven value-centered comprehensive, holistic approach to needle in a haystack. Furthermore, culture of the finance organization developing their finance workforce today's finance function faces a host and, in the process, take major strides achieve higher levels of performance of unprecedented demands on its toward the achievement of high than those that do not. time, attention and expertise, increasing performance in the overall enterprise. the pressure to perform at high levels. 17 | Investments in the Finance Workforce Report
  • 19. About the research Three recently conducted Accenture 118 CFOs or their direct reports research efforts are referenced in conducted over a two-month span. this paper, each of which focused Respondents were distributed across on important aspects of workforce the world's leading companies from performance and managing human more than 12 industries. Survey findings capital in today's dynamic environment. with finance executives at leading global organizations were bolstered The Accenture High-Performance by in depth interviews. Workforce Study is conducted approximately every 18 months Accenture's Finance and Performance to measure workforce management Management Mastery and the High trends among executives in large Performance Business report examines corporations around the world. The the relationship between finance 2006 edition included a telephone mastery and high performance. survey of more than 250 senior Throughout the report, which includes executives (including CFOs) across a benchmark analysis in collaboration seven broad industry segments in with the Hackett Group and more the United States, United Kingdom, than 40 CFO interviews, Accenture France, Germany, Spain and Australia. empirically demonstrates the unique role that finance and performance Accenture's 2006 Investment in the management capabilities play for Finance Workforce survey was a global companies aspiring to become multi-industry Web-based polling of high-performance businesses. 18
  • 20. About Accenture About the authors Chris Rutledge is an executive partner in the Accenture Finance Accenture is a global management Rodney Bergman is an executive & Performance Management service consulting, technology services and partner in the Accenture Human line. Chris has responsibility for outsourcing company. Committed Performance service line. He managing our finance strategy to delivering innovation, Accenture serves as the lead for the Human practice. Since joining Accenture, collaborates with its clients to help Performance practice in Canada and Chris has focused on global finance them become high-performance as the global lead for Accenture's transformational efforts across businesses and governments. With human performance offerings in industries and functional areas. deep industry and business process Finance Workforce Transformation He has expertise in finance visioning expertise, broad global resources and and Organization Design. Rodney and strategy, finance and accounting a proven track record, Accenture can specializes in design and development shared services and outsourcing, and mobilize the right people, skills and of human performance solutions and enterprise performance management. technologies to help clients improve strategies and has deep expertise in their performance. With approximately organization design and development. Rosanne Williams is a partner in the 146,000 people in 49 countries, the With over 17 years of experience, he Accenture Finance & Performance company generated net revenues of has led shared services projects for Management service line. Ms. US$16.65 billion for the fiscal year finance and HR functions as well as Williams has over 15 years experience ended Aug. 31, 2006. Its home page numerous transformation projects for consulting in the finance and is finance functions in the high tech, performance management area communications and media industries. and is currently the Director of Research and Innovation for the service line. For further information on Copyright © 2007 Accenture All rights reserved. this research or the Accenture Finance & Performance Accenture, its logo, and Management service line, please High Performance Delivered visit are trademarks of Accenture. or contact us at